Spiritual Opportunity for Humanity in 2020: Pluto-Jupiter

The Pluto-Jupiter conjunctions for 2020 follow on from the major Pluto-Saturn conjunction of January 2020 – the once-in-a-500-year seed point that was the “cause” of the coronavirus epidemic and the global transformation that is now unfolding.

The world is now seeing the immediate effects of this rare Pluto-Saturn event in the coronavirus epidemic that was announced by China – just a couple of weeks before the conjunction, during the Capricorn full moon period, Jan. 10-12.

That event indicates the massive reformation now taking place – where the power structure of the status quo has reached its ultimate point of crystallisation, its inevitable shattering, yet is desperately trying to implement measures to consolidate power and control.

Therefore, 2020 may be a year of greater pain, drama and transformation for Humanity. Following successful shattering of these old forms, radical changes are on the horizon – symbolised by Saturn and Jupiter entering Aquarius together at Christmas 2020.

In the interim – the 2020 Pluto-Jupiter conjunctions of April 4, June 30 and Nov. 12 – span the year, supercharging the Pluto-Saturn conjunction of Jan. 12. These Pluto-Saturn/Pluto-Jupiter conjunctions are only 1° from one another – meaning that in 2020, transiting Pluto-Jupiter will activate the Jan. 12 seed point several times.

With the Pluto-Saturn conjunction – Pluto is the ruler of the first ray of will-power, one of the rays to pour through Capricorn. Pluto is the force that is shattering Capricorn crystallisation. Saturn is the lord of karma, ruling the mind, dragging humanity to its karmic reckoning:

“Saturn can be regarded as the planetary Dweller on the Threshold, for humanity as a whole has to face that Dweller as well as the Angel of the Presence, and in so doing discover that both the Dweller and the Angel are that complex duality which is the human family.”1

With the Pluto-Jupiter conjunction – Now that Humanity’s Dweller is well and truly unleashed, the Pluto-Jupiter conjunctions will stimulate healing and rebuilding possibilities. Jupiter is the ruler of the second ray of Love-Wisdom, the major ray conditioning Humanity as a whole; it is the most common ray for most souls and is the soul ray of Britain, USA and some other nations.

Hence, Pluto’s destruction will pave the way for a tide of Jupiter’s compassion and love-wisdom to flow through. Jupiter can also magnify negative effects, being extraordinarily materialistic in Capricorn. Its “fall” in this sign,

“… gives the fulfilment of desire and satisfied demand …[or] … the outgoing expression of love, which attracts magnetically to itself that which is desired—this time the good of the whole. In Capricorn … Jupiter reaches its lowest point of expression in the densest material aspect, and then—as love and selflessness triumph—this lowest aspect vanishes and disappears.”2

In 2020, the “fulfilment of desire and satisfied demand” may be the point of least resistance for the fearful masses experiencing loss of jobs, income, housing, freedom to move about etc. And also of course, for business/money/corporations/governments scrambling to simply survive and/or selfishly exploiting the situation.

Yet personal reflection enforced by circumstances may lead millions to choose an “outgoing expression of love”, thereby “attracting magnetically that which is desired … for the good of the whole”. Jupiter’s passage into Aquarius with Saturn in Dec. 2020 will bring a test to see if these big corporations can radically reverse their hitherto selfish attitudes and become group water-bearers and world servers.

Global Economic Crisis
Capricorn is one of the main signs of money and capital because it and opposite sign Cancer, are about the management of resources. As an earth sign, Capricorn is profoundly “linked to the mineral kingdom, money and the concrete expression of the Law of Supply.”3

The two rays mainly associated with money and its organisation (finance) are respectively the third ray of active-intelligence and the seventh ray of Organisation or magic – two of the main rays that pour through the Capricorn-Cancer axis. (The world is dominated by many money “magicians” today – black, white and various shades of grey!)

The Jupiter-Pluto cycle is approximately 12.5 years, occurring most recently before 2020 in Dec. 2007 – at the beginning of the 2008 financial crash. Other notable cycles were 1918 at the end of WWI, preceding the Spanish flu epidemic – and 1931, in the middle of the Depression era bought on by the financial crash of 1929. (Pluto was discovered in 1930 and transiting Uranus was very active in Taurus at the time then, as it is now.)

Jupiter-Pluto conjunctions are associated with financial crashes, but are not the sole astrological factor. Cycles of Saturn in Sagittarius for instance, have been demonstrated to equate with financial bust. Nevertheless, Pluto is associated with the abundant riches of the Earth and Jupiter with largesse and wealth. The combination of both planets can create an undermining of wealth, leading to a transformation of financial systems.

Already during this crisis, governments and high profile politicians are declaring the age of neoliberalism dead, a flat wage for whole nations and many other ways of rethinking money. The passage of Uranus through Taurus from 2018-2025, also promises to contribute to a resetting of the financial system.

As noted in recent newsletters, many financial pundits have been saying that 2020 could see the “big one” (recession) and that time appears to have arrived. Jupiter and Pluto can stimulate extreme ambition for power and control – though Saturn’s presence, shifting back and forth from Aquarius into Capricorn will qualify ambitions – by limiting money and material resources.

Humanity will be forced through this crisis to revise its needs versus wants, to essentialise and let go of the superfluous and superficial – not just economically, but upon all levels. Already many are being overwhelmed not simply by the virus or fear of the virus – but the prospect of economic ruin, financial hardship, unemployment queues etc.

As Pluto reveals what is emerging from the depths of the collective unconscious, and sets about destroying/transforming, Jupiter brings in a rejuvenating, protective influence that creates new seeds for the future. Jupiter also magnifies dramatically what Pluto uncovers, leading to shocking revelations from the underworld, or major world changing events, discoveries, inspirational revelations – or all of those things!

Pluto’s underworld includes very powerful groups who work behind the scenes, the black market, terrorism, pandemics etc. Think gangsterism of the 1930’s, illegal alchohol, the rise of fascism etc. – a Jupiter-Pluto cycle – that can signal an intense period of trials and tribulations, leading to initiation. Plutonic power can be used selfishly or altruistically – the former is the default for most of undeveloped Humanity.

2020 may see some mighty power struggles between those who exert selfish, authoritarian control, and those who wish to liberate humanity from the insidious cartels and cabals that have kept a stranglehold on this planet for centuries. That is why 2020 could be Humanity’s Waterloo (“a final defeat or setback”) – unless millions fight strenuously to maintain their rights or demonstrate in the streets; to discriminate through the many propagandas that swirl around and not be swayed unduly.

There may be a global or national standoffs/resistances between those who embrace the new Aquarian principles of which Jupiter is the esoteric ruler, versus those who still cling to the crystallised outworn attitudes. There may be an exacerbation of authoritarian, dominating or predatory trends in all nations – with general populaces falling prey to the glamour of authority and media. The opposite pole is a people’s rebellion/disobedience against those institutions or governments trying to exert too much control.

USA and the Approaching Recession
USA is extraordinarily impacted by these conjunctions for 2020, leading up to its first ever Pluto return in 2022 – which occurs every 248 years. USA has Mercury in Cancer opposite Pluto, but because Mercury is in earlier degrees than Pluto, their opposition is being activated now, ahead of Pluto’s actual return. (Feb.20, 2022 to Dec.28, 2022.)

In Destiny of the Races and Nations I (2005), the author examines Mercury opposite Pluto:

“Mercury is the dispositor of both Mars in Gemini and Neptune in Virgo, and is placed in Cancer, retrograde, where it can be most elusive, diffuse and cunning. With the opposition to Pluto, there can be subversive communication, as well as devious manipulation. As Pluto rules the twelfth house of secrets, this opposition can refer to secret government agencies … It also refers to mass conditioning and propaganda through the media or these agencies.

Mercury in Cancer can let the emotions cloud clear thought, but also be illumined and receptive to higher intuition. As with all the Cancer placements, there needs to be a willingness to continually release the past, (glories and mistakes alike), as it only reinforces the shadow of the nation … Mercury opposite Pluto can make for a very persuasive argument and at its extreme, bring much force and pressure upon others to conform.

One of the worst themes of Pluto in the second house are the enormous financial institutions and corporations that have selfishly cornered much of the nation’s wealth, with the Cancerian tendency to hoard and hold onto. This intense materialisation inherent in the Capricorn-Cancer axis, is a major challenge for this nation to transcend.

On the other hand, Mercury opposite Pluto can give great insight and probing into the unseen and subtle realms, hence an ideal aspect for those pioneering the intuitive sciences. Mercury in Cancer is highly imaginative and creative, cultivating a fertile bed for the reflection of the intuitive consciousness.

… Another factor related to USA’s  Mercury opposite Pluto … is a major calling to account of clandestine agencies … Mercury-Pluto can be extremely persuasive and … can serve the manipulators of the truth – whether they are politicians or their sometime tools, the media. Mercury opposite Pluto conjures up just that – the conjurer!”4

Therefore, all of 2020 will witness USA’s Mercury-Pluto opposition activated by transiting Pluto and Jupiter. Pluto may reveal darker themes from USA’s underworld, the shadow that must be met, confronted and vanquished; a shadow that has been created since the nation’s inception and built upon for 248 years.

The USA anchors the Western world shadow in many ways, hence this Aquarius soul nation will be one of the main if not the major arena where the battle will be fought between the old Piscean materialistic ways and the emerging paradigm of Aquarius.

The Pluto-ruled first ray is the Destroyer, whilst the Jupiter-ruled second ray is the Builder; whilst one destroys, the other re-builds – nature abhors a vacuum. Here is the higher potential of Jupiter to build a better world. The shadow side however, has already been enumerated – Jupiter can magnify and exaggerate the status quo in its lower expression. A fellow astrologer and esotericist comments:

“What would appear to be an attempt to safeguard the greater good and to express the benign face of Capricorn as responsible stewardship, governments around the world have gone overboard and completely usurped the power of the people to think for themselves.

This is a manifestation of the patriarchal, dominating, and ruling tendency inherent in the executive and leadership-oriented sign of Capricorn, and one which flies in the face of the values of the Aquarian Age, during which time it is the objective for Humanity to learn the uses of the mental body, to experience mental freedom, and to exercise the right to think independently of mental pressure from crushing external forces such as governmental propaganda and the dominant scientific paradigm, both of which are deeply enmeshed with vested business interests – another dark face of Capricornian tendency.5

Indeed, and millions are questioning these dominating patriarchal attitudes – a “creeping authoritarianism” – as Australia’s human rights commissioner, Edward Santow explains:

“Our community has come together, making big and small sacrifices for the greater good. But there can be a dark side. Our willingness to accept sacrifice leaves us vulnerable to the insidious threat of creeping authoritarianism. Each restriction must be reasonable, necessary and proportionate to the threat. Some countries are spying on their citizens to enforce quarantine laws, or even welding some residents in their homes to stop the spread of the virus. Other countries have suspended the usual democratic protections, and are ruling by decree.

There are growing calls for more extreme measures in Australia. For example, new technology can enable surveillance at an unprecedented scale, using everything from CCTV to our mobile phone data. Artificial intelligence can be used to automate the enforcement process for anyone breaching the rules.”6

The previous astrological commentator continues on the Pluto-Jupiter theme:

“The fact that draconian authoritarian measures are coming into play just at the same time as the Jupiter-Pluto conjunction forms is the evidence that indeed, this particular astrological influence is the driver of the current trend toward authoritarian solutions for the present crisis.

Jupiter as the largest planet in the solar system connotes that which is big, abundant, excessive, monumental even. Pluto as the god of the underworld connotes power derived from within the Earth itself as the material globe holding incarnate spirits in form as well as ancient acts and karmas buried long ago in the archaic past, but residing even today in the hidden inner worlds of karma and planetary destiny.

This fact is both good and bad, both hopeful and disturbing, because the Jupiter-Pluto conjunction presents power that can be used for good on the one hand, or for ill on the other. Some may view the restrictions on travel and social interactions as primarily good, limiting the potential contagion factor and simultaneously reducing air and water pollution. This is some of the good which the Jupiter-Pluto conjunction may bring.

Yet, there remains the nagging problem of the serious sacrifices of personal liberty and constitutional principles arising at the same time. Many ask how much must be relinquished to governmental authority in the name of the survival of the species.”7

Phillip Lindsay © 2020.

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  1. Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p. 164. []
  2. Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p. 170. []
  3. Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.245. []
  4. Destiny of the Races and Nations I, Phillip Lindsay. []
  5. The Starfire Messenger, Maureen Richmond, []
  6. The Guardian []
  7. The Starfire Messenger, Maureen Richmond, []

3 Responses to Spiritual Opportunity for Humanity in 2020: Pluto-Jupiter

  1. Heidi Kunkler says:

    Thank you Phillip for this analysis. I think, we have to be very awake in the next future, in order that humanity will not be completely manipulated. Therefore, it is really important that you hold the vision before the eyes of men with your much appreciated Newsletters.

  2. Rosalie Nuñez says:

    Thank you very much for your articles! They keep me sane.



  3. Thanks Philip, Fascinating and gripping to read. It strings together all the actions and situations presenting themselves at this time. Appreciate you sharing your writing and offering it to us to read. Hope you and yours are well and stay well. Best regards, Philip Paul kelly

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