Cancer 2022: Lighted House. Solstice Circles. Mother Earth Resources. NATO. UK PM. Financial Crisis.
Cancer Keynote
“I build a lighted house and therein dwell”.
(Full moon: July 13, 2022. 18.37 UT)
What is Cancer’s “Lighted House”?
Circles at the Solstice: Mother of the Whirled
___Cancer-Capricorn: Sirius
Cancer: Management of Earth’s Resources
___Climate Change
___Fuel “Shortages”
___Fishing and Farming
___The Zero Carbon Problem
___Weather Modification, Geo-Engineering
Venus in Gemini (June 23 to July 18)
NATO: USA’s Aries Attack Dog
___Prof. John J. Mearsheimer
Boris Bails: Johnson and Britain’s Political Crisis
Cancer, Money and the Looming Financial Crisis
What is Cancer’s “Lighted House”?
The lighted house is the causal body, home of the Ego or soul – built over many lifetimes from the extracted essences of every incarnation. These essences are sometimes called sattvas, representing an harmonised quality of knowledge that has been gleaned through incarnation, spanning the whole spectrum of human experience.
“By the bringing together … of Spirit and matter, and their coherence by means of force (spiritual will) – that objective system, the causal body, is being produced; it is the product of transmuted desire, whose characteristic (when fully demonstrated) will be love, the expression eventually on the physical plane of buddhi.”1
Hence, with each incarnation, the soul assumes expanded knowledge and understanding, wisdom and love – the latter quality being the essential nature of the soul, not yet fully realised but glimpsed at many intervals.
This expanded knowledge pertains to the fact that the causal body is located upon the higher three subplanes of the mental plane, also known as the higher mind or abstract mind.
The higher three subplanes, counting from above down, correlate to the three main qualities of Will, Love and Intelligence. Also within the causal body reside the 12 petals of the egoic lotus (the heart chakra), that are gradually unfolded over thousands of incarnations – in different bodies, cultures, nations and rootraces.
The first tier of three knowledge petals, the second tier of three love petals and the third tier of three sacrifice petals. Again, we have the “three aspects” of intelligence-knowledge, love and will-sacrifice. The inner bud of three petals are the last to unfold, leading up to the fourth initiation when Liberation is reached, the causal body is destroyed and monadic consciousness is achieved:
“The light blazes forth, irradiating the causal body, and lighting up the entire sutratma, or thread (literally the Path) which connects the causal vehicle with the physical brain. Then disintegration or destruction ensues; the causal body vanishes in a blaze of electrical fire, and the real “man” or self is abstracted from the three world-bodies.”2
An analogy might be the cultivation of a rose bush with all its thorny branches of experience over countless lifetimes, that leads to opening of its flower, releasing the soul’s aroma. Similarly with the lotus flower, its roots deep in the mud of obscurity, with its flower floating upon the surface. The rose is more of a Western symbol, whilst the lotus is of the East.
“Is the house you are building yet lit? Is it a lighted house, or is it a dark prison? If it is a lighted house, you will attract to its light and warmth all who are around you and the magnetic pull of your soul, whose nature is light and love, will save many.
If you are still an isolated soul, you will have to pass through the horrors of a more complete isolation and loneliness, treading alone the dark way of the soul. Yet this isolation, this loneliness and this separation in the dark night are all part of the Great Illusion.
It is, however, an illusion into which the whole of humanity is now precipitated in preparation for unity, freedom and release. Some are lost in the illusion and know not what is reality and truth.
Others walk free in the world of illusion for the purposes of saving and lifting their brothers, and if you cannot do this, you will have to learn so to walk.”3
Circles at the Solstice: Mother of the Whirled
June 21 is the northern hemisphere summer solstice, the first degree of Cancer – when the Earth’s pole is at maximum tilt toward the Sun – at its highest position in the sky, yielding the longest daylight.
As the Earth is oriented to the northern pole star (Polaris), the symbolism of the Solar Logos and its life-giving rays – physically and spiritually, applies to the entire planet. We are all “children of the sun” – this fiery orb that is esoterically regarded as the progeny of a still greater sun – Sirius.
This crop circle appeared on June 19, heralding the sol-stice (“sun stands still”) and simply interpreted, resembles the Sun with its rays emanating in all directions. In this first degree of Cancer, symbolic of Mother Earth and the bounty that she gives every year, as golden wheat in the field ripens to its fullness.
The importance of ritual and ceremony is always important in the four cardinal points – the two solstices and two equinoxes, marked by the cardinal cross signs of Cancer-Capricorn, Aries-Libra.
One ray that passes through Cancer is the third ray – the “mother” ray that gives birth to the form. The other ray is the seventh of Ceremonial Order or Magic – one of the rays to pass through or is associated with all four cardinal cross signs, hence the power of ritual ceremonies that anchor spirit in matter – at ceremonies or sacred sites all around the world.
The seventh ray of ceremonial order or magic, the ray of organisation – builds and births geometrical blueprints of consciousness; it is the ray is the ray of sacred geometry – and also the personality ray of London. The area of Wiltshire (“crop circle ground zero”) – can be seen to be within the aura of London, one of the five major planetary centres.
This crop circle at Hackpen Hill is near the famous White Horse, the location of another formation a few weeks previous. The white horse is a symbol from the Hindu tradition of Kalki Avatar and also the Christ, the Rider on the White Horse – from the Book of Revelations.
The proximity of these circles to the white horse is a reminder that His return is imminent some time after 2025. The following passage from Revelation brings to mind another passage where the Christ (The Prince of Peace) says, “I have not come to bring peace but a sword” – in other words, bringing a stern realignment to spiritual law:
“Now I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse. And He who sat on him was called Faithful and True … his eyes were like a flame of fire, and on His head were many crowns … Now out of His mouth goes a sharp sword, that with it He should strike the nations. And He Himself will rule them with a rod of iron.”
There are always many interpretations of circles, such is their deeply subjective nature that stimulate intuitive impressions. There are ten spokes or “rays” to the central sun in this pictogram, 10 being the number of perfection where there is a perfect union between the “masculine” 1 and the “feminine” 0.
Cancer-Capricorn: Sirius
10 is also the tenth sign Capricorn (polar opposite to Cancer) – the sign of the winter solstice and also of initiation, where a relative perfection has been achieved though one initiation or another, on the way to ultimate liberation through the various stages of the Path:
“Cancer—Capricorn—Saturn (which are an expression of Sirian energy) enable the aspirant to tread the Path of Purification, of Probation. These energies focus and qualify the energy of the Great Lodge of the Most High in that distant Sun.
They pour through the Hierarchy upon the mass of men and enable the unit in that mass to “isolate himself and turn his back upon the past and find his way on to that section of the Path wherein he learns to feel.”4
“Learning to feel” is partly about Cancerian emotional sensitivity, but it also concerns the higher faculty of intuition or direct knowledge (buddhi) – that finds its point of least resistance in the watery astral body: Learning to feel – learning to evoke and trust the intuition, beyond the mind.
Neptune as god of the waters, is appropriately the esoteric ruler of the sea creature, Cancer the Crab – and the salty matrix from where all life emerged. Neptune is the most potent astrological significator of buddhi, rules the astral body and has a close association with the heart.
The forces of Sirius pour through seven zodiac signs (as detailed here), but the sequence of Gemini, Cancer and Leo is very significant – because that which begins in Gemini reaches fruition in Leo:
“Gemini … is cosmically related … to Sirius. Gemini forms a point of entrance for cosmic energy from Sirius … Cancer … enables the aspirant to tread the Path of Purification … wherein he learns to feel … Leo is the month of the Dog-star, or of Sirius … to which it brings him, as a humble disciple.
Later … the major monthly festival in August, held at the time of the full moon, will be dedicated to the task of making contact, via the Hierarchy, with Sirian force.”5
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Cancer: Management of Earth’s Resources
The following material attempts to cover the myriad issues that Humanity is confronted with today. There is no attempt to necessarily present any solutions to these complex problems (although many are obvious and simple) – and is limited to go into greater depth. Yet, some of the main issues are covered and how many of them are being used selfishly by some groups.
Cancer is a sign of Mother Earth and the bounty that she offers to humanity. Any mother knows what it takes to manage resources when raising a family!

A perfect symbol for Cancer, the Cornucopia – from Latin cornu (horn) and copia (abundance), horn of plenty, symbol of abundance and nourishment. Commonly a large horn-shaped container overflowing with produce, flowers, or nuts.
Two rays pass through Cancer, the third ray of active intelligence and the seventh ray of organisation, both of which are present in the opposite sign of Capricorn, also a sign of resource and money management.
Cancer is the mother and Capricorn is the father, and there is the family foundation. The tendency to hoard and amass in Cancer, meets disciplined organisation and control in Capricorn.
The relation of mother and father is depicted by another sign of the cardinal cross – Libra, a pre-eminent sign of committed partnerships and money/prana – weighed in the balance for transaction. The conflict that might ensue in the relationship is symbolised by Libra’s polar opposite, Mars-ruled Aries.
The Earth’s resources have been plundered for millenia – humans driven by fear, greed and the consequent amassing of personal wealth. The side-effects from this “rape and pillage” of the planet has brought Humanity to the sad state it is in today – with massive pollution of the earth, water and air.
Mother Earth groans in despair as she labours constantly to redress the imbalances brought about by ignoramus humanity – a humanity that is essentially disconnected from Nature.
Climate Change
“The water wars have begun: the state is simply turning off the water to farms and ranches, depriving them of water needed to grow food and raise animals. This will create food shortages by design, in order to then point at the massive problem and declare, “its global warming!
We NEED climate lockdowns! We MUST move to absolute zero carbon emissions! We HAVE to take away private ownership of cars! You HAVE to eat fake meat and move to post-animal economy! …. The WEF’s Global Water Initiative is an agenda to centralise and privatise control of the world’s water supply, and how these engineered droughts are the lynchpin in the climate agenda and the takeover of food.”6
Earth’s exploitation and resulting pollution has certainly contributed to climate change, yet this theme has also been seized upon and exaggerated by selfish interests – in order to create more fear and control around the planet – to suit certain agendas.
It has been argued by many scientists that there is no climate change emergency, whilst institutions like NASA state that the vast majority of actively publishing climate scientists – 97% – agree that humans are causing global warming and climate change. Many refute this number, seemingly pulled out of thin air and bandied about:
“The 97 percent claim is a deliberate misrepresentation designed to intimidate the public—and numerous scientists whose papers were classified by Cook protested: “Cook survey included 10 of my 122 eligible papers. 5/10 were rated incorrectly. 4/5 were rated as endorse rather than neutral.”—Dr. Richard Tol.
“That is not an accurate representation of my paper . . .”—Dr. Craig Idso. “Nope . . . it is not an accurate representation.” —Dr. Nir Shaviv. “Cook et al. (2013) is based on a strawman argument . . .” —Dr. Nicola Scafetta.7
Climate change appears to be the next Covid-19 in the WEF’s toolbox – part of their push for the “great reset”, as a pretext to control human behaviour. Technocratic “experts” have determined as such – imposing another “glamour of scientific authority” that will be “good for you … for a greener earth”.
The various untruths and spin around climate change is a difficult one to dislodge – because of the many threads of truth blended with many shades of grey. Discernement and discrimination is difficult. The subject is also politically charged, especially in the USA, where “climate deniers” are relegated to the Republican party, and those who push for “zero carbon” and progressive outlooks on climate, are in the Democrat camp.
A recent US supreme court ruling against the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) power to regulate emissions from fossil fuel-fired power plants, has caused an uproar – labelled “a devastating outcome by environmental lawyers, climate scientists and activists alike”.
Fuel “Shortages”
Meanwhile, Washington’s policy toward Russia and NATO’s foolish poking of the Russian bear, has skyrocketed fuel prices around the world, forcing greater economic hardship upon everyone. Already in Europe now, supermarket bills are up by 40% in some cases, fuel is €2.25/litre or US$8.80/gallon. Price gouging has reared its ugly head and its practice is widespread.
In other words, it has been claimed that high prices are related to a shortage of fuel or disruption of the supply chain, when in fact no such thing has occurred; it is literally “highway robbery” by oil companies taking advantage of the situation. And meanwhile the silent public “doth not protest”, quite willing to pay the price for personal freedom, convenience and essential living. But how long will that last?
Several weeks ago, oil prices were around US$130/barrel and since have dropped to around $110/barrel (July 5), yet the price at the pump has continued to rise. Even US president Biden, who might be unaware of the irony and contradictions of the situation that he helped create, and who also said it was worth it (regarding Russia) to pay higher gas prices, said:
“My message to the companies running gas stations and setting prices at the pump is simple: this is a time of war and global peril. Bring down the price you are charging at the pump to reflect the cost you’re paying for the product. And do it now.”8
Fishing and Farming
It is estimated that the fishing industry in Britain is about to collapse – because the price of diesel is so high that fisherman cannot afford to break clear – the catch versus overheads. (Rising diesel prices push UK’s fishing industry to the brink.)
Dutch farmers have recently shut off access to supermarket distribution centers, to protest the government’s green reforms – such as slashing the use of nitrogen oxide and ammonia by 50%. Farmers have blocked several warehouses across the country, and as a result, food trucks cannot use many of the distribution centers.9 Many of these initiatives for cleaner and greener are certainly needed. Humans getting off meat-eating might also be a healthy alternative over the coming centuries, that ultimately runs parallel to their spiritual evolution.
But the way this dictatorial forcing of a corporate narrative upon farmers and fishermen is heavy-handed, lacking any planning, creative solutions or right relationships. Groups like the WEF and people like Bill Gates want to ban meat, replacing it with synthetic meat, and Big Ag (-riculture) is forcing many independent farmers off the land, giving them incentives to not plant or even plough their crops back into the field.
Gates is also intent on pushing 100% synthetic meat products, while he buys up record acres of farmland and monopolizes global food production. Gates is now the largest owner of farming land in the USA – 270,000 acres!
Why is there no consideration of alternative vegetable protein sources, why the technocratic obsession with protein grown in lab, when he owns huge tracts of arable farmland?
“The indoor vertical farming industry, which is a highly-innovative and efficient method is being funded by Bill Gates and pushed by the World Economic Forum as a replacement to conventional outdoor farming.”10
Big Pharma unites with Big Farmer – where companies like the infamous Monsanto are, “creating specially-tailored genetically-cut seeds … and UCLA is developing a plant-based mRNA vaxxine that farms can grow in heads of lettuce…”.11
Why? Critics say that companies responsible for the alteration of human cells and genes created by vaccinations and other drugs, are now trying to “bake-in” these biologically manipulative technologies – into the food chain.
There is obviously no need to meddle with nature, it manages very well if humans work intelligently with it. We witness today how arrogant Technocracy strays far from Mother Nature, trying to play god – in medicine, technology, sciences and basic human needs, such as the growing of nutritious food and the right to clean water.
Curently many corporations like Coca Cola and Pepsico, are buying up water resources all over the world – in a bid to gain greater control over water and its sale. Recently Coca Cola was involved in a scandal relating to theft of water in Mt. Tambourine, Australia, during a drought.
Coca Cola calls its self a “conserver and steward of water”, when in fact it is simply a profit-driven monopoliser. At this link they discuss their Water Security Strategy 2030, sounding very similar to the timeline of the WEF and UN agendas.
The hour of need is urgent, and action must be taken to prevent these controls from unfolding. Otherwise Humanity will be sentenced to a gradual weakening and destruction of the human form – and a 1,000 years of slavery and serfdom.
Can we imagine the chaos and civil unrest that will unfold in the world’s major cities if the basic staples of food fail to deliver? In the past few months, bodies such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the European Commission (EC) have been warning about civil unrest and violent protests through food shortages – engineered, or through genuine supply chain issues. Both of these bodies are part of the problem through their encouragement, demonisation and sanctioning of Russia, who they blame for food shortages.
Another spinoff of the WEF/UN/WHO program for agriculture and food is the encouragement of eating insects for protein!
“Four primary schools in Wales will be piloting a scheme educating children on “alternative proteins” from sources such as insects. Crickets, grasshoppers, silkworms, locusts and mealworms will all be discussed with children in Pembrokeshire, with the view of potentially offering them as an alternative protein.”12
In the name of reducing meat consumption, the madness continues – as UK’s Sainsbury’s is the first British supermarket chain to stock edible insects, “in a bid to boost sustainable food sources that produce fewer greenhouse gases”.13
Again, utter rubbish – a veritable pile of compost! What about a rich protein diet of olives, avocados, beans, lentils, chickpeas, quinoa, wild rice, various nuts, brussel sprouts and broccoli – to name a few?
Why the weird diversion into insect exotica and why are these powers not talking about vegetable alternatives that have existed since the dawn of time? A similar thing happened globally when no supplement, or nutritional advice to boost immunity, was given during the Covid crisis.
The fake meat/insects advocates’ reasons are blatantly false, incongruous, illogical and flat-out idiotic. Disingenuous and deceptive excuses to prevent people eating meat. Let the meat-eaters of the world have their freedom to choose or be allowed to consider vegetarian protein alternatives, but not forced to.
Again, like vaccines, Humanity is being bullied by more whacko ideas from the likes of WEF, foisted upon them by that great praying mantis (or is that preying mantis?) – Klaus Schwab and his cronies.
Ice Age Farmer, Christian Westbrook has done a lot of impressive work in this area – his interview with RFK Jr. here is instructive – Hostile Takeover of Global Food System Already in Process:
“Recent challenges around the availability and production of food are the result of a generations-long plan that began with the “Rockefeller takeover of agriculture.” Since then we have seen a “gradual destruction of the way humans have grown food since the dawn of time,” Westbrook said, “replacing it with what we now call modern, but highly toxic, petrochemical agriculture.
The Rockefeller Foundation and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation have long been pushing the idea of a Green Revolution, founded on the idea that animals and plants are “dirty and dangerous,” said Westbrook. These groups’ goal is to industrialize our food supply and even “patent and own the very genetics that make up our entire ecosystem,” he said.”14
Companies like Du Pont and Monsanto have been involved in these practices since the 1970’s. Humanity has today reached the point where it has to seriously think about food self-sufficiency – growing their own food – independently, in community food gardens or co-ops.
But this is not encouraged in many countries, converting your front lawn into a vegetable patch has attracted law enforcement and fines from the local council. What, for growing food on your own property?
Food available in supermarkets is severely lacking in primary elements, due to farming mono-culture, the over-use of fertilisers, pesticides, polluted water and denatured soil.
In the late 70’s and early 80’s, yours truly studied all the Permaculture material, sold organic fertiliser and performed colorimetric analysis soil tests for farmers; also testing for sugar content of fruit and vegetables at Sydney’s Flemington Markets – the average reading was about 40% of optimum levels. No wonder Humanity struggles with its health and natural immunity!
It was well known in the 1970’s what some Big Ag companies were doing: The hybridising of seeds, so that they cannot reproduce their own seeds. Hence farmers are forced to buy the patented hybrid seeds every year to sow a new crop – and also purchase the fertilisers/pesticides – to which the genetically modified seed is designed to respond! Due to these predatory practices, many farmers lost their livelihood, especially in India where the suicide rate skyrocketed.
“Biodiversity is the variability that exists among all living organisms, between different species, within species including genetic makeup, and in wider ecosystems. Billions of people rely on wild species for food, clean water, energy, income and health and wellbeing.”15
Weather patterns such as drought cycles can severely impact biodiversity. These cycles have been traced back for thousands of years in the USA and other nations – indicating that they are part of a natural pattern that is not dependent upon modern day industrial activity. Though of course, the polluting side-effects of the latter do not help!
The current Great Salt Lake drought in Utah has brought water levels to their lowest in recorded history. The past 20 years has seen temperatures increase, wildfires and a decreasing water supply, partly due to dry winters where not enough snow falls on the mountains to melt in the summer.
Two severe droughts occurred in the USA 5,500 – 7,000 years ago. Other notable droughts include the Fairbank Drought of 500 BC and the Whitewater Drought of 330 C.E. There were also megadroughts in central and western USA between 900 – 1300, one in the American Southwest lasting 23 years from 1276–1299.
The obvious point here is that cycles which come and go cannot be simply atttributed to modern man-made causes such as the pollutants from fossil fuels and industry.
This is where it is easy to manipulate the grey area between long term cycles and recent industrial causes – to put an alarmist spin on climate change that forces humanity to obey various agendas. This is not to minimise either the truly perilous environmental position the planet is in today.
Animal species disappear during these periods, temporarily or permanently. Like all kingdoms, forms come and go, according to ray cycles which condition those forms.
Some species may disappear because they have achieved evolutionary goals, coming back on other ray cycles to assume another form or even, for the most advanced of animal species such as cats, dogs, elephants etc. – a human form, when the “gate” opens once again for that opportunity. One of these ray cycles that is already particularly strong is the current seventh ray cycle:
“The third effect of the coming in of this ray [the seventh ray of ceremonial magic] is one that may at first repel—it will cause a great destruction in the animal kingdom. During the next few hundred years many of the old animal forms will die out and become extinct. To supply the wants of man, through disease, and through causes latent in the animal kingdom itself, much destruction will be brought about.
It must ever be borne in mind that a building force is likewise a destroying one, and new forms for the animal evolution are, at this time, one of the recognized needs. The immense slaughter in America is part of the working out of the plan. [Bison, whales (?), deer, cattle for meat consumption etc.]
The inner life or fire which animates the animal groups, and which is the life expression of an Entity, will, under this seventh [ray] influence, blaze up and burn out the old, and permit the escape of the life, to newer and better forms.16
“… One of the recognised facts in the realm of natural science has been the cyclic change in the fauna and flora of our planet. Animals, plentiful and familiar many thousands of years ago, are now extinct, and by means of their bones we endeavour to reconstruct their forms.
Flowers and trees that once covered the surface of our planet have now entirely disappeared and only their fossilized remains are left to indicate to us a vegetation vastly different to that which we now enjoy.”17
Hence, when scientists cite statistics such as Britain’s 8,431 species – with 1,188 threatened by extinction, it is not necessarily a man-made disaster and can be manipulated to create unnecessary guilt that suits certain interest groups. There is a great mystery that exists with the karma of the animal kingdom:
“It is the karma and destiny of the fourth kingdom [human] to be the impressing agent for the third [animal]; the problem is complicated, however, by the fact that the animal kingdom antedates the human and had, therefore, generated a measure of karma—both good and evil—prior to the appearance of mankind. The “impressing process” carried forward by humanity is modified and often negated by two factors:
1. Human ignorance and selfishness, plus inability to work consciously and intelligently with the embryonic minds within animal forms; this is true except in a few (a very few) cases which involve the domestic animals.
When humanity is itself further advanced, its intelligent impression upon the consciousness of the animal kingdom will produce planetary results. At present this is not so. It will only come when the animal kingdom (as a result of human understanding) becomes invocative.
2. The self-generated karma of the animal kingdom which is largely being worked off in its relation to mankind today. The karmic entity—holding a type of rule within the third kingdom—is a part of the planetary Dweller on the Threshold.
The Lord of the Moon chain and the Lord of our present animal kingdom are “blood brothers” and in their relationship and the esoteric interference of the “Man of Men” (the human family personified) is hidden the mystery of present animal karma and the slaughter of animal forms, the terror of wild beasts and the work of vivisectionists.”18
The Zero Carbon Problem
A huge subject with many different perspectives, so just a brief taste in this newsletter! William Engdahl, a best-selling author on oil and geopolitics, says:
“An astonishing transformation of the economies of the world’s most advanced industrial economies is underway and gaining momentum. The heart of the transformation is energy, and the absurd demand for “zero carbon” energy by 2050 or before. To eliminate carbon from the energy industry is not at this time, or perhaps ever, possible.
But the push for it will mean tearing apart the world’s most productive economies. Without a viable industrial energy base, NATO countries become a military joke. We cannot speak of “renewable” energy for solar, wind and battery storage. We must speak of Unreliable Energy. It is one of the most colossal scientific delusions in history.”19
The WEF (World Economic Forum) was one of the initiators of policy for “net zero carbon” by 2050 – something that sounds far in the future and is hence largely ignored. Yet transformations in countless economies, are setting the stage for creation of what in the 1970’s was called the New International Economic Order:
“In reality it is a blueprint for a global technocratic totalitarian corporativism, one that promises huge unemployment, deindustrialization and economic collapse by design.”20
And that ubiquitous techno-villain Bill Gates, naturally weighs in with his 2 cents worth:
“As awful as this pandemic is, climate change could be worse… The relatively small decline in emissions this year makes one thing clear: We cannot get to zero emissions simply—or even mostly—by flying and driving less.” ((
The Global Warming lobby has determined that the best solution for mankind is to eliminate hydrocarbons – including petroleum, natural gas, coal and even the “carbon free” nuclear electricity by 2050.
All this to avoid 1.5 to 2 degree Centigrade rise in average world temperatures. William Engdahl regards it as a cover for a “diabolical ulterior agenda” – what the “normies” would label “conspiracy theory”:
“Around the turn of the millennium as the previous solar-led warming cycle was no longer evident, Al Gore and others shifted the narrative in a linguistic sleight-of-hand to “Climate Change,” from Global Warming. Now the fear narrative has gotten so absurd that every freak weather event is treated as “climate crisis.” Every hurricane or winter storm is claimed as proof that the Climate Gods are punishing us sinful CO2 emitting humans.
But wait. The entire reason for the transition to alternative energy sources such as solar or wind, and abandoning carbon energy sources, is their claim that CO2 is a greenhouse gas that somehow goes up to the atmosphere where it forms a blanket that supposedly warms the Earth below—Global Warming. Greenhouse gas emissions according to the US Environmental Protection Agency come mostly from CO2. Hence the focus on “carbon footprints.”
What is almost never said is that CO2 cannot soar up into the atmosphere from car exhaust or coal plants or other manmade origins. Carbon dioxide is not carbon or soot. It is an invisible, odorless gas essential to plant photosynthesis and all life forms on earth, including us. CO2 has a molecular weight of just over 44 while air (mainly oxygen and nitrogen) has a molecular weight of only 29.
The specific gravity of CO2 is some 1.5 times greater than air. That would suggest that CO2 exhaust gases from vehicles or power plants do not rise into the atmosphere some 12 miles or more above Earth to form the feared greenhouse effect.” ((
The terms “global warming” and “sustainable development” were coined by Canadian oil man, Maurice Strong who promoted the idea that emissions from transport vehicles and coal plants caused global temperature rises that threatened civilisation. Strong was a promoter of population reduction and lowering living standards to “save the environment” which today has morphed into the Great Reset or UN Agenda 2030. Strong also advanced the claim that manmade CO2 emissions would create irreversible ecological catastrophe. A co-worker of Strong’s, Dr Alexander King – admitted the exaggeration of environmental agenda some years later:
“In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill … All these dangers are caused by human intervention and it is only through changed attitudes and behaviour that they can be overcome. The real enemy, then, is humanity itself.”21
Another part of the above article by William Engdahl is worth reading: Alternative Energy Disaster – regarding how Germany has created great “self harm” trying to achieve zero carbon. The article was written in 2021, well before the huge gas shortage which this nation faces in 2022, due to NATO policy on Russia:
“The strategy has been an economic catastrophe. Going from having one of the industrial world’s most stable low-cost and reliable electric generation grids, today Germany has become the world’s most expensive electric generator.”
Also in this article, Angela Merkel advisor Joachim Schnellnhuber – declared that “science” has now determined that the maximum carrying capacity of a “sustainable” human population was some six billion fewer people – also declared by many other eugenicists – Gates, WEF etc:
“In a very cynical way, it’s a triumph for science because at last we have stabilized something –- namely the estimates for the carrying capacity of the planet, namely below one billion people.”22
Weather Modification
“Climate engineering, or commonly geo-engineering, is deliberate and large-scale intervention in the Earth’s climate system.
The main category of climate engineering is solar geo-engineering or solar radiation management. Solar geo-engineering, or solar radiation modification, would reflect some sunlight (solar radiation) back to space to limit or reverse human-caused climate change.23
As referenced earlier when discussing drought cycles, record temperatures seen in recent decades are not new – they were recorded or discovered in the 19th century and much earlier. Cycles of weather over immense periods – come and go, ice-ages, pole-shifts etc. – all contribute to anomalies and perturbations in the weather. Earth climate is constantly changing, correlated to changes in the emission of solar flares or sunspot cycles.
There are 11-year sunspot cycles where the sun’s magnetic field reverses itself, 22-year solar cycles, the “grand solar minimum”, 350-400-year solar cycles, “super grand solar cycles” over 2,000-2,100 years etc.
Man-made meddling with the weather – or geo-engineering, is one of the “invisible” problems that has contributed to imbalances in the planetary weather system. Geo-engineering has been going on since at least the 1960’s, mostly unknown to the general public – and without permission from the voting public of the major democracies.
And because it is largely unknown, though acknowledged by plenty of academics and politicians, it is yet another theme that is classed as “conspiracy theory” – because it lays outside general public comprehension; and because the program proponents would prefer to keep humanity in the dark and not have to deal with challenges to their dubious experiments.
However, China is very open about its cloud-seeding program in the next few years – where it hopes to cause precipitation of rain and snow, over an area of 1.6 million square kilometers – or three times the size of Spain!
Researchers believe that a fleet of specially-designed aircraft could spray sulfate particles into the lower stratosphere to cool down the planet and offset the effects of climate change. This program is related to recent, infamous accusations that Bill Gates wants to “block out the sun”. (This “Gates guy” just keeps on popping up everywhere!):
“Proponents of so-called solar geo-engineering, such as tech billionaire Bill Gates, say techniques intended to block a portion of the solar radiation reaching the planet ought to be considered. Gates himself has put his money where his mouth is, backing a Harvard University experiment to look at the effect of spraying particles into the stratosphere to, in theory, create a global cooling effect.”
Thankfully a global coalition – the Solar Geoengineering Non-Use Agreement, argue against it, essentially another whacko speculation by sociopathic Bill Gates – who appears to be trying to control everything. (Gates is a hoarding Cancer rising with a ruthless, power-hungry Scorpio Sun.)
This “blocking the sun” idea is akin to blocking the very source of physical prana and spiritual life. There is another Atlantean connection here – where the remnants of Atlantis “cursed the sun”, as related by the ancient historian Herodotus:
“The Atlantes … “daily cursed the sun at his rising and at his setting because his excessive heat scorched and tormented them … this again has nothing to do with the heat, but with the moral degeneration that grew with the race … “They (the sixth sub-race of the Atlanteans) used magic incantations even against the Sun”—failing in which, they cursed it.
The sorcerers of Thessaly were credited with the power of calling down the moon, as Greek history assures us. The Atlanteans of the later period were renowned for their magic powers and wickedness, their ambition and defiance of the gods.”24
Having just recapitulated the Atlantean War crises in the past century, and knowing that world is still primarily polarised in Atlantean consciousness, it is no wonder that “defiance of the gods” still hold sway, but on a higher turn of the evolutionary spiral.
The technologies given to humanity, by the guides of the race in Atlantis – and subsequently withdrawn through their abuse, are being rediscovered independently by the developed intelligentsia in this day and age – and almost identically to Atlantis, are being abused for power and profit.
These are all the hallmarks of the decaying Piscean Age, ancient recapitulations that presage the Aquarian Age, wherein the sharing of beneficial technologies will be the order of the day.
The High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) is one of the most notorious, also debunked as “conspiracy theory”, but with well-documented proofs of its existence:
“HAARP is fully operational and has the capability of triggering floods, hurricanes, droughts and earthquakes.” Over time, HAARP has been blamed for generating such catastrophes, as well as thunderstorms, in Iran, Pakistan, Haiti, Turkey, Greece and the Philippines, and even major power outages, the downing of TWA Flight 800, Gulf War syndrome, and chronic fatigue syndrome.”
The US military has itself stated:
“Weather modification will become a part of domestic and international security and could be done unilaterally … It could have offensive and defensive applications and even be used for deterrence purposes.
The ability to generate precipitation, fog and storms on earth or to modify space weather… and the production of artificial weather all are a part of an integrated set of [military] technologies.” (Study Commissioned by the US Air Force: Weather as a Force Multiplier, Owning the Weather in 2025, August 1996.)
Here are outstanding examples of – at the least, misguided or idealistic misuse of technology, or at worst – a deliberate abuse that amounts to black magic and the similar abuse of god-given technologies in the ancient Atlantean era.
One is reminded of the story of the great Tibetan sage, Milarepa who before his awakening, practiced black magic by creating hail storms that ravaged his neighbours’ crops.
“Weaponising the weather” has profound implications for the global power balance; it has certainly been used to create some extreme weather events in the past few years, all around the world – fire or flood, heatwaves and freeze-outs.
When in the service of groups like the WEF, the CIA, NSA, various government programs, these artificially exaggerated events can be used to bolster arguments of climate change – which gives these groups power to impose directives upon whole populations – “in the name of urgent climate change action”.
In fact, as claimed by many critics, their motives may be to destabilise another country’s economy or infrastructure, to move populations from self-sustainable rural living to “smart cities”, to monopolise farming for Big Agri, that creates economic hardship – which allows forcing onto “universal income” – the equivalent of digital imprisonment.
“Chem-trails” or the spraying of certain chemicals from aircraft, is a constant activity globally – and highly visible, yet the general public mostly take no notice, not realising what those slowly decaying thin cloud lines are. Chem-trails are distinguished from “con-trails” – the condensation of air seen behind commercial jets that evaporates in several seconds.
Chem-trails hang around for days as they slowly break down in the atmosphere before they reach the earth, people and everything that grows. Various documentaries (among dozens), books and articles – detail how the spraying of chem trails has upset the Earth’s natural balance, has acidified the soil and created havoc with the weather.
The most common “motive” for spraying is cloud-seeding, to precipitate rainfall, but it does not always work. The practice is widespread in practically every country on Earth, contributing immensely to weather pattern irregularities. The fact that spraying has been done in relative secrecy for decades – without public discussion or democratic decision-making – is very disturbing.
Some speculate that chemicals sprayed, induce passivity in humans as a form of population control. Any search of the internet will find plenty of articles that acknowledge or disavow the existence of chem-spraying, such as the following:
Here’s What Scientists Really Think About ‘Chemtrails’ (An Huffington Post “hit piece” or propaganda article.) NASA Scientist Admits Chemtrails (The use of lithium to alleviate mood disorders.)
Venus in Gemini (June 23 to July 18)
Every year Venus enters Gemini and in 2022 remains there for a few weeks – spanning the Cancer full moon festival on July 13. Venus the goddess of relationships in Gemini, the sign of general relationships – functions very well here.
Gemini, as a sign of the “common” or mutable cross, finds something “in common” with others, through a dialogue between two people (the Gemini twins); one twin speaks, the other listens and a dia-logue emerges that leads to understanding and friendship. The “twins” meet in the middle – the heart.
Esoterically, Venus unites the pairs of opposites upon the mental plane, creating harmony, beauty and art, through the transcendence of duality – the twins of love and hate, male-female, higher-lower-selves, soul-personality.
As the major ray to pass through Gemini is the second ray of Love-Wisdom, Venus as goddess of love is very much at home in this sign. Gemini rules the thymus, the endocrine gland associated with the heart centre and love-wisdom. The thymus is the source of childhood naïveté and innocence – that many lose at a young age and spend their adult lives trying to reclaim!
As the pillars of Gemini represent a “gateway” for the forces of Sirius passing into our solar system, Venus opens the gate for a direct cosmic alignment with Earth; it complements the sequence spoken of earlier between Gemini, Cancer and Leo. Both Sirius and Venus are associated with initiation.
The effects are dual, as is the nature of Gemini: Sirius is the source of Love-Wisdom in our solar system, yet emanates from the cosmic mental plane. Venus transmits the force of mind – through mental understanding, love and compassion are generated.
Here is the mysterious duality of the second ray of love-wisdom (indigo blue) and the fifth ray of knowledge (orange) – hence these colours are placed opposite each other on the 7-fold colour wheel.
During this period, Gemini nations may come under the influence of Venus in Gemini: Britain (soul), USA (personality) and New Zealand (soul). In these few weeks opportunity arises for Venus in Gemini themes – loving relations, global goodwill, détente and peace.
NATO: USA’s Aries Attack Dog
“The one-time trans-Atlantic defensive alliance has, over the past three decades, transformed itself from the guardian of Western Europe into global cop, seeking to project militarily a so-called values and rules-based posture … The guard dog had, it seems, been re-trained as an attack dog.”25
Since the demise of the Soviet Union in the 1990’s, NATO’s role as watchdog became redefined to the point where “attack dog” might be a more appropriate name – and how, with five placements in aggressive Aries: Sun, Venus, Mars, Mercury and Moon’s node!
The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation has been a prime-moving force, in not only provoking Russia into a war with Ukraine, but has presided over its ongoing propaganda and pressured other nations like Finland and Sweden to join its company of nations. How ironic that uber-aggressive NATO is the pot that calls the kettle black – with its accusatory tone of “Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine”.
Through its almost unparalleled propaganda, aided by media and governments, NATO has successfully turned the majority of the world against Russia. The only parallel to this hoodwinking of humanity, is the Great Lie that preceded this current lie – the Big Pharma coronavirus scam that wrought so much damage in the past 2 ½ years. In fact, there has been a seamless segway from one lie to the next, when suddenly Covid disappeared from the headlines, replaced by Ukraine.
People are now only just beginning to wake up to the Covid lie, given the elapsed time that has allowed some circumspection on the matter. Now discerning observers are wondering how long it will take for humanity to realise the toxic taste of manipulation that lurks in the next layer of the poisoned cake being served up as truth.
As often cited in these missives – such as the recent Gemini newsletter, Gemini in its lower expression is one of the main signs associated with lies and propaganda. And there it is in NATO’s horoscope – a Moon-Uranus conjunction in Gemini, dominating the midheaven (public).
Moon-Uranus is very innovative when it comes to communications, thinking outside the box and also taking advantage of technology. In short, this conjunction (or is that “unholy marriage”?) – is very clever and cunning, wily as a fox, manipulative.
As students are aware, the moon is the dweller/shadow in any entity’s chart. Currently, NATO’s progressed sun is in Gemini, conjoining and activating the moon for the past two years – a good reflection of its recent propaganda push. Now the progressed sun is at the midpoint of Moon-Uranus, exactly connecting with Uranus by the end of 2023. During this time the progressed moon will be in Pisces, squaring Moon-Uranus in Gemini. Pisces is another sign which in its lower aspect, is known for obfuscation and subterfuge.
So the world can most likely expect more of the same desperate narrative for control, as the NATO straw man26 attempts to make itself relevant in its recently amplified role – regarding Russia and also some other nations such as China.
But really, NATO and USA’s threats are that of a paper tiger – “someone that claims or appears to be powerful or threatening, but is actually ineffectual and unable to withstand challenge.”
NATO has recently approved a huge raise in weapons funding and supply and from 40,000 to “300,000 troops across the continent will be placed at high readiness from next year in case Russia threatens a military attack on any member of the alliance”.27
This new initiative follows USA’s $40 billion funding package. Can we not see what is going on here? Further and further provocation of Russia, placing military hardware on its borders, bringing Sweden and Finland into the fray. To what avail? It is clear that Russia is winning, by achieving most of its objectives thus far – Russia now controls the Donbass region.
And now, President Zelenskyy wants to, “ask military chiefs to draw up plans to gather a “million-strong” fighting force equipped with western weapons to recapture its southern territory from Russia, the country’s defence minister said. Zelenskiy has ordered his military to recover occupied areas around the Black Sea coast that are vital to the country’s economy, Oleksii Reznikov said in an interview with the Times.”28
Really, is this unrealistic pie-in-the-sky dreaming or trying to put on a brave face? Or just going along with fantasy directives of NATO?
The latest funding decision by NATO is reflected by transiting Jupiter in Aries passing over NATO’s Mercury and Mars in Aries. In fact, Jupiter will go retrograde and direct over NATO’s Aries positions – on and off until March 2023.
Jupiter can often be involved in grandiose, speculative schemes that tempt fate – like Icarus flying too close to the sun, subsequently plummeting to Earth.
That scenario is quite likely for the USA in 2022, during its Pluto return – facing an humiliating withdrawal – Ukraine becomes another Afghanistan.
NATO’s original role was “to keep the Russians out, the Germans down, and the Americans in”, to check the physical expansion of the Soviet Union and enable the reunification of Germany. But at the recent summit in Madrid (when transiting Mercury was in Gemini passing over NATO’s midheaven and Moon-Uranus),
“NATO radically redefined its mission to reflect a new mantra which could be encapsulated as “keep the Russians down, the Americans in, and the Chinese out.” It is an aggressive–even hostile–posture, premised on sustaining Western (i.e., American) supremacy.
This mission is to be accomplished through the defense and promulgation of a so-called “rules-based international order” which exists only in the minds of its creators, which in this case is the United States and its allies in Europe.
It also represents a radical break from past practice which sought to keep NATO defined by the four corners of its trans-Atlantic birthright by seeking to expand its security umbrella into the Pacific.”29
Well, many agree that China should certainly be kept contained. At the Madrid conference, NATO’s secretary-general Jen Stoltenberg (Pisces sun), dispensed with any pretense by, “noting with pride that NATO had been preparing to fight Russia since 2014–that is, since the US-led coup … NATO has, since 2015, been training the Ukrainian military to NATO standards.”30
Now Ukrainian military are being trained in Britain. Obsessed war-monger generals in the Pentagon want to keep supplying arms to Kiev for “months and years ahead”. Indeed, retired General Philip Breedlove appears to be reprising the role of Dr. Strangelove in Stanely Kubrick’s 1964 black comedy, whose character wanted to nuke the Soviet Union.
Breedlove (or is that Breedwar?) has suggested that US troops be put on the ground in Ukraine and that the Kerch bridge to Crimea be bombed or rendered inoperable.
These ridiculous tactics are asking for trouble – indeed constitute an all-out declaration of war against Russia. And if that happens, then a war will eventuate where there will be no winners.
Along with the G7 group of nations, an “economic sister” to NATO, these groups are declaring war against the principles of international law, enshrined in the currently compromised and corrupted United Nations.
The Group of Seven (G7) is an inter-governmental political forum consisting of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States – with the European Union (EU) as a ‘non-enumerated member’. These nations are the world’s largest IMF advanced economies and liberal democracies.
In this latest Ukraine debacle, the mass hypnosis or “mass-formation” that was established over the two year “pandemic”, continued onward under a different banner – imposing its hypnotic effect upon a large proportion of the world. Spiritual groups, nations and governments were all duped, and obediently marched to the mantra that bodies like NATO have relentlessy broadcast.
Many people are now waking up to what is going on, but millions have hopelessy and haplessly surrendered to the mythology that has been insidiously woven into the fabric of the planetary mind. What will it take to create an even greater awakening and for the truth to emerge? Lightworkers and lightbearers – the World Hercules, have a formidable task before them!
Part of this Herculean labour is catching up on how the world works – regarding the various bodies and entities around the planet that hatch plans, such as the WEF and WHO. But there are many others – all of whom have interlocking relationships:
“Among the religious devotees and dupes of NWO Globalism, NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) ranks right up there with the United Nations [UN], the World Health Organization [WHO], the European Union [EU], the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund [IMF] – as “indispensable” institutions of “global stability.”
The truth is, that from its inception in 1949 to the present day, NATO — a wholly-owned subsidiary of the CIA, which itself was founded just two years before NATO — has always been a destabilizing war-making organization in service to the Globalists.”31
Indeed, the IMF and World Bank have for decades pushed a policy agenda based on cuts to public services, increases in taxes paid by the poorest and moves to undermine labour rights and protections.
Prof. John J. Mearsheimer
To help understand what is happening in this current crisis, one of the best sources is the lecture by Chicago Professor John J. Mearsheimer – “the most influential realist of his generation”; his 2016 lecture, Why is Ukraine the West’s Fault?, is a foundational analysis.
The following video lecture is two hours (1 hour talk, 1 hour discussion) – a bit dry for some but actually quite riveting! One wonders in this age of distraction and short attention span, where there is such a predilection for the sensational and sentimental, how many wisdom students will watch it? Who will want to cling closely to their preconceived ideas or indoctrinated propaganda? We cannot consider a point of view if it is dismissed outright.
Many spiritually oriented people have quaffed down the Ukrainian kool-aid, have come under the spell of propaganda, have surrendered emotionally to the narrative – and have not exercised any clear thinking or discernment on the matter.
This is ironic, as esotericism instructs us to look behind the veil of maya, to probe for the conditioning causes. Mearsheimer illustrates clearly those causes – in a very scientific fifth ray manner (he is a political scientist), enumerating the facts of the situation.
Essentially Mearsheimer (14 Dec, 1947) is a Sagittarian philosopher, with a rich conjunction of Sun, Jupiter and Mercury in this sign. Mearsheimer’s Sage sun is opposite Uranus in Gemini, giving freedom of thought beyond the conventional, yet his moon and Venus are in pragmatic, no-nonsense Capricorn.
(Click “Watch on YouTube”)
Boris Bails: Johnson and Britain’s Political Crisis
Boris Johnson was arguably the worst prime minister Britain ever had. His recent resignation that followed ongoing scandals, lies, manipulation – was topped by a massive resignation within the Tory Party.
A general chorus of “good riddance Boris” has arisen – a pathological liar and sociopath, a star member of that international consortium known as RsoulsRus. But then there are all his party members who are just as complicit in bringing Britain to its knees in these past few years – through their culture of entitlement, arrogance, greed and selfish ambition. (See one of many articles from The Guardian.)
One might expect Saturn the lord of karma to be prominent in Johnson’s horoscope – and it certainly is. Transiting Saturn in Aquarius has been opposing Johnson’s progressed Sun in Leo since April 2022, restraining his ambitions to be the Leonine sun king/dictator – but now finally taking his scythe to de-cap-itate the cap-tain.
Saturn continues this transit until late Jan. 2023, hence during that time, Saturn the Law may serve up some (bitter) karmic justice. Transiting Mars in Taurus was opposite Johnson’s moon in Scorpio around the time of resignation, an undoubted trigger for his final fall from power – as the moon rules the MC – public, career etc. As one journalist quoted from Shakespeare,
“The evil that men do lives after them”. If the good that Johnson did in public life is to be interred with his bones, the coffin will be light enough. But the evil will weigh heavily on the coming decades.” (
Cancer, Money and the Looming Financial Crisis
“From the simple process of barter and exchange (as practised by the primeval savage) to the intricate and formidable financial and economic structure of the modern world, desire is the underlying cause.
It demands the satisfaction of sensed need, the desire for goods and possessions, the desire for material comfort, for the acquisition and the accumulation of things, the desire for power and the supremacy which money alone can give. This desire controls and dominates human thinking; it is the keynote of our modern civilization; it is also the octopus which is slowly strangling human life, enterprise, and decency; it is the millstone around the neck of mankind.”32
Bodies like the IMF have been sounding a global economic alarm for several months, saying that a worldwide recession cannot be ruled out. As recently as early July, the IMF stated that the outlook for the global economy had “darkened significantly” and that it was going to be “a tough ’22, maybe even tougher 2023”.
The IMF cited the global spread of inflation, dramatic interest rate hikes by central banks, a slowdown in China’s growth and unprecedented sanctions against Russia, among the factors affecting global economies.33
Cancer is a sign of resources and their management, which includes money, similarly polar opposite Capricorn and a third sign of the cardinal cross, Libra. (The IMF is a Capricorn sun with a Libra moon! 27 Dec. 1945.)
Hence, what is “darkening significantly” during Cancer now, may unfold to a greater crisis in the next quarter of Libra – regarded as the sign of money. That bumpy ride may start even earlier according to some astrologers – with the conjunction of Mars, Uranus and moon’s node in Taurus (another sign of money), in late July, early August.
Its hard to forecast these things, but a financial crash in the same league as that of 1929, has been expected for the past few decades. Various commentators are saying that what is approaching in the coming months is the worst economic depression ever – and like all other financial crises, is being triggered deliberately by banks for political motives.
Time will tell – and in the meantime the experts advise protecting one’s assets, investing in land, “prepping” – by developing self-sufficiency in food, electricity and if possible – fuel, putting cash into gold and silver, learning to live with less. An era of barter and exchange may be approaching because of a financial crisis, foreshadowing what has been forecast for the Aquarian Age:
“… there are adepts who are authorities upon modern financial matters, and these initiates of the fourth degree are competently preparing to institute later those newer techniques and modes of financial interplay which will supersede the present disastrous methods; they will inaugurate a system of barter and exchange, of which modern money is the travestied symbol.
This newer method of financial relationships will be comprehensively human and it will supersede big business and private enterprise. It will at the same time, however, retain those phases of modern enterprise which will draw out the initiative and the resourcefulness of the individual.34
Aquarian Wisdom Centre Retreat in Portugal
Note our new look website, now also phone and tablet compatible.
Zoom webinar for Cancer 2022 will be Monday, July 12 at 19.00 UT.
Register on the Aquarian Wisdom Centre website.
(Scroll down to register.)
Phillip Lindsay © 2022.
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Stripe is supported in many countries. Books by Phillip Lindsay
- A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p.179. [↩]
- A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p.315. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.343. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.466. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.299. [↩]
- [↩]
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- [↩]
- [↩]
- [↩]
- [↩]
- [↩]
- [↩]
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- The Guardian [↩]
- A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p.465. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology I, Alice A. Bailey. p.101. [↩]
- A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p.1185. [↩]
- F. William Engdahl is strategic risk consultant and lecturer, he holds a degree in politics from Princeton University and is a best-selling author on oil and geopolitics. [↩]
- [↩]
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- Wikipedia [↩]
- The Secret Doctrine II, H.P. Blavatsky. p.761. [↩]
- Scott Ritter, former WMD inspector. [↩]
- A straw man is a form of argument and an informal fallacy of having the impression of refuting an argument, whereas the real subject of the argument was not addressed or refuted, but instead replaced with a false one. [↩]
- The Guardian [↩]
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- Problems of Humanity, Alice A. Bailey. p.79. [↩]
- [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p. 569. [↩]
Hello Phillip, hope you are well.
Could you expound just a touch, esoterically or intuitively invocative (for even a dense head like me) about your parenthetical, here.
I’m interested in the simple and obvious.
” … Cancer: Management of Earth’s Resources
The following material attempts to cover the myriad issues that Humanity is confronted with today. There is no attempt to necessarily present any solutions to these complex problems (although many are obvious and simple) – and is limited to go into greater depth. …
if I may continue, to respond as I read; so much good material Phillip, and very fertile soil for the myriad of critters that emerge from such.
next e.g.: ” … Earth’s resources have been plundered for millenia – humans driven by fear, greed and the consequent amassing of personal wealth. The side-effects from this “rape and pillage” of the planet has brought Humanity to the sad state it is in today – with massive pollution of the earth, water and air.
Mother Earth groans in despair as she labours constantly to redress the imbalances brought about by ignoramus humanity – a humanity that is essentially disconnected from Nature.”
Is this true?
Is there a goal of humanity, a Kingdom of Nature, to live in only temperate zones, with no predators from the animal kingdom, and vegetable clothing?
(I’m not suggesting you are suggesting this; I’m asking a general question of – what is the ‘natural’ state of mankind? As a 4th/5th sort of Kingdom … would we say it is natural for us to live as animals, or as ‘man’. Manas. Is the digital and mental and ‘artificial’ (divided mental plane) world, the better habitat for us, naturally?
(Just thinking here; this isn’t any criticism to your research and insights and quite good writing. Thanks.)
For reference, in the middle of the article, a crux, obvious point:
” … The obvious point here is that cycles which come and go cannot be simply atttributed to modern man-made causes such as the pollutants from fossil fuels and industry.
“This is where it is easy to manipulate the grey area between long term cycles and recent industrial causes – to put an alarmist spin on climate change that forces humanity to obey various agendas. This is not to minimise either the truly perilous environmental position the planet is in today.
“Animal species disappear during these periods, temporarily or permanently. Like all kingdoms, forms come and go, according to ray cycles which condition those forms. …”
This caution to alarmism (especially as suggests global (!) policy) is so important. Thanks. It is easy to be alarmed, especially when one’s favored informers are reinforcing such.
Hi Philipp, as always, thanks for your “colorful” articles, I often think that their rich and abundance clearly express the gift of the third ray.
In relation to the content of the article I would like to say three things:
1- In the case of the conflict in Ukraine (NATO-RUSSIA) I don’t think it is only the West powers (with the USA at the forefront) that impose their hypnotic effect on a part of the population, but also Russia, under the illusion generated by the idea of the Russian Empire and taking advantage of the many sympathies that the communist ideal that symbolized the USSR still has in the world, imposes its hypnotism on a large part (minor, but very important) of the world population.
In my opinion, we are facing a expired duality that feeds on old ideas and we are not facing a conflict between “those who are right and those who are not”. It is very sad.
If humanity is ONE and we want to apply the meaning of Cancer: “I build (we build) an illuminated house and I dwell in it”, we must think about the deep meaning which for our consciences, not identified with the Pisces Age, has the following text:
“Aquarius, the water-carrier, is a living sign and an emotional sign. It will (through the effect of its potent force) stimulate the astral bodies of men into a new coherency, into a brotherhood of humanity which will ignore all racial and national differences and will carry the life of men forward into synthesis and unity” (DK-AB)
2- the second topic is related to “the climate change” and more than a reflection is a suggestion. The Tibetan Master in Alice Bailey’s Blue Books tells us:
“Heat and cold, as we understand the term, in a most peculiar manner are the result of the interplay of the pairs of opposites, and an interesting line of occult study concerns itself with the effects of racial emotions on climatic conditions”.
So, could not the rising temperatures be related to the increasingly powerful presence of the southern races (emotions) in the cold northern territories?
It seems clear that this mixture brings with it a new order (7ºR), a new universality (Aquarius) and finally a new sub-race, which will realate, (from the fifth mental plane that governs the entire Arian race), the sixth plane (emotion) with the second. (intuitive).
3- And finally as an astrologer to say that the NATO horoscope that Phillip shows us is not an easy chart …, as he says, through Aries there is an excess of selfishness.
For the Soul in Virgo, (remember that the ASC sign is the path of the Soul), NATO must understand that for the dual power suggested by its Moon/Uranus to be a builder and not a destroyer, it must be inspired by the superior qualities of the Virgin and not by the inferiors of Aries. Understanding this would nullify the fall of Jupiter, the negative role of Saturn in Leo, as well as the selfish use of Aries, but of course… it is not an easy path.
Thanks for sharing!
Good points David, the irony with Russia and USA is that even though they are part of the troika (with UK) of the Aquarian Age (both Aquarian souls) they also carry the baggage of the Piscean Age with their sixth ray personalities. Their mission is to somehow process the past whilst creating the future. The sixth ray has the same rulers of the astral body, Mars-Neptune, hence the passage you sent is most appropriate: “stimulate the astral bodies of men into a new coherency, into a brotherhood of humanity which will ignore all racial and national differences and will carry the life of men forward into synthesis and unity”.