Leo 2017: I Am That. Illumine & Rule. Beauty & Sensitivity. Initiation. Path to Sirius. August 21 Eclipse.
Lion Goddess Sekhmet (The Mighty One).1
Leo Keynote
“I am that and that am I.”
(Leo Full Moon Festival: August 7, 2017. 7:10 pm, GMT.)
“The true Leo type must react in a new and unique manner to the proffered opportunity … those people
whose sun is in Leo or who have Leo rising. Leo is the polar opposite of Aquarius, and the
interplay of energies between these two is far more potent than at any previous time in racial history.”2
Esoteric Astrology and the Big Picture
The Science of the Seven Rays
I Am That and That am I
Leo Fuses, Blends and Amalgamates
Leo Illumines and Rules
Leo and the Creation of Beauty
Leo is a Sign of Sensitivity
Leo and Initiation
Leo is a Sign of Sirian Invocation
August 21 Total Solar Eclipse
Esoteric Astrology and the Big Picture
Esoteric Astrology (EA) has been called the “science of all sciences” because it considers all living beings as energy, whether that energy unit is a human being, a tree, an animal, a planet or zodiac sign. Since all these units are connected within the greater etheric matrix of the solar system and beyond, EA has also been called The Science of Relationships, helping us to track who we are, why we are and where we are going – the essential purpose of our incarnation – individual, group, national and global.
Another sub-science that is an advanced study of EA, is The Science of Triangles, where the blending of planetary and zodiacal energies create triangles of force. There are quaternary relationships that are considered, as well as the four signs of any astrological cross. All of these factors assist an understanding of the myriad forces pouring through us − our place within planetary evolution, leading ultimately into a broader field of the solar system and beyond.

Star of the Hero. (Nicholas Roerich, 1936.)
“The Science of Astrology is, in the last analysis, the Science of Relations … Inter-relation, inter-dependence, inter-communication, interplay – these are words governing the scientific basis of astrology, and they are beginning to be words in general use today in connection with human affairs and human conduct. This will be increasingly the case. The preparatory stages for world fusion, blending and synthesis are present at this time, and in this fact lies the hope of the world and the surety of the ultimate solution of the world problem along right lines.”3
Humanity lives in a sea of energies and it is no wonder that we are often “all at sea” trying to cope with these influences, especially at this critical cusp of the zodiacal ages and the transition from one major ray influence to another. Also, the acceleration of evolution is more intense now than ever before. In our development of higher consciousness, it is each individual’s task to comprehend the significance of their responses to this vast array of vibratory impacts − the inner psychological factors and esoteric astrological influences. Making a start upon that involves a horoscope reading from a competent astrologer, exoteric or esoteric – that will build a foundation of understanding. Some key factors in a consultation involve:
- Understanding soul purpose through the rising sign or ascendant.
- Understanding the nature of personality integration challenges through the Sun sign.
- Comprehending the nature of one’s limitations through the qualities of the Moon sign and difficult aspects between planets.
EA is essentially the Science of the Seven Rays, hence ascertaining the soul and personality rays is still another task. The astrologer cannot glean the rays from your horoscope, because the chart is simply an interface through which the known rays pass. One or two astrologers may be able to intuit the rays but this would be extremely rare.
Only a Master of the Wisdom would be able to give that information because none of us have really achieved true intuitive (buddhic) consciousness. Some individuals and groups claim that the Master has given the ray structure for an individual or claim that it can be found in the horoscope using certain techniques – all of them in the author’s experience are misguided or just plain wrong.
Knowledge of the rays lays behind a veil that the earnest seeker upon the upward way is challenged to penetrate with the power of the objective intellect, studying the rays, coupled with subjective, reflective impressions and intuition. Those efforts can be very rewarding for any enquirer and answer many questions. Then what one obtains is a working hypothetical ray structure that can be tweaked as one’s understanding unfolds.
On the other hand, those individuals who have been spoon-fed their supposed rays by spurious teachers, have no appreciation whatsoever of their supposed ray structure. If they have attempted to verify these rays, they are usually working with the wrong rays – allegedly given by the “Master”. Usually, when questioned by the author (over the past few decades) upon their reasoning as to why they have for instance, a fourth ray soul (out of incarnation at the moment), or a sixth ray mental body (virtually impossible due to its rarity) – these individuals cannot respond, or give a grossly uninformed answer because they simply have not studied the rays. Hence the need for a genuine study and meditation upon the possible rays in the energy field – soul, personality, mental, astral and physical. Like all sciences, esoteric astrology and esoteric psychology are open to abuse and distortion, albeit for most, unconsciously.
The soul ray works through the rising sign and the personality ray works through the Sun sign. The rays can take years to figure out and there are various ways they can be studied and reflected upon. The study of the rays constitutes the science of Esoteric Psychology and it will find its peak expression in this next 2,000 year cycle of Aquarius. We are only just starting to penetrate the arcanum of the rays and in the next few centuries will refine this new science. (Tabulations on the Seven Rays here.)
I Am That and That am I
What does this curious expression mean? It is essentially an affirmation that one is a soul:
“I Am – the Word of the self-conscious, selfish, individual Leo.
I Am That – the Word of the Leo subject who is rapidly gaining the higher consciousness and preparing for fresh and universal expression in Aquarius.”4
Note the capitalised and non-capitalised letters in the phrase, hence That (the soul or even the monad) is affirmed. From one perspective, the first “I” is the soul and the second “I” is the personality – that the soul affirms and aspires to express through. “Am” is the being and self-awareness of Leo the 5th sign. Am reversed is Ma, Sanskrit for 5.
I am the soul and the soul am I; it is the one true identity that is deathless and constant, contrary to the illusory and transitory nature of personality. Here lies infinitude and endless creation within the universal matrix. This is a very powerful mantra that can be used as a personal affirmation or in meditation, assisting soul connection – whether one is a Leo or not. The phrase also has some interesting numerology:
Esoteric numerologists, students of Gematria and Pythagoreans may find many other groupings of numbers and meanings in the above phrase. Just one observation is 10, the number of perfection, the perfected expression of the soul as it works through the vessel of the personality.
10 is the tenth sign Capricorn (also the mystery of Ma-kara), with which Leo has a close connection, as the 5th sign – a multiple of 10. Both signs are connected to the mystery of the lion and the unicorn … the secret of initiation and being “raised” to higher consciousness.
In this Capricorn correspondence, Leo is the “beast” of personality blinded by the long horn of the unicorn (the soul), that pierces the eye and heart of the lion; it is “the triumph of group and world consciousness, of selflessness and illumination over self-consciousness and selfishness.”5 Occult rumour also has it that 37 and 73 are Venus and Earth and 1 is the Sun-Sirius. Interpretations from other number systems are all valid – as number reflects the vibrational frequency of all living things, including language, the “clothing” of ideas:
“37 is the individual evolution in the cosmic organization. According to Fathers of the Church, thirty seven is a symbol of the Christ. It is the symbol of the alive word of God. The Chaldeans say number 37 symbolizes the Force, the Capacity and the Power. [Leo, 1st ray] The number 73 is the number of what is completed, which forms a unit complete perfect, in which each parts interacts harmoniously with the others while preserving its autonomy.”6

8 = ∞ infinity.
The study of numbers ranges from ordinary personal numerology to the very abstract philosophical and scientific study. Dr. Michael D. Robbins, in his Infinitization of Selfhood (“A philosophical treatise consecrated to the destruction of the ego.”) says, in this weighty tome of 1,000-pages:
“Since all Numbers are Essentially and metaphysically equal to the Number One, and resolve into the Unitary Cosmic Monad, paradoxically, the Number One (the Cosmic Monad) is equal to ZERO, i.e., 1 = 0. Zero is the infinite womb, the void, the absolute. One is the Universal or Cosmic Singularity, the maximal narrowing down of all possibility into a limited, definite set of possibilities.
0 is beyond the Universal Logos, but All Things are ESSENTIALLY the 0. Any number derives from “No Number”. So the Universal Logos is the “1” and the 0 is infinitely more than the Universal Logos – and in a way, infinitely less. If 1 = 0, it is only because ESSENTIALLY there is nothing other than the ZERO or NO-THING.”7

Leo fuses, blends and amalgamates with the synthetic force of the first ray.
Leo Fuses, Blends and Amalgamates
Leo’s rulership over the lower self leads to authority or sovereignty in the group, community or nation (Aquarius). Wherever Leo’s “throne” is placed, there s/he fuses, blends and amalgamates with the synthetic force of the first ray that pours through Leo.
All those with Leo prominent somewhere in the horoscope (Leo sun, rising), or the Sun controlling from a vital house, are able to tap into this skill – to some degree: Obama (Sun, Mercury, Uranus in Leo); Hillary Clinton (Scorpio sun in the Leonine fifth house); Adolf Hitler (Saturn in Leo); Donald Trump (Mars, Pluto and Leo rising).
For Leos, Aquarius as polar opposite will always be prominent – Hitler’s expression of Aquarius was in its “lowest and undesirable aspect”,8 and many would say the same about Donald Trump. As the planet hurtles into the Aquarian age, the shadow expression of Aquarius may at times dominate through groups, collectives, corporations and nations.
Fire-sign Leo follows Cancer, the sign of the Crab holding the water element, a symbol of purification. Likewise, the fires of Leo are purificatory, especially after the evolutionary wheel has been “reversed” − “fire takes the place of water and burns away all the dross.”9
Leo is said to sound the note of individuality and “true self-consciousness.” The unevolved Leo, who is still on the mutable cross and has not woken up to the fact of the soul, is only swayed by the satisfaction and satiation of their desires:
“… [they] recognise themselves as the dramatic centre of their universe. Yet the only truly self-conscious person is the person who is aware of purpose, of a self-directed life and of a developed and definite life plan and programme. Where these are present, the inference is that there is mental perception and some measure of integration.
To be motivated only by emotion and actuated by desire is no indication of true self-consciousness. In the undeveloped person, it is far more instinctual than is self-awareness. In the truly developed self-conscious person, not only is direction, purpose and plan present, but also a consciousness of the active agent of the plan and action.”10
Cancer is a sign of mass consciousness, followed by Leo, a sign of individual consciousness. Millions of independent thinkers are now emerging from the masses and this is another example of Leo’s polar opposite, Aquarius. The individual Leo at this early stage of development stands at the centre of their world, dazzled by their own newly discovered power and brilliance,
“… leading to the pronounced ego-centric consciousness of the selfish, intelligent man and to the ambitious display of selfish power of the man who desires place and position.”11 Sounds like any well known Leo politician?
Leo Illumines and Rules
To Rule: Leo is born with a will-to-rule (however badly!), that leads to control of the “beast” of personality, giving self-mastery as well as mastery over groups of people: “The will to rule and to dominate, which is of such a controlling nature in this sign and such a subtle potency in the Leo type.”12 Of course, not all Leo’s who get to rule have control of the personality, other factors such as Gemini in the horoscope can obfuscate, giving the appearance of self-control and rulership. In Leo rising Trump’s case, the “beast” is often on the loose and not in full control. It is notable that Trump portrays himself as a lion in alot of advertising for his campaigns and companies.
To Illumine: As a sign ruled by the Sun, Leo is concerned with illumination, physical and mental. It is this “will-to-illumine which constitutes the driving urge to self-knowledge, self-perception and intellectual positivity … is that which drives all Leo people on to experiment and so to gain knowledge.”13
Leo is a fire sign, fire is a symbol of the mind, connected to knowledge and intellect. Half of the power of Leo is the potency of the mind and the higher will working through it. The other half is the power of the lion-heart that is generously radiant like its ruler the Sun. The drive to experiment comes from the hierarchical ruler of Leo, Uranus – also ruler of polar opposite Aquarius: “Uranus, the occult planet, stands for exoteric science which penetrates into the hidden side of form life.”14 Uranus as the occult planet, specifically rules over occultism or esoteric science (the science of the unseen), where, for those who are ready to do the requisite work, the mysteries of human existence are revealed.

Cruise and Kidman: Both with Venus in Leo – his conjunct the pointer star Merak and hers conjunct the pointer Dubhe – with a leonine mane! Both with Neptune in Scorpio, double glamour!
This will-to-illumine is also the “star power” of Leo, literally the movie star or actor at centre-stage. Leo’s esoteric ruler, Neptune (film, vision) is at work here, contributing toward the emotional passion that an actor draws upon. Leo also rules the astral permanent atom, that holds the sum total of emotional experiences from all incarnations. Hence, Leo with the aid of Neptune, taps into this rich resource.
The will-to-illumine of Leo connects it to Taurus, the Mother of Illumination. Taurus is a sign of acquisition – of money and physical things at its most basic level, but of knowledge at its highest level – hence illumination. Taurus ruler Venus, is the ruler of the fifth ray of Science and Knowledge, and the fifth ray is one of two rays that pass through Leo. Esoteric Astrology reveals many inter-relationships like this. Therefore, one of the aforementioned triangles is created:
“… it is this [will-to-illumine of Leo] which links them with Taurus, which “carries the fair jewel which gives light upon its forehead.” [Ajna centre] In the relationship of Taurus-Leo-Aquarius, you have a significant and important zodiacal triangle as far as man is concerned and it is peculiarly significant to the … human Hierarchy.”15
Taurus gives the incentive towards experience in order to gain knowledge. Leo is the expression of experience in order to justify knowledge, and Aquarius is the use of experience in order to make the gained knowledge a factor in service.16

Alexandre Dumas, sporting an afro!
Leo and the Creation of Beauty
The combination of these three fixed signs invokes the fourth sign of the fixed cross, Scorpio. Together they represent a formidable combination in the creation of Beauty. The fourth ray is called the ray of beauty, and it pours through polar opposites Taurus-Scorpio. The noble lion is a creature of great beauty. Bear in mind that Leo sun or rising, or the “sun controlling from a vital house” – especially the 5th house, are important considerations. Leonardo da Vinci was probably a fourth ray soul with Sagittarius rising and a Taurus sun in the fifth Leonine house, very closely square to Pluto in Leo; he also had Mars in Aquarius.

A classic Sagittarius rising countenance! The young lion, Leo-nardo da Vinci who came forth from the heart of Italy – a Leo soul. Possibly a 4th degree initiate and a “super-sensitive” exponent of beauty.
The French writer Alexander Dumas had a Leo sun, Leo rising and a Taurus moon. (He had the Leo “big hair” too!) Pablo Picasso was Leo rising with a Scorpio sun and six planets in Taurus – ruled by Venus the goddess of beauty! Similarly, Edouard Manet, Aquarius sun with Leo rising.
Leo is a Sign of Sensitivity
In the first part of this newsletter was a discussion about the “vibratory impacts” of astrological influences that we are all learning to identify and observe in our lives. The sun is the ruler of Leo and it is the purpose of this solar system to evolve consciousness to a point of perfection upon all planets. These planets, asteroids and moons are all part of the “body corporate” of the solar system, all are magnetically connected to one another in various complex relationships. Leo is a sign of sensitivity to all these impacts and of course, the seven rays:
“I am reiterating the necessity to recognise the stimulation of consciousness as the objective of all the astrological influences because the outstanding theme of Leo is the activity of the self-conscious unit in relation to its environment or the development of sensitive response to surrounding impacts by the one who stands – as the Sun stands – at the centre of its little universe. The whole story and function of Leo and its influences can be summed up in the word “sensitivity.”17

The ancient Eleusinian initiation mysteries.
Leo and Initiation
The Science of Initiation is yet another sub-science of Esoteric Astrology – this “science of all sciences.” Initiation was prescribed in ancient Lemurian times for our laggard planet, in order to speed up the process of evolution. In a previous incarnation (of which the moon is the remnant), Earth fell behind in its planned evolution within the solar system – through the mysterious “moon chain failure”:
“The progress of evolution on the moon was abruptly disturbed and arrested by the timely interference of the solar Logos. The secret of the suffering in the Earth chain, which makes it merit the name of the Sphere of Suffering, and the mystery of the long and painful watch kept by the SILENT WATCHER, has its origin in the events which brought the moon chain to a terrific culmination. Conditions of agony and of distress such as are found on our planet are found in no such degree in any other scheme.” [planetary scheme in this solar system.]18 (More information about this subject can be found in A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, by Alice A. Bailey. pp.416-7. It also features in the author’s work on The Hidden History of Humanity.)
It is the aforementioned sensitivity, material and spiritual, that applies especially to Leo rising or Leo sun. Neptune as esoteric ruler of Leo, contributes greatly to Leonine sensitivity, sometimes painfully over-sensitive to criticism, not unlike Neptune-ruled Cancer at times. Yet, it is said that once Neptunian desire has been transmuted to into love-aspiration, the Leo “disciple is now ready for the second initiation.”19
This is an interesting factor, as it is well known that Scorpio is another sign of the fixed cross that has particular jurisdiction over the second degree.20 Scorpio is ruled by Mars, which with Neptune, both rule the solar plexus, seat of the astral body – the body to be “initiated” at the second degree – where complete control over the astral body has been demonstrated. Leo also rules the first degree initiation where the soul consciousness is experienced in the cave of the Leonine heart:

Fight Between a Dragon and a Lion. (Leonardo Da Vinci.)
“In Leo – The self-centred man becomes eventually the soul in life expression and focussed on the achievement of the spiritual goal of selflessness. In this sign, he undergoes preparation for the first initiation and takes it also in this sign, or under this sign when it is the rising sign, becoming “the Lion who seeks his prey,” that is the personality who becomes the captive of the soul.”21
Leo’s polar opposite Aquarius is connected to the third degree initiation, regarded esoterically as the first initiation – moving away from earthly consciousness into the universal consciousness of the solar system and beyond. Leo may also be connected to the third degree because it represents the transfiguration of the personality, over which the Sun (ruler of Leo) presides:
“Leo marks the height of achievement for the human soul, and this is today stimulated by the Shamballa force now flowing into the centre of humanity.”22
However, the fourth degree may also be meant here, because it is the final step for the soul − that initiation where the causal body is destroyed and the candidate for initiation achieves liberation; that body is destroyed by consciously raising the kundalini from the base of the spine and in relation to Leo we are told:
“The activity of Uranus is, however, only registered at a very advanced stage of development upon the Path and is analogous to that point in the unfoldment of consciousness wherein, by an act of the will, the conscious and illumined man (focussed in the highest head centre) arouses the centre at the base of the spine and draws the kundalini fire upwards.”23

Krishnamurti: Aquarius rising, Taurus sun, Saturn and Uranus in Scorpio. A lot on the fixed cross with the exception of Leo, but nonetheless potent in his life.
Leo might be connected to the third degree as it could be construed as the “height of achievement for the human soul” − though not quite as high as the fourth degree. As the third degree is regarded as the first degree esoterically, there are some factors that the first and third initiations have in common. The third degree is on a higher turn of the spiral to the first degree, just as the fourth degree is on a higher turn to the second degree. In the following passage, preparation for the first degree is discussed: “It is in Leo that man undergoes the preparatory stages of this first initiation … Finally he stands ready for the ordeal and the accolade of fire, preceding the first initiation.”24
The phrase, “ordeal and the accolade of fire” was written in italics, hinting at the third degree, which according to occult literature, is a considerable ordeal. The first degree is not generally regarded as an “ordeal”. Hence, the old Masonic saying that has emerged in public parlance, in an interrogation for example, to be “put through the third degree.” In the author’s The Initiations of Krishnamurti, one description states:
“The next morning … found Krishna apparently very ill, for he was lying on the bed tossing about and moaning as if he were in great pain … a fit of trembling and shivering came upon him, and he would clench his teeth and grip his hands tight to ward off the shivering … Krishna complained of frightful heat … some process was going on in Krishna’s body, as a result of influences directed from planes other than physical … But Sunday [the third day] was the worst day and…we saw the glorious climax…towards six o’clock…he quietened down … The place seemed to be filled with a Great Presence…I knew that the Great Lord of all our hearts had come Himself … all felt the splendour of His presence …we heard divine music softly played, all of us heard though hidden from us were the Ghandarvas …”25
Of course, this does not mean that all the initiations are taken under Leo. Nevertheless, Leo plays an unique role in the process of initiation, specifically to at least three. Several signs are related to initiation, and it probably depends upon one’s ray type, what zodiac sign that initiation is taken under. Capricorn, Scorpio, Aquarius, Pisces, Gemini and Virgo are all signs associated with initiation. (See compilation to references on initiation in EA.)

The solar, lion-headed deity Sekhmet, with solar disc and uraeus upon her head. She is widely regarded as being associated with Sirius, if not an avatar from Sirius in ancient times. Isis has similar connections.
Leo is a Sign of Sirian Invocation
The theme of the star Sirius is mentioned almost every year in these newsletters, as it is so essential to understand its influence in human evolution:
“August, which is ruled by Leo, is the month of the Dog-star, or of Sirius, which thus brings Sirius into close relation to Leo. Leo, in the cosmic sense (and apart from our solar system altogether) is ruled by Sirius. Sirius is the home of that greater Lodge to which our fifth initiation [Master] admits a man and to which it brings him, as a humble disciple.
Later, when the new world religion is founded and is working, we shall find that the major, monthly festival in August, held at the time of the full moon, will be dedicated to the task of making contact, via the Hierarchy, with Sirian force.”26
That one world religion is not yet founded, but will gradually coalesce over the ensuing centuries. However, there are many individuals who intuit these Sirian forces, even if they have not reached the exalted third degree where we are told, “Sirius becomes a major life factor” because that individual,
“… begins to respond to its vibration because s/he now rules the Sun and Moon, and is now controlling those two planets [“veiled” by the sun and moon], for that is what the Sun and Moon have become … simply planets to be ruled.”27
Sirius has been prominent in many civilisations, distinctly aligned to temples, monuments and stone circles − and most notably in the ancient Egyptian tradition. Simply stated, Sirius is like the higher self or soul to this solar system – and human souls contain this “Sirian substance”. It is said that most of those who achieve liberation on Earth will, from the “seven cosmic paths” available, choose, as a “humble disciple,” the fourth cosmic path, the Path to Sirius – to begin a whole new evolution!28
The fixed star Regulus is also associated with Sirius, whose influences, “… three in number, are focussed in Regulus, which is, as you know, a star of the first magnitude and which is frequently called “the heart of the Lion.””29 Regulus, as its name implies, is about rulership, regulation, kingship (regis=king) – hence most appropriate for Leo. The energy from Sirius reaches Humanity via the Sun.
In this “month of the Dog Star”, the August 21 total solar eclipse falls directly on Regulus, stimulating the energies of Sirius, “whose influences, three in number, are focussed in Regulus.” Hence, the “regulation and rulership” of the greater Law of Sirius will prevail during this eclipse period, and its effects may last several years. The “imposition” of this greater law may cause some short term conflict as Humanity struggles to move another step up the ladder of planetary evolution, responding to the highly refined forces of Sirius – the ultimate home for humanity, once liberated from this Earth sphere. “Sirius … gives the incentive towards the “culture of freedom” or of liberation.” Because most human souls are upon the second ray of love-wisdom, the bulk of them (when liberated) will choose the Path to Sirius:
“This is the Path that the “lords of compassion” most frequently follow, and at this time the Egyptian Master [Serapis] and the Master Jesus are preparing Themselves to tread it. [Both exalted Initiates of the Sixth Degree] The mystics of the Occident who have come into incarnation during the past one thousand years are a peculiar group of Egos whose impulse is towards this type of cosmic energy. In this system they have developed certain basic recognitions and the “ecstasy” of the occidental mystic is the germ, latent within him, which will some day flower forth into that cosmic rapture for which we have as yet no name.

Lord of the Night, Lotus. (Nicholas Roerich, 1933.)
Cosmic rapture and rhythmic bliss are the attributes of the fourth path. It is a form of identification which is divorced from consciousness altogether. The reason also why the majority of the sons of men follow this [Sirian] Path lies in the fact of its numerical position. These [human] units of the fourth kingdom, the bulk of the fourth Creative Hierarchy on this fourth globe of the fourth scheme in a solar system of the fourth order, are innately compelled to seek this fourth WAY – in order to perfect themselves. They are called the “blissful dancing points of fanatical devotion.” This is as near as we can get to the true description. They have also been described as the “revolving wheels which turn upon themselves, and find the open door to perfect bliss.”30
May this approaching Leo solar festival be blissful! May we experiment with the mystical forces of Neptune and the scientifically occult Uranus. May we realise deeper soul purpose and group cohesion within the greater Planetary Plan!
Leo, Sirius, Shamballa and Trump (August 21 Eclipse)
We normally associate Sirius or Isis with the second ray of Love-Wisdom line of force, as depicted in the table from Esoteric Astrology (p.427). Thereby, Leo is also associated with this second ray line because we are told that Leo is the “month of the Dog Star” Sirius, focusing its “triple energy” through Regulus. Also, Leo’s ruler is the Sun, one of the rulers of the second ray.
Yet, the first ray of Will-Power pours through Leo the Ruler, giving it a first ray connection with Shamballa, depicted in column one. This relationship helps to interweave and blend the three planetary centres of Humanity, Hierarchy and Shamballa – especially Shamballa and Hierarchy, where Planetary Plan and Purpose is transmitted to Those who implement the Plan on behalf of Humanity. Sanat Kumara is the Leonine “King of Shamballa.” This first ray factor is also potently augmented by the focussing of Sirian force through Regulus, a “star of first magnitude.” There is also a blending of all these forces to be transmitted to all those on the spiritual path and its three phases: Aspirants, disciples and initiates. (see points 5 & 6 in the table) Hence, at this August 21 Leo eclipse conjunct Regulus, the “heart of the lion”, is a great opportunity to implement Planetary Purpose and to break up existing conditions:

Message from Shamballa. (Nicholas Roerich.)
“Saturn, through which energy flows from Leo, via Shamballa, to Humanity … Hence its extreme potency today in the triangle of Humanity. Saturn breaks up existing conditions by the force of its energy impact … Leo … connotes the birth of self-consciousness … It is the birth of the two types of consciousness – self-consciousness and Christ consciousness – which are brought to the attention of humanity by the fact of this Leo force, pouring through Saturn to Humanity and thus bringing Shamballa and Humanity into a closer relation …”31
Which brings us back to Trump, whose ascendant and Mars will be closely impacted by the eclipse. Trump is an enigma, through his egotistical posturing, erratic behaviour and nonsensical word salads – the ultimate Gemini joker, with profound psychological problems. But he is also an agent of change, wittingly or unwittingly, through making people realise what they do not want and the values they cherish.
Occupying the most powerful position in the world, he has his finger on the nuclear button, the prospect of which terrifies many people. And, as the passage below points out, this “man of the world” is, “more responsive to Shamballa force than is the disciple or aspirant.” (What is meant here, is the destructive force of Shamballa.) Does this mean that he would be less restrained than other US presidents to use the nuclear option in North Korea, the Middle East or Russia? Perhaps. He uses his see-sawing personality to keep other world leaders guessing.
“Leo … holds the clue or key to the entire problem of self-conscious being, whether it is the will-to-be of a planetary Logos, of a group or of a man … The use of the will through the Shamballa centre involves the conscious use of that energy by the planetary Logos; this is evoking response today from the world of men in terms of will, both higher and lower.
The wilful (self-willed) man of the world is apt to be more responsive to this Shamballa force than is the disciple or the aspirant, because they are more attuned to the gentler vibration of the Hierarchy … this Leo force from Shamballa is finding direct entry into the human centre instead of indirectly via the Hierarchy as has hitherto been the case.”32
On this new moon, the disciples of the world can choose to pay special subjective and meditative attention to bringing out the best of these solar eclipse opportunities, and to enhance planetary protection. And especially, to not direct any energy – however well meaning, toward Trump – it would only magnify some of his personality traits. Group meditations at the new moon are less common for groups than the full moon periods. The new moons by their very nature are far more occult than full moons, because one literally “works in the dark.”
The new moon is the darkest time of the month before the appearance of the first sliver of the new moon, a couple of days after the exact new moon time. Hence, the new moon period for August 21 will be greatly magnified by the awesome symbolism of an eclipse that will plunge large parts of the USA into darkness for several minutes, taking about an hour and a half to traverse the entire continent.
“During a total solar eclipse, the skies darken suddenly and the air gets noticeably colder, facing by about 10ºF (5.5ºC), says Fred Espenak, a famed eclipse expert and retired NASA astrophysicist. Espenak knows a thing or two about total solar eclipses, having experienced 27 of them in all seven continents over the course of his 65 years. “It’s a visceral reaction. You feel something in the pit of your stomach like something is wrong in the day, something is not right,” he said in a recent interview with TIME. “As totality begins, and the shadow sweeps over you, the hairs on the back of your neck and arms stand up. You just go, ‘Wow.’”
Espenak said it doesn’t become pitch-black outside; the sky looks more like it would in the evening, about 30 minutes before sunset. The sudden change confused ancient peoples and still throws animals and nature for a loop. “Flowers tend to close up like it’s nighttime. Birds tend to stop singing. I’ve seen cows head back to barns. I’ve heard crickets,” Espenak recalled. “All of a sudden now the sun, which was too bright to look at seconds ago, is replaced by this black disk with this ghostly halo around it, which is just exquisitely beautiful.”33
August 21 Total Solar Eclipse
This event was discussed in the Gemini 2017 newsletter, looking at the possibility of earth changes as well as the horoscope of Donald Trump.
Phillip Lindsay © 2017.
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Books by Phillip Lindsay
- Like the Goddess Isis, associated with Sirius. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey.p.285. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey.p.223. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey.p.311. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey.p.155. [↩]
- http://www.ridingthebeast.com/numbers/nu37.php. [↩]
- Infinitization of Selfhood, Dr. Michael D. Robbins Can be downloaded here for free. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey.p.285. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey.p.288. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey.p.289. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey.p.292. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey.p.289. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey.p.289. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey.p.149. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey.p.289. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey.p.289. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey.p.294. [↩]
- A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p.416. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey.pp.297-8. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey.pp.297-8. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey.p. 64, 143. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey.p.447. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey.p.296. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey.p.447. [↩]
- Krishnamurti: The Years of Awakening, Mary Lutyens, pp.153-7. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey.p.299. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey.p.300. [↩]
- A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey.p.1258. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey.p.300. [↩]
- A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey.p.1258. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.442. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.439. [↩]
- http://time.com/4750899/total-solar-eclipse/ [↩]
I Am so grateful. I feel anything i write would be inadequate at this point. Your Work is of the greatest supports i have encountered in my life, and with every newsletter or offering you share, i find myself in a state of Soul-relief. Where I Am back Home, again. – a personal Sabbath to resonate so well with expression from another. Peace.
Hello Phillip,
Thank-you so much for all the time and effort you put into these offerings.
It is greatly appreciated. I have 4 planets in Leo in the 4th and was a bit apprehensive of the upcoming eclipse, but thanks to you, have a new and less frightening perspective. 🙂
Blessings from KY