Taurus 2023: Wesak. Venus in Gemini. Trans-Gender. Aries Conference Harvest. Dalai Lama. Mercury Retro. Robert F. Kennedy. Reciprocity.
Taurus Keynote
“I see and when the Eye is opened, all is light.”
(Full Moon: May 5, 2023. 17.34 UT.)
“Venus connotes in our minds, even if we have only a glimmer of occult truth, that which is mental, that which concerns final sublimation, that which deals with sex and that which must work out into symbolic expression upon the physical plane.
These are the major concepts which enter our minds when Venus and Taurus are considered in unison. These factors of expression have ever been related to these two since the night of time, because they are essentially basic and eternally cosmic in their implications. Taurus is one of the signs which veils a certain divine mystery.”1
The Taurus-Wesak Festival: Highlight of the Spiritual Year
Taurus Rules the New Group of World Servers
Venus in Gemini (April 11 to May 7)
Venus-Uranus in Taurus and Trans-Gender
Aries Conference Harvest: Aquarian Wisdom Centre
The Dalai Lama’s Tongue Incident
Avataric Degrees of the Taurus-Scorpio Lunar Eclipse 2023
Mercury in Taurus Retrograde
Taurus Rising Robert F. Kennedy Jr: Presidential Candidate
The Law of Reciprocity: Money, Taurus-Venus 2nd House
The Taurus-Wesak Festival: Highlight of the Spiritual Year
“The Month of May is one of deepest significance to all who are affiliated with the Great White Lodge (as are all true esotericists), in that the Wesak Festival takes place and is of moment and deep import. The period is always one of prime interest and rare opportunity …”2

The Buddha, transmitting to the Manu, Christ and Mahachohan – who in turn transmit to the rest of the assembled Masters. Crowds of pilgrims both in physical and subtle bodies, watch on. (Artist: Linda Vugler, 1999.)
The May 5 full moon is also a lunar eclipse at the “avataric” or 15th degree of Taurus-Scorpio. This degree is also called, “Gates of the Avatars”, hence this Wesak Festival may attract one of the several kinds of Avatars that exist, such as the Avatar of Peace, the Avatar of Synthesis, the Christ Avatar himself – and/or a human avatar.
The importance of the first three spiritual festivals of the year – Aries, Taurus and Gemini – can never be emphasised enough. One must probe their significance however, to really experience them. Taurus marks the pinnacle of the spiritual year because it is when the spiritual Hierarchy on Earth meet in alignment with the Buddha on His annual visitation. Taurus is also the sign that rules the New Group of World Servers (NGWS).
The Hierarchy or Masters of Wisdom gather to receive – literally, the “Word of God”, the new impulse that was released in Aries and transmit the annually amended Planetary Plan to Humanity – via their various subjective groups of workers. All is planned according to ray and astrological cycles, the constantly changing state of the world, and co-operation with Humanity – who must be able to exercise their free will to determine its own destiny.

Pilgrims make their way around the Wesak Valley (about 20,000 ft.) with Mount Kailash (“The Abode of Shiva”) – in the background.
The opportunity at any full moon festival is to link and work subjectively in meditation with other co-workers and groups around the planet; this takes place over 5 days – 2.5 days either side of the exact full moon time, with the 24-hour period before the exact time, the most potent period to make a contribution – if not the exact hour.
Taurus-Wesak is truly the highlight of the year because of the alignment that takes place between our most exalted planetary guides and humanity. The triangle of Buddha, Christ and Sanat Kumara (in the etheric and/or upon the physical plane), is linked in sacred ritual with the assembled Masters of Wisdom – Who in turn are aligned with their respective ray ashrams of human aspirants, disciples and initiates – poised and ready to anchor the new impulse issued in the previous sign of Aries.
Wesak is the only time of the year that the Buddha re-connects with Earth – almost liberated from His responsibilities here, but still serving an important role in this transition phase between the zodiacal ages and the rootraces.
Taurus Rules the New Group of World Servers
“The members of the New Group of World Servers belong to no party or religion and yet belong to all parties and religions; they assume no attitude or position either for or against any existing government, religion or social order. They engage in no political activity of any kind, and attack no existing order.
They are neither for nor against a government or a Church, and spend no money, organise no campaign, and send out no literature which could be interpreted as attacking or defending any organisation of a political, religious, social or economic nature.
… The members of the New Group of World Servers are not, however, a band of impractical mystics. They know exactly what they seek to do, and their plans are laid in such a manner that – without upsetting any existing situation – they are discovering and bringing together the men of good will all over the world.”3
Easier said than done! The New Group of World Servers is ruled by Taurus:
“The initiate sees the New Group of World Servers brought under the illuminating power of Taurus, with the rest of humanity still under the influence of Pisces. You have, consequently, the “over-shadowing raincloud of knowable things” hovering over humanity, just as the Hierarchy overshadows the New Group and just as the soul overshadows the personality of man …
… you have all the needed illumination and light upon all the coming problems, waiting to precipitate itself through the New Group of World Servers under the influence of Taurus, the nurturer of all illumination, and you have humanity, at the same time, conditioned and made sensitive by Piscean energy during the past two thousand years.
You have, therefore, a condition of great spiritual promise, and in this combination of energies you have present those forces which will implement the activities of the Hierarchy, condition its initiates, affect every Ashram, bring light into the present darkness, and—as can already be seen—stir into new understanding the present Piscean consciousness of mankind.”4
(Complete tables in downloadable PDF.)
As discussed in the Wesak newsletter for 2022, there are various cycles of opportunity for the NGWS. This year, starting in Aries 2023 – note the 1, 3 and 9 year cycles emerging 2023-24:
Crisis/Consolidation on the 1 and 3 year cycles, followed by Tension/Expansion, completed by Emergence/Impact on Public Consciousness. The 7-year cycle is held during Capricorn, the last one in 2019, the next 2026.
“Make each three year cycle conform to the rhythm of creation.
[1] In the first year [Crisis/Consolidation], lay your emphasis upon the activity of the manifesting principle, using that which appears and with which you have to work.
[2] In the second year [Tension/Expansion], let the clarity and the quality of the note to be sounded by the manifesting form appear and be heard.
[3] In the third year [Emergence/Impact on Public Consciousness], behind the form and expressing itself through the quality, let the livingness and the work of the indwelling life emerge for all to see.
… The keynote of the first year’s work is consolidation, that of the second year must be expansion whilst the keynote of the third year must be the making of a definite impact upon the public consciousness, by the sounding and the emphasising of some one clear note. If this cyclic measure is kept thus in mind, no serious mistakes will be made ….

Wesak Valley – Mt. Kailash’s pyramid-shaped summit on the right. (Brazilian water colorist Ari de Goes Jr. )
… The New Group of World Servers must work in these three year cycles and the foundation of cyclic attainment must be laid. This cyclic rhythm will release from strain and yet enable the workers in the Group to feel that there is no failure. It is impossible to do good work where a sense of failure or lack of attainment is found.”5
Hence, it can be seen from the table above that the NGWS began the first year of a three-year cycle (Crisis-Consolidation) in 2023 – at the outset, marked by the particular Covid crisis.
9 Year Cycle
“At those times, when the Hierarchy meets in silent conclave, a part of God’s vision, and His formulation of that vision for the immediate present, is revealed for the next nine year cycle.6
In other words, 2023 will see the next part of the “vision for the immediate present”, revealed. What that vision will be, might be intuited during Wesak or after.
The 9-year cycle of 2014/15 was Crisis/Consolidation, but the 9-year cycle starting in 2023 is Tension/Expansion … “let the clarity and the quality of the note to be sounded by the manifesting form, appear and be heard”. How will the NGWS effect this?
Venus in Gemini (April 11 to May 7)
Venus is the exoteric ruler of Taurus, relating to sex and the Law of Attraction, the creation of beauty and art – and esoterically about the acquisition of spiritual knowledge.
At the end of March just before the Aries-Libra full moon, Venus conjoined Uranus (ruler of the sacral centre) – bringing into much sharper global focus the “Trans” issue – explored more later.
Venus rules Gemini esoterically and as the goddess of sex and relationships exoterically, in Gemini, the sign of general relationships – functions very well there.
Gemini, as a sign of the “common” or mutable cross, finds something “in common” with others, through a dialogue between two people (the Gemini twins) – or symbolically the higher and lower selves. One twin speaks, the other listens – and a dia-logue emerges that leads to mutual understanding and friendship.
Esoterically, Venus unites the pairs of opposites upon the mental plane, creating harmony, beauty and art. The sexually procreative force of the sacral centre is redirected to higher creativity in the throat centre – the true tantric unity.
Hence, Venus can help achieve the transcendence of many dualities, bringing synthesis to the “twins” of love and hate, male-female, soul-personality. Therefore at this full moon eclipse of the Wesak festival, the position of Venus in Gemini will be “baked into” the etheric body of the planet. That is, its influence will be pervasive well beyond its tenure in that sign, perhaps for up to a year.
The only ray to pass through Gemini is the second ray of Love-Wisdom, hence Venus as the goddess of love finds herself very much at home in this sign.
Gemini rules the thymus, the endocrine gland associated with the heart centre and love-wisdom. The thymus is the source of childhood naïveté and innocence – that many lose at a young age and spend much of their adult lives trying to reclaim!
Venus in Gemini always provides ideal opportunities for better relations – individual, local and planetary – for harmonious co-operation between nations, instead of driven by fear and bickering.
Particularly for Gemini nations like Britain and New Zealand (soul) – and the USA, Poland and Belgium (personality). Until May 7 (near the May 5 full moon, lunar eclipse), Venus in Gemini themes can be invoked – loving relations, global goodwill, détente and peace.
As the pillars of Gemini are a “gateway” for the forces of Sirius that pass into our solar system, Venus opens the gate for a direct cosmic alignment with Earth. Both Sirius and Venus are associated with initiation and were present at Individualisation in ancient Lemuria when Humanity acquired the “spark of mind”.
Sirius is the source of Love-Wisdom in our solar system – emanating from the cosmic mental plane, whilst Venus transmits the force of mind on the cosmic physical plane (Earth). Through mental understanding, love and compassion are generated.
Venus-Uranus in Taurus and Trans-Gender
This subject was first covered in the Libra 2022 newsletter – Libra is a sign related to three main themes – The Law, Sex and Money. Libra exoteric ruler Venus also rules Taurus, the “bull of desire”, hence sex is also associated with this sign.
“A transgender person (often abbreviated to “trans person”), is someone whose gender identity does not correspond with the sex they were assigned at birth. Many experience gender dysphoria, which they seek to alleviate through transitioning, often adopting a different name and set of pronouns in the process.
They may undergo sex reassignment therapies such as hormone therapy and various gender-affirming surgeries to more closely align their primary and secondary sex characteristics with their gender identity. Not all transgender people desire these treatments and others may be (unable to access them for financial or medical reasons. Those who do desire to medically transition to another sex may identify as transsexual.” (The “woke” Wikipedia version.)
Sex can be related to all the zodiac signs, but Libra-Scorpio and their polar opposites Aries-Taurus, are the main ones associated with sex – partly due to their respective rulers of Venus and Mars.
Mars’ glyph resembles the upright male member and his consort Venus – has the glyph of the circle of spirit surmounting the cross of matter. Although Venus is the ruler of the fifth ray of knowledge, it is exoterically and esoterically associated with sex:
“Venus connotes in our minds, even if we have only a glimmer of occult truth, that which is mental, that which concerns final sublimation, that which deals with sex and that which must work out into symbolic expression upon the physical plane.
These are the major concepts which enter our minds when Venus and Taurus are considered in unison. These factors of expression have ever been related to these two since the night of time, because they are essentially basic and eternally cosmic in their implications. Taurus is one of the signs which veils a certain divine mystery.”7
One “cosmic implication” referred to here is that “Venus is to the Earth what the higher Self is to man” – in other words, there is a “sexual” attraction that concerns an alignment between the two. Venus as a “sacred” planet transmits its mental force to assist “non-sacred” Earth’s evolution.
This is also why Venus was so prominent at Individualisation in ancient Lemuria 21.5 million years ago, the great mystery of when the “spark of mind” was transmitted from the “Lords of Flame” – and hitherto hermaphrodite humanity separated into two sexes. (See the author’s Unveiling Genesis: Mysteries of the Rootraces and Cycles, and/or The Hidden History of Humanity video.)
Venus is the ruler of Taurus – known as the “mother of illumination” – through the acquisition of higher knowledge (5th ray). Venus is the source of intelligent mind, which expresses in the early stages of evolution through desire, or at a more advanced stage – love:
“Mind expressing itself through intelligent desire, for that is the goal of knowledge for ordinary man.”8
Love and desire, the former related to the heart centre, the latter to the solar plexus, ruled by Mars. Here can be seen how the mysteries are encoded in ancient mythologies of Venus and one of her lovers, Mars. Venus and Earth are a vivid example of “as above, so below”, regarding the relation between the higher and lower selves:
“Sex is then seen to be in truth only the relation of the lower nature to the higher Self; it is then lifted up into the light of day in order that man may reach complete union with divinity.
Man discovers that sex (which has hitherto been a purely physical function, carried on sometimes under the impulse of love) is elevated into its rightful plane as the divine marriage, carried out and consummated upon the levels of soul awareness.
It is this great truth which lies beyond the sordid story of sex expression, of sex magic and the distortions of modern Tantric magic. Humanity has stepped down the symbolism and in its thoughts debased sex to an animal function and failed to lift it up into the realm of symbolic mystery.
[Wo]Men have sought through physical expression to produce the inner fusion and harmony which they crave and this cannot be done. Sex is but the symbol of an inner duality which must be itself transcended and wrought into a unity. It is not transcended by physical means or rituals. It is a transcendence in consciousness.”9
This “sordid story of sex expression and animal function” is now fully available through all pervasive pornography on the internet, on titillating videos on your social media feed, in advertising, saturating the entire planet. No area of human activity is immune – sexual scandals in all areas of human experience – politics, religion, education, arts, sciences etc.
Regarding sex and the judicial system, it has been stated that Libra would be prominent in the planetary horoscope at the turn of last century, and into this century – as the balance between the zodiacal ages of Pisces and Aquarius.10 Hence, a great balancing is taking place in human sexuality, where much experimentation has taken place, experience garnered and discrimination learnt – or not.
But this era has also been influenced by the so-called “Dark Forces” who embody the planetary sacral/sexual centre, seeking to retard human progress by keeping it in thrall, imprisoned in that realm. This has been a particularly vulnerable period for Humanity because of the following factors:
1. The incoming forces of Aquarius for the next 2,000 years. Aquarius is a sign that seeks to go beyond the status quo and is ruled by Uranus. Uranus the rebel is also the planet of science, the experimenter.
Yet paradoxically Uranus rules the sexual chakra in individual humans, to which the author frequently refers as, “the seed of mind buried in the lower centres, waiting to be raised to the throat centre – from procreative to creative.” (Incidentally, the brilliant British comic and actor, Eddie Izzard (now calling himself Suzy), has Sun and five planets in Aquarius!)
2. Uranus is ruler of the incoming seventh ray of Ceremonial Order or Magic, Organisation. This ray is gaining strength with every decade and will be in “incarnation” for the 2,500 years. One of the “glamours” of the seventh ray is sex magic, referred to above, related to other similar glamours of this ray:
“The glamours of magical work, the relation of the opposites, of subterranean powers, of the physical body, of the mysterious and the secret.”11
3. The transit of Uranus in Taurus 2018-2025. For all that has been discussed above with Uranus and Taurus, then Uranus in Taurus amplifies the theme considerably! (See Uranus in Taurus ingress horoscope 2018.)
4. Humanity taking the First Initiation. Humanity is awakening en masse, especially these past few years of intense experience since 2020. People are emerging from mass consciousness into independent thinkers – albeit rudimentary.
The world wars of last century saw millions take the first initiation and when that occurs, the balancing of forces within the etheric-physical takes place.
Hence, an emphasis on diet, health, yoga, tai chi, exercise, sports, etc. – so that the “higher self” frequencies activated within the etheric body are equilibrised with the “lower self” forces of the physical body, the status quo. Hence, the “problem of sex” comes into even greater focus.

Rachel Levine – pediatrician, assistant secretary for health in US Gov. Sun, Mercury, Neptune in Scorpio.
Trans-Gender (This subject was first covered in the Libra 2022 newsletter.)
In the past decade an increasingly aggressive campaign for Trans-Gender rights has emerged, combined with politically correct pronouns, “woman-identifying” men entering women’s sports, men having babies.
Genetic males winning women’s beauty contests, public toilets with no boundaries, children subjugated to drag queen shows, children being encouraged to change their genders from as young as 5 – without the need of parental consent (!), crippling surgeries and endless, life-long medications – the list goes on and on.
Finally, many observers, healers, social commentators and psychologists are shouting – enough already! These abominations (for that is truly what they are), have been brought about through the influence of the aforementioned planetary sacral centre collective – the Materialistic Forces.

The Materialistic Forces embody the planetary sacral centre.12
Those forces have manipulated the lowest common denominator of seventh ray glamours, human sacral centres and the individualistic, experimental nature of Aquarius. Hence, social observers say that mass perversion has been created in all spheres of human sexual expression. Nations with Aquarius and the seventh ray prominent may have been particularly susceptible – USA, the Netherlands and Russia, but of course hardly any nations are unaffected by these influences.
The USA however, is the battleground for the Planetary Dweller on the Threshold and has been the place where warped ideologies around “woke sex politics” have taken root and spread around the world. Has the idealistic need to be seen as championing equal rights for all, been taken too far? Is this a glamour of USA’s 2nd ray soul – over-inclusiveness?
Sam Brinton is/was a poster boy for this corrupt ideology – the first openly non-binary person to serve in a leadership role as assistant secretary of spent fuel in the Office of Nuclear Energy. (Brinton is no longer employed after being charged with womens’ luggage theft twice.)
Brinton (Sept.11, 1987) has Sun, Venus and Mars (a very bright scholar from MIT), in feminine but sometimes androgynous Virgo. “Masculine” Mars and “feminine” Venus – sit either side of his Sun. Brinton has Venus square Uranus, his challenge to balance and integrate the masculine and feminine within. Virgo ruler Mercury is in Libra, one of the major signs of sex and the balancing of opposites.
“His” not “their”, he is genetically male – as is aforementioned Virgo rising Aquarian, Eddie Izzard. Many publications and commentators slavishly adhere to using pronouns like “their” instead of he or she, seeking to validate what others see as a warped ideology.
Just before the Aries full moon festival 2023, transiting Venus made its yearly conjunction to Uranus in Taurus at the end of March. (Coinciding with the Dalai Lama incident.) All of a sudden it seemed that the issue of the Trans-Gender movement reached a point of major rebellion, having tolerated the movement’s aggressive propaganda for far too long.
Many excellent commentators have found a much stronger voice of opposition to the shocking trends that have unfolded, sounding the notes of reason, rationality and rescue of vulnerable children. The following women are some of the best this author has found – who stand for women’s rights and the attempted theft of their identity:
Jennifer Bilek: Who is Behind the Trans Agenda? (See her substack also.)
Isabela Malbin: Transgender Ideology: Does it Erase Women?
Kari Jacquesson: Radicalization of Transgender & Queer Ideology
Kara Dansky: Who Is Funding the Trans Movement?
Dr. Miriam Grossman: Identity Crisis: Transgender Assembly Line (Website)
Dr. Miriam Grossman: Origin of Gender Theory: Alfred Kinsey & John Money
Abigail Shrier: Science, the Transgender Phenomenon, and the Young

Is this another example of mass hypnosis or as Belgium psychologist Matthias Desmet calls it, “mass-formation”?
In the following article, Half of LGBT+ young adults in UK are estranged from a relative, survey finds – it is stated that 1.3 million people in the UK identify as lesbian, gay or bisexual. Another 3.6 million people did not answer the question.
Assuming that all of those 3.6 million identified as non heterosexual (highly unlikely), then 4.9 million people in the UK might identify as LGBT+. That’s 3.35% of the population. And yet the “noise” associated with their sexual rights appears to be far disproportionate to the size of this group.
One hears victimhood from many people who chose these identifications, often simply fulfilling a need to belong to an unique cultural group – not necessarily their sexuality. Some observers state that many have been duped by propaganda into thinking that they are gay or identifying as their opposite sex.
It is speculated that the true percentage is more than likely under 2%, yet has been exaggerated in the public mind.
In the video below, Jordan Peterson presides over an extraordinary story – of how a highly qualified professor John Money, ignored the biology and experimented according to his personal illusion and sheer arrogance! (See also: David Reimer and John Money Gender Reassignment Controversy: The John/Joan Case.)
Aries Conference Harvest: Aquarian Wisdom Centre
The April 1- 4 zoom conference (European Unity: Toward Global Unification), was attended by over 150 people.
This was an unique conference in that all the presenters had committed for six weeks previous to an online forum to discuss their varying viewpoints on Europe – with some emphasis upon Russia and Ukraine. Therefore, subjectively the conference ran for several weeks – with the four days of the outer conference, reflecting the sum total of the group’s labours.
If the presenters had just come to the conference “cold”, without several weeks preparation – of informing one another, of reflecting deeply upon the core issues, then it might have been a very different and perhaps unintegrated event.
But by most accounts from participants and presenters, it was a success – and true to the spirit of Aries, blazed a new trail through the esoteric analysis of nations – complimented by group meditations – creating better relations and a safe space for difficult dialogues.
The ripe and healthy Aries seed had been created, ready to be planted in the rich soil of earthy Taurus – at the Wesak Festival. Now that a foundation has been laid, the Aquarian Wisdom Centre conference will continue as an annual event covering all esoteric themes. Various groups who attended will be continuing with threads woven at the conference (and in some cases years before) – through meditation meetings and webinars..
The presenters were from all over Europe – Greece, Italy, Portugal, Germany, Russia and Ukraine – a well as New Zealand and the USA. Edited videos are now available for the four-day event, plus conference reviews and other resources. Some excerpts from presenters follow – the full text for which can be read at the links after each entry:
Uta Gabbay, Germany “This conference: ‘European Unity: Toward Global Unification’ brought together participants from many different groups and nations. It provided the space to shine a light on the world situation with Europe as a key, and to learn and contribute to transforming conflict into unity. A fine balance between these two aspects was woven throughout the conference. We shared many new insights into the nature of Europe – its past, present and possible future. There were the over-arching perspectives, and there were the perspectives from different nations …”. More here.
Denis Orlov, Russia “The conference became a loud impulse in the Western esoteric community. It was probably the first alternative voice in the Western esoteric firmament, one that powerfully and convincingly demonstrated a new focus of attention for Western aspirants; it was the first time that the question of what is happening in the world today was raised in this way.
In the weeks leading up to the conference, the organizers had deliberately maintained a point of tension between the different understandings of the world of the various participants. This same tension was brought to the conference as well, but by striving for impassivity and respect for the opinion of one’s fellow man, both organizers and participants skillfully drew this fine line of soul brotherhood without creating a single contender for personal intemperance …”. More here.
Katherine O’Brien, New Zealand “It was an honour to be part of the European Unity – Toward Global Unification conference. There was a sense of stillness and quality symbolised by the opening music and meditation – a beautiful oasis in an algorithmic, polarised world …”. More here.
Wisdom Group USA “The Conference for Europe has made this possible and achieved a watershed by all the efforts of those involved. It was quite a wonderful example of how soul commitment unifies no matter what shows up. As long as a commitment to truth and integrity is held unshakeably a unification is inevitable despite the underlying conflicts …”. More here.
Svetlana Orlova, Russia “The conference was a response to the demands of the times. The forces of disconnection in the world have reached such a scale that new focal points are needed to maintain subjective coherence and to heal the splits between groups, nations, and supranational organizations.
To do this, we need to start with ourselves, for splits within NGWS are also possible, for aspirants and disciples are not perfect human beings. Such work requires courage, as was demonstrated by the conference organizers, who allowed the accumulated contradictions to come to the surface and to expose those realities that many esoteric groups try to avoid …”. More here.
Edited videos are now available for the four-day event, plus conference reviews and other resources
The Dalai Lama’s Tongue Incident
This incident that aroused some loud reactions around the world. There were many vociferous responses and condemnation toward His Holiness the Dalai Lama by many in spiritual communities – more disturbing than the tongue incident itself!
Hence, an astrological perspective will be explored. The author is neither a devotee of Buddhism nor His Holiness the Dalai Lama (HHDL), but has studied its teachings and tenets over some decades, including meeting HHDL in Dharamsala.
Writing this article is not to defend or attack HHDL, but find the truth – through an impartial consideration of viewpoints, combined with what esoteric astrology reveals.
Reuters news report.
The author’s conclusion mostly aligns with the viewpoint in a Tibetan commentator’s video below – with some reservations, as discussed later. The video is not simply a PR propaganda exercise from the Dalai Lama’s camp, as dismissed by some commentators – it was something that they were forced to do, in the blaze of negative publicity. However, no religion or its leaders are exempt from corruption – Buddhism and HHDL are not sacred cows or perfect beings.
From all signs thus far, this incident appears to be yet more media-manufacturing – to stir up a hornets’ nest, to get people fighting with one another (divide and conquer), to create confusion and chaos. As explained later, the viral video does appear to be an attack upon The Dharma Teachings, just before the Wesak Festival – no coincidence here.
The Tibetan viewpoint of what happened.
The Taurus-Wesak festival approaches soon (May 5), celebrating the birth and enlightenment of The Buddha. Taurus is the Mother of Illumination, hence it is timely to throw some light on the Buddha’s outer representative in the East – HHDL. The viral video that triggered world-wide condemnation, emerged just before the Aries full moon in early April, whilst transiting Mercury was in Taurus, Mercury the Messenger – of Buddha’s teaching:
“Mercury is Budh, Wisdom, Enlightenment or `reawakening’ in the divine science.”13
Mercury here might be termed the “Tongue of the Teachings” – Taurus rules the organs of speech: tongue, lips and larnyx. (More on Mercury in Taurus retrograde elsewhere in newsletter.)
The following quote from The Tibetan is for aspirants and disciples, who are a long way behind HHDL – believed by the Tibetan people to be the incarnation of the Buddha of Compassion, Avalokitesvara. If one prefers to see HHDL as a fallible man, then he is at least an advanced initiate:
“Taurus … rules the neck and the thyroid gland … The throat is a point to which the energy of the sacral centre must be lifted so that creation through love and by the will eventually will prove the sublimatory effect of the transference to higher use of the sex energy. The right use of the organs of speech gives the clue to the processes whereby the disciple must bring about certain basic changes.”14
The HHDL most likely effected the transfer of sexual energy to the throat many lifetimes ago! Yet, there can be lingering issues for even advanced disciples, that can be triggered by life incidents and astrological transits, as explored later.
“Eat my tongue”
“There’s many a slip twixt cup and lip!” – as the old saying goes. Well, at least one slip between cup and lip – the tongue! Observers have stated that though Tibetans have explained that it is a tradition to stick the tongue out, there is nothing traditional about asking a child to “suck my tongue”.
Some interpreted that HHDL put the boy’s tongue in his mouth, which is erroneous. There is a “lost in translation” and context element here, where “eat my tongue” (explained at 8’ 20” in the video above), is used in Tibetan tradition:
“The Dalai Lama is actually expressing the highest of affection towards the little boy that is perfectly normal (and commonly done between Tibetan family members for expressions of love and affection).
Please note though, a better translation of what he said, “suck my tongue” would be “eat my tongue”, which is part of a Tibetan process expressing endearment and will be explained later. We also have phrases that if we had a direct translation of, it would cause great misunderstanding such as, “break a leg”, which actually means wishing someone good luck.
Sticking out of the tongue can be a gesture of respect or greeting according to the Tibetan Culture. The Tibetan elderly can affectionately joke with children asking for something (such as snacks or toys) and barter for affection by asking for the touching of the forehead, small kisses on the mouth or cheek, and if, for example they don’t have anything to give to the child, they then jokingly say, “eat my tongue”, basically meaning, “I don’t have anything else to give, so you can have my tongue”.
In the whole video you can see the boy requesting for a hug, and the Dalai Lama does the elderly Tibetan method of showing affection by asking for the touching of the forehead, small kiss on the lips, and finally, he meant to say, “eat my tongue”, meaning that he doesn’t have anything else to give the boy and jokingly says the boy can have his tongue. Afterwards, the Dalai Lama lovingly touches the boy’s cheek and gives him a big hug!
If anyone has experience listening to the Dalai Lama speak English, they would know that his English is a bit limited, but he always tries his best to show as much love, affection, and kindness to people across all races and cultures with his limited English and is most respectful towards others.
Please help and spread this message so more people can have clarification and not misunderstand the different cultures and customs of others, and especially not misunderstand the expression of utmost kindness and platonic love the Dalai Lama is trying to convey to the precious little boy (lost in translation, misleading, or biased, manipulative media sensationalism). There is a lot of viciously distorted information being spread about the Dalai Lama about this so please help!”15
Many ask was this incident HHDL’s playfulness or an old-age aberration? The 87 year old Dalai Lama has been lambasted by thousands for “pedophile” inclinations and “child abuse”. But in this case HHDL’s “sin” may more likely be around boundaries and naivete – than alleged sexual predation.
In the edited video that went viral, people asked was it just awkward playfulness or was there some other deeper, unintegrated psychological pattern emerging from the subconscious?
Some clues can be gleaned by examining astrologically the date of the event on Feb 28, 2023. The video only “went viral” in early April, in an edited form without broader context.
CCP Propaganda?
Because of the later viral video, there has been an alleged anti-Buddhism propaganda element, as explained in the video above – how the viral video was manipulated by the CCP (Chinese Communist Party). The full context of the original video above is shown with with approving mother present – all of which was filmed on a live telecast, as HHDL was aware. A few weeks after Feb.28 – on March 23, 2023, (quoting here from the first video above at 10’ 20”):
“At a “ceremony in Dharamsala attended by 600 Mongolians and over 5,000 monks and nuns, HHDL named and formally enthroned the 10th reincarnation of Khalkha Jestun Dhampa Rinpoche of Mongolia – as one of the highest Buddhist leaders, head of the Gelugpa Buddhist School.
This event immensely provoked the rage of the CCP who have been doing everything to control and stop the spread of Buddhism. The CCP has been brutally obsessed with making sure that Buddhist leaders were elected through CCP resolutions; they have been overly obsessed for decades with the selection of the next 15th Dalai Lama.”
Hence, a week after the March 23 ceremony (just after the equinox and new moon of Aries), the viral video surfaced to sway public opinion about Tibet and HHDL. “It was sensationalised into a clickbait story with leading titles, fake descriptions and edited video.”
The blurring out of faces was somewhat insidious, usually done when censoring nudity – adding to the spin that there was something lurid and disgusting going on. In 2016, CCP leader Xi Xinping said: “Wherever the readers are, wherever the viewers are, that is where propaganda reports must extend their tentacles.” Before getting into the astrological analysis, let us review four pro and con messages from Western people in spiritual and Buddhist communities:
1. (Con) “A good example of how pedophilia has become more normalized is how some people defend or excuse the Dalai Lama’s “suck my tongue” incident. If you feel disturbed by it, your conscience is intact. If you feel and believe this was just “innocent and playful teasing” [as he publicly excused it], then you contribute to the normalization of sexual pathology and child abuse.
Anyone with a grounded sensitivity can see and feel the predatory energy of his “holiness,” especially seconds before he asks the boy to suck his tongue [when he touches his shoulder]. It’s like he forgot where he was and gave in to his lower nature and whatever entity was riding him.
The same goes for all the shoulder rubbing, hugging, and sniffing Biden engages in on little children who clearly feel uncomfortable. Or all the “family-friendly” and sexually explicit drag queen shows for children. Or the mutilisation of children’s genitals [including circumcision] and promoting trans-surgeries for kids, etc. Beware who normalizes or excuses this stuff.”
[Author’s comment: Associating what happened with Biden, drag queen shows and genital mutilation is a stretch, making broad associations, lacks proportion.]
2. (Pro) “Piping in on the H.H. Dalai Lama viral video and mess. Some of you know I have been a part of the Tibetan Buddhist community of 30 years, with many pretty extraordinary experiences with teachers and my intensive practices ….
I know with certainty these acts seen virally on video by the Dalai Lama were not sexual acts on his part. It seems he has been a renunciant for so long he has lost sight of what may be considered sexualized! A certain innocence is at play and a very ‘out of touchness’ as far as how this would be perceived by most. Should he have known better, yes, but my thought is this:
It’s precisely because he is non-sexual, and so is everyone around him in his monastic life, that he was not seeing his behavior as inappropriate.
In Tibetan culture they stick their tongues out as a way to communicate many things, and he was horsing around, which is his personality. Despite his accomplishments he is very unpretentious and often childlike, but don’t let it fool you, he is deeply wise.
He just wouldn’t have done this in public in front of everyone if he was a predator. I see alot lost in translation here, from his ancient cultural to our modern one. Tibetan culture is quite strange to our western minds, so to understand this wasn’t sexualized behavior one has to really understand Tibetan culture. Its just not in him to exhibit sexualized behavior. He definitely should have known better, but a certain naivety is at play, not being aware how sexual people would take it.
I am reading people jumping to ‘he’s a molester, and should be put down’. They say I am sticking up for a monster. This shows how traumatized we all are by how common child molestation is in our culture and how terrorized we all are by the constant revelations of the Catholic clergy abusing boys. But this is not a common thing in Tibetan Buddhist monastic culture.
To be clear, I don’t for one minute think Tibetan Buddhists are perfect beings. I do not put them on a pedestal. I dated a Tibetan man for a couple years (they are not all monks)! He drank to excess and loved techno. Anyway the patriarchal sexism in Tibetan culture and monastic culture is really offensive.
Women nuns sit outside in the cold during ceremonies while male monks sit inside. Its slowly changing. Their treatment and philosophies regarding animals needs work! There are stories of male Tibetan Buddhist teachers using the Tantric path to abuse power with women sexually, but with all those flaws I do not see or hear a sexuality in the Dalai Lama’s actions no matter how inappropriate it looks and was. Weird yes, sexual no.
Tibetan culture is very weird, not that this is an excuse for crossing lines, but H.H.D.L.’s intentions here are so obviously not sexual. He should have known better, but his lack of sexuality his whole life (and if you understand Tibetan culture for many lifetimes) skews his view on things.” [Author’s comment: A more balanced view.]
3. (Con) “We are just not talking about somebody who has been a renunciant his entire life, we are talking about someone who is revered in this blinded world like a God. He’s is supposed to be an Awaken being/Enlightened. The innocence of a True awaken being/Enlightened human is not stupid, it is Wise! An enlightened person representing the light and all that is good would never behave so out of context.
He’s supposed to be aware of what’s going on in the world. He’s supposed to be aware of his own sexuality, even if he hadn’t had sex with another human his entire life. An awakened person has full power over his/sexual energy. If he’s being innocent and stupid like that he shouldn’t be leading others.
The problem is that people have forgotten Jesus. Without Jesus coming into the world, this so called Dalai Lama would have never been possible. For me this is all a sign to wake up the blinded masses. Look what people are following! The Dalai Lama was even publicizing the covid vaccine, total insanity. This is what people follow. He looks just like another puppet playing along.”
[Author’s comment: Comments are based upon his belief in what was conveyed in the sensationalised viral video – plus high expectations that give no benefit of the doubt. Agreed on the vaccine issue as discussed later.]
4. (Pro) “Expression of emotions and manners today has been melted together and become vividly westernised,” Namdol Lhagyari, a Tibetan activist in exile, wrote on Twitter. “Bringing in narrative of other cultures, customs and social influence on gender and sexuality to interpret Tibetan way of expression is heinous.”16
Astrological Analysis of “Tongue and Kiss” incident chart: February 28, 2023.
1. Mercury the Trickster: HHDL’s “playfulness … and teasing”. Transiting Moon and Mars conjunct Mercury in Gemini. Gemini is the archetype of the playful child, making fun and mischief – Mercury the prankster. On the surface, the astrology confirms that there is every reason to believe HHDL’s “playfulness”.
Mercury is in the ninth house and rules this area of religion and philosophy, making HHDL an highly visible spokesperson for spirituality and dissemination of Buddhist Teachings. Mercury also rules the twelfth house of hidden psychological complexes, the house of “self-undoing” where HHDL’s Moon-Neptune is located, more on that later.
Lady Gaga
Similarly, in a recent Lady Gaga incident resurfaced (June 26, 2016), the HHDL repeatedly touched Gaga’s leg, until she had to forcibly remove his hand. It seemed a bit strange, causing some embarrassment. It was HHDL’s Mercury return – T. Mercury conjunct Mercury.
Playfulness – or a lapse of attention in public, attracted to a “sexy singer”? Gaga is an Aries sun that is closely opposite HHDL’s Libra ascendant; she has Moon-Pluto in Scorpio (sensuous, sultry) – conjunct HHDL’s Jupiter in Scorpio.
Also on that day, T. Venus was conjunct his MC/Sun in Cancer. T. Moon-Neptune opposite natal Moon-Neptune – an unconscious lapse? Both people are in many ways from opposite ends of the spectrum – and opposites attract. Observers say HHDL just wants to be a regular guy, hence his awkward attempts at humour and play – something that again, occurred in public, on camera.
T. Mars in Scorpio square natal Venus in Leo – at the same 24th degree as HHDL’s prog. Moon in Scorpio – for the current 2023 incident (see later at point 6). Interesting Sabian symbol for this degree: “Crowds coming down the mountain to listen to one man.”
2. Transiting Neptune square Mercury. This is a challenging transit relating to fantasy and the blurring of boundaries – and hence stepping over them. Easy to “let one’s guard down” with a transit like this.
3. Transiting Mercury trine Mercury. This transit amplifies the power of the other three planets activating natal Mercury – from the sign of Aquarius which can be eccentric or “weird” at times.
4. Progressed Sun conjunct Ascendant in Libra. Libra is one of the major signs of sex, relationships and friendship. Libra rising is HHDL’s soul purpose. Was there some remnant of sexual desire emerging here – in a person who has practiced celibacy his whole life? Perhaps. Or was there a craving for close friendship and intimacy? Maybe. Or simply fulfilling his traditional Tibetan role as an Elder to the young – on a live telecast? Far more likely.
5. Transiting Venus, Jupiter, Chiron in Aries square Cancer Sun. Venus accidently dignified in the seventh house of relations, magnified by Jupiter and Chiron – another factor relating to the need to feel close to others – to cultivate friendship. But really, this personal need should have been transcended lifetimes ago? The “need” is more from devotees such as the Indian boy who requested a hug.
HHDL’s Cancer sun represents his mass appeal, of being accessible to EVERYONE, quite a personal sacrifice to make. The two rulers of Cancer are the Moon and Neptune placed in the twelfth house – representing his mystical and visionary capacities. Neptune in its lower expression, similar to the transit of Neptune square Mercury, can create delusion and confusion – glamour.
As stated earlier, “the twelfth house of hidden psychological complexes, the house of “self-undoing”. The Feb.28 incident went viral several weeks later – near the Aries full moon when the Sun-Jupiter in Aries opposite Moon in Libra were straddling HHDL’s Mars in Libra, signature of his Nobel Peace Prize laureate status.
6. Progressed Moon in Scorpio square Venus in Leo. Scorpio, one of the major signs related to sex and testings of the desire nature, where HHDL’s progressed Moon had been for the previous two years.
Venus in Leo is super charismatic and ruler of his Libran ascendant, serving Humanity from the 11th house of Aquarian community and ideals. Similar to his Cancer sun, Venus in the 11th house “belongs to everyone”.
Progressed Moon was also making a close quincunx to Mercury in Gemini, with the possibility of bringing latent subconscious complexes into outer expression. Alternatively, perhaps HHDL served as an agent to bring that out for the masses as a whole.
Scorpio is a sign of exorcising one’s own demons but an individual like HHDL could certainly act (wittingly or unwittingly), to pierce global toxicity around the wrong use of sex. The “mystery of sex” is not solved until the exalted 4th Degree Initiation:
“At the fourth initiation another of the great secrets is revealed to him. It is called “the mystery of polarity,” and the clue to the significance of sex in every department of nature on all the planes is given to him …”.17
The Fourth Degree is a stage that some pundits regard HHDL to be very near or already achieved: “… it is very probable that he is a fourth degree initiate – living the life of the Great Renunciation – his life a complete sacrifice to the elevation of the human race.”18
Scorpio is polar opposite to Taurus – the “bull of desire”:
“… sex is one of the fundamental primeval urges, one of the substantial instincts, and is consequently the dominating factor in the animal side of man’s nature; it is based upon the excessive intimacy of the subject,—an intimacy which was transmuted into an indecent secret during the periods wherein the race succumbed to an excessive puritanism [via religion] and prostituted a natural function into a prurient mystery.
This intimacy relating to the subject of sex caused it to be regarded as an unmentionable episode, and as a topic to be shunned by decent people, instead of being regarded as an instinctual and natural process …”.19
It is not unreasonable to acknowledge that spiritual leaders can be prone to attacks of mass glamour. It depends upon the stage of unfoldment – if they fall victim to those attacks or easily repel them. There are thousands of examples that we have all witnessed in the past several decades – of leaders mainly at the earlier stages, such as the first and second degree initiations.
But the most obvious attack here appears to be the CCP’s use of a viral video to discredit HHDL. Here we see an ongoing attack on all religions in the past few years – where for instance people were forbidden to visit places of worship, due to highly spurious lockdown measures. At the end of the Piscean era, ALL religions are highly crystallised and corrupted, must be transformed into an universal spirituality in the Aquarian Age.
7. Transiting Mars in Cancer. Discussed in the Aries newsletter as a major qualifier of energies whilst the Sun passing through Aries; it will remain in Cancer until the end of the Sun’s passage through Taurus. Mars in Cancer is the key to the volatility of emotional reaction around the world, having entered Cancer just two days after HHDL anointed the new Mongolian Rinpoche. As related in the Aries newsletter:
“The emotional testing of Mars in Cancer is great, because Mars rules the solar plexus centre (seat of the emotional body) – and Cancer is a sign of the sensitive feeling nature. Cancer’s esoteric ruler is Neptune, co-ruler of the solar plexus centre. Because both Mars and the Moon are connected to the physical and astral bodies, two of the major vehicles of the personality – transiting Mars in Cancer can cause much disruption within the personality or between personality and soul.
Mars is a “non-sacred planet”, indicating that its lack of perfection and attainment (its “rebelliousness”), within the family of planets in the solar system, reveals starkly the imperfections in one’s own personality.”20
At the Aries full moon of April 6, the Sun-Moon opposition in Aries-Libra – created a huge point of tension – a grand cross to HHDL’s Sun in Cancer-Earth in Capricorn and Mars in Libra. When the edited video went viral just after the Aries full moon around April 10, transiting Mars was crossing HHDL’s midheaven – being highly visible in the public eye – his “career”.
Transiting Mars then conjoined HHDL’s Sun in Cancer at the Aries new (blue) moon on April 19-20. Two new moons (or full moons) in one astrological month are relatively rare.
Hence, this new moon occurring in the last “anaretic” degree of Aries, just hours before the Sun entered Taurus – was most potent, two weeks before Wesak. The anaretic degree is one of “karmic completion and mastery” due to self-reflection that generates understanding.
The May 5 full moon is also a lunar eclipse at the “avataric” or 15th degree of Taurus-Scorpio. This degree is also called, “Gates of the Avatars”, hence this Wesak Festival may attract one of the several kinds of Avatars that exist, such as the Avatar of Peace, the Avatar of Synthesis, the Christ Avatar himself – and/or a human avatar.
Indeed, even HHDL’s own “avatar”, soul or monad may come into a fuller expression, particularly as the May 5 eclipse falls very close to his Jupiter in Scorpio. Jupiter is the ruler of the second ray of Love-Wisdom, of which Avalokitesvara is one of its greatest expressions. This period might also provide an opportunity for HHDL to make a conscious or “graceful exit”. (Graceful Exits: How Great Beings Die)
The Vaccine Hoax
As discussed in other newsletters, the two spiritual leaders of East and West, the Dalai Lama and Pope Francis, both unerringly advocated that their followers take the Covid vaccine in 2020-1. They “followed the science” – as did much of Humanity – who in this author’s view, were essentially duped by media and governments.
In making these decisions, both leaders appeared to have fallen into the mass glamour that enveloped Humanity like a thick black syrup, compromising their own health and the health of millions. Hence, one might rightly ask, if HHDL succumbed to a mass glamour of medical authority – that he might be just as vulnerable to other personal, unresolved glamours.
Some however, speculate that HHDL was threatened by the CCP if he did not play along with their strict policies. Remember, China was not only the source of the Covid virus at the Wuhan lab (in conjunction with other bodies in the USA), but was the harshest exponent of lockdown – and the first to push propaganda creating fear, such as the absurd theatre of people allegedly dropping dead in the street from Covid:
“The Dalai Lama, Tibet’s spiritual leader, urged the world to “be brave and get vaccinated,” Saturday after he was inoculated with the coronavirus vaccine in the northern Indian town of Dharmsala.”21
On that date of March 6, 2021, transiting Sun and Venus were in undiscriminating Pisces, opposite Moon-Neptune in discriminating Virgo, in the 12th house of “self undoing”. Well, who knows?
Did these two leaders come under the psychic control of the Materialistic Forces, or were they simply the naive victims of their own idealism or lack of discrimination? Or was one or the other personally compromised or threatened, as it appears many political leaders around the world were during the Plannedemic?
Neither of these religious are perfect – and critics, who carry far heavier baggage, might remember the old adage, “Those without sin among you, let them cast the first stone.”
Humanity has been unconsciously “piling on” HHDL as a scapegoat (the escape goat), to escape and not own their “unclaimed baggage” – but project onto and crucify someone who has sought to liberate them.
It is interesting here that “crucify” recalls another name for the Fourth Initiation, The Crucifixion which derives its meaning from Eastern tradition. Perhaps this is what is precisely happening today – will HHDL be crucified upon the cross of public opinion and misunderstanding?
As mentioned earlier, the degree of bile and hatred pouring out toward HHDL from those in the so-called spiritual community – has been truly astonishing. The question must be posed, has everyone been played through lack of discrimination and emotional reactivity, by yet another “mass-formation” or mass hypnosis?
Does one awkward situation for HHDL negate a lifetime of outstanding service and inspiration to Humanity? So many Western followers have renounced him outright since this video – have they been duped by yet another psyop, courtesy of the global cabals and media manipulation?
Did one salacious incident for a movie star or entertainer, cancel a lifetime of creative work? Is the work of the great artist Picasso and his alleged misogyny, irrelevant today – in the eyes of revisionist history and woke politics?
Anyone who has attended talks and gatherings with HHDL, can attest to the extraordinary energies that have worked through him and which blessed all in attendance. This author saw him twice in Sydney, Australia – giving a talk to about 5,000 of us in a large auditorium.
Whilst waiting, everyone murmured in hushed voices – waiting for HHDL to appear, then suddenly the audience lapsed into a spontaneous silence as an incredible energy descended upon the auditorium, just before HHDL walked on stage.
Words fail here, but the sensation could only be described as something like bathing in the Great Ocean of Peace and Bliss; it was so palpable, there was certainly something like Avalokitesvara pouring through. Tears flowed abundantly in the audience, not tears of devotion – but an unequivocal Universal Love – and reverence to the one who brought it through.

The Tibetan, or Djwhal Khul (DK) – who transmitted many books to Alice A. Bailey between 1919 and 1950. (Painting by Annie Gowland.)
The title, Paramahansa comes to mind, Great Swan (another name for the 4th degree), floating upon the Ocean of Peace. To conclude, a recently departed brother of the Wisdom said this about the Dalai Lama:
“His life appears to be one of great sacrifice and renunciation. He serves as a source of inspiration to all men and women of good will. He is certainly at least an illumined initiate of the third degree. He has received the equivalent of a doctorate degree from the theological university system in Tibet, in a program of academics far more rigorous and time-consuming than the nominally comparable educational program in the West.
Yet, for all his learning, he expresses himself as a man of simplicity – kind, approachable, concerned with the welfare of the average human being on this plane. Although he is open and honest about his human failings, the personality as an independent and wayward force center has clearly been subdued, its “ancient authority” ended.
… At the fourth degree, the power of the buddhic plane (the plane of harmony) is powerful in the life, and buddhi (or pure love-wisdom) has completely supplanted the normal desires of the emotional nature. Although his mind is sharp and exacting, it is clear that his major service is the transmission of buddhi through the astral vehicle.
He is involved in the emotional regeneration of humanity. Although he would probably not publicly enter into a discussion that would confirm or deny the possibility, he is surely a great servant of the Maitreya Buddha (the Lord Maitreya – the Christ). The energy he projects is of a “friend to all”, just as does the Maitreya-Bodhisattva.”22
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Avataric Degrees of the Taurus-Scorpio Lunar Eclipse 2023
As lunar eclipses are related to the 19-year cycle of the moon’s node, the coming May 5, 2023 lunar eclipse falls at the same “avataric degree” as it did on May 4, 2004. The avataric degree is the 15th degree of a fixed sign and is supposed to carry the most power of that sign. This relates to the culmination of energy that was released at zero degrees of the cardinal sign, in this case Aries – yielding a 45 degree aspect (semi-square) from that emanating point.
Commenting upon the avataric degrees, astrologer Dane Rudhyar said,
“These points are not unknown to some occultists. They correspond to what has been called the Four Gates of Avataric Descent. As an “Avatar” in ancient terminology is in fact a release of cosmic energy, the meaning of this phrase is quite evident. These Four Gates are symbolized by the four symbolic creatures: the Bull, the Lion, the Eagle and the Angel. Each of them depicts a particular type of dynamic release, a particular type of Ray of Power — and of power releasing initiation.”
The four Royal Stars of the fixed signs are Aldebaran – the “Eye of the Bull” in Taurus; Antares the “Heart of the Scorpion” in Scorpio; Regulus the “Heart of the Lion” in Leo; Fomalhaut the “Fish’s Mouth” in the Southern Fish close to Aquarius. The fixed signs are sources of concentrated, focused power – hence the avataric degrees.
Avataric degrees are also called, “Gates of the Avatars”, hence this Wesak Festival may be a gateway that attracts one of the several kinds of Avatars that exist – such as the Avatar of Peace, the Avatar of Synthesis, or even the Christ Avatar himself.
Mercury in Taurus – Retrograde
The last time that Mercury was retrograde in this sign was in 2016-17, about seven years ago. Mercury entered Taurus on April 3 and on April 20 was stationary-direct at the new blue moon eclipse – going retrograde just a few days after; it will remain in Taurus all the way through to June 11 – after the Gemini full moon festival.
Hence – from early April to early June, Mercury occupies Taurus whilst the Sun is passing through the first three signs of the zodiac – being present for all three full moons in Aries (April 5), Taurus (May 5) and Gemini (June 4). This is quite remarkable, given the deep significance of Mercury in Taurus:
“Mercury is Budh, Wisdom, Enlightenment or `reawakening’ in the divine science.”23 Mercury here is the “Teaching Tongue” and Taurus rules the organs of speech – tongue, lips and larnyx.”
Esoterically, and as ruler of the fourth ray of Harmony through Conflict (the only ray to pass through Taurus), Mercury has a deep affinity with this sign of the Buddha. Mercury is the Messenger – as was The Buddha.
hi is intuition and corresponds to the 4th Mercury-ruled buddhic plane. Intuition supersedes the mind and all other senses – the goal of Humanity. Mercury is the “eye of the bull” (Taurus) – through its dual rulership of the ajna centre. Indeed, even the symbol for Mercury incorporates the glyph of Taurus!
Mercury is a reflector of light – in fact, “Mercury receives seven times more light than any other planet.”24, believed to be within the orbit of Mercury:
“The light of Vulcan and the light of the Sun are one light and these three—Mercury, Vulcan and the Sun—stand for a synthesis and a radiance which eventually dims the light of Mercury and it “falls” into the background and Vulcan too becomes invisible and only the Sun remains.”25
M e r c u r y m i r r o r s that which is above – to that which is below, the Messenger from the plane of pure spirit or Adi, to the gross physical plane. Hence, the relation between the Mercury-ruled fourth ray, earthy Taurus – the “mother of illumination” and Vulcan:
“… the task of Mercury in connection with humanity has gone forward most satisfactorily and has brought humanity to its present point of evolution upon the probationary path; that the energy of Vulcan is potently making its presence felt, and hence the struggles going on upon the planet between the men of will—selfish and ambitious—and the men of good-will who are desirous of the good of the whole.”26
These “struggles” relate to the great duality within which Humanity finds itself. Indeed, the Buddha gained illumination through the many struggles to which he subjected himself. These dualities are expressed powerfully through the fourth ray – via the extremes of the valley and mountain, ecstasy and depression, black and white, feast or fast, celibacy or satiation, beauty or the beast, war and peace.
Mercury is also the hierarchical ruler of Taurus polar opposite Scorpio – which also has only the fourth ray passing through it. Scorpio is known as the “human hierarchy”, or “The Initiates” that we will eventually become.
When Mercury is retrograde in Taurus, one must also deal with the unowned or unintegrated shadow of polar opposite Scorpio – themes of power, control, sex satisfaction, fear, hatred, paranoia, scheming, subterfuge.
Hence, during Mercury’s sojourn in Taurus, especially when retrograde, there will be ample opportunity for reflection – as there always is in a Mercury retrograde period. But the Taurus flavour will be there esoterically and more visibly exoterically:
Reassessment of Taurus themes around desire for food, sex and money. Inertia, crystallisation of ideas, idee fixe, stubborness and resistance to change – being “bull-headed”, forceful or dictatorial.
Fast Mercury finds itself at odds with much slower, ruminating Taurus, hence the pace of life might be annoyingly sluggish! Interminable problems with your mobile phone connection or an online account with a big company?
A disconnect between mind (Mercury) and body (Taurus) can also occur, requiring remedial concentration and alignment, getting grounded by doing some tai chi, yoga, hiking, being out in mother nature etc.
At another level, Mercury in Taurus can stimulate the desire for knowing and illumination, the penetration into knowledge and the acquisition of wisdom, opening of the “Buddha eye”, the evocation of the intuition or creativity in the arts.
Taurus Rising Robert F. Kennedy Jnr: 2024 Presidential Candidate
(See also the author’s astro-analysis of RFK Jr. in 2020.)
“Robert Francis Kennedy Jr. (born January 17, 1954) is an American environmental lawyer and author known for promoting anti-vaccine propaganda and conspiracy theories.” (Wikipedia)
Naturally, the consensus media of which Wikipedia is a major player, would characterise RFK Jr. like this – as have most television and print media, mockingly prefacing their articles about RFK’s candidacy with, “… anti vaxxer and conspiracy theorist, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. etc. etc.”
And because of this, many observers have said that RFK Jr. does not stand a chance in elections. Yet the fact that he is running is a huge poke in the eye for the crumbling political establishment – and perhaps especially the Democrats, under whose banner he will run – given his family’s long history with that party. Better he run as an independent, observers say – he will be undermined by his own party just as Bernie Sanders was in 2016.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (Speculative rectified chart.)
The horoscope above is based upon rectification that uses one or two events, so is speculative. Yet, as discussed in the author’s original RFK Jr. analysis, Taurus fits well. (Astro-analysis of RFK Jr. in 2020.) If RFK is Taurus rising, then it represents his soul purpose where,
“The Taurean upon the way of liberation would do well to employ the method of directed and motivated speech – of an outgoing and explanatory nature, in order to transform himself from one who goes wilfully on his personality way – into a wise cooperator with the Plan.”27
This “directed and motivated speech – of an outgoing and explanatory nature” – most certainly corresponds to what RFK does, despite obvious physical difficulties. He uses the “hammer aspect” of Vulcan the Smithy, to “hammer the nail home” in speech and in writing. Taurus is also a sign associated with Mother Earth, as is RFK’s Cancer moon – and he has fought environmental issues in the courts for decades.
The ephemerides for Vulcan are regarded by scholars as inaccurate, but most agree that Vulcan is ,”8 degrees either side of the sun” – collaborated by the statement, “The light of Vulcan and the light of the Sun are one light and these three—Mercury, Vulcan and the Sun—stand for a synthesis and a radiance … “.28
Hence, Vulcan is either in late Capricorn or early Aquarius. The chart above has used the L.H. Weston ephemeris which may be closer to the truth – Vulcan in Aquarius, conjunct the midheaven and the most elevated planet in RFK’s horoscope. As the USA is an Aquarian soul, it is fitting that a presidential candidate has the ruling esoteric planet in Aquarius.
Note that the two rulers of the first ray of will-power (undoubtedly in RFK’s ray structure), are Pluto and Vulcan. Vulcan the down-pointing arrow, representing the descent of spirit into matter, and Pluto the new up-pointing arrow, symbolising the ascent of matter into spirit. The former rules the crown chakra, whilst the latter rules the base chakra. One is closest to the sun, the other furthest from the sun – they encapsulate the extremes of the solar system.
Bearing in mind that RFK has Mars and Saturn in Scorpio,
“Pluto, transmitting first ray energy, rules Scorpio, the sign of discipleship, of the man ready for the fusion brought about through the influence of the sacred planets, and governs the house of major separations and of death. “The arrow of God pierces the heart and death takes place.” But in this connection it must be remembered that death is definitely brought about by the soul. It is the soul which shoots the arrow of death. (The upward pointing arrow is the astrological symbol of Pluto.)”29
Some characteristics of Vulcan in Aquarius:
“Forging the group structure. The Will of the Hierarchy (ruled by Aquarius as the NGWS is ruled by Taurus). The “Will-to-Serve”. The Will-to-Renovate – building the new society. The power of an “idea whose time has come”. Forging the “new Heaven and the new Earth”, with the help of Uranus.
Astral body is cleansed of low desire at the second degree – by the power of spiritual will. Group Will replaces individual self-will at the third degree. The initiate experiences the solar vitality of the buddhic plane at the fourth degree.”30
If Vulcan is in early degrees of Aquarius, then first ray co-ruler Pluto is due to pass over Vulcan in the next few years, destroying with Pluto and forging in Vulcan’s smithy the new Aquarian dispensation. (See later transits analysis.)
A short, moving message about love, compassion and kindness … the repair reunification of the USA.
“In the announcement speech, Kennedy vowed to “make as many Americans as possible forget that they are Republicans or Democrats and remember that they are Americans,” arguing that people “need to focus on the values we share instead of the issues that divide us.”
Kennedy also lashed out at the censorship of dissidents as “not only antithetical to our most fundamental values, it is counterproductive in that it fuels the flames of polarization, alienation, and anger.” He added that the “blizzard of misinformation” in America will only end when the government and the media start telling the truth.
In some of the excerpts from his speech posted on Twitter, Kennedy said that many Americans believe their republic has been subverted by “a new brand of corporate feudalism, or a corporate kleptocracy.” The US doesn’t have fair market capitalism but “corporate crony capitalism, where the rules are written by billionaires and incumbents and large corporations, to stack the deck against the middle class,” he said.”31
RFK hails from a rich family lineage of progressive politicians, touted as American heroes – father Bobby Kennedy (Attorney General who ran for president) – and his uncle, President John F. Kennedy – both assassinated for daring to challenge the status quo, events that still remain a deep scar within the American psyche.
That period of the 1960’s, with the assassination of Martin Luther King – marked the steady decline of democracy and the beginning of a creeping fascism in the USA. Of course the family pedigree may help RFK’s chances – but his extraordinary public service stands on its own – and it is this that the American public must recognise, by breaking through the media propaganda that will attempt to block him at every turn.
Indeed, RFK has earnt the right not to use Jr. after his name – with father long departed and son having stepped into his shoes. Many people are thrilled that he will be running for president (with a huge support team), especially announcing his candidacy on the new moon eclipse April 19. Sounds like he might already have astrological advice!
Its an ironic twist within the spiritual community, many of whom wholly endorsed the vaccine lies of the past few years – and are also dyed-in-the wool Democrats, will now be confronted with one of the few true democrats left in the party – but whom they have dismissed as an anti-vaxxer and conspiracy theorist.
Here is an example of where political polarisation and belief prevents true discrimination when it comes to the truth. RFK is a person who is immune from Big Pharma and other corporate bribery, who has a solid track record as an attorney fighting environmental injustices for Americans.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Announces candidacy in Boston, April 19, 2023. 11 am. (Washington, same time zone.)
(The new moon was April 20, at 12.12 am, some 14 hours after candidacy announcement.)
The transits for the new moon eclipse make an extraordinary number of powerful aspects to RFK’s horoscope. These patterns will be a strong foundation for running for president – indeed, some are in orb of aspect right up to the election:
1. New moon eclipse in Aries square Sun-Mercury in Capricorn. RFK’s candidacy announcement comes around 14 hours before the actual new moon, during the monthly “dark cycle” – or balsamic moon phase.
This is a very initiatory and testing phase where the candidate for initiation is left to his own devices, to find his way out of the dark labyrinth. Balsamic phases are very Pluto-Scorpio and RFK has that energy in spades – with Saturn and warrior Mars in Scorpio. Mercury is the messenger and communicator, something that RFK has done much, under the incredible strain of spasmodic dysphonia (As detailed in the author’s original article on RFK Jr.)
The square pattern of the eclipse to his Sun-Mercury will provide a dynamic point of tension from which to work. RFK has been through many battles in his life, and throwing his hat into the presidential race will most likely be the biggest battle of his life. This is RFK’s time, he will “go-for-broke” now, regardless of the cost, putting his life on the line in the face of insuperable odds.
RFK has a Mercury, Sun and Venus conjunction in Capricorn – square Neptune in Libra, hence this aspect will be highly activated by the eclipse. Neptune is the visionary and RFK is capable of inspiring the masses, as his public talks in recent years reveal. (Obama has Sun square Neptune and was able to effect a similar mass appeal with his “hope” mantra.)
2. Moon-Jupiter in Aries – grand cross to Venus-Uranus-Nodes-Neptune. Similar to the previous aspect but with a big boost from Moon-Jupiter in Aries that will amplify RFK’s “day of seeding” for president.
3. Transiting Pluto conjunct Sun-Mercury until end of 2024. Transiting Pluto has been passing back and forth across RFK’s Sun-Mercury since March 2021 – in the middle of the pandemic, giving him a powerful and persuasive influence in hundreds of public talks, interviews, podcasts etc.
Pluto is incisive and penetrating, and during that time RFK penned best selling books such as The Real Anthony Fauci, which tore apart the lies and pretence of this highly influential pharma-czar/shill in the vaccine program.
Now and until the end of 2024, transiting Pluto passes back and forth across Sun-Mercury, but this time most of Pluto’s time will be focused on Mercury the Messenger, empowering RFK’s message – right up to the exact time of the election on November 5.
Transiting Pluto on Mercury is potent and persuasive for others to adopt your ideas. The deep perception of Pluto unerringly unearths the truth, using x-ray perception and concrete facts. It will of course, produce powerful opposition from others.
4. Transiting Saturn and progressed Mercury in Pisces, trine Moon in Cancer. Saturn is the ruler of RFK’s Capricorn personality, and its passage through Pisces will cover a period when a lot of people will be coming to terms with what has happened in the past few years. As stated in last month’s newsletter regarding Saturn in Pisces:
“… in its lower expression is the jailer, the imprisoner and Pisces is associated with this theme. The 12th sign Pisces brings its meaning to the 12th house area of life experience pertaining to prisons: “The prison house of matter … hence the symbol of Pisces, the two fishes linked together by a band.”
Yet Pisces is also about liberation from our self-created prisons: “In Pisces there is the death of all attachments and the liberation of the soul for service upon an universal scale.”
Saturn in Pisces can bring about emotional understanding, compassion and catharsis – yet can also be prone to an over-active, fearful imagination, imagined slights, anxieties, paranoia, excessive worry and regrets over the past.
As Pisces is a sign of reflection and completion, reviewing the past few years may bring many people to profound realisations of what actually happened. Hence an healing cycle may begin, where the emotional intensity of those years is recognised and integrated.”32
From early to late 2024, transiting Saturn will be making an harmonious trine aspect to RFK’s Moon in Cancer, that is quite close to USA’s (1776) Sun in Cancer. Cancer is a sign of mass consciousness and RFK has a very good chance of consolidating his communication by reaching the people in really fundamental ways.
Transiting Saturn will not only be trining RFK’s Cancer moon, but also conjunct progressed Mercury in Pisces – another sign of the masses, like Cancer – since they share the common ruler of Neptune. Saturn brings ideas (Mercury) into form (Saturn). Furthermore, transiting Saturn will continue to trine RFK’s progressed Mercury until early 2024, allowing for a further eloquent expression of practical principles.
5. Progressed Moon opposite Cancer Moon. At the candidacy announcement, RFK’s progressed Moon was in Capricorn, precisely opposite the Cancer natal moon. Here is indicated his clash with the establishment (Capricorn) – both Democrats and Republicans.
Taurus rising and a Cancer moon make for a powerful combination around protecting Mother Earth. RFK has won many environmental battles over decades -fighting for the rights of ordinary people marginalised by Big Biz. Vulcan, as soul ruler of his Taurus rising soul purpose – will provide great persevering strength to stay the distance.
6. Transiting Mars-Ascendant conjunct Cancer moon. More extraordinary hits to RFK’s Cancer moon – just a few degrees from USA’s Sun in Cancer (1776 chart). Likewise, the ascendant for the 11 am announcement on April 19, was exactly conjunct USA’s Sun in Cancer! Below is the announcement horoscope, Cancer rising with Mars on the ascendant, conjunct USA’s sun in Cancer.
Cancer’s exoteric ruler the Moon is powerfully conjunct Jupiter in Aries. Neptune, Cancer’s esoteric ruler – is on the midheaven dominating the chart. Here is intuition and inspiration that RFK can both receive and distribute.
Some astrologers might see this as a weak aspect, especially because Neptune makes a minor quintile aspect to only one other planet, Venus in Gemini. Yet Venus in Gemini is adept at communicating with the people, finding what is in common, and combined with Neptune’s inspiration, is a formidable pairing.
Furthermore, Venus in Gemini is on USA’s Uranus in Gemini, the ruler of its Aquarian soul purpose. Hence, RFK has the capacity to swing his nation back onto the Aquarian path from which it has wandered.
7. Transiting Mercury-Uranus opposite Mars in Scorpio. Here is RFK’s spiritual warrior Mars, activated by Mercury the Messenger – and Uranus, ruler of USA’s Aquarian soul purpose. But transiting Uranus has already done most of the preparation work, having opposed Mars in Scorpio for the past three years, seeing RFK take a (notorious) stand on the vaccine issue.
8. Transiting Uranus conjunct Taurus ascendant. (Aug.2024 to May 2025) If RFK’s rectified rising sign degree is accurate, then this transit will carry him through to the end of his campaign and beyond. Uranus is the great awakener, liberator, radical, reformer and rebel – exhibited already in RFK:
“The task of Uranus, hidden in the depths, is to awaken and evoke the intuitive response of Taurus to an ever-increasing light until such time that full illumination is achieved and also the development of the spiritual consciousness—substituting these higher soul aspects for the lower form reactions.”33
But if the rising sign is the emblem of soul purpose, and Taurus rules the organs of speech, this is another transit that will assist RFK’s communication (already challenged through his spasmodic dysphonia). Who knows, a transit like this could reflect a major breakthrough with that condition!
9. Transiting Pluto conjunct Vulcan in Aquarius. If Vulcan is in early degrees of Aquarius, then first ray co-ruler Pluto is due to pass over Vulcan in the next few years, destroying with Pluto and forging in Vulcan’s smithy the new Aquarian dispensation. This period will go well into 2027, where Pluto will pass over the proposed degree of Vulcan in Aquarius – and anywhere near that, including RFK’s midheaven – the public, career etc. If ever there was a prediction about an “unlikely” candidate achieving success, this might be a major indicator.
The following video analysis is long but very interesting, regarding the issues that RFK covered in his first campaign speech, dealing with US history going back to the 1950’s, the formation of the CIA, JFK, RFK Sr. and the many intrigues that have unfolded until present day. There are some parallels between RFK Jr’s run for president and his father RFK Sr’s.
There is a very real possibility that RFK could rise from underdog status to being a serious contender – as he channels his truth to the nation – especially with transiting Pluto conjunct his Mercury in Capricorn!
The Law of Reciprocity: Money, Taurus-Venus 2nd House
Taurus is one of the main signs of money, as is the second house of the horoscope which derives its meaning from the second sign Taurus – ruled by Venus:
“Venus, governing the second House, which is concerned with economics, the distribution of money and metals and which rules Taurus, the “seed house” of illumination and the new emerging light.”34
This newsletter has been distributed for around 20 years, and one of its greatest challenges is reminding readers about the Law of Reciprocity: Only about 1% of subscribers donate regularly.
This work is a calling and a privilege to offer – including book publications and webinars that support the dissemination of the Ageless Wisdom teachings. Your contributions make this work possible and I wish to give heartfelt thanks to all those who have supported this work over the years – and to others who contribute in the future.
A blessed Wesak to everyone!
Phillip Lindsay © 2023.
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Aquarian Wisdom Centre
Zoom webinar for Aries 2023 will be Wednesday, May 3 at 18.00 UT.
Meeting link at Aquarian Wisdom Centre
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.384. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology II, Alice A. Bailey. p.683. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology II, Alice A. Bailey. p.643. [↩]
- The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. p.229. [↩]
- Discipleship in the New Age I, Alice A. Bailey. p.165. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology II, Alice A. Bailey. p.241. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.384. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.244. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.538. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.238. [↩]
- Glamour: A World Problem, Alice A. Bailey p.123. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.89. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology I, Alice A. Bailey. p.663. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.397. [↩]
- reddit.com [↩]
- independent.co.uk [↩]
- Initiation, Human and Solar, Alice A. Bailey. p.172. [↩]
- Dalai Lama XIV, Michael D. Robbins. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology I, Alice A. Bailey. p.268. [↩]
- Aries newsletter [↩]
- Office of his holiness the Dalai Lama/Handout via Reuters. [↩]
- Michael D. Robbins [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology I, Alice A. Bailey. p.663. [↩]
- The Secret Doctrine II, H.P. Blavatsky. p.27.) Mercury is also associated with Taurus through the soul ruler of this sign, Vulcan ((A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p.206. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.133. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.264. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.397. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.132. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.509. [↩]
- Vulcan through the Signs, Michael D. Robbins [↩]
- RT News [↩]
- esotericastrologer.org [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.401. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.538. [↩]
Thank you for your explanation regarding the incident with HH Dalai Lama. It is true that the tongue is an expression of endearment. HH would never be part of anything base. The demons that are swarming the earth right now, will try to denounce all goodness.
Thank you for this month’s “clarity-giving” episode.
Dear Phillip,
Congratulations on your very successful conference; very well attended. Also, we appreciated your presentation at a recent Triangles meditation wherein you provided insights using esoteric astrology and rayology. Since Michael Robbins and Allen Oaken passed over, I think you may be one of the few remaining teachers in these two exalted sciences; you and William Meader. We need to train-up the next generation.
Somewhere I read [someone please tell me where this text exists] that one of DK’s disciples was also greeted by him with the traditional Tibetan sticking out of the tongue. The disciple said the first time they were somewhat “befuddled” because in American culture only ill-mannered little urchins did that. There was a 1930’s television program called “Our Gang” where a band of 8-year-old little boys, called “Rascals” would stick out their tongues at prim and proper little girls who bested them. What’s not to love about that little bit of “stick”. [Leave it to the CCP not to appreciate the humor.]
Tibetan greetings to all,
Excellent commentary – I might point out something you may not be very familiar with, however – with respect to the recent shootings and also related to Gender Dysphoria. There has recently been some emergent recognition that a primary contributor to vaccine brain damage is from mercury and aluminum “adjuvants” leading to ADHD, parkinsons and other neuropathies [see Mr. Aluminum]. With SSRI drug medications these appear to then be a major contributor to Gender Dysphoria. See Robbie Rose, who has done a few comedic routines on ChildrensHealthDefense. org – former genetic research scientist and lawyer – who has been researching school shootings and child/teen brain disorders. She has been on podcasts and regularly on a show I did not yet locate, but have listened to her on CHD.TV and another podcast. Here are links: [space to prevent blocking]
https: //live.childrenshealthdefense.org/chd-tv/shows/an-informed-life-radio-with-bernadette-pajer/ssris–the-courage-to-change-course/
https: //podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/27-the-mrc-5-transgender-connection-with-robbie-rose-part-2/id1597517757?i=1000544480038
Thanks Phillip for sharing,
I would like to highlight the beautiful first video (Part 1) that Svetlana Orlova proposes to us at the conference “Russia’s Dualities and Bridges”, (Aries 2023).
Her “magical” presentation reminded me of the videos by Akiane Kramarik, an exquisite artist. The presence of the 7th Ray is evident in both.
In Akiane’s natal chart, (without forgetting the role of Scorpio/4ºR), the signs Cancer and Capricorn, carriers of the 7th Ray, show a lot of power. In Cancer the ascendant, the sun and the moon are positioned, and in Capricorn, Neptune and Uranus….
Phillip’s article about Akiane, the child prodigy: https://esotericastrologer.org/newsletters/cancer-mediumship-child-prodigy-akiane/
From the spiritual essence, having a vision of the divine purpose is knowing, feeling, speaking, playing, discovering, sharing, fighting, teaching, meditating, building, proposing, organizing…, with Love.
May the Light of Wesak illuminate Humanity!!
Hello, Phillip,
The painting featured in your Taurus 2023 newsletter with the caption “Wesak Valley – Mt. Kailash’s pyramid-shaped summit on the right. (Artist unknown)” is a work by the world-renowned Brazilian watercolorist Ari de Goes Jr. He is also a member of Núcleo Aquariano Brasil (www.nucleoaquarianobrasil.org), study group and website that promotes the work of DK/Alice Bailey and others. Our site also had the privilege of exhibiting this painting in this auspicious month of Wesak.
Best Regards,
Thanks very much Beth, I did search for that image for a while, so am glad t has been identified and now changed accordingly!
Amazing newsletter…what is your latest book on hidden history of humanity? Can I order from you instead of Amazon ? Can I use pay pal to send donation .? Many blessings for your great work 🌹🙏💜
Unveiling Genesis: Mysteries of the Rootraces and Cycles is the updated version of the original Hidden History of Humanity – which is the name of my documentary on the subject.
If you live in the USA, you can buy it from my website, if outside the USA – best to get in on US Amazon (use VPN). Video is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HnesDbATwsI There also seven language subtitles to choose from.