Sagittarius 2022: Hercules’ Sag Labour. Sound & Silence. Meditation. Venus & Mercury. Lords of Liberation. Brazil.

Sagittarius (Johfra Bosschart.)
Sagittarius Keynote
“I see the goal. I reach that goal and then I see another.”
(Sagittarius Full Moon Festival: 8-12-22. UT: 4.08 am.)
The Ninth Labour of Hercules: Sagittarius
___The Power of Sound and Silence
___ The Sagittarius-Gemini Axis
___ Music and Mantrams
___ The Rider on the White Horse
___ The Zen Archer and Meditation
___ Dweller on the Threshold
___ Sagittarians
Venus and Mercury in Sagittarius
___ The Leo-Sagittarius-Aquarius Triangle
Sagittarius and the Lords of Liberation
___1925 to 2025: Lessons of the Last Century
___ The Original Great Invocation
___Invoking the Lords of Liberation
___ Resisting Technocracy
Battle for the Soul of Brazil
___The Influence of Sagittarius on Brazil
___Ray Triangles and Sagittarius
___Mars in Gemini Transits
Sagittarius Webinar & Meditation
The Ninth Labour of Hercules: Sagittarius
Sagittarius is the 9th sign of the zodiac and 9 is the number of initiation. Sagittarius is also the “9th gate” – the 9th labour of Hercules – the world initiate of ancient times who was tested in all 12 signs, upon his final path to Liberation:
“… upon the Path of Discipleship … and the Path of Initiation … [s]he is subjected during the final stages of the path, to exactly twelve incarnations, passing one in each of the twelve signs. In them he has to prove himself, attaining great moments of crisis in each of the constellations of the Fixed Cross in particular.
From point to point, stage to stage, and finally Cross to Cross, he fights for his spiritual life, in all the twelve houses and all the twelve constellations, subjected to countless combinations of forces and energies—ray, planetary, zodiacal and cosmic—until he is “made anew,” becomes the “new man,” is sensitive to the entire range of spiritual vibrations in our solar system and has achieved that detachment which will enable him to escape from the wheel of rebirth.”1
Having emerged triumphant from the previous sign of Scorpio, where the hissing 9-headed Hydra is defeated in the stinking swamp of Lernaea, in Sagittarius Hercules presses on through similar country – the foetid marshes of Stymphalus, “where dwell the birds that wreak havoc”.
“Sagittarius has sometimes been called “the sign of the effect of Scorpio”. The moment we have freed ourselves from illusion, that moment we enter into Sagittarius and we see the goal.”2
Hercules’ Teacher enjoins him to find a way “to flush them from their long secure abode” – adding, “The flame that gleams beyond the mind reveals direction sure.”
Here is a direct reference to the intuition that emanates from the plane of buddhi, direct knowledge beyond the mental plane.
The Power of Sound and Silence
“Joyfulness takes the place of criticism (that creator of misery) – and is the SILENCE that SOUNDS. It can only be understood through a life dedicated to the newer rhythms and service to the whole.
Then that “sounding joy” and that “joyful sounding” can make its true meaning felt. Serenity is based upon spiritual understanding – it is not an astral condition but a soul reaction. The peace that lies ahead for Humanity is the peace of serenity and joy—a serenity based upon spiritual understanding.
These two qualities of the soul—serenity and joy—are the indications that the soul … the One Who stands alone – is controlling the personality, circumstance and all environing conditions of life.”3
Sound is both a building and destroying agency – depending upon how it is used. The ancient mantrams that have been created, emerged from the realm of the abstract mind, where philosophical thought reigns supreme; this is why Sagittarius is the sign of religion and philosophy.
The Archer’s arrow pierces the cloud of thought (“the rain-cloud of knowable things”) – that contains the divine blueprint of universal ideas. Similarly, the archer unleashes the arrow of thought and waits for the returning arrow of intuition. And so, returning to Hercules’ mission:
“A multitude of birds cawed raucously, a chorus menacing and dissonant, as he approached … Large and fierce and hideous they were. Each had an iron beak that was sharpened like a sword. The feathers, too, seemed like steel shafts and, falling, could cleave in twain the pates of weary travellers. Their talons matched their beaks in sharpness and in strength. Three birds, perceiving Hercules, swooped down upon him.
He stood his ground, and warded off attacks with the heavy club he bore. One bird he struck resoundingly upon the back; two feathers plummeted to earth and quivered as they plunged into yielding ground.”4
Hercules then attempted to kill the man-eating birds with a quiverful of arrows – shot from his hunting bow, but had limited success. Then he recalled the Teacher’s words, “The flame that gleams beyond the mind reveals direction sure”.
Immediately, lightning intuition flashed forth a solution – to use two giant brazen cymbals that clashed together, would create an unearthly din, “so piercing and so harsh it could affright the dead”.
Hercules returned to the marsh and proceeded to clash the cymbals in a deafening cacophony – that even he could barely endure. The excruciating dissonance disturbed and confused the predatory birds so effectively that they fled in a vast screeching cloud – never to be seen again. The marshes finally fell silent, peace ensued over the land and the Teacher affirmed, “The birds of slaughter have been driven off. The labor is achieved.”
Hence Hercules achieved success – overwhelming the raucous chorus by creating an even greater dissonance. Here is a paradox because Sagittarius is traditionally regarded as a “sign of silence” – recalling the ancient mystery schools where the new applicant was not allowed to talk, but to “watch and work”.
Silence is also needed at times in the work of the Ageless Wisdom, in refraining from saying things that others may not be ready to hear or understand. When Jesus stood in silence, refusing to respond to accusations from his persecutors, he was not going to engage with the crystallised, separative thought of the old religion and cultural practices.
The lesson of Sagittarius is, “restraint of speech through control of thought.” Not an easy task for oft-times indiscreet Sagittarius – that can be loud and fall into the gossip trap – symbolised by opposite sign Gemini. Note that the word discreet is linked to discrimination – a quality of Virgo, a sign that shares the mutable cross with often undiscriminating Sagittarius.
Even though Hercules gained victory in the intense emotional test of Scorpio, in Sagittarius he is still aware of his emotional nature, symbolised by the wetlands – the marshes. Mars – ruler of Scorpio, is also the hierarchical ruler of Sagittarius and the solar plexus centre, resulting in an emotional adherence to ideas – at times breeding fundamentalism and fanaticism.
The sign that follows Sagittarius is Capricorn – a sign of initiation, the mountain top toward which the Sagittarian aspirant strides toward in earnest – using the thighs:
“Sagittarius governs the thighs, which are the main centre of physical power and protective strength, and also the sacral centre which provides the energy for the use of the creative powers of the physical life. This is also symbolically true.
In Sagittarius, the disciple has two things to discover within himself; these are the power to make progress upon the path and to walk the Way, and also the ability to create in the higher and spiritual sense. This concerns the relationship between the sacral and the throat centres.
These powers (the higher powers) are as yet embryonic in the earlier Sagittarian experience of the disciple, but they become more developed and potent as he cyclically returns to life experience in this sign.”5
Noteworthy here, is the relation of Sagittarius to the sacral centre’s “creative powers”, i.e. sex – for which the thighs are often used as an euphemism. The two main signs associated with sex – Libra and Scorpio, precede Sagittarius in a three-sign sequence upon the sex theme.
The passage above, “The relationship between the sacral and the throat centres” – brings understanding about the throat centre as an expression of the mental body. Sagittarius rules over higher thought and education, metaphysical enquiry and the expansion of the mind through meditation, long-distance travel and contact with foreign cultures.
Sagittarius is the beauty of silence which exists in the higher realm of thought – in direct contrast to the chatter of the lower mind which dominates the life of humanity. Hence, the saints and philosophers of old retreated to the solitude and silence of the desert or high mountains.
The Sagittarius-Gemini Axis
Sagittarius is a sign of truth whilst its opposite Gemini can be a sign of deception, brought about by the distortions which take place through the manifestation of ideas from higher mind to lower mind – that part of the imperfect personality.
Yet a reversal of these roles: Gemini searches for truth via the facts – and Sagittarius can deceive itself through blinded idealism or the illusory habitation of an ivory tower of thought. Either way, this axis is about truth and deception, unconscious or conscious – yet it aspires to truth’s illumined expression through speech and communication.
Both signs are intuitive and connected to the heart centre. Sagittarius – via its ruler Jupiter which rules the heart. Gemini – through its rulership over the heart’s endocrine gland, the thymus – and also the fact that the only ray to pass through this sign is the Jupiter-ruled 2nd ray of Love-Wisdom.
Music and Mantrams
Language clothes thought, hence is sacred – as it brings divine ideas and archetypes into correct expression. Languages can be words (and mantrams), art or music. Mercury as ruler of Gemini verbalises higher thought whilst Mercury-ruled Virgo writes down the language or crafts the art.
Beethoven was always open to divine sounds from on high, translating them into earthly music, eventually becoming deaf to physical sounds; he had Sun, Moon and Mercury in Sagittarius – with Mercury opposing Mars in Gemini.
Just as the Sagittarian archer releases the arrow, so this sign also stands for the spontaneous release of the OM in meditation, the divine sound that affirms the soul – and is the start of the mantram, “Om Mani Padme Hum” – I am the jewel in the heart of the lotus.
Or as St. John once affirmed, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God”. The world was created through sound, through the formulation of a complex mantra that is still being sounded by the Logos (word) or “God”:
“The Sound which was the first indication of the activity of the planetary Logos is not a word, but a full reverberating sound, holding within itself all other sounds, all chords and certain musical tones (which have been given the name of the “music of the spheres”) and dissonances, unknown as yet to the modern ear.
It is this Sound which the “Rising One” must learn to recognise, and to which he must respond not only by means of the sense of hearing and its higher correspondences, but through a response from every part and aspect of the form nature in the three worlds.”6
Iranian singer Azam Ali – “O Vis Aeternitatis” (“Oh Force of Eternity”) – by 12th century mystic Hildegarde de Bingen.
Likewise, the human soul sounds its “word” before birth – the specifically encoded mantram that contains the complex karmic patternings that determine and are built-in to the physical, emotional and mental bodies.
Sounded mantrams are the “keynote” of any life, whether it is a human soul incarnating or a germinating seed – their “note” attracts the attention of the “builders” or the deva kingdom. It is for this reason that Sagittarius, through its hierarchical rulership of Mars, is esoterically linked to the “lunar lords” – or the hierarchies of lives who are responsible for building all forms in nature.
These angelic hierarchies hear the sound and respond automatically to build the forms. Understanding this building process by the devas has wide ramifications for any student approaching the science of Esoteric Astrology.
From an outer and very generic view, Sagittarius is silence and its opposite Gemini is noise. Higher mind-lower mind. Sagittarius is the sacred word, Gemini is human speech.
Pause for a moment to consider the noise of the world – the din that emanates from Earth must be quite dissonant to other planets in our solar system! Earth, in its journey to become a perfected and hence “sacred planet”, presents a discordant note in the orchestra of sacred planets playing the music of the spheres.
Again, in terms of polarities, it is funny how loud (usually enthusiastically) Sagittarians can be; a prominent Jupiter in the horoscope can also be loud and bombastic – not unlike Hercules and his clashing cymbals.
In contrast, Gemini can be very quiet and timid at times, possibly due to their tenuous etheric nature. But on the whole, the third sign Gemini at it basic level is garrulous (like squawking cockatoos, peacocks and roosters!) – similarly, those who have strong 3rd house or 3rd ray emphasis. Kanye West, a blurter of controversial words – is a Sun-Jupiter in Gemini!
The Sagittarius theme – the restraint of speech through control of thought, is not a pleasant prospect for monkey-mind Gemini that has an urgent need to verbally respond to all thoughts and impressions within its environment! At its extreme – verbal diarrhoea!
Sagittarius is the quiet mountain retreat and Gemini is the bustling city with its diverse life. Yet within this greater urban body exist the Sagittarian “outposts” of churches, schools of higher learning, art galleries and places of cultural worth.
As touched upon earlier, Sagittarius ruler Jupiter – is not only about expansive vistas of thought, but the heart centre over which Jupiter and the Sun rule. Here is the source of morality encoded in all religions. At times, Sagittarius can take this too far, overflowing with moralistic religious fervour. Sagittarius can be a sign of excess, over-the-top – the exagittarian!
It is curious to note increasing legislation related to noise reduction, as urban living becomes more concentrated. Paradoxically, the world is experiencing an increase in sensitivity and yet noise levels are accelerating to the point of numbing the senses: From the ambient roar of traffic and machinery to intrusive, blaring music, the ubiquitous doof-doof base-beat, the clatter of cafes and screeching coffee machines or deafening sidewalk jackhammers.
It could be argued that this is the sound of life – (so get over it!), and that is true to a degree; yet there is a sum total of inharmonious sound (noise) that constitutes a destructive and distorting mantram of sorts, which militates against harmony and peace in both obvious and subtle areas of our lives.
This can be tortuous for some, and one is reminded of Nikola Tesla (with a sensitive Cancer sun), who at times of heightened sensitivity experienced excruciating pain from the slightest sound. One of the greatest tests to right meditation is to transcend distracting sound and to find the heart’s sanctuary of silence. Ideally in “right meditation” those outer sounds are relegated to “background noise” or are tuned out.
The Rider on the White Horse
The Masters of Wisdom are sagaciously Sagittarian. Lord Maitreya – the “Master of all Masters, devas and humanity”, Who holds the Office of the Christ, has been depicted in both Eastern and Western traditions as the Rider on the White Horse – as also one of his future messengers:
“This Rider on the white horse is no extra-planetary Entity or Life, but is essentially One like unto ourselves – human and animal combined as are we all, but fused with divinity and inspired from on high, informed by some cosmic and divine Principle, as Christ was informed with the Love of God and carried the revelation of love to man.
The Rider is one of our humanity Who has reached a predestined goal and Who – for very love and understanding of man – has remained for ages in the secret place of revelation (as it is esoterically called), waiting until His hour comes around again and He can then issue forth to lead His people to triumphant victory.”7
And “His hour” is imminent of course, as 2025 looms large and the Hierarchy will decide a date in which to begin Their Externalisation.
The Zen Archer and Meditation
The Sagittarian zen archer must adopt a stance (make a stand, so to speak), and with a steady hand and eye, positioned and poised in stillness and silence, release the arrow of truth – to pierce the veil of illusion.
This is a metaphor for the meditative mind and its compulsory entry into the chamber of silence within the heart – to achieve clear vision. This “piercing” is also about,
“… the sign Gemini begins potently to play its part in the life of the disciples, with Sagittarius gradually “piercing the heart with his arrows, and then upon the flight of the arrow, the man reaches Capricorn. [and initiation]”8
Many trying to meditate are overwhelmed by the chattering monkey-mind in the first five minutes – and as a result, cease pursuit of a most empowering gift; it affects all levels of meditators and requires ongoing discipline. Without meditation, the point of least resistance is the lower expression of Gemini – ceaseless chatter, that denies the big picture overview Sagittarius provides – a sense of greater proportion and clarity from the manifold distractions of the physical plane.
Both Gemini and Sagittarius tend to be undiscriminating, unless drawing upon that arm of the mutable cross conditioned by Virgo. Hence Sagittarius in a lower sense can be fooled by Gemini impressionability and lack of discrimination. This leads to misguided or distorted philosophies that can seriously distract the seeker – who might become enmeshed in their own cleverness, or need to be right – a most potent glamour of Sagittarius.
Sagittarius is also a sign of “interlude” with similarities to Libra, another sign of interlude, symbolised by the moment between inbreath and outbreath in meditation:
“He concentrates his forces. Here we have the stage indicated which can be called retention of the breath. It is a holding of all the forces of the life steadily in the place of silence, and when this can be done with ease and with forgetfulness of process through familiarity and experience, then the man can see and hear and know in a realm other than the phenomenal world. In the higher sense this is the stage of contemplation, that “lull between two activities” as it has been so aptly called.
The soul, the breath, the life has withdrawn out of the three worlds, and in the “secret place of the most high” is at rest and at peace, contemplating the beatific vision. In the life of the active disciple it produces those interludes which every disciple knows, when (through detachment and the capacity to withdraw), he is held by nothing in the world of form.
As he is but wrestling toward perfection and has not yet attained, these interludes of silence, withdrawing-ness, and of detachment are frequently difficult and dark.
All is silence and he stands appalled by the unknown, and by the apparently empty stillness in which he finds himself. This is called, in advanced cases, “the dark night of the soul” – the moment before the dawn, the hour before the light streams forth.”9
Dweller on the Threshold
Sagittarius and Pisces are two arms of the mutable cross – and are related to “retreats”, where one can withdraw or “repair” to the life of the soul, away from the hustle and bustle. Many treading the Way today, have spent lives in monasteries in either the East or West in these past 1,000 years or so – honing meditation skills, only now to incarnate in big cities, carrying the fruits of their past subjective work with them.
In the passage above is mentioned “the dark night of the soul, the moment before the dawn” – describes in northern hemisphere symbolism, the fact that Sagittarius precedes the winter solstice at the first degree of Capricorn – the darkest day of winter.
The “dark night of the soul” is the battle between the Dweller on the Threshold (shadow) and the Angel of the Presence (soul). It is said that Sagittarius controls the “negative dweller”10, meaning that the one-pointed aspirant of Sagittarius has, through positive soul control, relegated the dweller to a negative state where it is not in control.
This is in contradistinction to Leo, said to control the “positive dweller” in the early stages of soul unfoldment, when the sense of identity and personality was a necessary stage in development – where the “dweller” was in control and the soul was quiescent. The so-called “fusion of the dweller and the angel” comes at a stage where the individual undergoes initiation in the next sign Capricorn, as a result of the quest for soul control:
“The definite goal of the Centaur, which is the satisfaction of desire and animal incentives, becomes in the later stages the goal of initiation, which meets with satisfaction in Capricorn, after the preliminary work has been done in Sagittarius. The keynote of the Centaur is ambition.
The keynote of the Archer is aspiration and direction, and both are expressions of human goals but one is of the personality [centaur] and the other [archer]of the soul. From ambition to aspiration, from selfishness to an intense desire for selflessness, from individual one-pointed self-interest in Leo to the one-pointedness of the disciple in Sagittarius and thence to initiation in Capricorn.”11
Washington is ruled at the personality level by questing Sagittarius, as is the rising sign of USA’s 1776 horoscope. The US$ has the arrows of Sagittarius and the eagle prominent.
Spain is a Sagittarian soul and an example of how soul energy was distorted through her Capricorn personality. The Spanish Inquisition occurred in a sub-period of the Piscean Age (1397-1577) ruled by Sagittarius. Blinded by their Catholic zealotry and sanctimony (both Sagittarian traits) – yet having clear vision and one-pointedness as to the outcome – the slaughter of millions in Europe and the Americas was justified.
Famous People
Comedian Billy Connolly is a Sagittarian Sun and Venus, and has Moon, Saturn and Uranus in Gemini opposite – a very funny ha ha study – juggling the opposites through humour! Fellow comedian, commentator and mystic – Russell Brand, has similar – Sun in Gemini opposite Neptune in Sagittarius. Other notable Sagittarian types are Winston Churchill, Pope Francis, Noam Chomsky, Akbar the Great, Keith Richards, William Blake and Donald Trump – who has moon in Sagittarius opposite Sun in Gemini.
Aries Conference 2023
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Venus and Mercury in Sagittarius
Venus and Mercury entered Sagittarius in the second week of November, following one another to an exact conjunction, just hours before the Sun entered Sagittarius on the remarkable date of 22-11-2022.
The plethora of 2’s represents Sagittarius ruler Jupiter – ruler of the 2nd ray of Love-Wisdom. Jupiter’s glyph even looks like a 2! Sagittarius truth-teller is the province of the ageless wisdom, philosophy and religion – the quest to touch the Mind of the Divine.
Mercury is one of the main expressions of the intuition, that which lays beyond the mind – and its power is amplified in intuitive Sagittarius; also through Mercury’s rulership of the opposite sign Gemini – invoking the formless fluidity of that sign.
Mercury in Sagittarius represents honest, direct communication – often quite blunt and unadorned, as arrows are shot direct to the heart of the matter. A recent example is China’s president Xi Jinping at the G20 conference, confronting Justin Trudeau about a leaked communication.
At that time transiting Mercury was directly opposite Trudeau’s Saturn in Gemini/midheaven – Jinping was acting out Trudeau’s authoritative Saturn. Trudeau has Mercury in Sagittarius and tried lamely give Jinping as good as he got.
Venus in Sagittarius – exoterically interpreted, can foster emotional idealism – Sagittarius is somewhat paradoxically one of the “gushiest” of signs, due to the 6th ray of devotion/idealism finding its most powerful expression in this sign. Hence Venus in Sagittarius is also the spiritual devotee.
As the planet of relationships, Venus in Sagittarius is friendly, outgoing and sociable – loving classical forms of beauty; it is frank, as opposed to secretive in previous sign Scorpio. Like Mercury in Sagittarius, Venus here can be blunt and “in your face”.
Transiting Venus in expansive-wanderer-Sagittarius, also symbolises a love of travel (The Quest) and/or a romantic liaison with a foreigner that leads to a relationship and/or marriage.
Esoterically however, Venus is ruler of the 5th ray of knowledge or science, a ray that finds its expression through the triangle of signs: Leo-Sagittarius-Aquarius. The will to know and illumine of the fire signs Leo-Sagittarius – creates a fertile environment for the 5th ray of knowledge to enquire and learn within.
Hence, when Mercury-intuition and Venus-mind, conjoin in Sagittarius, there is a rich union or marriage of these qualities, reflected in the ajna or brow chakra, whose left petal represents manas/mind and right petal – intuition or buddhi.
This “marriage” of Mercury-Venus is also the esoteric idea behind the Divine Herm-aphrodite – Hermes (Mercury) and Venus (Aphrodite). Here is illustrated the goal of all human evolution, glimpsed in these lesser cycles – the blending and synthesis of the so-called masculine-feminine.
During the Aquarian Age and the coming Sixth Rootrace, the intuitive factor will develop and expand, building upon the foundation of developed mind in this current Fifth Rootrace.
Returning to the date of 22-11-2022 – the “power numbers” of 11/22 repeated. 22 cards in the Tarot’s major arcana. 11 is the number of the Initiate, the 11th house of group work and community – gleaning its meaning from the 11th sign Aquarius – “the sign of universal relationships, interplay and consciousness.”
These universal relationships concern the mysterious, “22 methods of Group Interplay” – the “21 vibrations of the Law of Attraction, with the basic vibration, the synthesis of the 21 added, thus making 22.”12 Note that the page number for this reference is 1,222!
The Leo-Sagittarius-Aquarius Triangle
“There are three of the zodiacal signs which are more closely connected with man than are any of the others: Leo, Sagittarius and Aquarius.”13
The Ageless Wisdom informs us that the zodiac sign Sagittarius governs human evolution. At human “Individualisation” 21.6 million years ago (when humans acquired individual souls), the Sun was appropriately in self-conscious Leo.
But Sagittarius governed a previous period of “the subjective approach … in order to stimulate the forms of life upon our planet … Ray V [knowledge] governs the evolution of consciousness through the revolution of its triangle: Leo, Sagittarius and Aquarius.
… Throughout human evolution, this major triangle governs the relation of humanity, through the mind – to the Hierarchy and the approach of that Hierarchy to the human centre of energy.”14
Hence, two (fire) signs of this triangle (Leo-Sagittarius) are “closely connected with man” and including Aquarius, have the Venus-ruled 5th ray of knowledge passing through them. Venus was potently present at Individualisation, broadcasting its “mental frequency” toward the individualising humanity in ancient Lemuria.
Another factor for why Sagittarius is “closely connected with man” – is because it is also a powerful conduit of the 4th ray of Harmony through Conflict – the major ray conditioning Humanity. In this respect, Sagittarius is part of another triangle, Taurus-Scorpio -Sagittarius – the 4th ray is the only ray to pass through Taurus-Scorpio.
Esoteric Astrology has as one of its sub-sciences, the Science of Triangles – hence these associations given above, touch upon this subject. Sagittarius has three ray triangles, the other for the 6th ray is Virgo-Sagittarius-Pisces.
Hence the intricacy of the subject, but to bring out the understanding that at Individualisation, two rays of “attribute” were present via Sagittarius – the 4th and 5th: The 4th upon the “Love-Wisdom line” and the 5th upon the “Will-Power line”. Leo-Sagittarius-Aquarius are related to the three aspects of body, soul and spirit – bearing in mind that the following table is symbolic.
Sagittarius and the Lords of Liberation
The great assault upon Humanity over the past few years has been intense – battle fatigue has set in for many – a weariness brought about by a heavy emotional toll – exacted by the outrageous circumstances foisted upon Humanity.
A World War is unfolding – part of which has manifested upon the physical plane in Ukraine, but has precipitated in every area of human activity; it has not subsided, though there might be temporary lulls – it has a course to run yet.
That is why disciples who are involved in this battle cannot afford to slacken their point of tension, succumb to depression or a sense of hopelessness – regarding seemingly insurmountable obstacles and the insidious reach of Materialistic Forces.
Those forces know that the power which they have had over Humanity (since the dying days of Atlantis), is nearing its expiration date – through the planned Externalisation of the Hierarchy. Hence, their attacks are ruthless and savage – they will not ease-up and will continue to sound-out one’s frailties, attempting to create separation or suspicion.
The target is all of Humanity, but perhaps even more so for spiritual groups who are aware of the world situation – within which some of their main soldiers are holding the line, working within the New Group of World Servers.
The military/sixth ray analogy is apt – at the end of this Piscean era, and blended with the evocation of the spiritual will, will fortify those who continue to take a stand, who embody The Resistance.
The first ray mantra from William Blake’s poem New Jerusalem always bears repeating: “I will not cease from mental fight, nor let the sword rest in my hand”. The New Jerusalem is not a physical location, but the Hierarchy itself. The “Holy City” is Shamballa, and the “City standing four-square” is Humanity.15
The “mental fight” to dominate and control the emotional body, is one of the hallmarks of the tests and trials of Scorpio – through which the Sun has just passed. The mental strength to overcome personal and world glamour, the mental polarisation where the Spiritual Will finds its point of least resistance.
Now in Sagittarius, as a result of the Scorpio experience, a new orientation can take place – a tweaking of the compass upon the arduous Journey of Return: “The Archer on the white horse … orientation … towards a definite goal.”16
The world is passing through an intense period of initiation, where disciples from all ashrams are being sifted, weighed and tested in the fiery crucible of the heart; how much do they love humanity – above and beyond their own immediate concerns? The Hierarchy watches and waits.
Sagittarius is the one-pointed archer engaged in a “dynamic focussing” upon the target. As mentioned earlier, “disciples who are involved in this battle cannot afford to slacken their point of tension”:
“Forget not that all success … is dependent upon the sustaining of the point of tension. This point of tension involves the dynamic focussing of all mental, emotional and physical energies at a central point of planned activity.”17
1925 to 2025: Lessons of the Last Century
In 1925, at the last Centennial Conclave in Shamballa, the Hierarchy shifted from the mental plane to the buddhic, Master R assumed the mantle of the Mahachohan and many in the spiritual community took initiation – most notably, Krishnamurti, Annie Besant and others.
The Tibetan was transmitting A Treatise on Cosmic Fire to Alice Bailey – and the Roerich’s were embarking upon their epic 4 ½ year journey through Asia. 1925 fell between the first two phases of the World War (a recapitulation of the Atlantean battle) – which a century later has now extended to its third and final phase.
We are told that the “door where evil dwells” – a line from The Great Invocation, has drifted open again – very soon after WWII, where the World Dweller jumped from its expression through Germany – to the United States of America.
This was the most logical nation for the Materialistic Forces to focus upon – because the USA’s destiny is be a leading nation (along with Russia and Britain) – into the Aquarian Age. Hence Operation Paperclip that emigrated thousands of Nazi scientists and their families to the USA, was just one part of a “bad seed” planted at that time.
Since the assassination of JFK in 1963 – who saw the fascist writing on the wall, the light of the USA has been gradually encroached upon. Now, on USA’s first ever Pluto return – the struggle for the soul of the nation is more clearly defined than ever. The planetary dweller faces off to the nation’s solar angel, focused in the USA. This will continue through to Oct.2023, when Pluto makes its last contact with natal Pluto, within a close 20’ of arc.
The world has been facing this Dweller of the Fifth Rootrace for the past couple of centuries – with the development of mind in its culminating 5.5.5 phase; a mental potency that has been recently prostituted to selfish interests – and the reappearance of the most egregious of Atlantean crimes – theft.
This is not so much a matter of physical theft (though that might increase in the next few years, as people become more desperate for survival) – but the theft by corporations and governments of data, identities and freedom.
It has already been happening for decades, unbeknown to most of Humanity – but is now entering a final phase where complete control could be effected – if the world population does not take a stand. And yet because of world glamour that has inverted the truth everywhere, the majority of humanity believe what the mainstream media feeds them.
The Original Great Invocation
One method is to link up as a group daily and sound the invocation to the Lords of Liberation – which humanity successfully invoked, mainly unconsciously, during WWII – due to the agony, distress and chaos of those years.
This invocation was the success story for esoterically ending WWII toward the end of 1941 … let that sink in for a moment. The rest of the war played out for the few years to 1945. (See author’s book, The Shamballa Impacts.) The Lords of Liberation respond to mass invocation – it is the law, They are obliged to evoke a response.
Hence today, as the world finds itself in a similar, but not so obvious situation as WWII – of having freedoms eroded and stolen, a stronger plea to the Lords of Liberation is required. Several esoteric meditation groups are already practicing this. It is in this “original” Great Invocation, before the other more commonly known version, that the invocation to the Lords of Liberation was written – several years before WWII broke out:
“In the great invocations which I [The Tibetan] have given out, the first one (“Let the Forces of Light bring illumination to mankind…”) was an effort on my part to put into words the invocative cry of mankind and of all men and women of goodwill throughout the world. Its success was indicative of the strength of that goodwill.
The second (“Let the Lords of Liberation issue forth...”) can, in reality, only be used with any measure or hope of success by aspirants, disciples and initiates, and hence was not nearly so popular with the general public, though in reality much more powerful and potentially effective”18
Let the Forces of Light bring illumination to mankind.
Let the Spirit of Peace be spread abroad.
May men of goodwill everywhere meet in a spirit of cooperation.
May forgiveness on the part of all men be the keynote at this time.
Let power attend the efforts of the Great Ones.
So let it be, and help us to do our part. — 1935
Let the Lord of Liberation issue forth.
Let Him bring succour to the sons of men.
Let the Rider from the Secret Place come forth,
And coming, save.
Come forth, O Mighty One.
Let the souls of men awaken to the Light,
And may they stand with massed intent.
Let the fiat of the Lord go forth:
The end of woe has come!
Come forth, O Mighty One.
The hour of service of the saving force has now arrived.
Let it be spread abroad, O Mighty One.
Let Light and Love and Power and Death
Fulfil the purpose of the Coming One.
The WILL to save is here.
The LOVE to carry forth the work is widely spread abroad.
The ACTIVE AID of all who know the truth is also here.
Come forth, O Mighty One, and blend these three.
Construct a great defending wall.
The rule of evil now must end. — 1940.
One excellent visualisation, to use this phrase, “Let the souls of men awaken to the Light, And may they stand with massed intent.” Visualising the energy and power of demonstrations around the world resisting tyranny, seeing that “massed intent” rippling around the world in a mighty uprising and awakening.
Practicing this regularly, would be a very potent expression of White Magic at work. If one feels powerless and insignificant in the face of such an injunction, consider that the formation of small groups, pockets of resistance, is the Aquarian way. Also bear in mind the following domino effect:
“It does not matter your size, the smaller piece can make a difference.”
This kind of suggested meditation, conducted on a daily basis for however long it takes, would surely have an effect and evoke a response. But in sounding the invocation, there must be held in mind a “higher human freedom”:
“Unless this world war has in it the seeds of a revelation of a higher human freedom, and unless humanity is ready to express this higher freedom to the best of its ability, it will not be possible for the Lords of Liberation to take action.
They cannot be moved by prayer, demand and invocation alone. Such demand must have behind it the ideal of a newer freedom and a greater liberty for man.”19
Resisting Technocracy
The successful invocation of the Lords of Liberation in WWII, is relayed to us in this often-quoted statement:
“The necessity to withdraw [by Hierarchy] was averted. I may not say in what manner, beyond telling you that the Lords of Liberation took certain unexpected steps. This They were led to do owing to the invocative powers of humanity, used consciously by all those upon the side of the will-to-good and unconsciously by all men of goodwill.

The German experimental nuclear pile at Haigerloch, being inspected by American and British soldiers.
Owing to these steps, the efforts of those fighting in the realm of science for the establishing of true knowledge and right human relations were aided. The trend of the power to know and to discover (a definite form of energy) was deflected away from the demanding evocative minds of those seeking to destroy the world of men, leading to a form of mental paralysis. Those seeking to emphasise the right values and to save humanity were simultaneously stimulated to the point of success.”20
Today, a very similar situation has re-emerged since the 1960’s – through the misuse of science and technology – known as “Technocracy”, that began in the 1930’s era of fascism. (See this recent essay: Technocracy and Mass Psychosis/Formations)
This phenomenon has affected so many areas – medicine, media, communications, AI etc. The Lords of Liberation can surely be invoked again, so that “the trend to know and discover is deflected from those seeking to destroy/control the world”; so that the madness of runaway technology does not imprison humanity.
Also needing “deflection” today is the “trend to overpower and control” – through the three global glamours of Authority, Division and Manipulation. May those who are earnest students of the Ageless Wisdom, continue to work occultly (applying theory into practice) – in this invocation process, holding in their hearts the inspirational vision of a new world emerging – the Age of Aquarius.
Battle for the Soul of Brazil
“It is not about Lula or Bolsonaro, but the globalist powers who have their eyes on Brazil riches and resources.”
Whatever one’s view of the political crisis in Brazil today, it is very encouraging to see a stand taken by millions in that nation for several weeks – an example of people power for the rest of the world.
These demonstrations are not born from blind fanaticism, but of a real understanding of the principles at stake – between one corrupt group trying to usurp power and another which is attempting to fight them.
It is deplorable that since Brazil’s disputed election, major protest events have hardly been reported around the world or on social media. The “left” dominated mainstream media has deliberately suppressed and distorted this story.
The world has been brainwashed in these past years – not only in the area of medical issues and global politics, but into believing a simplistic notion that the convicted criminal Lula is the good guy and Bolsonaro the bad guy. Global media has been responsible for this – such is the state of world glamour today – like a thick, sticky molasses obscuring the truth.
Of course, if one still doggedly adheres to the MSM narrative – without having developed any sense of the apolitical (neither left nor right), then events in Brazil will be dismissed as supporting the “right wing” or of being fascist – in line with the propaganda picture painted in recent years.
Those in the spiritual community who have stuck to the Left/Democrat/Labour ideology all their lives [or to the right wing for that matter], must seriously re-assess their position today – if they are to achieve a balanced, non-partisan view – the challenge to transcend the duality/illusion of left and right.
Through the Pluto in Capricorn breakdown, there is hardly any true right or left – and this is a natural process if political parties worldwide have any hope of regenerating their crystallisation and corruption – or to form new political groups. Only the Middle Way between the opposites will reveal the truth.
“The spiritual Hierarchy cannot work through people whose tongues are critical, whose ideas and attitudes are separative and who are violently partisan in their beliefs and comments. This is a statement of fact. I seek to have you train yourselves in such right activity, beginning with your own lives and your personal expression in the world.”21
There are cycles of extreme left or right force that threaten the balance. Protesting Brazilians believe that Lula’s left party is deeply influenced by China and that if Lula is allowed to govern, it will mean the loss of democracy and the nation being taken over by communist interests. China has applauded Lula’s win calling him “our old friend”:
“Lula Da Silva co-founded the secretive Foro de Sao Paulo, a communist political conference tied to drug trafficking and terrorism … [About which UK’s spy group MI6 acknowledges.] Lula’s Foro operates with the full endorsement of the Chinese Communist Party and Xi Jingping’s Central Committee, which sent a letter to express their approval of the Foro and its mission.”22
This instagram video (and photo at left), reveals a HUGE crowd, perhaps a million or more – all protesting PEACEFULLY (in just one of many cities) – for over four weeks since the election. Here follows a first hand perspective from a Brazilian co-worker in mid-November:
“Some say that in Brasilia, the federal capital – they have gathered between three and five million. Also Brazilian citizens who live abroad (like in the US, have come from other continents) – have gathered to do the same, singing, praying, and protesting peacefully.
Crowds of people wearing, yellow, green and blue color, and waving Brazil’s flag were seen in Germany, England, Japan, Lebanon, Greece – a very 2nd ray expression [love-wisdom] all over the world.
Also, emulating what is happening in Brazil, neighboring countries under the control of extreme left and totalitarian governments – are also starting to protest. None of this is shown in the mainstream media. In Cuba, and other countries in South America they blocked the internet – to cut down communication.
In Brazil an attempt to crash the people’s movement is mounting. Truck drivers announced a general national strike, as most of them have had their bank accounts blocked [Exact same as the truckers convoy in Canada.]; they cannot receive any pay and are forced to stop business; it means no distribution of gas, grain, food etc.
President Bolsonaro is not addressing the nation – to avoid being accused of insurrection – and the armed forces [that the protestors are invoking] – are still silent. The tension is mounting, as is the demand and prayers. We hold the vision for the victory of the forces of light.
The situation in Brazil is deeper than appears on the surface. It is not about Lula or Bolsonaro, but the globalist powers who have the eyes on Brazil riches and resources. The Amazon forest fits inside the whole of Europe. Farm land in Brazil can feed the whole world.
The amount of water for generating electric power has the biggest reservoir on the whole planet. Brazil has a 10,000 kilometre sea coast, the longest and widest river in the whole world and huge “under the earth oceans” [aquifers].
Brazil has widespread diversity and abundance. Bolsonaro is an obstruction to their [globalist powers] plan. The CIA and other US leftist groups have participated in the [current] “coup”, because the world [political] left is controlling the nation that is focusing the world dweller [USA] – because the USA is also focusing the world Angel.
It is in fact a spiritual battle, not a political one. They will not succeed but the point of tension needs to be held at the right place and plane. It is a pity that few people are trained to work with occultism. Internet connections have been suspended, social media supporting conservative is also down – a true totalitarian system of crashing the opposition, which is already in place in the USA.
The supreme court here is confident that the US senate would block a military intervention that the population is demanding, and is even helping to depose and arrest Bolsonaro. They will not succeed.
The sad thing is to know that many spiritual students have leaned toward the left, and have contributed to the unbalancing of forces now happening in the world. Many still do, believing that those who are not democrats, who do not support Biden – are evil, even spiritual co-workers.
The soul’s consciousness is still a high aspiration for many, not yet a fact – the soul is the middle way for saving the kingdom. Esoteric groups are far from being scientific because desire and high aspiration are not thought substance – and good intention is not an actual deed.
Seeing the reflected ideal is not seeing the true vision, but the reflection of it. The real can be accessed only via the scientific building of the antahkarana. Science means knowledge and not belief.”
The following video features Brazilian journalist Paula Schmitt – she has great integrity and speaks truth – see if it resonates!
The Influence of Sagittarius on Brazil
As mentioned earlier, Sagittarius belongs to three triangles, two of which are: Leo-Sagittarius-Aquarius (ray 5) and Taurus-Sagittarius-Scorpio (ray 4).
Firstly, the triangle of Leo-Sagittarius-Aquarius (ray 5) is relevant for Brazil because it is a Leo soul – with Leo rising in its exoteric horoscope. Leo rising and its polar opposite Aquarius make up two of the chart’s four angles, invoking the other two arms of the fixed cross: Taurus-Scorpio, the latter sign for which there were recent powerful eclipses around the nation’s election, featuring Aquarius ruler Uranus – the revolutionary.
Currently, Brazil has four solar-arc (SA) directed placements in Sagittarius: Saturn, Moon, Jupiter and midheaven (MC). During this crisis, Sagittarius ruler Jupiter has been retrograde in Pisces, squaring SA Jupiter/MC. The midheaven is the “career/public” of the nation, hence the Sagittarius theme of orientation >>> reorientation – is at a point of acute tension.
As discussed in the earlier section (Leo-Sagittarius-Aquarius Triangle), Sagittarius is a human sign that played a role in the subjective approach to the great Individualisation event in Lemurian times.
Brazil and other parts of South America were part of Lemuria, the original location of Shamballa. Brazil will also be the home of the coming Sixth Rootrace, hence these current solar-arc directions in Sagittarius resemble somewhat the “subjective approach” for that rootrace – with all the birth pangs (“preparatory turmoil”) that accompanies such an event.
Secondly, the triangle of Taurus-Sagittarius-Scorpio (ray 4) is most relevant because Brazil’s soul is the 4th ray of Harmony through Conflict or Art – the ray that rules Humanity as a whole, and which is coming slowly into incarnation after 2025.
Brazil’s soul must be certainly feeling this approach – its impending destiny, perhaps far more so than the only other two 4th ray soul nations – Germany and Austria. (India and Italy are 4th ray personalities.)
Mars in Gemini Transits
The other factor that brings the Sagittarius energy powerfully to Brazil, is the transit of Mars through polar opposite Gemini, lasting an almost unprecedented seven months – as reported here recently.
Hence, Mars has opposed all of Brazil’s solar-directed positions, particularly SA Moon/Jupiter/MC – since Brazil’s election in late Oct.2022. Just before that date in late August 2022, Mars passed over Brazil’s prominent natal Moon-Jupiter-MC in Gemini, to which it will return to make a station – for the first three weeks of Jan.2023; that period will undoubtedly represent another crisis for the nation.
Soon after, Mars will return for its final opposition to the SA planets in Sagittarius, in the first three weeks of March 2023 – culminating when the Sun moves into Aries on March 21 – President Bolsonaro’s birthday!
That too may represent a final crisis for the election dispute, resolved one way or the other. Bear in mind that Mars is the military, and the army have the right to intervene, “as guaranteed by the constitution” – if they deem it appropriate.
Before all these events unfold, the transits at the Sagittarius-Gemini full moon (Dec.8, 2022) are most telling, regarding military action and martial law. Mars the military planet, is exactly conjunct the Moon in Gemini, opposite the Sun in Sagittarius – making a close T-square to Brazil’s Sun in Virgo.
Another important date for Brazil was the date of 22-11-2022, when transiting Mercury and Venus, the exoteric and esoteric rulers of Gemini, met in an exact conjunction in Sagittarius, opposing Brazil’s natal Jupiter/MC in Gemini. (See previous article on Mercury-Venus.)

A reminder of the critical importance of Brazil. Just as a similar triangle is made for USA, Russia and Britain – as pioneers of the Aquarian Age, so two of those nations are part of a triangle creating a foundation for the Sixth Rootrace.
The many 2’s in this date highlights Brazil’s 2nd ray personality, whilst “11 is the number of the Initiate, the 11th house of group work and community – gleaning its meaning from the 11th sign Aquarius – “the sign of universal relationships, interplay and consciousness.””
As of this writing in early December 2022, the situation remains unresolved, as further commentary from a Brazilian co-worker indicates:
“The situation is still on hold here, the population is still protesting in front of military HQ. Bolsonaro and the armed forces want to make sure that all legal measures will be taken and followed – before any move, but war cars [military vehicles] are seen driving all over the country.
The high command of the three armed forces has requested the ‘font code’ of the vote machines, that until now has not been handed over to them. The Supreme Court keeps criminalizing all who ‘dare’ not to trust the vote machine or who contest the election results.
The media does not comment or broadcast anything about the protesters, but we keep on receiving videos and pictures via social media.
There are rumors that the border is already guarded by military troops as the extreme left-wing dictatorship around the country promise to invade Brasil for supporting their friends, Lula and ‘democracy’ in Brazil.”
Any further developments will be added here or in future newsletters. (Past newsletters on Brazil here.)
Aquarian Wisdom Centre Retreat in Portugal
Note our new look website, now also phone and tablet compatible.
Zoom meditation/webinar for Sagittarius 2022: Monday, December 7 at 19.00 UT.
Access Webinar at the Aquarian Wisdom Centre website.
Phillip Lindsay © 2022.
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Stripe is supported in many countries. Books by Phillip Lindsay
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.83. [↩]
- The Labours of Hercules, Alice A. Bailey. p.155. [↩]
- Paraphrased from Esoteric Psychology II, Alice A. Bailey. pp.133, 200. [↩]
- The Labours of Hercules, Alice A. Bailey. p.155. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.191. [↩]
- Esoteric Healing, Alice A. Bailey. p.688. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.269. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.61. [↩]
- A Treatise on White Magic, Alice A. Bailey. p. 150. [↩]
- Glamour: A World Problem, Alice A. Bailey. p.156. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p. 175. [↩]
- A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Baily. p.1222. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.174. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. pp.64, 492. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.107. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.175. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.496. [↩]
- The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. p.71. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.267. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.494. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology II, Alice A. Bailey. p.748. [↩]
- [↩]
Thank you for this, and all at the end on Brazil. Discernment, viveka, still so much needed.
“Since the assassination of JFK in 1963 – who saw the fascist writing on the wall, the light of the USA has been gradually encroached upon. Now, on USA’s first ever Pluto return – the struggle for the soul of the nation is more clearly defined than ever. The planetary dweller faces off to the nation’s solar angel, focused in the USA. This will continue through to Oct.2023, when Pluto makes its last contact with natal Pluto, within a close 20’ of arc.
“The world has been facing this Dweller of the Fifth Rootrace for the past couple of centuries – with the development of mind in its culminating 5.5.5 phase; a mental potency that has been recently prostituted to selfish interests – and the reappearance of the most egregious of Atlantean crimes – theft.
“This is not so much a matter of physical theft (though that might increase in the next few years, as people become more desperate for survival) – but the theft by corporations and governments of data, identities and freedom.
“It has already been happening for decades, unbeknown to most of Humanity – but is now entering a final phase where complete control could be effected – if the world population does not take a stand. And yet because of world glamour that has inverted the truth everywhere, the majority of humanity believe what the mainstream media feeds them. …”
Vicktorya you seem to be suggesting that JFK was assasinated due to his seeing the fascist hand writing on the wall. In his book Astrology of Americas Destiny Dane Rudhyar suggests on pg 110 that the reason for the so called 20 year curse of US presidents dying in office is due to the sun-Saturn conjunction. I remember his assasination and was stunned when I heard the news. I was in sixth grade and our public school principile came on the intercom, told us the news and led us in a prayer. Nobody ever complained about him doing the prayer. Interestingly enough Martin Luther King stated that LBJ did far more for civil rights than Kennedy ever could have or would have. Phillips comments on Beethovens hearing the heavenly sounds while eventually going death to earthly sounds is intriguing. Some scholars have concluded that his deafness heightened his creativity. Its as if though by becoming deaf to the physical sounds he was better able to hear the Heavenly sounds. Your comments oj Brazil and Lula were quite illuminating and at the same time disconcerting. I and a lot of porgressives had thought he was a champion of higher values not just another materialist stooge. There are those of us who try to think not in terms of Right or left but in terms of Social Justice and Human Rights. Obviously Lula is not a champion of either. It doesnt surprise me that the media has not reported the Brazil demonstrations they tend to report only what is convenient. Finally it has been suggested that all positive demonstrations contribute to a collective field of force. Thank you Phillip for another great newsletter.
Wow. The section on Brazil was unexpected and puts a serious challenge to my previous understanding and thoughts on the situation. Though I have no trust at all in the establishment politicians and mainstream media sources here in the US, when I had read the cited article in the National File, it, too, seemed incredibly biased, and I’m unsure of its accuracy and truthfulness. That said, I’m keeping an open mind about it all. The video of Brazilian journalist Paula Schmitt was very interesting, and I empathize with her as being someone who previously saw herself as “on the left,” who seems to have been going though a period of disillusionment with her past political group. My experience has been similar here in the US, and like her I take more of an anti-establishment view than “left” or “right.” I’m very curious as to what journalist Glenn Greenwald’s perspective is on what is going on in Brazil, as he exposed the Operation Car Wash scandal which targeted Lula and put him in prison before the previous election and paved the way for Bolsenaro’s victory. I always had the understanding that the CIA was behind much of the corruption and shenanigans that sidelined Lula and boosted Bolsenaro. But maybe my understanding is incomplete. Definitely Lula’s ties to the banks that Schmitt brought to light is deeply disturbing, as is his attitudes towards the population in regards to the so-called “vaccines.” It has been disheartening to see the turn the “left” has taken in the past decade or so…I hardly recognize it and feel like it has lost its way, as has much of the “right.” Everything is so corrupt and dishonest, and it is very challenging not to be black-pilled the more I learn about power and the powerful through journalists and figures like James Corbett, Whitney Webb, Max Blumenthal, Robert Kennedy, Jr., Alexander Mercouris, Neil Oliver, Bret Weinstein, Scott Ritter, Eva K. Bartlett, etc. But that’s the way it is.
Hi Phillip, thanks again for sharing your thoughts in your extensive newsletter.
For me is clear that we are in a polarized world and therefore, if we are not attentive, it is very easy to fall into the error of thinking that 50% of the population is “bad” compared to the other 50% that is “good”.
Never better now in Sagittarius to ask: what is an ideal in a polarized society?
It is clear that in a polarized society, if consciousness is not evolved (exoteric Sagittarius), its ideal will be subject to its perception of the supposed enemy. The tendency (right, left, anti-system, pro-system, ecologist, nationalist, humanist, liberal, new age…) that the subject professes will not matter, the ideal cannot be inclusive because it will be conditioned by its opposite. There will be no reflection of the Soul and the inferior aspect of Jupiter will exaggerate the vision, fanaticism will defile the Ideal. The destructive power will be enormous.
For an Ideal or Goal to be inclusive, it cannot be conditioned only for personal reasons (solar sign + exoteric ruler), but it needs the complementary qualities of its opposite sign, qualities activated by the Earth, the esoteric ruler of Sagittarius, always placed opposite the sun sign.
The esoteric secret of every Soul in Sagittarius is to know how to mix in the mind the spiritual greatness of a vision (ruled by the superior aspect of Jupiter), with the practical sense, the intelligent laws of mother nature, governed by its esoteric ruler, the Earth.
Thanks for sharing
The description of the discordant noise of life as illustrated with the Sagittarius, Gemini lower levels and how to transcend the clatter reminded me of the Movie August Rush (movie available on Netflix), where the lost little boy keyed his mind into the numerous bustling noises of New York City. He busily translated the jangling noise into music. The story is riveting and uplifting. The story line was brilliant and fits beautifully with the higher attainment of the Sag/Gemini energies. Seen the movie a number of times now and pleased to see it on Netflix.
just a quick note that this month’s newsletter struck me as particularly lyrical in the soulful note it sounds. i found your words really captured the nature of the soul and the rhythm of its quality shone throughout the newsletter not only from the standpoint of our little egoic evolutions but more importantly up toward the greater zodiacal Quality as we transition from scorpio –> capricorn.
beautifully written 🙂
Thank You, Phillip, for these wonderful new letters, I don’t think I
can express how truly grateful I am for the deep thinking you
provoke in so many.
Your extensive knowledge of the Plan and your willingness to share.
1. Enjoyed your brief talk at the “Triangles” meditation last week. I always appreciate it when an astrological focus is enunciated. Come more often.
2. You continue to reference the centennial conclave of 2025, which most of the AAB students are focused on during these last two remaining years. Like so many, I am looking forward to it with great anticipation because the date will be set for the return of the Christ. What could be better than that in this troubled world. So, when i recently read the following quote in “The Rays and Initiations”, I was somewhat taken aback. DK writes, that the centennial conclave is when the Masters decide what “crises” they can present to humanity since that is how we grow, learn and evolve. What kind of crises? Will we be ready to meet the challenge? See the quote below:
“……..the entire Hierarchy meets at Its centennial conference and—at that time—decides what form of crisis, on what level of consciousness, and involving what group of lives, must be implemented and presented to humanity, though the other kingdoms of nature will be necessarily implicated. The reason for this is that the meeting of such a planned crisis will hasten certain realizations. Forget not that humanity grows through the presentation of moments of crisis. These moments of crisis, based on past karma, conditioned by the point in evolution already achieved, and on the presence in the three worlds of certain appropriate ray forces, are brought to the point of precipitation by united decision in the conclave of the Masters.” [RI Pg. 394]
3. You marked that the “world dweller” has moved to the U.S.A. from Germany, a natural choice due to our materialism, among other shortcomings. That is a very disconcerting thought but may help explain the seeming unprecedented upsurge in anti-democratic forces; Neo-Nazism, and very extreme right organizations like the Oath Keepers and Proud Boys. (Canada considers them domestic terrorist groups.) Dr. Douglas Baker, in his analysis of the USA horoscope, always said that America had strong fascist tendencies. The historical narrative abounds with examples since our founding.
Thank you, Phillip.