Pisces 2024: Death. Pisces Propaganda. Israel & Victimhood. Neil Oliver. Green Dragons. Mars-Pluto.
Pisces Keynote
“I leave the Father’s home and turning back I save.”
(Pisces Solar Festival: Feb.24, 2024. UT 12.30)
Death in Pisces, Pluto and Initiation
Pisces Propaganda and the “Mediacracy”
The Shadow of Pisces and Israel’s Victimhood
___Munich Security Conference
___Solutions & the NGWS
Pisces Neil Oliver: Broadcaster, Journalist
Mars conjunct Pluto in Aquarius
Green Dragons and the Path of Earth Service
Pisces full moon talk and meditation
Death in Pisces, Pluto and Initiation
“People born in this sign are frequently to be found serving the race and ministering to its needs upon some level of consciousness. Thus they are prepared for the final sacrifice in Pisces which “absorbs them back into their originating Motive” …
… It is for this reason that the life of service and the directed intention to serve constitute a scientific mode of achieving release. In Aquarius, the sign of world service, the lesson is finally learned which produces the world Saviour in Pisces.”1
As another astrological year has passed, we reflect that Pisces is a sign of completion, death of the past – as well as preparation for the spiritual new year that begins in Aries. First ray ruler – Pluto the Destroyer, is the esoteric ruler of Pisces. Pluto severs the tie that binds the two fishes together, setting the tone for transcending duality, achieving synthesis and unity:
“Death in Pisces through the energy of Pluto is transformation—a transformation so vital and so basic that the, “… Ancient One is no longer seen. He sinks to the depth of the ocean of life; he descends into hell, but the gates of hell hold him not. He, the new and living One leaves below that which has held him down throughout the ages and rises from the depths unto the heights, close to the throne of God.””2
The “Ancient One” is at once the Dweller on the Threshold – and the Soul or Spirit, that leaves the past behind, freeing itself from imprisonment:
“The Disciple – after the death of the personality and after the killing out of desire—goes on towards Pisces where again he dies “unto an eternal resurrection.”
In Scorpio there is the death of the personality, with its longings, desires, ambitions and pride. In Pisces there is the death of all attachments and the liberation of the soul for service upon an universal scale. Christ, in Pisces, exemplified the substitution of love for attachment.”3
Indeed, Pisces is associated with the final liberation – for which the Avatar of this Piscean Age – the Christ, demonstrated:
“Pisces—Here, at the final stage, Pisces stands for the death of the personality and the release of the soul from captivity and its return into the task of the world Saviour. The great achievement is finished and the final death is undergone.
“There is no more sea” says the ancient book, which means inevitably the “death of the fishes” and the release of the imprisoned life into new forms or new cycles of the divine Adventure.”4
The phrase “no more sea” also refers to an earlier level of achievement, the “drying up” of the astral or emotional nature – no longer having dominance upon the personality, with all its associated glamours.
This stage corresponds to the 2nd degree initiation, which is a lesser reflection of the 4th initiation that Jesus took upon the cross in that lifetime – over-lighted by The Christ. Hence the reference above to water-sign Scorpio which generically rules over the 2nd degree.
Today, within the world group of aspirants and disciples, many are approaching the 2nd degree initiation. When this has been achieved, it opens the way for the 3rd and 4th initiations relatively quickly; it can be within the span of one to several incarnations, depending upon the conditioning ashramic ray, group affiliation etc.
Therefore, in this Aquarian Age about to unfold for the next 2,160 years – the potential for thousands to “step up” is vast. Due to the buddhic-astral nature of the 4th and 2nd degrees respectively, the 2nd degree provides a glimpse of the future 4th degree.
Hence, it is not uncommon for those who are nearing or have taken the 2nd degree – to pronounce that this is their “last incarnation”. Yet when seriously considering the sacrifice that must be made to reach such an exalted stage – also known as “The Crucifixion”, some humility is in order!
A few other phrases that concern the 4th initiation, which does not necessarily mean that Pisces governs the 4th degree – other signs are also associated. Souls take incarnation in Pisces for thousands of lifetimes: “The great achievement is finished and the final death is undergone. The world saviour in Pisces, thus completing the round of the zodiac and able to say triumphantly in Pisces ‘it is finished’. Pisces, indicating the final goal of man.”5
Pisces Propaganda and the “Mediacracy”
(The author has written extensively upon the subject of media – past commentaries can be found here. This article is partly based upon one written in 2018.)
“Mediacracy is a situation in government where the mass media effectively has control over the voting public. Mediacracy … argues that media and news outlets have a large level of influence over voting citizens’ evaluations of candidates and political issues, thereby possessing effective control over politics …”6
The quality of Pisces the Fishes is porous – a swimmer in water, an absorber of water. A good brand name for facial tissues might be Pisces! The emotional empathy of Pisces moves them easily to tears and this is the realm of watery Neptune. Pisces is the ultimate empath – the capacity to understand or feel what another person is experiencing – i.e. the capacity to place oneself in another’s position.
The lesson for Pisces is to know how to absorb rightly, then transmute what has been absorbed. The great Piscean Avatar, the Christ, was an absorber and transmuter on behalf of Humanity – He is known as The Great Redeemer. Hence, the Pisces keynote: “I leave the Father’s home and turning back I save.” (The “father” here as the Monad or at a lower level, the reincarnating soul.)
Most of humanity is still astrally polarised and have not learnt the laws of transmutation; they respond mainly to the influences of Neptune in its lower expression – hence addiction, glamour, blind devotion and belief, misplaced idealism, easily led and manipulated – but also high aspiration and caring. Therefore, through humanity’s undeveloped mental discrimination – it is a ripe target for modern media in the form of darkly influential movies, video games, news propaganda and the internet.
Even many of us upon the Path – have become passive absorbers of astral junk food, scrolling dopamine addiction, creating unhealthy emotional states – that often precipitates into unhealthy physical conditions such as sleeplessness, diabetes and obesity.
The absorption rate varies from one or two hours a day of television, mobile device, computer etc. – to extremes of 12 hours or more for video gamers. For most of the latter, the games are ultra violent, involving stalking and killing as many people as possible; and they are played by predominantly young males who regularly absorb those contaminants – starving out their capacity for compassion and meaningful relationships, increasing their capacity for ruthlessness and domination.
It has been said that the media’s celebration of violence and glorification of killers, acts as silent enablers. The stupefying effects of this new behavioural phenomenon has created the digital zombie – transfixed, endlessly swiping and scrolling, distracted.
Thankfully, counter measures are taking root lately – one French town, Fighting the smartphone ‘invasion’: the French village that voted to ban scrolling in public. Whilst concerned parents in Britan, Thousands join UK parents calling for smartphone-free childhood.
How much does a baby, young child, teen or youth – absorb from mobile devices in their first 20 years of life? A lot of material they are not equipped to interpret or discriminate, much of which may be harmful in terms of violence or pornography.
“You are what you eat” is the old health adage for the physical plane. Likewise, you are what you absorb continuously upon the astral plane. Then finally, upon the mental plane, you are/think – only has far as you are informed by various news sources, media and books. And only as well as you can discriminate truth from untruth.
As repeated many times in these missives, if continually informed by mainstream or legacy media, then you only have part of the truth because most media march in lockstep with one another – using the same script. Mass media lies – inasmuch, placing a spin on many stories – particularly the political. Hence “mediacracy”. It is so blatant that it defies reason, let alone understanding how people passively absorb and believe it. The following well-known short video is worth repeating here:
These obvious facts have been repeated by this author for the past few years – yet it appears many in the “spiritual community” still adhere to the old ways of “trusted” media – like a comfortable old shoe. To stay stuck in that space, reflects a degree of crystallisation, old age or plain laziness.
Pisces is part of the mutable cross of Pisces-Virgo, Sagittarius-Gemini. Gemini is the sign commonly associated with media and communications, but its lower expression through ruler Mercury – is also associated with propaganda. Mercury, the divine Messenger is the “principle of illusion”7 – in its undeveloped expression, but eventually Mercury confers illumination – which dispels illusion.
Hence, Maya upon the physical plane, Glamour on the astral plane and Illusion for the mental plane. As Humanity becomes more mentally polarised and less affected by glamour, it begins to deal with the pairs of opposites upon the mental plane. Hence we are seeing today a potent mixture of all three attributes – with a large part of the mentally polarised and relatively advanced humanity, battliing and/or succumbing to illusion.
As part of the mutable cross therefore, Gemini is closely related to illusion and propaganda – but Pisces contributes considerably by mixing Neptunian glamour with illusion. The other two signs of the mutable cross are Sagittarius and Virgo – offering respectively, the search for higher expanded awareness and the development of mental discrimination.
Whole nations can have the veil of glamour-illusion drawn across their face, such as Germany, a Pisces personality – during and before WWII. (See Germany’s Pisces Personality and the USA)
The USA is a Gemini personality and has its progressed Sun in Pisces – activated by Neptune in these past few years. (See USA’s Pisces Problems.) Hence, with the presence of so many astrological influences that amplify glamour and illusion, the cultivation of non-consensus, objective, independent and alternative media is a must – even a duty!
Due to many people becoming completely dissatisfied with legacy media, there has been an explosion of alternative media in recent years, with personalities like Joe Rogan, Russell Brand and Tucker Carlson commanding audiences far in excess of long-running TV stations like CNN, CBS, MSNBC, Fox, BBC, ABC etc.
The author has compiled a list of independent and alternative media referenced in the past decade or so. As with legacy media, we cannot take for granted what is heard or written, one has to use critical thinking skills – to use a Virgo expression, “to sort the wheat from the chaff”.
Whatever might be the notorious reputation of some presenters or interviewers, their political affiliations or biases – there can be found profound interviews and deep insights that would be rarely seen in today’s mainstream media.
Although some have particular agendas, the motive of many of these independents is purely to get to the truth of the matter, and in doing so they have been vilified and smeared in an effort to shut them up. (See Russell Brand’s Trial by Media.)
In considering these alternative recommendations, long-standing biases must be set aside in order to truly listen, learn and reflect. Discard if necessary or factor it in to a new way of one’s own critical and independent thought. Here follows one of the most extraordinary interviews this author has seen recently – where the amazingly complex, deep state censorship apparatus is laid bare.

Watch the interview here. See the entire transcript of the interview with comments by Dr. Robert Malone. (Note this author is neither a supporter of the left or right!)
“The national security state is the main driver of censorship and election interference in the United States. “What I’m describing is military rule,” says Mike Benz. “It’s the inversion of democracy.””
Interviewee, Mike Benz is the founder of the Foundation For Freedom Online (FFO), a free speech watchdog dedicated to restoring the promise of a free and open Internet. Benz’s grasp of what could be described as The Matrix, is dense and detailed – well worth sticking-out this one hour interview – chock-full of revelations.
Bear in mind, no matter who is the interviewer (with whom some may have issues – political or otherwise) – what is conveyed by the interviewee is the most important factor in determining the truth. All of the above is particularly important with regard to the following article that has much propaganda and media hype swirling around it.
See also the article by Dr. Robert Malone: Using propaganda to avoid paradigm shifts.
The Shadow of Pisces and Israel’s Victimhood
“Israel Weaponizes Sympathy And Victimhood: In this dynamic, anything Israel does causes more people to hate Israel both in the middle east and around the world, to which Israel responds by tearfully proclaiming “See?? They hate us! We must defend ourselves against their hostilities!”8
An idea cannot be destroyed. No wholesale slaughter of the Palestinian people will kill the idea of freedom from repression, bombing, control, humiliation and cruel starvation. For that is what Israel has enacted regularly upon Palestinians for 75 years – since the first Nakba in 1948 when the state of Israel illegally inserted itself into the Middle East.
Hamas and its various factions, however corrupted or compromised by Israel and the West – is nonetheless a symbol of resistance to repression. Whether Hamas acted on its own or was considerably enabled by Israeli intelligence on Oct.7, 2023 – is now well beyond the point. The Old Testament vengeful Jehovah, extracting “an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth”, has utterly lost its meaning when considering casualties in the conflict – in Gaza alone,
“Killed: at least 28,340 people, including more than: 12,150 children, 8,300 women. Injured: more than 67,984, including at least: 8,663 children, 6,327 women. Missing: more than 7,000. Israel: Killed: about 1,139 people. Injured: at least 8,730.”9
From these figures, it is clear that Israel is using its pursuit of Hamas as an excuse for the deliberate extermination and/or expulsion of Palestinians. To call it a genocide, describes the stark horror of what has been unfolding.
Holocaust would be another description – and the shocking irony of that term is not lost upon anyone; its original root is from the “Greek holokaustos … Holokautein … one of the two chief verbs of the Greek word for sacrifice – in which the victim is utterly destroyed and burnt up.”10
Western nations have stood by for six months – financially and militarily enabling Israel to “burn up” Gaza, while mouthing innocuous platitudes of sympathy for Palestinians. There has also been inflicted a destruction and demolition of property on an unprecedented scale:
“More than half of Gaza’s homes – 360,000 residential units have been destroyed or damaged: 392 educational facilities. 11 out of 35 hospitals are partially functioning. 123 ambulances. 267 places of worship.”11
Today we are witnessing the death throes of the Piscean Age, ruled esoterically by first ray planet – Pluto the Destroyer, discovered between the two World Wars in 1930. Now in the third and final stage of this global conflict, humanity is experiencing some of the darkest shadows of the Pisces Age.
One of Pisces’ glamours is the martyr or the victim, similar to the sixth ray of Devotion and Idealism which passes through this sign – and its polar opposite Virgo, the soul zodiac sign of the Jewish People.
WWII saw an horrific holocaust of the Jewish people by their German perpetrators, yet we are told – and not to underplay the gravity of that event – it was a karmic repercussion from heinous acts committed in the days of Old Israel. An Israel that should have faded away like other civilisations, not to be revived.
The soul of the Jewish people is ruled by the first ray of Will or Power, which at times if not integrated, can lead to ruthlessness and cruelty. We are told that,
“An instance of this can be noted in the history of the Jews as found in the Old Testament. When the first ray was in control and passing through one of its rare cycles of activity we read that they butchered and slaughtered all their enemies — men, women and children, putting them to the sword. The sword is ever the symbol of the first ray force just as the pen is of the second ray influence.”12
As noted in the Scorpio newsletter for 2023 (Roots of the Israel-Palestine Conflict: Emergence of Zionism-Nazism), this passage refers to a battle against the nation of , where the Israelites are commanded to,
“… punish the Amalekites for what they did to Israel when they waylaid them as they came up from Egypt. Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.” (1 Samuel:15.)
The Jewish Holocaust of WWII was “karmic blowback” from that battle and similar Israelite atrocities committed in those ancient times. Hence, Benjamin Netanyahu – blissfully unaware (?) of perpetuating an endless cycle of karma – invoked the memory of Amalek as justification for slaughtering Palestinians, a genocide that could be called Nakba 2.0 or Amalek 2.0:
“Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that Israelis were united in their fight against Hamas, whom he described as an enemy of incomparable cruelty. [Great projection here!] “They [Israel] are committed to completely eliminating this evil from the world … You must remember what Amalek has done to you, says our Holy Bible. And we do remember.”13
Hence, tapping into the Jewish Virgo soul, modern Zionist Israel has invoked the Pisces polarity of victimhood, sympathy, sentimentality and martydom. This psychological situation does of course have its roots in centuries of persecution, prejudice and suffering by Jews who have been expelled from one place or another, creating the “wandering Jew “searching for a homeland”. Spiritually speaking, that homeland however, is not a physical place, but integration into the greater community of humanity – throughout every nation.
It is such a complex problem, we are told that it is the main issue with which our Planetary Logos wrestles. The following has been quoted before in the these newsletters, but bears repeating, in order for the esoteric meaning to become clearer:
“The fourth type of force, which is responsible for the state of world affairs at this time [WWII], is that of the Jews; they, as a whole, constitute the solar plexus of the planetary Logos; their problem is being used today to focus, qualify and condition the world feeling-nature and the emotional reactions of the sensitive nature of humanity and of the planetary Logos …”.14
Surely today, the “emotional reactions of the sensitive nature of humanity” has reached fever pitch – not experienced on this scale at any prior time in history? Elsewhere, it is stated,
“… what is truly taking place in the world today is the transference of the energy of the planetary solar plexus to the planetary heart centre … I am not speaking idealistically or mystically. I am pointing out the immediate goal; I am indicating a problem of our planetary Deity; I am giving you the clue to a scientific process which is going on under our eyes and which is today at a point of crisis.”15
This transference from solar plexus to heart is the evolutionary path of each and every individual. Hence, once a critical mass has been achieved – and because we are all cells within the body of the Planetary Logos, then That Being’s “immediate goal” will be fulfilled. Who knows if that will occur during the next zodiac age of Aquarius, or several cycles hence? The world is toward the end of the 500-year cuspal cycle between Pisces and Aquarius, so perhaps another century or so before the last Piscean vestiges fade away.
Today, Israel repeats the Amalek cruelty, creating even greater karma for the Jewish People as a whole – many of whom globally, oppose what has been happening since Oct.7. One wonders at the rationalisation of the Zionist perpetrators – perhaps they are possessed by dark forces; they appear to be totally unaware of the grave irony of another holocaust committed upon a “brother tribe” – in the Semitic subrace of the Fifth Rootrace (5.3).
On victimhood, Australian journalist – Caitlin Johnstone says,
“There’s a certain particularly toxic personality type which thrives on being hated. They behave in wildly odious and destructive ways, and then when people react to this with hostility they plunge into poor-me victimhood, which they then use to justify more odious and destructive behavior … They behave atrociously, and then when people react to it they say “See?? I really AM being persecuted!”16
Johnstone goes on to quote Alon Mizrahi , where he argues that Israel is,
“… intentionally generating hatred towards itself in order to shore up political power. Claiming that “Israel and American Jewish organizations took it upon themselves to keep Jews afraid and isolated” in a “strategy of intentional paranoia,” Mizrahi opines that when October 7 hit, “the right wing, nationalistic, paranoid section of the Jewish political spectrum, realized it could be translated into political gold …
… It is intentionally airing its cruelty and barbarity so that it will remain closed up to the world, thus guaranteeing the continued rule of the paranoia camp …Palestinians are just crash test dummies in this scenario,” he adds. “Their deaths are used to get people angry and Israel hated, so it becomes even more paranoid.”17
Utilising the manipulation glamour of the third ray of Active Intelligence, Global Zionism has seized upon public perception and is trying to portray anti-Semitic persecution! The notorious ADL (Anti-Defamation League) has begun calling pro-Palestine rallies,
“… as anti-semitic incidents, including rallies organized and attended by Jewish groups, leading to the Israel-friendly mass media reporting a massive spike in “anti-semitism” in the wake of October 7.”18
Munich Security Conference
Ironically, given German history – a bid to halt Israel’s carnage in Rafah was initiated at an annual conference in Munich, Germany – mid-February, 2024. (Pressure builds on Israel to ditch Rafah offensive as ministers gather in Munich)
Germany is a Pisces personality and Munich is the heart centre of this nation.19 Hence, in its higher potential, this is a significant combination of compassionate Pisces combined with the heart of the nation.
The outcome so far at this writing is indeterminate. Netanyahu and Gen. Galant said they will go into Rafah if hostages are not released when Ramadan arrives (March 11 – April 9, 2024 – Pisces through to Aries). The US Secretary of State said,
“There is an “extraordinary opportunity” in the months ahead for Israel to be integrated into the Middle East as Arab countries are willing to normalise ties with the country, US secretary of state Antony Blinken said on Saturday. Speaking at a panel at the Munich Security Conference, Blinken also highlighted the “urgent” imperative to proceed with a Palestinian state that would also ensure the security of Israel.
“Virtually every Arab country” now “wants to integrate Israel into the region, to normalise relations if they haven’t already done so, to provide security assurances and commitments so that Israel can feel more safe and more secure,” he said. “At the same time, there are genuine efforts under way, led by Arab countries, to reform, revitalise revamp the Palestinian Authority so that it can be more effective in representing the interests of the Palestinian people, and could be a better partner for Israel in that future,” Blinken added.”20
Solutions & the NGWS
“[The New Group of World Servers] … all those sensitive and consecrated servers of the race whose objective is world peace, who aim at the establishing of good will on earth as the basis for future living and world expansion … Its ranks have been opened … to all those of good will who are working actively for real understanding, who are willing to sacrifice themselves for the helping of humanity, and who see no separating bar of any kind, but feel alike to all races, nationalities and religions.”21
How can the rest of awakened humanity deal with this problem? How can the lightworkers of the world work subjectively to dissolve this seemingly insoluble problem upon the physical plane? Whereas the global solar plexus is composed of the souls of Jewish People, the ajna centre is “inhabited” by the New Group of World Servers:
“The ajna center of the Lord of the World is just beginning to express itself in a recognizable manner through the New Group of World Servers. This intermediate group—between the Hierarchy and Humanity—is a carrier of the energy which makes the Plan possible (the Plan of which the Hierarchy is the custodian).
This Plan implements the Purpose, and later, when the New Group of World Servers [NGWS] is organized and is recognized as a living organism, it will definitely receive energy from Shamballa in a direct reception, via the Hierarchy.”22
Hence, the NGWS mediates between Sanat Kumara in Shamballa – and the “problem of planetary deity” – and Humanity. In 2025, the 100 year anniversary of the founding of the NGWS will take place – “the emergence of a band of “conditioning souls”, under the name of the New Group of World Servers, has been possible since 1925”.
As discussed regularly, 1925 and 2025 are the dates set for the once-in-a-century conclave of The Hierarchy, the guides of humanity – the Masters of Wisdom – working with the Council Chamber of Shamballa.
In 2025, They will have a particularly earnest decision to make about the timing of Their Reappearance (Externalisation) – and may already have a fair idea of when that might be – most likely within the next few decades at the latest.
1925 was the date when The Hierarchy “shifted gears” for the first time since the ancient days of Atlantis, “moving” their ashrams from the mental plane to the buddhic plane – “thereby making direct and unimpeded etheric reception possible”.23
Hence, the increased frequencies with which Humanity deals on its accelerated evolution, thrust forward by the power of Shamballa. The NGWS is the “eye of the bull” or Nandi, Shiva’s vehicle.
The ajna centre, whether it is an individual or a group, is composed of two major petals, the left: Manas or mind ruled by Venus. The right: Buddhi or intution ruled by Mercury.
The NGWS is composed of those who work eXoterically in the outer world and those who work eSoterically in the inner world. Hence, the manas petal may relate to the former and the buddhi petal to the latter. Or perhaps both groups have a mixture of each. Bear in mind that these two major petals are composed of 48 petals each, which represent different groupings of souls who serve the Planetary Plan. More or less 7 x 7 ray and sub-ray groupings of souls.
Therefore, those who have esoteric knowledge of meditation and dealing with inner causes behind outer effects, serve those who work on the outer – “at the coal-face”. How can that be effected with efficacy in this urgent world period? There are several esoteric groups working subjectively on these issues at the moment – one such group:
“Hechal [founded in Israel] holds a Middle East Vigil every Monday since the beginning of this present war. Holding space for a new approach to evolve in the hearts and minds of the population on both sides, for pain to bestow reward of light and love. And to direct Light both into the ground to dissolve the ancient patterns of war which condition both sides, and to the thinkers and true peace makers to evolve new ways of dealing with the situation. We end with the Great Invocation sounded in Arabic and in Hebrew, to send the high vibration through the languages into the two national/racial consciousnesses.”24
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Pisces Neil Oliver: Broadcaster, Journalist
With the ongoing demise of mainstream or legacy media, independent and alternative media is filling the consensus media void. One such person is Neil Oliver, well-known on,
“British television for his several documentary series on archaeology and history, including A History of Scotland, Vikings and Coast. He is also an author of popular history books and historical fiction. He was the president of the National Trust for Scotland from 2017 to 2020.”25
But during the Covid crisis in 2021, Oliver departed radically from his “respectable” establishment roots – saying, “Lockdown is the biggest single mistake in world history”, criticising the drive to vaccinate children, likening the fight against government anti-COVID measures to the fight against Nazi Germany.
In April 2021, Oliver was hired by GB news, where he created controversy with his views on the Covid crisis, climate and alleged anti-Semiticism. So what happened to cause such an about-face, an epiphany of sorts?
Oliver has an extraordinary stellium of planets in compassionate and sensitive water sign Pisces – Sun, Mercury, Chiron, Venus and Saturn. As the last sign of the zodiac, Pisces is often interested in history – what has brought humanity during the previous evolution of the zodiac signs to where it is today.
Noted Australian historian – Manning Clark (who this author knew), had Sun, Chiron and Jupiter in Pisces, no doubt assisting him to deliver his monumental six-volume work, A History of Australia.
When Oliver found a powerful voice through GB news in April 2021 – transiting Jupiter had just culminated on his Aquarius midheaven – pushing him into the public spotlight – in a much different way than his earlier career. Shortly thereafter, Jupiter passed back and forth over his Pisces sun, perhaps bringing some kind of awakening, expanding his consciousness further.

Source for the time of this chart is unknown, it was found in the author’s files. Hence the rising sign is speculative and possibly inaccurate. If anyone has the correct time, please contact.
Then Jupiter moved back into Aquarius (which it rules esoterically), crossing the midheaven twice more throughout 2021 – increasing his new found (but not sought) infamy and public profile. Then transiting Jupiter conjoined all his Pisces planets in the 10th house of career, the public – from Jan. to Dec. 2022.
Oliver has quite a non-conformist image – a rebellious, Braveheart Scot if you will, with an attractive Scottish brogue – delivering his passionate and poetic trademark monologues direct to camera. (See podcast, Modern Scottish Warrior Goes ‘BRAVEHEART’ on Elites.)
That passion is driven by warrior, Mars in Scorpio – which is part of a water grand trine to his Sun in Pisces and an hypothetical Cancer ascendant. A water grand trine bears the “Nostradamus signature” – in terms of a prophet who can see the writing on the wall. Indeed, Pisces is well-known as the psychic and clairvoyant, especially when combined with watery Cancer rising:
“… spiritualism and the work of the spiritualistic movement are under the influence of Pisces with Cancer rising, or in some stages with the reverse—Cancer with Pisces rising.”26
Scotland, as part of Britain’s Celtic heritage – and like Ireland, well known for its psychism – “second sight”, a form of prophetic vision associated particularly with Scottish Highlands folklore – essentially Celtic mysticism.
Indeed, Oliver’s fiction book Master of the Shadows, has a hero who has inherited a form of this Gaelic “second sight”. If Oliver does not possess or use that gift, he certainly has a strong interest in it – expressed in his book, Hauntings – where he reveals the most compelling ghost stories in British history. Reviews say,
“Haunted is a wonderful book: part history, part rumination on life, and, of course a haunting book about ghosts …. beautifully written, fascinating, deeply moving and thought-provoking.’ – James Holland.
‘A proper page-turner …. A fascinating tangle of witches and mermaids, drowned fishers [Pisces] and dead warriors, ghostly planes and spectral horses.’ – Christopher Somerville, author of Ships of Heaven.
‘One of the most enjoyable books on the paranormal I’ve read. Neil Oliver creates a bucket list of places to visit, perfect for both paranormal investigators and history buffs alike.’ – Nick Tyler, author of Haunted Yorkshire.”27
Oliver is most certainly the story-teller, indicative of the fourth ray of Harmony through Conflict in his ray structure – quite possibly the personality ray and/or mental ray. (See Oliver’s 1 hr. video interview about the book.) These reviews were included here to illustrate the power of Oliver’s polar opposite of Pisces – Virgo, the wordsmith. Pisces is the medium or mediator, and although Oliver may be mediumistic, he most definitely assumes the role of a mediator (see later).
“… those mediums who are beginning to get a glimpse of the higher correspondences in their work—mediatorship and interpretive activity—have not got Virgo appearing somewhere with real potency and activity. This might indicate the awakening of the mind, in the first instance, and eventually that there was a shift in the influence controlling them, from the orthodox planetary rulership to that of the more esoteric planets.”28
Oliver is most likely well beyond the medium stage of evolution and getting “glimpses of higher correspondences”, yet this passage serves to illustrate how strong the Virgo polarity is in his chart – Pluto-Uranus in Virgo, opposite Mercury, Chiron, Venus and Saturn in Pisces! Virgo clothes the Pisces vision with beautiful language. With two water grand trines in his horoscope (see later), Oliver easily has the potential for higher or lower psychism:
“It is in this dual sign [Pisces] that the imprisoned soul and the personality enter upon that process which will transmute,
- The lower nature into the higher manifestation.
- The lower psychical powers into the higher spiritual faculties, i.e.
- Negativity into positive soul control.
- Mediumship into mediatorship.
- Clairvoyance into spiritual perception.
- Clairaudience into mental telepathy and finally inspiration.
- Instinct into intellect.
- Selfishness into divine selflessness.
- Acquisitiveness into renunciation.
- Self-preservation into selfless world service.
- Self-pity into compassion, sympathy and divine understanding.”29
Cancer is a sign associated with Scotland and might have a connection to the expression, “canny Scot”. Cancer is a sign related to the management of resources and canny is said to come from “can” – “know how to” but also “careful, skillful, clever … also “frugal, thrifty” – the latter Scot reputation well-known!
Cancer is a sign also associated with history, the past, family clans etc. and with Cancer ruler the Moon also in Cancer – Oliver has explored deeply his Scottish heritage (A History of Scotland) – and no doubt his own family tree.
Oliver’s moon is conjunct Jupiter in Cancer, the place of its exaltation – that carries a warm generosity. Placed in the first house, this very feminine combination expresses as a nurturing persona that has broad appeal. Cancer is a sign of mass consciousness and Oliver has reached millions through his television documentaries, videos, interviews, public talks and books.
Lord of the Oceans – Neptune, is the co-ruler of Pisces and appropriately the esoteric ruler of Cancer the Crab, hence it position in intense and penetrating Scorpio affords Oliver plenty of intuition. Neptune is the key planet that concerns buddhi or intuition, direct knowledge and it appears that is how Oliver works, often stating that despite being a qualified archeologist and history writer – that he is not an academic.
Neptune in Scorpio’s power is further enhanced by its position in another water grand trine between Moon in Cancer and Mercury, Chiron, Venus and Saturn in Pisces! In nearly 40 years as an astrologer, the author has never seen two such well defined water grand trines! With his “second sight” or intuition working so powerfully, Oliver easily sees through veneers that surround the state of things – that others would label conspiracy theory:
“During a monologue delivered on his GB News programme on 4 February 2023, Oliver spoke of a “silent war” waged by generations of politicians in order to take “total control of the people” and impose “one-world government”.
According to The Guardian, the monologue apparently referred to Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars, an alleged conspiracy theory document. The Board of Deputies of British Jews and the All-Party Parliamentary Group against Antisemitism both issued statements calling on GB News to stop indulging antisemitic conspiracy theories.”30
One last comment upon Oliver’s keen interest/preoccupation with history – is his audio book called Wisdom of the Ancients – where he explores ideas buried in forgotten cultures and early civilisations: Laetoli footprints in Tanzania, Keralan rituals, stone circles and cave paintings etc. (For those interested in similar themes, see this author’s video, The Hidden History of Humanity.)
Mars conjunct Pluto in Aquarius
“The destructive power of the first ray, focussed in Pluto, brings change, darkness and death. To this intensity and potency of Pluto must be added the forceful and dynamic energy of the planet Mars. This brings the entire human family, as well as the individual, under the law of strife, based this time upon sixth ray devotion to an ideal, high or low.”31
This conjunction happens every 2-year cycle of Mars and was exact in the first degree of Aquarius on February 14 – Valentine’s Day. But this potent combination could be felt for a few days prior, in terms of the incendiary combination of these two planets: Mars the god of war united to the Pluto the destroyer – experienced personally, nationally or globally. Some major flashpoint of strife and conflict is always possible with this combination, particularly in the world’s current atmosphere of nuclear threats, the Middle East and Ukraine crises.
Yet, the planets have various levels of expression – Mars in Aquarius can be incensed by injustice and is driven to fight for a just cause. Anger is Mars’ domain, ruler of the solar plexus centre, gateway to the emotional/astral body. On the one hand, Mars in Aquarius is much cooler and detached in mentally polarised Aquarius. Upon the other, Aquarius has a dual attribute as an emotional sign:
“… the water-carrier, is a living sign and an emotional sign … It will (through the effect of its potent force) stimulate the astral bodies of men into a new coherency, into a brotherhood of humanity which will ignore all racial and national differences … Its emotional effect will be to “purify” the astral bodies of [wo]men so that the material world ceases to hold such potent allure.”32
Although Pluto rules the base chakra, it also has an association with the solar plexus, just as Mars has an association with the sacral/sex chakra. These three “lower centres” are all part of Pluto’s underworld – the unconscious and unredeemed aspects of human nature that constitute the planetary Dweller on the Threshold:
“Mars and Pluto—function in connection with the sacral centre (Mars) and the solar plexus (Pluto). This latter planet becomes active in the life of the man who is “becoming alive in the higher sense, his lower nature passes into the smoke and darkness of Pluto, who governs the lesser burning ground, in order that the man may live in truth in the higher land of light.””33
The burning ground contains the fires that burn away the dross, all the obstacles that present themselves to the aspirant who earnestly treads the way to Liberation. The “lesser burning ground” is often depicted as located in “hell” – or the “under-world” over which Pluto presides; it has been created by Humanity itself – upon the lower subplanes of the astral plane.
Hence, this combination of Mars and Pluto can be potent for emotional transformation, release from our self-created hells – enabling the capacity to “live in truth and the higher land of light”. Bear in mind that Pluto is also the esoteric ruler of Pisces, a deeply, emotionally sensitive sign. Pluto and Uranus (Aquarius ruler) are both regarded esoterically as having a powerful influence on the “soul life”:
“Uranus or Pluto … affect the soul life far more than they do the personality life … Today, humanity is rapidly responding to the higher spiritual influences and, therefore, we can look for the discovery of increasingly subtle forces.”34
In the Ageless Wisdom teachings we are told that, “Venus is to the Earth what the higher Self is to man.”35 – and similarly there is a relation between Pluto and Mars:
“… there is a relation between Mars and Pluto analogous to that between Venus and the Earth. Esoterically speaking, Mars is the alter ego of Pluto; the activity of Pluto at this time and in this lesser world cycle is very important on account of its esoteric approach to the Earth, impelled thereto by the vivification of its life by a display of Martian energy. The Earth, Mars and Pluto form an interesting triangle with Venus behind the scene acting as the impelling soul acts towards a rapidly integrating personality.36
These passages all point to the important influences of these planets, the stories of which are encoded in ancient mythology traditions – such as the love affair between Venus and Mars. Traditional astrology see Mars as a “malefic” – but in reality, Mars establishes relations between the opposites and is a beneficent force, bringing into a focussed awareness of the pairs of opposites as they clash within the astral or mental body:
“Mars carries the war into the very depth of circumstance, environment and being, and confers at the same time such devotion to the visioned objective—as seen at any particular point upon the path—that final failure is rendered impossible. Towards the end of the evolutionary process, the disciple begins to respond consciously to the fourth indirect influence—that of Pluto, producing the death of the hindering factors and of all that prevents synthesis. Pluto … brings about the death or the finish of the separative, instinctual nature, for this is the factor which lies behind all dualism;37
The author has referred to Mars in Aquarius as the “the Da Vinci factor”, as Leonardo da Vinci had this position – expressing the innovative and inventive nature of Aquarius. Similarly in this day and Age, the Mars-Pluto conjunction relates to modern technology – that can be used for the good of humanity or selfishly, by manipulating forces (Pluto’s shadow) that might want to create an internet crash or force humanity into the slavery of digital currencies.
All these possibilities are imminent as the current Great Awakening of Humanity expands, strengthening the ranks of those who choose to take a stand, to disobey dictates, to think critically and independently – to see through the outer seeming and live an authentic life.

The author had this image created as a logo for all his books – due to a strong resonance with the description of this path. (Artist Catherine Lindsay. Image is copyright but feel free to share it, giving attribution.)
Green Dragons and the Path of Earth Service
The recent Aquarius new moon marked the beginning of the Chinese year of the green (wood) dragon, a curious and dynamic symbol that is esoterically related to the ruler of our solar system – our solar logos or “Sol”, in which lies the true “secret of the Dragon”.
When a human being is finally emancipated, released from Earthly life by progress through the higher initiations, the so called “seven cosmic paths” open up. The most common path that Humanity will choose is the fourth, the Path to Sirius, where another evolution will be embarked upon:
“Path I…..The Path of Earth Service.
Path II….The Path of Magnetic Work.
Path III…The Path of the Planetary Logos.
Path IV….The Path to Sirius.
Path V…..The Ray Path.
Path VI….The Path of the Solar Logos.
Path VII…The Path of Absolute Sonship.”38
It is the first path, The Path of Earth Service that is of interest here, for those who have achieved enlightenment but choose to stay, “until the last weary pilgrim comes home”. The following points summarise this path:
Attributes ……. Wise-compassion.
Source ……….. Constellation of the Dragon, via Libra.
Method ……….. Twelve cosmic Identifications.
Hierarchy …….. The sixth.
Symbol ……….. A green dragon issuing from the centre of a blazing sun. Behind the sun and over-topping it can be seen two pillars on either side of a closed door.
Quality gained … Luminosity.”39
Here follows a very abbreviated description of this First Path:
“The nature of the spiritual force which animates the group of our peculiar planetary initiates will become apparent perhaps if the methods and purposes of their work are studied from the standpoint of subjective energy … the animating impulse lying behind all world groups which are particularly consecrated to the uplift of the race.
This will necessarily include all political, religious, scientific and metaphysical organisations. It will be found that each and all are definitely related and have a point of at-one-ment with certain of the numerous occult bodies … This first path is the one that keeps a man linked to the Hierarchy which is pledged to the service of our planetary scheme. It comprises those who work under the Lord of the World in the seven groups into which our Masters of the Wisdom are divided.
… The adepts who stay upon this Path are … animated by wise-compassion [and] are called esoterically the “beneficent dragons,” and the energy with which they work and the stream of living force upon which they are found emanates from the constellation of the Dragon [Draco], working through the zodiacal sign Libra.
This special spiritual energy produces in all those groups which come under its direct influence a profound faculty for identification … The “beneficent dragons” are distinguished by their “luminosity,” and it is this basic quality which lies behind the injunction given by all spiritual teachers to their pupils in the words “let your light shine forth.” … luminosity is gained upon the battle ground through a fight with a dragon.”40
Hence, there may be a connection with the Chinese green dragon, but even if there is not, it’s a very good reminder of our ultimate destinies and choices that will be made, a long way down the track!
Phillip Lindsay © 2024.
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Pisces full moon festival: Meditation and talk – Feb.23, 19.00 UT.
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.117. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.214. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.214. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.121. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.272. [↩]
- Israel Weaponizes Sympathy And Victimhood, Caitlin Johnstone. [↩]
- aljazeera.com [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- aljazeera.com [↩]
- Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.14. [↩]
- Roots of the Israel-Palestine Conflict: Emergence of Zionism-Nazism. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.87. See also, Jewish Glamour: A Change in Attitude. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.520. See also, Jewish Glamour: A Change in Attitude. [↩]
- Israel Weaponizes Sympathy And Victimhood, Caitlin Johnstone. [↩]
- Israel Weaponizes Sympathy And Victimhood, Caitlin Johnstone. [↩]
- Israel Weaponizes Sympathy And Victimhood, Caitlin Johnstone. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.85. [↩]
- The Guardian [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology II, Alice A. Bailey. p.689. [↩]
- The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. p.368. [↩]
- Discipleship in the New Age II, Alice A. Bailey. p.405. [↩]
- Uta Gabbay, Hechal, Jerusalem. [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.124. [↩]
- amazon.co.uk [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.124. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.123-4. [↩]
- theguardian.com [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.187. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.314. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.78. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.114. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.298. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.507. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.365. [↩]
- A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p.426. [↩]
- A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p.426. [↩]
- A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p.426. [↩]
Hola Phillip, te sigo desde hace años y hoy quiero darte las gracias por tu gran trabajo en la tarea de traer un poco más de Luz a este mundo. Es un lujo y una satisfacción leer tus artículos.
Un saludo.
Interestingly, Oliver is very unpopular in Scotland.
Such a helpful view of the conflict between the Jews and Zionists with Gaza. My heart opened with compassion while I read your comprehensive study. The circular thoughtforms of them against us, necessitates us against them, causes them against us, on and on… is devastating.
After reading the article about the karma of the Jewish people, I wonder what the karma of the Palestinian people could be due to actions in the past.
Its a very good point. Are the Palestinians truly blameless, real “victims”? Or are they, due to their close Semitic race relationships, reincarnated Israelites “guilty” of the same atrocities?
Some say many jews in roman times never left Palestine, and some later even converted to Islam. So, reincarnated, or direct descendants… it sure seem like a “family” issue. The recurring theme of genocide, of killing everybody we get our hands on, has to stop, otherwise, we’re in for several sequels…
Great article as always Phillip!