Virgo 2020: Coronavirus Part VI: The Clamour and Glamour of Coronavirus
Note – many commentaries by the author since Jan. 2020 on Coronavirus – here.
Virgo & Discrimination: Crisis in Critical Thinking
___Socrates – Father of Critical Thinking
Brazil and Media Propaganda
Facebook Hypocrisy
Documentaries for Reflection
Miscellaneous Opinions
Lockdown a “Monumental Mistake”
Pandemic: Saturn-Pluto Karmic Reapers
Virgo’s Australia and New Zealand
___Australia: Virgo Soul
___Mars, Pluto and the Burning Ground: August 10-16
___The Melbourne Masque-rade
___Australian Flu Statistics 2017, 2019
___New Zealand: Virgo Personality
WEF Book: “Virus itself is of little concern”
Anyone who knows the author or has been reading newsletters for the past twenty years, will be aware of my attempt for a balanced approach to commentaries on world problems. I have not always gotten it right but I usually do a lot of research on every subject. I am always focussed on getting to the truth, particularly amid the falsity and lies of the last several years – that has made it increasingly difficult to practice discrimination.
My recent commentaries on Coronavirus since January 2020 are based upon a lot research, and combined with intuition, this is my best perspective thus far. And I have taken a position on it. Its probably the most research I have ever done, given the enormous amount of propaganda and conflicting information that has left many bewildered and frightened.
I do not parrot ideas when I see them, I delve into them deeply to examine their veracity. I spend a lot of time just reflecting or meditating on them. I check facts from numerous sources. Critical thinking is absolutely essential in this process – but many people do not practice it, through lack of time, laziness or preferring to follow mainstream media that pumps out programs meant to “program”.
We are currently engaged in a world war – a conflict in the three worlds of human activity (mental, emotional and physical) – between the outworn ideas of the past Piscean cycle and the emerging paradigm of Aquarius; a propaganda war of blatant lies that many people accept, mainly because their faith in the goodness of human nature cannot conceive of a small group of monstrous individuals hell-bent on blocking the soul of humanity – divisiveness being their main weapon.
The conflict is particularly potent upon the mental plane – there is so much division of thought, ideas and opinions in the area of science and medicine – and just as much in the spiritual community. Many communities worldwide are divided on their interpretation of what has happened with Covid-19. Hence there are numerous arguments by highly qualified professionals – to mask or not to mask, how virulent the virus actually is, how appropriate are social distancing and lockdown regulations.
Yet the main narrative pushed through all world media and governments is masking, distancing, lockdowns, border closures, drone patrols, heavy-handed policing – and it appears, the promotion of fear, fear of the future – especially if John Citizen does not conform to directives. And it seems that the current paradigm will be pushed relentlessly for the next few years – even perpetuated indefinitely.
It appears to many observers that Coronavirus/Covid-19 is being used by a global group to force changes that are not in Humanity’s best interests. And the leaders of many nations are following meekly, obeying this forced agenda because they have either been conned by the propaganda, promised material rewards, personally threatened or actually concur with the narrative; this includes some hitherto outstanding leaders who have not been able to discriminate or see through what is happening and have simply gone along with the main narrative – unquestioningly, even in the face of statistics that tell a very different story.
All this precedes the Externalisation of the Hierarchy and the Reappearance of the Christ some time after 2025 – the date of the planetary conclave when the Masters will make their decision of a specific date to begin the externalisation. Can we imagine what this mighty planetary event entails? It involves the reappearance of the Hierarchy of Light upon the physical plane for the first time in millenia, since the dark days of the Atlantean war – when They were forced to withdraw from outer contact with Humanity.
Generally speaking since that time, the forces of Materialism have held sway, except for various outstanding moments in history with the appearance of luminaries such as the Buddha. The Materialistic Forces know very well the Hierarchy’s plans and are giving their all to make sure humanity remains hoodwinked, trapped in fear and confused. We are not only confronting the baggage of this past 2,000 year Piscean cycle but a multitude of milllenia.
The Forces of Light are re-emerging into outer contact – Their approach that embodies highly refined forces, is another factor that is paradoxically causing much conflict and confusion – higher frequency meets grosser frequency and hence the clash of civilisation.
The next five years will most likely see the situation get much worse, as Pluto in Capricorn brings so many planetary crises to a head – environmental, economic, health, hunger, housing, refugees, politics, religion, sexuality – the list goes on and on. We are all being asked to make a stand in whatever way we can – individually or in group – the primary requisite for which is the courage of a fiery will and compassionate heart. Leo brings out those attributes in all of us.
Virgo & Discrimination: Crisis in Critical Thinking
Since the onset of the coronavirus “pandemic”, there has emerged a crisis in critical thinking, regarding perception of what is happening in the world. There have been divisions created in mainstream communities, scientific disciplines, healers and spiritual groups – divided into those who accept the “official” WHO narrative, versus the “conspiracy theory” that this is a long term planned pandemic, executed around the world with the complicit support of around 196 nations.
Virgo is a sign well known for its capacity for discrimination, via its ruler Mercury – sorting the wheat from the chaff upon the mental plane. The shadow of this discriminating ability is criticism, an aspect of the lower mind or kama manas that finds fault and nit-picks. Hence, the process of critical thinking is not criticism per se, although it is related. Critical thinking is the analysis of facts to form a judgment using the rational mind or evaluation of factual evidence:
“Critical thinking is self-directed, self-disciplined, self-monitored, and self-corrective thinking.It presupposes assent [agreement] to rigorous standards of excellence and mindful command of their use. It entails effective communication and problem-solving abilities as well as a commitment to overcome native egocentrism…”.1
Egocentrism is the inability to differentiate between self and others, the inability to untangle subjective from objective reality – or accurately understand any perspective other than one’s own. The majority of Humanity are probably egocentric to some degree, that is why dialogue and discussion are so important in reflecting upon ideas, of balancing the pairs of opposites and not believing anything outright that authorative bodies dictate. With regard to the “crisis of critical thinking” today, Socrates – the father of modern philosophy – established the fact that,
“One cannot depend upon those in “authority” to have sound knowledge and insight … persons may have power and high position and yet be deeply confused and irrational. Socrates maintained that for an individual to have a good life or to have one that is worth living, he must be a critical questioner or must have an interrogative soul. He established the importance of asking deep questions that probe profoundly into thinking before we accept ideas as worthy of belief.”2
And so, can we say that the majority of people in the world who have a view on Covid-19, have asked these critical questions and probed profoundly? Of course not, most people have accepted what their nanny governments have told them – having no critical thinking skills, little time to investigate due to economic survival issues, or just simply laziness and apathy.
If the general population had a choice in their evening leisure time – between watching a documentary about various perspectives on Coronavirus – or Game of Thrones, what do you think the majority will choose? In this present crisis, everyone needs to be deeply informed of the facts that constitute critical thinking and discrimination, doubling their efforts at deep reflection, instead of being passive followers that “go with the flow”.
Socrates: The Father of Critical Thinking
“Socrates established the importance of “seeking evidence, closely examining reasoning and assumptions, analyzing basic concepts, and tracing out implications not only of what is said but of what is done as well”. His method of questioning is now known as “Socratic questioning” and is the best known critical thinking teaching strategy.
In his mode of questioning, Socrates highlighted the need for thinking for clarity and logical consistency. He asked people questions to reveal their irrational thinking or lack of reliable knowledge. Socrates demonstrated that having authority does not ensure accurate knowledge. He established the method of questioning beliefs, closely inspecting assumptions and relying on evidence and sound rationale.”3
Again and again, the word “authority” emerges – whether that is a government, the World Health Organisation (WHO) or medical doctors. It has been mentioned before in these missives that the “glamour of science” – fuelled by media propaganda, has been used to bamboozle the general public – to create fear and distract them from really having a close look at all facets of the story.
Any alternative scientific perspective is often labelled “conspiracy theory” – even if by highly respected scientists or medical people, as an instantaneous way of dismissing it, or criticised for being “right wing politics”.
The field of medicine is as divided as all other groups, with thousands of doctors and medical experts arguing against the WHO prescription of lockdown, mask-wearing and social distancing. And yet the WHO narrative is upheld by governments, television, social medias Facebook and Twitter, big techs Google, Amazon and Apple. These latter tech giants have enormous investments in Big Pharma – such as Google.
“Google has actually morphed into its own pharmaceutical conglomerate, which means it now has a vested interest in censoring the truth about superfoods, dietary supplements, and other non-pharma approaches to healthy living that threaten drug and vaccine profits.
…, Google actually now has a pharmaceutical division that’s headed up by none other than the former chairman on global vaccine business for GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), a multinational drug giant that’s repeatedly been implicated for criminal fraud.”4
The lack of critical thinking also applies to a significant proportion of the esoteric community who, through comments on social media, have demonstrated that they have not done the research or asked the hard questions, falling into lockstep with the official narrative.
A hitherto unperceived conservatism has also made its appearance, with various utterances by individuals and groups, who it appears, want to be told what to think or do! It is said that esoteric groups are among the most glamoured:
“Occult bodies and esoteric groups are, at this time, the most glamoured of any of the world groups; the work of any disciple in such groups is bound, in the early stages, to be destructive … members who are true and sound, broad-minded and sane, and rightly oriented and dedicated, will find their way into esoteric bodies which are free from dogmatism and doctrines and which are recipients of hierarchical life.”5
One would expect that those upon the Path to have far more developed skills in critical thinking, but this appears to not be the case and boils down to several factors. (Of course this author might be accused of same!):
1. Some of so-called “unawakened humanity” are very intuitive and not as gullible as they may appear.
2. Esoteric students, once with a little esoteric knowledge (which can be a dangerous thing), rate themselves well in advance of where they actually are on the Path. Due to this fact, their discrimination is not well developed and egocentricity prevails.
3. Glamour is illusion on the astral plane and all aspirants and disciples are prone to it to one degree or other; especially in this world cycle where Neptune’s transit through Pisces is imparting its lower frequency.
Since 2016, Neptune’s “glamorous effects” were witnessed in the lead-up to the US 2016 election and since – as it approaches the 2020 election with a massive propaganda campaign; the Brexit deception of the British people to leave the EU, the global opioid addiction epidemic, or pandemic (?) – again with the kind assistance and massive profit-making of Big Pharma.
4. The concrete mind is well developed in many students but they lack real intuition, which allows access to direct knowledge, that circumvents and bypasses what mainstream media dispenses relentlessly – 24/7.
5. The personality ray of the USA is upon the fanatical sixth ray of Devotion and Idealism – many aspirants and disciples upon the path and from around the world are influenced by this ray, expressed in shrill utterances to wear your mask and stay at home! The find much in common with the “strictly emotional” group detailed below. The Tibetan tells us that in the past there were two ways in which determining ideas came into being and played their part in leading the human race forward:
“One was through the teaching of some teacher who founded a school of thought, thus working through the minds of a chosen few, and through them eventually coloured the thoughts of the men of his time. Of such a teacher, Plato, Aristotle, Socrates and many others are outstanding examples.
Another method was the evocation of the desire of the masses for that which is deemed desirable and their mass reorientation towards a fuller life expression. This life expression, founded on some voiced idea, was embodied in an ideal life. Thus the work of the Saviours of the world came into expression, and this brought about the emergence of a world religion.
The first method was strictly mental, and even today remains so; the masses, for instance, know little of Plato and his theories in spite of the fact that he has moulded human minds—either through acquiescence in his theories or through refutation of them—down the ages.
The other method is strictly emotional and so more easily colours the mass consciousness. An instance of this was the message of the love of God which Christ enunciated and the emotional reaction of the masses to His life, His message, and His sacrifice.
Thus the need of the mental few and the emotional many has been met down the ages. In every case, the origin of the work effected and the medium whereby the race has been guided has been a human-divine consciousness; the medium has been a Personality Who knew and felt and was at-one with the world of ideas, with the inner world order, and with God’s plan.”6
Therefore, despite a huge acceleration and expansion in mental consciousness, there remains a situation of the “mental few and the emotional many”. The “emotional many” are revealed by all the comments on social media and elsewhere – “covidiot”, “stay at home”, “put on your mask”, dob in your neighbour. These people may have critically reviewed other perspectives, but choose to obediently follow the dictates of their respective “nanny states”, thereby compromising their democratic liberties.
Ironically, Virgo is a sign of health and taking responsibility for one’s own personal health – or to let these larger bodies of authority determine through their recommendations of vaccines and products from Big Pharma. The pharmaceutical industry is ruled by Virgo – labs, white coats, medicines, sterile steel benches – all very Virgo! As mentioned in an earlier newsletter, the world seems to have succumbed to the lower, anally retentive nature of Virgo, the opposite sign of Pisces – at the end of the Piscean Age and whilst Neptune is transiting through that sign. Virgo is associated with criticism:
“In the term critical thinking, the word critical identifies the intellectual capacity and the means “of judging”, “of judgement”, “for judging”, and of being “able to discern”. The intellectual roots of critical thinking are as ancient as its etymology, traceable, ultimately, to the teaching practice and vision of Socrates – who discovered by a method of probing questioning that people could not rationally justify their confident claims to knowledge.”7
Interesting astrological statements here! Saturn is the ruler of the middle decanate (10° sub-section) of Virgo. Saturn is also exalted in the next sign Libra, where judgement takes place upon the balanced scales of justice – using the judicial mind. All the signs overlap one another in terms of meaning and the evolution of consciousness around the zodiac.
The “Socratic method” is, “… a form of cooperative argumentative dialogue between individuals, based on asking and answering questions to stimulate critical thinking and to draw out ideas and underlying presuppositions.”8
Socrates knew a thing or two about dialogue, having the exoteric and esoteric rulers of Gemini – Mercury and Venus, in that sign of communications. The sign where the “twins” dia (two)-logue (word) – ask and answer, arriving at a deeper understanding, merging duality into unity and synthesis.

Socrates – “awarded” an honorary Sagittarius rising, the sign of the philosopher. It also puts his Moon into Leo, conjunct Saturn. For another esoteric assessment of Socrates as Leo rising, see this essay.
Documentaries for Reflection
A closer look at the Live “Training & Simulation Exercise” under WHO that preceded the plandemic in October 2019.
This documentary scrutinises various themes:
“1. That the entire COVID-19 world-shutdown is part of a live training and simulation exercise run by the unscrupulous WHO and United Nations, as documented in their Global Preparedness Monitoring Board’s annual 2019 report- and their International Health Regulations treaty of 2005—which 194/or 196 countries signed off on—which pretty much establishes a Global Government (of the WHO & United Nations, & the high-level international GMPB) along with their sponsors, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Wellcome Trust, & other unnamed donors.
2. Every government has been complicit in the destruction of their own country’s economy, the vast suffering of their people brought on by these massive shutdowns and house-arrest assaults-on-the-psyche as people lost jobs, livelihood, purpose in life, social life, and were held back from any normalcy in going outdoors, even to sanctuaries in Nature but forced to wear masks in public instead and submit to police tyranny.
3. Meanwhile, small and large businesses have crashed, families have been prevented from seeing their elderly relatives in hospice, many have died alone. Hospitals are cooking up numbers for COVID deaths, MSM plays out strings of new cases and new deaths.”9
Plandemic 2 In-doctor-nation
“The Event 201 global pandemic exercise took place in October 2019 right before the COVID Pandemic started. The exercise describes in detail what is now manifesting in real life. This is no coincidence, hence the name Plandemic.” Plandemic 2 also offers an in-depth profile of Bill Gates and although this author has been at pains not to demonise Gates, some of the interviews with him speak volumes – as to his evasiveness and obfuscation.
Official Website of Event 201. Plandemic Part I – Dr. Judy Mikovits.
Opinion from a Spanish Citizen
“What has happened in Spain, the ridiculous that millions of people make right now walking the streets with their faces partially covered in medical masks, what is revealed is the cowardice, docility and idiocy of their carriers. I totally understand that no one dares to say it. That’s why I say it: everyone who goes down the street with a mask is a poor ignorant. And he’s ignorant of science and law.
Regarding what is called, politically and vulgarly, “the asymptomatic” can, in potential, transmit hepatitis, ebola, dengue, malaria, measles, chicken pox, herpes, flu and countless pathogens with which humans and animals have naturally lived together for hundreds of thousands of years.
What is a mental pathology, a serious manifestation of idiocy, is believing that you can avoid the existence of pathogens or diseases wearing a mask on the street or obeying the instructions of a government, as if they were directors of large hospitals or managers.
Every time I hear someone talk about “crisis management” in reference to a government’s actions, I know, without a doubt, that it’s a poor man who doesn’t know what he’s talking about. Stay away from anyone who uses the word “management” when talking about politics: they don’t know what they say.
The danger is not viruses, it is imbecility, lack of intelligence and inability to discern the authority of knowledge, from the talk of journalists, politicians and technocrats. The danger is in a society pathologically alienated by its obedience and respect for the authority of a stateless oligarchy of party chiefs, which is shared through quotas of power and spoils in Spain.
In the face of a situation where what is legal for those who rule is illegal for the governed, where even the pleonasm of the rule of law does not prevail, what is appropriate and legitimate, is insurrection, resistance and civic disobedience. Civil medical associations have a mission, and their professionals, a Hippocratic oath to respect. But even, beyond that, an integrity that asserts the authority of those who are due to their vocations. Medical exercise is not allowed to succumb to hysteria, hypochondria and media propaganda.” Atanasio Noriega.
Lockdown Was a “Monumental Mistake on a Global Scale” (Sage Member)
SAGE is an acronym for Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies – a private group that provides scientific, technical data and advice to support the British Government’s chief decision-makers.
“Lockdown will come to be seen as a “monumental mistake on a global scale” and must never happen again, says Mark Woolhouse, a scientist who advises the Government on infectious diseases … lockdown was a “panic measure” [fear-driven, no critical thought] but admitted it was the only option at the time because “we couldn’t think of anything better to do”.
But it is a crude measure that takes no accounts of the risk levels to different individuals, the University of Edinburgh professor said, meaning that back in March the nation was “concentrating on schools when we should have been concentrating on care homes”. The Professor of Infectious Disease Epidemiology said that the Government must now focus on increasing testing and striving to unlock society safely rather than restricting it further.
Prof. Woolhouse OBE, a member of the Scientific Pandemic Influenza Group on Behaviours that advises the Government, said: “Lockdown was a panic measure and I believe history will say trying to control Covid-19 through lockdown was a monumental mistake on a global scale, the cure was worse than the disease.
“I never want to see national lockdown again. It was always a temporary measure that simply delayed the stage of the epidemic we see now. It was never going to change anything fundamentally, however low we drove down the number of cases, and now we know more about the virus and how to track it we should not be in this position again.
We absolutely should never return to a position where children cannot play or go to school. I believe the harm lockdown is doing to our education, health care access, and broader aspects of our economy and society will turn out to be at least as great as the harm done by COVID-19. He said that Sage, the government’s advisory board on dealing with Covid, needed to have members from a wider range of fields.”10
Likewise, Stanford Unitversity Prof. and Chemistry Nobel Laureate – Michael Levitt, said lockdown measures were a “huge mistake”. See interview here in the Stanford Daily – Q&A: Michael Levitt on why there shouldn’t be a lockdown, how he’s been tracking coronavirus. Other articles about Dr. Levitt – Lockdowns saved no lives, Nobel Prize winner believes UK Lockdown saved no lives. (Levitt is a British-American-Israeli scientist.)
Brazil and Media Propaganda
The article here (‘We failed’: one scientist’s despair as Brazil Covid-19 deaths hit 100,000.), is another good example of spin journalism from The Guardian, exaggerating and dramatising Brazil’s situation – possibly politically motivated against Bolsonaro. (The author has no pro-Bolsonaro bias.)
All articles in this newspaper are typical of how MSM (main stream media) are reporting this crisis, excitedly proclaiming the daily death toll and numbers of new cases – but not bothering to give a balanced view from a statistical perspective; or acknowledging that despite many more recorded cases (because increased testing) there has not been a corresponding rise in the mortality rate in many nations.
– 100,543 deaths is 3.33% of 3,013,369 reported cases.
– 100,543 deaths is 0.04% of 210,147,125 – Brazil’s population.
“Failure”? Can we see how media insidiously exaggerates, driving a disproportionate response by many governments? There is a great global glamour that humanity currently labours under. Furthermore, the highly qualified Brazilian scientist in the article was the founder of a group to promote critical thinking – one could ask, how is that working out for you right now?
Brazil’s mortality rate is 571 per million, much lower than other Latin American countries such as Peru (631) or Chile (543) – that have far smaller populations. Likewise, other European nations such as Britain (686), Italy (582), Spain (610) are much higher and have a combined population close to Brazil’s.
Facebook Hypocrisy
Further on the theme of media hypocrisy, Facebook took recent exception to the Thailand government complaining about a Facebook forum that discussed the Thai Royal Family. Facebook stated:
“Requests like this are severe, contravene international human rights law, and have a chilling effect on people’s ability to express themselves,” a Facebook spokesperson said in a statement to CNN Business. “We work to protect and defend the rights of all internet users and are preparing to legally challenge this request.”11
A bit rich, innit? Given the fact that Facebook has censored or banned many videos and articles that give a different perspective of the mainstream narrative on Coronavirus. The author received a note from Facebook about its censorship of Pandemic 2, explained here.

Saturn and his dragons-driven chariot!
Pandemic: Saturn-Pluto, Karmic Reapers
(This repeat article can be found in the Gemini newsletter for 2020.)
Questions arise as to the nature and role of disease, especially as it relates to death and reincarnation – for which the majority of the world is ignorant:
1. Nature “thinning the herd” – of all the weak, sick and infirm, in order for the human race to be stronger and have greater immunity. Bear in mind that 99% of Covid-19 deaths had predisposing illnesses. This applies also to larger entities, such as businesses and corporations – many will not resume their small businesses and some larger corporations are going bankrupt. (Perhaps these entities also had “predisposing illnesses” in their structures?)
2. The majority of deaths in Italy for instance, one of the highest in the world were as follows:
70-100 age group – 80%.
60-100 years – 90%.
50-100 years – 93%.
0-50 years – 7%.

Lord Pluto
3. As stated in the previous link, 99% of Covid-19 deaths in Italy had predisposing illnesses and quite a few were over 100 years of age! Time to move on? … Are they incarnation “over stayers”? Due to modern medicine and life extending drugs, the human lifespan has increased to a marked degree in the past 100 years. This brings up the philosophical question, have these people been staying here longer than their allotted time?
Many of us have parents or loved ones, who could have easily passed on well before they eventually did, avoiding the pain and suffering of a longer but highly medicated life. In other words, they could have gotten on with their next incarnation, along with others in their soul group.
4. Causes of living an overly long incarnation:
a. Fear of death. Ignorance of the reality of reincarnation. That there is only “oblivion” after death. No comprehension that death is the great healer and liberator into new life.
b. Living a material, comfortable life based upon the illusion that it is the “only” life.
c. Hanging on to life unduly through religious distortions and fearful superstition of “hell”. Especially in Latin nations that are dominated by Catholicism.
d. Preoccupation of modern medicine – keeping the form life alive at all costs. (See Zach Bush MD and his experience with patients saying “Why did you bring me back?” – at 4.10.) Modern pharmacy that keeps people alive and dependent, reducing the quality of life.

Final Journey (Nicholas Roerich, 1922.)
e. Sentimental attachments to family and friends that prevents “moving on”. Questions then arise,
- Is this a form of unenlightened living?
- Is this preservation of the form an economic burden upon health services of any nation?The following passage sums up the situation:
“As regards the lengthening of the span of life during the past century of scientific attainment, I would point out that true techniques and the possibilities of organised soul action are always parodied and falsely demonstrated on the physical plane by the earlier scientific activities which are right in motive but which are only a symbol, on the outer sphere of life, of coming and usually future soul action.
The life span will eventually be shortened or lengthened at will by souls who consciously serve, and use the mechanism of the body as the instrument whereby the Plan is served. Frequently, today, lives are preserved in form—both in old age and in infancy—that could be well permitted liberation. They serve no useful purpose and cause much pain and suffering to forms which nature (left to herself) would not long use, and would extinguish.
Note that word. Through our overemphasis on the value of form life, and through the universal fear of death—that great transition which we must all face—and through our uncertainty as to the fact of immortality, and also through our deep attachment to form, we arrest the natural processes and hold the life, which is struggling to be free, confined to bodies quite unfitted to the purposes of the soul.
Misunderstand me not. I desire to say naught that could place a premium on suicide. But I do say, and I say with emphasis, that the Law of Karma is oft set aside when forms are preserved in coherent expression which should be discarded, for they serve no useful purpose.
This preservation is, in the majority of cases, enforced by the subject’s group and not by the subject himself—frequently an unconscious invalid, an old person whose response apparatus of contact and response is imperfect, or a baby who is not normal. These cases constitute definite instances of an offsetting of the Law of Karma.”12
Virgo’s Australia and New Zealand
Australia: Virgo Soul
Australia is a Virgo soul and Capricorn personality – a very conservative country in many ways; it has a close link to New Zealand, many inhabitants of each residing in the other. New Zealand is a Virgo soul and there is the spiritual link between them.
Saturn is the ruler of the Australian Capricorn personality, rules the middle decanate of Virgo and also the throat centre, which this author has always assigned to Melbourne. It is in Melbourne where a stage 4 lockdown was imposed by the Victorian government, soon coincidentally emulated as level 3, “across the ditch” in New Zealand’s capital Auckland. And so, a brief detour, before returning to Melbourne:
Mars, Pluto and the Burning Ground (August 10-16)
“The entire second half of 2020 is conditioned by the passage of Mars through Aries as it sequentially makes the square or 90-degree arc to the three major planets now transiting in Capricorn. A key episode in this lengthy chapter of experience emerged during the week of August 10-16 with the square of Mars at 23 degrees Aries to Pluto at 23 degrees Capricorn.
This exact square of transiting Mars to Pluto occurred on August 13, but the general vibrations of this aspect are so potent that they’ll be palpable for many days before and after.”13
It appeared that the world was in for some turbulent times in that week, even dwarfing the recent events in Beirut. Pluto rules over the “lesser burning ground” which, along with Mars rules the solar plexus centre. Both planets rule or are associated with the other two lower centres – the base of the spine and the sacral.
On one hand the “burning ground” is a process of emotional transmutation, of “confronting the underworld” individually and collectively; much of which is occurring already as Pluto continues to reveal the hitherto hidden – bringing some shock revelations to the surface.
On the other hand, the “burning ground” is reflected by outer events where there is upheaval, conflict and destruction – causing enormous emotional anguish. Mars square Pluto has the potential to dwarf what happened under Mars-Jupiter during that week in Lebanon.
Reflect upon the suppressed, repressed emotions of a populace – like those thousands of tons of fertiliser sitting in a Beirut warehouse waiting for ignition. Mars squares Pluto twice more this year in October and December.,
“Two of the other non-sacred planets—Mars and Pluto—function in connection with the sacral centre (Mars) and the solar plexus (Pluto). This latter planet becomes active in the life of the man who is “becoming alive in the higher sense, his lower nature passes into the smoke and darkness of Pluto, who governs the lesser burning ground, in order that the man may live in truth in the higher land of light.”14
As “non-sacred” planets, Pluto-Mars are easily invoked by the Forces of Materialism – as occurred in the 1930’s with the rise of fascism just after Pluto’s discovery – which is on the rise again in various guises; there is currently a big push under way by those forces to limit and hinder Humanity’s freedoms.

The outrageous arrest of a woman in Melbourne recently. Video here.
The Melbourne Masque-rade
Witness the panicked response that unfolded near to this period, when on Aug.2, Melbourne went into stage 4 lockdown – the moon was in Capricorn that day, passing over Saturn and Pluto. On Aug.11, in the middle of the exact Mars-Pluto square (Aug.10-16), Auckland resumed its previous March stage 4 lockdown, but this time at level 3.
Melbourne fell under the spell of border closures, night-time curfews, people were dragged from their cars by police, arrests in the street and even army patrols! A disproportionate, heavy-handed response to a virus that has had a low impact on Australia generally – this is power Pluto in action as well as Saturn in Capricorn.
“Police to crack down on ‘tinfoil hat-wearing brigade’. Police [in Victoria] have arrested a 76-year-old Windsor man for allegedly planning a protest against coronavirus restrictions in Melbourne’s CBD next weekend.He was charged with inciting people to breach the Chief Health Officer’s directives and could face a $20,000 fine. Victoria Police Assistant Commissioner Luke Cornelius again warned that protests are unlawful under stage 4 restrictions, and anyone who joined them could face serious penalties. Protesters in Dandenong, in Melbourne’s south-east, have taken to the streets every evening for the last five days against coronavirus restrictions.
Assistant Commissioner Cornelius said the protesters were trying to use exercise as an excuse for protesting when approached by police. He said a “small and selfish minority of foolish people” risked exposing more Victorians to the virus, and “the tinfoil hat-wearing brigade” was “alive and well” in Melbourne. Protesters were “taking every opportunity to leverage the current situation to serve their own ridiculous notions” about conspiracies such as “how 5G is going to kill your grandkids”. “It’s batshit crazy nonsense,” he said. “People need to wake up to themselves … and you need to stop it.””15
The word coronavirus breaks down into two other words – cronus ovira. Cronus is the name for Saturn the lord of karma, and ovira is Slovenian for ‘obstacle’. Saturn is well known for creating obstacles to further spiritual growth and during its passage through its own sign Capricorn, it has certainly delivered many challenges – particularly in its lower expression, instilling fear, repression and control.
Melbourne had a 1.3% mortality rate on Aug.2, mainly among the elderly, with the national rate at 0.0007%! What Pluto has revealed is the appalling mis-management of aged care in Australia, based upon economic factors and greed.
“Last year the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety released a damning and scathing interim report which said older people had been “left isolated and powerless” in a “cruel and harmful system”.16
As of Aug.26, Australia’s pandemic toll was 549 – with Victoria’s share a disproportionate 462, 0.007% of the state population, or 0.009% of Melbourne’s population, the epicentre of the contagion.
462 covid-19 deaths = 1.83% of 25,204 reported cases.
462 covid-19 deaths = 0.0018 of 25,653,200 – Australia’s population.
Based upon these statistics that have happened tragically in aged care facilities, is this a basis for enacting stage 4 lockdown tactics and wrecking the economy? A massive global glamour is currently in full swing, where critical thinking has been suspended, and a docile acceptance of government or WHO authority has taken its place.
Australians have made few street demonstrations about lockdowns, resistance mainly from individuals and small groups – who have been immediately contained by police, issuing large fines of $1,600. But more and more of the population will be rebelling against these draconian measures imposed upon them, hence there will be more apparent resistance in dates mentioned above.
All these events appear to be a massive over-reaction driven by fear, ignorance and hysteria – a mass illusion, a scam or hoax? Melbourne, Australia is a microcosm of many other sities and nation – have they all lost a sense of proportion? At one high point of the hysteria several weeks ago, channel 9 TV was promoting viewer polls promoting the fining people who talk about Covid-19 “conspiracies”. (See this article and play video #2.)
This pandemic became a panic and an unnecessary erosion of human rights, destroying livelihoods. Some have even speculated that a vast social experiment is being conducted in Melbourne with regard to its results being applied in other cities and nations. Paranoia, conspiracy?
With Mars square to Pluto for two more hits this year in October and December, the pressure is bound to build up and the population may begin to rebel in much earnestly, against the draconian measures imposed upon them – “those thousands of tons of fertiliser sitting in a Beirut warehouse, waiting for ignition”. Currently the Victorian premier is proposing an extended lock down of some 18 months – yet to be approved by parliament!
Right wing political commentator Alan Jones has been saying alot of things about Melbourne that the general media is not addressing, resonating with thousands who in the past have never stomached his views in his long media career in Australia – worth a look.
Past Australian Flu Statistics 2017, 2019.
In the 2017 Australian flu season, there was a quarter of a million laboratory-confirmed cases recorded and 1,163 people died, the worst since the 2009 swine flu pandemic. That was just the flu “season” of a few months. The Covid-19 figures are for close to eight months now. “Covidiot” criticisms and mask-shaming can go both ways.
The latest figures show there have been nearly 59,000 laboratory confirmed notifications of influenza in Australia for 2019, while close to 100 deaths have been recorded across NSW, South Australia and Victoria. Experts warn the escalating death toll has occurred months before the official flu season is due to start next week. Professor Robert Booy, an expert in Child and Adolescent Health at The Children’s Hospital at Westmead told the early figures are unprecedented.
“It’s a big surprise to have so much flu, so early in the year. In living memory, we haven’t recalled that happening,” Professor Booy said. He believes it will be a moderate flu season and not as severe as in 2017, when 1163 died from a quarter of a million laboratory-confirmed cases, tthe worst since the 2009 swine flu pandemic.
Prof Booy said modelling estimated the number of deaths on average each season was actually about 3,000 to 4,000, and the Immunisation Coalition expected this year would be no different. Queensland Health has confirmed 264 people died as a direct result of contracting influenza in 2019, with 68,148 lab-confirmed cases of the disease officially recorded.
That was an increase of over 500 per cent on the previous year’s total of 43 deaths, after a relatively quiet flu season in 2018. So what is the fuss about Covid-19 that has far lower statistics? As earlier stated by one Spanish commentator:
“Most people who wear a mask are ignorant of science, believing that they can avoid the existence of pathogens or diseases wearing a mask on the street or obeying the instructions of a government, as if they were directors of large hospitals or managers. The danger is not viruses, it is imbecility, lack of intelligence and inability to discern the authority of knowledge, from the talk of journalists, politicians and technocrats. The danger is a society pathologically alienated by its obedience and unquestioning and undiscriminating respect for authority.”
Note that Spain is a Capricorn personality like Australia, and hence suffers from similar Capricorn “ailments” of rigidity, obedience and crystallisation. The prestigious Lancet medical journal in at article dated July 22:
“A study published Tuesday in The Lancet medical journal found that full lockdowns, border closures and high rates of coronavirus testing are not associated with a statistically significant reduction in the total number of critical cases or the virus’s overall mortality rate.”17
This is NOT the Bubonic plague or Ebola!
New Zealand: Virgo Personality
Soon after Melbourne’s lockdown, Auckland went into lockdown stage 3 on Aug.11, based upon 1,570 reported cases and 22 deaths = 1.4% of reported cases. For the entire population of 5,011,260 = 0.00043% mortality rate. Again, the question might be asked, was that warranted or a panicky over-reaction from a fussy Virgo personality?
The proud boast by New Zealand of beating the Coronavirus through strict lockdown controls, was proven wrong by this new outbreak. These kind of viruses will never be controlled and indeed, the locking down of populations has been proven to lower people’s immunity, making them susceptible to all kinds of diseases – let alone the psychological dimension of depression, anxiety, suicides on the rise, loss of employment and income etc.
New Zealand PM, Jacinda Adhern has a Capricorn moon – very close to Australia’s Capricorn sun, hence her decision to fall into lockstep with Australia with a distinctly authoritarian attitude.

World Economic Forum (WEF) Executive Chairman and founder Klaus Schwab (Aries sun) presents another book, ‘The Fourth Industrial Revolution’.
WEF Book: “Virus itself is of little concern.”
“This book, by the founder of the World Economic Forum (the institution that partnered with the WHO to declare a pandemic of international concern in March, and is behind the call to impose lockdowns on the majority of the world’s population), states openly that the virus itself is of little concern, and that lockdown measures will continue indefinitely to push through automation and digital technologies that benefit corporations at the expense of the poor and the third world.”
Again, this is not “conspiracy theory”, it is based upon factual plans that have been in the pipeline for decades – by people like Klaus Schwab, the founder of WEF. An excerpt from his book:
“In one form or another, social and physical-distancing measures are likely to persist after the pandemic itself subsides, justifying the decision in many companies from different industries to accelerate automation. After a while, the enduring concerns about technological unemployment will recede as societies emphasize the need to restructure the workplace in a way that minimizes close human contact.
“Indeed, automation technologies are particularly well suited to a world in which human beings can’t get too close to each other or are willing to reduce their interactions. Our lingering and possibly lasting fear of being infected with a virus (COVID-19 or another) will thus speed the relentless march of automation, particularly in the fields most susceptible to automation.
“In 2016, two academics from Oxford University came to the conclusion that up to 86% of jobs in restaurants, 75% of jobs in retail and 59% of jobs in entertainment could be automatized by 2035. These three industries are among those the hardest hit by the pandemic and in which automating for reasons of hygiene and cleanliness will be a necessity that in turn will further accelerate the transition towards more tech and more digital.
“There is an additional phenomenon set to support the expansion of automation: when “economic distancing” might follow social distancing. As countries turn inward and global companies shorten their super-efficient but highly fragile supply chains, automation and robots that enable more local production, while keeping costs down, will be in great demand.
“The process of automation was set in motion many years ago, but the critical issue once again relates to the accelerating pace of change and transition: the pandemic will fast-forward the adoption of automation in the workplace and the introduction of more robots in our personal and professional lives.
“From the onset of the lockdowns, it became apparent that robots and AI were a “natural” alternative when human labour was not available. Furthermore, they were used whenever possible to reduce the health risks to human employees.
At a time when physical distancing became an obligation, robots were deployed in places as different as warehouses, supermarkets and hospitals in a broad range of activities, from shelf scanning (an area in which AI has made tremendous forays) to cleaning and of course robotic delivery – a soon-to-be important component of healthcare supply chains that will in turn lead to the “contactless” delivery of groceries and other essentials. As for many other technologies that were on the distant horizon in terms of adoption (like telemedicine), businesses, consumers and public authorities are now rushing to turbocharge the speed of adoption.”
A final passage from the Conclusion to the book, page 247:
“There is no denying that the COVID-19 virus has more often than not been a personal catastrophe for the millions affected by it, and for their families and communities. However, at a global level, if viewed in terms of the percentage of the global population affected, the corona crisis is (so far) one of the least deadly pandemics the world has experienced over the last 2000 years.
In all likelihood, unless the pandemic evolves in an unforeseen way, the consequences of COVID-19 in terms of health and mortality will be mild compared to previous pandemics. At the end of June 2020, COVID-19 has killed less than 0.006% of the world population. To put this low figure into context, the Spanish flu killed 2.7% of the world’s population and HIV/AIDS 0.6%”.
Bear in mind WEF’s pivotal role in the entire Pandemic:
Oct. 18, 2019 – Pandemic simulation “Event 201” held in NYC.
Oct. 18-27 – Wuhan military games, city that is home to a WHO-funded, high security virus lab.
Nov.17 – earliest confirmed case of Covid-19 virus in China.
Jan.1, 2020 – China announces the virus to the world.
Jan. 21 – Netflix quietly releases its new series Pandemic.
Jan. 24-27 – WEF (World Economic Forum) in Davos meets to discuss policy.
Jan. 30 – WHO declared COVID-19 a Public Health Emergency.
Feb-March – Covid-19 spreads globally, with most nations implementing containment.
March 11 – WHO declared a pandemic, implementing the 2010 “Lockstep” plan.
Phillip Lindsay © 2020.
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Books by Phillip Lindsay
- Wikipedia [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
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- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p. 571. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey.p. 28-9. [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- Envirowatchrangitikei [↩]
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- CNN [↩]
- Esoteric Healing, Alice A. Bailey. p.350-1. [↩]
- Many thanks to Astrologer, Maureen Richmond, Starfire Messenger #127. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.78. [↩]
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Thank you for your outstanding intuitive and mental research work, Phillip!
It is a joy reading your contributions that provide in-puts at so many levels of live through astrology but not only, stimulating the own reflection and widening the horizon.
Especially the worldwide COVID crisis requires exactly what you are emphasizing, a positively critical and open mind and intuition. Much gratitude!
Per aspera ad astra!