Sagittarius 2021: Winter of Discontent. Democracy. Aquarian Shadow. Omicron. Western Leaders. Mars in Sag. The Jabb-erwocky! Shamballa.
Sagittarius Keynote
“I see the goal. I reach that goal and then I see another.”
(Sagittarius Full Moon Festival: 19-12-21. 4.35 am UT.)
2021-2: Second Winter of Discontent: The Death of Democracy
___ Australia’s Disturbing Situation
___An Impassioned Plea
___What Are You Going to Do?
___The Shadow of Aquarius
___British Democracy Teeters on the Brink
___Moronic Omicron
Are Johnson and Biden Losing Their Minds?
___Joe Biden’s Imminent Demise?
Aquarian Wisdom Centre Retreat in Portugal
Mars’ Two-Yearly Transit Through Scorpio
Mars in Sagittarius (Dec.13 – Jan.24)
The Global Jabberwocky and Novak Djokovic
Pauline Hanson Scorpio Warrior
Sagittarius and the Four Freedoms
Libra, Shamballa and the Return of the Christ
I Come Not to Bring Peace but a Sword
Winter Solstice Dec.21, 2021
2021-2: Second Winter of Discontent and the Death of Democracy
The first “winter of discontent” in the northern hemisphere was at this time in 2020-1. Sagittarius is a sign of spiritual philosophy – where the greatest thinkers of the race have reached heavenward to contact the Universal Laws, wrestled them from the Mind of the Divine, manifesting them as spiritual writings, in turn codified into the prevailing culture as Earthly laws and principles to live by.
Earthy Capricorn is the sign following Sagittarius, where this manifestation takes place and where the status quo lives by those laws. Saturn as the ruler of Capricorn, represents the law, the karmic law of cause and effect for breaking those laws.
“Democracy is a form of government in which the people have the authority to deliberate and decide legislation (“direct democracy”), or to choose governing officials to do so (“representative democracy”).”1
Democracy is an evolving system, it is far from perfect but is far more fair and inclusive than any other system:
“Cornerstones of democracy include freedom of assembly, association and speech, inclusiveness and equality, citizenship, consent of the governed, voting rights, freedom from unwarranted governmental deprivation of the right to life and liberty, and minority rights.”2
One can see some of FDR’s Four Freedoms here, discussed often in these missives and referred to later in another short article. Most of these Democratic cornerstones have been savagely attacked in the past two years! Many Western democracies, including Britain, the nation that birthed modern democracy, have made an all-out assault upon the Democratic system:
– Freedom from unwarranted governmental deprivation: One of the worst transgressions, covering a myriad of issues.
– Freedom of assembly and association: Severely interrupted by social distancing, lockdown rules and proposed anti-protest laws.
– Freedom of speech: Public discussion banned by Government, social media and big tech – on anything to do with the “Pandemic” and vaccines.
– Inclusiveness and equality: One rule for politicians and the “elite”, another for the general populace – e.g. public must mask-up but politicians do not have to.
– Right to life, liberty and minority rights: Severely curtailed due to the false narrative on lockdown rules – curfews, restricted or banned travel. Abuse of indigenous people.
The diminishment, if not outright loss of all these rights, liberties and freedoms has been brought about by the so-called “ruling elite” – through their corporations, billionaires, Big banking, Media, Pharma, WEF, WHO etc.
These groups have evolved into a predatory monster that feeds off and exploits Humanity. In combination, they are the un-elected Oligarchy (i.e. power that rests with a small number of people), that dictates to world governments. Of course, this did not happen overnight, it has been slowly unfolding for centuries, but has accelerated in the past few decades.
Nobody elected any of these entities, yet they have control over many politicians in Western nations through their blatant bribes, “sweeteners” and lobby groups. The world has been changed into a totalitarian state almost overnight, with outrageous diminishments of human liberties, cruel psychological operations (psy-ops) and the instilling of fear and propaganda.
Australia’s Disturbing Situation
Australia appears to be one of the worst nations affected, with many of the state premiers appearing maniacally obsessed in executing their orders in control tactics of each state. There is plentiful video footage (1.37 – 2.02) of people like Dan Andrews (VIC), Gladys Berejiklian (former NSW), Annastacia Palaszczuk (QLD), Mark McGowan (WA) and Michael Gunner (NT).
All of them – hard line, grim, lacking any sentience or compassion. Some have even speculated that these leaders have exhibited some of the hallmarks of MK Ultra type of mind-control strategies. Other explanations range to the other end of the spectrum such as obsession by astral entities, which is esoterically in this climate of fear and hysteria, entirely plausible. Somewhere in between these extremes is that these leaders believe whole-heartedly in the “science” (the brainwashing) and feel that they are doing an unpalatable but necessary service to the people.
And there is no room here for discussion of financial incentives and payments to these people, but it has been reported. Either way, the behaviour of these individuals has been deeply disturbing for many observers within Australia.
An Impassioned Plea
And still, so many very bright and intelligent people cannot see what is very obvious to others – regarding it all as “conspiracy theory” and that’s exactly what the ruling elite want everyone to think. As an Australian friend and co-worker recently stated in an impassioned plea:
“My friend, Why can’t you see we are at war?
You accommodate the “inconvenience” of mask-wearing, social distancing, lockdowns, experimental jabs and medical apartheid. You adhere to business restrictions and ridiculous mandates. You roll your eyes when I show you information that contradicts and clearly defames the mainstream narrative.
You dismiss concerns of the mounting death toll from toxic vaccinations and scoff at the idea of democide. You refuse to discuss the inconsistencies or consider other viewpoints. Your eyes are open so why are you so blind?
At first I thought it was lack of information from informed scientists, doctors and experts. I believed an intelligent person would soon realize the blatant lies being forced upon us. You listened at the start but at some point you made a choice.
Seemingly overnight you became deaf to what I heard, blind to what I saw, compliant to the ever more ludicrous restrictions and directives, indifferent to the suffering of your friends and fellow citizens. At what point did you choose to obey the people in power you knew lacked integrity? Why do you still ignore the voice of the people fighting for freedom? Compliance is consent. Remember that.
Society is crumbling. People are desperate and dying – and it’s not from the virus. Children are being murdered by a toxic injection the government is forcing on them. I wonder what magic number of deaths will wake you from this stupor? Whether it’s mass hypnosis or cognitive dissonance, I hope you surface from this nightmare in time.
We are at war! The media and politicians are the mouthpiece of an enemy that has clearly and openly stated its heinous intentions. The greatest battle humanity has ever fought is happening right now, in plain sight. You are standing on a battlefield, war raging on every side. How can you still be blind?
I walk the line between two worlds. Even though you ridicule my warnings, turn others against me, do nothing as I am vilified and ostracized, I will not stand down. What is the line in the sand that will jolt you awake? When someone dear, perhaps even me, is incarcerated? Tortured? Killed by the corrupt government you still support?
You made a choice but I make one too. You are a casualty of a war you cannot see. Unaware, forsaken and defenseless on the battlefield. But, know this, my friend. I will not abandon you! I am a warrior. When I fight for my rights and freedom, I defend yours as well. I won’t give up on you.
Not while my voice still has a chance to penetrate the spell numbing your mind. Wake up! Listen. Open your eyes. The enemy has you by the throat. I know that once you see – really see – the atrocities committed against us all, you will fight beside me. That is why I won’t leave you behind.
My friend, until that time, we may not speak, you may not thank me, you may never even know I exist but I will never stop fighting for you. With integrity, heartness and truth.
Your friend.”
What Are You Going to Do?
Other co-workers are joining together now to stand up to this menace – as are millions around the world in a growing groundswell. Many people in the spiritual community are still following a compliant path, like the many “good Germans” of the 1930’s, those “nice, inoffensive people” that made Nazism so successful.
Sagittarius is a sign of orientation and reorientation – its not too late to reorient one’s views and values – to swallow pride when reviewing if one has acted out of fear, cowardice, apathy or convenience.
Because, as the previous commentator asserts – we are at war – for the principles of democracy and freedom, like never before in the past 2,000 years. Democratic principles that were developed in the Piscean Age must be salvaged as a foundation to build upon and expand in the coming Aquarian Age.
The time is urgent and Materialistic Forces are tightening the noose around the neck of Humanity. What are we/you going to do? One very obvious Aquarian solution is bonding and banding together in like-minded groups, pockets of resistance, protest or public disobedience; survival strategies in what might become some difficult years ahead.
The Shadow of Aquarius
Earlier was discussed the sequence of signs Sagittarius and Capricorn – the sign that follows is Aquarius, the next 2,160 year cycle the world is entering. The Aquarian Age will be one of community, co-operation and the blending of many races and cultures.
What is happening now however, is that the shadow of the Aquarian cycle is attempting to hijack humanity. That shadow is the selfish misuse of technology over which Aquarius rules, via its ruler Uranus, the planet of science, experiment and innovation – and through the fifth ray of knowledge/science, the only ray to pass through Aquarius.
Science – devoid of conscience or compassion, as with the hitherto described politicians. Science used by well-meaning but misguided people. Science used by a very powerful minority with deliberate, preconceived, evil intention.
Science used to exploit human beings financially or medically – to “harvest data” from, be used as lab rats in the grandiose and distorted experimental schemes of people like Gates, Fauci and WEF’s Klaus Schwab. Despite all these individuals and groups being exposed by various authors such as RFK Jr., the penny has not yet dropped for the majority. We must also bear in mind that many of these individual and group entities are the visible components, or foot-soldiers of the “shadowy forces” that stand behind them.
Eugenic solutions of population reduction, once regarded as way out on the fringe – and inconceivable by the majority of kind-hearted Humanity, are not looking so unfeasible now: Deaths not only from Covid-19, but the worrying and steeply escalating deaths and side-effects from vaccinations, now in their tens of thousands globally.
To this end, the grand design has been to bring about the conformity of humanity to digital ID’s and a cashless monetary system, the ideal combination of authoritarian control. It was never really about the artificially introduced, lab-created virus, the end game has always been the stage of vaccine passports and global control by the “elites” – who are in fact the opposite spiritually – “low-lifers”. (Sounds too far out? Do your research!)
These facts have become more obvious as the world has watched incredulously over the past two years – how “outrageous conspiracy theories” have indeed become “conspiracy facts” – i.e. a deliberate globalist conspiracy to bring about a draconian control of Humanity. The plans of invisible groups of corporate cartels, cabals and plunderbunds have been laid out for decades – in plain public sight (as evidenced in the author’s many newsletters in the past two years) – now they are tantalising close to their goal of global domination.
Joe Rogan with Dr. Peter McCullough, foremost cardiologist and medical expert.
(Here is the same video with edited highlights and interesting added footage.)
Will Humanity wake up in time to thwart this evil tide of rampant materialism enroaching upon it? Are you going to keep frittering away your freedoms, by complying with one lockdown measure or booster after another? That has always been the insidious creep of fascism. Indeed, winter is coming and let us pray that it will be a winter of discontent and uprising for Humanity as a whole!
British Democracy Teeters on the Brink
The British government is in turbo-charged, fear propaganda overdrive for Christmas, as it totally exaggerates the Omicron variant – which South African experts have stated from the outset, was “unusual but mild”. (See what Dr. Angelique Coetzee from South Africa discusses in the short video below.)
In late November, Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson pressed South Africa to buy the next batch of doses which the nation declined, stating they had enough doses. (Might that be because South Africa is an Aries soul with a Sagittarius personality?) Two days later Omicron emerged in that country, flights in and out of South Africa were banned – there is the ugly face of gov-corp totalitarianism.
The degree of complicity by the UK media/gov is jaw-dropping, as it has trotted-out its tattered, false formula of hyping the existing hype, hoping that “might is right” with its ongoing barrage of lies and exaggerations.
“Three Pfizer shots will neutralise Omicron” is the latest Big Pharma mantra – what? On top of an already double or triple jabbed population! How the population will wake up and respond – if at all, time will tell.
The latest accusations to Big Pharma is that the Omicron variant has been “activated” as a distraction from the fact that vaccines are not preventing people from getting Covid, and are causing more harm – deaths, myocarditis and a host of ailments and side-effects.
Moronic Omicron
A wonderful anagram for the fact that if you fall for this new “scarient” – then you might well be a moron! As discussed in the Scorpio newsletter recently, the lower keynote for this sign is “Let maya flourish and deception rule”.
Up until Dec.13, Scorpio ruler Mars was still transiting through this sign, when the media slipped into overdrive with a barrage of propaganda – going back to the tried and true method of stirring fear into the masses.
Bear in mind that Mars in its lower expression rules the solar plexus, doorway to the astral body – where the primordial glamour of fear thrives. Mars in its higher expression is the spiritual warrior who musters up courage and goes into battle fear and all the other heads of the nine-headed dragon in the swamp of Lernea.
Omicron is the Greek name for the letter “O” – a good symbol (though not technically) for zero, i.e. nothing – or much ado about nothing! Pay attention to the language in this latest campaign whose variant has miniscule cases – super-mutant, multi-variant, thirty different strains, “really awful but no reason to be concerned” – creating the illusion of the world overrun with all the plagues that Pandora has released from her box. When in fact, it’s the proverbial storm in a teacup!
The only plague we have is Technocracy – working through media run amok, in their desperate bid to con the masses – yet again. (See the author’s Sag new moon newsletter: Shamballa, Technocracy and the 84-Year Cycle of Uranus)
How many people will fall for it remains to be seen, but there is very encouraging pushback worldwide against this hype, so far relatively peaceful, but when people are pushed into a corner – they have few options in which to resort. Says Mike Adams of Health Ranger Report,
“Why you do not need to fear the new covid “scariant” being hyped by the media? As you’ve noticed over the last two days, the global corporate media psyop spell weavers have puked up another “scariant” called “Nu,” and they are now hyperventilating over it, claiming it has over “30 horrifying mutations” and might spread faster than anything in history.
The underlying message, of course, is that everybody should stop resisting and immediately obey the demands of (corrupt) government. Part of the message being delivered in this mass media scariant panic is that all the vaccines and boosters that people already took are apparently worthless against this new variant.
This means that everybody’s vaccine compliance “vaccine passport” status essentially resets to zero. The good news in all this? If you have natural immunity against covid, you’re naturally immune to all the variants, too.”3
Are Johnson and Biden Losing Their Minds?
At the level of government and leadership, one wonders what is going on! (Not unlike the previous reference to Australian leaders.) UK PM Boris Johnson’s rambling, incoherent speech on Nov.22, 2021 makes one wonder what sort of medication he might be on, the pressures of high office or having a major realisation about his inauthenticity – that threw him completely out of orbit.
Either way, the usually adept Gemini gift-of-the-gab deserted Johnson for several long awkward pauses, resulting in a disastrous speech that has further eroded his credibility. It must have been a deeply humiliating experience for this usually cocky politician – even more acutely felt with his progressed Sun in leader Leo.
Perhaps Johnson’s penchant for outrageous, bald-faced lying is catching up with him; that the layers of lies told over the past two years, are becoming a heavy millstone around his neck. Transits on the day were interesting and revealing:
1. Moon in watery, sensitive Cancer can throw an emotional curveball into an intellectually polarised Gemini’s life. Problems in his marriage?
2. Transiting Mars in Scorpio conjunct natal Neptune in Scorpio. The two rulers of the solar plexus chakra coming together in intense watery Scorpio, can be another emotional stimulant for bizarre behaviour – if the Neptune energy is ungrounded.
Johnson has the moon (the dweller) in Scorpio, well known for its secretive nature – an adept in deception. Scorpio’s lower keynote is, “Let maya flourish and deception rule” and Neptune’s activation can exaggerate that tendency; this time not the perpetrator of maya but the victim of it – hence wandering off into an off-topic fantasy of Peppa Pig!
3. The Sun had just entered truth-telling Sagittarius on Nov.22, conjunct the south node in Sag and opposite Johnson’s natal Mars in Gemini, arguably the major significator of his propensity for porkies, inveterate lying – the bullshite artiste par excellence.
Perhaps Johnson had a moral moment where he realised the depth of his faecial malfeasances, flattening him like the proverbial ten-ton weight dropped from on high! So far in this assessment for the date of his speech, Mars is prominent by transit and natally in Johnson’s horoscope.
Fellow politician – Australian PM Scott Morrison, a notorious and utterly recalcitrant liar – shares this position of Mars in Gemini. As ruler of the solar plexus and Scorpio, Mars easily taps into the glamour and deception of the astral plane, combining it cleverly with quick-witted Gemini, whose lower expression is the “thief of truth” – to polar opposite Sagittarius.
As often stated, Sagittarius in its lower frequency is “exaggitarius”– pointed out by this author in Donald Trump’s and Joe Biden’s horoscopes. Sagittarian Billy Connolly is a great example of this sign’s ability for amplification in his joke and storytelling. With Mars-Mercury in Scorpio, his comments can be quite sardonic!
4. Jupiter in Aquarius opposite progressed Sun in Leo. Sagittarius ruler Jupiter, in its own esoteric rulership of Aquarius, may have also contributed to a “truth bomb” finding its mark in Johnson. Boom!
Joe Biden
Johnson or any other person in public life can be easily criticised, but for all his faults he is just another fallible and flawed human being. And similarly with Joe Biden, descending deeper into dementia, incoherently uttering incomprehensible statements, disjointed sentences, losing his train of thought etc. All this despite being closely choreographed by his minders, its truly a wonder he has lasted so long.
This a tragedy in itself, deserving of compassion, but the real tragedy is that the media are doing their best to ignore it, as it appears are many of the gullible US population. The USA has a pretend, propped up puppet in power, installed and approved by Silicon Valley and Big Media on behalf of the Left – after a disputed election.
Biden is a complete corporate lackey – easily manipulated, not only through his aging frailities, but being part of the Washington “shit-stem” for over five decades. There is no other description for it, aided by Vice-President Kamala Harris, both of whom are dutifully marching to the beat of Big Pharma – promoting their myths to the poor, befuddled nation. Biden is a multi-Scorpio with Sagittarius rising. (See his astro-profile here.) He has certainly been a purveyor of “maya and deception” over his long political career.
As Russell Brand states in his video, Biden is a symbol of a fallen and failed USA, humiliated and on its knees, controlled totally by corporate interests. As always, Brand approaches the subject from a humorous perspective, yet at the same time is restrained – through a compassionate understanding.
Joe Biden’s Imminent Demise?
The eclipse at the recent Scorpio full moon festival (Nov.19) fell precisely opon the US president’s Sun (and Venus), which does not necessarily mean that it’s a negative event – as some of the older more superstitious kind of astrology used to indicate. But it well might be, in terms of being unseated from power or severe health issues – due to the presence of other patterns in his horoscope. In olden times, the leader or king’s horoscope activation was considered in broader national terms.
This full moon eclipse activated the square of Biden’s Sun in Scorpio to “wounded healer” Chiron in leadership Leo – in the ninth house of foreign affairs – which his sun rules. Biden’s sun and other Scorpio planets occupy the twelfth house of hidden enemies. Coinciding with the Nov. 19 full moon period was the two-year cycle of Mars – that returned to Biden’s natal position in Scorpio on Nov.17, as well as transiting Mercury on its annual cycle to its natal position in Scorpio on Nov.19.
But the real wild card was Uranus on its 84 year transit, currently passing through Taurus, closely opposing both natal and transiting Mars. This configuration could mirror a sudden, volatile or violent Mars event – such as a bombing or shooting. In the astrocartography map, the Mars-Uranus lines pass down the east coast of the USA within orb of Washington.
Eclipses can leave their etheric impression in the atmosphere for up to two years, during which time other transiting planets can trigger the eclipse and create an event – weeks, months or a year away.
In Biden’s case, transiting Mercury and Mars crossed over his Scorpio sun/eclipse point not long afterward: Mercury on Nov.22 (JFK’s assassination anniversary) and Mars to his natal Sun on Dec.9. On that day Biden presided over a much criticised virtual summit for democracy. Representatives of 110 countries were invited to this summit – among whom were many Western heads of government.
As written in an Aquarius 2020 newsletter, “Saturn-Jupiter Conjunctions and US Presidents” – several US presidents have been assassinated or died in office, close to a Saturn-Jupiter conjunction – except for Reagan and G.W. Bush. The 20-year Saturn-Jupiter conjunction occurred on Dec.21, 2020 – half way between Biden’s election in Nov. 2020 and his inauguration in Feb. 2021.
“According to financial astrologer Daniel T. Ferrera, whenever a great conjunction [Jupiter-Saturn] occurs during an election or inauguration year, the president is likely to die in office. Careful analysis shows that, although it remained correct from 1840 to 1960, this rule started to “lose its power” after 1980. However, even though those presidents did not die in office, they still came close in each case.”4
The health issue that might come about, concerns the fact Biden (79) has a condition called “atrial fibrillation” (AF), an irregular heartbeat that “quintuples risk for stroke and doubles it for heart attack and dementia. It occurs when the heart’s two upper chambers (the atria) develop chaotic electrical signals.”
Uranus rules the electrical activity of the heart – and is currently transiting near the cusp of the sixth house of health – opposite to natal Mars in Scorpio which rules Biden’s sun, the source of physical vitality and personality expression. So there appears to be looming a high risk of a fatal heart attack for Biden.
There are several other transits that were important at the Nov.19 full moon, such as Jupiter in Aquarius – currently in orb of influence square to Biden’s sun – exact by Dec.15.
When Jupiter squares the Sun, it can give a lot of confidence and tend to make a person bite-off-more-than-they-can-chew, hence over-do-it and stretch the physical capacity considerably. Jupiter and the Sun are also rulers of the heart centre, something that is always under great strain for any leader.
Aquarian Wisdom Centre Retreat in Portugal
Following the announcement of this project during the recent Libra full moon, and as a reminder of the AWCR’s ongoing service activities, Phillip Lindsay will offer regular astrology newsletter commentaries and other talks/discussions – via the Go to Meeting webinar platform. There will also be ongoing monthly full moon meditations at dates and times to be announced.
Go to Meeting for Sagittarius 2021 will be the day
before the full moon: Saturday, Dec.18 at 19.00 UT.
Registration Visit the Aquarian Wisdom Centre Retreat website.
At the link above, add your email to the mailing list – and/or,
make an optional donation to AWCR’s activities.
Mars’ Two-Yearly Transit Through Scorpio
(Oct.30, 2021 – Dec.13, 2021)
Mars is the exoteric and esoteric ruler of Scorpio, one of the most important signs for disciples on the spiritual path – and the nature of trials and testings in the realm of maya, glamour and illusion.
So when Mars passes through this sign every two years, all earnest Walkers of the Way better pay attention! As noted recently, Mars in its exoteric expression rules the solar plexus, doorway to the astral body – where the primordial glamour of fear thrives. The keynote at this Mars rulership level is, “Let maya flourish and deception rule” – testing astral awareness and the pitfalls of the astral plane.
Mars in its esoteric rulership is the spiritual warrior who musters up courage and goes into battle fear and all the other heads of the nine-headed dragon. The keynote for this level is, “Warrior am I and from the battle I emerge triumphant”.
In an article two years ago (Mars Transit Through Scorpio – Nov.19, 2019 – Jan.3, 2020), it was stated that Mars entered Scorpio on Nov.19, “promising some intense experiences both personal and planetary – in the next 45 days”.
And how! These dates encompassed the first known case of Coronavirus and its announcement to the world by China on Jan.1, 2020. Given what we now know about the Plannedemic, here is a perfect example of the Mars-Scorpio lower keynote, “Let maya flourish and deception rule”.
The Scorpio new moon of 2019 preceded Mars’ entry into Scorpio by about three weeks and was, “arguably the configuration that set the stage for the entire unfoldment of the so-called “pandemic”:
“What none of us really saw in Scorpio 2019 (only visible now in retrospect), was a dark seed of subterfuge sown – that utilised the potency of scientific Uranus by Big Tech, Media, Gov, Pharma etc. – for the selfish motive of running their various agendas and turning the world upside down. Here is the principle of chaos that Uranus traditionally embodies – in its lower aspect.”5
Even though the Sun is now in Sagittarius, Mars in Scorpio continues its intense testings for the world until Dec.13. In other words, do not let your guard down, be mindful of your emotional responses, reactions and falling into fear. When Mars enters Sagittarius (see later in the newsletter), its intensity will not diminish, it could in fact increase due to the Sagittarian penchant for the upholding of spiritual law.
The fear virus is the faithful resort of the planetary puppeteers pushing to perpetuate public panic – courtesy of the scarient, Omicron! Individuals and even spiritual groups are susceptible to being duped by the Materialistic Forces, that will focus on any chinks in the armour.
They say “Let maya flourish and deception rule” – we say, “Warrior am I and from the battle I emerge triumphant!”
Friends, in the Spirit of Sparta – fiercely resist!
Mars in Sagittarius (Dec.13 – Jan.24)
The transit of Mars through Sagittarius from Dec.13, 2021 to Jan.24, 2022 during the northern hemisphere’s “winter of discontent”, promises to be a bumpy ride – because this sign is one of the most emotionally volatile of the fire signs. Mars is the hierarchical ruler of this sign:
“Sagittarius, where Mars appears as ruling … the lunar lords of the form nature who must eventually be sacrificed to the higher spiritual aspect and brought under the control of the solar Angel [soul].
The effect of Mars is, therefore, largely mass effect and group results, producing great struggles but leading finally to great revelation … in Sagittarius, it is the revelation of the purpose of soul control over the lower kingdoms in nature, via the human centre of energy.”6
Mars in Sagittarius represents a powerful drive to seek the truth and travel to the ends of the Earth – the rollicking adventurer with a pressing need to know the Heart of the Divine. Mars in Sagittarius carries a wild, yet endearing enthusiasm as the boisterous “party animal”, the carousing Centaur!
Yet Mars in Sagittarius can fire its arrows indiscriminately in all directions and be the proverbial “loose cannon” – lacking clear direction, a danger to themselves and others. Mars rules the solar plexus, seat of the emotions – the source of Sagittarian impulsiveness and fanaticism. Mars in fiery Sagittarius is also prone to spread the wildfire of propaganda – may we not react like Pavlov’s dogs to mass media baiting!
The Mars in Sagittarius shadow expresses as fundamentalism in any realm of thought – religion, science, arts, politics etc. Fundamentalism is essentially an emotional adherence to ideas – being a Believer but not a Knower. Mars rules the sixth ray, which finds its most powerful expression through Sagittarius in this cycle. The sixth ray is the personality ray of the USA and Russia. The glamours and vices of the sixth ray are interference, war mongering, selfishness, jealousy, sentimentality, loyalties and creeds, world saviour complex, narrow vision etc.
USA also has strong Sagittarian features – through its personality expression in the political capital Washington, DC – and through the rising sign of the 1776 Declaraton of Independence horoscope. Hence, this nation is very sensitive to transits from Mars in Sagittarius, especially when Mars opposes natal Mars position in Gemini – Jan.12-13, 2022.
“This sixth ray influence … involving both Neptune and Mars—predisposes the race and individual man as well to become one-pointed disciples in Sagittarius … ruled by Mars …The sixth Ray of Devotion is consequently most powerful in this age or cycle and hence the expression in every land today of its best and its worst features, of which the intense devotion to material things and the intense devotion to spiritual values are dramatic instances.”7
President Biden’s soul purpose is Sagittarius rising, and Mars will pass over his ascendant on Dec.17-18, inaugurating a new two-year cycle of activity, which also falls within the influence of the Sagittarius full moon festival on Dec.19.
The Global Jabberwocky and Novak Djokovic
All around the planet there is an increasing resistance to an imposed tyranny. World number one tennis star – Novak Djokovic, was not allowed to compete in the Australian Open unless he is double jabbed. What an unfair choice he was faced with – like millions of others around the world in their various occupations.
Djokovic has been a vocal opponent of vaccination of free choice over the jab. Riots and demonstrations are increasing, as counterpoint to increasing restrictions and the attempted demonisation of the unvaxxed. Currently (Dec.13), Djokovic has been allowed to compete in the tournament – but has not disclosed if he has succumbed to vaccination pressure.
These kind of situations are a mirror of the ongoing tussle between Saturn and Uranus -in their square aspect in the heavens: Saturn currently has the upper hand in terms of preserving the status quo, but Uranus is gradually gathering greater strength. Their “square-dance” will be in orb of influence through to Oct.2022.
The corporate imposed JAB was a poisonous monster from the beginning (a Trojan horse for greater control), now proved as an utter failure to provide immunity, plus a host of deleterious side-effects and deaths.
Here we have, to use a pun – a modern day Jabber-wocky, the creature created in Lewis Carrol’s famous nonsense poem from his book Through the Looking-Glass.
And hence the global nonsense that is engulfing humanity. Here is the classic archetype of Scorpio’s Plutonic underworld, the primordial monster from the deep, close relative to the nine-headed hydra that Hercules battles in the swamp of Lernea.
The jabberwocky is the world dweller arising from the underworld, seeking to devour its victim, Humanity. And it will happen if humanity continues its passive attitude of meek acceptance – may we all invoke our inner Novak Djokovic warrior!
Pauline Hanson Scorpio Warrior
Gemini sun, Pauline Hanson is a fascinating astrological study. It is quite ironic that this senator, who was once ridiculed, hated and dismissed by the majority of Australians, was recently at the centre of defending Australian’s rights to choose, speaking truth to power:
“I’m bringing this legislation to the Senate because I see no other alternative for halting the pandemic of discrimination that has been unleashed in Australia against individuals who don’t get vaccinated against COVID-19, regardless of the reason why they don’t,” Senator Hanson said.
“These individuals are Australians just like the rest of us but they’re demonised by governments and scorned at by compliant media. They face a bleak future in which they are treated as second-class citizens, not allowed to earn a living or cross a state border to be reunited with their families.
Many have already had their livelihoods taken from them for standing for the right to choose. There’s no protection even for those people who can’t get vaccinated for medical reasons. They face unacceptable discrimination too.”
Hanson has a tough demeanour, with Scorpio rising conjunct Saturn in Scorpio, the hard edge of which has not endeared her to many Australians – particularly with her views on immigration etc. Scorpio rising is an excellent position for any politician to endure the slings and arrows – former PM’s Bob Hawke and Paul Keating both share this rising sign.
But Hanson is a fighter and stands up for what she believes in. Most people do not see her softer side, a compassionate Pisces moon with several planets in another water sign Cancer. That Pisces moon squares her Mercury in Gemini – and is why she has always found public speaking challenging, being choked by her emotional sensitivity.
One wonders if people can appreciate the courage it took for this “ordinary unsophisticated battler” to go into the Australian parliament and be ridiculed and belittled by politicians like former PM John Howard. The author is neither personally for or against Hanson, but certainly supports her strong voice on Australia’s current situation.
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Sagittarius and the Four Freedoms
Sagittarius is a sign of spiritual philosophy and is related to freedom – whether it is the love of the great outdoors and wide open spaces – or the mountain ranges of broad-ranging philosophical thought.
It was no accident that the horoscope for the Four Freedoms – enunciated by Franklin D. Roosevelt (“a disciple of Shamballa”), was timed perfectly to give Sagittarius rising, with Venus in Sagittarius conjunct the ascendant. The Four Freedoms are intimately related to the theme of Democracy, discussed earlier.
Roosevelt worked “long into the night on New Year’s Day” 1941 (Capricorn), surrounded by some close aides. He took a long time deliberating over what he was to say, and when he finally relayed it to his stenographer, the words just rolled off his tongue. Not a word of the original was changed on January 6, 1941 when it was presented to the 77th Congress.
Why is this theme so important now and why does this author talk write about it constantly? Because Humanity has in the past two years, all but lost the Four Freedoms that were forged in the heat of battle in 1941:
1. Freedom of speech. 2. Freedom of worship. 3. Freedom from want. 4. Freedom from fear. The Four Freedoms have been – to use an English idiom – “pissed up the wall” – virtually overnight, by various governments around the world.
How can we ever reclaim them from the totalitarian power grab that has ambushed Humanity in the past two years in the guise of a “pandemic”? With those freedoms, Democracy has also suffered a fatal blow – it has been rendered virtually non-existent, as we witness law after law trampled upon, ignored, manipulated or distorted, in the major democracies of the world – Britain, Europe, USA, Australia/NZ etc.
Dec.10, 2021 was the two-yearly Mars in Scorpio return in the Four Freedoms horoscope – where Uranus, planet of freedom and revolution is natally placed opposite Mars. Mars is also the highest or hierarchical ruler of Sagittarius, where it will be placed at the Dec.19 full moon.
In the next few years, it will be the 84-year Uranus return cycle to this very powerful Four Freedoms template that was forged at the height of Axis Nations power in WWII; it was a potent milestone that strengthened resolve and almost two years later, contributed to the esoteric ending of WWII in Dec.1942 – “when the sun had moved northward”. (The next few years played out to its inevitable conclusion.)
The birth of fascism was in central Europe and today the world witnesses the same nations re-enacting the new fascism in Austria, Germany, Lithuania, Italy etc. But the toxic fascism virus has been “creeping” along gradually in recent decades, now suffusing the entire planet – to the point where virtually no nation has immunity – and for which we have not yet developed a suitable vaccine!
How long will Humanity keep going, handing over their rights to corporate-driven government dictates based upon a thick web of lies? Do you recognise this and if so, what are you actually doing about it individually, in your community or nation?
Libra, Shamballa and the Return of the Christ
“In this transition period through which the world is now passing and in this interlude between two activities—that of the Piscean Age which is passing and that of Aquarius which is coming in—Libra will eventually rule, and the end of this century will see the influence of Libra steadily coming into pronounced control and into a position of power in the planetary horoscope. There is, therefore, no need for real anxiety.”8
The last sentence of this passage has always amused me somewhat – anxiety, what anxiety? Crisis, what crisis? It is also stated rather enigmatically that “Libra admits the soul into the world centre which we call Shamballa.” (Esoteric Astrology, p.168.)
In this Libran “no man’s land” between the zodiacal ages, all is in flux, conflict and chaos – its fortunate that Libra’s force is surging stronger, in order to keep our planetary ship on an even keel!
And so the Shamballa force is stepping up as well, being directed for sometime now to Humanity without the “filter” of Hierarchy – in order to take Their calculated risk of speeding up human evolution.
According to esoteric history, there have been five Shamballa impacts in 18.5 million years, the last three of which occurred in 1945, 1975 and 2000. There is a good chance that a sixth impact will occur in 2025, coinciding with the Centennial Conclave in the Council Chamber of Shamballa.
Hierarchy’s force is the second ray of Love-Wisdom, of which The Christ is the highest exemplar, Shamballa’s force is that of the first ray. Hence, when the Christ stated, “I come not to bring peace, but a sword”, He was speaking to the first ray aspect of himself – the sword is that ray’s symbol: The sword of power, will, discrimination and that which “which produces cleavage between a true spirituality and an habitual materialism.”
When The Christ overshadowed his disciple Jesus 2,000 years ago, He came, “to fabricate the gossamer thread which bound together” the two planetary centres of Shamballa and Hierarchy – for the first time in human history, bringing a closer alignment to the Planetary Plan and Purpose for all of humanity. Hence, the “flurry” of Shamballa impacts last century that were actually conceived around 1825 – and which brought on the world wars of last century:
“One of the causes of the present cataclysm [WWII] is the fact that humanity was deemed capable of taking and receiving a “touch from Shamballa,” without stepping it down via the Hierarchy, as has hitherto been the custom. The determination to apply this touch (which is in the nature of a great experiment) was made in 1825, when the Great Council had its usual centennial meeting.”9
One wonders what is in store for 2025! This is the year that the Hierarchy decides WHEN They will externalise – a period of time that may take several decades, but certainly IN THIS CENTURY. Maybe earlier than we know – God knows many who are aware of His imminent return, are steadfastly invoking His Presence during this planetary crisis. The Tibetan makes the following curious statement about the Reappearance:
“When Christ comes it will be for the advanced units of the human family; they will recognise Him because He has always been with us, whilst His advent will evoke a responsive vibration from the masses, but not straight recognition.
In connection with the Avatar, it will be a process of hierarchical recognition of an overshadowing Presence within Whose aura the planetary Logos will take His stand as the planetary Representative. Then from Shamballa will descend a stream of spiritual potency, qualified by the will-to-good, and this will reach the attentive Hierarchy.
The Members of this Group will, through the medium of the Christ, pour light and healing energy upon the Earth and peculiarly into the consciousness of men. I am not able to express the effect of the outpouring from Shamballa in clearer terms.
We are told in the Bible that Christ will come in the air, and that He will bring the “healing of the nations” in His wings. [He will fly by plane.] I would call your attention to this thought and to its appositeness to this day and generation. I make no prophetical predictions, I only indicate possibility.”10
So bear in mind – that our current conflict is not only about the cusp of the ages, the ending of one ray cycle and the beginning of another, or the movement of the fifth subrace to the sixth subrace – it is the approach of Hierarchy itself from their high abode, towards physical manifestation. As their frequency is so highly attenuated, it clashes with the denser matter of the astral plane in particular – stirring the world to face its planetary shadow, and in which it is totally immersed in now:
“… the returning Christ will affect greatly the astral plane. Disciples are needed who can absorb, transmute and transfer light … This work of preparation for His coming is curiously fraught with danger, because of the immense and constant antagonism it arouses (and is arousing increasingly), in the opposing forces of evil.”11
There is cause for great hope in this time of blindness and darkness, because there are many symptoms and signs of “Christ imminent”. The Hierarchy aided by its disciples will prevail, in the face of great odds – as some outstanding people are doing today in public life:
“The main attack of these forces is upon disciples and particularly those in a position and at the point in evolution where they can act with potency and greatly help in the task of reaching others. This you can do, and along with all disciples are, therefore, marked “for protection,” as it is esoterically called.”12
Battlefield HEART
“Dostoyevsky said “God is fighting with the Devil and the battlefield is the HEART of man”
Never more evident could this be than now, as Peter McCullough, Robin Monotti and a cast of real life super heroes and super villains outline the battle ahead.”
Another excellent video summing up our current global situation (18′ Click here).
The sword which He wields is the sword of the Spirit; it is that sword which produces cleavage between a true spirituality and an habitual materialism. The major effect of His appearance will surely be to demonstrate in every land the effects of a spirit of inclusiveness—an inclusiveness which will be channelled or expressed through Him.
All who seek right human relations will be gathered automatically to Him, whether they are in one of the great world religions or not; all who see no true or basic difference between religion and religion or between man and man or nation and nation will rally around Him; those who embody the spirit of exclusiveness and separativeness will stand automatically and equally revealed and all men will know them for what they are. The cleaving sword of the spirit will—without wounding—bring revelation and indicate the first needed step towards human regeneration.
Standing as the focal point of the inner Triangle—of the Buddha, of the Spirit of Peace and of the Avatar of Synthesis—the consequent outpouring potency of the Christ will be so great that the distinction between love and hate, between aggression and freedom, and between greed and sharing will be made lucidly clear to the eyes and minds of all men and, therefore, the distinction between good and evil will be made equally clear. The invocative prayer, “From the point of love within the heart of God, let love stream forth into the hearts of men” will meet with fulfilment. Christ will let loose into the world of men the potency and the distinctive energy of intuitive love.”13

Northern lights over Svolvaer, Norway. A great symbol of the Sagittarian wayfarer who seeks the mountain summit of Capricorn!
Winter Solstice Dec.21, 2021
Two days after the Sagittarius-Gemini full moon on Dec.19, the Sun will move into Capricorn at the winter solstice on Dec.21, spanning a three-day period where the sun appears to “stand still” (Sol-stice) – culminating on Christ-mas Day.
Using northern hemisphere symbolism, this is the darkest time of the year when the Sun is at its minimum elevation, yet represents simultaneously the increase of light as the Sun and moves toward the celestial equator in the next cardinal sign of Aries at the spring equinox.
Hence the winter solstice’s profound symbolism that lies behind Christmas – of Humanity’s struggle from darkness to light, from Individualisation to Initiation, from the depths of matter to the high summit of spirit. Capricorn is the mountaintop of achievement or initiation. The questing journey of the previous sign Sagittarius achieves the long climb to the mountain peak.
The winter solstice is in many ways a symbol of this critical cuspal period of the ages, where the battle between the forces of materialism and the warriors of light is raging; where the remnants of the Piscean age attempt to cast a shadow over the sunrise of the incoming Aquarian cycle.
Humanity currently inhabits a twilight world where there is much uncertainty and difficult to define outlines that are haunted by the ghosts of yesteryear. Therefore, the solstice is a time of release and relinquishment of the past (over which Capricorn rules) and the utilisation of the incoming light to build structures for new ways of living.
May you all have a truly joyful Christmas and New Year!
Phillip Lindsay © 2021.
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- Wikipedia [↩]
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- EsotericAstrologer [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.210. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.218. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.238. [↩]
- The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. p.145. [↩]
- The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. p.94. [↩]
- Discipleship in the New Age II, Alice A. Bailey. p.748. [↩]
- Discipleship in the New Age II, Alice A. Bailey. p.748. [↩]
- The Reappearance of the Christ, Alice A. Bailey. p.110. [↩]
There is an “lnvocation against Dark forces ” in Sanctusgermanus website.
In one of the stanzas,leaders collaborating with the datkforces will loose their physical lives if hard_hearted and hard_headed,unwilling to change.
“Some will not pass through these relatively limiting phases, but will pass back and forth between the outer world and the world of hierarchical endeavour; they will be sometimes present in physical bodies and sometimes not. This method of activity will not be possible as long as [Page 697] the present rules of national and civilian identification, of passports and of drastic airport and seaport inspection are required by the authorities; such people as these “transitting initiates” would not be able to identify themselves. This form of appearance is therefore postponed for some time.” p697 ext hierarchy.
This passage convinced me that the Hierarchy is against C*vid passports! Well…at least these Masters… 🙂
Thank you for all your work for 2021. May Light, Love and Power restore the Plan on 2022!
Dear Philip
Thank you once again for this profound analysis and interpretation of this month. I have a distinct feeling you may well be Sagittarian!
Can you let me know if you accept funds via PayPal? I have tried to donate via Stripe which has proved unsuccessful.
Please advise another method if not PayPal.
hello Cheryl, thanks for your feedback! Progressed Sun in Sag and Jupiter the most elevated planet in my natal chart, upon which the full moon of Sag-Gem falls upon!
For everyone’s information I have not used Paypal for about 4 years now. Stripe works fine except in some cases with Discovery card. When making payment, its simply a matter of making sure all boxes are checked and right information stored. You can also try a different browser if the one you are using is not working.
From Sagittarius, we can think that Covid 19 is a journey in which all humanity is involved and in which we must seek our freedom. A freedom, for now, mainly mental …, this is the key, because as the saying goes: “energy follows thought.”
The fight (Mars) must be directed by the free mind (Sagittarius), justice as the objective, and Phillip, it is no coincidence that Gustave Doré, the author of the splendid painting “Battle Between Light and Dark” that we can see above, has the ASC and Mars in Sagittarius.
Merry Christmas
great observation David! Alot of Doré’s paintings have this warring element of Mars, with the reaching up to the heavens themes of Sagittarius.
I would like to point out that Novak Djokovic has been working strenuously to create a player’s union mostly for the benefit of the struggling tennis players who are taken advantage of by the ATP.
Great article. Appreciated the very succinct clips.
The sword the Christ brings is also discrimination in the Rosicrucian tradition. This is the sword held by Justice the 11th Tarot Key. Boy do we ever need that. May discrimination bring awareness to the world of our True Reality within the spiritual whole.
Thank you so much! Without your newsletters would feel very isolated in my opinions. You have supported my own inner knowing. I am very grateful and aware of of the work you are doing. And I too will make another effort to ‘not just take’. As sending money difficult. I am also working on my own project and hope to give you the recognition you deserve.