Egypt 2007: Travel Diary “Prequel#2”.
Cairo, the Great Pyramid
Abydos: Home of the Ancient King Lists. “Flower of Life” Mandala
The Denderah Zodiac
Luxor, the Ancient City of Thebes
Aswan, Philae
Abu Simbel
These occasional Travel Diaries are a departure from the more formal monthly newsletters on Esoteric Astrology but contain plenty of astrology and esotericism. They are a mixture of personal reflections, anecdotes, astro-diary, travel observations and occult insights.
This travel diary #8 is part of a series of diaries that seeks to bring up to date and completion by 2017, my various travels regarding the Hidden History of Humanity Project over the past ten years.
What is the The Hidden History of Humanity (HHH) ? It draws upon hidden knowledge in the ancient scriptures and mystery traditions of East and West. HHH traces the birth of the human soul and the evolution of consciousness through the rootraces and subraces – over a vast stretch of time that far exceeds our current historical conception.
See also the following links: The Hidden History of Humanity – video preview and The Hidden History of Humanity book (Description, preface, reviews and contents.)

Ancient symbols inscribed upon the walls of the new Library of Alexandria.
Egypt 2007: Travel Diary “Prequel#2”.
Whilst the genesis of the HHH Project was really in 1992 on my visit to India (somewhat unconsciously), it started to gather momentum whilst visiting Alexandria, Egypt in 2006 (exactly ten years ago in 2016), where I wrote:
“On this New Year’s Eve 2006 the Capricorn full moon cycle is upon us (Jan 3, 2007) and it is most appropriate to initiate an exploration into the past – where Capricorn and its ruler Saturn have jurisdiction. Likewise, polar opposite sign Cancer and its ruler the Moon also concern the past, as does the Third Ray of Active-Intelligence (ruling history), intimately associated with both signs. The full moon sun was exactly square to my natal Libran sun – that rules my Leo ascendant, my soul purpose – so this felt particularly meaningful. Also, transiting Jupiter was conjunct my progressed sun in Sagittarius (travel), as were transiting Mars and Pluto!”

Akhenaton, Library of Alexandria. (Author’s pic.)
The place of the HHH “launch” was serendipitously Alexandria, Egypt, named after its founder Alexander the Great. This city has a rich heritage as the hub of world learning, drawing upon diverse cultures and nations. It was a centre of Greek scholarship and science as well as the capital of Egypt, from its founding by Alexander in 332 BC to 642 AD when the Arabs invaded.
It has carved itself in the popular imagination through its association with Mark Antony, Cleopatra and Julius Caesar. Alexandria played a key role in passing on Greek culture to Rome; it was also a centre of scholarship in the theological disputes over the nature of Christ’s divinity that divided the early church.
As I have been dedicated to the dissemination of the Ageless Wisdom in this life, Egypt has a potent magnetic appeal. Esoteric education has been a natural extension of this work, preparing for the “Mystery Schools” that will re-emerge in this imminent cycle of Aquarius. One of these schools will be in Egypt:

Karnak temple, Luxor. (Author’s pic.)
“First school in Egypt for those who take initiation on the first ray in the Occident … This will be one of the later schools founded and will be profoundly occult and an advanced school in direct communication with the inner grades.”1
This was a fairly long trip, lasting about seven intense weeks, threading my way by tardy trains and dusty buses from Alexandria up the Nile through Cairo, Abydos, Denderah, Luxor, Aswan and Abu Simbel. I had an expectation of Egypt as hot and dry, but when arriving by train in Alexandria, I stepped into an unexpected welcome of freezing wind and horizontal rain – from the European winter blasting across the Mediterranean, soaking me wet and giving me a cold for half my trip.
Egypt is unique in esoteric history as it was the custodian of the Mysteries for hundreds of thousands of years; it was a bridging race between the (fourth) Atlantean rootrace and our current Fifth Rootrace, also known as the Aryan rootrace. Though technically (as I point out in HHH), Egypt is the second subrace of the Fifth Rootrace (5.2), commencing about 860,000 years ago at the second of the four main Atlantean floods. The fourth and final flooding saw Poseidonis sink in 9,564 BC, a time that many mainstream and alternative archeologists date as the origin of Egypt; but that was Egypt in its declining years – it is far, far older.
The Manu (chief) for this second subrace (5.2) was Menes, a king who had fled the now sunken southern part of India and migrated westward to what is now known as Ethiopia – close to the source of the “Blue Nile”. Gradually over time, those emigrants colonised their way down the Nile river. (See HHH-I for far more detail.)
The south of India and Sri Lanka were part of the ancient continent of Lemuria, then later parts of Atlantis.
King Menes’ time was much later during ther second subrace of the Aryan or Fifth Rootrace.
The Mayans were also originally from this southern sunken continent of India near the Sri Lanka area, migrating further westward to Guatemala in Central America. The similarity to the Egyptians and their architecture, art and customs is well known and qualifies the Mayans (and the ancient Cambodians) as part of the second sub-race of the Fifth Rootrace, or 5.2.

Bent Pyramid, unfortunately closed to tourists in 2007 but now open.
The subject of Egypt is enormous, probably one of the most written about in history. Egypt also provides an accurate bench-mark for the chronology of the races. Currently most academics and “new age archeologists” dismiss the long cycles proposed for human history. Yet H.P. Blavatsky (HPB) tells us in The Secret Doctrine, that the pyramids of Giza (relatively recent in Egyptian history), were built 76,000 years ago:
“… by means of the cycle of 25,868 years (the Sidereal year) that the approximate year of the erection of the Great Pyramid can be ascertained. Assuming that the long narrow downward passage was directed towards the pole star of the pyramid builders, astronomers have shown that … Alpha Draconis, the then pole-star, was in the required position about 3,350 B.C. …

Step Pyramid of Djoser. (Author’s pic.)
But we are also told that “this relative position of Alpha Draconis and Alcyone being an extraordinary one … it could not occur again for a whole sidereal year”. This demonstrates that, since the Dendera Zodiac [at Abydos] shows the passage of three sidereal years, the Great Pyramid must have been built 78,000 years ago.”2
When one travels to the nearby Bent Pyramid or the Step Pyramid of Djoser and observes their greater antiquity, hundreds of thousands of years could easily be assigned to their age. There are many other facts that point to a greater age for Egypt as outlined in The Hidden History of Humanity I.
Hence, in this missive I can only touch upon some of these Egyptian mysteries, but at least hit the highlights. The subject of Egypt as the 5.2 subrace is covered more fully in HHH. And for or a more detailed account of these ancient chronologies, see the author’s main essay on the subject.
The route: Alexandria, Cairo, Giza, Abydos, Denderah, Luxor, Aswan, Philae, Abu Simbel.

Great Pyramid. (Author’s pic.)
Cairo, the Great Pyramid
My trip to the Great Pyramid had been loosely planned and it happened to be Christmas Day 2006 when I decided to venture out from my hotel in Cairo. When in the pyramid I realised that December 25 is the third day of the winter solstice, hence an historically important date was chosen, given the alignment of many temples and monuments to the equinoxes and solstices.
There were not many people when I arrived and after naively leaving my camera with the guard (I realised later I could have smuggled it in or paid him some baksheesh!), I proceeded up the Grand Gallery toward the King’s Chamber. (The Queen’s Chamber was closed at the time.) Just as I arrived at the King’s Chamber, a family was leaving, so I had it to myself for about 15 minutes. I squatted toward the side of the chamber contemplating the space, but the smell of urine by the wall was so overpowering that I had to take refuge – in the sarcophagus!
As always, in these ancient places like Egypt and India, one always experiences opposites starkly contrasted – between the sublime beauty of the past versus the ignorance and filth of the present, in this age of the Kali Yuga!
I lay on my back in the sarcophagus contemplating the awesome silence and atmosphere of this stupendous building, with its millions of tons of granite perfectly hewn and placed, their crystalline mass creating a gigantic receiver and transmitter of cosmic power. Grinning to myself, I crossed my arms across my chest like a mummy and spontaneously started to sound the OM, realising that this was a perfect chamber for the use of sound – this exact double-cube chamber. I could feel the OM’s radiating throughout the entire structure of the pyramid and the sound seemed to go on forever. I kept doing this until my head centre became so highly energised that I stopped, riding with the sense of infinite reverberations in the silence. It was a captivating moment and I felt blessed to be able to have the experience in this place of initiation.
![The King's Chamber is 10.47 metres (34.4 ft) from east to west and 5.234 metres (17.17 ft) north to south. It has a flat roof 5.974 metres (19.60 ft) above the floor. 0.91 m (3.0 ft) above the floor there are two narrow shafts in the north and south walls (one is now filled by an extractor fan to try to circulate air in the pyramid). The purpose of these shafts is not clear: they appear to be aligned toward stars or areas of the northern and southern skies, but on the other hand one of them follows a dog-leg course through the masonry so there was not intention to directly sight stars through them. They were long believed by Egyptologists to be "air shafts" for ventilation, but this idea has now been widely abandoned in favor of the shafts serving a ritualistic purpose associated with the ascension of the king’s spirit to the heavens.[32]The King's Chamber is entirely faced with granite. Above the roof, which is formed of nine slabs of stone weighing in total about 400 tons, are five compartments known as Relieving Chambers. The first four, like the King's Chamber, have flat roofs formed by the floor of the chamber above, but the final chamber has a pointed roof. Vyse suspected the presence of upper chambers when he found that he could push a long reed through a crack in the ceiling of the first chamber. From lower to upper, the chambers are known as "Davison's Chamber", "Wellington's Chamber", "Nelson's Chamber", "Lady Arbuthnot's Chamber", and "Campbell's Chamber". It is believed that the compartments were intended to safeguard the King's Chamber from the possibility of a roof collapsing under the weight of stone above the Chamber. As the chambers were not intended to be seen, they were not finished in any way and a few of the stones still retain mason's marks painted on them. One of the stones in Campbell's Chamber bears a mark, apparently the name of a work gang, which incorporates the only reference in the pyramid to Pharaoh Khufu.[33][34]The entrance of the](
The King’s Chamber is entirely faced with granite and is 10.47 metres (34.4 ft) from east to west and 5.234 metres (17.17 ft) north to south. It has a flat roof 5.974 metres (19.60 ft. It . Above the roof, which is formed of nine slabs of stone weighing in total about 400 tons, are five compartments known as Relieving Chambers. (Going by the smell in the King’s Chamber, it was also a “relieving chamber”!)
“The process of mummifying, as practised in Egypt, and of embalming, as practised in the West, have been responsible for the perpetuation of the etheric body, sometimes for centuries. This is particularly the case when the mummy or embalmed person was of an evil character during life; the hovering etheric body is then often “possessed” by an evil entity or evil force. This is the cause of the attacks and the disasters which often dog the steps of those who discover ancient tombs and their inhabitants, ancient mummies, and bring them and their possessions to light.”3
Of course, the sarcophogus was not used for the purposes of burial, it was a place where the candidate for initiation was placed:
“… externally it [The Great Pyramid] symbolized the creative principle of Nature, and illustrated also the principles of geometry, mathematics, astrology, and astronomy. Internally, it was a majestic fane [temple], in whose sombre recesses were performed the mysteries, and whose walls had often witnessed the initiation-scenes of members of the royal family. The porphyry sarcophagus … was the baptismal font, upon emerging from which the neophyte was “born again” and “became an adept.””4

Awestruck. December 25, 2006.
The ancient historian Herodotus said that one of the core blocks of granite in the Great Pyramid of Khufu was estimated to weigh 300 tons, another enigma that has not been solved to this day. There have been all sorts of clumsy explanations in television documentaries involving 1,000’s of slaves and elaborate ramps. The esoteric explanation is that these large blocks were moved effortlessly by the use of the science of sound (“magic”), creating a vacuum, rendering them weightless. H.P. Blavatsky describes the initiation ceremony further:
“The initiated adept, who had successfully passed through all the trials, was attached, not nailed, but simply tied on a couch in the form of a tau (in Egypt) of a Svastika … plunged in a deep sleep, the “Sleep of Siloam” it is called to this day among the Initiates in Asia Minor, in Syria, and even higher Egypt.

At one time the Great Pyramid was completely covered in white limestone casing stones like the remaining ones on the apex. “The Giza pyramids must have made an incredible visual impact – at the edge of the desert – three abstract geometrical symbols were standing, huge luminous white triangles which were reflecting the blinding light of the sun!” (Author’s pic.)
He was allowed to remain in this state for three days and three nights, during which time his Spiritual Ego was said to confabulate* with the “gods,” descend into Hades, Amenti, or Pâtâla (according to the country), and do works of charity to the invisible beings, whether souls of men or Elemental Spirits; his body remaining all the time in a temple crypt or subterranean cave. [*Confabulate: to talk together; converse; chat. Love these archaic words!]
In Egypt it was placed in the Sarcophagus in the King’s Chamber of the Pyramid of Cheops, and carried during the night of the approaching third day to the entrance of a gallery, where at a certain hour the beams of the rising Sun struck full on the face of the entranced candidate, who awoke to be initiated by Osiris, and Thoth the God of Wisdom.”5
Earlier it was mentioned that the Great Pyramid holds the keys to astrology and astronomy. It is now well known due to the researches of Hancock and Bauval, that there are shafts emanating from the Queen and King’s chambers respectively which have alignment with Sirius and Orion. The King’s Chamber has some of the keys to astrology and astronomy built into it:
“Through the years, legions of spiritual pilgrims have come to this room to chant and meditate. Do the seekers fulfill their expectations as they contemplate quietly in the cool granite sarcophagus? Who can say? But what we can submit is that any person, regardless of the nature of his or her quest, merely by entering the chamber, stands in the midst of a truly sacred space … here, in the King’s Chamber it is revealed with the elegance and simplicity and 20 rectangular forms which make up the floor of the chamber.
As we define sacred, only spaces can indicate the sacred. Sacred knowledge as we intend it, alludes to information that is perfect, idealized, and therefore intangible. One must participate with the sacred in order to realize the higher order of intention it represents.

(Author’s pic.)
The 20 rectangular granite blocks of the floor of the King’s Chamber, though solid, can also be seen as spaces. Albeit crude approximations of perfect space, the stones delineate the keys to the astronomy that is the foundation of the entire chamber. The floor stones represent six planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth and its Moon, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. The message of the chamber is, “The heavens are the foundation of this space. Understanding our place in the synchrony of the solar family is the key. This is where to begin.””6
There have been thousands of books written about the Great Pyramid and space does not permit exploring its many other astonishing mysteries. The author has another essay that the reader may like to peruse – Leo-Virgo: The Mystery of the Sphinx.

A portion of the king lists found on a wall of the Temple of Seti I. (Author’s pic.)
Abydos: Home of the Ancient King Lists and the “Flower of Life” Mandala
My next stop traveling up the Nile was the ancient city of Abydos. Due to no guarantee of safety, we were escorted in an armed road convoy. I was looking forward immensely to this place because my intuition is that the ancient “king lists” are not just recording the reigns of earthly kings, but the Manus of the subraces going all the way back through Atlantis to the latter subraces of Lemuria. I have not “proved” this conclusively yet, but it remains a very tasty investigation sometime in the future! The theory is based upon the Patriarchs of the Old Testament as the Hindu Manus, explored in HHH – and also the following statements:
“… there is the synchronistic table of Abydos, which, thanks to the genius of Champollion [a French philologist, orientalist and decipherer of Egyptian hieroglyphs], has now vindicated the good faith of the priests of Egypt, and that of Ptolemy [an astronomer/astrologer].”7
These king lists are corroborated by other works studied by Champollion, the famous Turin Papyrus found at Thebes, giving the same lists as Abydos:
“In the Turin papyrus, the most remarkable of all, in the words of the Egyptologist, de Rougé:— “. . . Champollion, struck with amazement, found that he had under his own eyes the whole truth . . . It was the remains of a list of dynasties embracing the furthest mythic times, or the REIGN OF THE GODS AND HEROES [capitals by HPB] . . . as Kings of Egypt, the gods Seb, Osiris, Horus, Thoth-Hermes, and the goddess Ma, a long period of centuries being assigned to the reign of each of these … The chronology of the divine Kings and Dynasties, like that of the age of humanity, has ever been in the hands of the priests, and was kept secret from the profane multitudes.”8
Now this chronology is revealing itself. Note the mixing of gods, heroes and humans. In the early days of human evolution and at subsequent intervals throughout its long history, various Beings from the higher worlds have incarnated in order to guide the child humanity. Note therefore, the following reference to “demi-gods, heroes and men”:
“Not only Herodotus—the “father of History”—tells us of the marvellous dynasties of gods that preceded the reign of mortals, followed by the dynasties of demi-gods, Heroes, and finally men; but the whole series of classics support him – Diodorus, Eratosthenes, Plato, Manetho etc. repeat the same, and never vary the order given … as Creuzer shows:—

Seti Temple at Abydos.
“From the spheres of the stars wherein dwell the gods of light, wisdom descends to the inferior spheres. In the system of the ancient priests (Hierophants and Adepts) … gods, the genii, manes (souls), the whole world, are conjointly developed in Space and duration. The pyramid may be considered as the symbol of this magnificent hierarchy of Spirits. . . .”9
The hint about these greater Beings who incarnated as kings, is further borne out in the following:
“Nearly five hundred years before the actual era, Herodotus was shown by the priests of Egypt the statues of their human Kings and Pontiffs-piromis (the archi-prophets or Maha-Chohans of the temples), born one from the other (without the intervention of woman) who had reigned before Menes, their first human King. These statues, he says, were enormous colossi in wood, three hundred and forty-five in number, each of which had his name, his history and his annals.

The ibis-headed Thoth at Abydos. (Author’s pic.)
And they assured Herodotus … that no historian could ever understand or write an account of these superhuman Kings, unless he had studied and learned the history of the three dynasties that preceded the human—namely, the DYNASTIES OF THE GODS, that of demi-gods, and of the Heroes, or giants. These “three dynasties” are the three Races.”10
The phrase, “without the intervention of a woman” refers to the ancient art of kriyashakti (the power of thought) – to reproduce themselves. Menes was the Manu for the Egyptian subrace (5.2). This passage hints at an “alien race” or a special race that developed certain qualities unique for the world, reminding us about another reference from HPB and “enormous colossi”:
“At the beginning of every cycle of 4,320,000, the Seven … great gods, descended to establish the new order of things and give the impetus to the new cycle … “The MIGHTY ONES perform their great works, and leave behind them everlasting monuments to commemorate their visit, every time they penetrate within our mayavic veil (atmosphere),” says a Commentary. Thus we are taught that the great Pyramids were built under their direct supervision, “when Dhruva (the then Pole-star) was at his lowest culmination, and the Krittika (Pleiades) looked over his head (were on the same meridian but above) to watch the work of the giants.”11
Again, extraordinary chronology here! The “Maha Yuga” is 4,320,000 years long and it was that period ago that the Atlantean civilisation was at its height, just before the great war told in the Hindu epic, The Mahabharata. This period was also the inception of this current Fifth Rootrace in its most embryonic form.
Flower of Life at Abydos
Under an arch in the Osirion at Abydos are two circles, whose shape has been dubbed “the flower of life”:
“The Flower of Life, forever radiating a pattern of profound elegance and meaningful beauty, is considered to be the most sacred of all geometry symbols.”((
Yet ongoing researches have found that this pattern was a much later addition in the first century AD, accompanied by Greek letters. Another perhaps more exciting fact about the Osirion however, is the enormous size of the red granite blocks used in its construction:

Part of the Osirion complex.
“It is easy to draw architectural parallels with similar megalithic structures, like the Valley Temple, and the Sphinx Temple at Giza. The similarities are inescapable – the stark and simple megalithic design, the lack of prolific inscriptions, and the fact that some of the larger stone blocks weigh up to 100 tons. Add into that fact that the granite was quarried in Aswan, more than 300 km away.”
The Denderah Zodiac
My next destination was the town of Denderah, enthusiastically anticipated like Abydos because my life has been dedicated to the science of astrology; this zodiac is regarded as one of the oldest in existence – if not the oldest. My love of Egyptology and the ancient world was piqued at the age of 14 when my grandmother gifted me a book about Tutankhamen. Also at the same time I was reading books of mystery like King Solomons’ Mines by Sir H. Rider Haggard – a prolific author who was interested in theosophy, the occult and Buddhism; he was also a friend of the famous Egyptologist, E.A. Wallis Budge.

The Denderah Zodiac on the ceiling of the Seti temple – or at least a plaster copy that had been installed, since France swiped the original, now in the Louvre, Paris.
“As already explained, the whole of antiquity believed, with good reason, that humanity and its races are all intimately connected with the planets, and these with Zodiacal signs. The whole world’s History is recorded in the latter. In the ancient temples of Egypt this was proved by the Denderah Zodiac; but except in an Arabic work, the property of a Sufi, the writer has never met with a correct copy of these marvellous records of the past, as also of the future history of our globe. Yet the original records exist, most undeniably.
… two famous Egyptian Zodiacs, can be found and examined … As asserted by the Egyptian Priests to Herodotus, who was informed that the terrestrial Pole and the Pole of the Ecliptic had formerly coincided … the Poles are represented on the Zodiacs in both positions, “And in that which shows the Poles (polar axes) at right angles, there are marks which prove that it was not the last time they were in that position; but the first’—after the Zodiacs had been traced.”
“Capricorn,” he adds, “is represented at the North Pole, and Cancer is divided, near its middle, at the South Pole; which is a confirmation that originally they had their winter when the Sun was in Cancer; but the chief characteristics of its being a monument commemorating the first time that the Pole had been in that position, are the Lion and the Virgin.”12

Another version by Aubourg that shows the planets and signs in different colours. See theosophist David Pratt’s in depth analysis.
The reader can see from these passages how interwoven astrology-astronomy is with the science of cycles and history. HPB continues,
“Africa, as a continent … appeared before Europe did … it appeared later than Lemuria and even the earliest Atlantis. That the whole region of what is now Egypt and the deserts was once upon a time covered with the sea, was known firstly through Herodotus, Strabo, Pliny, and all the Greeks; and, secondly, through geology … When was it? History is silent upon the subject.
Fortunately we have the Dendera Zodiac, the planisphere on the ceiling of one of the oldest Egyptian temples, which records the fact. This Zodiac, with its mysterious three Virgos between the Lion and Libra, has found its Œdipus, who understood the riddle of these signs, and justified the truthfulness of those priests who told Herodotus that:—(a) The poles of the Earth and the Ecliptic had formerly coincided; and (b) That even since their first Zodiacal records were commenced, the Poles have been three times within the plane of the Ecliptic, as the Initiates taught.”13
(See the earlier reference to inversion every 1,080,000 years x 3 = 3,240,000 years ago.)
“… the whole of antiquity believed … that humanity and its races are all intimately connected with the planets, and these with Zodiacal signs. The whole world’s History is recorded in the latter. In the ancient temples of Egypt this was proved by the Dendera Zodiac.”14
And in the following passage there is yet further astronomical proof of the antiquity of these great cycles and the Egyptian civilisation:

The Hathor temple at Denderah, one of the most beautiful, inside and out with brightly coloured painted walls and ceilings.
“On the Dendera Zodiac … the Lion stands upon the Hydra and his tail is almost straight, pointing downwards at an angle of forty or fifty degrees, this position agreeing with the original conformation of these constellations … “the Lion is standing on the Serpent, and his tail forming a curve downward, from which it is found that though six or seven hundred thousand years must have passed between the two positions …
… the three Zodiacs belong to three different epochs: namely, to the last three family races of the fourth Sub-race of the Fifth Root-race, each of which must have lived approximately from 25 to 30,000 years. The first of these (the “Aryan-Asiatics”) witnessed the doom of the last of the populations of the “giant Atlanteans” who perished some 850,000 years ago (the Ruta and Daitya Island-Continents) toward the close of the Miocene Age. The fourth sub-race witnessed the destruction of the last remnant of the Atlanteans—the Aryo-Atlanteans in the last island of Atlantis, namely, some 11,000 years ago.”15

One of the many painted walls inside the Hathor temple.
(This is discussed in greater detail in Unveilling Genesis.)
The trip thus far through Egypt had been exhausting! After another day in the ruins at Denderah, I returned to my hotel and flopped upon the bed – “out for the count” for a solid 12 hours sleep – toppled like a log hitting the forest floor! I drifted off into sleep, my mind teeming with impressions of the day, somewhat summarised in the following:
“If we now turn to architecture, we find displayed before our eyes, wonders which baffle all description. Referring to the temples of Philae, Abu Simbel, Dendera, Edfu, and Karnak, Professor Carpenter remarks that “these stupendous and beautiful erections . . . these gigantic pyramids and temples” have a “vastness and beauty” which are “still impressive after the lapse of thousands of years …
… He is amazed at “the admirable character of the workmanship; the stones in most cases being fitted together with astonishing nicety, so that a knife could hardly be thrust between the joints.” He noticed in his amateur archæological pilgrimage, another of those “curious coincidences” which his Holiness, the Pope, may feel some interest in learning. He is speaking of the Egyptian Book of the Dead, sculptured on the old monuments, and the ancient belief in the immortality of the soul.”16
Yet these Egyptian wonders are but shadows of the former glory of Atlantis:
“Heights of luxury were reached in Atlantis of which we, with all our boasted civilisation, know nothing and have never achieved. Some faint traces of it have come to us from legends and from ancient Egypt, from archeological discovery and old fairy tales.17 … The civilization of the Atlanteans was greater even than that of the Egyptians. It is their degenerate descendants, the nation of Plato’s Atlantis which built the first Pyramids in the country, and that certainly before the advent of the “Eastern Æthiopians,” as Herodotus calls the Egyptians. This may be well inferred from the statement made by Ammianus Marcellinus, who says of the Pyramids that “there are also subterranean passages and winding retreats, which, it is said, men skillful in the ancient mysteries, by means of which they divined the coming of a flood, constructed in different places lest the memory of all their sacred ceremonies should be lost.”

“In the Hathor temple there is a series of carvings that many people believe depict the sophisticated use of electricity to generate light. Items identified are as follows: an arc light lamp (horizontal) several upright lamps, lamp socket, arc light flicker (snake) electric cables, an isolator and even a large upright battery.”
… These men who “divined the coming of floods” were not Egyptians … [were] … the last remnants of the Atlanteans … Does the written history of man, comprising a few thousand years, embrace the whole course of his intelligent existence? Or have we in the long mythical eras, extending over hundreds of thousands of years … recorded in the chronologies of Chaldea and of China, shadowy mementos of pre-historic man, handed down by tradition, and perhaps transported by a few survivors to existing lands from others, which, like the fabled (?) Atlantis of Plato, may have been submerged, or the scene of some great catastrophe which destroyed them with all their civilization” …
…. “The Fourth Race had its periods of the highest civilization. Greek and Roman and even Egyptian civilizations are nothing compared to the civilizations that began with the Third Race” [Lemuria]—after its separation [of the sexes]. But if this civilization and the mastery of arts and sciences are denied to the Third and Fourth Races, no one will deny that between the great civilizations of antiquity, such as those of Egypt and India, there stretched the dark ages of crass ignorance and barbarism ever since the beginning of the Christian era up to our modern civilization; during which period all recollection of these traditions was lost … What archæologist will dare assert that the same hand which planned the Pyramids of Egypt, Karnak, and the thousand ruins now crumbling to oblivion on the sandy banks of the Nile, did not erect the monumental Nagkon-Wat of Cambodia?”18

In the forest of pillars, Karnak. (Author’s pic.)
Luxor, the Ancient City of Thebes
I stayed a couple of weeks in Luxor on both the east and west banks of the Nile – there was so much to see and digest!
“We find that in his time [Herodotus the historian 484–c. 425 BC], Memphis was the capital, while of the glorious Thebes there remained but ruins. Now, if we, who are enabled to form our estimate only by the ruins of what was already ruins so many ages before our era — are stupefied in their contemplation, what must have been the general aspect of Thebes in the days of its glory?
Karnak — temple, palace, ruins, or whatsoever the archæologists may term it — is now its only representative. But solitary and alone as it stands, fit emblem of majestic empire, as if forgotten by time in the onward march of the centuries, it testifies to the art and skill of the ancients. He must be indeed devoid of the spiritual perception of genius, who fails to feel as well as to see the intellectual grandeur of the race that planned and built it.
Champollion, who passed almost his entire life in the exploration of archæological remains, gives vent to his emotions in the following descriptions of Karnak: “The ground covered by the mass of remaining buildings is square; and each side measures 1,800 feet. One is astounded and overcome by the grandeur of the sublime remnants, the prodigality and magnificence of workmanship to be seen everywhere.” No people of ancient or modern times has conceived the art of architecture upon a scale so sublime, so grandiose as it existed among the ancient Egyptians; and the imagination, which in Europe soars far above our porticos, arrests itself and falls powerless at the foot of the hundred and forty columns of the hypostyle of Karnak!”19

The Colossi of Memnon guarding the Valley of the Kings necropolis on the west bank of Luxor. (Author’s pic.) They are made from blocks of quartzite sandstone quarried and transported from 675 km (420 miles) away, overland to Thebes!
The temple complexes at Karnak and Luxor stand on the east bank of the Nile whilst opposite on the west bank lie the temples and tombs of the Valley of the Kings and Valley of the Queens. Luxor is also the home of the Brotherhood of Luxor, presided over by the Master Serapis:
“Master Serapis, frequently called the Egyptian. He is the Master upon the fourth ray, and the great art movements of the world, the evolution of music, and that of painting and drama, receive from Him an energising impulse. At present He is giving most of His time and attention to the work of the deva, or angel evolution, until their agency helps to make possible the great revelation in the world of music and painting which lies immediately ahead. More about Him cannot be given out, nor can His dwelling place be revealed.”20
If Egypt was the custodian of the Mysteries for hundreds of thousands of years, then Luxor was most likely its “capital”. It has been said that Luxor is a base for various of the Masters of Wisdom in their discrete journeys around the world, from the Middle East to Europe and the Americas.
“The Egyptian priests chanted the seven vowels as a hymn addressed to Serapis; and at the sound of the seventh vowel, as at the “seventh ray” of the rising sun, the statue of Memnon responded. Recent discoveries have proved the wonderful properties of the blue-violet light — the seventh ray of the prismatic spectrum, the most powerfully chemical of all, which corresponds with the highest note in the musical scale.”21

Karnak. (Author’s pic.)
Many occult arts and sciences from ancient Egyptian times have been lost but in the approaching Aquarian cycle they will be rediscovered and reclaimed through the evolution of the human intellect. The seventh ray of ceremonial order was undoubtedly a prominent ray in the expression of this civilisation; it is intimately associated with Aquarius, sharing the same planetary ruler of Uranus. Luxor, in its previous incarnation as Thebes, was (like Alexandria much later), a centre of great scientific learning:
“Astronomos: The title given to the Initiate in the Seventh Degree of the reception of the Mysteries. In days of old, Astronomy was synonymous with Astrology; and the great Astrological Initiation took place in Egypt at Thebes, where the priests perfected, if they did not wholly invent the science.
Having passed through the degrees of Pastophoros, Neocoros, Melanophoros, Kistophoros, and Balahala (the degree of Chemistry of the Stars), the neophyte was taught the mystic signs of the Zodiac, in a circle dance representing the course of the planets (the dance of Krishna and the Gopis, celebrated to this day in Rajputana); after which he received a cross, the Tau (or Tat), becoming an Astronomos and a Healer.
Astronomy and Chemistry were inseparable in these studies. “Hippocrates had so lively a faith in the influence of the stars on animated beings, and on their diseases, that he expressly recommends not to trust to physicians who are ignorant of astronomy” (Arago.) Unfortunately the key to the final door of Astrology or Astronomy is lost by the modern Astrologer.”22
And it was here in Egypt during this second subrace (5.2) that astrology was passed on and taught in the third subrace of the Fifth Rootrace (5.3) – the Semitic subrace that included the Chaldeans, initiated by the Manu Abraham:

Denderah Zodiac.
“The Egyptians and the Chaldees were among the most ancient votaries of Astrology, though their modes of reading the stars and the modern practices differ considerably. The former claimed that Belus, the Bel or Elu of the Chaldees, a scion of the divine Dynasty, or the Dynasty of the king-gods, had belonged to the land of Chemi, and had left it, to found a colony from Egypt on the banks of the Euphrates, where a temple ministered by priests in the service of the “lords of the stars” was built, the said priests adopting the name of Chaldees.
Two things are known: (a) that Thebes (in Egypt) claimed the honour of the invention of Astrology; and (b) that it was the Chaldees who taught that science to the other nations. Now Thebes antedated considerably not only “Ur of the Chaldees”, but also Nipur, where Bel was first worshipped-Sin, his son (the moon), being the presiding deity of Ur, the land of the nativity of Terah, the Sabean and Astrolatrer, and of Abram, his son, the great Astrologer of biblical tradition. [This “ante-dating” was by about 200,000 years. See table above on the subraces.]”23
Astrology may have been “invented” in Thebes in that cycle, but had been around since the early subraces of Atlantis – and later in the first Hindu subrace that preceded the Egyptians. It was in Thebes that Egyptian culture reached its acme in the occult sciences, magic and initiation:
“We can hardly hope even to realise the glories of Thebes in its prime, when it spread over a circuit of thirty miles, with the noble river flowing through it, and each quarter filled with palaces and temples. And the tyranny of the Ethiopian priests, at whose command kings laid down and died, will always remain one of the strangest enigmas in the whole problem of primitive priest-craft. . . [Note: Ethiopia was the area where the first Egyptians settled after their long voyage from southern India. It is also the source of the Nile which the Egyptians gradually colonised as they followed the Nile northward.]

Moonrise at the Karnak complex. (Author’s pic.)
It was a tradition of the ancient world that the secret of immortality was to be found in Egypt, and that there, amongst the dark secrets of the antediluvian world which remained undeciphered was the “Elixir of Life.” Deep, it was said, under the Pyramids had for ages lain concealed the Table of Emerald, on which, as the legend ran, Hermes had engraved, before the flood, the secret of alchemy; and their weird associations justified the belief that still mightier wonders here remained hid.
In the City of the Dead to the north of Memphis, for instance, pyramid after pyramid rose for centuries towering above each other; and in the interior passages and chambers of the rock-cut tombs were pictured the mystic wisdom of the Egyptians in . . . quaint symbols. . . . A vast subterranean world, according to tradition, extended from the Catacombs of Alexandria to Thebes’ Valley of Kings …
… These, perhaps, culminate in the ceremony of initiation into the religious mysteries of the Pyramids. The identity of the legend has been curiously preserved through all ages, for it is only in minor details that the versions differ. The ceremonies were undoubtedly very terrible. The candidates were subjected to ordeals so frightful that many of them succumbed, and those who survived not only shared the honours of the priesthood, but were looked upon as having risen from the dead. It was commonly believed, we are told, that they had descended into hell itself . . .

Walking toward the Valley of the Queens. (Author’s pic.)
… They were, moreover, given draughts of the cups of Isis and Osiris, the waters of life and death, and clothed in the sacred robes of pure white linen, and on their heads were placed the mystic symbol of initiation—the golden grasshopper. They . . . were instructed in the esoteric doctrines of the sacred college of Memphis.
It was only the candidates and priests who knew those galleries and shrines that extended under the site upon which the city stood, and formed a subterranean counterpart to its mighty temples and those lower crypts in which were preserved the “seven tables of stone,” on which was written all the “knowledge of the antediluvian race, the decrees of the stars from the beginning of time, the annals of a still earlier world, and all the marvellous secrets both of heaven and earth.” ”24
Note the phrase, “Table of Emerald, on which, as the legend ran, Hermes had engraved, before the flood, the secret of alchemy”. The French kabalist, Eliphas Levi, called this the Smaragdine tablet, the oldest living treatise on alchemy.
Hermes or Thoth, was also Enoch the Manu of the third subrace of the Atlanteans (4.3) and reappears under various guises throughout history. He is portrayed in the Egyptian tradition as Thoth, the ibis-headed god. Bear in mind, that Egypt was a bridging race between the Atlanteans and the Fifth Rootrace. So, although the latest genesis of 5.2 occurred about 860,000 years ago, its roots go back several million years.
This third subrace of Atlantis (4.3) of which Enoch was the Manu, saw an extraordinary explosion of arts and sciences. (The Manu holds the archetypal pattern for a rootrace or subrace’s intended evolution.) HPB hints at this vast length of time in her magnum opus, The Secret Doctrine:
“The astronomical records of Universal History, however, are said to have had their beginnings with the Third Sub-race of the Fourth Root-race or the Atlanteans. When was it? Occult data show that even since the time of the regular establishment of the Zodiacal calculations in Egypt, the poles have been thrice inverted.”25
Elsewhere in The Secret Doctrine it says that the poles are inverted every 1,080,000 years, hence “thrice inverted” = 3,240,000 years ago. (This is discussed in greater detail in The Hidden History of Humanity.) Again, to many readers unacquainted with esoteric chronology, these dates must seem utterly incredible or fanciful! Hence, required reading is the following essay: TIME: Re-Establishing Esoteric Chronology in World History.

Feluccas in Aswan (Author’s pic)
Aswan is the site of the famous Aswan Dam, controversial because in its latter building phase (1960-70) it was planned to flood a valley, requiring a massive relocation of monuments. Aswan is the ancient city of Swenett, said to be a frontier town of Ancient Egypt facing the south; it still continues that role as a doorway to Philae, Elephantine, Abu Simbel and other towns with monuments.
Aswan is also the home of the quarries of ancient Egypt revered for its stone, especially the granitic rock Syenite. All the colossal statues, obelisks, pyramids and monoliths that are found throughout Egypt were built partly or wholly with this granite.
“Swenett is supposed to have derived its name from an Egyptian goddess with the same name. This goddess later was identified as Eileithyia by the Greeks and Lucina by the Romans during their occupation of Ancient Egypt because of the similar association of their goddesses with childbirth, and of which the import is “the opener”. Because the Ancient Egyptians oriented toward the origin of the life-giving waters of the Nile in the south, Swenett was the southernmost town in the country, and Egypt always was conceived to “open” or begin at Swenett. The city is mentioned by numerous ancient writers, including Herodotus, Strabo, Stephanus of Byzantium, Ptolemy, Pliny the Elder and Vitruvius … It also is mentioned in the Book of Ezekiel and the Book of Isaiah.
… The latitude of the city that would become Aswan – located at 24° 5′ 23″ – it was an object of great interest to the ancient geographers. They believed that it was seated immediately under the tropic, and that on the day of the summer solstice, a vertical staff cast no shadow. They noted that the sun’s disc was reflected in a well at noon … Eratosthenes used this information together with measurements of the shadow length on the solstice at Alexandria to perform the first known calculation of the circumference of the Earth.”26
Philae is currently an island in the reservoir of the Aswan Low Dam downstream of the Aswan Dam; it was the site of an Egyptian temple complex that was later dismantled and relocated to nearby Agilkia Island as part of the UNESCO Nubia Campaign project, protecting this and other complexes before the 1970 completion of the Aswan High Dam.
“Philae was said to be one of the burying-places of Osiris, it was held in high reverence both by the Egyptians to the north and the Nubians (…”Ethiopians”…) to the south. It was deemed profane for any but priests to dwell there and was accordingly sequestered and denominated “the Unapproachable” … neither birds flew over it nor fish approached its shores.”27
Bear in mind that Osiris has several associations. One is with the constellation Orion, just as Sirius is connected to Isis, the consort of Osiris. The other association is with the first ray of will-power which is ruled by Vulcan and Pluto. Pluto is

Phil at Philae
known as the Lord of Death, hence the association of Osiris with the Underworld. Philae was also known to all the ancient writers mentioned above. One may wonder about the strategic placing of some of these Egyptian cities both in the north and south, concerning energy causes and effects:
“Philae also was remarkable for the singular effects of light and shade resulting from its position near the Tropic of Cancer. As the sun approached its northern limit the shadows from the projecting cornices and moldings of the temples sink lower and lower down the plain surfaces of the walls, until, the sun having reached its highest altitude, the vertical walls are overspread with dark shadows, forming a striking contrast with the fierce light which illuminates all surrounding objects.”28
There are many beautiful temples in Philae dedicated to Osiris, Isis, Horus and several other deities. To wander through its ruins – well, they are edifices that edify, their soaring walls and columns force the head upward in awe! As mentioned earlier, Egypt was the custodian of many of these occult arts and sciences for hundreds of thousands of years – among those was the science of initiation:
“Let him turn to some most suggestive Egyptian bas reliefs. One especially from the temple of Philae, represents a scene of initiation. Two Gods-Hierophants, one with the head of a hawk (the Sun), the other ibis-headed (Mercury, Thoth, the god of Wisdom and secret learning, the assessor of Osiris-Sun), are standing over the body of a candidate just initiated. They are in the act of pouring on his head a double stream of water (the water of life and new birth), which stream is interlaced in the shape of a cross and full of small ansated crosses.
This is allegorical of the awakening of the candidate (now an Initiate), when the beams of the morning sun (Osiris) strike the crown of his head (his entranced body being placed on its wooden tau so as to receive the rays). Then appeared the Hierophants-Initiators, and the sacramental words were pronounced, ostensibly, to the Sun-Osiris, addressed in reality to the Spirit Sun within, enlightening the newly-born man. Let the reader meditate on the connection of the Sun with the Cross in both its generative and spiritually regenerative capacities—from the highest antiquity.”29

Unfortunately the author missed photographing this scene at Philae and a stock photo is all that could be found.

The original temple exterior before it was moved.
Abu Simbel
The Abu Simbel temples are two massive rock temples near this village just south of Aswan, part of the complex of the UNESCO project that runs from Abu Simbel to Philae. The complex was relocated in its entirety in 1968, on an artificial hill made from a domed structure, high above the Aswan High Dam reservoir. The relocation of the temples was necessary to prevent their being submerged during the creation of Lake Nasser, the massive artificial water reservoir formed after the building of the Aswan High Dam on the Nile River.
“It is believed that the axis of the temple was positioned by the ancient Egyptian architects in such a way that on October 22 and February 22, the rays of the sun would penetrate the sanctuary and illuminate the sculptures on the back wall, except for the statue of Ptah, a god connected with the Underworld, who always remained in the dark.
According to calculations using the heliacal rising of the star Sirius, this date must have been October 22. This image of the king was enhanced and revitalized by the energy of the solar star, and the deified Ramesses the Great could take his place next to Amun Ra and Ra-Horakhty.
Due to the displacement of the temple and/or the accumulated drift of the Tropic of Cancer during the past 3,280 years, it is widely believed that each of these two events has moved one day closer to the Solstice, so they would be occurring on October 22 and February 20 (60 days before and 60 days after the Solstice, respectively).”30
The Egyptians based their calendar calculations on a 1,460 year cycle of Sirius, also linked to the duration of the Earth’s 25,920 year precession cycle.31 Not only are the temples and monuments in Abu Simbel breathtaking, but also by the fact that the entire complex was moved and reassembled in the space of only four years:
“The salvage of the Abu Simbel temples began in 1964 by a multinational team of archeologists, engineers and skilled heavy equipment operators working together under the UNESCO banner; it cost some $40 million at the time. Between 1964 and 1968, the entire site was carefully cut into large blocks (up to 30 tons, averaging 20 tons), dismantled, lifted and reassembled in a new location 65 meters higher and 200 meters back from the river, in one of the greatest challenges of archaeological engineering in history.”32
“Abu Simbel … was dedicated to the gods Amun, Ra-Horakhty, and Ptah, as well as to the deified Rameses himself. It is generally considered the grandest and most beautiful of the temples commissioned during the reign of Rameses II, and one of the most beautiful in Egypt.

Temple relocated today.
Four colossal 20 meter statues of the pharaoh with the double Atef crown of Upper and Lower Egypt decorate the facade of the temple, which is 35 meters wide and is topped by a frieze with 22 baboons, worshippers of the sun and flank the entrance.
[In the picture to the right, the statues along the left-hand wall bear the white crown of Upper Egypt, while those on the opposite side are wearing the double crown of Upper and Lower Egypt.
The colossal statues were sculptured directly from the rock in which the temple was located before it was moved. All statues represent Ramesses II, seated on a throne and wearing the double crown of Upper and Lower Egypt. The statue to the left of the entrance was damaged in an earthquake, leaving only the lower part of the statue still intact. The head and torso can still be seen at the statue’s feet.”33

Horus the Son/Sun god and Isis. (Author’s pic.)
During the reign of Ramses II, there were many advanced arts (not least of all in building practices!) – magic, ritual and astrology were all spiritual disciplines. H.P. Blavatsky tells us that,
“There was a vast difference between the Sacred Science taught by Petosiris and Necepso—the first Astrologers mentioned in the Egyptian manuscripts, believed to have lived during the reign of Ramses II — and the miserable charlatanry of the quacks called Chaldaeans, who degraded the Divine Knowledge under the last Emperors of Rome. Indeed, one may fairly describe the two as the “high ceremonial Astrology” and “astrological Astrolatry.”
The first depended on the knowledge by the Initiates of those (to us) immaterial Forces or Spiritual Entities that affect matter and guide it. Called by the ancient Philosophers the Archontes and the Cosmocratores, they were the types or paradigms on the higher planes of the lower and more material beings on the scale of evolution, whom we call Elementals and Nature-Spirits, to whom the Sabaeans bowed and whom they worshipped, without suspecting the essential difference. Hence the latter kind when not a mere pretence, degenerated but too often into Black Magic.
It was the favorite form of popular or exoteric Astrology, entirely ignorant of the apotelesmatic [the casting of horoscopes] principles of the primitive Science, the doctrines of which were imparted only at Initiation. Thus, while the real Hierophants soared like Demi-Gods to the very summit of spiritual knowledge, the hoi polloi among the Sabaeans crouched, steeped in superstition—ten millenniums back, as they do now—in the cold and lethal shadow of the valleys of matter. Sidereal influence is dual. There is the physical and physiological influence, that of exotericism; and the high spiritual, intellectual, and moral influence, imparted by the knowledge of the planetary Gods.”34

A wall somewhere in Egypt! (Author’s pic.)
What is magic, really? It is the understanding of spiritual laws, earthly and cosmic, that enable the practitioner to bring into manifestation certain ideas, for selfish or altruistic motives – known as black or white magic respectively .
“… in that home of ancient magic which you call Egypt, the magical work there performed was definitely concentrated upon the producing of physical effects and material results, and that the focus of the attention of the magician of the day can be seen in the stupendous production of those ancient and gigantic forms, standing silent and still in their pristine magnificence, which today call for the attention of archaeologists and travellers; the forms of lesser magic which they produced were dedicated to the magical protection of the physical form and allied matters.”35
The aforementioned use of the science of sound, rendering large stone blocks weightless, is but one example of this ancient magic. The new white magic for the Aquarian Age is outlined in the book, A Treatise on White Magic by Alice A. Bailey. It is of an entirely different calibre and character:
“This new magic will have no more relation to the crude attempts and oft ridiculous undertakings of the magicians, alchemists and performers of the past than c-a-t, cat, has to an algebraical formula.”36
The brief summary of this journey to Egypt may give the reader an idea of the vastness of its’ civilisation and the depth of its spiritual knowledge – that sought to stay in constant contact with the Divine. Having written this retrospective, a strong pull to return beckons! There is so much to see in Egypt, and the above description represents but a fraction. The 100 ton granite boxes at the Serapeum in Saqqara is certainly on my list for a return visit, as are other sites previously closed and now open, locations out in the desert, off the beaten tourist path.
Phillip Lindsay © 2017.
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Origins Odyssey: Travel Diary#1 – Britain 1. 2010
Origins Odyssey: Travel Diary#2 – Britain 2. 2010
Origins Odyssey: Travel Diary#3 – Costa Rica, Greece 2010
Origins Odyssey: Travel Diary#4 – Greece & Crete 1. 2011
Origins Odyssey: Travel Diary#5 – Greece & Crete 2. 2011
Origins Odyssey: Travel Diary#6 – Greece & Crete 3. 2012
Origins Odyssey: Travel Diary#7 – India-Sri Lanka. (Prequel 1: 1992)
Books by Phillip Lindsay
- Letters on Occult Meditation, Alice A. Bailey. p. 307. The Destiny of the Nations I, Phillip Lindsay. [↩]
- The Secret Doctrine II, H.P. Blavatsky. p.432. [↩]
- Esoteric Healing, Alice A. Bailey. p.484. [↩]
- The Secret Doctrine I, H.P. Blavatsky. p.317. [↩]
- The Secret Doctrine II, H.P. Blavatsky. p.558. [↩]
- The Well Tempered Solar System: ANATOMY OF THE KING’S CHAMBER. [↩]
- The Secret Doctrine II, H.P. Blavatsky. p.368-9. [↩]
- The Secret Doctrine II, H.P. Blavatsky. p.368-9. [↩]
- The Secret Doctrine II, H.P. Blavatsky. p.368-9. [↩]
- The Secret Doctrine II, H.P. Blavatsky. p.368-9. [↩]
- The Secret Doctrine I, H.P. Blavatsky. p.434. [↩]
- The Secret Doctrine II, H.P. Blavatsky. p.431. [↩]
- The Secret Doctrine II, H.P. Blavatsky. p.368. [↩]
- The Secret Doctrine II, H.P. Blavatsky. p.431. [↩]
- The Secret Doctrine II, H.P. Blavatsky. p.433. [↩]
- Isis Unveiled I, H.P. Blavatsky. p.517. [↩]
- Esoteric Healing, Alice A. Bailey. p.232. [↩]
- The Secret Doctrine II, H.P. Blavatsky. p.429. [↩]
- Isis Unveiled I, H.P. Blavatsky. p. 523. [↩]
- Initiation, Human and Solar, Alice A. Bailey. p.60. [↩]
- Isis Unveiled I, H.P. Blavatsky. p. 514. [↩]
- Theosophical Glossary. p.40. [↩]
- Theosophical Glossary. p.39. [↩]
- Collected Writings XI, H.P. Blavatsky. p.6. [↩]
- The Secret Doctrine II, H.P. Blavatsky. p.353. [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- The Secret Doctrine II, H.P. Blavatsky. p. 558. [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- The Destiny of the Races and Nations I, Phillip Lindsay. p.155. [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- Collected Writings XIV, H. P, Blavatsky. p314. [↩]
- The Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.118. [↩]
- The Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.118. [↩]