Sagittarius 2024: Traveller, Story-Teller. Illusion-Intuition. Covid Era. Hierarchy. Mercury Retrograde. Trump. Pluto Ingress. AAB.
Sagittarius Keynote
“I see the goal. I reach that goal and then I see another.”
(Sagittarius Full Moon Festival: Dec.15, 2024. UT: 09.01.)
In Sagittarius, the intellect which has been developed, used and finally illumined, becomes sensitive to a still higher type of mental experience and to this we give the name of intuitive perception.
There come flashes of light upon problems; a distant yet possible vision of attainment is seen; the man begins to climb out of the depths to which he has descended in Scorpio and sees ahead of him the mountain in Capricorn which he knows he must eventually climb.
He walks no longer in the dark, for he sees what he has to do and he therefore makes rapid progress and travels “fast upon the Way.” He “flies from point to point, searching for the arrows which he has discharged.””1
Sagittarius New Moon and Yemanjá
___Kairos: God of Opportunity
Sagittarius Ventures Forth
___Sagittarius: Wanderer, Traveller, Seeker
___Sagittarius the Story-Teller
___Sagittarian Archetypes
___Sagittarius: Illusion and Intuition
Sagittarius Search for Truth: Holding the Covid Era to Account
___Message from Dr. Mike Yeadon
___The Imminent Return of Hierarchy
___Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius: Discerning the Truth
___The Glamour of Authority
Trump’s Tricky Transits: Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius
___US Foreign Policy
Pluto Ingress into Aquarius Horoscopes
Alice A. Bailey Will Return as a Sagittarian
Capricorn Solstice 2024
Sagittarius Ending Quotation
No Full Moon Meeting this Month
Sagittarius New Moon and Yemanjá
The Dec.1 new moon in fiery Sagittarius had a dynamic T-square configuration with Saturn in watery Pisces and Jupiter in airy Gemini – a challenge to blend the philosophical idealism of Sagittarius with the emotio-compassionate nature of Pisces.
Jupiter in Gemini amplified it all with a plethora of ideas and associations, which can tend to distract the one-pointed aim of the archer!
These three signs of the mutable cross lack discrimination, but the “resolution point” of the T-square opposite apex Saturn – is in Virgo, the sign of discrimination.
Sagittarius often has grandiose plans born from its visionary and speculative nature, but its impulsiveness can result in ill-conceived execution of plans, lacking the discernment of details-oriented Virgo.
Hence, though there are no planets in Virgo in the new moon chart, this sign assumes some importance for any Sagittarian re-orientations taking place currently – whether they be personal, public or political, especially with Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius!
Saturn is about career, ambition, people in positions of authority and the status quo – hence, newly-visioned Sagittarian horizons might meet with some resistance.
Yet Saturn is also a manifesting principle, an essential ingredient to ground Sagittarian idealism. Hence, Saturn’s rulership of Capricorn, the sign that follows Sagittarius.
There are many ways to interpret these kind of configurations, this is just one perspective. The seed potential of the new moon period finds fruition at the Sagittarius-Gemini full moon Dec.15.
In the new moon horoscope, Sun-Moon are conjunct in the 10th degree of Sagittarius – the Sabian symbol for which is, “A stage symbolisation of the goddess of opportunity”.
This is a most complementary note to Sagittarius – who through contacting the vision, creates opportunities. Yemanjá is one of the female gods of opportunity:
“Yemanjá is a revered deity in the Afro-Brazilian religion of Candomblé and the Yoruba religion of Ifá. She is associated with the sea, motherhood, and fertility and is often depicted as a beautiful and powerful mermaid.
Yemanjá is a widely revered Orisha in the Afro-Brazilian religion of Candomblé. She is the deity of the sea, fertility, and motherhood, and her worship has strong ties to Brazilian culture and traditions.”2
In this new moon horoscope, this very Neptune-Venus theme connects to Saturn in Neptune-ruled Pisces. From the above description, Yemanjá appears to hail from the deva kingdom, serving alongside other notable beings such as the Mother of the World.
Kairos: God of Opportunity
There are feminine and masculine gods of opportunity. In Greek mythology, Kairos was the personification of opportunity, luck and favorable moments. He was shown with only one lock of hair and was the youngest son of Zeus – or Jupiter, ruler of Sagittarius. Astrologically, Jupiter has always had the reputation of bringing luck and largesse:
“This god brings about what is convenient, fit, and comes in the right moment. Sometimes it could be the critical or dangerous moment, but more often Kairos represents the advantageous, or favorable occasion.
Kairos is represented as a young and beautiful god. Opportunity obviously never gets old, and beauty is always opportune, flourishing in its own season … he stands on tiptoe because he is always running, and like Hermes, he has wings in his feet to fly with the wind.
He holds a razor, or else scales balanced on a sharp edge—attributes illustrating the fleeting instant in which occasions appear and disappear.”3
The Hermes characterisation with “wings on his feet” is of course Mercury, ruler of Sagittarius’ polar opposite, Gemini. The scales symbolism is Libra, another air sign connected to Gemini through their mutual exoteric-esoteric rulership by Venus.
Kairos might also be Chiron, depicted as half-man/half-horse shooting a bow and who is appropriately the co-ruler of Sagittarius. Chiron was wounded in the thigh with a poisoned arrow and is related to ch(i)ronic pain. Once healed, Chiron heals others, hence his reputation as “the wounded healer”.
Sagittarius Ventures Forth
To venture forth is to embark upon an adventure – in consciousness and/or physically. The physicality of this sign is well known in athletes, trekkers, explorers and dare-devils:
“We are told that Sagittarius governs the thighs, which are the main centre of physical power and protective strength, and also the sacral centre which provides the energy for the use of the creative powers of the physical life. This is also symbolically true.

The Fool tarot card is most apt to describe the Sagittarian adventure! (The Fool by Emily Balivet)
In Sagittarius, the disciple has two things to discover within himself; these are the power to make progress upon the path and to walk the Way, and also the ability to create in the higher and spiritual sense.
This concerns the relationship between the sacral and the throat centres. These powers (the higher powers) are as yet embryonic in the earlier Sagittarian experience of the disciple, but they become more developed and potent as he cyclically returns to life experience in this sign.”4
Note that the sacral or sexual centre is mentioned here. The use of the terms “thighs” is often an euphemism for sex – or protection of the sex organs. This connects with the previous sign Scorpio, well known or even notorious for the sex theme! And it extends back to Libra, a sign more esoterically associated with sex, even going back to Virgo the Virgin.
Hence, four consecutive zodiac signs all connected to sex, all carrying the theme of sex in one form or other. Of course, there are other signs of sex, the more obvious polarities of some of these signs such as Aries and Taurus.
In Sagittarius, the sacral reorientation to the throat centre leads eventually to illumination and “transfiguration”. Similarly, another reorientation from the desire of the solar plexus centre to the heart – aspiration toward the Christ or soul life.
Hence the intense zealotry of the Sagittarian aspirant, the yearning for transcendent, visionary experience – seen in the mystics of all religious faiths.
All religions are to one extent or another, governed by the sixth ray of Devotion and Idealism (faith) – which expresses itself more potently than any other sign through Sagittarius – “in this cycle”.
“Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” (Saint Paul.) The relation of Sagittarius to the 6th ray, is another good example of how attributes of the seven rays round-out our understanding of all the zodiac signs.
The shadow side of the sixth ray and Sagittarius is fanaticism, fundamentalism, obsessive behaviour and tunnel vision. There can be a strong emotional adherence to ideas that have not been fully thought-through, combined with a self-righteousness that proclaims its right-ness.
Sagittarians, or those with strong planets in this sign such as Jupiter, can be the big “know-all’s” of the zodiac, cannot be told anything and tend to be ego-driven in sharing their knowledge.
But rightly oriented, Sagittarius is the great teacher, with its expansive ruler Jupiter, giving forth generously its treasures:
“Store up for yourselves treasures in heaven … For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (Matthew 6: 19-21.)
Indeed, “there will be your heart” – Jupiter is the co-ruler of the heart centre and of the 2nd ray of Love-Wisdom. “Heaven” is the causal body of the soul that holds the accumulation of the wisdom accrued over many lifetimes.
Sagittarius: Wanderer, Traveller, Seeker
In Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings, Sagittarius is the aptly-named Strider, or Ranger from the North – a.k.a. the noble warrior Aragorn. With a pair of sturdy thighs, one strides and ranges far and wide!
Given the expansive and ebullient nature of this Jupiter-ruled sign, Sagittarians can easily “take things in their stride”. Sagittarius also rules horses, hence they stride and ride, thighs gripping their steed.
It is through the roaming nature of Sagittarius, its quest for meaning and truth, that ultimately yields wisdom – and hence Sage-ittarius: The symbolism of the Hermit tarot card – a cloaked figure with a walking staff/wand, holding a lantern before him, illuminating The Way.
The Hermit is archetypally another character from Lord of the Rings – the sagely Gandalf who carries deep magical wisdom and is a warrior of the Light.
Sagittarius the Story-Teller
Via its ruler Jupiter, Sagittarian expansiveness can range from mild exaggeration in order to make a point, to wild exaggeration which is pure story-telling or flat-out lying – Exaggitarius! The truth can be compromised or lost sight of completely – ironically in the sign of the Seeker after Truth.
Here is a fascinating facet of the various shades of illusion, one that is mirrored by polar-opposite Gemini, known at times for its devious sleight-of-mind. Nevertheless, Sagittarius is a colorful spinner of yarns, having many tales from adventures in far-flung lands!
The 4th ray of Harmony and Beauty is one of the rays that passes through Sagittarius, complimenting its storytelling skills. The 3rd ray of active intelligence also passes through this sign, reminding us of the aforementioned (third) throat centre and the third initiation – as well as the 3rd ray talent for “story embroidery”.
The 4th and 3rd rays are an excellent combination for those who tell stories through films – especially one who can reach the masses. Steven Spielberg is a good example, with Sun in Sagittarius. He has told many stories or spiels5 that befit his name.
Sagittarius is the knight charging upon his white horse with lance (or long arrow) at the ready. The days of chivalry relate to the ethical and moral side of Sagittarius – whose shadow can be judgmental and hypocritical, especially with Saturn or the Moon placed in this sign.
Spain, which is ruled by Sagittarius and the 6th ray at the soul level, was the initiator of the (Christian) Spanish Inquisition that persecuted and murdered millions of “heretics” – in the name of Christ!
Soul energy can distort through any entity that has not attended to its personality shortcomings, in Spain’s case, Capricorn – representing crystallised thought in the application of the law.
Yet from the soul of the Spanish nation emerged the story of Don Quixote (a classic Sagittarian archetype), “conceived as a comic satire against the chivalric romances … an elderly knight who, his head bemused by reading romances, sets out on his old horse Rosinante, with his pragmatic squire Sancho Panza, to seek adventure.
It is, among other things, a parable of the “republic of enchanted men,” living in a world of illusions and tilting at windmills.”6
Eventually the errant knight becomes the Rider on the White Horse, the Christed One or Kalki Avatar, who has triumphed over illusion.
The sword of reason (buddhi-intuition) has cleaved the veil of illusion, the last barrier to slaying the Dweller on the Threshold.
The rider (or Strider) controls the animal nature and astride his mount, gallops headlong to triumph in Capricorn, the sign of initiation.
Strider’s co-striver – Gandalf the Grey, has become Gandalf the White, charging down the steep to Helm’s Deep – the hell realm, to battle the Orc-hordes of maya.

Gandalf at Helm’s Deep (Artist Dmitry Yakhovsky)
Sagittarius, as the previous sign to Capricorn, “seeds” what the Hindu sage Patanjali calls the “raincloud of knowable things”, bringing precipitation/manifestation upon the physical plane in earthy 7th ray Capricorn.
The higher spiritual principles are contacted in intuitive Sagittarius and codified into earthly laws in Capricorn; the “Return of the King” that rules in Capricorn is the triumphant Raja Yogi.
Illusion and Intuition
The word “illusion” is the polar opposite of “intuition”. Illusion is related to the mental plane and the various pitfalls of wrong thinking, whilst glamour is related to the astral and maya to the physical. This illusion-intuition coupling is most descriptive of Sagittarius’ problem.
The illusory world of ideas, coloured by idealistic notions that taint human thinking. The movement from the mental to the astral – to the physical, can be tracked as the idea, the ideal and the idol.
Sagittarius sees the wide blue horizon or the greater cosmic picture, but is not necessarily discriminating at filtering its impressions; it needs to draw upon the Virgo arm of the mutable cross to separate the wheat from the chaff.
Impressionability is the quality of polar-opposite mercurial Gemini, contributing to the endearing naivety that both signs share. Yet in the third Gemini labour of Hercules, the beguiling Busiris side-tracks the gullible seeker of the Way into the follower of a cult, or being the initiator of one. “Cult” is the dominating “idee fixe” or illusion of a cult’s leading personality – their names are legion.
“a. The Contrast between Illusion and Intuition.
Illusion is the power of some mental thoughtform, of some ideal, and some concept – sensed, grasped and interpreted in mental form – to dominate the mental processes of the individual or of the race and consequently to produce the limitation of the individual or group expression. Such ideas and concepts can be of three kinds:
1. They can be inherited ideas, as in the case of those who find it so difficult to adjust themselves to the new vision of world life and of social order, as expressed in the newer ideologies. They are powerfully conditioned by their cast, their tradition and their background.
2. They can be the more modern ideas which are, in the last analysis, the reaction of modern thought to world conditions and situations, and to these many other aspirants are very prone and most naturally so, especially if living in the vortex of force which we call modern Europe.
Such modern ideas are construed today into major currents and dominating ideologies, and to these every intelligent person must inevitably react, though they forget that that reaction is based on tradition, or upon national or international predisposition.
3. They can be the newer dimly sensed ideas which have in them the power to condition the future and lead the modern generation out of darkness into light. None of you as yet really sense these new ideas, though in moments of high meditation and spiritual achievement, you may vaguely and briefly react to them.
That reaction may be real just in so far that it conditions, with definiteness, your service to your fellowmen. You can react correctly and can do so increasingly if you preserve your soul’s integrity and are not overcome by the battle and the fever of your surroundings within your chosen field of service.
A mental illusion might perhaps be described as an idea, embodied in an ideal form, which permits no room or scope for any other form of ideal. It precludes an ability, therefore, to contact ideas. The man is tied to the world of ideals and of idealism.
He cannot move away from it. This mental illusion ties and limits and imprisons the man. A good idea may consequently become an illusion with great facility and prove a disastrous conditioning factor in the life of the man who registers it.
An illusion can, therefore, be defined as the consequence of an idea (translated into ideal) being regarded as the entire presentation, as the complete story or solution and as being separated from and visioned independently of all other ideas – both religious in nature or apparently completely unrelated to religion.
In this statement lies the story of separation and of man’s inability to relate the various implications of a divine idea with each other.
When visioned and grasped in a narrow and separative manner, there is necessarily a distortion of the truth, and the disciple or aspirant inevitably pledges himself to a partial aspect of reality or of the Plan and not to the truth as far as it can be revealed or to the Plan as the Members of the Hierarchy know it.
This illusion evokes in the disciple or idealist an emotional reaction which immediately feeds desire and consequently shifts off the mental plane on to the astral; a desire is thus evoked for a partial and inadequate ideal and thus the idea cannot arrive at full expression, because its exponent sees only this partial ideal as the whole truth and cannot, therefore, grasp its social and planetary and its cosmic implications.”7
Sagittarius’ Search for Truth: Holding the Covid Era to Account
Now, during the Mercury retrograde cycle in Sagittarius (see below), there has been at least one year to reflect upon the great Covid crisis of 2020-23, yet many of its perpetrators have not yet been bought to account.
Indeed, it is speculated by various sources that another big push may be in the offing via any number of manufactured methods – financial, pharmaceutical, weather events, food, farming etc.
Yet there are promising signs of some justice, through libel suits and court actions. Here follow just a few of many that are currently emerging:
1. “A bill has been introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives requiring colleges that mandated the COVID-19 shots to pay the medical bills of students injured by the biological product.” Will Colleges Mandating COVID Shots Be Held Liable for Injuries?
3. Aaron Siri REVEALS the Shocking Truth Behind Vaccine Trials
4. Was DoD the Managing Agency for Operation Warp Speed?
5. Dr. Lee Merritt and Mike Adams discuss the coming STAGED PLANDEMIC and the total fraud…
Has the so=called “spiritual community” caught up yet? Examining various lines of feedback, an estimated majority are still sticking doggedly to the position they held during the lockdown years of suppression and censorship.
That majority was about 80% of said community that went along for the ride, paralleling global figures. In other words, about 20% of the world’s population, “consciously spiritual” or not – “evolved or unevolved”, saw through the scam and resisted.
This is the greatest mystery – how supposedly “advanced souls” failed to see what was happening, while some “average Joes” on the street saw it immediately.
Part of the reason is related to a lifetime of mainstream media (msm) brainwashing – from which hardly anyone is exempt, or lacking intuition to see through the illusion. Another word for this sixth sense is common sense! Scarcity of intuitionis a by-product of this manasically oriented Fifth Rootrace – due to polarisation in the lower mind.
Only one or two in the “spiritual community”, including its leaders (who held great authority, but still fell prey) – have had the humility to openly admit that they were conned into taking the vaccine, through the massive global propaganda campaign.
There has been a deafening silence, compounded by groups being caught up in the treadmill of “service”. This has not allowed sufficient time to reflect or research – it might be called a variant of “spiritual bypassing” – too focussed upon the future without having integrated the past.
The mantra of Sagittarius is “onward and upward” – a fine concept for moving forward, toward the greater goal.
But obviously, as Spanish philosopher George Santayana (Sun in Sagittarius) once said, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” It is notable that Dec.16, next to this Dec.15 full moon – is the anniversary of Santayana’s birth in 1863.
In recent retrospect, others realised what had occurred, some by falling victim to vaccine injuries – but have been either too embarrassed to admit it, or have either failed or refused to connect the dots between cause and effect.
There has been a lot of cognitive dissonance, i.e. a failure to see or want to see compelling evidence, contrary to what MSM has pushed. To enter into such a recognition would burst the bubble of many people’s realities – too traumatic to consider!
Other servers passed prematurely, due to toxic vaccinations conflating underlying health issues, robbing them of what might have been another ten years of reasonable quality of life.
This author was broadly vilified and “cancelled” during that period for sounding these warnings. But ever the optimist, it did not deter from further digging for the truth. Piercing the veil of maya and transcending outer appearances is ever the duty of any World Server.
Hence, today in this time of zodiac age transition and uncertainty, of “what next?” – a plea to those who still sit on the fence about the events of 2020-23, or who have not yet made the effort to look at the wealth of evidence that is now available, to spend 20’ listening to a voice of reason and truth: Dr. Mike Yeadon, a highly qualified scientist and ex-Pfizer employee.
Yeadon has been one of the many professionals – “canaries in the coal mine” that have been sounding warnings over the past few years.
It might not be an exaggeration to say that there was a major failure of the global spiritual community to deal with the 2020 “ambush” by the materialistic forces.
Yet, this attack had the profound effect of waking up “ordinary humanity” in their millions, bringing a greater awareness of the matrix in which they have been manipulated – also marking a return to conventional spiritual practices such as Christianity.
Hence, broadly speaking – a stark paradox emerged between the so-called “spiritually aware” who fell for the big con, and a significant portion of the “unaware” who quickly caught on to what was happening.
The Yeadon video above encapsulates in a deeply scientific way the facts of the matter, unambiguous and accurate. Of course mainstream narratives such as Wikipedia, devote a page to disparaging Yeadon’s work, as another “conspiracy theorist”.
Most of what was labelled as “conspiracy theories” over the past few years, have become “conspiracy facts” today – that is, solid evidence of a deliberate, planned attack on Humanity. If readers scoff at these claims, then they are still living in the maya of the matrix.
One can only discern the truth by making some effort to separate fact from fiction. If you want to be spoon-fed another easy narrative, then keep watching television!
On that note, one very interesting factor that emerged after Trump won the election – is that all of the MSM fell flat on their faces.
Their lying propaganda was obvious to the electorate who mainly ignored them – preferring the many sources of independent media that have now taken over from the CNN’s and MSNBC’s.
Scores of the author’s articles and astrological analyses on this subject – written 2020-23, can be found here. All those articles were published in Destiny of the Races and Nations V.
The Imminent Return of Hierarchy
As has been stated regularly in these missives, Humanity has been under a protracted attack by the Forces of Materialism – working through their many minions.
All this, prior to the great event of 2025 when their opposite number – the Hierarchy of Enlightened Being, will decide upon a date to return amongst Humanity in these next decades.
According to world need, that event might be sooner – while Neptune is passing through Aries 2025-2039 – or in later decades. One thing is certain, Hierarchy is on its way and Their Great Approach is already forcing everyone to raise their game considerably.
Which means facing the individual and collective shadow – there can no longer be any excuses, rationalisations or hiding.
The spiritual will must be invoked – and courage, in this battle with the personal and planetary Dweller on the Threshold.
When Hierarchy returns, it will not be all “peace, love-dove and Hare Krishna” – propelling humanity into some idyllic paradise od peace.
There is much to transform humanity’s deeply entrenched materialism that might take centuries. Hierarchy’s return might well be in the nature of a stern but loving parent disciplining its errant child:
“When He came before He said (and the words have been sadly misread): “I come not to bring peace but a sword” (Matt. X.34). This will be true especially during the early days of His advent.

From Tibetan Buddhism, the deity Manjushri, “Wielding a flaming sword in his right hand, representing the realization of transcendent wisdom which cuts down ignorance and duality.”
The sword which He wields is the sword of the Spirit; it is that sword which produces cleavage between a true spirituality and an habitual materialism.
The major effect of His appearance will surely be to demonstrate in every land the effects of a spirit of inclusiveness—an inclusiveness which will be channelled or expressed through Him.
All who seek right human relations will be gathered automatically to Him, whether they are in one of the great world religions or not; all who see no true or basic difference between religion and religion or between man and man or nation and nation will rally around Him …
… those who embody the spirit of exclusiveness and separativeness will stand automatically and equally revealed and all men will know them for what they are. [This is already occurring right now and will increase exponentially in the coming years.]
The cleaving sword of the spirit will—without wounding—bring revelation and indicate the first needed step towards human regeneration.”8
Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius: Discerning the Truth
“During the times that Mercury is retrograde, people often notice more challenges or false assumptions with correspondence or communication as we interact with others.
It can also show up in our relationship with our neighborhood, our siblings, and challenges with cars and local travel.” (Roman Oleh.)
Mercury entered its pre-retrograde “shadow phase” on Nov.9, went retrograde proper on Nov.26 and finishes its “post shadow” phase by Jan.3, 2025 – completing its run through Sagittarius by Jan.8, 2025.
Hence, there is an eight-week opportunity to go back over things, to reflect and review, to make an inner stock-take, adjusting emotionally, psychologically and spiritually – or simply in mundane business.

(Graphic by Roman Oleh.)
Here is the great gift of Mercury retrograde – instead of regarding it in a mundane or superstitious sense – but which at the same time is true: Delays in transportation, computer crashes, mis-communications etc.
All those events transpire because there has been a glitch in one’s personal organisation or decisions made that bring consequences – hence cause and effect, or karma.
Besides Saturn, it might be true to say that Mercury is one of the “four lords of karma” – bringing an acute awareness of how action or inaction determine future outcomes.
Making adjustments while we tread The Way is the province of Sagittarius – a sign of orientation and re-orientation. The archer picks up the bow, plucks an arrow from the quiver and takes a steady aim toward the new mentally-vitalised target.
Hence, in Sagittarius one’s highest ideals come under review, systems of spiritual philosophy – what was thought “real” one year ago, may now be totally “unreal”.
It is for this reason that Mercury, the divine Messenger, has been called “the principle of illusion”. The very process of retrograde is also an illusion, because it “appears” that the planet is moving backward.

(Graphic by Roman Oleh.)
“… Mercury, the Messenger of the Gods, reminds the struggling [wo]man that he must become ever what he essentially is, thus escaping from illusion and entering into light.9
… Mercury illumines the mind and mediates between the soul and the personality … This mediatorship, in the first instance, produces an inevitable opposition between the pairs of opposites and a long drawn out conflict.
This conflict finally works out into victory and the dispelling of illusion through the illumination of the lower mind.10
Esoterically, illusion pertains more to the balancing of the pairs of opposites upon the mental plane, yet because the majority of humanity is still astrally polarised, it is subject to illusion upon the astral plane – or “glamour”.
The Glamour of Authority
During the entire period of 2020-23, humanity was subject to the “glamour of authority”, specifically that of scientific authority, “trust the science” (or Scientism) – as promoted by legacy media.
Thousands of other truly scientific voices were drowned out in the din of relentless propaganda.
Now the boot is on the other foot, as some of those voices have been installed in the new US administration – RFK Jr., Dr. Mehmet Oz, Mike Weldon, Marty Makary and Jay Bhattacharya. (MAHA: Make America healthy again.)
The Fauci’s, Walensky’s and Birx’s have been run out of town, consigned to obscurity and irrelevance – yet still have not been held to account for their deliberate deceptions and lies.

Victorian police using their charming tactics on a hapless woman in Melbourne. These scenes were repeated all over the world. Lest we forget in that city, the same police chasing and shooting protestors with rubber bullets!
The glamour of scientific authority was driven by government authority – many of whom acted in the worst dictatorial and draconian ways – notably Britain, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and China – some states in the USA such as California, New York and Washington.
Its still hard to believe that people were forced to play the ridiculous charade of wearing a mask when entering a restaurant, but were allowed to take it off for hours – amongst hundreds of other diners!
This reveals the utter fallacy of the Coronavirus propaganda and there are many similar examples that everyone has experienced.
As noted earlier, the glamour of authority extended to spiritual community leaders who also fell prey to the Great Hoax.
Those leaders, who were the “eye in the triangle” of their respective organisation pyramids, had commanded great long-term authority and respect.
Hence, in the main most co-workers, through respect and devotion to their leaders, fell into lockstep – living in their own echo chambers of rationalisation.
This in turn consolidated into a group glamour of belief – instead of knowing. Authority – wherever it is found, often encourages not questioning authority!
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Trump’s Tricky Transits: Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius
In the Scorpio 2024 newsletter it was stated,
“On Nov. 26, Mercury goes stationary – precisely opposite Trump’s Gemini sun, continuing retrograde and direct until it makes its last direct opposition to his sun on Jan.2, 2025.
This might indicate for Trump – delays, disruptions and disputes, from opponents who have sworn a continued personal vendetta against Trump.”11
Mercury had been slowing down in its pre-shadow phase since Nov.7, prior to going retrograde on Nov.26. Mercury was stationary direct/retrograde from Nov.21-29 – exactly on Trump’s Sagittarius moon, opposite his Sun in Gemini. (Born on the full moon.)
During the pre-shadow phase, Trump made a flurry of appointments for his new government, some of them controversial. Hence, during the one week stationary period and beyond, there may be some changes of mind and adjustments – perhaps some major crises for the president-elect.
This may continue for the entire Mercury retrograde period through to Dec.15 – and beyond into the post-shadow period which finishes when transiting Mercury comes back to Trump’s moon in Sagittarius on Jan.2, 2025.
This date is close to the Jan.6 anniversary (the misnamed “insurrection”), when Trump adversaries have promised to deliver more “Trump-proof” obstacles for his new administration.
It has been reported recently that Donald Trump Jr. has had a strong influence on DT Sr’s decisions – “the family’s most influential adviser … in some cases promoted inexperienced loyalists over more qualified candidates for top positions”.
Indeed, Jr’s natal planet of thought and communication – Mercury, is in Sagittarius – exactly conjunct father’s moon! Furthermore, Jr’s Mercury makes an exact square to Jr’s natal moon in Virgo, challenging him in discrimination (Virgo) versus grand sweeping gestures (Sagittarius) to loyalists.
Whilst on synastry aspects to Trump, his new billionaire bromance with Elon Musk is well reflected by Musk’s Venus in Gemini sitting exactly on Trump’s sun. Dialogue between Gemini’s “two brothers” is considerably enhanced with this kind of connection.
The Sun is in Sagittarius now – a sign of orientation and reorientation. Sagittarian people can tend to shoot their arrows (and mouths!) off in all directions, falling prey to the diverse nature of their Gemini polarity.
Such is the impulsiveness of those with strong placements in this sign, such as Jupiter, the ruler of Sagittarius – currently hovering over Trump’s Gemini sun.
There is a great exuberance and exhilaration with this combination of forces, hence easy to make impulsive decisions based upon a high (6th ray) idealism – or due to the mutability of Sag-Gemini, where influential voices using persuasive argument can sway decisions.
US Foreign Policies
During this transition period, the US government is in a kind of Libra no-mans-land – taken advantage by the “deep state”, allowing or directly supervising Ukraine to fire US-UK supplied missiles into Russia.

Triangle for the Aquarian Age: Two Aquarian souls – Russia and USA. Two 2nd ray love wisdom souls – Britain and USA. The latter two absurdly fixated on undermining Russia.
This was an incredibly irresponsible and unnecessary act of aggression by NATO and Western powers, creating destabilisation and fear around the world. And for what?
It has been said, to thwart Trump’s stated objective of ending the war in Ukraine. This shadowy group appears to have an psychotic fixation to undermine/destroy Russia at all costs, threatening the world with nuclear war.
The recent missile attack was allegedly ordered by Biden, but of course he just signed off on what he was ordered to do – always it is said, the puppet president for the Obama 2.0 regime. This news item from Dec.6,
“The White House has gamed out a last-minute strategy to bolster Ukraine’s war position that involves an avalanche of military assistance and sweeping new sanctions against Russia …
National security adviser Jake Sullivan met with the head of the office of the Ukrainian president Andriy Yermak … committing to provide Ukraine with hundreds of thousands of additional artillery rounds, thousands of rockets and hundreds of armored vehicles by mid-January, according to the briefing shared with the Guardian.
The US is also pledging to support Ukraine’s manpower challenge, offering to train new troops at sites outside Ukrainian territory. This comes alongside a nearly finalized $20bn in loans, which will be backed by profits from immobilized Russian sovereign assets.”12
The fact that most Democrat voters in the so-called spiritual community were blissfully unaware of these facts (or could not care less) – is troubling!
Similarly, the Democrat-condoned genocide in Gaza, looking now like it will be also sanctioned by the incoming Republican administration. War is profitable for both sides of the house.
Trump’s consolidation of support for Israel, his recent aggressive message to Hamas over their hostages (“there will be hell to pay”) – combined with a swathe of zealous-Zionist appointees.
Is this just theatre or will the wily fox change his tune once he takes power after Jan. 20? Or will it be just business as usual, need we hold our breath? One must seriously pose the question: Where is the collective conscience of the USA?
Currently in this transition period, it appears that some foxes have taken over the US-gov hen-house – and the majority of the public is oblivious to it.
Hence, from Dec.15 full moon and the following five weeks toward the presidential inauguration on Jan.20, may well be fraught with all kinds of twists and turns.
Bear in mind also, there were three very challenging grand cross formations in USA’s natal chart for the Scorpio full moon period, analysed in the Scorpio newsletter.
Uranus, ruler of USA’s Aquarian soul, is currently active in many players’ horoscopes. Let us hope this planet of revolution and reform, brings about a sorely needed soul awakening for the nation – but it may not be pleasant!
Scorpio: Release, Relinquishment and Regeneration
Hearkening back to Scorpio briefly. Scorpio is one of the four zodiac signs of death (Aries, Capricorn, Pisces) ruled by one of the two lords of death, Pluto (Saturn). The Scorpio interlude of the year corresponds to autumn in the northern hemisphere when leaves are dying and falling to the ground.
As a water sign ruled by god of war Mars, Scorpio’s main battleground is in the emotional realm: The swamp – wherein Hercules battles the nine-headed hydra.
Everyone has a personal swamp to drain! Mars rules the solar plexus centre – gateway to the astral body, hence its relevance concerning emotional battles fought over many lives.
The word emotional covers a very broad spectrum of feelings and desires, hence the astral body is known in Buddhism as the desire body. (Or, Taṇhā – “thirst, desire, longing, greed”.) Those emotions – in their crystallised form, may have been carried for millenia from life to life.
Hence, their regular release and relinquishment in any one incarnation is an imperative spiritual practice. Of course, one does not have to wait for the Scorpio interlude to consciously work on these old samskaras (psychological imprints).
Planetary transits and progressions are constantly activating the horoscope, creating plenty of opportunities – such as a Pluto square moon transit!
However, during Scorpio its energies can be tapped, in terms of the conscious release of ancient pain, resentment, regret, hatred, fear, desire etc.
This can be accomplished by simple affirmations and ritual where the issue is identified and released. (There are many methods of doing this.)
Or it can occur perhaps more occultly, through visualisation in meditation – as per the Vajrayana Buddhist tradition. Using the metaphor of personal issues – as occupants of your house that are well overdue paying rent!
Their eviction and dispersal is up to the imagination of the meditator – and there are countless similar approaches. Repetition is always useful, as water wears away the stone. (This phrase is an excellent description of the Cancer-Capricorn polarity: water-stone.)
Similarly, one can identify the glamours within one’s system and use specific meditations to release them, using the light of the mind to shine upon the astral plane.
There is also a similar meditation for groups that can be used for eradicating World Glamour: FORMULA FOR THE DISSIPATION OF WORLD GLAMOUR.
Pluto Ingress Aquarius Horoscopes
It is interesting to examine the first Pluto ingress horoscope of 2023, compared to the last ingress horoscope in Nov. 2024.
The March 2023 Pluto ingress happened just after the equinox with five placements in Aries – Sun, Mercury, Chiron, Jupiter and Moon. Here is the indication of a powerful new cycle in the sign of the pioneer and creating new initiatives.
In the Washington chart, chosen for the seat of US government, Pluto dominates the horoscope from the tenth house of the public, square to the Taurus ascendant and Scorpio descendant – which Pluto rules. Hence, some tough and tense relationships with other nations, particularly over money, trade and war.
In the Nov. 2024 chart, it is dynamic in a different way. As it is the last ingress, it may reveal indicators for the next 20 years. Again, Pluto dominates the chart from the tenth house, creating an easy opposition to Sun in Scorpio opposite Uranus in Taurus – auguring well for new innovation and change.
Taurus is rising in this horoscope too, hence Pluto still rules the seventh house. There is a very dynamic opposition between Mercury in Sagittarius opposite Jupiter in Gemini, a potent mutual reception that happens to fall across Trump’s Moon-Sun opposition.
Jupiter rules the ninth house of foreign nations, so hopefully the current posture on the Middle East changes after Jan.20 – that some sanity prevails regarding aggression toward Russia.
Speaking entirely apolitically (ahem!), the moon is in Cancer conjunct the fourth house cusp, suggesting the rebuilding of infrastructure in the nation.
Cancer happens to be the soul of Washington and Sagittarius rules its personality, hence this horoscope enables some positive visioning and revisioning for the nation.
Time will tell of course. There have been some disturbing appointments, particularly regarding foreign policy in the Middle East.
The outgoing administration, bereft of any wisdom, have chosen to unleash more aggression upon Russia and arms/financial support for Ukraine, running counter to the new administration’s stated aims of bringing peace in that region.
Alice A. Bailey Will Return as a Sagittarian
This subject was covered in a 2020 newsletter, with a slightly different take in 2024. The Sagittarius solar festival this year falls on Dec.15 – the day of Alice A. Bailey’s passing in 1949 – marking the 75th anniversary in 2024. And perhaps amplifying the impact that her series of books have had upon humanity.

Alice A. Bailey.
AAB had the Sun in Gemini (conjunct the author’s Jupiter) – and passed when the Sun was in Sagittarius, opposite her natal Sun position:
“The particular month in which a soul comes into incarnation is indicated to that soul by the month in which it passed out of incarnation in a previous life cycle.
If it, for instance, died in the month governed by the sign Leo, it will return into incarnation in the same sign, picking up the thread of experience where it left it, and starting with the same type of energy and the peculiar equipment with which it passed away from earth life, plus the gain of thought and conscious onlooking.
The quality of the energy and the nature of the forces to be manipulated during life are indicated to the soul in this way.”13

Alice Bailey with co-workers at Lake Maggiore, Italy. “The lake is so blue, the little villages are so picturesque, perched as they are on the sides of the hills reaching down into the water. I know nothing more beautiful to look at than the view from Ronco looking up and down the lake.”14
Given that AAB passed in 1949 whilst the sun was in Sagittarius, her soul might now be back in incarnation – with the Sun in Sagittarius, in a male or female body. The following points arise:
1. When did the soul who was AAB, reincarnate? There is a passage from Foster Bailey in his introduction to Mary Bailey’s book “A Learning Experience”, written in 1971. It states that AAB was still working on the inner planes in the ashram of KH, “actively preparing for her next incarnation which will be soon.” (See photo of passage below.)
If re-embodiment took place “soon” in the 80’s, 90’s or 00’s, “AAB” might now be 5 to 40 years of age, guess-timating mid-20’s to mid-30’s.
2. Some wisdom students concur that AAB took the 3rd degree in that life: “AAB was certainly a disciple of high degree and from all available evidence, at least an initiate of the third degree, well into the process of renunciation—the fourth degree.” – Michael D. Robbins.
“She is actively preparing for her next incarnation which will be soon and which is carefully planned.”
This author speculates that in the AAB incarnation, she “came in” as a second degree initiate and took the third degree in that life.
Will this soul be the “initiate” who will return “early in the century” to continue the collaboration with Djwhal Khul – and the third prophesied phase of the Teachings?
Not necessarily of course, being an amanuensis in one life does not mean that will be a chosen life path next time around – but it might! The Tibetan Master Djwhal Khul comments,
“In the next century and early in the century, an initiate will appear and will carry on this teaching. It will be under the same “impression,” for my task is not yet completed and this series of bridging treatises between the material knowledge of man and the science of the initiates has still another phase to run.”15
Presumably, “early in the century” means sometime before 2025. Perhaps that process has already begun or about to begin through a chosen amanuensis – just one century after AAB’s first contact with DK in 1919.
Perhaps there will be another soul who will serve as Master DK’s next amanuensis, but the soul who was Alice Bailey is highly qualified to do the job!
All of these “bridging treatises” will be the foundation of the New Schools – set to re-emerge early in the Aquarian Age over the next century or two, aided by the imminent return of the Masters of Wisdom.
Cycles overlap one other – they do not begin and end in linear sequences, because the nature of time is spirallic.
Hence, in this Kali Yuga cycle of death and destruction for the Fifth Rootrace, there is already emerging a new paradigm of the Satya Yuga cycle – or golden age, a renaissance for the human spirit that will set the tone for the Age of Aquarius.
Capricorn Solstice Dec.21, 2024
Six days after the Sagittarius full moon festival on Dec.15, the Sun enters the first degree of Capricorn on Dec.21, marking the winter solstice in the northern hemisphere.
Readers of these newsletters may be familiar with the symbolism of the solstice but if not, there are several articles by the author on the subject, one of which can be found here: The Capricorn Solstice and Initiation.
“Solstice” literally means sun stands still – when the sun is at its greatest distance from the celestial equator in winter or summer, depending upon the hemisphere, during the Cancer-Capricorn solar cycle.
The planet is oriented toward the northern pole star Polaris, the “…star of re-orientation … the art of re-facing and recovering that which is lost …”. Hence, celebrating the winter solstice season globally according to the pole-star orientation, creates an opportunity for powerful invocative meditation.”16
Briefly, the main point to make about the solstice horoscope is that it contains a powerful grand cross in mutable signs: Moon in Virgo opposite Saturn in Pisces, crossed by Jupiter in Gemini opposite Mercury in Sagittarius.
Jupiter and Mercury are the generic rulers of the mutable cross, ruling all four signs.
Without going into a detailed unpacking of the solstice horoscope, suffice to say that this grand cross presents some difficult challenges connected to karma and relationships.
There is another ongoing, potent opposition between Mars in Leo and Pluto in Aquarius, concerning power struggles, the egos of Leonine nations and the theme of right leadership over the populace at large.
Sagittarius – Last Word
Continuing from the opening quotation at the top of the newsletter, here follows the rest of the paragraph.
Note the mention of the Gemini polarity of Sagittarius, like all zodiac polarity pairs, actively dynamic in balancing the pairs of opposites upon the astral and mental planes:
“… arrows which he has discharged.” He has, figuratively speaking, to dismount constantly from his white horse (the developed and purified personality) and find where the arrows of intuitional aspiration will take him; he travels upon the “wings of the soul” (note the relationship to the winged feet of Mercury, the messenger of the Gods) and becomes, in his own personality, himself the winged God: Mercury, as you know, governs Gemini, the polar opposite of Sagittarius.
This he does until he has established a balanced relationship between the personality and the soul and can function as either at any desired moment with equal facility.”17
No Full Moon Meeting this Month
Due to travel circumstances, there will be no full moon meditation and talk this month.
It is hoped that meetings will resume in the new year, notification for which will be made in the Jan. 2025 newsletter.
(The author’s fifth visit to Angkor Wat in the past 20 years!)
Phillip Lindsay © 2024.
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- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.180. [↩]
- [↩]
- [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.191. [↩]
- A lengthy or extravagant speech or argument usually intended to persuade. [↩]
- Encyclopedia Britannica. [↩]
- Glamour: A World Problem. Alice A. Bailey. pp.129-30. [↩]
- The Reappearance of the Christ, Alice A. Bailey. p.110. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.402. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.100. [↩]
- [↩]
- The Guardian [↩]
- A Treatise on White Magic, Alice A. Bailey. p.436. [↩]
- The Unfinished Autobiography, Alice A. Bailey. p.222. [↩]
- The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. p.255. [↩]
- The Capricorn Solstice and Initiation. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.181. [↩]
Mike Yeadon is known for his anti vax rhetoric. . He and RFK Jr, who wants childhood vaccines banned too. The reason the human race has flourished is because of vaccines, especially childhood ones. Of course, some children and adults will react to them, as with many medicines.
Covid killed millions of people, and the vaccines were there to hopefully help.
No one wants childhood illnesses to come back. Diphtheria and polio are killers.
Yeadon’s idea of herd immunity was ridiculous.
These comments are straight out of the mainstream narrative. The annual flu claims over half a billion lives annually. Deaths and injuries from Covid vaccines far exceed this.I do not have time to repeat myself here but there are those on this newsletter list who can present a deeper picture. I have written about it ad infinitum since 2020 – look it all up here if you wish to be more deeply informed:
America produced such a man as Trump. The proof will be in the pudding when he becomes the president. You will see exactly who he is.
He is a known criminal and has sexually assaulted women. He is a misogynist, as are many of his cabinet. The feminine ray is ascending and all will be revealed.
Not that it excuses anyone but there is a long history of sexual issues on BOTH SIDES of congress, especially in the news lately. Then there is Bill Clinton who emphatically lied, “I did not have sex with Monica Lewinsky, through to Biden’s weird fauning over young girls, all on video. Then there is Hunter Biden’s sexploits and crack cocaine in China.
It all began in 1796 – their names are legion!
I would appreciate an informed take on cryptocurrency and Trump’s appointments and support of a financial system based 100% on crypto. I have plowed through a few explanations of what crypto and bitcoin involve, but something in these old bones just shivers at the idea and immediately rejects this notion. Any schemes involving electronic transfers of something intangible, possible hackings, trackings, and manipulations give me pause. How is this economic system going to benefit the world at large or is it just another way to line the pockets of those whose hands are already established at the helm of the financial system? Clarity, anyone?
Having read a bit of how the blockchain technology that is Bitcoin etc, came to be, I’m intrigued
of seeing this shift of financial systems from old money, to this new. We have seen, and will see more of this fight between the old money (dark) forces and this new opportunity.
Blockchain has a decentralised form that in itself have a pull for me, and that challenges these old financial systems. That’s why we hear these fear mongering statements of fraud, hacking etc. As if “old money” is not filled with fraud, money laundering, theft in the trillions etc. Common sense and caution is always needed when it comes to money – specially if someone offers you that deal to good to be true (always NOT true). The Biden administration has been very negative towards crypto. What Trump will or will not do, remains to be seen. According to the (crypto) market, appointing a new head of the SEC that is pro crypto as well as this “crypto czar” person, are both to positive news. He seems to have grasped that if the US does not starts to get into this, other countries will gain the lead.
I’m seeing the future of finance taking shape, and third ray combine with seventh ray energies making it happen. 2025 will be an interesting year in many ways 🙂
Thank you so much for your perspective 🙏. I agree that it’s refreshing to have new options for ways of currency exchange and any input from younger thinkers is encouraging for those of prior generations who welcome changes that benefit everyone. Since I really am at a loss to understand how it works, I will be watching with renewed hope that your trust in this idea will prove justified.
Another aspect to crypto is that only those that cannot be centralized will be less vulnerable to being used for ‘credit score’ manipulations and control. BTC and a couple of others are decentralized. I only looked at BitCoin much, which has nodes that have every transaction to date so it cannot be ever ‘shut down’ except by centralized efforts to make it illegal since there are – millions? – of nodes, any one of which can bring the whole system back on line at any time. What I find interesting is the lore of the origin of BitCoin, which implies that it was developed not by a real person, but a group of obviously very adept programmers with financial expertise that may have been like a ‘white knight’ effort to thwart global efforts at centralized control, that is my take on it. It does not seem to have a design that would enable dark minded manipulators. Keep in mind however that it is hard to block all tracking, though non-custodial wallets and VPN (‘onion’ method for Trezor or better) could help. If you give your ID to any exchange where you buy BTC however, they could give that up for government tracking. These cat and mouse scenarios to protect assets and identity in case all this progresses to that point of concern do tend to be rather exhausting, but we can resist some initiatives like: face scanning at airports (not really required), banking only with the large centralized banks, open google info gathering (use Brave browser, turn off any mini google or other device info gathering), QR codes when possible, ESPECIALLY injection of tracking chips into your body (potential) – that might be an ‘end game’ scenario if we allow it. We are all in this together and getting too preoccupied with getting “off the grid” aside from these measures and becoming free from debt as much as possible, becomes rather self-defeating I think. We may need to network among the non-compliant as we go through all this however, and the less reliant on money we are (esp. trackable), likely the better.
Thanks brother! Amazing newsletter! Putting in words the unconceivable and creating forms that suit the purpose, is always a difficult task. You ‘ve done a great job in my opinion.
Dear Phillip
Many thanks for your continued research and offerings.
The comment is in regards to the photo of ABailey, Olga Froebe , etc @ Lago Maggiore.
While it is true that the larger part of said lake is in Italy, this photo was taken @ Eranos / Moscia, near Ascona, which is in Switzerland!!
Eranos is at lake level – as seen in the photo – while Ronco sopra Ascona is up the hill, scarcely visible behind the persons depicted in this photo.
Thank you for your attention. ( it might be too late to correct the caption attached to the photo, though the current version is incorrect).
Cari saluti.
thanks Claudia, now I recall Ascona! I did not make the captions, someone sent me the photo years ago.
keep shining the light phillip on the truth, many of us are very glad to have a truth teller in these dark and confusing times
As always thank you for your keen, intuitive, synthesizing, cross referencing research and insight into the living present time working out the Great Logos, Plan, Purpose, Meaning, Raison De Etre of human and Earth evolution via esoteric astrological art, science, and divination revealed in the Trans Himalayan Ageless Wisdom practically presented. Nothing could be more important, insightful, or impactful at this great CROSS-roads of human and Earth evolution than for the collective community of all grades of aspirants and women and men of Goodwill to reawaken to both concrete blunt reality and Real Nature/Reality sooner than later beyond the great illusion incessantly, mercilessly bombarding humanity via corporate consumerist poisonous plutocratic puppet show prison plantation reservation mass media pop ‘culture’ etc.. At this time the work of all truly Spiritual minded hearted souls is the Great Return opposite the great reset; The Great Return of Christ (Consciousness), Buddha (Nature), Real Nature/Reality as truly liberated, enlightened, advanced future present right relations and civilization working out through the Great Way of Divine Love Wisdom upon which this solar system is comprised and Earth evolution and experience is key in Logoic Realization and Expression most fully Ultimately! Peace On Earth Goodwill Toward Women & Men, Divine Love, Light, Liberation and Life More Abundant unto all Namaskar Namaste I (AM) say Blessed Be! ॐ✚☸✌♡✰☼
Your analysis on Vaccines and the spiritual community is not accurate. Most of them take the vaccine to protect they parents or they grandfathers. In my case it was the main reason. But after been informed that the vaccine do not avoid the contamination of the others, I had not take it anymore. Protecting others is also a spiritual goal. So, your analysis should take it in consideration.
Jesus would probably do the same thing just to be among those who were victims just I am now a fervent warrior against Big Pharma, Big Mainstream Media, Big financial conglomerates that promote such lies and fear. Bear in mind that the most advanced disciple of Jesus, Paul started by killing Christians. Things are not so linear that your describe it. Your analysis fails so much in this matter. In this matter you are a great separatist. In one thing I agree with you, simple people is often less manipulated than those who thing be smarter just because they have a degree in high schools.
Whether you took the vaccine to “protect your parents” or not, you still fell for the original hype pushed upon you at the time. Then you realised that was not true, luckily by being rightly informed. So excusing yourself in retrospect for “protecting others”, whilst well motivated, does not really wash with me. Its making excuses for yourself based upon a supposed compassion, for not owning up to the fact that you were conned.
Bringing in Jesus is another attempt to somehow bolster your argument. As an initiate and rebel against the prevailing status quo of the time, he may well have led the charge. Why weaken yourself to fight that battle? Saul killing Christians is vague, I do not see the point here – followed by a little ad hominem about being a “great separatist”. Good fpr you in being a warrior against the “Bigs” but watch out for that 6th ray fervour!
Hello AR and Phillip, I want to tell you about my experience with Covid to see if this way we can get out of extreme judgments.
I had Covid, during the first few days I thought it was the flu, but more than a week went by and it didn’t go away and I felt worse and worse… I started to worry. It was a new sensation, I lost my taste and I felt more and more tired, I wasn’t hungry and I just wanted to be in bed…, finally I decided to go to the doctor and when he saw me he said: “but you don’t watch TV” … I had Covid… thank God I didn’t have pneumonia and I was able to go home, on the condition that I didn’t leave the house. But the next day I had a very important visit in Barcelona to get a space to be able to give my Esoteric Astrology classes, it was important, I had to go. So I put on my mask, got on the train and went…, before going I told the person in charge of the space that I had Covid, and he calmly told me, “come, it’s okay”. I was surprised. When I arrived, he greeted me without a mask and before I left, he advised me to drink a liquid, it was sodium chlorite (chlorine dioxide). He advised me to mix the doses with water and told me that it would be very good for me. And indeed it was, the next day I got hungry, what a joy I had… I wanted to eat! Truly, that yellow liquid was a “miracle”. I also gave it to my mother and sister and to a friend whom I infected with Covid. They all got better. Later I found out that my cousins and even my pharmacist also took it, obviously everything in secret, for official medicine this liquid is a poison. In truth, it is used as a disinfectant, it smells very strong…, I think that is the bleach that Trump referred to at the time. It is evident that it is a very cheap remedy and all pharmaceutical companies are against its commercialization, sad to say, but money, as almost always, motivates “evil”.
I never got vaccinated, but public medicine wanted to force me to get vaccinated, the pressure was very strong, it was social pressure…, but I refused, not because I was anti-system or a denialist, but out of pure logic, I knew that I had a lot of antibodies because I had had Covid and therefore I was not willing to get vaccinated, and there was already news that the vaccine had a certain “danger”, but official medicine insisted, to the point of making me feel guilty…, but I didn’t pay attention to them, I did my own private tests (paying) and I did indeed have more antibodies than a vaccinated person.
Here in Spain, and in the whole world, there was a lot of pressure, even if you wanted to go to work you had to get vaccinated…, with those private tests I was able to avoid the vaccine, but it cost me, the social pressure was brutal.
It is true that Djokovic gave up his need to win big titles for the sake of his health, but it is also true that the tennis players who were vaccinated continued playing without dying. Perhaps there was some relapse, but nothing as serious as the anti-vaxxers told us.
At the time I read that the Hierarchy took sides in the matter and greatly reduced the “killing power” of Covid, and surely also removed the harmful power of vaccines, right? It is logical to think or believe that the Soul aspect of Humanity, because of Its love for it, can reduce the destructive aspect of a disease or a harmful vaccine created to obtain material benefits.
Finally, to say that Covid as a disease existed, if it was introduced by the evil aspect of humanity or was a virus from Mother Nature, I cannot say …, I can only say that it existed and that in my body it had destructive force, I had some bad days, but certainly I must also say that it was thanks to an inexpensive and simple remedy (which according to Google is a poison) that I was healed.
Thanks for sharing
Some good points you made David, especially about those who were forced to take the vaccine in order to preserve their employment and support their families. Some of what I wrote may have sounded harsh or judgemental – which I knew might be the case but chose to publish anyway.
My main issue has been with the so-called “spiritually aware” who demonstrated a complete lack of awareness, falling into obeyance to the imposed narrative. Some that I know, said they took it immediately because they did not want to be hampered in their regular holidays!
No thought, no research. Or were brow-beaten into submission by their respective nation’s intensive propaganda campaigns. The fear phenomena created, truly succeeded and was the main reason critical thought simply evaporated.
As to tennis players surviving, time will tell. The graphic in the newsletter about the huge numbers of sports people dying is no exaggeration. It has been said that the vaccine batches were set up in a way that random bottles with the mrna were present, while others were simply saline solutions – a good way for pharma companies to avoid culpability.
Yet there have been alot of studies that show conclusive links to certain companies, Astra Zeneca was one of the first to be exposed. And why did Pfizeer want to hide data for 75 years?
I caught it three times but suspect I that I also caught it in Asia in early 2019 before it was announced. I thought it was a flu then, but in retrospect the symptoms were identical to covid. There is much around this whole topic that could be unpacked but suffice for now, the following video from Dr David Martin discueses the patenting of Covid Sars 2 and who benefited from that:
I understand that people needed to get vaccinated in order to go to work, in these cases the main need is the one that rules. People need to pay the mortgage, support their children… people could not afford to go against their basic needs by not getting vaccinated, I understood that, there was no other option than to get vaccinated.
On the other hand, older people, at least here in Spain, are very controlled by public health, it was almost an obligation to get vaccinated… well, do you remember? A very rarefied atmosphere was generated, even aggressive for the unvaccinated and as I say, in situations like this the different needs take their positions and the most correct decision depends on each particular case. Thanks for sharing.
Well, about the interview of Mike Adams with Dr. Lee Merritt. I have not found any real evidence that “they” could or have tried to somehow aerosol contact poisons. That is about as difficult as aerosoling fictitious viruses I would say, on a mass level. As for deaths if you follow John Ioannidis (world renowned epidemiologist), there haven’t been significant increases in deaths due to ‘covid’ or some poison. They are just labeled as ‘covid’ using the fraudulent use of PCR random genetics ‘testing.’ Except deaths from the mRNA shots – THOSE are the bioweapons. Some deaths no doubt were induced by stress (stress hormones – included in other typical causes of diseases – a form of toxic build up, lack of body detoxifying naturally, trauma, dietary deficiencies, healthy life style – needed rest and exercise). In general it is the imbalance and build up of toxicity that causes diseases and death. Body structural and organ alignment issues – same issue – can cause toxicity build up. See Terrain Theory – Dr. Merritt mentioned Andy Cowen – he is a Terrain Theory advocate. See spokespersons with excellent well researched summary information, drsambailey. com . The way out of fearful illusions is 1) Realize ‘viruses’ have no scientific reality. 2) Not buy into conspiracy claims that have not been established with clear evidence (aerosoling poison, nanoparticle ‘circuitry’ in mRNA shots – turns out they are simply saline crystals, etc.). TheHighWIre . com is good at investigating various fearful conspiracies, but they still believe in viruses. Critical thinking with a good base of factual information is important. As for nicotine and ‘neutralizing’ the ‘poison’ ‘out there,’ it could be more psychological and/or a little boost from the nicotine that helped clear typical cold symptoms etc. I doubt it indicates some ‘poison’ origin. Placebo and Negancebo effects, AND actually being affected by someone that is ‘sick’ (who has negative/low vibes) due to resonance with them can be significant factors. There is a good series at theendofcovid. com, that goes into all of this.
Good commentary, as usual Phillip! I appreciate someone with your discernment that is not afraid of pointing out issues with the corrupt (and allopathically dominant) medical systems that are doing so much damage. It is a wonder to see so many with such intelligence have the wool (astral glamour and illusion) pulled over their eyes. Also, that you are pretty even-handed with criticisms of the left and right in politics. I don’t know of anyone else that has your breadth and depth of analysis, along with the background you have in the ancient esoteric history of humanity / ancient wisdom and esoteric astrology. All very insightful perspectives to digest.