4 Responses to Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse 2024: Eclipses. Comets. Avatars. Israel. USA’s Historical Solar Eclipse and Chiron Return. Baltimore.

  1. Beautifully balanced, clear information delivered in your inimitable humourous style Phillip! Thank you so much; where would we be without your wisdom?

  2. Angela says:

    The New York City area had a relatively rare earth tremor of 4.8 magnitude, when Devil Comet was close to its maximum magnitude on April 5. Could this be an harbinger for further activity on or after the new moon solar eclipse? Time will tell. This tremor occurred in the middle of the UN Security Council’s deliberation on Israel. Perhaps the Manu was saying, “Come on, sort yourselves out, I am not pleased with these delays!”


  3. Michael Harding says:

    The president of “Save the Children” was speaking when the tremor hit.

  4. Lyn says:

    Interesting & timely overview – thanks!

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