Aquarius 2021: USA Soul. Capitol Drama. Inauguration Biden Mars. Gorman. Media Problem. Lockdown. WEF.
Aquarius Keynote
“Water of life am I, poured forth for those who thirst.”
(Full Moon Jan.28, 2021. 19.16 UT.)
“This constellation [Aquarius] is one of supreme importance to our solar system at this time, for it is the sign into which our Sun is rapidly moving [for the next 2,160 years] and its influence is gaining in momentum and added potency with each vanishing decade. It is, therefore, largely responsible for the changes now being effected in our planetary life in all the kingdoms of nature, and, because it is an air sign, its influence is all pervasive and inter-penetrating.
To many types of mind, this influence is intangible and must, therefore, be unable to produce the desired results; yet the fact is that these intangible pervasive results are of far greater potency and are far more extensive in their effects than the more concrete and spectacular happenings.”1
New Year 2021 Summary
New Moon in Capricorn (Jan.13.)
Mars’ Entry into Taurus
___ Biden’s Immanent Fiery Mars Ordeal
___USA’s Aquarian Soul Purpose
___Washington Capitol Event Jan.6. 2021
___Inauguration Day Chart: The Next 4 Years
___ Amanda Gorman’s Poem
Belief, Knowledge and Illusion
___Media’s Global Take-Over
___Cultivating the Apolitical
___ Politics of the Esoteric Community
World Winter Lockdown
An Aquarian Renaissance
Julian Assange: A Minor Victory?
___Assange and Biden
Uranus in Taurus square Saturn in Aquarius 2021:
___Revolution of the Monetary System
WEF Forum Jan. 25-29, 2021: The Great Reset
Friends, 2020 has been a very tough year and 2021 is shaping up similarly. Just because Jupiter and Saturn have gone into Aquarius and the US government has changed, does not mean that this year will be any less onerous. We will all be challenged to raise our game, pluck up courage and take a stand against some overwhelming controls and dictates.
Because of these creeping encroachments, some are saying “I cannot do this”, or “What am I here for?” Those kind of statements are a luxury few can afford, there is no time for fretting or worrying about the future, or wasting time on frivolous distractions – but to keep building the emerging Aquarian paradigm that will replace the old Piscean model – gradually crumbling away.
Individually we might feel powerless, but in the spirit of Aquarius, collectively we are far more empowered – to find our voices, well beyond the sum total of our parts. Collectives of resistance and like-minded groups can be joined or organized – according to personal predispositions and where we think we can contribute and make a difference.
2021 is a make or break year – when you look back upon it, will you be able to say that you “strained every sinew” and bought all you could to bear – to bring about change within yourself, your group and your community?
New Year 2021 Summary
New Year during Capricorn is always an opportune time to reflect upon the year that was (20-20 hindsight) – and the year that is now – 2021. Two-faced Janus, the god of doorways, beginnings and transitions, looks backward and forward.
We reflect upon the year’s achievements in the sign of Capricorn, the mountain top of material and spiritual achievement. We look forward to the following sign of revolutionary and radical Aquarius, to reform the rigid patterns of the status quo – symbolised by Capricorn.
We ponder our failures and make new year’s resolutions; we resolve to rectify wrongs and renew our “vows”; it’s not unlike the process that the soul goes through when passing into the afterlife. Reflect, resolve, renew – and relinquish regret. All these R words: R=9, the number of initiation, whose glyph suggests rising upward to embrace spirit, the heavens. (There is also the Master R!)
Capricorn is one of the signs of death, of completion, the 10th sign, the number of perfection; it is the doorway into renewed life – hence Janus and January, the 20th of the month when the Sun enters Aquarius.
Capricorn is a sign of initiation into the mysteries and its ruler Saturn, currently in Aquarius with Jupiter – ensures that humanity will have to step up in 2021. Individually and collectively we will all be required to tread the burning ground of the lower self, yet also “stand our ground” – re-claiming the “captured” territory of the Higher Self that is at-one with all Selves/souls.
Due to the global crisis of 2020 – arguably the most significant since WWII, many succumbed to depression, fear and futility – dread, angst, overwhelm, feeling trapped – with uncertainty about the future. With the moon in Leo in the New Year’s ingress horoscope – closely opposite Jupiter in Aquarius – 2021 loudly exclaims the imperative to cultivate the Leo polarity of Aquarius – courage, more than any other time in our lives; and in the Aquarian way, staying tuned into the networks of other like-minded souls and co-workers who are all striving to birth the new paradigm of Aquarius.
In those groups lie the support, love, will and wisdom that inspires the “courage contagion”, strengthening individuals and groups to transcend the maya and glamour – with which the Material Forces have been trying to swamp Humanity – and to which some of us have succumbed.
Moon-Jupiter in Leo-Aquarius are in a T-square to radical game-changer Uranus in Taurus – a pattern that conditions much of 2021, where the old, entrenched forces (Saturn) will be trying to keep the upper hand, holding rebellious Uranus at bay.
Uranus is the esoteric ruler of Libra which is rising in this Western hemisphere chart, indicating the collective soul purpose – the cultivation of peace, right human relations and justice for all.
New Moon in Capricorn (Jan.13, 05.00 UT)
This was a very potent new moon – conjunct Pluto the Destroyer, a major force for breaking up crystallisation – from which Capricorn suffers more than any other sign. This is due to the fact that Capricorn and its ruler Saturn are adept at the magical creation of geometrical thought-forms – that lay behind this sign’s manifesting skills. All thought-forms outlive their usefulness at some point, and must enter into a cycle of death and dissolution.
The new moon occurred during a critical period in the USA – when the Democrats were launching impeachment proceedings against Trump, a week before Inauguration Day. The White House at that time also provoked China in Taiwan – the latter tactic apparently recommended by the military generals who felt that Biden will be too “China-friendly” – and who wanted to act before Trump leaves office.
As with the theme of Pluto, there appears to be much going on behind the scenes that is not being reported or is not given emphasis by an ever-controlling Big Media; their assault on free-speech is a pandemic in itself, with accounts being closed on social media, or algorithms employed to minimise the exposure of posts that do not conform to a one-sided narrative.
The lockdown/lockstep of Covid virus response tactics has segued (segwayed) into a similar control over political views; this is a very worrying trend (emanating from a left polarised Silicon Valley), that must be bucked in 2021 – if Humanity is to escape these ever-increasing controls.
The new moon/Pluto fell opposite USA’s Mercury in Cancer – activating the natal Pluto opposition, hence this Capricorn new moon was another major stimulation of the nation’s Pluto return in early 2022. Trump’s Venus and Saturn in Cancer are positioned one degree either side of USA’s Mercury in Cancer, whose Sabian Symbol is, “A leader of men wrapped in an invisible mantle of power.”

USA and Donald Trump. Note Trump’s Sun-Moon in Gemini-Sagittarius straddles USA’s troublesome Mars in Gemini.
Hence the power struggle that continued right up to and beyond Inauguration Day – with impeachment proceedings etc. In the Inauguration chart explored further on, there are strong potentials for explosive protests implied by the conjunction of Mars to Uranus in Taurus, through their square to Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius. May the Aquarian soul of the nation prevail – Liberty!
Mars’ Entry into Taurus (Jan.6-Mar.4)
Late on Jan.6 (GMT) Mars entered Taurus, after lingering in Aries for six months, due to its retrograde and direct motion. It is said esoterically,
“Mars is in detriment in this sign. Its activity adds constantly to the naturally warlike nature of Taurus but the potency of the Taurean struggle is so great, esoterically speaking, that the effect of Mars is lost in the larger whole. It, “adds to the glamour and confusion and yet holds within itself hope for the struggling [wo]man.””2
Why is Taurus described as “naturally warlike” when it is ruled by “peaceful and harmonious” Venus? The answer lies in the fourth ray of Harmony through Conflict, the only ray to pass through Taurus and its polar opposite Scorpio.
The fourth ray rules Humanity as a whole and through striving upon the way of developing higher consciousness, successive conflicts are met – and a balancing of the opposites takes place. Hence, harmony is accomplished until the next crisis presents itself. The conflict is also represented by Mars the god of war, ruling the opposite sign Scorpio, where tests are applied:
“Constantly in this sign [Taurus] comes the emphasis upon struggle. It is a cosmic, planetary and individual struggle, for desire-will underlies the manifested activities of the Logos, the planetary Life, of man and all forms in nature.
It is the struggle of that which is deeply hidden in darkness to reach the light of day; it is the struggle of the hidden soul to dominate and control the outer form, the struggle to transmute desire into aspiration and aspiration into the will to achieve. It is the struggle to attain the goal which an increasing light reveals. [Taurus is, “the mother of illumination.]
… on the reversed progress around the zodiac, the struggle is to overcome and destroy all that has been so laboriously achieved upon the ordinary wheel – and to demonstrate in Scorpio … that the form no longer controls, but that the lessons learnt through the use of the form have been retained; the struggle is to achieve initiation in Capricorn and thus release the soul from the revolving wheel and achieve final liberation from the thralldom of desire and from form control of any kind.”3
Mars in Taurus is also the lusty, procreative bull. Yet in its higher creative capacity, Mars invokes the esoteric ruler of this sign, Vulcan the Smithy – who, “… goes down into the depths to find the material upon which to expend his innate art and to fashion that which is beautiful and useful. Vulcan is that which stands for the soul.”4
Mars in Taurus also stimulates higher creativity and artistic expression; it offers the opportunity for rough and ready Mars to meet with his refined lover Venus – and combined with the fourth ray force, make love through art, beauty and music.
In ancient mythology, the two rulers of Taurus – Venus the sublimely beautiful goddess, married to Vulcan or Hephaestos, the lame and “ugliest” of gods – a great illustration of the Divine Marriage and the reconciliation of opposites.
Mars will be in Taurus until March 4, and during the critical first eight weeks of 2021, promising a bumpy ride, “adding to the glamour and confusion and yet holding within itself hope for struggling Humanity”.
Joe Biden’s Imminent Fiery Mars Ordeal
During this period until early March, transiting Mars in Taurus will make some very challenging oppositions to President Joe Biden’s stellium of planets in Scorpio – Mars, Mercury, Sun and Venus; this will no doubt constitute a fiery ordeal during his first months in office. Added to the mix are Jupiter and Uranus in Aquarius – T-squaring the Scorpio-Taurus opposition.
1. T. Mars opposite Mars in Scorpio (Jan.28-Feb.2)
Starting just one week after Biden’s inauguration, right on the Aquarius-Leo full moon (Jan. 28) and when Mercury is stationary about to go retrograde, squaring his Sun and opposite his Chiron in Aquarius – this transit will amplify the war-like nature of Mars, creating a fixed grand cross.
With Jupiter making a close conjunction to the sun in Aquarius and squaring Mars, these forces are subject to even greater exaggeration. An event might unfold as a major crisis for Biden and the nation; it might even relate to Trump and his followers, given the synastry with Trump’s progressed midheaven/Pluto in Leo (power), and USA’s north node in Leo (the nation’s leaders).
Mars is the ruler of Biden’s Scorpio personality, so this configuration might express as coming under considerable attack from others (even another nation), and conversely, going on the attack as a defensive measure. But Scorpio’s are bred for the rough and tumble of politics! With all these activations by warrior Mars to his Scorpio planets, the theme of sexual revelations may come to light or be used against him.
Mars is the personality and soul ruler of Scorpio, and ruler of the solar plexus centre, hence the intensity of emotion at this time will be profound. These kind of transits can give a feeling of importance and dominance and can certainly feed arrogance.
Physical energy is usually very good, an important consideration for an aging man who will have many tasks that require sustained and concentrated effort, initiating many new projects. The difficulty with these kind of reactionary Mars transits is that its point of least resistance is anger, impulsiveness, harshness, aggression, impatience and lack of tact.
China Another factor with war-like Mars moving through Taurus, is that it might further stimulate China’s aggressive and ruthless stance toward the world – and its ongoing manipulative incursions into the USA. China is a Taurus soul, but like many other nations, does not express this energy from the level of the soul, but at its lower level, such as using brute force and dictatorial tactics. Bear in mind, dictators in history have had the sun in Taurus, such as Hitler.
Beijing is in close physical proximity to Shamballa, located in the Gobi Desert, allowing it to tap in more easily to the lower aspect of first ray power – which is also the ray of China’s soul.
2. T. Mars opposite Mercury in Scorpio (Feb.14-19)
Mercury represents thought and communication skills – and in Scorpio can be deep or deceptive. Criticism can be sharp, confrontational and vehement from Biden – and/or toward others. During this time the sun in Aquarius also opposes his Chiron which is natally squared by Mercury in Scorpio, representing the “wound” of speech (his stutter).
But Mercury also trines Jupiter in Cancer – having great potential for eloquence – an interesting duality. At the same time, transiting Jupiter and retrograde Mercury in Aquarius will be squaring Biden’s natal Mars, increasing tensions.
3. T. Mars opposite Sun-Venus in Scorpio (Feb.24-Mar.2)
What transpired in the previous four weeks of Jan-Feb will come to a head in the last week of February. This can be a very frustrating transit that will need a lot of self-control to handle rightly. Similar to the other Mars transits, it can easily manifest as anger and frustration – not being able to implement his will, possibly because of those who want to counter his actions. Personal ego issues run very high with a Mars transit like this.
Combative actions by others may also force compromises. With natal Venus in the picture, a severe strain on all Biden’s relations, both personal-sexual and political. With members of the opposite sex, perhaps a struggle with Vice-President Kamala Harris whose ambitious Saturn in Aquarius squares Biden’s Sun-Venus – ouch! Behind the scenes power struggles are also indicated by the transit of Saturn in Aquarius opposite Biden’s Pluto in Leo.
4. T. Mars in Gemini opposite Sagittarius Ascendant (Mar.8-10) When Mars enters Gemini it opposes Biden’s Sagittarius rising, his soul purpose – from the seventh house of relationships, continuing the theme of keeping the peace in all kinds of partnerships – the Libran/7th house spirit of compromise in personal and professional associations. Transiting Mars ensures a rocky road in Biden’s first two months of Presidency – a lot of expectations are riding upon him, both nationally and internationally that will make or break.
USA’s Aquarian Soul Purpose
“Its Gemini nature and its Aquarian soul should (when developed and balanced) provide a most remarkable channel for human expression.”5
It is this young nation’s destiny to be a leader of nations, moving into the Aquarian Age. Aquarius is a sign of synthesis and sharing, and is a sign that rules at the soul level by only two other countries – Russia and the Netherlands.
USA and Russia (who will co-operate much more closely one day), are examples of widely disparate peoples and land masses – that have been brought together under one national jurisdiction – “many diverse nationalities found in the States and so fuse and blend them into an homogeneous whole.”6
The rulers of Aquarius are exoterically Uranus and esoterically Jupiter. Uranus rules the seventh ray of Ceremonial Magic or Order:
“Ray 7. — Order and Magic, via Uranus. This influence is inherited from the Atlantean world, which still rules the territorial aspect of the States, which is a remnant of old Atlantis. It is this that produces the many magical, spiritualistic and occult groups which flourish today in the States.”7
Ray four has a close relation with the seventh ray – as the mediator between spirit and matter. This ray also complements the Aquarian skill of bringing everyone together – nationally and internationally:
“Ray 4. — Harmony through Conflict, via the Moon [hierarchical ruler of Aquarius], veiling in this case the planet Vulcan. Vulcan here “forges on his anvil, through fire and blows, that linking network which covers all the nation and makes it hold together.””8
The Moon and Mercury are rulers of the fourth ray – the moon being the ‘conflict’ part of the harmony through conflict equation:
“Ray 4 … expresses itself here through Mercury the Messenger, and emphasises the harmony aspect in contradistinction to the conflict angle which the Moon and Vulcan together have precipitated. It is the Moon-Vulcan relation which produces the political conflict which always rages in the States.”9
“Ray 4. — This influence appears, as you see, frequently, but this time it is through the Moon as it veils Uranus. This produces a conflict of a different nature than that which takes place when the Moon veils Vulcan or transmits the energy of the fourth ray direct.
Uranus is the medium for the seventh ray and the function of its blending with the fourth, via the Moon, is to bring about a magical relationship between the many diverse nationalities found in the States and so fuse and blend them into an homogeneous whole — which is not the case at this time.” [1940’s and still not quite today.]10
Aquarian esoteric ruler Jupiter, also rules the second ray of Love-Wisdom – the pre-eminent ray on this planet and the most influential upon the developing system we call democracy. USA and Britain are both second ray souls, deeply connected to the founding and development of democracy:
“Ray 2. — Love-wisdom, via Jupiter, thus linking the States closely with Great Britain and indirectly with France.” [and many other nations].11
Other rays that condition the USA are:
“Ray 3. — Active Intelligence or Adaptability, via the Earth, thus `grounding’ the American people and basically making the soil their problem. Hence the prominence of agriculture in the public consciousness [written late 1940’s] and the pre-occupation of the government with the cotton problems, the corn problem and many other issues of moment.
Ray 5. — Concrete Knowledge and Science, via Venus. This confers the intelligence which is so marked in the American people and will eventually determine the lines along which their education will run and their religious organisations.
Ray 6. — Idealism or Devotion, via Mars. This greatly augments the sixth ray personality of the States, thus presenting very real problems in a young people who are apt always to be fanatical and exclusive. Exclusiveness is one of the major weaknesses of the sixth ray type.”12
USA & Washington Capitol Events Jan.6. 2021
The battle for the soul of the US nation continues – a phrase uttered from both sides of politics. As stated earlier about Mars in Taurus, “… the Taurean struggle is so great that the effect of Mars … “adds to the glamour and confusion and yet holds within itself hope””.
The storming of the building took place around 1 pm on Jan.6, just before Mars moved into Taurus, during the last degree of Mars in Aries – an apt symbol for the volatility and warlike nature of this sign which Mars rules; especially as Mars in Aries was squaring USA’s natal Pluto – a planet associated with insurrection.
Transiting Mercury (the ruler of USA’s Gemini personality), was exactly conjunct Pluto, whilst the moon was in Libra opposite Mars, creating a grand cross of formidable tension.
When Mars entered Taurus a few hours after the Capitol occupation, vote-counting resumed. The protestors were not necessarily representative of half the nation that voted for Trump (a poll suggests about 50%), but the incident underlines deep cleavages in the American psyche that have been decades in the making.
All of these events are unfolding on the eve of the USA’s first ever Pluto return (Feb.2022), already activated by the current exact opposition of transiting Pluto to Mercury in the 1776 horoscope. Mercury is the ruler of USA’s Gemini personality – the twins or warring brothers, so reflective of the current state of the nation. The effects of this Pluto return which has already begun, will probably last for the next five years.
The USA was founded upon The American Revolutionary War – fought against the British Empire, known also as the War of Independence. Pluto’s work is to destroy the crystallization and corruption that has developed in the nation since 1776 – on both sides of politics and throughout the entire culture.
When after the event, politicians and commentators retorted with statements like, “This is not who we are” – they sounded a bit hollow in light of USA’s history: Revolutionary and Civil Wars, massive gun ownership and violence – and an armaments industry that has profited from many wars in the last century, like Vietnam – plus, the funding of real insurrections in countless nations. This is exactly part of what the USA is, that must be recognised and owned – and must move away from; these are all expressions of its sixth ray personality, not its second ray/Aquarian soul.
The Pluto return, the destruction and transformation of all these old forms, will no doubt continue for the next several years, with reverberations for even a decade. A Pluto purge must take place if this nation is to regenerate itself like the proverbial Phoenix that will rise from the ashes – to fulfil its leadership role into the Aquarian Age, as an Aquarian soul.
On Jan.6, transiting Mars in Taurus moved into a T-square with USA’s nodal axis in Leo-Aquarius – the leader and the people. As stated earlier, the point of the north node is shared by Trump’s progressed midheaven and Pluto, hence the struggle to hold power.
The applying square became exact on Inauguration Day Jan.20 (see later for chart analysis) – when transiting Moon and Mars joined Uranus – all in the same degree of Taurus, squaring Saturn-Jupiter in Aquarius. Hence, this very high point of tension – approaching, during and after that date. Jupiter is the soul ruler of Aquarius – USA’s soul. Jan.20 is also when the Sun enters Aquarius on its annual cycle, hence the opportunity was great for the soul of the nation to be invoked – as it is every four years on Inauguration Day.
Mars will be in Taurus until March 4 and will create many challenges during these critical first eight weeks of 2021, “adding to the glamour and confusion and yet holding within itself hope for struggling Humanity”. The impeachment trial will now make it very difficult for Biden to bring unity to the nation, so the Democrats may have shot themselves in the proverbial foot! Says CNN,
“Next month’s trial will bring the outcast former President back to center stage, giving him yet another chance to claim that he is a victim in a never-ending partisan witch hunt and handing him a platform to rally his supporters at a time when he might have had otherwise had none. Biden is caught in an almost impossible vise as the nation re-engages in the most polarizing kind of proceeding that exists in Washington. He has insisted that Trump must be held accountable for the attempted insurrection at the Capitol on January 6.
The looming trial — which has the potential to inflame partisan divisions just as quickly as Biden was trying to squelch them — offers no visible upside to a President who was elected on his promise to bring the warring parties of Washington together and forge compromise in a Capitol that has been defined by strife.”13
As explored later in the newsletter, some in the esoteric community appear to have fallen for the left propaganda, with such misplaced videos as Arnold Schwarzenegger comparing the Capitol incursion to Krystallnacht.
Here is the glamour of a macho movie star, ironically a person who has been an icon of mindless violence, revenge and guns, guns, guns. (USA’s sixth ray personality.) The gullibility of those who watched this video and thought it was “a fantastic thing” underlines their ignorance about the real Krystallnacht that took place during Scorpio 1938:
“Jewish homes, hospitals and schools were ransacked as attackers demolished buildings with sledgehammers. Rioters destroyed 267 synagogues throughout Germany, Austria and the Sudetenland. Over 7,000 Jewish businesses were damaged or destroyed, and 30,000 Jewish men were arrested and incarcerated in concentration camps … 91+ deaths.”14
Hence, there is barely a comparison to the Capitol siege, where three people died of natural causes – one woman and one policeman were tragically shot dead. Glamour strikes again – the hyper-inflation of the news, hypnosis of the masses and a fictitious linking to historical events – that have influenced thinkers who might know better.
The Capitol siege pales in comparison with the damage done during 2020 by the far left BLM and Antifa – on many US cities such as Portland and Seattle, burning, smashing, looting – in a word terrorising, causing billions of dollars in damage and the loss of lives.
Even one day after Inauguration Day, these groups were at it again in Portland, but widely unreported or minimised in most mainstream news – no doubt to refrain from raining on the parade of the previous day’s Inauguration: “Nothing to see here, move along, everything’s back to normal”. Not.
Hence the Media studiously ignored the discrepancy between what happened at the Capitol, labelling it white/right wing extremism. If Covid-19 was the biggest lie since 9/11, then the Capitol “siege” appears to be a political whitewash that segues into, and is an extension of the Coronavirus propaganda that started in early 2020.
One fact that is not that well known, is that Fascism and Nazism have their roots in the left, most of us usually think of it being a right wing phenomenon. Others argue that fascism is the right wing of the left wing!
Either way, fascism exists on both sides of politics and is a lower expression of first ray energy emanating from the planetary crown centre Shamballa – increasingly unleashed direct to Humanity in this past century.
Inauguration Day Chart 2021: The Next 4 Years
Inauguration charts are cast for the same date every four years at midday, hence the Sun sign Aquarius will be the same, as will be the rising sign Taurus – for that time of day. Jan.20 is always an appropriate date – as Aquarius is the soul of the nation, and this year sees Sun, Saturn, Jupiter and Mercury all in this sign, packing out the 10th house (government) of the horoscope below.
Sun, Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius all square Mars and Uranus in Taurus, giving potential for an extraordinarily tense four years – and perhaps even dividing the nation more deeply. The status quo of Saturn in Aquarius dominates from the 10th house, “accidentally dignified” – at complete odds with reforming Uranus in Taurus in the 12th house of “hidden enemies”. Incendiary Mars conjunct Uranus adds to the tension here, chafing against the imposed authority of Saturn in Aquarius.
Students of astrology and casual observers have stated that Jupiter and Saturn moving into Aquarius will be the end of all our problems and that it is the beginning of the Age of Aquarius – both statements are overly simplistic and untrue. As explained in other newsletters, Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius herald the next century of similar conjunctions leading up to the Age of Aquarius proper in 2,117.
In 2020, Saturn was in Capricorn mainly in its lower expression as global lockdown – Saturn the jailer; it continues its vice-like grip in this fixed sign Aquarius, again finding its lower expression as ruler of the first decanate of Aquarius, accentuating the concrete mind, especially with regard to exoteric science, presided over by Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius.
Hence, we are seeing already, as per pre-election promises, that the Biden administration is going all the way with the science of the World Health Organisation (WHO) – driven by people like Anthony Fauci, WEF and Bill Gates as servants of Big Pharma. In so doing, the Biden administration is ignoring the arguments of tens of thousands of medical experts and scientists from around the world. This is what Trump, to his credit, was resisting for all of 2020 – but was buried under an avalanche of media propaganda, blame, lies and fear.
One must ask the question, why has hardly any debate between medical experts been allowed on television stations around the world – on the issue of how to deal with the virus? This is glaring omission in so-called democracies that have had pandemic protocols dictated by a handful of powerful groups and individuals.
An omission that has not been critically questioned and is underscored by the fact that those professionals who have spoken up, have been severely censored when trying to share their considerable knowledge on Facebook, YouTube, Google, Twitter, Amazon, Apple and Wikipedia – the establishment of Big Media.
The implications are obvious, these groups are acting out the shadow of scientific Aquarius – selfish groups and corporations misusing their power, based upon their superior knowledge of science and technology. Hence again, the power of Saturn (the mind) in this sign and its misappropriation.
Left leaning students in the esoteric community who were jubilant with Biden’s election, must have known that pre-election promises were going to unfold – and that the mandatory vaccination which was once “conspiracy theory” – is now only just around the corner; an unnecessary and insidious measure for a majority of quite healthy people who already have good immunity,
But for some in the so-called spiritual community, it does not matter as they have already quaffed down the kool-aid of the mainstream narrative, along with the rest of “unawakened” humanity – and will comply with what Saturn directs them to do. (“Satan” in his lower expression.)
On the other hand, the oft-vilified minority of free thinkers who engage in critical and independent thought, are represented by Uranus in Taurus – a sign known for its Buddha-like wisdom, also called “the mother of illumination”.
This is the main battle indicated in the Inauguration chart for all of 2021, between the Titans Saturn and Uranus. Uranus as ruler of the nation’s Aquarian soul must win out if the nation is to evolve and grow. It is also the main battle globally in 2021 between nations, groups, factions of groups etc. – for right choices to be made.
In the Inauguration chart, the moon is in the last degree of Aries, conjunct Mars in Taurus, the ruler of Aries. This combination is potentially volatile and explosive – indeed, this last degree of Aries was the same degree that Mars tenanted on the Jan.6 breech of the Capitol.
Pluto dominates the Inauguration horoscope from the midheaven, conjunct the Sun and square to the Moon in Aries – on the eve of USA’s first ever Pluto return, since its inception in 1776.
Therefore, weighing up all these factors above, the USA appears to be in for a very rough ride in the next four years – compounded by strife and disaffection from half the nation who voted for Trump and felt wronged at the outcome.The proposal of new domestic terrorism laws by the new administration will only add fuel to the fire.
With these kind of patterns, extreme violence is also indicated, including attempted insurrections or coups. The Biden administration has its work cut out and if it issues too many heavy-handed laws and protocols, they are certain to be met with much resistance.
Amanda Gorman’s Inauguration Day Poem
Whatever your politics, Amanda Gorman stole the show on Inauguration Day – with a moving and masterful rendition of her poem that touched upon many subjects – and the hearts of millions. A real mantric potency was present here – in her syncopation, phrasing and outstanding alliteration.
Then there is simply her own radiance enabled by her bright yellow dress, the colour of the fourth ray of art, drama, music and beauty. Some choice lines from her poem, “The Hill We Climb”:
“Where can we find light in this never ending shade … we brave the belly of the beast … and yet the dawn is ours before we knew it … we are far from polished, far from pristine … to compose a country committed to all cultures, characters, colours and conditions of man … we seek harm to none and harmony for all … victory will not lie in the blade but in all the bridges we have made … if we merge mercy with might … raise this wounded world into a wondrous one … “.
Speaking to the heart of the nation, Gorman was appropriately born in Los Angeles, the heart chakra of the USA – with Sun, Jupiter and Mercury in Pisces. Lots of sensitive water energy, augmented by a receptive Cancer moon. With Neptune, Venus and Uranus in Aquarius, she is a symbol of an Aquarian future that brings unification. (Aquarius is the sign of USA’s soul.)
Neptune the mystic and imagineer plays an important role as co-ruler of Pisces and esoteric ruler of Cancer – and is placed in Aquarius, to which it has an association with regard to the refinement of the astral body.15
Parts of Gorman’s poem are very moving, pointing to her ability to be a “channel” for her higher self – or indeed, other-worldly influences. With several Pisces placements and a Cancer moon, it is the ideal combination for a medium/mediator16, a role she accomplished so well on that day.

Amanda Gorman. (Time is 4:52 pm.) Virgo rising is the sign of the wordsmith par excellence: Paul McCartney, James Taylor, Paul Simon, Charlotte Bronte, Jack Kerouac, Oscar Wilde, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Leonard Cohen.
Gorman has been inspired by poets such as Walt Whitman, who she feels have spoken to the ideals of a nation. Interesting to note that Gorman’s Mercury falls precisely on Whitman’s Saturn in the last degree of Pisces, perhaps indicating a karmic link. The following passage is Whitmanesque – with its bold and broad sweep across the nation:
“We will rise from the gold-limbed hills of the west,
we will rise from the windswept northeast
where our forefathers first realized revolution
We will rise from the lake-rimmed cities of the midwestern states,
we will rise from the sunbaked south
We will rebuild, reconcile and recover
and every known nook of our nation and
every corner called our country,
our people diverse and beautiful will emerge,
battered and beautiful.”
Like some others who work with words or speak for a living, Gorman suffered a speech impediment from a young age, something she shares with Joe Biden. This was mentioned in a recent newsletter, identifying Biden’s Mercury in Scorpio square Chiron in Leo, as the “wound of a speech”.
Gorman’s soul purpose is in her Virgo ascendant, whose ruler Mercury is in the last degree of Pisces – so intuitively potent, especially with its close sextile to Pisces ruler Neptune in Aquarius, giving her the “gift of the gab” and ability to inspire through the spoken word. And the written word – Virgo the wordsmith. Mercury is sextile to her Gemini (ommunications) midheaven (career), which it also rules.
On Inauguration Day, transiting Sun and Saturn were conjunct her Venus-Neptune, most appropriate for her artistic expression that projected dramatically around the nation, speaking to its current condition – and what it might be.
When Gorman was commissioned to present the poem back in Dec.2020, the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction at the winter solstice fell on her Venus-Neptune. Gorman started and ended her poem with references to light:
“Where can we find light in this never ending shade … There is always light, if only we are brave enough to see, if only we are brave enough to be it”.
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Belief, Knowledge and Illusion
When it comes to politics, the process of human thinking is highlighted – the duality of left and right, dia-logue and debate. At this Aquarian solar festival, it is worth reflecting upon the nature of mind and illusion, given that this is a “mental” sign ruled by “mental” planet Uranus. Aquarius is also associated with Saturn, the creator of thought-forms – and ancient ruler of Aquarius before Uranus emerged. Saturn carries over the old rulership now as ruler of the first decanate of Aquarius.
True dialogue that is based upon the will to know and consider another view, is the key to proper debate or rhetoric – which Aristotle calls, “a combination of the science of logic and of the ethical branch of politics”.
Much debate in Western culture is based upon the ego seeking to win or dominate, whose ambition can force over-ride on the rational, or tilt toward the proverbial jugular vein, the ad hominem attack – in order to achieve its objective.
If there is a predisposing belief in a topic, then everything will be thrown into an argument to support that belief. But it is still belief, a conviction – not necessarily knowing.
Belief and true knowledge are very different things – yet many people believe that they have true knowledge! It is said that “the muscle of emotion forms the foundation of belief” – to which can be added the cultural conditioning of centuries.
The underlying problem is that emotionally-polarised Humanity is still learning to think – and balance the “warring pair of opposites” upon the mental plane. Until that balance is achieved, we will still stumble through the veils of illusion. Yet, the invocation of the higher intuition (buddhi or direct knowledge) can help “render the veil”:
“Today we have reached a crisis in the field of human apprehension and can now enter into a new era wherein illusion can be dispelled and thinkers can begin to register accurately and without misapprehension that which the intuitives convey to them. This statement does not as yet apply to the general public. It will be a long time before they will respond without illusion, because illusion is based upon the thoughtform-building activity of the lower mind. [Note again this reference to the lower, or concrete mind.]
The masses are just beginning to use that lower mind and illusion is therefore, for them a necessary stage of testing and training and one through which they must pass or they will lose much valuable experience, leaving undeveloped their powers of discrimination …
… It is essential consequently that the masses are taught the significance of illusion and be trained to see and, choose the kernel of pure truth – in any presentation of truth with which they may be confronted. It is essential likewise that the world intuitives learn to use and control and understand the faculty of spiritual perception, of divine isolation and appropriate response which characterises the intuition.”17
Returning to the statement, “If there is a predisposing belief in a topic, then everything will be thrown into an argument to support that belief.” Hence, if you are a dyed-in-the-wool Democrat or Republican, anything and everything will be utilised to support that pre-disposition. Rationalisation by the lower mind, can make any excuses or explanations to support the point of view – make black appear white. To cultivate the apolitical (see following section), is to dispense with all these dualistic mechanisms and tread the middle way between opposites.
Media’s Global Take-Over
Big Media and Tech based mainly in Silicon Valley, CA have reached a point of almost absolute global control, determining and dictating to governments what people should think, how they should vote, protocols for Covid-19 etc.
The author is neither pro nor anti Democrat-Republican, but a recent example of extreme bias was the unprecedented coverage of the US elections and Capitol “siege” by 99% of the media, all supporting one political party – all chanting the same mantra. As an outside observer looking in, it was very obvious what was going on, perhaps not so much for those who live in the nation, absorbing saturation news coverage 24/7.
Now in Australia, Google and Facebook are threatening to withdraw their services since being challenged by the Australian government on their monopolies. To their credit, the Democrats in 2020 laid out a detailed case for stripping Apple, Amazon, Facebook and Google of the power that has made each of them dominant in their fields.
Now in Australia, Google and Facebook are threatening to shut down their services if a “digital news code” initiated by the Australian government goes ahead. Foster Gamble of Thrive fame states,
“Mainstream media tells us to resist conspiracy theories and that good people obey, while the number of supposed cases, our economy, our relations and our options just keep getting worse. But what if the media is itself an arm of a very real and dangerous conspiracy they are telling us to avoid?
Whether or not we trust these mainstream sources is at the heart of the great divide we are experiencing. Even a cursory look at who pays for the ads on mainstream news unveils a bias to support pharmaceutical interests. This is just the tip of the iceberg.” (Where the Real Sickness Lies – And How We Can Heal It. By “Thrive” creator, Foster Gamble.)
This current situation will stay the “same as it ever was”, unless there is a mounting resistance to these insidious and relentless controls. Humanity has had its will severely weakened and undermined – it is being herded into technological serfdom. The following passage was written during WWII, 80 years ago – but is still most applicable for today (author’s italics emphasis):
“The powerful thinker or the ambitious demagogue [or corporate entity], and the man with a true love of his country (but with his own selected ideas as to the right solution of that country’s problem) – are today availing themselves of the general inertia and of the world crisis and depression in order to impose (if need be, by force) those systems of governments and of control which will materialise their interpretations of the ideal.
These the masses have to accept, and because they normally take the line of least resistance without thinking, they are easily regimented into compliance. The argument of the leaders is that the masses have not the long vision, and do not, and cannot, know what is good for them …
… They must, therefore, be told what to do, and be led blindly or by force to that state and form of civilisation which the leaders and their associates believe (often quite sincerely) to be the best. In the process, those who disagree or who are thinking for themselves [independent, critical thinkers] must necessarily go to the wall and be silenced, for the good of the whole.
… Attack by one party upon another party in public, national or political life, or of one group of thinkers (advocating their peculiar ideas) upon another group of thinkers with differing ideas, has long been the custom. In this process the more powerful obliterate the weaker, and the masses are exploited and told what to do and to think, with no real effort to bring them into a condition of right understanding.
[Note all the dualities here!] … Militarists and pacifists in their many groups, Communists and conservatives, socialists and Nazis, republicans and Fascists, democrats and progressives, labour and capital, Catholics and Protestants, agnostics and fanatics, politicians and idealists, criminals and the enforcers of the misinterpreted law, ignorant masses and the intelligent few, plus the class distinctions, the racial differences, and the religious feuds in both hemispheres, have reduced the world to turmoil and complete disunion and feebleness.
… By the united action of the men and women of good will and understanding in every country and in every nation. Steadily and quietly, with no sense of hurry, must they do three things: First, they must discover each other and be in touch with each other. Thus the sense of weakness and of futility will be offset. This is the first duty and task of the New Group of World Servers.
Secondly, they must clarify and elucidate those basic principles of right living, good will and harmony, which are recognised, but not applied, by all right thinking people today. These principles must be formulated in the simplest terms and made practical in action. Thirdly, the general public must be educated in these principles. Steadily, regularly and systematically, they must be taught the principles of brotherhood, of an internationalism which is based on good will and love of all men, of religious unity, and of cooperative interdependence.
The individual in every nation and group must be taught to play his important part with good will and understanding; the group must shoulder its responsibility to other groups; and the responsibility of nation to nation and of all nations to the world of nations must be explained and emphasised.”18
Cultivating the Apolitical
The following quotes about partisanship are not easy ones to live up to. The author has been on the left of politics for most of his life, working in factories, transport and building industries in Australia. As a Labor voter, he was attracted to the ideal of better relations between capital and labor – a repeating theme in these newsletters – that have often quoted The Tibetan on the subject.
In the past four years newsletters there was felt the need for a partisan stance supporting Corbyn and Sanders in Britain and the USA – because of the social betterment principles for which they stood. But their respective parties surreptitiously and blatantly unseated them, their own best candidates. Now, like many political parties today, they find themselves in limbo, having lost the thrust of their original intentions.
This limbo-land is a temporary situation between the old order breaking down and new parties that will emerge. It’s interesting to note that both the Democrat and Republican “horror-scopes” have the Sun in Pisces, the age that the world is leaving behind.
The Republican chart has a five-planet stellium in Pisces with Cancer rising – echoing their truly conservative basis. The Democrats have three placements in Pisces with intellectual Gemini rising, and two planets in Aquarius – the latter representing their “progressive” theme. But both parties are severely corrupted and compromised, bought off by Big Oil, Pharma and Wall St.
Striving for a non-partisan approach is assisted by exploring Libertarian views on the left and the right. Duality of left and right wing is transcended by the “bird” of the middle way, to achieve ultimate synthesis and unity.
The souls of all nations must be invoked by the New Group of World Servers (NGWS), just as the Aquarian soul of the USA must be invoked by meditating groups who are polarised neither to the left nor right – and who do not demonise political leaders.
“… partisanship is in no way a sign of spiritual development … ((A Treatise on White Magic, Alice A. Bailey. p.420.)) “No word must be spoken or written which could be construed as evidencing partisanship, or as an attack upon any ruler, any form of government, or any national activity. “Hatred ceaseth not by hatred; hatred ceaseth by love … Only principles of universal application must be expressed, and no partisanship is permitted.
No race or nation must be regarded (either in the spoken or written word) as of greater importance essentially than any other race or nation. Humanity as a whole must be emphasised. Yet those who think otherwise than this must not be subjected to attack. Racial hatreds, religious differences, and national ambitions are to be ignored by this balancing third group, the New Group of World Servers.
… [NGWS] never to identify themselves with any political, religious or social propaganda … is separative in its effects, and breeds divisions and hatreds … in a very difficult setting—to interject the theme of brotherhood by living in a brotherly spirit, and by expressing understanding and love.”19
As stated, not easy injunctions to live up to – especially if perceptions see the nation in mortal danger, precipitating civil war or Uranian revolution. Reflect for example, if the behaviour of the French aristocrats had been allowed to continue – the failure by the Ancien Régime to respond to increasing social and economic inequality. Sounds familiar to today but with different players does it not?
Without their uprising and revolution, France would never have struck a great blow for global Liberty, Equality and Fraternity; many of those hard fought principles are considered fundamental aspects of modern liberal democracy. Will it come to this again, on a global scale?
Politics of the Esoteric Community
In the “esoteric community”, there has always been a majority polarisation to the left of politics – for “progressive” ideas and a fairer deal between capital and labour. But for many observers, what was once left has become right wing or even fascist, due to the left (Democrats) losing sight of their original objectives – hijacked by other interests and corrupted by money. This has been a universal trend in many nations.
Nonetheless, from feedback the author has received, USA’s esoteric community has polarised even more acutely and fanatically with the left, in a blind idealism and through a bitter partisan hatred of Donald Trump. Some groups have even designated Trump as the “evil one” – when in truth he is no more “evil” than many other imperfect politicians – or ourselves for that matter! Other esoteric foundations are wholly endorsing the WEF’s “great reset” – are they asleep!?
A new McCarthyism has emerged with name-taking and list-making in politics – likewise in the esoteric community, individuals or commentators have been singled out to avoid, designated persona non grata or characterised as walking the “dark path” – Ooooh!
Much of this fanaticism emanates from the sixth ray personality of the USA, also conditioning the lives of many aspirants and disciples. For those not so influenced by this ray, it’s easy to see from the outside looking in – but very hard for those on the inside to perceive (i.e. in the USA), or even admit their cultural conditioning:
“The majority of those so working are sixth ray aspirants—those who have sixth ray personalities or whose soul ray is the sixth, plus those on all rays who have powerful sixth ray astral vehicles. These make the most effective workers in the group but are subject to one major difficulty.
In spite of aspiration and good intention, they are seldom aware of the glamours which control them. It is exceedingly hard to induce the sixth ray aspirant to admit that [s]he is held by a glamour, particularly when it is glamour of spiritual connotation and of a very high order.
In their case, the glamour is enhanced by the energy of devotion which stiffens it and brings in a quality which makes it most difficult to penetrate. Their complete assurance proves a serious obstacle to clear-sighted work because that has all to go before the work of dissipation can be carried forward successfully.”20
The new Biden administration will be fulfilling its pre-election promises by continuing the masque-rade, mandatory vaccinations and basically supporting the LIE of Big Pharma, Tech and Media.
No surprises here – did the esoteric community think that there was going to be some instantaneous salvation and that everything would go back to “normal” – with boogeyman Trump gone and Biden bringing a feel-good veneer of respectability to a “shamed” nation? Again, we are witnessing propaganda at work for the masses and those who regard themselves as “woke”. As stated earlier:
“… the masses have to accept, and because they normally take the line of least resistance without thinking, they are easily regimented into compliance … the more powerful obliterate the weaker, and the masses are exploited and told what to do and to think, with no real effort to bring them into a condition of right understanding.”21
As these facts start to dawn dimly on those who had otherwise vague notions of some kind of political nirvana – other realisations will make themselves known:
“… few people care to face the actual truth, for it involves eventually the abandonment of the beloved glamour and the ability to recognise error and to admit mistakes, and this the false pride of the mind will not permit. Again, I would assure you that humility is one of the most potent factors in releasing the illuminating power of the mind, as it reflects and transmits the light of the soul.
The determined facing of the factual life and the stern recognition of truth—coldly, calmly and dispassionately—will greatly facilitate the calling in of the flood of illumination which will suffice to dispel glamour … I refer here to the glamour of separateness … this separative reaction may express itself as hatred, as an active dislike or as a voiced criticism— perhaps, in some cases, all three.
… I would remind you that the favourite views and cherished beliefs of those to whom you are mentally opposed (often under the guise of a strenuous adherence to what you regard as right principles) are to those who hold them equally right; they feel that your views are erroneous and they regard them as separative in their effect and as the basis of trouble. They are, in their place, as sincere as you are and as eager for the achievement of the right attitude as you feel yourself to be.”22
World Winter Lockdown
“Now is the winter of our discontent …”
With Britain and many other nations in the northern hemisphere moving into another long lockdown – perhaps unrelieved until May (!), here is another shocking example of dubious fear and panic-driven methods to deal with this highly exaggerated epidemic.
Problem: “Pandemic”. Solution: Vaccine. NOT. The British public and many other nations are far from unanimous on this issue. (Transiting Saturn opposite Jupiter in UK’s horoscope.)
A member of the group SAGE (Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies), that advises the UK government – has stated that lockdowns are useless, as reported in the Esoteric Astrologer, August newsletter: “Lockdown Was a “Monumental Mistake on a Global Scale”
Now there is emerging highly questionable speculation, if not blatant lies about “new Covid variants and strains” – just to keep the public in panic and under control. As regularly stated in these missives, the Nazi chief propagandist Joseph Goebbels, once stated:
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”
The Aquarian Renaissance
See the author’s 2020 Powerpoint presentation, An Aquarian Renaissance. (This is part 1, part 2 can be accessed from the YouTube menu on the right hand side of the screen.)
Julian Assange: A Minor Victory?
On Jan.4, 2021 there was a victory in Assange’s long battle – his David against a Goliath phalanx of lawyers. (See Guardian article here.) A very interesting transit upon this announcement – Venus and solar arc moon in Sagittarius (truth), opposite Assange’s natal Venus in Gemini (disseminator of information). This natal Venus position is square to Pluto in Virgo, indicating his drive to expose the hidden and corrupt, in very detailed and comprehensive ways.
Transiting Uranus in Taurus has been opposite Assange’s moon in Scorpio in the 12th house (prisons) for the past year or so. Now on the last pass of Uranus opposite his moon by early March, it remains to be seen if freedom loving Uranus will actually spring Assange from his long incarceration.
Saturn and Jupiter recently entered in early Aquarius, are also in harmonious trine to Assange’s Saturn (law) in Gemini, which like Venus in Gemini, is associated with his dissemination of information and working in the IT industry all his life; especially when considering Saturn in Gemini opposite his Sagittarius ascendant, his soul purpose of truth-telling.
The exact conjunction of Moon, Mars and Uranus in Taurus – opposes Assange’s moon in Scorpio, squares USA’s north node in Leo (leadership/power). Given that President Biden has in the past characterised Assange as a “high tech terrorist” – proceedings may be re-initiated for his extradition to the USA:
“This guy has done things and put in jeopardy the lives and occupations of people in other parts of the world,” Biden said. “He’s made it difficult to conduct our business with our allies and our friends. … It has done damage.”
Biden has the power to pardon both Assange and Edward Snowden in his early term of office, creating a tremendous recognition for free speech. There is certainly nothing to be gained for the USA or Assange if he is made a scapegoat for the war crimes that this nation does not want to own. Biden and Assange have some interesting synastry:
1. Assange’s moon conjunct Biden’s “under-siege” Mars – a most troublesome combination.
2. Assange’s moon in Scorpio opposite Biden’s Moon in Taurus – also contentious.
3. Assange’s Mars in Aquarius square Biden’s Mercury in Scorpio – a volatile aspect.
4. Assange’s Jupiter on Biden’s Sun-Venus – promising.
5. Assange’s Venus on Biden’s Jupiter – also promising.
Given the multiple transits of Mars opposing all of Biden’s Scorpio planets in the next two months, the “Assange problem” is bound to re-surface. Biden may be tempted to use Assange as a political football to attract praise from “patriots” – let us see what unfolds.
Uranus in Taurus square Saturn in Aquarius 2021: Revolution of the Monetary System
Briefly, as this subject has been discussed before in other articles (see below), the Saturn-Uranus series of exact squares from Aquarius to Taurus in 2021 will be on Feb.17, Jun.14, Dec.24. They even track each other through to 2023, still in orb of influence but not exact as in 2021.
Saturn square Uranus promotes discordancy and disruption in the markets and some astrologers have forecast a 2021 global recession – “sharp and deep” through to mid-2023, with a recovery from 2023-26. Jupiter is also in the picture, transiting through Aquarius for all of 2021, and along with Saturn, they are the two main “business planets”.
As there is little room to discuss this subject in this loooong Aquarian newsletter, a few links below for those who want to refresh their memory as to the possibility of major financial changes in 2021:
Uranus in Taurus: Revolution of the Monetary System 2018
London and Britain: Financial Effects of Uranus in Taurus 2018
Uranus in Taurus: Then and Now – The Rise of Fascism 2018
Uranus in Taurus Square Saturn in Aquarius: Consciousness, Money 2020
2021: Uranus in Taurus square Jupiter-Saturn in Aquarius (I)
2021 Uranus in Taurus Square Jupiter-Saturn in Aquarius (II)
WEF Forum Jan. 25-29, 2021: The Great Reset (WEF, Klaus Schwab and The Great Reset – Part 3)
The annual WEF forum spans the date of the Aquarius full moon period, Jan.28 – the WEF horoscope has the Sun and Rising sign in Aquarius. This year the forum will not be in Davos, but an online virtual press conference over four days. Like the aforementioned Tech Oligarchies’ selfish use of Aquarian energy, so the WEF adopts similar principles under the mantle of human betterment and philanthropy. The subject has been extensively discussed in recent newsletters in 2020:
WEF, Klaus Schwab and The Great Reset (Part 1)
WEF, Schwab and the “Great Reset”: Cyber Pandemic? (Part 2)

World Economic Forum (A private organisation) Aquarian sun/rising sign ruled by Uranus, planet of science, predisposes it to the widespread use of technology.
In the links above to parts 1 & 2 of WEF, Klaus Schwab and The Great Reset, not much time was given to the WEF’s horoscope analysis, except for pointing out that is an Aquarian sun and rising, which through its rulership by Uranus – the planet of exoteric science, predisposes it to the widespread use of technology.
However, the WEF has a very powerful stellium in Sagittarius – six placements: Mars, Jupiter, Neptune, Venus, Moon and the midheaven (career)! This is a good combination for striving to reach high ideals and making new orientations toward the future, using principles and ethics to guide the way. But it can also breed intense fanaticism, especially with Mars and the Moon in this sign.
Mars in Sagittarius has been dealt with in depth in a previous newsletter, but essentially expresses as an intense emotional attachment to philosophies or ideas, that can breed a rigid fundamentalism and fanaticism in religion, politics or the sciences. Mars and the Moon are the “bookends” to this Sagittarius stellium; the moon as the shadow – blind idealism, with a tendency to be evangelical or jihadist.
The Moon closely squares Pluto in Virgo, a challenging aspect for the right use of the power of the mind, to discriminate, discern, embroider philosophical ideas. This aspect can be very dominating, something to which Schwab is prone with his Sun and several planets in Mars-ruled Aries. Moon square Pluto can be destructive, emotionally intense, controlling, ruthless, obsessive, compulsive and manipulative.
Furthermore, to complicate some of these traits, WEF’s Sagittarius moon squares Schwab’s Pisces moon, compounding the possibility of emotional distortions and deceptions. Schwab’s moon is opposite WEF’s Pluto, hence a T-square between the two charts. All these factors can contribute to the development of a very forceful and dominating scientific fundamentalism – in Schwab and the entity he created, the WEF.
It is not unreasonable therefore, to entertain a healthy scepticism and concern – about the motives of Schwab and WEF, as outlined in parts 1 & 2 of WEF, Klaus Schwab and The Great Reset. Some might generously say that their motives are not “evil”, but appear to be at least philosophically misguided – through an over-reliance on technology and trans-humanism (AI, robots etc), at the expense of the human factor.
Current transits to the WEF are very dynamic, hence bringing it into higher public profile. The recent conjunction of Jupiter-Saturn in Aquarius, fell on the WEF Sun and will both proceed across its progressed midheaven and natal ascendant in Aquarius – over the next two years. In fact, at the date of this writing somewhat like an oracle in flashing neon lights, transiting Sun and Saturn were sitting exactly/closely on the WEF progressed midheaven and Sun in Aquarius – an interesting “coincidence”.
In the next few years, WEF’s progressed Sun in Pisces will move into an opposition to natal Pluto, activating the square to the Moon in Sagittarius – and point of least resistance for the unconscious factors mentioned earlier.
In the one hour preview address at this link – The Davos Agenda 2021, Klaus Schwab states that “2021 will be a crucial, pivotal year for the future of humankind … a decisive year to recreate trust.” Readers can explore the rest for themselves.
Phillip Lindsay © 2021.
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Stripe is supported in many countries. Books by Phillip Lindsay
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.134. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.401. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.401-2. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.385. [↩]
- Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.89. [↩]
- Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.91. [↩]
- Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.90. [↩]
- Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.90. [↩]
- Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.90. [↩]
- Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.91. [↩]
- Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.90. [↩]
- Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.91. [↩]
- CNN [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.219. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.183. [↩]
- Glamour: A World Problem, Alice Bailey, p.177. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology II, Alice A. Bailey. pp.671-3. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology II, Alice A. Bailey. p.680. [↩]
- Glamour: A World Problem, Alice A. Bailey. p.221. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology II, Alice A. Bailey. pp.671-3. [↩]
- Glamour: A World Problem: Alice A. Bailey. p.145. [↩]
While meditating recently, the idea occurred to me that the year 2020 was a year of revelation. People have become more aware of the challenges we are facing as a species. All of the problems that have been harshly revealed have been festering for a long time. Many have been aware of each of these problems, but not all of them. Life reveals challenges that we must face. At first, it is a gentle nudge. If we ignore these challenges, Life escalates its revelations. We have been ignoring our collective problems for a very long time. Things will only get worse until we, as a species, begin to deal with these challenges in an atmosphere of goodwill to all.
Thanks so much for all your dedication and hard work on the newsletter. I would ask you to consider how “love” plays into all of this? from my perspective, Love, is the process of evolution of the soul. Distilling the lower expressions of our animal nature and uniting us by what we all share, love for friends, family, lovers, children, nature and miracle of life itself. Fear divides, love unites. This existential truth can overcome ALL the illusions and is the real test of these powerful times.
Lots of love to you and yours.
The ‘sheeple’ (including the ‘esoteric sheeple’) are going to be shocked out of their leftist illusion by the harsh realities of the next couple of years. The USA’s Pluto Return should do it! Biden has the first hit of transiting Pluto opposite his natal Jupiter in Cancer on this Friday 29 Jan. 2021 (Australian Time). It will be interesting to see where that transit takes him. Of course, the USA’s Pluto also opposes Biden’s natal Jupiter. I think this USA/Biden Pluto/Jupiter synastry is going to contribute significantly to the changes within the USA over then next few years. I look forward to watching how its influence plays out.
“That Goodwill is Love in Action” is important to explore within ones self and ties in with the following….”Again, I would assure you that humility is one of the most potent factors in releasing the illuminating power of the mind, as it reflects and transmits the light of the soul.”
These words go to the heart and soul of our work of service to humanity.
Thank you for your diligence and honesty.
May Love prevail.
It is not easy to face the truths you expose in your newsletters. As an American, left leaning and “spiritual” I am forced to recognize what we have become that has separated and divided us from those “right wing conservatives”who think differently. Your comments on true dialogue brings hope that now and in the years to come we can accept with humility the path of Love that will bring us together.
Thank you for your Astrological skill and your dedication to the Truth.
Thanks for the Lindsay article, I really liked the first part about Aquarius.
“A new commandment I give you; that you love each other”
“The eleventh commandment, the eleventh sign, brotherhood or correct human relationships. It is only now that we are discovering what a wonderful astrologer Christ was.” – The labors of Hercules, Aquarius –
I will give my opinion on two more specific points:
Between signs, in the heavens, there are no exact borders. If the time is exact, the path of Trump’s Soul, as I understand it, is more marked by Virgo than Leo.
I honestly believe that Trump does not use the Esoteric meanings of Virgo as a path of the Soul.
He is “anchored” in the power of Sagittarius (6R), through the exoteric rol that his Moon / South Node has over his 12th house (Karma).
He is “hooked” (emotion) to the karmic power of his Moon, expressing the “whims” of Gemnis through a belligerent Mars in the first house.
I tend to think of Trump as a 6R Soul (1R or 3R personality) invoked by a important part of the American people closely related to the more patriotic tendencies of a 6R in the personality of the nation. “The first is America”, their America of course. Donald Trump is a “son” of his people. A Soul only of his people.
We see how the hierarchical ruler of Gemini, the Earth, is in Sagittarius, its own esoteric sign. This, hierarchically speaking, enhances, (on Trump’s part unconsciously), the power of his Mars (6R) in the 1st / Leo house. Mars is the hierarchical ruler of the “archer”
Trump, in my view, has only used Gemini-Sagittarius-Leo to empower the patriotic or personal feelings of the country. There is no esoteric Virgo, there is no inclusive construction into consciousness.
This does not mean that Trump is the Devil, and that certain spontaneous expressions have not been useful, or that certain anti-establishment attitudes have not been necessary, but, it must be recognized that his proclamations almost always seek a part, not the whole, of the nation.
Surely the Democrats are not “saints”, but they try to practice “the as if …”, that is, they try to link their words and attitudes with the tendencies of the Soul of the country, 2R.
It is clear that Blue without Red has no expression (or experience) but Red without Blue has no Soul. Integration is necessary.
As Alice Bailey tells us in her book The Destiny of the Nations:
“The spiritual intention of the human race grows gradually and the Law of Contrasts (with its discussions and discord) will bring enlightenment in due course”
When I read your comments about the “esoteric community” and their attitudes related to the policies of Donald Trump, this text from DK came to mind:
“…. many disciples need to realise that world affairs are not and cannot be moulded or determined by any hierarchical knowledge in the possession of the disciple. World affairs and conditions have necessarily to be based upon the demand and the point in evolution of the mass of humanity, working through their representatives, chosen or imposed, in every country. This demand can be and is affected, modified and spiritualised by the attitude and the teaching of disciples everywhere who are vocal and of humanitarian instinct. If, however, the will and knowledge of disciples in all nations were to condition world affairs and control entirely the political, economic and social life of the people, it would produce a far more serious cleavage than now exists, for instance between the rich and the poor, or between the classes and the castes. It would produce a pronounced line of demarcation between the Kingdom of God and the kingdom of men. This would run counter to hierarchical intention, which is rapidly healing the existent breach, and thus offset the work which Christ set out to do on Earth. This point is often overlooked by well-intentioned disciples. It is humanity which determines its own destiny. Disciples point the way, indicate the vision, set a needed example and emphasise the ancient landmarks.”
(Discipleship in the New Age, Vol II – Talks to Disciples – To my group of affiliated disciples).
Best regards
Thank you Lindsay for pointing out TRUTH, to enable so many in the esoteric community to see through the Hollywood Glamour poured on in the media hype. I was recently guilty of being annoyed at the email sent with the Arnold Schwarzeneggar media propaganda – a responded without the information that it deserved as you have carefully put together here. I have researched the connections over the 15 years and it is hard to try and put things in a nutshell to someone newly becoming aware of the ‘controls and the lies’ in our world systems and leaders. Here Arnie, has known the Bushes very closely from way back before he became famous, and his attendance to the Secret Skull and Bones Club that these elite belong to. It is also known as Bohemian Grove (Presidents, overseas diplomats and leaders have gone to this secret club, which I will not speak anymore about… ) Here is a famous pic that researches know of the connections of Arnie to the D-State. Sad, hero of the movies – is just another pawn. He did not become Governor of California on his own…. When you hear all of these praises by movie stars of the left and the attacks on President T… it’s because they are part of the some 43 + million of cabal in the US alone……
Arnie…Bush …. Cathy O’Brien…..see the book ‘Trance Formation’ CIA MK-Ultra project..… what the world battles against.
thanks Ishtar, I know that some will label your comments as “conspiracy theory” but I have allowed the post anyway so that people can weigh up the evidence themselves.
My post today on facebook in response to a discussion thread:
thanks for your feedback everyone. I have as a result removed from the newsletter some parts about the capitol siege and BLM that are inaccurate or dubious. Sometimes under the pressure of the NL monthly deadline, I do not always get to check out the veracity of all my news sources. I will also be publishing in the comments section of the NL on my website, some of the disdainful responses I personally received.
As discussed in a previous post, I will be posting responses of unsubscribers who have written to me personally, they may be of interest. The main theme being, because I chose to share some perspectives from the right, that I must be a Trump supporter, racist and white supremicist! The logic is quite astounding and underscores what was written in another post yesterday:
“Phillip Lindsay
What we are witnessing is the stirring up of the astral plane as it has never happened before, creating chaos, confusion and deception. The reason is because The Hierarchy are drawing much closer to Humanity than ever before, preceding their once in a century conclave – which of course precedes the externalization of the Hierarchy.
This is also aided by Neptune’s transit through Pisces. It is ironic that one of the names for the Christ (Maitreya) in the West is Neptune, yet in its lower expression creates much glamour in the majority of Humanity because they have not unfolded their consciousness sufficiently to deal with the highly refined frequencies of Neptune – which is buddhi or intuition.
It is up to the New Group of World Servers to deal with much of this glamour, but unfortunately it appears, many of them have succumbed to lower Neptune. Hence the many divisions right now within nations, within groups, between friends as everyone wrestles with balancing these pairs of opposites upon the astral plane.
Some of the unsubscribers letters to me the author, plus a few who are not unsubscribing.
I have also had many more private letters of appreciation so thanks for those everyone. However, I would encourage all readers to make your posts here, do not send them to me personally, I just do not have the time to respond to them all.
Interesting you mention George Soros. In a book written before 1925, Rufolf Steiner said the “Sun Demon” (his word for a type of antichrist) would rear its head from 1998. H3 called the Sun Drmon “Sorat”. Google it. Similar name!
I can however, never agree with what you say about Trump, having seen first hand what he did in Scotland in 2011. Lies and more lies. We know what he does.
Anyway, Sorat is back!
All of trump’s language for his entire public life has been inflammatory, manipulative and dishonest. He has been feeding people the lie of fraudulent elections for years, and these last months managed to swell people’s fear and hateful energy to such a level that the combined words of his , his son’s and Giuliani’s gave people the trigger they needed to explode.
If you don’t think that was inciting the riot you are simply either completely blind, misled or uninformed.
If you think it is responsible “reporting” to not call things by their name, out of some pseudo-spiritual belief that “free speech” means we have the right to manipulate and destroy others for our selfish ends, so be it.
Since you clearly have a following and a forum, you have a space to do good, which I would have hoped would be a bit more grounded in a sense of how truly important intention, tone and language is when guiding others.
Defending donald trump’s right to free speech is exactly the same as saying hitler was “free” to call for the cremation of those he did not like. Accepting and understanding that such ugliness is part of the whole 4th ray struggle does mean passively allowing the very worst in human nature to continuously prevail.
In my view, it means actively guiding the shadowy hatred towards the light, with clear rules, boundaries and disciplines. Have you ever considered that this whole mess, including the pandemic, is not, instead, a call to stop being so blatantly small and selfish? To recognize we are killing ourselves and the planet by following men like trump and their materialism? Rather than see the pandemic as a plot to thwart your freedoms, have you ever considered it instead is like an enforced moment of reflection on how serious things really are in terms of inequality, our polluted planet and rampant greed?
To not come out and denounce the destruction trump has perpetrated and to believe the capitol riot was perpetrated by antifa is just so bizarre you are not connected with reality. You clearly are not understanding what is happening here and I’m sorry, I cannot be silent about it.
I am personally an independent thinker, am well aware of the human flaws in all aspects of life and politics. I also uphold the right of every person to be “free” and to evolve according to their own path.
But this does not mean we have the right to destroy others and life, through thought or deed. In my view that is what the Plan is all about – diffusing and transforming the excessive destructiveness and selfishness so we can learn to function as a dynamic whole of humanity, together with Earth and all of life.
I may be reading you wrong, but your newsletters over the last months have given me the impression you are being brainwashed by what I see as massive mind manipulation by a few very selfish and violent people. Unfortunately, Neptune opposite natal Neptune here in the USA has bloomed a lot of crazy shit.
I hope that is not the case!
Best of luck
I have had great respect for your work in the past. But, I am now unsubscribing from your email list because I can’t follow a racist…
You can’t possibly support Trump and not be a racist… The only votes that Trump and his conspirators want to throw out are black votes from the inner cities. If you align with white supremacists you are a racist.
I just reread what you wrote as objectively as I could and I can come to no conclusion but that you have drunk the right wing koolaid… I am sorry because I know that you have a great mind. You however do not have great judgment. Everyone has blind spots yours are extremely dangerous because you have so many people of goodwill who trust your judgment. By the way, my comments regarding your racism were directly related to your comments about BLM conspiracy theories. It was the murder of George Floyd that moved millions of people to defend black people from racist cops not George Sorros.
Thanks for making the effort to produce these monthly reports. Got to agree with your take on tech and certainly the esoteric community. I often wonder that some in these two areas, for instance, are doing the work of the dark side, without realizing.
Pretty ‘right leaning and Trump supporting. Goodbye!
Dear Phillip,
Thankyou for all of the hard work you have undertaken over decades to put together this newsletter and send it around the world. I am truly grateful and have loved reading your work and looked forward to your newsletters.
I have loved the lay out, the content, the insights and the pictures. The thoughtful presentation of your knowledge is a work if art in itself.
Unfortunately for me the last three newsletters have been politically charged and I have felt no joy in them whatsoever.
Are you sure you are not putting personal ideologies forward. The average person has no way of checking to see what is true or not. One can’t argue with esoteric knowledge if it is from a higher power??
You may not mean it to, but that’s how it comes across. We can all get along if we are not offended. Being told how great Trump is and how bad Biden is doesn’t seem to fit what I perceived the Aquarian age to be. I thought that it was about group dynamics and everybody being equal.
I wish you all the best and hope that your life turns out as you hope. We are all products of our childhood and most people simply vote as their parents did. Those who don’t, often have childhood issues with a parent. That’s been my observation over decades. I could be wrong though.
I was part of the anti war movement after my brother in law survived Vietnam but was killed 6 weeks later. I saw the pain his parents suffered for decades.
People never get over the death of a son or daughter. I am into peace and love and one can’t do that effectively with a man such as Trump.
I will miss your newsletters as they have been a highlight of my life in many ways.
Fond Regards
Not on Telegram yet? A very useful communication tool that guarantees encrypted privacy. Now there has been created a channel for Esoteric Astrologer that current Telegram users have suggeste:
The enlightened teacher was leading the classroom discussion, when an earthquake rattled the building. After the class became seated again, the teacher asked “did you notice how I calmly held my composure and sipped my tea during the shaking? One courageous student replied, “ teacher, that was not tea. You drank the soy sauce”
I think we’re all rattled right now. It’s getting worse. I’m trying not to drink the soy sauce while calling it tea.
Before labeling any group as favoring nazism or fascism it is important to understand the terms. I found this online. “In 1964, Juan José Linz, Professor Emeritus of Sociology and Political Science at Yale University, described the four most recognizable characteristics of authoritarian states as:
Limited political freedom with strict government controls imposed on political institutions and groups like legislatures, political parties, and interest groups
A controlling regime that justifies itself to the people as a “necessary evil” uniquely capable of coping with “easily recognizable societal problems” such as hunger, poverty, and violent insurgency
Strict government-imposed constraints on social freedoms such as suppression of political opponents and anti-regime activity
The presence of a ruling executive with vague, shifting, and loosely-defined powers.”
I leave it ip to you to decide which groups fit this.
I certainly agree about the danger and lies of the drug companies. Maybe around 10 yrs ago NPR did a Frontline program that found that they were running out of easy antibiotics to develop. Having made all possible billions from them by advocating their use in making animals grow bigger and faster, they decided researching new antibiotics was not cost effective. They turned to vaccines, making new vaccines for every disease old or possible. Then they lobbied congress to make themselves free of responsibility for any harm caused. Now we have vaccines that don’t prevent infection, only make it less severe, leaving the patient a spreader.
I didn’t make my point very well. What I was trying to say is that the terms nazi and fascist have been used a lot, what was really happening is authoritarianism. Authoritarianism does not seem to include any of the positive ideas at the root of nazism and fascism. The media has been embedding, not intentionally, just thoughtlessly, the wrong analyses.
Something I wrote today after morning meditation with an added letter from a co-worker:
Aquarius and the World Crisis
On this Aquarian full moon festival we are witnessing the turmoil and tension of the times – the square from Uranus-Mars in Taurus, to Jupiter-Saturn in Aquarius. Technology and Big Media is in strong focus due to their censorship of social media and many other platforms, how they are shaping and dictating political views globally, plus their incessant coronavirus narrative using distorted facts and figures.
These Tech Oligarchies have become the new Nazis on a global scale. Ironic Google’s old saying “don’t be evil” (now removed). Technology is the province of Aquarius and its ruler Uranus, a planet which entered Taurus in 1934 as the Nazi star was ascending before WWII. Now, one Uranus cycle 84 years later – with Uranus back in Taurus, Nazism/Fascism has assumed a different guise – but still “smells like”.
Dictators including Hitler, have Taurus prominent in their horoscopes. Taurus has a deep persevering will-power, aided by its esoteric ruler Vulcan. Like all signs and planets, they have a lower and higher expression. Hitler’s power started to really gain momentum in 1934-5 when Uranus passed over his Sun in Taurus.
In the 1930’s many Western nations saw what was going on in Germany but allowed it to escalate before it was too late. Similarly, there has been an amazing complacency that has occurred during 2020, due to the shock and confusion of the so-called pandemic. If Humanity do not wake up and seize the day in 2021 – through greater public resistance, demonstrations etc., a future of state and technological enslavement will determine all aspects of their lives.
So all of the above is not “conspiracy theory”, it is actually happening now. Democracy has been severely undermined through the erosion of free speech, forbidden to even DISCUSS matters. The more all these gradual restrictions on liberties, the less likely they will be given back. Taurus is however, is the ruling sign of the New Group of World Servers:
“The New Group of World Servers is composed at this time of all those sensitive and consecrated servers of the race whose objective is world peace, who aim at the establishing of good will on earth as the basis for future living and world expansion. Originally, this group was composed of a handful of accepted disciples and consecrated aspirants.
Its ranks have been opened … to all those of good will who are working actively for real understanding, who are willing to sacrifice themselves for the helping of humanity, and who see no separating bar of any kind, but feel alike to all races, nationalities and religions … This group is ruled by Taurus, and to it that divine Taurean energy brings “illumination and the attainment of the vision.”
This group is, figuratively speaking, the “bull, rushing forward upon a straight line with its one eye fixed upon the goal and beaming light.” But what is that goal? It is not the goal of Self-illumination, for that lies far behind; it is the goal of providing a centre of light within the world … and of holding up the vision … Let this never be forgotten, and let the New Group of World Servers realise its mission and recognise the demands of humanity upon it. What are these demands? Let me enumerate them, and then let me ask you to take them in all simplicity and act upon them.
1. To receive and transmit illumination from the kingdom of souls.
2. To receive inspiration from the Hierarchy and go forth, consequently, to inspire.
3. To hold the vision of the Plan before the eyes of humanity, for “where there is no vision, the people perish.”
4. To act as an intermediate group between the Hierarchy and humanity, receiving light and power and then using both of these, under the inspiration of love, to build the new world of tomorrow.” (Esoteric Psychology II, Alice A. Bailey. p.690.)
A co-worker summed up the situation to me in a recent email exchange (slightly edited by me):
“I’m not too familiar with Q’Anon, but most of what I’ve seen strikes me as highly speculative, largely unsubstantiated and potentially harmful or misleading (in a word – bogus). That, however, in my mind, doesn’t detract from the careful, responsible, evidence-based, potentially dangerous, challenging and dedicated research being done into the other areas of inquiry you cite – “child sex trafficking, pharmaceutical companies, 5G networks, the “Deep State” and its dark schemes…” I think that the forces of opposition would be delighted for everyone to take your advice and avoid searching for the truth as it relates to these fields – Nothing to see here, just move along.
It’s always puzzling to me when I hear deep students of the Wisdom disparage “conspiracy theories” – when the Masters of the Wisdom have made such significant efforts to elucidate and expose the machinations of the Mother of All Conspirators – the Black Lodge.
Of course, there’s a lot of “junk” conspiracy theory out there (probably the majority). As with everything, discrimination, discernment and proper perspective need to be nurtured and applied in the search for truth at this pivotal time in human history – as it relates to either the Forces of Light or the Forces of Darkness. As Master DK said,
“These are days when the lines of demarcation between the Forces of Materialism and the Forces of Light must be clearly defined. When the contrast between the way of love and goodwill and the way of cruelty and hate is being clearly defined on earth, disciples must exercise an unprejudiced attitude.
To this group comes the difficult task of standing firmly on the physical plane against that which is destructive and hateful (in the true sense of the word), doing all that can be done to bring the destructive agencies to an end and to final powerlessness and, at the same time, preserving an inner attitude of complete harmlessness and loving understanding.” DINA I, pg. 771.
– To ignore evil is to become accomplice to it. – Martin Luther King, Jr.
– Non-cooperation with evil is as much a duty as is cooperation with good. – Mahatma Gandhi
– A good friend who points out mistakes and imperfections and rebukes evil is to be respected as if he reveals the secret of some hidden treasure. – HH the Dalai Lama.
The life of disciples bringing light into dark places is hard enough, without the disparagement of fellow disciples, on top of the constant attacks received at the hands of powerful entities whose vested interests are threatened by exposure. Not infrequently, major “conspiracy theories” turn out to be true.
1. For example, anyone who doubted that JFK was assassinated by a deranged, lone gunman was labeled a “conspiracy theorist” – until mountains of evidence forced Congress’ Select Committee on Assassinations in 1976 to conclude that Kennedy’s death was the result of a conspiracy. In fact, “conspiracy theory” was a pejorative label coined by the CIA to discredit and thereby hinder anyone trying to uncover the truth of the Kennedy assassination.
2. Anyone who believed in UFOs was considered a “conspiracy theorist” – until this year when the US Navy disclosed that they have been tracking UFOs for decades and publicly aired classified video of a Navy pilot engaging a UFO.
3. Anyone who questioned the official story that the twin towers were brought down by a small group of jihadists with box cutters on 9/11/2001 was labeled a “conspiracy theorist” – until Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Attorneys for 9/11 Truth, Police for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, Families for 9/11 Truth, Scholars for 9/11 Truth, etc., etc. presented such overwhelming evidence to the contrary that the US Attorney for the Southern District of New York was forced to consider empaneling a Grand Jury to hear evidence related to the “crime of the century” (not sure where that ever went).
4. People who thought our government was spying on us were labeled “conspiracy theorists” – until Edward Snowden revealed that the NSA is recording every phone call, text message and email sent in the US, and wrote the top selling book in the world about mass surveillance by the intelligence community.
5. People who believed that elite pedophile rings existed were labeled “conspiracy theorists” – until some of the world’s top political figures showed up repeatedly on the manifests of flights to the infamous Caribbean island owned by the world’s most famous pedophile, Jeffery Epstein.
Perhaps the greatest crime against humanity (since Atlantis anyway) is now unfolding [2020-1] and I am in awe of the brave, responsible, tenacious, highly intelligent and highly qualified disciples who are giving 110% to shed light on Covid-19 and related agendas – people who risk their careers, their reputations and even their lives to uncover the truth like Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Del Bigtree, Dr. Sherry Tenpenny, Judy Mikovitz, Dr. Mercola, the Frontline Doctors, Dr. Zack Bush and hundreds more.
This barely scratches the surface, but I think you get the idea. Certainly, not all disciples are called to deal with evil and it’s scientific investigation. This seems to be part of the work of DK’s seventh seed group, the nature of which relates it strongly to that of the Ashram of Synthesis:
“The work of the seventh group, which is in the field of science, is closely allied to that of the seventh ray and is one with a most practical physical purpose. It is strictly magical in its technique, and this technique is intended to produce a synthesis between the three aspects of divinity upon the physical plane, or between life, the solar energies and the lunar forces.
This involves a difficult task and much understanding; the work to be done is not easy to comprehend. It will be carried forward by first ray workers, assisted by seventh ray aspirants, but using fifth ray methods. They will thus combine, in their personnel, the work of the destroyer of outgrown forms, the findings of the scientists who penetrated behind the outer form to its motivating energy, and the practical work of the magician who—under the law—creates the new forms, as expressions of the inflowing life.
“This group of disciples will make a close study of the problem of evil, and they will bring about a better understanding of the purpose existing in matter or substance, and the inflowing enlightened and different purpose of the soul aspect.” (The Extrernalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.56.)
Personally, I’ve spent 100’s of hours investigating the very fields you mention – “child sex trafficking, pharmaceutical companies, 5G networks, the “Deep State” and its dark schemes…” I can assure you that the reality of each is far from what the mainstream media would have us believe. Of course, the small group of billionaires controlling that media have enormous vested interests in you believing the narratives they present.
Just, for the sake of brevity, one example. The pharmaceutical industry projects the public image of well-meaning companies dedicated to the relief of human suffering and the general promotion of health and wellbeing (just look at any of their multitudinous commercials on TV). I’m sure that there are individuals within the industry that sincerely believe that’s what they’re doing, but there’s definitely more to it than that.
1. In the past 10 years alone, Big Pharm has paid over $35 billion in criminal fines
2. Opioids are killing 56,000 young people a year and court documents reveal that the companies producing these products knew the addictive nature of these drugs and did everything they could to hide this fact. Purdue Pharma alone is facing an $8 billion criminal penalty for their involvement in the opioid epidemic.
3. Merck, the world’s largest manufacturer of vaccines for our kids, paid $7 billion in criminal fines for knowingly marketing a product (Vioxx) that they knew would result in the death of 100s of thousands of patients, while doing everything they could to keep the drug on the market. In the end, as court documents revealed, it killed between 120,000 and 500,000 people.
These are the companies the world is relying on to produce a safe and effective vaccine for Covid-19. I thank God for the dedicated work of our fellow disciples who are holding these companies to account and trying to bring to light the truth about the intentionally confused issues related to the current global pandemic.
Again, this doesn’t even scratch the surface. For more relevant and responsible information about any of these issues I can suggest a few sources (from among many more):
1. Children’s Health Defense (
2. Collective Evolution TV (
3. Informed Consent Action Network (
4. Foster & Kimberly Gamble, producers of Thrive and Thrive II documentaries (https://www.icandecide.orgthrive)
5. Global Research (
6. Catherine Austin Fitts (
7. The Corbett Report (
8. The Last American Vagabond (
9. Peter Dale Scott (
10. Whitney Webb (
I don’t necessarily resonate with everything, every one of those sites may say, but I do get the impression that they are sincerely trying to search for the truth and aren’t significantly biased by any particular political, social, economic or religious ideology – as Master DK characterizes disciples in the NGWS.”
(A co-worker whose name is withheld by request.)
Well written. Searching for truth is like walking through the mine field. It’s a dangerous activity as our history shows. One has to be brave.
You comment about Uranus in Taurus “Taurus has a deep persevering will-power, aided by its esoteric ruler Vulcan” shed some light for me on the role of the NGWS. This group must also, in my opinion, be fortified by this persevering will-power for good and truth.
Thank you for your work.
My website has extensive search facilities with many articles on the NGWS here
Phillip thank you for your thought provoking and informative newsletter as always. I particularly value your call to those who follow a spiritual path to look at their own beliefs, values, glamours, intentions and behaviours and ever lift up into their higher Buddhic nature to seek clarification and guidance from that which resonates with truth from within. If we as a spiritual community become polarised and attached to particular points of view, criticising and labelling each other, without using our discriminative facilities to be open to new ideas, see the bigger picture and use our minds to think and discern, what hope is there for the development of brotherhood and right human relations. There is a bigger picture here but it is impossible to see it unless we lift up above it and even then we can only see as much of it as our own spiritual development decrees. We certainly cannot do that with our lower mind or emotional desire nature.
“Man know Thyself” is one of the greatest services we give to humanity. Thank you for your call to do that. Namaste
Further exploration into the so-called insurrection of Jan 6 reveals it was another set up against Trump, and those who love liberty. The instigators are now documented to include the FBI, DTRA, and other quasi-governmental actors. (Much of this was known or well-suspected ON THE DAY — as legitimate, legal protestors called them out, “he’s a FED” (handing out weapons!). Entrapment and subsequent arrests have resulted in hundreds of POLITICAL PRISONERS (still being held today). None of those identified as feds were held or arrested. Hmm?
The USA Republic has been lost, and now we only have opportunity to regain it. This is the revolutionary war aspect of the Pluto return, soon upon us exactly throughout 2022. This time however I believe there is an international revolutionary quality, and all nations have opportunity to create their own People’s Constitutions, and take their nations back from at-best bureaucratic control and claim independence from foreign controlling powers and domestic tyrants and sellouts to the CCP and simple greed.
In sum, re Jan 6, this is an untenable situation for the USA, with innocent people held in solitary confinement, and appalling conditions, on no or inflated charges and their constitutional rights violated. This is third-world style attacks on political opponents (same with the continuing, baseless lawsuits and impeachments of Trump).
CCP is calling the shots, and unless people get their heads in the real fight, Xi will win this war with none of their own fired. It is very late in this day, and I expect dreadful events these next few years, due to the dominance of totalitarian forces.
Meanwhile, the good people of the world are being enslaved through ‘for your safety’ lockdowns and crushing inflation. (Remember, the governments are not telling you the truth. You must actually understand this. Even the numbers, such as percent of inflation, etc., has been grossly manipulated and the rate is much higher, and is impacting lower wage people the most.
Thanks, Phillip, I appreciate reviewing your evolving thoughts on these matters so crucial to the liberty of humanity.