Libra 2019: Saturn. Karma. Rákóczi. Brexit. Judicial Mind. Hong Kong. China. Xi Jinping. Mercury in Scorpio.
Libra Keynote
“I choose the Way that leads between the two great lines of force.”
(Full Moon: October 13, 2019. 9:08 pm. UT.)
The Libra Equinox
Libra, Saturn, Karma and the Mind
Master Rákóczi: The Annual October Council
Britain’s Brexit Continued …
Libra: Judicial, Judiciary
Libra, Money and London
Hong Kong: Fighting for Democracy
China and Xi Jinping
Libra’s Influence in the Cusp of the Ages
Mercury in Scorpio: The Deep Sea Diver
Donald Trump’s Rage
Mercury, Psychopomp of the Underworld
The Libra Equinox
Every year around September 21 is the Libra equinox – equal night and day; where an interlude intervenes, as the passage of the sun along the Earth’s ecliptic crosses the celestial equator, depending upon the hemisphere in which you reside – autumn or spring equinox.
On the diagram of the celestial sphere, the ecliptic represents time – its invisible circle describes the year it takes for the Earth to move around the Sun. The equator represents space – the division that is made between hemispheres, and extends out to the celestial equator.
Hence, the intersection between these two circles – the equinoxes and solstices, represent where space and time meet, yet the possibility that the illusion of space-time can be transcended; these four points represent doorways where alignment can take place with the inner, timeless realms – the soul.
Saturn is the Lord of Time and is exalted in Libra, measuring out the cycles of an incarnation. Saturn has a profound relation to the cardinal cross – exalted in Libra, falls in Aries, detriment in Cancer and dignified in Capricorn.
These four points of the cardinal cross are the four quarters of the year – Aries-Libra equinoxes, Cancer-Capricorn solstices. An horoscope generated for these quarters can determine general trends for that three-month period.
Libra has been called the sign of “No-mans-land”1 – that neutral space between the warring opposites and where linear, illusory time can be transcended and the Eternal Now makes its presence felt; where the scales are balanced and poised and a point of decision can be reached using the judicial mind. A recent extract from a poem by the author,
The Eternal Now
that central point
where the scales
cease their oscillation
when past and future
and only NOW remains
poised upon the precipice
of the Infinite …
Libra, Saturn, Karma and the Mind
“Saturn is one of the most potent of the four Lords of Karma and forces man to face up to the past, and in the present to prepare for the future. Such is the intention and purpose of karmic opportunity … Libra—guards the secret of balance, of equilibrium and finally speaks the word which releases the initiate from the power of the Lords of Karma.”2
Yes, there are three other planets or “lords” of karma, besides Saturn – that can only be speculated upon. (For various reasons, those other planets might be Mercury, Venus and Uranus.) Saturn is the Lord of Karma who weighs in The Scales the consequences of action symbolically initiated in polar opposite Aries. Most of us may not arrived at this “initiate” status, but it gives us an idea about Libra’s role in relation to karma.
Aries is a sign of thought and activity – both karma generating. An action is more popularly thought of as karma-inducing, but increasingly, as the race becomes more mentally polarised, a greater awareness will develop about thoughts being karma-engendering.
“Thoughts are things” states the ancient axiom – hence as a thought proceeds, it will have an effect somewhere or upon someone. Many thoughts are vague and diffuse, hence go nowhere. But a clear cut and concentrated thought will create a definite effect – for good or ill. Saturn is the planet of thought – it governs the throat chakra, seat of the mental body; its work is to arrange seed ideas into geometrical thought-forms upon the mental plane – where they will have a lasting influence. Hence, the potency of Saturn’s exaltation in Libra:
“Libra—is related to the mental unit and … produces eventually a balance between the pairs of opposites. This is brought about upon the astral plane. It is the attainment of this balance which produces the reversal of the mode of passing around the zodiacal wheel and it takes place when integration has occurred, and the [wo]man is focussed upon the mental plane. He can, then, through right use of the mind, discriminate between the pairs of opposites and find the narrow razor-edged path which passes between them and keep his balance upon it.”3

“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I, I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.” (Robert Frost)
“In this sign [Libra], Saturn is exalted for—at the point of balance—opportunity comes and a situation is staged which makes a choice and a determination inevitable. It is a choice which has to be made intelligently and upon the physical plane, in the waking brain consciousness.
It is only now that the full purpose and the work of Saturn for humanity can reach a point of group usefulness, for it is only now that humanity has reached a point of general and widespread intelligence which can make any choice a definite conscious act, entailing responsibility.
Prior to the present time, only a few pioneering disciples and a handful of intelligent people could be regarded as freely choosing at the “point of balance” the way that they intend “to tip the scales.” Today, there are countless numbers and hence the intense activity of Saturn as we enter into the first decan of Aquarius and hence the same activity because humanity itself now stands upon the probationary path. This, Libra governs and controls, therefore the path of choices, of deliberately applied purificatory measures and the turning point before Scorpio, which governs the path of discipleship, can properly play its part.”4

(Artist: Mario Martinez
Everyone creates thoughtforms to live their lives by – whether they are dreams and plans to realise an ideal professionally, or to have a successful marriage and family. Those thoughtforms have a life of their own but eventually become worn out and crystallised; they must be destroyed and replaced by new upgraded thoughtforms! Often this does not happen and the unfortunate person lives under their self-imposed limitations – usually through not having the knowledge of how to regenerate old ideas, or simply succumbing to the weight and weariness of life experience!
The “Saturn return” will cycle around about every thirty years. Often marriages will come to an end at that time, or will undergo a challenging reappraisal. Or a career that started after the first Saturn return, may end some thirty years later at the second Saturn return, corresponding to retirement for many. The third Saturn return around the age of 84, is where the “Grim Reaper” Saturn, harvests the cycle with his scythe. Other transits by planets such as Pluto assist in destruction – esoterically we are told that the effects of Pluto are first felt in the mental body.
It must be borne in mind that there is far more “good” karma than “bad” karma in the world. Past emphasis on retributive karma must be replaced in the future by the notion of the karma of reward:

The Great Day of His Wrath (John Martin), the destruction of Babylon and the material world by natural cataclysm.
“Humanity has worked off much evil karma, and the karma based on causes later to be initiated will not generate such dire effects as that of the past. Not all karma is bad, in spite of what man thinks. Much of it is necessarily punitive and distressing, owing to humanity’s ignorance and low stage of development.
When karmic retribution becomes acute and terrible … it indicates that humanity has reached a point where consequences can be meted out on a large scale and with justice. Very little suffering is attached to karma where there is ignorance, leading to irresponsibility and complete lack of thought – and there is attached to affairs but little true sense of guilt … The Aryan race is now, however, so developed mentally and on a large scale that karma is truly horrible and agonising and can express itself through world conditions.”5
There are many kinds of karma – individual, family, soul group, national and planetary. The aforementioned Lords of Karma are governed by the greater Lord of Karma on Sirius.6 As we shift into the Age of Aquarius for the next 2,160 year cycle, the karma of soul group co-operation will become more apparent, leading to a more intelligent and sympathetic understanding of group responsibilities, as well as solutions to group problems.7

Master R. One of his many likenesses – so not to be taken too literally. Master DK describes him as a “rather a small, spare man, with pointed black beard, and smooth black hair.”
Master Rákóczi: The Annual October Council
The following passage is mentioned in newsletters every year, because of its increasing importance:
“Every October and every March, the Master R. gathers together His council of helpers, the Masters and the senior initiates in the Ashrams of the third, the fifth and the seventh rays. Though He is the Head of the third Ray of Aspect and is in control, therefore, of the two Rays of Attribute mentioned above, He does not Himself wield these forces, because He is One of the three Heads of the Hierarchy and His work cannot be confined to the activity of any one ray. He works through the Ashrams of these rays, but He Himself works primarily in cooperation with the Christ and the Manu.”8
March-October corresponds to Aries- Libra and it stands to reason that Master R would preside over these meetings – in his role as the Lord of Civilisation and the “regent” of Europe and America. Aries is the first impulse of the spiritual year, where the seeds of the annually modified Planetary Plan are sown. Polar opposite sign Libra reveals how plentiful or not the harvest has been – whether the seeds, “fell on fertile or stony ground”.

Solar and planetary hierarchies. Note green circle on right, department of The Mahachohan. The four circles with triangles underneath are the subsidiary ray ashrams.
This is why Libra is a sign intimately associated with karma – the consequences of thought/ideas sown in Aries, bear their bounty in Libra. Saturn, the lord of karma is exalted in Libra and rules Libra hierarchically. Saturn also rules the third ray of active-intelligence – the only ray to pass through Libra – and the province of the third hierarchical department of The Mahachohan – another name for the Lord of Civilisation. All the “rays of attribute” – 4, 5, 6, 7 – fall under the aegis of the Mahachohan.
Within Hierarchical circles, Master R is known as “The Count”, alluding to the “incarnation” immediately following Francis Rákóczi of Hungary – which led him to taking the “post” of Lord of Civilisation. Previously as the fifth degree initiate Master R, he was the head of the seventh ray ashram. Hence he has a lot of experience in wielding these ray forces and working with nations in crisis. (For example, his work as Count St. Germain around the French Revolution.)
Since World War II, Master R’s work has been exceedingly difficult in bringing in the new Aquarian civilisation, working with the energy of the seventh ray of Order, Organisation or Ceremonial Magic. This ray is ruled by Uranus, which is also the higher or soul ruler of Libra.
The seventh ray corresponds to the seventh physical plane, hence the, “power of the developed Libran to project the inner spiritual purpose or intended will into physical expression.”9 The following passage was written in the late 1940’s but is still very appropriate today, as many “evil personalities” have once again taken control:
“The entire rhythm of international thinking has to be altered, and that constitutes a slow and arduous task; the evil personalities which, in every country, are responsible for the chaos and uncertainty, have eventually to be replaced by those who can work in cooperation with the rhythm of the seventh ray, and thus produce ordered beauty.
… two elements in every land and nation: those people who hold on to the bad old things of the past, and those who work for the extreme opposite of this point of view and for that which is new. Under the influence of this seventh ray energy balance has to be brought about and preserved, so that the “noble middle way” [Libra] of right action and of right human relations [Libra] can be safely trodden.
The task of the Master R. is, however, lightened by the fact that the seventh ray is now coming into activity and its potency is increasing year by year. His task is also aided by the intelligent work done by the Ashram of the English Master Who works consistently with the awakening and the arising masses.”10
Indeed, the power of this new seventh ray cycle which began in 1945, is becoming stronger and is starting to overcome the outgoing sixth ray. As “the regent of Europe”, Master R has the responsibility of overseeing its development and unity, hence bringing into focus the esoteric triangle that exists between two major planetary centres – London and Geneva – plus the headquarters of the European Union – Brussels. The English Master is behind the Labour movements and trade unions throughout the world. Today the power of the unions has been considerably eroded by big business and corporations.
Britain’s Brexit Continued …
The city of London has Libra for its personality expression and is represented by the Westminster Parliament and the rule of law. Libra the Scales equals justice and fairness, qualities that underlie the Western democratic system. Libra is also the rising sign of Britain’s exoteric horoscope for 1801.
In all nations with their esoterically assigned rulerships, there can be found interfaces with the exoteric chart. For instance, Britain is a Taurus personality (the “British bulldog”) and currently in Britain 1801’s chart, the directed ascendant (soul purpose) is conjunct Mars in Taurus, whose meaning is:
“Mars …adds constantly to the natural warlike activity of Taurus … the potency of the Taurean struggle is so great that esoterically speaking, the effect of Mars is lost in the larger whole. It adds to the glamour and confusion and yet holds within itself hope for the struggling man.”11
Indeed, to remind readers, one of the reasons for Britain’s current dilemma is because it is at the mercy of its stubborn Taurus personality that seeks return to the glory days of empire, avarice and power; this is compounded by Britain’s first ray personality that is a natural ruler.
The current transit of Uranus through Taurus is challenging the Taurus personality to make some radical changes, that will also have reverberations for London in reforming the financial system. One of Libra’s themes is money and Uranus is the esoteric ruler of this sign. Hence, there can be seen in the personality of the nation (Taurus) and the personality of London (Libra), great changes afoot. (See also later section: Libra, Money and London)
However, as detailed in several recent newsletters, one of the key planets involved in Britain’s horoscope is Mercury in Sagittarius, standing for a reorientation to higher philosophical ideals. This planet has been getting much stimulation over the past few years:
1. In February 2016 when a Brexit referendum was announced:
a. Transiting Saturn (law) was conjunct Mercury twice, its second pass was in November 2016.
b. Transiting Jupiter in Virgo was square Mercury, creating some gross exaggerations.
c. Progressed Moon and Ascendant in Gemini – opposed Mercury for several months, exact by August 2016. This is one of the main keys to the beginning of the Brexit deception, the propaganda campaign of lies and disinformation – all lower Gemini stuff!
2. Since January 2019,
a. Transiting Jupiter in its own sign of Sagittarius has passed back and forth across Mercury, considerably amplifying the need for a philosophical reorientation; its last pass is occurring now, exact by September 24, 2019.
b. Transiting Neptune in Pisces has been squaring Mercury for the same period of time, muddying the waters with ongoing Brexit propaganda, creating chaos, confusion and prevarication. Neptune’s higher potential is to bring into being the best vision and aspirations for all; its square transit to Mercury will fade by February 2020.
3. September 3, 2019. At the voting of a critical bill on this date, there was a mutable grand cross formation between all the critical players: Britain, Boris Johnson, Jeremy Corbyn and the planetary transits for the day. Britain is esoterically a Gemini soul. Both Johnson and Corbyn are Gemini’s – the leaders of their respective parties. (See multi-wheel below.)
4. September 24, 2019. Eleven justices of the supreme court unanimously declared Johnson’s prorogation of parliament, “null and of no effect”. Transiting Jupiter had moved from its previous, closely applying position on Mercury – to exact! This is a very promising sign as the whole process continues to play itself out. Jupiter is the ruler of Britain’s second ray soul. On that day of September 24, transiting moon was conjunct Britain’s progressed sun in Leo; transiting Sun, Mercury and Venus were all in Libra. Leo-Libra are the ruling signs of London.
Britain, Johnson, Corbyn and transits for September 3.
In the September 3 horoscope multi-wheel above, the Mercurial force is everywhere. Mercury is ruler of both Gemini and Virgo. Corbyn’s Venus and Mercury in Gemini were opposed by transiting Jupiter, lending him some expansive eloquence describing policy in a recent speech; his progressed midheaven in Virgo (career) is also part of the grand cross in mutable signs.
Corbyn’s star might be finally rising, this is the moment, his final chance to step into power; especially with his progressed Sun in Leo about to conjoin planet of power Pluto in the next two years.
Johnson, a key player in the Brexit deception and its ongoing champion, has his trickster Mercury in Gemini closely opposite Britain’s Mercury in Sagittarius – indicating his contrary view, prevarication and “tampering” with the higher vision of Britain’s Mercury.
There are many planets in Virgo, Venus being the main one in the grand cross chart of September 3 – and Corbyn’s progressed midheaven. The Sun, Mercury and Mars all passed over that point in the following weeks, further activating the mutable grand cross, bringing some very Virgoan discrimination to the hitherto confused debate. The debate has not been helped by the ongoing square of transiting Neptune to natal Mercury. All of these transits preceded the Sun entering Libra, London’s personality – the sign of the Law and the rising sign of Britain 1801 horoscope.
As discussed with Britain’s Taurus personality, all forms need re-forming. Just as any individual passes through various transits during a life – and is challenged by a Pluto square or a Saturn opposition – to let go of the past and destroy obstacles to spiritual growth – so it is with greater entities.
Some individuals cannot cope with those kind of transits and commit suicide. Likewise Britain withdrawing from Europe might be viewed as a kind of suicide, instead of taking the initiative to face the challenges that are unfolding in its birthchart; as a major member of the EU, Britain has the spiritual maturity and Will to assist in the EU’s much needed transformation and purging of corruption – but it must also attend to its own house, like the old Elvis song, “Clean up your own backyard”.
This is where solar arc Pluto on Britain 1801’s Libran ascendant is so pertinent – choosing the higher way to transform how it relates to the EU. The lower way is to “throw the baby out with the bathwater” and walk away – pouting with British pride. (Leo is the soul of London.) Britain’s 1801 horoscope is currently “besieged” by a Pluto purge.
Similarly in Britain 1801’s horoscope, a transit of Pluto opposite the Cancer moon: The higher way is to destroy the old impediments of empire glories – the crab holding onto its territory, or the crab that expresses the lower keynote of Cancer: “Let isolation be the rule and yet the crowd exists.”
Modern democracy has been evolving since the signing of the Magna Carta in 1215 – and this time is surely one of its greatest challenges, with regard to a global “creeping fascism” in recent years.

Judicial minds: UK’s supreme court justices led by president Lady Brenda Hale, born in reforming Aquarius.
Libra: Judicial, Judiciary
“It is in Libra that the balancing of the pairs of opposites must take place and reach solution through the activity of the judicial mind and the establishing of a point of equilibrium between the male [mind] and the female [intuition] principles.
This again … is the problem existing basically between the Sheep and the Goats, between negative and positive, and between those who blindly follow either instinct or custom and those who climb freely where they choose and are self-directed in conduct and attitude.
This self-direction may lead them in either direction upon the wheel of life, following either selfish desire or spiritual aspiration, but the point to have in mind is that, judicially and with intent and after due reflection and balancing of the various ways, they then do as they will and as seems to them right and desirable. This is of itself of a basic usefulness and thereby they learn; for all action produces results and the judicial mind weighs cause and effect more correctly than any other.”12
The judicial theme presides over Libran London at the moment, with eleven supreme court justices ruling against Boris Johnson and the prorogation of parliament; it may work out very soon if there is a referendum or an election. The masses of voters having weighed in the scales all the information and disinformation of the past few years – they will, “do as they will and as seems to them right and desirable”.
One of the challenges in reaching a decision with the “judicial mind” is the continual oscillation of the scales tipping one way and the other – producing procrastination – Libra! Procrastination has been a feature of the past few years, as the attempt at Brexit has dragged on endlessly – through failure to balance the scales. As matters stand now, it looks as if EU negotiations will fail and there will be a “no deal” scenario. More in next month’s newsletter for Scorpio!
Libra, Money and London
“A London banking scene which lured in the brightest scientists from the country’s top universities and used them to boost their profit margins – without teaching them about the moral and legal consequences of their actions in return.”13
There are copious commentaries about Libra and money that can be found here. For Libra last year, there was an article in the newsletter called Money: The Black Magicians of Our Age. The brief commentary this year points to another incredible injustice whose perpetrators are barely getting a mention in the news:
“They have been called “the men who plundered Europe”: a group of cowboy traders, seasoned tax lawyers and mathematical whizz kids who are alleged to have conspired in the heart of the City of London to siphon at least €60 billion in taxpayers’ money from the state coffers of several EU countries.
… Le Monde has described as the “robbery of the century” has done almost as much to shape the view of Britain as Brexit itself. Dutch media has called it “organised crime in pinstripe suits” and one of the original German whistle-blowers saying he now welcomes Britain’s exit from the EU in the hope it could weaken the influence of London investment banking on European financial institutions.”14
At the heart of the fraud is a so-called cum-ex trading scheme, a complex shell game of share transactions. The third ray is closely associated with money and is the only ray to pass through Libra, the sign conditioning the personality of London.
This gives London an edge to be the financial capital of the world. Third ray symbols are the labyrinth, stage magic, Russian dolls – and shell games that create devious webs of companies to hide money and deliberately deceive.
When this lower Libra/third ray trait is combined with the lower expression of Britain’s Taurus personality, then an undue focus upon money, greed and materialism emerges. Brexit is the least of Britain’s problems, it sorely needs to clean up the corruption in London’s financial centre. The transit of Uranus through Taurus over the next several years has the potential to bring some revolutionary changes.
Astrological Readings
I am frequently asked if I do readings – yes of course, I am a professional astrologer! Here is the link for making a consultation booking and another to my client testimonials.
A reminder that the past 20 years of newsletters and much more, can be found in the various publications listed at the bottom of this newsletter. More specifically, in the Soul Cycles of the Seven Rays – series 1 to 4, plus The Destiny of the Races and Nations – series 1 to 3. Also available on Amazon or the Esoteric Astrologer Bookstore.
Hong Kong: Fighting for Democracy
There is much ongoing transformation occurring in the world at the moment, and many westerners ignore the Far East because it is, “so far away – out of sight, out of mind”! Yet it is another crisis that demands to be understood, as does China to which Hong Kong is attached.
“Deep resentment has grown over the past 22 years, since the handover of sovereignty from Britain to China. Many rights have been eroded and the Hong Kong government, which spends heavily on infrastructure and cultural projects to integrate more closely with China, is seen as working for Beijing, while undermining Hongkongers’ interests … “A generation raised under the red flag not only has not become ‘patriotic’ as hoped, but has become increasingly estranged from China.”15
As Hong Kong was part of the British Empire for over a 150 years (1842-1997), a subjective influence of the British democratic and legal system still lingers. Hence, it is no coincidence that Hong Kong’s crisis is occurring during Britain’s democratic crisis.
Hong Kong is a gateway to China and an unique bridge between east and west. HK’s modern birth was in 1997 – when Britain’s 99 year lease expired. It has Aries rising, Sun in Cancer and a Taurus moon – the latter echoing a legacy of the British Taurus personality, as well as China’s Taurus soul.
The principles of British democracy have made their impact upon Hong Kong – via the British Empire and its extension to the East – India and Singapore – the latter, a similar nation that has a majority Chinese population.
Hong Kong is a very dynamic, high energy city and has aggressive Aries rising – with its ruler, combative Mars place in Libra opposite, the sign of the peacemaker. One protester stated recently: “I accept revolution and bloodshed. Revolution is a war and no war is without violence. If our violence can bring about positive changes, I am willing to be involved.” Martial arts movies starring the likes of Bruce Lee, have always been big in Honkers. A key factor with Aries is its need for independence.
HK’s Sun is in in watery Cancer, whose soul ruler is Neptune, god of the oceans – this city is on the water and surrounded by water! Incidentally, Scorpio-Sagittarius Bruce Lee’s motto was, “being water” – adaptable, and mobile – and it has become the catch-cry of the leaderless pro-democracy movement in Hong Kong.
Cancer is a sign of managing resources and Hong Kong is a, “capitalist mixed service economy, characterised by low taxation, minimal government market intervention, and an established international financial market.”16
The Hong Kong horoscope has Uranus and Jupiter in Aquarius, adding to the love of freedom and independence; hence radical, revolutionary thought has a good environment in which to gestate. The moon in Taurus is square to Jupiter in Aquarius, indicating a conflict between the past and future – and a dig-your-hooves-in attitude to achieve goals. Hence, pro-democracy groups are now resisting the impact of the hard line taken by mainland China – with equal determination.

Note the transmission of energy from London throughout the British Empire. Also Tokyo, planetary centre for the Far East which includes China.
There is some extraordinarily close synastry between Britain and Hong Kong’s horoscopes – which is only to be expected given their long association with one another:
Britain | Aspect | Hong Kong |
Rising 7° Libra 09’ | Conjunction | Mars 5° Libra 11’ |
Jupiter 1° Leo 51’ | Conjunction | Venus 2° Leo 17’ |
Sun 10° Capricorn 10’ | Opposition | Sun 8° Cancer 53’ |
Neptune 18° Scorpio 44’ | Opposition | Moon 19° Taurus 02’ |
Moon 19° Cancer 25’ | Square | Saturn 19° Aries 29’ |
Moon 19° Cancer 25’ | Sextile | Moon 19° Taurus 02’ |
Britain and Hong Kong
The Umbrella Revolution
The main activations to Hong Kong’s horoscope at the beginning of the “umbrella revolution” (the foundation of the current movement), in September 2014 were:
1. Transiting Uranus (revolution) in Aries opposite progressed Mars in Libra. Uranus was also approaching Saturn in Aries, representing the state and authority.

Hong Kong’s “umbrella revolution”: A series of sit-in street protests, occurred from 26 September to 15 December 2014 – that is the foundation of the current movement.
2. Progressed Sun in Cancer (homeland) T-square to Chiron (the wounded healer) in Libra, in the seventh house of relationships – AND, progressed ascendant opposite in Aries. On the first day of protests on September 26, transiting Moon and Mercury were in Libra, conjunct Chiron, opposite progressed Aries (independence) ascendant.
3. Transiting Saturn in Scorpio square Jupiter in Aquarius. Saturn in Scorpio represents power struggles and Jupiter in Aquarius represents the freedom of a pluralistic social structure:
“Pluralism is a social philosophy that seeks to allow many different viewpoints to coexist within a larger structure. A pluralist society, system of government or organization contains many groups that keep their identities while also participating in the larger group.”17
The main transits affecting Hong Kong’s horoscope currently:
1. Transiting Uranus in Taurus square Venus in Leo. Uranus the revolutionary is activating Venus in Leo’s need to have an unique and independent self-rule, by whatever (dramatic) means possible. This transit will have made four hits to Venus – from July-August 2018, April 2019 and finally in February 2020.
2. Transiting Uranus square Uranus. Then Uranus will proceed to square its own natal position of Uranus in Aquarius – in May and November 2020, with a final pass in February 2021; it will foment further rebellious activity in Hong Kong – against the very Saturnian Chinese regime.
China is a third ray personality ruled by Saturn; it is also a first ray soul and can be utterly ruthless against uprisings, as demonstrated at Tiananmen Square in 1989 – hundreds or thousands were estimated to have been killed. (There is also alot of anti-China propaganda about this event, making if difficult to discern the truth.) Ironically, Tiananmen means the “Gate of Heavenly Peace” – another expression of Libra. Now in 2019, it is a 30-year Saturn cycle later since 1989.
3. Transiting Pluto in Capricorn square Saturn in Aries. Pluto in Capricorn is the power of the state at odds with HK’s resistant Saturn in warrior Aries.
4. Transiting Saturn in Capricorn square Saturn in Aries. The law, karma – responsibility. This transit has been in effect since February 2019 and will last until the third and final pass in December 2019.
China and Xi Jinping
China’s latest “incarnation” was in 1949 at the Chinese Communist Revolution, led by Mao Zedong (Mao Tse Tung). China is a first ray soul with a third ray personality. Its ruthlessness and toughness in politics and business stems from its first ray soul of will or power – as well as its Taurus soul that gives a strong expression of the first ray – through its esoteric ruler, Vulcan. In China’s ongoing evolution, it has not yet learnt how to temper this potency with compassion.
This fact is compounded by China’s third ray personality, a ray of mind, ruled by Saturn, by which it excels in manifesting and manufacturing. China has become the world’s major manufacturer in the past few decades. Because of this boom, over half a billion Chinese have been lifted out of poverty.
Yet the tendency toward materialistic principles currently dominates – at least in this cycle that marks China’s major reorientation and building a new infrastructure. The third ray has a tendency toward communism (China is technically “Socialist communist”), whilst the second ray of love-wisdom finds its best expression in democracy. The first ray’s point of least resistance is fascism.
The increasing power of our planet’s great first ray centre – Shamballa, is responsible for the rise of fascism in nations. Ever since WWII, the spiritual guides of Humanity (The Great White Brotherhood), who are steeped in the principle of the second ray of love-wisdom, have taken a calculated risk and permitted,
“… a direct inflow of the Shamballa force (in spite of its attendant risks) to pour into the world. The objective was to stimulate the free will of the masses; the result upon them has been relatively good as it has led to the formulation and expression of the great world ideologies—Fascism, Democracy and Communism as well as that peculiarly distorted blend of Fascism and Communism which goes by the name of Hitlerism or Nazism.
All these ideologies are fostered by the desire of the masses for the betterment of the condition in which the populace in any country lives and it has become focussed, expressive and creative by the force of the Shamballa influence. But another result of this inflow of the will-to-power has been to stimulate a certain group of outstanding personalities in many lands so that they have assumed control of the masses and can thus determine the policies and methods—religious, political and social—of the different nations.

Shamballa, Gobi Desert and the Shigatse area. Proximity of India, also a first ray soul. North Korea is nearby – nuclear (first ray) ambitions.
In every nation a relatively small group of people decide all important issues and determine all major national activities. This they do either by force, terror and deception or by persuasion, fair words and the application of ideological motives. Of this situation in the world the Lords of Destiny are availing themselves in order to bring the ancient conflict to an end and so enable humanity to pass into the new Aquarian Age relatively free and with a clearer understanding of right human aims, right relationships and man’s predestined future.”18
This “ancient conflict” is of course the Atlantean war, recapitulated during WWI & II, today in its third and final phase. Note also, that China’s capital Beijing, is just a stone’s throw from the current location of Shamballa; physical proximity to this centre must have a strong influence. China is literally in Shamballa’s aura, as is neighbouring India to a certain extent – also a first ray soul.
The esoteric assignment of China as a Libran personality pertains to themes of balance and beauty in a profoundly ancient culture – in all the arts, Chinese Medicine, Taoist philosophy, I-Ching, Feng Shui, Yin-Yang, Lao-Tzu, Confucius etc. China’s Libran personality also has a connection to Shamballa and “turns the wheel” of karma, hence the annual Libran solar festivals will always have this force present:
“Libra admits the soul into the world centre which we call Shamballa, for it is the polar opposite of Aries which is the place of beginnings. Libra demonstrates the perfect balance of spirit and matter which first came together in Aries.
This balance and this relation of the great opposites, spirit and matter, is symbolised for us in the personality situation of balancing the pairs of opposites on the astral plane, and finding between them the “narrow razor-edged path” which leads the [wo]man into the kingdom of the soul.”19
The horoscope of China is another example where there is a partial interface between the esoteric assignment of a Libra personality and China’s Libra sun sign. The Sun in esoteric astrology represents the threefold personality. China was “reborn” on October 1, 1949 – with Sun, Mercury and Neptune in Libra. The rising sign is Aquarius, as is the moon, sitting right on the ascendant.

This picture of Xi with Sri Lankan president was originally captioned, “China’s debt trap diplomacy”.
China is a third ray personality, the only ray to pass through Libra. Hence, the Libran stellium of planets afford a good interface for China’s relations with the rest of the world; it tempers hardline attitudes with Libran diplomacy – in its trade negotiations and relations with other nations. China’s Libran personality is a good example of the “iron fist within the velvet glove” – China’s will “will be done”!
The Moon in Aquarius signifies its past collective evolution, the dictatorship of the Proletariat. Aquarius rising points to its future development in technology as a scientific power – through manufacturing and innovation.
Aquarius is also the world server and as the world shifts into the age of Aquarius, China may have much to offer in the future. The question might be – whatever China/Xi is claiming to offer, is it in the spirit of genuine international co-operation/altruism – or wth the ulterior motive of gaining control and dominance – that first ray soul theme again?
Previously China was the copier or imitator, but is becoming increasingly innovative and original – themes associated with Aquarius. The latest mantrams sounded by Xi Yinping are infrastructure and innovation – it is pushing forward innovation-driven development. China now follows similar innovative development that its Asian neighbours Japan and South Korea have been following for decades.
The Saturn-ruled third ray is all about structure and infra-structure. China’s developing and breathtaking new infrastructure is on offer to the rest of the world – and is stated by Xi – as part of his new vision of commitment to international cooperation, global economic integration and the developing world.
Curiously, China’s Saturn in Virgo is completely unaspected, in the Saturn-ruled decanate of Virgo, making it extra powerful – and meticulous in the expression of its third ray personality etc.
Xi’s “One Belt, One Road” initiative is to build roads, railways and other infrastructure projects that solidify Chinese economic and political influence. This three-part documentary – “Time of Xi” gives a broad overview of Xi and China at the moment. The Australian-made video is very “China friendly” propaganda and does not deal so much with human rights issues. Nevertheless, it offers some eye-opening perspectives – many of us hardly think about China and are often conditioned by stereotypes and decades of propaganda.
“The [October 1] anniversary comes [2019] as Beijing faces perhaps its most serious challenges since the 40th national day in 1989. That was marked in muted fashion just months after the military [allegedly] killed thousands of pro-democracy protesters in and around Tiananmen square, plunging the country into international isolation.
Today a trade war with the US threatens both the American and Chinese economies, there is growing international unease at Xi’s aggressive projection of power beyond China’s borders, and domestic problems belie the government’s attempt to united its 1.4 billion people around the president’s vision of a ‘Chinese Dream’.
The detention of over a million people in far Western Xinjiang region, in camps that the Chinese government describes as re-education centres, has caused particular international condemnation.”20 (This has recently been revealed to be propaganda by an evangelical researcher.)
It must be quite a challenge to control such a large population! The government is working to combine its 170 million-plus security cameras with artificial intelligence and facial recognition technology to create a vast surveillance state; it often plays up technological successes in state media to convince the populace of its impressive capabilities.
Allied to this is the problem of building an omnipotent “social credit” system – meant to rate each citizen’s trustworthiness. Already there are millions of citizens who are restricted from foreign travel because of this system. This is a path many Western nations are watching with interest – as a possibility to adopt, yet the West is already well down that path, with citizen surveillance via social media and web tracking!
Many observers may be forgiven for thinking that China is trying to take over the world, through its far-reaching ambitions, building of enormous military power and its involvement economically in practically every nation – from Africa to South America and Europe. Economic advantage allows China to practically “own” or dictate policy to some countries, particularly some of the African nations, or Cambodia for instance, that it recently “loaned” $62 billion.
The question can also be posed, how much of China’s military spending is based upon the USA-driven arms race and that nation’s reservations/fears about China? China now has very close relations with Russia, which changes considerably the world’s geo-political map – maybe a healthy situation where one power is not too dominant – in an increasingly multi-polar world.

The famous, buried terra-cotta warriors. An estimated 8,000 soldiers, 130 chariots with 520 horses, and 150 cavalry horses, the majority of which remain buried in pits.
Transits in China’s Horoscope
Briefly, the main transits triggering China’s horoscope currently are:
1. Transiting Jupiter conjunct progressed Sun in Sagittarius. An amazing coincidence because the progressed Sun is at the same degree as Britain’s infamous Mercury in Sagittarius! As that transit represents a reorientation of Britain’s ideals, so too for China – irritated by its rebellious child, Hong Kong.
This Jupiter transit has been in orb of influence since January 2019, spanning the period of some of the most intense demonstrations in Hong Kong. The big question is, will China get the message and adopt some Libran diplomacy – or go all out with a ruthless response? So far the local HK government has been heavy-handed with a banning of masks worn by demonstrators, fuelling more violence.

Kwan Yin (Nicholas Roerich). Guan Yin is the Chinese bodhisattva known as Avalokiteśvara.
2. Transiting Pluto conjunct Jupiter in Capricorn. From April 2018 to October 2020. Jupiter in Capricorn represents the all powerful state, and Pluto the planet of power, represents the breakdown of state power – or being challenged/undermined by other forces. The point of least resistance with this transit is for China to ride roughshod over Hong Kong.
Esoterically however, Jupiter is the soul ruler of China’s Aquarian ascendant and has a higher meaning placed in Capricorn. Is China capable of fulfilling the Jupiter-ruled “2nd aspect” of love-wisdom bridge that lies between its first ray soul and third ray personality?
“Jupiter in its lowest aspect gives the fulfilment of desire and satisfied demand, whilst in its highest Jupiter is the outgoing expression of love, which attracts magnetically to itself that which is desired—this time the good of the whole. In Capricorn, therefore, Jupiter reaches its lowest point of expression in the densest material aspect, and then—as love and selflessness triumph—this lowest aspect vanishes and disappears.”21
One of the problems with China’s Taurus soul, is that its lowest expression may predominate, in a way that is just as stubborn as Britain’s Taurus personality – as a ruthless display of power, control and dictatorial attitudes. Taurus is a sign noted for dictators such as Hitler and Saddam Hussein. Yet spiritually speaking,
“What is happening with the trade war and everything else will contribute to a greater spiritual awakening for China. What we are likely to see is a decided change starting in late 2020, when there are simultaneous directions of Venus and Uranus to the PRC Ascendant, and with a kick start early next year.”22Note
Xi Jinping (hypothetical rising sign)
Xi’s birthtime is unknown, though it is rumoured that he was born between 11 am and 1 pm, giving a mainly Virgo ascendant in that time window – though Libra, if born close to 1 pm. Note that this hypothetical ascendant degree is very close to the China chart position of unaspected Saturn in Virgo; this would allow Xi to “plug in” to China’s third ray personality and express it to the world.
Xi has Venus in Taurus square a Leo moon – there is a strong tendency for a dictator! Xi has been made president for life since he abolished electoral term limits – and is now the most powerful leader since Mao Zedong. Time will tell as to how this will work out. His Holiness the Dalai Lama recently said,
“It is possible that after just five years China will undergo great change. At present the situation in China is evolving with great impetus. Now there are many Chinese officials and those who are educated who do not call the Dalai Lama a splittist but instead they express the need for us to develop a relationship, and their voices are growing louder.
In particular the Chinese people have high hopes for this and such news has also appeared recently in Chinese newspapers. Since making India my permanent home I have felt at times that if I could visit China and Tibet then there would be much benefit for China and Tibet.”23
Libra’s Influence in the Cusp of the Ages
It is somewhat heartening to be reminded that in this era of chaos and confusion that always attends the cusp of zodiacal ages, that the sign of Libra brings a measure of balance and peace to world affairs:
“In this transition period through which the world is now passing and in this interlude between two activities—that of the Piscean Age which is passing and that of Aquarius which is coming in—Libra will eventually rule, and the end of this century [20th] will see the influence of Libra steadily coming into pronounced control and into a position of power in the planetary horoscope. There is, therefore, no need for real anxiety.”24
Really? Let us hope so! Part of the cause of conflicting forces on Earth is that a large proportion of Humanity are waking up and aligning themselves with higher frequencies – that are at odds with the grosser vibrations of the status quo. This embracing of higher principles and values is called the “reversal of the wheel”. The word “reversal” is evocative of friction and turbulence, compounding the existing ruckus – but of temporary moment in the long term scheme:
“The constellation Libra occupies a unique place in the Great Wheel, for it is the energy … which controls … the “hub of the wheel.” This is that point in intermediate space where the twelve zodiacal energies meet and cross. Libra, therefore, controls the “moment of reversal of the wheel” in the life of every aspirant, for there comes a moment in the cycle of lives wherein a point of balance is reached and a relative equilibrium is attained, and over this event Libra presides.”25
Note the word aspirant – those who aspire to achieve success in their chosen field and thereby serve Humanity. One must become an aspirant before treading the paths of discipleship, then initiation; yet we are also reminded that everyone is an aspirant, up to the highest initiate and beyond – because there is always a higher evolution waiting to be explored:
“The souls who think, and who are minds. These are steadily increasing in number and gaining in power as our educational processes and our scientific discoveries bring results, and expand human awareness. They constitute the cream of the human family, and are the people who are achieving success in some department of human life.
They are writers, artists, thinkers in various fields of human knowledge and aspiration, politicians, religious leaders, scientists, skilled workers and artisans, and all those who, though in the front rank, yet take ideas and propositions and work with them for the ultimate benefit of the human family. They are the world aspirants, and those who are beginning to get the ideal of service into their consciousness.”26
Mercury in Scorpio: The Deep Sea Diver
Transiting Mercury has just entered Scorpio (October 3, 2019) and will be there for an extended period of just over eight weeks (December 9, 2019) – due to its retrograde and direct motion. This is a time for deep reflection and probing the depths of one’s own unconscious, for psychological healing.
Donald Trump’s Rage. Mercury-ruled Gemini’s and Virgo’s will be deeply affected by this transit. For instance, Gemini Donald Trump and the ongoing probes into his activities – Mercury in Scorpio may bring up from the depths various revelations.
Trump said he would “drain the swamp” – ironically as creature of that realm! Scorpio is a “fixed, water” sign and a stinking body of still water is one of its symbols; a hell of sorts with its various lurking creatures, like the nine-headed dragon that Hercules confronts in one of his labours.
Trump’s extraordinary, unhinged behaviour, in the face of possible impeachment and other issues, is probably due to Jupiter approaching his Moon in Sagittarius (The Dweller), activating the opposition to his Gemini Sun. Jupiter expands and exaggerates existing conditions and will be focusing this Sagittarius-Gemini opposition to exactitude, right to the end of October, 2019; hence, we may expect more mad rages in the ensuing weeks. This article, “Peculiar, irrational, self-destructive’: Trump’s week of impeachment rage“, sums up what has been happening in this past week. Continuing the examination of Mercury in Scorpio – it has:
1. An ability for probing the arcane, the esoteric, that which is hidden.
2. A knack for seeing through deception, ‘x-ray vision’.
3. A tough and shrewd negotiator.
4. An in-depth counsellor.
5. A very persuasive communicator, an orator.
6. Super intuitive.
7. An exorcist.
8. A guide in the underworld realm of Pluto.
Mercury in Scorpio can be likened to the deep sea diver in the archaic diving helmet, who works alone upon the ocean floor, a long way from the surface. The oxygen hose that reaches to the surface is the lifeline, the umbilical cord, or the link in consciousness from the world below to the world above.
The diver is a rich metaphor for exploring the hidden-most depths of one’s being whether it is in the emotional body (Scorpio-water), the psyche (soul) or the shadow nature. Hence this period is an opportunity for psychotherapy – confronting and healing what lurks in the hidden areas of consciousness. Mercury in Scorpio can bring confrontational incidents into one’s life, such as:
- Attracting others who bring an awareness of unconscious issues and drives.
- Power struggles with others or within oneself – psychologically, psychically or even physically.
- Boundary and control issues. Fear and paranoia. Deception.
- The misuse of speech – Mercury in Scorpio can be devastatingly destructive in communication.
- Exposing hidden motives in oneself and others.
These few points can arise for the following reasons:
- Mercury is the ruler of the fourth ray of Harmony through Conflict (also the ray of Art and Beauty).
- The fourth ray is the only ray passing through Scorpio, ruled by Mars the god of war and Pluto, Lord of the Underworld. The 4th ray rules over Humanity in general.
- In Esoteric Astrology, Mercury is the ‘hierarchical ruler’ of Scorpio, whose, …”true significance will not be understood until the consciousness of individual … is planetary in its scope and grasp …”27
Mercury, Psychopomp of the Underworld
The deep-sea diver inhabits the concealed worldunder. The underworld is where Mercury as psychopomp (“guide of souls”), escorts the recently deceased into the afterlife.
The underworld or Hades, is ruled over by Pluto, lord of death and co-ruler of Scorpio, hence Mercury is very much in his element when transiting through this sign. Another expression of Mercury, is Charon the ferryman guiding souls across the River Styx to Hades.
Likewise Anubis, the dog or jackal-headed god of Egyptian tradition who ushers souls into the afterlife and attends the weighing scale during the “Weighing of the Heart”; there it is determined whether a soul is allowed to enter the realm of the dead. Here is Libra the Scales, Saturn the lord of karma and its exaltation in this sign. There also is a good case for Mercury as one of the afore-mentioned, “four lords of karma”. The dog head of Anubis hints at the dog star Sirius, from where emanates the “Sirian Law of Karma” – for this entire solar system!
The underworld can be interpreted as that which resides in our own psyche, unconscious – or “hell” that every individual creates for themself. Concepts of hell, fear and “eternal damnation” have been reinforced in Christian “churchianity” as a way of controlling the masses – and is essentially part of the Great Illusion.
The experience of “Hell” in the afterlife is being confronted by the “fast rewind” of life events, where, without the obfuscating veil of the physical body, one is shown clearly and starkly all the highlights of a life; particularly misdeeds or wrong choices made – brought about by ignorance or, wilfully disobeying universal spiritual law – a law that resides in everyone’s innate conscience.
Hence, preparation for the next incarnation is already underway as the discarnate soul avows and affirms to not make the same errors in the next life. This rewind process is repeated at a much later stage of the Bardo28, just before returning to the causal body of the soul – imminent to taking the next embodiment.
Mercury rules the lower and higher mind, plus the building of the antahkarana or bridge between. Hence Mercury is associated with memories, and digs out all that has been long forgotten or suppressed; particularly when placed in Scorpio, where with Pluto’s aid, all those memories can be released, relinquished, “resurrected from the dead” – raised up into a fresh perspective.
Memory is an aspect of the “Dweller on the Threshold”, a factor that assumes great importance in Scorpio – over which Mercury is the “hierarchical” ruler:
“In Scorpio, two most occult factors emerge from the past and begin to engross the attention of the disciple. One is memory and the other is, as a consequence of the memory, the Dweller on the Threshold. … From ancient recesses of the memory, from a deeply rooted past which is definitely recalled, and from the racial and individual subconscious (or founded and established thought reservoirs and desires, inherited and inherent), there emerges from individual past lives and experience that which is the sum total of all instinctual tendencies, of all inherited glamours and of all phases of wrong mental attitudes; to these (as they constitute a blended whole) we give the name of the Dweller on the Threshold.
… When the mind has reached a relatively high stage of development, the memory aspect is evoked in a new and conscious manner and then every latent pre-disposition, every racial and national instinct, every unconquered situation and every controlling fault rises to the surface of consciousness and then—the fight is on. The keynote of Scorpio is, however, Triumph.”29
Therefore, “hell” can certainly be a place of suffering, anguish and guilt for past transgressions of the Law. Hell is really the “densest maya” and “heaven” is equally illusory – both human-created realms of the lower and upper sub-planes of the astral plane.
Depending upon one’s spiritual evolution, an individual in the afterlife might choose to “languish in their anguish” (victims of their own crystallised ideas), or move on quickly through the various sub-planes of the astral and mental planes – to the abode of the causal body. That place might be termed the “true heaven”, from where we incarnate and “descend into hell” – into the materialism of Earth’s physical plane, for which our souls have “contracted” to redeem a part thereof!
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Phillip Lindsay © 2019.
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Books by Phillip Lindsay
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey.p.238. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey.p.165. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey.p.301. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.249. [↩]
- Esoteric Healing, Alice A. Bailey. p.291. [↩]
- A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p.570. [↩]
- A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p.547. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.668. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.248. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.668. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.401. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.233-4. [↩]
- The Guardian [↩]
- The Guardian [↩]
- The Guardian [↩]
- Wikipedia. [↩]
- Your Dictionary. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. pp.126-7. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey.p.168. [↩]
- The Guardian [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey.p.234. [↩]
- Malvin Artley, astrologer. [↩]
- Malvin Artley, astrologer. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey.p.238. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey.p.183. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology II, Alice A. Bailey. p.204. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey.p.359. [↩]
- [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.207. [↩]
If there was any doubt about how Xi Jinping would deal with the Hong Kong protests, there is not now!
“Anyone attempting to split China in any part of the country will end in crushed bodies and shattered bones.”
see John Pilgers’ documentary THE COMING WAR ON CHINA