Leo 2021: Blue Moon. Sirius. Leo the Authoritarian. Hitler’s Leo Soul. London. Macron & Merkel. Joan of Arc.
Leo Keynote
“I am that and that am I.”
(Leo Full Moon Festival: July 24, 2021. 2.37 UT.)
“The outstanding theme of Leo is the activity of the self-conscious unit in relation to its environment or the development of sensitive response to surrounding impacts by the one who stands—as the Sun stands—at the centre of its little universe.”1
Leo Blue Moon 2021: Some Serious Sirius!
Leo, the Sun and Illumination
Leo and the Triangle of Fire Signs
Leo the Authoritarian
___ Leo in Hitler’s Soul Horoscope
___ Leo Nations and Cities
___ Authoritarian London Influences the World
___ European Nations, WEF, WHO
___ France and Macron’s Dictatorial Edict
___Angela Merkel
Leo rising Joan of Arc
Leo Blue Moon 2021: Some Serious Sirius!
There will be two full moons whilst the Sun is in Leo this year (July 24 and Aug.22, 2021), the latter moon commonly referred to as the “blue moon” – because of its rarity, hence the expression “once in a blue moon”.
A blue moon is also referred to when there are two full moons in a calendar month – in two different zodiac signs. But a blue moon in the early and late degrees of the same zodiac sign, is a tremendous amplification of that zodiacal force and the long term planetary transits which accompany it.
A blue moon has not occurred in the sign of Leo since 2013, written about here. The main theme of this period is the significance of Leo being a major annual festival in the future, invoking forces from the stars Sirius and Regulus.
Sirius represents the “fourth cosmic path” that most of Humanity will choose, once achieving enlightenment and liberation from Earth life. Yes, this is the “Planetary Plan” for all of Humanity! Those who do not “make the grade” in the so-called Judgement Day – millions of years into the future, will be “recycled” into other evolutions within or beyond this solar system.
As the “higher self” to this solar system as a whole, Sirius is the liberating force that is particularly powerful from the third initiation onward, yet influences millions who have not yet reached that stage. “We are stardust” is scientifically and esoterically true – inhabitants of this solar system are literally composed of “Sirian substance”.
This major Leo festival will in the future, “when the new world religion is founded” – be dedicated to making contact with Sirian force – via The Great White Brotherhood, those Who watch over and guide human evolution.
The time span for world religions to gradually synthesise into a “new world religion” – a universal spirituality, may be some centuries away. However, with this knowledge already disseminated, there is nothing to stop meditating groups from experimenting safely with invoking the forces of Sirius – at Leo full moon periods, especially on a Leo blue moon period!
This second Leo full moon period (Aug.22) sees the Sun fall on Regulus, known as the “heart of the lion” and a star intimately associated with Sirius, an alignment that provides even greater opportunity to receive the Sirian impulse: “The influences of Sirius, three in number, are focussed in Regulus … a star of the first magnitude”.2
Note the phrase “three in number” alluding to a triple system of stars. The ancient Dogon tribe in Mali, Africa, believed in the existence of a Sirian triple system, including the white dwarf star Sirius B (invisible to the naked eye), well before its discovery by telescope in 1862.3 Note the word “Dogon” – as in Dog Star (Canis Major) – Sirius. (More detail here in a past newsletter.)
Leo, the Sun and Illumination
Leo is ruled by the Sun, the dynamic force whose domain is this entire solar system and its planets. The Sun is the heart of this system, radiating physical and spiritual forces throughout. This solar system is also know esoterically as a “second ray (Love-Wisdom) system” – essentially an “incarnation” of a great life (solar logos) that takes place over a vast period of time. According to the Hindu scriptures, a mere 3.11 trillion years, half of which has elapsed thus far!4
The goal of this “incarnation” is the development of the cosmic principle of Love-Wisdom (the indigo ray), just as in the previous solar system incarnation it was the development of Active-Intelligence, and the next incarnation where Will-Power will be developed.
The Sun and the system’s largest planet Jupiter, are the co-rulers of the second ray of Love-Wisdom and of the human heart centre. Leo, ruled by the Sun – is a sign that is intimately related to the expression of the heart –compassion, generosity, courage and illumination. (See, Courage of a Leo Lionheart)
The will-to-illumine
The Sun illumines and it is the will-to-illumine which is one of the potent keynotes of Leo. As a fire sign which is the element of intellect, the other half of Leo’s strength is the power of manas or mind, bringing a, “driving urge towards self-knowledge, self-perception and intellectual positivity.”5
The fifth ray of Science or knowledge, so prominent in this Fifth Rootrace, is one of the two rays to pour through Leo, the fifth sign. 5 is the number of the magical pentagram [graphic] and the number of the fifth plane counting from above down – the mental plane. [planes diagram]
Venus is the ruler of the fifth ray, is the second brightest reflecting planet after Mercury and is the higher self to Earth, just as Sirius holds the same position in relation to this solar system. In ancient Lemuria, Venus, Earth and Mercury formed an invoking triangle to the star Sirius – when Humanity was undergoing its final crisis of Individualisation – the awakening of mind.
The Individualisation process finished in the Age of Gemini (ruled by the above three planets), but it began 5,000 years earlier in the Age of Leo – close to 21.6 million years ago. (See the author’s Unveiling Genesis: Mysteries of the Rootraces and Cycles.)
Hence, the alignment of Sirius, the Sun and Leo – that brought about the birth of human consciousness. Here we see the profound associations of Leo and its will-to-illumine, to shed light upon, to receive the light of the Sun and broadcast it accordingly. There are many triangles of force in Esoteric Astrology, which constitutes a sub-science – the Science of Triangles. The energy of second ray ruler Jupiter was present then in another triangle:
“Several major triangles of force were active when Individualisation took place and the “Lions, the divine and tawny orange Flames” came into being and thus humanity arrived upon the planet. I would touch here briefly upon one triangle: The Sun (second ray), Jupiter (second ray) and Venus (fifth ray). It will be apparent to you that we here have another sphere of influence of major importance, governed by Leo.
It is a triangle to which H.P.B. [Blavatsky] refers in The Secret Doctrine, the influence of which she was endeavouring to elucidate. So potent was the influence of this triangle that its effect upon the Moon was to denude her of life by drawing out all the “seeds of life,” thus destroying her influence, for it was undesirable where humanity was concerned.”6
Two points here:
1. The “Lions, the divine and tawny orange Flames” – symbolic of humanity and of Leo, the zodiac sign prominent at the start of the Individualisation period.
2. The Moon is the product of a failed human evolution from the fourth globe of the so-called moon chain evolution – previous to the “Earth chain” evolution we are in now. All spiritual life has been withdrawn from the moon, so now it is only a factor that influences the tides and the form nature.7 In the birth chart, the moon “veils” the energies of Vulcan, Neptune or Uranus, according to the intuition of the astrologer.
The will-to-rule
The first ray of Will-Power is the other ray to pass through Leo and gives this sign the capacity to be the benign king who serves his or her kingdom (Aquarius), or the tyrant who cruelly dominates it. The former has awakened the compassionate quality of the heart, the latter is only expressing the misuse of will through the mind. Hence Leo is associated with,
“… the will-to-rule and to dominate, which is of such a controlling nature in this sign and such a subtle potency in the Leo type. It is this will-to-rule which leads a person born in this sign eventually to achieve self-mastery and the control of the personality (for either a good motive or a selfish one), and it is also the same tendency which leads him finally to the control by the personality, ruled by Leo, of groups and large or small bodies of people.
This—at an advanced stage—is an expression of the fusion of Leo energy and Aquarian potency. It is inevitable in the long run for [wo]men and races; for this all experience in Leo is preparatory. The will-to-illumine is that which drives all Leo people on to experiment and so to gain knowledge.”8
Leo and the Triangle of Fire Signs
Leo is one of the three fire signs – Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, relating to purification and “clearing the way by burning” – the basis of the science of Agni Yoga, the new yoga that will eventually supercede Raja Yoga. Leo naturally gravitates to “solar fire”.
Before each door to initiation lies the burning ground that we all must eventually tread and which Leo must tread in complete humility – or self-effacement; these are qualities of Virgo the next sign, being antonyms of pride – which Leo’s or fifth house suns can suffer from excessively!
“When [s]he has reached full self-consciousness and mental integration and when he has attained personality effectiveness, then he treads it [the burning ground] —undeterred by pain.”9
Leo posseses an “innate spiritual sensitivity and outer material sensitivity” – especially those with sun or rising sign in Leo. This sensitivity emanates from the esoteric ruler of Leo, Neptune – “veiled by the sun”. Neptune has been prominent in recent newsletters, due to its lower expression and also its esoteric rulership of the previous sign Cancer. (See the Cancer 2021 newsletter.)

Hmm, is this a French poodle … I see before me? Leo is the personality of France! (See later in the newsletter.)
Neptune as god of the waters, rules over the astral body and contributes to Leo’s “I am”, its passion and sense of the dramatic at one level, whilst the “advanced” Leo has transmuted desire and emotion into love and aspiration that is dedicated to unfolding soul purpose. Another noteworthy factor that contributes to the passion and drama of Leo, is that this sign rules the “astral permanent atom” – where are stored the emotional experiences from all incarnations; from which the soul draws upon – in terms of past life memories and samskaras, when coming back into incarnation and building a new body to inhabit.
Although ruling the solar plexus centre, the influence of Neptune in this case affects the heart, throat and ajna chakras. Energies are raised from the solar plexus to the heart and hence Neptune’s association with the heart:
“The entire emotional or sensitive nature is responsive to energies coming from “the heart of the Sun,” and when this is the case, it indicates that the disciple is now ready for the second initiation. This orientation is brought about by what is called “the sublimination of the influence of the Moon” which is, as you know, the mother, symbolically speaking, of the form nature and reflects the Sun, or the Father aspect.”10

Guardians of the Gate. Lions have always guarded temples, standing fiercely before the candidate who walks the path of initiation. (Angkor Wat, Cambodia.)
Here lies another triangle of force which affects Leo’s – Sun, Moon and Neptune – expressing rays 2,4,6 – “establishing that “inner alignment and attitude which forces open the Door into the Holy Place.”11 We also see the dichotomy between spirit (sun) and matter (moon). The second initiation is ruled generically by water sign Scorpio, another sign of the fixed cross which the Leo disciple has mounted.
Given the various references in Esoteric Astrology, Leo rules over the 1st, 2nd and 3rd initiations, and perhaps the 4th and 5th as well. However, other signs are associated with the initiations, it all depends upon various factors of ray lines and karma. On the subject of initiation it is said,
“In connection with the horoscope of the Leo subject … when the Sun, the Moon (hiding a planet) and Saturn are all combined in a certain house in the horoscope you have what is called the “sign” of the [wo]man who is to take initiation.”12
Sun Veiling Neptune-Uranus
The energy of Leo is focussed through the Sun, and is distributed to Earth via the Sun – and the two veiled planets, Neptune and Uranus. These planets bring about a dual control in the individual ready for initiation – via the Sun as it focusses and transmits Neptune-Uranus forces with intensity.
“The Sun as it veils Neptune, produces a potent effect upon the personality, symbolised by the astral body, whilst Uranus (also veiled by the Sun), symbolises the effect of the soul upon the personality.”13
Neptune is about mystical, or visionary consciousness, that “innate sensitivity which leads unerringly to the higher vision, to the recognition of the inter-relation involved in man’s essential duality during the process of manifestation, plus the activity of the mediator.”14
At the highest “hierarchical” level of rulership of Leo – Uranus reigns, but is only influential in the advanced disciple, bringing through the energies of the “central spiritual sun”. As the planet of science, both exoteric and esoteric, Uranus represents occult consciousness, “that intelligent, fusing condition which produces the scientific at-one-ment of the higher and lower self, through the intelligent use of the mind.”15
When Uranus controls, we are told that,

“His spiritual consciousness is capable of great expression … an electric, dynamic leader, a pioneer in new fields of endeavour … a magnetic centre of a group”. (See author’s profile of DH here: Dag Hammarskjöld: Lion of the United Nations)
“The Leo person is significantly the true observer, detached from the material side of life, but utilising it as he pleases. His spiritual consciousness is capable of great expression and he can be (as has oft been pointed out by astrologers) both an electric, dynamic leader, a pioneer in new fields of endeavour and also a magnetic centre of a group whether the group is small, as in a home, or vast as in a nation.
He is then polarised above the diaphragm, for the lower more material aspects of life have really no great appeal to him; he is then profoundly conscious of his own identity, and this makes him dwell definitely in a state of self-awareness, with its consequently abstracting powers. He is instantly aware, once he is spiritually awakened, of his motivating impulses, and this leads him to an imposed self-discipline.16
… Hence, the intelligent Leo type can achieve their goal, through the, “conscious, integrated self, functioning with full occult knowledge and also with mystical perception when the influences of Leo, focussed through the Sun, Uranus and Neptune, have been carried adequately forward in the life of the advanced disciple”.17
Again, the second ray of love-wisdom is expressed potently through the perfected Lion, preserving its internal control by mental discipline – proceeding to, “… make its ideal objective (Neptune) a fact in consciousness, through sensitivity to the higher vibration and directed intelligent service of the Plan … self-conscious, mystically oriented and occultly developed.”18
Leo in Hitler’s Soul Horoscope
Leo is a sign that has the first ray of Will-Power passing through it – the ray of a king or leader who is able to anchor their will on behalf of, or imposed upon a greater group of people – the king’s kingdom – the Aquarian polarity. This polarity of Aquarius was demonstrated by Hitler:
“No matter what may be our personal opinion of him, there is no question that he has unified, produced fusion and blended together the various elements in the German race. This activity is Aquarian in nature but in its lowest and most undesirable aspect. It is also of the nature of Leo, for the people who can produce these results have necessarily to be intensely self-aware.
This is the major characteristic of the Leo person. What part Leo may play In the personal horoscope of Hitler I do not know, for I have not investigated it, but it plays a very prominent part in the horoscope of his soul.”19
The Soul Horoscope of Hitler
Yes, Hitler did/does have a soul! In his personal horoscope, Hitler had Saturn in Leo – Saturn the lord of karma, the mind, the ruler of the throat centre, gateway for the mental body and easily abused as, “… the tyrant who cruelly dominates … expressing the misuse of will through the mind”, unalloyed with any compassion.
The conception or “pre-natal” horoscope is regarded by astrological researchers as the horoscope of the soul, because it is the time when the soul first makes contact with the newly fertilised egg within the womb. Recently in 2016, it was claimed that for the first time ever, scientists had captured images of the flash of light that sparks at the very moment a human sperm cell makes contact with an egg. This is the moment when the soul has made its electrical connection with the fertilised egg and chosen its parents; it has established a link and thereafter “looks in” occasionally throughout the pregnancy.
At birth, the soul manifests into the body with the first breath of the infant. There have of course been many reports of a soul presence felt in the birth room. Swami Yogananda has said,
“The soul enters the human body at the moment of conception (that is, at the moment when the sperm and egg first come together) … in that exact moment, there is a flash of light in the astral world and one of the many souls waiting to reincarnate, the soul that is best matched to the parents and life circumstances according to the karmic needs of the soul, enters the fertilized egg and begins to develop into a human being, from that point onward.”20 [graphic]
In the pre-natal horoscope system, the natal chart rising and moon sign are tracked backward for the average gestation period of nine months, until the opposite possibilites are found. (The moon is the builder of form and the rising sign is also related to physical characteristics.) For instance, Hitler’s natal chart is Libra rising with a Capricorn moon.
When the calculations are done via computer program these days21 (the author used to do it old school, manually with an ephemeris and calculator!), various chart possibilities are given. The pre-natal chart below has Capricorn rising at the same degree as Hitler’s birth chart Capricorn moon. The moon is in Aries at the opposite degree to his natal chart Libra rising.
Here in the conception horoscope can be seen proof of the earlier passage, “Leo … plays a very prominent part in the horoscope of his soul” – Sun, Saturn, Venus and moon’s north node are all in Leo! Here is Hitler’s Leo will-to-rule and dominate, referred to earlier. Also the public performer, even schooled by a professional drama coach.
This chart is very revealing, regarding Hitler’s aggressive tendencies. One would think that with Libra rising (the peacemaker) in his natal chart, that he might be somewhat the pacificist. (It is claimed that he did offer peace proposals to Britain several times.) However, in the conception horoscope, the moon is in Mars-ruled Aries, the god of war. Warrior Mars is placed in its other rulership, intense Scorpio – dominating the horoscope on the midheaven (public, career) – in a close T-square to the Leo sun and the Earth in Aquarius.
Here is a major challenge of integrating the highly emotional energy of Mars within the “personality” of the conception Leo Sun. The moon in late Aries also opposes Mars in early Scorpio. Here is the signature of aggression that can be seen in the old newsreels where Hitler is consumed by zeal, talking as a man possessed, indeed he was overshadowed by some very dark forces.
The natal chart and pre-natal charts can be studied on the following bi-wheel. Various synastries can be seen between the two horoscopes, such the moon and rising sign mentioned earlier, but also aspects such as conception Mars in Scorpio opposite natal Sun in Taurus:
Berlin, the political capital of Germany is also ruled by Leo at the personality level, hence one might speculate that Hitler’s Leo planets would have found close resonance. But Hitler apparently despised this city for being, “Too cosmopolitan, modernist, progressive, free-thinking, liberal…”.22 (Perhaps it was his conservative Capricorn moon/rising!)
Leo Nations and Cities
The factor to note with any entity, human, city or nation – even if it ruled at the soul level, will often default to its lower expression for the simple fact that many entities have not achieved full soul expression.
Nations and cities with Leo as soul Brazil, Italy, Roumania. London.
Nations and cities with Leo as personality France, Russia. Rome, Geneva, Berlin.
Not all nations can be covered here, some have been written about before, articles can be found at the author’s website under “Search by Subject”.
Germany’s fourth ray soul expressed itself for some centuries through it musicians, artists and philosophers. Britain’s second ray soul sponsored many great humanitarian initiatives and led toward the system of democracy. France’s fifth ray soul of Concrete Science, working with the energy of the fifth zodiacal sign – its Leo personality, has given the French their intellectual and scientific brilliance.
No countries are perfect and all are at varying stages of evolution. All have made horrendous mistakes and continue to do so, even though some of them are regarded as “advanced” – such as Britain, France and Italy. Austria and Germany are said to be, “nearing the Path of Discipleship”, whilst Brazil is on the “Path of Probation”.23

The deeply esoteric Lion and Unicorn on the British coat of arms – Leo and Capricorn, the latter the position of the Sun in the 1801 chart for Britain.
Authoritarian London Influences the World
The soul force of London is Leo – proudly displayed on flags and coats of arms, representing Britain’s once extant empire – Leo the ruler, rule Brittania! London is also one of the five major planetary centres of the Fifth Rootrace, which includes New York, Geneva, Darjeeling and Tokyo. (Click here for many essays on Britain and London.)
London embodies the planetary throat centre, the seat of the mental body, hence decisions that are made there – for better or worse, have an impact globally. Since the “Plannedemic” began, the British Tory government based at Westminster in the heart of London, has become increasingly authoritarian in its approach to lockdowns, mask-wearing, mass vaccinations, political and corporate corruption.
Here is the distorted force of London’s Leo soul that has become the dictator, has acted illegally in many cases, riding roughshod over the will of the people – with a campaign of fear and propaganda. The forces of totalitarianism are gradually creeping in and fascist attitudes have taken hold. Here there is the great irony of a great nation that fought the tyranny of Nazism – becoming so itself.
And because London is the global throat centre, what has occurred there has gone around the world into equally draconian measures in European nations, USA, Australia, Greece, New Zealand, India, Asia etc.
It is curious that in the British 1801 horoscope, second ray Jupiter is placed in Leo. Britain is a second ray soul, spiritually “advanced”, though currently at an impasse with itself, as it has fallen under the glamours of authority and scientism to which of all nations have succumbed.
Similar to Hitler’s chart, Britain’s horoscope has Saturn is in Leo, further hardening its tendency to be dictatorial. The sign of dictators is Taurus, esoterically Britain’s personality, plus the first ray of will-power governs their personality!
Currently, Saturn’s transit through Aquarius is invoking the dictatorial Leo polarity. What is now occurring in all nations is similar to Hitler’s Aquarian uniting of Germany – “in its lowest and most undesirable aspect” – that is, unification of nations by vaccination – vacci-nations!
This has been bought about through the Aquarian, scientific Big Tech and Media – that are driving scientism and artificial intelligence (AI) – at the behest of WEF, WHO and Big Pharma – who have coerced all world governments into their plan. As consistently observed and stated by the author for the past 18 monthes, the world is in its biggest crisis since WWII, as this ferocious attack upon Humanity continues unabated.
The most shocking factor is that the majority of Humanity believe or have been overwhelmed by the stupendous mountain of lies told by governments and so-called “experts”. In other words, the enemy is invisible, unseen, deeply infiltrated into every human network – a situation completely different to WWII when the aggressor enemy was clearly defined. The barrage of propaganda has come so thick and fast, that humanity is competely disoriented.
Those same shadowy forces that channeled themselves through Germany and the Axis nations before and during WWII, are the same forces that have today launched a multi-pronged stealth attack, meticulously planned and organised through un-elected bodies such as the WEF. And unfortunately we see once proud nations virtually upon their knees, cowed into submission, with little retaliation. Where is the courage of those who sacrificed so much and fought so valiantly for liberty in WWII?
Those liberties have been squandered, and slip away with each passing week, as the population opts for the vax, so they can have their “freedoms” of the gym, restaurants, football game, travel etc.
If the nations do not pluck up their Leonine courage soon, and protest march, invoke public disobedience, stand up for their rights – there may be a point coming soon where it will be too late – the totalitarian machine will have owned them, harvested them, and made them slaves to the “new normal”. It was encouraging however, to see the “French resistance” on Bastille Day to president Macron’s imperious edict that requires compulsory vaccine passports for almost all activities. (More on this later.)
There are of course, many subjective causes for this current unprecedented global crisis. References to the Neptune transits in its lower expression have been explored in many newsletters. The lower Neptunian expression of glamour. The glamours of the various rays such as the Big Tech/third ray glamour of deceit and continuous manipulation; the first ray glamour of dictatorship etc.
All these glamours can be summarised under the trinity of Authority, Division and Manipulation – as illustrated in the triangle below. These three glamours correspond to the three major rays or “aspects”. All the glamours listed at the bottom of the diagram are related to these three main glamours.
Behind them all is Humanity’s greatest glamour, fear – hence its position at the centre. For a more complete understanding of the Destroyers, Deluders and Manipulators of souls, see this footnote.24
Fear’s antidote is courage, which lays latent in the soul of London, which has been drawn upon in past crises of the nation. London’s Leo soul also represents the monarchy that presided over the transition to a democratic system of government since the 17th century, now broadcast around most of the world, albeit imperfectly and with some sad regressions to fascist tendencies. Now the monarchy is corrupted as badly as Britain’s democratic system, in this age of Pluto in Capricorn and Humanity;s transition into the Aquarian Age.
London is not only a Leo soul, the fifth sign of the zodiac, but has also a fifth ray soul, hence its function as the throat centre (mind), but also its role as the fifth branchrace of the Fifth Rootrace, or 5.5.5 – the Anglo-Saxon, represented primarily by Britain and Germany.
There are various triangles of relationships that stem from London’s Leo soul, primarily with Geneva, the planetary heart centre whose personality is Leo and also the second ray. Hence, Geneva’s second ray soul corresponds to Britain’s second ray soul, whilst London’s Leo soul corresponds to Geneva’s Leo personality.
Our Fifth Rootrace today is in a similar position to a time in the newly formed third rootrace in ancient Lemuria millions of years ago – when the first few subraces of the fourth rootrace (Atlantis) were overlapping the two rootraces. In that ancient time it is said in the Stanzas of Dzyan that,
“Stanza: The third and fourth (races) became tall with pride. We are kings, we are gods. They took wives fair to look at. Wives from the “mindless”, the narrow-headed. They bred monsters, wicked demons, male and female. Also Khado with little minds.
Commentary: Such were the first truly physical men, whose first characteristic was—pride! It is the Third Race and the gigantic Atlanteans, the memory of whom lingered from one generation and race to another generation and race … which found an objective form in those antediluvian giants, those terrible sorcerers and magicians.”25
The parallel today is the prideful arrogance of many advanced minds in this Fifth Rootrace, who are wealthy beyond comprehension, using the “sorcery” of propaganda and money, who wish to adopt “trans-humanism” – through the merging of technology with human brains and bodies.
Many of these people in Silicon Valley are also deeply into life-extension and cryogenics, such is their materialistic and soul-less view of life. No understanding of karma and reincarnation for many of them, despite their advanced intellects.
The “wives” which they see as “fair” – are the rest of Humanity, ripe for exploitation, control and “harvesting”. And there we see also the potential of creating “monsters” with “little minds” – basically drones or human automatons that do the bidding of their masters. (This is already happening actually!)
Hence, the world is going through a recapitulation of that Lemurian period lost in the mists of time. Humanity runs the risk again of creating more problems that will set back its evolutionary goals.
Leo is also known as the “positive dweller” – that unconscious part of any entity that is resistant to the impression of the soul. The current crisis in London with right wing politics dominating, is an escalation of the Global Dweller raising its ugly head – the challenge for the masses is to rise up and invoke the soul of the nation:
“This sign [Leo] has frequently been described as the “battlefield of the Forces of Materialism and the Forces of Light.” It is occultly regarded as one of the most material signs, in-as-much as selfish desire for possession of material objectives can be peculiarly present and the display of the possessive spirit can violently control; yet, at the same time, the advanced Leo person can function as the “inspired spiritual Sacrifice.” He is then sensitive to world conditions and freed from personal desires.”26
This material focus is partly why London is the financial capital of the world, but it also involves London’s Libra personality and the nation’s Taurus personality. Leo rules gold and London’s Leo dominates the global money market.
The lower aspect of London’s Leo soul is currently being invoked, with regard to utter domination of the nation; it is its higher expression of courage and real leadership that must be urgently invoked, by the people, for the people. This is the time for the Western world to face its Dweller – we are most assuredly in the third and final phase of the World Wars.
European Nations, WEF, WHO
Then there are the other European nations and cities where triangular relations can be examined: Italy, Rome, Roumania, France, Russia, Berlin. Given the crises of the moment, the most important relations currently appear to be between London, France and Berlin.
These cities/nations – in terms of policies regarding vaccination, all of them in are lockstep with the WEF plan, implemented through the European Commission (Sun, Pluto, Mercury in Leo!), pushed particularly hard by its chairman and Klaus Schwab confidante, Ursula Von der Leyen – a moon-Uranus conjunction in Leo!
“Several dozen heads of the World Health Organization (WHO), the World Economic Forum (WEF), and various other globalist bodies have declared that the “Great Reset” needs to include the establishment of a global “pandemic” treaty to ensure that all humans are “vaccinated” in accordance with government edicts.
WEF head Klaus Schwab, who looks an awful lot like an aged Heinrich Himmler of the Nazi SS, says humans who refuse to go along with the plan [of vaccination] are a threat to everyone else. He, U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson, French President Emmanuel Macron, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, and many of the other usual suspects all agree.
These international “leaders” signed on to a letter that says the next phase of the plandemic transition into a New World Order necessitates that the world’s social engineers and societal architects “build a more robust international health architecture that will protect future generations.”27
Schwab and his WEF, the deeply corrupt CDC (US Centre for Disease Control) are now all repeating the same mantra designed to create guilt, emotional blackmail:
“CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky warned that the outbreak in the U.S. is becoming “a pandemic of the unvaccinated” because nearly all hospital admissions and deaths are among those who hadn’t been immunized. “The unvaccinated are a threat to humanity” – says Klaus Schwab … “nobody will be safe” unless “everybody is vaccinated.”
Bill Gates has tirelessly reiterated his vaccine colonialism many times as well. To his credit, big tech/big ego Elon Musk, has called Gates a “knucklehead” and says he will not be taking the vaccine. Other world leaders like Joe Biden are all working from the same script, “Look, the only pandemic we have is among the unvaccinated … those who are not vaccinated will end up paying the price.”
If London’s Leo soul can be invoked by the people (and meditating groups), then in this triangle, it will have considerable influence over the Leo personalities of France and Berlin. Given the earlier discussion of fascism, Hitler etc, Germany is playing a key role right now, because it is the most economically powerful nation in Europe and also because of many resistance protests and activism going on in that nation.

An unfortunate photograph, depicting an inverted five-pointed star behind Macron. The misuse of magical symbols is rife.
France and Macron’s Dictatorial Edict
Emmanuel Macron’s dictate, just before Bastille Day – that everyone would need a vaccination has caused much resistance and anger in France. Tens of thousands of the French people marched on Bastille Day, reflecting their discontent with Macron’s ridiculous and unreasonable demands:
“Macron had said in a broadcast message that getting the two-shot treatment would be mandatory for all healthcare workers and that a green-pass was to be required as of next month to be admitted at bars, restaurants, shows, shopping malls and almost for every activity of the so-called normal life.
Those requirements are perceived by a large portion of French citizens as an invasion of individual privacy and freedom. Therefore, another anniversary of the French Revolution which was based on the ideals of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity, came as no surprise.”28
This came as a 180 degree backflip from March 2021 when Macron declared that no one would be forced to take vaccinations. Macron is another intimate “boot-licker” of Klaus Schwab, head of the World Economic Forum, the “billionaires club” – who have decided and are dictating how Humanity should live.
Macron’s pedigree was well set as an employee and partner in Rothschilds bank, where he made his fortune. Rothschilds is of course one of the shadowy global cartels that are behind their outer “fronts” such as WEF, WHO etc. (Rothschild banking group is controlled by the French and British branches of the Rothschild family.) Some may remember Macron’s ostentatious and extremely expensive inauguration when he became president. There are two horoscopes to consider here, Macron and France.
As touched upon in an earlier analysis in 2021, Macron has his sun in the last degree of Sagittarius, whilst his ascendant/soul purpose falls in the last degree of Capricorn, Moon in Taurus can be very stubborn and rigid, particularly with its square to attention-seeking and ambitious Mars in Leo. Moon is also exactly opposite Uranus in Scorpio. Ambition is further heigthened by the fact that Mars rules the Scorpio midheaven.
Mars in Leo could be interpreted as Macron the modern “sun-king” – à la Louis XIV! Imperiously dolling out edicts and orders! Currently transiting Saturn in Aquarius has been sitting stationary opposite Macron’s Mars since April 2021 (exact mid July), all they way through to Christmas 2021.
This next five months will give Macron a chance to see the consequences of his hardline Saturnine decision – his proud Mars in Leo showed utter contempt for his nation. Indeed, let us pray that Macron’s decision may have been his political suicide.
Furthermore, during this period, Macron’s progressed sun in Aquarius moves into an exact square to the moon in Taurus and Uranus in Scorpio, creating a grand cross of heightened tension.
Similarly in France’s horoscope, Uranus in Leo opposes Chiron in Aquarius, which T-squares Macron’s Moon-Uranus. Hence, Leo personality France will have similar timing of the Uranus transit through Taurus, T-squaring Uranus-Chiron. With such tensions, Uranian reform and revolution is in the air. Similarly, Saturn’s transit through Uranus-ruled Aquarius will also trigger Chiron in Aquarius from Feb.-Oct. 2022.
In both Macron and France’s horoscopes, this Leo-Aquarius axis is being activated – the “king” versus his country, will he insist on being the selfish, tyrannical leader, or the one who kneels with humility at the feet of the people and ask, “How can I serve?”.
Angela Merkel (See also, Angela Merkel’s Role in EU/WEF)
Outgoing German chancellor Angela Merkel also has remarkable synastry with this Aquarian theme, having her moon in Aquarius at the same degree as France’s Uranus and Macron’s Chiron in Aquarius. It was ironic that recent floods in Germany occurred whilst Merkel was in Washington, just two days before her birthday.
Merkel is a multiple Cancer water sign – with Sun, Uranus, Jupiter, Mercury and south node; she has commanded much international respect in her leadership role for 13 years, and is known as a deeply feeling, compassionate person.
Germany is a Pisces personality and like fire, water is a purifying agent. Merkel has been described as the de facto leader of the European Union and the most powerful woman in the world. Perhaps she will start to work more closely in the EU sphere when she leave German politics.
As the lapdog of the WEF, the European Commission headed by fellow German, Ursula von der Leyen, is driving much of the compulsory vaccine policy in Europe at the moment. (Germany has an Aries soul and first ray personality – many Germans are natural “rulers”.) Merkel has been totally on board with the WEF and their errant guidelines.
Part of her zeal in this relation may be the fact that she is an evangelical Christian – her Mars in Sagittarius is prone to religious fanaticism. Despite having a doctorate in quantum chemistry, she either lacks the mental discrimination about the the Plannedemic, or she is on board the WEF narrative for other reasons.
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Leo Rising Joan of Arc (“The Maid of Orléans”)
“After years of one humiliating defeat after another, both the military and civil leadership of France were demoralized and discredited. When the Dauphin Charles granted Joan’s urgent request to be equipped for war and placed at the head of his army, his decision must have been based in large part on the knowledge that every orthodox, every rational option had been tried and had failed.
Only a regime in the final straits of desperation would pay any heed to an illiterate farm girl who said that the voice of God was instructing her to take charge of her country’s army and lead it to victory.”29
There is conflicting data on Joan of Arc’s time of birth and even date of birth. This analysis works with Leo rising, whilst other students have used Scorpio rising – also appropriate. But for this analysis, Leo rising “works” as the reader will see.
Whilst on the previous theme of modern France, it might be timely to look at one of its great heroines from the 15th century. Joan of Arc had the sun in Capricorn with Leo rising as her soul purpose – aligning with the Leo personality of France, whilst her Capricorn personality was the same as Paris.
Joan of Arc’s moon and Jupiter in Libra gave her a strong sense of justice and fairness – within the period of the 100 years war between France and Britain, where France was terribly divided between the English-supported Burgundians and the Amargnacs.
Here was an advanced soul, a female teenager in armour, who demanded and received support from King Charles VII, who led men into physical, face to face armed combat! She ruled over her faitful solidiers with an iron fist, making them attend communion regularly and forbidding them the expression of “rough language”. There is the courage, will and leadership of Leo, also of the first ray of will-power that pours through Leo and which was most likely the ray of her personality and mental body.
“She was wounded by an arrow between the neck and shoulder while holding her banner in the trench outside les Tourelles [7th May, 1429.] but later returned to encourage a final assault that succeeded in taking the fortress. The English retreated from Orléans the next day, and the siege was over”30 (Transiting Mars (god of war), on that day was square to Pluto, a close call!)
Opposite her Leo ascendant was revolutionary Uranus in Aquarius that helped organise and rouse the people – the latter more to do with her soul and emotional body on the sixth ray of idealism. As a military commander, she carried the executive and strategising abililty of a Capricorn Sun.
Joan of Arc’s Clairvoyance: “My Voices tells me that I must go against the English.”
Joan (or Jeanne) knew beforehand that she would be wounded, having been warned by her guides on April 22, some two weeks earlier, repeating the warning to others on the eve of that battle.
The soul ruler of Leo is Neptune, placed in sensitive Cancer which it rules esoterically. Neptune closely opposes her Mercury in Capricorn, giving her clairvoyant and amanuensis qualities to act – as she described, “under divine guidance”.
She claimed to have received visions from archangel Michael, Saint Margaret, and Saint Catherine of Alexandria instructing her to support Charles VII and recover France from English domination late in the Hundred Years’ War.
These experiences occurred at the age of 13, in 1425 when she was in her “father’s garden” just after a raid near her village by the Burgandians. The angels urged her to drive out the English and take the Dauphin to Reims for his consecration. “She said she cried when they left, as they were so beautiful.”31
The exact date for 1425 is not known, but casting transits for the middle of that year, sees “undiscovered”, transiting Pluto conjunct “undiscovered” Neptune – Leo’s soul ruler, activating the opposition to Mercury.
This was a similar situation to when the The Tibetan Master Djwhal Khul first contacted Alice Bailey in 1919, asking her to be his amanuensis – transiting Neptune was conjunct Bailey’s Leo ascendant. (See the author’s analysis of AAB here.) In fact, AAB stated in her autobiography, after an astonishing visit from the Master Koot Hoomi at the age of 15,
“I felt that I was like Joan of Arc (at that time my heroine) and that, like her, I was seeing spiritual visions and was consequently set aside for a great work … I decided that maybe after all I was not in the class of Joan of Arc but simply some one who could be nicer than I had been and who could begin to control a rather violent temper.”32
Hence, Joan’s natal Neptune was activated powerfully by Pluto, yet transiting Neptune was conjunct her Leo ascendant all that year, exact in September 1425.
“Soon after this raid, at about noon in the summertime, Jeanne was in her father’s garden, a small plot of ground between the house and the church. At her left hand, toward the church, she saw a great light and had a vision of the archangel Michael, surrounded by other angels. The little girl, only about thirteen years old, was much frightened, and did not know what was come to her; soon the vision faded away. In the days and weeks which followed, however, it returned again and again.
Her fear passed away as she became familiar with the sight, and fear was succeeded by great comfort and peace, when at length she believed that the archangel had verily appeared to her. He bade her be a good girl, and promised that God would help her; he said that Saint Catherine and Saint Margaret would soon visit her, commissioned by God to advise and to guide her, and he ordered her to obey their words.
His prophecy came to pass, and she beheld the two saints, their gracious faces richly crowned. They told her their names, and, vaguely at first, they bade her go to the help of the king of France. At once she took their voices as the guide of her life, asking no reward of them, except the salvation of her soul.”33

Joan with her sword “fierbois”. (Artist J. H. Lacrocon) The sword is the primary symbol of the first ray of will-power. Joan’s sword was found at the church of Saint Catherine of Fierbois … more about the story here. Note her red hair and attire, all very Leo but perhaps some artistic licence!
At this tender age of 13, the seeds of revolution were sown, reflected by Joan’s progressed sun in Aquarius conjunct Uranus! Joan kept her visions to herself, only sharing them reluctantly and under duress at her inquisition by the English. Though uneducated and unable to write (she used scribes),
“The trial record contains statements from Joan that the eyewitnesses later said astonished the court, since she was an illiterate peasant and yet was able to evade the theological pitfalls the tribunal had set up to entrap her.
The transcript’s most famous exchange is an exercise in subtlety: “Asked if she knew she was in God’s grace, she answered, ‘If I am not, may God put me there; and if I am, may God so keep me. I should be the saddest creature in the world if I knew I were not in His grace.'”34
Here is the “mark” of a advanced soul (and erudite French intellect), who emerged from the heart of the nation, sacrificing her life to keep interference’s in France’s soul destiny on track. It has been stated by various commentators that, “On the fate of Orléans hung that of the entire kingdom”:
“No one was optimistic that the city could long withstand the siege. For generations, there had been prophecies in France which promised the nation would be saved by a virgin from the “borders of Lorraine” “who would work miracles” and “that France will be lost by a woman and shall thereafter be restored by a virgin”.35
This is a truly fascinating statement because the soul of Paris is Virgo the Virgin. (See Fire at Notre Dame: The Soul of Paris.) Also previously, “King Charles VII’s mother-in-law, Yolande of Aragon, confirmed Joan’s virginity and financed her departure to Orléans.”36 France has a Pisces soul (the polar opposite of Virgo) – and during the Age of Pisces, struck one of the greatest blows for freedom – on behalf of all Humanity, at the French Revolution, three and a half centuries later.
Joan’s first meeting with Charles VII took place when she was 17 and he was 26, making a very strong impression upon him, asking permission to travel with the army and wear protective armour (!) “She depended on donated items for her armor, horse, sword [her Fierbois], banner, and other items utilized by her entourage.”37
There are historical disputes about her physical participation in battle, Joan even stating that, “she carried her banner in battle and had never killed anyone, preferring her banner “forty times” better than a sword”:
“On the other hand, many of these same noblemen stated that Joan had a profound effect on their decisions since they often accepted the advice she gave them, believing her advice was divinely inspired. In either case, historians agree that the army enjoyed remarkable success during her brief time with it”38
On 23 May 1430 Joan was captured by the Burgundians and handed over to the English. Over the next year she languished in a prison from which she tried to escape three times, once jumping 70 feet from a tower onto soft mud!
She was interrogated during that period, put on trial for heresy and found guilty; she was pronounced a relapsed heretic and burnt at the stake on May 30, 1431 – in Rouen’s square by English soldiers. To the English, the ability of a peasant girl to defeat their armies, was regarded as proof that she was possessed by the Devil!
Joan of Arc was a true martyr for the cause, and most likely had her soul force upon the sixth ray of devotion and idealism; she was a devout Catholic and the last words that she uttered while being burnt, was the name of the Chohan of the Neptune-Mars ruled sixth ray: “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus!” Given the intensity of the flames, I think most of us would be uttering the same words, whether we believed in Jesus or not!
“The Master Jesus … His pupils are frequently distinguished by that fanaticism and devotion which manifested in earlier Christian times amongst the martyrs.”39
Says rayologist Michael Robbins when examining the sixth ray in Joan of Arc,
“Joan, with that quality of one-pointed determination so characteristic of those upon the sixth ray, did exactly what she determined to do (at least initially while responding to the first great wave of inspiration which carried her forward).
Her unquestioning sixth ray faith in her destiny was her strength. In order to make her way to the Dauphin who was holding court in the city of Chinon, she had to persuade relatives, soldiers, governors, priests, courtiers, etc., first, that she was not simply some lunatic visionary and, second, that she was not a witch.
Such was the purity of her motive, and her sturdy and simple piety (not to mention her commonsense) that she consistently prevailed over the skepticism she inevitably and invariably encountered.” (Tapestry of the Gods II, Michael D. Robbins. p.474. Free PDF download.)
Joan of Arc possessed the audacity, daring and courage of Leo, through which the first ray of Will-Power passes. Michael Robbins assigns Joan a first ray personality and first ray mind – that fit well; he assigns the sixth ray for the soul and the emotional body.
The main transit on the day of Joan’s death was Saturn – the lord of death and karma, ruler of Capricorn, precisely conjunct her Sun. Also, transiting moon went across her Sun on that day. Capricorn is a sign of initiation and of completion, it is most likely that Jeanne d’Arc took an advanced initiation on that day.
Solar arc moon was in Scorpio, exactly square her Leo ascendant. Scorpio is another sign of initiation. Reflecting upon the symbolism of being burnt at the stake, it is said with regard to the higher initiations, that the sixth ray soul person,
“ … bends every faculty and every effort to the contemplation of what is required, and in sacrifice for that person or ideal lays even his causal body on the flames of the altar. It is the method of divine fanaticism that counts all lost apart from the vision, and that eventually sacrifices joyously the entire personality. The causal body is destroyed through fire, and the liberated life streams upward to the Spirit in divine beatification “((Letters on Occult Meditation, p.18)).
In the spirit of Joan, what is it that we can sacrifice upon the altar in this time of planetary crisis?
Phillip Lindsay © 2021.
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Stripe is supported in many countries. Books by Phillip Lindsay
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.294. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.301. [↩]
- EsotericAstrologer [↩]
- See the author’s Unveiling Genesis: Mysteries of the Rootraces and Cycles. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.289. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.301. [↩]
- See the author’s Unveiling Genesis: Mysteries of the Rootraces and Cycles. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.289. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.294. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.298. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.298. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.298. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.300. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.306. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.306. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.309. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.307. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.309. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.285. [↩]
- ananda.org [↩]
- Solar Fire, Esoteric Technologies [↩]
- quora.com [↩]
- The Rays and the Initations, Alice A. Bailey. p.625. [↩]
- The first ray aspirant who fails to overcome his Dweller may become a “destroyer of souls”, as it is called, and be condemned (until he learns his lesson) to work in the forces of matter, and with the forms which hold all souls in prison. This is the occult significance of the misunderstood words, death and destruction. Of this type, the Devil is the great prototype.
The second ray aspirant who builds his Dweller and permits its steady and increasing control becomes a “deluder of souls”. He is the true Anti-Christ, and through false teaching and the working of so-called miracles, through hypnotism and mass suggestion he draws a veil over the world and forces men to walk in the great illusion.
It is interesting to note that the work of the Devil, the imprisoner of souls, is beginning to lose its power, for the race is on the verge of understanding that true death is immersion in form, and that matter is but a part of the divine whole. The thought form of this “Dweller on the Threshold” which humanity has built for millions of years is on the verge of destruction.
But the work of Anti-Christ is only rising now to its height, and the delusion of riches, of possession, of false teaching will increasingly hold sway but the term of the delusion will be shorter than the term of destruction, for all these factors function under their own cycles and have their own ebb and flow.
The third ray person who also fails to shatter his “Dweller” becomes what is called a “manipulator of souls” and uses the mind to destroy the real and to put a veil between the man and reality. It must be remembered that none of these names and these activities refer to the soul on its own plane but only to human souls in incarnation on the physical plane.
This must be stressed, for on its own plane the souls of all men stand free from illusion, and neither can be destroyed, deluded nor manipulated. It is only “the souls in prison” who are subject to the activities of the forces of evil and only for a term. The first group works through governments, through politics, and the interplay between nations and is relatively small in number.
The second ray group who delude and deceive, work through religious agencies, through mass psychology, and the misuse and misapplication of devotion and of the arts. They are largest in number. The third group work primarily through commercial relations in the business world, and through the use of money, the concretisation of prana or universal energy, and the outer symbol of the universal flux and flow. These thoughts are suggestive but not vital, dealing as they do with the cosmic tendencies. A Treatise on White Magic, Alice A. Bailey. p.240. [↩]
- The Secret Docrtrine II, H.P. Blavatsky. p.20. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.307. [↩]
- sgtreport.com [↩]
- en.mercopress.com [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- The Unfinished Autobiography, Alice A. Bailey. p.36-7. [↩]
- jeanne-darc.info [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- Initiation, Human and Solar, Alice A. Bailey. p.56. [↩]
This really encompasses it all, thank you for this incredibly insightful contribution. Struck me. Inspires me. Ultimately reenforces my own one pointed attention. Thank you so much.
Thanks again, Philip, for another great newsletter.
For whatever it is worth, according to esoteric literature published by Benjamin Creme in 1986, Joan of Arc (ca. 1412-31) was indeed an initiate (point of evolution 3.3) with the following ray structures: soul (5), personality (1), mental apparatus (3), astral vehicle (6) and physical body (6).
It just add some perspective to your research.
Hello Phillip,
In the spirit of Joan, what is it that we can sacrifice upon the altar in this time of planetary crisis?
We have to sacrifice all the ideals of the Pisces era! …, perhaps not all, in some cases just readjusting will be enough, as for example the ideal of “the family”.
What is happening today is a consequence of a change in the astrological age, the old past does not want to die reaffirming itself (leo) in its expired formulas based on fear. But in my opinion, this does not require an actively contrary attitude, but rather requires an Aquarian self-affirmation (leo). Leo’s self-affirmation always depends on the consciousness that expresses it.
It is not about fighting heroically against …, this belongs to Pisces and the ideals of the sixth ray, but it is about, despite the circumstances, to organize (VII R) society inspired by Aquarius
We have to understand that if in Pisces freedom is understood as a sacrifice, an act of supreme responsibility, in the age of Aquarius said sacrifice or freedom will be understood as spontaneous service.
This is something very difficult to understand for a sixth ray piscean consciousness that subordinates everything to that which is “showy” in form.
“Sacrifice” is not a word for Aquarius, “supreme” is not either, “freedom and responsibility”, yes.
In other words, in the age of Aquarius the ideals will not be sublime, vertical and looking at the Lord of heaven, but they will be daily ideals, horizontal and looking at the Lord of humanity, because the Lord of heaven will live on Earth.
We will ask ourselves, and in the meantime? …., until the Christians were not respected in Rome, for a long time they were a community that lived in parallel to the prevailing customs. But their power, their customs, was growing while the Roman was decreasing. The same is happening now and will happen for a time, until the old ideals of the past will die from lack of attention.
And in this process there will always be a duality (Gemini) for Love to prevail during the change.
Joan struck a great blow during the age of Pisces but she is a woman for all seasons, or ages because sacrifice is not just a theme of Pisces. The sacrifice petals of the heart lotus are the final ones to open, depending upon what ray line was is upon. Not matter what ray one is upon, the sacrifice or renunciation of all that is of the past, is required of all disciples.
It is true Phillip, the meaning of the Sacrifice is universal, it does not depend on the ages.
Maybe I did not explain clearly but I only wanted to refer to the same word, its exoteric aspect, its sound, its historical layout, …, it has strong connotations related to pain and the solar plexus, with the emotional aspect of Pisces and the characteristic contempt for the physical body expressed by the sixth ray.
Words also need to be modernized as they become corrupted over time. I think that “sacrifice” is a word, not a meaning, expired. For me at present and waiting for the arrival of new words, “responsible act ” is its most correct synonym.
It is also possible that in northern countries this word is not perceived in the same way as in southern countries, but in my country, Spain, the country of mysticism and the inquisition, in many evolved young people the word “sacrifice” generates repulsion . I imagine that they “smells” an excessive and unnecessary pain negatively linked to the martyrs.
As a Leo, I especially look forward to your August Newsletter Phillip. This newsletter helped me to understand how my career in the healing arts and 40 years of research related to the science of light energy consciousness. My recent book “The Power of Love and Awakened Consciousness: A Protocol for Mind, Body Soul Healing” reflects my soul’s work in the world to ‘Illumine others’.
thank you for your continued courage to speak your truth!
Peig Myota
thanks Peig, great to hear from you! I would highly recommend your book to all the readers here for your work in healing and counselling – bravo!
Thanks again Phillip, you are the only one among esotericists to bring up the cabal in a consistent way and I really appreciate it! A few comments from my nordic corner of Europe – Stockholm, which is not so idyllic as may have been mentioned – we have no democracy any longer… the disaster is here too:
We have been taken by surprise by this attack, so well prepared, organized and recruited, so we are not able exoterically to act with power against it in the short run. The most effective way exoterically is to use whatever channels we can find and broadcast about the falsity of the propaganda, to possibly make a few of those you are mentioning to start thinking by themselves – to free themselvers. But our common media channels for that have been closed. However, enormous amounts of facts and proofs are now being surfaced, not the least from patent offices. The whole cabal will be obviously proven, but there is no suitable global court of justice for that – yet. This could work long and medium range, but it is actually too late to stop the adverse effects of hundreds of millions of vaccinations, as they are already rolled out.
Considering that I do believe that my best contribution – except for those exoteric ones mentioned – is the frequent invocation and meditation, forming new thought forms to dislocate the present dysfunctional ones. So I believe that esoteric work gives the best chance for short term effects. The obviously greatest problem is the uncritical acceptance of the false narrative by the common man. Refering to what you previously wrote about [wo]man thinking freely and not being influenced by the crowd (and its fear) or the authoritarian propaganda, is to, with the help of Leonian impulses, become a free thinker. So it seems that Leo is behind both possibilities and adverse effects. This can be built into the new thought forms in our inner work. Especially with those TWO full moons.
In a previous newsletter you presented an invocation, that to me seemed a bit too complicated to be used en masse. I suggest that we stick to what already many of us are doing – on a daily basis say The Great Invocation, with great fervour, for what could be more suited to the situation you have described than the fourth stanza: “… and may it seal the door where evil dwells.” This closing is the most important part for now of the inner work, as I see it! Thanks again!