6 Responses to Cancer 2021: Neptune. Devas. Mandela. Akiane. Pluto to Saturn. UK-Russia-USA. Mars in Leo. Naftali Bennett – Israel. Solstice.

  1. Sheila Cook says:

    Bennett’s chart shows two grand trines in the form of a Star of David.

  2. Vera Vostinar says:

    Brilliant! This newsletter helped me to ‘joint a few dots’, as I have Moon, Sun and Ascendant, all in the water signs. It put me back on the road, after wandering deep into some rabbit holes.
    Thanks for that.
    Vera Vostinar

  3. Beverley Dight says:

    I was surprised to discover that I have the same sun, moon and venus placements as Nelson
    Mandela, Since I am interested in Palestinian rights and peace in Israel/Palestine I found the
    commentary on the new coalition govt and Prime Minister Bennett very encouraging. Also
    fascinated about the US, UK and Russia forming a triangle important for the New Age, and the
    important work of the New Group of World Servers for a better world outcome.
    May Julian Assange, who is dedicated to bringing truth to humanity, be freed !

  4. Vasilis Haramaras says:

    What a great newsletter, my brother! It gives food for thought and at the same time makes clear many things considering the world situation. It is a “weird coincidence” that many of the things you are referring to, were also included by me into the conferences I am giving in Greece concerning women and the energ of creation. Of course I was talking to an audience which was not “initiated” to the esoteric teachings, yet the goal was to inspire towards this. Below you can the find the link of the video I made. Feel free to use any kind of info you want, if there is any.

    Thank you again for sharing your insights!!!

    1. A great video Vasilis, I just watched it all and can heartily recommend it.

      Woman- The Last Hope of the World


  5. David says:


    This video “Freedom” by Akiane is wonderful …., how beauty emerges through creativity is fantastic. Thank you for sharing Phillip, it is a video full of Love.

    Truly this very subjective creativity is a deeply human quality.

    I remember one person, (who had contacted the Pleiadians), saying that They admired our ability to make music from our subjective “inner world”, whereas They had to use and mix the harmonies, sounds emitted by the objective planets or “outer worlds” in order to make music.

    This surprised me …, I realized how important 4R is for humanity. It is a conscious synthesis (Mercury – Budhi, the antakarana).

    Notice that in the chapter of EA, “chapter IV the sacred planets and no sacred planetes” in the relation the centers and the rays the Tibetan Master does not name Mercury among the 7 centers …, and this is so because Mercury is at the same time “the way and the wayfarer”.
    Mercury is in the 7 as “the son of the mind”, the Soul.

    If I may Phillip, by analogy Mercury can be a 4R Soul with a 5R Personality. Intuition concretized. In the human being this is reflected as the Antakarana or concretized subtle body. In the video as intuition from which the concretized form arises, “man with torch”. A process, as seen in the difficulty of the work, not without experience, doubts or conflict.

    Without a doubt this is a 4R process, reflected in Akiane’s horoscope through Scorpio. Pluto and Jupiter, in Scorpio, rule the whole of Pisces, where Saturn is the ruler of Capricorn/Neptune-Uranus.

    Her generosity, or karmic root, talents already acquired, is clearly written in the immense power of Cancer, a quality that must transit the Light of Capricorn, surely to, in the maturity of his life, reach the third initiation. The video speaks of a discipline, talent and light within the reach of very few.
    Watching the video you can breathe the loneliness of the disciple.

    Akiane’s birth chart suggests that to achieve freedom she must understand that her immense creative power must be shared in society, friends, or relationships. Surely for the great artists, always immersed in their intimate worlds full of creativity, this is a challenge. In this case the role of Mercury (hierarchical ruler of Scorpio) in Gemini for her will be (or is) of great help.

    Sorry for putting so much emphasis on Akiane but the video has surprised me, I have never seen a creative process in this close way.

    As always Phillip congratulations on your work, it is extensive and generous!


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