Cancer 2020: Neptune and Mass Consciousness. Bill Gates. Dodecahedron. Cancer Solstice. Refugees. USA’s Solar Return.
Cancer Keynote
“I build a lighted house and therein dwell”.
(Full Moon – Partial Lunar Eclipse: July 5, 2020. 4.44 UT.)
“This sign can carry deep meaning to all. You are in process of incarnation; you are following your chosen way. Is the house you are building yet lit? Is it a lighted house, or is it a dark prison? If it is a lighted house, you will attract to its light and warmth all who are around you and the magnetic pull of your soul, whose nature is light and love, will save many.” ((Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.343.))
Cancer, Mass Consciousness and Neptune
Bill Gates: Cancer Rising Soul Purpose
___ The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
___ Gates, Coronavirus, Vaccines and WHO
___ Gates and Science
___ Gates and Eugenics Revisited
___ The Rays of Gates
___ Ceres in Capricorn
___ Critics of Bill Gates
___ Cancer Rulers: Aries Moon, Neptune in Libra
___ The Microsoft Horoscope
___ Gates’ Scorpio Planets
___ Gates’ Current Progressions and Transits
The Dodecahedron, Cancer-Capricorn and Mystery of Makara
The Cancer Solstice: New Moon Solar Eclipse (June 21, 2020)
Global Refugee Crisis and Homelessness
USA’s Solar Return Full Moon
[wpanchor id=”#canr”]Cancer, Mass Consciousness and Neptune
“The man progresses from the point where, in Cancer, he forms a part of the mass with the mass consciousness, inchoate and unfocussed, and with no recognition of objective … except the satisfaction of instinctual desire.”1
Watery Cancer is connected to the development and integration of the astral body. Most of humanity is still “astrally polarised” – not fully mentally developed, hence governed by Cancer and its connection with “mass consciousness”. The rulers of Cancer are the Moon and Neptune – moon – mother of the form, regulator of the female menstrual cycle, regular tides and the “ocean” of human emotion.
Neptune – the lord of the oceans, is an appropriate esoteric ruler of Cancer the Crab, a creature that inhabits the meeting place of land and sea. Here is an interesting metaphor for Cancer’s capacity to mediate between the outer and inner worlds, through the influence of Neptune the psychic who, at a higher level is the true spiritual intuitive capable of invoking buddhi – direct knowledge.
“Cancer, the “birthplace into the life of form,” the door into physical incarnation. This is the sign in which humanity, as a whole integrated unit, is born, the scene of the emergence of the fourth kingdom in nature. Humanity has “emerged from rock and water and brings its habitation with it” … and mass instinctual consciousness comes into being.”2
A spiritual intuitive has the capacity to not only connect with the buddhic plane, but to bring those highly refined frequencies through the astral body without distortion. Too often psychics distort what they contact through an astral body that lacks purification or spiritual development – the medium mangles the message, sees through a glass darkly.
Neptune (and Mars) rules the solar plexus centre, the anchoring point of the astral body. Like most planets and signs, it has a lower and higher expression; the former as addiction, the deceived and deceiver, paranoia – the latter as the visionary, mystic and intuitive who wields the creative imagination in the expression of art and beauty.
In the last several newsletters Neptune has been prominent regarding its influence on propaganda and mass deception – since 2016 in the USA elections and Britain’s Brexit. Now it appears Neptune’s lower influence has gone global during the coronavirus crisis, by the constant stimulation and blurring of lines between truth and fantasy, fact and fiction.
No one appears to know the truth anymore! There are competing medical and political propagandas that all attempt to steer the “lamestream” media narrative. Neptune rules fantasy as an expression of the creative imagination, hence this planet’s influence in all visual media, particularly advertising and movies. One must ask the question, is Humanity being duped and deceived, and if so for what purpose?
[wpanchor id=”#bilg”]Bill Gates: Cancer Rising Soul Purpose
“The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), was launched in 2000 and is reported to be the largest private foundation in the world, holding $46.8 billion in assets. The primary goals of the foundation are, globally, to enhance healthcare and reduce extreme poverty, and, in the U.S., to expand educational opportunities and access to information technology.”3
To set the tone for this chart analysis, its important to understand that through the vision of Bill and Melinda Gates, the BMGF funds and supports an extraordinary and diverse array of projects, here summarised briefly and incompletely from Wikipedia:
1. Global Development Program – combating extreme poverty and sex trafficking.
2. Gates Cambridge Scholarships – allowing students and scholars from the U.S. and around
the world to study at Cambridge University – often compared to the Rhodes Scholarship.
3. Alliance for Financial Inclusion (AFI): Supports devloping countries to create savings accounts, insurance, and other financial services for people living on less than $2 per day.
4. Financial Access Initiative Conduct field research and answer important questions about microfinance and financial access in impoverished countries around the world.
5. Pro Mujer A microfinance network in Latin America combining financial services with healthcare for the poorest women entrepreneurs.
6. Grameen Foundation Microloans helping five million additional families, and successfully freeing 50 percent of those families from poverty within five years.
7. International Rice Research Institute Supports increasing world demand for rice, “… production of rice will have to increase by about 70 percent in the next two decades.” Golden Rice, a GMO rice variant to combat Vit. A deficiency.
8. Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa Partnered with Rockefeller Foundation to enhance agricultural science and small-farm productivity in Africa.
9. Water, sanitation and hygiene – sustainable sanitation services for the poor, using non-piped sanitation services (i.e. without the use of sewers), and less on water supply.
10. Earthquakes 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake: Aid effort for victims of the earthquake. 2005 Kashmir earthquake.
11. Ebola $50 million to United Nations agencies and other organizations involved in the work against the deadly disease Ebola in West Africa.
12. Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria $6.6 billion global health programs, $1.3 billion on malaria alone, largest donor to research on diseases of the poor. Deaths from measles in Africa dropped by 90 percent since 2000. [A huge achievement!]
13. Polio eradication $86 million toward efforts attempting to eradicate poliomyelitis (polio).
14. GAVI Alliance “Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization” $750 million in 2005. One of Gates’ most criticised schemes.
15. Children’s Vaccine Program Vaccinate against Japanese encephalitis.
16. University of Washington Department of Global Health At the University of Washington in Seattle, US.
17. HIV Research $287 million to various HIV/AIDS researchers.
18. Aeras Global TB Vaccine Foundation $280 million to develop improved vaccine against tuberculosis (TB) for use in high-burden countries.
19. Next-Generation Condom To develop an improved condom – one that “significantly preserves or enhances pleasure, in order to improve uptake and regular use”.
20. Neglected tropical diseases “to eradicate, eliminate and intensify control of 17 selected diseases by 2015 and 2020”. Gates was principal organizer for bringing together the heads of 13 of the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies and the foundation’s monetary commitment to the Declaration was $363 million over five years.
21. Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations Quicker development of vaccines against infectious disease threats worldwide. (Also highly controversial)
22. Planned Parenthood Family planning and contraception in order to avoid conflation of abortion and family planning. Now a global perspective, voluntary family planning, maternal/newborn health. Also controversial re Eugenics.
23. Libraries U.S. Libraries initiative with a goal of “ensuring that if you can get to a public library, you can reach the internet”. Grants, computers and software, training and technical support in partnership with public libraries nationwide.
24. Education An overhaul of USA’s education policies. $373 million in 2009, donated to two largest national teachers’ unions. In 2017 pledged $1.7 billion for initiatives in education.
25. Reimagining Aid Design and Delivery – grants to think tanks to produce ideas for changing current system of financial aid for college students, with a goal of increasing graduation rates. Education Writers Association to fund training for journalists who cover education. Controversial and has many critics.
[wpanchor id=”#corgate”]Gates, Coronavirus, Vaccines and WHO
Bill Gates is an important person to understand in this day and age. He was one of the major players in the computer revolution and in the last fiftreen years, through the fortune he made, has bought his influence to bear through a broad group of companies and corporations around the world.
His influence and power is so extensive that he is now the major funder of the World Health Organisation (WHO) – that is dictating policy to global governments on strategies of how to deal with coronavirus. Bear in mind that WHO is not part of the United Nations, a common misconception – it is a private organisation that works with the UN. Reflect for a moment upon the fact that Gates’ personal medical philosophy directed through WHO, has determined a global lifestyle change of mask-wearing, social distancing – and paranoia about Covid-19 virus.
[wpanchor id=”#gasci”]Gates and Science
Gates was globally influential with Microsoft software, through which he made a staggering fortune. Some readers may recall the outrageous prices paid for Windows, the expensive upgrades and the even more expensive but indispensible Microsoft Office.
Gates could have still made a fortune if the average person was given the opportunity to buy the software for half of those prices. This fact is only mentioned here as a reminder of the hoarding tendency of Cancer, as well as just plain old greed – Gates is a product of his generation and American capitalism.
In many ways Gates’ current “master plan” sees the confluence of various pet theories and research projects come together at once – vaccine solutions, digital ID’s, contact tracing, facial recognition technology, cashless society etc. Gates is the public face of a political and scientific culture that favours these ideas in practically every nation, east and west.
Due to its selfish, manipulative nature, the science to which Gates subscribes is the shadow of the Aquarian Age of co-operation – driven by that outmoded system we call capitalism. The sciences will have their major flowering during the Aquarian Age, but in the initial stages science can be easily prostituted to selfish interests – which has been occurring for the past couple of centuries, but particularly in the last thirty years. Changes are occurring so rapidly in the field of science that legislation about what can be practiced, can barely keep up.
As a techno-nerd, with a powerful Uranus in his horoscope, science is Gates’ point of least resistance, hence he is its champion. If Gates is given the benefit of the doubt, he may truly but naively believe that all those sciences as currently practiced, are Humanity’s salvation. Given his extraordinary track record with BMGF and its many achievements, this view sits in opposition to the caricature of the evil, scheming, mad scientist – somewhat true to many people!
Through his various biases, beliefs and scientific-centricism, Gates may have developed a lop-sided approach, through an apparent lack of cultural sensitivities or the possession of a dynamic world view that harmonises with the purely scientific approach.
It is possible that Gates is a fifth ray personality (and/or mind) – the ray of Science and knowledge – that can be rigid with ideas and emphasise the critical, analytical mind – at the expense of a full expression of love. The third ray of active-intelligence is also powerful, perhaps at the soul level, personality and/or mind.
[wpanchor id=”#gerev”]Gates and Eugenics Revisited
In the previous Gemini newsletter there was a brief profile of Bill Gates and his connection to eugenics, vaccines and Big Pharma:
“Eugenics is a set of beliefs and practices that aim to improve the genetic quality of a human population, typically by excluding people and groups judged to be inferior and promoting those judged to be superior.”4
Gates has attracted a lot of negative criticism in his stated desire to decrease global population, but which has been misinterpreted according to some sources. Gates has been vilified for his statements and experiments in third world nations with vaccines, eugenics and Covid-19 – painted as a malevolent anti-Christ figure. Others see him as a superhero here to save the planet from impending doom, whilst some perceive him as well-intended but at times a misguided techno-nut.
The author finds the latter to be truer, whilst money would not be a motivating factor personally, it does buy tremendous influence. It appears that what Gates has built to date, he is using to create a more forceful manifestation of his particular vision – using his power and control to steer that narrative. Other observers say that they have always seen Gates’ personal agendas thinly disguised behind a mask of philanthropy and “doing good”. Here is the fine line that runs between genuine philanthropy and “conditional philanthropy”.
There is no doubt that the planet is over-populated, requiring the necessity for better sex education programs for instance. For centuries the poor have created large families in order to ensure their survival, but have created more problems of poverty, lack of sanitation and quality of living.
[wpanchor id=”#garays”]The Rays of Gates
The third ray of active-intelligence is very strong in Gates – its shadow is the “spider at the centre of the web”, devious and continuous manipulation, the schemer. It is one of the two rays that pour through his Cancer ascendant, hence if he is a third ray soul, Cancer rising would give the third ray an even more potent expression.
Some of the third ray’s glamours include, cooperation with the Plan in an individual and not a group way, good intentions that are basically selfish, playing “God in the machine”, self-importance from the standpoint of knowing, of efficiency.
These traits ring true for many and confirm criticisms about Gates that are not unfounded. His interviews are often full of third-ray-kind-of obfuscating hand gestures, disingenuity, evasiveness and at times, outright lies.
The author would not go so far as to label Gates “evil” or the “anti-Christ” – perhaps ignorant and misinformed in some areas (as all geniuses can be), blinded by his vision as to other possibilities, and/or controlled by the glamours of his rays and the limitations of his horoscope. In some ways, Gates does play into the hands of those material corporate forces that are currently doing their best to thwart the Externalisation of the Hierarchy, post 2025.
As the “spider”, Gates has replicated his earlier achievements with Microsoft, through a vast interlocking network of foundations, corporations, WHO, research laboratories etc; all of which have been considerably funded, and which appear to be directed toward a “master plan” – or as he inadvertently (?) stated in one interview, “the final solution”!
[wpanchor id=”#cercap”]Ceres in Capricorn
In 2006, the author wrote a brief profile of Bill Gates, discussing the soul potential of his Cancer ascendant – nurturing the world. “The primary goals of BMGF are globally, to enhance healthcare and reduce extreme poverty.” Ceres-Demeter in Capricorn, the asteroid goddess of the grain, is opposite his Cancer rising sign, further strengthening the theme of nurturement.
Yet the Ceres path has been controversial through Gates’ involvement with GMO rice and other projects such as the “doomsday seed bank”, investing millions with the likes of Monsanto Corporation (“the world’s most evil corporation”) – and the Government of Norway.
Also involved is the US agribusiness giant DuPont – one of the world’s largest owners of patented genetically-modified (GMO) plant seeds and related agrichemicals; Syngenta, the Swiss-based major GMO seed and agrichemicals company – and the Rockefeller Foundation, the private group that created the “gene revolution” since the 1970’s.
The hybridisation and patenting of seeds is one of the worst practices of commercial science, touched up on earlier. The author has been aware of this since the 1970’s when working with soil testing and organic fertilisers in Australia. Hybrid seed companies force farmers who are often from very poor developing nations, to buy seed every year to sow their next crop, as opposed to the natural seed regeneration that takes places with unhybridised seed.
“If you are a farmer who buys its Roundup Ready seeds [from Monsanto], you are required to sign an agreement promising not to save the seed produced after each harvest for re-planting. You are also prohibited from selling the seed to other farmers. In short, you must buy new seeds every year.
Because saving seeds is considered patent infringement, anyone who does save GM seeds must pay a license fee to re-sow them. This results in higher prices and reduced product options, as well as the increased need for pesticides and herbicides required by GM crops.”5
[wpanchor id=”#bilcri”]Critics of Bill Gates
Critics have voiced their concerns in similar ways to the following article, regarding Covid-19 and vaccines:
“Bill Gates has used his immense wealth to garner influence and media time, spreading his message of fixing global health issues while he continues to make billions. Using the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to dole out grants and donations, Gates has created a web of organizations who owe their budget to the Foundation or answer directly to Gates.
By tracing the Foundation’s investments and Gates’ relationships we can see that nearly every person involved in the fight against COVID-19 is tied to Gates or his Foundation by two degrees or less. This gives Bill Gates and his Foundation an unchallenged influence over the response to the pandemic. Equally worrisome is Gates’ call for global lock down until the entire world has been vaccinated and given a digital certificate to prove immunity.
Why are Bill Gates’ new corona vaccines possibly killer vaccines? – Here is how it works. The Gates Foundation first created the pharmaceutical company “Moderna” in Seattle, Washington State, not far from his Microsoft empire, basically to produce tailor-made vaccines for the Gates Foundation.
Then the foundation gave US$20 million to Moderna for the development of a COVID vaccine. A few days ago, Moncef Slaoas resigned from Moderna’s Board to become White House Director of Operation Warp Speed, a plan to fast-track a COVID vaccine. Nobody seems to bother about the flagrant conflict of interest – let alone the health risk that poses. See Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on the subject.”6
Furthermore, Dissident Voice author Robert Koenig writes in an article, “Facts Vs. Fake”:
“Robert F. Kennedy Jr., JFK’s, nephew, founder of “Children’s Health Defense” an NGO advocacy organization, has this to say: “Bill Gates is the world’s largest vaccine producer and the single largest donor to WHO and the CDC Foundation [US Centre for Disease Control.]. Those agencies are now marketing-arms for his vaccine empire.
In January 2019, Gates had WHO declare “vaccine hesitancy” the top “global health threat” (with Ebola, cancer, war, and drug-resistant pathogens), signaling a worldwide Pharma Gold Rush to mandate vaccines to all people.
Acting on behalf of Big Pharma and the Gates Foundation was Intelligence Committee Chair Adam Schiff’s Political Action Committee (PAC). In February 2019, Schiff wrote to Facebook, Google, Amazon, and Pinterest, demanding they censor “vaccine misinformation, “a term meaning all skepticism toward government and industry pronouncements about vaccine safety or efficacy––whether true or not. – “Vaccines are both effective and safe,” Schiff wrote. “There is no evidence to suggest that vaccines cause life-threatening or disabling disease.”
This was misinformation. A year earlier, Schiff pushed a bill to hike the Vaccine Court admin budget to $11,200,000 to reduce vaccine injury backlogs. The court had already paid out $4 billion for vaccine deaths and disabilities.”7
[wpanchor id=”#canru”]Cancer Rulers: Aries Moon, Neptune in Libra
Perusing the rulers of the Cancer ascendant gives clues about Gates’ soul purpose and destiny. Moon is in Mars-ruled Aries, the most elevated body in the horoscope – with wide public appeal, dominating the tenth house of career and profession. The Moon gives an added martial expression to the Mars-ruled Scorpio Sun – aggressive leadership and pioneering. (Moon is also at the same degree of former adversary Steve Jobs – see here for his astrology analysis.)
Jobs’ Aries moon temper was legendary and probably gave him cancer of the pancreas (the endocrine gland associated with the solar plexus chakra) – which eventually took his life. Gates was also an angry, difficult boss in early Microsoft days – as opposed to the “kind, compassionate and soft-spoken philanthropist” of today. An insight into Gates’s Aries moon impatience can be gleaned in this short video. “Gates’ confrontational style of management helped Microsoft maintain its edge — its mental toughness.”8
However, the position of Mars in Libra, somewhat “pacifies” the Sun and Moon – not nearly as martial in their expression as might otherwise be the case. Nevertheless, the Moon-Mars opposition provides a potent point of emotional tension for Gates to work from; the god of war in the sign of peace – shared and expressed by such luminaries as HH The Dalai Lama and Nelson Mandela. Moon in Aries also trines Uranus in Leo, giving Gates the gift of the “born entrepeneur” and innovator.
The soul ruler of Cancer is Neptune, placed in Libra conjunct his Scorpio Sun giving Gates vision, high idealism and intuition. Neptune functions here as a bridge between the Scorpio personality expression and Cancer soul purpose, both of them water signs, with Scorpio the most intense – with “negative” emotions of jealousy, possessiveness, desire for power, hatred etc. In its lower aspect, Neptune might function as the deceiver, already a strong trait of Ray 3. Neptune is currently powerful by transit, as examined later in the transits section.
[wpanchor id=”#micr”]Microsoft and Bill Gates’ Scorpio Planets
With Sun, Venus and Saturn in Scorpio, Gates has been a shrewd and ruthless businessman – also providing an intense perserverence to succeed.
“When I was at Microsoft, I was tough on people I worked with. Some of it helped us be successful, but I’m sure some of it was over the top.”9
Along with his company Microsoft, Gates was widely criticised for monopolising the market – even accused of stealing the Windows idea from Steve Jobs. Yet he always maintained that he would give it away one day. Microsoft’s horoscope complements Gates’ Aries moon with Sun, Mercury, Chiron and Jupiter in Aries, the latter planet falling on Gates’ moon – no wonder Gates made so much money! Did he consult an astrologer? He could not have wanted a better fit for the Microsoft chart, perhaps an intuitive choice for the incorporation date.
Microsoft’s inception was just one week after the Aries full moon of 1975, the year of the fourth “Shamballa Impact”. Aries is a sign that is archetypally the first ray of will or power, the energy that qualifies the planetary crown chakra we call Shamballa. It is interesting to note also that BMGF was formed in 2,000 – on the fifth Shamballa Impact!
That Gates’ earlier work was part of the Planetary Plan – is in no doubt, whatever his shortcomings or personality faults. Gates and Jobs probably emerged from a 3rd, 5th or 7th ray ashram. Although Gates may not have appeared to be overtly or obviously “spiritual”, Jobs was a meditator and follower of Eastern mysticism.
These two souls are definitely “two peas from the same pod”, probably at the same or similar level of consciousness unfoldment and initiation; they met and knew each other upon the physical plane, pursuing essentially the same goals. The revolutionary personal computer and internet have enabled a rapid consciousness expansion for Humanity – they are harbingers of what is to come in the Aquarian Age.
Gates may also have the first ray in his ray structure, but if not, could certainly invoke it from his Aries moon and Pluto-ruled Scorpio sun. Further empowerment derives from Microsoft’s Pluto, exactly opposite Gates’ Moon in Aries!
The Aries stellium accounts for Microsoft’s aggressive thrust in the market place, whilst the square of the Aries Sun to Saturn in Cancer, also explains the ruthless control that it exerted. Saturn rules the Moon in Capricorn (A position the author has nicknamed “the Nazi”), also another tough placement for the shrewd business negotiatior.
Microsoft’s Mars in Aquarius is in the “Da Vinci” position of inventor, making a trine to Aquarius ruler Uranus in Scorpio, exalted most powerfully in this sign. Here is scientific mind over matter/emotion. Mars-Uranus are also in mutual reception (in each others’rulerships), strengthening the potency of their harmonious trine relationship.
Microsoft’s Uranus is square to Gates’ Uranus, in fact, falls on his Scorpio sun. In Gates’ horoscope, Uranus the planet of revolution and radical change, is in the first house in Leo, on the cusp of the second house of money and finance. Uranus is closely related to money and rules the seventh ray of Organisation. Uranus is the planet of science, rules computer technology and communications – it is a major player in Gates’ horoscope.
Gates’ Uranus is opposite Chiron in Uranus-ruled Aquarius, both them focussing a tight T-square to the Sun in Scorpio. Here is yet another signature of not only Gates’ technical/scientific genius and innovation, but also the power to promote and hold his product in the market place – great perseverence. As the planet of science, Uranus square to the sun represents the integration of that Uranian energy within the mental field of his Scorpio personality, reminding us also of the “mental toughness” mentioned earlier.
[wpanchor id=”#biltra”]Bill Gates’ Transits and Progressions
1. Transiting Uranus in Taurus opposite Scorpio sun. Given the fact that Uranus is such an important planet in Gates’ chart regarding technology and innovation, this transit has been influencing since late 2018, coming back for one last opposition by Jan/Feb 2021.
In fact, the entire T-square of natal Uranus, Sun and Chiron has been activated during this time and until next year. Therefore, the tough Scorpio personality is in a “take no prisoners” mode, in Gates’ determination to see through his vision. Uranus is in Taurus, the sign of the dictator and Gates is used to getting his way through sheer perseverence and forcefulness.
Similarly, transiting Uranus will be trining Gates’ progressed sun in Capricorn for the next two years, adding more materialising power to his plans.
2. Transiting Saturn conjunct Chiron in Aquarius. Likewise, the T-square is further triggered by Saturn’s transit back and forth over Chiron since May 2018, with the last hit occurring upon the Saturn-Jupiter conjunction in the first degree of Aquarius on 20-12-2020.
3. Transiting Jupiter-Saturn in Aquarius square Scorpio sun. The faster moving planet Jupiter squares the sun in the first two weeks of Jan.2020, stimulating Jupiter’s altruistic esoteric rulership of Aquarius, the true water-bearer who pours forth for those who thirst. Conversely, this transit can also exacerbate or exaggerate any unintegrated facets of Gates’ Scorpio personality, creating extreme actions. (That will be interesting to observe during this time window!)
Similarly, transiting Saturn squares the Sun, for the last two weeks of Jan.2020. Saturn will consolidate upon what Jupiter has triggered, for better or worse! A transiting square of Saturn to the sun can be a difficult one as far as taking on greater responsibilities and hence onerous physical strain. The sun represents the heart, and Gates would be well advised to take care of his health during this time.
Can we imagine what is going on in this man’s mind as he plays a game of global chess (a third ray art), pulling strings and “lining up all his ducks”, to execute his plans? The pressure must be enormous!
4. Transiting Neptune conjunct the midheaven. Transits of Neptune will always be important for Gates as this planet is the esoteric ruler of his soul purpose, Cancer rising. Neptune the planet of inspiration, illumination, the mystic and visionary, also the esoteric name for The Christ in the West. Neptune is now culminating on his midheaven (career) for the first time in this incarnation.
In its lower sense, as outlined earlier in this newsletter, Neptune is the deceiver of souls, the perpetrator of glamour upon unwitting mass consciousness. What pill will Gates give to Humanity as he penetrates more deeply into the third ray matrix of his own making? The red pill” reveals an unpleasant truth, the blue pill helps those to remain in blissful ignorance. The temptation to use a Neptunian blue pill would be enormous!
Transiting Neptune will be also triggering the trine of Saturn in Scorpio to the midheaven (career, work). Saturn is the materialising principle and Gates may well have his way regarding the combination of all his ideas, consolidating his influence and power.
This documentary is repeated here for those who missed in last month’s newsletter; it delves deeply into Gates, his lifetime achievements and the general thrust of his current stance on vaccines. The documentary uncovers Gates’ enthusiasm for eugenics – that has its origin with his father and the Rockefellers – who were strong proponents of this ideology; it also lays bare one of Gates’ main motivations – control – which is a reflection of his Scorpio personality.
[wpanchor id=”#dodec”]The Dodecahedron, Cancer-Capricorn and Mystery of Makara
The following excerpts are from an essay written exactly 30 years ago on the Cancer full moon of 1990, after receiving some nocturnal impressions. The essay is titled, “Capricorn: Neptune and the Mystery of Makara” and can be found in the author’s book, Soul Cycles of the Seven Rays I.
These impressions came in the middle of the night, whilst camping in a tent, in a remote forest – leading to the construction with materials at hand of a dodecahedron. The major impression was around Neptune, the soul ruler of Cancer. This stupendous subject veils the Mystery of Makara.
“In this world period and in a peculiar manner, as far as the race (Aryan) to which the Western world belongs, Neptune is known esoterically as the Initiator. In certain ancient formulas, the great Teacher of the West and the present world Initiator, Christ, is spoken of as Neptune, Who rules the ocean, whose trident and astrological symbol signifies the Trinity in manifestation and Who is the ruler of the Piscean Age.”10
The numerology of Neptune and Christ have an equal total:
(4 x 8) Foundation (4) of the Christ energy (8). Christ = 32.
Love must be grounded, “through the concrete rays in the building of the system, and in the rearing of the structure that shelters the Spirit … Love demonstrates, through the concrete rays, the aspects of divinity.”11
There are four 5’s in ‘Neptune’: NE + NE: 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 = 20, surrounding the central core of P + T + U : 7 + 2 + 3 = 12 – the number of petals of the heart lotus. Love is at the ‘core’ of the word Ne ptu ne.
The Christ inaugurated the Age of Pisces, which sign is a mediator for Sirian energy.12
Neptune “is esoterically related to Pisces”13, and Sirian energy comes through Cancer/Capricorn.14
“First and foremost is the energy or force emanating from the sun Sirius. If it might be so expressed, the energy of thought, or mind force, in its totality, reaches the solar system from a distant cosmic centre via Sirius. Sirius acts as the transmitter, or the focalising centre, whence emanate those influences which produce self-consciousness in man.”15
Hence the Christ (32) is the representative of Sirius (32) on Earth, via Neptune (32), come to establish a ‘new’ Jerusalem:
“That He will ultimately lead His people, humanity, into Jerusalem is a fact, founded on a secure foundation, but it will not be into a Jewish city called Jerusalem but into “the place of peace” (as the word “Jerusalem” means).”16
Here is just a taste of this complex essay that penetrates into the Mystery of Makara, the lunar and solar angels – and much more.
[wpanchor id=”#cansol”]The Cancer Solstice: New Moon Solar Eclipse (June 21, 2020)
This recent rare event highlights several factors related to both eclipses and the solstice-equinox phases of the year.
“Through a study of the Cardinal Cross … the astrologer can arrive at a clearer understanding of, a. Of ordinary, individual human beings. b. Of group beginnings. c. Of the significance of the first initiation.”17
Cancer is one of the four signs of the cardinal cross that define the solstices and equinoxes: Cancer-Capricorn, Aries-Libra respectively. The coincidence of a Cancer solstice with a new moon, let alone a solar eclipse is very rare – major events have occurred in past coincidences like this.
The sol-stice (“sun stands still”) represents that period when the sun on its annual course reaches its maximum tilt toward the Sun – its highest position in the sky, yielding the longest day of light. The sun appears to rise in the same place for three days as it passes In the northern hemisphere it is the summer solstice and in the southern hemisphere, the winter solstice.
Yet, as Earth is oriented to the north pole star Polaris (the “star of re-orientation”), the symbolism of the summer solstice can apply to the entire planet. Hence, the many ancient rituals and ceremonies that are celebrated around the world at such places as Stonehenge – at the height of new crop growth and renewal in Cancer, the sign of Mother Earth.
The solstices and equinoxes are celebrations of the passage of the life-giving Sun around the zodiac – with longest day and night during the solstices, and equal day night at the equinoxes. Celebration of the greatest light available is the most esoteric interpretation of this event, the light that illumines human consciousness and expands understanding; this occurs just one sign before Sun-ruled Leo during the hottest period of the northern hemisphere.
The solstice/eclipse event is amplified by the fact the Cancer-Capricorn axis acts as a conduit for forces from Sirius, that higher self to our Sun/solar system, the source of the Sirian Law of Karma. Also, Mercury at the time was stationary retrograde and conjunct Sirius. This fourth ray planet has a deep connection to Sirius, the Fourth Cosmic Path that most of Humanity will eventually choose, once liberated from Earth evolution.
Intersections between the two circles of the ecliptic and equator produce the equinoxes and solstices and represent where space and time meet; they offer the possibility of transcending the illusion of space-time – essentially doorways to align with the Eternal Now.
[wpanchor id=”#solec”]The Annual Solar Eclipse
Eclipses set patterns in the etheric body of the Earth that can last for up to two years, activated by planets that subsequently pass over the eclipse point. During the sol-ar eclipse that coincides with the sol-stice festival – it was a special “ring of fire” eclipse that supercharged the solstice.
This is a kind of partial solar eclipse that occurs when the new moon is furthest away from Earth on its elliptical orbit — basically the opposite of a “supermoon”. Hence, it does not cover the sun’s disk completely but will go quite dark before the “ring of fire” is visible – usually accompanied by animals getting spooked and the fearful arousing of ancient superstitions about eclipses.
The eclipse will take place on a narrow “path of annularity” as it burns a path across China, India and the Middle East and Africa, passing through significant places like Taiwan, Lhasa and Delhi.
The Sabian Symbol for the first degree of Cancer is, “Sailor ready to hoist a new flag to replace an old one.” This could be most significant for some of the countries mentioned above. The sailor symbol is apt due to the fact that Neptune is the esoteric ruler of watery Cancer the Crab – with its emotional sensitivity. Themes of the homeland, heightened feelings, the environment, mother earth should all be prominent in the ensuing months.
Some Cancer quotes follow for reflection particularly the role of Neptune as esoteric ruler of this sign, and which is currently stationary/retrograde, heightening global emotional sensitivity, especially in those who are polarised in mass consciousness.
“This sign is not an easy one for the average student to understand, for it is the polar opposite—psychologically speaking—of the state of group consciousness towards which humanity is, at this time, tending. It is difficult for the casual student to distinguish accurately between mass consciousness and group consciousness.
Human beings stand today at a midway point, generally speaking, between these two states of mind, though perhaps it might be more correct to say that a fairly large minority are becoming group conscious, whilst the majority are emerging out of the mass conscious stage and becoming self-conscious individuals. This accounts for much of the present world difficulty and for the clash of idealisms. The two groups bring a different approach to the world problems as we now find them.18
The fact that many are becoming group conscious is because of the influence of Aquarius, the sign of group awareness, co-operation and community. The “emerging out of the mass conscious stage and becoming self-conscious individuals” is due to the activation of the Leo polarity of Aquarius, which also rules over the first initiation, when those souls have stepped off the mutable cross stage of material evolution onto the fixed cross of the soul.
“In Cancer … the Moon is substituted for Neptune because it is the form nature which is dominant in the longest stage of human unfoldment, just as esoterically, it is the feeling-sensitive nature which dominates the average man; it is with this stable tendency that the disciple has to wrestle.
In the mass mind (of which Cancer is the truest expression), it is fortunate that Neptune is veiled by the Moon and that the form fails to register or step down many of the impacts to which the true man is sensitive. Average humanity is not yet fully equipped to bear the full range of these impacts, to handle them constructively or to transmute them and interpret them accurately.
Upon the Path of Discipleship and along the line of esoteric development, one of the major difficulties and great problems of the disciple is his extreme sensitivity to impacts from every side and his rapid ability to respond to contacts coming from “all points of the compass, from every angle of the zodiacal wheel and from that which is within as well as from that which is without, from that which lies above, below, and upon every hand,” as the Old Commentary expresses it.
It is also as difficult and hard for the average student of modern times to grasp the mass-consciousness of Cancer as it is to grasp the group-awareness or the universal consciousness of Aquarius – and to this final development, humanity is hierarchically related by the Moon, veiling Neptune …
These two—the Moon and Neptune—are, therefore, the direct influences which are brought to bear upon the Cancer subject and thus lead to the unfoldment of the form of life and of the emotional-astral body.
The supreme usefulness of these aspects will be grasped if you will intelligently realise that without the form and without the ability to bear in mind the need to respond sensitively to the environing conditions and circumstance, the soul would never awaken to knowledge in the three worlds and, therefore, would never know God in manifestation.19
Note that phrase describing the highly refined frequencies of Neptune: “Average humanity is not yet fully equipped to bear the full range of these impacts, to handle them constructively or to transmute them and interpret them accurately.” Hence, Neptune’s lower, distorted expression in the masses, described in the first section of this newsletter.
Also, another point for the student to consider is the tracing of planetary rulerships – exoteric, esoteric and hierarchical – through all the signs, is illuminating in following the evolution of consciousness through the signs; this is something that The Tibetan does continually throughout his book Esoteric Astrology.
When the esoteric basis of astrology is penetrated, comes the realisation that the zodiac signs are living Beings intimately associated with human evolution. Combined with the seven rays and planets, they all bring a human to an eventual point of perfection and Liberation.
[wpanchor id=”#rehome”]Global Refugee Crisis and Homelessness
The late release of the Cancer newsletter does not permit a deeper analysis of the global refugee crisis and homelessness. The subject has been covered regularly in other newsletters such as this one for 2019. Cancer represents those basic essentials for human living – shelter, home, safety, clean water and food. If we think that we have it tough during lockdown, imagine the misery in the lives of marginalised people who already face enormous struggles for survival on a daily basis.
“It is estimated that 150 million people are homeless worldwide. Habitat for Humanity estimated in 2015 that 1.6 billion people around the world live in “inadequate shelter”.20
That is roughly a quarter of the world’s 7.8 billion population. We can spend trillions on armaments for war, space exploration and the numerous, unnecessary excesses of material living – but we cannot provide adequate assistance for the rest of Humanity, to alleviate their suffering. What would Neptune-Christ think or have to say about this deplorable situation – on the eve of His reappearance? Here is where the work of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (despite criticisms to the contrary) – and thousands of NGO’s seek to make a difference and are a noble cause.
The following links are stories from merely a few of the problem areas – Lesbos in Greece, Syria and Yemen – all refugees from Western motivated or financially supported wars in the Middle East. Lesbos Syria Yemen
[wpanchor id=”#usolr”]USA’s Solar Return Full Moon
Very briefly, the Cancer full moon falls right on USA’s sun in Cancer, in its 1776 horoscope. USA’s solar return on 4th of July occurs some 8 hours before the full moon eclipse at 0.44 on the 5th of July. Hence, this will be a very powerful activation for the nation, triggering natal aspects such as Sun in Cancer square Saturn, a tough aspect related to the Law, not unlike Microsoft’s Sun square Saturn from Aries to Cancer. This oft-quoted passage is always worth considering with the USA, as its 1776 horoscope is a Cancer sun, even though it is esoterically an Aquarian soul with a Gemini personality:
“The capital city, Washington, is ruled by Cancer and Sagittarius, and it is this fact which leads the United States to act like the Crab (Cancer) and be pre-occupied with its own house which it carries on its back and to vanish into hiding at the first signs of trouble. Because also the Sagittarian influence is strong, there is a potent determination to stick one-pointedly to any decision made. This its sixth ray personality enforces at times almost to the point of a fanatical blindness and to the detriment of the long range vision which is needed at such times as these.”21
The point of least resistance for such a potent activation on the Sun square Saturn aspect, may well err on the side of conservatism – financially, legally and politically. USA’s primal fears of survival may be activated, money may be tight, the economy could take a turn for the worse – with more people affected economically through lockdown.
Tougher, draconian laws may come to pass with the stimulation of natal Sun square Saturn – but Saturn is placed in the sign of its exaltation, Libra. There is a chance that this great point of tension created by the full moon on July 4 may create an opportunity for breakthroughs in legislation and right relationships.
This has already been occurring in recent months, with advances in African American civil rights that has travelled around the world. Pluto in Capricorn is forcing old institutions to crumble and pillars of centuries-old establishments are being toppled one after the other. Most recently as a result of a global uprising, protestors targeted statues of those individuals who have been associated with the practice of slavery in Western nations.
This full moon makes a T-square to God of War Mars – in its own sign of Aries, along with Chiron – both planets creating a grand cross with USA’s Saturn in Libra. Due to Mars going retrograde and direct, it will stay in its own sign of Aries for six months, until early Jan. 2021! USA has a sixth ray, Mars-ruled personality, hence at the hands of transiting Mars in Aries activating the grand cross, USA might go through a very torrid period – that has the potential however, for major breakthroughs.
Also in the picture is the star Sirius, closely conjunct USA’s sun in Cancer – indeed, was apparently chosen by the founding fathers to coincide. The Cancer-Capricorn axis is one of the conduits for Sirian force to enter into Earth’s aura. Sirius that determines the greater Law, is aided by Saturn within this solar system to apply that Law. Hence this full moon will activate these Sirian forces, stimulating the USA to align with the Greater Law through reform of its own laws, and living by the Law. This of course, complements what was said earlier about Saturn in Libra being activated so powerfully in USA’s 1776 horoscope.
Phillip Lindsay © 2020.
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Books by Phillip Lindsay
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.60. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.102. [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- Organic Consumers [↩]
- Bill Gates’ Web of Dark Money and Influence – Part 1: Philanthropic Narrative Shaping [↩]
- Dissident Voice [↩]
- [↩]
- [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. pp.219-20. [↩]
- A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p.594. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.427. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.171. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.465. [↩]
- Initiation Human and Solar, Alice A. Bailey. p.98. [↩]
- The Reappearance of the Christ, Alice A. Bailey. pp.56-7. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.465. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.311. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.321-3. [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- The Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.88. [↩]