Aries#2, 2019: Easter. New Zealand’s Jacinda. Bach. Brexit. Attenborough. Goodall. Assange. Netanyahu. Apocalypse.
Sunrise at Giza: The Sun is exalted in Aries – the new dawn each day heralds a new beginning, a new exploration into the mystery of life.
Aries Keynote
“I come forth and from the plane of mind, I rule.”
(Full Moon: April 19, 2019. 11.12 am. UT.)
Aries, First of Three Spiritual Festivals
Easter, Resurrection and Renunciation
New Zealand Sounds the Note
Jacinda Ardern: World Server
Brexit Debacle/Decision
Johann Sebastian Bach: Aries Pioneer
Sir David Attenborough: Nature’s Domain
Dame Jane Goodall: Aries Scientist and UN Ambassador
Benjamin Netanyahu Wins – Again
Julian Assange Arrest
Pluto in Capricorn Reveals Black Hole Powehi
Apocalypse Now
Sealing the Door Where Evil Dwells
Notre Dame: The Soul of Paris
Personal Note: Travel to the Americas
Aries, First of Three Spiritual Festivals
It is the beginning of the spiritual new year once again, where the cycle renews itself in Aries, with the first of three annual spiritual festivals – Aries, Taurus and Gemini, establishing an aspect of the Planetary Plan – the Divine Blueprint that is constantly precipitating into human consciousness. The year of 2019 is unique however, it is a rare blue moon – two full moon festivals with the Sun in Aries – the first one coincided with the equinox on March 21.
Hence, there are actually four, instead of three foundational festivals this year, lending particular importance to the new orientation which Aries represents. Four is the number of the square or foundation, and if right orientation is achieved by Humanity, then the next twelve months will be deeply transformative. One world event that ensured a new orientation was the appalling massacre in New Zealand and the remarkable response of the nation’s prime minister. Aries’ theme is about the emergence of the subtle idea, patterned and programmed in the ethers, that will eventually manifest upon the outer plane:

Birth of Ideas, Chapman. Note the Sun radiating its creative force.
“Aries is the place where the initial idea to institute activity takes form. It is the birthplace of ideas, and a true idea is in reality a spiritual impulse taking form—subjective and objective.”1
The three signs of Aries, Taurus and Gemini function as a triangle of subjective energies that condition the remainder of the year – the initial precipitation from Aries, its anchoring in earthy Taurus and its dissemination in Gemini. Tuning into these zodiac qualities through reflection, group meditation and service will reward the enquirer.
Aries – Easter Festival, the Festival of the Risen Christ.
Taurus – Wesak Festival, the Festival of the Buddha or of Illumination.
Gemini – Festival of Unification – unifying East-West, carried forward by the Christ.
Easter, Resurrection and Renunciation
Aries is the first of three festivals for the spiritual new year, celebrated in the West during Easter, the first Sun-day (Sun exalted in Aries) after the Aries full moon:
“The Festival of Easter. This is the festival of the risen, living Christ, the Teacher of all men and the Head of the Spiritual Hierarchy. He is the Expression of the Love of God. On this day the Spiritual Hierarchy which He guides and directs will be recognised, and the nature of God’s love will be emphasised. This festival is determined always by the date of the first Full Moon of spring, and is the great Western and Christian festival.”2

The Cosmic Christ (Alex Grey)
The One who holds the Office of the Christ, also known as Lord Maitreya, is the exemplar of the second ray of Love-Wisdom, the primary force conditioning this planet, and toward which all of humanity seeks to express. By over-shadowing his disciple Jesus 2,000 years ago, the Christ implemented the Age of Pisces, an avatar for its themes of compassion, love-wisdom, forgiveness and sacrifice.
Some of those lessons were learnt but much of the Christian message was distorted by the development of Churchianity and the concentration of wealth and power in the Catholic Church. (See last month’s newsletter on the Catholic Church.) In particular, a “bleeding Jesus” on the cross has been emphasised, as opposed to the true message of the initiation that The Christ took, the Resurrection:
“Resurrection is the keynote of nature; death is not. Death is only the ante-chamber of resurrection. Resurrection is the clue to the world of meaning, and is the fundamental theme of all the world religions—past, present and the future. Resurrection of the spirit in man, in all forms, in all kingdoms, is the objective of the entire evolutionary process and this involves liberation from materialism and selfishness. In that resurrection, evolution and death are only preparatory and familiar stages.
The note and message sounded by the Christ when last on Earth was resurrection, but so morbid has been mankind and so enveloped in glamour and illusion, that His death has been permitted to sidestep understanding; consequently, for centuries, the emphasis has been laid upon death, and only on Easter Day or in the cemeteries is the resurrection acclaimed. This must change. It is not helpful to a progressive understanding of the eternal verities to have this condition perpetuated. The Hierarchy is today dedicated to bringing about this change and thus altering the approach of mankind to the world of the unseen and to the spiritual realities.”3
The distortion of original messages came about through the influence of Pisces and the sixth ray of devotion and idealism, ruled by Mars, creating militancy in religion – particularly Christianity and Islam. The Master Jesus is now the Chohan or custodian of the sixth ray force and is said to occupy one of the most strife-torn areas upon the planet:
“The Master Jesus, Who is the focal point of the energy that flows through the various Christian churches, is at present living in a Syrian body, and dwells in a certain part of the Holy Land. He travels much and passes considerable time in various parts of Europe. He works specially with masses more than with individuals, though He has gathered around Him quite a numerous body of pupils.
… He Himself is rather a martial figure, a disciplinarian, and a man of iron rule and will. He is tall and spare with rather a long thin face, black hair, pale complexion and piercing blue eyes. His work at this time is exceedingly responsible, for to Him is given the problem of steering the thought of the occident out of its present state of unrest into the peaceful waters of certitude and knowledge, and of preparing the way in Europe and America for the eventual coming of the World Teacher.”4
Whilst Christ was touching upon The Resurrection (7th degree initiation), He was overshadowing his disciple Jesus who was simultaneously undergoing the fourth initiation (The Renunciation or Crucifixion) – the ultimate goal for all of humanity. As a student of occultism or as an aspirant to the Mysteries, it is important to understand the esotericism of the Bible5 because:
1. It is what most of the West has grown up and familiar.
2. Free thinkers have rejected the Bible and its inner teachings because of how Churchianity has rendered them dull and lifeless, contradicted, or demanded a submission to its ‘authority’.
3. The life of Jesus is as important as any other outstanding initiate in religious traditions such as the Buddha, Zoroaster or Sankaracharya. Uranus is the hierarchical or highest ruler of Aries and indicates the origin of ideation, of “divine thought”, the so-called, raincloud of knowable things:
“Uranus leads the soul to the burning ground during the final stages of the Path, when the fire of Aries and the fires engendered through the potency of Uranus produce the flaming heat of the final burning ground. Through this burning ground, the initiate has finally to pass.”6
The “final stages of the Path” is a direct reference to the fourth initiation – where liberation is achieved. The very rare candidate (at this point in time), for this exalted initiation – renounces all and sacrifices the soul upon the cross of matter:
“The life of the man who takes the fourth initiation, or the Crucifixion, is usually one of great sacrifice and suffering. It is the life of the man who makes the Great Renunciation, and even exoterically it is seen to be strenuous, hard, and painful. He has laid all, even his perfected personality, upon the altar of sacrifice, and stands bereft of all. All is renounced, friends, money, reputation, character, standing in the world, family, and even life itself.”7
The life of Jesus is an outstanding example of what humanity can achieve – possessed of an unambiguous loving kindness, wisdom, sacrifice and an unshakeable will. In the words of another great initiate St. Paul, “Unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.” Because of the nature of evolution, the testings for initiation are increased, parallel to Humanity’s evolving expansion of consciousness; fully recognising this fact, Jesus said,
“Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.”8 The “Father” is the monadic consciousness attained at the fourth initiation when the causal body of the soul is destroyed after aeons of serving as a mediating principle between pure spirit and matter: “Then disintegration or destruction ensues; the causal body vanishes in a blaze of electrical fire, and the real “man” or self is abstracted from the three world-bodies.”9
During these two full moon festivals of Aries 2019, there is much to reflect upon in Aries – with its short-term orientations and ultimate achievements of long term goals – represented by another sign of the cardinal cross, Capricorn. Between Aries and Capricorn lies a nine-month gestation period whereby the new ideas and orientations develop and come to fruition.
Jacinda Ardern Sounds New Zealand’s Soul Note
New Zealand is esoterically a Gemini soul with a Virgo personality10 – the latter quality invoking images of the “Virgin goddess clothed in green” – regarding the pristine, natural beauty of its land. The second ray of Love-Wisdom is the only ray to pass through Gemini and is hypothetically regarded as New Zealand’s soul ray . When writing an analysis of this nation fifteen years ago, the author stated:

The Dalai Lama said: “I really admire the New Zealand prime minister, that lady. She is wonderful. So, that is a living example, and everyone can learn from that.”
“Right communication or speech (part of the Buddha’s ‘Eightfold Noble Path’) is the underlying principle and secret of the Love-Wisdom principle of Ray Two that pours through Gemini, and of Gemini itself. Gemini is pre-eminently a sign of relationships, with an ability to find a point ‘in common’ with most other living beings. To truly communicate at a deep heart level is to ‘engage’ the other party in dialogue that seeks to listen and learn – that is open and mutable enough to change and refine ideas if necessary, hence perfecting the jewels of mind and heart.”11
Gemini is intimately associated with the etheric body – hence Gemini’s impressionability and close connection to its immediate environment:
“Gemini…is related to the etheric body; it is the custodian of conditioning energy and the intermediary, as far as basic essentials are concerned, between soul and body.”12
Venus is the soul ruler of Gemini and is placed in this sign in Ardern’s horoscope, nominating her as spokesperson for NZ’s soul. In NZ’s (exoteric) 1947 Independence chart, Venus resides in Sagittarius opposite Uranus and Ardern’s Venus in Gemini – providing skills for unique, independent and innovative ways of relating, based upon higher principles. (See the tri-wheel horoscope below.) Continuing on from the previous quote,
“Venus in Sagittarius is outgoing and friendly, with a love of sensation and partying. (Ardern was once a DJ.) For New Zealand to demonstrate the principle of right relationship is to make sure her own house is in order. Reconciliation with the Maori people is ongoing … There are also many other ethnic groups all in need of assimilation and integration into the nation.”13
The tragedy of the mosque massacre in Christchurch shone a global spotlight upon the New Zealand prime minister, through her inspired leadership. Ardern maintained a calm clarity, powerful poise and presence, eloquence and reassurance – during a harrowing and traumatic period. She stated as she has always done throughout her life – that New Zealand is a nation of compassion – one of the attributes of the second ray of Love-Wisdom.
In a recent article, Ardern was described as a “lioness” – the author most likely unaware that Ardern is a Leo sun, one of the primary signs of leadership – “queen of her domain”. Ardern’s shining Leonine example renders to the shade some of the most appalling political leaders the world has currently seen – as the article link above states, “donkeys”.
The author has always considered Sagittarius rising apt for Ardern’s ascendant, due mainly to her big row of horsey front teeth (!), but also other factors such as her idealism and Neptune’s presence that endows her with a powerful mystique and beauty. (She also has similarities to American politician and Sagittarius rising, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.) Sagittarius rising is confirmed by New Zealand astrologer Graham Ibell’s great rectification work.14 Of course, it is possible that she is another rising sign, but all evidence thus far points to Sagittarius.
Sagittarius ruler Jupiter is the most elevated planet in Ardern’s horoscope, in the tenth house of career. Currently, Ardern’s progressed Sun in Virgo makes an exact conjunction to natal Jupiter – where it has been “in orb of influence” for the past two years. Sun and Jupiter are both the co-rulers of the second ray of Love-Wisdom, quite possibly her soul ray, aligned to NZ’s hypothetical second ray soul. After the mass shooting, the world witnessed a soul on fire with Love-Wisdom – but also a steely resolve and implacable will, indicating perhaps the presence of the first ray, a useful force in the ray make-up of politicians.
Transiting Jupiter has been crossing Ardern’s Sagittarius ascendant since mid-February and will make two more passes in June and October 2019, propelling her toward more opportunities for soul expression and setting an example for the world at large. New Zealand’s 1947 horoscope has some synastry with Ardern and the shooting event, notably Venus in Sagittarius that falls on Ardern’s ascendant-Neptune – to which transiting Jupiter was making an exact conjunction on that fateful day.
Tri-wheel: New Zealand 1947, Jacinda Ardern, Christchurch shooting.
In the tri-wheel of NZ, Ardern and the shooting, can be seen the line-up along the Sagittarius-Gemini axis. In Sagittarius – transiting Jupiter, progressed Jupiter, solar arc Neptune and natal Venus. In Gemini – progressed Ascendant and natal Uranus. This heavily emphasised axis is squared by Sun and Mercury in Pisces in the event chart.

He does have a name and a history, Brenton Tarrant. One of Tarrant’s influences was mass murderer Anders Brevik who slaughtered 77 people in Norway, in 2011. (See the author’s analysis here.)
The ominous date of the Ides of March (15th) and its theme of assassination (Julius Caesar), was eerily resurrected by the slaughter of fifty people. In the event horoscope, the Sun and Mercury were on the midheaven in Pisces – dominating the horoscope, representing the past age of Pisces from which humanity is passing – and all its redundant attitudes.
In the shooting event chart, Gemini was rising – the soul sign of New Zealand. Mercury, its ruler was retrograde and conjunct the sun in tenth house, square to Jupiter in Sagittarius – there is the distorted ideology of the gunman driven to this desperate act. The position of Mars in Taurus, “adds constantly to the naturally warlike nature of Taurus”.
Not much is known about the shooter, former fitness instructor Brenton Tarrant, born in either 1990 or 1991 – a Pluto in Scorpio generation with Uranus and Neptune in Capricorn, also possibly Saturn. At 28 years of age, he is about to enter his first Saturn return. His grandmother remarked,
“He spent most of his time on computers and learning the ins and outs of computers and playing games on computers. I don’t think girlfriends were on the agenda” – explaining that talking to girls was “too hard”. It’s only since he travelled overseas I think that that boy has changed completely to the boy we knew.”15

A global tragedy: Pakistani Christians hold special prayer services for the victims of Christchurch mosques shooting, in Lahore, Pakistan.
People also reported that Tarrant had become addicted to violent video games – even choosing to wet himself instead of taking a break. A family member said: “He had no outside interests other than that. He used to play computer games all day and night, and they were especially violent ones.”
Here is a pattern that has been repeated in other mass shootings, where the shooter is detached from reality as if in a video game, marching through the whole event like a programmed robot. (Indeed, there has been speculation that Tarrant was the victim of mind-control from some nefarious agency.) Incredulously, Tarrant live-streamed is heinous act to Facebook. The video game addiction is also indicative of the obsessiveness of Pluto in Scorpio, especially if it is linked by aspect to important placements in his horoscope, such as the Sun or Moon.
Often in the horoscopes of mass murderers or serial killers, the sign of Sagittarius the hunter is prominent. For instance, a speculative 18 November 1990 horoscope has Moon-Mercury in Sagittarius, with Sun-Pluto conjunction in Scorpio. Saturn is at 21 degrees in this chart, as it is now by transit – Tarrant will be dealing with the full weight of the law (Saturn). But I emphasise, this is a speculative date and the true date may never be made known, for whatever reasons.
Brexit Debacle/Decision
“To the shock of many, Brexit has revealed a country they long looked up to, locked in a narrative of its own exceptionalism, talking mainly to itself, incoherent, entitled, incapable of compromise (with itself or its neighbours), wholly unrealistic, and startlingly ignorant of the workings of an organisation it has belonged to for nearly 50 years.”16
As stated in the recent newsletter for Capricorn 2018, Neptune’s transit has been one of the main culprits in Britain’s 1801 horoscope and perfectly describes the confusion and chaos – reflected in the article link above, about the European consensus on Brexit:
“Transiting Neptune has been approaching a square to Britain’s idealistic and intuitive Mercury in Sagittarius since early 2018. The mass effect of Neptune has its point of least and lowest resistance in creating confusion and deception in the nation’s thought processes (Mercury).
Essentially it created a misplaced idealism, but also a deliberate hoax by the Brexiteers – the British people had “the wool pulled over their eyes”, a typical lower Neptune deception. This transit will progress to exact aspects by April and September 2019, with the final hit in February 2020; however, Neptune will remain “in orb” of influence throughout 2020.
Amplifying the whole process is transiting Jupiter on its 12-year cycle conjoining Mercury, passing twice more in late June and late September 2019. Bear in mind that Jupiter is the ruler of Britain’s second ray soul and is transiting through its own sign Sagittarius at the moment.

Theresa May and Donald Tusk. Tusk has been an important stabilising figure as president of the European Council.
With the emphasis so powerfully on this Sagittarius position, whose theme is seeking truth, there is a possibility that the scales of deception may slough away. Hence, the same negative effects of this Neptune transit might still stay in play, but there is the potential of newer, higher ideals precipitating through the tension of Neptune squaring Mercury in Sagittarius – that could “seize the day” and propel Britain in a new direction. Especially with the presence of transiting Jupiter’s influence in Sagittarius.”
As noted in this same newsletter, transiting Pluto opposite Britain’s Cancer moon was the other big transit from 2016 to 2019, breaking down and destroying old traditions and Britain’s clinging to its past. Neptune is the esoteric ruler of Cancer and hence the Pluto and Neptune transits are connected.
Now that the Pluto transit has been completed, transiting Saturn takes over with its opposition to Britain’s Cancer moon, hopefully consolidating and helping to rebuild in a new way, what Pluto has destroyed. One of the “new ways” to do that is to be a catalyst in the reform of the European Union. This Saturn transit will make three passes in 2019 – March, June and December.
The most positive factor through this amazing farce, is the fracturing of both political parties into their various ideologies and hence a breakdown of the old political system. Here again is the regenerating work of Pluto. And so the circus continues and it would be great entertainment if the situation was not so serious: ““There are people who regard it as great television,” said Bobby McDonagh, a former ambassador to London. “But it isn’t funny.”
London is the throat chakra (mind) for the West, therefore confusion generated within its governing body at Westminster, contributes to maya and illusion globally. Nevertheless, the Brexit issue not only highlights Britain’s problems but its membership of a much larger body, the European Union. If Britain chooses eventually to remain in the EU, then it has the potential to be an agent of change within that corrupted body.
In this respect, the synastry of the Eurozone horoscope with Britain is also quite revealing – like Britain, it also has Mercury in Sagittarius, a few degrees ahead of Britain. Hence, the Eurozone will be subject to the same transit square from Neptune in Pisces for the next several years! (April 2020 to December 2022.) Before that however, it will be transited by Jupiter in Sagittarius which will help new orientations and principles emerge.
Synastry of Britain, Britain’s progressed chart, The Eurozone and current long term transits 2019.
To recapitulate the key transits in the chart above:
1. Transiting Neptune still squaring Britain’s Mercury in Sagittarius.
2. Transiting Jupiter conjunct Mercury in Sagittarius – on and off until October 2019.
3. Transiting Saturn opposite Britain’s Moon in Cancer – March, June and December 2019. (Just after the recent Pluto transit.)
4. Transiting Uranus square Jupiter in Leo. Jupiter rules Britain’s 2nd ray soul and Leo is the soul of London. In orb all of 2019.
5. Transiting Mars on its two year cycle will activate Britain’s Mercury in Sagittarius around April 24-27. May well be a crisis week.
Johann Sebastian Bach
“To strip human nature until its divine attributes are made clear, to inform ordinary activities with spiritual fervor, to give wings of eternity to that which is most ephemeral; to make divine things human and human things divine; such is Bach, the greatest and purest moment in music of all time.” Pablo Casals.
Whilst the sun is still passing through Aries on its annual cycle, approaching the second Aries full moon period (blue moon April 19, 2019), it is timely to reflect upon one great Aries pioneer in music – Johann Sebastian Bach. His birth time is disputed, hence ascendant is in doubt, but Cancer rising is one of the best choices – because in part of the enormous family he created, and of course the mystical visionary aspect of Cancer’s esoteric ruler, Neptune.
“Johann Sebastian Bach is considered by many to be the greatest composer ever produced by Western civilization. He was the complete master of his musical craft, and knew the deep secrets of harmony and counterpoint as none before or after him. He knew with unparalleled profundity, the mathematics of music; yet for all his technical/quantitative expertise, he composed music of surpassing beauty and poignancy.”17
Students will note the presence of Moon-Neptune, the exoteric and esoteric rulers respectively of his soul purpose Cancer; these planets are closely conjunct in Pisces at the midheaven – and trine to his Cancer ascendant, reflecting his musical inspiration; they fall opposite Saturn in earthy Virgo, bringing his celestial visions into form. Virgo is noted as the writer of language, and musical notation is certainly an exceptional and exotic language, very precise and detailed. Saturn is the mind, most discriminating, disciplined and detailed in Virgo.
Saturn in Virgo is encapsulated in one of Bach’s quotes: “I was obliged to work hard. Whoever is equally industrious will succeed just as well.” Saturn is exactly square to Mars in Sagittarius, another point of tension that must have driven Bach’s musical inspiration “onward and upward”. The Pisces polarity is further emphasised by the presence of Venus (exalted) and Mercury in Pisces in his tenth house of career.
Dame Jane Goodall: Aries Scientist and UN Ambassador
Jane Goodall an English primatologist, ethologist, anthropologist and UN Messenger of Peace; the world’s foremost expert on chimpanzees, best known for her pioneering 45-year study of social and family interactions of wild chimpanzees in Gombe Stream National Park, Tanzania. She is the founder of the Jane Goodall Institute and has worked extensively on conservation and animal welfare issues.
Goodall has a lot of fire in her horoscope with Sun, Mars and Uranus in Aries – and Sagittarius rising with the Moon. Both Aries and Sagittarius are signs of adventure and exploration. The qualities of Sagittarius (her soul purpose), no doubt impelled her to travel extensively to Africa where she conducted her main studies, outdoors in nature.
“I don’t have any idea of who or what God is. But I do believe in some great spiritual power. I feel it particularly when I’m out in nature. It’s just something that’s bigger and stronger than what I am or what anybody is. I feel it. And it’s enough for me.”18
It was also this fiery aspiring Sagittarian nature that propelled her toward high academic achievement – a PHD at Cambridge university, without any previous science degree. Sagittarius ruler Jupiter is placed in Libra, in poised counterpoint to her Aries placements, and is the perfect position for a UN peace ambassador. The presence of Chiron in Gemini opposite Moon and rising sign in Sagittarius, is arguably one of the main factors that could be attributed to her study of chimpanzees, social orders and communications.
Sir David Attenborough: Nature’s Domain
Its a coincidence to have two British people deeply involved in nature, following one after the other! In fact, Goodall and Attenborough are known as the “Tarzan and Jane of the animal world.”
At 92 years of age, David Attenborough continues to astound and out-do his previous works in his latest series, “Our Planet”. When you think that you have seen all of his work, then this blows the rest away. Awe-inspiring, profoundly beautiful and thrilling – coming far more from an ecological viewpoint, in preserving the fragile balance of the planet. Many oohs, aahs and gasps – especially from some of the drone footage and other film techniques.
DA’s time of birth is unknown, but given his pioneering work for the last 60 years, he could be awarded an “honorary Aries rising”, commensurate with Goodall’s Aries placements. He does have Venus, Mercury and Chiron in Aries however. The Sun is in earthy Taurus with revolutionary and scientifically oriented Aquarius/Jupiter rising.
His proposed Aquarian ascendant is powerful (Rectification by Starkman), with esoteric ruler Jupiter sitting right on the rising sign – in this rectified version. The presence of Jupiter rising here might explain why this author has always thought of him as a Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius rising (again, like Goodall), traveling to the ends of the Earth on his documentary missions. All of his presentations raise the viewer up into a higher realm, a broader and more inclusive view.
Aquarius rising is a conduit for the 5th ray of science, the only ray to pass through this sign. Many Aquarius rising people are scientists or engineers and so it is quite possible DA has a 5th ray mind, living of course, in a strongly 5th ray city/nation. (London a 5th ray soul.) He won a scholarship to Clare College, Cambridge in 1945, where he studied geology and zoology and obtained a degree in natural sciences.
Attenborough’s deep involvement in the BBC’s programming and administration is also connected to his Aquarian ascendant, an air sign of mass communications. Uranus as exoteric ruler of Aquarius is placed in Pisces conjunct his Moon, giving him his unique and original slant on life, underscored by a deep compassion. The combination of Aquarius and Pisces elements have allowed DA to reach the world on a massive scale. If Aquarius is the sign of the World Server, then David Attenborough is certainly one, and quite likely an initiate.
Benjamin Netanyahu Wins – Again
“Credit belongs in part to his own mastery of politics’ dark arts. At Likud HQ, his supporters hailed him as a “magician”, and it is true that there is no more able sorcerer when it comes to playing on the prejudices and fears of his base.”19
Netanyahu’s time of birth is in doubt, he is either Scorpio or Sagittarius rising – there are good arguments for both.20 If Sagittarius rising, then its ruler Jupiter in Capricorn (square his Libran Sun), is currently transited by Pluto, planet of power, of the subterranean and “dark sorcery”.
This transit will continue all the way to the end of 2020, followed by transiting Saturn and Jupiter in Capricorn. Likewise, transiting Jupiter in Sagittarius ia adding support by currently trining his Mars in Leo (very close to Israel’s Mars in Leo.) Recent concessions by the USA to Israel has not helped the Palestinian cause either. Trump recognised Israel’s 1981 annexation of the Golan Heights after getting a “quick history lesson”. Yes, that sounds about right! Noted philosopher Noam Chomsky states on Democracy Now,
“Now, the Netanyahu victory, as I mentioned before, solidifies an alliance that is being—that has been developed, that’s been—parts of it have been kind of undercover for years, not formal, but functioning, now coming into the open, of the most reactionary Arab states—primarily Saudi Arabia, one of the most reactionary states in the world; Egypt, under the Sisi dictatorship, the worst dictatorship in Egypt’s history; the United Arab Emirates, similar; Israel, right in the center of it. It’s part of the international right-wing alliance system, the international reactionary, ultra-nationalist alliance system that’s taking shape with the U.S. leadership, a kind of a new global system that’s developing. South America, under Bolsonaro, is another part of it.”

Assange making a verbal statement whilst being forcibly dragged from the embassy. In his hand he holds a copy of Gore Vidal’s book, “History of the National Security State” – which focuses on the historical events that led to the establishment of the massive military-industrial-security complex.
Julian Assange Arrest
Past analyses of Julian Assange and Wikileaks:
Julian Assange & Wikileaks (Pt. 1/2. 2010)
Julian Assange: His Horoscope and Rays (Pt. 2/2. 2010.)
Julian Assange Update, Moon in Scorpio (2011)
Julian Assange’s Pluto square Uranus Crisis (2012)
Julian Assange: Sagittarius Soul Purpose (2018)
In the latter 2018 newsletter, there was a discussion of the Saturn transit that Assange will experience for most of 2019:
“Now transiting Saturn is approaching the seven-year square to itself in 2019, culminating in January 2020 – when Saturn and Pluto make their widely anticipated conjunction. That date could be a period, where if he is arrested and imprisoned by the USA, that he is released or pardoned, as was his confidante Chelsea Manning recently.”
But of course since this was written, Manning has been re-incarcerated. Love or hate him, Assange is a divisive figure – at the heart of the misinformation mill with competing propaganda’s that have sought to portray him as a folk hero or a villain. USA is not the only nation that Wikileaks has exposed, equally so many other nations, including China and Russia – the latter, about 800,000 documents. Since Assange’s arrest on April 11, Wikileaks created a massive file dump, perusal of which shows the variety of their exposures.

Chelsea Manning, pardoned by Obama after six years in prison, now cruelly re-incarcerated by the Trump administration in solitary confinement.
Nations and newspapers have used this vast information without giving credit to the source (such as The Guardian), whilst in many cases vilifying Assange. The whole event is turning into quite a spectacle and a (welcome?) distraction from the Brexit crisis – or complication in further fracturing the parties.
Further revelations may emerge if Assange goes to trial. Coincidentally, Assange shares Sagittarius rising with Netanyahu – both their rising signs are in doubt – Scorpio or Sagittarius. Note that the time of birth is for 3 pm – usually birth times on the hour have been “rounded up” to the hour and the time is often earlier.
A recent rectification by one astrologer, places the rising sign at 29 Scorpio 57′, closely conjunct Jupiter in Scorpio and close to the cusp of Sagittarius. (See comments section at the bottom of this link.) Hence, the time of birth for that Scorpio degree would be 2.52.12 pm. In this respect, Assange is a true “cusper”. Neptune is rising in both charts, having considerable influence in Sagittarius – his high idealism and search for the truth, aided by the powerful presence of the conjunction to Jupiter in Scorpio. Assange also has the Moon in Scorpio, the sign of testing and trials for the second initiation. Whether that is Assange’s stage of unfoldment is unknown – his road has been arduous and may become even more so.
Assange has had to muster a lot of courage in not only disseminating material at risk to his life, but also to stay the course for his confinement in the Ecuador embassy. Perhaps his progressed Sun in Leo (courage) has aided that process, overcoming the natural reserve of his Cancer sun, a sign related to imprisonment.
Julian Assange: The Sagittarius rising chart.
On the day of Assange’s arrest and eviction (April 11, 2019), Sagittarius ruler Jupiter, opposed Assange’s Venus in Gemini, arguably the source of inspiration for his communications organisation, Wikileaks. In the Wikileaks horoscope, Assange’s Venus in Gemini is opposite Pluto in Sagittarius – so both planets will be activated by truth-telling Jupiter for most of 2019. Additionally, Chelsea Manning’s stellium of planets in Sagittarius (Sun, Uranus, Saturn, Mercury) opposite her Chiron in Gemini – straddle the Assange-Wikileaks positions. (See multi-wheel chart below.)
Transiting Pluto is also opposite Assange’s Mercury in Cancer, teasing out the truth and, at the same degree as USA’s Mercury in Cancer – indicating major revelations if he ever gets to trial in the USA – that the US government may not have anticipated. Or Assange may make a deal in return for one thing or another. The Sabian symbol for the 25th degree of Cancer is, “A leader of men wrapped in an invisible mantle of power.”
Pluto is the co-ruler of a hypothetical Scorpio rising chart and Mercury is the hierarchical ruler of that sign. This opposition will continue to the end of 2021 for both Assange and the USA, indicating that there is much more to emerge and that there most likely be a great struggle – a battle of ideologies. For the USA, it is the first time it has experienced this transit and just before its first 248 year Pluto return. Hence Pluto will be breaking down many of the USA’s preciously held conceptions about itself, the homeland (Cancer) about its leadership in the world etc. It appears that Assange is currently a convenient scapegoat for the USA to blame and ignore its past indiscretions.
“Wikileaks could become as important a journalistic tool as the Freedom of Information Act.” – Time Magazine.
In 2010, the author stated the following about the Wikileaks horoscope:
“Wikileaks is a Libra Sun with Venus and Mars also in Libra. The aforementioned third ray of active intelligence is the only ray given as passing through Libra, providing a good interface for its expression in the computer-internet world. One could perhaps apply the Libran term ‘fair and balanced’, as a more accurate description than what FOX news claims! Libra is very much about the law and justice, one of the stated aims of the organisation.
Virgo rising sign indicates a fastidious approach to ‘redacting’ and releasing documents, as well as Wikileaks ‘working behind the scenes’. The Pisces Moon also alludes to this latter theme as well Wikileaks/Assange’s secretive, elusive nature. Pisces Moon is also about sensitive secrets and their dissemination to the masses.
Mercury in Scorpio is one of the keys to the investigative side of Wikileaks, like a deep sea diver upon the ocean floor bringing to the surface that which is obscured. Mercury trines the Moon in Pisces conjunct Uranus, indicating a ‘psychic and highly intuitive sense’. Likewise, Jupiter’s placement in Scorpio on the point of a T-square to Saturn in Leo and Neptune in Aquarius. Jupiter at this point of tension indicates that what’s revealed is vast!
Scorpio ruler Pluto, sits in Sagittarius conjunct the galactic centre and the IC of the horoscope, another very powerful signature for the depth of revelation possible. The transit of Pluto through Sagittarius was all about the breakdown of old ideas, religious systems, ethics and outworn principles. It seems now since Pluto has entered Capricorn, that this shattering of the old forms is starting to physically manifest.”
Now in 2019, as delineated on the multi-wheel below, Wikileaks Pluto is being transited by Jupiter for most of 2019, a powerful factor for revealing the truth for which Jupiter and Sagittarius are the traditional champions. The synastries between these four charts are extraordinary – Assange, Wikileaks, Manning and transits.
The red circle in the diagram encompasses the Wikileaks Pluto in the 2nd wheel, all of Manning’s closely-knit Sagittarius placements in the 3rd wheel, and the Jupiter transit in the 4th outer wheel. Opposite lies Assange’s Venus in Gemini, Wikileaks midheaven and Manning’s Chiron in Gemini. If ever there was a portrait of a close collaboration in disseminating the truth, here it is.
(Curiously, the NSA whistle blower, Edward Snowden, has his Sun, Mars and Neptune clustered around this same Gemini axis. Like Assange, Snowden also has his Moon in Scorpio.)
Additionally, there is the Virgo-Pisces axis that creates a grand cross: Manning’s north-south nodes in Pisces-Virgo. Wikileaks Virgo ascendant. Assange’s Pluto in Virgo. Whilst opposite there are several current transits in Pisces that have been triggers for the latest arrest event; especially Gemini-Virgo ruler Mercury on Assange’s arrest day, activating the entire grand cross from 23 Pisces 25′. Note also, the presence of transiting Mars in Gemini on its two year cycle, about to activate this grand cross in the next few weeks (early May). Similar to the afore-mentioned Mars transit of the British chart, this transit is sure to create some conflict and drama, bringing all the issues into a finer focus.
Inner to outer wheels: Assange, Wikileaks, Chelsea Manning, transits.
The main contention since Assange’s arrest, and which has been building for several years – is the freedom of the press. As Assange’s lawyer tweeted: “This sets a dangerous precedent … any journalist can be extradited for prosecution in the US for having published truthful information about the US.”
Now, in the middle of the Brexit crisis, Jeremy Corbyn makes the case for no deportation of Assange, whilst many British MP’s from both parties are petitioning for Assange’s extradition to Sweden, to respond to recently-revived charges of rape. Assange has now become a “spanner in the works” of Brexit and is an ongoing thorn in the side of the USA. British Labour Party leader, Jeremy Corbyn, states on the Common Dreams website:
“And we should recall what WikiLeaks actually disclosed: Who can forget the Pentagon video footage of a missile attack in 2007 in Iraq, which killed 18 civilians and two Reuters journalists? It is the monumental amount of leaks such as this that lifted the veil on U.S.-led military operation in a variety of theaters, none of which have produced a favorable outcome [for] the people of those countries. Julian Assange is not being pursued to protect U.S. national security. He is being pursued because he has exposed wrongdoing by U.S. administrations and their military forces.”
“As Common Dreams reported Thursday, some American reporters and talking heads on cable news shows suggested that because the charge is tied to an alleged “computer hacking conspiracy,” Assange’s possible extradition poses no threat to journalism. However, critics argue the charge is part of a ploy by the Trump administration to punish Assange for publishing classified information about the U.S. wars in Iraq and Afghanistan—provided by Army whistleblower Chelsea Manning, who remains jailed for refusing to testify before a grand jury—and that extraditing Assange “would set a dangerous precedent for journalists everywhere.””
Daniel Ellsberg is an Aries Sun-Uranus conjunction with the Moon in Sagittarius; he was the original whistleblower via the Pentagaon Papers (Secrets about US mischief in Vietnam and south-east Asia); he made some revealing comments about the current situation in an interview with Democracy Now:
“They [USA] couldn’t really force Ecuador to break the norm of international asylum here by handing him [Assange] over. They couldn’t force Britain. Obviously both of those were induced by various incentives. My guess would be in the case of Moreno that he’s involved in debt relief. And the U.S., the great creditor nation here–although it’s actually a debtor nation altogether.
But they’re able to bring the kind of pressure on Ecuador that caused essentially a lawless action here which threatens everyone in asylum. Everyone in the world. The people in this country who have been granted political asylum, people in Britain, and certainly in Ecuador. So that’s–that’s very ominous. The British have had a long history here of servility, basically, with respect to their ally the United States, and again, are not too concerned, I think, about law.”
Indeed, MintPressNews reports that Ecuador received $4.2 billion from the IMF (International Monetary Fund), a week before Assange’s arrest: “President Lenin Moreno confirmed that the country will receive an additional $6 billion in loans from various institutions, including the World Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank.” Ellsberg also said,
“So I do think that having induced the British to arrest him forcibly, as just happened, indicates that they [USA] will go the extra mile in violating, as I say, international norms by violating his immunity, and his asylum, and then shipping off to the U.S. In my day, his case would have been almost sure to be dismissed by the Supreme Court, on grounds of violating the First Amendment.
But that was a different Supreme Court, 40 years ago. And this court I don’t think at all he could count on to defend the Supreme Court, or much else, in the Bill of Rights. I think a great deal is at risk nowadays, especially with the last couple of appointments that Trump has made. But before that, as well.”
In the horoscopes of Assange, Manning and Ellsberg, the presence of Uranus the revolutionary is potent. Assange has Sun square Uranus, whilst both Manning and Ellsberg have Sun conjunct Uranus.
Pluto in Capricorn reveals Powehi
The transit of Pluto through Capricorn keeps revealing that which was previously hidden – secrets, the abuse of power, conspiracies and now a probing, penetrating science that has created an image of a black hole. Indeed, Powehi (“‘the adorned fathomless dark creation'”), could be a name applied to Pluto to a lesser degree – who rules over the hidden realms, the darkness. Pluto represents the black hole that leads into his underworld and incidentally rules the base chakra!
Apocalypse Now
Whilst on the theme of Pluto, Apocalypse literally means “an uncovering”, a disclosure or revelation of hidden knowledge that has been termed, “a vision of heavenly secrets that can make sense of earthly realities”. Apocalypse is usually imagined as the complete and final destruction of the world and indeed, in these trying and desperate times, it might be tempting to entertain that notion.
No doubt the name of the movie Apocalypse Now was chosen to reflect the horrors of the war in Vietnam 1960’s to 1970’s – that the apocalypse was not in some mythical future or judgement day, but unfolding now, as it is today. It is also reflective of the Kali Yuga age, the goddess Kali being a super Plutonic wrathful deity.
But the most appropriate symbolism of Apocalypse Now is the Plutonic “uncovering of hidden knowledge”, the breaking down of old institutions, outdated attitudes and all that presents as an obstacle to future spiritual progress for humanity. The forthcoming conjunction of Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn in January 2020, will be a major milestone marking this process and progress which has not occurred since the beginning of the Reformation 500 years ago.
Sealing the Door Where Evil Dwells
In this era of misinformation, media manipulation and “fake news”, it might be timely to be reminded that it is not a new phenomena, it has simply become more refined, subtle, devious and developed. It is a tool that has been utilised most effectively by the so-called “dark forces” – intent upon preventing the Externalisation of the Hierarchy after 2025. The following passage was written over 80 years ago and reveals even then how deep-set the problem was:
“…the forces of evil will now endeavour to utilize the character of humanity as a whole (at its present total point of development) to hinder the Forces of Light, prevent the attainment of world tranquillity and world understanding, and thus delay the day of their own final defeat. This defeat, when accomplished, must include the three worlds of human evolution—mental, emotional and physical.
For long these evil forces have used psychology in order to reach the ends they had in view, and have used it with amazing success; they are still using it and can be depended upon to employ its methods to the uttermost.
They use the press and the radio in order to distort human thinking; [and the internet today] they present half-truths, impute false motives, rake up past grievances, foretell (with foreboding) imminent difficulties; they foster ancient prejudices and hatreds and emphasise religious and national differences. In spite of much shouting, demanding and proposed organisation, there is no truly free press anywhere; particularly is it absent in the United States, where parties and publishers dictate newspaper policies. [The situation has become far worse today of course.]
The main reason why there is no really free press is based on two factors: first, the act that humanity is not yet free from its predetermined reasonings, its basic ignorances of factual history, or of nations and their psychology; humanity is still controlled by racial and national bias and by prejudice. Secondly, the fact that all this is nurtured and kept alive by the forces of evil, working upon the inner side of human affairs and dealing mainly with the psychological angle because it is so exceedingly potent.
This they will increasingly do as this planetary war draws to a close [WW2, hence written in that period]; they will seek to offset the work of the Hierarchy, to hamper the activities of the New Group of World Servers and to cloud the issues involved to such a degree that the men of goodwill everywhere will be bewildered and will fail to see the clear outlines of the factual situation or distinguish between what is true and what is false. Forget not, the forces of evil are exceedingly clever.”21
Now since WW2, in this “third phase of the world war”, the battle is really on upon the mental plane – in developing discrimination and intuition, to see through the fogs of illusion that swirl around. As 2025 approaches, there will be no relenting by these forces of materialism and illusion – in thwarting humanity’s spiritual progress. And likewise, the New Group of World Servers will, “not let their sword rest in their hand”.
Notre Dame: The Soul of Paris
See author’s Facebook page.
Personal Note: Travel to the Americas
I will be leaving Europe for the USA on this Aries full moon and attending the University of the Seven Rays conference in Chandler, AZ (May 1-12) where I will be presenting material on esoteric astrology and history. The title of my main plenary and workshop is The Three Shamballa’s. (See conference schedule of seminars, talks and meditations here.)
There will be some short visits to various places, mainly in California (Ojai, Los Angeles etc.) at this stage and a possible first foray into Mexico and Guatemala for The Hidden History of Humanity project – furthering research for forthcoming books and videos. To my subscribers in Mexico and Central America, please contact me on my personal email.
Phillip Lindsay © 2019.
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Books by Phillip Lindsay
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.92. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.420. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.469. [↩]
- Initiation, Human and Solar, Alice A. Bailey. p.56. [↩]
- For esotericism in the Bible, the author’s recent book, Unveiling Genesis: Mysteries of the Rootraces and Cycles. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.100. [↩]
- Initiation, Human and Solar, Alice A. Bailey. p.89. [↩]
- John 14:12. [↩]
- A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p.315. [↩]
- The Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.68. [↩]
- Destiny of the Races and Nations 1, Phillip Lindsay. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.352. [↩]
- See the author’s analysis in Destiny of the Races and Nations 1. [↩]
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- Michael D. Robbins. [↩]
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-,_Benjamin [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. pp.451-3. Transmitted 1934-49. [↩]
Great work Phillip! Look forward to seeing you at the USR conference.
Eye-opening, astounding…presenting alternate ways to ponder the “various-nefarious”—as well as the always available “hope-scope” concerning our planet and Its Players!!–Suzanne, USA
Thanks Phillip for your good work. I was surprised to see you write the shooter’s name in the Christchurch killing. Jacinda Ardern, the Prime Minister, said,
“One thing I can assure you – you won’t hear me speak his name.”
Ardern’s comments reflect a growing body of research that shows elevating the identity of the perpetrator in mass shootings leads to copycats. Again, Phillip, thank you for all that you have written.
Burke, I chose to name him and will do again if his birthdate becomes available. A birth chart gives understanding of motives and understanding leads to compassion and forgiveness, something the NZ PM apparently supports.