Aquarius 2019: New Group of World Servers. British Labour Party. Arnold Toynbee. USA. Trump.
Anointing of the Gods.
Aquarius Keynote
“Waters of Life Am I, Poured Forth for Thirsty Men.”
(Full Moon: January 21, 2019. 5.16 am UT.)
“Planetary influences are unusually potent in Aquarius during this world cycle because it is, in a peculiar way, a culminating sign for the majority of people … The bulk of the world initiates climax their experience in Aquarius and become liberated world servers. They turn their backs upon all further progress for themselves in this cycle and on all satisfaction of their own spiritual aspiration and become carriers of the water of life to humanity.”[1]
Aquarius: A Sign of Culmination
2019: From New Moon in Capricorn to Full Moon in Aquarius
Aquarius, A Sign of Service: The New Group of World Servers
The Aquarian British Labour Party
Arnold Toynbee: Disciple of Workers Rights
Aquarius Rising: The United States of America
Trump the Mercurial Mad Hatter
Full Moon Total Eclipse
Aquarius: A Sign of Culmination
In each annual cycle of the Sun passing through Aquarius, a glimpse is gleaned of the broad array of themes with which this sign is associated: Science and technology, innovation and invention, originality and uniqueness, rebellion and revolution, philanthropy and service, community and group co-operation, teamwork.
Hence, a window to the microscom is opened into the macrocosm – the future astronomical precession cycle of 2,160 years, that begins in 2,117 AD or CE.[2] Humanity has still not emerged from the 500 year cusp between the ages of Pisces and Aquarius – that began around the discovery date of Aquarius ruler, Uranus in 1781. There is also a good argument for 1675, because it was the start of the Uranus-ruled ray seven cycle. Either way, there is still a way to go before the cusp period is completed. Hence, through the mixture of Piscean and Aquarian forces, the conflict, chaos, strain and uncertainty which prevails today, just over half way through this cuspal period.
In the Aquarian Age, extraordinary developments will take place for which the past 100 years offers only a faint hint. Science and technology will continue to expand exponentially, whilst new forms of music and art will emerge – of a kind yet barely dreamt, expressing the higher frequencies of Aquarius.
In this era of planetary crisis, the emerging Aquarian paradigm will gain greater momentum, as the old age crumbles and disintegrates. Universal laws and values will re-establish themselves, as Humanity collectively hits the reset button.
It is during the first 500 years of the Aquarian Age that “the bulk of the world initiates climax their experience in Aquarius”. In other words, will take the Third Degree initiation – collectively establishing a “station of light” on Earth that has never occurred before; meaning a release from the materialistic forces that have controlled this planet for so long:
“If all the aspirants of the world and all the disciples at work in the world today will submerge their personal interests in the task immediately ahead, we shall have what I might pictorially call the opening of a great station of light on earth, and the founding of a power house which will greatly hasten the evolution and elevation of humanity, and the unfoldment of the human consciousness.”[3]
This period will be during the first 720-year decanate of Aquarius, ruled over by Saturn, planet of the mind (manas) and the third ray of Active-Intelligence:
“As far as the evolution of manas in this round is concerned, its highest efflorescence may be looked for during the next five hundred years.”[4]
A round is an extraordinarily long period of time, hence this period reflects the highest attainment of mental consciousness in this Fifth Rootrace, or the 5.5.5. A certain (small) percentage of Humanity have reached this stage and collectively hold that point of attainment for the entire planet.
2019: From New Moon in Capricorn to Full Moon in Aquarius
(Gordian Knots and the Breaker’s Yard)
New moon cycles are as important as full moon cycles because they are seeding points throughout the annual cycle – as preparation for the full moon phase that always follows two weeks later. Ideas seeded at the new moon are amplified or harvested at the full moon.
The January 6 new moon in Capricorn was no exception, with a host of placements in Capricorn: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Pluto, south node and Saturn – the latter as exoteric and esoteric ruler of Capricorn. It was the first new moon of the calendar year and in many ways sets the tone for what is to come in 2019.
Saturn and Capricorn are closely connected with laws, universal spritual law and its approximation as Earthly law – those codified principles and ideals by which society lives. But Capricorn is also a sign of deep crystallisation, where those old legal structures have become corrupted and misused – needing reconfiguration and restructuring.
Following Capricorn are the reforming and revolutionising forces of Aquarius, particularly at this full moon because Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius, is in a tight T-square formation to the Sun-Moon opposition; this holds the promise of radical and revolutionary Uranus to transform these existing crystallisations.
Such also is the work of transiting Pluto in Capricorn, who presides over the cosmic breaker’s yard and reveals corruption of power and the misuse of money. As old structures are destroyed and disintegrate, planetary financial regeneration will also get a boost from Uranus’s passage through Taurus.
The next two years will see many global difficulties faced, as Saturn, Pluto and eventually Jupiter, continue their passages through Capricorn – insisting upon Humanity’s alignment with THE LAW. There are now so many threads of planetary problems that are interconnected and woven together, creating the proverbial Gordian Knot – that is ripe for the sword.
Alexander the Great’s solution is a compelling metaphor for the disentangling of intractable problems through creative thinking – the domain of Saturn who rules the throat centre or mental body. Saturn is linked to the ongoing creative process of thoughtform creation, their cyclic use, destruction and reconstruction.
Also through Saturn, Capricorn is connected to the “underworld” which is the planetary Dweller on the Threshold, and the materialistic forces that have controlled Humanity since the ancient days of Atlantis:
“Saturn is one of the most potent of the four Lords of Karma and forces man to face up to the past, and in the present to prepare for the future. Such is the intention and purpose of karmic opportunity. From certain angles, Saturn can be regarded as the planetary Dweller on the Threshold, for humanity as a whole has to face that Dweller as well as the Angel of the Presence, and in so doing discover that both the Dweller and the Angel are that complex duality which is the human family.”[5]
Aquarius, A Sign of Service: The New Group of World Servers (NGWS)
As a sign of world service, the Aquarian Water-Bearer pours forth and shares all that is contained from the urn of water that is borne upon her shoulder. As the wavy lines glyph of Aquarius indicate, this sign is one of distribution, of the waters or “plasma” of Love-Wisdom, so exemplified by the esoteric ruler of Aquarius, Jupiter – also the ruler of this ray.
It has only been possible in the last century to bring together conscious working groups of individuals who are aligned to the Planetary Plan, to work meditatively at the full moon festivals, acting as a link between Hierarchy and Humanity. The cycles of the NGWS are every seven years and the recent Capricorn full moon coinciding with the Christmas solstice, was the 6th year of the cycle, a dynamic warm-up for the seven-year-cycle proper in December 2019. The NGWS’s symbol is the goat and hence Capricorn, but these light-workers toil in a disciplined and steadfast manner for the emerging principles of the Age of Aquarius.
Hence, the following, An Astro-Historical View of the Seven-Year Festivals of the New Group of World Servers, is from a recent group webinar: The New Group of World Servers in the Final Years of the Forerunner. (See video-audio here.) The author’s presentation explains the history of this group. Are you a member yet, do you have the subjective “credentials” to measure up to the task and make a transformative difference?
An Astro-Historical View of the Seven-Year Festivals of the New Group of World Servers
The full moon period for Capricorn in December 2018 coincided with the winter solstice, supercharging and combining these two important spiritual events. In many ways, that Capricorn festival was a prelude for the seven year cycle of the New Group of World Servers (NGWS) – that occurs in Capricorn, December 2019. The last 7 year cycle of the NGWS was in December 2012, closely coinciding with the end of the Mayan Calendar. (See 2012 newsletter here.)
1925: In 2025, the 100 year anniversary of the founding of the NGWS will take place, where DK states that, “the emergence of a band of “conditioning souls”, under the name of the New Group of World Servers, has been possible since 1925”.
1925 was also the period when The Hierarchy shifted gears for the first time since Atlantean days and moved their ashrams from the mental plane to the buddhic level. In 1925 Master R assumed the mantle of The Mahachohan, Lord of Civilisation.
1925 and 2025 are the dates set for the once-a-century meetings or conclaves of the Masters of Wisdom; They will have a particularly earnest decision to make about the timing of Their Reappearance and may already have a fair idea of when that might be.
2025 is the beginning of a cycle of the fourth ray of Harmony through Conflict – also known as the ray of art and beauty, a ray that has a particular affinity with Humanity and which has been “out of incarnation” for a very long time.
1935 Although the NGWS has been possible since 1925, the year 1935 was the first Capricorn festival impulse that inaugurated all the following seven-year cycles:
“In December, 1935, the energies of Capricorn were augmented by the pouring in of forces from a still greater constellation which is—to our zodiac—what the zodiac is to the earth. This augmentation will take place again in 1942 … By means of this augmentation—during the coming Aquarian zodiacal cycle [next 2,000 years] — groups on earth can avail themselves of the tide of Capricornian influences which will flow into our radius of registration every seven years.”[6]
1942: Just as the recent full moon coincided with the solstice in 2018, there was a full moon at the solstice almost 77 years ago on December 22, 1942 – in the first degree of Capricorn-Cancer. The NGWS must have “availed themselves” of these potent forces to help reverse the tide of WW2 – that hitherto was going the way of the Axis powers.
1942 was a “do or die” moment for Hierarchy and Humanity – it was when the tide of war turned in favour of the forces of light – with the aid of the so-called Lords of Liberation. Yet, since that time the war has re-developed into a third phase upon the mental plane, in the world of clashing ideologies – threatening to precipitate upon the physical plane. The door where evil dwells has drifted ajar again – as the forces of Materialism seek to control Humanity, knowing full well the imminent Externalisation of the Hierarchy after 2025.
Here, the words of artist and poet William Blake, come to mind: “I will not cease from mental fight, nor shall my sword sleep in my hand.” The NGWS must step up their efforts of consciously co-operating with Hierarchy, of recognising and tasking their role as a mediator between Hierarchy and Humanity – to ensure that the scales tip in favour of the Greater Plan. As touched upon earlier, the 1942 and 2018 Capricorn festivals have a remarkable commonality – they both fell on the full moon and the solstice; this is the fourth time that this coincidence has occurred since 1942.
Hence, the recent Capricorn festival of 2018 links the 1942 global crisis with the 2018 global crisis – as a prelude and build-up to the NGWS festival week of December 2019. There is much work to do in the ensuing full moon festivals leading up to December 2019. With regard to 1942, we are reminded of the stunning statements from the Master DK about that period:
“The evil forces were closer to success than any of you have ever dreamed. They were so close to success in 1942 that there were four months when the members of the spiritual Hierarchy had made every possible arrangement to withdraw from human contact for an indefinite and unforeseen period of time … we believed that man would go down to defeat, owing to his selfishness and his misuse of the principle of free will.
We made all preparations to withdraw, and yet at the same time we struggled to get humanity to choose rightly and to see the issues clearly … the mental potency of the forces of evil was overcome and the “energy of the future” was directed or impelled by Those Who were seeking the higher human values and the spiritual good of mankind.”[7]
Indeed, in this day and age of 2019, the “energy of the future” must be re-invoked, the higher human values emphasised with the spiritual good of mankind. When the “sun moved northward” in 1942, after the Capricorn solstice and full moon, the “war had been won” esoterically, leaving another three years for it to precipitate into physical plane reality in 1945.
Now, almost 77 years on, the world is in a similar situation, but it is a far more subtle and less obvious crisis for the unawakened masses than it was in 1942. In the past few decades, fascism has reared its ugly head again and is present in the expression of many Western nations. Yet, there is also a corresponding marked resistance steadily emerging.
Nevertheless, Humanity and the NGWS cannot live in a fool’s paradise, in an aspirational self-satisfied fantasy of blind faith that everything will be OK – despite the fact that the NGWS may have expanded and strengthened its position. DK informs us that,
“They [NGWS] can now come in because of the work already done by the group of souls who hastened their entrance into incarnation … These souls, because of their point in evolution … because of their impressibility to the group idea and to the Plan, can come into incarnation and begin, more or less, to work out that Plan and evoke a response to it in the human consciousness. They are thus in a position to “prepare the way for the coming of the Lord.”[8]
Most Sacred Treasure of the Mountain, Nicholas Roerich, 1933.
2025 The actual time for the Reappearance will be decided in 2025, at the once-in-a-century conclave of the Great White Brotherhood. The Reappearance may be very soon, a few years after – or it might be several decades away. The Planetary Plan concerns The Externalisation of the Hierarchy – and nothing can stop this inevitable occurence, as The Hierarchy utilise the flow of the incoming Aquarian forces.
Given the current world situation, the Reappearance may be hoped for sooner rather than later, one might say! The lyrics from a song by David Bowie come to mind: “Someone to save us, someone to follow, Someone to shame us, some brave Apollo”. Here is stated the massed cry of humanity invoking a saviour, an Avatar, a return of Christ. Though we may make a massed invocation for “someone to save us”, the aspirants and disciples of the world have much work to do, to apply practically the esoteric teachings that they have been gifted in this past century; in a sense and as a group, the NGWS is The Christ.
Bear in mind also, that this will be the first time that the Masters of Wisdom have appeared among humanity since the Atlantean war several million years ago. DK again informs us:
“I refer to an aspect of the amazing enterprise upon which the Hierarchy is embarked within this cycle: Its appearance, expression and activity upon the physical plane for the first time since it withdrew into the subjective side of life and focussed itself on the mental plane (instead of the physical) during the days of ancient Atlantis and after the war between the Lords of the Shining Countenance and Lords of the Dark Face … For millions of years, as a result of the triumph of evil in those days, the Hierarchy has stood in silence behind world events.”[9]
Capricorn and the Forces of Materialism
The problem that lies before the Aquarian world servers in 2019 is that of materialistic Capricorn, also one of the most spiritual signs of the zodiac whose theme is initiation. Two prominent rays that pour through Capricorn are the first ray of Will-Power and the seventh ray of Ceremonial Magic, or Organisation. The first ray has a close connection to Shamballa, the planetary crown chakra from where the “Will of God” is directed, the purpose and plan for Humanity.
The pole star Polaris, so prominent in northern hemisphere solstice symbolism, is known as “The Star of Direction—governing Shamballa.”[10] Yet, countering the Plan are the Materialistic Forces of the so-called underworld that DK describes in the following passage: “Effort, strain, struggle, the fight with the forces native to the underworld, or the strenuous conditions entailed by the tests of discipleship or initiation …”[11]
Through its ruler Saturn, Capricorn is connected to the “underworld” which is essentially the planetary Dweller on the Threshold, and the materialistic forces that have controlled Humanity since the ancient days of Atlantis. In this context, the following passage is worth repeating again:
“Saturn is one of the most potent of the four Lords of Karma and forces man to face up to the past, and in the present to prepare for the future. Such is the intention and purpose of karmic opportunity. From certain angles, Saturn can be regarded as the planetary Dweller on the Threshold, for humanity as a whole has to face that Dweller as well as the Angel of the Presence, and in so doing discover that both the Dweller and the Angel are that complex duality which is the human family.”[12]
2019 During the NGWS festival week in December 2019, there will be four placements in Capricorn: Sun, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto. Hence, all through 2019 this karmic opportunity will increase in its scope – as these planets pass through Capricorn, making conjunctions with one another, and into 2020.

Some of the many beautiful hues of Jupiter, the largest planet in the solar system and vehicle of the second ray of Love-Wisdom.
Karmic opportunity can result in very challenging situations, hence 2019 may well be associated with much strife, pain and conflict. Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn will continue to expose the power elite and their selfish machinations over Humanity, particularly in the realm of the global financial situation and politics. Meanwhile, Jupiter the planet of Love-Wisdom, will be bringing some profound lessons in love, as described in Esoteric Astrology:
“Jupiter … falls in this sign … Jupiter in its lowest aspect gives the fulfilment of desire and satisfied demand, whilst in its highest, Jupiter is the outgoing expression of love, which attracts magnetically to itself that which is desired—this time the good of the whole. In Capricorn, therefore, Jupiter reaches its lowest point of expression in the densest material aspect, and then—as love and selflessness triumph—this lowest aspect vanishes and disappears. It is to the “fall” of the highest aspect that the symbolism refers, and then later to the fall or disappearance of all that is base and low. Love is fallen and blinded when desire is rampant; desire vanishes when love triumphs.”[13]
Bearing Atlantean history in mind, this ancient battle between the forces of light and materialism is today being fought upon a higher turn of the evolutionary spiral because,
- The Masters of Wisdom are preparing for their Reappearance amongst humanity once again.
- Humanity is “in a great state of turmoil, prior to taking a great step forward in self-conscious unfoldment.
- Advanced humanity and the disciples of the world, the NGWS – are equally in a state of turmoil as they are tried and tested in the fiery crucible, prior to taking their respective initiations.

Kanchendzonga, Nicholas Roerich, 1944. Also known as Kangchenjunga, the third highest mountain in the world. Part of a series of paintings on the Shamballa cycle.
Hence, from that combined December solstice/full moon period of 2018, to the NGWS festival in December 2019, lies a great opportunity for the forces of light to make a stand, to “stand still”, to stand and hold in tension the afore-mentioned forces of the first ray power of Shamballa – the source of the Planetary Plan.
2025 is a seed point between the Piscean and Aquarian eras. So many sensitive souls feel powerless, frustrated, fearful and apprehensive at this juncture of world history; yet, they need not because as 2025 approaches, more than ever conscious individuals and groups are stepping up their intention to regularly meditate and connect subjectively during these periods – linking with other like-minded groups and individuals in triangles across the globe – to hold the line, during this “war in heaven”. What these group meditations can achieve, is the invoking of forces that have hitherto been waiting in abeyance. Here is where the power of The Great Invocation can be invoked – it is one of the major mantrams of the NGWS:
“I would remind you here that the evocation of this divine contact will be, in itself, dangerous, disrupting and destroying. The results are unpredictable for the human being, for men are as yet unaccustomed to respond to Lives and Influences of so high and divine a nature. There is nevertheless a possibility that it might now be more safely permitted if enough people can stand together spiritually and selflessly, and so offer themselves as channels for these new and unknown spiritual Forces. There are divine attributes, divine qualities and divine potencies which the most enlightened humanity of all time have as yet failed even to register, sense or vision—all three aspects escaping contact with these potencies. Yet these powers exist, and the right handling of the present crisis by spiritually oriented humanity may bring about the release of some of these higher energies and the establishing of a line of factual influence along which They can move and consequently contact the Earth. Ponder on this and limit not Deity through the rigidity and finiteness of little minds.
The release of great impersonal forces is ever a critical matter. The effects produced are dependent upon the quality of the recipient aspects and the nature of the form quality upon which they make their impact. In the world of chemistry, a catalyst, brought into contact with certain substances, will produce something entirely new and bring about changes not normally anticipated. These we are now beginning to study and to understand. The intervention into the situation of certain potencies of stupendous gravity and uniqueness, and their effect upon the interacting Forces of Light and forces of aggression, is still more unpredictable, and only the grasp of the spiritually minded people of the world and their steadfastness in sacrifice—plus their clarity of vision and their united world focus—can make the situation safe for humanity as a whole. Bear these thoughts in mind as you use the great and new Invocation.”[14]
The Aquarian British Labour Party
“… the problem of the relationship between capital and labour awaiting solution; the conflict is fierce but a compromise will eventually be worked out if capital concedes certain arrogant powers, recognises the rights of other human beings and demonstrates less selfish greed, and if labour will work with less selfishness, prove less exacting and evince a more understanding spirit. The bridge between these two great groups must and will be built.”[15]
All entities, whether an individual human, a city, a corporation or political party – are governed by astrological and ray forces. The date that represents the birth horoscope is the final emergence of that entity from a series of gestating steps some years or decades before.
The British Labour Party has its roots in the Industrial Revolution which began in Great Britain from around 1760 to 1840. This period spanned a cycle of the fifth ray of science that began in 1775 – and which is also the soul ray of London. Hence, the many inventions during that period, such as the locomotive, steam power, new machines, tools, the factory system, textiles, weaving, chemicals.
“Britain was the world’s leading commercial nation, controlling a global trading empire with colonies in North America and the Caribbean, and with political influence in India. The development of trade and the rise of business were major causes of the Industrial Revolution.”[16]
Here is the birth of modern capitalism and why today London is the financial capital of the world. This period also marks the emergence of the schism between capital and labour: the business people who developed and controlled industrialisation – and the workers who made that possible:
“The condition of the labouring elements of the population became acutely bad; living conditions were abominable, unsanitary and dangerous to health, owing to the growth of urban areas around factories … The exploitation of children increased. The sweat-shop flourished; modern capitalism came into its own and the sharp distinction between the very poor and the very rich became the outstanding characteristic of the Victorian era.
From the angle of the planned evolutionary and spiritual development of the human family, leading to civilized and cultural living and to fair play and equal opportunity for all, the situation could not have been worse. Commercial selfishness and wild discontent flourished. The very rich flaunted their superior status in the faces of the very poor, paralleled with a patronizing paternalism. The spirit of revolution grew among the herded, overworked masses who, by their efforts, contributed to the wealth of the rich classes.”[17]
These poor working conditions were graphically described by Aquarian, Charles Dickens – in his various books, particularly Oliver Twist. 1860 was the start of a ray seven cycle, ruled by Uranus and connected to reform and revolution, for example the American Civil War at that time – and the Aquarian, Abraham Lincoln who presided over the abolition of slavery. From the 1860’s in Britain, groups of trade unionists started to emerge, lobbying employers for higher pay and better working conditions – plus groups of social democrats who fought for greater state intervention, social justice and the strengthening of workers’ rights.
The combination of all these groups led to the formation of the Labour Party on February 27, 1900. But the date that it became officially known as “The Labour Party” was at the first meeting after the election when the group’s Members of Parliament decided to adopt the name formally – February 15, 1906.
This 1906 horoscope has the Sun in Aquarius and as we shall see later, is a more appropriate one, both natally and by progression and transit in this era. Aquarius is the sign that recognises the Brotherhood of Humanity, of equality and shared wealth.
It might also be noted that the ongoing problem of capital and labour has its roots in the two main groups of souls on this planet today: Between “equipped and unequipped” souls – those who “individualised” on the Moon chain, and those who individualised on our Earth chain evolution. Moon chain souls are older and generally more spiritually developed – because more mentally advanced, yet a significant proportion of them have misused and abused their intelligence at the expense of Earth chain souls. The Earth still carries this heavy karmic load around the “failure of the Moon Chain” those countless aeons ago.
Arnold Toynbee: Disciple of Workers Rights
With the onset of the greater Aquarian cycle of 2,160 years, through the energies of its ruler Uranus and the seventh ray, these anomalies in human development will have a chance of being resolved:
“The energy which produces order. This is the energy of the seventh ray or power of divinity. At this time, its major expression will come through the relationships and adjustments required between capital and labour, and labour will be primarily involved. This energy is being assimilated in the Ashram of the Master Whom I mentioned above [one of the two English Masters]; at the inception of the industrial era He was responsible for the formation of the labour movement—a movement bringing into relation the workers of the world.”[18]
This description sounds like the work of Arnold Toynbee (1852−1883), born on the 7th ray cycle and belonging to a third ray ashram. Toynbee was probably an advanced disciple working with the Master of his ashram – or was he actually the Master in incarnation?; he was an English economist and social reformer noted for his public service activities on behalf of the working class.
Toynbee was also a practical social reformer, encouraging the development of trade unions, lecturing to working-class audiences in large industrial cities. He had a short life and literally worked himself to death, a great sacrifice. His interest and desire to help Britain’s growing proletariat led him into a close association with the poor working-class in London’s East End, establishing housing and libraries.
“We come now to the preparatory work being done by the Master Who started what is called by you “the labour movement.” This is regarded by the Hierarchy as one of the most successful attempts in all history to awaken the masses of men (in the brackets called middle class and lower class) to general betterment, and thus set up a momentum which would, occultly speaking, “swing them into light.”
Arnold Toynbee. Time unknown, awarded an “honorary” Aquarius rising!
Along with the development of the labour movement, mass education came into being, with the result that—from the angle of developed intelligence—the entire level of conscious awareness was universally raised. … You have, in this activity, an outstanding instance of how the Masters work, for (to the average onlooker) the labour movement arose from within the masses and the working classes; it was a spontaneous development, based upon the thinking and the teaching of a mere handful of men who were regarded primarily as agitators and trouble makers; they were in reality a group of disciples (many of them unconscious of their esoteric status) who were cooperating with the Law of Evolution and also with the hierarchical Plan.
They were not particularly advanced disciples, but they were affiliated with some Ashram (according to their ray), and were therefore subject to impression. Had they been advanced disciples or initiates, their work would have been futile, for their presentation of the Plan would not have been adapted to the level of the intelligence of the then totally uneducated masses composing labour.”[19]
The problem between capital and labour was not just the greedy businessmen who constitute a large proportion of the capital part of the equation:
“The use of the strike [written mid 1940’s], so beneficent and helpful in the early days of the rise of labour to power, is now itself becoming a tyranny in the hands of the unscrupulous and self-seeking. Labour leaders are now so powerful that many of them have shifted into the position of dictators and are exploiting the mass of workers whom they earlier served. Labour is also becoming exceedingly rich and untold millions have been accumulated by the great national organizations everywhere. The Labour Movement is itself now capitalistic … Labour is today a dictatorship, using threat, fear and force to gain its ends. Many of its leaders are powerful and ambitious men, with a deep love of money and a determination to wield power. Bad housing, poor pay and evil conditions still exist everywhere and it is not in every case the fault of the employer.”[20]
Indeed, when Tony Blair took over the leadership of the Labour Party as Prime Minister in 1997, he was criticised by unions for not reversing the policies of the previous 1980’s Thatcher government – who had severely undermined a century or more of union achievements. The same has happened in other labour governments around the world, such as Australia, plus a universal weakening of all unions by the forces of capital. The following startling statement closes these earlier passages:
“Certain questions arise. In the answering of these questions, humanity will solve its problems or, if they remain unsolved, the human race will come to an end.
1. Is the capitalistic system to remain in power? Is it entirely evil? Are not capitalists human beings?
2. Will labour itself, through its unions and its growing power, vested in its leaders, become a tyranny?
3. Can labour and capital form a working agreement or amalgamation? Do we face another type of war between these two groups?”[21]
Since these words were written, capital has further weakened labour, consolidating their control. This is why the Brexit vote is so important, because if Labour win a new election, even though they may have strayed from their original ideals, there is a chance to re-establish right values and sharing through the policies espoused by Jeremy Corbyn; if that takes place in Britain and if they remain in the European Union, then there is a chance those principles will spread around the world, given the fact that Britain has so much influence.
The Labour Party Horoscope
A stellium of planets tenant Aquarius, the sign of the common man, brotherhood and equality. Also of course Aquarius rules the inventions of science and technology, that the workers have always helped to build. Sun, Venus, Mercury, Chiron are all in Aquarius – square to Aquarius esoteric ruler Jupiter – placed in Taurus. Taurus is arguably the sign of the worker, with Vulcan as esoteric ruler, symbolic of the Smithy – the metal workers who were employed during the Industrial Revolution. Moon is in Scorpio, indicating a tenacious group that is not going to back down from its opponents.
Scorpio ruler Pluto is harmoniously aspected from Gemini to all the Aquarian planets, particularly Mercury, giving powerful, persuasive and unrelenting communication. Mars is placed in its own sign of Aries, precisely square to the planet of revolution and change, Uranus. It is noteworthy that the two-yearly Mars return occurred recently on January 12, activating this dynamic square.
The Labour Party, Britain. (15 Feb. 1906. Time, hence rising sign unknown.)
The Labour Party, Britain: Progressions and transits 2019.
The progressions and transits today show some remarkable opportunities. The most significant is the opposition of transiting Jupiter to the progressed Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, Pluto and midheaven in Gemini.
Jupiter in Sagittarius represents a new philosophical idealism that has the potential to take root. Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn’s Sun, Venus, Mercury and Uranus are all in Gemini – with Gemini ruler Mercury exactly conjunct (almost to the minute) the Labour Party’s progressed Sun-Mercury! 2019 will be Corbyn and Labour’s main chance – it will not come again. Transiting Jupiter travels in forward and retrograde motion back and forth – opposite all the progressed UK planets for most of 2019, as well as Corbyn’s personal planets, especially the exoteric and esoteric rulers of Gemini – his Mercury and Venus!
Likewise, in the recently discussed horoscope for Britain, the critical planet of Mercury in Sagittarius – is right in the middle of the whole mix! Here is an excerpt written about this position last month:
“One of the main ongoing transits regarding this [Brexit] public deception was from Neptune, esoteric ruler of Britain’s Cancer moon. Transiting Neptune has been approaching a square to Britain’s idealistic and intuitive Mercury in Sagittarius since early 2018. The mass effect of Neptune has its point of least and lowest resistance in creating confusion and deception in the nation’s thought processes (Mercury); essentially it created a misplaced idealism, but also a deliberate hoax by the afore-mentioned parties; the British people had “the wool pulled over their eyes”, a typical lower Neptune deception. This transit will progress to exact aspects by April and September 2019, with the final hit in February 2020; however, it will remain “in orb” of influence through all of 2020.
… Bear in mind that Jupiter is the ruler of Britain’s second ray soul and is transiting through its own sign Sagittarius at the moment. The last week of December sees Mercury return to its natal position in Sagittarius – the “Mercury return”. [Britain’s horoscope.]
Furthermore, solar arc Mars is in the mix, closely approaching Mercury in Sagittarius. With the emphasis so powerfully upon this position, whose theme is seeking truth, there is a possibility that the scales of deception may fall away. Hence, the same negative effects of this transit will still stay in play, but there is the potential of newer, higher ideals precipitating through the tension of Neptune squaring Mercury in Sagittarius – that could “seize the day” and propel Britain and the world at large in a new direction.”[22]
In this five-wheel horoscope, all the main dynamics of the Sagittarius-Gemini axis can be seen – T-squared by Neptune in Pisces. From the middle
moving outwards, the charts are: Labour Party natal, Labour Party progressed, UK Union, Jeremy Corbyn and transits for January 15, 2019.
Aquarius Rising: The United States of America
When the sun passes through the sign of Aquarius every year, all Aquarian entities benefit, one way or another. The USA is an Aquarian soul (as often stated in these newsletters), but so is Russia and The Netherlands – this an unique combination of nations that will carry the Aquarian dispensation into the Aquarian Age.
It is especially true of the esoteric triangle between two of the these Aquarian souls (Russia and USA) – with Britain. Visualisation of this triangle in group is one of the meditation services that the esoteric portion of the NGWS can render; to see an unimpeded, free-flowing forces of Love-Wisdom (Ray 2) and Ceremonial Order (Ray 7) – impersonally, and without nationalistic bias.
The USA has been going through its darkest days in the past few years, with seemingly insurmountable crises besieging it from all sides. As commented upon several times, the transit of Neptune over USA’s progressed Sun in Pisces has not helped. USA is playing the role of the Dweller on the Threshold for all Western nations. Hence the month of January 21 to February 18, is always an opportune moment to invoke the soul of this nation, to revitalise its true spirit and put the sword to the seething corruption in which it is enmeshed.
Likewise Russia, by no means integrated in its personality and which is perceived constantly as a threat by the USA, hindering the eventual co-operation and shared responsibility which is the true dharma of these two vast nations.
Neither is the Netherlands perfect, but it is one of the most progressive nations upon the planet. The visualisation of these three Aquarian soul nations in another triangle, would surely assist a flow of great benefit from the Netherlands to USA and Russia. This will stimulate the divine circulatory flow and offset the forces of conflict, division and materialism.
Trump the Mercurial Mad Hatter: Jupiter Transit for 2019
Donald Trump has been the subject of many newsletters – a tricky Gemini sun, unpredictable Sagittarius moon with an arrogant Leo rising – the sign that opposes USA’s Aquarian soul. In many ways Trump exemplifies the lower expression of Leo with his selfishness and self-centredness. Also of Aquarius – with his superficiality (a trait of his Gemini sun), and his ability to bring people together, but in the lowest common denominator. The USA’s 1776 horoscope says it all, with its Aquarian Moon opposing Trump’s Leo ascendant. Trump’s mental state has been increasingly questioned recently:
“‘The guy is nuts, he doesn’t have a grasp of the issues, he’s making rash decisions, he’s not listening to people who know the subject matter.”[23]
The impression of the Mad Hatter of Alice in Wonderland notoriety comes to mind – with Trump’s Mercury-ruled, Gemini personality. When the actual substance of Mercury is considered:
“Mercury was used in the manufacturing of felt hats during the 19th century, causing a high rate of mercury poisoning among those working in the hat industry. Mercury poisoning causes neurological damage, including slurred speech, memory loss, and tremors, which led to the phrase “mad as a hatter”.” (Wikipedia)
Trump is a “mad hatter” because he has a different kind of “Mercury poisoning”. As a Mercury-ruled Gemini Sun, his Mercury is placed in emotional Cancer square to Neptune, the soul ruler of Cancer. Trump’s erratic actions can be attributed almost entirely to his divided and unintegrated Gemini personality, that has the Mercury-Neptune square underlying its expression. The following excerpt gives some basic outlines of this pattern:
“Mercury square Neptune can have a strange effect on your mind. You see and sense the world through a different lens than anyone else, not the real or factual world. This distorting influence of Neptune can have an adverse effect on your relationships. You can misunderstand others and they can misunderstand you.
Yet you can also be a master of illusion and find great ways to express your ideas. Some will excel as tricksters or magicians, some as entertainers on the stage or screen, and some as science fiction writers …Because you are likely to be misunderstood much of the time, especially when young, you may develop insecurities of a mental or nervous nature. To cope, you may rely even more on your fantasies.
You are very sensitive to criticism or rejection … It is also vitally important that you do not do anything which will exacerbate your sensitivities. These would include becoming involved in lies, fraud or scandals, conspiracy theories, cults, or abusing drugs and alcohol.”[24]
Here is described the effect of Trump’s Neptune in its lower expression, its highly refined influences that will distort through an undeveloped astral body – which Neptune, the god of the waters, also rules. The following passage is from the author’s 2016 analysis of Trump’s horoscope:
“Trump is a perfect er … tool for the Materialistic Forces of this planet, playing upon mass fear, cynicism, helplessness and hopelessness … Neptune is connected to mediumship … and is also the soul ruler of watery Cancer … Trump has Mercury in Cancer …[he] has the sensitivity to be a channel for the masses (Cancer) – voicing their sense of powerlessness, but could easily be a psychic dupe (or dope) for more insidious, shadowy forces.
This predisposition is exacerbated by Mercury’s square to Neptune in Libra, making him master of double-speak, deception and subtle manipulation – a far cry from the supposed “tell it like it is” directness of his Sagittarius moon … As Mercury is the ruler of his Gemini Sun, this square to Neptune is the adamantine pattern that lies at the heart of his personality dysfunctionality.”[25]
This Mercury square Neptune pattern is also related to Trump’s ability to mesmerise …
“… bigot though he is, Mr Trump is an engaging man [Leo-Gemini]. His energy, his sheer driving chutzpah [Sag. moon] and his astonishing capacity to make his mistakes disappear overnight have had a mesmeric effect on many Americans. And he has made incoherence into a virtue: voters seem to positively like his constant somersaults, U-turns and cheery reversals of what he said just yesterday.
Trump has mesmerised many Americans like the prodigal Pied Piper that has somehow been “denied his payment” (recognition, insatiable fame) – and instead of leading a plague of rats out of town, has become a fat rat leading astray the “children” (non-thinking masses) of America.”[26]
Which brings us to Trump’s recent erratic tweets (the perfect Gemini medium!) – that have caused disruption on the stock market and the firing of various high ranking personnel. Transiting Mercury’s recent passage through Sagittarius, opposing his Sun and Uranus in Gemini – was largely responsible for those behaviours.
“Transiting Mercury opposite Uranus speeds up your day and your mind. The hectic pace may leave you feeling tense and scattered. There is also the possibility of a range of other unexpected happenings increasing your nervous anxiety. Any recent matters which you have overlooked or rushed may come back to bite you now.
This is not a good time for making plans, negotiating business deals or attending to any mental tasks which require patience and self-discipline. A low concentration span and tendency to be easily distracted would only lead to complication in such areas. This is a better time to free your mind of responsibility and go with the flow ….
When socializing, it is important to take extra care to listen. Also, be aware of a tendency now to speak before thinking. There is a tendency with this transit to instinctively take the other side and end up arguing for the sake of it.”[27]
This short-term Mercury transit is highlighted here because it is the microcosm of a longer term transit of Jupiter, as it sweeps through on its 12 year cycle in Sagittarius this year. All these personality foibles of Trump will be exaggerated and amplified – beginning in the last week of January 2019 to early March; then again in mid May and finally, most of October 2019. This will be the year of living dangerously for Trump – and the USA!
Given that Jupiter is transiting through its own sign of Sagittarius, the TRUTH may win out during this time. Also, as Jupiter is the ruler of USA’s second ray soul, and the esoteric ruler of its Aquarian soul, there is great potential for soul infusion in 2019.
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse
The full moon lunar eclipse is part of the annual cycle of eclipses and occurs every once in a while when the moon’s orbit carries it within the shadow of the Earth – as it does this month, the moon will fall into the shadow and be eclipsed. Note in the diagram how the eclipse falls over the Americas from north to south, visible from these locations.
“At first the moon will look as though a “bite” has been taken out of it, and the edge of the shadow can look a bit fuzzy. But as time progresses, more of the moon will be obscured. Then the moon will be fully within the Earth’s umbral shadow and start to look red. The red color is because the light from the sun passes through the Earth’s atmosphere, and is scattered. The total eclipse will last for about 61 minutes; the maximum eclipse, when the moon is deepest in the shadow of the Earth, will be just a few minutes before the official full moon at 5.16 am UT.” ((
Eclipses always amplify the themes of the zodiac signs or any planets aspecting the degrees of planets. In this case the Leo-Aquarius polarity will be emphasised: The personal and the impersonal, attached and detached relationships, selfishness versus altruism, group leadership, the “I” at the centre versus the decentralised self, dictatorial attitudes versus consensus decision-making.
Phillip Lindsay © 2019.
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Books by Phillip Lindsay
[1] Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.141.
[3] Esoteric Psychology I, Alice A. Bailey. p.315.
[4] A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p.498.
[5] Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.164.
[6] Esoteric Psychology II, Alice A. Bailey. p.195.
[7] The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.493.
[8] Esoteric Psychology II, Alice A. Bailey. p.195.
[9] The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.519.
[10] Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.197.
[11] Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.159.
[12] Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.164.
[13] Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.171.
[14] The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.262.
[15] The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. p.633.
[17] Problems of Humanity, Alice A. Bailey. pp.74-5.
[18] The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.647.
[19] The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.664. Masters of the Seven Rays, Phillip Lindsay.
[20] Problems of Humanity, Alice A. Bailey. p.74.
[21] Problems of Humanity, Alice A. Bailey. p.79.
Hello Phillip, thank you for your great newsletter. Where I could find more information related with your sentence: “Toynbee was probably an advanced disciple working with the Master of his ashram – or was he actually the Master in incarnation”?
Ivan, This is speculation of course, which only one’s intuition can verify. If you go to the book quoted in the article, there is quite a bit more commentary. The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.647. Also, I covered this in my book, Masters of the Seven Rays: Their Past Lives and Reappearance.
This article is just so perfectly accurate , so much so that I take my hat off to you, saluting you as an honest observer of the human nature of world politicians; I am at the moment part way through reading Alice Bailey’s book ‘Problems of Humanity” much of what you say is in this book. I can only presume that you too have read it; hence the parallel of information that you have updated with the present world political climate (I now have the complete series of Alice Bailey’s books). As an aged pensioner I am limited financially; however as a subscriber to your newsletter as my pecunary position improves I shall be purchasing your books in the near future.
Wonderful, Phillip! This paragraph from your post: “If all the aspirants of the world and all the disciples at work in the world today will submerge their personal interests in the task immediately ahead, we shall have what I might pictorially call the opening of a great station of light on earth, and the founding of a powerhouse which will greatly hasten the evolution and elevation of humanity, and the unfoldment of the human consciousness.” Es. Psy I, p. 315
Sounds like the ‘station of light’ and ‘founding of a powerhouse’ that most of us are familiar with reading about is possibly referring to both the Third Initiation of Transfiguration of Humanity and the ‘True transfiguration of the Seventh Initiation of Resurrection’. The 3rd initiation appears to be the beginning of the establishment of both the station of Light and powerhouse of the Soul on earth for the assistance of the unfoldment of consciousness of humanity. And, as we know the 3rd initiation is supposed to occur in this Fifth Root race (Light of the Soul, Yoga Sutras of Patanjali p. 215 (AAB)
We know further that prior to the 3rd initiation, the power of the monadic centre is felt in the consciousness of the disciple who is ready for the third initiation. Once the second initiation has been taken, the watching Hierarchy can begin to note the constant reorientation of the soul towards the monad, and the attractive power of that highest aspect over the initiate. Destiny of the Nations, p. 120 (AAB)
Therefore, the importance of the seeding of the energy of Synthesis into our Planetary Life to become part of the consciousness of the new civilization prior to the event of Transfiguration and beyond. For we know that although our Solar System is developing and unfolding the Divine Aspect of Love-Wisdom in this Second Solar System before it is completed, perhaps it must demonstrate all three Aspects of intelligent Activity (through love-Wisdom) ; Love-Wisdom (Through Love-Wisdom) and Sacrifice/synthesis/will (through Love-Wisdom).
The Third initiation of humanity is only a step in the right direction for the consummation of this solar system to occur. For it appears that humanity must and will take the Fifth initiation in this Second Solar System, in order for the Solar Logos to achieve His Purpose:
“The consummation of all for this solar system will be when the Logos takes His fifth initiation. When all the sons of men attain the fifth initiation, He achieves. This is a great mystery and incomprehensible to us.” EA p. 25
Esoteric students are aware that the Base of the Spine and the Head Centre are related at the fifth Initiation.
DK also writes about this earthly ‘powerhouse’ and ‘station of light’ with its eventual cosmic implications and perhaps this is when all the preliminary work has been done and we are speaking of the 7th initiation of resurrection. DK explains that the long-range vision of Hierarchy goes beyond the unfoldment of the Soul of Humanity: “In these four statements we have sought to express the wider [Page 218] possibility or occasion as the Hierarchy sees it today. Their plans and purposes are destined and oriented to a larger accomplishment than it is as yet possible for normal man to vision. If it were not so, the unfoldment of the soul in man would be a prime objective in the planet. But this is not the case. It may be so from the point of view of man himself, considering him as an essentially separable and identifiable unity in the great cosmic scheme. But it is not so for that greater whole of which humanity is only a part. Those great Sons of God, Who have passed beyond the point of development of those Masters Who work entirely with the human kingdom, have plans of a still vaster and broader sweep, and Their objectives involve humanity only as an item in the Plan of the great Life “in whom we live and move and have our being.” Eso. Psy II, pp. 217-218
Thank you kindly for your latest article, Phillip.
What you say about the British Labour Party is fascinating. Following your last post concerning Brexit, I studied several of the charts mentioned and note that when we compare the charts for the Act of Union 1801 and the date at which the UK is currently supposed to leave the EU at 23h 29 March 2019, we have Saturn/Pluto/South Node conjunction in Capricorn opposing the Act of Union 1801 Chart Moon in Cancer (19° Cancer) which you equate with the Union’s shadow.
This date, 29 March 2019, also involves a Grand Trine between the Act of Union Moon (19° Cancer), Act of Union 1801 Neptune (18° Scorpio) and the Neptune of the Leave date chart (17° Pisces). The Moon on the North Node as such evokes a future destiny coloured by past illusions of grandeur. Illusion has indeed played a huge role in the Brexit process — we now reach a point that the illusions have so distorted all perceptions of reality that Government (Saturn in Capricorn) is no longer able to function (Saturn in Capricorn conjunct Pluto on the South Node). Concerning specifically Neptunian influences in the Leave Campaigns of disinformation, you might be interested in a recent film entitled “Brexit, an uncivil war” which presents a very interesting and detailed analysis of this whole process. In a key sequence, the actor who plays Dominic Cummings rides back one night to the Leave Campaign offices to amend a first campaign sound bite, from “Take Control” to “Take Back Control”. This won immense support during the referendum period, the word “Back” implying something lost. This was Neptune at work. The force of nostalgia for something “Britannia” has lost is in my view one of the factors that brought victory to the Leave Campaign.
Pluto is also now conjunct its own South Node (approximately 19° Capricorn at the time of writing), which suggests to me that this process may have consequence far beyond the UK. There is a sense of total incredulity today that in the UK, the current government have already are spending 2 billion each month on Brexit, according to a study published in the respected journal Politico. The government has also been hiring extra ferries from one company that apparently has no ferries, blocking the M26 Motorway in Kent, half of which is apparently to be used as emergency parking facility in the case of customs collapse. The army has been called in. Invalids are known to be stock-piling their medications. This takes place in a background of poverty which now touches 22% of the population — itself an extraordinary fact when according to the Credit Suisse, the UK was ranked as the 5th richest nation in 2018. Despite this, the country feels on the brink of not only structural collapse but that, like a version of Hamlet being played out daily on the TV, with Parliament sleep-walking the UK into a trap orchestrated by a PM who is unable to understand the dangers. Britain is truly in the throes of a constitutional crisis (Saturn conjunct Pluto). It remains to be seen if any on board are conscious of the dangers.
The hight of this impasse took place on the 15th January 2019 when Tory MPs voted down the British Prime Minister’s EU Leave deal by 230 votes — so constituting the largest Government defeat in history. The very next day, the MPs who voted down the EU Deal then voted the other way, ensuring that the PM won a vote of no confidence. Currently, there is no Parliamentary majority for anything — neither general election, nor second referendum, nor soft Brexit, nor hard Brexit, nor stop Brexit all together.
The system of governance in the UK is stymied and the EU repeatedly asks — what does the UK want? In a quadruple irony, the PM who has subsequently conflated her position with the slogan “Take back control”, of the Leave campaign, systematically prevents members of Parliament from tabling motions which might unblock the situation. The democratic process cannot function. It remains to be seen in the week to come whether the so-called Boles amendment will be voted through the House. If so, the British Parliament may yet have a chance to block the PM’s strategy of pushing the UK towards a No-Deal Exit from the EU, an exit which the Bank of England and the CBI (Confederation of British Industry) seem powerless to prevent as, in the end, they have no direct traction on the Government, acting only in an advisory capacity.
On the 29th March 2019, at 23h, the transiting Sun at 8° Aries opposes its ascendant at 6° Libra (2 degrees of orb), whilst squaring the Sun of the British Act of Union (1801) chart, at 10° Capricorn.
Some excellent observations there Pete. I did not have time in this latest newsletter to compare the charts as you have done, so glad you have shared this. The whole of Brexit has been one Neptunian delusion and emotional nostalgia of recapturing past empire glories. Its also interesting to note that this eclipse falls right on Jupiter in Leo in the 1801 Union chart. Jupiter is the ruler of the second ray of Love-Wisdom, the soul ray of Britain, hence a great chance that Britain’s soul will rise to the occasion!
Also, transiting Jupiter falls on Britain’s Mercury in Sagittarius, so prominent thus far in the Brexit saga. Jupiter will pass back and forth across Mercury three times between now and October 2019. This should have the power to bring about a great reorientation.
Thank you for your kind comments, Phillip, and for drawing attention to the Lunar Eclipse upon the Jupiter placement at 1° of Leo in the Act of Union 1801 chart, and for your point about transiting Jupiter on the 1801 chart Mercury at 17° of Sagittarius.
What is also fascinating to me here is that John Bercow, the Speaker of the House, has recently allowed certain Back-Bench amendments to pass which in time-honoured tradition would have been over-ruled by the Government. The PM is apparently furious with the Speaker, since what is now unfolding is a rather different “take back control” — not enacted by the UK from the EU, but enacted by Parliament from the Government. Although the Speaker has been robustly criticised by many rightwing Tories, he may indeed be the “man of the moment”, a Mercurial and Jupiterian force, who might in the weeks to come through his own powers and intuitions as Speaker, effect a fundamental change in the flow of power in UK Governance. This hypothesis rides well with your analysis and inspires me to wonder about Mr Bercow’s own natal chart!
Thanks Pete, Bercow’s chart is very interesting. (19 January 1963. Time unknown.) Currently transiting Uranus has been stationary opposite his Sun in Capricorn, his solar return was just two days ago. Uranus is all about change and revolution, upsetting the status quo. His Mercury is in the first degree of Aquarius opposite the 1801 chart’s Jupiter and of course, powerfully impacted by this eclipse in the first degrees of Leo-Aquarius. As the house speaker, Bercow plays a Mercurial role mediating between the two parties. Of course it is also a Saturnian role for which his Capricorn sun is well suited. His moon in Scorpio is at the same degree as the Labour Party’s – so perhaps some sympathy there but of course he must maintain neutrality.
Wikipedia says: “A former hardline right-winger who changed his views after becoming an MP and at one time was rumoured to be likely to defect to the Labour Party, Bercow’s election to the Speaker’s chair depended heavily on the backing of other parties.”
Phillip and Pete might find this interesting:
Astounding, as always, Phillip–many thanks for your profound insights–and service. Question—In reference to the quote by DK, [footnote #19]–I would like your ideas on why “a higher initiate” could not have done the work of the [lesser] who did do so, due to “[apparent inability to make things understandable to lesser evolved souls…]. Excuse my ignorance, here, but does not a “higher initiate” also have abilities to be a “step down transformer”, so to speak—or does this indicate a tendency to “leave certain matters to others”, from viewpoint of Hierarchy? [ I’m reminded of your wonderful presentation during the Capricorn “World Servers” webinar , with Michael R., and others, when a listener “opted out”, because she felt “things should be more “simply” put]…Thanks again for YOUR offerings–not “simple”, but certainly, I would think, understandable to most.[Aside from the more “technical aspects”, for some…Suzanne, USA
Dear Phillip Lindsay,
The English Master, Robert Browning, confirmed to Dr. Douglas Baker, some time ago, that the rising sign of the United States of American is Gemini and not Aquarius. The Master Robert Browning has access to the World greatest astrologer, namely the astrologer to the Masters of the Wisdom. Hopefully, those bona fides are ok with you. I would gladly send you a copy of the USA horoscope by Douglas Baker if you provide an email; this application won’t let me copy it in below.
I only mention this because your profound interest for truth, esoteric astrology and concern for world affairs necessitates your re-evaluation of this matter. Additionally, you continue to mention Aquarius as the rising sign/soul of the USA and that is not true.
All good wishes and stay well!
This is an exoteric chart, as is the Sag rising chart. The true esoteric chart is Aquarius rising with sun in Gemini, according to The Tibetan Master Djwhal Khul writing through Alice Bailey – one of the Masters of Wisdom. Dr Baker, who I have met, was not right on everything, having studied alot of his books some decades ago. He also based all his astrological writings on DK. I say this as a reminder to many devotional and at times fanatical students of Baker who believe everything he said without discrimination.