Satan in his Original Glory: ‘Thou wast Perfect till Iniquity was Found in Thee’. (Circa 1805 William Blake 1757-1827.)
The “Lucifer” Word in Theosophical Teachings
__Fundamentalism and the Esoteric
__HPB and Theosophy
__AAB follows HPB: Lucifer Publishing
__The “New World Order” Phrase
__Steps Towards the New World Order” Quote
The WEF, Lucis Trust and the Cycle of Conferences
__Lucis Trust’s Alignment with Other Institutions
__The Cycle of Conferences
__The United Nations
__The Need for Differentiation
__Hitler, Schwab and Nazism
__Use of the Word “Aryan”
__The Horoscope of Lucis Trust
__ Lucis Trust (1922) Transits and Progressions 2024
Addendum 1: Weblinks to theosophy, HPB, AAB etc.
Addendum 2: HPB on “Satan” and its connection to “Lucifer”.
This article was created to address the many criticisms of theosophists Helena. P. Blavatsky (HPB) and Alice A. Bailey (AAB) – because of their use of the word Lucifer. These critical commentaries can be found throughout the internet and are partly due to a misunderstanding of esotericism – or The Mysteries.
The word “Lucifer” refers to Venus – “the light bringer”, but unfortunately, incorrect attributions and haphazard connections to these authors have permeated the area of religious and even “New Age” teachings – creating confusion and suspicion.
Hence, some explanations are in order, bearing in mind that literal interpretations of esoteric literature can be misleading. The word “esoteric” means knowledge for the few, whilst the word “occult” means that which is hidden – as explained in more detail below.
Fundamentalism and the Esoteric
The word theosophy, combines the roots ‘theo’ and ‘sophy’ – meaning “God” and “wisdom”. The Theosophical Society created by HPB has been labelled a religion, but it is more accurate to call it a system of esoteric philosophy that draws upon all religious traditions and their more arcane components.
While defining some terms here – esoteric means: “Intended for or understood by only a small group, especially one with specialized knowledge or interests: synonym: mysterious. Relating to or being a small group with specialized knowledge or interests. Not known by or suitable for the public; private.”
Some of these interpretations might suggest that esoteric is somehow elitist, cultish or exclusive and indeed, these are long-standing criticisms of many esoteric groups – some of which is true.
Human evolution over many lifetimes – places everyone at varying stages of consciousness, hence a large proportion of Humanity is not ready for “higher knowledge”. This statement in itself might sound elitist but it is simply a fact. HPB informs us,
“For the teachings of Christ were occult teachings, which could only be explained at the initiation. They were never intended for the masses, for Jesus forbade the twelve to go to the Gentiles and the Samaritans (Matt. x. 8), and repeated to his disciples that the “mysteries of Heaven” were for them alone, not for the multitudes (Mark iv. II).”1
Religion is a step upon the way to recognising the Divine, the inter-connectedness of all humanity and developing a deeper relationship with it. At some point, the developing soul realises all religions are facets of the one diamond – subscribing to a more universal spirituality, unhampered by religious dogma and exclusivity.
There are many religious followers who are believers but not yet knowers. Fundamentalism in any religion, science or system of thought – is an emotional adherence to ideas – which creates a distorted idealism. There are Buddhist, Judaic, Christian or Muslim fundamentalists and even theosophical fundamentalists! There is also a scientific fundamentalism known as scientism.
Fundamentalism represents the crystallisation of ideas in any area of human expression. Hence, no matter how “more evolved” or superior in intellect a person might imagine themselves to be – they are not immune to human fundamentalist failings or short-sightedness!
HPB and Theosophy
HPB first initiated the term by naming her theosophical magazine, Lucifer. Readers may be interested in the article by HPB, Why the magazine is called “Lucifer”.
John Algeo, a previous president of the Theosophical Society, stated in an article, “Viewpoint: Lucifer: What’s in a Name”:
“When Helena Blavatsky moved to London in 1887, she decided to start a new magazine, and she chose to name it Lucifer, against the advice of some of her friends. The choice of that name was surely due, at least in part, to Blavatsky’s wicked sense of humor. She knew very well that the literal-minded and unimaginative of her day would associate the name with the devil. She was saying in effect: Very well, you think I’m a devil well, here’s another little tidbit for you to chew on. That is, she used the name [Lucifer] to tweak the noses of the literalists.”2
Indeed, HPB’s decision to name the magazine as such was a provocative poke in the eye to the staid Victorian establishment of the late 1800’s – adding to her already existing notoriety! Algeo explains a little more about how Lucifer became equated with Satan:
“How Lucifer got to be used as a name for a devil is a complicated story. In the Book of the Prophet Isaiah (chapter 14), there is a passage talking about the King of Babylon, who was not a favorite of Isaiah’s. Verse 12 of that chapter runs (in the oldest known version of the Bible):
“How you are fallen from heaven, O day-star, son of the morning! How you have been cut down to the ground-you who laid low the nation.” (Dead Sea Scrolls Bible 292).
The King of Babylon had apparently been given (or perhaps himself assumed) the title “Day-Star,” which is a name for the planet Venus, the first planet or star seen in the morning just before the sun rises, hence the King was also called “son of the morning.”
The identification of important monarchs with heavenly bodies has always been common, as for example King Louis XIV of France was called the “Sun King.” Now, the word Lucifer “light bearer” was the Latin term for the “day-star” or Morning Star because it brought in (or bore) the light of the day.
So when the Hebrew scriptures were translated into Latin, the word lucifer was used in this verse, rendered into Latin as Quomodo cecidistide cælo, lucifer, qui mane oriebaris? That is literally, “How have you fallen from heaven, light bearer, who are born in the morning?”
The reference to falling from heaven was doubtless Isaiah’s way of putting the Babylonian king in his place by sarcastically observing in effect: “OK, you call yourself the Day Star of Heaven, you who think you’re so high and mighty, but look at you now–you, the so-called Day Star, have fallen from your place in the heavens and have yourself been cut down to the ground.”
However, the early Christian interpreters misunderstood the expression “fallen from heaven” and, instead of recognizing it as a figure of speech playing on the destruction of the wicked King of Babylon, who called himself the Day Star, they thought it was a literal statement about a fall from heaven and identified the event with the legendary fall of Satan.
So they thought that the term “Day Star,” or “Lucifer” in Latin, referred to Satan. And thus a term for the planet Venus became one of the names of a devil. It was a mistake caused by misunderstanding figurative language as a literal statement, a common problem among fundamentalists.”3
The phrase, “misunderstanding figurative language as a literal statement” – is a common theme in esotericism or occultism. Even the latter word occult, meaning, “that which is hidden” – has come to mean “evil” in the superstitious public mind. In videos and articles, commentators often use the word occult indiscriminately – to mean something dark or evil, thereby blurring the lines between black and white – the proverbial grey zone.
Here the subject of black and white magic comes into focus, as occultism/esotericism – or the hidden universal laws can be used for selfish or altruistic purposes; this feeds into existing human fears of biblical damnation and hellfire, stoked further by materialistic forces working through money-driven sensationalist media – in print, film, television “programming” and online.
Ironically, the Ancient Mysteries seek to enlighten and free Humanity from its ignorance, its polarisation in “kama-manas” or desire-mind – to instill a sense of the soul, journeying through many lifetimes toward ultimate liberation.
The fundamentalists in any area of human expression – have further compounded these entrenched thoughtforms through their adherence to literal translations, driving them deeper into matter. As HPB opines,
“But the profane, and especially the Christian fanatics, ever in search of scientific corroboration for their dead-letter texts, will persist in seeing in the celestial pole the true Serpent of Genesis, Satan, the Enemy of mankind, instead of what it is—a cosmic metaphor.”4
Venus is the sister planet or “higher self” to our Earth, prominent at human Individualisation some 21.6 million years ago when humans received the “spark of mind”.
(This is discussed in the author’s HPB-based – The Hidden History of Humanity documentary, as well as its companion book, Unveiling Genesis: Mysteries of the Rootraces and Cycles.)
HPB’s theosophical teachings were the first of three planned installments to be released to Humanity by the Guides of the Race – The Great White Brotherhood or Masters of Wisdom.
AAB follows HPB: Lucifer Publishing
The second installment of the Teachings came with the release of Alice A. Bailey’s books from 1919 to 1949 – telepathically transmitted to her by The Tibetan, or Djwhal Khul. DK also worked closely with HPB in person, helping to write her monumental epic, The Secret Doctrine (SD) – which also involved Mahatamas Morya and Koot Hoomi.
At roughly the same time as AAB, emerged the received transmissions of Helena Roerich in her Agni Yoga series of books. Also The Teachings of the Temple transmitted by Master Hilarion. (The reader can explore the author’s various articles about AAB, HPB & HR listed in Addendum 1.)
Ironically, due to opposing forces penetrating the Theosophical Society in the mid-1920’s, many theosophists were convinced that AAB was a false prophet serving the “dark forces”!
As a result, many chose to believe the lie, without even reading AAB’s books, thereby dismissing what was a planned continuation of the original Theosophical teaching given by HPB.
Many theosophists who did read her books – had already made up their minds, and wrote critically, denouncing AAB’s writings. Here we see the difference between a predominating belief that denies true knowing. AAB was an avid student of HPB – and as noted in her Unfinished Autobiography, spent many nights with The Secret Doctrine propped up on her ironing board, as a single mother raising three girls:
“I learnt to iron with a book in front of me and to this day I can read and iron simultaneously without scorching the clothes.”)5
Hence, after 1919 when she was contacted by DK, transmitting some of her first books – AAB set up a publishing company in May 1922. In the spirit of HPB and perhaps somewhat defiantly to her earlier life as a zealous Christian missionary in India (!)6 – she chose to name it Lucifer Publishing Company.
Later in 1924, she changed the name to Lucis Publishing Company (Lucis = Light) – when it became clear that some Christian groups had misinterpreted Lucifer with Satan. Well, some might exclaim – duh!
Hence some of the mud thrown in those days by Christians and fundamentalist theosophists – has stuck, continuing to do the rounds of internet forums – both Christian and “new age”. (Also in this vein is another deeply esoteric collection of HPB quotes about the meaning of Satan – see Addendum 2.)
The “New World Order” Phrase
Fundamentalists quote from AAB’s books, for which they obviously have no understanding – seeking to further denigrate the Teachings as “the work of Satan”. One of the most popular trendsis taking The Tibetan’s phrase, New World Order – out of context, since it was hijacked and used in the 1990’s. In that year, George H.W. Bush gave his infamous New World Order speech, essentially executing long term planning for controlling Middle East oil – by demonising Iraq. The speech is full of a nationalistic self-righteousness and now proven lies which were all repeated in George W. Bush’s invasion of Iraq in 2003.
There are many passages throughout AAB’s books that use the New World Order phrase – mainly in, The Externalisation of the Hierarchy – that details the return of the Masters of Wisdom – incarnate in physical form, sometime after 2025 – and before the end of the 21st century. (The imminent 2025 Centennial Conclave to decide the future Externalisation date is also relevant to this analysis.)
Here follows one of the main passages – and in perusing these points, the reader will note how many of them have not yet been achieved, some even headed in the opposite direction from original intentions. Also, note that it was written in the immediate aftermath of WWII, when the world was being rebuilt:
“Steps Towards the New World Order:
In contradistinction to the totalitarian world order, what should the rest of the world plan? Towards what world objectives should the democracies work? Utopian schemes, idealistic forms of government and cultural living processes have ever been the playthings of the human mind, down through the centuries. But these Utopias have been so far ahead of possibility that their presentation seems useless. They are most of them wholly impractical.
Certain immediate possibilities and attainable objectives can, however, be worked out, given a definite will-to-good and patience on the part of humanity. Certain major and spiritual premises should lie back of all efforts to formulate the new world order. Let me state some of them. (For the sake of brevity, the reader might like to refer to the Aquarius 2024 newsletter – to read all the points enumerated.)
1. The new world order must meet the immediate need and not be an attempt to satisfy some distant, idealistic vision.
2. The new world order must be appropriate to a world which has passed through a destructive crisis and to a humanity which is badly shattered by the experience.
3. The new world order must lay the foundation for a future world order which will be possible only after a time of recovery, of reconstruction, and of rebuilding.
4. The new world order will be founded on the recognition that all men are equal in origin and goal but that all are at differing stages of evolutionary development; that personal integrity, intelligence, vision and experience, plus a marked goodwill, should indicate leadership. The domination of the proletariat over the aristocracy and bourgeoisie, as in Russia [1940’s], or the domination of an entrenched aristocracy over the proletariat and middle classes, as has been until lately the case in Great Britain, must disappear. The control of labour by capital or the control of capital by labour must also go.
5. In the new world order, the governing body in any nation should be composed of those who work for the greatest good of the greatest number and who at the same time offer opportunity to all, seeing to it that the individual is left free. Today the men of vision are achieving recognition, thus making possible a right choice of leaders. It was not possible until this century.
6. The new world order will be founded on an active sense of responsibility. The rule will be “all for one and one for all.” This attitude among nations will have to be developed. It is not yet present.
7. The new world order [NWO] will not impose a uniform type of government, a synthetic religion and a system of standardisation upon the nations. The sovereign rights of each nation will be recognised and its peculiar genius, individual trends and racial qualities will be permitted full expression. In one particular only should there be an attempt to produce unity, and that will be in the field of education.
8. The new world order will recognise that the produce of the world, the natural resources of the planet and its riches, belong to no one nation but should be shared by all. There will be no nations under the category “haves” and others under the opposite category. A fair and properly organised distribution of the wheat, the oil and the mineral wealth of the world will be developed, based upon the needs of each nation, upon its own internal resources and the requirements of its people. All this will be worked out in relation to the whole.
9. In the preparatory period for the new world order there will be a steady and regulated disarmament. It will not be optional. No nation will be permitted to produce and organise any equipment for destructive purposes or to infringe the security of any other nation. One of the first tasks of any future peace conference will be to regulate this matter and gradually see to the disarming of the nations.
These are the simple and general premises upon which the new world order must begin its work. These preliminary stages must be kept fluid and experimental; the vision of possibility must never be lost, and the foundations must be preserved inviolate, but the intermediate processes and the experimentations must be carried forward by men who, having the best interests of the whole at heart, can change the detail of organisation whilst preserving the life of the organism.”7
It would be a simple task to analyse all of these points, reviewing in retrospect where Humanity is in 2024 – and how much has been achieved thus far. Perhaps some earnest student can follow up on this!
The WEF, Lucis Trust and the Cycle of Conferences
(Parts of the following text were published in a newsletter for Aquarius 2024.)
The author has been planning to write this article for the last several years – in an attempt to bring some clarity to the wild speculation, inaccuracies and plain distortions that have swirled around this subject. But the inspiration to seriously hit the keyboard came during the first days of the WEF’s annual conference in Davos, Switzerland (Jan.15-19, 2024) – with the laughable theme, “Rebuilding Trust”!
What kind of “trust” might that actually be, when the WEF has engaged in so much cultural con-artistry during their planned Covid crisis? The evidence is there to see for anyone with critical thinking skills and a spirit of enquiry – before, during and after the three-year Covid fiasco. In the author’s considered opinion, the only “trust” that WEF wants, is for the gullible public to swallow their next wolf-in-sheeps-clothing plans. (See the author’s extensive reports on Covid and the WEF – 2020-23.)
And with other players such as the President of the European Commission – Ursula van der Leyen , who helped her husband’s Big Pharma deals profit massively during lockdown – what could possibly go wrong? Leyen’s Davos speech opens with, “our top concern for the next two years is not conflict or climate, it is disinformation and misinformation” – in other words, an ongoing attempt to control the narrative, whilst labelling anyone who contradicts or takes issues with WEF dictates as, “conspiracy theorists”.
Klaus Schwab puts Van der Leyen on a pedestal as a “visionary”, someone who supports whole-heartedly Israel’s current genocide, er “self-defence”. The core group of the WEF are parasitical manipulators who prey upon humanity – under the guise of humanitarianism and for “humanity’s good”. The Davos conference is always held during the sun’s transit through Capricorn – the most spiritual and also material sign of the zodiac – just a week or so before WEF’s founding anniversary in Aquarius – Jan. 24, 1971.
The WEF has made very plain its intentions in the past few years – that are diametrically opposed to some of the NWO tenets listed above. Their dictatorial edict runs, “You will own nothing, eat bugs for protein, live in controlled 15-minute cities with 24/7 surveillance – and be happy!” That, in combination with the hijacking of the United Nations by same or similar forces, aided and abetted by private, non-publically elected organisations such as WHO – have thwarted and perverted the Planetary Plan, bringing Humanity to its massive crisis today.
In some ways this is right and proper, as it has contributed to a massive awakening of millions who have blindly taken many things for granted. In the past few years, people have woken up to the issues at stake – the contradictions, lies, propaganda and manipulation by media. A sharp laser light has been shone upon the corporate billionaire dictators of most world governments; clueless, inept and paid-for politicians; the lack of edifying statesmen; the manufacture of constant war, feeding the MIC – the military industrial complex. And the constant cultivation of fear, keeping thinking people in a state of constant anxiety about the “next big shock” coming over the horizon.
For example, WEF’s continual discussion of “pandemic preparedness” or “cyber polygon attack” scenarios, openly confiding future plans – implemented by world governments, for which Klaus Schwab boasts somewhat promiscuously, “ve have penetrated zere cabinets”!
Lucis Trust’s Alignment with Other Institutions
Ironically, (or unfortunately for some observers) – the directors of Lucis Trust (LT) have chosen to align themselves with the WEF for the past decade or so, arguing from The Tibetan’s statement about the future “Cycle of Conferences”. Part of LT’s latest, somewhat softball statement for their support of Davos reads:
“Many consider the World Economic Forum and its annual Davos meetings as, at best, a talking shop for powerful corporations and vested economic interests. While this is an undeniable aspect of the meetings, a deeper look reveals that more enlightened interests have a strong presence at Davos, and with so many world leaders and influential thinkers together in one place, an opportunity exists for the principles of right relations to influence the thinking, planning, and life-mission of participants.
When we look behind all the rhetoric of Davos, we find a growing nucleus of goodwill ready to be fanned into a flame. The Cycle of Conferences initiative exists for just such opportunities as this – to act as an intermediary, a channel, to ground and amplify the will-to-good from the Hierarchy and to seed the proceedings with these energies.” ((lucistrust.org))
The latter paragraph certainly highlights the potential of such an opportunity – a “subjective seeding” if you will, through physical attendance. Some might view the above statement as naïve or idealistic, yet there is most certainly some truth in it.
However, others argue that the genuine people of goodwill who attend these conferences are manipulated and over-ridden by the potency of the status quo – with their pet agendas. Let us hope that the true lightworkers can engage within the belly of the beast, sowing seeds of change, particularly regarding basic moral principles.
Nevertheless, the town of Davos is transformed annually into a Babylon circus of shopfronts, advertising the wares of mega economic giants such as Meta and Blackrock. The latter’s CEO – Larry Fink, is also a director of the WEF. The third ray of active-intelligence and its shadow of “devious and continuous manipulation” is hard at work here.
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The Cycle of Conferences
Here follows The Tibetan’s original statement about The Cycle of Conferences, written shortly after WWII,
“A powerful first ray activity—the activity of will or purpose—is swinging into action. The Christ, as the Leader of the Forces of Light, has empowered the Ashrams of the Masters upon this first Ray of Power to strengthen the hands of all disciples in the field of government and of political arrangement in every nation …
… to enlighten, if possible, the various national legislatures by whatever means may be needed, so that the potency of their words, the wisdom of their planning, and the breadth of their thinking may prove so effective that the “Cycle of Conferences and of Councils,” now being initiated by the statesmen of the world, may be under the direct guidance (again if possible) of Those in the Council Chamber at Shamballa Who know what is the Will of God. The selfishness of the little minds in the various legislatures of the world must in some way be offset. That is the problem. I wonder if you can grasp the significance of this happening?
Down the ages, individual statesmen and rulers have from time to time been responsive to the influence of that spiritually supreme Council; but it has been the responsiveness of the individual disciple who has worked alone and unaided and who has faced, (or experienced) defeat as often, if not oftener, than he has experienced victory.
Today, in the planning now going forward in connection with the various international conferences and councils of which you all know, the spiritual effort (for the first time in human history) is to bring all of them, as functioning groups, under the direct impact of the energy which motivates and actuates that place where the Will of God is known and the purposes of divinity are defined and projected.
This means that each of the coming world conferences (and there will necessarily be many) – will have a greater and far more extensive effect than would otherwise be the case; it means, however, that the risks involved and the clash of minds will also be far greater. This is a point which you should bear in mind as you study and read reports of these various conferences.”8
Indeed, “the risks involved and the clash of minds …”. One could argue that many points enumerated in the New World Order have been co-opted or taken over entirely. What better way for the Materialistic Forces to thwart the Planetary Plan, than to utilise point by point what has been laid out by workers for the Great White Brotherhood?
Take point #7 for example, straight from WEF’s playbook, recalling how the world was dictated to during the covid scamdemic, via sister organisations WHO and the UN:
“7. The new world order will not impose a uniform type of government, a synthetic religion and a system of standardisation upon the nations. The sovereign rights of each nation will be recognised and its peculiar genius, individual trends and racial qualities will be permitted full expression. In one particular only should there be an attempt to produce unity, and that will be in the field of education.”
Reflect also upon on the WEF’s ideological spokesperson, Yuval Harari: “The idea of a soul, of free will, these are over”. The denial of the human soul, free speech, the basic Four Freedoms to which Humanity is entitled – all these factors are ignored by the WEF, or given superficial lip service.
Since the 1960’s (post JFK), these human rights have been eroded and blended into a bland mix that appears to stand for certain ideals, but has ulterior motives. The UN’s 17-point plan of sustainable development (sdgs.un.org/goals) is one example, also manipulating and exaggerating the climate change/global warming narrative, giving the powerful few greater ability to exploit humanity.
The United Nations
The United Nations was established through the assistance of Masters DK and Serapis – working behind the scenes. DK explicitly requested that LT and all disciples support the UN – for it is, “the hope of the world”. The UN is still young and immature – and like all institutions is subject to corruption and being led astray. In recent decades the UN has lost its way due to the infiltration of selfishly motivated forces. In fact it has been well-nigh taken over by entities like WEF and WHO.
The WEF developed the Seventeen Development Goals (SDG) of the UN; it is a grand plan for world improvement which addresses the most urgent problems and has therefore a strong appeal to the people of goodwill. However, upon a little research one finds out that the WEF – as well as WHO, were founded by highly commercialised interests masquerading as altruistic principles. (See the author’s WEF/WHO analyses here.)
Hence, The UN has become a de facto indoctrination tool for the WEF. Through misplaced idealism and undifferentiated support of the UN – LT may have accidentally co-opted itself by “dancing with the devil”. In this current planetary battle between the forces of materialism and light, there will be ongoing attempts to smear the reputation of world disciples and associated institutions. LT’s support for the WEF can be easily or wilfully misintrerpreted – despite qualifying statements to the contrary.
Any organisation can be compromised by rumour and innuendo, exploiting ignorance and speculation by the ill-informed. Hence the attempt here to clarify and bring some discrimination to bear on all these topics. As the momentous year of 2025 approaches, where the Hierarchy and The Christ will choose a date for Externalisation sometime this century, opposing forces will be drawn to resist the Planetary Plan even more concertedly than they have done for aeons. Humanity is under attack, particularly through weaponised media that is successful in brainwashing many intelligent people.
The Need for Differentiation
LT is an evolving entity as much as any other. Like all institutions, Lucis Trust is not immune from mismanagement. Much is at stake. In fact, the entire esoteric community may be compromised by LT’s undifferentiated or undiscriminating alliances. And, by not distancing itself from the WEF and its agenda, LT could compound existing difficulties with its UN relations.
Lucis Trust brings its own baggage to the table – the distorted thoughtform created around LT/AAB’s alleged anti-Semitism and satanic cult – due to its previous name of Lucifer Trust and DK’s teaching through AAB about the Jewish people. The meditation room at the UN, named after that great disciple and former UN head – Dag Hammarskjöld has also been demonised.
Carefully treading with wisdom through a plethora of planetary events – is called for at this delicate stage in history, with these explosive emotional themes that have been the source of conflict for aeons. Hence the injunction to think this through and develop discrimination, discernment and differentiation.
Hitler, Schwab and Nazism
Today humanity is witnessing a new global dictatorship, not from one person, but by large selfishly motivated organisations – the shadow of the Aquarian Age. The WEF has assumed a role of becoming director of a “totalitarian world order” – mentioned in the previous warning by The Tibetan. Schwab himself has become a dictator – with anonymous WEF insiders saying,
“… the 82-year-old Schwab was a law unto himself and had surrounded himself with “nobodies” who were incapable of running the organisation he founded in the early 1970s. … “Klaus has been at the helm of the WEF for 52 years. When he was born [in 1938] 122 of the 195 states in the world right now did not even exist. He is completely unaccountable to anyone inside and outside the organisation,” the group said.”9
The fact that Schwab has a Nazi connection through his father, cannot be ignored either. Klaus Schwab’s history of dubious dealings, aiding South Africa in its illegal development of a thermonuclear bomb – have been revealed in the past few years.10
The year he left Harvard, Schwab helped form Sulzer AG by the merger of Sulzer and Escher Wyss, where his father Eugen Schwab had worked on the Nazi atom bomb effort. Schwab served as a director. The WEF has the Sun in Aquarius – a sign related to the distribution of resources, the large organisational capacity of the 7th ray and bringing people together. Hitler also had that Aquarian capacity, in its lower expression:
“… Hitler … there is no question that he has unified, produced fusion and blended together the various elements in the German race. This activity is Aquarian in nature but in its lowest and most undesirable aspect.”11
Aquarius is the polarity of Hitler’s pronounced Saturn in Leo – the “dictatorial king”. Similarly, Schwab has a speculated Leo rising – with Jupiter in polar opposite Aquarius. His WEF “child” has the sun in Aquarius and is therefore well equipped to express Aquarius “in its lowest and most undesirable aspect”.
One of Schwab’s main mentors was global hegemony expert and somewhat suspect character – Henry Kissinger. One of the leading international figures that has been linked to take over from Schwab is Tony Blair – former UK prime minister and proven liar about Iraq’s Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD’s). God forbid, Blair is already in charge of the digital currency push for the WEF!
Its unfortunate to mention Lucis Trust and the WEF/Nazism in the same breath – and there is no desire on the author’s part to denigrate or impugn LT and its employees, several of whom he has known since 1992. Yet in this current planetary battle between the forces of materialism and light, there will be ongoing attempts to smear the reputation of world disciples and associated institutions, mainly through the ignorance and speculation by the uninformed and those looking for scapegoats.
Use of the Word “Aryan”
Whilst on the subject of the Nazis, use of the word “Aryan” by Blavatsky and Bailey has also created some confusion and suspicion. These two authors used the word in the context of discussions about the Fifth Rootrace – Aryan derived from the Hindu word meaning “noble”. But it was also is a term originally used as an “ethnocultural self-designation by Indo-Iranians in ancient times … to designate themselves as an ethnic group”.12
In esotericism, the first Hindu subrace of the Fifth Rootrace (5.1) is regarded as the foundation of all the Western subraces. Aryan is a word used to generically describe the Fifth Rootrace but also specifically in some instances to the fifth subrace (5.5) – which constitutes the northern Nordic-European races. When looking at the fifth branchrace of the above (5.5.5), it is known as Anglo-Saxon – which broadly means Britain and Germany, respectively.
Hitler and his gang, particularly Himmler – scoured the writings of Blavatsky and other occultists looking for references to secrets such as the mystery of Shamballa (for which they launched a search party), and the word Aryan in order to support their claim as a superior “master” race. This was reinforced by the 1850’s “aristocratic French writer Arthur de Gobineau, who influenced Nazi racial ideology – which considered black people, mixed-race people, Slavs, Roma, Jews and certain other ethnicities racially inferior “sub-humans”.”13
This is a very large topic, part of which has been covered in this author’s detailed essay, Nazi Germany: An Astro-Historical Analysis.
The Horoscope of Lucis Trust
“The Lucis Trust was established by Alice and Foster Bailey as a vehicle to foster recognition of the universal spiritual principles at the heart of all work to build right relations. The Trust was incorporated in the State of New Jersey, USA, on April 5, 1922.
A separate limited company, Lucis Trust Ltd. was established as an educational charity and incorporated in the United Kingdom in 1935. And in 1951 Lucis Trust was established as a legal entity in Switzerland, with an office in Geneva.”14
The April 5, 1922 horoscope was rectified by the author to an hypothesised “reasonable time of day” for such an incorporation, and also looking for synastry to AAB’s horoscope. Hence this tentative horoscope used by the author has a Gemini rising soul purpose – which is in the same degree as AAB’s Gemini sun.
Gemini rising is the perfect sign to have for an organisation devoted to the distribution of the Ageless Wisdom and the publication of its 24 books. LT’s Sun is in Aries, representing the pioneering nature of this body of Teachings for the new Aquarian dispensation. The location of LT’s offices in NYC were referred to by DK as “my ashram”!
There is a lot of synastry between LT and AAB’s horoscopes – to name a few:
– LT’s Sun in Aries conjunct AAB’s Jupiter.
– LT’s Saturn in Libra conjunct AAB’s moon.
– LT’s Venus in Aries conjunct AAB’s Saturn.15
– LT’s Moon is in Cancer, the sign of the mother, corresponding to NYC’s Cancer rulership – a nurturing maternal influence over diverse ethnicities drawn to it.
There are several close synastries between these charts that can be seen in the bi-wheel below. (For more astrological analyses of AAB, see Addendum 1.)
Lucis Trust (1922) Transits and Progressions 2024
1. Progressed Moon in Aries made conjunction with LT’s Aries Sun, a symbolic progressed new moon, exact on Feb.24, 2024, right on the Aquarius full moon festival. Hence, LT has just traversed a lunar “balsamic” phase, the dark cycle before the new moon – the developing chrysalis. The new moon brings in new initiatives and leadership possibilities, especially while the progressed moon is in Aries for another 15 months from Feb. 2024.
2. Transiting Chiron conjunct Aries sun. This is the last hit of a long term transit of Chiron over LT’s sun, representing the Chironic wound of leadership – a crisis or struggle in this sphere, combined with the progressed Moon conjunct the Aries Sun.
3. Transiting Neptune in Pisces conjunct Mercury. Mercury is the ruler of LT’s proposed Gemini ascendant/soul purpose, hence this transit has great inspirational and idealistic potential. But this is exactly the same degree as WHO’s Mercury in Pisces – and, in analysing that position in 2023, the author stated:
“… transiting Neptune moves on to conjoin natal Mercury in Pisces in May-Aug 2023 … to Jan. 2025! Hence, WHO’s natal Mercury square Jupiter penchant for exaggeration and deception, will be even more pronounced (Tedros on “disease X”) – but this time with the possibility of WHO’s machinations becoming so (hopefully) confused – that mis-management and chaos ensue – described by the old Walter Scott adage, “What a tangled web we weave, once we practice to deceive”.16
Of course, group entities respond in varying ways to transits, depending upon their stage of evolution – but no entity is immune to a transit’s lower expresssion. LT’s proposed Gemini rising is square to its ruler Mercury in Pisces, hence the WHO transit described above may have similar challenges – particularly on discriminating between lying propaganda and truth.
Neptune in its lower expression can cast his net of glamour over everything – creating confused ideals, deceptive relations or pie-in-the-sky dreams. As natal Mercury in Pisces squares the ascendant-descendant axis, there can be challenges to right Neptunian vision and inspiration – especially when considering LT’s seventh house cusp of relationships.
4. Transiting Pluto in Aquarius trine Saturn in Libra An excellent transit for making radical changes or rearrangements – bringing self-confidence, determination, and a drive to succeed. Saturn is exalted in Libra and is dynamic at creating new templates for organisation or reorganisation.
5. Transiting Chiron square Moon in Cancer The wound of being the mother and nurturer to many individuals and groups around the world. “Damned if you do and damned if you don’t” is the phrase which comes to mind, regarding criticisms of LT! This transit can represent a profound emotional healing journey – if that is possible for an institution – or the culture of the people who work within it.
There are other transits, this is just a brief summary that encourages a reflection upon the life of any institution or corporate entity.
This article has been very challenging in staying congruent with all these themes and their close relation to one another, yet not blurring the boundaries between them – which is what has happened within the public domain over the last decade. It is hoped that some greater clarity has been reached for lay and esoteric students of spirituality alike.
May Lucis Trust continue to express its namesake – being a beacon of light for the ageless wisdom and all the works of the Master, as expressed through the “Blue Books” of AAB.
Comments and conversation are welcome in the feedback facility at the bottom of this page!
Phillip Lindsay © 2024.
Phillip Lindsay © 2024.
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Addendum 1: References to HPB and AAB
Helena P.Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine & Theosophy
Helena P. Blavatsky and Externalisation of the Hierarchy
Helena P. Blavatsky & Russia: Born in Ukraine
Helena Blavatsky and Nicholas Roerich
Alice A. Bailey: Case for Leo Rising (Part 1)
Alice A. Bailey Horoscope: Case for Leo Rising (Part 2)
Alice A. Bailey Will Return as a Sagittarian
Alice A. Bailey: An Astrological Biography (Essay)
Alice A. Bailey, H.P. Blavatsky and Helena Roerich (Pt. 1)
Alice A. Bailey, H.P. Blavatsky and Helena Roerich (Pt. 2)
Alice A. Bailey, H.P. Blavatsky and Helena Roerich (Pt. 3)
Alice A. Bailey, H.P. Blavatsky and Helena Roerich (Pt. 4)
Alice A. Bailey: Amanuensis for The Tibetan – Michael D. Robbins
Alice A. Bailey: A Brief Profile
Alice A. Bailey Books by Djwhal Khul
Addendum 2: HPB on Satan and associations with Lucifer
Following are some passages from HPB that are by no means exhaustive but plenty to reflect upon. This is a profound subject and there is no easy black and white answer. Deep pondering on the unredeemed nature of planet Earth is required – and to be acquainted with the esoteric teachings in general – to grasp even a small portion of the subject.
Any earnest enquirer will then know if they are capable of further study and understanding, or if they are simply not ready – or willing, to take a deeper dive. To do so, requires a broader cosmological understanding which takes some lifetimes to develop!
“The Church, however, bowing before the angel Anael (the regent of Venus), connects the planet Venus with Lucifer, the chief of the rebels under Satan—so poetically apostrophized by the prophet Isaiah as “O, Lucifer, son of the morning.””17
“… Satan means simply “adversary” or opponent … subject unto us through thy name.” (Luke x. 17.) Now, “thy name” means the name of Christos … the spirit of true divine wisdom, as distinct from the spirit of intellectual or mere materialistic reasoning—the HIGHER SELF in short.
… For the teachings of Christ were occult teachings, which could only be explained at the initiation. They were never intended for the masses, for Jesus forbade the twelve to go to the Gentiles and the Samaritans (Matt. x. 8), and repeated to his disciples that the “mysteries of Heaven” were for them alone, not for the multitudes (Mark iv. II).”18
“But if Western theology alone holds the patent for, and copyright of SATAN—in all the dogmatic horror of that fiction—other nationalities and religions have committed equal errors in their misinterpretation of this tenet, which is one of the most profoundly philosophical and ideal conceptions of ancient thought.
For they have both disfigured and hinted at the correct meaning of it in their numerous allegories touching the subject. Nor have the semi-esoteric dogmas of Purânic Hinduism failed to evolve very suggestive symbols and allegories concerning the rebellious and fallen gods.”19
“The Gods who had fallen into generation, whose mission it was to complete divine man, are found represented later on as Demons, evil Spirits, and fiends, at feud and war with Gods, or the irresponsible agents of the one Eternal law.
But no conception of such creatures as the devils and Satan of the Christian, Jewish, and Mahomedan religions was ever intended …”.20
“Typhon figures in the Book of the Dead, as the Accuser of souls when they appear for judgment, as Satan stood up to accuse Joshua, the highpriest, before the angel, and as the Devil came to Jesus to tempt or test him during his great fast in the wilderness …
… it is Christianity which has conceived and brought forth Satan. As an “adversary,” the opposing Power required by the equilibrium and harmony of things in Nature—like Shadow to throw off still brighter the Light, like Night to bring into greater relief the Day, and like cold to make one appreciate the more the comfort of heat—SATAN has ever existed.”21
“Satan is the door-keeper of the Temple of the King; he standeth in Solomon’s porch; he holdeth the key of the Sanctuary, that no man enter therein, save the Anointed having the arcanum of Hermes” …
… The “Sanctuary” has become the “Holy of Holies,” and the arcanum has been anthropomorphised and phallicised and dragged down into matter, indeed. Hence arose the necessity of making of the “Dragon of Wisdom,” the Serpent of Genesis: of the conscious god who needed a body to clothe his too subjective divinity, Satan.
… Many names hath God given him (Satan), names of mystery, secret and terrible … The Adversary, because matter opposeth Spirit. Time accuseth even the Saints of the Lord.
… Stand in awe of him, and sin not; speak his name with trembling . . . . For Satan is the magistrate of the Justice of God (Karma); he beareth the balance and the sword . . . . For to him are committed Weight and Measure and Number.” [Saturn-Satan – lord of karma.]
Saturn (Satan), astronomically, “is the seventh and last in the order of macrocosmic emanation, being the circumference of the kingdom of which Phœbus (the light of wisdom, also the Sun) is the centre.” The Gnostics were right, then, in calling the Jewish god an angel of matter,” or he who breathed (conscious) life into Adam, and he whose planet was Saturn.
“And God hath put a girdle about his loins (the rings of Saturn), and the name of the girdle is Death.” … this “girdle” is the human body with its two lower principles, which three die, while the innermost man is immortal. And now we approach the “Secret of Satan.”
“Satan and the anointed were identified in ancient thought. Therefore, Satan is the minister of God, Lord of the seven mansions of Hades … the Limbo of Illusion, of which theology makes a region bordering on Hell, is simply our globe, the Earth, and thus Satan is called . . . . the angel of the manifest Worlds.””
“It is “Satan who is the god of our planet and the only god,” and this without any allusive metaphor to its wickedness and depravity. For he is one with the Logos, “the first son, eldest of the gods,” in the order of microcosmic (divine) evolution.”
“. . . Upon Satan only is the shame of generation. He hath lost his virginal estate (so hath the Kumâra by incarnating): uncovering heavenly secrets, he hath entered into bondage . . . He compasseth with bonds and limits all things. . . .”
“Holy is the Sabbath of god: blessed and sanctified is the name of the Angel of Havas”—SATAN. For, “The glory of Satan is the shadow of the Lord”: God in the manifested world; “the throne of Satan is the footstool of Adonai”—that footstool being the whole KOSMOS.”
“When the Church, therefore, curses Satan, it curses the cosmic reflection of God; it anathematizes God made manifest in matter or in the objective; it maledicts God, or the ever- incomprehensible WISDOM, revealing itself as Light and Shadow, good and evil in nature, in the only manner comprehensible to the limited intellect of MAN.
This is the true philosophical and metaphysical interpretation of Samael, or Satan, the adversary in the Kabala; the same tenets and spirit being found in the allegorical interpretations of every other ancient religion. This philosophical view does not interfere, however, with the historical records connected with it.”22
“Three and a half centuries before Christ, Plato expressed his opinion of evil by saying that “there is in matter a blind, refractory force, which resists the will of the Great Artificer.” This blind force, under Christian influx, was made to see and become responsible; it was transformed into Satan!”23
“Satan never assumed an anthropomorphic, individualized shape, until the creation by man, of a “one living personal god,” had been accomplished; and then merely as a matter of prime necessity.”24
“The further back one recedes into the darkness of the prehistoric ages, the more philosophical does the prototypic figure of the later Satan appear. The first “Adversary” in individual human form that one meets with in old Purânic literature is one of her greatest Rishis and Yogis—Nârada, surnamed the “Strife-maker.”25
- The Secret Doctrine II, H.P. Blavatsky. p.231. [↩]
- theosophical.org [↩]
- theosophical.org [↩]
- The Secret Doctrine II, H.P. Blavatsky. p.358. [↩]
- The Unfinished Autobiography, Alice A. Bailey. p.135. [↩]
- The Unfinished Autobiography, Alice A. Bailey. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. pp.190-2. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.446. [↩]
- theguardian.com [↩]
- Klaus Schwab: The New Dr. Strangelove? [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.285. [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- lucistrust.org [↩]
- Venus in Aries, “Mind gives place to intuition and reason to pure perception.” [↩]
- esotericastrologer.org [↩]
- Collected Writings XIV, H.P. Blavatsky. p.315. [↩]
- The Secret Doctrine II, H.P. Blavatsky. p.231. [↩]
- The Secret Doctrine II, H.P. Blavatsky. p.231. [↩]
- The Secret Doctrine II, H.P. Blavatsky. p.231. [↩]
- Isis Unveiled II, H.P. Blavatsky. p.487. [↩]
- The Secret Doctrine II, H.P. Blavatsky. pp.232-5. [↩]
- Isis Unveiled II, H.P. Blavatsky. p.478. [↩]
- The Secret Doctrine I, H.P. Blavatsky. p.413. [↩]
- The Secret Doctrine I, H.P. Blavatsky. p.412. [↩]
Thank you for writing this article, Phillip.
Discrimination, Detachment and Dispassion are most important.
We should not allow wishful thinking to cloud and mold our perceptions of reality into something it is not.
With your invaluable research and illuminating writing , you are performing a particular and deep service, for those of us that, have been students of the Tibetan for the last decades…In my case, since 1971.