12 Responses to Pisces 2023: Saturn in Pisces. Pluto in Aquarius. Pisces Germany. Nordstream. East Palestine, OH. Glamour & Propaganda.

  1. Christine Mohr says:

    Word is that the liquid cargo on the rail train in E. Palestine came from Madison IL. It was a DOW chemical plant that was shutdown of operating a Uranium Rod production site; the “new” name was Spectrulite.
    ( phosgene Cloud over N.E. and Canada)

  2. Vicki L Naas says:

    Hello Phillip,

    To quote you, “this has resulted in the dumbing down of the population….”. You are not alone in your observations. A widely published neuroscientist, Dr. Bobby Azarian, recently published an article entitled, “Why Stupidity is an Existential Threat to America.” His thesis is based on the “The Dunning-Kruger” effect. He writes,

    “Stupidity is a consequence of a failure to be aware of one’s own limitations, and this type of cognitive failure has a scientific name: the ‘Dunning-Kruger effect’. It is a well-known psychological phenomenon that describes the tendency for individuals to overestimate their level of intelligence, knowledge, or competence in a particular area. They may also simultaneously misjudge the intelligence, expertise, or competence of others. In other words, they are ignorant of their own ignorance. The effect has been widely written about, and investigated empirically, with hundreds of studies published in peer-reviewed journals confirming and analyzing the phenomenon, particularly in relation to the dangers it poses in certain contexts. It is easy to think of examples in which failing to recognize one’s own ignorance can become dangerous. Take for example when people with no medical training try to provide medical advice. ”

    This Ph.D. in neuroscience also notes that it is not considered polite or kind to go around saying, “you can’t fix stupid” and so on. But now we have an actual scientific name for this phenomena. Fellow students may wish to memorize the term, “‘Dunning-Kruger effect’. His website, eponymously named, is worth exploring. He has many other fascinating articles.

    All good wishes,

    1. Thankyou Vicki! Whilst you discuss this overestimation of one’s intelligence, I also think that stupidity is a failure to use one’s god-given basic mental faculties and intuition – we have witnessed this en masse in the past few years! But that has also come about through these basic skills being blocked by fear and propaganda.

  3. Bob Jordan says:

    Per your comments on Norway’s likely role in sabotaging the Nordstream pipeline at the compositeeye.com there is an opinion piece “Is Hersh telling the whole truth?” There are also two different articles by both the former Inspector General of the Bundeswehr Harald Kujat and by by former Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett on how impending peace deals between Ukraine and Russia were blocked by the Westernn governments and especially by Boris Johnson.

    1. Yes, I saw there was a couple of pieces on Global Research about that in a similar vein.

  4. Devi says:

    Namaste Phillip, wanted to say thanks for the great work you do putting all off this info together in such a big picture perspective . Well done!
    With grace and love…..and purpose
    Devi Ra

  5. Peig Myota says:

    Hi Phillip
    You did a great service in describing Cosmic Solar Plasma Energy in your recent newsletter. I would refer you and your readers to Robert Temple’s recent book “The New Science of Heaven” for new scientific research related to plasma energy.

  6. Craig B says:

    I might direct you all to a deeper foundational on-going fraudulent aspect to the ‘plannedemic,’ that being virology itself. The emergent “Terrain” theorists have been pointing out that no virus has ever been credibly isolated and identified, not to mention the “SARS-CoV-2.” It is very clear when you look into this that the fear-mongering not only is based on obvious surface lies but even the identified existence a supposed ‘virus’ is fraudulent (not just the bogus use of PCR testing of late). Dr.s Sam and Mark Bailey are foremost communicators of the unveiling of fraudulent medical science as Sam became much more popular than the New Zealand dept. of Health! (she was on a TV show until she could no longer stick to the script) See DrSamBailey.com – excellent collection of summary videos with very well researched commentaries based on best information available. This whole COVID scenario was, as pointed out by Mr. Lindsay to some degree, orchestrated propaganda via a network of pharma ‘purchased’ media with decades of testing how they can deceive the medically uninformed with a constellation of interlocking unsupported claims, assumptions and distorted and cherry-picked statistics. Historically no ‘pandemic’ can be credibly determined to be caused by a virus. The germ theory is being exposed for radical revision (another Plutonian gift).

    1. The Bailey’s work in NZ is excellent. For those new to this newsletter, you can find three years of writings of astrological analysis on the Covid crisis here: https://esotericastrologer.org/esoteric-astrology/esoteric-astrology-general/#cor. The material is also printed in my recent book, Destiny of the Races and Nations V:

      Behind the Big Pharma and Media machinations, it has been revealed recently that the US Department of Defence orchestrated much – as discussed here under “Truth Bombs” heading in the Aquarius newsletter: https://esotericastrologer.org/newsletters/aquarius-2023-truth-technocracy-chatgpt-schwab-wef-un-who-davos-russia-usa-shostakovich-leningrad/

  7. Jackie Bell says:

    Yes I would agree, the time and effort that you put into these newsletters to give the big picture perspective is so well appreciated..and helps to keep the spirit alive under the weight of everyday living where often those around have not the faintest idea as they continue to comply on their journey to the cliff edge

  8. Erik Hansen says:

    Hi Phillip, I don’t know if you saw this: Hillary Rodham Clinton’s birth certificate has become available. It gives a time that no one anticipated – 6:45 PM. The data collector Viktor E. provided the birth certificate to AstroDatabank. Oct 26, 1947 6:45pm Long 87W 40” 22” Lat 41N 59’ 12” Viktor has been providing documented charts to AstroDatabank since 2016, having provided 674 charts in that year, mainly of Norwegians. In 2017 Viktor provided 158 charts, mainly of Americans.
    Tucker’s videos are fascinating to watch!

    1. Many thanks Erik, the time still has her as Gemini rising which suits her very well! I had been using a late Gemini rising chart.

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