The “Lion Gate” at mighty Mycenae (Author’s pic)
Mycenae and the Cyclopean Giants
Delphi, Apollo and Pythia
Each travel blog lately has required some more recent news before back-tracking to catch up on overdue blogs. And so at this point in June 2012, I have recently returned to my native Australia, although that is a strange phrase these days as I feel more like a visiting backpacker!

Saqsaywaman, Cusco, Peru.
Nevertheless, as mentioned in the introduction to Travel Blog #4, my knee had been giving me trouble on my second Saturn return, forcing me eventually to put my South American sojourn on hold, to return to Australia and utilise the medical facilities there.
It was MRI’d and analysed by various experts who recommended knee replacement surgery or a lesser version known as arthroscopy. I decided to put this drastic option on hold for a few years and then review it again!
Before returning to Australia, I managed to catch six weeks back in Peru (I visited there three years ago), where I stayed mainly in Cusco, studying and filming the famous Saqsaywaman ruins (pronounced colloquially, ‘sexy woman’.) It was from here that the Aries 2012 newsletter was written, exploring some of the esoteric history of the area. More on Peru in the forthcoming Travel Diary #7.
I have now replaced my video equipment for the HHH documentary with more lightweight and adaptable gear that allows me a whole array of lenses – with broadcast ‘cinematic’ quality. After being an amateur photographer since the age of 14, I am still learning the art of videography – its a bit like doing Tai Chi when filming, panning and focusing. I am glad that in film editing, the sound track can be removed easily, you would not want to hear some of the epithets borne from technical mistakes!
The HHH video proceeds slowly but surely – the script and narration were recently completed (after one year) en route through L.A., professionally recorded in a studio. (Many thanks to Francis, Justin, James, Gustavo and Sharon!) The 18′ preview is now available, but the video as a whole make take another few years to complete, due to the time it will take to visit many places and obtain footage.
Another factor that governs this process is that a somewhat intricate and esoteric video needs to be carefully planned in order to be evocative and understood. As I have said to my co-workers, ‘I am not in a hurry, it took 20 million years for human consciousness to unfold, a couple more years will not hurt!’
I may have mentioned in other blogs, that besides the fact that ‘stock footage’ from various companies is very expensive, it is imperative in this project to visit and connect with all the locations. Just in the recent several weeks in Peru, I obtained a pile of information about various sites that I would not have gotten otherwise, really quite extraordinary connections and insights were made. I hope to somehow communicate and incorporate it all in the HHH documentary.
Mycenae and the Cyclopean Giants
Mycenae is an extraordinary place! First impressions for me were two-fold: First, the consciousness behind its construction was very advanced. Second, that it is very ancient, an Atlantean city to be sure – in esoteric chronology, at least 800,000 years.
One of the fruits of my labours in Greece was an essay, “Greek Mythology, The Secret Doctrine and the Rootraces”. (It is published here The Destiny of the Races and Nations II.)

The Ruins of Mycenae surrounded by protective ravines.
In that essay I discuss the roots of ancient Greece and its ‘Pelasgian’ origins in one of the latter subraces of Atlantis, held in common with the nearby Egyptians – a bridge between the Atlantean and the Aryan rootraces. When the Ancient Egyptians and Mayans migrated from India 860,000 years ago during the second major flooding of Atlantis, parts of the Mediterranean Sea may have well been land. This geographical situation may account for the scattered remnants of the Pelasgians throughout mainland Greece, its islands and surrounds.
In exoteric archeology, Mycenae belongs to the ‘later’ Bronze Age, also known as the Dvapara Yuga in the Hindu system. This Dvapara Yuga for the Fifth Rootrace started about 860,000 years ago at the second major flooding of the Atlantean continents. Mycenae is known as an ‘Cyclopean’ structure, meaning that giants built it – not figuratively or metaphorically, but literally- and many others like it around the world – from Saqsaywaman in Peru to Stonehenge in Britain. They also had some help from (now lost) sonic technologies possessed in those times, but their brute force was a probably a prime factor in construction.
Yuga | Greek Period | Yuga Duration | Dates | Manu/Cycle |
Satya | Gold | 1,728,000 | 3,893,100 | Noah (Manu 5.0) |
Treta | Silver | 1,296,000 | 2,165,100 | Asuramaya |
Dvapara | Bronze | 864,000 | 869,000 | Menes (Manu 5.2) |
Kali | Iron | 432,000 | 3,102 BC | Kali Yuga 5th R.R. |

The Walls of Tiryns, Greece (Not far from Mycenae)
Technically, the Cyclopes are the giants with one eye and belong to the third rootrace or Lemurian period. It is not known if ‘Cyclopes’ referred to in Mycenaean times is a generic reference to giants or to actual surviving Lemurian giants; either way, according to esoteric chronology there were still plenty of giants around in those days. Blavatsky comments:
“It is difficult … not to suspect in the structures of Tiryns and Mycenae, planetary forces supposed to be moved by celestial powers analogous to the famous Dactyles.” (Pelasgians and Cyclopes). To this day science is ignorant on the subject of the Cyclopes. They are supposed to have built all the so-called “Cyclopean” works whose erection necessitated several regiments of Giants and—they were only seventy-seven in all …

Viswakarma Temple, India.
… They are called “Builders” and Occultism calls them the Initiators, who, initiating some Pelasgians, thus laid the foundation stone of true Masonry. Herodotus [Greek historian] associates the Cecrops with Perseus … Anyhow he was the builder of the sacred columns of Gadir covered with mysterious characters – to which Apollonius of Tyana [Jesus’ next incarnation], was the only one in his age to possess the key; and with figures which may still be found on the walls of Ellora [India] the gigantic ruins of the temple of Viswakarma, “the builder and artificer of the Gods.”1
Cyclopean erections notwithstanding, Mycenae was the capital of the famed king Agamemnon who destroyed Troy, another important Atlantean city, only recently discovered by Heinrich Schliemann in the late 1870’s.

Mask of Agamemnon

Tomb at Mycenae
Schliemann also made significant breakthroughs at Mycenae; he had a remarkable life, being fluent in 8-13 languages (Moon in Gemini), a self made multi-millionaire (Capricorn Sun), originally from a poor family, ‘retiring’ at the ripe old age of 36 to pursue his love of finding lost cities – as described in the epic poems of Homer.
Homer says that Mycenae was set, “in a nook of Argos” (as in Argo-nauts, Jason etc.), a natural citadel created from plunging ravines; its co-creators were the Cyclopes, probably much larger than the following description, possibly 15ft [5 metres]:

Under the walls of Mycenae (Author’s pic)
“…there was a time when 9ft. and 10ft. [3+ metres] was the average height of humanity, even in our latest Indo-European race… [5th rootrace] the old Greeks knew of these early races … The great nation mentioned by the Egyptian priests, from which descended the forefathers of the Greeks of the age of Troy, and which, as averred, had been destroyed by the Atlantic race.”2
The four yugas or the gold, silver, bronze and iron ages in the Greek tradition, are also allegories for the rootraces. Hence the Third Rootrace or third age of bronze is depicted,
“The men of the age of Bronze are robust and violent (the third race); their strength is extreme. They had arms made of bronze, habitations of bronze; used nought but bronze. Iron, the black metal, was yet unknown. The fourth generation (race) is, with Hesiod, that of the heroes who fell before Thebes … or under the walls of Troy.”3
‘Arms made of bronze’ is most likely some poetic licence! Yet likewise, the third subraces of subsequent rootraces would exhibit this strength. The ‘fourth generation’ is of course the Atlanteans, a further proof (esoterically at least), of the antiquity of both Troy and Mycenae.

Delphi, Greece (Author’s pic) Delphi was undoubtedly the most powerful site I visited in Greece; a spiritual radiation persists since ancient times, combined with sublimely beautiful temples, some of the contents of which reside in the Delphi Museum. (See some Delphi Museum pics in previous blog.)
Delphi, Apollo and Pythia
Delphi was considered to be the centre, or ‘navel of the world’ by the ancient Greeks, containing a stone called the omphalos (navel), that was kept in the Temple of Apollo. It was a highly venerated location, site of the famed Delphic oracle and initiation into the mysteries.

Delphi. (Author’s pic)
Apollo is the Sun god, or the Solar Logos. The third initiation is regarded as the first ‘solar initiation’ by the Masters, hence it is highly likely that this initiation was conferred upon likely candidates here. Tradition has it that the Oracle of Delphi was guarded by Python the serpent, who Apollo is killed, founding his own oracle. Yet ‘Pythia’ was the name applied to the woman who acted as the oracle:
“A Pythia, upon the authority of Plutarch, Iamblichus, Lamprias, and others, was a nervous sensitive; she was chosen from among the poorest class, young and pure. Attached to the temple, within whose precincts she had a room, secluded from every other, and to which no one but the priest, or seer, had admittance, she had no communications with the outside world, and her life was more strict and ascetic than that of a Catholic nun.
Sitting on a tripod of brass placed over a fissure in the ground, through which arose intoxicating vapors, these subterranean exhalations penetrating her whole system produced the prophetic mania. In this abnormal state she delivered oracles. She was sometimes called ventriloqua vates, the ventriloquist-prophetess.4
Delphi means ‘dolphin’ and tradition has it that Apollo arrived in the guise of a dolphin swimming into the Corinthian Gulf, bringing with him priests from Crete. Amphibious gods as teachers of humanity are universal stories repeated in other traditions such as the Babylonian Oannes.
Sun gods are often referred to as ‘serpents of wisdom’ or ‘dragons of wisdom’. Both the Sun and wisdom are always associated with the second ray of Love-Wisdom, the primary ray of this solar system. This ‘2’ symbolism is highly significant as it relates to other 2’s, such as the second round, or vast cycle,
“The secret of the reptile kingdom is one of the mysteries of the second round, and there is a profound significance connected with the expression “the serpents of wisdom” which is applied to all adepts of the good law. The reptile kingdom has an interesting place in all mythologies, and all ancient forms of truth impartation … When the real nature and method of the kundalini, or serpent fire, is known, this relation will be better understood.”5

The Temple of Apollo, Delphi. (Author’s pic)

Temple of Athena Pronaia. A sacrifice was required here before consulting the oracle.
Hence the high priests and others who had achieved this initiation were called ‘sons of the dragon’ or ‘serpents’, symbols of immortality, wisdom and the secret knowledge that is imparted to those who had prepared themselves sufficiently.

Delphi. (Author’s pic)
In Egypt and other parts of the ancient world, there were underground passages for the sacred mysteries called Serpent’s catacombs, where the candidate would go through various rites of passage pertaining to certain initiations. (This is where the phrase ‘running the gauntlet’ originates.)
The second rootrace or Hyperborea, is where Apollo was said to visit because all the beloved priests and servants of the gods resided there.
Phillip Lindsay © 2011.
Origins Odyssey: Travel Diary#6 – Greece & Crete 3. 2010
Origins Odyssey: Travel Diary#1 – Britain 1. 2010
Origins Odyssey: Travel Diary#2 – Britain 2. 2010
Origins Odyssey: Travel Diary#3 – Costa Rica, Greece 2010
Origins Odyssey: Travel Diary#4 – Greece & Crete 1. 2011
Origins Odyssey: Travel Diary#6 – Greece & Crete 3. 2012
Origins Odyssey: Travel Diary#7 – India-Sri Lanka. (Prequel 1: 1992)
Origins Odyssey: Travel Diary#8 – Egypt (Prequel 2: 2007)
Books by Phillip Lindsay