3 Responses to Capricorn 2022: Daring. Djokovic. Australia. Macron. WEF. NGWS. Mass Psychosis. All Creatures Great and Small.

  1. Carlos Urtasun says:

    Popping up signs here and there of some sort turning point, but it might be to early to tell.
    This is however promising – a Danish newspaper apologising for following the official narrative without questioning. https://www.infowars.com/posts/danish-newspaper-apologizes-for-hypnotically-following-government-narrative-on-covid/

  2. RMZ says:

    Hi Philip very good work TY so much I can add a few things, 1 is China’s 2 largest Ports are in lockdown 2 Xi’an a City of 14 million is in complete Lockdown, no shopping no thing allowed must stay at home. 3 2 other cities are now in complete lockdown they are reporting it as covid. Yet reports out of Xi’an were a more deadly issue https://nypost.com/2022/01/11/china-locks-down-3rd-city-raising-affected-to-20-million/

    So considering Olympics is Feb 4th what can we read into this, as its more dire as time tics by.

    AS for great Awakening aspect more folks are seeing the hidden part of material plane construct. I am getting the black lodges are at odds with each other as the covenant “allowing them” to operate to a certain degree is no longer in effect, thus the collective fear factor and anger they have incited no longer feeds their cause. AAB does have a comment about Black Lodges and Hierarchy. .

  3. david says:

    “Keep an open mind”

    We could very well relate this expression to Capricorn and its hierarchical ruler Venus, because the light of the 5th Ray of Mind and Science is the mind that through Capricorn (1st, 3rd and 7th Rays) can concretize (in the material plane) the Light seen on the buddhic plane or “the top of the mountain”.

    Let us remember that when Jesus went up the mountain and saw the Light, the three disciples who accompanied Him fell asleep.


    Because the buddhic plane cannot be understood by the physical plane, emotional plane or concrete mental plane, but it can only be understood by “an open mind”, that is, not conditioned or attached to the three lower planes.

    Capricorn is the final goal of “the fight”, the Eagle in Scorpio, the intuition (Mercury) realized through the mind in Venus.

    Thank you Phillip for your work

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