8 Responses to Leo 2021: Blue Moon. Sirius. Leo the Authoritarian. Hitler’s Leo Soul. London. Macron & Merkel. Joan of Arc.

  1. TAylor says:

    This really encompasses it all, thank you for this incredibly insightful contribution. Struck me. Inspires me. Ultimately reenforces my own one pointed attention. Thank you so much.

  2. Christine says:

    Thanks again, Philip, for another great newsletter.

    For whatever it is worth, according to esoteric literature published by Benjamin Creme in 1986, Joan of Arc (ca. 1412-31) was indeed an initiate (point of evolution 3.3) with the following ray structures: soul (5), personality (1), mental apparatus (3), astral vehicle (6) and physical body (6).

    It just add some perspective to your research.

  3. david says:

    Hello Phillip,

    In the spirit of Joan, what is it that we can sacrifice upon the altar in this time of planetary crisis?

    We have to sacrifice all the ideals of the Pisces era! …, perhaps not all, in some cases just readjusting will be enough, as for example the ideal of “the family”.

    What is happening today is a consequence of a change in the astrological age, the old past does not want to die reaffirming itself (leo) in its expired formulas based on fear. But in my opinion, this does not require an actively contrary attitude, but rather requires an Aquarian self-affirmation (leo). Leo’s self-affirmation always depends on the consciousness that expresses it.

    It is not about fighting heroically against …, this belongs to Pisces and the ideals of the sixth ray, but it is about, despite the circumstances, to organize (VII R) society inspired by Aquarius

    We have to understand that if in Pisces freedom is understood as a sacrifice, an act of supreme responsibility, in the age of Aquarius said sacrifice or freedom will be understood as spontaneous service.
    This is something very difficult to understand for a sixth ray piscean consciousness that subordinates everything to that which is “showy” in form.
    “Sacrifice” is not a word for Aquarius, “supreme” is not either, “freedom and responsibility”, yes.

    In other words, in the age of Aquarius the ideals will not be sublime, vertical and looking at the Lord of heaven, but they will be daily ideals, horizontal and looking at the Lord of humanity, because the Lord of heaven will live on Earth.

    We will ask ourselves, and in the meantime? …., until the Christians were not respected in Rome, for a long time they were a community that lived in parallel to the prevailing customs. But their power, their customs, was growing while the Roman was decreasing. The same is happening now and will happen for a time, until the old ideals of the past will die from lack of attention.

    And in this process there will always be a duality (Gemini) for Love to prevail during the change.


    1. Joan struck a great blow during the age of Pisces but she is a woman for all seasons, or ages because sacrifice is not just a theme of Pisces. The sacrifice petals of the heart lotus are the final ones to open, depending upon what ray line was is upon. Not matter what ray one is upon, the sacrifice or renunciation of all that is of the past, is required of all disciples.

      1. david says:

        It is true Phillip, the meaning of the Sacrifice is universal, it does not depend on the ages.

        Maybe I did not explain clearly but I only wanted to refer to the same word, its exoteric aspect, its sound, its historical layout, …, it has strong connotations related to pain and the solar plexus, with the emotional aspect of Pisces and the characteristic contempt for the physical body expressed by the sixth ray.

        Words also need to be modernized as they become corrupted over time. I think that “sacrifice” is a word, not a meaning, expired. For me at present and waiting for the arrival of new words, “responsible act ” is its most correct synonym.

        It is also possible that in northern countries this word is not perceived in the same way as in southern countries, but in my country, Spain, the country of mysticism and the inquisition, in many evolved young people the word “sacrifice” generates repulsion . I imagine that they “smells” an excessive and unnecessary pain negatively linked to the martyrs.

  4. As a Leo, I especially look forward to your August Newsletter Phillip. This newsletter helped me to understand how my career in the healing arts and 40 years of research related to the science of light energy consciousness. My recent book “The Power of Love and Awakened Consciousness: A Protocol for Mind, Body Soul Healing” reflects my soul’s work in the world to ‘Illumine others’.
    thank you for your continued courage to speak your truth!
    Peig Myota

    1. thanks Peig, great to hear from you! I would highly recommend your book to all the readers here for your work in healing and counselling – bravo!

  5. Bertil Johnsson says:

    Thanks again Phillip, you are the only one among esotericists to bring up the cabal in a consistent way and I really appreciate it! A few comments from my nordic corner of Europe – Stockholm, which is not so idyllic as may have been mentioned – we have no democracy any longer… the disaster is here too:

    We have been taken by surprise by this attack, so well prepared, organized and recruited, so we are not able exoterically to act with power against it in the short run. The most effective way exoterically is to use whatever channels we can find and broadcast about the falsity of the propaganda, to possibly make a few of those you are mentioning to start thinking by themselves – to free themselvers. But our common media channels for that have been closed. However, enormous amounts of facts and proofs are now being surfaced, not the least from patent offices. The whole cabal will be obviously proven, but there is no suitable global court of justice for that – yet. This could work long and medium range, but it is actually too late to stop the adverse effects of hundreds of millions of vaccinations, as they are already rolled out.

    Considering that I do believe that my best contribution – except for those exoteric ones mentioned – is the frequent invocation and meditation, forming new thought forms to dislocate the present dysfunctional ones. So I believe that esoteric work gives the best chance for short term effects. The obviously greatest problem is the uncritical acceptance of the false narrative by the common man. Refering to what you previously wrote about [wo]man thinking freely and not being influenced by the crowd (and its fear) or the authoritarian propaganda, is to, with the help of Leonian impulses, become a free thinker. So it seems that Leo is behind both possibilities and adverse effects. This can be built into the new thought forms in our inner work. Especially with those TWO full moons.

    In a previous newsletter you presented an invocation, that to me seemed a bit too complicated to be used en masse. I suggest that we stick to what already many of us are doing – on a daily basis say The Great Invocation, with great fervour, for what could be more suited to the situation you have described than the fourth stanza: “… and may it seal the door where evil dwells.” This closing is the most important part for now of the inner work, as I see it! Thanks again!

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