Sagittarius 2023: Future Trends for the United States of America
Sagittarius Keynote
“I see the goal. I reach that goal and then I see another.”
(Sagittarius Full Moon Festival: Nov.27, 2023. UT: 09.16.)
“This vast land is ruled by Gemini, linking it therefore closely with Great Britain and also by Aquarius as the ruler of its soul ray. This combination of a sixth ray personality, ruled by Gemini, and a second ray soul (as has Great Britain), ruled by Aquarius, is potent for future power and usefulness.
The capital city, Washington, is ruled by Cancer and Sagittarius … because Sagittarian influence is strong, there is a potent determination to stick one-pointedly to any decision made. This its sixth ray personality enforces at times almost to the point of a fanatical blindness and to the detriment of the long range vision which is needed at such times as these.”1
Future Trends in the United States of America
Transits of Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn and Jupiter 2023-2026.
__Sagittarius in the US Psyche
__Exoteric and Esoteric Interfaces
Pluto Transits
__Pluto Return’s After Effects
__USA’s 6th ray/Gemini Personality
Neptune Transits
__Neptune’s Glamour Effect
Uranus Transits
__Reform or Revolution
__Financial Crisis
__US Elections 2024
Uranus-Jupiter Transits 2024
__National Crisis April 2024?
Saturn Transits
__Intelligent Choices
__Financial Crisis
Full Moon Meditation and Talk
[Written 1945-7.] “The American people—as they pass out of the stage of adolescence—must learn the lessons of life through experimentation and resultant experience. This is a lesson that all young people have to learn. The German race is old; the German nation is very young.
The Italian people are of ancient origin; the Italian state is historically of very recent date. The accusation of youth (if it is an accusation) is also true of the United States. A great future lies ahead of that nation but not because of material power or commercial efficiency, as many materially-minded people think.
The reason lies in a deeply spiritual, innate idealism, enormous humanitarian potentiality and—above all else—because virgin and non-effete2 stock of largely peasant and middle class origin is determining the race. Steadily in all nations, the power in government and in determining practical ideologies is rapidly passing into the hands of the “people” and out of the hands of the so-called ruling classes and the aristocracy.
The roots of the people in the United States are necessarily in other countries because its citizens have originally come out of those countries. They have no indigenous people except the Red Indian who has been ruthlessly dispossessed by the on-rushing tide from other lands.
The racial groups within the States still bear the marks of their origin and of their racial heritage; they are psychologically and physically of Italian, British, Finnish, German and other origins. In this fact consists part of the wonder of this rapidly integrating nation.”3 (More of the quote above will continue in the middle and end of this newsletter, bearing in mind that it was written 1945-47.)
In the following analysis, the July 4, 1776 horoscope is used – with Sagittarius rising. (Hereafter referred to as “1776”.) Esoterically, according to the rulerships given by The Tibetan through Alice A. Bailey (AAB) – Aquarius is the soul of the nation and Gemini its personality expression. Therefore, an esoteric horoscope would have Aquarius rising with the Sun in Gemini in a Leonine fifth house.
But this horoscope has the rest of the planets missing thus far! One could speculate where certain planets night be, but it remains an unknown entity to which only Those who work upon the inner planes have access. Hence, this author works with the exoteric chart, noting the several interfaces with the esoteric horoscope – and this includes various cities that have been assigned rulerships by AAB.
A good example is Washington, DC – a Cancer soul (rising) with a Sagittarius personality (Sun in Sag.), obversely reflected by 1776’s Sagittarius rising (soul) and Sun in Cancer (personality). The esoteric soul expression of the political capital (Cancer), becomes the exoteric personality expression in the 1776 national horoscope. The Sagittarius personality expression becomes the exoteric soul purpose.
Bear in mind also, that USA and Russia are both Aquarian souls, destined with Britain to be a leading triangle going into the Aquarian Age.
Their dharma of some is currently blocked due to various factors such as national immaturity, blindly treading the way of dogmatic personality expression, divisive political ideologies, the hijacking of national destinies by materialistic forces and the temporary loss of soul purpose.
The exoteric horoscope is often quite accurate in terms of the transits and progressions which trigger events. The long term cycles of the outer planets are all making significant impacts upon the USA.
Pluto’s – 248-year cycle. Neptune’s 164-year cycle, Uranus’ 84-year cycle and Saturn’s 30-year cycle. Jupiter’s 12-year cycle will also be examined -, as it is the ruler of the 2nd ray of Love-Wisdom, the soul of the USA and Britain. Jupiter is also prominent in the 1776 chart, exalted in Cancer conjunct the Sun, reflective of USA’s largesse and generosity, whose shadow is excess, waste and over-indulgence of all the appetites.

The upward pointing arrow is the astrological symbol of Pluto, depicting evolutionary movement from the lower to higher centres.
Pluto Transits
“[Pluto] … governs however the death or cessation of old ideas and emotions, and its influence is therefore largely cerebral and in that you have the clue to its late discovery. Mankind is only on the verge of becoming mental. Its effects are felt first in the mental body.”4
Indeed, Pluto was “discovered” in 1930 toward the end of the Age of Pisces, a sign that Pluto esoterically rules – his function to, “cut the thread which binds the two opposing lives [fishes] together.”5 (1930 is an important date that concerns the Great Depression in the USA, referred to later.)
Humanity has been undergoing the first initiation en masse in the past century – during the major crises of the two world wars, and this process has accelerated in the past few years as more and more people are “waking up” :
“At the first initiation, the disciple has to contend with the crystallising and destroying forces of Vulcan and Pluto. The influence of Vulcan reaches to the very depths of his nature, whilst Pluto drags to the surface and destroys all that hinders in these lower regions.”6
And here humanity stands today as the momentous year of 2025 approaches, while Pluto tests us all in the fiery crucible of his “lesser burning ground”:
“ … the destroying power of death—death of desire, death of the personality and of all which holds him between the pairs of opposites, in order to achieve the final liberation. Pluto or death never destroys the consciousness aspect.”7
In Oct. 2023, the last “hit” of USA’s first ever Pluto return occurred (every 248 years), bringing breakdown and destruction in its wake. The world has witnessed Pluto the Destroyer in renovating mode, breaking up old political institutions and culture, revealing the dirt and corruption that has accumulated since this nation’s inception in 1776.
And yet it will take a few years for the nation to fully comprehend what has occurred – for the Pluto transit to “sink in”. In the meantime, USA’s national personality still clings to belief in American exceptionalism and colonialism, hanging onto power – attempting to dominate other nations through its self-created “rules-based” imposition of global hegemony. USA has its sights on Middle East nations, Russia, Iran, China and the “forever wars” that feed the military industrial complex.
As noted in other missives, USA “supports” Israel with billions of dollars annually, not for the people of Israel – but for Middle Eastern strategic oil resources. Israel is USA’s “aircraft carrier” from which it can deploy militarily. Many observers argue that the current conflict in Israel was initiated by the US, a case of the US dog wagging the Israel tail, not the other way around as popularly believed.
Remember also Gen. Wesley Clark’s infamous statement leaked from the Pentagon around the time of 9/11: “We are going to take seven countries in five years: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and finishing off, Iran.” (2′ video)
So let us be under no illusions that the Neocon ideology and planning by this small but powerful political faction – is still running. Their last abominable effort to take down Russia via Ukraine at the expense of half a million lives, nearly $200 billion in aid and utterly ruined infrastructure for that nation, has almost disappeared from the headlines since Oct. 7 – with no accountability. One wonders – to quote Bob Dylan, when the “hard rain’s gonna fall”?
It was the Neocon/Christian Zionists who planned and executed the 9/11 attack on the USA, revealing well before the attack that a “Pearl Harbour” kind of event was needed to justify attacks on these seven countries, starting with Iraq and the false premise of WMD’s.
Then Syria was demonised and despoiled, Libya’s Gaddafi was murdered, the Somalia conflict with US troops and air strikes still continues – largely “out of sight, out of mind” with the American public. Then there was Afghanistan, now abandoned and forgotten after 20 years and wasted $billions.
All of these events have nothing to do with USA’s Aquarian soul purpose, but are solely the expression of its 6th ray personality of Idealism – through which powerful minorities have created distorted ideologies – driven aggressively by 6th ray ruler Mars – god of war and conflict. Here is a good example how any entity can be so caught up in its own personality desires, as to be completely disconnected from its soul.
The 1776 chart interface for the expression of this 6th ray personality, plays out through Mars in Gemini square to 6th ray co-ruler, Neptune in Virgo. This 6th ray personality has been the subject of many articles in the past 20 years, one of which can be found here: USA’s Gemini Personality Maturation. To be clear, each nation has a sign and a ray ruling its personality, hence USA is a Gemini/6th ray personality combination.
With Pluto re-entering Aquarius again soon, staying there until 2043, there will be a powerful cycle of opportunity for USA’s Aquarian soul. But it will not be a “walk in the park” – Pluto will force the nation to walk his burning ground and bear the karma sown by its leadership:
“Mars and Pluto—function in connection with the sacral centre (Mars) and the solar plexus (Pluto). This latter planet becomes active in the life of the man who is “becoming alive in the higher sense, his lower nature passes into the smoke and darkness of Pluto, who governs the lesser burning ground, in order that the man may live in truth in the higher land of light.“”8
The year 2043 corresponds closely to the 2040 “matured adult” phase of unfoldment in the table above. Herein lies the most critical phase of development so far in the life of this Aquarian soul nation, whose destiny is to be a leader of the Aquarian Age. The passage from Problems of Humanity quoted at the beginning, continues below:
“Like all young people, symbolically speaking, the people of the United States show all the characteristics of adolescence. Again, symbolically speaking, the people of the United States are of the ages seventeen to twenty four.
They shout freedom and still are not free; they refuse to be told what to do because it infringes upon their rights, nevertheless they allow themselves to be guided frequently by the inept, the partisan politician and by the inadequate; they are broadly tolerant and yet most intolerant of other nations; they are ready to tell other nations how to handle their problems but as yet evidence no ability to handle their own, as witness the treatment of the American Negroes and the withholding of equal freedom and opportunity from them.
They are restlessly experimenting with all phases of life, with every kind of idea and all kinds of relationships. The creative power of the race shows itself as yet in a wonderful control of nature and in great construction projects which bring water under control, or which relate all parts of this vast country through roads and waterways.”9
Neptune Transits (2023-27)
“Neptune is known esoterically as the Initiator. In certain ancient formulas, the great Teacher of the West and the present world Initiator, Christ, is spoken of as Neptune, Who rules the ocean, whose trident and astrological symbol signifies the Trinity in manifestation and Who is the ruler of the Piscean Age.
The formula runs as follows, speaking esoterically: “… the fish goddesses who have leapt from earth (Virgo) to water (Pisces) unitedly give birth to the Fish God (Christ) who introduces the water of life into the ocean of substance and thus brings light to the world. Thus does Neptune work.”
This is, however, a great mystery, revealed only at the time of the second initiation in which the control of the fluidic astral plane is demonstrated.”10
Neptune’s rulership of the astral plane and it role as “initiator” is prominent in this passage, particularly as Neptune transits through its own sign of Pisces.
Given that Neptune is co-ruler of USA’s 6th ray personality, its transits will always be important, especially in introducing a higher frequency to its co-ruler Mars. Transiting Neptune, has been conjunct the USA’s progressed Sun in Pisces for the past few years, and in its lower expression of deception and distortion, has created a thicker fog of glamour over the nation. Remember, Neptune is the co-ruler of the solar plexus centre, doorway to the astral body – and of the 6th ray of Idealism.
Given that USA’s progressed Sun is in Pisces, there is a parallel here similar to Germany’s Pisces personality around the WWII period, where the nation was duped by a thick veil of glamour generated by its Nazi leaders. As ruler of USA’s sixth ray personality of idealism and devotion, Pisces and Neptune (in their lower octave), create a similar susceptibility.
In late 2023, progressed Sun in Pisces will be moving within orb of opposing natal Neptune in Virgo – exact by March 2027. So the collective cloud of glamour may still persist for a while yet. Which means the masses could be easily manipulated astrally – through the perpetuation of fear by those in power – whether that is by pandemic, war, natural or financial disasters, “climate change” etc. – whatever evokes a survival-based visceral reaction.
Transiting Neptune will be creating a T-square to USA’s troublesome Mars in Gemini – that squares natal Neptune. As stated, Mars and Neptune are co-rulers of USA’s 6th ray personality that has not yet reached integration, and demonstrating as aggression in relationships (Mars in Gemini in 7th house) and interference (6th ray) in foreign nations (Neptune in 9th house).The progressed Sun represents the three-fold personality (mental, astral, physical), its evolution thus far unfolded – and awareness of the degree of integration thus far achieved.
Neptune rules the astral/emotional body component of the triple personality, hence the progressed Sun opposing Neptune offers an opportunity for the development of greater emotional maturity, as well as a positive idealism reorienting the USA closer to its soul purpose. This is where Sagittarius plays a role in the exoteric/esoteric charts – as it is a sign of orientation or re-orientation.
Uranus Transits (2024-26)
Uranus is the personality ruler of Aquarius, the soul of the USA, hence its transits are always very important. As a “scientific” planet ruling this intellectual sign, Uranus has lifted the USA to world leadership in technology and innovation: PC and Mac computers, the internet etc. This revolution has been aided by USA’s Gemini personality – the sign of communications, dissemination of knowledge etc.
“Uranus is the planet whose characteristics are the scientific mind, which, at this stage of the disciple’s career, means that he can begin to live the occult life and the way of divine knowledge can take the place of the mystic way of feeling.
It means also that knowledge can be transmuted into the way of wisdom and of light. This necessarily brings in the will aspect or the influence of the first ray (Vulcan) blended with the seventh ray (Uranus) producing the desired manifestation upon the physical plane.
Uranus, therefore, initiates a new order of life and conditions and this—when developed in the life of the disciple—in its turn produces an understanding of the causes of things as they are, and the desire to change the old order and the old orientation into the new.
This produces the reversal of the wheel. This can be seen happening today most clearly in connection with humanity and with world processes. Carried forward to its logical conclusion, the influence of Uranus finally produces an unfolded spiritual consciousness in contradistinction to the human; for this reason, Uranus is exalted in this sign and assumes a position of power and of directed influence.”11
Uranus in Taurus is probably the most important forthcoming transit to watch, as it will be squaring USA’s moon in Aquarius – the sign which Uranus rules. The moon represents the shadow or dweller on the threshold, yet Aquarius is also esoterically the soul of the nation – hence this transit will invoke a battle between the solar angel and the dweller.
That process has already been in motion since USA’s Pluto return, dredging from the depths all that has been buried. The exact hits of Uranus in Taurus square to Moon in Aquarius will be Aug.2024, May 2025 and Jan/Feb 2026. Uranus occupies a special place in Taurus – in its “fall”:
“Uranus, the planet of the hidden mystery and one of the most occult of the planets, “falls” in this sign, producing the accentuation and the sharp division between body and soul which is so marked a characteristic of the Taurian subject.
… The task of Uranus, hidden in the depths, is to awaken and evoke the intuitive response of Taurus to an ever-increasing light until such time that full illumination is achieved and also the development of the spiritual consciousness—substituting these higher soul aspects for the lower form reactions.
It is interesting to note that in Scorpio [polar opposite], Uranus is exalted which gives indication of the success of the task which the Uranian forces undertook. Achievement is attained.”12
This Uranus transit is sure to bring about great upheaval in the nation, preceding USA’s third Uranus return in Gemini. The most recent square of Uranus to USA’s Aquarius moon was Dec.7, 1941 – when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbour, catapulting the nation into WWII.
But possibly the most significant cycle of Uranus in Taurus square the Moon in Aquarius, was in the two-year lead-up to the American Civil War that precipitated in April 1861 – just after Uranus in Taurus finished its last square – and on the last hit of the Uranus return in early Gemini (the personality of the nation).
Therefore, radical Uranus – governing reform and revolution, is set to effect the same changes in the next few years. The issue in 1860 was primarily around slavery and its abolition. The issue in the next few years will be on a higher turn of the evolutionary spiral – slavery of the masses by the censorship of free speech, totalitarian government run by dictatorial corporations, bodies like the WEF/WHO or other public/private lobby groups in the USA.
After the last square of Uranus to the moon in Jan/Feb 2026, the Uranus return in Gemini will span July 2027 to May 2028. Hopefully by then, the USA will have a statesman-like presidential candidate for the 2028 election – to lead the nation through a mighty but needed crisis.
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Uranus-Jupiter 2024
This conjunction occurs every 14 years and is important for the USA because Uranus and Jupiter are exoteric/esoteric rulers respectively of Aquarius – the soul of the nation. Jupiter is also the ruler of USA’s 2nd ray soul of Love-Wisdom. The last conjunction was on June 6, 2010 in the first degree of Aries, accompanied by the moon on its monthly cycle!
Hence, as Aries is the sign of new beginnings, there lies some symbolism in a new series of Jupiter-Uranus conjunctions. The first exact conjunction since 2010 will be on April 20, 2024 – though the two planets will be in orb of influence two weeks before and after, approximately April 6 to May 6, 2024.
The only aspect that this conjunction makes in USA’s horoscope, is an exact square to progressed Mercury in Aquarius, ruler of the 7th house of relationships and esoterically USA’s Gemini personality.13
As the Messenger passing through Aquarius, Mercury is an “agent” of the nation’s Aquarian soul. Progressed Mercury in Aquarius makes a triangle to Mars-Neptune by trine and quincunx respectively, activating the troublesome square between these planets.
Therefore, Jupiter and Uranus in April 2024 may trigger a national crisis of some kind. It could be financial, given the association of Taurus with money, possessions and territory. It could also be about relations with foreign nations (7th/9th houses), as discussed earlier – take your pick! The theme of money and finance continues under the following Saturn transit below.
Russia still appears to be the target of the cold-war-fixated generals and mad neocons in the Pentagon. In Russia’s Dec.25, 1991 horoscope, Venus and Pluto in Scorpio are exactly opposed by this Uranus-Jupiter transit in Taurus.
Here lies a recipe for the unleashing of deadly force. Taurus is also esoterically the soul of Moscow – whose personality is Aquarius, corresponding to Russia’s Aquarian soul.
Aquarius rising Israel is also another nation whose Taurus sun already has a long term transit of Uranus upon it – indicating radical, disruptive change, revolution, reform and unpredictable events. (As discussed in a few Israel 2023 newsletters.)
Hence, Jupiter’s presence in April 2024 will supercharge the long term transit of Uranus on Israel’s Taurus Sun. As also explained in other missives, Israel’s Sun is closely square to the midpoint of its Saturn-Mars in Leo, reflective of the hard-line Zionist leadership’s merciless oppression of Palestinians.
Geo-political observers say that USA and Israel appear to be drawing Russia into a Middle East conflict via Iran, Syria, Lebanon and other belligerents. Hence, the worst case scenario with the Uranus-Jupiter April 2024 conjunction, is the eruption of a major war.
After April 20, 2024, Jupiter as the faster moving planet, departs from Uranus and will square USA’s moon in Aquarius in the first two weeks of May 2024, giving a taste of the longer term transit of Uranus square Moon in Aquarius.
As Jupiter is the esoteric ruler of Aquarius, its fleeting square to the moon may generate some positive Aquarian attributes of sharing and community, or just as easily stimulate the Aquarian shadow of fixed attitudes, a desire to be unique and lack of universal co-operation.
The moon is the ruler of Cancer, the Sun sign of the 1776 horoscope, and also the soul sign of Washington, whose Sagittarius personality was mentioned earlier. Again, we can see the interaction of the esoterically given ruling signs with the exoteric horoscope.
US Election 2024
The Uranus transit will span the US Election on Nov.5, 2024, during its retrograde phase – after it first square to the Moon in Aug.2024. Election day sees some extraordinary transits of Jupiter conjunct USA’s Mars in Gemini/solar arc Saturn, with transiting Venus in Sagittarius opposite, creating a grand square to Neptune in Virgo opposite progressed Sun in Pisces! (And the midpoint of transiting Saturn-Neptune in Pisces.)
Jupiter is the ruler of USA’s 2nd ray Love-Wisdom soul and the esoteric ruler of USA’s Aquarian soul. Hence, the potential to invoke the soul of the nation is high. But so is the potential to magnify and exaggerate some of its worst traits, because transiting Jupiter falls on Mars in Gemini, setting off the problematic square to Neptune in Virgo – part of the aforementioned mutable Grand Cross.
Jupiter rules the heart centre and has the potential to lift up Mars that rules the solar plexus centre – holding the potential to initiate a shift in the national consciousness. But it may take the exaggerated expression of the square to express first, so that the pairs of opposites can be starkly realised.
Not only is this Grand Cross dramatic in itself, depicting a major crisis – but Donald Trump’s Sun in Gemini/Moon in Sagittarius, favourably straddles this same axis. Furthermore, USA’s Aquarius moon is opposite Trump’s Leo ascendant, creating a T-square to Biden’s Sun-Venus in late Scorpio.
Saturn Transits
In USA’s 1776 horoscope, Saturn is placed in Libra, described in the following – and which can be applied to an individual or national entity:
“In this sign [Libra], Saturn is exalted for—at the point of balance—opportunity comes and a situation is staged which makes a choice and a determination inevitable. It is a choice which has to be made intelligently and upon the physical plane, in the waking brain consciousness.
It is only now that the full purpose and the work of Saturn for humanity can reach a point of group usefulness, for it is only now that humanity has reached a point of general and widespread intelligence which can make any choice a definite conscious act, entailing responsibility.
Prior to the present time, only a few pioneering disciples and a handful of intelligent people could be regarded as freely choosing at the “point of balance” the way that they intend “to tip the scales.” Today, there are countless numbers and hence the intense activity of Saturn as we enter into the first decan of Aquarius and hence the same activity because humanity itself now stands upon the probationary path.
This, Libra governs and controls, therefore the path of choices, of deliberately applied purificatory measures and the turning point before Scorpio, which governs the path of discipleship, can properly play its part.”14
Transiting Saturn entered Pisces in 2023 – and the main aspect it makes during 2024 is a square to the Sagittarius-Gemini ascendant/descendant – exact late March 2024, then making a four-month station from the end of Dec.2024.
Saturn rules USA’s second house of money, assets, possessions etc. The last time this transit occurred on the “upper square” of transiting Saturn to Sagittarius rising, was during the financial crisis of 2008, regarded as the most severe since the Great Depression of 1929. (Remember Pluto’s discovery in 1930):
“Predatory lending targeting low-income homebuyers, excessive risk-taking by global financial institutions, and the bursting of the United States housing bubble culminated in a “perfect storm”.
Mortgage-backed securities (MBS) tied to American real estate, as well as a vast web of derivatives linked to those MBS, collapsed in value. Financial institutions worldwide suffered severe damage, reaching a climax with the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers on September 15, 2008, and a subsequent international banking crisis.”15 (At the 1929 stock market crash, the progressed Sun was conjunct the 1776 Sagittarius ascendant.)
The finance industry has not made any really serious reforms since then – it’s still “business as usual”. Hence, with the US national debt at an eye-watering $33 trillion, there is a high probability on this “lower square” cycle of Saturn to the Sagittarius ascendant – that another financial crisis will emerge, possibly far worse than 2008.
Various money pundits predict the same, USA plunging into a recession: “The model does suggest that the economy is teetering on the edge”. If a financial crash occurs, it will surely have an tsunami effect upon the world as a whole.
This scenario is further compounded by the concurrent transit of the above-mentioned Uranus in Taurus square USA’s moon in Aquarius. The moon rules USA’s eighth house of “other people’s money” to which many banks take a cavalier attitude, stating it lightly – predatory would be a better term!
Taurus as a sign of money and resources, combined with Uranus – represents a reform/revolution of the financial system, but not necessarily one that is altruistic!
Many of the financial institution players from 2008, including the IMF (International Monetary Fund) and other bodies such as the WEF, have been planning the cancellation of cash and pushing everyone onto digital currency/ID’s, for quite some time now. (Central Bank Digital Currencies – a digital form of programmable money with a central banker’s on/off switch!) The “plannedemic” of 2020-22 was a step along the way to this financial goal of control.
Because the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction of April 20, 2024 squares progressed Mercury in Aquarius – in the second house of money, this date may well be a flashpoint. Interesting date numbers for the numerologists here, 2’s and 4’s: 20-4-2024.
Saturn is also the Lord of Karma and many karmic chickens may be coming home to roost during this period – “a hard rain”, where USA’s various political machinations (via unaccountable bodies like the CIA and NSA) – over recent decades, may demand payment.
This might be indicated when transiting Saturn conjoins USA’s progressed Sun in Pisces: June-July 2024 and Feb./March 2025. To finish the third and final passage from Problems of Humanity [Written 1945-7]:
“America is a great battleground for experiment along creative lines [Aquarius/Uranus]; it is profoundly interested in trying out every kind of ideology. [Curious Gemini and 6th ray idealism!] The fight between capital and labour [Sun Cancer square Saturn in Libra] will reach its climax in the United States, but will also be fought out in Great Britain and France. Russia already has her own solution but the lesser nations of the world will be guided and conditioned by the result of this battle in the British Commonwealth of Nations and in the United States.
Order [7th ray] must be brought about in the States and this order will come when freedom is interpreted in terms of self-chosen discipline [Saturn in Libra]; a freedom which can turn into license and which is interpreted by each individual in the best interests of himself constitutes a danger to be avoided. It is a danger of which the best minds are deeply aware.

“The goal is right human relations; nations will stand or fall just in so far as they measure up to that vision. The era ahead of us—under evolutionary law and the will of God—is to see the establishment of right human relations.”
Like all young people, Americans feel superior to more mature fellow nations; they are apt to think that they have a higher idealism [6th ray], a saner outlook and a greater love of freedom [Sagittarius] than other nations; they are apt to forget that though there may be some backward nations, there are many nations in the world with as high an idealism, as sound a body of motives, and with a more mature and experienced approach to world problems. Again, like all young people, the American is intensely critical of other people [Virgo arm of mutable cross], but often blind to and always resentful of criticism.
Yet there is as much to criticize in America as there is in any other nation; all nations have a vast house-cleaning to do, and the difficulty at this time is that they must do it alongside of the strict fulfilling of their international relationships. No nation can live unto itself today. If it attempts to do so it treads the way of death and that is the true horror of the isolationist position.
Factually today we have one world and this sums up the psychological problem of humanity. The goal is right human relations; nations will stand or fall just in so far as they measure up to that vision. The era ahead of us—under evolutionary law and the will of God—is to see the establishment of right human relations.”16
This phrase. “true horror of the isolationist position” – is very sobering in light of the 1776 chart’s Cancer sun. On the “ordinary wheel” Cancer’s keynote is, “Let isolation be the rule and yet the crowd exists”. Similarly, The Tibetan comments on Washington’s Cancer soul in its lower expression:
“Cancer … it is this fact which leads the United States to act like the Crab (Cancer) and be pre-occupied with its own house which it carries on its back and to vanish into hiding at the first signs of trouble …”.17
Commenting further upon Cancer’s lower expression, as opposed to its higher expression – inscribed at the base of the Statue of Liberty (“Give me your tired, your poor”),
“If you are still an isolated soul, you will have to pass through the horrors of a more complete isolation and loneliness, treading alone the dark way of the soul. Yet this isolation, this loneliness and this separation in the dark night are all part of the Great Illusion.
It is, however, an illusion into which the whole of humanity is now precipitated in preparation for unity, freedom and release. Some are lost in the illusion and know not what is reality and truth. Others walk free in the world of illusion for the purposes of saving and lifting their brothers, and if you cannot do this, you will have to learn so to walk.”18
“Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”19
Sagittarius: Full Moon Meditation Meeting and Talk – on Zoom
(Sunday, Nov.26. 19.00 GMT.)
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Phillip Lindsay © 2023.
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- Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.88. [↩]
- “Characterized by extreme refinement or self-indulgence, often to the point of unworldliness or decadence”. [↩]
- Problems of Humanity, Alice A. Bailey. p.25. [↩]
- A Treatise on White Magic, Alice A. Bailey. p.439. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.130. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.70. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.127. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.78. [↩]
- Problems of Humanity, Alice A. Bailey. p.25. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.219. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.224. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.400. [↩]
- Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.89. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.249. [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- Problems of Humanity, Alice A. Bailey. p.26-7. [↩]
- Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.88. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.249. [↩]
- The New Colossus, by Emma Lazarus [↩]
YES, YES, YES! This marvelous mapping of world events is so validating and certainly helps aid all the head-shaking wonderment as to WHY my homeland seems to have stepped off the path. I suppose it is part of the process and now Hope can rest assured in the knowledge that there is inevitably a period of reconstruction after breaking away from the terrible warring destructive behaviours in which this nation sadly has become entrenched and actively funds. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
I’m glad you are back at your usual monthly communications in these momentous times. I thrive on the wisdom of AAB and the astrological insights. As far as I know, you are still the only Disciple interpreting esoteric astrology, the astrology of the soul. This science has never been more needed as it encompasses the “Plan” of God and the long-term goals. We need a long-term strategy if we are ever to survive the final days of the “Kali Yuga”. DK wrote that He could see the future of mankind because it was written in the stars, wherein the goodness of mankind was ‘guaranteed’. This is obviously a paraphrase. I hold onto His thoughts as we venture into the future. “Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the age”. Remember those beautiful words of the Christ?
Good health and all good wishes,
Incredible detail of the USA’s crisis…But what about here in Australia…WTF is going down on our home soil….our own political agenda…..a similar detailed analysis would be greatly appreciated…
Thank you for your penetrating analysis. It truly helps us rise above the immediate situation and see the larger world stage. It is Thanksgiving in the USA and I give thanks to you for your service
Very helpful insights. I followed Benjamin Creme until his death not long ago, and this integrates well with the perspectives he provided (now still published with world events in Share International magazine – monthly).
Hello Phillip,
Could it be understood that because the esoteric ruler of Sagittarius, the earth, is in house 2, the goal of the US is to transmute all the exoteric meanings of this house? …
As the Tibetan tells us, for the personality the 2nd house are ” the possessions and the gains and for the soul it is the control of the form, the acquisition of spiritual power”…, and isn’t this really the “theme” of the USA?,
Isn’t the ability to make money and obtain possessions an almost obsessive talent that this country needs to better understand?,
Isn’t this still “a great unsolved mystery” for this country?
The theme creates a particular karmic condition, it presents the circumstances for a full and complete development, but EEUU become so occupied with “the theme” that it forget the composer (the soul) of that theme.
The importance of this esoteric regent, “the earth,” is evident in the progressed chart for the election of Abraham Lincoln. In this chart we can see a full moon applying a conjunction to the esoteric ruler, both on the cusp of the 1st house. In Pisces/Aries, the end and the beginning of a new path for the Soul of this great country.
thanks for sharing
Indeed David, thanks for your observations! The 2nd house is more esoterically speaking, the house of spiritual values. Learning those values more deeply would automatically ensure fiscal understanding. The Tibetan gives these lower/higher meanings for the second house:
Finances. Monetary interchange.— Prana.
Expenditures.— Use of energy.
Possessions.— Control of the form.
Losses.— Withdrawal from matter.
Gains.— Acquisition of spiritual powers.