50 Responses to Aquarius 2025: USA Aquarian Soul. Freedom. LA Fires. Initiation. Trump’s Inauguration. Tech Billionaires. Trusk. Trumpanyahu.

  1. Colleen S Macmillan says:

    Though it could, it will not go without saying that your stance on taking a strong, objective apolitical position is fully supported by every teaching I have studied. Mud slinging and emotionally charged objections serve nothing constructive; such is the balancing act and communication skills that students of the Ancient Wisdoms must strive continuously to perfect, especially in highly charged times of change and transformation, while always keeping a watchful eye. Additionally, it is important to remember that world leaders have incredible forces working for and against them every hour of every day. Let us pray that world leaders receive the light of compassion and greater understanding of Synthesis. Thank you, Phillip, with all my heart.

  2. bruce headrick says:

    This month’s newsletter had me squirming like a nervous patient before a root canal. As an Occult Student for over 60 years and a life time of sincere endeavor of The Ageless Wisdom I found this letter troubling. I find myself questioning my intuition of right and wrong, inclusion versus exclusion. I disagree with so much I will only be able recenter through deep meditation. The paradox of the middle path is, sometimes we must choose sides.

    1. Jenni Joy says:


      Found the para referenced with source 30 “lost” particularly disturbing. What a huge claim not to be able to provide a reference Phillip!… not ok.

      The dance of energy and consciousness is intense right now.

      None of us want the wool pulled over our eyes but equally none of us want to disappear down the wrong rabbit hole.

      Ethics can be easily separated from ideologies.

      Ethically things stink. People in power lining their own pockets and stripping resources from those in need in unethical ways are not the new Messiah.

      1. Jenni, the reference has been found now: Jeff Childers – see the link. When you state “People in power lining their own pockets and stripping resources from those in need” you might be falling for the propaganda that USAID defenders are touting. I do not see any reason for Musk or Trump to “line their own pockets”, they already have plenty. It does appear to be a genuine attempt to reform this agency. Again, too early to call, lets see where the USA is in 4 years time.

        1. Rosalie says:

          Totally agree with you Phillip..
          Keep waking up the masses.

  3. ColClinkski says:

    THANK you Phillip for your Great Work!!

  4. David Birr says:

    How do you see the seventh ray and uranus working to bring about constructive change in the new administration?I clearly see the destructive aspects of the first ray at work with utter disregard for the rule of law.

  5. Vicktorya Stone says:

    Hey Philip how are you doing
    interesting often to read your assessments of the world
    I may have missed it but did you not have any one possibly positive position or understanding of why Trump is suggesting that the Gaza strip become something other than garbage dump as it is now.

    If anyone can comment without trying to impune something about me personally for asking the question I will be even more impressed
    take care

    1. Michael says:

      Hello Vicktorya,
      I’m not Phillip, but am an ‘anybody’ 🙂

      “One possibly positive position or understanding of why Trump is suggesting that the Gaza strip become something other than garbage dump as it is now.”

      Here are a few:
      1. It is an unlivable garbage dump now. Unfit for living.
      2. Human beings born in an open-air concentration camp who were subjected from birth to present of the atrocities committed against them (occupation, restricted food and water, restricted travel, restricted upward mobility, subjected to frequent killings and woundings of friends and family member, kicked out of their homes and farms, etc). The Israeli’s military has been known to say everyone in Gaza is a terrorist from three years old onward. There is some truth to that, if one was to honestly observe. Here is a word picture. Imagine a bear in a cage that is constantly poked, hit, scratched, underfed, sees other bears killed or wounded for no apparent reason by you. Are you going to trust that bear when it gets free? That bear will see you as a natural enemy. And you will know in your mind, you had something to do about it. It will be a very long time before they get along.
      3. Trump is attempting to get the Arab world to come up with a solution. Lots of money at stake here. A more united Arab presence will deter Israeli aggression.
      4. Trump took money from Zionist. He has to be very careful.
      5. Trump, a real estate developer knows it is big money that is going to resolve the Mideast problems. That money is already lining up. Big plans for gas and oil transport hub, etc. in the area. If big money will be happy with that. Then peace in the area has a better chance. The Israeli trained ‘terrorist’ a.k.a. the Gaza people are a danger to a peaceful important regional energy hub.

      1. Oil is on the agenda, USA might just take it from Israel – is the gist of this article: Why Does Donald Trump Want to Transform Gaza into a “U.S. Territory”?

    2. Hello Victorya, well thanks! IMO Gaza or the West Bank should not be for sale to the USA or Israel, it belongs to the Palestinians. That fact cannot be skipped over conveniently.
      Col. Macgregor comments …. https://youtu.be/aRN0pis0OjQ

  6. Claudia says:

    Dear Phillip – & kind Saluti from afar to wherever you are.
    Quick note – and I am quoting here KennethBowser (western sidereal astrologer) from one of his recent postings:
    “February 2025 – In a recent biography, Musk’s birthtime is listed as 7:30 am in Pretoria, South Africa.”
    That would give EM a cancer AC according to my spiffy software.
    Which chart is the most accurate? Would you know?
    And thanks again for much appreciated newsletter, provided insights , observations, reflections, links, etc.

    1. Thanks Claudia, I guess the two charts would have to be tested together. I find that Starkman gives some good rectifications so I have gone with that one so far. Other astrologers may want to weigh in here.

  7. Lora Farlow says:

    The middle path…between the manifest and the unmanifest…Ob(serve). Thank you for all your service! May we all serve the will of God…peace on earth and goodwill to all. Be still.

  8. Michael says:

    “Hence, it is contended that most of the spiritual communities – and the more esoterically oriented, have been mostly aligned with the left – as the author was for many years. (Please share your perspectives about this in the commentaries at the bottom of this newsletter.)”

    Raised in a very conservative aura, my proclivities leaned towards conservatism. However, simultaneously I was also somewhat of an iconoclast (Jupiter/Uranus Conjunction?). I seeked the truth of the matter and would directly question any authority if need be. My mother told me that I would question God if he came down here. I would and I do.

    I soon discovered that both polarities have their favorite ox and would brook no honest discussion regarding some of their favorite strong oxen. Their reasoning was always based on logical fallacies (Strawman, Bandwagon, Appeal to Authority, False Dilemma, etc.). If you watch the world news, particularly in the West, and most particularly in the USA Congress, and the ‘Logic Police’ had the authority and the ability to stop any logical fallacy from being spoken; we could all hear a pin drop in the halls of congress, and the ‘old TV test pattern’ would have to be placed on the media screen.

    Long held beliefs that a person holds are key support structures in their world view (mental, emotional, and physical). Removing them requires a person to completely re-evaluate their life position, even everything they have built up to that moment. Investment in a bridge too far, so why change now, at least it goes some place? Emotional issues require the mind to resolve. Mental issues require the soul to resolve. That is if one gets backed into a deep dark mental corner. In searching for the Truth, one travels wide and far.

    Our world is complex, an enigma, the results of numerous cover stories to hide lies and activities and the truth. Churchill’s words, like or hate him, these words are worth pondering.

    • “In wartime, truth is so precious that she should always be attended by a bodyguard of lies.”
    • “There are a terrible lot of lies going about the world, and the worst of it is that half of them are true.”

    We are at war. All wars have an objective, and all is fair in love and war as the saying goes, and most of humanity believes, as does all of the dark face.

    Never just look at the problem or facts as they are now. They are galvanized adjusted energy heading somewhere, by somebody, for a specific end state. Disengage, dispassion, detachment, and discrimination (as in from where does this energy flow from?) are all required and is foundational for any aspirant or disciple.

    We should also ponder the different ray structures each of us possess. People who are predominantly on the soft line with no hard lines may simply recoil away from Mars and Pluto energy, as all is love as the saying goes. However, the trinity is Power, Love, Intelligence. Power clears away the dross so love may flourish and grow. Intelligence assembles a strategy and systems for love to express. Mystics are to become occultist.
    Pay attention, but at 20,000 feet pay attention. That is my 2 cents.

  9. Priscilla Caro says:

    It seems to me that what we are experiencing is necessary because of the depths we have touched as humanity. Evil is so deep-rooted that only among themselves will they be able to destroy each other so that Aquarius can Be, and THE CHRIST manifests itself on the Planet. I rephrase, The United States is living its KARMA, then, THEY COULD LIVE THEIR DHARMA. And the World in Peace. To Bruce Headrick who commented above… I say, you are not the only one who found these opinions disturbing, ME TOO, and I say to you, Stay strong in these moments of such darkness, just follow the light… what is correct, what is good, what takes you to the Father is always love, Good Will, where lies, manipulation is not the north.

    (Editor: Foreign language comments, please run through Google translate before posting thanks!)
    Me parece lo que estamos viviendo es necesario por el fondo que hemos tocado como humanidad. El mal esta tan arraigado que solo entre ellos podran destruirse entre si para que Aquario pueda Ser, y EL CRISTO se manifieste en el Planeta. Refraseo, Los Estados Unidos estan viviendo su KARMA, entonces , PODRIAN VIVIR SU DHARMA. Y el Mundo en Paz. A Bruce Headrick que opino mas arriba…le digo, no eres el unico que encontro estas opiniones inquietantes, TAMBIEN YO, y te digo, Mantente fuerte en estos momentos de tanta oscuridad, solo sigue la luz… lo correcto, lo bueno, lo que te lleva al Padre es siempre el amor, la Buena Voluntad, donde la mentira, la manipulacion no sea el norte.

  10. david says:

    Hi Phillip, as always thank you for your extensive work!
    I totally agree with the statement, “two wings for the same bird”.
    But if I may I have serious doubts if Donald Trump, from the right wing, is connected with the American Soul.
    We know from Master DK that the ruling sign of the American Soul, through which his 2nd Ray of Love and Wisdom expresses itself, is Aquarius. But in Donald Trump’s horoscope Aquarius is not activated and neither is it in his progressed horoscope. And on the other hand, I do not perceive that his powerful Gemini, main sign of the 2ndR of Love and Wisdom, is expressing itself from its higher aspect.
    The higher aspect of the 2nd Ray of Love and Wisdom refers us to qualities such as understanding or inclusion, qualities very contrary to Trump’s attitudes towards immigration, the Palestinians, the humiliated Ukraine or the humanitarian aid.
    In Trump’s Ascendant, Leo and Virgo energy are blended, but according to my perception, Trump is not aware of the esoteric meanings of Virgo. If he were, the excessive and inflexible Sagittarian idealism suggested by his full moon would be mitigated by the kindnesses of the Virgin Mother, the Mother who best understands the needs of the Son, Polux, ruled by the 2ndR of Love and Wisdom.
    But from Trump’s attitudes it is evident that Castor rules through Mars, which drags to itself all the power of Leo, leaving aside, unconsciously or consciously, the nurturing aspect of Virgo.
    This makes Donald Trump, always according to my perception, a radical self, “a bossy one” full of personal and patriotic idealisms that are not very inclusive. Of course he is also a determined patriot, unabashed, rebellious and with destructive power …, time will tell to what extent his return has been necessary.
    I would like to think that society in general, faced with so much crystallized establishment, with so many “outdated” or “extravagant” ideologies or so many taxes on the middle and working class, has had no choice but to vote for him, but we must be careful, because having the power to revolutionize or destroy the establishment does not necessarily mean being an advanced Soul.
    Finally, I will state an astrological fact. If we look at the horoscopes of the most valued or charismatic presidents of the USA, those who knew how to caress the Soul of the nation, we can see that all of them have the sign of Aquarius especially activated, something that does NOT happen in Donald Trump’s horoscope.
    George Washington: Vulcan, the esoteric ruler of his Taurus Ascendant, in Aquarius.
    Abraham Lincoln: the Sun and his Ascendant sign in Aquarius
    F.D. Roosevelt: the Sun, Mercury and Venus in Aquarius
    J.F. Kennedy: Uranus, the esoteric ruler of his Libra Ascendant, in Aquarius.
    B. Obama: Jupiter, the esoteric ruler of his Aquarius Ascendant, also in Aquarius.
    Even in the horoscopes of other presidents not so charismatic or transcendent, the power of the “water carrier” also emerges; R. Reagan Sun in Aquarius. Jimmy Carter, Mars, the esoteric ruler of his Scorpio Ascendant, in Aquarius.
    Thanks for sharing!

    1. “Donald Trump’s horoscope Aquarius is not activated”. I beg to differ David, Aquarius is very obviously activated by the potent synastry that Trump has with the 1776 Moon in Aquarius – and the fact that polarities or opposite signs are extremely important in esoteric astrology, even considering the whole cross a person is on, in this case the fixed cross. Leo in this case represents the leader of the Aquarian group or collective.

      Furthermore, it is important to note that first ray types trample over and barge their way through, offending all second ray types! The Tibetan tells us that first ray types are, “often misunderstood and hated. They may and often do misuse the energy available but they also use it constructively within the desired limits of the immediate plan.” Many consider Trump’s heart to be in the right place, despite his ignorance or finesse on certain issues, some of the clumsy things that are said.

      This may or may not be true of Trump, as I said in the newsletter, it is too early to call many things, the dust will take a while to settle. On the surface there are many things that look awful and may even get worse, time will tell. I am not sure what you mean by your reference to Virgo, his progressed sun?

      1. david says:

        Hi Phillip, my comment regarding Donald Trump’s Virgo is based on this comment by DK:

        “There are no rigid lines of demarcation separating two entirely different areas of experience and consciousness upon the solar path. It only appears to be so and this itself is part of the Great Illusion”.

        Knowing that Donald Trump’s Ascendant (with the confirmed exact time, 10:54am), is situated at 29 almost 30 degrees of Leo, it is logical to think that Donald Trump’s “soul path” should be interpreted from the mixed meanings of Leo+Virgo. But I am afraid that the power of Mars in Leo does not allow Trump to make the leap to the more esoteric meanings of Virgo.

        If his consciousness were able to access the esoteric meaning of Virgo (without forgetting Leo) its expression (Moon) could be interpreted from the higher aspect of Virgo. This attitude would greatly reinforce the 2nd R, since Vulcan is situated in Gemini, and both Virgo and Gemini are carriers of the 2nd R ruling the American Soul.

        If Donald were able to reinforce conscious access to the constructive aspect of the Mother, it would greatly facilitate his contact with the American Soul. Let us think about DK’s two statements:

        “Virgo hides the light which irradiates the world in Aquarius”.

        “Aquarius releases Virgo from her load”.

        If, as you say, Trump’s heart, despite his mistakes, is on the right path, it is possible that the connection with Virgo has already taken place and that therefore, his Soul is being released through the nation’s Moon in Aquarius. But I have serious doubts… I may be deceived by appearances… but Donald Trump’s attitudes seem to be rather the self-centered (conceited, rebellious) expression of a Mars (6ºR) in Leo.

        Time will tell us what kind of intention or quality is hidden behind his expressions of power.

      2. david says:

        it is important to note that first ray types trample over and barge their way through, offending all second ray types! …… saintly patience 🙂

        1. See my latest post today David (The Peace Process Begins), proving how Leo rising Trump has everything to do with Aquarius!

  11. Mary says:

    It greatly saddens me to see how this newsletter has gotten so political but worse than this is the questionable sources that the author cites…especially “Inside the Revolution Rewiring American Power”. Shame on you Phillip.
    Did you include that substack article just to see if any of us ever double checks your sources? I encourage everyone to do just that! I so long for just the astrological and Hierarchy information but alas it won’t be from this newsletter anymore. I’m Out

    1. Mary, As I mentioned in my disclaimer in the newsletter, I presented perspectives from both sides of politics. There will always be reactions, even commenting on Trump and striving for the apolitical, people will think the author is being pro Trump by simply mentioning him, lol! When taking some weeks to write a newsletter, I review many sources of material and sometimes bits get lost – even when I try to do a search for them again. So on this very rare occasion of not having a reference when on a publishing deadline before the full moon, I decided to leave the reference in and chase it up later. It was not some deliberate ploy to bolster any argument. It has been found now if you go back to footnote 30. Jeff Childers I have always found gives reasonable commentary and good insights. Shame on me for taking the time to present all sides of the argument!

    2. PS “It greatly saddens me to see how this newsletter has gotten so political”. Politics is an area of great divisiveness, but if we are to participate in evolving to toward democracy universally, it is incumbent upon all of us to be informed and participate. As stated in the newsletter, “To encourage dialogue and discourse – as opposed to reactionary argument, bickering or poorly informed, crystallised opinions.”

  12. A further excerpt from the missing footnote 30 that created such a fuss for some. From Jeff Childers at https://www.coffeeandcovid.com/p/doge-days-wednesday-february-5-2025:

    “USAID probably also ensured the homogenous and catastrophic worldwide response to the virus that it helped create and unleash.

    Historian Hannah Arendt’s banality of evil, from her book Eichmann in Jerusalem (1963), shattered the comforting illusion that only fanatics commit great crimes. Watching Adolf Eichmann’s trial, she saw not a monster, but a dull bureaucrat—obedient, career-driven, and chillingly thoughtless.

    His evil wasn’t ideological rage but blind conformity, a cog in a system that made atrocities routine. Arendt’s horror was realizing that authoritarian regimes don’t just rely on radicals; they thrive on ordinary people mindlessly enforcing evil, making malevolence disturbingly mundane.

    We never thought it could happen here. But like a deadly, mutant fungus, the poison grew quietly, unrecognized, right below the public’s noses in the State Department’s sub-basement. USAID’s “independent” bureaucrats shoving billions to criminals all over the world were, indeed, banal, bureaucratic, but no less blameless Adolph Eichmanns.”

  13. A view here from the Satya Centre. There are some excellent insights and analyses here, though I am not necessarily in agreement with them all – as readers of my missives have the same prerogative!

    “This fiery Leo Full Moon is startling, electric, conflicted, and potentially creative — a wake up call for all of us as we prepare to enter a New Era in outer planet Air and Fire Signs that will completely restructure every aspect of human civilization, for better or worse.”


  14. A reminder to readers that I have a Telegram channel – phillips-alt-media, where many articles and videos are posted. https://t.me/+TKhS8k7-YvU3OGQ0

  15. Dr. Chris Martenson: The Second American Revolution

    Today’s segment examines a perceived ideological takeover of institutions, resistance to it, and the role of technology and figures like Elon Musk in challenging entrenched systems.

    Check Martenson’s graphic early in the video, not left-right but up-down: Integrity versus ideological rigidity.


  16. adam says:

    Hi Phillip,

    Its been a long time since I wrote here. With respect to the TS as becoming an olde dinosaur of an organization, well, i think of it like a dried flower scattering its seeds. The work of Blavatsky (Voice of the Silence) and Baily & DK have been thoroughly disseminated throughout a lot of spiritual teaching. I believe DK made mention of this in one of their books, stating something to the effect, “you’re reading it here first folks”. A ton of what DK and AAB wrote is out there in piecemeal and often distorted form but nonetheless the seeds have been scattered, in my opinion 🙂

    Good point mentioning Neptune and the course of the next 15 years through the overshadowing of this planetary force. If I must make a wager, I would be it will be during this time we begin to see the next phase of DK’s dissemination of his teachings, which will find fertile ground in a much wider audience given the way his teachings have crept into so much as little anchor points for the Esoteric Wisdom.

    Also, history in some instances is a good predictor of the future and in others, not so much. The trajectory of the US from about 1980 onward has been a methodical unfolding of materialistic fascism that has slowly and ardently eroded the humanitarian gains made from the time of the Great War. Don’t expect any *good* black swans to appear. Trump was elected because the majority of the populace is astrally polarized and easily manipulated by rhetoric centered upon fear and scarcity. To be completely blunt and pessimistic (sorry), I have little hope for the externalization of the USA soul until truths about 9/11 are widely thought about and accepted, which probably won’t happen until we have mass, nonpartisan rioting, probably brought about by a confluence of forces stemming from terrible inflation and an erosion of civil liberties.

    It’s not so much that we are witnessing the emergence of a new paradigm but rather a phase change from one state of matter to the other, or what happens with computer models of a magnetic pole reversal…. lots of chaos, multiple poles appearing… drifting about…. are we going forward or backward? where is north or south? …. and then the system settling into a new equilibrium.

    It happens to people prior to the two minor initiations, and it’s happening to the USA as a precursor to the Aquarian Soul being externalized. And as you know, that process totally sucks…. then things click into place and calm down into a new life with a new period of stable experience/integration. All the best to you. Thanks again for writing your newsletter.

    1. Ye of little faith Adam! See this video I posted today on facebook. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EK7-rG1AYNM

      1. adam says:

        Phillip, thank you for sharing. I sure hope you’re right. And if you are, it’s party time! I’ll seek you out and buy you a beer 😉 take care, adam

  17. The Peace Process Begins

    The Aquarius full moon which has just unfolded – with Uranus in Taurus at the point of a T-square to Sun in Aquarius and Moon in Leo – is the dynamic point of tension behind the recent discussion between presidents Trump and Putin.
    Perfect timing, with the approaching third anniversary of the conflict which began on Feb.22, 2022. In the recent Aquarius newsletter, it was stated:
    “The full moon chart might be called The Revolution, with Aquarius ruler Uranus in Taurus, creating a tense T-square to the Sun-Moon opposition in Aquarius-Leo. Uranus, the planet of reform and revolution, still dominates Trump’s midheaven, keeping him firmly in the public eye – domestically and internationally.“
    Also mentioned in the latest newsletter,
    “Trump’s inauguration horoscope contains a particularly challenging cardinal grand cross … partly offset by the position of the Moon in Libra the Peacemaker – which falls on Trump’s natal Jupiter …
    … Mercury is in the ninth house of foreign countries, hence the square it makes to the Moon in Libra is a positive point of tension that can potentially render tough negotiations for ongoing peace in Israel, Ukraine, Taiwan or any other trouble spots.”
    More significantly, the full moon horoscope has much synastry with the main players, with the T-square of Aquarius ruler – Uranus in Taurus, to Sun in Aquarius-Moon in Leo.
    Russia and USA are Aquarian souls – with a shared dharma to work together in the Aquarian Age. Moscow is a Taurus soul and Aquarian personality.
    Trump – Leo-Mars rising, Taurus midheaven. Putin north node, progressed Venus-Mars in Aquarius.
    Uranus is the planet of freedom, acting on behalf of a cosmic freedom transmitted from the “higher self” of our solar system – Sirius, through Uranus (EA427):
    “It is the principle of freedom … it is that which provides a “pathway of power” between our Hierarchy and the distant sun, Sirius, and gives the incentive towards the “culture of freedom” or of liberation which motivates the work of the Masters of the Wisdom …
    … This mysteriously “exerted influence,” this “pulling away” from form … emanates from Sirius and for it we have no name; … the Law of Freedom … is not … its true name, for in the last analysis, freedom and liberation are effects of its activity. This unique and mysterious law governs the Life and the Lives upon Sirius…” (RI416)
    In Russia’s Dec. 25, 1991 horoscope, its Leo ascendant was closely activated by the 2025 full moon in Leo-Aquarius, setting off the ascendant square to Pluto-Venus in Scorpio. Mercury the messenger and negotiator was also close to the full moon Sun in Aquarius.
    In its 1991 chart, Russia’s progressed Sun is in Aquarius, while the 27 year cycle of the progressed Moon falls directly on Pluto-Venus in Scorpio!
    The full moon activated USA’s 1776 horoscope, with Sun-Mercury in Aquarius conjunct progressed Mercury the mediator in Aquarius – all positions in orb of 1776 Moon in Aquarius – the dweller.
    The USA as an Aquarian soul, has the paradoxical position of the Moon in Aquarius in its exoteric horoscope. The Moon’s shadow was discussed in the Aquarius newsletter:
    “… the misuse of the Aquarian skill to work together in groups, that has spawned many exploitive corporations that currently dominate the nation.”
    USA’s Aquarian moon has also been activated powerfully by solar directed Mars in Aquarius which is still in orb of influence, though it was exact in Feb.2024.
    It came into influence with a 2° degree applying orb around Feb. 2022, when USA and NATO poked the Russian bear one time too many, setting off the tragedy of the Ukraine war.
    Hence, regarding USA’s Aquarian soul and the Aquarian moon dweller, here is the thick of the battle between USA’s soul and dweller, which also plays host to the Planetary Dweller on the Threshold.
    Through these recent peace initiatives, emerges the opportunity to not only halt a despicable and evil war (and all the people who started it and kept it going since 2014), but for soul of the USA to triumph over its dweller, that will have major ramifications for its future.
    Additionally, it may well pave the way for better relations with Russia, cutting through the obfuscating forces that have prevented these two Aquarian souls working together –(in a triangle with Britain), to bring in the Age of Aquarius.
    Then there is Israel, but that is another can of worms ….

    1. david says:

      It is true Phillip, this full moon has powerful synastry with the horoscopes of USA, Russia, Trump and Putin. Don’t forget the Ukraine chart (24-08-81 at 18h) either, its synastry with this full moon is also very powerful. The Ukraine horoscope expresses a full moon in Aquarius (23º) with a powerful stellium in the last four degrees of Leo. The transits that this chart receives are also very powerful.

      I am happy to hear Trump talk about peace talks regarding the war in Ukraine. His ability to break the rules of the establishment gives him a surprising initiative (freedom).

      Your definition of Freedom/Sirius/Aquarius/Uranus is very interesting, I would add with the support of Jupiter.

      In the vase of the water bearer is the seal of the “just measure”, the understanding of the need, light in the darkness.

      1. Excellent point about Ukraine David, I will revise that into the article for the next newsletter. I think you might have meant Aug. 24, 1991 for Ukraine? (14.31 Kiev) Indeed moon at 23 Aquarius opposite a Leo stellium, but Sun in early Virgo. Saturn in Aquarius too, with Capricorn-Uranus-Neptune rising.

        1. david says:

          “I think you might have meant Aug. 24, 1991 for Ukraine?”, Yes Phillip, it responds very well to everything that is happening to the country.

          By synastry, the fantastic stellium (accompanied by a Full Moon) of Ukraine, connects powerfully with the 9th house, (ideals, spirituality), of the US horoscope, and on the other hand, activates the 2nd house of the Russian horoscope, the house of that which one feels as one’s own, one’s own substance, from the lower aspects of Tauro: that which one wishes to possess.

          The current transit of Pluto on the Saturn of both (Russia and Ukraine) will be definitive. It will be the destruction of that which the Soul (of both) no longer needs.

          On the part for the personality, where attachment rules, it is always difficult to accept such destruction, but Pluto always brings the transformation (detachment) that the Soul or Higher Consciousness needs.

          Ukraine will experience it from the Soul, since Saturn is the esoteric ruler of its rising sign, the path of the Soul in Capricorn. It will be the loss of something substantial, very dear to its Soul, Saturn, ruler of the house one, in the second house.

          Russia will experience it like the painful loss of a partner, because its Saturn is in the 7th house, the partner.

          But every destruction dictated by the Soul brings a “reward”, in the case of Ukraine it will be a renewed root. Uranus (“fresh water”, new ideas) is transiting the cusp of her 4th house (the roots, the house, the earth, the motherland).

          For Russia the destruction of Pluto will be accompanied by the entry of Neptune into its 10th house in Aries. Russia, if it understands the destruction of Pluto, will be able to successfully express (10th house) the new (Aries) ideals (Neptune) that its people need so much. Even, if we are very positive, we can think that these ideals will serve as an example for other countries of the world.

          By the way, it is no coincidence that the first peace meetings are held in Munich, Germany’s heart center.

          Talking about the US horoscope now would make the answer too long, but I see a very important moment in 2028, when the third Uranus return is accompanied by Jupiter transiting the nation’s MC/Neptune, and Neptune is just entering the 4th house. This suggests to me that what is happening now, the Pluto return, is the destructive aspect of the constructive energy (Uranus-Neptune) that is to come.

          Thanks for sharing

          1. Very good point about Munich as the heart centre where the talks are taking place. Vance made a bold speech completely off the cuff, no notes. As I posted yesterday on phillips-alt-media on Telegram. (t.me/phillips_alt_media) https://youtu.be/pCOsgfINdKg

            1. david says:

              Yes, Vance’s speech was necessary, Europe is certainly too bureaucratized and excessively afraid of its fascist past. But I often wonder to what extent Vance, or D. Trump himself, or Elon Musk are aware of what the triumph of Hitler and Mussolini meant for Europe (and the whole world). We must not forget that both won free elections… freedom without responsibility is not freedom.

              1. David says:

                Hello, sorry, but I was wrong when I said that Mussolini came to power in a free elections. He came to power through the social fear created by the Blackshirts, (the Voluntary Militia or the paramilitary wing of the National Fascist Party), that supported Mussolini’s ideas.

  18. Hi Phillip, what a great and very thorough Newsletter again! I wouldn’t know why mingling esotericism and astrology with politics would be wrong. I think it is very important to do this, especially in the objective way you do it, and underpinned with the many references and sources you give. As DK says the disciple has to work in two worlds, with his head in the esoteric world, and his feet firmly on earthly ground with the compassion of his loving and truthfull (which is the same) heart…. or something like that… I’m very much paraphrasing here out of my head… The time and effort you spend on this are incredible and very much appreciated, and a great contribution to the world and especially to all the disciples, of whom many are goodwilling but (still) misled.

    1. Thanks Eric! I am often damned if I do and damned if I don’t, one cannot please everyone. Truth can be unpleasant at times because it forces a person to rearrange their reality structure for which the have identified for decades.

  19. I would expect disciples are able to do that, but it seems a lot of them don’t which hinders the work I’m afraid. This makes it nessary to bring in a wrecking ball like Trusk. Not nice but how else can the path for the Masters be paved? Not with group meditations alone I guess. Love is truth and often not nice.

  20. Craig Butler says:

    To add to my previous comment about climate change – there is the incontrovertible science – pumping 100’s of billions of tons of geologically exhumed carbon into the atmosphere that is not part of a more stable equilibrium with balancing sequestration rates – versus exploitation with narratives to benefit vested interests (WEF, taking agricultural land, 15 minutes cities, etc.) that don’t solve anything and serve to consolidate centralized power and control.

    As for DOGE and restructuring of the government. I think Trump with the tech billionaires is a process of a random wrecking ball of Trump (trying to look like he knows what he is doing which I do think he does), which then serves the billionaires, whose primary mission is to break down anything that gets in their way of their efforts to run the world like Bill Gates has been doing, all being Ahrimanic servers that expose some things (more incidentally – like the USAID cut-out agency) but must be resisted by the servers of the Light, such as RFK JR – who is trying to facilitate an intelligent transformation of agencies so their core purpose can be realized. However, there is indeed so much waste – HHS has twice the budget as the DOD! And, it is apparent if one looks into real science of biology and medicine, 90% or so is completely useless to harmful. Then there is the USAP and SAP groups Dr. Steven Greer has exposed (Unaknowledged Special Access Programs) and (Special Access Programs) that have siphoned TRILLIONS from the treasury via the DOD (SAP being ‘legitimate’, USAP illegal). These are the biggest dinosaurs in the park – the rest are “look over there! distractions. The Pharma-Military-Industrial Complex that Pres. Eisenhower warned about – (he also mentioned the medical aspect, not usually cited).

    1. Craig, you say: “I think Trump with the tech billionaires is a process of a random wrecking ball of Trump (trying to look like he knows what he is doing which I do think he does), which then serves the billionaires, whose primary mission is to break down anything that gets in their way of their efforts to run the world like Bill Gates has been doing.”

      Many would disagree with this statement, there is nothing random about what they are doing and it remains to be seen whether it is billionaire-serving. Many people, particularly on the left, are speculating about what is going on, but I believe it is way too early to call. Appearances can be deceptive, as can existing prejudices that blind people to making assumptions and presumptions about one thing or another.

      I would encourage everyone here to seek broader information on all these factors. To that end, I have created a Telegram channel that has posts from alternative news sources that I wade through every morning! t.me/phillips_alt_media

  21. Glyn says:

    “Virgo hides the light which irradiates the world in Aquarius”.

    “Aquarius releases Virgo from her load”.

    Phillip … much respect and recognition of the challenge and role you serve for your community as an ‘awakener’ through your newsletter. Your efforts of care, consideration and attention to the nuances of a ‘middle path’ perspective / message are evident, applauded and most welcomed.

    Highlighting the movement of the ‘spirit of our times’ through certain leaders ( e.g. Donald Trump)
    and the nation charts is illuminating. Your deep dive with David in the comments above is particularly insightful.

    David mentioned the Virgo statements above … which prompted me to write and contemplate another perhaps useful lens through which to identify / perceive the spiritual impulses of this time.

    With the transiting south node in Virgo … what burdens might the Virgo generation of NGWS be invited to off unload ? … and might these be gifts / seeds for the rapidly emerging aquarian world ?

    As with the quieter more humble and unassuming nature of Virgo (in contrast with the Leo generation) the gifts / impulse may be easily overlooked. … perhaps likely overlooked ( by those on the path) if the archetype of the Herculean trails in Virgo are in play !

    The pluto in Virgo generation (mid 1960’s) are grappling with / digesting their 2nd Saturn returns in Pisces flavored with natal Chiron conjunctions in the mix …. This is in opposition to the Pluto and Uranus conjunction in Virgo which may be a key note of the generational impulse.

    As this generation steps into their 3rd age and leadership…..

    What might we see emerging in the next 18 months (informed by the nodal transits) through this Virgo generation and what might the NGWS, served by this newsletter, be invited to pay close attention to perhaps avoiding the pitfalls of Hercules not recognizing the gifts from Virgo ?

    This might serve as a useful lens to explore, perceive and contemplate how best to attend to the spirit moving through these ‘interesting’ and perhaps epoch seeding times …

    1. Thanks Glyn, much to reflect on here regarding the nodal cycle!

    2. Michael says:

      Thank you, Glyn. Great perspective to add. Issues of health came to my mind. One of the seeds being planted now is ‘our health is more important than unlimited profit’. That confrontation is now front and center between Big Agra / Pharma and the people who want health.

  22. Kobe says:

    Almost impossible to read this and not donate. Thank you Phillip!

  23. Pedro J. says:

    As usual, great work Phillip.
    And I just want to say that every day it becomes clearer to me that Trump is in the style of Julius Caesar, exponents of the first ray who first destroy and then build “their vision” of a new order… the question is whether this new order will be successful.
    In any case, they serve to uncover the hidden rot and air it, so not so bad!
    Kind regards from Spain.

    Como de costumbre, gran trabajo Phillip.
    Y solo comentar que cada día tengo más claro que Trump es del estilo de Julio César, exponentes del rayo 1º que primero arrasan para después construir “su visión” de un nuevo orden… la cuestién es si ese nuevo orden será acertado.
    En cualquier caso, sirven para destapar la podredumbre escondida y airearla, así que ni tan mal!
    Un cordial saludo desde España.

  24. Christopher Michaels says:

    As to Lincoln’s quote regarding corporations:
    “Did Abraham Lincoln Warn of the Tyranny of Capitalism?
    This quote is periodically dusted off and attributed to President Abraham Lincoln.”
    Why use this quote if a long-standing, reliable source calls into question the veracity of the quote?

    1. Thanks Christopher. I am aware of the controversy around this quote, but also wary of Snopes being sometimes biased in its findings. It may not be so in this case, but there is reasonable doubt. Nevertheless, whoever wrote it was very accurate about corporations and how they have taken over. I am sure it was a major concern for Lincoln himself. Next time I use the quote, it will be attributed to the person who allegedly wrote it.

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