Aquarius, “A living sign and emotional sign”.
“In this sign the waters of the Piscean age will, symbolically speaking, be absorbed into the water-pot carried on the shoulder of Aquarius in the symbol which is distinctive of this sign, for Aquarius is the water-carrier, bringing the water of life to the people — life more abundantly.”1
Aquarius is an unique sign – having a dual expression of mind and emotion, similar to polar opposite Leo. Aquarius is an “intellectual air sign”, the mental component deriving from its rulership by Uranus, the “planet of science”, plus the Venus-ruled 5th ray of Science/Knowledge – the only ray to pass through this sign.
Yet Aquarius is the Water-Bearer – water being a symbol of the emotional or astral nature. Here the Leo polarity of Aquarius is invoked, for although Leo is a “fiery mental sign” – its passion is well-known, revealing the fact that Leo rules the astral permanent atom – the sum total of emotional experiences in a soul’s incarnations.
“Astral energies emanating from the new sign of the zodiac into which we are now entering, the sign Aquarius. This sign, that of the water-carrier, is a living sign and an emotional sign.
It will (through the effect of its potent force) stimulate the astral bodies of men into a new coherency, into a brotherhood of humanity which will ignore all racial and national differences and will carry the life of men forward into synthesis and unity.
This means a tide of unifying life of such power that one cannot now vision it, but which—in a thousand years—will have welded all mankind into a perfect brotherhood. Its emotional effect will be to “purify” the astral bodies of men so that the material world ceases to hold such potent allure, and may in its later stages bring about a state of exaggeration as potent in the line of sentiency as that which we have undergone in the line of materiality!
The final stages of all signs produce over-development of the factor on which they most potently work. At present the effect of this sign is constructive among the pioneers of the race, and destructive among the rank and file of humanity.”2
Additionally, there is no hard and fast delineation between the signs in their sequential progression around the zodiac. Aquarius is followed by water sign Pisces the Fishes, ruled over by Neptune – Lord of the Oceans:
“As one studies these twelve signs, it is interesting to trace the relation of consciousness to the preceding sign and to the succeeding sign. It is peculiarly so in connection with the sign Aquarius. The material, earthly quality of Capricorn becomes “dissolved into the air” in Aquarius. The individual “fish” of the other sign [Pisces] becomes eventually the soul, and soul quality emerges, and on the reversed wheel it demonstrates as the pervasiveness of wisdom (Pisces) and the universal love of the truly developed Aquarian.
… Esoterically, the developed Aquarian puts all he has into his water pot, storing it there for service and giving it freely on demand to meet a need. The sign Aquarius is also a dual sign and signifies two vibrations.
It is here that its relation to Pisces emerges, for just as Pisces on the wheel of illusion, the Mutable Cross, stands for substance and bondage, in Aquarius, substance and the anima mundi or imprisoned soul begin to work in mutual tolerance, and in the higher Aquarian individual, soul and spirit are expressing themselves through substance.
There is consequently an astrological relation between the band of stars in the constellation Pisces, which unites the two fishes, and the quality and nature of Aquarius which relates and binds together into one working and synthetic whole. The Aquarian recognises the bond which holds all together subjectively and in truth, whilst in Pisces the energy of relationship constitutes an imprisoning band which confines and holds captive. Think this out. It is an error to consider the margin of contact between two signs in the passage of the Sun to be in the nature of hard and fast frontiers or set boundary lines. Such is not the case.
There are no rigid lines of demarcation separating two entirely different areas of experience and consciousness upon the solar path. It only appears to be so and this itself is part of the Great Illusion.”3
Further upon the theme of water – its emotional symbolism is a “lower manifestation of love-desire”. The solar plexus centre is the “doorway” to the astral body and its immediate evolutionary journey is to be lifted to the heart centre. The heart centre is ruled over by Jupiter and the Sun – the former the esoteric ruler of Aquarius, whilst the latter is the ruler of polar opposite Leo the Lionheart. Both signs are connected to the Pole Star:
“The influence which emanates from the Pole Star and which is such a potent factor in our solar system reaches our planet via the sign Aquarius. The reasons will be noted if the student bears in mind the significance of water as a symbol of the emotions, which are but a lower manifestation of love-desire.
Aquarius is a force centre from which the adept draws the “water of life” and carries it to the multitude. This force from the Pole Star, via Aquarius, is of special power at this time and the day of opportunity is therefore great. It is one of the agencies which make the coming of the Great Lord a possibility.”4
The polar opposite signs of the zodiac are important for all human evolution, they can be seen as six pairs of signs through which duality or the pairs of opposites are resolved upon the astral and mental planes. Hence the importance of Leo-Aquarius, the sign Leo being invoked powerfully as the Aquarian Age begins – particularly as a large proportion of Humanity are emerging from the mass consciousness of Cancer into the more individualised and self-aware consciousness of Leo:
“Leo is the sign wherein the consciousness of individuality is developed, utilised and finally consecrated to divine purpose. It is related to Polaris, the Pole Star (found in the Little Bear) and it is also peculiarly susceptible to the influence of that Pointer in the Great Bear which is the nearest to the Pole Star [Dubhe]. Esoterically speaking, the Pole Star is regarded as the “star of re-orientation” whereby the art of “refacing and recovering that which is lost” is developed. This eventually brings a man back to his originating source.
It might, therefore, be correctly inferred that this Pointer and the energy emanating from it guides humanity upon the involutionary path, and is constantly active in its influence upon the man who is still upon the Mutable Cross. Then the energy of the Pointer furthest from the Pole Star [Merak] begins to make its presence felt and a sense of right direction or guidance is registered by the disciple upon the Path, and such guidance (when followed) leads man nearer to the Hierarchy.
It is here that the divine necessity of achieving alignment is portrayed for us in the symbolism of the sky and when it has been achieved then there is a direct inflow of divine energy and man is linked up in a new and creative manner to sources of divine supply. Astrologers will do well (in connection with the horoscopes of disciples and particularly of initiates) to consider the two Pointers and the Pole Star. They are mysteriously connected with the three aspects of incarnated man—Spirit, soul and body.”5
For those who might want to find where these points are in the horoscope: In the tropical Western zodiac, Polaris is at 28° Gemini 54’. The Pointer furthest from the Pole Star is Merak at 19° Leo 26’. The pointer closest to Polaris is Dubhe at 15° Leo 32’.
Phillip Lindsay © 2024.
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I stopped reading the article because of all the references to “mankind” and “man.” At 70 years old I am SO sick and tired of continuing to be called a man. Get real!
You must bear in mind Anne, that the quotations are from writings given almost a century ago when it was commonly used. Esoterically however, mankind – from “manas” = mind. Humanity is masculine in its evolution whilst the deva kingdom, with which humanity will unite one day in the divine marriage – is feminine. In this age of woke gender pronouns, I frankly cannot be bothered sugar coating any of these quotations for people who get offended so easily. Its the cognition of what is being said under the outer clothing of language that is important.
It has also been said that from a deeply esoteric value numerology plays into the words chosen and has significance….The Great Invocation.
Oh, my goodness: kindness, patience and tolerance.
When the ancient scriptures say mankind, they explicitly include the feminine expression the “Tau”. Please let us not forget, that the wise ones demark kingdoms according to the chakras in expression. Recalling, the mineral kingdom has one conscious chakra; the vegetable kingdom-two conscious chakras; the animal – three conscious chakras, and then the analysis becomes complex. Supposedly, as a human, I, the human, should be transferring energies from my sacral center to the throat center thereby opening a 4th chakra, the mind. An examination of history will reveal how successful I am at that current endeavor. Frankly, my kingdom, has been unsuccessful in the mainstream with the exception of a few illuminati.
In another vein of thought. Although, I current present as a woman, according to the will of my soul in this incarnation, my Soul has probably also presented as a male. In our eternal journey to becoming “gods” in the making, we experience everything and include all life expressions.
I agree with you, Phillip. Not into ‘sugar coating’ either!
That is unfortunate you stopped reading Anne. It is rich in esoteric wisdom. The references are drawn from Alice Bailey, a visionary, leader, teacher and writer of 24 esoteric and theosophical texts (The Blue Books). To put it in context her life spanned 1880-1949 perhaps this is why the language may be received as patriarchal or out of date. It can be easy to be triggered by what is in front of us, at eye level, the appearance of things, and as often happens the opportunity to receive wisdom can be missed by taking something at face value and missing the heart of the message. Unconditional positive regard can create space for us to step back from such appearances to see what really lays beneath. In this way we meet and unite amongst similarities rather than seperate ourselves with differences.
What a beautifully compassionate response, Amanda. I don’t know what Anne thought, but it was one of the more touching moments in a day full of them.
Regardless of how offensive Ana’s comment may be, an Aquarian meaning ca be extracted from it. It is clear that the writings of the Tibetan Master were channeled by an initiate (Alice Bailey) born under Victorian culture and therefore in many ways its “music” (not the meaning of it) is outdated.
The sign of Aquarius brings with it the “music” of the androgynous being. If we look closely, they are those forms/consciousnesses that are increasingly abundant in our society and that have a neutral appearance; They have a magical “air” closely related to the qualities of the 7th Ray/Aquarius. A few years ago many were called “indigo children”, but they are not superior beings, but rather they are the new consciousnesses (for many still strange) that reincarnate in this New Age.
These beings, regardless of their gender, can be seen in feminine and/or masculine activities, because the most important thing in them is the feeling of friendship. That is to say, for them the emotion does not depend so much on “the passion” (attraction) that creates the feminine-masculine duality but on the fraternal and group interaction that this feeling or emotions implies.
Without the intention of talking about the negative negative aspect of this attitude, that is why the physical hug between two beings (regardless of their gender) is increasingly common.
Thanks for sharing
Thank you Phillip, deeply stimulating for this Aquarian to read and absorb. A timely reminder to dwell upon the pages of Alice Bailey once more. I do enjoy your newsletters, a refreshing ray of sunshine in my inbox.
Thank you, Philip, for this powerful meditation of re-alignment, opening access ro resources through Polaris, Marek, and (most potently for me) Dubhe.
Congratulations to the first commenter for displaying the lower self reaction to Aquarian impulses, and congratulations to you for an excellent reply. Too often people apologise in such circumstances when they have done nothing wrong.
Thanks again Phillippe forballbthat you do!
Thank you very much Phillip for your brilliant mission in enlightening and awakening people who are still trapped in mass consciousness (Cancer) precisely for the first comment in replicating woke ideology, which has nothing to do with advanced esotericism, and is just a reaction from below level of the personality self still being an inferior reaction of the astral body.
Thank you very much Phillip!
Muito obrigado Phillip por sua brilhante missão em esclarecer e despertar as pessoas que ainda estão presas na consciência de massa (Câncer) justamente pelo primeiro comentário ao replicar idelogia woke, que em nada tem a ver com esoterismo avançado, e sendo apenas uma reação de baixo nível do eu personalidade ainda sendo uma reação inferior do corpo astral.
Muito obrigado Phillip!
Thank you for another stimulating newsletter. I particularly liked the info re the Pole and Pointer stars. 28 Gemini is on the cusp of my 11th house – almost exact, and I have Pluto at 16 Leo in the First – taking tiny steps on my Journey. This kind of reaffirms my current “pull” to go back to the basics of study of the Soul and its mechanism – and The Nature of The Soul by Cedercrans. Seeing these things in your newsletter made me smile. Thank you, Philip
Ps – I am also a female in my 70s, and have no problem with “man”, lol
Fantastic, stimulating, nd timely! Thank you, Philip!
Phillip: Could you clarify regarding minor conclaves, major conclaves and Shamballa impacts and when they are held/happen in our 3d space time?
Simon, As you know, if you check out the indexes of the blue books or if you have the CD, there are many references to conclave. The word means “secret or confidential meeting”, hence there can be a wide variety of meetings from the minor to major cycles.There is the once in a century conclave. There are conclaves every 7 years for the Master approaching the Decision initiation:
“This training in decision is given by forcing the Master to make basic decisions within His Ashram affecting world work and involving all within the Ashram. It is given by His admission to the conclave of the Masters, meeting every seven years. At that conclave They make decisions which concern all forms of life in all the kingdoms in the three worlds and their evolutionary progress; it is put to the test in group form when the entire Hierarchy meets at Its centennial conference and—at that time—decides what form of crisis, on what level of consciousness, and involving what group of lives, must be implemented and presented to humanity, though the other kingdoms of nature will be necessarily implicated. The reason for this is that the meeting of such a planned crisis will hasten certain realisations. Forget not that humanity grows through the presentation of moments of crisis. These moments of crisis, based on past karma, conditioned by the point in evolution already achieved, and on the presence in the three worlds of certain appropriate ray forces, are brought to the point of precipitation by united decision in the conclave of the Masters.” (Rays and Initiations)
There are conclaves at the first three full moons every year. Every October and every March, the Master R. gathers together His council of helpers.
There have been three major Shamballa Impacts corresponding to the three human rootraces – 3,4,5. In 1975 and 2000 there were two more impacts, perhaps minor ones, that is why 2025 (25 year cycles) has been speculated to be another minor impact. The reason for three impacts in this 5th rootrace is because it was decided by Hierarchy to allow the Shamballa force to impact Humanity directly, without the filter of Hierarchy. This is a very brief response to this large subject!
Thanks Phillip for responding. Humanity grows in awakening or can choose to remain unawakened. This I know. Evolution proceeds either slowly or at a healthy pace. I cannot imagine the responsibility of guiding humanity’s spiritual evolution and how Hierarchy must feel when due to the limitations of their disciples in incarnation, (not initiates) Their plans are thwarted. Knowing that there are “conclaves” occuring at the first three full moons of the year is most helpful.
Dear Phillip
Thank you very much for a timely astrological fixed stars article of great importance. Your words confirmed my recent meditation guidance. The challenges of the mental plane and the Heart working out to dissolve illusions of the mind…. Of course experiences serve to bring awareness of illusions otherwise hidden.
I was flailing in a desert chasing mirages – now I’m back on track of the process of transmutation of the energies of the heart chakra – all fears being addressed.

In gratitude to you and your esoteric wisdom, I can get back to the lightwork fully.
Wisdom is timeless. That you Phillip
Anne is well to remember that the Atlantean Root Race was matriarchal. And most of the Deities that were worshipped in those days were female in appearance.
Yes at one stage it was matriarchal, this is from where the legend of the Amazonian warriors comes from, which Hercules encountered in his 6th labour of Virgo!
On the subject of gender, here is a section from the beginning of my book, Masters of the Seven Rays – published in 2000:
Many students have asked in this politically correct age why the Masters are male? There are several reasons for this:
1) Primarily, the word ‘man’ (hu–man, wo–man) comes from the Sanskrit ‘manas’ or mind.
When Humanity became illuminated with the ‘spark of mind’ millions of years ago, it really marked our evolution proper within the greater cycle.
However, ‘manas’ is still unfolding through experiences in both genders, various cultures and races. It is the consciousness which incarnates and chooses a male or female body. Hence gender issues can really blind us to the soul which animates the form.
2) The human kingdom is regarded esoterically as male and the angelic or deva kingdom, female. They represent the polarities of spirit and matter. The angelic kingdom is responsible for building the human bodies into which the soul consciousness incarnates.
3) Male bodies at this stage of our evolution are supposedly stronger in withstanding the forces of the Will experienced at Initiation. This energy is present at all initiations, but particularly the
higher ones. Broadly speaking, the male gender is associated with Will, the female gender with Love.
Apparently only in the past few hundred years have the Masters begun to experiment with the process of the higher initiations for their disciples or ‘chelas’ in female bodies. H.P. Blavatsky was definitely one of those chelas, and experienced much pain and limitation going through her ‘Arhat’ initiation in that life.
Interestingly, DK in his books always refers to HPB as ‘he’. This may refer to HPB who has since become a Master in a male body, or have other esoteric connotations to do with the Will, as HPB was a soul of the First Ray (Will/Power).
4) Humanity is still emerging from a very long era of patriarchy, and it could be that way for a while. For all we know there may be Masters in female bodies; some literature claims this and gives them various names. It is best to keep an open mind upon the subject. Most descriptions given of the Masters describe certain qualities of Love and Will which totally transcend gender.
Interesting conversation. I hear you, Anne, and understand your frustration! My family says The Great Invocation several times a day. We replaced MAN with HUMANITY. We love the sound of it, the flow of it, and the inclusiveness of it! Enjoy! All praise be to God!
Unfortunately, the politically correct version of the GI does cause some confusion at group meditations, due to some people using the original. It also totally changes the numerology of the mantrams that were very carefully constructed – apparently. John Berges discusses this in his brilliant book, Sacred Vessel of the Mysteries: The Great Invocation, Word of Power, Gift of Love –
Great book that one. Puts the whole invocation in a whole different meaning…
I always say it in english, and original wording. Who am I to play important with those Power Words…
And PC, is the thing I write this on.
Our bodies are NOT who we are, though we must respect them, please do not limit yourself by your form nature. In future we may not even have physical bodies, we are evolving and becoming more refined…at least I hope this is Truth. Focus on your soul, that is who you are, you will have a different body next time and it will probably be the opposite of the one you now have…balance! Be the Divine Spark that you are and do not focus so on temporary form issues. I am a 75 year old female who has marched and protested for decades and been disappointed by seeming backward movement, but it is not really, it is illness rising to the surface to be healed. Let’s heal it.
Interesting, thanks Phillip, I had not realised the emotional connection to Aquarius. I seem to remember the labour of Hercules relating to clearing the Augean Stables, which relates to clearing out the “muck”, which fits nicely I guess. Interesting the newsletter produced an emotional reaction from a reader.
Would you say from the quote Polaris = spirit, Merak = soul, Dube = body?
I agree, the substance and quality behind the words is what matters, it doesn’t refer to whether one is in a male or female body. Men and woman hold both in principle and substance within us, just different ratios I guess. And as you point out, man comes from manas – mind which is genderless.
One would think if someone disagrees with an expression they can voice their disagreement and explain the reasons behind their disagreement if they think their viewpoint is a more essential or correct viewpoint. Emotional reactions and “cancelling” suggests some kind of distortion.
Katherine, perhaps Polaris is related to spirit, Merak to soul and Dubhe to the personality. This past analysis may give some clues:
There is plenty of “cancelling” of these newsletters, rather than ask questions or voice their perspective, people unsubscribe.