Cancer 2019: The Mother. Eclipses. Sirius. Homelessness. L.A. Quakes. Hedy Lamarr. Marriane Williamson.
Mother Goddess with Child (Uttar Pradesh, India)
Cancer Keynote
“I build a lighted house and therein dwell”.
(Full Moon – Partial Lunar Eclipse: July 16, 2019. 9.38 pm. UT.)
Cancer, Mother of the Matrix
Annual Eclipses and Cycles for World Servers
Cancer-Capricorn and Sirius
The Global Problem of Homelessness
Cancer Rising Hedy Lamarr: Actor and Inventor
Marianne Williamson: Presidential Candidate
Los Angeles July 4 Earthquake Update
Cancer, Mother of the Matrix
Cancer is one of the oldest signs, prominent in ancient Lemuria when humanity became conscious and there were only eight zodiac signs influencing that primitive evolution. Water sign Cancer is the Mother of the human family, linking to the ocean of consciousness from which it emerged – and to paraphrase the ancient verses of the Gayatri – to where we return as self-conscious, liberated souls.
The oceans are ruled over by the god of the waters, Neptune, the soul ruler of Cancer. Here Cancer shares with another water sign Pisces – the common rulership of Neptune. Mother Earth has 70% of its surface covered by the oceans – the salty matrix from which all life-forms have emerged. The oceans are a potent symbol for the origin of physical life and also a metaphor for universal consciousness.
Cancer is the “mother of the form” or physical body, but also concerns soul consciousness that seeks to inhabit that form – as a hermit crab will appropriate a shell. This consciousness is reflected in the highly refined forces of Cancer’s soul ruler Neptune, whilst the form nature is represented by the Moon, the exoteric ruler of this sign.
Neptune rules the astral or emotional nature, our personal “sea” and if that sea is calm, itwill mirror Neptune’s essential nature – buddhic consciousness or buddhi, the true intuition. Neptune is also connected to the underlying force of this entire solar system, the substance of the second ray of Love-Wisdom.
Cancer rules the stomach and breasts – both associated with nutrition and nurturement, hence the month of Cancer is always a good opportunity to review diet and health issues, to recognise the intricacies of the body and nutrition. Similarly, Virgo is more traditionally associated with diet and health, is ruled by the Moon esoterically. The Moon, the mother of the form nature and the Sun that symbolises consciousness; hence at full moon festivals the solar (soul-ar) aspect is emphasised.
Cancer is about birth and hence the soft womb – moisture and dampness that assists growth, whilst the opposite sign Capricorn is hard, dry and dusty – representing achievement, completion and death, the tomb. Cancer, the door into incarnation and Capricorn the door out of incarnation – from womb to tomb, and in the process the soul weaves its bright colours upon the loom of life.
The hermit crab is an organism that inhabits a borrowed shell for its life; humans also appropriate their shells and discard them when it’s time to shift to another incarnation. We are all hermit crabs living out our existences between the low and high water mark of cosmos!
Due to the sensitivity of Cancer, it can be quite reclusive, hence the crab retreats into its shell or scuttles under the nearest rock – there is the primordial survival instinct! Psychic sensitivity’s shadow is fear – what is sensed and unseen, but not known – Cancerians can be subject to the glamour of fear more than most zodiac signs.

Geometry of the salt cube – building block of life, the 4-square foundation – connected to the 4-petalled base chakra.
Watery Cancer is connected to the development and integration of the astral body. Most of humanity are still “astrally polarised” – not fully mentally developed; hence, they are governed by Cancer in its role of expressing “mass consciousness” – ruled by the Moon and Neptune.
From another more esoteric perspective, the “rays of mind” pass through Cancer – the third ray of Active Intelligence and the seventh ray of Ceremonial Order, or Magic. Saturn and Uranus are the rulers of these two rays respectively – they are the manifesters and builders. They create the container of Cancer, the bowl or vase; these rays contribute to Cancer’s organising ability and the managing of all kinds of resources. Likewise for opposite sign Capricorn as these two rays pour through this sign also.
The third and seventh rays are pre-eminently the rays that shape and refine forms on their path toward precipitation in the outer world – whether they are human bodies, creative art or thought-forms. Hence, Cancer the Mother births all forms; Capricorn is intrinsically connected to the seventh ray geometry of thought-forms.
Yet the third ray is the ray of light and when pondering the Cancer injunction, “I build a lighted house and therein dwell”, one interpretation pertains to the building of the soul’s causal body through the extraction of the sattvas of lighted life experience – the aromas that arise from the awakening heart lotus.
Hence the great matrix/mother is not only the ocean of creation, but on a higher turn of the spiral, the matrix of mind, the cosmic ocean that births the Will – represented by polar opposite Capricorn, the father. Cancer-Capricorn’s progeny are in one sense the five kingdoms of nature: mineral, vegetable, animal, human and the kingdom of souls.
“This sign [Cancer] can carry deep meaning to all. You are in process of incarnation; you are following your chosen way. Is the house you are building yet lit? Is it a lighted house, or is it a dark prison? If it is a lighted house, you will attract to its light and warmth all who are around you and the magnetic pull of your soul, whose nature is light and love, will save many. If you are still an isolated soul, you will have to pass through the horrors of a more complete isolation and loneliness, treading alone the dark way of the soul.
Yet this isolation, this loneliness and this separation in the dark night are all part of the Great Illusion. It is, however, an illusion into which the whole of humanity is now precipitated in preparation for unity, freedom and release. Some are lost in the illusion and know not what is reality and truth. Others walk free in the world of illusion for the purposes of saving and lifting their brothers, and if you cannot do this, you will have to learn so to walk.”1
Annual Eclipses and Cycles for World Servers
“I have already indicated to you the form that the religion of the new age will take … It will be built around the periods of the Full Moon, wherein certain great Approaches will be made to the world of reality, also around two periods of massed Approaches to be made at the time of the major eclipse of the moon and of the sun during the year.”[1]
On the July 2 new moon, there was a total solar eclipse – the astro-cartography map below delineates the eclipse path passing through the lower part of South America and out into the ocean, passing close to Pitcairn and Easter islands. It will be interesting to see how eclipse effects will play out in those areas, though of course the energies will affect the entire planet subjectively. Two days after this eclipse on July 4, LA had its earthquake. (See later section.)
Lunar and solar eclipses follow one another cyclically, with a lunar eclipse at this Cancer full moon on July 16. These two eclipses in the sign of Cancer are most important because they are linked to another future eclipse in the opposite sign of Capricorn this coming December 26, 2019; this date is especially important because it coincides with the seven-year cycle of Festival Week for The New Group of World Servers from December 21-28:
“In December, 1935, the energies of Capricorn were augmented by the pouring in of forces from a still greater constellation which is – to our zodiac – what the zodiac is to the earth. This augmentation will take place again in 1942. … By means of this augmentation – during the coming Aquarian zodiacal cycle – groups on earth can avail themselves of the tide of Capricornian influences which will flow into our radius of registration every seven years.
The one just past, gave a tremendous impetus to the work of the New Group of World Servers [NGWS], and was the cause of the very good reaction in the world to their particular impulse. This worked out in every nation and in every group as a marked tendency to good will. In 1942, there will come another planetary inflow of which we all are begged to avail ourselves, and for which we are urged to make due preparation.
This “week of group impact” occurring every seven years, will run from December 21-28, and if this should at any time fall at the period of the full moon, the opportunity will be most significant. This possibility must be watched. This week should be regarded as pre-eminently the “festival week” of the New Group of World Servers [NGWS], and after 1942 advantage must be taken of this period, and special preparation made. This fact invites the attention of all of us.”[2]
The table below shows that the last NGWS Festival Week in Capricorn was in 2012, also the climactic year of the Mayan calendar. Hence, seven years on from that festival falls on December 21-28, 2019.
Year | Three 3-year cycles | 7-year cycle |
2011-12 | Crisis/Consolidation | |
2012-13 | Tension/Expansion | Emergence/Impact on Public Consciousness |
2013-14 | Emergence/Impact on Public Consciousness | |
2014-15 | Crisis/Consolidation | Crisis/Consolidation |
2015-16 | Tension/Expansion | |
2016-17 | Emergence/Impact on Public Consciousness | |
2017-18 | Crisis/Consolidation | Tension/Expansion |
2018-19 | Tension/Expansion | |
2019-20 | Emergence/Impact on Public Consciousness | |
2020-21 | Crisis/Consolidation | Emergence/Impact on Public Consciousness |
2021-22 | Tension/Expansion | |
2022-23 | Emergence/Impact on Public Consciousness | |
2023-24 | Crisis/Consolidation | Emergence/Impact on Public Consciousness |
2024-25 | Tension/Expansion | |
2025-26 | Emergence/Impact on Public Consciousness | |
3-year and 7-year cycles of the New Group of World Servers |
Note the “Emergence/Impact on Public Consciousness” cycles that have occurred in the lesser three year cycles and the greater seven-year cycles. The NGWS has a great responsibility in helping to effect the Emergence/Impact on Public Consciousness.
The next seven-year cycle for the NGWS will be in 2026 – just one year after 2025 when the Great White Brotherhood have conducted their once-in-a-century conclave and have made a decision about the date of Their Reappearance amongst Humanity. The NGWS is the crucial bridge between Hierarchy and Humanity – transmitting and serving the Planetary Plan – as best they can grasp it.
For those readers not acquainted with the theme of the NGWS, there are many commentaries here, including the following: Roots of the NGWS and Its Historical Emergence.
An Astro-Historical View of the Seven-Year Festivals of the New Group of World Servers.
Cancer-Capricorn and Sirius
Note, in the earlier passage, “the energies of Capricorn were augmented” – this sign is ruled by Saturn, the Lord of Karma – whose cycles are multiples of seven years. Saturn is an agent of the Planetary Plan – as it emanates from Sirius and is transmitted into this solar system. The Cancer-Capricorn axis has a particular affinity as a gateway for Sirian forces:
“Cancer—Capricorn—Saturn (which are an expression of Sirian energy) enable the aspirant to tread the Path of Purification, of Probation. These energies focus and qualify the energy of the Great Lodge of the Most High in that distant Sun [Sirius]. They pour through the Hierarchy upon the mass of men and enable the unit in that mass to “isolate himself and turn his back upon the past and find his way on to that section of the Path wherein he learns to feel.”[3]
Note the word “probation” – the aspirant upon the Path of Purification is “on probation”, reflected in our earthly laws when an offender is “placed on probation” – how very Saturnian! Taking this analogy a little further, all of humanity are “offenders” (or “prisoners of the planet”), until they have learned to live under Solar Law, achieved through gradual rejection of the involutionary lunar path – and by initiations into the Greater Mysteries. (Cancer is a sign associated with “lunar laws” relating to form.)
Also the phrase, “isolate himself and turn his back upon the past and find his way on to that section of the Path wherein he learns to feel.” Cancer is one of the main (water) signs of feeling, representing refinement and integration of the astral body – its competency as a vehicle for higher Neptunian forces.
“These two—the Moon and Neptune—are, therefore, the direct influences which are brought to bear upon the Cancer subject and thus lead to the unfoldment of the form of life and of the emotional-astral body.
The supreme usefulness of these aspects will be grasped if you will intelligently realise that without the form and without the ability to bear in mind the need to respond sensitively to the environing conditions and circumstance, the soul would never awaken to knowledge in the three worlds and, therefore, would never know God in manifestation.”[4]
The Global Problem of Homelessness
This topic has been covered several times in recent years: Global Economic Crisis: Homelessness and Poverty
European Refugee Crisis: Pisces Germany and Austria’s Libran Soul
Refuge and Refugee
Homelessness has worsened in recent years, with homeless encampments growing larger in most major cities around the world. In Britain – “the number of homeless camps forcibly removed by councils across the UK has more than trebled in five years.” In the USA, the millions of people who are “sleeping rough” on the street is an appalling contradiction in the supposedly richest nation on earth.
The main cause of homelessness is economic, courtesy of the capitalist system that has widened the gulf between the very rich and poor. And greed – plus the refusal of the majority of governments to do little or nothing about the problem. Rent prices in major cities have been pushed up through gentrification of neighborhoods, the influx of highly paid IT workers and insidious apps such as Airbnb or Uber. Airbnb has pushed up rents in some areas by 40%, forcing locals to move away from unaffordable rents and a decreased quality of living. The billionaire CEO of Uber, recently purchased a $72 million mansion in Los Angeles whilst thousands of Uber drivers have been protesting about their unfair deal:
“The extraordinary mega-mansion sales come at a time when Los Angeles is faced with widening inequality and escalating concerns about the housing crisis and a dramatic rise in homelessness, prompting intense debate about who gets to benefit from the growing economy.
… Camp’s [Uber CEO] purchase has drawn the ire of activists and drivers who have long been protesting about Uber’s labor practices and advocating for better working conditions. “This is a perfect example of the 1% stealing from the rest of us,” Nicole Moore, a ride-share driver in Los Angeles, said of Camp’s $72.5m purchase. “Drivers are living in their cars. We’re fighting for fair wages. At least share that wealth with the people who have actually built your company.”[5]
All around the Western world (not counting the millions of homeless in “3rd world nations”), people are living in cars or motorhomes – many of them just one step away from living in a tent on the footpath – from Santa Monica to London, Sydney or Auckland.
There has been a big boom in the tiny house movement as a result of escalating real estate prices and this is a viable solution for many individuals and governments who need to house thousands of people urgently. But of course, the causes of homelessness are not simply economic:
“Homelessness is, in fact, caused by tragic life occurrences like the loss of loved ones, job loss, domestic violence, divorce and family disputes. Other impairments such as depression, untreated mental illness, post traumatic stress disorder, and physical disabilities are also responsible for a large portion of the homeless. Many factors push people into living on the street. Acknowledging these can help facilitate the end of homelessness in America.
For those living in poverty or close to the poverty line, an “everyday” life issue that may be manageable for individuals with a higher income can be the final factor in placing them on the street. A broken down vehicle, a lack of vehicle insurance, or even unpaid tickets might be just enough to render someone homeless.”2
Finland is the only nation on earth where the homeless rate is falling, based upon a practical and compassionate understanding. Finland is a practical Capricorn soul with a trail-blazing Aries personality[6]:
“We decided to make the housing unconditional,” says Kaakinen. “To say, look, you don’t need to solve your problems before you get a home. Instead, a home should be the secure foundation that makes it easier to solve your problems.”
With state, municipal and NGO backing, flats were bought, new blocks built and old shelters converted into permanent, comfortable homes – among them the Rukkila homeless hostel in the Helsinki suburb of Malminkartano where Ainesmaa now lives.
When the policy was being devised just over a decade ago, the four people who came up with what is now widely known as the Housing First principle – a social scientist, a doctor, a politician and a bishop – called their report Nimi Ovessa (Your Name on the Door).
“It was clear to everyone the old system wasn’t working; we needed radical change,” says Juha Kaakinen, the working group’s secretary and first programme leader, who now runs the Y-Foundation developing supported and affordable housing.”[7]

In 2017, detainees stage a protest inside the compound at Australia’s Manus Island detention center in Papua New Guinea.
The real key for other nations however, is the lack of political will to do something about it – its not really a question of lack of money. When people live in such dire circumstances on a large scale, they are easily controlled. Many Western governments, most notably Britain, Australia and the USA – have developed a callous approach to dealing with the problem by continually victimising those who find themselves in those economic circumstances.
Australia’s infamous detention camps for refugees are now being emulated in the USA. There is a huge crisis of refugees from Central America trying to find a better life in the USA; they have emerged from these places as a result of nefarious interference and destabilisation of their governments by Western nations – who have helped themselves to natural resources and bled them dry.

A still from the movie Koyaanisqatsi. (Life Out of Balance)
The stench of hypocrisy in Western nations is high – consider Britain’s multi-billion dollar involvement in supplying arms to the Saudis, that has created misery, cruelty and horror in Yemen – starvation, famine, disease and homelessness. We could all cite many, many more examples of these injustices in a world that has gone seriously Koyaanisqatsi.
What will it take to turn around this appalling global crisis that is strangling the soul of humanity? A war? – that would make some serious money – but only for a few! Natural disasters by decree of the Manu? Perhaps. Why do the majority of the world’s wealthy simply covet their wealth and do not share it with their fellow humanity? Or only give tiny conscience-assuaging donations that are less than 1% of their wealth?
Jeff Bezos and Mark Zuckerberg are two leading offenders in a very large legion of selfish capitalist soldiers. There is an urgent call to awaken the collective compassionate conscience with regard to their fellow humanity, climate change and the environment – and problems created by the industrial and technological revolutions.
Cancer is the Mother who has been desecrated and defiled. Thankfully, this situation is slowly starting to turn around; there is a glimmer of light as new generations like 16 year-old Swede Greta Thunberg lead the charge:

Greta Thunberg: A seriously pragmatic Sun, Moon, Mercury & Chiron in Capricorn – with warrior Mars in take-no-prisoners Scorpio. Revolutionary Uranus in its own sign of Aquarius square Venus in Scorpio. Perhaps her name in true Viking style should be “great thunder”! (Thor)
“Greta Thunberg and other climate activists have said it is a badge of honour that the head of the world’s most powerful oil cartel believes their campaign may be the “greatest threat” to the fossil fuel industry … Mohammed Barkindo, the secretary general of Opec, said there was a growing mass mobilisation of world opinion against oil, which was “beginning to … dictate policies and corporate decisions, including investment in the industry”. He said the pressure was also being felt within the families of Opec officials because their own children “are asking us about their future because … they see their peers on the streets campaigning against this industry”.[8]
Here we can see the practical effects of activism and even civil disobedience. The fact that millions in Western nations have feebly allowed their freedoms and financial situation to be diminished or controlled – without protest, has generated a deafening wake-up call, but will it be too late? – will they just keep texting and scrolling, hypnotised by the lurid light of handheld devices? The following passage from a recent newsletter is worth repeating here:
“Cancer is Mother Earth, the home, the nurturer, the provider and protector. Currently almost half of the world’s population does not have nurturance or protection. The following is a list of familiar facts (give or take, depending on who you consult), that are recognisable for most:
- Almost one third of the world’s population (2 of 7 billion) live in absolute poverty. Nearly this amount have no access to clean drinking water.
- Almost half of the world’s population (3 billion) struggle to survive on US$2/day.
- To satisfy the world’s sanitation and food requirements would cost US$13 billion, what Europe and the USA spend on perfume each year.
- The assets of the world’s three richest men are more than the combined GNP of all the least developed countries on the planet.
- The top 400 billionaires now enjoy a combined net worth equal to the poorest 2.5 billion people on the planet.
- The United States, the largest economy in the world, with less than 5% of the world’s population, consumes nearly 1/4th of all fossil fuels, more than 1/3rd of all paper, while creating 50% of the world’s solid waste.
- 20 percent of people living in high-income countries consume 86% of all the world’s goods and services. The poorest 20%, by contrast, consume just 1.3 percent.
- The world’s 225 richest individuals have a combined wealth of over US$1 trillion, equal to the annual income of the poorest 50% of the entire population of the planet.
- The world’s seven richest men could wipe out poverty. Their combined wealth is more than enough to provide the basic needs of the poorest quarter of the world’s population.
Of course solutions are not simply about throwing money at problems, but it sure helps. What has happened to bring humanity to this deplorable, desperate and dangerous situation? A world where,
- The gap between rich and poor has become an abyss.
- There is no restraint in the exploitation of finite resources.
- Little change upon the immediate horizon in selfish corporate manipulation.
- Little change in the practices of money managers in most nations.
- Continual manipulation and extortion in global money markets.
- Financial institutions or corporations who are caught out simply pay millions or billions in fines – and go back to business as usual.
- There are plenty of innovative ideas to deal with the global financial situation but no courage or will to implement them.
- A fragile planet where pollution, environmental degradation and bio-diversity issues are not being dealt with quickly enough.
- Where there is little that can be trusted in mainstream media, owned and controlled by forces that do not have the wishes of the majority at heart.
- Where major world governments conduct wars or proxy wars for ulterior objectives and hence routinely lie to the people.
Cancer Rising Hedy Lamarr: Actor and Inventor
Hedy Lamarr is better known for her work as a sultry film and stage actor in the 1920’s-50’s – but little is known of the fact that she was an inventor who helped pave the way for wi-fi.
With Cancer rising as her soul purpose, she was not only a mother of three children, but birthed some very interesting ideas. Cancer rulers Moon and Neptune are conjunct in Leo, giving her the skills as a natural performer. Lamarr was a Scorpio sun with Mercury and Mars in Scorpio, the source of her emotional intensity and the sexy, seductiveness of a film siren.
The word “siren” derives from the tale of Odysseus (Ulysses) sailing by the beautiful mermaid sirens who would lure hapless sailors onto the rocks with their sweet celestial music and singing. (Hence the word ‘siren’ as a warning sound.) Siren is also related to Sirius; the connotation is that the sirens’ song is actually the sweet celestial frequencies of Sirius!
Odysseus had himself lashed to the mast by his crew so he could enjoy hearing and seeing the fabled sirens! Here is the planet Neptune, the esoteric ruler of Lamarr’s Cancer ascendant – mystical, intangible, mysterious – embodying some of the buddhic energy referred to earlier but more in its astral expression.
It is perhaps no wonder that Lamarr was married six times, her Scorpio planets tenant the fifth house of romance and creativity. Scorpio was also the influence that contributed to an infamous European film of 1933, The Ecstasy Lady that caused a scandal in USA. Lamarr was invariably typecast as the archetypal glamorous seductress of exotic origin, which was part of being caught up in the Hollywood system, itself a Scorpio entity; playing Delilah in the Samson and Delilah movie was the epitome of those roles. (Lucky Victor Mature?)
She was billed as “the most beautiful woman in the world” – and according to one viewer, when her face first appeared on the screen, “everyone gasped … Lamarr’s beauty literally took one’s breath away.”[9] Here is the vivacious Leo moon combined with her deeply feminine Cancer ascendant and Scorpio sun – a truly exotic combination! Paradoxically, during those years of fame she felt lonely and homesick much of the time, shunning the public and staring crowds; there is super-sensitive Cancer crab, retreating into her shell.
From Lamarr the actor to Lamarr the scientist. Lamarr’s Moon in Leo opposes Uranus in the sign of its own rulership, Aquarius. Uranus is in turn conjunct the soul ruler of Aquarius, Jupiter! Both planets make a tense square aspect to deep-thinking and probing Mercury in Scorpio; hence Lamarr the scientist, although not formally trained. Uranus is the planet of science:
“Uranus, the occult planet, stands for exoteric science which penetrates into the hidden side of form life[10] … Uranus is the planet whose characteristics are the scientific mind, which, at this stage of the disciple’s career, means that [s]he can begin to live the occult life and the way of divine knowledge can take the place of the mystic way of feeling. It means also that knowledge can be transmuted into the way of wisdom and of light.”[11]
The fifth ray of Science is ruled by Venus, the goddess of beauty – and of manas or mind; a beautiful mind? It is noteworthy that Lamarr’s birthplace Austria, is a 5th ray soul with a 4th ray personality.[12] The fourth ray is the ray of beauty, art and is associated with theatre and film. Although Lamarr eventually migrated from Europe to the USA, she seems to have emerged from the soul her nation expressing both of its rays. Austria’s spiritual motto is “I serve the Lighted Way.”
“Although Lamarr had no formal training and was primarily self-taught, she worked in her spare time on various hobbies and inventions, which included an improved traffic stoplight and a tablet that would dissolve in water to create a carbonated drink. The beverage was unsuccessful; Lamarr herself said it tasted like Alka-Seltzer.
Among the few who knew of Lamarr’s inventiveness was aviation tycoon Howard Hughes. She suggested he change the rather square design of his aeroplanes (which she thought looked too slow), to a more streamlined shape, based on pictures of the fastest birds and fish she could find.
Lamarr discussed her relationship with Hughes during an interview, saying that while they dated, he actively supported her inventive “tinkering” hobbies. He put his team of scientists and engineers at her disposal, saying they would do or make anything she asked for.
During World War II, Lamarr learned that radio-controlled torpedoes, an emerging technology in naval war, could easily be jammed and set off course. She thought of creating a frequency-hopping signal that could not be tracked or jammed. She contacted her friend, composer and pianist George Antheil, to help her develop a device for doing that, and he succeeded by synchronizing a miniaturized player-piano mechanism with radio signals. They drafted designs for the frequency-hopping system, which they patented. Antheil recalled:
We began talking about the war, which, in the late summer of 1940, was looking most extremely black. Hedy said that she did not feel very comfortable, sitting there in Hollywood and making lots of money when things were in such a state. She said that she knew a good deal about munitions and various secret weapons … and that she was thinking seriously of quitting MGM and going to Washington, DC, to offer her services to the newly established National Inventors Council.”[13]
Here is the altruism of Aquarius that considers the bigger picture and is of course the soul sign of the USA. Howard Hughes had Mars and Saturn prominently placed in Aquarius, reflecting his work in aviation. It is ironic that Lamarr was born in Hitler’s birth nation Austria, and detested him deeply; she most likely met Hitler and Mussolini, when she was the very young bride of her first uber-rich arms-dealer husband Friedrich Mandl, who entertained dignitaries from around Europe. (There’s that word again: uber = super, over, above, extreme, excessive.)
Eventually Lamarr’s “frequency hopping” idea paved the way for wireless phones, GPS, Bluetooth and many military communication systems; in 1997 she and Antheil received the Electronic Frontier Foundation Pioneer Award and was featured on the Science and Discovery channels, later being posthumously inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame.
Lamarr died at 85 years of age but spent much of the last years of her life in crab-like seclusion, talking for hours on the phone but hardly having contact with anyone in person – partly due to her embarrassment at some botched plastic surgeries. There is a documentary, Calling Hedy Lamarr and many other profiles and interviews here.
Marianne Williamson: US Presidential Candidate
Whether or not she has a chance of being elected, it is very important that this Cancerian is in the running and contributing to the conversation. A recent newspaper article gives an interesting profile of Williamson as a person of substance, despite her “woo” reputation for which she has been ridiculed. Williamson is not to be under-estimated as a “fluffy new ager” – her sound track record reflects that.
Williamson is well known for her book A Return to Love, based upon another book, A Course in Miracles – whose author Helen Schuchman claims was transmitted to her by the Master Jesus; it is a very sound body of work, “containing a curriculum aiming to assist its readers in achieving spiritual transformation … the greatest “miracle” that one may achieve … is the act of simply gaining a full “awareness of love’s presence” in one’s own life.”[14]
As an unconventional Sun-Uranus in Cancer, with a pragmatic Capricorn moon and warrior Mars in Scorpio (like Thunberg and Lamarr), Williamson has a formidable power. Her soul purpose is Gemini rising, the sign of right relationships and communications; hence, she is well suited to working with the public and connecting with people from diverse backgrounds.
Williamson also has Gemini’s ruler Mercury placed in Leo, giving her the skill to speak with power and authority, especially as Mercury is conjunct power planet Pluto in Leo. In her 1997 book, “Healing the Soul of America”, Williamson said:
“It is a task of our generation to recreate the American politeia, to awaken from our culture of distraction and re-engage the process of democracy with soulfulness and hope. Yes, we see there are problems in the world. But we believe in a universal force that, when activated by the human heart, has the power to make all things right. Such is the divine authority of love: to renew the heart, renew the nations, and ultimately, renew the world.”
Los Angeles July 4 Earthquake Update
“Been living in Los Angeles all my life. That was the longest earthquake I’ve ever experienced. Not jerky. Smooth and rolling. But it was loooong. It was so long I thought for the first time ever “Is this the big one?” Damn. Respect Mother Nature. She’s the boss.”[15]
In the last newsletter for Gemini 2019, there was a discussion about the imminence of the “big one” hitting LA sometime. In that article there is an horoscope for the Leo 2018 eclipse – with a T-square in fixed signs that aspects LA’s Pluto in Aquarius; transiting Uranus is also in Taurus, part of this T-square and is often an important significator in earthquake activity.
The July 2 eclipse mentioned earlier, was part of this T-square pattern and in fact almost a year later, was the trigger for the July 2018 Leo eclipse – activating the sun, moon, Mars opposition in that chart, viewed below:
Total lunar eclipse in Leo, July 2018.
July 4, first quake, Los Angeles. Just two days after the July 2 solar eclipse, at the same degrees of fixed signs in the Leo 2018 eclipse.
On Independence Day July 4, the moon, Mercury and Mars were all in Leo, opposing LA’s Pluto. Transiting Chiron was conjunct LA’s moon in Aries, a point that was prominent in the 1994 Northridge quake. The July 4 event chart is for 10.33 am, yielding Virgo rising at the same degree as California state’s Virgo sun. At 10.33 am in LA, it was 1.30 pm in Washington DC – where Donald Trump was presiding over his fly-over cum military display, described by one British newspaper as, “a staged militaristic, jingoistic and untraditional jamboree … a politically partisan, campaign-style rally with his “Salute to America” event.”[16]
Ominous! In the recent Gemini 2019 newsletter it was stated,
“Los Angeles has been assigned the heart centre of USA,[17] as yet not fully awakened. Given the current dire circumstances where the USA finds itself focusing the global shadow, the possibility of a quake in LA may serve as a catalyst the nation needs for its second ray soul of Love-Wisdom to awaken.”[18]
Has that process now begun? Will human values change as a result of these scary tremors? On July 4 in the first quake (Richter 6.4), Mercury was stationary turning retrograde, meeting Mars exactly 4 days later (July 8) – in an exact opposition to LA’s Pluto – a trigger for a much larger quake. Indeed, just two days later on July 6, a bigger 7.1 rolling quake hit on Saturday night at 8.20 pm.
July 6, second quake, Los Angeles. The same pattern prevails – Mercury-Mars in Leo square Uranus in Taurus,
whilst LA’s Pluto in Aquarius completes the T-square.
In the July 6 event chart, Leo is rising and Uranus is exactly on the midheaven squared by the Mercury-Mars conjunction in Leo. There still remains time until July 8 for a third quake to hit, within the parameters of the exact T-square formed by Mercury-Mars, Uranus and LA’s natal Pluto in Aquarius. If this occurs, this article will be updated accordingly!
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Phillip Lindsay © 2019.
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Books by Phillip Lindsay
[1] The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice Bailey, p.55.
[2] Esoteric Psychology II, Alice A. Bailey. p.196.
[3] Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.466.
[4] Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.323.
[6] The Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.66.
[10] Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p. 149.
[11] Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p. 224.
[12] Esoteric Psychology I, Alice A. Bailey. p.382.
[17] The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.85.
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.343. [↩]
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