Libra 2023: Money. Relationships. Science. Russell Brand.
Libra Keynote
“I choose the Way that leads between the two great lines of force.”
Radical Relationships
Challenge to the Authority of Science
The Hidden History of Humanity in France
Russell Brand’s Trial by Media
Libra-Aries Full Moon Festival (10.57 am. Sept. 29.)
Libra is the Balance and for unawakened humanity on the “ordinary wheel”, the keynote is “Let choice be made” – a most important injunction, as our planetary crisis lurches toward the momentous year of 2025. The keynote for those who are soul infused is, “I choose the Way that leads between the two great lines of force.” These two keynotes lead from being enjoined to make a choice, to actually making a choice – reflecting how millions today are awakening from their slumber to the guiding light of their souls.
Libra also controls, “the reversal of the wheel” in the life of every aspirant – in the cycle of lives a point of balance is reached and a relative equilibrium is attained.”1
In the full moon horoscope, the exoteric and esoteric rulers of Libra – Venus and Uranus, are in an exact square to one another. Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus can be interpreted on a few levels:
[wpanchor id=”#mon”]1. Money. Libra is a sign of the law, sex, relationships and money. There have often been major financial crises during Libra, as a balance is sought in the exchange of the prana we call money. Venus rules Libra and Taurus, both signs related to money. Venus is currently in Leo, a sign of gold – like the golden hue of this sign’s Sun rulership. Uranus is in Taurus, a sign traditonally related to silver, due to the exaltation of the moon in this sign. However, Taurus is related to gold esoterically:
“The golden eye of Taurus points the way to those who likewise see. That which is gold will some day, too, respond, passing from East to West in that dire time when the urge to gather gold shall rule the lower half (i.e., the personality aspect of men and of nations).
The search for gold, the search for golden light divine, directs the Bull of Life, the Bull of Form. These two must meet; and meeting, clash. Thus vanishes the gold….”2
Indeed, Humanity still has much to learn from several thousand years ago – during the Age of Taurus and the “worshipping of the golden calf”. Already there have been rumblings from world bodies such as the dubious IMF (International Monetary Fund), regarding cash restrictions and introducing CBDC’s (Central Bank Digital Currencies) – during the first week of October. Others talk about an engineered financial crash.
Either strategy is designed for greater control and financial slavery. A one world currency will eventually emerge in decades to come – though altruistically motivated, not by the predatory behaviour of banks today. Resist and do not comply!
Holding to the “cash is king” narrative, investing in physical gold and silver, are basic hedges against these corporate heists. Similarly, self sufficiency, growing your own food, getting off-grid, learning more about barter and exchange – are all ways for future prosperity and survival.
[wpanchor id=”#rad”]2. Radical Relationships. Libra is a sign of relationships and its ruler Venus is the planet of relationships. When Venus is square to Uranus, the revolutionary and radical – relationships may be challenged to make drastic changes
Traditionally this aspect can stimulate an “exciting love life” that departs from existing commitments (e.g. affairs) – and an Uranian need for independence that does not resonate with social traditions. This kind of stimulation can create instability in personal relations but also in the world as a whole, the relationships between nations for example.
Hence, Libran countries like Scandinavia (soul), Canada (personality) and London (personality) may be affected. Referring to the previous theme of money, London is arguably “the” financial capital of the world, also a jungle of financial predators. Britain is also a Taurus personality, so the combination here is compounded.
3. [wpanchor id=”#aut”]Challenge to the Authority of Science. Esoterically, Venus rules the fifth ray of Science or Knowledge. Uranus rules exoteric science that, “penetrates into the hidden side of form life” – and is that “intelligent, fusing condition which produces the scientific at-one-ment of higher and lower self, through the intelligent use of the mind.”3
In order for Humanity to “choose the Way that leads between the two great lines of force” – mental discrimination (viveka) must be developed. As two “mental” planets, the Venus-Uranus square sets up a point of tension universally, encouraging discernment and the expansion of consciousness.
This is a particularly important point, given the schism upon the mental plane that has been marked in the scientific community since 2020. A minority of scientists backed by Big Pharma, Gov and Media, dictated their false scientific authority upon a hapless humanity who were caught like the proverbial “deer in the headlights”.
Thousands of other experts and authorities in the scientific field, who far outnumbered the minority of powerful medical agencies – were denied any argument to the imposed narrative.
Now that the world has had time to reflect on this utterly bogus act of corporate terrorism, seeing the constant flow of evidence emeging – this Venus-Uranus square brings the opportunity for shedding much light. Venus, the brightest planet in the night sky, in solar illumined Leo – square to Uranus in Taurus the “mother of illumination”.
The Hidden History of Humanity in France
(Origins Odyssey Documentary Project HHH)
I will be heading off to travel by motorhome around France soon – for about eight weeks. There will be various posts and photos along the way as I head from the Basque country up the west coast through Britanny, more or less clockwise around the country, visiting ancient sites like Carnac and others related to esoteric history, The Mysteries.
You can follow posts, pics and the odd video on my personal Facebook, HHH Facebook, HHH Telegram or the occasional newsletter.
There are already a few friends to visit, let me know if you wish to connect along the way, via my email.
Donations to this trip’s costs gratefully received below!
(Funding for The Hidden History of Humanity Project)
Phillip Lindsay’s YouTube channel HHH, Esoteric Astrology, foreign subtitles.
The Hidden History of Humanity 2 hrs. 37′ Full documentary.
Books & Articles
Unveiling Genesis: Mysteries of the Rootraces and Cycles
TIME &HISTORY: Re-Establishing Esoteric Chronology in World History
[wpanchor id=”#rus”]Russell Brand’s Trial by Media
Whatever one’s views on Brand, this current media circus will no doubt expand in months to come. Apparently the TV and newsprint reports about Brand have been planned and prepared for the last 10 months, which included creating dramatic re-enactments of the accusers.
Whether there is any truth in the allegations, its highly suspicious that the legacy media is out to destroy Brand, given his now very high media profile of millions of followers on YouTube – and his constant questioning of the mainstream narrative – in some very well researched and articulated videos.
In his proposed Libra rising chart, Brand is a typically loquacious Gemini sun with Moon-Mars in Aries opposite his Libra ascendant. Here is his potent sexuality and appeal, his challenges to bring about balance through Libra, right relations and marriage. The moon is today in that other Mars-ruled sign Scorpio, infamously associated with sex – but also a sign of “discipleship”.
In the proposed Capricorn rising chart (Astrodatabank), which has a suspect birth time, Venus is in Cancer on the descendant, which is a very Libran position. Brand’s most telling transit is that of Pluto opposing his natal Venus/progressed Sun in Cancer, ruler of his soul purpose Libra rising – whose main themes are the Law, Sex and Money. Brand says he has always been very candid about his sexcapades and denies the charges.
Pluto’s transit to Venus (exoterically relationships, sex) started in early 2022, will move away by the end of 2023, but will still be within orb until the end of 2024. Besides revealing what is hidden in the depths, Pluto in Capricorn represents the power of media institutions that are coming after Brand – those very same or similar institutions for which Brand has made sharp critiques upon in recent years.
Pluto rules the “lesser burning ground” of initiation and Brand will have some searing fires to walk during this period. Also in the line-up is the progressed moon in Capricorn (law and institutions), about to oppose natal Venus in Cancer – exact by mid December 2023, bringing a lot of the issues into even sharper focus.
Likewise, solar directed Neptune is in Capricorn – opposing natal Venus, adding to the glamour, confusion or even subterfuge of the situation. No doubt these allegations will provide another media feeding-frenzy that might be used to divert public attention away from other more important news.
Libra esoteric ruler Uranus, is currently transiting through Taurus. Uranus rules the sacral/sexual centre and Taurus is the bull of desire. Uranus is “accidentally exalted” in the 8th Scorpio house, where esoterically the scientific mind gains control over the astral nature.
Transiting Uranus is also currently squaring Brand’s progressed midheaven in Leo (public, career), creating a much higher public profile, amplifying his infamy. This transit will track the progressed MC all the way through to early 2025.
Also on the Leo theme, progressed Sun is moving out of Cancer into Leo where it will remain for another 30 years. Hence, Leo will have a robust role in Brand’s life – in terms of leadership, challenging authority and asserting his own authority. There are other transits in play too, but Pluto and Uranus are the most prominent. (See other astrological analyses on Brand here and here.)
Libra Full Moon Meditation You are welcome to participate in this full moon meditation and talk, courtesy of the Aquarian Wisdom Centre in Portugal. Thursday, Sept.28 at 1.00 GMT. Zoom log-in and zone times here.
Phillip Lindsay © 2023.
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