Gemini 2019: World Invocation Day. Britain, USA – D-Day. 5G and Etheric Body. Mass Shooter. Earthquakes.

The hero twins of Mayan cosmology – Hunahpú and Xbalanqué – connected to the creation of the universe; they are equivalent to Castor and Pollux, the two stars of Gemini the Twins. Gemini was prominent at human individualisation.
Gemini Keynote
“I recognise my other self and in the waning of that self I grow and glow.”
World Invocation Day
(Full Moon: June 17, 2019. 8.32 am. UT.)
Gemini: Third of Three Spiritual Festivals
Gemini Britain and Gemini USA: Double Trouble!
Gemini’s Trump, Johnson and Corbyn
Gemini and the Importance of D-Day
Gemini, 5G, the Etheric Body and Telepathy
The Mind of a Mass Shooter and the USA
Imminent Earthquake in Los Angeles?
Gemini: Third of Three Spiritual Festivals
The interlude of Gemini is also called the Festival of Unification, Christ Festival, Festival of Humanity or Goodwill. The new impulse generated through two full moons in Aries this year, took root in earthy Taurus at the Wesak Festival and is distributed in the sign of Gemini.
Hence, four festivals this year. Full moon periods are monthly cycles of high spiritual potential – to commune with the Spiritual Forces of the planet and participate in the great celebration of souls guiding – and being guided toward the light.
The annual World Invocation Day is always at the date of the Gemini full moon – spanning 2½ days before and after the exact full moon time. Here is always the opportunity to be extra mindful and reflective, to tune into the subtle but powerful forces pouring into the planet via the zodiac sign Gemini:
“The result of this solemn three days of invocation will be followed by a climaxing day wherein the Hierarchy will unitedly, and led by the Christ, pronounce the entire Invocation, prefacing each stanza with its appropriate keynote, again sounded in unison. These notes you cannot know, but if, for instance, a very large number of the New Group of World Servers were brought together, their united OM might approximate the appropriate keynote.”[1]
Gemini rules communications and The Great Invocation is a potent, globally transforming mantram that can be used every day – but especially at any full moon festival. As the second ray of Love-Wisdom is the only ray to pass through Gemini, it is this force that is being invoked and disseminated – in all its various expressions – via the spoken or written word, music (the universal language), art, acts of human kindness and even the internet.
Gemini also rules inner communications because of its association with the etheric body which is the medium of transmission for impulses from the soul via the mental body. Hence the quality of formlessness that Gemini expresses, making it a sign well suited to telepathic communication and inner work in general.
Gemini Britain and Gemini USA: Double Trouble!
The recent visit of Donald Trump to Britain reflects the Gemini ties between these two nations: Britain a Gemini soul, USA a Gemini personality. Hence the close link between them – Britain as the “mother” of the USA has “bequeathed” its Gemini soul purpose to its “son”. USA is an Aquarian soul and its purpose is to be a world leader into the coming Age of Aquarius.
Both nations’ souls are upon the second ray of Love-Wisdom, hence their unity of purpose in the demonstration of the Love-Wisdom principle. The only ray to pass through Gemini is the second ray of Love-Wisdom, hence the combination of ray and sign is very powerful for both nations:
“There is a much closer relation between the United States of America and Great Britain than between any continental power, for Gemini is the ruling sign of both countries, and they have, in many ways, a synchronous vibration. There is however, little of the Taurian influence [Britain’s personality] in the [United] States and consequently you have the attitude of frequent misunderstanding which exists between the two powers. They are very close to each other and the welfare of each means much to each of them, so much so that the tendency to misinterpretation of each other’s actions and motives is not aided by the fluidity of Gemini.

It must be borne in mind the special future relationship between these three nations: Britain, USA, Brazil.
Nevertheless, the arrogance and self-will of the Bull [Taurus] must give way to the fluid understanding of the inclusive Gemini consciousness, and this is a hard thing for the British temperament at this time to grasp. [written 1946-49] They are so sure of their rectitude [righteousness] and so convinced of their wisdom that they are apt to forget that good intentions are oft offset by bad methods. The British are just and wise, but their self-sufficient technique and their blindness to other peoples’ point of view has not aided world peace and is indicative of the control of Taurus.”[2]
Indeed, seventy years later, the Taurus personality is still a problem for Britain, as described in recent newsletters on the Brexit crisis. A significant proportion of Britain’s older generation stubbornly wants to return to the glories of its empire by becoming an isolated unit in Europe – an impossible aspiration that runs contrary to the higher nature of its Gemini soul – inclusiveness and right relationships. Britain’s pro Brexit stance will undo the precious unity built up in Europe since World War II. The following passage was stated seventy years ago, but still applies today, despite this nation’s soul making progress in many fields:
“From the higher angle, Gemini does not entirely control, for the soul of Britain is only now struggling for expression. For long ages Taurus has led the way with his material aims, his acquisitive desires, his arrogant will and his blind moving forward towards the possession of that which has been desired. Pervasiveness and movement are two qualities with which Gemini and Taurus have dowered the race.”[3]
The Brexit crisis has brought to the surface the do-or-die dilemma that Britain now faces – to regenerate its recalcitrant Taurus personality. It is in many ways Britain’s dark night of the soul – a soul that is having difficulty in penetrating through to its Taurus personality. The opportunity to make a breakthrough may well occur in the next seven years as Uranus passes through Taurus on its 84 year cycle. In fact, it is already occurring since Uranus entered Taurus in 2018, and this is contributing to Britain’s great crisis.
Uranus rules London’s seventh ray personality. Uranus in Taurus as the revolutionary, will create some major shifts on the financial scene – and London is arguably the financial capital of the world. (See previous commentary, Uranus in Taurus: Revolution of the Monetary System here.)
At the same time, it appears that USA’s young and unintegrated Gemini personality – is trying to take advantage of Britain’s temporary loss of soul alignment. The “son” is attempting to some back to the “mother” and “move back in” – i.e. dictate financially and politically. Already Trump is talking about getting a bite of the NHS (National Health Service) pie. Britain has been taking orders from the USA ever since ex PM Tony Blair’s role in the 2003 Iraq invasion and the lies about WMD’s. Ironically, Gemini rising Blair is pro-remain for UK to stay in Europe, and makes some excellent points.
Gemini’s Trump, Johnson and Corbyn
Donald Trump is a Gemini sun with a Sagittarius moon opposite – born on the full moon. Trump embodies all that is unintegrated in USA’s Gemini personality. The USA currently hosts the Global Dweller or Shadow, and Trump plays out his role through his Geminian chameleon behaviour – here is the cunning of lowest common denominator Gemini, not the wisdom of an evolved Gemini.
To complement this already dangerous scenario, it appears that pro-Brexit Boris Johnson is 10/11 favourite to take over the Tory leadership role and become Britain’s next prime minister. Johnson is also a Gemini sun, exhibiting some of its worst characteristics – a brazen liar and manipulator:
“In June 2016, Nick Clegg described him [Johnson] as “like Donald Trump with a thesaurus”, while fellow Conservative MP Kenneth Clarke described him as a “nicer Donald Trump” and EU official Martin Selmayr described the potential election of Johnson and Trump to the leadership of their respective countries as a “horror scenario””[4]
Hence, Trump’s visit on the eve of his birthday, the 2019 Gemini full moon festival and Johnson’s election, were of deep concern to many observers; it was almost as if a “soft coup” was played out in the open media, against the backdrop of the pagaentry and “approval” of the British monarchy.
The Transition of Leadership Power
Theresa May’s inevitable resignation on May 24 opened a scramble for the Tory leadership – she had transiting Pluto in Capricorn (power) square to her progressed midheaven in Libra (career). May is a Libra sun with Scorpio rising – she tried to tough it out to the bitter end – but to May’s dismay she ended in May!
Also on that day, transiting Venus in Taurus was opposing her Scorpio ascendant and progressed Venus in Scorpio, creating a grand cross in fixed signs – with Uranus in Leo opposite Chiron in Aquarius – and the moon transiting through that sign.
May has a stellium of progressed planets in Sagittarius, a sign so emphasised at the moment in Britain’s 1801 horoscope, and as discussed in detail here: Capricorn Britain: Extraordinary Transits and Brexit. The planet in the spotlight has been Britain’s Mercury in Sagittarius – lately squared by transiting Neptune – and identified as the major factor that led to the public being deceived by an aggressive propaganda campaign for Britain to leave the EU. Boris Johnson was part of that campaign, infamous for his completely untrue comments that Britain’s net payment to the European Union would be £350 million a week.
Britain’s Mercury in Sagittarius represents an upholding of ideals and/or a reorientation to new ones. But as its Mercury (and Johnson’s) was squared by Neptune, the planet of idealism – the lower, unredeemed expression of Neptune triumphed – with its themes of deception, illusion, delusion etc. – a deliberate deception of the nation by a small group of plotting billionaires. Bear in mind also, that the third Gemini labour of Hercules involves the arch-deceiver, Busiris!
Theresa May’s Jupiter in Virgo squares Britain’s Mercury in Sagittarius, and indeed, her progressed Moon was in Sagittarius passing over the degree of Britain’s Mercury in the past few months. She was fighting for ideals that she thought were right, a blind idealism that led to her teary resignation – realising that it had been all for nought.
The ruler of Britain’s second ray soul of Love-Wisdom – Jupiter, has all the while been transiting back and forth across the nation’s Mercury, stimulating and amplifying the “Mercury problem” – to higher thought and a reorientation to new ideals more suited to the nation.
Inner to outer wheels: Britain (1), Johnson (2), Trump (3), Corbyn (4), Gemini full moon transits (5).
The last pass of Jupiter over Britain’s Mercury occurs in late September – close to the October date by which Boris Johnson wants a “hard Brexit”. So the battle upon the mental plane in the realm of ideas is far from over! (Jupiter currently has a close proximity to the Earth.) Johnson’s Mercury in Gemini sits opposite Britain’s Mercury in Sagittarius – a clash of viewpoints, a contrary view.
Trump’s wildcard and erratic Uranus in Gemini, sits exactly opposite Britain’s Mercury in Gemini! It appears that this is an unprecedented period where the worst expression of Gemini can take place through the influence of Trump and Johnson, through their selfish aspirations.
With transiting Jupiter opposing Johnson’s Gemini Sun and Mercury – up until September and October, he has a very good chance of winning the Tory leadership, confirming his odds status currently. It all depends upon how successful the battle for leadership within the Tory Party will be, between now and then.
Of course, the leader of the Labour Party opposition cannot be ignored either – Jeremy Corbyn – another Gemini, but far more considered in his reformist thinking than Johnson and Trump. Although his performance has been viewed as lack-lustre recently, he may still have some significant influence.
The Importance of D-DAY and Gemini
“Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it” – George Santayana.
The fact that Trump, the British monarchy and other world leaders all attended the D-Day ceremonies on June 6, is highly significant for several reasons. D-Day on June 6, 1944 was on the Gemini full moon festival, chosen militarily because it afforded the greatest moonlight for aircraft, ships and soldiers:
“The Normandy landings were the landing operations on Tuesday, 6 June 1944 of the Allied invasion of Normandy in Operation Overlord during World War II. Code-named Operation Neptune and often referred to as D-Day, it was the largest seaborne invasion in history. The operation began the liberation of German-occupied France (and later western Europe) from Nazi control, and laid the foundations of the Allied victory on the Western Front.”[5]
D-Day was the greatest collaboration of two Love-Wisdom ray souls – Britain and USA – who through their united actions, saved humanity from domination by the Nazis and Axis Powers. (Britain in this context also means soldiers from all the original “colonies” such as Australia, New Zealand, Canada, South africa, India etc.)
Operation Neptune was a most appropriate name for the large passage of ships and planes across the English Channel, and is reflected by its dominant position in the full moon horoscope – as the most elevated planet, conjunct the midheaven. D-Day on June 6, 1944 fell only one month after a planned extra effort by the Hierarchy:
“Today the Hierarchy is facing a climaxing activity. From the Full Moon of May, 1944 [Taurus Wesak Festival], until the Full Moon of May, 1945, the Members of the Hierarchy will unitedly be putting forth Their maximum effort to close the door upon the Forces of Evil, to direct the Shamballa energy (now let loose upon the world), so that its destructive aspect may be transmuted or directed towards the stimulation which will result in the rebuilding of the world.”[6]
D-Day Horoscope: June 6, 1944.
There is more interesting material that follows this passage, but for the sake of brevity it is omitted for now. Suffice to say, the battle between the forces of light and darkness in that year was culminating, reflecting the earlier battle in ancient Atlantean times when the energy of Shamballa had been released for only the second time – WWII was the third time.[7] Today is the cycle wherein the World Disciple must “close the door where evil dwells” – once and for all, since its drifting ajar after WWII.

Sir Winston Churchill, now much maligned by revisionist history focusing on some of his mistakes. His rising to the occasion in WWII however, cannot be denied. He and FDR were regarded by the Hierarchy as advanced disciples.
Gemini is the third of the first three most important spiritual festivals for each year – where the initial impulse of Aries has been consolidated in Taurus, ready for distribution in Gemini. In the D-Day horoscope, Sagittarius is rising, reflecting the one pointed effort by Hierarchy – and the blasting of millions of aircraft and navy cannons; there are four placements in Gemini – Sun, Uranus, Saturn and Venus, the esoteric ruler of Gemini.
Sir Winston Churchill, whose famous speech, “we shall fight them on the beaches” – had his Sun and Venus in rousing Sagittarius; he made the original speech on June 4, 1940 – on the Gemini new moon, with Mercury in Gemini! Its ironic that Gemini Boris Johnson has just published a book about his admiration for Churchill, apparently to good reviews! Oxford educated Johnson was a journalist for many years before becoming Lord Mayor of London from 2008-2016. Likewise, the other Gemini twin – Trump, was presented by the Queen with a copy of Churchill’s book on WWII!
The author has regularly proposed that Humanity finds itself in a third phase of the World War – that rages ideologically upon the mental plane. Witness the recent duping of the British public through Brexit propaganda perpetuated by several billionaires; there continues to be a deliberate dumbing down and misleading of the masses who can be more easily controlled when held in ignorance, or distracted from more important themes.
And yet, there is also an increasing, emerging awareness that runs counter to the propaganda mill, where people are waking up, taking action and reclaiming control of their destinies. We truly live in an age of conflicting opposites, between the materialism of the past and the emerging light of the Aquarian Age.
Many observers state that since WWII, Britain, USA and other Western nations have declined, ironically slipping into a “creeping fascism” that they fought so valiantly against. There has been a slide toward the far right in many Western governments, greater control of media by corporations – and governments, repression of whistle-blowers, intimidation, climate change denial, bypassing the United Nations, a decline in cultural and spiritual values etc. To many, Trump and Johnson represent a deliberate, petulant ignorance of global problems; their preference for a dictatorial approach emulates the misuse of Shamballa forces by the Nazis in WWII:
“The Shamballa force is too strong for those who are naturally wilful. In the case of certain potent men, this energy reaches them directly, and is not stepped down for them through contact with the Hierarchy of Love; it naturally expresses itself in the political fields and in the realm of governments, through rulers, officials, statesmen and politicians.
When the “little wills” of the intelligentsia, of those who serve the public in some capacity or other, and those above all who are working in some connection with the United Nations, become strengthened, stimulated and focussed on goodwill, the union of the two energies of Love-Wisdom and of Will can bring about the needed changes in the planetary life. This is not an immediate happening, but it is not a visioning of the impossible.”[8]
5 G, Gemini, the Etheric Body and Telepathy
“Gemini … is related to the etheric body; it is the custodian of conditioning energy and the intermediary, as far as basic essentials are concerned, between soul and body. These are the two allied brothers [Gemini]. In the average person, the etheric vehicle is the transmitter of psychic energy, galvanising and coordinating the dense physical body and permitting, therefore, astral and mental control of the personality.
When the [wo]man is upon the Path of Discipleship and, therefore, upon the reversed wheel, leading to initiation, the etheric body becomes the transmitter of soul energy and not of personality force; the powerful effect of the second Ray of Love-Wisdom—working through the subjective six rays, according to ray type—begins steadily to dominate the vital body, producing consequently the shift of force and of intensity to the centres above the diaphragm … There is much to be learned from the study of the dual activity—higher and lower—of the etheric body and its relation to and responsiveness to the constellation, Gemini.”[9]
Gemini is the zodiac sign of communications par excellence, especially with its rulership by Mercury – god of speech and learning. The etheric body of the solar system, with its nadis and nodal points, links all of the planets in a vast web of life. The etheric body therefore, is the basis of telepathy – a higher form of Geminian communication that will in long aeons eventually replace speech. More on telepathy later.
The world is bathed in a sea of electronic frequencies, all of which have an effect upon the subtle bodies. First and foremost there are the planetary, ray and zodiacal forces. Then there are many sources of EMF (electro-magnetic frequencies) such as TV and radio signals, cellphones, radar, x-rays, computers, power lines, store lighting, smart meters, micro-waves, wi-fi, high frequency emissions such as HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Project) etc.
Many people “cope” with these disruptions to their “normal state” unconsciously – the body works harder, the adrenal glands are taxed, the quality of sleep is affected etc. Most do not notice the effects or are able pinpoint the causes, whilst the very sensitive can become quite debilitated. The World Health Organization estimates that approximately 30% of the population in industrial economies suffer from Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity.
“The most common symptoms observed in those subjected to EMF’s are insomnia, headaches, depression, fatigue, dysesthesia (a painful itchy feeling), lack of concentration, memory loss and dizziness. Looking at the scientific studies of the effects of EMF on various tissues: in the nerves, it has a detrimental effect on the Aplysia neurons; on the heart, it has been found to cause bradycardia (slow heart rate); in the brain, decrease in epinephrine, norepinephrine, dopamine and 5-hydroxytriptamine, plus alterations to the axonal structure, decrease in Purkinje cells and structural alterations in the hypothalamic region; in the eyes, cataract; in the endocrine system, increase in plasma corticosteroids, decreased thyroid hormones and decreased pineal melatonin; in the immune system, a decrease in natural killer cell activity.”[10]
The body is a bio-electrical system. It is said that sharp increases in neuro-transmitter diseases (Parkinson’s, Alzhimers etc) are all related to increased EMF expsoure. Add to that sperm defragmentation and degneration, diabetes (not just sugar) – the list is endless! If existing man-made frequencies have a proven effect, then imagine the potency of 5G, thirty times the power of wi-fi or a cell phone, broadcasting in a much narrower wavelength – as shown in the simple diagram above. It is claimed by some however, that the Scalar waves discussed by Nikola Tesla can offset the effect of 5G.
The brilliant Dr. Sharon Goldberg testifies at Michigan’s 5G Small Cell Tower Legislation Hearing October 4, 2018.
There are many other gadgets and pendants that have been used for years to protect users from the effects of EMF, including the recent Teslar watch, “created using Teslar Technology, comes from an identified need to protect people from dangers of man-made electromagnetic fields that more and more emerge from electromagnetic-based technology.” How effective this device is unknown to the author, but as someone who works with computers and wi-fi continually, various devices have been used for protection.
“The individual etheric body is not an isolated and separated human vehicle but is, in a peculiar sense, an integral part of the etheric body of that entity which we have called the human family; this kingdom in nature, through its etheric body, is an integral part of the planetary etheric body; the planetary etheric body is not separated off from the etheric bodies of other planets but all of them in their totality, along with the etheric body of the sun constitute the etheric body of the solar system.
This is related to the etheric bodies of the six solar systems which, with ours, form a cosmic unity and into these pour energies and forces from certain great constellations. The field of space is etheric in nature and its vital body is composed of the totality of etheric bodies of all constellations, solar systems and planets which are found therein. Throughout this cosmic golden web there is a constant circulation of energies and forces and this constitutes the scientific basis of the astrological theories.”[11]
Now 5G technology is being rolled (or rushed) out by various governments and telecommunication companies – without public permission in many cases; they are racing to establish the technology before any thorough studies or laws against the technology can be passed. Cities like Brussels, Belgium have said no to 5G, over concerns that the new cellular standard cannot meet the city’s strict radiation rules. The state of Lousiana has recently began formal reviews of 5G to assess its effects.
Radiation from 5G “phased array antennas” penetrates much deeper into the human body. Apart from deleterious health effects of thousands of extra high frequency transmitters, 5G represents the “Internet of Things” – technology that gives superfast internet speed but collects data, invasively monitoring every aspect of human lives. 5G is being touted as “revolutionary” for human evolution before it has even been stringently tested.
Far be it from being a luddite, there is nothing wrong with technology, but right motive in its use is essential. Misuse of technology is the shadow of the Aquarian Age – group work within corporations selfishly oriented for monetary gain and/or political power. Aquarius is the sign of technology with its “scientific” ruler, Uranus. But Aquarius is also a sign of philanthropy, goodwill and service to all of Humanity – reflected by its esoteric ruler Jupiter, ruler of the second ray of Love-Wisdom – embodying the Water-Bearer who pours forth for thirsting humanity.

A pretty picture but one that illustrates 20,000 satellites circulating around the earth, directing high intensity microwave beams.
This new phase of 5G technology has all the hallmarks of a “wild west” scenario – companies scrambling to bypass laws in order to establish advantageous positions in what promises to be a multi-trillion dollar industry. Yet, the technology is being touted as “wonderful” and being steam-rollered ahead without public permission or preliminary studies. 5G is the “thin end of the wedge” regarding AI (artificial intelligence) and further abuses by the military industrial complex and other bodies; this is currently a contentious issue among leading inventors, thinkers, entrepeneurs and scientists:
“An even more alarming prospect will be the beaming of millimeter length microwaves at the earth from thousands of new communication satellites. The FCC gave approval to SpaceX on March 29, 2018, to launch 4,425 satellites into low orbit around the Earth. The total number of satellites that is expected to be put into low and high orbit by several companies will be 20,000 satellites. These satellites will use the same type of phased array antennas as will be used by the ground-based 5G systems. This means that they will send tightly focused beams of intense microwave radiation at each specific 5G device that is on the Earth and each device will send a beam of radiation back to the satellite.
… Phased array antennas consist of clusters of hundreds of tiny antennas that work together to shoot a ray of energy at a target just like a bullet. A cluster of these tiny antennas can be arranged in a 4 inch by 4 inch matrix. The rays of microwaves they produce will be strong enough to pass through walls and human bodies. If they were not strong enough to do this, then everyone with a 5G smartphone would have to stand outside when using the devices.
Each 5G product will also have multiple phased array antennas which will be used to create a powerful beam of radiation back to the 5G devices mounted on electrical utility poles or toward a specific satellite in space. These beams of radiation will also need to be strong enough to pass through walls and human flesh such as a hand or head to reach the intended destination.
This means that if you are in a crowded location, such as an airport or on a train, there will be hundreds if not thousands of invisible beams of radiation flying through the environment at the speed of light. As people move in that environment, their bodies will be penetrated by numerous beams of radiation as they walk or as other people walk around them with their 5G smartphones.”[12]
It is ironic that Gemini is a sign of communications and the etheric body is the vehicle for telepathic transmission of thought. Here is a contrast between the outer and inner forms of communication – telephones and telepathy. The entire human race will evolve to be telepathic in the distant future. Already, millions experience various versions of lower and higher telepathy depending upon their spiritual unfoldment.
Disruptive and irresponsible use of technology will interfere not only with physical health, but could also disrupt the link between soul and personality in each individual, or the development of true telepathy between humans. Indeed, there are claims that directed frequencies can be used for individual mind manipulation, or crowd control – not beyond the realm of possibility. There are some who say that effects of these new more powerful frequencies can be offset through visualisaton and the application of thought – this may be true, but the majority of humanity will not be equipped to do so.
“The etheric body is a potent receiver of impressions, which are conveyed to the human consciousness through the medium of the awakened centres. There is, for instance, no true clairvoyance until either the solar plexus or the ajna centre is awakened. These transmitted impressions and information become the incentive whereby conscious activity is initiated. Only in time can we hope to register all the different areas of divine expression. Only when the etheric body is swept into activity under the influence and through the “impressed forces” of the soul, the mind and temporarily, of the astral body, can we become aware of all the worlds, all phenomena, and all states of consciousness.”[13]
The Mind of a Mass Shooter and the USA
Without wishing to dwell unduly on these kind of events, they always provides insight into the psyche of the nation. This subject that has been written about extensively in various newsletters over the past decade.
What drives an intelligent, academically qualified, long time employee to commit such a selfish, terrorist act? (May 31, 2019) Revenge. A disgruntled employee – given permission by the American gun culture, the NRA, movie heroes, video games and other mass shooters before him.
The next mass shooting is only a matter of when, not if. The USA languishes – with a lack of political will to do anything about this dark disease infecting the body of the nation. It is noteworthy that these massacres are the ONLY terrorism that USA experiences – homegrown, but projected onto its foreign visitors through tiresome security checks and screening.
The now deceased DeWayne Craddock had the Sun in Libra with Moon in Aries opposite deadly Pluto in Libra. Transiting Pluto had been squaring his Sun for some time, whilst transiting Saturn has been moving in to square the Sun also. The time and place of birth is currently unknown, but it is possible that the Moon is in later degrees of incendiary Aries, and in orb of transit by Saturn and Pluto.
From all accounts, Craddock was “quiet, unassuming and friendly”, stumping authorities as to his motive. It also begs the question, was he the victim of obsession by some entity, or even some kind of mind-control program – and if so, for what reason? (See Mkultra, CIA mind control program.)
The key to Craddock’s rage is the placement of planets in Scorpio – particularly Mars, the ruler of both Scorpio and his Aries moon. In the previous few days to the shooting, transiting Venus in Taurus opposed his Mars in Scorpio, then on the day of the shooting, was opposite natal Venus in Scorpio. On the previous day Craddock had resigned from his job via email, citing “personal issues”. Here can be seen a failure in living up to the challenges of relationships, possible sexual frustration issues as well. His Libra sun is the sign of relationships and its ruler harmonising Venus is traditionally the planet of relationships.

Victims – the general population will forget, but families and first responders will be traumatised, confused and angered for many years.
Transiting Uranus and moon were both in Taurus, squaring grandiose Jupiter in Leo – reinforced by the fact that the transiting midheaven was passing over Jupiter during the shooting. Transiting Mercury was in Gemini opposite transiting Jupiter in Sagittarius – a sign known for hunting, the hunt – a characteristic of many mass shootings.
Likewise, Craddock’s progressed Mars was in Sagittarius, conjunct his natal Neptune – both are the esoteric rulers of the solar plexus, seat of the emotional body – an angry one in his case, most likely festering for years. Transiting Sun in Gemini was also moving in to oppose his progressed Mars in Sagittarius.
This brings a reminder that in USA’s 1776 horoscope, Mars is in Gemini and transiting Jupiter has been opposing it for the past week. In countless commentaries by the author, Mars in Gemini has always been identified as the main obstacle or shadow that stands in the way of USA’s Gemini personality integration.
That is why Donald Trump’s Gemini sun is just one degree from the nation’s Mars in Gemini – he embodies the shadow that the nation is resisting to recognise. This recent Jupiter transit was also reflective of Trump’s outbursts to media – some say, a man becomingly increasingly unhinged.
Imminent Earthquake in Los Angeles?
Experts have stated many times that Los Angeles is overdue for a large earthquake – a matter of when, not if. Los Angeles has been assigned the heart centre of USA,[14] as yet not fully awakened. Given the current dire circumstances where the USA finds itself focusing the global shadow, the possibility of a quake in LA may serve as a catalyst the nation needs for its second ray soul of Love-Wisdom to awaken.
The main astrological influence that might bring this about is that of transiting Uranus square LA’s Pluto in Aquarius. This transit will be in orb of influence through to March 2020. The last serious quake in LA was in 1994 – the Northridge quake that caused much damage and killed dozens of people. There were many long term transits and progressions in LA’s horoscope reflecting that event – and a short term “trigger transit” of Mercury conjunct Pluto in Aquarius.
With this current long term transit of Uranus in Taurus to Pluto in Aquarius, something must give and the “big one” may well occur during the next 10 months. Uranus has been noted as a significator in earthquakes and its position in earth sign Taurus adds significance to its reputation as a revolutionary that “shakes things up”. In the course of any day, week or month, there are many combinations of transits that can contribute to quakes – and of course these periods pass without any event.
A natural disaster might for instance, take the focus off beating war drums in the Middle East; it might also help the hapless public to awaken from their deeply materialistic lifestyles. Did the recent fires in California achieve that? – probably not. A devastating earthquake might force some change, not that one would wish it upon LA, but the science is certainly there.
The last serious quake in LA was in 1994, the Northridge quake that caused much damage and killed dozens of people. The transits for January 17 to the 1781 Los Angeles horoscope are interesting.
Los Angeles transits and progressions.
Here are some of the most relevant transits on the day of the 1994 quake:
- A lunar return in Aries, triggering the opposition to Neptune. Transiting midheaven (MC) was opposite in Libra. Aries is ruled by Mars, prominent in violent events.
| - Transiting Mars was in Capricorn, the sign of its exaltation, closely conjunct Uranus – a major significator in (sudden) earthquake activity. Mars had just completed its two-year return. Transiting Neptune was also conjunct Mars and Uranus in Capricorn.
| - Both Mars and Uranus were closely square to LA’s progressed midheaven in Aries.
| - Secondary progressed (SP) Mars was in the first degree of unstable Gemini, with the moon’s transiting south node passing over it.
| - Solar arc (SA) Mars was in Leo squaring Jupiter in Scorpio, another sign that Mars rules. Jupiter is also ruler of the Sagittarius ascendant.6. Still on the Aries/Mars theme, progressed Sun was in Aries, square to natal Mars in Capricorn, whilst SP moon had just passed over Mars a few weeks before, still in orb of aspect.
| - Transiting Pluto was in its own sign Scorpio, closely squaring Mercury in Leo, which was in turn closely opposed by transiting Saturn in Aquarius – creating a powerful T-square. Note that Mercury rules the seventh house angle in Gemini, already prominent with progressed Mars in Gemini.
| - Similar to the previous Pluto-Mercury transits, transiting Mercury was conjuct deadly Pluto in Aquarius. Transiting Jupiter and solar arc moon were in Scorpio, opposing Chiron and SA Venus in Taurus – making a T-square to Pluto in Aquarius.
| - Transiting Sun and Venus were in Capricorn making a T-square to the moons’ nodal axis in Libra-Aries.
Hence, it can be seen quite plainly how this chart for Los Angeles “works”. Now, 25 years later, what transits might be affecting this birth pattern, bearing in mind of course that transits come and go all the time, that could be speculated as significators.
- Transiting Uranus is in Taurus closely square to Pluto in Aquarius – a planet that was significantly aspected in the 1994 quake. Uranus is a planet associated with earthquakes and sudden disruptions. Uranus in Taurus particularly evokes the hidden depths of the Earth, symbolised by Tartarus and giant caverns.
| - Transiting Saturn and Pluto are conjunct in Capricorn, close to the degree in the 1994 quake of transiting Mars, Uranus and Neptune. Saturn has just passed over Mars in Capricorn and will do so twice more in the ensuing months.
| - Progressed Sun in Taurus is conjunct Chiron in Taurus (earth) – opposite to transiting MC – and, the position of Jupiter in Scorpio in the 1994 quake.
If the eclipse horoscope for Leo 2018 is noted, it can be seen that this powerful pattern still pervades the ethers. Eclipse “imprints” can stay in effect for a couple of years. Uranus in Taurus T-squares the Leo-Aquarius axis. Uranus, so prominent of late, is the exoteric ruler of Aquarius and “falls” in Taurus, creating that, “sharp division between body and soul” and, “whose task is to awaken and evoke the intuitive response to an ever-increasing light”. Uranus is traditionally known as the “great awakener”.
In summary then, it is plausible and possible that the “big one” might strike soon. And this is not from idle speculation. The position of Los Angeles’ Pluto is precisely conjunct the moon in Aquarius in this eclipse chart.
When considering the astro-cartography, the Uranus Asc/Desc line crosses into earthquake-prone California – right between Los Angeles and San Francisco. At the same time, it makes an intersection just off the coast of Los Angeles with the Sun in Leo/node/MC and the Moon, Mars/node lines as circled in the diagram below. Note that the vertical MC/IC lines proceed up into the vulnerable Pacific north-west that was noted in the Leo solar eclipse for 2017.
Phillip Lindsay © 2019.
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Books by Phillip Lindsay
[1] The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.566.
[2] The Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.82.
[3] Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.81.
[6] The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.437.
[7] See the author’s The Shamballa Impacts.
[8] The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.645.
[9] Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.352.
[11] Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.10.
[13] Esoteric Healing, Alice A. Bailey. p.87.
[14] The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.85.