Gemini 2024: Festival of Christ. Territorial Disputes. Israel. Zionism. Mars in Aries. Pentecost. Mercury. Disinformation. Aurora Borealis.
Gemini Keynote
“I recognise my other self and in the waning of that self I grow and glow.”
World Invocation Day
(Full Moon: May 23, 2024. 13.53 UT.)
“When astrologers understand the true significance of the constellation Gemini, the Twins, and the dual forces which pour through this sign (the “forces in conflict” as they are sometimes called or “the quarrelling brothers”) – and beat upon our planetary life, then the true method of resolving the dualities will be known.”1
Gemini: Third of Three Annual Spiritual Festivals
___The Last Sermon of the Buddha
___Who are the Nirmanakayas?
Taurus New Moon May 8, 2024: Territorial Disputes
___China, Russia and Israel
Taurus Israel and the Minotaur in the Labyrinth
___The Zionism of Joe Biden
Mars Ingress to Aries: War and Peace
___Russia-China, US-UK
___Impulsive Mars in Aries: Instant Karma
The Pentecost: Symbol of Right Human Relations
Gemini: Communication, Disinformation and Censorship
Aurora Borealis and Australis
Gemini Full Moon Meditation and Talk
Gemini: Third of Three Annual Spiritual Festivals
Note that the sequence of signs is out of order, showing Taurus first, embodying
the Will aspect of Deity and the planetary crown chakra – Shamballa.
The interlude in Gemini is also called the Festival of Unification, Christ Festival, Festival of Humanity or Goodwill. The new impulse generated through two full moons in Aries this year, took root in earthy Taurus at the Wesak Festival and is distributed in the sign of Gemini.
Full moon periods are monthly cycles of high spiritual potential – to commune with the Spiritual Forces of the planet and participate in the great celebration of souls – guiding, and being guided toward the light.
The annual World Invocation Day is always on the date of the Gemini full moon – spanning, as with all full moon celebrations – 2½ days before and after the exact full moon time – five days in total.
Here is the opportunity to be extra mindful and reflective, meditatively tuning into the subtle but powerful forces pouring into the planet via the zodiac sign Gemini:
“The result of this solemn three days of invocation will be followed by a climaxing day wherein the Hierarchy will unitedly, and led by the Christ, pronounce the entire Invocation, prefacing each stanza with its appropriate keynote, again sounded in unison.
These notes you cannot know, but if, for instance, a very large number of the New Group of World Servers were brought together, their united OM might approximate the appropriate keynote.” ((The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.556.))
Gemini rules communications and The Great Invocation is a potent, globally transforming mantram that can be used every day – but especially at any full or new moon cycle.
As the 2nd ray of Love-Wisdom is the only ray to pass through Gemini, this force is invoked and disseminated in all its various expressions – via the spoken or written word, music (the universal language), art, acts of human kindness and even the internet.
Further enhancing the potency of the Love-Wisdom ray in Gemini 2024, is the presence of 2nd ray-ruler Jupiter, conjunct Venus – goddess of love – in the last degree of Taurus – and conjunct the Sun in early Gemini. The Sun is the other co-ruler of the 2nd ray, hence an abundance of this much-needed energy will be available!
Also, the Venus-Jupiter conjunction falls upon the fixed star Alcyone, recently entered from its long sojourn in Taurus, into the early minutes of Gemini. As one of the Seven Pleiades, Alcyone is regarded esoterically as the “star of intelligence” or the “star of the individual”. The term “halcyon days derives from Alcyone, “A period of calm, often nostalgic: “halcyon days of yore”, “halcyon days of youth”.
Alcyone holds a strong 3rd ray of active-intelligence energy derived from a previous incarnation of our Solar Logos or Sun. The results of that ancient activity brought the Earth and Uranus into being.2
This is why Taurus demonstrates a lot of 3rd ray characteristics: Materially, the “mother aspect” of money, possessions and territory – at a higher level, the acquisition of spiritual knowledge.
Similarly, the 3rd ray has much in common with the third sign Gemini – specifically through Gemini’s capacity to link. Gemini brings together many disparate strands of knowledge, blending them into a deeper synthesis of understanding – vastly complementing the scholarly 2nd ray energy passing through Gemini.
As stated regularly in these missives, Taurus and Gemini have much in common regarding communication: Taurus rules the organs of speech and Gemini is the most well-known sign for communication: Verbal, written, psychic or via other mediums such as art, music, dance etc.
Therefore, Gemini rules inner communications because of its association with the etheric body – the medium of transmission for impulses from the soul, via the mental body. Hence the quality of formlessness which Gemini expresses, makes it well-suited to telepathic communication and inner work in general.
The first three festivals of the year are all connected to communication. Mercury the Messenger is the ruler of Gemini and the soul ruler of Aries, the first festival.
As mentioned, Taurus rules the organs of speech and the “Taurian … would do well to employ the method of directed and motivated speech of an outgoing and explanatory nature.”3
The Easter Aries festival celebrates The Christ, the Wesak Taurus festival celebrates the Buddha, whilst the Gemini Festival of Goodwill celebrates The Christ again. This is because the One who currently holds the Office of The Christ (it’s an office, a post), will soon be taking over the role of the Buddha in the imminent Aquarian dispensation.
This is a virtually unprecedented planetary event which coincides with large strides in human consciousness, related to the equilibrising of the Moon Chain and Earth Chain evolutions. (See the author’s Unveiling Genesis: Mysteries of the Rootraces and Cycles.)
The Last Sermon of the Buddha
“On this festival, for two thousand years, the Christ has represented humanity and has stood before the Hierarchy and in the sight of Shamballa as the God-Man, the Leader of His people and “the Eldest in a great family of brothers” (Romans VIII:29).
Each year at that time He has preached the last sermon of the Buddha before the assembled Hierarchy.
This will therefore be a festival of deep invocation and appeal, of a basic aspiration towards fellowship, of human and spiritual unity, and will represent the effect in the human consciousness of the work of the Buddha and of the Christ.”4
Gemini is the third of the first three major spiritual festivals for the year, disseminating the impulse of Aries, consolidated upon in Taurus. It is the “Festival of Unification carried forward by the Christ, the Master of all the Masters and the Teacher alike of angels and of men.”
These three festivals set the keynote for the spiritual year that began in March/Aries 2024 – Easter-Christ. The continuity of the link between Buddha at Taurus (Wesak) and Christ at Gemini is profound, indicating that the Christ will take over the responsibilities of the Buddha in the not too distant future.
“It has long been a legend (and who shall say it is not a fact?), that at each Full Moon of June, Christ repeats and preaches again to the assembled world (to the hearts and minds of men) the last sermon of the Buddha, thus linking the full enlightenment of the pre-Christian era and the wisdom of the Buddha to the cycle of the distribution of the energy of love, for which Christ is responsible.”5
Hence the appropriateness of the blending of the two festivals Taurus and Gemini and their dissemination in Gemini, a sign of distribution. Here are some excerpts from the last sermon, bearing in mind that the Buddha’s Taurean message was to point the way to liberation – through freeing the self from the desire nature, with all its cravings and addictions:
“Herein, O Ananda,
let a brother, as he dwells in the body,
so regard the body that he,
being strenuous, thoughtful and mindful may,
whilst in the world, overcome
the grief which arises from the body’s cravings.
… While subject to sensations let him continue
so to regard the sensations that he, being strenuous,
thoughtful, and mindful, may, whilst in the world,
overcome the grief which arises from the sensations.”
And so, also, when he thinks, or reasons, or feels,
let him so regard his thought that, being strenuous,
thoughtful and mindful, he may,
whilst in the world,
overcome the grief which arises from the craving
due to ideas, or to reasoning, or to feeling.
… Those who, either now or after I am dead,
shall be a lamp unto themselves,
relying upon themselves only
and not relying upon any external help,
but holding fast to the truth as their lamp,
and seeking their salvation in the truth alone, shall not
look for assistance to any one besides themselves,
it is they, Ananda, among my bhikshus,
who shall reach the very top-most height.
But they must be anxious to learn.
My age is now full ripe, my life draws to its close:
I leave you, I depart, relying on myself alone!
Be earnest then, O brethren, holy, full of thought!
Be steadfast in resolve! Keep watch o’er your own hearts!
Who wearies not, but holds fast to his truth and law,
Shall cross this sea of life, shall make an end of grief.
When the light of gnosis has dispelled the darkness of ignorance,
when all existences has been seen as without substance,
peace ensues when life draws to an end,
which seems to cure along sickness at last.
Everything, whether stationary or movable,
is bound to perish in the end.
Be ye therefore mindful and vigilant!
The time for my entry in Nirvana has now arrived!
There are my last words!”
The Buddha and the Christ are like the two pillars of Gemini, the sign that is a cosmic gateway for the forces of Sirius to permeate its “lower self” – our solar system, infusing it with a greater cosmic plan and purpose.
Venus as esoteric ruler of Gemini provides a further point of contact in stepping down that purpose through relationship with its higher self, Earth – which happens to be the highest or hierarchical ruler of Gemini. Sirius is the source of Love-Wisdom in our solar system, emanating from the cosmic mental plane.
The second ray is the only one which pours through Gemini, whose constellation is connected to the “cosmic Christ”. Venus transmits that force of mind to Humanity, giving mental understanding, love and compassion. Both Sirius and Venus are associated with initiation.
Who are the Nirmanakayas?
“The “inspired Contemplatives … The Nirmanakayas gather Their personnel out of the Hierarchy, the second great planetary centre. Their relation to Shamballa is not one of affiliation, nor is it the same as that of the New Group of World Servers to the Hierarchy.
Their major relationship is with the Triangle of the Buddhas of Activity, and it is under Their creative inspiration that They work.
This stream of inspiration or of “energy flooded with creative light” is made available to the Hierarchy at all times and when needed for Their creative work; it is a part of that dynamic, galvanising energy which feeds the enthusiasm of the New Group of World Servers, binds them together in the One Work, and enables them to work intelligently and with creative ability.6
Mercury in Taurus: Vulcan (until June 3)
On the Gemini full moon festival (May 23), Mercury is one of the four planets in Taurus – the others are Jupiter, Uranus and Venus. Mercury’s position in Taurus qualifies the expression of the sun in Mercury-ruled Gemini.
Mercury returned to Taurus on May 15 and will remain there until June 3. (The following is from a previous analysis of Mercury in this sign, 2020.)
From the exoteric perspective, Mercury in this sign generates thoughts that are influenced by practical, financial or material themes. A shrewd business mind and also a photographic memory – might be slow and ponderous to on the uptake or form opinions, but retain a lot of what they absorbed.
Opinionated, fixed ideas. Great powers of concentration. Thoughts can be influenced by strong emotional or sexual desires. Stubborn and mentally blind to some ideas. Artistic and creative, mathematical.
Yet esoterically, and as ruler of the fourth ray of Harmony through Conflict (the only ray to pass through Taurus) – Mercury has a deep affinity with this sign of the Buddha. Mercury is the Messenger – as was the Buddha. Buddhi is intuition and corresponds to the 4th buddhic plane.
Intuition supersedes the mind and all other senses – it is the goal of Humanity. Mercury is part of the “eye of the bull” (Taurus) – through its dual rulership of the ajna centre, as described in the previous section. Indeed, even the symbol for Mercury incorporates the glyph of Taurus!
The metal mercury or quicksilver is to coat glass, creating a mirror. Mercury is the mirror – witness the mimicry of Mercury-ruled Gemini. The unstable and “slippery” nature of the element mercury also says a lot about Gemini. Mercury is a reflector of light – in fact, “Mercury receives seven times more light than any other planet.”7
Yet Mercury is also associated with Taurus through the soul ruler of this sign, Vulcan – believed to be within the orbit of Mercury.8 The Tibetan also tells us somewhat enigmatically,
“The light of Vulcan and the light of the Sun are one light and these three—Mercury, Vulcan and the Sun—stand for a synthesis and a radiance which eventually dims the light of Mercury and it “falls” into the background and Vulcan too becomes invisible and only the Sun remains.”9
Mercury mirrors that which is above – to that which is below, the Messenger from the plane of pure spirit or Adi, to the gross physical plane. Hence, the relation between the Mercury-ruled fourth ray, earthy Taurus – the “mother of illumination” and Vulcan.
“… the task of Mercury in connection with humanity has gone forward most satisfactorily and has brought humanity to its present point of evolution upon the probationary path; that the energy of Vulcan is potently making its presence felt, and hence the struggles going on upon the planet between the men of will—selfish and ambitious—and the men of good-will who are desirous of the good of the whole.”10
These “struggles” relate to the great duality within which Humanity finds itself. Indeed, the Buddha gained illumination through the many struggles to which he subjected himself.
Duality is expressed powerfully through the fourth ray – via the extremes of the valley and mountain, ecstasy and depression, black and white, feast or fast, beauty and ugliness, war and peace.
Mercury is also the hierarchical ruler of Taurus polar opposite Scorpio – which also has only the fourth ray passing through it. Scorpio is known as the “human hierarchy”, or “The Initiates” that we will eventually become.
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Taurus New Moon May 8, 2024: Territorial Disputes
“There are crisis points at times of superlative tension in the meditative work of all hierarchical Ashrams. At the times of the new moon and of the full moon, all members of all the Ashrams meditate deeply in an invocative and evocative manner.
Their meditation, therefore, falls into two parts: the first part is evocative of inspiration from the Nirmanakayas with Whom they deliberately get in touch; the second part is invocative of the New Group of World Servers and enables them responsively to come under hierarchical impression.”11
There are no strict boundary lines between the zodiac signs – one sign blends into another and one way of understanding this is how the monthly new moon cycle “seeds” the full moon two weeks later. Sometimes the new and full moons are in the same sign, other times different signs.
The Taurus new moon precedes the Gemini full moon festival of 2024. Taurus contributes its unique seed to what will unfold in Gemini. Taurus is a sign that at its base level concerns money, property and land. The Sabian Symbol for the moon-sun conjunction at the Taurus new moon was, “a new continent rises from the ocean”.
Taurus is a sign of earthy stability but it is not immune from earth movements such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions – especially the latter, given that Vulcan is its esoteric ruler.
The Ageless Wisdom teaching tells us that new continents are forecast to rise up in the next few thousand years, so a literal interpretation of this symbol would be a long shot, though increasing earthquakes and eruptions leading up to that time will be regular.
The theme of property is strong here, especially considering two nations, China and Israel. China is a Taurus soul and the astro-cartographic lines for the Taurus new moon run through Indonesia, south-east Asia and China – the latter very close to Beijing.
There was a stellium in Taurus at this new moon – Sun, Moon, Venus, Uranus and Jupiter. There was also a recent 14-year conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus. Two disputed territories for China are Taiwan and Hong Kong.
The sun-moon line passes precisely through Hong Kong – and Beijing further north. The line is well within orb of Taiwan, but Uranus and Jupiter are much closer, Jupiter passing through Taiwan’s capital – Taipei.
China is even building islands in the South China Sea, perhaps this is the “new continent arising” that will cause conflict for China with its neighbours.
Also, there are disputes over territory in Russia-Ukraine. Moscow is ruled by Taurus at the soul level and regards parts of or all of Ukraine as belonging to the “mother” country.
Israel has the Sun in Taurus, and territory has always been an issue, ever since it illegally inserted itself into Palestine in 1948. Since Oct.7, 2023 – Israel has set about systematically destroying Gaza, allegedly “to wipe out Hamas”.
Despite a faltering peace deal with Hamas, Israel started a much-dreaded incursion into Rafah where 1.4 million Palestinians have been jammed, having been displaced by fighting in other parts of Gaza – “living in densely packed tent camps, overflowing U.N.-run shelters or packed apartments”.
Another massacre or “mass collatoral damage” looms (on top of 34,000+ deaths), and it appears that nothing will stop the Israel “bulldozer”, which was the nickname for a previous Israeli leader and Taurus moon – Ariel Sharon. Uranus is the planet of revolution and its transit to Israel’s sun represents what it sees as their “revolution” – to rid itself of Hamas once and for all.
A breath-taking 74% of Israel’s population approves of what is happening in Gaza. But of course, Israel’s current leaders still have not realised that you cannot kill an idea of freedom – for Palestinians who have been living in an open-air prison since 1948.
Uranus is on one side of Israel’s sun and Jupiter on the other, the sun is at the midpoint of both. Jupiter is a generally benign planet but it does have an aptitude to amplify and exaggerate the shadow as well.
Esoterically, Jupiter is the ruler of the 2nd ray of Love-Wisdom. Let us pray that kindness prevails over cruelty since Israel’s birthday on May 15. (More on this in next article.)
Meanwhile, in the USA – a healthy sign for this great moral dilemma – students in over 120 academic institutions are still protesting what is happening in Israel. But will it make a difference and have those groups been infiltrated by other trouble-makers?
Taurus Israel and the Minotaur in the Labyrinth
The Greek myth of the Minotaur is universally known – the half-man, half-beast with the head of a bull, conceived and nurtured by Pasiphaë, the queen of Crete. The Minotaur grew in size and became ferocious – it had no natural source of nourishment and thus devoured humans.
King Minos, hearing advice from the oracle at Delphi, had Daedalus construct a gigantic Labyrinth to hold the Minotaur. This labyrinth or maze was notorious for child sacrifices that were arranged regularly to appease the beast.
Then there is the story of Ariadne, Minos’s daughter who fell madly in love with Theseus, the one who eventually slayed the Minotaur. To help him navigate the labyrinth, she gave him a ball of thread, allowing him to retrace his path.
Minotaur stalks the maze while Theseus waits in the wings with sword at the ready.
(Minotaur by Robin-Boer on DeviantArt)
The story is a multi-levelled metaphor from the psychological to the deeply esoteric. The Minotaur’s maze reflects the tortuous twists, turns and complexities of the ramifying mind. The Minotaur represents the shadow or “dweller in the labyrinth”, the untamed mind combined with desire of the bull – becomes a “monster”.
The Minotaur’s maze is a labyrinth of intellectual circuits and knowledge – in which seekers can become lost, devoured or dominated by their own thoughtforms.
The Minotaur’s maze also describes where Humanity is today, trying to discern the state of the world and thereby developing an expanded awareness, emerging from the “hall of ignorance” into the “hall of learning” and passing through a mass initiation.
Knowledge is the province of Venus, ruler of Taurus – and the Fifth Ray of Knowledge or Science, which humanity evokes on its evolutionary journey. The labyrinth is the perfect symbol for the Third Ray of Active Intelligence, another of the “mental” rays.
So how does this concern Israel? Israel was “born” with the Sun in Taurus the Bull, in 1948. The Zionist creators barged bull-headed into Palestine – creating the first Nakba (catastrophe, ethnic cleansing, massacre) – among the local inhabitants, illegally creating the Israel state.

Around 900,000 Palestinians were displaced in 1948, many were killed, villages were razed and burnt.
Ever since that fateful period 76 years ago, Israel has lived in a state of paranoia – with a siege mentality, subjecting the Palestinians to endless indignities, restrictions and various massacres – or what is known colloquially as “mowing the lawn”.
Is it any wonder then, that Israel created its own Minotaur in the shape of various Palestinian resistance groups such as Hamas?
In fact, it is well-1known now that Israel created Hamas some decades ago, in order to sow division against the PLO (Palestinian Liberation Army) – theoretically making it easier to control the population. But like the Minotaur of Crete, the monster became ferocious.
The latest conflict since Oct.7, 2023 has seen a long-planned Hamas resistance emerge from the vast array of underground tunnels through Gaza. From one angle Hamas is the Minotaur in the maze, but from another – Israel is the real Minotaur, that demands human sacrifice to feed its voracious appetite for domination; the endless desire of the bull that can never be satiated.
The Taurus-Scorpio axis is very potent – Scorpio is the underworld reigned by Pluto – an aspect of King Minos. Israel has Chiron the wounded healer in Scorpio, closely opposing its Taurus sun. Chiron is in the ninth house of foreign lands – the Palestine that Israel wrongfully reclaimed after 2,000 years. Chiron in Scorpio is the wound of the wandering and persecuted Jew seeking a safe homeland – and there is the perennial dilemma.
It has been observed by a Master of Wisdom that Israel should never have been created, the only solution for the “Jewish Problem” is integration throughout the rest of the world.
The creation of a Jewish-only state has only exacerbated an already crystallised and outdated religion – for which most Zionists do not care – but it provides Biblical justification for their actions. Many true practitoners of Judaism want nothing to do with Zionism – “not in our name”!
When Moses was leading the children of Israel out of Egypt, it was during the astrological age of Taurus – between 4,363 BC – 2,203 BC.12 During the following Age of Aries – about 2,203 BC – 43 BC, there was a reversion to the old Taurean ways:
“What was the sin of the Children of Israel in the desert but a reversion to the old Mithraic worship which distinguished the time when the sun was “in the sign of Taurus, the Bull,” as it is technically called. They fell down and worshipped the golden calf and forgot the new teaching of the age of Aries, the Ram, into which they were entering, the teaching of the Scapegoat which colours Jewish history.”13
Hence, in one sense – Israel as a modern-day Taurus sun, has reverted back to the Age of Taurus – three precession cycles ago! But despite these historical colourings linking its modern Taurus horoscope with a bygone age, Israel and the Jewish people as a whole, still remain in the Age of Aries 2,303 BC – 43 BC:
“Christ came to bring to an end the Jewish dispensation which should have climaxed and passed away as a religion with the movement of the sun out of Aries into Pisces. He, therefore, presented Himself to them as their Messiah, manifesting through the Jewish race.
In the rejection of the Christ as the Messiah, the Jewish race has remained symbolically and practically in the sign Aries, the Scapegoat; they have to pass—again speaking symbolically—into the sign, Pisces, the Fishes, and recognise their Messiah when He comes again in the sign Aquarius.
Otherwise, they will repeat their ancient sin of non-response to the evolutionary process. They rejected that which was new and spiritual in the desert; they did it again in Palestine two thousand years ago; will they do it again, as opportunity is offered to them? The difficulty with the Jew is that he remains satisfied with the religion of nearly five thousand years ago and shows as yet little desire to change.”14
Of course this does not apply to the whole world population of Jews. Many reject the right-wing Zionists who dominate Israel policy – and the powerful Zionist lobby groups in the USA and Britain, who fund millions to influence politicians.
Being Jewish is not necessarily living in Israel, where nearly half (7,427,000) of the 16,783,100 world Jewish population live.15 Nor is it necessarily being Zionist or a follower of Judaism.
Until recently, about one third of the Jewish global population lived in Israel, but this has increased in recent years to nearly half – about 44%16 – due to various factors such anti-Semiticism in France and the war between Russia and Ukraine, which forced many Jews from both those nations to emigrate.
7.5 million Jews live in Israel and around 7.5 million live in the USA, leaving about 1.7 million scattered around the rest of the world. Hence the dominance of the Zionist global power-base in the USA – composed of not only Zionist Jews, but also Christian fundamentalists.
Also, those who are neither Jewish or necessarily Christian – who call themselves “Zionist” – such as Joe Biden (see video below) – and those of his ilk. Since WWII,
“The “sealing” of that door had not been successfully accomplished, and it is the part of wisdom to discover this in time. These Forces of Evil work through a triangle of evil, one point of which is to be found in the Zionist Movement in the United States, another in central Europe, and the third in Palestine. Palestine is no longer a Holy Land and should not be so regarded.”17
Paradoxically, it has been Israel’s actions toward the Palestinians that has increased anti-Semiticism globally. It is argued in many quarters now that the greatest act of anti-Semiticism has been that of Israel toward the Palestinians. The Arabs of Palestine, like all Arabs in the Middle East, are members of the Semitic subrace of our Fifth Rootrace.
Zionist propaganda has hijacked the term “anti-Semitic” – spun to refer primarily to Jews and this is very misleading. And of course, the bitter ironies that abound today, as a cruel attack of Holocaust proportions has been perpetrated upon the Palestinians:
In May 2024 – 35,386 Palestinians have been killed since October 7 – with 79,366 wounded. Of those killed – one third were innocent children, two thirds were women and children.
Most of the Gaza Strip has been systematically destroyed – infrastructure and housing is practically non-existent. Hatred and bitterness toward the Israeli’s may take decades or even centuries to heal.
We return to consider, the earlier passage, “they have to pass … speaking symbolically … into the sign, Pisces, the Fishes”: Have the Piscean lessons of unconditional love, compassion and forgiveness been learned? It appears not, especially considering that an estimated 80% of Israel’s population approves of its military operation – they want the Palestinians gone for good.
The massive demonstrations in Israel’s cities against the Netanyahu government are not about the plight of Palestinians – but mostly for the Israeli hostages still held captive by Hamas.
Does therefore, Israel deserve to exist? Taking all these factors into account, one wonders if Israel will become a “failed state” – where the main failure has been a moral one, of common decency that has been undermined by racism, hatred, greed and settler theft.
The once in 84-years transit of Uranus on Israel’s Taurus sun has been well documented in other newsletters – since June 2023 through to April 2025.18 This transit represents Israel’s “revolution”, particularly in the eyes of right-wing Zionism – but not a true revolution in an international sense that benefits all.
What is particularly interesting, is that for Israel’s 2024 solar return horoscope (May 14), Uranus is exactly conjunct the sun. Hence for the next year, the “revolution” will continue, but some radical unforeseen events may occur – that turns everything upside down.
In the solar return horoscope, it is also the lunar return – the moon is within 1.5 degrees of its natal position in Leo. As explained in many other missives, the Leo moon is “the lion of Judah” – the shadow or dweller, the pride of the “chosen ones” and the “promised land”
Natal Moon is also conjunct Pluto the destroyer in Leo – hence, unless there is some intervention by other nations, Israel may continue its fanatical purge of Palestinians. Hamas is the given reason, but really – this is a deliberate genocide, or to use a morally contradictory term – an “ethnic cleansing”.
There is nothing “cleansing” about this policy – it has created a dark stain not only upon Israel and the Jewish people as a whole, but also the nations who are complicit in supporting Israel – endless shipments of money and arms from USA and Britain primarily, but others too. As President Biden opined, “there are no red lines” when it comes to support for Israel. Other astrological factors in this solar return chart:
1. The Leo moon is the ruler of the Cancer ascendant – well known for its association with resources and land.
2. The Moon in Leo makes an exact trine to Mars in Aries – the god of war in its own sign, which augurs well for the warmongers who wish to perpetuate endless conflict. Mars is still in Aries at this Gemini full moon festival (May 23), not leaving until June 9. (See Mars in Aries analysis.)
3. There is a cluster of the Sun and three planets in Taurus – also known at its basic level for its association with land, money, resources. Let us pray that the higher aspect of Taurus will prevail, bringing illumination.
4. Deadly Pluto is in the seventh house of relationships, indicating ongoing ruthlessness to neighbours, acting with impunity, ignoring international law and advice from world leaders. Also with Pluto, is the unspoken threat of Israel’s extensive but undeclared nuclear arsenal – which prevents any Arab nation from interference.
President Joe Biden’s Zionsim
Joe Biden is a Scorpio sun with Sagittarius rising and moon in Taurus – corresponding to Israel’s sun in Taurus. Biden also has Saturn in Gemini, which sits right on Israel’s Mercury, indicating his loyalty and commitment to Israel – and the cause of Zionism.
Israel’s Mercury in Gemini is in the fourth house – carrying the theme of the “Wandering Jew” – searching for a home. Mercury is also the ruler of Virgo, the soul of the Jewish People.
Joe Biden has been a long-term advocate of modern Zionism – bought and paid for by USA’s Zionist lobby. In this crucial election year, it is worth noting that most other US presidential candidates also support Israel.
Hence, the following 16’ video is a non-partisan view – it simply details the facts. The video comes from Al-Jazeera (who Israel recently censored and shut down), and sums up Biden’s history. In the video Biden makes some jaw-dropping remarks:
“There’s an infamous story about Biden’s zeal for Israel told by Menachem Begin, who was the sixth Prime Minister of Israel and the former leader of the Irgun, the Zionist paramilitary group responsible for some of the most notorious massacres in the 1948 ethnic cleansing of Palestinians.
In 1982, as Israel is conducting a devastating aerial bombardment of Beirut, Begin met with a young Senator Joe Biden from Delaware. According to Begin, Biden applauded the Israeli aggression in Lebanon and said that he personally would have bombed more, even if it meant killing more women and children.
For perspective, then-U.S. president Ronald Reagan would go on to call Israel’s actions in Lebanon a “holocaust.” Children are not avenged by the murder of other children.
During his 36-year career as a senator, Biden became the top recipient to receive money from the Israel lobby — something he, as Vice President, even boasted about at a dinner in front of more than 2,000 members of the American Jewish community in 2011.”19
Mars Ingress to Aries: US-UK. China-Russia
On April 30, 2024 – Mars entered Aries on its two-year cycle, into the sign which it rules. Mars the warrior and god of war will stay in Aries until June 9 – just over five weeks; it will still be in Aries at the Gemini full moon festival on May 23.
And the drums of war have been beating – modern warmongers are well aware of the Romans’ belief that the best time to wage war was in the month of Mar(s)ch – or when Mars is in Aries.
Quoting a Nexus article, the US and the UK have been pushing for war on several fronts. The US Senate passed a foreign aid bill which includes $95 billion for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan – most of which goes to armaments manufacturers:
“The UK decided to devote its largest ever aid package to Ukraine, with Prime Minister Rishi Sunak warning of an “axis of authoritarian states” and amplifying ideologically combative rhetoric.
At the same time, it was then revealed that Biden had sent 300 km. long-range ATACMS missiles to Ukraine, despite having pledged not to do so for years, fearing escalation. Finally, EU President Ursula von der Leyen has suddenly dramatically increased economic warfare on China, pushing the European Commission to open probes on scores of Chinese exports.”
It is ironic that Sunak would invoke memory of the WWII Axis powers, just as Netanyahu hypocritically criticised US university students’ protests about the war in Gaza – as the worst anti-Semiticism since WWII.
And the paranoia continues – the UK regarding Russia as a “most acute security threat” – a “threat” that has been entirely manufactured by Britain due to its alliance with the USA and NATO.
UK foreign minister and ex-PM, David Cameron – recently stated that Ukraine had a right to use the weapons provided by Britain to strike targets inside Russia – further inflaming relations. Talk about “poking the Russian bear”!
In response, Russia warned Britain that, “if British weapons were used by Ukraine to strike Russian territory, then Moscow could hit back at British military installations and equipment both inside Ukraine and elsewhere.”
Then there is the craaazy senator Lindsey Graham, implying that Gaza should be bombed, using a nuclear solution such as Japan in WWII.
Madness truly grips the Western nations, through many of its politicians and generals. Graham is typical of USA’s evangelical Christian right – who form a powerful bloc in the Zionist movement, and big voting chops for any potential presidential candidate.
Western powers, are currently sensing a slipping-away from their long-standing colonialist grip on global power and control. The world power balance is changing, with newly formed alliances between various nations. Yet, the West has doubled-down by using aggression as the only option, rather than dialogue for détente or redirecting war $billions into crumbling domestic infrastructure!

Dr. Joseph Goebbels – chief Nazi propagandist, 5 planets in Scorpio, whose keynote on the ordinary wheel is, “Let Maya flourish and deception rule.”
Psychologically, it is a rather childish compensation for loss of power and control. And as a result, these national leaders have opened themselves up for obsession or even possession by the Materialistic Forces – who want nothing more that to create chaos and division. This is not idle speculation – it happened during WWII:
“The latter [Axis leaders] are “shells,” obsessed by evil entities and hence their dynamic, one-pointed potency, hence also their extreme skill and cunning, based on very ancient evil experience and hence also the well-nigh ludicrous falsity of their propaganda.”20
And the world has witnessed this in chilling detail over the past few years (2020-23), through “ludicrous propaganda” – a plannedemic pushed purposefully by obsessed leaders around the world – at both state and national levels.
Remember that? Who has now realised in retrospect that this occurred or, knew what was happening all along? An estimated 80% of the “spiritual community” – even a few years later, appear to have not owned-up to the fact that they were as gullible as the rest – that they were conned. But pride prevents many from admitting this to themselves, let alone their co-workers.
Toward the end of the plannedemic the “manipulators of souls” took advantage of the global confusion created – and the fact that many people were starting to see through the Covid lies – hence, the propaganda machine switched gears and screamed “look over here”!
In instant obeyance, everyone threw themselves behind Ukraine and against “evil” Russia – without a clue about causes and provocations that had unfolded for the previous decade.
The invasion of Ukraine was another opportunity for a huge psy-op upon the emotional body of Humanity – who through its innocence and ignorance, lack of discernment and discrimination – were again easy prey for the mind-manipulators that were so successful with their Covid lies and fear-mongering.
“The third ray person who also fails to shatter his “Dweller” becomes what is called a “manipulator of souls” and uses the mind to destroy the real and to put a veil between the man and reality. It must be remembered that none of these names and these activities refer to the soul on its own plane but only to human souls in incarnation on the physical plane.
This must be stressed, for on its own plane the souls of all men stand free from illusion, and neither can be destroyed, deluded nor manipulated. It is only “the souls in prison” who are subject to the activities of the forces of evil and only for a term.
The first group [1st ray “destroyer of souls”] works through governments, through politics, and the interplay between nations and is relatively small in number.
The second ray group [“deluder of souls”] – who delude and deceive, work through religious agencies, through mass psychology, and the misuse and misapplication of devotion and of the arts. They are largest in number.
The third [ray] group [“manipulator of souls”] – work primarily through commercial relations in the business world, and through the use of money, the concretisation of prana or universal energy, and the outer symbol of the universal flux and flow. These thoughts are suggestive but not vital, dealing as they do with the cosmic tendencies.”21
The Nexus article continues,
“It should be abundantly clear now that the current powers that be, in London and Washington, have absolutely no intent of letting up on the wars they have provoked, while also pushing for a potential third one with China, and seem indifferent to the consequences, even if for example, the Israel-Gaza war is shattering the West’s claims of moral superiority.”
Hence, during these first three festivals of the year – Aries and Taurus have elapsed, whilst Gemini completes the triumvirate. When considering also the journey of Mars through Aries – this will be a dangerous period.
However, it is offset by the presence of Jupiter and Venus at this full moon – as mentioned in the opening article of this newsletter. Continuing from the “obsession” quotation about world leaders,
“They are the spirit of materialism embodied, devoid of all true feeling and perception, lacking the light of love and understanding, but powerfully animated by the energy of substance itself. It is time that men woke up to the nature of these beings who sought … to enslave the race … they themselves have been evoked out of their evil past by the material side of humanity itself – and the potency of the massed selfishness of mankind.”22
The global power balance is shifting, old alliances are breaking down, new alliances are being formed – for instance between Arab states, Russia, China and Brazil. The Taurus soul of Moscow has some resonance with China’s Taurus soul.
Détente is the realm of peace-maker Libra – polar opposite of aggressive Aries. China is a Libra personality, and on a recent visit by Libran Vladimir Putin to China – Xi Jinping advocated the resumption of peace talks between Russia and Ukraine.
With so many global crises coming to a head before 2025, we can take strength from a wise injunction: “Be not demoralised by the parlous state of the world, this is the deepest darkness before the dawn, a dawn whose brilliant light is already glimmering over the horizon. Here is the light of Aquarius!
Impulsive Mars in Aries and Instant Karma
“Mars embodies sixth ray force which leads to idealism, destructive fanaticism frequently, struggle, strife, war, effort and evolution.
God’s idea in Aries becomes the concrete plan in Capricorn whether that objective is the full flower of the planetary life in all its forms, the ambition of a personality working out its own ideas and ambitious worldly projects or the spiritual aspiration (worldly ambition transmuted into its higher aspect) of the initiate, who seeks to work out God’s plans and make them his own.”23
On the personal level of Mars in Aries, its easy to be reactive to people – and be aggressive or volatile. Mars rules the solar plexus, seat of the astral/emotional body, which drives the impulsiveness of Aries – driven by feeling, passion or anger – rather than cultivating presence of mind; to allow emotion to over-ride mental control, symbolised by Aries soul-ruler Mercury.
“Thinking” is embracing Aries’ Libra polarity – engaging with another, making peace, calming the waters. If someone is being very pushy, its very easy to react in ego-driven irritation – rather than calmly decline with a smile – whatever someone is trying to “sell” you.
Mars in Aries can make one very cocky (in an individual or nation!) – and can bring explosive instant karma situations – where a thoughtless word or deed has immediate consequences. Here is Libra again – through Saturn’s exaltation in this sign – the Law.
Saturn is also the Lord of Karma and through Libra ensures the working out of the Law of Cause and Effect. Through understanding action and its consequences, the often-egotistical Mars in Aries learns some humility.
The Pentecost: Symbol of Right Human Relations (May 19, 2024)
This section falls appropriately after the previous section on Mars and human aggression! The annual festival of The Pentecost was a doorway to the Gemini full moon festival on May 23.
Seven weeks after Easter, Pentecost usually falls in Gemini – the sign of right relationships, but this year it fell in late Taurus. However, May 19 is a most auspicious date because there was an exact conjunction in the 29th degree of Taurus – between the two rulers of the 2nd ray of Love-Wisdom, Sun and Jupiter.
The 2nd ray is the only ray to pass through Gemini and aligns with the fact that this sign rules over the thymus, the endocrine gland that corresponds to the heart.
Venus, esoteric ruler of Gemini and the planet of relationships – was also conjunct Sun-Jupiter. On the full moon day, Venus makes an exact conjunction to Jupiter in the 30th degree of Taurus, and of course, will be conjunct the Sun in Gemini and the fixed star Alcyone. The Sabian Symbol for this 30th degree is, “A peacock parading on an ancient lawn”.

(Art: Kartinu)
The peacock symbolises Venusian and Taurean beauty, its multi-feathered “eyes” are the many facets of the soul in its expression over countless lifetimes. HPB also weighs in,
“… peacock—the bird of Wisdom and Occult Knowledge … the peacock’s tail represents the sidereal heavens; and the twelve signs of the Zodiac are hidden on his body.24
… Saraisvati, the wife of Brahma, is the goddess of the sacred or “Secret Knowledge.” She is usually depicted as riding upon a peacock with its tail all spread. The eyes upon the feathers of the bird’s tail, symbolize the sleepless eyes that see all things.
To one who has the ambition of becoming an adept of the “Secret doctrines,” they are a reminder that he must have the hundred eyes of Argus to see and comprehend all things.”25
Further thoughts on The Pentecost:
“Pentecost. This event does not portray the triumph of orthodox Christianity (as the theologians believe and teach), but signifies the universal dissemination of the Christ consciousness throughout all time in the heart of every human being; to this the words and promise, “Lo, I am with you all the days, even until the end of the world,” bear witness.”26
Mark these words, “dissemination…in the heart of every human being”. Gemini is the great disseminator; it rules the thymus gland associated with the heart chakra and has only the second ray of love wisdom passing through it.
Also called Whitsunday, the Pentecost falls upon the 50th day after Easter (Aries), hence, usually falls in Gemini. (In 2024 in late Taurus.) The Pentecost commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit on the disciples after the death, Resurrection and Ascension of Christ.
This Holy Spirit was known to manifest in the phenomena of “speaking in tongues” and was associated with healing, prophecy and the expelling of demons (exorcism). Today Pentecostal Christian groups seem to be obsessed by spirits rather than exorcising them. One account in the bible says:
“And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting.
And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.” (Acts 2:1.)
In the not too distant future, The Pentecost will be a major festival,
“The Festival of Easter and the Feast of Pentecost will be the two outstanding days of the religious year. Pentecost is, as you must well know, the symbol of right human relations in which all men and nations will understand each other and – though speaking in many and diverse languages – will know only one spiritual speech.”27
“The fact of the resurrection will be demonstrated during the next few centuries, and the Living Christ will walk among men and lead them onward towards the Mount of Ascension. The Pentecost will become truth.
All men will come under the tide of inspiration from on high, and though they may speak with many tongues, they will all understand each other.”28
How will humanity ‘know only one spiritual speech’ and ‘all understand each other’? Is it an inner recognition that comes about through alignment and right human relations, resulting in a telepathic understanding?
Gemini: Communication, Disinformation and Censorship
This subject is one that the author has copious commentaries over the past 24 years. (Articles can be found here.) It is an increasingly important topic, not only because of distorted news, information and propaganda – but because of the undermining of free speech, the core pillar of the Four Freedoms.
As most students are aware, Gemini is the primary zodiac sign related to communications – verbal, written and otherwise. Due to Gemini’s lower expression as the tricky con-artist or mental manipulator – it is the point of least resistance for many.
Along with other signs, Gemini rules nations – such as Britain and Brussels’ soul or USA and Poland’s personality.
Censorship across the planet is becoming a real problem now, as some nations pass or propose legislation limiting free speech, anything that does not conform to the prevailing narrative – with threats of large fines and/or imprisonment.
A lot of censorship is about protecting human rights – hate speech, racism, child abuse, pornography on social media, violence, slavery etc.; most of which might be considered as needed and necessary measures.
But these purported “rights” also act as a cloak whereby other restrictions can be factored-in. For instance, criticism of Israel deemed as anti-Semitic or as “hate speech”. For any posts or other uploads after – or even years before some recent proposed legislation comes into effect – in Canada, a person can be arrested or jailed.
Some of the big tech companies have been criticised and rightly so. Facebook/Meta might ban a classical art painting depicting a nude female, citing, “against community guidelines” – while promoting a slew of salacious peep shows in its Reels section.
The deliberate dumbing-down and demoralisation of the population at large, seems to be the goal of some of these companies; anything goes, so long as it feeds the money-go-round.
Depictions of violent acts also seem to be increasing and one might speculate what the combination of all these factors is doing to children, teens and young adults – blunting their more refined sensibilities.
The act of perpetually scrolling and swiping on phones – imbibing a barrage of images and short videos. Well of course we do know – as reported in other newsletters, many studies talk about the damage done.29
The result compounds the problem of the already ADD-affected masses – attention deficit disorder and dopamine addiction, that cannot discriminate and is constantly distracted. You are what you eat, or consume – a highly toxic diet for the astral body.
In today’s upside-down, inside-out and back-to-front world, one person’s propaganda is another’s truth. Conspiracy theory for some is conspiracy fact for others – i.e. factual evidence of conspiracy to defraud, distort and hoodwink the public. Thankfully, there is an increasing awareness of this in the awakening masses.
The following video details how companies are devoted to an industry of spinning the news, massaging the truth and tracking people who post contrary to the status quo’s narrative. The video discusses the GDI – the Global Disinformation Index – who censor many legitimate independent media.
Aurora Borealis and Australis
In early May there were many beautiful photos from the northern and southern hemispheres of the latest auroras generated by sunspot activity – mesmerising colours and patterns. The first time the author saw the “southern lights” was back in the 70’s – in Tasmania, a phenomenon never heard of or seen before then!
It was intriguing, dazzling and mystifying, a magical inspiration of mystery and beauty – akin to a spiritual experience. This “performance by the gods” had a beginning, a crescendo and a finale – for over about eight hours.
Auroras can be seen as the music of the gods – where colours are “heard”, or their electrical sounds of whooshing and crackling. One acquaintance remarked, “I can kind of hear them … and it’s an internal auditory sound that’s akin to the dawn chorus somewhat like excited early morning birdsong, maybe with a hint of tinkling bells.”
This description sounds a bit like Pythagoras’ music of the spheres, where the various planetary frequencies play their part in the cosmic orchestra – something the author had the good fortune to actually hear once.
The aurora frequencies are generated by the Sun, the Solar Logos, “our father in heaven” – source of the main ray that governs this solar system – the second ray of Love-Wisdom. The electrical plasma light-show is esoterically known as “fohat”, as HPB informs us:
“Fohat is that electrical and vital power which unites and brings together all forms, giving them the first impulse which becomes in time law. It links the subjective to the objective … it is the bridge whereby Ideas existing in the Divine Thought are impressed upon Cosmic Substance. Fohat is the intelligent medium, the guiding power of all manifestation …”.30
HPB comments further on the borealis,
“The agitation of the Fohatic Forces at the two cold ends (North and South Poles) of the Earth which resulted in a multicoloured radiance at night, have in them several of the properties of Akâsa (Ether) colour and sound as well …
… “Sound is the characteristic of Akâsa (Ether): it generates air, the property of which is Touch; which (by friction) becomes productive of Colour and Light” . . . the Aurora Borealis and Australis take place at the very centres of terrestrial electric and magnetic forces.
The two poles are said to be the store-houses, the receptacles and liberators, at the same time, of Cosmic and terrestrial Vitality (Electricity); from the surplus of which the Earth, had it not been for these two natural “safety-valves,” would have been rent to pieces long ago.
At the same time, it is now a theory that has lately become an axiom, that the phenomenon of polar lights is accompanied by, and productive of strong sounds – like whistling, hissing, and cracking.”31
“The electrical phenomenon which finds its expression in the light which man has somewhat harnessed, in the phenomena such as thunder storms and the manifestation of lightning, with the aurora borealis, and in the production of earthquakes and all volcanic action.
All these manifestations are based on electrical activity of some kind, and have to do with the “soul of things,” or with the essence of matter.32
This accelerated solar activity before the Gemini full moon festival has been most complementary to the 2nd ray love-wisdom force that pours through this sign. Why, because the sun, along with Jupiter – is the co-ruler of the second ray. As stated earlier, this 2nd ray energy will be magnified, because Jupiter will be conjunct the sun in Gemini, from the last degree of Taurus.
Phillip Lindsay © 2024.
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Aquarian Wisdom Centre
(May 22, 18.00 UT)
Gemini full moon meditation and talk with Phillip Lindsay.
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.55. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.200. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.389. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey, p.421. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey, p.480. [↩]
- Discipleship in the New Age II, Alice A. Bailey. p.201. [↩]
- The Secret Doctrine II, H.P. Blavatsky. p.27. [↩]
- A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p.206. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.133. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.264. [↩]
- Discipleship in the New Age II, Alice A. Bailey. p.217. [↩]
- Based up the date of 2,117 AD, when the sun precesses astronomically into the sign of Aquarius. [↩]
- The Reappearance of the Christ, Alice A. Bailey. p.79. [↩]
- The Reappearance of the Christ, Alice A. Bailey. p.81. [↩]
- In 2023 – [↩]
- 7,427,000 ÷ 16,783,100 = 44% [↩]
- The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. p.430. [↩]
- [↩]
- Al Jazeera [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.544. [↩]
- A Treatise on White Magic, Alice A. Bailey. pp.240-1. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.544. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.99. [↩]
- The Secret Doctrine II, H.P. Blavatsky. p.619. [↩]
- Isis Unveiled II, H.P. Blavatsky. p.619. [↩]
- The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. p.356. [↩]
- Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.151. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.471. [↩]
- Choose from the articles at this search. [↩]
- The Secret Doctrine I, H.P. Blavatsky. p.15. [↩]
- The Secret Doctrine I, H.P. Blavatsky. p.205. [↩]
- A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p.873. [↩]
Why would it be Biden’s Zionism? Trump gave Jerusalem to the Zionists. Trump’s daughter married a Zionist and has converted. The true Jews support the Palestinians. They have lived happily alongside each other for many years, until the Zionists arrived. Zionists are not true Jews.
If read what I said Ros, you would have seen that I mentioned all other presidential candidates are pro Israel. I am aware of Trump, RFK’s position on Israel.
Splendid article!
Well, I would like to make a comment in relation to the section that tells us about the US-UK duality (with nuances, but I also include Europe and Japan), -versus- China-Russia (and Iran). Brazil seems to be in this second group but with Bolsonaro it would be in the other. I see India in both, perhaps more in the first.
Gemini is the quality that by recognizing the non-self allows the growth of the self. This reconnaissance inevitably generates a crisis, where the renunciation or/and readjustment of the lower self aspects is necessary for the good of the higher self.
This is an attitude associated with the internal (subjective) problems (needs) of each entity, country or individual. That is to say, it is necessary that the US, UK, China Russia …, (and all countries), know how to recognize their own negative aspects, know how to be self-critical and through this recognition grow as souls and their subsequent harmless attitudes.
In Gemini the key is Love, but its correct practical application as wisdom, correct relationships, dharma or good will is always an internal reflection of the recognition of that Love (through the brain) in one’s own higher self or “mental heart”.
All countries treasure good and bad qualities and would do well to stop seeing the enemy abroad…, “first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye”.
Phillip, I enjoyed this post in a way I have been unable to enjoy them for months on end. The lines of communication seem endless and difficult to sort one from another. You provide much food for thought in a time fraught with suffering for all involved. Everyone on the globe, as I see it.
This incessant uproar that is the harbinger of the incoming Age of Aquarius holds the promise of the future. Thank you for presenting so many threads of the Geordian knot. No one of us holds the answer, and yet it must be untied.
While watching the World Invocation Day video, I wonder why Lucis Trust thinks its ok to give itself the authority to change the wording of The Great Invocation.
Yes, its the politically correct version, it changes the vibration of the original which was very carefully crafted by the Master.
Thank you Philip for another amazing study on this amazing moment time! Having been born May 21, I feel the pull of Taurus and Gemini, both are great energies to work with if in a positive manner.
It is a shame all US presidential candidates are pro Israel. That makes it impossible for us Americans with a conscience to vote, but it has always been such. We can vote with our wallets, with our acts and statements against the crimes being perpetrated against creation
Some teachings state the original kings of legend, the “God-men”, leaders of old were leaders based on capacity to understand the source of the universe and translate to humanity, not birthright etc. Using sound and other means, they used the first pure language and named god IAOUE – Yahweh. Sounded in this manner, the source vibration “I” (eeee sound) is the source vibration that is expanded by A (ahhhh) the open heart, love, inspiration dimension (the main teachinig of Jesus), without the open heart ,we cannot move on to “O” (ohhhh), the intellect, materializing-scientific viewpoint,
when we use the intellect backed by an open heart, we move to “U” (uuuu), the physical dimension, creating our reality here on earth based on the guidance of the preceding 3 dimensions. Finally, “E” (sounded like letter A), the dimension of judgement. In total, we open to the source vibration, expanding with an open heart to make correct intellectual thoughts and decisions, bringing that into matter, and used in proper judgement in accordance with the universe.
The mythology is this was all encrypted and hidden to allow us to move to the end of materialism, destruction of life, the earth, and beyond. Once we are on the brink, we can return to embracing our source and spritual nature and create the third civilization. Neptune in Pisces and the Aries are helping to set the stage… The integration of spiritual and material is sounded as AIEOU