15 Responses to Leo 2024: Strength. Sirius. Regulus. Sphinx. Artist Alphonse Mucha. Lion’s Gate. Courage. USA Elections: Trump-Harris. RFK.

  1. nikolaos lymperopoulos says:

    Dear Brother in Christ

    The way that you have used the term Apolitical in your letter is understood.

    But it is a term already in use, against the trend to neutrality, in the effort to tackle the trend of individualistic consciousness vs to group consciousness (which is associated to your term “apolitical”). Also it is slightly contradicting to the description of the Work of the Political Organizers of the NGWS. It is possible that one should work through partisanship. It is inevitable. This is what Roosevelt did. And Biden, to a lower degree of consciousness.

    Today the great lines of demarcation in clash are Universality vs Separateness.

    The huge technological and economic changes demand for deep constitutional political changes and new political agendas and new order. (A classic Marxist theorem).

    This is already happening. The problem is that separate Nations and groups of Nations want to lead and rule the Constitution of Universality, which no doubt is not immanent in the short term, but it is immanent in the longer. This is where Biden failed, letting Trump to fill the gap, but with something worse. Separatism.

    So we have a measure for balancing things.
    In the expressed policies of our time we have the individualistic trend (and Nations and Peoples and their States are maybe of the most shellfish entities or the era) and the World Union Trend.

    This is what is the cause of the War World III which we try not to be precipitated completely upon the physical. This War has started in the Year 2001. The last Shamballa impact and Call was towards Universality.

    Humanity has sent a robot almost beyond the sensed Solar ring no pass. The Web and satellite system is there. (Equivalent to the nervous system of the Body of Civilization. Etheric was already there from aeons). Artificial Intelligence is challenging the core of the self-reflection of the human Identity. Humanity is opening the road for the third way of individualization. Or to put it differently, Humanity is really close to the first group initiation. Maybe I am very optimistic, but why not?

    I am also a left oriented thinker, and also “apolitical”, but now we are at War. We need to choose as our fellow ones did at the Great War. No one was perfect at that time, but we had to fight on one side. Which is our side? This we need to clarify to our fellow students and co-workers. It is not satisfying, but Kamala Harris must to win. What happens in US is influencing all the World. We need not to have something more undesirable instead of something undesirable.

    US is nevertheless going to keep being wrong and failing in the use of their power and forces, but right now all over the world we need to settle the gap of the rich and poor. This is major issue and Tramp is not useful to this. We need policies that will impose taxes to the multinational corporations. This event, as such, is setting the foundation for the world constitutional change. We need taxes to finance the needs of the many. Governments all over the World today do very little to this end. They just making u their territories “food” for the multinational not tax paying and not elected by some constitutional system collective Tycoons.

    1. Thanks Nick for your thoughtful response, I concur on several points made. But there is a sizeable chunk of the esoteric community (believe it or not!) – who believe Trump would be a better choice, or that there is no choice at the moment between the two parties.

      As to the former, they argue that the US has conducted, through the Pentagon and NATO, a needless and irresponsible war against Russia – using Ukraine as its proxy, at the cost of 600,000 lives in Ukraine alone. US has spent 150 billion + funding Ukraine at the expense of its own crumbling infrastructure. Trump has stated that he could end this conflict overnight, working with Putin. Of course that rhetoric would be something that remains to be seen should he take power.

      To many, the left have simply become financial, woke elitists – supporting many unhealthy social trends. Voting for Harris they say, who many regard as a little crazy, would simply continue the narrative – she will do what she is told no doubt. All candidates have said that they support Israel and that is where the “no choice” camp sit.

      Well, just a few brief words here, no doubt others will have their say!

  2. William says:

    On “The Illusion of Democracy”

    Illusion indeed. It is a common — virtually universal — misconception that the U.S. was founded as a democracy. It was not. It is a democratic republic. Remember your Pledge of Allegiance? “…and to the republic, for which it stands.”

    The difference is subtle, but critical. In a republic, the government is subject to the will of the people and must adhere to public demand. As noted in the Constitution, it is a government “of, by, and for the people.” Who believes that this is the case today?

    In a democracy, the people cede control to the government. The people elect the government, giving them decision-making power. It’s obvious what comes next. Give an inch, take a mile. This is why all democracies degrade to dictatorship.

    The government will tell you that we live in a democracy. They may even believe it, since the myth has persisted for so long. But the lie has been perpetuated because it fuels their grasping of power.

    Ironically, people still believe that the solution to governmental corruption lies with… the government! Huh. Go figure. For my part, I’ll cast my vote when there’s an option on the ballot for “None of the above.”

  3. David Birr says:


    I enjoyed reading your astrological analysis of the election.I think a deeper look at the Trunp solar return chart is warranted as I think it indicates deeper difficulties.Since the rulers of moon and saturn are both in the 12th house the negative public perceptions of Trump will increase as the year rolls forward.The sun in the 12 th house loses power.The square between sun and saturn is also a problem for power as well as health.The squares from saturn to mercury and venus impedes his communication and popularity.

    1. Great observation David, filled in some excellent gaps I missed!

  4. david says:

    Hello Phillip,

    Every nation (as a person) that considers itself advanced must integrate (through its soul) its different parts into a unit.

    And in my opinion and my biased vision as a Spaniard, in the case of the United States, both in the Democratic and Republican parties there is soul as well as personality and therefore it will not be so important who wins, because as we know, for any conscience that wants to achieve integration, it must experience both triumph and defeat.

    In my opinion, republican values ​​defend certain very positive values ​​related to the soul of the nation, such as the educational value of the family or respect (understood as a responsibility) for sacred or religious traditions. But, from their selfish aspect, very often their attitudes and expressions “smell” of intransigence, criticism or inflexibility.

    On the other hand, the values ​​that the Democratic Party defends also have great value, such as the value of freedom understood as the responsibility (through taxes and understanding) to integrate the dispossessed or those who, due to race or gender, feel different. But, from its selfish aspect, very often these attitudes “smell” of amorality (excessive freedom) or a lack of respect for the freedom of opinion and action of the individual who thinks differently.

    The Need of the Nation to weigh the different values ​​at stake is what gives or takes away the reason through a triumph or a defeat.

    Therefore, if Trump loses, it will be his obligation to learn from the defeat, something that he did not know how to do in his last defeat. And if he wins, it will be his obligation to adjust to the noblest of his ideals. And the same can be said of Kamala Harris.

    The revealing transit of Uranus through MC Trump, as well as the benign conjunction of transiting Jupiter with his Sun (esoteric ruler of Leo) and opposition with his Moon (esoteric ruler of Virgo), as well as, in his progressed chart, the entry of his ASC in Scorpio, tells us that for Trump, whatever happens (defeat or triumph), will be very important for his conscience.

    The transit of Jupiter (expansion) through Kamala Harris’s natal ASC and the transit of opposition of Saturn (responsibility) over her Venus, the esoteric ruler of the ASC; as well as in her progressed chart the entry of Venus (ruler of her Soul path) in Sagittarius and the entry of the Sun (ruler of her progressed ascendant in Leo) in Capricorn, also tells us that for Kamala, whatever happens, will be important for her conscience.

    What is evident is that we are dealing with two very powerful personalities, they are two full moons…!!, and furthermore, both, through their esoteric rulers, are in contact with the 2nd Ray that rules the Soul of the Nation.

    Now, in my opinion, in the case of Kamala Harris, this second ray, thanks to Virgo/Venus, is more constructive. In the case of Donald Trump, through his Sun, due to his contact with the nodes, the karmic or personal ego is too involved and even more so if we look at the power (perhaps excessive) of his Mars, the “warrior of the sun”, and for this reason the expression of the 2nd Ray depends excessively on a Venus/Saturn in my opinion in the 12th house, the house of the unconscious.

    In simple terms, I would say that there is a power to shine in Donald Trump that is often confused with his ego and that he should ponder through the esoteric qualities of Virgo + a superior understanding of his Moon. And on the other hand, in Kamala Harris there is a very positive philosophy (vision), hidden behind what Trump very maliciously “calls crazy”, a madness that is astrologically attributed to the north node in the 1st house. But it is a vision that is present and that she should (if she has not already done so) recognize through the superior aspect of Gemini + Venus. In this sense, Kamala has chosen a very good vice president because what she finds difficult to express in public, he will know how to communicate.

    Thanks for sharing

    1. Thanks for your thoughtful response David, you make some good points!

  5. RFK’s recent statement on X about the Democrats

    “VP Harris’s Democratic Party would be unrecognizable to my father and uncle and I cannot reconcile it with my values. The Democratic Party of RFK and JFK was the party of civil liberties and free speech. VP Harris‘s is the party of censorship, lockdowns, and medical coercion. Kennedy Democrats were anti-war. Kamala‘s is riddled with neocon warmongers.

    The RFK/JFK dems were allies of Main Street, cops, firefighters, and working people. VP Harris’s is the Party of Big Tech, Big Pharma and Wall Street. My dad and uncle’s party was the champion of voting rights and fair elections. VP Harris’s is the party of lawfare, disenfranchisement, and the coronation of its candidates by corporate donors and party elites. I’ve used our nation’s courts to prosecute corporations who hurt Black Americans. VP Harris used our nation’s courts to mercilessly prosecute Black Americans and exploit them for their labor.

    My father and uncle prided themselves on their skills at debate and their ability to articulate a coherent vision for our country. VP Harris is scared to debate and can’t survive an unscripted interview. Instead of outlining a vision, she relies on middleschool tactics – memes, forged headlines, infantile slogans (Joy!) and name calling (“Republicans are weird.“) I’ve spent years battling government corruption and lies. VP Harris spent years gaslighting Americans about the health of our Commander in Chief. I have no plans to endorse Kamala Harris for President. I do have a plan to defeat her.” ((x.com))

  6. Bob Jordan says:

    RFK makes some good points. However, at the same time he has been accepting large amounts of AIPAC money and has been quite vocal in his support of Israel. I had planned to vote for him until these facts came to light. Now I see no choice but to vote for Jill Stein with the Green Party. That the US soul will demonstrate no matter a Trump or Harris in may be true, but I can’t morally vote for any of these people. All of you have made some good points which are certainly worth considering.

    1. True Bob, no candidate is the perfect package and most people will vote for the two main candidates.

  7. Robin Davis says:

    …. take away all “the words” and all “the labels” man has created … stay silent….. and just look and observe. Easy. Simple. Not complicated.

  8. Carlos Urtasun says:

    Regarding the ”apolitical” theme – or as D.K. puts it – of partisanship and starting by your quote from D.K:
    “No word must be spoken or written which could be construed as evidencing partisanship, or as an attack upon any ruler, any form of government, or any national activity. Nothing must be published in any pamphlet, newspaper, circular or letter which could evoke antagonism from any government, any political party, any economic strategist, or any religious organisation. [Obviously yours truly has often transgressed these edicts!]”

    To the quote above I answer with another quote from same source (and further down the quote is to be found in context): “This has been interpreted by some of you as meaning that you must refrain from rebelling against the evil thing in your midst, and from all criticism and partisanship. You seem unable to love with steadfastness the offender and yet to rid the world of the offence. EXT”

    My interpretation of this is the importance of “love with steadfastness the offender and yet to rid the world of the offence”. If we can refrain from focusing on the shortcomings of the offender (being Biden or Trump or pick whomever) and solely focus on the offences – the actions of individuals, groups etc. – And putting those actions (offences) against this:

    “They (Hierarchy) stand for liberty”, “Necessarily they cannot, therefore, endorse the nations or the people in any nation who are against human freedom and happiness.” Think of all the liberties lost – some still in place – during the “pandemic”.

    “…the right of every man to think for himself, to speak and to work. “ – Think of “EU industry chief Thierry Breton told billionaire Elon Musk in a letter on Monday he must comply with EU law ahead of Musk’s interview with U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump on social media platform X.” That was a clear violation of our right “to think for ourselves”. That was an obvious threat to shut the publication of that interview within the EU. Our full force must be to bring this offense (of censorship – and we have loads of these at the moment) to the light, without focusing on the messenger Mr. Breton.

    Having not read every article Phillip has written, where he says he have “transgressed” and “often”, I’m not so sure he has (often) actually done that. You have clearly showed the offence of the offenders. And that is the fight we must take on. Bring that to the surface.

    From EXT: “When He Whom all disciples serve was on Earth two thousand years ago, He said that secret things would be made plain; by this emergence of the good and of the bad into prominence, men will arrive at knowledge, at understanding, and will be forced to take those steps which will be needed to [Page 424] build a new and better world, based on the Law of Love and not on the Law of Separateness and hate. This is what is happening today. “

    Below are two pieces of text that made me reflect upon this whole partisanship theme. I put them there for context.
    Quote from DINA 1:

    “When the war broke and the entire world was hurled into the consequent chaos, horror, disaster, death and agony, many spiritually minded people were anxious to stay aloof from the struggle. They were not the majority but a powerful and noisy minority. They regarded any attitude of partisanship as an infringement of the law of brotherhood and were willing to sacrifice the good of the whole of humanity to a sentimental urge to love all men in a manner which necessitated their taking no action or decision of any kind.
    Instead of “my country, right or wrong,” it was “humanity, right or wrong.”

    When I wrote the pamphlet called The Present World Crisis and the succeeding papers on the world situation, I stated that the Hierarchy endorsed the attitude and aims of the United Nations, fighting for the freedom of the whole of humanity and for the release of the suffering people. This necessarily placed the Hierarchy in the position of not endorsing the Axis position in any way. Many in the goodwill work and some few in the school interpreted this as political in import, presumably believing that a position of complete neutrality, where both good and evil are concerned, was demanded of spiritually inclined people.

    Such people fail to think clearly and confuse an unwillingness to take sides with brotherly love, forgetting the words of the Christ that “he who is not with me is against me.” Let me repeat what I have oft said before. The Hierarchy and all its members, including myself, love humanity but they will not endorse evil, aggression, cruelty and the imprisoning of the human soul. They stand for liberty, for opportunity for all to move forward along the way of light, for human welfare without discrimination, for kindness and the right of every man to think for himself, to speak and to work.

    Necessarily they cannot, therefore, endorse the nations or the people in any nation who are against human freedom and happiness. In their love and their grasp of circumstance, they know that in a later life or lives the majority of those who are now the enemies of human freedom will themselves be free and tread the lighted Way. In the meantime, the entire force of the Hierarchy is thrown on the side of the nation’s struggling to free humanity, and on the side of those in any nation who thus work. If being on the side of [Page 253] goodness and freedom is deemed detrimental to the spiritual issues, then the Hierarchy will work to change the attitude of people as to what is spiritual.” End of quote.

    “They (Hierarchy) stand for liberty”, “Necessarily they cannot, therefore, endorse the nations or the people in any nation who are against human freedom and happiness.”

    Quote from EXT-of-HIER: “I would like in this connection to deal with one problem which has somewhat disturbed the least clear-thinking among those whom I have for some time taught. I have for years sought to develop in the world a group of men and women who would stand for the spiritual values, who would love all men, who would foster the spirit of goodwill, and who would stand to humanity (as far as they could) as the Hierarchy of Light, as Christ and His disciples seek to do.

    This has been interpreted by some of you as meaning that you must refrain from rebelling against the evil thing in your midst, and from all criticism and partisanship. You seem unable to love with steadfastness the offender and yet to rid the world of the offence. (My emphasis in bold) The situation might clarify if you answered to yourself one or two questions:

    Do you believe that the Hierarchy of Light, under the leadership of Christ, is on the side of cruelty, aggression and the slaughter of the defenseless?

    Do you believe that the world can be saved by a refusal to think and by the shirking of individual responsibility, thus ignoring a situation which does exist? Do you feel that there are no issues and principles which are worth fighting for and dying for, if need be?
    Do you stand with the Forces of Light or with the Forces of Materialism? What are you doing to aid the side which claims your allegiance, loyalty and idealism?

    Are you governed by a sense of individual futility—that weapon which the Forces of Materialism are using now so potently to stun possible opponents into helplessness? A clear and searching analysis of the spiritual objectives of humanity will enable you to answer these questions. If you do not need to answer them because your position is clear in your mind, the study of the questions may enable you to serve your day and generation more ably and to present the situation more clearly to the bewildered.

    A horror of war and a longing for peace are no excuse for slack thinking, nor do they provide an alibi or the opportunity to shirk individual or national responsibility. The conflict is on. It is of ancient lineage. The issues are clearly marked between right and wrong, between cruelty and kindness, between aggression and freedom.

    To evade responsibility because of past national mistakes and historical sins and failures is an unwarranted alibi; the shirking of due participation in the struggle because every nation has certain materialistic objectives is wrong; a nation is but the sum total of its people. To refuse to think because of the general condition of fatigue in which you share is no excuse, and is unworthy of the world disciples and aspirants. ” End Quote.

    1. Excellent post Carlos, I have used that quote before but only focussed on the first part of it this time. This is the core part of that passage:

      “This has been interpreted by some of you as meaning that you must refrain from rebelling against the evil thing in your midst, and from all criticism and partisanship. You seem unable to love with steadfastness the offender and yet to rid the world of the offence. (My emphasis in bold) The situation might clarify if you answered to yourself one or two questions:

      Do you believe that the Hierarchy of Light, under the leadership of Christ, is on the side of cruelty, aggression and the slaughter of the defenseless?

      Do you believe that the world can be saved by a refusal to think and by the shirking of individual responsibility, thus ignoring a situation which does exist? Do you feel that there are no issues and principles which are worth fighting for and dying for, if need be?
      Do you stand with the Forces of Light or with the Forces of Materialism? What are you doing to aid the side which claims your allegiance, loyalty and idealism?”

  9. nikolaos lymperopoulos says:

    Here is Obama’s speech at the Democratic convention in Chicago.
    The video is interesting, but from point 20.23 it becomes a soul expression through speech, in a meditative posture.


    The First World Civil War is currently underway.
    The attitude of the US is critical and is judged from the interior affairs

    Right human relations is the first stage.

    Global Goodwill will be the next stage,

    and if the present movement for union succeeds, it is something very important and crucial, because the two clashing parties are expressive of the global tendencies, are upon the ” LIBRA” stage, or the point of balance. The “finger” of God is needed to push the balance to the desired direction. This is a point to meditate and influence, occultly speaking.

    1. Carlos Urtasun says:

      Regarding Obama’s speech, I was reminded of a Swedish saying – “All that glitters is not Gold.” He is a good orator though

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