Gemini 2017: Communications. Manchester. Corbyn. Trump. August Eclipse. Vesica Piscis.
“The Return of Christ”. (A recent crop circle at Cerne Abbas Giant, Nr Minterne Magna, Dorset. Reported 22nd May 2017)
The Vesica Piscis is a profound geometrical symbol of Gemini. (See later section for more detail.)
Gemini Keynote
“I recognise my other self and in the waning of that self I grow and glow.”
World Invocation Day
(Full Moon: June 9, 2017. 2.09.30 pm. GMT.)
Gemini: Festival of Unification
The Communication Revolution’s Shadow
Manchester Mass Murder
The Karma of Western Interference in the Middle East
Britain’s Election: Gemini Jeremy Corbyn
Trump’s Imminent Demise? Saturn & Solar Eclipse
August Solar Eclipse: Earth Changes
Vesica Piscis: Symbol for Gemini
The Return of the Christ

The Legend of the Dioscuri – the Twins of Gemini.
Gemini: Festival of Unification
Gemini is the third of the new year’s three major festivals and sets the tone for the new year – Aries, Taurus, Gemini. The new impulse generated in Aries takes root in earthy Taurus at the Wesak Festival and is subsequently distributed in the sign of Gemini. Full moon periods are monthly cycles of high spiritual potential – to commune with the Spiritual Forces of the planet and participate in the great celebration of souls guiding and being guided toward the light.
The annual World Invocation Day is always at the date of the Gemini full moon – spanning five days before and after the exact full moon time. Here is always the opportunity to be extra mindful and reflective, to tune into the subtle but powerful forces pouring into the planet via the zodiac sign Gemini:
“The result of this solemn three days of invocation will be followed by a climaxing day wherein the Hierarchy will unitedly, and led by the Christ, pronounce the entire Invocation, prefacing each stanza with its appropriate keynote, again sounded in unison. These notes you cannot know, but if, for instance, a very large number of the New Group of World Servers were brought together, their united OM might approximate the appropriate keynote.”1
A reminder also about The Great Invocation. Gemini rules communications and The Great Invocation is a potent, globally transforming mantram that can be used every day but especially at any full moon festival. As the second ray of Love-Wisdom is the only ray to pass through Gemini, it is this force that is being invoked and disseminated – in all its various expressions – via the spoken or written word, music (the universal language), art, acts of human kindness and even the internet.
Gemini also rules inner communications because of its association with the etheric body which is the medium of transmission for impulses from the soul via the mental body. Hence the quality of formlessness that Gemini expresses, makes it a sign well suited to telepathic communication and inner work in general.

Venus with Mercury and Cupid. (Louis-Michel van Loo, 1748.)
The Communication Revolution’s Shadow
Through technological development in the past thirty years, the etheric body of the planet has become externalised through the internet and satellite communications. Distribution and dissemination, communications and speech are the province of Gemini, from the perspectives of both its exoteric and esoteric rulers, Mercury and Venus.
Mercury is well known in his role as messenger of the gods – with wings on his feet and rapid in thought. Venus as the goddess of love and relationships unifies opposites and creates beauty. Esoterically speaking, both planets are related to the mind and its progeny of thought, especially Venus, whilst Mercury is more intuitive. Note, in relation to the painting at the right,
“Cupid or Love is Eros, the Divine Will, or Desire of manifesting itself through visible creation. Fohat, the prototype of Eros, becomes on Earth the great power “Life-electricity”.”2
This is “electric fire”, whilst the electricity that we deal with on Earth is esoterically known as “fire by friction”; the power that runs cell phones and ultra thin, light laptops that we now take for granted. Back in the 1990’s that technology was only in its infancy, as was the internet revolution. All these advances have created wonderful opportunities to bring the world closer together, for people to become more independent and creative, for the uneducated to learn, and to externalise more fully the subtle inter-connectedness of Humanity. These devices are so inextricably entwined with daily life now, that hardly anyone can imagine how their lives would function without them – unless they were a dyed-in-the-wool Luddite living remotely from civilisation!
Yet this revolution also has a seedy side that is reflected in the unsavoury places that one might stumble upon when surfing the web. Humanity has a dweller so the web is going to reflect the best, worst and everything in between. Then there is the so-called “dark web” an even deeper layer where 99% of the population do not go, a place of criminal activity and some of the most allegedly depraved activities that humans indulge in.
This is only one facet of the communications underbelly. Another angle concerns what has been called the Age of Distraction – a perfect description for ever curious Gemini. The Information Age has brought us information overload. There are now so many distractions, that large swathes of the global population seem to have lost their ability to concentrate, to the point where they now have the “attention span of sparrows”. Here is the Gemini “monkey mind” that jumps from branch to branch, or weblink to weblink.
The video games industry, porn and virtual reality have created an artificial reality for millions who soak it up on a daily basis. This has been particularly dangerous for maturing children who spend days at a time gaming, or being exposed to virulent and violent sexuality.
In other words, children and teenagers are imbibing a diet of astral garbage that is being hard-wired into their developing sentient apparatus. It’s one thing to try and get good physical nutrition, but better a bad physical diet than the toxic “nutrition” that has created generations of A.D.D.’s :
“Children I’m particularly worried about because the brain is the last organ of the body to become anatomically mature. It keeps growing until the mid-20s,” Goleman said. If young students don’t build up the neural circuitry that focused attention requires, they could have problems controlling their emotions and being empathetic. “It’s about using the devices smartly but having the capacity to concentrate as you need to, when you want to.”
“The circuitry for paying attention is identical for the circuits for managing distressing emotion,” Goleman said. The area of the brain that governs focus and executive functioning is known as the pre-frontal cortex. This is also the part of the brain that allows people to control themselves, to keep emotions in check and to feel empathy for other people.”3
Esoterically of course, the brain is the “hardware” for the “software” – the subtle bodies, particularly the emotional body for those children from 7 -14. Then there is another age bracket of 14-24 where the mental body and the personality are being developed:
“Instagram is rated as the worst social media platform when it comes to its impact on young people’s mental health, a UK snapshot survey suggests. The poll asked 1,479 people aged 14-24 to score popular apps on issues such as anxiety, depression, loneliness, bullying and body image. Mental health charities urged companies to act to increase users’ safety.”4
As photo-sharing is the main currency of Instagram, these problems arise from the fact that it is image-focused, another trait of superficial Gemini, leading many deep into the realm of illusion.
Today, wherever one goes, just about everyone has a cell phone and is using it in some way – on the subway, at the airport, in the street – it has become a truly ubiquitous and indispensable multi-purpose tool. (This author would be lost without Google Maps or Google Translate in his many travels!) Cell phones and other devices have practically replaced newspapers and magazines. This has many benefits of course – catching up on emails and texts, working during the commute, relaxing playing games, taking video, recording voices and so forth.
Indeed, with any public event, disaster or newsworthy item, someone has captured it on their cellphone, and if they have not, then Big Brother will surely have caught it on a webcam somewhere!
The Zombie Apocalypse
There is however a dark side of excess that results in obsessiveness and addiction where many users are glued, hardwired-in almost – constantly and compulsively checking Facebook, emails, Whatsapp or texts. Selfie-obsessed, taking meaningless pictures and posting them on social media. In fact, the technology of chip implants and going beyond phones is already being implemented and people are signing up for it.
Yes, the zombie apocaplypse has arrived – hoards of the hypnotised walking (or driving) obliviously through crowded streets and malls texting, scrolling, swiping. In south east Asia one will commonly see people riding motorbikes with one hand while talking on the phone – and sometimes even texting! In Germany now, smartphone addiction has prompted one city to embed traffic lights in sidewalks because so many zombie-texters are walking into traffic.

Typical scene in any part of Vietnam and other parts of south-east Asia. More stringent rules in the West.
One of the most noticeable areas of the communications revolution is whilst traveling, which this author has done a lot of since the 1990’s. One of the great joys of traveling is striking up a random conversation with fellow travelers that cross one’s path. That kind of spontaneity is the essence of human interaction that leads to friendship.
However, today when one enters a restaurant that is full of solo travelers, most heads are down in phones or tablets “communicating” in one way or other but missing the possibility of real-time spontaneous conversation. Even couples sitting together are often quietly engrossed, scrolling, swiping. When other travelers are confronted with these kind of situations, it seems many are forced to resort to their devices for company because no one else is available or “present”. Hence a circle of non-communication is perpetuated.
Other instances might be waiting at a bus stop – everyone is absorbed in their devices while older generations sit puzzled and looking very alienated. It was not that way relatively recently, say 20 years ago, where enriching public interactions would take place without electronic devices. Humanity is losing its quality of life through the absence of real human communications. Virtual reality is just that, virtual.

Empty lives? Bring back the art of conversation – a Gemini skill!
Hence, the great paradox is that these devices have helped bring the world together, accessed a greater awareness of what is going on, yet have created layers of separation as far as daily human interaction is concerned. How does this semi-robotised situation, on the eve of the robot revolution, reclaim its humanity?
Thankfully, there has been the emergence of “digital detox” retreats that one can attend, where no electronic devices are allowed and one learns to reconnect with others rather than virtually. ( Parents are kicking their kids off Xbox and making them play outside or attend wilderness retreats. The problem is being recognised globally, so hopefully the scales will swing back the other way.
In this age of super-acceleration of technological sophistication, the stand-by mantram must be, “use it, don’t be used by it.” Unfortunately, this is easier said than done, as technology is becoming so indispensable for daily life. Populations are being forced to use technology to stay in the survival loop, through all the everyday processes that require internet, such as banking, shopping etc.
“At a time when a third of Americans prefer texting to talking, and 84 percent of respondents in an international poll said they couldn’t go for one day without their smartphones, it’s safe to say that most of us desperately need a little time to unplug and recharge. But even while vacationing, we rarely take a break from our gadgets: Nearly 80 percent of travelers say they take their mobile devices with them (and use them frequently) on vacation.”5
The USA is a Gemini personality and much of the technology for the communications industry has originated in that nation. USA too has “driven itself to distraction” through the excessive use of technology, and it is the same situation in most Western and Eastern nations now.

Queuing for the iPhone 6 at Covent Garden, London.
Another factor is the Third Ray of Active Intelligence, currently in a very powerful cycle. The third ray and the third sign Gemini have a lot in common and it is the ray conditioning the personality expression of the Asian nations as a whole – hence Japan, China, South Korea have all been huge innovators, producers and users of this modern technology.
The shadow of the information revolution, also embodies the race for control of data and hence political and social control of nations by corporate-driven governments; the manipulation of personal choices in many aspects of life, that is based upon surfing habits, what was said on Skype, Facebook, email, text etc. This data is harvested and exploited by companies and government organisations who seek to profit from everyone’s digital footprint, or more nefariously, building individual personal profiles.
Then there are the millions who dumbly queue or even sleep-out for the release of the next iPhone, forking out large sums, when several models earlier would probably suffice for most. It is this kind of behaviour that has created a false set of values – and it has occurred largely through the hypnotising hype of insidious advertising, creating a “must have desire” – in a world actually craving love, not things.
Likewise, the average consumer barely reflects upon the chain of resource and people exploitation that it takes to get technology to the store. As Humanity moves into the Aquarian cycle, this corporate (group) exploitation has been occurring because it is the point of least resistance for certain groups of intelligent souls who should know better. It is the shadow of Aquarius, selfish, me-first attitudes. There is now however, a growing awareness and social conscience that will eventually bring power for the people and not for profit. Technology is now moving so quickly that governing laws in the industry can barely keep up:
“According to the Cellular Telephone and Internet Association (CTIA), Americans’ use of smartphones between 2015 and 2016 increased by 14.7%. Use of tablets increased by 16.7%. Data traffic increased 42.2%. With the introduction of 5G (fifth generation of mobile devices) and the Internet of Things (machine-to-machine communication), device ownership, data traffic and the infrastructure that these require will continue to grow. Marketing and use of devices and deployment of the infrastructure that they require continue without due diligence certification that the public’s life, health and property are safeguarded when these devices are used.”6
The “Internet of Things” is a very dubious development that looks like “technology gone mad”. Already, cameras in phones, TV’s and laptops can be easily manipulated to spy on individuals and that may extend to the refrigerator and washing machine:
“The internet of things is just another excuse for rampant consumerism … everyday household objects will be turned into enemy spies, placing us under constant surveillance. We will be nudged and manipulated at every moment. Our lives and possessions will be perpetually exposed to hackers. The internet of things will fill our homes with objects all right, but those objects are far from enchanted – they are cursed.” (See, Forget the internet of things – we need an internet of people and Samsung is warning customers about discussing personal information in front of their smart television set)
Also, this brilliant, poignant video (2′ 29″): Control this madness before its too late!

The only picture that could be found on the web of the actual scene of the bombing – with dead and wounded.
Manchester Mass Murder
Our hearts have gone out to the people of Manchester. The timing of this nefarious plot on the run up to the UK elections (on the approaching Gemini full moon period), was suspicious, to say the least. There are some stand-out patterns in the event chart, primarily Mars-Pluto. The moon is in Mars-ruled Aries square to deadly Pluto. Mars in Gemini is angular, opposite Sagittarius rising. (See chart below.)
Britain is a Gemini soul, so the coincidence of this horror with the UK elections – held at the time of the Gemini full moon, may trigger some deep soul-searching – or will it reinforce old fear-based reflexes?7
Manchester bomber Salman Abedi is the latest in a long line of fanatical jihadists inflicting terror in Europe, the Middle East and Africa. In coming to terms with the outrage, horror and sadness from these senseless events, the main reason that motivates suicide bombers is fairly simple – distorted ideology. However, the West has much to answer for by its colonial interference in Arab nations, fueling greater resentment and hatred – as will be discussed further.
Astrology always offers the deepest psychological profile of any individual. The horoscope will always confirm an alleged perpetrator by revealing, (a) The pre-disposing patterns, and (b) Activation of those patterns at the time of the crime. Both criteria are met in Abedi’s chart.
Whether Abedi was chosen to do the deed via a terrorist peer group, or was the patsy of the secret service, the predisposing patterns are there in his horoscope. Many questions arise with this crime, such as how was his identity established so quickly after he had blown himself to bits?
It has now emerged that the CIA had been tracking him for some months, right up until he set off his bomb. The CIA were trying to bring in MI5 to take over within the British jurisdiction, but MI5 did not respond. Apparently this is why US officials released Abedi’s name, which has now created great tension between Britain and the USA. (See, Investigation launched into how Manchester bomber Salman Abedi slipped through security services’ net.)
Manchester Bombing: Event Horoscope.
(The main significators for this tragedy are Mars opposite Sagittarius rising and the Moon in Aries square Pluto.)
It is worth bearing in mind that the expression of any horoscope is dependent upon the stage of soul unfoldment, hence this chart might express very differently in another individual. Time of birth is unknown, but close to midday may be a strong possibility because of the combination of transits to that chart.
Salman Abedi horoscope. (Time unknown but close to midday is a possibility.)
The main pre-disposing patterns in Abedi’s chart:
- Moon in Sagittarius. This sign of philosophy and religion is the most susceptible to religious fanaticism, fundamentalism and crystallised ideologies. Especially with the moon placed here because it represents the unconscious. Also, the sixth ray of devotion and idealism that rules Christianity and Islam, finds its strongest expression through Sagittarius, in this cycle. Abedi also has Sagittarius ruler Jupiter – placed in its own sign, conjunct deadly Pluto in late Scorpio.
- Aries rising in a proposed midday chart, ruled by warring Mars.
The activations and confluences in this chart are many:
- Transiting Saturn conjunct Moon in Sagittarius – on the second of three hits. Solar arc Jupiter is close by too. Abedi must have been simmering about committing this act for quite a while during this Saturn transit. Newspaper reports from those that knew him confirm this. (See further down.) Solar arc Mars in Virgo was moving into a close conjunction to natal Chiron, which is square to natal Moon and transiting Saturn in Sagittarius.
| - Transiting Pluto, solar arc moon conjunct natal Mercury in Capricorn, indicating Abedi’s ruthless thinking. Ruthless idealism, when considering the fact that natal Mercury also conjoins Neptune, ruler of the sixth ray of idealism.
| - Transiting Moon conjunct Aries ascendant – right at the exact time of the bombing. The degree of the moon makes a close square to all the planets in point #2. Indeed, the Moon square Pluto aspect is the main signature in the event horoscope. Mars plays an important role in this horoscope, as ruler of the Aries ascendant, then by its solar arc movement to square the natal Moon.
| - Transiting Uranus in Aries square Uranus. This is a “generational aspect” but nonetheless, played a personal role as the transiting Moon in Aries was moving into an applying conjunction to Uranus – revolution, upset, change. Transiting Uranus was also exactly trining Abedi’s moon in Sagittarius. Uranus is the ruler of Abedi’s progressed Sun in Aquarius, that was in turn moving into a close quincunx to natal Mars in Virgo. There is also a grand trine between transiting Uranus, transiting Saturn and solar arc Mars.
Abedi’s transits and progressions for May 22, 2017.

Virtually martial law in the streets of Britain now as the terror threat is rated as “critical”.
Abedi shares similar characteristics to the most recent terrorist attacker in London, Khalid Masood. Although exactly thirty years apart in age, both have the sun in Capricorn (ruthless) and Saturn in Pisces (the martyr). Masood had Venus and Mercury in Sagittarius, matching Abedi’s Moon in Sagittarius (distorted ideologies etc).
Masood’s Moon in Virgo falls upon Abedi’s progressed Mars in Virgo. Masood also has natal Mars in Virgo. Abedi was reportedly a slightly withdrawn, devout young man, always respectful to his elders, however:
“Mohammed Saeed, a senior figure of Didsbury Mosque and Islamic Centre, said Salman Abedi had looked at him “with hate” after he gave a sermon criticising Isis and Ansar al-Sharia in Libya. On Elsmore Road there was also some indication that Abedi was not always quiet and respectful. One neighbour said that when he spoke to him about parking his car so that others could not exit their drives, “all I got was this”, and he held up his middle finger. There were also reports that in recent weeks he had taken to chanting Islamic verses loudly in the street.
Meanwhile, one former school friend was reported to have said that the last time he saw Abedi he had been a Manchester United fan who rarely discussed his faith. “He always had a bit of an attitude problem. I can’t say I really liked the man.””8
The Karma of Western Interference in the Middle East
Since the Manchester bombing, commentators have stated throughout world media that Manchester and many other attacks like it, are “blowback”, i.e. karma of Western nations meddling and manipulating nations in in the Middle East. British Labour leader, Jeremy Corbyn, has voiced similarly:
“Many experts, including professionals in our intelligence and security services, have pointed to the connections between wars our government has supported or fought in other countries and terrorism here at home. That assessment in no way reduces the guilt of those who attack our children. Those terrorists will forever be reviled and held to account for their actions. But an informed understanding of the causes of terrorism is an essential part of an effective response that will protect the security of our people that fights rather than fuels terrorism.”9

Libyan rebels – Abedi and his father both fought for them, employed by NATO to unseat Gaddafi.
According to one source,
“Salman Abedi was reported to the police and security services several times by friends, family and even his Imam as far back as 2012, but astonishingly, was never brought in for questioning. He was also not placed on the PREVENT register, probably because he was travelling overseas on the behest of MI6 to fight in Libya for Al Qaeda.”10
The complicity of MI6 working with other secret service groups like Mossad and the CIA, is currently the focus of much speculation. It’s interesting to note that MI6 was originally called SIS (Secret Intelligence Services) when it was formed in 1909, the acronym resembling another more modern one, ISIS – whom MI6 have allegedly encouraged in trying to dislodge Gaddafi in Libya and Assad in Syria:

Syrian exodus: A failed regime change by the West on President Assad. They yet may try again.
“Often with the connivance of MI6, during the early years of the Syrian War, hundreds of British citizens were allowed to travel abroad to join jihadist organisations. The reason MI6 certainly approved such involvement was because spy chiefs had taken it upon themselves to meddle in the internal affairs of Middle East countries. [On behalf of their government.] In the case of Syria, they wanted to get as much help as possible in their mission to topple the Syrian president Bashir al-Assad.
There was a similar policy towards Libya. British citizens — it has been reported this week that among them was the father of the Manchester suicide-bomber — were undoubtedly encouraged to travel to the north African country to fight in the civil war there to get rid of Gaddafi … the British authorities … with the encouragement of MI6, released terror suspects in this country from control orders which had previously been imposed on them in order to restrain their movements and stop them from using the internet.
Duly, these people were free to join terror groups in the Middle East and North Africa — organisations with links to Al Qaeda and other terror outfits. Of course, as well as being enemies of al-Assad and Gaddafi, these groups were also enemies of the West.

Alistair Crooke, former MI6 officer.
So, while MI5 officers were working day and night to prevent Islamist terrorists inflicting carnage on British streets, MI6 officers were complicit in creating a generation of British-born jihadis who are prepared to do anything, and kill anyone — even young children — in their efforts to destroy this country. Former MI6 officer Alastair Crooke, who worked for the service for 30 years and who has vast experience in the Middle East and Afghanistan, is concerned that some of its operators are not working in the national interest.
He told me: ‘It is not right that, on one hand, domestic police services are straining every sinew to protect our societies by fighting terrorism, while, on the other hand, elements in our and America’s security services have been arming and training jihadists and colluding in terrorism.’”11
Of course, it is worth bearing in mind, that hundreds of other bombings go on regularly around the world in the Middle East, Turkey and Africa. The most recent in Egypt was aimed at Coptic Christians, killing 28 people, following Manchester by only a few days. We see these occurrences regularly but there is only so much anyone can take.
Britain’s Election: Gemini Jeremy Corbyn
In the wake of the Manchester bombing, or running parallel to it, the swing away from the Teresa May-led Tories to Corbyn-led Labour has been quite dramatic. Britain has a Gemini soul and Corbyn has Sun, Venus, Mercury and Uranus – all in Gemini. Corbyn has very good transits for the date of the election on June 8.
The full moon period of Gemini is on June 9, hence the solar forces will be potently affecting the British electorate; the preserving forces of the second ray of Love-Wisdom will be strong at this Christ Festival, as it is also called. Likewise, Britain is a second ray soul and it is the only ray to pour through Gemini.
The coincidence of these dates reflects that this election is critical for the soul of Britain. Currently, it seems that the Labour manifesto is more humane-oriented in its goals, whilst the Tories want to support endless war, armaments, unaffordable grammar schools, concentration of money with the wealthy, break up the NHS and further erode personal freedoms. Yet Labour is deeply divided as a party and even if Corbyn won, he would have some work unifying it, let alone governing. Nevertheless, Corbyn’s transits are strong for the election date, bearing in mind that he is not the Labour Party, which has its own horoscope:
Jeremy Corbyn horoscope. (Time unknown.)
1. Transiting Pluto trine Moon and Mars in Taurus. Pluto is the planet of political power and makes an harmonious aspect to Mars in Taurus, and the Moon in Taurus. The latter’s exactitude is unknown because birth time is unknown.
2. Transiting Uranus conjunct the north node in Aries. Aries is a sign of power and leadership and revolutionary Uranus makes a few more hits to the node between now and February 2016. This might reflect some radical actions during that time, should he come to power – within his own party and in government. Transiting Uranus is also making an harmonious sextile to natal Uranus during this time.
3. Grand Trine between transiting Uranus, transiting Saturn in Sag. and natal Saturn in Leo. Corbyn’s natal Saturn sits precisely on the fixed star Regulus, noted in the charts of rulers and administrators. The combination of radical Uranus and conservative Saturn may give Corbyn the balance he needs.
4. Transiting Jupiter in Libra conjunct Neptune. This transit may certainly amplify Corbyn’s ideals and inspire his electorate. It can also equally create confusion and nebulousness.
5. Progressed Sun in Leo conjunct Pluto. This is an applying conjunction and will not be exact for five years, but is certainly “in orb of influence”. Leo is the ruler and Pluto is the power. If he loses this election and is up for another one when he is 73, then the conjunction will be more powerful.
6. Transiting Sun conjunct Mercury in Gemini. The ruler of his sun sign Gemini conjoined by the transiting sun must have some relevance for election day. Conversely, transiting Mercury is conjunct his natal sun on the same day.
Transits and progressions for Jeremy Corbyn on election day, June 8.
Trump’s Imminent Demise? Saturn and the Solar Eclipse
On the day of the May 22 Manchester bombing, Gemini Donald Trump was in Israel, having just finished a visit to Saudi Arabia, tying up a huge business and arms deals worth $380 billion. ISIL or Daesh were celebrating the Manchester tragedy carried about by Abedi and probably others in the Libyan enclave. All these jihadist groups have been nurtured by Western nations, USA, Saudi Arabia and Turkey – “a frankenstein army entrusted with overthrowing Assad in Syria”.12.
It would not have made any difference if another American politician from the Democrats had been in power, this deal with the Saudis would have gone through because it is the over-arching policy of those who run the US agenda. Likewise, Britain has sold Saudi Arabia billions of pounds worth of arms, that go toward supporting terrorist groups and, the bombing of Yemen, for the main prize (when all the facades are stripped away), of rich oil resources. It was very “timely” that Trump was in Israel at the time of the bombing, another nation that has long “wagged the USA dog” with regard to the de-stabilisation of Arab nations that surround it.

Is Trump well? There has been speculation that he has early Alzheimer’s, hereditary on his father’s side.
It’s almost as if the answer to the source of this terrorism had been revealed immediately – the leader of the USA as a favoured guest of the Saudis and Israel – a formidable triangle of power. And that there will be more to come, as planned by the Wahhabist Saudis who have infected Daesh (ISIL) with their virulent form of Islam.
Also coincidental, Manchester’s May 22 was the USA’s two-yearly Mars return in Gemini – the degree of which happens to sit on Trump’s sun in Gemini. Mars is the most problematic planet in USA’s 1776 horoscope, reflecting its emotional immaturity (for which Trump is the child-man symbol), its inability to deal with domestic gun violence and its continual interference in the destinies of foreign nations. (It was ironic that USA complained of Russian interference in its election, when USA has interfered in Russia’s past elections and those of another 50 nations, over the decades.)

Mussolini returns to Europe!
Trump has piled buffoonery upon buffoonery during his recent trip: “Trump shambled around Europe with his goon display of ignorance of other languages, cultures or even basic manners.”13
His appalling faux pas’, arrogance and ignorance of statesmanship has increased his level of ridicule and being deemed “not fit to rule”. The emperor has no clothes. Many Americans from both sides of politics want to get rid of their embarrassment of Trump, to save face internationally.
Removing him may create a thicker veneer of respectability in the world, but may only put paid to his erratic decision-making Sag moon-loose-cannon problem. When one considers the possibility for president of a super conservative Christian evangelical Mike Pence, the same foreign policies will be in force but perhaps a more restrained individual will hold the nuclear codes.
Trump is about to go through an even rougher patch soon, as transiting Saturn returns for its second and third hits to his Moon in Sagittarius (opposite his Sun in Gemini). This transit will begin toward the end of June, with Saturn making a station on his moon for the long three months of July, August and September. If ever there was a possibility of impeachment or personal physical harm/health issue diagnosis, this may be the time.
Total solar eclipse line August 21, 2017.
In the middle of this period on August 21, there will be a total solar eclipse across the USA, that has not occurred since 1918, at the end of the WWI, almost 100 years ago. The eclipse is in the last degrees of Leo, falling on Trump’s Leo ascendant and conjunct the fixed star Regulus, prominent in the charts of kings and rulers.
Hence, along with the aforementioned Saturn (karma) transit to his moon (the past), this may signal the de-throning of “King Trump” (even by his own party), along with significant tumult in the USA, given that Saturn will also be severely containing USA’s erratic Mars in Gemini. “Humpty Trumpty” may well have a “yuuge” or “bigly” fall from his wall, but not the one proposed for the Mexican border; the wall of separation and selfishness that the little ego has built in his heart.
Trump plays a very unique role as the shadow of the USA, the unintegrated aspect of this youthful nation. He may well become the scapegoat of the USA, the sacrificial goat left out in the political wilderness, to atone and be blamed for the nation’s sins, criticised beyond redemption. Trump is an American tragedy in the making and is to be pitied, as he is simply an ignorant and ambitious man – nothing more, nothing less.
He is of course, a puppet of evil materialistic forces but could not be labelled as such himself. The USA is facing its Dweller (which is also the global dweller) – as the nation fights desperately for its soul. America must get over its sense of exceptionalism, privilege, entitlement and pride. This eclipse in Leo (the sign of pride) may well bring Trump and this great nation to its knees – through political and/or geographical upheaval. If that were to occur, then learning some needed humility might help reset its course toward its soul goal of Aquarius – to fulfil its planetary dharma as a world leader.
The August Solar Eclipse: Earth Changes
The other possibility with this solar eclipse is massive geographic disturbance along the eclipse path, through earthquake or volcanic activity, especially in the Pacific North-West corner – from San Francisco to Seattle. This area is said to be 71 years overdue for an immense 8.4 or larger earthquake, due to the geologically unstable Mendocino Triple Junction where three tectonic plates collide. And of course, the Mount St. Helens active volcano is in the middle of this area.

Vaivasvata Manu.
In this respect, it is worthy to bear in mind, that many earth changes are in store as Humanity transitions from one zodiacal age to another, from the Fifth Rootrace to the Sixth rootrace. Changes will accelerate and it is the duty of the Manu to supervise these changes:
“The work of the Manu is largely concerned with government, with planetary politics, and with the founding, direction, and dissolution of racial types and forms. To Him is committed the will and purpose of the Planetary Logos. He knows what is the immediate objective for this cycle of evolution over which He has to preside, and His work concerns itself with making that will an accomplished fact.
He works in … manipulating the forces which move the earth’s crust, of raising and lowering continents, of directing the minds of statesmen everywhere so that racial government will proceed as desired.”14 … Volcanic action therefore may be looked for, demonstrating in unexpected localities, as well as within the sphere of the present earthquake and volcanic zones. Serious disturbance may be looked for in California before the end of the century, and in Alaska likewise.”15

Ocean Waves. (Katusika Hokusai 1760-1849.)
San Francisco is also said to be well overdue for a big quake, due to the movement of the San Andreas fault. Of note, on August 21, in the horoscope of San Francisco (April 4, 1878), the solar eclipse will be precisely conjunct San Francisco’s progressed sun in the 29th degree of Leo. Transiting Uranus, usually associated with earthquakes, is conjunct Mercury in Aries, the ruler of this Gemini rising chart. Both placements are connected to one another by trine aspect.
If any natural disaster occurred, it would not necessarily happen on the date of the solar eclipse, but within a year when that eclipse is triggered by another planetary transit. For instance, a partial solar eclipse during Aquarius in February 2018, is almost at the same degree opposite – and happens to fall on USA’s Aquarian moon, indicating disturbance of its old patterns.

The Return of the Christ. (Author’s interpretation.)
Vesica Piscis: Symbol for Gemini
In Latin, “vesica piscis” literally means “bladder of a fish” and is related to Pisces, via the fish shape at its centre and the dual theme of the two fishes. The Vesica Piscis can however, be applied more specifically to Gemini, another more obvious sign of duality, the Twins.
Gemini represents two pillars through which the forces of Sirius and the second ray of Love-Wisdom pour. The bases of those round pillars can be seen on the ground of the crop glyph, overlapping one another. Or, viewed more fourth dimensionally, the two circles are interpenetrating spheres united in harmony. Synthesis from duality. Sun and Moon in fine tune. Masculine united with feminine. The Twins of Gemini unite.
At the centre of the two circles is the “almond” or “fish”, the latter adopted as a sign of Christ in the Piscean Age. It is also the feminine yoni, yet in the centre of the glyph above sits the masculine orb of the Sun or solar principle. It is a solar cosmic egg, or a lunar egg connected to fertility and the birth of the soul into matter. It is Leda the swan who gives birth to the Gemini twins Castor and Pollux, after her unification with the Divine Swan. She lays a golden egg from which the Twins are born and this myth is extant in many traditions.

Signs of Christ. (Nicholas Roerich)
Gemini was a very important sign at Individualisation, when Humanity first gained the “spark of mind”, in esoteric chronology, many millions of years ago. Castor and Pollux, are the dual man, the mortal body and the immortal soul; the brawling brothers of soul and personality.
The Return of the Christ
The central area of the glyph can be seen as a keyhole to the Mysteries, but also as a radiant Being approaching this planet, the Avatar of Synthesis and/or The Christ. The other swirled circle in the “head” of this glyph represents the moon. There is a straight line that connects it to the Sun, indicating the Sun-Moon opposition that occurs astronomically at every full moon. It is also symbolic of the head and heart working in unison, connected via the antahkarana or rainbow bridge. The solar principle is most importantly the major unifying principle at the geometric centre – the heart.
Gemini has a profound relation to the heart: The love-wisdom ray is the only ray to pass through this sign, and Gemini rules the thymus gland associated with the heart chakra. The thymus gland is connected to that childhood innocence and naivety that most adults spend their lives trying to reclaim:
“Gemini also rules the thymus gland which is inactive at present in the adult person, owing to the fact that the heart centre is unawakened in the majority. It will, however, become active when “the immortal brother floods the mortal brother with the light and life of God.” Then the heart centre, with its correlating activity of consciousness (group understanding and group love) will function freely.”16
The crop glyph is also deeply symbolic of Shamballa, the planetary centre from where “the will of god is known” and seat of the Lord of the World, Sanat Kumara. In the Christian tradition this shape is called a “mandorla” (mandala) and it has 2 x 12 emanations on either side = 24, the number of Shamballa.
S.H.A.M.B.A.L.L.A. or = 24/6. Shamballa has nine letters, the number of initiation:
“The goal of all the initiatory process is to admit mankind into realisation of and identification with the will or purpose of Deity. The number 6 is the number of form or of manifestation, which is the agent or medium through which this realisation comes … The number 24 … expressing as it does the double 12 – the greater and the lesser zodiac. Just as the number 6 expresses space, so the number 24 expresses time, and is the key to the great cycle of manifestation. It is the clue to all cyclic appearance or incarnation.”17
This is an important consideration as we are currently entering a dual cycle of Aquarius on the greater and lesser zodiacs of 2,160 and 25,000 years. ((The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.567.)) The number 24 also has another interpretation:
“All the twelve constellations bring about man’s evolutionary development and eventual release from the Great Wheel of living existence. Seven of these are, however, primarily useful in bringing about the seven crises of the soul whilst five of them are instrumental upon the final stages of the Way in enabling the disciple or initiate to utilise the experience gained and the values grasped in effecting entrance into the fifth kingdom in nature.

Christ as centre of the zodiac. Christ the exemplar for the Christ or soul within everyone.
You have, therefore, the 12 + 7 + 5, making 24 in all and in these are to be found the “24 episodes which mark the Cross of Life.” From the standpoint of Christian symbolism, these seven crises correspond to the seven stations of the Cross which mark the way of an advancing world Saviour.”18
Manchester It is highly significant that the crop circle glyph was reported and/or appeared on May 22, the day of the Manchester bombings. It brings a message of hope that the tide is turning and nothing can prevent the Reappearance of the Christ. The full moon symbolism must refer to this coming Gemini full moon festival in 2017; it is also known as the Festival of Unification, presided over by the Christ, “the Master of all the Masters and the Teacher alike of angels and of men”.
Hence the importance of this Gemini solar festival in these troubled times, where dark forces working through their various envoys on Earth, seek to prevent Humanity from their birthright of the Light. Britain, as a leading nation of the Fifth Rootrace (and the main location for crop circles on the planet), is most definitely in the cross-hairs of this onslaught. She has a second ray soul like the USA, is older and wiser, but currently, unduly influenced by the USA. Both nations are struggling to bring their soul light into greater objectivity.
During this five-day full moon period, the counter-force of Love-Wisdom will be abundantly available to invoke, as will the frequencies of Sirius, broadcasting between the two pillars of Gemini. The Sirian solar plan always has an impact upon Earth’s Plan and Purpose at every Gemini festival.

The South Rose Window of Christ at Saint Maurice Cathedral of Angers, France. Designed by Andre Robin, c. 1451.
The exact full moon is on June 9, 2017 at 2.09.30 pm. (GMT), World Invocation Day. Hence, the window of opportunity for group and individual meditation service starts 2.5 days before around June 7; it will continue for 2.5 days after until around June 12, making five days all told. (This is the same for all full moon festivals.)
Understanding these cycles of opportunity will help everyone to profit from the energies available, as well as understand the available energies can be scientifically directed around the planet through right meditation. For those who feel dis-empowered and disappointed with the world situation, this is the most potent way that everyone can contribute to real core transformation, through working with conditioning energies at their source. Bear in mind Gemini’s aptitude for working with subtle forces.
Humanity can and must change the existing template, the Christ and Masters cannot do it for us. They can only return to the world (from their long sojourn since Atlantean times), once Humanity has done the commensurate work.
Phillip Lindsay © 2017.
Latest circle May 28.
The 5-pointed star is the symbol of Venus, esoteric ruler of Gemini.
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Books by Phillip Lindsay
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.556. [↩]
- The Secret Doctrine II, H.P. Blavatsky. p65. [↩]
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- Initiation, Human and Solar. Alice A. Bailey. p.42. [↩]
- A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p.907. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.367. [↩]
- The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. pp.79-80. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.476. [↩]
A great newsletter , as always, my brother. Thank you very much.
A great newsletter Phillip, thank you, really presenting the potential for aligning the appeal of humanity with the higher inflow of the will-to-good as humanity seeks unification
Just observing too how Brexit came just before the US elections,
and now again UK elections before the lunar eclipse of the USA.
And interestingly by the Mayan calendar the Full Moon day is “Solar Earth”
and the elections fall on a day of the “Galactic Warrior”.
Thank you for these newsletters, Phillip. They are always insightful and deeply informative.
As always, your writing leaves me breathless and in awe! I found this one especially hopeful and inspiring. Thank you for the time, thought and effort you pore into each of your newsletters. Blessings…
Wow a friend forwarded this newsletter to me and have just read it. Blown away with your words Philip, many thanks.
Thank you for your soulful wisdom, Phillip. The big picture viewpoint always helps to make sense of the madness in the world. I, too, have observed the upcoming hits on Trump’s chart (and by solar arc and progressions) with interest…….. We will see.
There is a faint circle perfectly surrounding the central Vesica Piscis glyph creating a crescent on either side of it. Could this represent waxing and waning cycles of the moon? I am always moved by the beauty of the crop circle designs but these two, the Vesica Piscis and the Star of Venus are so deeply moving and validating for humanity. From my deepest heart center, Phillip, thank you for your persistance in sharing facets of our existence on earth.
Thank you so much. Your wisdom and knowledge leaves me breathless.
Just thought you may be interested in an I Ching reading on Donald Trump. I have written a version of the I Ching, of which you can see a sample on Have been studying and writing the Holistic I Ching for thirty years and trust the wisdom of this sacred oracle.
I received Hexagram or section no. 36 – the Fifth and Six Lines on Trump. This Hexagram is called Censorship and the Fifth Line indicates that his Presidency will be dictatorial and severely wounding for many people. For example consider the fate of an environmental scientist, trying to hold onto their job amid extreme censorship and restrictions. However, the Sixth Line stands for a dramatic fall for a tyrant in a public dramatic way. This hexagram represents a process that can take some time so don’t hold your breath waiting. I have lived long enough to see that even tyrants also introduce productive changes as they have a ruthless visionary approach.
The Top Line recommends holding to your ethical principles and for vulnerable persons, not challenging the darkness too openly. For though the “dragon that covers the light will fall from a great height”, you can still be wounded when symbolically, you may be swiped by the the mighty dragon’s tail as it falls from the sky. Many people will be damaged like former FBI Comey and many laws will be trashed, yet the mighty will fall hard in the end. Sensitive people need to protect themselves from this onslaught before it crashes.