Virgo 2003: Jupiter in Virgo. Persephone. Jesus, Virgin Mary.
“I am the Mother and the Child. I, God, I matter am.”
Jupiter in Virgo
Jupiter Ingress Chart 2003
Full Moon for Virgo, 2003
Myth of Demeter, Persephone and Pluto
Jesus and the Virgin Mary
[wpanchor id=”#jup”]Jupiter in Virgo
On August 27, 2003 Jupiter entered the sign Virgo, as it does every twelve years, staying there for approximately one year. Jupiter is the ruler of the second ray of Love-Wisdom, the predominant soul ray of the majority of Humanity and the main quality being developed in this solar system.
The great sun Sirius is the source of Love-Wisdom for its progeny Sol, or the Blue Logos, incarnate as our solar system. These Sirian forces find their way through the gateway of our Sun and are transmitted via Jupiter through several signs of the zodiac, but mainly Virgo at this time.
Virgo is esoterically known as the mother of the Christ child, stimulating, guarding and nourishing the growth of the Christ consciousness, hidden and gestating in all human hearts; this is its highest quality, the lower reflection being the instinctual mother love that nourishes and guards. The “Hidden Christ” or soul appears when instinct has been transmuted into wisdom.
We are told by the Tibetan that Virgo is the strongest conduit for the second ray in this current cycle1, so when Jupiter, the ruler of ray two enters this sign, there is a probability of the highest possible expression of Love-Wisdom. This occurs every twelve years of course, but as we get closer and closer to the planned reappearance of the Christ and the Masters of Wisdom, the coincidental cycle of Jupiter in Virgo would certainly lend itself to a “coming forth from the secret place”.
Originally this extraordinary event of the externalisation of the Hierarchy was slated by The Tibetan for around 2025, though many sense that this date has now been bought forward due to an acceleration of planetary events; whether this happens in this current Jupiter cycle, the next in twelve years time or the following cycle after that, is unknown.
Jupiter is also the “hierarchical ruler” of Virgo, relating to monadic consciousness, the highest aspect of ourselves which finds expression through the soul, just as the soul finds its expression through the personality. Yet Jupiter has its full power somewhat lessened in Virgo as it “descends into the depths and is temporarily veiled or hidden”.2 Its position in Virgo relates to the second ray “substance” that is the very fabric of this solar system and the manifestation of the Christ principle in matter.
Jupiter and the Moon, the esoteric ruler of earth-sign Virgo, relate to the “atomic substance” of our manifested bodies which enable the life of the soul to come into being. Even the minutest atom of this substance has in it the seed of a response to spiritual stimulation.
Virgo has therefore a close relation to the creation of all forms in nature, and is hence intimately concerned with the deva or angelic kingdom, from the lowest nature spirits and elementals, up to the greatest archangels. Earthy Virgo is the Mother of all forms.
In the Bhagavad-Gita when Krishna said to his disciple Arjuna: “Having pervaded this entire universe with a fragment of myself, I remain”, he was referring to the mediating second ray soul principle that stands between spirit and matter; the identification of the soul (Son) with both the Father (spirit) and the Mother (matter).
In one respect the Son is Jupiter, the Mother is Virgo and perhaps symbolically or actually Sirius is the Father. This is just a glimpse into the deeply esoteric relation of Jupiter to Virgo and cannot be done real justice here as space does not permit. Yet Jupiter also has a “personality” expression in Virgo which is discussed in the appendix.
[wpanchor id=”#jupi”]Jupiter Ingress Chart 2003
When any planet enters a sign, an “ingress” chart can be erected to give some general indications for the duration of its particular cycle. Therefore one could say that the ingress chart for Jupiter entering Virgo in 2003 will give indications for at least the next year, if not the next twelve years before it reaches Virgo again. The ingress chart for 2003 was August 27, and set for New York, gives a time of 5.26.04 am, producing a Leo rising horoscope.
New York has been chosen because (a) It is one of the five major planetary centres or inlets for energies from the rays, zodiac and planets. (b) Apart from Darjeeling, it is the only one with a second ray soul, hence appropriate for Jupiter. (c) New York’s jurisdiction covers the West in general.3
The chart itself is very powerful, having Leo rising conjunct a Leo Moon. Leo is a strong expression of the second ray via its rulership the Sun; it is not only within orb of the ascendant, but conjunct its second ray co-ruler Jupiter, and is also placed in second ray Virgo.
There are three other placements in Virgo: Vulcan, Venus and Mercury – all planets that have powerful affiliations with Virgo, as will be explained shortly.
The Moon is in late Leo, precisely conjunct the fixed star Regulus, said to be a major channel for Sirian forces, as is the month of Leo itself – when the Sirian festival is celebrated. Regulus is a star of the first magnitude and is frequently called “the heart of the Lion”.”4
This heart theme here relates to the previously described Virgo “Hierarchy” where the “prototypes of human monads” “entered through the second ventricle within the Sacred Heart”. There is an intimate relation between Virgo and Leo known as the Mystery of the Sphinx, “tied up with the secret of the solar Angels” [souls]. “This is not the mystery of soul and form, but the mystery of the higher and the lower mind and their relation to each other”5. “Virgo and Leo together stand for the whole man, for the God-man as well as for spirit-matter”.6
Therefore a stellium of five planets lie close to the Leo ascendant and in the first house – four planets in Virgo and one in Leo. Jupiter, Sun and Venus all make a close opposition to Mars and Uranus in Pisces, a sign which also focuses the second ray, but within the last 2000 years it has expressed mainly the Mars/Neptune – ruled sixth ray.
Mars in Pisces is a most potent expression of sixth ray force, positively manifesting as a great devotion, compassion and sacrifice for the needy and downtrodden. Negatively it is the worst of the worst for fundamentalism (in all its forms) and extremist fanatics. Mars in Pisces can also be over-diplomatic, lacking its usual assertiveness such as its rulership of Aries.
The Occident or the West is a second ray soul and has much responsibility in the world today. This opposition of the two ray two rulers Sun and Jupiter to Mars, could be interpreted as western democracies and the United Nations bringing about a demonstrated expression of Love-Wisdom to counteract the “seething” sixth ray as it works through blind fanaticism. Democracy is the ray two form of government at this stage of human evolution. Indeed, nations like America, a second ray soul and sixth ray personality will be very much part of this process.
The Leo and second ray Virgo placements could really help bring about a powerful alignment with the “Greater Plan”, hastening the reappearance of those “nurturers of souls”, the Hierarchy.
Venus in Virgo stands for the synthesis of heart and mind and is somewhat similar to Jupiter (the Lord of Love-Wisdom) in Virgo. Venus is also Aphrodite, the goddess of Love:
“Venus, pure love-wisdom, falls into generation in this sign and occultly “descends to earth” and stands (as The Secret Doctrine has so carefully pointed out) for the gift of mind and of divinity, embodied in the Son of Mind and thus for the descent of the Christ principle into generation or into matter.
Virgo and Venus are together two aspects of intelligence. The symbolism of the descent of Spirit into the womb of the virgin mother is preserved for us in the astrological fact that Venus falls in this sign; esoterically, she disappears from view and vanishes into the darkness.”7
Venus’ direct opposition to Mars may well quell the God of War. Mercury’s placement in Virgo is its most powerful position out of all the zodiac signs. The Tibetan tells us that Mercury is in “dignity” (rules) Virgo, and is “exalted”:
“Mercury is exalted in this sign because the mother is necessarily ruled by her son, the Son of Mind who is also the Son of God. Of this son, she is the protector and is responsible for his development and slowly acquired experience. Mercury, being the Messenger of the Gods and the Agent of Their applied control, is therefore the agent of the third aspect (active intelligence) from one point of view, and of the second aspect (love-wisdom) from another.
He is regarded as embodying in himself both these aspects of the mental principle, the expression of the concrete and the abstract mind of God. The lower concrete mind was unfolded in the first solar system and the higher abstract intuitional mind, the pure reason, is unfolding in this system. Mercury is the synthesis of manas-buddhi, mind-wisdom which expresses itself through the human soul; Mercury rules the bridge or the antahkarana. In Virgo, Mercury reaches his full power, for Virgo is intelligence and the hidden Christ is wisdom or pure reason.”8
There is then, much discrimination, compassion and reasoning (Mercury the god of pure reason, or buddhi), that these Virgo placements can bring to the challenging opposition with Mars and Uranus. The tricky and intricate negotiations of current world politics demands that these energies be made available to negotiate roadmaps of peace and the like.
Uranus’ position next to Mars can make for much egoism, volatility and unpredictability when expressed through the unredeemed minds of average humanity, but can also be innovative and original in seventh house matters of diplomacy, negotiation and relationships.
Uranus makes a precise opposition (only 13′ of arc) to Jupiter (every 84 years) and both planets are the respective personality and soul rulers of Aquarius. Aquarius rules the seventh house of this chart and Uranus is placed in it, in esoteric “accidental dignity”, promoting relationships based upon Aquarian ideals and group work in the family of nations.
Mars is also placed in the seventh house and can be quite antagonistic hence the Venus in Virgo opposition that may be able to pacify through reason, understanding and compassion.. Mars trines Saturn in Cancer in the eleventh house, so Aquarian group themes are most complimented, as is the “family of nations” which Cancer represents.
The Leo rising chart is about Humanity and its ongoing awakening to the birth of the Christ within the cave of the heart and thereby reaching that first stage of the Path, the first initiation. Neptune, soul ruler of Leo, is placed in Aquarius in the sixth house of service, indicating the vision and ideal of group service, as well as the sacrifices required to bring that about.
These are just a few indications of Jupiter’s “birthchart” for 2003. Some nations ruled by the second ray or Virgo will be profoundly affected during this time. France is ruled by Pisces at the soul level, whilst Paris is ruled by Virgo at a soul level; hence this nation’s Virgo-Pisces axis will be most prominently stimulated from Jupiter in Virgo opposite Uranus in Pisces. Likewise, so will Ireland as she is a Virgo soul and a Pisces personality. Germany is a Pisces personality, whilst other Virgo souls are Australia and Greece. New Zealand and Brazil are Virgo personalities.
[wpanchor id=”#ful”]Full Moon for Virgo, 2003
The polar opposite signs in astrology are most important, even if a planet tenants the opposite sign or not. The six pairs of signs speak to us of the inter-relation of spirit and matter, hence Virgo the Virgin goddess of the earth becomes the fish goddess of Pisces.
The full moon period during the month of Virgo also has a powerful horoscope. Set for New York again the rising sign is Scorpio, whose co-ruler Pluto sits precisely at the point of a potent T-square from the Sun-Moon opposition in Virgo-Pisces. This configuration could have quite dire consequences in terms of fanaticism and wanton destruction, yet it also has the positive potential to destroy old limitations – if the point of least resistance is not taken.
Depending upon where you live in the world, the full moon falls on the 10th or 11th of September, the second anniversary of 9/11. Al Qaeda have made threats that they will be celebrating this date by carrying out terrorist attacks. This is quite likely given that the full moon falls on Bin Laden’s Pisces Sun, similar to the 9/11 Sun opposing his natal Sun at that time.
Interestingly, the T-square formation in this chart is similar to the Uranus ingress into Pisces which took place in March 2003. That had a Pluto-Saturn T-square to Sun in Pisces, close to the same degrees as this full moon. As Uranus goes retrograde and direct a few times, the second Uranus ingress chart occurs just a few days after this full moon. The original Uranus ingress for 2003 occurred on Bin Laden’s birthday (March 11), which means that his solar return chart for 2003 has the Uranus ingress incorporated into it.
Pluto relates to both Virgo and Pisces: It is the soul ruler of Pisces, destroying all old patterns at the end of the cycle in this last sign of the zodiac. Indeed, once these limitations are destroyed the disciple moves onto successive stages of freedom, signified by the fishes of Pisces – who are now “united without any binding thread” – “united but untied”, if you will forgive the spoonerism! Hence Pisces is one of the few signs that are associated with the final stages of the Path leading to Liberation. This relates to the “world saviour who swims freely in the ocean of matter.”
[wpanchor id=”#myt”]Myth of Demeter, Persephone and Pluto
Pluto’s domain is under the Earth – in Hades – whilst Virgo relates to womb-like caves under the Earth. In myth Pluto comes to the surface to kidnap Persephone, the daughter of Demeter.
Anciently Ceres-Demeter is the female aspect of “Pater Aether” or Jupiter (hierarchical ruler of Virgo), she is esoterically the productive principle in the all-pervading Spirit that quickens every germ in the material universe not unlike Pan or Eros (Fohat).
The asteroid Ceres in this full moon chart is very closely conjunct Saturn in Cancer, both symbolising the nurturing principle. With a wide trine to a compassionate Pisces Moon, there may come about an increased awareness of feeding the world’s hungry. (As this degree is close to America’s Cancer Sun, she may experience problems with grain crops. Already many US farmers are resisting pressure from major companies to go GM.)
The myth epitomises the Virgo-Pisces axis and is superficially an allegory for the seasons – in the northern hemisphere tradition.
Persephone is the goddess of vegetation and the daughter of Demeter, also known as Ceres, the goddess of the grain, or Mother Earth – she is the spirit of Virgo. She is abducted by Pluto and taken underground for a third of each year to be his wife. Allegorically she is the seed-corn which lays in the ground for part of the year, returning to her mother as the corn which rises out of the ground. Interestingly one myth describes Pluto being born from the union of Demeter and Iasion “in a thrice-ploughed field”.
Pluto, the Lord of Death, comes to take/rape Persephone (vegetation) every season. As soul ruler of Pisces which comes just before Aries and spring (northern hemisphere), Pluto is in a sense the shadow of spring (autumn-Scorpio), and is invoked from the polar opposite of Virgo when the harvest is done at the end of summer. Esoterically Persephone refers to the burial of the body of man and the immortality of the soul. Virgo is about the gestation of the soul in the womb of time.
There are many references to the mysteries of the Virgo-Pisces axis in the Demeter myth. Demeter was the daughter of Cronus and Rhea (Saturn and the Earth) – Saturn rules the middle decanate of Virgo, bringing a disciplined, discriminating mind. Demeter was also one of Jupiter’s numerous consorts, the myth hinting at Jupiter as the hierarchical ruler of Virgo.
Persephone gathered flowers in the fields of Mount Etna, Sicily – an active volcano – symbolic of the subterranean forces of Pluto. (Sicily in modern times has a reputation for being a very Scorpionic/Plutonic place) The volcano is of course closely related to Vulcan, who works deep below the Earth like Pluto, but in his realm at the smithy’s forge fashioning instruments of beauty for use by the soul.
Virgo’s soul ruler is the Moon, which “veils” Vulcan for the average undeveloped soul. Virgo draws upon Vulcan in producing the craftsmanship and skill for which she is renown, but it is this inner soul process that is behind the outer creativity. In mythology, Vulcan was married to Venus who is connected with “the descent of Spirit into the womb of the virgin mother”, i.e. under the earth.
Later, there is an encounter at the river Alpheus, a potent symbol of Pisces, and Pluto, as this river flows underground in parts. Demeter finds the girdle of Persephone and is told a story wherein is glimpsed Persephone on her throne with Pluto. This is most symbolic of the coming together of Virgo and Pisces, in the soul’s work of the resolution of the pairs of opposites through the personality.
The ancient Greek (Virgo soul) festival of Demeter in the month of Boedromion (September-Virgo) became known as the Eleusian Mysteries. Candidates for initiation were led through dark underground caves (Virgo) in their quest for the light of knowledge and wisdom. These rituals are still enacted and preserved in Masonic lodges around the world. The seed grain of Virgo is emblematic of the Bread of Christ, the Love-Wisdom ray which expresses so strongly in Virgo. Bethlehem is the “house of bread” and connects Virgo with the first initiation:
“… the first initiation; the initiate-disciple still works in the dimly lit “cave of the spiritual birth”; he has to continue his struggle to reveal divinity, primarily on the physical plane – symbolised for us in the word “Bethlehem” which means the “house of bread”.9
“Simultaneously, large masses of men will take the first initiation and “in the house of bread” stand before the Initiator”.10
[wpanchor id=”#god”]Virgo and Other Goddesses
Virgo the great mother gives birth to many goddesses, and three in particular: Eve, Isis and Mary, relating to Virgo’s triple symbolism in its glyph (F). Virgo is known mainly for the healing of the physical body, with the physical disciplines of diet and exercise, but esoterically she stands for the threefold personality, the mental, astral and physical bodies respectively.
Hence she is a sign of integration and integrity – the “intact” and pure Virgin. This “purity” relates to the purifying of all three bodies and their subsequent healing and alignment with the higher self. This is why Virgo is a sign related to the path of aspiration. The skills that bring about alignment arise mainly about through Virgo’s acute discrimination and analytical faculties – the intelligence aspect of Virgo discussed earlier.
Eve represents the spark of manas that started human evolution. Isis the Egyptian goddess ruled over the Nile, and hence its association with the watery astral body. Mary (the Virgin) gives birth to the Christ child upon the physical plane:
“Eve is the symbol of the mental nature, and of the mind of man attracted by the lure of knowledge to be gained through the experience of incarnation. Eve, therefore, took the apple of knowledge from the serpent of matter and started the long human undertaking of experiment, experience and expression which was initiated – from the mental angle – in our Aryan times. Isis stands for this same expression down on to the emotional or astral plane.
Eve has no child in her arms; the germ of the Christ life is as yet too small to make its presence felt; the involutionary process is yet too close; but in Isis the midway point is reached; the quickening of that which is desired (the Desire of all nations, as it is called in the Bible) has taken place and Isis consequently stands in the ancient zodiacs for fertility, for motherhood and as the guardian of the child.
Mary carries the process down to the plane or place of incarnation, the physical plane, and there gives birth to the Christ child. In these three Virgins and these three Mothers of the Christ, you have the history of the formation and the function of the three aspects of the personality through which the Christ must find expression.
The sign of Virgo itself stands for a synthesis of these three feminine aspects – Eve, Isis and Mary. She is the Virgin Mother, providing that which is needed for the mental, emotional and physical expression of the hidden but ever present divinity. These three expressions are brought to the needed perfection in Leo, the sign of the individual, developed self-consciousness and personality unfoldment.”11
The word “Virgo” comes from an ancient Atlantean name for the mother principle and it was this force that dominated the civilisation of that time – in other words it was a matriachy, as opposed to the patriachy which controls today. Lilith was said to be the last of those ancient Atlantean goddesses, related also to the Queen of the Amazons who Hercules slew, “wresting from her what he sought”.
Lilith is most ancient and relates to the first solar system, as does Virgo, where intelligence was being developed as opposed to love in this solar system. Lilith symbolised the World Mother, until Eve took her place in mythology, yet she re-emerged in Atlantis for a while. During the Atlantean race there were semi-divine beings who had elected to “imprison” themselves in human form – to guide the race.
At one period they took wives who looked human, but had “lower, more material, though sidereal” matter in their form. The chief of these Liliths was the “Buddha Dakini”, and they were all said to be able to “walk on air”, showing much kindness to mortals; but it is said, they had no mind, only instinct. It seems then that these beings were from the deva realm and semi-devic in their human incarnations. Other traditions make of them demons and vampires, probably distorting the original meaning.
[wpanchor id=”#jes”]Jesus and the Virgin Mary
The chart of Jesus, who worked closely with the Christ in that incarnation, is speculated by several respected astrologers, to be a Sun in Virgo. Obviously this is taking the meaning of “born of a virgin” as being born in the zodiac sign Virgo. The Zipporah Dobyns version most appeals to this author, after looking at over a dozen possibilities.
This chart has a Sun-Pluto conjunction in Virgo, widely opposite a Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in Pisces, said to be the explanation of the Star of the Magi, or Three Wise Men. In other words, the Virgo-Pisces axis is most accentuated and appropriate no doubt for the avatar who initiated the Age of Pisces.
The parable of the loaves and the fishes relates also to Virgo (bread) and Pisces (fishes). The feeding of the five thousand with five loaves and two fishes is an allegory for the synthesis of Virgo-Pisces and the compassion and caring thus generated from these signs. There is also no doubt some profound numerical symbolism here: two fishes = second ray; five loaves = mind. Mother Theresa also had this axis active with Chiron in Pisces opposing her Virgo Sun.
Phillip Lindsay © 2003.
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Books by Phillip Lindsay
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.491. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.282. [↩]
- Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.92. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.300. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.154. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.288. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.282. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.281. [↩]
- The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. p.672. [↩]
- The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. p.581. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.253. [↩]