Leo 2024: Strength. Sirius. Regulus. Sphinx. Artist Alphonse Mucha. Lion’s Gate. Courage. USA Elections: Trump-Harris. RFK.

“Strength” tarot card. Based upon ‘Una and Lion” – from poet Spenser’s Faerie Queen. (British painter, Briton Riviere 1840-1920).
“Nothing is so strong as gentleness, nothing so gentle as real strength.” — Saint Francis de Sales.
Leo Keynote
“I am that and that am I.”
(Leo Full Moon Festival: Aug. 19, 2024. 18.26 UT.)
“[Leo] … the will-to-illumine … the driving urge towards self-knowledge, self-perception and intellectual positivity, and also the will-to-rule and to dominate, which is of such a controlling nature in this sign and such a subtle potency in the Leo type … which leads a person born in this sign eventually to achieve self-mastery and the control of the personality … which leads him finally to the control … of groups and large or small bodies of people.
This—at an advanced stage—is an expression of the fusion of Leo energy and Aquarian potency. It is inevitable in the long run for men and races; for this all experience in Leo is preparatory. The will-to-illumine is that which drives all Leo people on to experiment and so to gain knowledge.”1
Part I: Leo Full Moon Festival 2024
Leo New Moon 2024
All Full Moons Are Solar Festivals
Leo Full Moon, Regulus and Sirius
___Progression of Sirian Forces Through Zodiac Signs
___The Mystery of the Sphinx
___Leo and Sirius: Birth of Human Consciousness
___The Leo Festival 2024: Uranus T-Square
Cyber Attack: Largest Outage in History
Leo Artist Alphonse Mucha
Editor wanted
Lion’s Gate Crop Circle
Courage over Dread – Hold the Line
Full Moon Meditation and Talk
Part II: US Elections
Cultivating the Apolitical
___The Illusion of Democracy
The Glamour of Separation
Donald Trump
___Attempted Assassination Aftermath
___Trump’s Transits: Strong Chance to Win
___Leo, Regulus and Mars
___JD Vance: Running Mate
Trump & USA: Gemini Personalities
___Gemini the Liar
USA’s Grovelling to Israel
___Zionism Revisited
Kamala Harris: Democrat Nominee
___Tim Walz
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Part I: Leo Full Moon Festival 2024
This full moon in Leo-Aquarius will be one of the most important for 2024 – energetically setting up the following months, leading to the US election and the working out of several other global crises.
There has been much unrest in the world and in this newsletter, for the sake of brevity – several important topics have been omitted: The Paris Olympics debacle, the ongoing genocide in Gaza, and the riots in Britain – triggered by horrific murders of young children, bringing many underlying social issues to the surface.
All important themes to comment upon, but there is only so much madness one can stomach! Yet, the newsletter is long and hence split into two parts – the first more esoteric and the second looking at USA’s election.
We live in an extraordinary time of global crisis, where Pluto continues to reveal what has been buried and hidden – for individuals, groups and nations. We are witnessing the breakdown of the old civilisation and the birth pangs of the New Era of Aquarius. Humanity faces its dweller on the threshold – upon the eve of the momentous year of 2025 and the Shamballa Conclave.
The shadow must be vanquished before the light can truly penetrate. Evil stalks our planet at this time – mainly human-created, yet amplified by more remote, ancient sources. Let us cultivate the strength and fearlessness of Leo the Lion to weather this storm!
Leo New Moon 2024
Aug.4, 2024 was the Leo new moon – a seed for the Leo-Aquarius full moon festival on Aug.19. That new moon was a very powerful period that coincides with Sirius becoming brighter in the sky since its heliacal (rising with the sun) rising from late July to mid-August, depending from which latitude observed.
Some authors refer to this window of time as the “Lion’s Gate” – a possible “new age” term that has no known origin to this author, except the Lion Gate at Mycenae in Greece.
It is certainly a gateway of opportunity to contact the highly refined forces of Sirius, but this gate did not “close” on Aug.12, as some assert – the whole month of August is important, particularly the full moon period on Aug.19:
“August, which is ruled by Leo, is the month of the Dog-star, or of Sirius, which thus brings Sirius into close relation to Leo.”2
The new moon conjunction of Sun-Moon fell close to one of the pointer stars – Dubhe, whose influence,
“… guides humanity upon the involutionary path, and is constantly active in its influence upon the man who is still upon the Mutable Cross [generically speaking] …”.3
The new moon chart had some powerful planetary placements: Mercury stationary in early Virgo, going retrograde for four weeks. Venus in the last degree of Leo conjunct Regulus:
“The influences of Sirius, three in number, are focussed in Regulus … a star of the first magnitude and which is frequently called “the heart of the Lion.”4
This conjunction between Venus and Mercury spanning two signs, is a reminder of the “mystery of the sphinx”. Esoterically the sphinx is regarded as one zodiac sign Leo-Virgo: A body of a lion with the face of the virgin:
“Virgo and Leo together stand for the whole man, for the God-man as well as for spirit-matter … when the nature of the world is revealed, then the mystery of the Sphinx will no longer exist.”5
All Full Moons Are Solar Festivals
The monthly full moon phase is where the Sun is in one zodiac sign and the moon in the opposite sign. Broadly speaking, the Sun represents the soul or spirit, whilst the moon represents the form nature – through which spirit is expressed and grounded.
Astrologers – both mundane and spiritually oriented, often discuss the lunar aspect of solar festivals, concentrating upon it almost exclusively; they make many very good points about the lunar polarity but barely mention the position of the Sun. This lop-sided approach tends to materialise and retard the Science of Astrology – and in fact, the Ageless Wisdom teachings. Why?
Because the moon is regarded esoterically as having no spiritual life whatsoever, the seeds of which were removed aeons ago. The moon does however, “veil” Vulcan, Neptune or Uranus in any individual horoscope – according to the intuition of the astrologer.
Humanity is evolving SOLAR consciousness – which it steps into at the Third Degree initiation, regarded by the Masters as the first “real” initiation – and which closely precedes liberation at the fourth initiation.
As stated in the recent newsletter for the Cancer blue moon, reviewing the lives of the Spanish mystics – Teresa of Avila and John of the Cross, the second initiation is where many are struggling toward – where the complete control of the astral-emotional-desire nature is demonstrated as under control. It is quite an advanced stage, as the higher initiations come relatively quickly in following incarnations.
The astral body is regarded as a primary component of the lower form nature – lower mind-astral-physical/etheric. The astral body is subject to all the lunar tides with which everyone is familiar – hence the moon’s traditional rulership of watery Cancer, ruled esoterically by the god of the waters – Neptune.
It is the astral body of every individual that is the source of all the ancient glamours built-up and harboured since Atlantean times.

The seven chains of our Earth Scheme. The third circle from the left is the Moon chain, the middle circle is our current Earth chain. The shaded globe at the bottom of the middle circle is the current incarnation of our Earth.
The moon is a satellite of the Earth and a globe remnant of the moon chain, the previous evolution of our current Earth chain. The moon chain was regarded as a failure due to the premature merging of certain principles between two chains. (Discussed in The Hidden History of Humanity (2 hr 37’): and in its companion in-depth treatise – Unveiling Genesis: Mysteries of the Rootraces and Cycles.)
The Moon Chain was “shut down” by the intervention of the Solar Logos, resulting in the Earth lagging behind in its evolution to its sister planet Venus. Venus is regarded as one of the seven sacred planets, whilst the Earth is one of the five “non-sacred” planets – that have not reached their respective spiritual goals:
“The Moon chain was a chain wherein a systemic failure was to be seen. It is connected with the lower principles, which H.P.B. [Blavatsky] has stated are now superseded. The sexual misery of this planet finds its origin in the moon failure.[!]
The progress of evolution on the moon was abruptly disturbed and arrested by the timely interference of the solar Logos. The secret of the suffering in the Earth chain, which makes it merit the name of the Sphere of Suffering, and the mystery of the long and painful watch kept by the SILENT WATCHER [our Planetary Logos] has its origin in the events which brought the moon chain to a terrific culmination.
Conditions of agony and of distress such as are found on our planet are found in no such degree in any other [planetary] scheme. The misuse of the vibratory power of a certain centre, and the perversion, or distortion of force to certain erroneous ends, not along the line of evolution, account for much of the moon mystery.
Certain results, such as the finding of its polar opposite, were hastened unduly on the moon chain, and the consequence was an uneven development and a retardation of the evolution of a certain number of deva and human groups.
The origin of the feud between the Lords of the Dark Face and the Brotherhood of Light, which found scope for activity in Atlantean days, and during the present root race, can be traced back to the moon chain.”6
We are witnessing this ancient feud still playing out today – in the two world wars of last century, coming to a final showdown today – on the eve of 2025. This date is the centennial meeting (Conclave in Shamballa) of the Great White Brotherhood – Who will make their Decision when to return amongst Humanity for the first time since the days of Atlantis.
This may take place in the next decade while Neptune (The Christ) is in Aries (The Lamb). At the latest, as speculated in various newsletters, around 2080, following various Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions. For now, They wait and watch, sifting us all upon the great threshing floor of initiation, imploring us to step up in this unique cycle of opportunity.
Leo Full Moon, Sirius and Regulus
“August, which is ruled by Leo, is the month of the Dog-star, or of Sirius, which thus brings Sirius into close relation to Leo. Leo … is ruled by Sirius. Sirius is the home of that greater Lodge to which our fifth initiation admits a person and to which it brings them, as a humble disciple.
Later, when the new world religion is founded and is working, we shall find that the major, monthly festival in August, held at the time of the full moon, will be dedicated to the task of making contact, via the Hierarchy, with Sirian force.
Each of the months of the year will later be dedicated (through accurate astrological and astronomical knowledge), to whichever constellation in the heavens governs a particular month, as Sirius governs Leo.”7
As stated frequently (because we do forget these things!) – Sirius and Regulus have an unique relationship from their respective constellations of Canis Major/Gemini and Leo:
“The influences of Sirius, three in number, are focussed in Regulus … a star of the first magnitude and which is frequently called “the heart of the Lion.”8
Progression of Sirian Forces Through Zodiac Signs
The forces of Sirius pour through seven zodiac signs – as enumerated in the author’s article – Sirius & Seven Zodiac Signs.
Two of those signs are the Cancer-Capricorn axis: Cancer the sign which proceeds Leo, was referred to in last month’s Cancer newsletter: The Power of Sirius During Cancer. The previous sign to Cancer is Gemini – also a conduit for Sirius:
“Gemini—forms a point of entrance for cosmic energy from Sirius.”9
In the sidereal or constellational zodiac, Sirius is placed in Gemini – whilst in the Western zodiac, Sirius is in Cancer. Hence from Gemini – third of the first three spiritual festivals in every year, Sirius passes through three consecutive signs: Gemini and Cancer – culminating in Leo.
The Mystery of the Sphinx
Sirius is also related to the following sign of Virgo – and the Sphinx – with the body of a lion (Leo) and head of the Virgin (Virgo). Virgo is the “triple-goddess” of Eve, Isis and Mary – where in the Egyptian tradition, Isis is synonymous with Sirius A (the Nile star).
The Sphinx is regarded esoterically as one sign, as described in another of the author’s articles – The Sphinx is an Astrological Sign. Leo-Virgo, the Lion and the Virgin, constitute a great astrological mystery:
“In this world period we have the division of the sign of the Sphinx into two signs (the Lion and the Virgin, soul and form) because the state of human evolution and conscious realisation is that of a recognised duality.”10
Leo-Virgo represents the mystery of the solar and lunar angels – representing soul and form respectively. It is said that Leo holds the key to the entire zodiac and is related to the secret of the solar Angels, the mystery of the higher and the lower mind and their relation to one other.11
Certainly, the mind is where part of Leo’s strength derives; we can liken the lion’s orange mane to the radiatory aura of the mental body; the heart is the other source of Leo’s strength – physically and spiritually.

Mind (Artist: Alex Grey)
Both Leo and Virgo each possess qualities of the heart and mind – inextricably entwined in human evolution: “Virgo and Leo together stand for the whole man, for the God-man as well as for spirit-matter.”12
Sirius, Leo and the Birth of Human Consciousness
As the “science of all sciences”, Esoteric Astrology necessarily embraces the vast sweep of time cycles and history, particularly the event of human Individualisation during ancient Lemurian times, 21.6 million years ago.
At that time, the Sun was precessing on its 2,160 year-cycle through Leo, an appropriate sign for Humanity to receive the “spark of mind” – as solar-infused Leo is about true self-consciousness.
This spark of mind was “implanted” in Humanity by a massive and deliberate electrical stimulation that had its source on Sirius, coming via Venus. Sirius is the higher self to our solar system as a whole, and Venus plays the same role for Earth. The cyclic and karmic opportunity had arrived where it was the turn of our tiny planet to receive this impulse:
“Only one Being (from Sirius) has visited our system and that was at the time of individualisation … The effect of such a visit as that of the Avatar from Sirius is seen as the sum total of civilisation and culture, viewing these from the standpoint of the entire system and in one flash of time.”13
The Leo Festival 2024: Uranus T-Square
This Leo solar festival sees the Sun conjunct the fixed star Regulus – in the constellation of Leo – “the heart of the lion”– an alignment that magnifies August’s annual Sirian impulse. Worth repeating,
“The influences of Sirius, three in number, are focussed in Regulus … a star of the first magnitude and which is frequently called “the heart of the Lion.”14
Note the phrase “three in number” alluding to a triple system of stars in Canis Major (The Dog Star). The ancient Dogon tribe in Mali, Africa, believed in the existence of a Sirian triple system, including the white dwarf star Sirius B (invisible to the naked eye) – well before its discovery by telescope in 1862. (See more about the Dogon and Sirius here.)
The full moon chart for Leo 2024 has an exact T-square from the Sun-Moon opposition to Uranus in Taurus that will guarantee some radical or unexpected changes. (The “malevolent” fixed star Algol discussed in recent newsletters, is still conjunct transiting Uranus.)
Uranus is the exoteric ruler of the Moon in Aquarius and the hierarchical ruler of Sun in Leo, hence it can implement sudden and unexpected changes, a financial crash, revolutionary events or even radical uprisings.
On the theme of money, the movement of Uranus through Taurus from 2018 to 2025 – heralded a reform of the financial system. What has happened during this period, has been an attempt by large financial institutions to control money, push people off cash onto CBDC’s (central bank digital currencies) – and ultimately digital ID’s which monitor and track a person’s every movement and transaction. (This has been already implemented for some years in China’s social credit system.)
At the same time, the development of crypto currencies like Bitcoin, Etherium – has offered via blockchain technology, independence and freedom from big bank/government control, hence the introduction of CBDC’s to counter that trend. As Uranus-Aquarius rules science and technology, their jurisdiction covers the theme of digital currencies.
Hence, while Mercury is retrograde conjunct the Sun in Leo – one outcome for this radical Uranus T-square, could be an engineered financial attack/crash that creates chaos around the world – in an attempt to force the big bank/gov narrative. This battle has been going on behind the scenes for some years already but could come to sort of major crisis as a result of the tension in this T-square.
However, a crypto expert known to the author said: “The further rise of crypto will be intrinsically linked to de-dollarisation, which is accelerating with the rise of BRICS and the creation of non-aligned zones where crypto will flourish. So even if CBDC’s become a reality in the EU or US, I don’t think it will be everywhere. Also, initiatives are underway to create a new architecture for the web that will be decentralised and running on blockchain.”
The latter sentence about this new architecture is the positive potential of transformational Uranus-Aquarius. The Uranus T-square also impacts Donald Trump’s horoscope in unpredictable ways (see the later analysis), similarly in Israel’s chart where the full moon activates its troublesome Mars in Leo.
Russia Another area that this T-square will have a profound impact upon – is Russia. Russia is an Aquarian soul and Leo personality. Moscow is a Taurus soul, Aquarius personality. Hence this full moon configuration will activate all of these factors in Moscow/Russia.
Independent news reports say that Russia has now completely run out of patience with Ukraine – and is at the point of taking radical and ruthless action to repel recent attacks upon its city of Kursk. It should be remembered that this is a USA-Pentagon-NATO proxy war on Russia via Ukraine.
Ukraine has already been militarily defeated, an astonishing and heart-breaking half a million of its soldiers sacrificed for Western war-hawks. That entire fiasco is about to fall apart. Martyanov, a former Russian military specialist – noted the recent Kursk incursion by NATO-Ukraine:
“In the end, it is about sheer military and political stupidity of the NATO planners who needed some “success” and “transfer” of Russian reserves from the front. Boy, they really need to learn what COFM is [Correlation of Forces and Means] – and get basic math skills going for them.
The result was predictable: lines of communications (supply lines) have been cut, the whole force was dispersed and instead of Troops Operation, Counter-Terror Operation was introduced and that means there is NO statute of limitations for terrorism, meaning for anyone involved in this “incursion”, including those who planned it. I stress this for the last several days–this is hugely important. And yes, that means NATO planners.”
Cyber Attack: Largest Outage in History
“Largest outage in history … may take days to fix … outage was due to a software update from one of its products and was not caused by a cyber-attack.”
Hmmm, really! Here come all the distractions, hot on the heels of the Mars-Uranus-Algol conjunction on July 13, 2024. Moon was also void of course in late Sagittarius when the outage hit.
Mischief Mercury was squaring Uranus (like Mercury retrograde amplified!) – through to the Cancer full moon period until it moved away by July 24. The next danger period will be when Mercury returns to square Uranus again, during the first week of September, 2024.
This incident gave everyone a reminder of how much we are at the mercy of the manipulators of a technology that we take for granted. More and more people are choosing to go luddite, getting off the grid, trying to find ways of being less reliant upon the ubiquitous phone – and being controlled by it.
People are becoming more aware of the fact that the phone is a tracking device, invading personal privacy, a data harvester – a monitor of one’s constant whereabouts etc. Even if you have “nothing to hide” – all these functions were never asked for, but imposed and unfortunately agreed upon when you clicked OK in your phone agreements. (No one wants to read 10 pages of esoteric legalise!)
The World Economic Forum’s cyber polygon “predicted” in January 2023 that a “catastrophic cyber event” would happen before 2025. Perhaps July 13, 2023 was the launching of test balloon – with the “big one” already planned and coming down the pipeline? Catastrophic cyber event likely in next two years’: WEF Annual Meeting in Davos.
Leo Artist Alphonse Mucha
Alphonse Mucha is a great example of the creativity, drama and boldness of Leo – a sign in which he had placed Sun, Jupiter, Mercury and Saturn. The Sun and Jupiter (co-rulers of the second ray of Love-Wisdom), are in trine aspect to Neptune the mystic and visionary – in its own sign of Pisces.
The Moon is in Libra, ruled by Venus the goddess of beauty, art and the aesthetic. As Mucha’s birth time is unknown, his rising sign is open to speculation.
Mucha was born in the momentous year of 1860, when a sub-cycle of the seventh ray of Ceremonial Magic was beginning, the American Civil War was underway – and several gold rushes were in progress around the world. Mucha may have been a seventh ray soul, utilising this new cycle to incarnate:
“[The seventh ray] … is the ray of form, of the perfect sculptor, who sees and produces ideal beauty, of the designer of beautiful forms and patterns of any sort; but such a man would not be successful as a painter unless his influencing ray were the fourth [art, music and beauty]. The combination of four with seven would make the very highest type of artist, form and colour being both in excelsis.”15
This description might also apply to the Russian artist, Nicholas Roerich – who was born a little later in 1874. Perhaps both had seventh ray souls with a fourth ray personality.
“Mucha, was a Czech painter, illustrator, and graphic artist. Living in Paris during the Art Nouveau period, he was widely known for his distinctly stylized and decorative theatrical posters, particularly those of Sarah Bernhardt. He produced illustrations, advertisements, decorative panels, as well as designs, which became among the best-known images of the period.
In the second part of his career, at the age of 57, he returned to his homeland and devoted himself to a series of twenty monumental symbolist canvases known as The Slav Epic, depicting the history of all the Slavic peoples of the world, which he painted between 1912 and 1926.
In 1928, on the 10th anniversary of the independence of Czechoslovakia, he presented the series to the Czech nation. He considered it his most important work.”16

Le Pater – A work into which Mucha “put his soul”. Note the dragon, angel and many astral entities surrounding the figures.
Although the art of the first phase of his life is interesting, including his “zodiac girl”, the second part of his career was quite spectacular (The Slav Epic) – most likely more in line with his soul purpose.
Mucha first had the inspiration for this project at the Paris Exposition in 1900. Transiting Uranus (ruler of the 7th ray) was opposite innovative and original natal Uranus, making a T-square to his progressed Sun in meticulous Virgo – the artisan. Also, transiting visionary Neptune was in curious Gemini, squaring his natal Neptune in Pisces.
However, Mucha did not begin The Slav Epic until the age of 57 – during WWI in 1917. Transiting Chiron was exactly conjunct his natal Neptune in late Pisces, triggering the harmonious trine aspect to his Sun-Jupiter in Leo.
Neptune, the god of the waters was everywhere! Transiting Neptune – the esoteric ruler of Leo, was also passing over his Sun and Jupiter in this sign in 1917.
Transiting Uranus (ruler of the aforementioned 7th ray) was in its own sign of Aquarius, opposite his Mercury-Saturn conjunction in Leo. Hence most of his Leo positions were being activated in that year!
The fourth ray was undoubtedly in his ray structure – in his younger years he drew exclusively with his left hand and had a talent for music as an alto singer and violin player.
“His illustrations began to give him a regular income. He was able to buy a harmonium to continue his musical interests, and his first camera, which used glass-plate negatives. He took pictures of himself and his friends, and also regularly used it to compose his drawings.
“He became friends with Paul Gauguin, and shared a studio with him for a time when Gauguin returned from Tahiti in the summer of 1893. In late autumn 1894, he also became friends with the playwright August Strindberg, with whom he had a common interest in philosophy and mysticism.
“Mucha’s many interests included jewellery … In 1899 he collaborated with the jeweller Georges Fouquet to make a bracelet for Sarah Bernhardt in the form of a serpent, made of gold and enamel, similar to the costume jewellery Bernhardt wore in Medea.
“… He considered Le Pater to be his printed masterpiece, and referred to it in the New York Sun of 5 January 1900 as a work into which he had “put his soul”. Critic Charles Masson, who reviewed it for Art et Decoration, wrote: “There is in that man a visionary; it is the work of an imagination not suspected by those who only know his talent for the agreeable and charming.
“Mucha was a devoted Catholic, but also was interested in mysticism. In January 1898 he joined the Paris masonic lodge of the Grand Orient de France.”17
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Editor Wanted
The author is currently editing three books and has several writing projects. If you have book-editing skills in the Microsoft Word program, some proof-reading experience – and your first language is English, please contact the author on this email. (Preferably familiarity with the Ageless Wisdom teachings too!)
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There is some remuneration, but please only apply if you possess the above criteria.
Phillip Lindsay
This circle appeared on the 8-8-2024 – or 888 (2+0+2+4 = 8). There has been a lot of discussion in “new age” circles recently about the 888 “lions gate” – a prime opportunity during the month of Leo to invoke the forces of Sirius onto Earth.
888 is a number pertaining to new beginnings, resurrection and the return of Christ. Three 8’s = 24 – the number of Shamballa, the “centre where the will of god is known” on this planet. 888 is said to “hold the hidden mystery of two planets” in this solar system – Venus and Mercury come to mind, but this is just the author’s speculation:
“Leo, being the fifth sign of the zodiac … and also the eighth sign, counting from Aries via Pisces, is closely connected through numerical affinity with Mercury, who is esoterically called “the Messenger at the eighth gate”. Mercury was active at the time of individualisation [in Lemuria] when the “eighth gate” was opened and a major initiation of our planetary Logos took place, producing, in the human kingdom, the process of individualisation.”18
The circle resembles the blades of a cosmic blender that is breaking down all forms, churning and synthesising. Note the extraordinary detail in the following video, many geometrical forms that speak to the intuition.
Courage over Dread – Hold the Line
The recent Leo new moon (See first article at top of the page.) leading to the Leo full moon on Aug.19 – was an opportunity to invoke the energy of not only Sirius, but Leo the Lionheart. The cultivation of courage is so important during this time of fear, horror and paranoia that stalks the world.
Many wake up daily with a sense of DREAD – which is really fear, as experienced in the astral body. We are regularly assaulted by the horrors unfolding in this Kali Yuga cycle, at the end of the Piscean Age. It’s a fine line between staying informed – but not allow the toxic news to get under the skin.
The solution for some is to pay scant attention or ignore it altogether! Keys to survival include learning how to maintain an attitude of detachment, avoiding the infection of poisonous anger – at injustices that attempt to numb the population into a sense of helplessness, submission, apathy or complacency.
Fear is the oldest and most basic glamour for Humanity, especially for second ray types: “The glamour of fear, based upon undue sensitivity”. Fear resides in the solar plexus, courage is a quality of the heart centre. The word “courage” comes from the French “couer”, meaning heart – le couer conqouers!
The word “dread” is a reminder of the British warship HMS Dreadnought – the etymology of which means, “fears nothing”. This time leading up to 2025 – and well beyond no doubt, to use a naval analogy, requires all hands on deck – spiritually speaking, no evasion or being AWOL (absent without leave).
“Holding the line” is a military term related to defence from an attack/onslaught. Holding one’s position can only be achieved through the courage of resistance – and persistence to stand for the true values that are held dear!
Phillip Lindsay © 2024.
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Part II: US Elections
“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”
Cultivating the Apolitical
___The Illusion of Democracy
The Glamour of Separation
Donald Trump
___Attempted Assassination Aftermath
___Trump’s Transits: Strong Chance to Win
___Leo, Regulus and Mars
___JD Vance: Running Mate
Trump & USA: Gemini Personalities
___Gemini the Liar
USA’s Grovelling to Israel
___Zionism Revisited
Kamala Harris: Democrat Nominee
___Tim Walz
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Full Moon Meditation and Talk
Cultivating the Apolitical
(Apolitical: “Unbiased position in political matters … politically neutral; without political attitudes, content or bias.”)
“[The Tibetan addressing the New Group of World Servers] … partisanship is in no way a sign of spiritual development … ((A Treatise on White Magic, Alice A. Bailey. p.420.))
It has been pointed out by some students of the Wisdom that this statement referred to a different kind of politics in the late 1920’s and early 1930’s, that was nowhere as virulent as it is today – where there are forces that threaten to undermine democracy entirely, depending upon the perception from both sides of politics.
There is no doubt that a “creeping fascism” has been eroding democracy in many Western nations for at least the past ten years: A fascist theocracy” as Frank Zappa once described it! When discussing the mediating group of world aspirants and disciples – the New Group of World Servers (NGWS), The Tibetan continues,
“No word must be spoken or written which could be construed as evidencing partisanship, or as an attack upon any ruler, any form of government, or any national activity. Nothing must be published in any pamphlet, newspaper, circular or letter which could evoke antagonism from any government, any political party, any economic strategist, or any religious organisation. [Obviously yours truly has often transgressed these edicts!]
Only principles of universal application must be expressed, and no partisanship is permitted. “Hatred ceaseth not by hatred; hatred ceaseth by love … Only principles of universal application must be expressed, and no partisanship is permitted. No race or nation must be regarded (either in the spoken or written word) as of greater importance essentially than any other race or nation. Humanity as a whole must be emphasised.
Yet those who think otherwise than this must not be subjected to attack. Racial hatreds, religious differences, and national ambitions are to be ignored by this balancing third group, the New Group of World Servers.
… [NGWS] never to identify themselves with any political, religious or social propaganda … is separative in its effects, and breeds divisions and hatreds … in a very difficult setting—to interject the theme of brotherhood by living in a brotherly spirit, and by expressing understanding and love.”19
In this day and age, these principles are very hard to live up to, indeed, this author’s writings have been regularly partisan (on the left) several years ago. The most important thing to recognise today is that truth is expressed (by the very few) on both sides of politics.
Hence, in delineating election horoscopes, astrologers must try to keep an apolitical attitude which does not allow any personal bias/judgement to enter interpretation. Again, not an easy task – when the faults and foibles of various candidates and the agendas of their parties are glaringly obvious!

Transcending Beyond Duality (Helena Arturaleza)
Lop-sided analyses favouring one candidate and not acknowledging the “mote in the eye” of the other candidate, do not yield a “fair and balanced” outcome; it can be a very easy and subtle thing to fall into.
Unfortunately, some readers who adhere to the left, regard even writing about Trump as being “pro Trump” or an apologist for the Republican Party. This was experienced by the author in the past few years, when trying to adopt a more apolitical attitude – and giving credit where due.
Aspiring to the apolitical ideal helps to rise above the emotional conflict of the pairs of opposites – into a better place of synthesis and unity which denies fundamentalist thinking.
Even if the apolitical cannot be entirely achieved, moving toward that goal allows a subjective culture to take root upon the mental plane – which can grow into a broader vision for all that discourages division and discord.
This author has written 17 articles on Trump over almost 10 years, mostly coming from a personal position falling upon the left side of politics – supporting contenders such as Bernie Sanders (5 articles) and Britain’s Jeremy Corbyn (2 articles).
This author supported the Australian Labour Party and was a member of labour and factory unions back in the day. Most of the gains that those unions made in the 20th century for a fairer deal have now disappeared globally – gobbled up by Big Business which now controls both sides of politics.
The reader might be interested in the author’s 2021 article Cultivating the Apolitical (5 min read). (The following one may be of interest: Politics of the Esoteric Community.) Emotional adherence to certain ideas or people, breeds the worst kind of fundamentalism and hatred – subtly or blatantly expressed.
Even if the apolitical cannot be entirely achieved, aspiring toward that goal allows a subjective culture to take root upon the mental plane – which can grow into a broader vision for all – discouraging division and discord.
The Illusion of Democracy
In today’s world of completely perverted and corrupted politics, the powers that be give only the illusion of a democratic election for the people. Both sides are controlled and manipulated by the same invisible forces.
Those material forces stand behind the scenes as manipulating puppeteers, injecting divisiveness and separation, making people fight each other over their ideals.
The majority of both sides of US Congress are bought and paid for by Wall Street, the Zionist lobby, Big Pharma, Oil & Armaments – all servants of the Material Forces. (Ditto in many other nations.) There is very little difference between the left and right regarding domestic and international policies.
Hence, rising above the warring opposites toward a place of unification and integration is the optimum path for those consciously treading the Way; to hold the line at a higher level where an improved, subjective integrity can be built. Such efforts guarantee greater accountability to those in power. Easier said than done!
A soul’s eye view sees a truth which transcends personality conflicts, unformed or uninformed opinion, blind belief and fundamentalist perspectives.
The Glamour of Separation
In Alice Bailey’s book, Glamour: A World Problem – is outlined the astral/emotional nature of glamour and how most of Humanity is still not free from it, including many who tread The Path. This is because an estimated 80% of humanity is still astrally/emotionally polarised.
The new psychology that will emerge in the Aquarian Age is based upon the Seven Rays for which Esoteric Astrology is the vehicle. Glamours of the Seven Rays can be found listed in a tabulation at this link. Studying these glamours is a good way of identifying some of one’s own rays.
The fourth ray of Harmony through Conflict (a.k.a. the ray of beauty, art and music) – is the major ray that conditions humanity as a whole – and is related to the glamour of separation. The old mantra, “divide and conquer” – has been used for millennia by the materialistic forces – and it is more potent today than ever.
It is very easy for those material forces to take certain themes, amplify them in the public mind, then watch the ensuing polarisations, arguments and bickering between one view or another – often distracting from more important world events. (“Look over here, while other stuff is happening there”.) A good example was the recent Paris Olympics that generates much controversy on several themes.
One of the key problems that can be identified in these conflicts is an emotionally-based identification with ideas, which breeds a certain fundamentalism. It is also related to this Fifth Rootrace/fifth ray glamour of, “assurance, based upon a narrow point of view”. The past few years has seen many issues arise over the pairs of opposites in all areas of human activity. Vax-unvax, climate change or chem trails, East-West, Russia-Ukraine, two election candidates, contentious public ceremonies, gender issues.
All of these factors test humanity’s development of discrimination and discernment (viveka),20, that takes place over many lifetimes, where the aspirant or disciple moves from an astral to mental focus.
“Upon the Probationary Path there comes the swing, consciously registered, between the pairs of opposites until the middle way is sighted and emerges. This activity produces the glamour of the pairs of opposites, which is of a dense and foggy nature, sometimes coloured with joy and bliss and sometimes coloured with gloom and depression as the disciple swings back and forth between the dualities.
This condition persists just as long as the emphasis is laid upon feeling—which feeling will run the gamut between a potent joyfulness as the man seeks to identify himself with the object of his devotion or aspiration, or fails to do so and therefore succumbs to the blackest despair and sense of failure.
All this is, however, astral in nature and sensuous in quality and is not of the soul at all. Aspirants remain for many years and sometimes for many lives imprisoned by this glamour. Release from the world of feeling and the polarising of the disciple in the world of the illumined mind will dissipate this glamour which is part of the great heresy of separateness.
The moment a man differentiates his life into triplicities (as he inevitably must as he deals with the pairs of opposites and identifies himself with one of them) he succumbs to the glamour of separation.
Perhaps this point of view may aid or perhaps it will remain a mystery, for the secret of world glamour lies hid in the thought that this triple differentiation veils the secret of creation. God Himself produced the pairs of opposites—spirit and matter—and also produced the middle way which is that of the consciousness aspect or the soul aspect. Ponder deeply on this thought.”21
The glamour of separativeness is related to the 4th and 7th rays:
Ray 4: The glamour of the pairs of opposites, in the higher sense.
Ray 7: The glamour of the relation of the opposites.
“Fear. In countless ways the phantoms of fear torment the sons of men. These illusory shapes perplex and frighten them, acting as shackles on their feet and a millstone around their necks. Many people cower cravenly when haunted by the harrowing fears of ridicule, failure, the unknown, old age, chance and death.
Can these fears be eliminated? The experience of Hercules suggests that they can be overcome by raising consciousness to a higher point of integration. When a person’s life is refocused about a higher purpose, the threatening shadows of fear are pressed back to the periphery of thought.
As long as the indeterminate monsters of fear prowl in the twilight of the subconscious, they will have the power to blanch the cheek and turn the heart to ice. A soldier, intent on defeating the enemy, risks life itself. A mother, snatching her child from danger, forgets her own fears.
The motorist, hurtling down a highway at breakneck speed, jeopardises life and limb for the sake of adventure. These persons have focused their attention above the point where fear is found. The spiritually-oriented individual has centered his thought at a level too rarefied for fear to reach.”22
Donald Trump: Attempted Assassination Aftermath
The attempted assassination was covered in last month’s Cancer newsletter here. In previous weeks, astrologers had been discussing the imminent conjunction of Mars with Uranus in Taurus (exact on July 15), conjunct the notorious fixed star Algol (26 Taurus 30′).
Algol has been considered traditionally as “the most evil star in the sky, representing the severed head of Medusa and is used by Perseus to save Andromeda, as well as his mother.
July 13 saw Mars the god of war (ruling fire arms) – almost exactly conjunct Algol and Uranus. As the faster moving planetary body, Mars was the trigger for the would-be assassin’s trigger. In Trump’s horoscope, this Mars-Algol-Uranus conjunction occurred prominently on his midheaven angle (public, career), square to his natal Mars/Ascendant in Leo.
This attempt on Trump’s life was not unexpected, and may be the first of others, before the most contentious election in US history. On Nov.5, Uranus/Algol will be on Trump’s midheaven again, square to Mars/Ascendant/Regulus – but most exactly square to Mars.
Similarly, at the Leo-Aquarius full moon, there is a radical T-square to Uranus/Algol in Taurus which could signal “immediate and present danger” for Trump.
After the attempted shooting, President Biden stated, “But the idea … that there’s political violence … in America like this is just unheard of. It’s just not appropriate. Everybody must condemn it.”
Unheard of? … Presidents Abraham Lincoln, William McKinley and JFK. Others – RFK, MLK, Malcolm X – all assassinated. In fact – there have been 58 successful assassinations in US politics, as outlined in this Wikipedia article.
Attempts or plots upon Ronald Reagan, George Wallace, Herbert Hoover, Nixon, FDR, Taft, Truman, or the remarkable Teddy Roosevelt! The following article lists United States presidential assassination attempts and plots.
There were many inconsistencies in the attempt on Trump’s life, currently being investigated. The “lone gunman” explanation has been proved inadequate. Forensic audio analysis and video footage indicates two, possibly three shooters in an elaborate plot that somehow failed.
It is speculated that it was a “deep state” plot and/or CIA, FBI etc. – some of these agencies with rogue elements, a law unto themselves. “They” appear to be very determined, and may try again once or twice before the election.
Given that the 2024 Leo full moon planetary configurations trigger Trump’s chart in multiple places, it indicates his next danger period:
1. Transiting Uranus conjunct the midheaven, square Mars/Ascendant in Leo.
2. Sun-Moon closely conjunct/opposite Mars in Leo. (Square Uranus-MC.)
3. Transiting Mars-Jupiter conjunct Gemini sun.
4. Grand Cross: Transiting Saturn in Pisces opposite transiting Venus in Virgo – square to Sun-Moon, Mars-Jupiter in Gemini-Sagittarius. This transit T-square to Sun-Moon, reaches its exact square in the third week of March, 2025; it can also have a natural physical effect, such as a heart attack.
Trump’s Transits: Strong Chance to Win
Looking at the contenders running for the US election on Nov.5, Trump has very good transits in his horoscope, roughly estimated at around 75% or more to win.
Kamala Harris does not have as many “eye-popping” stand-out transits as Trump, but has some very solid ones – as discussed further on.
Hence, unless another assassination attempt is successful – or the ballot is rigged (as claimed in 2020), Trump could be the winner. The following transits and progressions illustrate why:
1. Transiting Jupiter conjunct Sun in Gemini.
2. Transiting Venus conjunct Moon in Sagittarius.
3. Transiting Uranus conjunct Midheaven square Mars/Asc in Leo.
4. Lunar Return and transiting Moon in Sagittarius.
5. Progressed Midheaven conjunct Pluto.
6. Moon Square Neptune.
7. Solar Return.
Transits November 5, 2024.
1. Transiting Jupiter conjunct Sun in Gemini. Jupiter, the planet of largesse, luck and beneficence – hovers close to Trump’s Gemini sun from Sept.2024 through to May 2025 – when it makes an exact conjunction.
Whether Trump is considered by a divided population as being spiritually asleep or awake – the fact that he was born precisely on the Gemini full moon of 1946 (a total lunar eclipse) – holds great power. This solar festival is also known as the Festival of the Christ – or Festival of Goodwill.
Curiously, some see him as the Messiah, others as the anti-Christ – a classic polarity for Gemini the Twins sun sign. Transiting Jupiter’s conjunction will magnify these polar opposites.
The Sun-Moon duality is magnified by the total lunar eclipse Trump was born under: The sun – a fiery “solar hero”, the moon as dark matter. A lunar eclipse (or solar) creates an etheric imprint within the aura of the Earth, magnifying potently wherever it falls in a birth chart.
A lunar eclipse sees the earth sitting precisely between the Sun and the Moon. The Earth’s shadow falls on the Moon, shadowing the bright white face of a full Moon – reflecting the rays of the Sun. On a total lunar eclipse, the moon can be a coppery red or orange, sometimes called a “blood moon”.
There is a curious connection here to one of Trump’s names as “orange man”, making him an object of ridicule – supposedly from his use of tanning beds and various lotions. Yet orange is also associated with his Leo ascendant, red-orange being a common colour of lions’ manes.
Trump’s MAGA acronym slogan, “make America great again” – is another Leo reference. In Indian astrology magha in Sanskrit means huge or grand and the Magha Nakshastra is associated with the sign of Leo.
The astronomical name of the Magha Nakshatra is the fixed star Regulus which happens to make a close conjunction to Trump’s Leo ascendant, and is associated with Sirius.
Hence, for followers and advocates of Trump, all of the above relating to the time and circumstances of his birth – could easily be interpreted that he is a “special soul” with a particular mission – who is divinely protected.
Of course, this is an absurdity for those who despise Trump with every fibre of their being! Hence, the polarisation that deepens the divide and amplifies the glamour of separativeness.
2. Transiting Venus conjunct Moon in Sagittarius. Like Jupiter, Venus is also a positive aspect – Venus the harmoniser, creator of beauty and balance – the friendly people connector. Venus is the esoteric ruler of the Gemini sun which it opposes, potentially harmonising the “warring twins” of Trump’s personality.
Venus and Jupiter are both related to financial largesse and Trump has heartily endorsed Bitcoin, much to the joy of millions who no longer wish to be dictated to by large financial institutions. These banks and the Federal Reserve have been fighting a battle trying to control Bitcoin, because using it opens up many freedoms from status quo control.
Sagittarius is the adventurer hiking high in the mountains or the philosopher working deep within the realm of ideas. Whatever Trump’s personal philosophies, Venus conjunct the Sagittarius moon creates a factor of “mass attraction” – a palatable “populist” for the public at large.
Also notable is the position of solar arc Neptune, esoteric ruler of Trump’s Leo ascendant, conjunct the Sagittarius moon, strengthening the sixth ray idealism factor. (See point #4.)
3. Transiting Uranus conjunct Midheaven square Mars/Asc in Leo. This transit dominates the horoscope and can work in two ways. Given that Trump is “Uranian” – with his natal Sun-Uranus conjunction in Gemini, he may always be responsive to Uranus transits. This natal conjunction might be regarded as the rebel or the “magician”, given that Uranus rules the seventh ray of Ceremonial Magic.
Hence this transit culminating on his midheaven (public, career, achievement) – could bode very well for him, bringing a sudden change in his profession to a prominent position – i.e. attaining the presidency.
Yet transiting Uranus is closely square to Mars/Asc in Leo, and could be quite volatile with sudden or unexpected changes – even compromising his physical safety. This square signifies a clash between freedom and the lower ego drives of Mars. Yet Mars is also about decisive action, ruling Trump’s fourth and ninth houses:
Mars ruling the fourth house impacts the national foundation, shaking it up considerably – as unpredictable Uranus is similarly inclined. Mars ruling the ninth house mundanely concerns the law, legal issues of the nation or judicial system.
Trump will get a taste of this square of Uranus to Mars/Asc at the full moon festival on Aug.19, 2024. Transiting Uranus squares the Sun-Moon opposition in Leo-Aquarius, which falls on his natal Mars, Asc-Desc axis. This full moon could have two consequences – another attempted assassination (Mars squared), and/or a powerful consolidation of his dominant election chances. (See later full moon chart.)
4. Lunar Return and transiting Moon in Sagittarius.
Lunar Return On Nov.4, the day before the election, it is Trump’s lunar return – a chart that can be interpreted for the following month. It is quite a striking horoscope, with planet of power Pluto the most elevated, in the ninth house conjunct the Aquarius midheaven – and opposite warrior Mars in the first degree of Leo.
The Sabian Symbol for this latter degree of Mars is, “Under emotional stress, blood rushes to a man’s head.” Mars, the co-ruler of the astral body and the sixth ray. Unpredictable Uranus sits on the Taurus ascendant conjunct his natal midheaven square to his natal Leo rising/Mars – quite a challenging aspect that could see him lose the election. The Moon makes an exact conjunction to Venus in Sagittarius, opposing Jupiter in Gemini.
Transiting Moon in Sagittarius Positively for Trump on election day, he escapes a “void-of-course” moon as transiting Moon in Sagittarius makes an harmonious trine aspect to his Leo Ascendant – before it moves into Capricorn at 10.18 am. (Void-of-course moons can create problems when making important decisions, a bit like Mercury retrograde!)
Throughout the day, the moon in Capricorn will be harmoniously trining his progressed Sun in Virgo, whilst opposing his intuitive Mercury in Cancer, ruler of his Gemini personality.
Transiting moon in Capricorn will be activating Trump’s Mercury square Neptune, that can have super intuitive “channel” qualities – yet on the other hand – the arch-deceiver. MAGA’s argue that it takes a lying deceiver to outwit all the other lying deceivers! (See the following section, Gemini the Liar.)
5. Progressed Midheaven conjunct Pluto. Combined with transiting Uranus on the natal midheaven, this applying progression is very close, exact in July 2025.
Pluto is the planet of power and both natal Pluto and progressed midheaven are being squared by the progressed Moon – in Pluto-ruled Scorpio, a power sign. Additionally, solar arc Mars is in Scorpio, lining up with the progressed moon.
This indicates Trump will have an intense fight on his hands, not just leading up to the election, but if he is elected – attacks from adversaries for the whole four-year term, within and without government, or from other “3-letter” agencies such as the CIA, NSA etc.
Pluto rules the underworld and Trump will find himself wading through the treacherous swamp he promised to drain at his last election!
6. Moon Square Neptune. This is one aspect on election day that threatens Trump’s chances. Although Harris is under the same influence, Trump more-so because it is his lunar return (Nov.4) – on the day before the election (Nov.5).
The Moon will be exactly square to Neptune, indicating lower Neptune (the masses) influences, such as public deception and confusion about the election outcome. This could be caused by some major event that occurs on that day.
There are plenty of options for Trump’s enemies: Ballot rigging, internet or stock market crash, pandemic scare, false flag terror attack etc. – in the most crucial and divisive election in US history.
7. Solar Return 2024.
Trump was in Florida for his birthday, hence the solar return is accurate.
1. Saturn is prominent and powerful on the midheaven in Pisces, forming a grand cross to his Sun in Gemini-Earth in Sagittarius – and Moon in Virgo.
The Saturn square Sun aspect is the first of several hits, the last one, exact in March 2025. Saturn, although powerful on the midheaven, square to the Sun can be debilitating and dangerous for physical health, such as heart issues.
That strain is exacerbated by fighting people who are trying to control – or getting into endless squabbles with them. Much patience and perseverance are required with this aspect.
Saturn in Pisces teaches the development of compassion but can also create anxiousness and fear. As the Lord of Karma, Saturn aspecting the Sun can activate “good” and “bad” karma.
As the Sun rules his Leo ascendant, this is a major challenge to direct the mental discipline of Saturn to his sometimes scattered Gemini personality, bringing it into alignment with his soul purpose – Leo and leadership.
This might be irksome to hear for some dyed in the wool democrats who abhor Trump and regard his character as obnoxious. He is a flawed man no doubt, but he has a soul purpose that has the potential to go beyond his lower ego.
Many would argue that has long been achieved. And half or more of the American population support that, many of them shrewd and erudite thinkers – they are not all mindless “deplorables”.
2. Pluto in Aquarius square to Mars in Taurus, is Another “fighting” pattern giving tremendous persistence. Cancer is the rising sign of the solar return chart, compatible with Washington ruled by Cancer:
“Washington, is ruled by Cancer … leads the United States to act like the Crab (Cancer) and be pre-occupied with its own house which it carries on its back.”23
Cancer’s ruler – the moon, is placed in Virgo, offering greater discrimination and meticulous attention to detail than less discriminating Gemini.
Leo, Regulus and Mars
Trump’s Leo ascendant is conjunct Mars and even more closely – the fixed star Regulus, all around the same degree as the 2024 Leo-Aquarius full moon. As he is widely tipped to gain the presidency, this full moon may fuel those ambitions expansively – and in this light, the traditional interpretation of Regulus applies well:
“Success if revenge is avoided. The heart of the Lion and known as The Watcher of the North. A Royal Star of Persia. This is one of the great stars in the sky and is linked to the Persian mythical king, Feridum. He was a prosperous king but lost his kingdom when he engaged in revenge.
All of the Royal Stars promise great potential and success as long as a particular human nemesis is avoided. In Regulus’ case, the issue is that of revenge and if strong in a chart, the individual needs to avoid this temptation.”24
Trump does feel sorely aggrieved from his claim that the last election was “stolen” and “rigged” by the Democrats and Big Media.
Will there be revenge if he gains office? Only time will tell: “Polls show he remains easily the most popular presidential choice among Republican voters.”25
Judge says he will sentence Trump to prison on Sept.18.
Various sources say Trump will be sentenced – some say he will serve time, others that he won’t.
Trump’s transits for Sept.18 are very interesting – just several hours after the Virgo-Pisces exact time!
Transiting Saturn (the law) exactly opposite Mercury in Virgo – T-square to Uranus in Gemini. (And more widely his Sun in Gemini.)
JD Vance
“JD Vance is an American politician, author, and Marine veteran who has served since 2023 as the junior United States senator from Ohio. A member of the Republican Party, he is its nominee for vice president in the 2024 United States presidential election.”26
JD Vance has some remarkable synastry with Trump:
1. Vance’s Leo sun conjunct Trump’s Pluto/Prog. MC in Leo.
2. Vance’s Leo rising falls on/between Trump’s Mars/Leo Asc.
3. Vance’s moon in Libra falls on Trump’s Jupiter.
4. Vance’s Saturn in Scorpio falls on Trump’s prog. Moon in Scorpio, both of which square Trump’s Pluto/Prog. MC.
5. Vance’s warrior Mars in Scorpio squares Trump’s Mars in Leo, and quincunxes Trump’s sun in Gemini.
Powerful connections here for harmonious relations, but also the potential for these two lions to have plenty of conflicts – the younger whelp against the old king. JD Vance was originally one of Trump’s greatest critics, hence may be a good influence to keep him in line!
“In a 2016 article, Vance described Trump as an “idiot” and a “moral disaster,” stating that he could potentially become an “American Hitler.” Vance also argued that Trump’s rise to power would be detrimental to the Republican Party … He was particularly concerned about Trump’s approach to foreign policy and national security.
In 2016, Vance expressed scepticism about Trump’s ability to handle delicate international situations, stating that he did not believe Trump had the “depth and complexity” required for the role of commander-in-chief.
… Vance’s transformation from Trump critic to Trump loyalist has not gone unnoticed. Critics have accused him of being a “faux populist” who prioritizes style over substance and has “perfected what, on the right, tends to substitute for policy ideas these days: trolling the liberals.””27
According to independent journalist Whitney Webb, Vance has worked with billionaire and PayPal founder – Peter Thiel, in the areas of digital surveillance and data harvesting: “It should deeply unsettle every American who cares about freedom, privacy and reigning in the surveillance state.”
Trump & USA: Gemini Personalities
USA is a Gemini personality and Trump embodies its expression through USA’s 1776 horoscope – powerfully expressed via USA’s Mars in Gemini – about one degree from Trump’s Gemini sun.
Mars is also the ruler of the sixth ray of Devotion/Idealism, USA’s personality ray. The author has pointed out many times that USA’s Gemini/6th ray personality has a way to go for unintegration and maturity – prone to the sixth ray glamours of fanaticism, sentimentality and interference.
Hence, on the one hand Trump represents USA’s “unowned shadow”, whilst others see him as an independent blazing light, rebelling at the control of the “deep state”. This non-conformist factor is reflected by the conjunction of his Gemini sun to Uranus – the rebel, revolutionary or reformer.
As Trump was born on the full moon, his Sagittarius Moon is exactly opposite the Sun in Gemini. Therefore, transiting Jupiter, the ruler of Sagittarius, will also be activating his moon powerfully – through its opposition. (See #2 – transit of Venus to Moon.)
It should be borne in mind that Jupiter is the ruler of the second ray of Love-Wisdom, the soul ray of the USA; it is the only ray to pour through Gemini, hence its influence during this election might stimulate USA’s errant soul back on track – through whichever candidate and their appointees are successful.
No matter what personality faults of any leader, the Hierarchy can, “work with what they have” – in terms of stimulating politicians and statesmen to right action:
“Master M. is upon the first Ray, that of Will or Power, His work largely concerns itself with the carrying out of the plans of the present Manu. He acts as the Inspirer of the statesmen of the world, He manipulates forces, through the Mahachohan, that will bring about the conditions desired for the furthering of racial evolution.”28
Whether any candidate qualifies to be a statesman – a far more rarified version of a politician, remains to be seen! Other notable synastries:
1. Trump’s Venus-Saturn in Cancer, straddling USA’s Mercury opposite Pluto – tapping deeply into the vast resources and power of this nation.
2. Trump’s Leo ascendant/Mars opposite USA’s moon in Aquarius. This is another factor that has USA’s lunar shadow in conflict with Trump’s leadership soul purpose. Another factor that relates to Trump’s Gemini dual role as shadow/light, as discussed earlier.
Gemini the Liar
On the theme of Gemini the liar – for which Trump is often accused, likewise Gemini risings’ Hillary Clinton, Kamala Harris – and others with Gemini positions like Joe Biden. Each adversary accuses the other of lying – a case of the pot calling the kettle black! Lying constantly is now routine in politics.
Robert F. Kennedy Sr. once said that Lyndon Johnson (a Mercury-ruled Virgo stellium) was the worst liar he had ever come across – “lied all the time, even when he did not have to”.
The point being, that lying has now become so ingrained in political behaviour – lies piled upon other lies, propaganda etc. Not that it pardons anyone, because truth and moral virtues are the casualties.
Laurent Guyénot, author of Fifty Years of Deep State (free PDF) – and the outstanding documentary, Israel & The Assassinations of the Kennedy Brothers – made a wise observation:

Clinton also has some interesting transits for election day. It is said that she and Obama have been working closely together behind the scenes with Biden and Harris.
“The lies of the deep state about the Kennedy assassinations have rendered Americans vulnerable to other lies that have emerged since (E.g. attack on the USS Liberty, 9/11 etc.)
Any lie creates a predisposition for other lies, even the need for more lies to cover them up. Having fallen deeper and deeper into the control of Israel, America [a Gemini personality] is now morally corrupt and haunted by its own lies.
Conversely, exposing one lie will make other lies fall – one by one. This explains why today 60 years later, the Zionist leadership still seeks to suppress the truth.”29
This is a most pertinent statement that has some weighty bearing upon whichever president is elected. Both candidates have said that they support Israel, the obligatory mantra for anyone seeking election. Whether that voiced support is sustained after the election, remains to be seen. (See section below, USA’s Grovelling to Israel)
Laurent Guyénot’s outstanding documentary, Israel & The Assassinations of the Kennedy Brothers.
USA’s Grovelling to Israel
It is highly significant to insert this section between the two candidates Trump and Harris – because of the magnitude of this almost insurmountable problem – for decades, for both parties. Sworn allegiance to Israel and its corresponding control of the USA – is like a vampire sucking the nation’s life blood.
The obligatory mantra for anyone seeking office of President, is a whole-hearted support for Israel. This is true for both Harris and Trump, as well as other outsiders such as RFK Jr. Whether that support is sustained after the election, remains to be seen.
Speaking of liars and tellers of tall tales – Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s recent speech to Congress, was replete with distortions and outright lies; all used to drum up support for his stated goals of continuing the assault on Gaza and occupation of the besieged territory – while pushing the US to go along with a policy that may lead to war with Iran.
His obfuscating rhetoric was met by continuous rounds of applause from both sides of congress: A shameless sycophantic grovelling – standing up and down like marionettes, manipulated by the dark puppet-master. Last time it was an appalling 37 standing ovations, this time a sickening 58!
In light of the ongoing genocide in Gaza and the apparent disconnect-amnesia-hypnosis of the majority of congress, it was almost as gruesome to behold as the genocide itself. Netanyahu’s address to a fawning Congress, eating out of the palm of his hand,
“… made history for the largest number of standing ovations ever received by a foreign leader – and also made him the only foreign leader to make four speeches there, outdoing a record previously held by former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill.

Gaza, Aug. 2024. Most of Gaza has now been destroyed or made uninhabitable. Officially over 40,000 deaths, but unofficially – round 180,000.
The amount of applause given to the Israeli Prime Minister was rather startling, even when compared to his previous speeches to Congress, which was punctuated by a key moment in which he had to say, “no no, don’t applaud, listen.”
The Israeli Premier then went on to continually attack pro-Palestinian American demonstrators and lambasted them as “Iran’s useful idiots”, statements that were also given standing ovations.
Despite the fact that just under half of elected Democratic Lawmakers did not show up, overall the event was widely seen as an embarrassment, due to the fact that a foreign leader — who stands accused of war crimes and repeatedly attacked Americans for exercising their First Amendment rights — was heaped with so much praise.”30
Zionism Revisited
All previous standing ovation episodes over the last decade were powerful demonstrations of USA controlled by Israel and the Zionist lobby – via Netanyahu’s hypnotic black magic skills. The latter most likely reflected in his horoscope by the conjunction of Moon-Neptune – notable for mesmeric skill and the art of deception.
It must also be re-stated (so as to avoid tiresome uninformed accusations), that in this author’s writings, the Jewish people are not being tarred with the same Zionist brush. (See the author’s extensive 20-year coverage of the Israel and the Jews here, according to the Ageless Wisdom teachings and Esoteric Astrology.)
There are many Jews who find Zionism abhorrent and regularly protest as much. Zionism is the “albatross that hangs around the neck of Humanity”31 as a whole:
“The Jews are governed by the third Ray of Active Intelligence, the energy which permeates and controls matter or substance. They were also, during the years immediately following the war, under the control of a glamour imposed by the Zionist Dictators, who were attempting (somewhat unsuccessfully) to be to the Jewish people what Stalin and his group, and Hitler and his gang, have been to their people.
They worked through the same methods—terrorising, withholding information, browbeating their opponents, making false claims and bribing and corrupting. They were and are a minority, but a powerful minority because of their great wealth and their being in positions of power. 32
And so this brand of Zionism continues today, far more powerful than when the above was written, consolidated 80 years later – culminating as the Zionist lobby stranglehold of the USA – its global power base.
As of this writing in mid-August, it appears that Iran – citing a United Nations rule/article giving them the right to retaliate to Israel’s attack upon them recently – may be about to attack Israel. (Israeli Military at ‘Peak Readiness’ as U.S. Warns Iran Could Attack ‘This Week’.)
Vice-President Kamala Harris: Presidential Nominee
(See the author’s 2020 analysis of Harris’ horoscope.)
Even though Harris made some protest on Netanyahu’s recent visit to Washington – she has always been and will be committed to Israel’s far right Zionist cause. Unless she attempts to change the paradigm if she gains office.
Harris is also married to a Jewish man, which somewhat reinforces – or forces her to toe the line, not unlike RFK Jr. who is married to a Jewish woman and has had his fair share of anti-Semite accusations.
The recent 2024 full moon in Cancer-Capricorn, formed a grand cross to Harris’ exact Sun in Libra opposite Moon in Aries. So, there are two “full moon candidates” in the presidential race.
Harris born exactly on a Libra full moon festival and Trump exactly on the Gemini full moon. Trump’s Gemini sun falls on Harris’ ascendant, her Saturn in Aquarius falls on USA’s moon and is adversarially opposite Trump’s Leo ascendant; her Jupiter in Taurus challenges/falls upon his midheaven.
Harris might give Trump a “run for his money” – though at first glance does not appear to have the number of powerful transits as Trump on election day. Nevertheless, in the author’s 2020 in-depth analysis of Harris, it was stated:
“… if she ever did become president, she could be a very good administrator – a “firm but fair” Libran, very tough when needed, with a possibility of bringing some order out of chaos – in a long transition leading up to 2025 and the next elected president.”
When first perusing the quad-wheel showing the progressions and transits for election day, there was nothing that “popped out” prominently in Harris’s chart, as it did in Trump’s. Hence, it took some digging to unearth what was going on. Here follows an analysis of Harris’ chart on election day Nov.5, 2024:
1. Transiting Jupiter conjunct Gemini Ascendant. Similar to Trump, but still in the 12th house, about 4º from the rising sign. The transit of “lucky” Jupiter to Trump’s sun came within 1.5º before the election, is less than 3º at the election – and exact by May 2025. Hence Trump’s transit may have the edge, as Jupiter at her solar return has not passed over Harris’s ascendant – not until May-June 2025.
This is an important distinction, also for the fact that Jupiter rules the second ray soul of the USA, which is the only ray to pass through Gemini. Hence, its transit through this sign reflects a battle for the soul of the nation; but Jupiter also magnifies USA’s somewhat errant Gemini personality.
Hopefully the Jupiter influences bring about an alignment between soul and personality, reflected by Americans coming together and bridging their differences. Yet it must be acknowledged, that there are many schisms and divides in political ideology that are so crystallised – it may take decades to resolve them.
Jupiter is also moving retrograde which may not be so good for the election as a whole, with indefinite outcomes or other shenanigans! Transiting Jupiter makes a very wide separating trine to Saturn in Aquarius near the midheaven of Harris’ chart but it is very weak, if at all relevant.
2. Transiting Uranus conjunct Jupiter in Taurus. In a relatively rare conjunction, transiting Uranus and Jupiter conjoined Harris’ natal Jupiter in May 2024, creating a strong stimulation.
Natal Jupiter co-rules the Pisces midheaven, hence transiting Uranus here brings an element of the unexpected – a wild card for professional achievement. Uranus is also retrograde, coming into its second of three passes over natal Jupiter, setting off its wide-ish square to natal Saturn in Aquarius.
Transiting Uranus is also square to Saturn in Uranus-ruled Aquarius, a transit that will continue through to April 2026. Here is the challenge of going with Jupiter’s expansiveness via radical Uranus – versus the restraining, conservative qualities of Saturn in Aquarius.
Saturn is the most elevated planet in Harris’ horoscope, and reflects her role in positions of power throughout her careers in law and administration. Particularly with her Saturn trine the Sun.
“Firm but fair” was noted earlier, but she has been accused of being harshly and unfairly authoritarian in some of her law cases. This may also hint at the presence of the first ray of will or power somewhere, certainly invoked by her “go getter” Moon in Aries.
Hence, this Uranus transit – even though it squares Saturn, will be activating Harris’ Sun in Libra trine Saturn in Aquarius for quite some time – a good transit to have. Uranus also makes a wide-ish square to Mars in Leo. Here is a good example of the “near misses” mentioned earlier, but an “inch is as good as a mile” when it comes to right timing.
3. Transiting Saturn in Pisces conjunct Chiron. Saturn here is “accidentally dignified” – in its own tenth house of public and career – so is quite strong in terms of realising achievement. Nov.5 is almost the third and final hit of this transit – that was activating Chiron the wounded healer, since April 2024. The wound of power, of authority and also sensitivity.
Chiron in Pisces can bring deep emotional empathy – and this transit triggers the natal trine of Chiron to mystical and idealistic Neptune in Scorpio. Furthermore, on election day, the 27-year cycle of progressed Moon in Cancer – a sign of mass consciousness, moves in to create a water grand trine with Chiron and Neptune! Progressed Moon is also conjunct USA’s 1776 Sun in Cancer – and the fixed star Sirius.
In terms of mass emotional popularity, this might play very well against Trump’s brash brand of popularity. Also, for many people, the “feminine”, the possibility of a first female president with mixed heritage (Indian mother and Jamaican father), carrying somewhat of the “exotic” – similar to when Obama ran for president.
4. Transiting Venus opposite Ascendant. This transit is powerful for Trump as his Sun-Moon straddles Harris’ Asc-Desc axis. It is also powerful for Harris because Gemini is her soul purpose (connecting and communicating) – and Venus is the soul ruler of Gemini, reconciling the opposites that the “warring brothers” of Gemini represent. This, within herself – but having a broader capacity that potentially complements her Libra peacemaker personality.
Venus is also closely opposite transiting Jupiter, creating a wide-ish T-square to her natal soul ruler, Venus in Virgo. The ultimate expression of this position, esoterically speaking:
“Venus, pure love-wisdom, falls into generation in this sign and occultly “descends to earth” and … for the gift of mind and of divinity, embodied in the Son of Mind and thus for the descent of the Christ principle into generation or into matter.
Virgo and Venus are together two aspects of intelligence. The symbolism of the descent of Spirit into the womb of the virgin mother is preserved for us in the astrological fact that Venus falls in this sign; esoterically, she disappears from view and vanishes into the darkness.”33
5. Transiting Moon in Sagittarius conjunct progressed Sun. On election day, an almost void-of-course moon makes a conjunction to her progressed Sun at 4.12 am – just a few hours before the polling booths open. Sagittarius is the personality expression of Washington, the political capital, hence another synastry that could be in Harris’ favour. Moon moves into Capricorn at 7.18 am, just after the polls open.
The night before – on Nov. 4, transiting moon also conjoins progressed Mercury in Sagittarius, the exoteric ruler of her Gemini ascendant. Hence, Mercury and Venus, rulers of Gemini – are prominently activated.
Progressed Mercury and Sun in Sagittarius create an harmonious trine to Harris’ Moon in Aries and sextile to Sun in Libra – known as an “easy opposition” in astrology.
6. Transiting Pluto square Sun-Moon in Libra-Aries. Although a separating square, it is still powerfully in orb of influence, the same position as Harris’ solar return around October 20. Pluto is also closely opposite to Mars in the first degree of Leo, mentioned earlier about Trump. The opposition applies to both candidates regarding the Sabian Symbol for that degree:
“Under emotional stress, blood rushes to a man’s head.” Mars, the co-ruler of the astral body and the sixth ray. Who would be more emotional – Harris or Trump? In the election day chart, Mars is square to Harris’ progressed midheaven in early Taurus, a difficult and stressful position in terms of realising success.
7. Solar return 2024. When perusing the solar return horoscope for 2024 – if Harris is at her West coast home for her birthday, Sagittarius rises – if in Washington (more likely) – Capricorn rising as the chart above shows.
Positively, the Moon and Jupiter in Gemini are in conjunction – fairly close to her Gemini ascendant, with Jupiter making a wide applying trine to her Sun in Libra. Mercury is in Scorpio, the most elevated planet – conjunct the midheaven and trine to Saturn in Pisces. Mercury in Scorpio also squares Trump’s powerful Pluto in Leo and progressed midheaven. What that means exactly for Harris is not clear!
Grand Cross There is a tough and potentially super-emotional grand cross between Sun in Libra-Earth in Aries – squared by Mars in Cancer opposite Pluto. Sun square Pluto represents the challenge to step into power and the grand cross does provide the point of tension to do so.
But Mars in Cancer is the real challenge, as it can create an over-sensitive and reactive nature: Passive-aggressive, easily offended, insecure and sometimes incomprehensible.
In the latter respect, some of Harris’ infamous phrases come to mind: “It’s time for us to do what we have been doing, and that time is every day”. Or, “What can be, unburdened by what has been.” Huh?
These Gemini word-salads apply also to Gemini Trump, often criticised for meandering in his speeches – going off-script. Lately however, in one speech he was particularly clear in his keen advocacy of Crypto currency. Perhaps he has a better speech writer and/or is reading off the teleprompter!
Tim Walz
Harris’ running mate: ” … an American politician, former schoolteacher, and retired U.S. Army non-commissioned officer who has served as the 41st governor of Minnesota since 2019. He is the Democratic Party’s nominee for vice president in the 2024 U.S. presidential election. He was a member of the U.S. House of Representatives from 2007 to 2019, and was the ranking member of the House Veterans’ Affairs Committee from 2017 to 2019.”34
Tim Walz has some synastry with Harris that is a mixture of harmonious and conflicting. They were both born six months apart in the same year, so many positions are shared. Below just a few are listed.

Inner wheel Harris, outer wheel Walz. (Note correction here as previous chart showed Walz as 1954 instead of 1964.)
1. Walz Jupiter in Aries conjunct Harris Moon.
2. Walz Pluto in Leo conjunct Harris Mars.
3. Moon possibly in Capricorn or Aquarius (birth time unknown).
4. Walz Venus in Gemini square his Saturn in Pisces which is conjunct Harris midheaven.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr: 2024 Election
(The reader can find two other astrological analyses on RFK Jr. by the author here:
Robert F. Kennedy Jnr (2020). Robert F. Kennedy Jnr: Taurus Rising (2024)
RFK is a bit of a wild card and is included here because he was a Democrat -whose party disowned him, just as they did with Bernie Sanders several years ago. Observers have speculated several times that RFK could join Trump’s team, for which he has categorically denied.
Yet, it has been reported that Trump – should he attain the presidency, has offered RFK a position in a new government – more than once. As a rank outsider, RFK has been polling quite well, due to Vice-president Kamala Harris’ new found popularity – that has shifted the dynamic in the electoral stakes away from Trump. But a week is a long time in politics, let alone 11 weeks to the election!
[NEWSFLASH!] Indeed, following the Democrat comvention, RFK announced on August 23 that he was throwing his weight behind Trump. On that day, transiting Mercury retrograde was conjunct RFK’s Pluto, planet of power. Mercury returns by direct motion to Pluto on Sept.4. Kennedy’s 48′ speech can be found here (video) and its transcript here.)
RFK also carries the Kennedy mystique which is deeply etched in the American psyche: The tragedy of past fallen heroes, his father and his uncle – murdered by forces within the nation. (See Laurent Guyénot’s above-mentioned documentary.) Bear in mind also, that RFK has considerably success for over 30 years as an environmental lawyer, health activist and politician.
“Kennedy takes just 3 percent of both Democrats and Republicans in the poll, while taking 13 percent of independents. But the independents he takes come at Trump’s expense: Kennedy wins 8 percent of Democratic-leaning independents, compared with 23 percent of Republican-leaning independents.
… When Kennedy supporters were asked to choose between Trump and Harris, 50 percent chose Trump, while just 21 percent chose Harris.”35
Hence, it might be timely to look a RFK’s transits and also his synastry with the other contenders. His birth time is unknown so his rising sign is only speculative, as Taurus – discussed here. (There is a Leo rising chart that is discussed on Astrodatabank.)
For now, the Taurus rising chart looks interesting because of potent activity near his midheaven angle (public, career etc.). Part of the following is culled from the Taurus 2023 article above:
1. Announcement candidacy in Boston, April 19, 2023.
New moon eclipse in Aries square Sun-Mercury in Capricorn activates Mercury, Sun and Venus conjunction in Capricorn – square to Neptune in Libra.
Neptune is the visionary and RFK is capable of inspiring the masses – as his international public talks in recent years reveal. (Obama has Sun square Neptune and was able to effect a similar mass appeal with his “hope” mantra.)
2. Transiting Pluto conjunct Mercury in Capricorn – and progressed Moon in Aquarius.
Pluto conjunct Mercury in Capricorn.
The planet of power Pluto, has been going back and forth across RFK’s natal Mercury and Sun in Capricorn since 2020/2021. That time was when he had a high profile as an “anti-vax conspiracy theorist” during the plannedemic lockdown debacle.
Pluto on Mercury gave him a powerful and persuasive influence in hundreds of public talks, interviews, podcasts etc. – through to his declaration to run for office. Pluto will make its last pass across Mercury, Nov/Dec 2024.
Pluto is incisive and penetrating, and during that time RFK penned best selling books such as The Real Anthony Fauci, which tore apart the lies and pretence of this highly influential pharma-czar/shill in the vaccine program.
Additionally, solar arc Mars at 28º Capricorn, the most powerful placement of this planet (exalted), sits between Sun and Mercury in Capricorn, providing much drive to achieve.
Progressed Moon in Aquarius. Since Sept. 2024 – progressed Moon on its 27-year cycle had been passing over Mercury in Capricorn, then three weeks before election day, RFK’s progressed moon moves into Aquarius – the soul ruler of the USA.
Hence, as Pluto on its 248-year cycle makes its last conjunction to Mercury the messenger, it also closely conjoins within 1º of orb, the progressed moon in Aquarius on Nov.5. (Pluto makes its third and final entrance into Aquarius on Nov.20, 2024, remaining there for around 20 years.)
The progressed Moon is in the ninth house, culminates on RFK’s Aquarius midheaven Feb/March 2025, just a month or two after the Jan.20 inauguration. Therefore, the chances of RFK ascending to a position of power looks promising, at least in this proposed Taurus rising chart, speculated by the author.
3. Transiting Pluto conjunct Vulcan in Aquarius. Vulcan is the soul ruler of Taurus. If Vulcan is in early degrees of Aquarius (see horoscope), then first ray co-ruler Pluto is due to pass over Vulcan in the next few years, destroying while Vulcan forges at his anvil – the new Aquarian dispensation.
This period will go well into 2027, where Pluto will pass over the proposed degree of Vulcan in Aquarius – and anywhere near that, including RFK’s midheaven – the public, career etc. If ever there was a prediction about an “unlikely” candidate achieving success, this might be a major indicator.
4. Transiting Uranus conjunct Taurus ascendant. (Aug.2024 to May 2025) If RFK’s rectified rising sign degree is accurate, then this transit will carry him through to the end of his campaign and beyond. Uranus is the great awakener, liberator, radical, reformer and rebel – exhibited already in RFK:
“The task of Uranus, hidden in the depths, is to awaken and evoke the intuitive response of Taurus to an ever-increasing light until such time that full illumination is achieved and also the development of the spiritual consciousness—substituting these higher soul aspects for the lower form reactions.”36
But if the rising sign is the emblem of soul purpose, and Taurus rules the organs of speech, this is another transit that will assist RFK’s communication (already challenged through his spasmodic dysphonia). Who knows, a transit like this could reflect a major breakthrough with that condition!
Noteworthy also, is that RFK’s (proposed) Taurus ascendant is conjunct Harris’ Jupiter, but more closely – Trump’s midheaven. (See tri-wheel later.)
5. Transiting Saturn and progressed Mercury in Pisces, trine Moon in Cancer. Saturn is the ruler of RFK’s Capricorn personality, and its passage through Pisces will cover a period when a lot of people will be coming to terms with what has happened in the past few years.
From early to late 2024, transiting Saturn will be making an harmonious trine aspect to RFK’s Moon in Cancer, that is quite close to USA’s (1776) Sun in Cancer. Cancer is a sign of mass consciousness and RFK has a very good chance of consolidating his communication by reaching the people in really fundamental ways.
Transiting Saturn will not only be trining RFK’s Cancer moon, but also conjunct progressed Mercury in Pisces – another sign of the masses, like Cancer – since they share the common ruler of Neptune.
Saturn brings ideas (Mercury) into form (Saturn). Furthermore, transiting Saturn will continue to trine RFK’s progressed Mercury until early 2024, allowing for a further eloquent expression of practical principles.
6. Transiting Neptune in Pisces sextile Sun-Mercury in Capricorn. Exact to the sun, in orb to Mercury. This is an excellent transit for bringing Neptune the visionary and its inspiration to the masses – and being able to communicate possibilities in a concrete Capricorn way.
7. Transiting Chiron in Aries conjunct progressed midheaven. Another good transit to step into some sort of leadership role. Aries the leader, prog. midheaven – the career thus far unfolded. Chiron is a 50-year cycle do does not come around every day.
8. Transiting Jupiter Return. Born 12 years before Kamala Harris, RFK has Jupiter in the same sign Gemini, close to her Jupiter and Trump’s sun. Good synastry for both if he wants to make an each-way bet!
The Leo full moon festival Aug.19, 2024 – is the exact moment of the Jupiter return, activating natal Mars in Scorpio by quincunx aspect, the only aspect Jupiter makes in his natal chart.
An unaspected planet – or practically unaspected can be very weak or strong, the latter no doubt, given RFK’s prodigious output of lawsuits court cases, articles, books etc. On election day, Jupiter still hovers around the same position.
9. Transiting Sun in Scorpio conjunct Mars. Every US election takes place with the Sun in Scorpio but it happens to fall on RFK’s warrior Mars in Scorpio. (Same as JD Vance, Marion Williamson etc.) Therefore, resolute Mars will be potently amplified in its expression.
It was not the intention to make such a long report on a long-shot candidate, but whatever the outcome of the election, it appears RFK has many transits in his favour. As mentioned earlier, he is also close to the Jewish/Zionist issue.
Finally, there is also some interesting synastry between RFK, Trump and Harris. (Not all aspects are marked in the chart below.)

RFK has synastry with both candidates, but appears to be stronger with Trump. Perhaps a karmic connection with his Venus in Capricorn exactly opposite Trump’s Venus-Saturn in Cancer. This opposition straddles USA’s Mercury in Cancer opposite Pluto in Capricorn.
RFK’s recent statement on X about the Democrats
“VP Harris’s Democratic Party would be unrecognizable to my father and uncle and I cannot reconcile it with my values. The Democratic Party of RFK and JFK was the party of civil liberties and free speech. VP Harris‘s is the party of censorship, lockdowns, and medical coercion. Kennedy Democrats were anti-war. Kamala‘s is riddled with neocon warmongers.
The RFK/JFK dems were allies of Main Street, cops, firefighters, and working people. VP Harris’s is the Party of Big Tech, Big Pharma and Wall Street. My dad and uncle’s party was the champion of voting rights and fair elections. VP Harris’s is the party of lawfare, disenfranchisement, and the coronation of its candidates by corporate donors and party elites. I’ve used our nation’s courts to prosecute corporations who hurt Black Americans. VP Harris used our nation’s courts to mercilessly prosecute Black Americans and exploit them for their labor.
My father and uncle prided themselves on their skills at debate and their ability to articulate a coherent vision for our country. VP Harris is scared to debate and can’t survive an unscripted interview. Instead of outlining a vision, she relies on middleschool tactics – memes, forged headlines, infantile slogans (Joy!) and name calling (“Republicans are weird.“) I’ve spent years battling government corruption and lies. VP Harris spent years gaslighting Americans about the health of our Commander in Chief. I have no plans to endorse Kamala Harris for President. I do have a plan to defeat her.”37
Phillip Lindsay © 2024.
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- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.289. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.299. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.299. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.301. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.288. [↩]
- A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p.416. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.299. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.301. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.349. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.231. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.154. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.288. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.660. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.301. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology I, Alice A. Bailey. p.210. [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.298. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology II, Alice A. Bailey. p.680. [↩]
- Viveka. The Sanskrit “discrimination.” The very first step in the path of occultism … is the discrimination between the real and the unreal, between substance and phenomenon, between the Self and the Not-self, between spirit and matter. [↩]
- Glamour: A World Problem, Alice A. Bailey. p.79. [↩]
- The Labours of Hercules, Alice A. Bailey. p.147. [↩]
- Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.88. [↩]
- Solar Fire Astrology program. Esoteric Technologies P/L. [↩]
- theguardian.com [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- msn.com [↩]
- Initiation, Human and Solar, Alice A. Bailey. p.54. [↩]
- Israel & The Assassinations of the Kennedy Brothers [↩]
- thelastamericanvagabond.com [↩]
- phrases.org.uk [↩]
- The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. p.634. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.281. [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- Washington Post [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.401. [↩]
- x.com [↩]
Dear Brother in Christ
The way that you have used the term Apolitical in your letter is understood.
But it is a term already in use, against the trend to neutrality, in the effort to tackle the trend of individualistic consciousness vs to group consciousness (which is associated to your term “apolitical”). Also it is slightly contradicting to the description of the Work of the Political Organizers of the NGWS. It is possible that one should work through partisanship. It is inevitable. This is what Roosevelt did. And Biden, to a lower degree of consciousness.
Today the great lines of demarcation in clash are Universality vs Separateness.
The huge technological and economic changes demand for deep constitutional political changes and new political agendas and new order. (A classic Marxist theorem).
This is already happening. The problem is that separate Nations and groups of Nations want to lead and rule the Constitution of Universality, which no doubt is not immanent in the short term, but it is immanent in the longer. This is where Biden failed, letting Trump to fill the gap, but with something worse. Separatism.
So we have a measure for balancing things.
In the expressed policies of our time we have the individualistic trend (and Nations and Peoples and their States are maybe of the most shellfish entities or the era) and the World Union Trend.
This is what is the cause of the War World III which we try not to be precipitated completely upon the physical. This War has started in the Year 2001. The last Shamballa impact and Call was towards Universality.
Humanity has sent a robot almost beyond the sensed Solar ring no pass. The Web and satellite system is there. (Equivalent to the nervous system of the Body of Civilization. Etheric was already there from aeons). Artificial Intelligence is challenging the core of the self-reflection of the human Identity. Humanity is opening the road for the third way of individualization. Or to put it differently, Humanity is really close to the first group initiation. Maybe I am very optimistic, but why not?
I am also a left oriented thinker, and also “apolitical”, but now we are at War. We need to choose as our fellow ones did at the Great War. No one was perfect at that time, but we had to fight on one side. Which is our side? This we need to clarify to our fellow students and co-workers. It is not satisfying, but Kamala Harris must to win. What happens in US is influencing all the World. We need not to have something more undesirable instead of something undesirable.
US is nevertheless going to keep being wrong and failing in the use of their power and forces, but right now all over the world we need to settle the gap of the rich and poor. This is major issue and Tramp is not useful to this. We need policies that will impose taxes to the multinational corporations. This event, as such, is setting the foundation for the world constitutional change. We need taxes to finance the needs of the many. Governments all over the World today do very little to this end. They just making u their territories “food” for the multinational not tax paying and not elected by some constitutional system collective Tycoons.
Thanks Nick for your thoughtful response, I concur on several points made. But there is a sizeable chunk of the esoteric community (believe it or not!) – who believe Trump would be a better choice, or that there is no choice at the moment between the two parties.
As to the former, they argue that the US has conducted, through the Pentagon and NATO, a needless and irresponsible war against Russia – using Ukraine as its proxy, at the cost of 600,000 lives in Ukraine alone. US has spent 150 billion + funding Ukraine at the expense of its own crumbling infrastructure. Trump has stated that he could end this conflict overnight, working with Putin. Of course that rhetoric would be something that remains to be seen should he take power.
To many, the left have simply become financial, woke elitists – supporting many unhealthy social trends. Voting for Harris they say, who many regard as a little crazy, would simply continue the narrative – she will do what she is told no doubt. All candidates have said that they support Israel and that is where the “no choice” camp sit.
Well, just a few brief words here, no doubt others will have their say!
On “The Illusion of Democracy”
Illusion indeed. It is a common — virtually universal — misconception that the U.S. was founded as a democracy. It was not. It is a democratic republic. Remember your Pledge of Allegiance? “…and to the republic, for which it stands.”
The difference is subtle, but critical. In a republic, the government is subject to the will of the people and must adhere to public demand. As noted in the Constitution, it is a government “of, by, and for the people.” Who believes that this is the case today?
In a democracy, the people cede control to the government. The people elect the government, giving them decision-making power. It’s obvious what comes next. Give an inch, take a mile. This is why all democracies degrade to dictatorship.
The government will tell you that we live in a democracy. They may even believe it, since the myth has persisted for so long. But the lie has been perpetuated because it fuels their grasping of power.
Ironically, people still believe that the solution to governmental corruption lies with… the government! Huh. Go figure. For my part, I’ll cast my vote when there’s an option on the ballot for “None of the above.”
I enjoyed reading your astrological analysis of the election.I think a deeper look at the Trunp solar return chart is warranted as I think it indicates deeper difficulties.Since the rulers of moon and saturn are both in the 12th house the negative public perceptions of Trump will increase as the year rolls forward.The sun in the 12 th house loses power.The square between sun and saturn is also a problem for power as well as health.The squares from saturn to mercury and venus impedes his communication and popularity.
Great observation David, filled in some excellent gaps I missed!
Hello Phillip,
Every nation (as a person) that considers itself advanced must integrate (through its soul) its different parts into a unit.
And in my opinion and my biased vision as a Spaniard, in the case of the United States, both in the Democratic and Republican parties there is soul as well as personality and therefore it will not be so important who wins, because as we know, for any conscience that wants to achieve integration, it must experience both triumph and defeat.
In my opinion, republican values defend certain very positive values related to the soul of the nation, such as the educational value of the family or respect (understood as a responsibility) for sacred or religious traditions. But, from their selfish aspect, very often their attitudes and expressions “smell” of intransigence, criticism or inflexibility.
On the other hand, the values that the Democratic Party defends also have great value, such as the value of freedom understood as the responsibility (through taxes and understanding) to integrate the dispossessed or those who, due to race or gender, feel different. But, from its selfish aspect, very often these attitudes “smell” of amorality (excessive freedom) or a lack of respect for the freedom of opinion and action of the individual who thinks differently.
The Need of the Nation to weigh the different values at stake is what gives or takes away the reason through a triumph or a defeat.
Therefore, if Trump loses, it will be his obligation to learn from the defeat, something that he did not know how to do in his last defeat. And if he wins, it will be his obligation to adjust to the noblest of his ideals. And the same can be said of Kamala Harris.
The revealing transit of Uranus through MC Trump, as well as the benign conjunction of transiting Jupiter with his Sun (esoteric ruler of Leo) and opposition with his Moon (esoteric ruler of Virgo), as well as, in his progressed chart, the entry of his ASC in Scorpio, tells us that for Trump, whatever happens (defeat or triumph), will be very important for his conscience.
The transit of Jupiter (expansion) through Kamala Harris’s natal ASC and the transit of opposition of Saturn (responsibility) over her Venus, the esoteric ruler of the ASC; as well as in her progressed chart the entry of Venus (ruler of her Soul path) in Sagittarius and the entry of the Sun (ruler of her progressed ascendant in Leo) in Capricorn, also tells us that for Kamala, whatever happens, will be important for her conscience.
What is evident is that we are dealing with two very powerful personalities, they are two full moons…!!, and furthermore, both, through their esoteric rulers, are in contact with the 2nd Ray that rules the Soul of the Nation.
Now, in my opinion, in the case of Kamala Harris, this second ray, thanks to Virgo/Venus, is more constructive. In the case of Donald Trump, through his Sun, due to his contact with the nodes, the karmic or personal ego is too involved and even more so if we look at the power (perhaps excessive) of his Mars, the “warrior of the sun”, and for this reason the expression of the 2nd Ray depends excessively on a Venus/Saturn in my opinion in the 12th house, the house of the unconscious.
In simple terms, I would say that there is a power to shine in Donald Trump that is often confused with his ego and that he should ponder through the esoteric qualities of Virgo + a superior understanding of his Moon. And on the other hand, in Kamala Harris there is a very positive philosophy (vision), hidden behind what Trump very maliciously “calls crazy”, a madness that is astrologically attributed to the north node in the 1st house. But it is a vision that is present and that she should (if she has not already done so) recognize through the superior aspect of Gemini + Venus. In this sense, Kamala has chosen a very good vice president because what she finds difficult to express in public, he will know how to communicate.
Thanks for sharing
Thanks for your thoughtful response David, you make some good points!
RFK’s recent statement on X about the Democrats
“VP Harris’s Democratic Party would be unrecognizable to my father and uncle and I cannot reconcile it with my values. The Democratic Party of RFK and JFK was the party of civil liberties and free speech. VP Harris‘s is the party of censorship, lockdowns, and medical coercion. Kennedy Democrats were anti-war. Kamala‘s is riddled with neocon warmongers.
The RFK/JFK dems were allies of Main Street, cops, firefighters, and working people. VP Harris’s is the Party of Big Tech, Big Pharma and Wall Street. My dad and uncle’s party was the champion of voting rights and fair elections. VP Harris’s is the party of lawfare, disenfranchisement, and the coronation of its candidates by corporate donors and party elites. I’ve used our nation’s courts to prosecute corporations who hurt Black Americans. VP Harris used our nation’s courts to mercilessly prosecute Black Americans and exploit them for their labor.
My father and uncle prided themselves on their skills at debate and their ability to articulate a coherent vision for our country. VP Harris is scared to debate and can’t survive an unscripted interview. Instead of outlining a vision, she relies on middleschool tactics – memes, forged headlines, infantile slogans (Joy!) and name calling (“Republicans are weird.“) I’ve spent years battling government corruption and lies. VP Harris spent years gaslighting Americans about the health of our Commander in Chief. I have no plans to endorse Kamala Harris for President. I do have a plan to defeat her.” ((x.com))
RFK makes some good points. However, at the same time he has been accepting large amounts of AIPAC money and has been quite vocal in his support of Israel. I had planned to vote for him until these facts came to light. Now I see no choice but to vote for Jill Stein with the Green Party. That the US soul will demonstrate no matter a Trump or Harris in may be true, but I can’t morally vote for any of these people. All of you have made some good points which are certainly worth considering.
True Bob, no candidate is the perfect package and most people will vote for the two main candidates.
…. take away all “the words” and all “the labels” man has created … stay silent….. and just look and observe. Easy. Simple. Not complicated.
Regarding the ”apolitical” theme – or as D.K. puts it – of partisanship and starting by your quote from D.K:
“No word must be spoken or written which could be construed as evidencing partisanship, or as an attack upon any ruler, any form of government, or any national activity. Nothing must be published in any pamphlet, newspaper, circular or letter which could evoke antagonism from any government, any political party, any economic strategist, or any religious organisation. [Obviously yours truly has often transgressed these edicts!]”
To the quote above I answer with another quote from same source (and further down the quote is to be found in context): “This has been interpreted by some of you as meaning that you must refrain from rebelling against the evil thing in your midst, and from all criticism and partisanship. You seem unable to love with steadfastness the offender and yet to rid the world of the offence. EXT”
My interpretation of this is the importance of “love with steadfastness the offender and yet to rid the world of the offence”. If we can refrain from focusing on the shortcomings of the offender (being Biden or Trump or pick whomever) and solely focus on the offences – the actions of individuals, groups etc. – And putting those actions (offences) against this:
“They (Hierarchy) stand for liberty”, “Necessarily they cannot, therefore, endorse the nations or the people in any nation who are against human freedom and happiness.” Think of all the liberties lost – some still in place – during the “pandemic”.
“…the right of every man to think for himself, to speak and to work. “ – Think of “EU industry chief Thierry Breton told billionaire Elon Musk in a letter on Monday he must comply with EU law ahead of Musk’s interview with U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump on social media platform X.” That was a clear violation of our right “to think for ourselves”. That was an obvious threat to shut the publication of that interview within the EU. Our full force must be to bring this offense (of censorship – and we have loads of these at the moment) to the light, without focusing on the messenger Mr. Breton.
Having not read every article Phillip has written, where he says he have “transgressed” and “often”, I’m not so sure he has (often) actually done that. You have clearly showed the offence of the offenders. And that is the fight we must take on. Bring that to the surface.
From EXT: “When He Whom all disciples serve was on Earth two thousand years ago, He said that secret things would be made plain; by this emergence of the good and of the bad into prominence, men will arrive at knowledge, at understanding, and will be forced to take those steps which will be needed to [Page 424] build a new and better world, based on the Law of Love and not on the Law of Separateness and hate. This is what is happening today. “
Below are two pieces of text that made me reflect upon this whole partisanship theme. I put them there for context.
Quote from DINA 1:
“When the war broke and the entire world was hurled into the consequent chaos, horror, disaster, death and agony, many spiritually minded people were anxious to stay aloof from the struggle. They were not the majority but a powerful and noisy minority. They regarded any attitude of partisanship as an infringement of the law of brotherhood and were willing to sacrifice the good of the whole of humanity to a sentimental urge to love all men in a manner which necessitated their taking no action or decision of any kind.
Instead of “my country, right or wrong,” it was “humanity, right or wrong.”
When I wrote the pamphlet called The Present World Crisis and the succeeding papers on the world situation, I stated that the Hierarchy endorsed the attitude and aims of the United Nations, fighting for the freedom of the whole of humanity and for the release of the suffering people. This necessarily placed the Hierarchy in the position of not endorsing the Axis position in any way. Many in the goodwill work and some few in the school interpreted this as political in import, presumably believing that a position of complete neutrality, where both good and evil are concerned, was demanded of spiritually inclined people.
Such people fail to think clearly and confuse an unwillingness to take sides with brotherly love, forgetting the words of the Christ that “he who is not with me is against me.” Let me repeat what I have oft said before. The Hierarchy and all its members, including myself, love humanity but they will not endorse evil, aggression, cruelty and the imprisoning of the human soul. They stand for liberty, for opportunity for all to move forward along the way of light, for human welfare without discrimination, for kindness and the right of every man to think for himself, to speak and to work.
Necessarily they cannot, therefore, endorse the nations or the people in any nation who are against human freedom and happiness. In their love and their grasp of circumstance, they know that in a later life or lives the majority of those who are now the enemies of human freedom will themselves be free and tread the lighted Way. In the meantime, the entire force of the Hierarchy is thrown on the side of the nation’s struggling to free humanity, and on the side of those in any nation who thus work. If being on the side of [Page 253] goodness and freedom is deemed detrimental to the spiritual issues, then the Hierarchy will work to change the attitude of people as to what is spiritual.” End of quote.
“They (Hierarchy) stand for liberty”, “Necessarily they cannot, therefore, endorse the nations or the people in any nation who are against human freedom and happiness.”
Quote from EXT-of-HIER: “I would like in this connection to deal with one problem which has somewhat disturbed the least clear-thinking among those whom I have for some time taught. I have for years sought to develop in the world a group of men and women who would stand for the spiritual values, who would love all men, who would foster the spirit of goodwill, and who would stand to humanity (as far as they could) as the Hierarchy of Light, as Christ and His disciples seek to do.
This has been interpreted by some of you as meaning that you must refrain from rebelling against the evil thing in your midst, and from all criticism and partisanship. You seem unable to love with steadfastness the offender and yet to rid the world of the offence. (My emphasis in bold) The situation might clarify if you answered to yourself one or two questions:
Do you believe that the Hierarchy of Light, under the leadership of Christ, is on the side of cruelty, aggression and the slaughter of the defenseless?
Do you believe that the world can be saved by a refusal to think and by the shirking of individual responsibility, thus ignoring a situation which does exist? Do you feel that there are no issues and principles which are worth fighting for and dying for, if need be?
Do you stand with the Forces of Light or with the Forces of Materialism? What are you doing to aid the side which claims your allegiance, loyalty and idealism?
Are you governed by a sense of individual futility—that weapon which the Forces of Materialism are using now so potently to stun possible opponents into helplessness? A clear and searching analysis of the spiritual objectives of humanity will enable you to answer these questions. If you do not need to answer them because your position is clear in your mind, the study of the questions may enable you to serve your day and generation more ably and to present the situation more clearly to the bewildered.
A horror of war and a longing for peace are no excuse for slack thinking, nor do they provide an alibi or the opportunity to shirk individual or national responsibility. The conflict is on. It is of ancient lineage. The issues are clearly marked between right and wrong, between cruelty and kindness, between aggression and freedom.
To evade responsibility because of past national mistakes and historical sins and failures is an unwarranted alibi; the shirking of due participation in the struggle because every nation has certain materialistic objectives is wrong; a nation is but the sum total of its people. To refuse to think because of the general condition of fatigue in which you share is no excuse, and is unworthy of the world disciples and aspirants. ” End Quote.
Excellent post Carlos, I have used that quote before but only focussed on the first part of it this time. This is the core part of that passage:
“This has been interpreted by some of you as meaning that you must refrain from rebelling against the evil thing in your midst, and from all criticism and partisanship. You seem unable to love with steadfastness the offender and yet to rid the world of the offence. (My emphasis in bold) The situation might clarify if you answered to yourself one or two questions:
Do you believe that the Hierarchy of Light, under the leadership of Christ, is on the side of cruelty, aggression and the slaughter of the defenseless?
Do you believe that the world can be saved by a refusal to think and by the shirking of individual responsibility, thus ignoring a situation which does exist? Do you feel that there are no issues and principles which are worth fighting for and dying for, if need be?
Do you stand with the Forces of Light or with the Forces of Materialism? What are you doing to aid the side which claims your allegiance, loyalty and idealism?”
Here is Obama’s speech at the Democratic convention in Chicago.
The video is interesting, but from point 20.23 it becomes a soul expression through speech, in a meditative posture.
The First World Civil War is currently underway.
The attitude of the US is critical and is judged from the interior affairs
Right human relations is the first stage.
Global Goodwill will be the next stage,
and if the present movement for union succeeds, it is something very important and crucial, because the two clashing parties are expressive of the global tendencies, are upon the ” LIBRA” stage, or the point of balance. The “finger” of God is needed to push the balance to the desired direction. This is a point to meditate and influence, occultly speaking.
Regarding Obama’s speech, I was reminded of a Swedish saying – “All that glitters is not Gold.” He is a good orator though