Cancer 2021: Neptune. Devas. Mandela. Akiane. Pluto to Saturn. UK-Russia-USA. Mars in Leo. Naftali Bennett – Israel. Solstice.
“I build a lighted house and therein dwell”:
“Falling Water” – designed by “America’s greatest archictect”, Frank Lloyd Wright: Uranus in Cancer – radical houses!
Cancer Keynote
“I build a lighted house and therein dwell”.
(Full Moon: June 24, 2021. 18.40 UT.)
“The Moon and Neptune—are, therefore, the direct influences which are brought to bear upon the Cancer subject and thus lead to the unfoldment of the form of life and of the emotional-astral body. The supreme usefulness of these aspects will be grasped if you will intelligently realise that without the form and without the ability to bear in mind the need to respond sensitively to the environing conditions and circumstance, the soul would never awaken to knowledge in the three worlds and, therefore, would never know God in manifestation.”1
Neptune, Soul Ruler of Cancer
___ Neptune and the Deva or Angelic Kingdom
___ Neptune’s Realm of Undines and Mermaids
___ The Watery Triplicity
Cancer, Imprisonment and Nelson Mandela
___Julian Assange
Cancer Rising Akiane: Visionary Artist
Transiting Pluto in Hard Aspect to Saturn
Gemini New Moon Solar Eclipse – Square to Neptune
The Triangle of the Aquarian Age: Britain, Russia and the USA
Boris Johnson’s G7 Intransigence
Mars Leaves Cancer and Enters Leo
Israel’s New PM: Naftali Bennett
The Cancer Solstice: Time and No Time
Neptune, Soul Ruler of Cancer
In the last few years of newsletters since 2016, commentaries on Neptune have been prominent with regard to its lower expression: Mass deception, fear, paranoia, propaganda, addiction. 2020-1 has seen this trend deteriorate further by the constant stimulation and blurring of lines between truth and fantasy, fact and fiction. Other factors are at work here too of course, for instance, the third ray of active-intelligence in its powerful cycle – the ray that rules media and is closely connected to technology.
It appears the majority of the public, which includes spiritual communities, have been hoodwinked – hypnotised by the incessant barrage of lies and distorted media stories. Under this constant onslaught people have surrendered their liberties because, “It’s all too much”, “I want to get on with my life”, “I am going to take the jab”, “The government knows best”, “Because my doctor said so” … etc. Really?
This is understandable for the masses, but for many intelligent people, their decisions have been based upon:
1. Apathy and sheer laziness in not researching the facts for themselves, beyond mass media narratives.
2. Succumbing to the glamour of fear (woefully devoid of any courage) – and being swept along with the tsunami of mass emotion.
3. Obeying the glamour of authority – doing what they have been told, without questioning or challenging those directives.
4. Falling victim to the glamour of science, the authority of science that has vested interests – whilst ignoring overwhelming evidence from a much larger body of science and health professionals.

Note that the fourth buddhic plane is the middle “bridge” of the seven planes, between spirit and matter. The “buddhic permanent atom” resides on this plane.

“For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.” (Corinthians 13:12)
This point is of particular importance because it reflects the majority who are polarised in the lower mind which tends to block out the intuition – which is essentially direct knowledge. Neptune, in its highest expression, represents buddhic consciousness or intuition; it is the ultimate goal for all of Humanity on its road to Liberation.
Neptune’s highest expression from the buddhic plane finds its point of least resistance upon the astral plane – it “skips” the mental plane altogether. As the bulk of Humanity are still at the mutable cross stage of experience, that is, have not yet awoken to soul consciousness – their undeveloped astral bodies will not “interpret” or express the buddhic energies of Neptune accurately. To paraphrase St. Paul, they will “see through a glass darkly.”
The degree of refined “atomic substance” within the astral vehicle is still low and combined with a less developed mental body – without too much discrimination, the public is easily manipulated by propaganda: the cunning and subtle art of creating impressions. Hence the pandemic of impressionability that many have fallen prey – through their television sets and many artfully constructed news items.
Appropriately therefore, Neptune the god of the waters, rules the watery astral realm and the solar plexus chakra, seat of the astral body. At this astral level, Neptune rules fantasy as an expression of the creative imagination, hence this planet’s influence in the higher arts and music, plus all visual media – advertising, photography, cinematography – and movies that are made in the “dream factory”.
Here is the “glamour” of Hollywood and the fashion industries – creating a look, an impression, projecting an image of oneself – all considered esoterically illusory – the “ahamkara” – a false sense of self, identity, excessive self-regard, maya. Glamour is a specific name for illusion on the astral plane, whilst upon the mental plane it is called illusion per se, and the physical plane, maya.
When we watch movies, we momentarily suspend our credulity, forgetting about the lighting, the sets, the director behind the camera, the actors and scripts; we passively allow ourselves to be “deceived”, to be drawn into the story-telling, to be entertained, excited, have all our emotions stimulated – and to be inspired – one of Neptune’s most positive traits: To inspire others and to be inspired.
We also draw upon Neptune’s creative imagination through visualisation in meditation. It is through the visualisation process, combined with the directing agency of the mind, that we build in qualities that were previously absent – such as compassion, courage, strength etc.
All the planets, signs and rays have lower and higher expressions, depending upon the stage of unfolded consciousness of each individual soul. There is the lower expression that is well documented above, which combined with Cancer’s ruler the Moon, renders susceptibility to the changing emotional tides. And there is the higher:
“The unveiled Neptune relates Cancer to no other constellation or sign, and this fact is of very great importance, because it indicates the fact that when a [wo]man is an initiate, he does not react to ordinary feeling, sentiment or to personality relations as they express themselves in pleasure or pain.
All these are surmounted and eventually the watery life of emotional reaction is superseded by the life of true and of inclusive love. Soul control esoterically “obliterates” the Moon and all traces of Neptunian life. The initiate is no longer ruled by the Mother of Forms or by the God of the Waters.
When the “waters break and are carried away,” the Mother gives birth to the Son and that individual spiritual entity then stands free. I would ask you to ponder upon this point.”2
There are many tasty morsels in this passage to chew upon! The phrase “superseded by the life of true and of inclusive love”, concerns Neptune’s deep association with the heart centre. The heart is the higher correspondence of the solar plexus, the destination where energies raised from the solar plexus are transmuted in the fiery chalice of love.
“The life of true and of inclusive love” is the ultimate expression of The Christ, whose esoteric name in the West is Neptune. The beautiful analogy of Cancer the mother about to give birth – “the waters break and are carried away”. Can we apply such a stage with great Cancerian initiates such as The Dalai Lama or Nelson Mandela?
Neptune and the Deva or Angelic Kingdom
The following deeply esoteric passage, conveys a little more about the potent influence of Neptune, the waters and the deva kingdom – the “lives” that compose the very substance of our astral bodies. Referring to the earlier diagram of the planes may be useful in understanding this passage:
“One of the most occult of the planets, Neptune, presides over the “devas of the waters”; their presiding deva Lord, Varuna, the Raja [ruler] of the astral plane, being an emanation from that planet.
… [wo]men of a relatively low type of physical body, and having an astral body with some sixth subplane matter in it, are responsive to higher things and have a spiritual aspiration. The influence emanating from the sixth subplane of the buddhic plane calls out a reciprocal response from the sixth subplane matter in other bodies …
Neptune [’s] … influences and energies affect paramountly the deva essence of this sixth subplane matter, reaching them via the Raja Lord Varuna. This knowledge is of practical value astrologically, for it will enable [wo]men to understand the nature of their own physical bodies, and above all of their astral bodies.”3
The study of the deva kingdom, the lesser devas and the higher devas, is essential in understanding human evolution which is inextricably entwined with the deva evolution, constituting eventually a “cosmic marriage” between a “masculine” humanity and a “feminine” deva kingdom – “the mother of all forms”.
“This planet [Neptune] has also a vital relation to … Buddhi … No [wo]man begins to co-ordinate the buddhic vehicles until he comes under Neptunian influence in some life or another. When this is the case, the personality horoscope will show Neptunian influence dominating somewhere.”4
The “personality horoscope” refers to the Sun sign, as it represents the threefold lower self – mental, astral and physical bodies working as one integrated unit. Hence, the “personality horoscope showing Neptunian influence” might be something like Neptune conjunct the Sun, or having a Neptune-ruled Sun like Pisces, Cancer etc.
Neptune is the esoteric ruler of Cancer, the exoteric ruler of Pisces and is indirectly related to the third sign of the watery trigon, Scorpio; this is because of its shared rulership of the solar plexus centre with Mars, the exoteric and esoteric ruler of Scorpio, a sign of discipleship and testings for the second initiation:
“It is Neptunian influence likewise, which presides over and makes possible the second Initiation, wherein the initiate produces results in the astral body, and wherein his astral centres are the object of the Hierophant’s attention. This particular type of energy flows through three centres: 1. That particular head centre which is linked to the heart centre. 2. The heart centre. 3. The solar plexus.
The planet Neptune, along with the planetary Logos of the sixth ray [Mars] controls the astral centres in man. This statement involves much esoteric macrocosmic significance. When it is remembered that all centres—human and divine—are composed of deva essence, the connection between this influence and the devas, and their reflex effect upon man, will immediately become apparent.”5
Eventually, the large world group that is currently heading toward the second initiation will understand the Biblical phrase, “There shall be no more sea”. The Lord of the Oceans – Neptune’s expression upon the astral will no longer control, there will be an occult “drying up” or absorption that will lead to the “cessation of desire” – as it has hitherto emanated from the solar plexus. As a sign ruled by Neptune esoterically, Cancer is the Great Mother who,
“… performs her work of body-building under the impulse of desire … the factor of desire, or of astral motion, and its reflex action upon the physical body … will become apparent, and the Great Mother will be seen actively engaged, under the influence of desire, in the work of building, nourishing, and producing that warmth and moisture which make manifestation possible.
The Mother is the greatest of the devas, and closely linked with the devas of the waters, for moisture of some kind or another is an essential to all life.”6
Neptune’s Realm of Undines and Mermaids
“The many groups of the water devas of the manipulatory class have been roughly grouped by mythological writers, under the terms undines, mermaids, and other expressions, but their diversity is great, and this will be necessarily apparent when it is remembered that the sumtotal of water upon the earth (oceans, seas, rivers, lakes and streams), far exceeds the dry portion, or land, and every drop of moisture is in itself a tiny life, fulfilling its function and running its cycle.
The mythic forms above referred to are but those myriad lives built into a form through which an evolutionary deva is seeking expression.”7
Indeed, these multifarious groupings of devas for all the various subplanes – are as innumerable as the billions of gods in the Hindu Pantheon, which is in effect – referencing the vast deva kingdom. Hence the title of one of the best theosophical books on devas, The Kingdom of the Gods, by Geoffrey Hodson.
The Watery Triplicity
As stated earlier, Neptune is associated with all three water signs of the zodiac – Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces:
“… the symbolism which underlies the three water signs is most interesting … the Crab, the Scorpion and the Fish Goddesses of the sign Pisces.
In ancient Lemuria, the symbol of Pisces was a woman with the tail of a fish, and of this symbol the legendary mermaid is the memory. It was only in late Atlantean times (when the conscious sense of duality was becoming present in the minds of the advanced humanity of the period) – that the woman part of the symbol was dropped altogether and the two linked fishes took the place of the fish Goddesses.
You have, therefore, the Crab, the Scorpion with the sting in its tail and the Fish. The slow moving Crab, identified with its dwelling place and carrying its house upon its back, lives upon the land (physical plane life) and also in the sea (the life of the emotions); the Scorpion is rapid in movement, deadly in its effect upon men around it and is a creature of the land; it is also the symbol of the transformed Crab and the result of the evolutionary process, and indicates the dangerous nature of the man who is not transformed and is therefore harmful and hurtful to others;
… the Fishes indicate the man from whom the symbol of materiality has been taken by the removal of half of the original symbol, thus indicating freedom from matter. The three water signs give us, therefore, a brief and symbolic history of man’s growth and true personality development. It is a picture of the law of cause and effect. These thoughts you can elaborate for yourself and thus arrive at the evident implications.”8
As described in the author’s book, Unveiling Genesis: Mysteries of the Rootraces and Cycles (2017), there were only eight zodiac signs “active” in Lemuria, ten in Atlantis, twelve in this current rootrace – and back to ten signs in the coming sixth rootrace. Various signs have “hosted” the gradual unfoldment of human consciousness over the past 21.5 million years, since Individualisation in the third rootrace we know as Lemuria. In her magnum opus, The Secret Doctrine – H.P. Blavatsky makes a statement laden with mystery:
“… it is the Third Race which inhabited the great Lemurian continent, that preceded the veritable and complete human races—the fourth and the fifth [rootraces]… This race could live with equal ease in water, air, or fire, for it had an unlimited control over the elements.
These were the “Sons of God” … the real Elohim … It was they who imparted Nature’s most weird secrets to men, and revealed to them the ineffable, and now lost word” … it is the [4th] sub-race, which preceded the one that separated sexually [5th], that is to be regarded as the spiritual ancestors of our present generations – and especially of the Eastern Aryan Races [India].9
Still in this ancient Lemurian vein, Cancer was one of the eight zodiac signs active at the birth of Humanity. The sun was precessing through Cancerduring a 5,000 year period that began in Leo, followed by Cancer (birth), completed in Gemini – at the “final crisis of individualisation”. Bear in mind, the 2,160-year astronomical precession cycles of today may have differed during the Lemurian period.

“It matters not how strait the gate, how charged with punishments the scroll, I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul.” (Mandela)
Cancer, Imprisonment and Nelson Mandela
(For a previous astro-profile of Mandela, see this 2013 essay.)
This “world disciple” who had the Sun, Jupiter and Pluto in Cancer, was imprisoned for 27 years (3 x 9, number of initiation) – sentenced on June 12, 1964:
“He was repeatedly arrested for seditious activities and was unsuccessfully prosecuted in the 1956 Treason Trial … he co-founded the militant Umkhonto we Sizwe in 1961 and led a sabotage campaign against the government. He was arrested and imprisoned in 1962, and subsequently sentenced to life imprisonment for conspiring to overthrow the state following the Rivonia Trial.”10
Cancer is a sign of mass consciousness due to its exoteric and esoteric rulerships of the Moon and Neptune. Mandela’s biographer described him as, “… a born mass leader who could not help magnetizing people”. Jupiter exalted in Cancer and ruling his Sagittarius ascendant certainly must have contributed to this generous description.
“He was highly image conscious and throughout his life always sought out fine quality clothes, with many commentators believing that he carried himself in a regal manner. His aristocratic heritage was repeatedly emphasised by supporters, thus contributing to his charismatic power … Mandela became “one of the first media politicians … embodying a glamour and a style that projected visually a brave new African world of modernity and freedom … a master of imagery and performance”.11
This description sounds very much like Leo, where Mercury and Saturn are placed – endowing incredible mental concentration – placed in the ninth house, associated with academic studies, law etc. But Mandela’s rising sign Sagittarius falls in the Leo decanate, giving him the charismatic leadership qualities. (1st decan Sag, 2nd decan Aries, 3rd decan Leo.) On the subject of Cancer and imprisonment, The Tibetan says:
“This sign [Cancer] can carry deep meaning to all. You are in process of incarnation; you are following your chosen way. Is the house you are building yet lit? Is it a lighted house, or is it a dark prison? If it is a lighted house, you will attract to its light and warmth all who are around you and the magnetic pull of your soul, whose nature is light and love, will save many.
If you are still an isolated soul, you will have to pass through the horrors of a more complete isolation and loneliness, treading alone the dark way of the soul. Yet this isolation, this loneliness and this separation in the dark night are all part of the Great Illusion.”12
Mandela’s “house” was certainly “lighted” and attracted millions of moths to his soul flame. DK also states similarly about Saturn in Cancer, and although Mandela did not have that position in his tropical (Western) chart, it was certainly there in the sidereal (Eastern) horoscope:
“Saturn is in the home of its detriment and thus produces those difficult conditions and situations which will lead to the needed struggle. This makes Cancer a place of symbolic imprisonment and emphasises the pains and penalties of wrong orientation.
It is the conflict of the soul with its environment—consciously or unconsciously carried on—which leads to the penalties of incarnation and which provides those conditions of suffering which the soul has willingly undertaken when—with open eyes and clear vision—the soul chose the path of earth life with all its consequent sacrifices and pains, in order to salvage the lives with which it had an affinity.”13
This beautiful, poignant line perfectly describes Mandela’s redeeming mission: The soul chose the path of earth life with all its consequent sacrifices and pains, in order to salvage the lives with which it had an affinity.” On the fateful day of his sentencing in 1964, Mandela had some very significant transits:
1. Transiting Moon in Cancer conjunct his Sun.
2. Transiting Venus and north node in Cancer conjunct Jupiter-Pluto.
3. Transiting Saturn in Pisces on the cusp of the fourth house (Cancer). Pisces is a sign related to the two fishes’ “imprisonment in matter” – and their ultimate liberation from that state.
4. Saturn in Pisces opposite Uranus on the midheaven (public, career). Here is the symbol of infamy, the rebel and revolutionary Uranus, opposite Saturn, the state, the status quo; both planets form a T-square to transiting Mercury in Gemini.
5. Transiting Mars in Taurus opposite solar arc Mars in Scorpio. The ruler of the 12th house of prisons is Mars, as Scorpio is on the cusp. Mandela’s Scorpio moon was also in the 12th house.
Both Mars positions T-squared closely his natal Uranus in Aquarius. Uranus in its own rulership here, is the reformer and revolutionary par excellence:
“Mandela was widely labelled a terrorist by prominent political figures in the Western world for his embrace of political violence … Margaret Thatcher said that the ANC was “a typical terrorist organisation”.14
Hence the prominence of transiting Uranus on the midheaven at the time of sentencing. In fact, transiting Uranus had been conjunct Mandela’s progressed Sun in Virgo, on and off for the previous year. In the author’s 2013 assessment of Mandela’s chart, it was stated:a.
“Nelson Mandela drew great strength from his Scorpio Moon, yet it was also his Achilles heel – as the Moon is in any horoscope, the dweller – the “prison of the soul”. The Moon is in the twelfth house, that rules over prisons, institutions and monasteries. A twelfth house moon might actually be reasonably “comfortable” here.
The Scorpio moon also takes on a very Piscean quality, placed in the twelfth house. Forgiveness is one of Pisces’ greatest themes and Mandela was an exemplar of the Path of Forgiveness. Water signs and the twelfth house are well known for psychic sensitivity. Mandela has been called prescient, the ability to know beforehand.
The Scorpio moon was also his warrior spirit, his intensity of feeling, great persistence and staying power. The fact that Mandela chose not to harbour any bitterness toward his enemies, is an extraordinary example of a transformed Scorpio moon.”15
Julian Assange, who is still languishing in a British prison for exposing war crimes, also has a Scorpio moon in the 12th house, is Sagittarius rising and has the Sun in Cancer – all three positions the same as Mandela! Assange’s Sun is square to Uranus, giving him the tendency to buck the system, whilst Mandela’s Sun is quincunx Uranus. (See latest 2021 report on Assange here.)
6. Transiting Sun in Gemini conjunct Venus. Venus in Gemini was Mandela’s great skill in connecting with all kinds of people: “He was known for his ability to find common ground with very different communities.”16
This is by no means a complete list of transits but illustrates the planetary energies present at important life events – in this case Cancer and its’ theme of imprisonment. Returning briefly to the Mercury-Saturn position, we are also told that,
“At the fourth initiation, Mercury and Saturn again bring about great changes and unique revelation, but their effect is very different to the earlier experience.”17
Mandela was certainly advanced, students have speculated at least a third degree initiate, perhaps even beyond that – the fourth degree, also called the Crucifixion, after the experience of Jesus on the cross.
During his 27-year incarceration, Mandela the Sagittarian firebrand became a calmer Sage-ittarian philosopher, with many years of deep rumination in the “monastery” of prison, building his “lighted house” – the causal body of the soul.
Cancer Rising Prodigy – Akiane
“I was with God again, and He told me to pray continually. He showed me, where He lived. I was climbing transparent stairs; underneath I saw gushing waterfalls, and as I was approaching Him, His body was pure and intense light. What impressed me the most was His hands — they were gigantic!
I saw no bones, or veins, no skin or blood, but maps and events. Then He told me to memorize thousands upon thousands of wisdom words on a scroll that did not look like paper, but more like intense light. And in a few seconds I got somehow filled up. From now on I will get up early to paint. I hope one day I’d be able to paint what I was shown.” (Akiane at four years of age.)
Akiane Kramarik is a child prodigy, mystic, poet and artist profiled by the author in 2005, after receiving the birth time from her mother. Akiane has Sun, Moon and rising sign all in Cancer, esoterically ruled by Neptune, the visionary, imagineer and mystic. The Moon is closely opposite Neptune and Uranus in Capricorn, giving a blend of intuition and mind, the ability to manifest concretely the vision.
Akiane also has a grand trine in water between Saturn in Pisces, Sun in Cancer and Jupiter in Scorpio. Water grand trines can give powerful clairvoyance, such as accessedby the French physician Michel Nostradamus, when “receiving” his famous quatrains.
Mercury in Gemini in the 12th house represents Akiane’s versatility in several artistic disciplines, all of which have been obviously developed in previous incarnations, given the maturity of their expression since the age of four! One reincarnation researcher claims that a previous life of Akiane was as Rubens, the Flemish baroque painter. In the very near future, new forms of artistic and musical expression will precipitate into human consciousness:
“When music produces warmth or stimulation, and when pictures, for instance, glow or reveal the subjective within the objective, then will this fourth Ray of Harmony be coming to fruition.”18
We are told that the fourth ray cycle comes back into “gradual manifestation” from 2025 onward, hence Akiane’s experiments with glowing paintings herald what is to emerge. Akiane may well be one of the leading exponents of these new art forms in her incarnation that will easily span this fourth ray cycle. Indeed, Akiane may even be a fourth ray soul – one of the “few drops that herald the monsoon” of fourth ray souls returning into incarnation.
The Lord of Civilisation, known as the Count St. Germain, was a polymath, which included being a painter of rare ability:
“… famed for his power to reproduce the original brilliance of precious stones on canvas. Although he refused to betray his secret, it was commonly supposed that he produced the effect by mixing powdered mother-of-pearl with his pigments. He was highly esteemed as an art critic and was frequently consulted in regard to the authenticity of paintings.”19
Now at the age of 27, Akiane continues her artistic journey, as the five-minute video below illustrates. The painting is called “Freedom” – and it glows!
The Story of Dharma
“Dharma is the awareness of our moral duty and responsibilities and the harmony between the spiritual purpose and the freedom to live our dreams. Dharma is not complete without the journey we take through it. And that journey cannot be rushed, shortened or simplified. It has to be experienced”.
Note the subject of this painting is a boy whose name is Arjuna, one of the main characters in the Hindu epic, The Mahabharata. Akiane was brought up Christian but has always embraced a universal spirituality.
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Transiting Pluto in Hard Aspect to Saturn (An esoteric perspective)
A long term transit of Pluto to Saturn, especially in hard square or opposition aspect, can be one of the most challenging of life cycles. Hence those with Saturn in the cardinal signs of Aries-Libra, Cancer-Capricorn – from any generation of the 30-year cycle of Saturn will have just had, are having – or about to have this transit.
As Pluto is the longest and slowest transit (248 years) and as Lord of the Underworld, it reaches deep into our psyche; its transits last around three years, depending on what part of the ecliptic Pluto is passing through.
Saturn represents the mind and rules the throat centre. Saturn is the thoughtform-making capacity of the mind to organise ideas, ideally into geometrical patterns – blueprints for manifesting and living out various cycles of life. All these patterns have a “use by date”, invariably reaching a point of crystallisation that needs breaking up, destroying and transforming. Saturn is the ruler of Capricorn where,
“Crystallisation has reached a certain degree of density and so-called “hardness,” it is easily shattered and destroyed and man, born in Capricorn, then brings about his own destruction”.20
Hence, this principle can be applied to any Saturn position in any sign of the zodiac. Thought constructs that served for a few years, a decade or more, will eventually need reviewing, overhauling, deconstruction, dismantling, renovation or utterly demolishing! Enter Pluto, the Demon of Demolition!
“Pluto … governs … the death or cessation of old ideas and emotions, and its influence is therefore largely cerebral and in that you have the clue to its late discovery. Mankind is only on the verge of becoming mental. Its effects are felt first in the mental body.”21
Here are two “mental planets”, Saturn and Pluto – the former a builder working in the realm of ideas, of active-intelligence, the ray which Saturn rules. The latter Pluto – stripping back the veneer to the basic shell of the building – or taking a wrecking ball to the old structure, toppling it altogether!
It all depends upon how soundly the thought-forms were built in the first place. If they were weak, or compromised by vague ideas or emotional distortions – as with most of humanity, then their duration will be short, requiring regular renovations.
If they were deeply entrenched thoughtforms, constituting the “dweller on the threshold” – that have re-emerged from past lives, then the battle to eliminate the old patterns will be ever more difficult, being multi-layered and associated with mental and emotional issues that were used as compensatory measures to “get through life”.
The only way to gain from a Pluto transit is to understand the mantra, “Resistance is futile” – one has to surrender utterly to a Pluto transit and allow it to regenerate. As a planet of death (like Saturn, the reaper), a Pluto transit is about dying to the past, relinquishing all with which one has identified, moving to the intermediate state of the chrysalis, between the caterpillar and butterfly.
This metaphor has been used for zodiac signs of transformation such as Scorpio and Pisces, both water signs that Pluto rules exoterically and esoterically. As touched upon earlier, Pluto rules over “the cessation of old ideas and emotions”.
Water is a symbol of emotion, one of the main ingredients that can add many complexities to the “cake that you bake” – the structure of thought-forms over one life or lifetimes; this can render existing thoughtforms into an even thicker, impenetrable mass – very hard to dismantle and untangle, demanding the surgical scalpel or sword to cut through the Gordian Knot!
The sword is a symbol of the first ray of will or power, over which Pluto co-rules with Vulcan. Pluto is the power component of the will-power equation and he wields the sword that Vulcan the Smithy forges upon the anvil! Both of their mythological archetypes work invisibly, underground, inside the Earth.
Pluto is the furthest planet from the sun in the solar system, whilst Vulcan is the closest to the sun. Both planets are very small and compact, but hold an intense concentration of power between them – as veritable “book-ends” of the solar system!
Therefore, when Pluto transits Saturn over a period of a few years, one will note the breakdown of the mind into many fragments. As Saturn is related to memory, there may be experienced fragments of broken memories floating around at random in one’s consciousness.
This can be quite disconcerting for some, they might feel like they are “losing the plot”, going mad, holding a tenuous grip on reality. If a Pluto transit like this is resisted, it can result in a “nervous breakdown” of some kind, due to fear that drives the imperative to hang on to Saturn’s old structures; this is where Pluto drags the individual “kicking and screaming” to self-realisation
It might be a worthy study if astrologers made a study of those who have experienced “clinical” nervous breakdowns – to see whether Pluto transits were dominating at the time. These memories might emerge from as far back as the womb, four years old or to one’s teens and early thirties – throughout the entire course of one’s life. Memories might emerge at random, at any time or place, without necessarily any “trigger” such as a sight, sound or smell – all of them rolling like a disjointed movie in the mind’s eye.
Memory is an aspect of the Dweller on the Threshold or the shadow and the following passage is from a commentary on Scorpio, co-ruled by Pluto:
“This Dweller is the sum total of all the personality characteristics which have remained unconquered and unsubdued and which must be finally overcome before initiation can be taken. Each life sees some progress made; some personality defects straightened out and some real advance effected …
… When the mind has reached a relatively high stage of development, the memory aspect is evoked in a new and conscious manner and then every latent pre-disposition, every racial and national instinct, every unconquered situation and every controlling fault rises to the surface of consciousness and then—the fight is on.”22
The “fight is on” – with any hard aspect of transiting Pluto to Saturn, but there are also the various permutations of this transit that qualify the experience:
1. The individual’s stage of soul unfoldment. Are they still on the mutable cross, or have they “mounted” the fixed cross? Are they an aspirant, disciple or initiate?
2. Karma – Saturn is the Lord of Karma.
3. The sign in which Saturn is placed: Aries-Libra, Cancer-Capricorn – very specific themes for each sign, for instance Libra: The law, sex and money, marriage, relationships, judgement.
4. Aspects to Saturn, such as Mars square Saturn. Hence the individual is not only working with transiting Pluto’s effects upon Saturn, but the entire pattern with which Saturn is associated, such as a complex T-square.Therefore an individual who experiences a Pluto transit to Saturn, must really strive to be the detached observer – as their life may appear to be crashing down, what they once held dear is no longer, friends disappear etc.
This period can be an extremely stressful as one learns to face fears and insecurities that may have been carried for lifetimes. Resistance to these deep changes only creates greater pain and is ultimately doomed to failure. A transit like this prepares an individual for the next cycle in their life, but in order to embark upon that, renovations of the foundations of one’s being must take place first. Hail Pluto and Saturn!
Gemini New Moon Solar Eclipse – Square to Neptune
The recent Gemini new moon preceded by two weeks this Cancer full moon, hence its’ relevance, particularly with its relation to Neptune – again! In the recent full moon newsletter for Gemini (one month ago), there was discussed in the last section, “Mercury Stationary on the Full Moon” – and its square to Neptune:
“Mercury’s square to Neptune in Pisces can be the potential for a “double dose” of illusion, especially perpetrated by Gemini entities, whether they be individuals or nations.
Communications can get particularly scrambled and confused … this pattern has enormous potential for sleight of hand and deception, which has become the “new norm” at the heart of propaganda … The solution to this challenging situation is to invoke Pisces polar opposite sign Virgo, the principle of discernment and discrimination.
The upside potential of the Mercury-Venus square Neptune pattern is to imagine and visualise what better world we can bring into human consciousness. Imagination and intuition – or buddhi, are the key elements of Neptune … The most potent manifestation of this pattern at the full moon is a mass awakening, something that has been going on for a while already, but perhaps an acceleration of that process.”23
Gemini also forms a point of entrance for cosmic energy transmitted from Sirius – the principle of Liberation. This pattern from the Gemini full moon festival was repeated at the new moon phase in Gemini – greatly magnified by the solar eclipse.
Sun, Moon and Mercury retrograde were all in a tight square to Neptune in Pisces. As stated earlier, the lower expression of Neptune is the point of least resistance for the masses, yet during this period of major planetary crisis and opportunity, its highest expression has great potential to inspire, awaken and evoke the intuition.
The second ray of Love-Wisdom is the only ray to pour through Gemini, a sign of right relations and one of the most important of the zodiac because its influence lies behind all 12 signs. Hence, why Gemini is also associated with the Cosmic Christ energy. As stated earlier and regularly (!), Neptune is one of the names for The Christ in the West, whose Reappearance among Humanity is imminent.
Therefore, at that Gemini new moon solar eclipse – the point of tension between the Gemini planets and Neptune offered a seed to access this higher consciousness, to bypass the glamour-inducing tendencies of lower Neptune – and how it has been used to inflate deception and propaganda on a global scale. In this respect, the G7 summit in Britain had a high potential, in this nation whose soul is Gemini:
“Leaders of the G7 + (USA, UK, Germany, France, Canada, Japan and Italy – plus the EU and, by invitation, Australia, India, South Korea, and South Africa) – are meeting at Carbis Bay in Cornwall, England – the same place where Wellesley Tudor Pole had a vision some 67 years ago. He saw the Archangel Michael behind a great cross over the Atlantic Ocean and a fiery golden chalice gradually taking over from the cross to become the symbol of the new age.”24
Well, let us hope some inspiration seeped into the consciousness of these world leaders, many of whom have been under the spell of the Great Deception. UK PM – Boris Johnson, is one of the worst offenders of lower Gemini lies and deceit.
Johnson’s erstwhile advisor Dominic Cummings (a multi-Sag) (See recent astro-analysis), is now spilling the beans on the government for whom he worked, making many accusations of how the PM and various ministers “lied their heads off”.
So perhaps Neptune in its role as the “universal solvent” is doing its work, eroding the houses of cards that have been flimsily constructed these past years. The USA is a Gemini personality, hence its close “special” relation to the UK. The propaganda (or should that be “poop-aganda?), on the UK’s G7 website had Johnson proselytising,
“As the most prominent grouping of democratic countries, the G7 has long been the catalyst for decisive international action to tackle the greatest challenges we face. From cancelling developing world debt to our universal condemnation of Russia’s annexation of Crimea, the world has looked to the G7 to apply our shared values and diplomatic might to create a more open and prosperous planet.”
Note the negative reference to Russia here, as the USA and UK continue to block Russia from participating in the esoteric triangle that is predicted to lead Humanity into the Aquarian Age. Further on the G7 website it says:
“Prime Minister Boris Johnson will use the UK’s G7 Presidency to unite leading democracies to help the world fight, and then build back better from coronavirus and create a greener, more prosperous future.”
Note the “build back better” mantram that all these leaders continually use in their united but errant campaign on coronavirus. May the truth virus emerge with greater, widespread clarity!
The Triangle of the Aquarian Age: Britain, Russia and the USA
(Putin and Biden met in Geneva on Wednesday, 16-6-21) nations’ graphics
“… there are three great fusing energies or vital centres present upon our planet:
1. Russia, fusing and blending eastern Europe and western and northern Asia.
2. The United States (and later South America), fusing and blending central and western Europe and the entire western hemisphere.
3. The British Empire, fusing and blending races and men throughout the entire world.
In the hands of these nations lies the destiny of the planet.”25
This subject has been commented upon several times, most notably in an article from 2015, The Combined Destiny of Russia, Britain and USA. One of the main reasons why there “lies the destiny of the planet” – is because two of these nations, Russia and the USA, have Aquarius as the conditioning energy of their respective national souls. Only one other nation has been given as embodying an Aquarian soul – The Netherlands.26
As Britain is one of the leading nations of the Fifth Rootrace, with its capital London embodying the planetary throat chakra (mind), Britain’s Gemini soul is in harmonious trine aspect to the Aquarian soul force of these two younger nations – USA and Russia. (USA is also a Gemini personality.)
As London is a Libra personality, it creates an air grand trine to Aquarius and Gemini that allows an harmonious flow of relationships between the three nations. The problem that is preventing this globally unifying triangle of nations from realising its destiny in world service – has been the revival of the cold war against Russia, with propaganda and demonisation of its actions and leaders.
Britain has been strongly influenced by the USA as well as the aggressive stance by NATO nations against Russia – with constant military exercises and threats. Russia is virtually surrounded by NATO nations or strategically placed military forces. Hence, Biden’s meeting with Putin was an opportunity for meditating groups to create an atmosphere of harmony that can help bring about better relations – and likewise into the future for all such meetings.
No matter what our views and opinions are about these nation’s leaders, imperfect and flawed as they are, the seeds of harmony between these nations have an opportunity to be sown. It is important to remember that this kind of subjective work upon the mental plane (which has already been undertaken by various spiritual groups), does not focus on the personalities involved; such an approach can tend to magnify the flaws within those personalities. The best approach is to create an harmonious atmosphere by directing energy rightly and in group co-operation – invoking the souls of nations, ignoring the personalities of their leaders.
One visualisation that some groups are using now, is to see this triangle of nations superimposed over the meeting place Geneva, the planetary heart centre – with a first ray soul (politics) and a second ray personality (Love-Wisdom), the latter which happens to be the soul ray of Britain and the USA.
Many of the world’s insoluble problems can only be solved at the subjective level, by the meditating groups of the New Group of World Servers; they can literally transform the crystallised thoughtforms within the planetary mental body – some of which are very ancient, thousands of years old. Those thoughtforms can be clairvoyantly seen as patches of dark clouds around the planet, such as a the very large one that is hovering over,
“… the entire area of the Near East and Europe—Greece, Yugoslavia, Turkey, Palestine, the Arab States, Egypt and Russia—are under a heavy overshadowing cloud.”27
As 2025 approaches, with the centennial conclave of Hierarchy and Shamballa, there is much to do to offset the onslaught of the Materialistic Forces upon Humanity. These methods of meditation by dedicated and organised groups are one of the key solutions to fighting this battle. Bear in mind The Tibetan’s amazing statement that WWII could have been avoided if groups of meditators had done the requisite work to diffuse the build-up of fascism in the 1930’s.
Boris Johnson’s G7 Intransigence
The recent full moon eclipse fell precisely on Johnson’s Mercury in Gemini, the ruler of his Gemini sun and arguably his most problematic planet – his penchant for lying and obfuscation.
In the natal chart, Mercury squares Chiron in Pisces, reflecting the wound of communication, especially the challenge to bring intellectual Mercury to express the empathy and compassion of Pisces; this square represents an inability to communicate in a way that harmonises with others.
This is ironic, as Johnson’s soul purpose is Libra rising – the sign of harmonisation and diplomacy – the latter for which he fell lamentably short at G7 – over Northern Ireland and Britain’s relationship with the EU.
The combination of Libra and Gemini can create an affable and approachable demeanour, a joker and a trickster – but often very shallow. At the G7, Libra ruler Venus was transiting through Cancer over Johnson’s midheaven (public, career), making a challenging square to his ascendant. It was the lunar return for Britain’s 1801 horoscope during that weekend in Cornwall, with the moon also in Cancer, triggering some recalcitrant behaviour – a hanging on to the past. In a 2018 newsletter, just after Britain’s moon in Cancer had been squared by transiting Pluto, it was stated:
“Perhaps Britain’s loss of its former imperialist glory has prompted it to withdraw from the European Union, in a vain attempt to grasp back something of the past; or its financial insecurity, mistrust of the EU, plain old greed – or several of these factors. The moon in Cancer is the most elevated body in the chart, giving it great power – reflecting an emotionally susceptible public – easily swayed despite the inherent pragmatism of the British people.”28
This non-event of G7 2021, besides displaying how all these nations are in blind lockstep with one another over Covid-19 and vaccinations – also highlights Britain’s stubborn Taurus personality, expressed as Mars in Taurus in the 1801 horoscope. Currently that great agent of change and revolution – Uranus, is passing back and forth over Mars until March 2022.
Time will tell how much effect this Uranus transit will have for Britain. The reforming forces of Uranus are working steadily to awaken everyone globally – in discerning truth from untruth, in this unprecedented era of propaganda and lies.
Mars Leaves Cancer and Enters Leo
When the planet of passion meets a passionate fire sign like Leo, there is certainly a recipe for fireworks – not necessarily as pretty lights in the sky! In Esoteric Astrology, Mars rules the solar plexus centre, seat of the astral body.
The transit of the God of War through the previous emotionally sensitive sign of Cancer was challenging, stirring up very deep feelings and attachments. Cancer is the place of Mars’ “fall” and can be characterised by angry frustration, intense moodiness, domestic disputes, devotion to loved ones etc. Mars is regarded as a “non-sacred” planet and therefore its transit in any sign highlights the unresolved dualities that everyone harbours.
In Leo, Mars tends to be forceful and aggressive, highly egotistical, competitive, energetic and creative; it gives leadership, courage and confidence as well as strong sexual urges, jealousy, possessiveness, argumentativeness and a forceful, dominating lower ego. Mars in Leo can be the drama queen par excellence, placed firmly at the centre of its “puniverse”.
Many of these descriptions are indicative of Mars’ dominance of the solar plexus centre, the home of the “animal brain” and kama-manas or “desire-mind”. Emotional attachments to ways of thinking may be revealed during this Mars transit through Leo (June 11 – July 29). For those cultivating awareness and consciousness in their lives, beware the tendency to fall in thrall of the “beast of personality” during this period, i.e. the shadow.
The key is vigilance and the cultivation of the Aquarian polarity, where lies a sense of greater needs beyond the little self – the tendency for a me-first, sense of entitlement attitude is accentuated with Mars in this position. So beware of Mars-ruled activities like driving – and what unfolds in the mundane places like the local supermarket – the Wholefoods parking lot!
The evolutionary journey demands that we shift from polarisation in the lower centres, to functioning in the higher centres; from the blinded personality to the illumined soul – enabling individual soul purpose to function through an integrated personality. Mars creates an acute awareness of what is unresolved within the three-fold personality, particularly in the biggest battleground for most – the astral body. Mars transiting through Leo offers an opportunity because the transfer of energy involves the solar plexus (Mars) to the heart (Leo). From fear to love, the conditional to the unconditional, self-centredness to selflessness – Leo to Aquarius.
The point of least resistance for most of humanity is oriented in the solar plexus – the status quo, the known, abode of the lower mind, impatience, reactivity, selfishness – not the clarity of higher thought or the patience of a loving heart. One visualisation tool is to see the angst, rage and conflict within the solar plexus – rising up to meet the purifying fires of the heart’s chalice – this will activate the courage and compassion of Leo the Lionheart.
Resist the temptation to react or force situations and defend the little ego; give pause for reflection and use the devotional forces of warrior Mars on behalf of the Higher Self. During this period transiting Mars will pass over the two pointer stars – Dubhe (nearest the pole star, Polaris) and Merak:
“The Pointer nearest to the Pole Star is expressive of a lower aspect of the will, which—in speaking of humanity—we call self-will … this Pointer and the energy emanating from it guides humanity upon the involutionary path, and is constantly active in its influence upon the man who is still upon the Mutable Cross.”29
Hence, when Mars passes over Dubhe (15 Leo 29) July 4-7 (USA’s birthday), it will be particularly stimulating of “self-will”, creating a greater awareness of that which lies unredeemed within any entity – an individual, group or nation. Later, Mars will pass over Merak (19 Leo 10) – furthest from the pole star:
“The Pointer furthest from the Pole Star in the constellation of the Great Bear. This is, esoterically speaking, a great reservoir or focal point for divine energy, carrying out God’s purpose … Then the energy of the Pointer furthest from the Pole Star begins to make its presence felt and a sense of right direction or guidance is registered by the disciple upon the Path, and such guidance (when followed) leads man nearer to the Hierarchy.”30
Israel’s New PM: Naftali Bennett
Israel’s new PM Naftali Bennett promises to unite nation (BBC)
In last month’s Gemini newsletter was a discussion, “Benjamin Netanyahu: Will Pluto be His Nemesis?” It appears that Pluto has dealt its death blow to “King Bibi” – and after twelve years at the helm, he did not go easily:
“After the confidence vote was announced, Benjamin Netanyahu went and sat back in the prime minister’s chair in the Knesset chamber. He had to be ushered to the opposition benches instead.”31
Will the ultra right-wing nationalist Naftali Bennett be any better? Has Israel gone from bad to worse? Reading Bennett’s Wikipedia profile may be somewhat disturbing – but not necessarily, some of the author’s Israeli friends attest:
“In recent months a change has happened in him. He overcame his aversion to Arabs, and is now cooperating with the Arab members of the coalition on eye level, publicly stating that he has met in the Arab party leader a wise and brave and strong man. He has come out to the demonstrators when it wasn’t clear yet if a new government would come about. His inauguration speech he spoke in the ‘we’ form, quite in juxtaposition to Bibi doing his kingly ‘I’ all through. It seems to me the guy has discovered group work.
My colleagues have exactly the same impression. This new government is built on the new principles of group cooperation and equality based on simple human to human relations beyond differences even of political opinions. It’s a tall order and it seems almost impossible. This weakness is also its strength – they all know that they HAVE to abide by right human relations among themselves for this to last. The other day they commended the women among them on their work of patiently finding solutions – when the men want to give up. We are all very curious about this experiment.”
Bennett is an Aries with Scorpio rising – both signs ruled by Mars, hence its placement in the last degree of Taurus conjunct the fixed star Alcyone (“The star of the individual … of intelligence”, is most important.
Bennett’s moon is in Leo, the same position as Israel’s moon, which has often been commented upon as Israel’s shadow, the Lion of Judah myth of its glorious past etc; his progressed sun in Taurus is uncannily, exactly conjunct Israel’s sun! Bennett’s Mars in the last degree of Taurus is almost exactly square to Israel’s Mars in late Leo – there is a recipe for a showdown, especially when transiting Mars triggers this aspect, July 24-30! Before that,transiting Mars will pass-over all of Israel’s other troublesome Leo planets – Saturn, Moon, Pluto.
Let us watch what unfolds in this most significant event in recent Israeli history. In the newsletter for last month’s Gemini, Israel, Netanyahu and the Palestinian Slaughter – there is given the most recent transits for Israel, the most promising of which states:
“Saturn [in Aquarius] is just touching upon the [Israel] ascendant now and is retrograding for a while before it crosses the ascendant proper in late January 2022. During this period of eight months, there is a faint hope that Israel might take pause for reflection – about the greater community it could build with the Palestinians and many other groups. That outcome however, may well be only a pipe-dream in many ways, but not impossible.”
This description (in italics), echoes the Israeli friends’ statement: “This new government is built on the new principles of group cooperation.”
The Cancer Solstice: Time and No Time
The Sun enters the sign of the Great Mother on June 21 – the solstice. “Sol-stice” means literally, “sun stands still’ because the Sun *appears* to rise in the same place for three days – having reached its maximum declination between the equator and the ecliptic. The four cardinal cross signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn – are “re-set” points of the year where the experiences of each quarter are assimilated and consolidated. Here is an opportunity for us to “stand still”, to take stock, make an interior review – in this transition from one quarter of the year to the next.
The solstice in Cancer is a doorway into birthing what began in Aries, the beginning of the new year, spiritually speaking. Is your *new year resolution* that was initiated in Aries, still on track for the remainder of the 12-month zodiac cycle? As the Sun is a measurer of time – and as time is an illusion, especially when the Sun *appears* to stand still, the solstice period is an opportunity to transcend the illusion of linear time, in which the whole world is immersed; to move into “no time” or “now time” – or the *eternal now* – into the deepest recesses of the heart.
Studying the astronomical diagram of the Celestial Sphere – the *ecliptic represents time*, as its invisible circle describes the year it takes for the Earth to move around the Sun. The *equator represents space* – the division made between the northern and southern hemispheres. These are the equinoxes and solstices – where space and time meet, bringing the possibility to transcend the illusion of space-time; they are initiatory doorways to align with the inner, timeless realms – the *real* world – devoid of maya.
That alignment is enabled by potent impulses from the Sun, our Solar Logos whose annual cycle marks these four cardinal points, reminding us of Earth’s relationship to the greater whole, its place within the family of planets in the solar system.
The Cancer solstice is the polar opposite of the Capricorn solstice, where the third climactic solstice day is celebrated at Christmas. The Cancer solstice is a no less important three-day festival celebrated from ancient times that can be utilised for quiet reflection and assimilation; for cultivating the psychic sensitivity and receptivity of Cancer; for appreciation of one’s biological family as well as the family of humanity; for communion and ritual with one’s “spiritual family”.
The presence of the seventh ray of Ceremonial Magic, Order or Organisation that passes through these four cardinal signs is quite marked. Hence the opportunity for group ritual at the solstices and equinoxes, invoking and anchoring these solar forces – furthering the “Planetary Plan”. To assist the invocation and assimilation of these forces, the work of the great devas, angels or archangels are present at these four cardinal points of the year – often leaving their mark in curious cloud formations and energy transmissions.
The Cancer-Capricorn axis is also a “double doorway” for entry of forces from that great star Sirius, regarded as the higher self” to our solar system. Hence, our Planetary Plan is not only linked to Earth’s harmonious integration with the other planets, but alignment with the cosmic forces of Sirius – the “Greater Plan”. The Earth has a special relation with this star which means when each human soul reaches Liberation, and is faced with the choice of the “Seven Cosmic Paths”, the majority will choose The Path to Sirius. Happy solstice!
The Solstice Bridge to the Full Moon
The Cancer solstice period from June 21-24 does not last for simply one day, it is a three-day event. The “sun stands still” because the Sun *appears* to rise in the same place for three days. Likewise, the opposite Capricorn solstice spans December 21-24, culminating on Christmas Day – representing in northern hemisphere symbolism, the re-emergence of the “Solar Hero”, the transfigured initiate, or Christ figure.
In northern symbolism, the Sun at the summer solstice has reached its apotheosis, its maximum declination or full solar strength – in the lunar-ruled sign of Cancer. The symbolism of Sun (spirit) blending with the Moon (matter) here is quite profound. During Cancer there is an abundance of life-giving Sun and crops are ripening to their fullest, hence this sign’s connection with nurturement and food. From this point on, the Sun continues to decline, just prior to the Sun-ruled, fire sign Leo, in July-August. The preceding months of heat built up, yield the hottest period of the year.
Similar to the Capricorn solstice and Christmas, the Cancer solstice on June 21, happens to culminate on the exact time of the Cancer full moon solar festival on June 24. This fortunate coincidence links these two major events, providing an opportunity to “stand still” and prepare meditatively for the full moon period – which is always 2.5 days before and after the exact full moon.
Hence, already we are in the full moon approach, magnified by the “solstice bridge”, that assists in the transcendence of the illusion of time, giving access the Eternal Now: Here the lunar rulership of Cancer is replaced by soul ruler Neptune, the principle of buddhi or intuition. Intuition dispels illusion.
“Illusion is based upon the thoughtform-building activity of the lower mind. The masses are just beginning to use that lower mind and illusion is, therefore, for them a necessary stage of testing and training and one through which they must pass or they will lose much valuable experience, leaving undeveloped their powers of discrimination.
… It is essential consequently that the masses are taught the significance of illusion and be trained to see and choose the kernel of pure truth in any presentation of truth with which they may be confronted.
It is essential likewise that the *world intuitives* learn to use and control and understand the faculty of spiritual perception, of divine isolation and appropriate response which characterises the intuition.”32
Phillip Lindsay © 2021.
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Stripe is supported in many countries. Books by Phillip Lindsay
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.323. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.323. [↩]
- A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. pp.899-900. [↩]
- A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p.899. [↩]
- A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p.899. [↩]
- A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p.900-1. [↩]
- A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p.896-7. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. pp.317-8. [↩]
- The Secret Doctrine II, H.P. Blavatsky. p.165 fn. [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.343. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.342. [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- Esoteric [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.71. [↩]
- A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p.427. [↩]
- [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.158. [↩]
- A Treatise on White Magic, Alice A. Bailey. p.439. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.207. [↩]
- [↩]
- Joleen Du Bois, wisdom teacher. [↩]
- The Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.104. [↩]
- The Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.67. [↩]
- The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. p.430. [↩]
- [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.196. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.196-7. [↩]
- Israel’s new PM Naftali Bennett promises to unite nation (BBC) [↩]
- Glamour: A World Problem, Alice A. Bailey. p.177. [↩]
Bennett’s chart shows two grand trines in the form of a Star of David.
Brilliant! This newsletter helped me to ‘joint a few dots’, as I have Moon, Sun and Ascendant, all in the water signs. It put me back on the road, after wandering deep into some rabbit holes.
Thanks for that.
Vera Vostinar
I was surprised to discover that I have the same sun, moon and venus placements as Nelson
Mandela, Since I am interested in Palestinian rights and peace in Israel/Palestine I found the
commentary on the new coalition govt and Prime Minister Bennett very encouraging. Also
fascinated about the US, UK and Russia forming a triangle important for the New Age, and the
important work of the New Group of World Servers for a better world outcome.
May Julian Assange, who is dedicated to bringing truth to humanity, be freed !
What a great newsletter, my brother! It gives food for thought and at the same time makes clear many things considering the world situation. It is a “weird coincidence” that many of the things you are referring to, were also included by me into the conferences I am giving in Greece concerning women and the energ of creation. Of course I was talking to an audience which was not “initiated” to the esoteric teachings, yet the goal was to inspire towards this. Below you can the find the link of the video I made. Feel free to use any kind of info you want, if there is any.
Thank you again for sharing your insights!!!
A great video Vasilis, I just watched it all and can heartily recommend it.
Woman- The Last Hope of the World
This video “Freedom” by Akiane is wonderful …., how beauty emerges through creativity is fantastic. Thank you for sharing Phillip, it is a video full of Love.
Truly this very subjective creativity is a deeply human quality.
I remember one person, (who had contacted the Pleiadians), saying that They admired our ability to make music from our subjective “inner world”, whereas They had to use and mix the harmonies, sounds emitted by the objective planets or “outer worlds” in order to make music.
This surprised me …, I realized how important 4R is for humanity. It is a conscious synthesis (Mercury – Budhi, the antakarana).
Notice that in the chapter of EA, “chapter IV the sacred planets and no sacred planetes” in the relation the centers and the rays the Tibetan Master does not name Mercury among the 7 centers …, and this is so because Mercury is at the same time “the way and the wayfarer”.
Mercury is in the 7 as “the son of the mind”, the Soul.
If I may Phillip, by analogy Mercury can be a 4R Soul with a 5R Personality. Intuition concretized. In the human being this is reflected as the Antakarana or concretized subtle body. In the video as intuition from which the concretized form arises, “man with torch”. A process, as seen in the difficulty of the work, not without experience, doubts or conflict.
Without a doubt this is a 4R process, reflected in Akiane’s horoscope through Scorpio. Pluto and Jupiter, in Scorpio, rule the whole of Pisces, where Saturn is the ruler of Capricorn/Neptune-Uranus.
Her generosity, or karmic root, talents already acquired, is clearly written in the immense power of Cancer, a quality that must transit the Light of Capricorn, surely to, in the maturity of his life, reach the third initiation. The video speaks of a discipline, talent and light within the reach of very few.
Watching the video you can breathe the loneliness of the disciple.
Akiane’s birth chart suggests that to achieve freedom she must understand that her immense creative power must be shared in society, friends, or relationships. Surely for the great artists, always immersed in their intimate worlds full of creativity, this is a challenge. In this case the role of Mercury (hierarchical ruler of Scorpio) in Gemini for her will be (or is) of great help.
Sorry for putting so much emphasis on Akiane but the video has surprised me, I have never seen a creative process in this close way.
As always Phillip congratulations on your work, it is extensive and generous!