Leo 2020: Courage. Neptune. Sensitivity. The Solar Hero. Lion-Heart. Sirius. Mars-Saturn. Comet Neowise. Avatars.
Leo Keynote
“I am that and that am I.”
(Leo Full Moon Festival: August 3, 2020. 3.58 pm UT.)
“Leo in its consciousness is the dominant self-aware agent … as the advanced Leo subject makes his appearance …he will be distinguished by his personal freedom from outside control. He knows innately that he is king of himself.”1
Courage of a Leo Lion-Heart
___ Leo, Neptune and the Astral Permanent Atom
___Leo and Sensitivity
___Braveheart: William Wallace, “Honorary Leo”.
___ The Solar Hero and the Art of Daring
___ The Wizard of Oz and the Cowardly Lion
___The Path of Hercules, the Hero’s Journey
Cancer New Moon, Sirius and Freedom
Sirius, Leo and the Birth of Human Consciousness
Extraordinary Transit of Mars in Aries
___Activation of July 5 Eclipse
___ Aries, Capricorn and the Cardinal Cross
___ Saturn-Mars, Karmic Agents of the Cardinal Cross
Mailing Help for Books
Comet Neowise: Approaching Avatars
[wpanchor id=”#lihea”]Courage of a Leo Lion-Heart
In this current global atmosphere of fear, courage is a scarce commodity that bears cultivating with diligence! Leo follows Cancer, a sign commonly recognised for its pre-disposition to fear – individually and collectively.
Cancer is an ancient, primordial sign that is associated with survival instincts, protection and preservation of the form. Cancer is ruled by the Moon, regulator of our earthly tides and associated with the “survival chakras” – the base, sacral and solar plexus centres. Fear is part of the human survival mechanism, buried in all three centres.
Cancer’s esoteric ruler is Neptune, co-ruler of the solar plexus, governing mass consciousness. Neptune’s lower expression – to which most of the world is susceptible, governs irrational ideas, “unwholesome” fantasy, distorted half-truths and fear, or paranoia. Most of Humanity are not ready to experience Neptune in its higher visionary and intuitive expression – also called buddhi or direct knowledge. Even many of us on The Path are challenged by Neptune’s illusory influences!
The following sign Leo is ruled by the Sun: Cancer mother moon, Leo father sun. The moon is a satellite of the Earth that has no spiritual influence, represents the past and is regarded as spiritually “dead”. The Sun is the heart of existence for an entire solar system. Our sun or Sol will develop eventually into what is known occultly as, “a “Lion of Cosmic Will.”
[wpanchor id=”#lenept”]Leo, Neptune and the Astral Permanent Atom
The sun is the source of all life – physical and metaphysical – and is also ruled by Neptune esoterically, but with a different expression than in Cancer. Neptune, as co-ruler of the solar plexus/astral body, has an unique association with Leo – ruler of the “astral permanent atom” – the sum total of recorded emotional experiences from all incarnations. Here is the passion that the Leo actor at centre stage draws upon in performance. (The soul draws upon the mental, astral and physical permanent atoms when building the body for any incarnation.) Esoterically,
“Leo—is connected with the astral permanent atom, for the reason that desire or the power to go forth and occultly touch that which is desired is the basis of all sense of awareness or responsiveness and the underlying cause of progress or evolutionary movement forward; it is the keynote of the [wo]man who has achieved that true “self-centred” attitude which makes him an individual.
Later, as responsiveness grows and the world of small affairs is converted into the world of ever larger values and reality, the desires change into aspiration and finally into spiritual will, purpose and intent.”2
Note the word “desire” – the Buddhists refer to the astral body as the “desire body” (kama rupa). This phrase bears some reflection, “the power to go forth and occultly touch that which is desired”. Implied here is the nature of Neptune – no boundaries, access to direct intuitive knowledge.
[wpanchor id=”#lesens”]Leo and Sensitivity
This last phrase also hints at the hierarchical ruler of Leo – Uranus, the planet of Occultism, the Mysteries or the Unseen. Neptune rules Pisces exoterically and Cancer esoterically – both signs of “watery sensitivity”. But the association of fiery Leo with, the astral permanent atom and Neptune also confirm its great sensitivity:
“… the outstanding theme of Leo is the activity of the self-conscious unit in relation to its environment or the development of sensitive response to surrounding impacts by the one who stands—as the Sun stands—at the centre of its little universe. The whole story and function of Leo and its influences can be summed up in the word “sensitivity,” and this sensitivity can be studied in four stages:
1. Sensitivity to conditioning impacts from the environment, i.e., to the impacts of the world of human evolution, the three worlds or planes, through the medium of the three aspects of the response apparatus of the soul;
2. Sensitivity to the will, wishes and desires of the personality, the integrated self-conscious man, the lower self;
3. Sensitivity to the soul as the conditioning factor instead of sensitivity to the environing world as the conditioning factor;
4. The spiritual sensitivity of the God-Man (the soul and personality fused) to the environment. At this stage of unfoldment, the liberated man is not conditioned by his environment but begins the arduous task of conditioning it in relation to the divine plan and purpose and at the same time to cultivating sensitivity to the higher impacts of those worlds which lead to the final goal.
I want you to have this innate spiritual sensitivity and this outer material sensitivity most carefully in mind if you want truly to understand the influences of Leo upon human beings and especially upon the person born in this sign or who has this sign rising, as well as its influences upon the planet.”3
In this phrase, “the arduous task of conditioning it in relation to the divine plan and purpose” – lies the task of The Christ, the Leo “King of Kings” who must condition his environment at the beginning of the Age of Pisces according to, “divine plan and purpose”. Neptune is also the esoteric name of the Christ in the West,
“Neptune is known esoterically as the Initiator. In certain ancient formulas, the great Teacher of the West and the present world Initiator, Christ, is spoken of as Neptune, Who rules the ocean, whose trident and astrological symbol signifies the Trinity in manifestation and Who is the ruler of the Piscean Age.
The formula runs as follows, speaking esoterically: “… the fish goddesses who have leapt from earth (Virgo) to water (Pisces) unitedly give birth to the Fish God (Christ) who introduces the water of life into the ocean of substance and thus brings light to the world.
Thus does Neptune work.” This is, however, a great mystery, revealed only at the time of the second initiation in which the control of the fluidic astral plane is demonstrated.”4
Also on the theme of Leo and sensitivity, the star Sirius, so celebrated during the month of August/Leo, is called the “Star of sensitivity”. (See the next section on Sirius.)
[wpanchor id=”#lehrt”]Leo and the Heart
The evolutionary goal for all of Humanity, is to redirect forces from the lower centres to the higher – during various incarnations and at certain initiations: Sacral to throat, solar plexus to heart and base to crown. Leo has some extraordinary associations with the solar plexus, the fifth chakra counting from above down, corresponding to the fifth sign Leo.
The solar plexus is the “lion’s lair”, where the wild, rampaging lion of powerful personality dwells – Leo king of the beasts. The developed Leo who rules over himself, raises those forces to the heart:
“The “lion must emerge from its lair,” and this injunction is badly needed by Leo aspirants. It will, when followed, lead the self-centred Leo consciousness into the decentralised, selfless Aquarian awareness. It will alter the self-service of Leo into the group service of its polar opposite, Aquarius.””5
Hence, fear that lurks in the “lair” of the solar plexus is raised up into the fiery crucible of the heart – where there is no separativeness or conditionality, it is the realm of boundary-less and infinite Neptune. Here is the all-embacing, fiery love nature which knows no fear and is subsequently courageous.
The etymology of the word courage is curiously derived from the French word for heart – couer or corage – “heart, innermost feelings, spirit, temperament, state of mind … valor, quality of mind which enables one to meet danger and trouble without fear. Words for “heart” also commonly are metaphors for inner strength … bold corage, “brave heart.”6
[wpanchor id=”#will”]William Wallace of “Braveheart” fame (birthdate unknown), is a good candidate for Leo; he was a Scottish knight who became one of the main leaders during the First War of Scottish Independence; his battle-cry was “freedom!” and his leadership, sacrifice and martyrdom are resonant with Leo and Neptune, the esoteric ruler:
“This sign has frequently been described as the “battlefield of the Forces of Materialism and the Forces of Light.” It is occultly regarded as one of the most material signs, in-as-much as selfish desire for possession of material objectives can be peculiarly present and the display of the possessive spirit can violently control; yet, at the same time, the advanced Leo person can function as the “inspired spiritual Sacrifice.” He is then sensitive to world conditions and freed from personal desires.”7
Wallace’s tortured execution by the “civilised” British was so horrific, it defies the imagination:
“Following the trial, on 23 August 1305, Wallace was taken from the hall to the Tower of London, then stripped naked and dragged through the city at the heels of a horse to the Elms at Smithfield. He was hanged, drawn and quartered—strangled by hanging, but released while he was still alive, emasculated, eviscerated and his bowels burned before him, beheaded, then cut into four parts. His preserved head (dipped in tar) was placed on a pike atop London Bridge.”8
Hence courage is intimately related to love. The more courage invoked, the greater an all embracing love for the broader community. Compassion generated leads to understanding, and so the inextricably entwined paths of Love and Will spiral onward and upward.
Leo is a “mental sign”, fire being the element of manas or mind – the Leonine mane is the mental body aura. The powerful sovereign who is “king of his domain”, might be the tyrant of his kingdom – with a well developed mind, but slower unfoldment of the heart centre. The “kingdom” is the Aquarian polarity that a sovereign serves – as a central focalising leader for the greater group process.
Courage is related to daring – to dare to go beyond, to plunge into the dark ravine, follow the road seldom travelled, to explore the innermost realms of consciousness. Who dares wins! Leo with its sensitivity and ability to summon courage is well equipped to rise to the occasion and conquer the kingdom, to rule and condition it for the greater good. Here is the, “fusion of Leo energy and Aquarian potency.”
“Courage is the most important of all the virtues because without courage, you can’t practice any other virtue consistently.” (Maya Angelou, Leo rising.)
[wpanchor id=”#solher”]The Solar Hero and the Art of Daring
Bold, audacious – even bodacious! True daring is not always a foolish or impulsive action – it is a mixture of Leonine mental prowess combined with Neptunian intuition – daring Leo has weighed up all considerations and goes beyond his/her current paradigm. “Feel the fear and do it anyway” is based upon this inner knowing – it is said that the courage comes afterwards!
“I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.” (Nelson Mandela)
The conquering of fear comes about through the mental strength of the Lion. Mandela had Mercury-Saturn conjunction in Leo, giving him the concentration and mental fortitude to survive 27 years incarceration in a South African prison. The old aphorism, “follow your heart” also describes this dual quality of mind-intuition. An accomplished Leo solar hero should be able to say, “Everything I learnt was from a life of daring”.
“A hero or heroine is a real person or a main fictional character who, in the face of danger, combats adversity through feats of ingenuity, courage or strength” … courage and strength are qualities of Leo, as well as the first ray of Will-Power that passes through this sign.
The comparative mythologist Joseph Campbell, knew a few things about the Leonine solar hero, epitomised in books like “Hero with a Thousand Faces”. Campbell had the sun in Aries, the place of its exaltation, plus the moon in Leo. The Hero’s Journey is an universal motif of adventure and transformation that runs through virtually all of the world’s mythic traditions.
“Campbell’s monomythic hero’s journey is analogous to nearly all psycho-spiritual systems. Whether the initiate be a mythic hero or heroine, yogi, shaman, or an individual seeking spiritual truth, a preliminary stage along the path involves recognizing the coexistence of polarized forces and working toward reconciling them.
Many paradigms of human development, both Eastern and Western, use the emergence of solar and lunar symbols to serve as a benchmark indicating the developmental stage that the individual initiate (and, by extension, the culture) has attained. The appearance of solar/lunar symbols precipitates a great shift in the Individual or cultural consciousness, a transformation often facilitated by healing rituals and ceremonies.”9
In many ways, this Fifth Rootrace is conditioned by the fifth sign Leo – as millions pursue the path of the solar hero, developing the dual attributes of mind and heart. The Sun and Jupiter, the largest planet in the solar system, are appropriately the rulers of the heart centre – and the second ray of Love-Wisdom. The five-pointed star is an apt symbol for the perfected Leo individual or race; it also the symbol of Venus, ruler of the fifth ray of knowledge, one of the rays to pass through this sign.
[wpanchor id=”#wizoz”]The Wizard of Oz and the Cowardly Lion
Leo’s are always challenged to develop greater courage, no matter what they have succeeded in previously. The Wizard of Oz is a classic hero’s journey where Dorothy decides upon adventure and leaving home; she is tossed into the air by a tornado, her familiar world is turned upside down – into an unknown world of munchkins, witches, and a yellow brick road. The Cowardly Lion character that Dorothy befriends, believes that his fear makes him inadequate, since lions are supposed to be “The Kings of Beasts”:
“He does not understand that courage means acting in the face of fear, which he does frequently. Only during the aftermath of the Wizard’s gift, when he is under the influence of an unknown liquid substance that the Wizard orders him to drink is he not filled with fear.
He argues that the courage from the Wizard is only temporary, although he continues to do brave deeds. The cowardly lion is in fact brave, but he doubts himself. In many scenes in this classic film, the Lion shows bravery and acts bravely in the face of danger.”10
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[wpanchor id=”#canmon”]Cancer New Moon, Sirius and Freedom
This commentary on the July 20 new moon precedes and is linked to the next section on Leo-Sirius. The Cancer new moon’s extraordinary alignment opposite Saturn in Capricorn reflected in many ways the lower aspects of this planet – draconian rules, fear, lockdown, stay at home etc. Yet the new moon also held within it the seeds of freedom and liberation – due to the influence of Sirius and Saturn’s “higher” expression.
Sirius is associated with seven zodiac signs, working in different ways. (See this past article) One of the main festivals of the year for Sirius is when the sun moves into Leo, toward the full moon on August 3. The new moon alignment between Cancer and Capricorn set the stage in a very powerful way for the Leo period because,
“Cancer—Capricorn—Saturn (which are an expression of Sirian energy) enable the aspirant to tread the Path of Purification, of Probation. These energies focus and qualify the energy of the Great Lodge of the Most High in that distant Sun [Sirius].
They pour through the Hierarchy upon the mass of men and enable the unit in that mass to “isolate himself and turn his back upon the past and find his way on to that section of the Path wherein he learns to feel.”11
An aspirant has already “reversed the wheel,” taken the first initiation and is embarking upon the journey home in a far more conscious way. S/he is heading toward the second initiation where the complete control of the astral body is demonstrated. Hence, the aspirant is “learning to feel,” differently to any previous existence, bringing about a purification of the astral body.
Cancer is one of the main water signs of feeling, representing refinement and integration of the astral body – plus, its competency to be a fit expression for down-pouring soul forces. As the Moon is in detriment in Capricorn, it is in dignity (rules) in Cancer, with Neptune the god of the waters as soul ruler:
“… the Moon and Neptune—are, therefore, the direct influences which are brought to bear upon the Cancer subject and thus lead to the unfoldment of the form of life and of the emotional-astral body. The supreme usefulness of these aspects will be grasped if you will intelligently realise that without the form and without the ability to bear in mind the need to respond sensitively to the environing conditions and circumstance, the soul would never awaken to knowledge in the three worlds and, therefore, would never know God in manifestation.”12
Just as Cancer is related to the development of the emotional body, so Capricorn is connected to the evolution of the mental body – very broadly speaking: Feminine Cancer feeling, masculine Capricorn thinking. Moon-Saturn. (Saturn rules the throat centre.) Note the word probation – the aspirant upon the Path of Purification is “on probation,” reflected in earthly laws, when an offender is “placed on probation.” This is Saturn wielding the Law!
Taking the probation analogy a little further, all of humanity are “offenders” or “prisoners of the planet,” until they have learned to live under Solar Law, achieved by rejection of the involutionary lunar path and, through initiation via Capricorn into the Greater Mysteries.
Humanity has for many aeons, ignored or misinterpreted the laws that it has been given, until another Teacher or Avatar returns cyclically to reiterate the message! (We take a long time to learn in this, “Earth school of hard knocks”!) Moses descending from Mount Sinai with the ten commandments emblazoned upon his tablets, is Saturn in Capricorn – “imposing the law of karma on his people.”13
On this Solar Law theme, Sirius is regarded as the higher-self to this solar system as a whole. The Sirian law of karma therefore, governs this solar system, transmitting through the karmic lord Saturn, as depicted in the diagram above:
“The Intermediate Law of Karma. There is also an intermediate law, which is the synthetic law of the system of Sirius. This law is called by the generic term, the Law of Karma, and really predicates the effect the Sirian system has on our solar system. Each of the two systems, as regards its internal economy, is independent in time and space, or (in other words), in manifestation.
We have practically no effect on our parent system [Sirius], the reflex action is so slight as to be negligible, but very definite effects are felt in our system through causes arising in Sirius. These causes, when experienced as effects, are called by us the Law of Karma, and at the beginning they started systemic Karma which, once in effect, constitutes that which is called Karma in our occult and oriental literature.”14
There are millions of people on Earth who are at the above-mentioned stage of the aspirant, refining the feeling nature; somewhere in the many lives between the first and second initiations; they are known collectively as the World Aspirant – a very large group of spiritual seekers working in every conceivable department of human endeavour.
Hence, whilst Saturn transits through Capricorn creating an alignment with Sirius and its principle of freedom and liberation, there is potential for a greatly accelerated development in this group. (More passages about Sirius and freedom in the next section.)
[wpanchor id=”#sirle”]Sirius, Leo and the Birth of Human Consciousness
For those students interested in reading more about Sirius, this subject has copious commentaries at the Esoteric Astrologer website.
The Role of Sirius in Seven Zodiac Signs
Capricorn, the Path of Purification and Sirius
Cancer-Capricorn and Sirius
Sirius and Virgo-Pisces
Sirius: Leo, Sirius and Initiation
Sirius: Isis is Sirius: The Sphinx is Aligned to Leo
Sirius, Leo and the Month of August
Sirius, Leo and the Birth of Human Consciousness
Sirius, Leo, Birth of Human Consciousness 2019
Sirian Blue Moon
Sirius: Many Pathways for Sirian Forces
Sirius and the Egyptian Tradition
Scorpio and the Star Sirius
Stockhausen and Sirius
The Christ, Sirius and Venus
Pluto in Capricorn Activation of Sirius 2015
Leo is a Sign of Sirian Invocation
Woodstock: A Leo-Aquarius, Sirian Event
“August, which is ruled by Leo, is the month of the Dog-star, or of Sirius, which thus brings Sirius into close relation to Leo. Leo … is ruled by Sirius. Sirius is the home of that greater Lodge to which our fifth initiation admits a person and to which it brings them, as a humble disciple.
Later, when the new world religion is founded and is working, we shall find that the major, monthly festival in August, held at the time of the full moon, will be dedicated to the task of making contact, via the Hierarchy, with Sirian force. Each of the months of the year will later be dedicated (through accurate astrological and astronomical knowledge), to whichever constellation in the heavens governs a particular month, as Sirius governs Leo.”15
A synthesis of world religions may not take place for another century or two, before a “ new world religion is founded and is working” – but with each passing year the knowledge of this future development is constantly being invoked, deepening our understanding and aspiration to participate in an alignment with Sirian Law.
As the “science of all sciences”, Esoteric Astrology necessarily embraces the vast sweep of time cycles and history, particularly the event of human Individualisation during ancient Lemurian times, 21 million years ago.16 At that time, the Sun was precessing through Leo, an appropriate sign for Humanity to receive the “spark of mind” – as solar-infused Leo is about true self-consciousness.
This spark of mind was “implanted” in Humanity by a massive and deliberate electrical stimulation that had its source on Sirius, reaching Earth via the planet Venus. Sirius is the higher self to our solar system as a whole, and Venus plays the same role to Earth. The cyclic and karmic opportunity had arrived for our tiny planet to receive this impulse:
“Only one Being (from Sirius) has visited our system and that was at the time of individualisation … The effect of such a visit as that of the Avatar from Sirius is seen as the sum total of civilisation and culture, viewing these from the standpoint of the entire system and in one flash of time.”17
An extraordinary statement! A Cosmic Avatar such as the one from Sirius is,
“… as far removed from the consciousness of Man, as man is from the consciousness of the atom of substance. Thousands of those great cycles which we call “a hundred years of Brahma” have passed since They [Sirians] approximated the human stage, and They embody force and consciousness which is concerned with the intelligent co-ordination of the starry Heavens.”18
It was far back in Lemurian times that the planetary centre known as Shamballa was established, as well as those guides of the race known as the Hierarchy – who instituted the first (very primitive) Mystery Schools and received candidates for initiation. Indeed, Sanat Kumara as the “King of Shamballa”, is the ultimate Lion – as a representative of our Planetary Logos – or “god” of this planet. On a higher turn of the spiral, our Solar Logos (Sol/Sun) aspires to be a “Lion of Cosmic Will” – in the likeness of his greater Sirian counterpart. And what is the main principle to learn from Sirian force passing through Leo annually?
“The principle of freedom … represents an aspect of the influence which Sirius exerts on our solar system and particularly on our planet [this “sphere of suffering and pain”]. This principle of freedom is one of the attributes of Deity … of which humanity knows as yet little. The freedom for which men fight is one of the lowest aspects of this cosmic freedom … that enable the life or spirit aspect to free itself from the impact, the contact and the influence of substance.
It is the principle of freedom which enables Sanat Kumara to dwell on the Earth and yet stand free from all contacts, except with Those Who have trodden the Path of Liberation … it is that which enables the initiate to achieve a state of “isolated unity” … which lies behind the Spirit of Death … which provides a “pathway of power” between our Hierarchy and the distant sun, Sirius, and gives the incentive towards the “culture of freedom” or of liberation which motivates the work of the Masters of the Wisdom …
… This mysteriously “exerted influence,” this “pulling away” from form … emanates from Sirius and for it we have no name … This unique and mysterious law governs the Life and the Lives upon Sirius, and it is to that unknown “sphere of functioning and intelligent activity” what the Law of Economy is to our planet—the lowest of the laws controlling existence in planetary form.”19
[wpanchor id=”#extr”]Extraordinary Transit of Mars in Aries
On its two year cycle, Mars usually takes an average of two months to pass through each of the twelve zodiac signs. However, due to Mars going retrograde in its own sign of Aries, it will remain in that sign for an almost unprecedented six months – from the end of June 2020 until the first week of January 2021.
As a “non-sacred” planet, one of the tasks of Mars is showing each individual what has not been “made sacred” within – that which is “unredeemed”, must be “raised up”. As Mars is co-ruler of the solar plexus centre, seat of the astral body – and co-ruler of the sixth ray, its primary work is with human emotion and desire, sexuality, aggression and drive for action upon the physical plane.
This passage of Mars through Aries will be unusually intense due to the fact that Mars makes several square aspects to the three planets currently passing through Capricorn: Pluto, Saturn and Jupiter – some very challenging tensions, but fortunate in some ways because,
“Mars embodies sixth ray force which leads to idealism, destructive fanaticism frequently, struggle, strife, war, effort and evolution. God’s idea in Aries becomes the concrete plan in Capricorn whether that objective is the full flower of the planetary life in all its forms, the ambition of a personality working out its own ideas and ambitious worldly projects or the spiritual aspiration (worldly ambition transmuted into its higher aspect) of the initiate, who seeks to work out God’s plans and make them his own.”20
Mars is also ruler of emotionally intense Scorpio, and in Aries carries similar expressions such as fiery anger or rage, volatility and reactivity, aggression or competitiveness, forcefulness, impulsiveness, argumentative – “spoiling for a fight”! Whilst Mars is passing through Aries, it will test everybody in how they handle their emotions and how to exercise restraint – hopefully with the help of Saturn in Capricorn!
Personal vigilance is of utmost importance in these trying times, but especially during this Mars transit – it will push every emotional button that might result in the most untimely outbursts of hatred, frustration and anger. Already with a global lockdown imposed, tensions are running high, people are feeling trapped, confused and precarious economically.
[wpanchor id=”#julact”]Activation of July 5 Eclipse
On July 22, transiting Mars squared the recent July 5 full moon eclipse at 13.5 degrees Capricorn-Cancer – just as the sun moved into Leo. Bear in mind that the July 5 eclipse fell on USA’s sun in Cancer, hence the potential for much turmoil or violence stirred up in this nation – whose personality is also upon the sixth ray.
USA’s Cancer sun squares Saturn in Libra natally, a position of power and “exaltation”. Hence the transit of Mars on July 22 stimulated this natal square, and opposed Saturn in Libra. Sun square Saturn often expresses itself in draconian government laws (e.g. “three strikes and your out”) – and this may be certainly one possibility that emerges from this acute point of tension.
Already, as Mars was closely in orb of activating these points, Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) officers in Portland, snatched protesters from the streets into unmarked vehicles, exerting aggression and intimidation that still continues and may spread to other cities, courtesy of Presidential orders. (Trump is Leo rising with Mars on the ascendant!)
The shadow of the incoming seventh ray of Organisation, which finds such a strong expression through Capricorn, is becoming more evident around the world. It has been abused by authorities and government in the past and that trend appears to be making a comeback:
“The standardisation and regimentation of nations is but an aspect of this move towards synthesis, but one that is being misapplied and prematurely enforced. All moves towards national and world synthesis are good and right, but they must be consciously and willingly undertaken by intelligent men and women, and the methods employed to bring about this fusion must not infringe the law of love.”21
Anyone with planets at around 13 degrees of cardinal signs needs to be particularly wary! Mars returns to square the Cap-Can axis again towards the end of November 2020, a couple of weeks after the US election. This may indicate great turmoil in the USA, dispute over the election outcome, martial law, para-militarised policing etc. Given Mars’ rulership of the solar plexus (along with Neptune) – where most of Humanity is polarised,
“The effect of Mars is, therefore, largely mass effect and group results, producing great struggles but leading finally to great revelation. In Aries, it is the final revelation of the nature of knowledge and the purpose of incarnation … Mars establishes relations between the opposites and is a beneficent and not a malefic factor, as is so often supposed.”22
Yet, like all the planets there are often several expressions, depending on the stage of consciousness unfoldment. Mars and Saturn are very potent with regard to initiation – “when … rightly employed there comes liberation from form control and the release of the conscious individual.”23 Mars, along with the Moon “bring about a fearful conflict” at the third initiation.24
[wpanchor id=”#arcap”]Aries, Capricorn and the Cardinal Cross
In 2020, transiting Mars will square all three Capricorn planets, but for the sake of brevity, only Saturn will be considered here. Transiting Mars will square Saturn on August 24 and September 29.
The tension between these two planets may see anger of the populace at large (Mars), boil over in reaction to what is perceived as repression – by government (Saturn) or groups. The best outcome is if the discipline of Saturn can be employed to direct their Mars frustration. One astrologer comments on this transit for August:
“Frustrations and disagreements abound under this arrangement … This moment also is likely to constitute a turning point, when many become convinced of the futility of discussion and harden into crystallized points of view.” Then September 29: “This is a particularly volatile moment … for Saturn also turns direct today … Individuality confronts government.
Repressive actions are attempted, but such attempts to brutally control the people meet with even more resistance and opposition. Some who have been able to stay centered and focused in spite of the surrounding uproar will bring their works and labors to a successful conclusion.25
Aries is the sign of the Ram, or sheep in the mass consciousness/Mars sense. Capricorn is the sign of the goat. This approaching six-month period may see a sorting of the “sheep from the goats”:
“The term “goats” is esoterically applied to initiated disciples and to those who have climbed the mountain of initiation. The term “sheep” is applied to those who are following blindly the inner urge of their souls and who are groping their way (in relatively large numbers) toward the Hierarchy. For them still has to come the great revelation that the “kingdom of God is within you.”
Such is the word for them at this stage in humanity’s history. Once they have realised that, they are already being absorbed into the Hierarchy. Life will now for them simplify. For the “goats” must come the impelling call from the highest aspect of the Spiritual Triad, “Seek the way of Ascension”—ascension out of even triadal life into that of pure Being and of monadic existence.”26
[wpanchor id=”#satmar”]Saturn-Mars, Karmic Agents of the Cardinal Cross
“Capricorn is … the sign in which is inaugurated a new cycle of effort, whether this effort is in connection with the individual man or with the initiate. Effort, strain, struggle, the fight with the forces native to the underworld, or the strenuous conditions entailed by the tests of discipleship or initiation—these are distinctive of experience in Capricorn.”27
Capricorn ruler Saturn, is the force responsible for the struggle and effort required to vanquish the lower nature symbolised by Mars. Hence Saturn’s assignment in medieval astrology as a “malefic” because it challenges recalcitrant humanity to relinquish form and desire, take responsibility and enter into a deeper maturity.
As one of the four Lords of Karma, Saturn is well known for his reputation on the universal law of cause and effect. Cause and effect have an intimate relation to blame and responsibility. Blame is not taking responsibility for some action taken, and action (karma) is the initiating cause that will have an effect or consequence.
When considering any sign in Esoteric Astrology, the whole cross of which the sign is part, must be considered. Hence the cardinal cross of Capricorn-Cancer, Aries-Libra comes into play and reveals a more profound picture. This adjacent diagram traces the journey of Saturn and that other “malefic” Mars, around the cardinal cross.
Saturn is regarded as a sacred planet, whilst Mars is a “non-sacred planet”. The former rules the throat chakra, seat of the mental body, whilst Mars co-rules the solar plexus chakra/astral body. Mental control over the astral is the evolutionary goal for Humanity.
Hence the function of these two planets through their associations with the four signs of the cardinal cross, is deeply redemptive. Saturn’s task is the development of the mental principle that finally brings about control over the emotional and instinctual nature, represented by Mars. (Esoterically however, Mars is also associated with the mind through its association with the five tangible senses – five being a number of mind.)
Saturn, Old Father Time, is intimately associated with all four signs of the Cardinal Cross. Saturn as the Lord of Karma at the four points of the Cardinal Cross transmits the Law of Karma to Earth. Action-oriented Mars is a precipitator of Saturn’s Law of Karma:
“Saturn is one of the most potent of the four Lords of Karma and forces man to face up to the past, and in the present to prepare for the future.”28
The energies of these two planets are traditionally opposed to each other, with Mars ruling activity and impulse, whilst Saturn is restrained and conservative. Their combined energies can bring about a high point of spiritual tension. Also, their combined ray rulerships of 6 & 3 give “intelligent idealism”.)
Saturn is a “sacred” planet and Mars a “non-sacred” planet, both mirroring the duality of the human condition – soul and personality. As God of War, Mars highlights where the “warring armies” lie opposed within. These unresolved dualities are an aspect of the Dweller or shadow and, “Saturn can be regarded as the planetary Dweller on the Threshold”.29
The cardinal cross’s northern hemisphere symbolism begins in Aries where the seed is sown, in Cancer the plant starts to reach its peak of growth, in Libra the crop is harvested and weighed, whilst in Capricorn the field lies fallow. Hence the allegory for the cycle of karma:
The sowing of action and life impulse in Aries; its ripening and birth into form in Cancer the Mother; the harvesting (with Saturn’s scythe) and weighing of karma in Libra (the scales); the “raising to the mountain top” (initiation) in Capricorn, as karmic reward.
California Dreamin!
~ Help Needed for Phillip Lindsay’s Book Mailouts ~
I am searching for one or two volunteers to help out with weekly mailings of my book orders to Amazon – from Los Angeles, or anywhere between San Diego and Santa Barbara. The helpers who have been doing this no longer have the storage facilities or the time to help out.
The person(s) needs to have a dry storage space for most of the stock – about 30 boxes of books. (About the space of two standard wardrobes.) Time required for processing is once a week for about half an hour. This involves processing an Amazon order in an online account, packaging the books and going to the post office.
Sometimes there are no orders, hence it regularly works out about 2-3 times a month to cover this task. (All post and packing costs are remunerated regularly.) My books are printed as a service, so if you think it might be possible to incorporate this with your current service activities, please let me know at your earliest convenience. There are some book freebies! (Email)
[wpanchor id=”#neows”]Comet Neowise: Approaching Avatars
Comet Neowise has been making some spectacular appearances for the past several weeks, with thousands of amazing photos doing the rounds of the internet. Neowise is invoking a deep and heartfelt sense of hope during these uncertain times.
Comet Atlas recently visited some months ago and gradually disappeared, as will this one. Neowise had just entered near the constellation Ursa Major when it made its closest and brightest pass near Earth around July 23. Ursa Major or the Great Bear, is part of the main conditioning triangle of esoteric astrology – from where the seven rays are distributed.
Neowise is a word based upon a space-telescope project, hence the acronym: Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE). Neo-wise can be interpreted as a “new wisdom” that is approaching Earth. Indeed, even Neo (the “chosen one”) – the Christ-like character in the Matrix movie is implicated here!
Comets make regular appearances and it has been said that Cosmic Avatars “hitch rides” on comets – which are dynamic living beings. H.P. Blavatsky made some observations on comets in The Secret Doctrine:
“The planets were all comets and suns in their origin – the sons of light clothed themselves in the fabric of darkness. They all have a common origin. Centres of Forces at first, the invisible sparks of primordial atoms differentiate into molecules, and become Suns—passing gradually into objectivity—gaseous, radiant, cosmic, the one “Whirlwind” (or motion) finally giving the impulse to the form, and the initial motion, regulated and sustained by the never-resting Breaths—the Dhyan Chohans.
The assertion that all the worlds (Stars, planets, etc.) … become first comets, and then Suns to cool down to inhabitable worlds, is a teaching as old as the Rishis …It is only after losing its velocity, and hence its fiery tail, that the “Fiery Dragon” settles down into quiet and steady life as a regular respectable citizen of the sidereal family.[!] Many perish, devoured by their stronger companions. Those that escape become worlds.”30
[wpanchor id=”#docav”]The Doctrine of Avatars
Hence, the real possibility that this vital and living entity – comet Neowise, is the transporter of an Avatar that has just “brushed by” this solar system, giving our little planet some awe-inspiring stimulation. It is said that the Doctrine of Avatars gives the most satisfying answers to a Humanity that is constantly questioning its existence:
“… the persistent belief—ineradicable and unalterable—that (at major moments of world need) God reveals Himself through Appearances, through a Coming One. This doctrine is found in all the basic world religions, in every time and age; it appears in the doctrine of the Avatars of the Hindu faith, in the teaching of the return of Maitreya Buddha or the Kalki Avatar, in the belief in the Western world in the return of Christ and His Advent or second Coming, and in the prophesied issuing forth of the divine Adventurer of the Moslem world.
All this is tied up with the undying belief of mankind in the loving Heart of God, Who ever meets man’s need. The witness of history is that always the appearance of man’s necessity has been met with a divine Revelation.”31
There is a great hierarchy of avatars – from the very cosmic, down to the human. Of the latter, Sankaracharya, Plato and Patanjali were teaching avatars, whilst Abraham Lincoln was a “racial avatar”. But it is the more cosmic kind of avatar that concerns this enquiry – such as the Avatar of Synthesis, The Spirit of Peace, a ray avatar or Kalki Avatar. These entities are the cosmic messengers to the so-called “lesser avatars” – such as the Buddha or Christ. Given the placement of Pluto, Saturn and Jupiter all currently in Capricorn, one could speculate that the comet might be an avatar from that constellation:
“Once in the history of each scheme, an avatar from the constellation Capricorn appears on mental levels. This level is the lowest one on which these interplanetary deities appear. No more can be communicated on this matter. “The mystery of the goat” lies hidden here. These interplanetary avatars come in, as the products of much earlier kalpas when systemic conditions are refined enough to permit of Their appearance.”32
As this appearance is “once in the history of a scheme”, it is highly unlikely that it is this avatar – that has been with us since the Moon chain evolution, and will be a long way into the future, assisting with the overall stimulation of manas or mind. We can also discount a “ray avatar”, as it is just a little early for this Being:
“[Ray Avatars] Come forth at relatively long intervals when a ray is coming into manifestation …they embody the quality and the force of a particular ray. Next century [this century], when the seventh ray has achieved complete manifestation and the Piscean influence is entirely removed, the seventh ray Avatar will appear.
His work will demonstrate the law, order and rhythm of the creative process as it works out on the physical plane, blending spirit and matter. And as this ray is called the Ray of Ceremonial Order or Ritual, He will be largely instrumental in producing those conditions which will permit of the reappearance upon Earth of the Mysteries of Initiation, of which the Hierarchy is the custodian.
He is necessarily connected with the Great White Lodge on Sirius. This fact does not, however, concern us now, for we await the coming of a still greater Avatar.”33
Hence, the seventh ray of organisation cycle that started in 1945, has not really achieved “complete manifestation”, given the chaos and confusion that currently submerges the world. Neither has the “Piscean influence been entirely removed, given the many recalcitrant groups that are hanging onto power and the past.
The seventh ray avatar’s time is probably toward the end of this century, just before 2,117 – the astronomical beginning of the Aquarian Age. One date might be around 2080 when Uranus, ruler of both Aquarius and the seventh ray, passes through Aquarius on its 84-year cycle.
More likely contenders for avatars that are connected to cometary appearances, are the Spirit of Synthesis, the Avatar of Synthesis and/or the Kalki Avatar:
“The Spirit of Synthesis, working through the great first ray Avatar (the Avatar of Synthesis) is closer to the Earth than ever before … the tendency to integration can therefore be more easily fostered and a new synthesis attained … Before integration and synthesis are possible, this first ray energy must work to destroy all that prevents integration and all that is hindering a needed synthesis. Human beings themselves must also destroy the prejudices, the animosities and the fixed ideas which have prevented synthesis, which have created cleavages and hindered right understanding.
The Avatar of Synthesis … is coming to the Earth in order to further the manifestation of unity, of oneness and of inter-relation … to wield and apply first ray energy. He will charge or galvanise the New Group of World Servers—with dynamic energy … so that a new synthesis and alignment will be present upon the Earth.”34
It is worth bearing in mind that the spiritual “note” sounded by this Avatar will, “only be sensed by those whose individual note is also synthesis and whose life objective is the will-to-good.”35
Hence, there is an ohierarchical sequence of avatars:
The Spirit of Synthesis >>> Avatar of Synthesis >>> The Christ or a Master >>> An Initiate or Disciple. There will be various methods used to harness the energy of an avatar, such as over-shadowing or inspiration; in the instance of a Master or the Christ, by the Avatar of Synthesis; in the case of an initiate or disciple, impressed by the “lesser avatar”. If these alignments can be achieved on multi-levels simultaneously, then the flow of the new impulses has great potential:
“This possible dual event—the coming of the Avatar of Synthesis to the Hierarchy and of the lesser Avatar, His Representative, to humanity—can be a probable happening if the world disciples and aspirants measure up to the opportunity.”36
Indeed, have world disciples measured up to the opportunity of effecting an alignment with these coming avatars?
“Will the demand of the people be strong enough to evoke the higher potency, or will it be too feeble because of the failure of the world disciples and aspirants to focus this massed intent throughout the planet? Will the higher overshadowing not take place and only the lesser Avatar come to institute a slower method of gradual reform?
This slower method will be necessitated only if and because humanity will have demonstrated its inability to call forth and receive the higher measure and more potent vibration of divine energy. It is entirely for the decision of the world disciples and aspirants; not the decision of poor bewildered, deluded humanity. Will the world disciples and aspirants appreciate the crisis and opportunity? They have not yet, as a whole, done so.”37
This passage was written in 1941, at the crucial period just before the tide of WWII was turned in favour of the Allies in 1942. Today the world is in a similar situation, with materialism and fascist tendencies rampant. It is very hard to gauge current world events, only The Hierarchy can see the subjective world view. We live in an unprecedented era where material forces struggle to maintain power, control and the subservience of Humanity, whilst at the same time their institutions, governments and corporate structures are crumbling.
Humanity is being given a choice, to follow blindly the herd, or utilise the skill of critical, independent and discriminative thought; to summon the courage to make a stand – for the good, the beautiful and the true.
Phillip Lindsay © 2020.
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Books by Phillip Lindsay
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.310. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.302. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.294. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.219. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.311. [↩]
- www.etymonline.com [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.307. [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- solarlunar.com [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.466. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.323. [↩]
- The Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.66. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p. 149. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.299. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.64. [↩]
- A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p.724. [↩]
- A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p.723. [↩]
- The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. p.416-7. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.99. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology II, Alice A. Bailey. p.236. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.210. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.199. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.70. [↩]
- Read the full report in The Starfire Messenger #123, Maureen Richmond. starsong1208@gmail.com [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.229. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.159. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey.p.164. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.164. [↩]
- The Secret Doctrine I, H.P. Blavatsky. p.203. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy,Alice A. Bailey. p.286. [↩]
- A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p.727. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.299. [↩]
- The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. pp.734-5. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.304. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.309. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.309. [↩]
Thank you Phillip for this commentary on Leo. This is significant for me as I have gone into Leo for my secondary progressed sun, likely for the rest of my life. Do you know if DK alludes to the future stars of constellations that will play a role in the future for each month? Thank you.
“August, which is ruled by Leo, is the month of the Dog-star, or of Sirius, which thus brings Sirius into close relation to Leo. Leo … is ruled by Sirius. Sirius is the home of that greater Lodge to which our fifth initiation admits a person and to which it brings them, as a humble disciple.
Later, when the new world religion is founded and is working, we shall find that the major, monthly festival in August, held at the time of the full moon, will be dedicated to the task of making contact, via the Hierarchy, with Sirian force. Each of the months of the year will later be dedicated (through accurate astrological and astronomical knowledge), to whichever constellation in the heavens governs a particular month, as Sirius governs Leo.”15
Yes DK makes various comments:
“1. Gemini—forms a point of entrance for cosmic energy from Sirius.
2. Libra—is related to and transmits the potencies of the Pleiades.
3. Aquarius—expresses the universal consciousness of the Great Bear.”
“The influence which emanates from the Pole Star and which is such a potent factor in our solar system reaches our planet via the sign Aquarius. The reasons will be noted if the student bears in mind the significance of water as a symbol of the emotions, which are but a lower manifestation of love-desire. Aquarius is a force centre from which the adept draws the “water of life” and carries it to the multitude. This force from the Pole Star, via Aquarius, is of special power at this time and the day of opportunity is therefore great. ”
“The Great Bear The Pleiades Sirius
Transmit energy via
Leo Capricorn Pisces”