Leo 2018: Thai Cave Rescue. Sirius. Leo Lunar Eclipse. Earthquakes. Cataclysms. Elon Musk.
Leo Keynote
“I am that and that am I.”
(Leo Full Moon Festival: July 27, 2018. 20.20 GMT.)
Lunar Eclipse: Partial 18.24 – Full 20.27 GMT.
Leo and the Thai Boys Cave Rescue
Taurus the Bull and the Minotaur’s Maze
The Role of Uranus in Taurus
Thailand Horoscope
Elon Musk: Progressed Sun in Leo
Elon Musk: Reincarnation of Thomas Edison?
Leo is a Sign of Sirian Invocation
Leo Total “Blood Moon” Lunar Eclipse 2018
The Nature of Eclipses and the Lunar Eclipse Horoscope
Earthquakes: World, California – San Francisco
The Role of Cataclysms in World History
Leo and the Thai Boys Cave Rescue: Rites of Passage in the Underworld
The story of the Thai cave boys is an universal one of hope, courage and triumph. Whilst it occurred during the Sun’s passage through Cancer, and contains the symbology of Cancer, it is also very much a story of Leonine courage and Aquarian co-operation.
Likewise, it is a deeply Scorpionic story of the dark underworld and the testings for initiation for Humanity as a whole.The plight of the boys trapped for 17 days was very moving. Through modern communications, the whole world became aware of their desperate situation and followed the precarious rescue in northern Thailand.
The boys disappeared on June 23, when they and their soccer coach entered Tham Luong cave near Chiang Rai. All 13 persons were finally rescued by July 10, 17 days later. After nine days stranded, the first dive searchers reached the boys, giving them food and medical attention. And so the following seven days saw an extraordinary international effort that planned to rescue them.
The event occurred shortly after the sun had moved into Cancer, a sign that rules over the caves/wombs of Mother Earth. Cancer’s ruler the Moon, was in Scorpio conjunct Jupiter in Scorpio. The exact time of the Wild Boars soccer team’s entry into the cave is unknown, but it was in the afternoon.
Scorpio was rising from about 2 pm Saturday 23, hence the event chart has been erected for a little later, with the Moon and Jupiter clustered around the Scorpio ascendant. Scorpio with its ruler Pluto, governs the underworld and is particularly a symbol of initiation, as the candidate (s) must run the gauntlet of testings.
The boys and their rescuers would have to find their way out of several kilometres of caves, much of which was underwater – with monsoon rains always threatening to flood the site. The risks were very high for both divers and the boys, with zero visibility and very cold water; they were weak from lack of food and disoriented from being in a dark cave for so long.
There was a chance of panic for these boys (who were later sedated) – they had to be taught some rudiments of swimming and diving for their arduous journey; they had to learn how to control fear and were given some assistance in that area through much en-courage-ment from family, friends and divers; their soccer coach, a 25 year old ex-Buddhist monk, suggested using meditation to calm themselves and conserve energy, something he had already taught them to use before playing a soccer match.
What is the symbolism of 12 boys and one man trapped within Mother Earth’s womb? There are several interpretations to be sure – 12 zodiac signs, 12 petals of the heart lotus etc. Jesus and his 12 disciples. Little did they realise that they were in gestation within a womb from which they would be reborn. Their emergence and subsequent renewal would be a regeneration for the nation as a whole.
Pluto is Lord of the Underworld – hence this experience for the nation was profound and heart rending, a transformation that was an inspiration for the world. Pluto rules the “lesser burning ground” and was prominently aspected in Thailand’s horoscope, as will be explored later.
These 13 boys/men traced their way out through the dark labyrinth. The divers were their “sponsors to initiation”, older men who led them through the dark perilous waters toward the light – at great personal risk many times over. Here is a Rite of Passage and initiation for the nation as a whole. The courage and co-operation summoned by all parties was immense.
Mars is the esoteric ruler of Scorpio rising; its presence in Aquarius, the sign of group co-operation, indicates the international group co-ordination and technology used. There were highly qualified personnel from many nations, even an Australian diver who happened to be a cave expert AND an anaesthetist!
There were thousands of others from the local Thai community who volunteered their services in preparing food, or scouring the mountains around the cave looking for other entrances:
“Osatanakorn, who has become a national hero following the successful rescue, called the boys “a symbol of unity among mankind”. He added: “Everyone worked together, regardless of race and religion, as the goal was the rescue of the youth football team and returning them home safely.”[1]
It was in many ways a rite of passage for the whole world who witnessed human beings at their best – exercising kindness and co-operation, care, compassion and patience – great devotion and courage to the cause. This event was certainly an harbinger for the approaching Age of Aquarius, as sung in the famous and truly inspired song:
“Harmony and understanding
Sympathy and trust abounding
No more falsehoods or derisions
Golden living dreams of visions
Mystic crystal revelation
And the mind’s true liberation
Great vocal harmonies and some groovy ’60’s dancing!
In the disappearance horoscope, Mars in Aquarius is opposite Venus in Leo near the midheaven, both in T-square to the Scorpio placements. Venus in Leo conjunct the midheaven, indicates the high profile that this story carried – the boys were in the global spotlight – unwitting stars of the media show.
Esoterically however, Venus is the ruler of the 5th ray of Science, hence its placement in Leo (a conduit for the 5th and 1st rays), concerns will-power and the potency of the mind to control fear – to control the “waters” of the astral nature.
Scorpio governs these kind of testings, symbolic of the second initiation, giving a greater global significance for humanity as a whole. Scorpio ruler Pluto did however demand one life, that of 38 year old Saman Kunan, an ex Thai navy seal who was,
“… hailed a hero not only for Thais but for the whole world … With this mission complete, may you rest in peace brother Saman, the hero of Tham Luang,” said Thanadej Kongbangpoh, a provincial military official.”[3]
Kunan’s death occurred on July 6, when transiting Mercury in Leo was opposing Mars in Aquarius, T-square to the Moon in Scorpio – in the Disappearance horoscope. It must have been a big blow to the morale of the boys and the rescuers, doubting if the operation would be a success.
Taurus the Bull and the Minotaur’s Maze
Taurus is the polar opposite sign to Scorpio, so prominent in the Disappearance horoscope, recalling the Greek myth of the Minotaur’s Maze created by King Minos. It is a profound story that has several interpretations, one of which is about finding the way out of the labyrinthine mind matrix; the monkey mind that keeps us distracted and locked in darkness.
In the myth, Theseus volunteers to slay the monster, which is really the Dweller on the Threshold or the Shadow. Ariadne falls madly in love with Theseus, giving him a ball of thread to retrace his path. How pertinent to the rescue that there was a rope line established by the divers to find their way out!
The “monster” that had to be slain by the Thai boys was fear and superstition. Tham Luang cave had long been a place of mystery to which young people flocked to challenge themselves. The “reclining goddess” Jao Mae Nang Non is supposed to be the guardian of the Tham Luang cave and the surrounding mountain, Doi Nang Non:
“In ancient times a beautiful princess fell in love with a stable boy and became pregnant. Knowing their love was forbidden, they fled and eventually settled in the cave to rest. When the stable boy went out in search of food, he was caught by the princess’ father’s army and killed. Distraught, the princess stabbed herself and bled to death in the cave.
The legend says it is her blood that became the water that flows through the cave, while her body is the surrounding mountains, said to look like a sleeping woman.
“We all believe that all places have guardian spirits, places like mountains, caves and houses,” she said. “We may not see them, but they can see us so we need to respect them when we go into their places.”
… Caves throughout Thailand have shrines, many of them Buddhist, and often bear stories about the Buddha’s travels in the region and how he pacified fearsome giants or spirits … In the myths of the northern region, there is a link between danger and caves and the idea that these dangerous female spirits, or Jao Mae, can also help humans who can appeal to them, he said.
“The Jao Mae of caves seem to suggest something constant about caves in the human imagination,” he said. “Here are spirits who stand at the bridge between life and death — indeed, if we think of women as those figures that are able to bring life into the world, it’s unsurprising that these spirits are for the most part female — dwelling in these liminal spaces. They are places of danger, but also of possibility.”
Edoardo Siani, a cultural anthropologist at Kyoto University who specializes in Buddhism and power in contemporary Thai society, said caves in Thailand are thought to hold a special kind of power that those who enter can accumulate.
He said this is why ascetic religious practitioners like monks and hermits sometimes go to meditate in caves. It’s also the genesis for the shrines and offerings.
“The reason why you find offerings and even shrines built inside caves throughout Thailand is that people try to appease the spirits or the gods that may inhabit the caves, and who have already domesticated that power,” he said.
As for the tale of the reclining goddess, “because she has killed herself in it, she has indeed become part of that otherworld, and, very much like the cave itself, she has become simultaneously attractive and scary,” he said.”[4]
The Role of Uranus in Taurus
When considering this Taurus polarity and the Minotaur, one cannot ignore the presence of Uranus, recently entered Taurus for the first time in 84 years. In the Disappearance Horoscope, Uranus makes an exact sextile to the Cancer sun, bringing its influence to bear over the whole event, and complementing the earlier mentioned position of Mars in Uranus-ruled Aquarius:
“Uranus, the planet of the hidden mystery and one of the most occult of the planets “falls” in this sign [Taurus], producing the accentuation and the sharp division between body and soul which is so marked a characteristic of the Taurian subject … The task of Uranus, hidden in the depths, is to awaken and evoke the intuitive response of Taurus to an ever-increasing light until such time that full illumination is achieved and also the development of the spiritual consciousness—substituting these higher soul aspects for the lower form reactions.”[5]
As described in the Wesak 2018 newsletter, “The task of Uranus, hidden in the depths …” – those “depths” are Tartarus, the darkest place in Hades or hell, the domain of Pluto in the opposite sign Scorpio. In the Greek myth, Uranus imprisoned Gaia’s youngest children in Tartarus, deep within Earth, where they caused pain to Gaia:
“Tartarus, a place of complete darkness, as was also the region of profound dreamless sleep in Amenti. Judging by the allegorical description of the punishments inflicted therein, the place was purely Karmic.”[6]
Hence Uranus rules the hidden Mystery Teachings that lead from the darkness of ignorance, liberating from humanity’s self-created hell. The Tham Luang cave was an hellish endurance for 17 days. Taurus is the “mother of illumination”, where the acquisitive nature of Taurus – via its ruler Venus (ruler of the fifth ray of science or mind), pours light into the deepest shadows; this is brought about by acquired knowledge transformed into wisdom/intuition, through its application in every day experience. Again, Venus emerges as the potency of the mind, especially with its placement in Leo, the sign of fiery manas – the mane of the Lion.
The Greek myth of Uranus has a quite cosmic interpretation, regarding the formation of the Earth and the rootraces – hence there are several levels of translation. Uranus hated his Titan children that Gaia had birthed, imprisoning Gaia’s youngest in Tartarus, deep within Earth. This caused a lot of distress to Gaia who asked her sons to castrate Uranus with a flint-bladed sickle – to which Cronus or Saturn was the only one who responded. He was the youngest and most ambitious of the Titans, doing the deed and casting the severed testicles into the sea. (Interesting that Uranus rules the sacral/sexual chakra and Saturn the throat centre!)
From the blood of those testicles emerged Venus, the ruler of Taurus. These profound Universal Mythologies have the Ageless Wisdom Mysteries encoded throughout them. By coincidence (?), the youngest boy in the Thai group is the 11-year old Titan! His mother urges him to be strong:
“Titan, I’ve been waiting for you in front of the cave. I love you and miss you so much. Be patient. I cheer you up! Be strong,” the letter said. ”I wait for you in front of the cave. You must make it! I believe in you. You can make it. I’m giving you moral support all the time. Love you so much. Your dad also misses you and loves so much.””[7]
Caves have always been places of initiation in all world traditions:
“Into the cave of Initiation, the light of resurrection streams when the stone at the entrance is rolled away. From life in the form to the death of the form—deep in the rocky place, down in the crypts of the Temple—the human being goes. But into that same place, the new life streams, bringing fresh life and liberation; old things pass away and the darkness becomes light.”[8]
Thailand Horoscope
The synastry of the Disappearance chart with Thailand’s horoscope is very strong, with Mercury in the Disappearance horoscope exactly conjunct Thailand’s Pluto in Cancer. And transiting Pluto is opposite these two points in initiatory Capricorn.
Mercury is the Messenger and in this instance, he plays the role of Charon the ferryman, who takes in his boat, souls across the River Styx, the boundary between Earth and the Underworld, Pluto’s Hades.
Inner wheel: Thailand. Outer wheel: Disappearance.
The prominence of Pluto in Thailand’s chart cannot be understated,
“Pluto … becomes active in the life of the man who is “becoming alive in the higher sense, his lower nature passes into the smoke and darkness of Pluto, who governs the lesser burning ground, in order that the man may live in truth in the higher land of light.”[9]
Note also, that the two Cancer suns on the bi-wheel chart above, correspond closely because the boys went missing the day before Thailand’s birthday. This speaks to us of profound matters to do with the soul of the nation.
The other significant factor in Thailand’s horoscope is the presence of Uranus – again! It is at the point of a T-square to the Pluto-Mercury-Pluto opposition, hence casts its influence considerably over Thailand’s dharma – the need for deep seated, if not revolutionary changes.
The whole event in some ways represents the first initiation for Thailand as a whole – where true Buddhahood is recognised within the cave of the heart. This might sound somewhat contradictory in a land of Buddhism – but it concerns the notion of belief and superstition being superseded by a greater knowing and understanding. Leo the Lion-Heart rules over that first initiation:
“In Leo—The self-centred man becomes eventually the soul in life expression and focussed on the achievement of the spiritual goal of selflessness. In this sign, he undergoes preparation for the first initiation and takes it also in this sign, or under this sign when it is the rising sign, becoming “the Lion who seeks his prey,” that is the personality who becomes the captive of the soul.”[10]
Thailand plays an unique role as a bridge between the Far East/China and the West; it’s influence from India is profound in language and customs – and India is connected to the first subrace of the Fifth Rootrace – that spawned all the Western subraces.
Thailand (and other S.E. Asian nations) is also a thriving hub for “digital nomads” and retirees who can survive more easily than in their home nations – such as Australia or northern Europe. Millions of Chinese travel through all the South-East Asian nations and also make up 14% of the Thai population.
Millions of Westerners also travel regularly to Thailand, whilst hundreds of thousands live there as permanent residents. Several of the Western divers frequent the numerous dive schools throughout the country. (See this profile of the main divers who took the boys out of the cave.)
In the entire rescue operation, there were expert divers from Thailand, China, USA, Britain, Australia and Europe. Their work was dangerous and tedious, and they only just managed to get everyone out of the caves with minutes to spare:
“Australian divers involved in the rescue told the Guardian on Wednesday that they had been moments away from disaster. Hours after the last Wild Boar was freed, the main pump in the cave failed, and water levels started inching upwards, the divers said.
One said he heard screaming from deeper inside the cave. “All these headlights start coming over the hill and the water was coming,” he said. “It was noticeably rising.” The remaining 100 workers inside the cave were frantically rushing to the exit and were safely out less than an hour later.”[11]
One wonders what other subjective forces were at work, that helped to create such a miraculous result! Millions of prayers and mediations must have made a difference. Overall, the rescue operation was characterised by one common quality, courage – of the boys, the divers, the rescuers, the families.
This is an overwhelming theme of Leo – the development of confidence and courage. Throughout the entire ordeal, Venus was transiting through Leo, lending its light and strength of mind to all involved.
Just as the last five were rescued from the cave on July 10, Venus left Leo and entered the first degree of Virgo, another sign associated with the caves of the earth. Bear in mind that the Moon is the exoteric ruler of Cancer and the esoteric ruler of Virgo:
“The earthy triplicity has been designated by astrologers as embodying the idea of plains (Taurus), of caves (Virgo) and of rock (Capricorn). It might be stated that these caves exist in the rocks, deep under the plains. I am speaking figuratively and symbolically.
Out of the rocky cave, the Christ emerged and walked again upon the plains of Earth … Into the cave of Initiation, the light of resurrection streams when the stone at the entrance is rolled away.
From life in the form to the death of the form—deep in the rocky place, down in the crypts of the Temple—the human being goes. But into that same place, the new life streams, bringing fresh life and liberation; old things pass away and the darkness becomes light.”[12]
Elon Musk: Progressed Sun in Leo
One experiences all signs of the zodiac throughout an incarnation, by the constant parade of progressions and transits through the personal horoscope. Hence the progressed Sun represents a sub-tone expression of the personality with which everyone is born – their personal sun sign.
For example, Musk has a Sun in Cancer personality, but in the last 21 years, the sun has progressed through Leo, developing many Leo qualities of creativity and leadership that have fitted him to be on the world stage, a king of his domain. Similarly, Lady Diana, Nelson Mandela and the Dalai Lama were/are all Cancer suns who found themselves in the Leonine limelight during their lives.
Bear in mind, personality is esoterically a description of the three-fold lower self – mental, emotional and physical. Much of modern psychology and humanistic astrology are healing tools that endeavour to achieve better personality integration – primarily upon the emotional and mental levels.
Elon Musk[13] has some challenging personality integration issues, such as the Sun square Uranus aspect discussed further on; he became prominent during the Thai boys rescue mission, by building a mini submarine and delivering it personally to the cave site in Thailand.
However, the local governor said that whilst he was grateful for the support, the submarine was not practical for the rescue mission. All the divers and rescuers attested to this fact, as the rigid metal device was impractical to move through some of the tricky twists and turns. This criticism was not well received by Musk, who made several tweets questioning the governor’s wisdom. (It was this story that prompted the author to look more deeply into Musk.)
Musk is a brilliant Aquarius rising with a deeply emotional Cancerian personality, his birthday was just a few days after the boys went missing; his response was no doubt genuine and heartfelt, but many observers cannot help wondering if his motives were not altogether pure, somewhat tainted by personal ego and ambition – well he is not perfect of course!
His Cancer sun is square to Uranus, giving him a few quirks and eccentricities that have been notable in 2018 – standoffs with the press, critical words, aggressive actions. People with brilliance and billions naturally assume that they have a god-given right, a sense of extreme entitlement!
In fact, Musk shares this quirky similarity with Julian Assange, as they were born only five days apart in 1971. Assange’s Sun square Uranus expressed itself similarly through his love of technology (Uranus rules science) – with a big difference in his rebelliousness toward the establishment, and residing mainly on the other end of the economic scale.
Musk in many ways is the establishment, having had a relatively conventional education and one of the main founders of PayPal where he made his billions. But he has also created many innovations outside and beyond the status quo.
A Sun square Uranus personality is perfecting the integration of scientific Uranus into the mental body, and because it is the square aspect, it poses some problems of balancing the pairs of opposites upon the mental plane. One can be at extreme odds with oneself with this kind of aspect, which can cause bizarre, unconventional or eccentric behaviour; the highly refined frequencies of Uranus can certainly distort through the unredeemed personality – that is why Aquarians or Uranian “types” are known traditionally as such. But this aspect is also the source of genius and brilliance – especially in Musk’s case with Uranus ruling his Aquarian ascendant.
Musk undoubtedly has the Venus-ruled 5th ray of science in his ray structure, probably the mind, and maybe even on the soul; he has Venus in Gemini, the sign which it rules esoterically, assisting him greatly in balancing the mental plane opposites; the task of Venus is to harmonise duality and create beauty – a “beautiful mind”.
Musk must also have the third ray of active intelligence, a ray that gives prodigious ability to work with and manipulate that prana we call money. His business dealings and the setting up of PayPal make for an interesting read.
Mars is in Aquarius conjunct his ascendant, recalling Leonardo da Vinci’s position of Mars, that reflected his scientific inventive spirit. (See this recent newsletter on da Vinci.)
The problem with Musk is that he seems to be driven by irrational fears that emanate from his Cancerian nature. Cancer is known as one of the most fearful signs and its ruler the Moon is placed in worry-wart Virgo! As a typical Aquarius rising (often scientists and engineers), Musk lapped up plenty of science fiction literature authors such as Isaac Asimov (Uranus in Aquarius). From Asimov, he drew the lesson that,
“…you should try to take the set of actions that are likely to prolong civilization, minimize the probability of a dark age and reduce the length of a dark age if there is one.”[14]
It is fascinating to note that Asimov is referring to the Kali Yuga, the age in which Humanity finds itself now. And it is this advice from Asimov which no doubt propelled Musk to want to send a rocket to Mars. Musk was also severely bullied during his childhood and one wonders if he has now become the bully through his own unresolved/suppressed anger over those events. Musk also severed all communication with his father, a drastic measure for a family-oriented Cancerian, no doubt based upon the trauma of his parents’ divorce when he was nine years old.
Musk’s plan to send a rocket to Mars and eventually colonising it, seems to be based upon the fear of the Earth destroying itself – and in step with Asimov’s directive. One must ask oneself, why does Musk not apply his scientific brilliance to help clean up this planet before entertaining ideas of traveling to Mars?
There is so much to be done that others are finding solutions for, but are often hampered by lack of money and politics. Musk could make a big difference here and of course he has no doubt, in several areas. He may however, be very right about his warnings of AI – Artificial Intelligence and its misapplication for military and other purposes.
Mars is in Aquarius conjunct his ascendant, and although this position is generally more emotionally detached, Mars is still the ruler of the solar plexus chakra, seat of the astral body.

The launch sent company founder Elon Musk’s own red Tesla Roadster on a path that crosses the orbit of Mars – with a “Starman” dummy (named after Bowie’s song) in the driver’s seat!
Currently, Musk’s progressed Sun in Leo has just moved away in the last few months from an opposition to his Mars in Aquarius; however, it has been prominently in orb of aspect to Mars for the past two years. Hence a large stimulation of ideas with flurries of activity, as well as contentious disagreements and fall-outs with various people.
One example was when one of the Western divers on the Thai boys rescue, insulted by Musk’s arrogance, said that Musk should “stick his submarine where it hurts”, Musk responded with an astonishing jibe:
“Unsworth [diver], who was instrumental in the successful rescue, later said Musk’s effort was a “PR stunt”, prompting the Silicon Valley billionaire to say he would make a video proving his “mini-sub” would have worked, adding: “Sorry pedo guy, you really did ask for it.” The diver, who was still at the cave site assisting with clean-up, told the Guardian he was “astonished and very angry” and considering legal action.”[15]
That date was July 15 when transiting Mercury in Leo was exactly opposite Musk’s Mars – plus, the moon was transiting through Leo as well! Where does a statement like that come from? Extreme ego defence on the one hand, and deep ignorance upon the other, superficially labelling Western expats in Thailand as ‘pedos’ (paedophiles). His Mars here represents the wounded and the wounder! Musk’s shareholders demanded he apologise, which he did a few days later when the moon was in diplomatic and peace-making Libra:
“My words were spoken in anger after Mr. Unsworth said several untruths & suggested I engage in a sexual act with the mini-sub, which had been built as an act of kindness and according to specifications from the dive team leader.”[16]
Whether this was a genuine apology or just to placate shareholders we may never know. It was certainly a good serving of humble pie for that progressed Sun in Leo! But it is not the only mean behaviour that Musk has demonstrated; his recent refusal to reimburse an artist for using his “farting unicorn” logo, (now recently resolved) was petty in the extreme. One newspaper wag posed the headline, “Tesla’s Elon Musk in stink over farting unicorn” – lol!

The Boring Company is creating tunnels under Los Angeles to improve the traffic flow. The machine also produces high quality bricks from the boring material.
“Musk has faced increasing scrutiny in recent months over his bizarre tirades on Twitter and his aggressive attacks on journalists, regulators and other critics. The scandals come amid continuing complaints about workplace safety and a struggle to meet production goals.”[17]
All these woes piling up are indicative of several main factors:
1. The aforementioned progressed Sun in Leo opposite Mars in Aquarius.
2. Transiting Saturn’s opposition to Musk’s natal Sun, something that fellow Cancer (and recently profiled) Anthony Bourdain was undergoing when he suicided. The natal or progressed Sun both represent the personality or the ego in general, hence the pressure that Musk has been under.

Musk’s $500 flamethrower. An earlier version of this ghastly device was used in WWII with devastating results. Stupid idea? – the most brilliant people do the dumbest things sometimes. There is an element of the boy with Musk and he has been criticised for being emotionally immature.
Saturn can also bring the Dweller from out of its lair and one can be quite simply unpleasant during that kind of transit! Many responsibilities can weigh heavily with a Saturn transit, not to mention karmic events. Usually father issues emerge during a transit of Saturn to the Sun, and he may also have to deal with any opportunities to deal with that. Musk will endure this transit until the end of 2018.
3. Musk has also had transiting Jupiter conjunct his midheaven for the past year, hence his higher than usual public profile, even more important due to the fact that Jupiter is the esoteric ruler of his Aquarian ascendant. Jupiter’s culmination on his midheaven reflect his spectacular achievements.
Jupiter has also been squaring his ascendant/descendant axis, including the progressed Sun in Leo – now there is swollen ego, arrogance, over-confidence and cockiness! The third and final hit of Jupiter to the MC (career) will be in September, possibly mitigating favourably his current circumstances; this precedes his Jupiter return in October 2018.
Elon Musk: Reincarnation of Thomas Edison?
There have been speculations for years that Musk is a reincarnation of either Thomas Edison or Nikola Tesla. Nikola Tesla worked in Edison’s lab before they became adversaries in the controversy of whether AC or DC current was more effective in transmitting electrical power.
Aquarian sun Edison was an inventor credited with creating the first industrial research laboratory – and of course was the inventor of the lightbulb. Edison was more the marketing man and Tesla the pure inventor with high ideals about how to power the planet with free energy.
Although Musk has named his car the Tesla, it seems that his similarities lie far more with Edison. Perhaps Musk/Edison was making a passing nod to his old collaborator turned enemy. Musk has said that Edison was more effective at bringing innovation to market which is what Musk does well. It is said that Musk sees himself more as a Steve Jobs or a Thomas Edison than a Steve Wozniak or Nikola Tesla.
Nikola Tesla died destitute, allegedly stripped of his invention patents and money by people like Westinghouse and Edison. It is possible of course, and an ironic fantasy, that he has reincarnated with extreme financial savvy, but Edison seems a more likely contender as a previous incarnation for Musk. Edison and Tesla may well be from the same ashram, warring brothers!
Inner to outer wheels: Musk, Tesla and Edison.
Musk’s horoscope has strong synastry with Edison and Tesla. If the tri-wheel of their three horoscopes is consulted, the following synastry can be seen:
1. Musk’s Sun in Cancer conjunct Tesla’s Saturn in Cancer. This is represents a strong karmic link with Tesla, who was also had the Sun in Cancer like Musk. (See the lines delineated in the 5th house of the tri-wheel above.) Perhaps Musk as Edison has acknowledged this relationship by naming his electric car after Tesla?
2. Musk’s Mars and Ascendant in Aquarius are very close to Edison’s Sun and Mercury in Aquarius.
Of course these links are by no means definitive, Musk may be simply the member of an ashram from where Edison and Tesla emanated. An ashram on the 3rd, 5th or 7th rays. Others have also been suggested as reincarnation candidates of Musk – like the Swiss Alfred Escher and motor vehicle manufacturer, Henry Ford.
Also, Edison died in October 1931, it is not known if this soul had another incarnation before the Musk lifetime that started in 1971. Hence the esoteric rule of the sun sign of disincarnation becomes the sun sign of incarnation, cannot be applied.
Leo is a Sign of Sirian Invocation
The star Sirius has been prominent in many civilisations, distinctly aligned to temples, monuments and stone circles, most notably in the ancient Egyptian tradition. Sirius is mentioned frequently in these newsletters not only because of its association with seven zodiac signs but also because of its major importance in Leo.
Because of the need to understand its influence in human evolution, repetition helps these passages to percolate and penetrate – not unlike a hard field of dirt that has to be ploughed several times to allow the seed to be planted and watered, eventually yielding a harvest of understanding. What was read last year, may be seen with completely new eyes in the following years. Indeed, the author’s commentaries on this subject always attempt considerations from various angles:
“August, which is ruled by Leo, is the month of the Dog-star, or of Sirius, which thus brings Sirius into close relation to Leo. Leo, in the cosmic sense (and apart from our solar system altogether) is ruled by Sirius. Sirius is the home of that greater Lodge to which our fifth initiation [Master] admits a man and to which it brings him, as a humble disciple.
Later, when the new world religion is founded and is working, we shall find that the major, monthly festival in August, held at the time of the full moon, will be dedicated to the task of making contact, via the Hierarchy, with Sirian force.”[18]
The one world religion is not yet founded, but will gradually coalesce over the ensuing centuries. However, there are many individuals who are already intuiting and invoking these Sirian forces, even if they have not reached the exalted third degree where we are told, “Sirius becomes a major life factor”.
Hence, this Leo full moon festival is another opportunity to ponder the significance of these statements; to comprehend the fact that the majority of souls in this Earth evolution – once liberated, will choose the Sirian path (the Fourth Cosmic Path), to begin another evolution on a higher turn of the spiral.
At the full moon festivals, the Great Invocation (G.I.) is sounded, often in group meditation where it is most effective. The GI is actually a Sirian invocation.
Through sounding the various verses of the GI, the energy of Hierarchy is invoked, the Masters of Wisdom, gathered around The Christ; likewise the forces of Shamballa via the Lord of the World, Sanat Kumara. All these great Beings hold in their hands the Planetary Plan and Purpose which is an aspect of the Sirian Plan, governed by the Sirian Law of Karma.
Earth is an integral part of the body-corporate of our star/solar system, which in turn is regarded as the progeny or “lower self” of Sirius. Both stars are part of a greater body-corporate, the cosmic body called the One About Whom Naught May Be Said (OAWNMBS). (See recent newsletter discussing OAWNMBS here.)
Our Sun is regarded as the unawakened heart centre of the OAWNMBS and the Earth is regarded as a “laggard” to other more advanced planetary evolutions in our solar system. Hence, the development and expression of Love-Wisdom on this planet and in the human race, is not only an Earthly goal, but the missing piece of the greater puzzle of the solar system.
Earth and our solar system, at this point in our stupendously long history, are at particularly critical stages of the greater evolution, impacting potently on our current planetary life, adding somewhat to the existing turmoil during the cusp of the ages.
The successful invocation of Sirian forces during Leo, in co-operation and moderation by The Hierarchy, will greatly assist Earth’s alignment within the solar system and to the Greater Law of Sirius. For deeper students of the Ageless Wisdom, the following occult passage concerns this relationship:
“… we have the great law of Sirius, the Law of Karma, on the third subplane of the cosmic mental plane, which law really controls our Logos [Solar Logos, our Sun], and His actions, in the same way as the ego—in due course of evolution—controls the human personality.”[19]
The fixed star Regulus is also associated with Sirius, whose influences,
“… three in number, are focussed in Regulus, which is, as you know, a star of the first magnitude and which is frequently called “the heart of the Lion.””[20]
Regulus, as its name implies, is about rulership, regulation, kingship (regis=king) – hence most appropriate for Leo the king. The energy from Sirius reaches Humanity via our Sun which is the ruler of Leo. The first ray of will-power pours through Leo and a “star of first magnitude” carries a similar energy. The energies are also “triple”, reflecting the eternal divine trinity of will, love and intelligence.
It is truly amazing to many students that electro-magnetic forces from stars that are many lights years away, have an affect here upon Earth and within the solar system. Hence, the Science of Esotericism that teaches us the about these subtle forces and how to recognise and work with them. For the majority of Humanity there is an outright denial that these forces have any effect or existence, let alone the influences of zodiac signs, planets and rays.
The main reason for this is that in our current Fifth Rootrace, the development of the concrete mind and the recognition of only that which is physically tangible, is at its height. This even affects esoteric students who mainly through their cultural conditioning, fail to unplug and detach from the matrix of Western thought; this also creates a slow development of the intuition. But at least there is an aspiration to know, and a healthy questioning of these laws does not hurt; a refusal to not simply believe, but to really know.
________________________________________________________________________________________________Leo Total “Blood Moon” Lunar Eclipse 2018
There are some spectacular potencies in this Leo full moon period, which happens to be a total lunar eclipse – the longest “blood moon” eclipse of the 21st century. A lunar eclipse can only happen at the full moon when the sun and moon are exactly opposite one another and the Earth is directly between them, its dark umbral shadow falls on the moon’s face. Solar and lunar eclipses occur regularly every year, with four to seven eclipses, some lunar, some solar, some total, some partial.
The term “Blood Moon” has become very popular lately because of its evocative imagery which feeds into ancient fears, superstitions and Biblical “end times”. Astronomically, a blood moon is explained,
“Blood Moon is not a scientific term, though in recent times it is being widely used to refer to a total lunar eclipse because a fully eclipsed Moon often takes on a reddish color … So, why does the Moon turn red? A total lunar eclipse happens when the Moon travels through the Earth’s umbra and blocks all direct sunlight from illuminating the Moon’s surface. However, some sunlight still reaches the lunar surface indirectly, via the Earth’s atmosphere, bathing the Moon in a reddish, yellow, or orange glow.
As the Sun’s rays pass through the atmosphere, some colours in the light spectrum—those towards the violet spectrum—are filtered out by a phenomenon called Rayleigh scattering. This is the same mechanism that causes colourful sunrises and sunsets. Red wavelengths are least affected by this effect, so the light reaching the Moon’s surface has a reddish hue, causing the fully eclipsed Moon to take on a red color.”[21]
The full eclipse is on July 27 at 8:22 p.m. GMT. Observers in the Eastern Hemisphere — Eastern Europe, Africa and Southeast Asia — will see the moon block the sun for almost two hours. The penumbral phase of the eclipse (when the moon passes through the outer part of Earth’s shadow), will start at 8:14 p.m. local time in Turkey, becoming more visible by 9.24 pm.
The classic “blood moon,” or total lunar eclipse, will start at 19:30 GMT and will end at 21:13 GMT on July 27; it will be partially visible from the east coast of South America as the moon rises – in Rio de Janeiro the moon is already deep in the umbral shadow of Earth as it comes up at 5:27 p.m. local time.
In Europe, Londoners will see the moon rise at 8:51 p.m. local time, when the moon will already be in shadow, with the maximum eclipse occurring at 9:21 p.m. The moon will emerge from the umbra at 11:19 p.m. Weather stations in all nations will be broadcasting the exact viewing times (if any) around July 27.
The Nature of Eclipses
Lunar and solar eclipses often generate powerful events as they imprint the prevailing planetary and ray energies deep into the etheric body of the Earth. There are also gravitational factors of the sun, moon and the earth – all pulling in the same direction, exerting enormous pressures upon fault lines, creating massive earthquakes.
The times for maximum tidal stress are during the new and full moon phases, at perigee when the Moon drifts closer to Earth in its orbit and during an eclipse. There has always been superstition and fear around eclipses because they have coincided occasionally with disasters or other major planetary events.
The Mayans were great astronomers and had devised many tables for predicting eclipses, accompanied by dire warnings; they considered eclipses harbingers of calamities in their earthquake-prone land of Central America.
This synchronicity between eclipses and earthquakes is confirmed by Aristotle, as well as classical Greek historians who gave accounts of eclipses/earthquakes that destroyed parts of their nation. These correlations and ancient fears associated with them, have been exaggerated by astrologers, astronomers and media, using provocative terms like “blood moon”, “supermoon”, “blue moon”, “super blue blood moon”, “thunder moon” etc.
Hence, the prevailing media culture often creates an emotional hook in the consciousness of many – sensationalism – in many cases to drive more traffic to websites and make money. With or without that motive, the high profile theme of eclipses evokes old memories from deep in the planetary consciousness. Today however, there are more intelligent attempts to understand the scientific nature of the effect of eclipses which will help to offset superstition, it will become a more matter-of-fact observational science.
Of course, the general population is usually much more interested in the physical celestial phenomena, accompanied by a hint of mystery that something of great import might occur! Eclipses do have profound effects and have been associated with major events in history, marking accelerations of growth in a nation or an individual. The nature of an eclipse can sometimes have devastating effects, depending upon what it aspects in the horoscope.

Photographer Jeffrey Berkes captured this stunning moment as the moon entered full eclipse right when Old Faithful erupted in Yellowstone National Park on Sept. 27, 2015.
There is a planetary pattern in every eclipse that will have an effect. Some patterns are weak or mediocre, others like this Leo eclipse are extremely powerful. Quite often an eclipse will be activated 3-9 months later by other eclipses, full moons or simply the transit of a planet over the original eclipse degree.
Eclipses can also have an impact 2-3 days before and after the event. Due to the potent forces that are concentrated in an eclipse, and because the moon is connected to the unconscious and the feelings, emotions can be amplified, with the potential to create conflict or accidents. Lunar eclipses are traditionally an opportunity to recognise and release old emotional patterns that no longer serve.
Hence the need at any full or new moon cycle to take advantage through meditative alignment, individually or in group, to direct the energies rightly – so that one rules these forces and is not ruled by them. “The stars impel but do not compel.”
The Lunar Eclipse Horoscope
There is an extraordinarily powerful T-square in this horoscope from a Sun-Moon-Mars opposition in Leo-Aquarius to Uranus in Taurus. A breakdown of the eclipse horoscope is as follows:
1. Sun in Leo, opposite Moon in Aquarius, as always on any full moon. The Earth is also in Aquarius as it is always directly opposite the sun.
2. Mars is in Aquarius next to the moon, bringing in an element of emotional volatility. This is qualified somewhat by the fact that Mars in Aquarius is far more detached than in other signs, it is more “scientific”. (Mars in Aquarius was prominent in the Thai Boys Disappearance horoscope as well as Elon Musk, Leonardo da Vinci.)
Leo Full Moon Eclipse Horoscope
3. The moon’s nodes always accompany eclipses, with the south node in Aquarius and north node in Leo. The Dragon’s head (north) and the Dragon’s tail (south).
4. Uranus in Taurus T-squares the Leo-Aquarius axis. Uranus, so prominent of late, is the exoteric ruler of Aquarius and hierarchical ruler of Leo. Uranus “falls” in Taurus, creating that “sharp division between body and soul” and “whose task is to awaken and evoke the intuitive response to an ever-increasing light”. Uranus is traditionally known as the “great awakener”.
Hence, this T-square holds much in tension, the conflict between the individual and the group, or selfish versus altruistic motive; it will create more awareness of personal self-absorption and reorientation toward service of the collective. Nevertheless, narcissistic tendencies will find their point of least resistance here, the “age of the selfie” for those who are buried in mass consciousness or emerging from it; the preoccupation of being unique and all those other lower Aquarian superficialities.
The degrees of this eclipse of around 5° Leo-Aquarius may be looked for in the personal horoscope for activation of natal or progressed planets. The eclipse will amplify the issues related to that planet, its aspects, polar opposite and house position.
Likewise, in the horoscopes of nations, for instance in the 1776 chart of the USA, the eclipse falls on its natal north-south node axis of Leo-Aquarius. In Israel’s horoscope, this eclipse falls right on its Leo moon and progressed sun in Leo. This will probably have a very powerful effect, in terms of awakening Israel to the unconscious aspect of Leo, its sense of entitlement to rule. Therefore the Middle East will be affected deeply by this eclipse.
Uranus rules Aquarius but also the seventh ray of Ceremonial Magic or Order, a ray that is swinging into pronounced activity. Uranus and the seventh ray together are the,
“… embodiment of the principle of concretion and the materialising of that which is in need of objective manifestation, through the bringing together of spirit and matter. It is here that the whole mystery of money lies hid and the creation and production of money … It is through the relation of the three aspects of the third divine manifestation—law, affinity and concretised energy—that money is created.”[22]
Hence, this eclipse could trigger a money crisis, a radical new approach to money, or consolidate upon the work already being done by many groups to change the way the world deals with money. The theme of Uranus and money was discussed in an earlier newsletter this year, “Uranus in Taurus: Revolution of the Monetary System”.
A Major Planetary Revelation or Disclosure
God knows, we need one! The patterns in this horoscope, with unpredictable Uranus so prominent, indicate that this could be the case.
A Military Conflict
Through perpetual war, the prospect of ongoing aggressions is always simmering in the background. The potential for Israel to be affected is strong, given the eclipse falling on its Leo Moon, with Mars in Aquarius in the mix opposite. Other nations with natal or progressed planets at these degrees too of course.
Unfortunately, this eclipse activates Donald Trump’s chart quite dangerously. His recent bellicose tweet about Iran in (shouting) uppercase: “NEVER, EVER THREATEN THE UNITED STATES AGAIN OR YOU WILL SUFFER CONSEQUENCES” – is a good example of Mercury’s stationary position about to go retrograde on the full moon eclipse – conjunct his troublesome Mars in Leo.
Further to that, the Leo full moon Mars eclipse falls on Trump’s progressed midheaven (career), making a square to solar arc Mars in Scorpio. In fact, when transiting Uranus is considered in opposite Taurus, there is a grand cross configuration that holds alot of tension on the Mars theme: 1. His natal Mars activated by Mercury. 2. Eclipse Mars in Aquarius. 3. Solar arc Mars in Scorpio.
Trump is of course being egged on by his policy advisors, all of whom are hawks when it comes to North Korea, Russia, China, Iran etc. Is there any nation not exempt? Hence, his bluster his extremely dangerous at the moment and these configurations could easily tip him into making rash decisions.
Earthquakes: World, California
Uranus also has an association with earthquakes, that many astrologers have noted over the years. (Saturn, Venus and Pluto also.) As discussed earlier, Uranus in Taurus particularly evokes the hidden depths of the Earth, symbolised by Tartarus and giant caverns. The Uranus/midheaven (MC) line for the eclipse horoscope runs through Japan and Papua New Guinea, two very earthquake prone areas, and Australia. The Uranus/IC line runs through the east coast of Brazil and Greenland.
Eclipse lines through California.
The Uranus Asc/Desc line runs all around the globe of course, but makes an interesting crossing into earthquake-prone California – right between Los Angeles and San Francisco. At the same time, it makes an intersection just off the coast of Los Angeles with the Sun in Leo/node/MC and the Moon, Mars/node lines as circled in the diagram below.
Note that the vertical MC/IC lines proceed up into the vulnerable Pacific north-west that was noted in the Leo solar eclipse for 2017. Often, eclipses can trigger each other, though of course it is unknown if these two will, as 2017 was in the last degree of Leo and this eclipse is in the earlier degrees of Leo. Nevertheless, earthquake potential is quite marked for California.
The Uranus line runs around the rest of the world, passing through Russia and many flashpoints in Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Israel, Saudi Arabia etc. The bottom line with Uranus is that it is an agent of radical change, causing metaphysical earthquakes to occur in nations, not necessarily physical ones!
However, as stated in the Pacific north-west Leo solar eclipse for 2017, this area is said to be 71 years overdue for an immense 8.4 or larger earthquake, due to the geologically unstable Mendocino Triple Junction where three tectonic plates collide. And of course, the Mount St. Helens active volcano is in the middle of this area. San Francisco is well overdue for a big quake, due to the movement of the San Andreas fault. Uranus was right on the midheaven in the event charts of the 1906 and 1989 quakes. There are many aspects that indicate earth-shifting changes in the old 1878 horoscope for San Francisco, but none of the previous large quakes really bore any significant reflection in that chart.
The Role of Cataclysms in World History
It is worthy to bear in mind, that many earth changes are in store as Humanity transitions from one zodiacal age to another, from the Fifth Rootrace to the Sixth rootrace – as the earth’s magnetic polarity also changes:

The great earthquake of Lisbon, 1755. Estimated at 9 on the Richter scale, accompanied by three huge tsunamis 400 feet in height!
“Cataclysms of a world wide nature will occur during the next one thousand years; continents will be shaken; lands will be raised and submerged, culminating in the profound material disaster which will overtake the world towards the close of the fourth branch race of the sixth subrace. [About 3,000 CE] This will usher in the infant sixth rootrace.”[23]
This Fifth Rootrace will eventually be destroyed by fire through volcanic action, but there will be many material disasters caused by earthquakes and tsunamis in the millenniums to come. Cataclysms have been activated by the Guides of the Race many times in history. The Manu is responsible for these kind of actions,
“He works in … manipulating the forces which move the earth’s crust, of raising and lowering continents, of directing the minds of statesmen everywhere so that racial government will proceed as desired.”[24]
Cataclysms are the result of drastic measures taken by the Hierarchy in the past because Humanity has been stuck and unable to change; they are one of the four options used for “divine intervention”: 1. Divine embodiments. 2. Natural cataclysms. 3. Evocation of slumbering Entities. 4. Emergence of inspired leadership.

Kalki Avatar can be likened to The Christ – “I come not to bring peace but a sword”. He is the avatar who rejuvenates existence by ending the darkest and destructive period of the Kali Yuga, ushering in the Satya Yuga. Technically speaking, this is a long way away, but there is a lesser cycle of opportunity now.
One wonders with so many seemingly intractable problems upon this planet, lack of inspired leadership and current Humanity’s inability to bring about change, what options of divine intervention are currently being considered by Sanat Kumara or The Manu? The Christ Avatar is of course poised for His Reappearance and that will be a great inspiration, but how many decades away, no one really knows.
“The use of cataclysm was the method employed in Atlantean days, as you well know from the tales of the flood; and through the flood there was almost complete destruction of the civilisation of that time. It is hoped that such a drastic step will not be needed today [commenting in WW2], though there are ancient prophecies which foretell the possibility of the destruction of this world at this time through fire—instead of flood.
Which of the two methods—divine embodiment and natural cataclysm—will be employed will really be decided by humanity through its use or non-use of free will and understanding. If humanity fails to unite under the banner of the Forces of Light against the forces of material aggression and selfishness, then the “fiery ordeal” might be unavoidable.”[25]
In WWII it was the use of the “Evocation of slumbering Entities” – the so-called Lords of Liberation. Now, seventy years later in the midst of WW3 on the mental plane, does Humanity simply stand by and wait for The Christ Avatar to show up – that “someone to save us”? Or is there a requirement for us to work much harder by standing up to the forces of materialism and selfishness that are slowly strangling this beautiful planet?
Phillip Lindsay © 2018.
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[1] https://www.theguardian.com
[2] https://www.stlyrics.com/lyrics/hair/aquarius.htm
[3] https://www.theguardian.com
[5] Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.400.
[6] Theosophical Glossary.
[7] http://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-07-08/thai-cave-rescue
[8] Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.385.
[9] Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.78.
[10] Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.143.
[12] Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.384.
[13] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elon_Musk
[14] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elon_Musk
[15] https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2018/jul/17/tesla-elon-musk-thailand-diver-pedo
[16] https://www.thedailybeast.com/elon-musk-calls-british-diver-in-thai-cave-rescue-a-pedo
[17] https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2018/jul/16/the-guardian-view-on-elon-musk-a-billionaire-in-need-of-humility
[18] Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.299.
[19] A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p.571.
[20] Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey.p.300.
[21] https://www.timeanddate.com/eclipse/blood-moon.html
[22] Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.246.
[23] A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p.467.
[24] Initiation, Human and Solar. Alice A. Bailey. p.42.
[25] The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.259.
Thank you for this illuminating report. Two additional points to addess/support two of the observations in this month’s report.
1. In assessing the energy system of the coach while in the cave after the death of the diver, it was wondered what the impact would be on he and the boys while in the cave. It was later revealed/reported in the news that the coach and boys were not informed until 3 days after their emergence from the cave of the diver’s death in order to not negatively impact their morale and courage to exit the cave.
2. Interestingly, it was also reported in the news that 4 of the boys experienced birthdays on the day of or shortly after entering the cave, which is quite notable statistically and, of course, esoterically.
Good to know that they were not informed about the diver’s death. Extraordinary that four of the boys had birthdays close together in Cancer, making their ordeal trapped in the cave even more significant.
It gets even more incredible upon further research: It has been reported that the coach and boys went into the cave to celebrate the birthday of the boy on July 23rd and that the food they survived on were snacks bought to celebrate the birthday. And the boy whose birthday was being celebrated goes by the nickname of ‘Night’. Truly a seemingly highly orchestrated group expansion.
Re: the 13 boys…in a cave AKA a womb whom after nine days or the length of gestation were “rescued”
The Thai cave rescue is indeed a great example of group compassion and cooperation. It has also brought attention to and put a very human face upon the problem of refugees. Three of the boys and the coach (along with half a million other people in Thailand) are “stateless”. Hopefully these people and the underlying issues won’t be forgotten in a few months, once the media’s and our attention moves on to the next attractive story: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-thailand-cave-refugees/thai-cave-rescue-draws-attention-to-countrys-stateless-children-idUSKBN1K11CK
I found this newsletter very interesting and informative, particularly the lunar eclipse information.
I had been unaware of the eclipse and only began reading this piece after I had made a spontaneous trip to Portland, finding myself in the possible ‘earthquake zone’ until the 27th and realizing that the grand cross you pointed out in my chart (at 2,3,4 & 6 degrees) is being amplified!!
Your discussion of the effects of the lunar eclipse has helped me to clarify many things, including what seemed liked a baseless anxiety that arouse around making this trip to the Pacific Northwest. Ha! What a life! When we commit to following our intuition and our soul’s urging, all kinds of interesting things occur in the physical. This was to be a soul searching pilgrimage, and so it is.
I thank you again, for your ongoing work.