Aquarius-Leo Full Moon: The Turkey-Syria Earthquake
The Turkey-Syria Earthquake: Aquarius-Leo Full Moon
___The Significance of Chiron
___ Electrical Plasma and the Ionosphere
___Six Esoteric Explanations for Earthquakes
___Turkey’s Current Global Role
___HAARP Attack?
___The Two Main Groups at War Today
The author often writes from intuition-inspiration and is thereby often impelled to “put pen to paper”! This special newsletter has been driven by the recent earthquake in Turkey-Syria, not only from the appalling suffering that has occurred, but because there are several threads that tie it into the global situation in general.
This event comes during the middle of another area of great human suffering and displacement – the war in Ukraine. These two areas of global pain dominate the headlines, dwarfing almost into insignificance other conflicts and famines – such as Sudan, Syria, Somalia, Myanmar, Congo, Nigeria, Yemen, Ethiopia and Afghanistan – to name a few.
Aquarius is the World Server and humanitarian, reflecting its esoteric ruler Jupiter, planet of love-wisdom and generosity. Those of us who live comfortable lives in the West have had our challenges in the past few years. But these are relatively mild compared to what people in Turkey and Syria are enduring in the dead of winter: Scant resources, death of loved ones, no electricity, heating or water – and a gnawing uncertainty about the future.
Many of us live in earthquake-prone areas such as California, New Zealand, Japan, Indonesia, Central and South America etc. In other words, sudden upheaval and devastation could visit at any moment and our lives would be turned upside down. Hence, the need to not tune-out world suffering and become apathetic to these events because it is on the other side of the world – out of sight, out of mind
These tumultuous times between the two great ages of Pisces-Aquarius, reflect a revolution in consciousness – emerging from a chaos that is bound to become more intense as the world heads toward 2025. Humanity is facing the planetary Dweller on the Threshold and must take a stand to not only “close the door where evil dwells”, but to expand its compassionate embrace of fellow human beings.
Turkey-Syria Earthquake: Aquarius-Leo Full Moon
“Cataclysms of a world wide nature will occur during the next one thousand years; continents will be shaken; lands will be raised and submerged, culminating in the profound material disaster which will overtake the world towards the close of the fourth branch race of the sixth subrace. This will usher in the infant sixth rootrace.”1
The recent upheaval in Turkey and Syria that has taken lives heading toward 30,000 people so far, dislocating millions more – sounds an ominous note for the already anticipated global upheaval in 2023:
“The earthquake has caused colossal damage. It was the biggest-ever calamity in our country’s history …. We are living through the most painful days in our history.
Two powerful earthquakes, with the epicenters in Pazarcik and Elbistan in Kahramanmaras, [close to the city of Gaziantep] have caused large-scale damage in ten provinces. Around 13.5 million [out of 85 million Turkish population] of our citizens have been affected on these territories.” (Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.)
The devastating quake occurred just afterthe full moon of Aquarius-Leo, with Aquarius ruler Uranus making a T-square to the Sun-Moon-Earth opposition. Uranus is often statistically present in earthquake activity, usually with Venus and some of the inner planets.
Uranus represents sudden disruption of the status quo – and as ruler of the seventh ray of organisation, has a correspondence with the seventh plane – the etheric-physical.
In some ways, Aquarius represents the beginning of the new year – since the last year finishes traditionally in the previous sign Capricorn, hence, this full moon pattern has ramifications for all of 2023.
Especially since Uranus is relatively unrestrained by Saturn now, having moved out of orb from its long term square dance in the past two years.
In the earthquake horoscope for the exact time and place of the event, inner planets Venus in Pisces was closely square to Mars in Gemini – another kind of criteria for earthquake activity. Mars was in sextile to Chiron-Jupiter in Aries, the sign which it rules. The recent “green comet” (Comet C/2022) appearance – historically an harbinger of major world events, was conjunct Mars in Gemini.
The Significance of Chiron
In the astro-cartography map, the Chiron-IC line runs very close to the quake epicentre in Gaziantep, the Jupiter-IC line runs close to Ankara – within orb of influence of the whole country, whilst the Mars/desc line runs near Istanbul. Although generally classed as an asteroid, Chiron is a planetoid/minor planet with a ring system – and has “comet-like behaviour”:
“Figures also must be computed when the effect upon the planets of what are called “asteroids” is known. This is much greater than exoteric science has so far admitted,but the significance of this must eventually be interpreted in terms of energy and on etheric levels.”2
Indeed, it is upon etheric levels of the physical plane that earthquakes have their genesis, as stated later – regarding “the devas of the [5th] gaseous subplane” of the physical plane. Chiron is technically a planetoid:
“Human units, egoic [soul] groups, monadic lives, and myriads of other forms, objective and subjective, planetary and interplanetary, in connection with the Sun, and in connection with the planetoids.
All work with energy emanations, and with force units under cyclic law, and all have the same objective,—the producing of perfected activity, intensification of heat, and of radiant magnetic light – as an expression of the will or purpose of each embodied life.”3

A 7-year-old girl protecting her little brother under the rubble – they made it out safely. One can only imagine the 1,000’s of other long, agonising deaths endured in the bitter cold of winter.
The fact that Chiron was “angular”, i.e. right on the fourth house cusp or IC, magnifies its power in the event horoscope – the shaking of foundations, physically and psychologically.
The fourth house is traditionally the home, shelter, family – all of which were taken away from millions, especially when already war-torn recovering Syria is added to Turkey’s casualties.
The fourth house takes its meaning from the fourth sign Cancer, which happens to be the soul sign of Turkey. Now the “family of the nation” must pull together to support, survive and rebuild.
Chiron the wounded healer was in Aries – a theme related to a sense of individual purpose and knowing who one is – concerning also the “wound” of leadership.
Electrical Plasma and the Ionosphere
This theme is deeply related to Aquarius and its ruler Uranus, especially since this event occurred on the Aquarius-Leo full moon, but also because the “waters” held in the Water-Bearer’s urn are electrical plasma, as outlined here: Aquarius: Circulation of the Life Force.
A Dutch expert who works for Solar System Geometry Survey, predicted a big quake in Turkey only two days before the event, later tweeting:
“My heart goes out to everyone affected by the major earthquake in Central Turkey. As I stated earlier, sooner or later this would happen in this region, similar to the years 115 and 526 [AD]. These earthquakes are always preceded by critical planetary geometry as we had on 4-5 Feb.” (Frank Hoogerbeets – his brief video report here.)
Recent research finds a correlation between lunar driven earth tides and some types of earthquakes – periods of higher ocean tides during a full or new moon; earthquakes are more likely to occur on shallow thrust faults near the borders of continents and in (underwater) subduction zones, according to one study.
Regarding the mysterious lightning activity before the Turkey quake (apart from speculations about weaponised HAARP technology), it was most likely related to a higher than usual electron content in the ionosphere:
“Researchers in Taiwan monitored 144 earthquakes between 1997 and 1999, and they found that for those registering 6.0 and higher the electron content of the ionosphere changed significantly one to six days before the earthquakes … The connection between large earthquakes and electromagnetic phenomena in the ground and in the ionosphere is becoming increasingly solid.”4
The Ionosphere is part of Earth’s upper atmosphere between 80 and 600 kms, where extreme ultra violet and x-ray solar radiation ionises atoms and molecules, creating a layer of electrons. Energetic charged particles and cosmic rays also have an ionising effect – atoms and molecules are impacted by the high energy photons from the sun.
Solar storms cause disturbances in the ionosphere, resulting in electro-magnetic storms. Electromagnetism in turn influences the formation of massive weather fronts and stirs biological activity.
Hence, the ionosphere can be seen as the electro-magnetic aura of the Earth, connected by magnetic plasma threads to the Sun. These planetary frequencies are transmitted through the medium of the Earth’s ionospheric aura, into Earth’s planetary centres and continents – to all kingdoms in nature.
All planets in the solar system are inter-connected with the Sun through these magnetic streams – creating the integrated corporate body of the solar system. Therein also lies the celestial “music of the spheres”. Here is a glimpse of why astrology “works” – it is not just the magnetic forces from the sun and moon that affect life on Earth, but also the subtle but powerful electro-magnetic frequencies from other planets.
“There is increasing evidence that planetary cycles influence the Sun, which in turn influences the Earth’s “electrical weather” and hence, all biological life. The astrological and biological link to the planets originates with the Sun.” (Bill Hansen))
Six Esoteric Explanations for Earthquakes
1. “A shift in the Earth’s polarity, due to the pull of a great cosmic centre. This powerfully affects the Earth’s orientation and is responsible for the present earthquakes, and for the volcanic eruptions and the many earthquakes during the past one hundred and fifty years.”5
This shift in Earth’s polarity is well documented, the magnetic pole now moving east, from the Canadian Arctic toward Russia. Speaking of polarity and the north pole, it is curious how today Russia and other nations are using the term “multi-polar” to describe shifting away from an unipolar hegemony.
2. “… within the dense physical body of the Logos of any scheme, the physical planet. One such centre is to be found at the North Pole, and two more are located within the planetary sphere, and frequently the inflow of force or energy to these internal centres (via the polar centre) results in those disasters we call earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.
The planetary atom [Earth] revolves upon its axis and comes periodically under influences which produce definite effects. These influences are, among others, those of the moon and of the two planets which lie nearest to it on either side—nearer [Venus] and farther [Mars] away from the Sun … [Venus square Mars in the Feb.6 event chart.]
… The moon’s influence is exceedingly strong, and has a curious resemblance (as far as the physical planet is concerned) to the “Dweller on the Threshold,” which has such a familiar and potent effect upon the human atom [soul].”6
The North Pole is mentioned again – the planetary crown chakra where solar-planetary-ray forces pour through. Besides the Sun, the moon is a major factor regarding gravitational influence over the Earth – especially at the full moon time.
3. “Some of the available inflowing Shamballa forces are being absorbed directly by humanity and by certain of the subhuman kingdoms, particularly the mineral kingdom. This latter absorption will lead eventually, when complete, to those volcanic episodes and those basic earthquakes which will change the face of the earth by the time the sixth rootrace comes into manifestation.”7
Indeed, the first ray force that emanates from the Great Bear constellation, pours through the north pole to Shamballa – the “centre where the will of god is known”. The Manu and Mahachohan work with this first ray line and Shamballa:
“The Mahachohan is working specifically at this time (in co-operation with the Manu), with the devas of the gaseous subplane [5th subplane of physical plane]; this is in connection with the destroying work they are to effect by the end of this rootrace [5th rootrace], in order to liberate Spirit from constricting forms.
Volcanic action therefore may be looked for, demonstrating in unexpected localities, as well as within the sphere of the present earthquake and volcanic zones.”8
4. “The electrical phenomenon which finds its expression in the light which man has somewhat harnessed, in the phenomena such as thunder storms and the manifestation of lightning, with the aurora borealis, and in the production of earthquakes and all volcanic action. All these manifestations are based on electrical activity of some kind, and have to do with the “soul of things,” or with the essence of matter.”9
All manifestations based on electrical activity – the association of lightning with earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.
5. “We have, therefore, hinted at the following forms of divine intervention:
1. Divine embodiments. 2. Natural cataclysms. 3. Evocation of slumbering Entities. 4. Emergence of inspired leadership.
The use of cataclysm was the method employed in Atlantean days, as you well know from the tales of the flood; and through the flood there was almost complete destruction of the civilisation of that time.
It is hoped that such a drastic step will not be needed today, though there are ancient prophecies which foretell the possibility of the destruction of this world at this time through fire—instead of flood.
Which of the two methods—divine embodiment and natural cataclysm—will be employed, will really be decided by humanity through its use or non-use of free will and understanding.
If humanity fails to unite under the banner of the Forces of Light against the forces of material aggression and selfishness, then the “fiery ordeal” might be unavoidable.”10
6. The Law of Disintegration — This is the law that governs the destruction of the form in order that the indwelling life may shine forth in fullness … it works through the great world cataclysms … it governs not only physical plane catastrophes … but the corresponding cataclysms on the astral plane, and the lower levels of the mental plane.
It governs physical plane disruptions, especially those affecting the mineral world; it controls the disintegration, on the astral plane, of thought-forms …”.11
Turkey’s Current Global Role
Turkey is currently at a point of tension in the US-NATO led proxy war against Russia via Ukraine. Turkey belongs to NATO but is on good terms with Russia, recently threatening to block Sweden’s bid to join NATO – over a Quran-burning protest in Stockholm. As a result, US senators are calling for the sale of F-16 fighter jets to Turkey to be blocked until Turkey “falls into line”.
Turkey’s progressed Sun is in Aquarius (Russia’s soul sign) and close to the degree of the full moon in Aquarius. Also close to this point was the position of Uranus in Aquarius – in Turkey’s 1999 earthquake of 17,000 deaths. Turkey, Syria, Russia and Ukraine occupy a part of the world where much purification is needed:
“In the maps which are to be found in the Archives of the spiritual Hierarchy, the entire area of the Near East and Europe—Greece, Yugoslavia, Turkey, Palestine, the Arab States, Egypt and Russia—are under a heavy overshadowing cloud.
Can that cloud be dissipated by the right thinking and planning of Great Britain, the United States and the majority of the United Nations or—must it break in disaster over the world? Will it present a task too hard for correct handling by that inexperienced disciple—Humanity?”12
(“Near East” = Middle East: Arabian Peninsula, Cyprus, Egypt, Iraq, Iran, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestinian territories, Syria, and Turkey.)
Indeed, how pertinent is this phrase now, nearly a century later? Can that “heavy overshadowing cloud” be dissipated by the “right thinking and planning” of the UK, UN and USA? Given what is known thus far over the past few years, the clouds of glamour are being thickened, rather than dissipated. Meditation groups around the world work regularly at dissolving these clouds.
Considering that NATO is driven primarily by the USA, Britain and other European nations – the earthquake has brought this ongoing problem into sharper focus. As many will be aware, NATO is resorting to desperate and foolhardy measures; it may cease to exist after 2023 – as it realises that their proxy war against Russia has been lost in Ukraine.
Turkey has been active in trying to broker a peace treaty between Russia and Ukraine – not something that the obsessed NATO generals were in the least interested. (This article lists the many reasons why Turkey is “out of step” with the prevailing narrative.)
HAARP Attack?
Despite the fact that Turkey has a long history of deadly earthquakes – there has been speculation that the quake was deliberately caused by HAARP technology, to threaten Turkey and send a message to Syria, a nation where the NATO-US aggression was halted by Russia in 2016.
There is some feasibility to this theory but it would be very hard to prove! HAARP is an acronym for High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program a research project handled by the US Air Force and Navy, now based in Alaska.
“In order to produce ELF radiation, the HAARP transmitter radiates a strong beam of high frequency (HF) waves modulated at ELF. This HF heating modulates the electrons’ temperature in the D region ionosphere and leads to modulated conductivity and a time-varying current which then radiates at the modulation frequency.
Recently, the HAARP HF transmitter operated with 3.6 GW of effective radiated power modulated at frequency of 2.5Hz. It is shown that high-power ELF radiation generated by HF ionospheric heaters, such as the current HAARP heater, can cause earthquakes, cyclones and strong localized heating.”13
HAARP has the capability of triggering floods, hurricanes, earthquakes and thunderstorms – it is well known for its power to activate tectonic movement and causing light phenomena in the sky:
“Weather modification will become a part of domestic and international security and could be done unilaterally … It could have offensive and defensive applications and even be used for deterrence purposes.
The ability to generate precipitation, fog and storms on earth or to modify space weather… and the production of artificial weather all are a part of an integrated set of [military] technologies.” (Study Commissioned by the US Air Force: Weather as a Force Multiplier, Owning the Weather in 2025, August 1996.)
Video taken just moments before the quake showed strange lightning flashes that are allegedly characteristic of HAARP operations – but also natural earthquake activity. Jupiter rules the Sagittarius ascendant of the event chart – mighty Jove hurling his thunderbolts! Tweeted one diplomat,
“US and other embassies warned of terrorist attacks prior. Turkey blocking Finland and Sweden from NATO. Do the math. — Ambassador_Quan.”
In the recent Aquarius 2023 newsletter (Aquarian Souls: USA and Russia 2023), the author discussed the “gung ho” transits in NATO’s horoscope, that have deadly potential through Feb.2023:
“NATO has several planets in Aries which very accurately portrays their aggressive attitude; their Mercury in Aries was triggered in 2022 by transiting Jupiter – now poised to activate the entire stellium between Jan.26 to March 10. During that period, Jupiter will conjoin NATO’s Mars in its own sign of Aries – Feb.19-23, with a major danger day when the moon is in Aries on Feb.22.”
Furthermore, transiting Chiron and Jupiter are “culpably” activating NATO’s Aries stellium of Mercury, Mars, Venus and the Sun! The Uranus criteria is there for a “genuine” earthquake, but as the planet of technology, placed in Taurus -a sign associated with sound, there is a slim argument for a hi-tech attack upon Turkey.
The Two Main Groups at War Today
The following passage sums up the current planetary problem, perhaps more relevant and prophetic today – than when it was written nearly a century ago. Events since early 2020 have brought the issues into clearer focus:
“1. Two groups of advanced Minds, both equally illumined by the light of the intellect, and both of them formulating clearly their objectives, but differing in their direction and their emphasis.
One group, under the divine plan, works with the form aspect entirely, and in this group the light of love and of selflessness is absent. The other group is working entirely with the soul or the consciousness aspect, and in this group the doctrine of the heart and the law of love control.
In this connection, the two groups are working in opposition, therefore, upon the mental plane. [This is the current planetary kurukshetra, a battle between the forces of light and darkness.]
2. The plans, which embody these two differing ideals and objectives, are carried down on to the astral plane, and thus into the world of desire. The lines of demarcation remain ever entirely clear as far as the workers in these two groups are concerned, but are not so clear where ordinary human beings and the world disciples and initiates are concerned.
There is much chaos on the plane of desire, and the world Arjuna is today sitting in bewilderment between the two opposing forces or camps, recognising his relationship both to form and to soul and at the same time wondering where his duty lies. His point in evolution determines his problem. Thus the two groups are working in opposition upon the plane of desire [astral plane].
3. The materialising of the plans of these two groups of illumined minds proceeds steadily under the differing laws of their being — the laws of form life and the laws of spiritual living.
In this initial stage and whilst the battle is being fought out in the realm of desire (for that is where the major conflict is being waged, and all that is happening upon the physical plane is only a reflection of an inner conflict) the forces of these two groups, working with the energies of the sixth and seventh rays, have brought about in the field of physical living, a state of complete cataclysm. [WWII – written 1946-9]
The economic situation and the religious hatreds are the two major instruments. This is a subject upon which you would do well to ponder. Consequently, you have two groups, two objectives, two great formulated ideals, two streams of active energy and two rays [7, 6] predominantly in conflict, thus producing the differing ideologies.
The result of this dualism is the external chaos, the differentiation of the two group ideals into the many human experiments, and the resultant ranging of the entire human family under many banners, which testify to the various viewpoints in the many fields of thought — political, religious, economic, social, educational and philosophical.
The result of all this conflict is, I would tell you, definitely good, and it demonstrates the steady achievement of the Great White Lodge. The consciousness of humanity has been definitely expanded and the whole world of men at this time is thinking.
This is a totally new phenomenon and a fresh experience in the life of the human soul. The first result of all the turmoil has been to shift the focus of human attention on to the mental plane and thereby nearer to the sources of light and love.”14
These clashing ideologies have come to a head once again in this “WWIII” upon the mental plane, threatening to spill out onto the physical plane.
Noteworthy is that Russia has the two rays discussed above as its soul (7) and personality (6) expression of that nation. The USA is of course also a sixth ray personality – hence the diametrically opposed ideologies, fed by the glamours of the sixth ray.
May all nations live in a spirit of peace and goodwill on Earth!
Phillip Lindsay © 2023.
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Books by Phillip Lindsay
- A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p.467. [↩]
- A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p.795. [↩]
- A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p.1143-4. [↩]
- [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. P.409. [↩]
- A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p.1055. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.525. [↩]
- A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p.907. [↩]
- A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p.873. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.259. [↩]
- A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p.580. [↩]
- The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. p.430. [↩]
- Turkey-Syria Earthquake: Is This An Act of Terror? No Evidence Sofar [↩]
- The Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. pp.107-9. [↩]
Astounding and IN–LIGHT–ening, as always!
You mentioned above that………”Meditation groups around the world work regularly at dissolving these clouds.”
As a former Arcane School student and current Buddhist, I am very interested in joining with such a group. We are and have been at a crisis point on this planet leading up to the great Conclave of 2025.
Can you direct me to a group working to dispel the increasing clouds of glamour?
I will reply to you privately Anne.
Atma Namaste. Thank you for your work. It is much appreciated.
Thanks, Phillip – these are topical emphases.
I will add a little, as a geophysicist seismologist, on the subject of lightning. Earthquake lightning is also related to convection and electrical processes within the mantle. The release of stored stress in the Earth’s crust occurs along faults along which this magma rises. Magma itself is highly electrified, because the mantle is a reservoir of circulating electrified matter. It is, you could say, an internal ‘liquid’, a living melt… I think because of it tense aspects with the Moon (ruler of water), Pluto (ruler of the Earth’s core energy) and Uranus (ruler of the systemic electricity) are really determining… And yes, of course, the state of the ionosphere as an intermediary between systemic and terrestrial processes plays a significant role.
Thanks Sveta, excellent observations! Good to know also that you are an astrologer and student/teacher of the ageless wisdom!
Thank you very much for this very nice but difficult artikel
I am 84 years old and wonder if you make horoscope ??
Just wanted to know if I am on the good way now, the past as you understand I know, but like to know if you can see, if mine change give that what I believe in now. and if you are doing things like that what is the price?? if you are not working that way, mine excuse
thank you any way for all the mails I had the last years, very good
regards willem
hello Willem, you can go to this link if you wish to book a reading:
Thank you Phillip. One can not interprete better the actual situation in the world. Let’s hope that all the right workers and servers will have the foreseen effect!
Turkey is in the middle of multipl crisis, both external and internal. Purification and renovation are mandatory, necessary to survive. Turkey is governed by incapability and ignorance for more than ten years, we need an urgent change, immediately. Thank you for your comments and sincerity.
Hello Phillip, great article, nothing is free and the Tibetan Master, in this text that you show us, already tells us where we can currently place the difficulty or the opportunity.
First part of the Text:
“On the maps found in the Archives of the Spiritual Hierarchy, the entire area of the Near East and Europe—Greece, Yugoslavia, Turkey, Palestine, the Arab States, Egypt, and Russia—is under a heavy overshadowing cloud.”
In this first part, the opportunity is for Russia to correctly apply the organizing power of the 7th Ray that governs its Soul in Aquarius above the destructive tendencies of the 6th Ray so present in this geographical area, Russia included.
Second part of the text:
“Can that cloud be dispelled by the correct thinking and planning of Britain, the United States and the majority of the United Nations or must it break out in disaster over the world?”
In this second part, the United Kingdom, USA and the majority of the United Nations have the opportunity to recognize that “inclusive knowledge” is the superior quality of the 2nd Ray. This attitude will leave behind the ideals, personalities and exclusive feelings (6ºR) of their past to achieve a better perception of the superior qualities of the 7º Ray or Russia.
Thanks for sharing
Now that Seymour Hersh has exposed the USA in his article about the Nordstream bombing (which has been completely suppressed in the MSM), it leaves no doubt that USA – through its 6th ray personality aggression and 6th ray glamour of interference in other nations, chose to sabotage the pipeline. This is technically a declaration of war and Russia would be within its rights to respond accordingly but has been very restrained in not doing so. Can we imagine if Russia did something like this to USA?
An American, Hersh exposed other stories like the Mi Lai massacre, has won various awards, including the Pulitzer Prize for journalism, and yet has been buried by the MSM. As this heavy truth emerges, USA is desperately trying to create all sorts of other distractions such as weather balloons and UFO’s.
How America Took Out the Nord Stream Pipeline:
Hello Philip,
Let’s hope that in 2026 with the third return of Uranus (for the USA Horoscope) there will be some important change for this great nation.
Let us remember that the spirit of Abraham Lincoln, the Avatar of Liberty, arose in the first return, and that in the second, after the influence of Roosevelt’s “4 freedoms” speech, the UN was founded.
Let us work so that this third return is perceived from its superior aspect or 2º Ray.
Indeed David,excellent points! Lincoln was a triple Aquarian ruled by Uranus, the 7th ray ruler. It was also the beginning of a 7th ray sub cycle in 1860. It was in 1945, right on the Uranus return that “Christ took over his duties definitely and consciously as teacher and leader in Aquarius solar cycle”. From my article on 2117:
“At the centre of this Triangle the Christ took His stand; from that point His Aquarian work began, and it will continue for two thousand five hundred years. Thus He inaugurated the new era and, upon the inner spiritual planes, the new world religion began to take form.”15
Note that the period mentioned is 2,500 years not 2,160 years, the usual cycle for a zodiac sign’s precession. 2,500 refers to a seventh ray cycle which unfolds over this period and encompasses the zodiacal cycle of Aquarius on the lesser wheel of 2,160:
“… the Lord of the seventh Ray plays a similar part. Herein lies the reason for His inflowing force at this time, for a profound movement is in order of accomplishment, and a transference is in progress which calls for His particular type of energy. A transference is being effected of certain groups of human and deva Monads out of the human kingdom into the fifth or spiritual kingdom. During His cycle of close on two thousand five hundred years, a specific number of men will pass on to the Path of Initiation, and take at least the first Initiation, thus transferring their centres of consciousness out of the purely human into the early stages of the spiritual.”16
Fascinating, thanks for your work Phillip