Virgo 2020: Elizabeth R. Mercury. Regulus. Hiroshima. Beirut. France – Nuclear Fusion. NRA. Coronavirus part VI.
Virgo Keynote
“I am the Mother and the Child. I, God, I matter am.”
(Full Moon: Sept.2, 2020. 5.21 am UT.)
Elizabeth R: The Virgin Queen
Leo-Virgo and the Mystery of the Sphinx
Mercury in Virgo
Regulus in Virgo: Leo New Moon
Hiroshima 75th Anniversary
Beirut Blasted: Mars-Jupiter Devastation
France and the Nuclear Fusion Project
NRA Lawsuit
Coronavirus Part VI: The Clamour and Glamour of Coronavirus
___Virgo & Discrimination: Crisis in Critical Thinking
___Socrates – Father of Critical Thinking
___Brazil and Media Propaganda
___Facebook Hypocrisy
___Documentaries for Reflection
___Miscellaneous Opinions
___Lockdown a “Monumental Mistake”
___Pandemic: Saturn-Pluto Karmic Reapers
___Virgo’s Australia and New Zealand
___Australia: Virgo Soul
___Mars, Pluto and the Burning Ground: August 10-16
___The Melbourne Masque-rade
___Australian Flu Statistics 2017, 2019
___New Zealand: Virgo Personality
___WEF Book: “Virus itself is of little concern”
Elizabeth R: The Virgin Queen
If ever there was a great subject for study of an advanced soul, it is the extraordinary life and long reign of Queen Elizabeth I or Elizabeth R, as portrayed in various books, documentaries and movies.
“Elizabeth is acknowledged as a charismatic performer and a dogged survivor in an era when government was ramshackle and limited, and when monarchs in neighbouring countries faced internal problems that jeopardised their thrones. After the short reigns of her half-siblings, her 44 years on the throne provided welcome stability for the kingdom and helped forge a sense of national identity”1
Queen Elizabeth I had the sun in Virgo, moon in Taurus, with a soul purpose Capricorn rising – indicating that she may have taken a major initiation in that life. She reigned for 44 years, an almost unprecedented span of time for a monarch, let alone a female sovereign of that period.
In many ways, Elizabeth had to play a man’s role to make some very tough decisions, even donning armour and riding to a battlefield – to give a rousing speech to soldiers. (Shades of Harry, Henry V!) The anticipated battle with the Spanish armada emerged after she was politically forced to sentence the Catholic Mary Queen of Scots – to the gallows. In a pique of wounded religious pride, the deeply Catholic Spanish (One of the main forces of The Inquisition), declared war on Britain but lost to Drake’s ships that out-manoevered the ill-planned Spanish attack.
Elizabeth was sometimes referred to as the Virgin Queen on account of not being married or having children – at least officially, as there is ample proof that she married Robert Darnley in secret, bearing at least two children. One of those children was said to Sir Francis Bacon, an advanced initiate who would preside over the future court of James I, king of a greater Britain that included Scotland – the birth place of his executed mother, Mary Queen of Scots.
Elizabeth’s parents were the infamous Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn (executed a few years after Elizabeth’s birth) – and she inherited his gold/red hair, a sign of Celtic heritage. Ironically, the Celts are related more closely to Scotland, Wales and Ireland, whilst England has more Anglo-Saxon roots from middle Europe.
Hence, Elizabeth found herself with a fiery Celtic temperament that did not suffer fools gladly and may have allowed her to deal better with the Catholic-Celtic Scottish, French and Spanish. With her red hair and pale skin, she looked the archetypal Virgo Celt.
Elizabeth had the high intelligence of Virgo and its meticulous scholarship to match. Virgo ruler Mercury was placed in Libra the balance and law, trine to Mars – in Mercury-ruled Gemini, sign of communications. This combination gave her a gift for languages, speaking and writing French, Flemish, Italian and Spanish:
“By age 12 she was able to translate her stepmother Catherine Parr’s religious work Prayers or Meditations from English into Italian, Latin, and French, which she presented to her father as a New Year’s gift. From her teenage years and throughout her life she translated works in Latin and Greek by numerous classical authors, including … Cicero … Boethius … Plutarch, and Tacitus.
…By the time her formal education ended in 1550, Elizabeth was one of the best educated women of her generation. At the end of her life, Elizabeth was also believed to speak Welsh, Cornish, Scottish and Irish in addition to the languages mentioned above. The Venetian ambassador stated in 1603 that she “possessed [these] languages so thoroughly that each appeared to be her native tongue”.”2
A precocious and extraordinary skill-set prepared this sovereign for interaction with leaders and diplomats of diverse European nations for a period of 44 years! Elizabeth must have also been gifted with a prodigious memory and for this the Moon in Taurus equipped her. Taurus is the mother of illumination and the moon is the esoteric ruler of Virgo, further strengthening her role as a powerful female leader. Moon in Taurus also represents a thirst for acquiring higher knowledge and a retentive memory to capture it all!
Her interest in the deep philosophers is reflected by Jupiter in Sagittarius square to the Sun in Virgo, and opposite Mars in Gemini. Mars in Gemini can be very verbose, a tricky chameleon, a bald-faced liar if required – and quick to navigate the pitfalls of politics:
“As England’s sovereign, Elizabeth said a great deal. She gave speeches, wrote letters, poems and prayers. Her comments, in public and private, were recorded by ministers, courtiers and ambassadors. But it is often difficult to be certain of what she actually meant. Her intellect is clear in every word she ever wrote or spoke. Infinitely less clear are her intentions and emotions, the tone and the sincerity or otherwise of what she said, hidden as they always were behind the carapace of a carefully constructed public self.
Her unreadability is not a trick of the historical light. Elizabeth was as unfathomable to her contemporaries as she is to posterity. As the Spanish ambassador in London wrote in 1566 – significantly, concerning the personally as well as politically fraught question of whether Elizabeth would choose to marry – “she is so nimble in her dealing and threads in and out of this business in such a way that her most intimate favourites fail to understand her, and her intentions are therefore variously interpreted”. And if it was hard to be sure of her intentions when she spoke, still more challenging is the task of interpreting her silence.”3
There is much of the third ray of active-intelligence in Elizabeth’s expression, the third ray having many similarities with the third sign Gemini. Serving a traditionally male sovereign role in a female body, Elizabeth embodied the Divine Hermaphrodite, epitomised by Leo-Virgo; she needed to arm her intellect with the best weapons, so she could hold her own, her unique position in history:
“Using elevated language replete with irony, sarcasm, reference to pagan antiquity as well as Biblical verse, and sheer linguistic dexterity, Elizabeth made it evident to the all-male assemblies she addressed that her female gender, though dismissed by the conventional wisdom of the time as too weak to rule, would prove no impediment in the pursuit of her intentions.”4
The Elizabethan Age was regarded as a golden age in English history, a renaissance and flowering of poetry, music and literature – the most famous of which was William Shakespeare, the amanuensis or pseudonym for the writings of Sir Francis Bacon. National pride was inspired by classical ideals, international expansion and naval triumph over Spain.
“The symbol of Britannia (feminine personification of Britain) was first used in 1572 … “England was economically healthier, more expansive, and more optimistic under the Tudors” than at any time in a thousand years … It was an age of exploration and expansion abroad, while back at home, the Protestant Reformation became more acceptable to the people, most certainly after the Spanish Armada was repelled [Sir Francis Drake]. It was also the end of the period when England was a separate realm before its royal union with Scotland.”5
Hence, Elizabeth’s polished and refined demeanour, in many ways set the tone for that age. As a Capricorn rising, she had the power of a CEO (Chief Executive Officer) – who had at times make agonising and heart-breaking decisions, such as the death sentence of Mary Queen of Scots, or the loss of a lover. Elizabeth had to exert the stern (Sa-turn) side of Capricorn by ordering executions for many – such a popular tradition in those days, where being hanged, drawn and quartered was death by extreme prejudice! Capricorn ruler Saturn is placed in the opposite sign Cancer where,
“… in this sign Saturn is in the home of its detriment and thus produces those difficult conditions and situations which will lead to the needed struggle. This makes Cancer a place of symbolic imprisonment and emphasises the pains and penalties of wrong orientation. It is the conflict of the soul with its environment—consciously or unconsciously carried on—which leads to the penalties of incarnation and which provides those conditions of suffering which the soul has willingly undertaken when—with open eyes and clear vision—the soul chose the path of earth life with all its consequent sacrifices and pains, in order to salvage the lives with which it had an affinity.”6
Such a poignant passage, especially, “in order to salvage the lives with which it had an affinity”. All advanced souls are required to effect these qualities and as Capricorn the Goat is one of the major signs of initiation, it is possible the Elizabeth took the third degree initiation in that incarnation. If the story is true that she was the mother of 4th degree initiate Bacon, there is something here about the theme of one initiate “begetting” another!
No doubt there was a great gathering of “lights” or advanced souls during this very third ray Elizabethan period – of poets and playwrights, writers and astrologers, explorers and adventurers: John Dee the astrologer, kabbalist and magician, Bacon-Shakespeare, Francis Bacon as a pioneer of modern scientific thought, Christopher Marlowe playwright and poet, Sir Walter Raleigh the explorer, courtiers William Cecil and Francis Walsingham – who closely guided their Virgin Queen.
Francis Bacon assumed the person of Count Racozki in his next incarnation, from where is derived his name Master R. His next appearance was as the mysterious Count St. Germain who worked all over Europe in the 18th century. Since that period he assumed the exalted post in the Great White Brotherhood – known as the Mahachohan, or Lord of Civilisation. Naturally “The Count” is deeply involved in the imminent Externalisation of the Hierarchy, post 2025.
“I Am No Man’s Elizabeth!”
Virgo and the Mystery of the Sphinx
The sign of Virgo the Virgin follows after Leo the Lion, murmuring the mystery of the sphinx – with the body of a lion and the face of a virgin. In ancient Lemurian days these two signs were dormant – but became activated when Humanity Individualised and gained the “spark of mind” – becoming conscious, thinking souls:
“The seed of Christhood was planted in man and these two signs began to influence humanity.”7
This is a good reminder of the fact that the zodiac signs are intimately connected with human evolution – essentially groups of angelic beings that focus the energies emanating from the constellations of the zodiac. Note the difference between signs and constellations, always a source of confusion among students of astrology and astronomy.
“Virgo and Leo together stand for the whole man, for the God-man as well as for spirit-matter … when the nature of the world is revealed, then the mystery of the Sphinx will no longer exist.”8

Thoth or Mercury.
This mystery is that of the solar Angels, our souls – and the mediating principle of the mind, higher and lower, plus their relation to one another. Mercury or Thoth is the ruler of Virgo and Messenger of the Gods, mediating between the lower and higher mind. Mercury is the Son of Mind, the soul, mediating between Father and Mother, or Spirit and Matter. Yet Mercury is also the result of father-mother union. Here Leo might symbolically represent father and Virgo, mother. (Capricorn-Cancer are another similar duality.)
Similarly, this trinity can be traced in many traditions such as the Egyptian culture, where Mercury is Horus, Osiris the father and Isis the Mother – the third principle of matter or intelligence. Yet, Isis also represents love-wisdom, the second aspect of the triple goddess, Eve, Isis and Mary. Together these goddesses represent the perfecting of the expression of the Christ consciousness through all vehicles of the personality – mental, emotional and physical. The glyph for Virgo is also triple, representing the three goddesses of personality .
Hence, the feminine Virgo mother nurtures these principles over many lifetimes, hidden in the silent depths, gestating toward a gradual awakening. When Eve ate the apple of knowledge in the Garden of Eden, this was the moment of Individualisation in Lemuria, 21 million years ago – and the gradual evolution of mind since that time:
“The lure of knowledge to be gained through the experience of incarnation. Eve, therefore, took the apple of knowledge from the serpent of matter and started the long human undertaking of experiment, experience and expression …
Isis stands for this same expression down on to the emotional or astral plane. Eve has no child in her arms; the germ of the Christ life is as yet too small to make its presence felt; the involutionary process is yet too close; but in Isis the midway point is reached; the quickening of that which is desired … has taken place and Isis consequently stands in the ancient zodiacs for fertility, for motherhood and as the guardian of the child. Mary carries the process down to the plane or place of incarnation, the physical plane, and there gives birth to the Christ child.
In these three Virgins and these three Mothers of the Christ, you have the history of the formation and the function of the three aspects of the personality through which the Christ [or soul] must find expression. The sign of Virgo itself stands for a synthesis of these three feminine aspects—Eve, Isis and Mary. She is the Virgin Mother, providing that which is needed for the mental, emotional and physical expression of the hidden but ever present divinity. These three expressions are brought to the needed perfection in Leo, the sign of the individual, developed self-consciousness and personality unfoldment.”9

Winged Lilith.
It is important to remember this profound symbolism of Isis and the divine feminine, in a world where a terrorist group hijacked the name as its acronym; the latter which stands as an ugly reminder of crystallised, misogynistic patriarchy – plus blind, fanatical belief.
The period of history now, may signal a balancing from the Atlantean rootrace where at one stage that civilisation was dominated by a matriarchy. Lilith was the last of these Virgin goddesses and the Amazons were part of the ancient Atlantean culture in Asia Minor.
As Humanity makes the transition to the coming Sixth Rootrace, a gradual marriage between matriarchy and patriarchy will ensue, producing eventually a blended and balanced hierarchy – in a civilisation totally different to the one that we know now. Of this, the furthering of women’s rights and growing awareness of equality between the sexes today, is its promise. (For another reflection, see the author’s Leo 2011: Leo-Virgo, Mystery Sphinx. Lemuria. Hermaphrodite.)
Mercury in Virgo
As the sun and Mercury have just entered Virgo on their annual cycle, it might be timely to consider Mercury in greater depth, in the following mini-compilation. In exoteric astrology, Mercury in Virgo is regarded as a function of the lower mind through its capacity for analysis, discrimination, precision, data crunching etc. But Mercury is far more than that – spanning the lower (concrete) and higher (abstract) mind, and also involved in the building the antahkarana or bridge between.
Ultimately, Mercury is beyond the mind altogether, ruling the intuition, or direct knowledge, the plane of buddhi that exists above the mental plane. In fact, Mercury creates a mind-wisdom synthesis that functions through the soul. Mercury reaches its full power in Virgo where intelligence, is blended with wisdom or pure reason (intuition). Hence the role of Mercury the Messenger between all these states or stages of consciousness:
“Mercury … signifies the versatile energy of the Son of Mind, the soul. It is interchangeable for the Sun (Son) and stands for the Mediator or intermediary, between the Father and the Mother, between Spirit and Matter, and yet is the result of the union of these two.10
This association of Mercury with the lower and higher mind, “produces that interior struggle between the exoteric not-self and the esoteric self, between the form-consciousness … and the soul within all forms.”11
In Esoteric Astrology it is important to trace the exoteric and esoteric rulerships of planets through the signs, because the planets link the signs to one another, in terms of unfolding consciousness. Mercury rules Aries esoterically, Gemini and Virgo exoterically and Scorpio “hierarchically”. Hence, considering the symbolic gestation period of nine months, where there is a “quickening” at around five months (Aries to Virgo):
“Mercury … leads Aries to Virgo where the idea or Word of God begins to take form, and consequently the latent life in Aries comes to the ‘crisis of the birth hour … though the birth of the individual Christ [soul] takes place in Capricorn, at the close of the needed gestation period.”12
Mercury is also regarded as the “principle of illusion” due to its relationship with the lower mind and its limitations:
“When Mercury, the divine Messenger, the principle of illusion and the expression of the active higher mind, has performed his mission and ‘led humanity into the light’ and the Christ-child out of the womb of time and of the flesh into the light of day and of manifestation, then the task of that great centre we call humanity will be accomplished.
Ponder on this for the significance of esoteric astrology will emerge more clearly in your minds if you can understand this fourfold activity of Mercury and the inter-relation of these four signs of the zodiac—connected as they are with the logoic Quaternary.13
Despite Mercury’s association with the lower and higher mind, it also has a profound relation to the second ray of Love-Wisdom, the ray which expresses more powerfully through Virgo in this greater cycle than any other sign:
“Virgo is regarded by the esoteric teachers … to be identified with the third aspect of divinity [active-intelligence], with the mother principle and is believed to be the director of the energies, developed and recognised in the first solar system. It is for this reason in this solar system that Virgo is subjected predominantly to the influence of the second, fourth and sixth ray energies through Jupiter (second ray) the Moon and Mercury (fourth ray) and Neptune (sixth ray).”14
Yes, we are in the second of the three incarnations by the Solar Logos of almost immeasurably long durations! Virgo is ruled exoterically by Mercury, esoterically by the Moon (veiling Vulcan) and hierarchically by Jupiter, the ruler of the second ray of Love-Wisdom:
“Through these three planetary rulers the energies of the fourth ray pour, governing the mind through Mercury and the physical form through the Moon; the energies of the first ray [Vulcan], expressive of the will of God, begin their control of the self-conscious man (unfolded in Leo) and the energies of the second ray, embodying the love of God, pour through into manifestation.
Will, love and harmony through conflict—such are the controlling forces which make man what he is and such are the governing and directing energies which use the mind (Mercury), the emotional nature, love (in Jupiter) and the physical body (the Moon, or esoteric will [Vulcan]) for purposes of divine expression and manifestation.
It will be obvious to you that the task of Mercury in connection with humanity has gone forward most satisfactorily and has brought humanity to its present point of evolution upon the probationary path.”15

“The influences of Sirius, three in number, are focused in Regulus, which is … a star of the first magnitude and which is frequently called “the heart of the Lion.”
Regulus in Virgo: Leo New Moon
In the very subjective cycle of the new moon on August 19, 2020 – bear in mind that August or Leo is the month of the Dog Star, Sirius. Associated with Sirius, the star Regulus acts as a conduit or amplifier of Sirian force:
“The influences of Sirius, three in number, are focussed in Regulus, which is, as you know, a star of the first magnitude and which is frequently called “the heart of the Lion.””16
Note the phrase “three in number” referring to the influences of Sirius – alluding to a triple Sirian system of stars. The ancient Dogon tribe in Mali, Africa, believed in the existence of a Sirian triple system, including the white dwarf star Sirius B (invisible to the naked eye), well before its discovery by telescope in 1862.

S= Sirius A (sigi tolo – “Star of Yasigi”.) Da-b= Sirius B the “egg of the world,” at extreme orbital positions (po tolo – “Star of Fonio”.) E= Sirius C (emme ya tolo – “Star of Sorghum Female”) showing “rays” surrounding it. “Put at the centre of the egg as the Sun at the centre of the solar system.” Fa= Sirius C’s planet (nyan tolo – “Star of Women”). The small spiral shows it is a satellite of “Sorghum Female.” Fb= “Sign of women”. Fc= “Sex of women”. R, N= Mythical personages. R= Yurugu, the Fox. N= Nommo, the Fish.13.
The Dogon may have derived their knowledge from the ancient Egyptians, the second subrace of our Fifth Rootrace. In their cosmology, the very esoteric and ‘unproved’ Sirius C is placed at the centre.
Regulus has just moved into Virgo tropically, but still remains in Leo sidereally. At the new moon, the sun and moon in Leo were conjunct Regulus, and even more closely – Mercury in late Leo. Mercury as ruler of the fourth ray, has an unique relation to Sirius, the so-called fourth cosmic path that many of liberated Earth humanity will take. Also, Mercury is part of a higher esoteric quaternary: Sirius > Leo > Mercury > Saturn.
Mercury is also the ruler of the following sign Virgo, which is another of the seven zodiac signs associated with Sirius, particularly the archetype of the goddess Isis – said to be symbolic of Sirius A, the brightest star in the night sky. That Leo new moon planted the subjective seed for the full moon in Virgo-Pisces on Sept. 2. Like Cancer-Capricorn, the Virgo-Pisces axis gives another varied expression of Sirain forces.

Isis with Sirius and/or Venus upon her head.
In the Egyptian tradition, Isis is synonymous with Sirius (the Nile star), just as Osiris relates to Orion. Note the connection of Isis with water, a symbol of the astral plane, just as Eve is associated with the mental and Mary with the physical. With regard to Pisces (a water sign like Cancer):
“The central light of Sirius shone through the eye of the Son; the vision came. The light of wisdom penetrated into the waters and cast the radiance of the Heavens into the depths. At this attractive call, the goddess rose unto the surface (the fish-goddess, the symbol of Pisces. A.A.B.) and welcomed the light within the depths and grasped it as her own …
And then the heavens within the ring-pass-not responded to the light from Sirius which, passing through the sea of Pisces, lifted the fishes into the heavenly sphere (Uranus) and thus a lesser triple light appeared, the radiant sun of suns, the watery light of Pisces, the heavenly light of Uranus …” ((Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.432.))
Hence, Sirius >>> Pisces >>> Uranus >>> Hierarchy on Earth >>> Heart centre of disciple >>> Solar plexus centre of disciple.17
There is much to be thought out here as Uranus does not traditionally relate to Pisces. However, it is related to the synthesis of heart (Pisces) and mind (Uranus). Sirius represents the blending of both.
Hiroshima’s 75th Anniversary
Shortly after Beirut’s tragic mushroom cloud, Aug.6 was the 75th anniversary of the first atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima, killing directly 70,000 Japanese – and about 160,000 indirectly. In the words of one of the bomb’s creators – Robert Oppenheimer, when witnessing its terrifying force, quoted the Bhagavad Gita – “Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.”
Indeed, the lord of death, recently discovered Pluto – was in Leo conjunct the Sun in Leo – on August 6, 1945. Leo is a sign that the first ray of will or power passes through, hence the potency of the Leonine king. The first ray is ruled by Pluto and Vulcan – Pluto is its “destroyer aspect” and Vulcan its “building aspect”.
Whilst Pluto (plutonium) is powerful in this horoscope, so is Uranus (uranium) dominating the midheaven conjunct Mars in Gemini and squaring the Virgo ascendant. Moon is exactly conjunct Saturn in Cancer, representing the masses and the karmic debt incurred.
Revisionist history and peace groups popularly denounce this appalling event – and rightly so, lest we forget the capacity for Humanity to wipe itself out instantly should it ever choose nuclear war – all-out or “limited”. But many people seem to forget the relentless, cruel and vicious campaign by the fanatical Japanese against the Allied Forces that might, along with Germany, have held Humanity’s head under the jackboot for a 1,000 years.
In this era of creeping fascism, the gathering clouds of Materialistic Forces and appalling leadership in many Western nations, the world is very vulnerable – the Forces of Light must make a concerted effort and stand as a “great defending wall”. The “full astrological cause” of the release of nuclear power lies within a larger ray cycle associated with the third Shamballa impact, as outlined in The Shamballa Impacts. (Released at Wesak 2000 on the 5th Shamballa impact.) The following quotes from DK with commentary after:
“Leo, Capricorn and Pisces
There exists at this time an inter-relation between three of the constellations upon which I would like somewhat to enlarge, because their potency and the climax of their inter-relation is being reached at this time. From 1975 on, that potency will greatly lessen until it fades out. The period of this interplay of three major energies and their focussed potent effect upon our planet began in 1875, achieved momentum in 1925, will reach its highest expression (for good or evil) in 1945 and will then decline slowly until 1975. These three constellations are: Leo, Capricorn and Pisces.
These are curiously and most mysteriously related to the fourth kingdom in nature and therefore to the evolution and the destiny of the human family. Add to these the emerging energy of Aquarius, and you have four energies which are playing upon the vehicles of men and producing peculiar effects—both destructive and constructive.”18
From the above we can surmise that this phase of the third Shamballa impact lasted 100 years (1875–1975) with its greatest intensity after 70 years (1944–1945). 100 years is the duration of one of the cycles of Ray 1, as students will recognise.
Hence 1945 was the culmination of the 3rd impact, expressing through Plutonic destruction. But 1875-1945 also encompasses scientific discoveries that all contributed to the development of atomic fission – the discovery of radium by the initiate Curie’s, Einstein’s theory of relativity and much more – all expressing “their focussed potent effect upon our planet”.
The first ray passes through Leo and Capricorn and is distributed via Pluto as esoteric ruler of Pisces. Leo is the 5th sign that corresponds to the 5th rootrace – it was appropriate that the bomb was dropped during the Leo period.

L: Wayne La Pierre, head of NRA. R: New York Attorney General Letitia James announced that the state is seeking to dissolve the National Rifle Association.
NRA Lawsuit
A bold move, coming as the dust barely settled in Beirut, involving similar astrological influences of Jupiter in Capricorn and Mars in Aries. Mars rules guns, particularly in Aries, and also the Mars-ruled Scorpio sun of the National Rifle Association.
The NRA horoscope has the moon in crystallised Capricorn, which transiting Pluto has been gradually breaking down in the past few years. Currently transiting Jupiter (justice) is retrograding back to an exact conjunction to the moon in Capricorn, the second of three hits that began in Feb.2020 and will finish by mid Oct.2020.
Also at the announcement, transiting Mars in Aries was conjunct NRA’s Neptune in Aries – and progressed Sun in this sign. Hence transiting Jupiter and Mars were activating NRA’s Moon square Neptune from both ends of the equation. Moon square Neptune may well be interpreted as the NRA’s long term deceit and propaganda over the American people, their shameless influence, stimulating fear, driving people to buy guns.

The National Rifle Association, a large political force whose dissolution may be more politically motivated.
The “glamour of guns” may be one of USA’s greatest problems, brought over from the heroes and cowboys of the wild west, amplified by Hollywood and the military industrial complex that has waged perpetual war upon foreign nations. USA is a sixth ray personality ruled by Mars, with a problematic Mars in Gemini square Neptune in its 1776 horoscope. Since Coronavirus began in 2020, gun sales have spiked an unbelievable several hundred percent, depending on what states are considered.
As USA approaches its first Pluto return in history, many more institutions like the NRA will be held to account – as the Pluto Purge reveals what is hidden in the depths. (NRA was examined in a 2018 newsletter here.)
Beirut Blast: Mars-Jupiter Devastation
In the event chart (see below), Jupiter in Capricorn on the ascendant exactly squares Mars in Aries. Jupiter’s great capacity for expansiveness and amplification was certainly matched by this horrific blast.
Pluto also adds its weight with a conjunction to Jupiter. Another “explosive” aspect is Uranus square the sun – sudden and unexpected, though in retrospect found to be a “ticking time-bomb” sitting in a warehouse. Whether deliberately activated or accidental, these kind of events release enormous build ups of psychic energy, frustration and anger.
Lebanon is experiencing extraordinary problems and political corruption at the moment – they are devastated on every conceivable level. May the cedar of Lebanon regrow with strength and beauty.
France and the Nuclear Fusion Project
As a soul upon the fifth ray of science, it is appropriate that France is hosting the development of nuclear fusion power as part of an international project that began in 1978 – just a few years after the fourth Shamballa impact of 1975, and concurrent with many other global developments in computer science.
The ITER project (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor) went into its next phase in 1985 as, “an initiative of the good relations between President Reagan and Mikhael Gorbachev, with participation of the Soviet Union, the European Atomic Energy Community, the United States, and Japan through the 1988–1998 initial design phases.”19
Now this project has reached its implementation phase (See article), with many more nations involved. The nuclear fusion process is a merging and blending rather than the separative nature of nuclear fission that splits apart; this is philosophically sound and a natural evolution of harnessing nuclear power. Nuclear fusion emulates our Sun and other stars – by generating the fusion of hydrogen nuclei into helium. Hence the great hope of this project for a cleaner and safer alternative to nuclear fission. Development of nuclear fusion power will parallel the unfoldment of the fusion and expansion of human consciousness.
Nuclear power is an expression of the first ray of will-power, ruled by the planets Pluto and Vulcan. As a “non-sacred” planet, Pluto represents the raw destructive power of the atomic bomb and the somewhat clumsy and dangerous use of the fission method. This first ray energy is also connected to the planetary crown chakra – Shamballa, whose fourth “impact” occurred in 1975, planting the seed for nuclear power’s more mature development since its first application before WWII and after, effectively ending that conflict in 1945.
As a “sacred” planet, Vulcan represents the fusion process – the divine smithy who works at the fiery forge blending various metals and amalgams in the furnace, wroughting and hammering into a new form. Perhaps the successful development of nuclear fusion before 2050 may also see Vulcan “discovered” officially in the astronomical community, though there has been much evidence already for its existence.
Vulcan is associated closely with Virgo, the soul ruler of Paris and a sign related to the building or crafting of forms. The gestation of the Virgin mother builds and births the form for the soul or Christ consciousness to find expression:
“The Moon (Vulcan) … the esoteric ruler [of Virgo]. The Moon (or fourth ray energy) is here seen as an expression of first ray energy, manifesting through Vulcan. The Moon rules the form and it is the will of God to manifest through the medium of form.”20
“Vulcan is the, “Fashioner of divine expression” and the “one who reveals that which is deeply hidden and brings it up into the light. Esoterically—the heart of the Sun”.21
As a fifth ray soul, the ageless wisdom informs us that France will one day scientifically prove the nature of the soul:
“When France finds her spiritual soul and not just her intellectual soul, she will prove to be the medium through which will come revelation as to the nature of the soul of man …22 From France will come a great psychological or soul revelation which will bring illumination to world thought.”23
Most of us associate the atomic bomb with horrific annihilation, yet the Master Djwhal Khul controversially informs us of another perspective:
“I would like at this time to touch upon the greatest spiritual event which has taken place since the fourth kingdom of nature, the human kingdom, appeared. I refer to the release of atomic energy, as related in the newspapers this week, August 6, 1945, in connection with the bombing of Japan.

The Joint European Torus (JET) project located in the UK, studies the potential of fusion power as a low-carbon energy source for future generations. It is seen as the ‘little brother’ to the larger-scale ITER project based in France.
Some years ago I told you that the new era would be ushered in by the scientists of the world and that the inauguration of the kingdom of God on Earth would be heralded by means of successful scientific investigation. By this first step in the releasing of the energy of the atom this has been accomplished, and my prophecy has been justified during this momentous year of our Lord 1945.
… It was the imminence of this “release” of energy which was one of the major subjective factors in the precipitation of this last phase of the war. This world war started in 1914, but its last and most important phase began in 1939. Up till then it was a world war. After that date, and because the forces of evil took advantage of the state of war and belligerency existing on the planet, the real war began, involving the entire three worlds of human evolution and a consequent activity of the Hierarchy.
Man’s attention is normally focussed on the externalities of living. Nevertheless, all great discoveries, such as those made in connection with astronomy or in relation to the laws of nature or involving such a revelation as that of radio-activity or the epoch-making event announced this week concerning the first steps taken in the harnessing of cosmic energy, are ever the result of inner pressure emanating from Forces and Lives found in high Places.
… Such activities are motivated from Shamballa. This activity is set in motion by these Lives, working on Their high plane, and it gradually causes a reaction in the various departments of the Hierarchy, particularly those working under third, fifth and seventh ray Masters. Eventually, disciples upon the physical levels of activity become aware of the inner ferment, and this happens either consciously or unconsciously. They become “impressed,” and the scientific work is then started and carried through into the stages of experimentation and final success.”24
Such activities are certainly “motivated from Shamballa”, the planetary crown chakra and centre where, “the will of god is known” – the first ray of will-power, ruled by Vulcan and Pluto. Both of these planets were active in WWII: Vulcan brought from the mineral kingdom, “the depths from which supply must come” – for arms and munitions.25 Recently “discovered” in 1930, Pluto embodied the destroyer:

Robert Oppenheimer: “Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.” See earlier profile, Robert Oppenheimer and the Nuclear Age.
“The world war was precipitated and, secondly, the fission of the atom, resulting in the atomic bomb, was brought about. Both these events were made possible by the pouring-in of the energy and power of the third aspect of the first Ray of Power or Will. This is the lowest aspect, and definite material effects were produced.
The destroyer aspect was therefore the first aspect to take effect. It split the thought-form of materialistic living (which was governing and controlling humanity everywhere) upon the mental plane and, at the same time, it produced a great agent of destruction upon the physical plane.”26
Note that phrase, “split the thought-form of materialistic living” – just as the atom was “split” through the fission process:
“The fission of the nucleus of the atom in the past few years is the outer sign or demonstration that humanity has “encompassed” the divine Mind and can now move on to “encompass” the love or the attractive nature of divinity.” [Through nuclear fusion.]27
The Tibetan envisages a time in the future where this “released energy” will benefit Humanity enormously:
“It lies in the hands of the United Nations to protect this released energy from misuse and to see that its power is not prostituted to selfish ends and purely material purposes. It is a “saving force” and has in it the potency of rebuilding, of rehabilitation and of reconstruction. Its right use can abolish destitution, bring civilised comfort (and not useless luxury) to all upon our planet; its expression in forms of right living, if motivated by right human relations, will produce beauty, warmth, colour, the abolition of the present forms of disease, the withdrawal of mankind from all activities which involve living or working underground, and will bring to an end all human slavery, all need to work or fight for possessions and things, and will render possible a state of life which will leave man free to pursue the higher aims of the Spirit.
The prostituting of life to the task of providing the bare necessities or to making it possible for a few rich and privileged people to have too much when others have too little, will come to an end; men everywhere can now be released into a state of life which will give them leisure and time to follow spiritual objectives, to realise richer cultural life, and to attain a broader mental perspective.
… This release of energy will eventually make money, as we know it, of no moment whatsoever; money has proved itself (owing to man’s limitations) a producer of evil and the sower of dissension and discontent in the world. This new released energy can prove itself a “saving force” for all mankind, releasing from poverty, ugliness, degradation, slavery and despair; it will destroy the great monopolies, take the curse out of labour, and open the door into that golden age for which all men wait.
It will level all the artificial layers of modern society and liberate men from the constant anxiety and gruelling toil which have been responsible for so much disease and death. When these new and better conditions are established, then men will be free to live and move in beauty and to seek the “Lighted Way.”28
Coronavirus Part VI: The Clamour and Glamour of Coronavirus
___Virgo & Discrimination: Crisis in Critical Thinking
___Socrates – Father of Critical Thinking
___Brazil and Media Propaganda
___Facebook Hypocrisy
___Documentaries for Reflection
___Miscellaneous Opinions
___Lockdown a “Monumental Mistake”
___Pandemic: Saturn-Pluto Karmic Reapers
___Virgo’s Australia and New Zealand
___Australia: Virgo Soul
___Mars, Pluto and the Burning Ground: August 10-16
___The Melbourne Masque-rade
___Australian Flu Statistics 2017, 2019
___New Zealand: Virgo Personality
___WEF Book: “Virus itself is of little concern”
Read Coronavirus Part VI here.
Phillip Lindsay © 2020.
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Books by Phillip Lindsay
- Wikipedia [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
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- Queen Elizabeth I: Mistress of Woman Power. Maureen Richmond, M.A. [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
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- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.159. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.288. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.253. [↩]
- EsotericAstrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.263. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.358. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.100. [↩]
- EsotericAstrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.272. [↩]
- EsotericAstrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.280. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.263-4. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.300. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.427-8. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.537. [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.263. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.392-3. [↩]
- Problems of Humanity, Alice A. Bailey. p.17. [↩]
- Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.73. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.492. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.386. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.467. [↩]
- Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Alice A. Bailey. p.131. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.498, 500. [↩]
Darnley was married to Mary Queen of Scots. Robert Dudley was close to Elizabeth and wanted to marry her but she refused. He married Amy Robsart who died falling down the stairs and later (in secret) Lettice Knollys. Queen Elizabeth was furious and banned her from court but she continued her close friendship with Dudley.
A strong contender for Shakespear’s work is Edward De Vere, Earl of Oxford. Too complicated to go into but the lectures of Alexander Waugh delve into the intricacies and present a compelling argument.