5 Responses to Cancer 2022: Lighted House. Solstice Circles. Mother Earth Resources. NATO. UK PM. Financial Crisis.

  1. Vicktorya Stone says:

    Hello Phillip, hope you are well.
    Could you expound just a touch, esoterically or intuitively invocative (for even a dense head like me) about your parenthetical, here.
    I’m interested in the simple and obvious.
    ” … Cancer: Management of Earth’s Resources
    The following material attempts to cover the myriad issues that Humanity is confronted with today. There is no attempt to necessarily present any solutions to these complex problems (although many are obvious and simple) – and is limited to go into greater depth. …

  2. Vicktorya Stone says:

    if I may continue, to respond as I read; so much good material Phillip, and very fertile soil for the myriad of critters that emerge from such.
    next e.g.: ” … Earth’s resources have been plundered for millenia – humans driven by fear, greed and the consequent amassing of personal wealth. The side-effects from this “rape and pillage” of the planet has brought Humanity to the sad state it is in today – with massive pollution of the earth, water and air.

    Mother Earth groans in despair as she labours constantly to redress the imbalances brought about by ignoramus humanity – a humanity that is essentially disconnected from Nature.”

    Is this true?
    Is there a goal of humanity, a Kingdom of Nature, to live in only temperate zones, with no predators from the animal kingdom, and vegetable clothing?

    (I’m not suggesting you are suggesting this; I’m asking a general question of – what is the ‘natural’ state of mankind? As a 4th/5th sort of Kingdom … would we say it is natural for us to live as animals, or as ‘man’. Manas. Is the digital and mental and ‘artificial’ (divided mental plane) world, the better habitat for us, naturally?
    (Just thinking here; this isn’t any criticism to your research and insights and quite good writing. Thanks.)

  3. Vicktorya Stone says:

    For reference, in the middle of the article, a crux, obvious point:
    ” … The obvious point here is that cycles which come and go cannot be simply atttributed to modern man-made causes such as the pollutants from fossil fuels and industry.

    “This is where it is easy to manipulate the grey area between long term cycles and recent industrial causes – to put an alarmist spin on climate change that forces humanity to obey various agendas. This is not to minimise either the truly perilous environmental position the planet is in today.

    “Animal species disappear during these periods, temporarily or permanently. Like all kingdoms, forms come and go, according to ray cycles which condition those forms. …”

    This caution to alarmism (especially as suggests global (!) policy) is so important. Thanks. It is easy to be alarmed, especially when one’s favored informers are reinforcing such.

  4. david says:

    Hi Philipp, as always, thanks for your “colorful” articles, I often think that their rich and abundance clearly express the gift of the third ray.

    In relation to the content of the article I would like to say three things:

    1- In the case of the conflict in Ukraine (NATO-RUSSIA) I don’t think it is only the West powers (with the USA at the forefront) that impose their hypnotic effect on a part of the population, but also Russia, under the illusion generated by the idea of the Russian Empire and taking advantage of the many sympathies that the communist ideal that symbolized the USSR still has in the world, imposes its hypnotism on a large part (minor, but very important) of the world population.

    In my opinion, we are facing a expired duality that feeds on old ideas and we are not facing a conflict between “those who are right and those who are not”. It is very sad.

    If humanity is ONE and we want to apply the meaning of Cancer: “I build (we build) an illuminated house and I dwell in it”, we must think about the deep meaning which for our consciences, not identified with the Pisces Age, has the following text:

    “Aquarius, the water-carrier, is a living sign and an emotional sign. It will (through the effect of its potent force) stimulate the astral bodies of men into a new coherency, into a brotherhood of humanity which will ignore all racial and national differences and will carry the life of men forward into synthesis and unity” (DK-AB)

    2- the second topic is related to “the climate change” and more than a reflection is a suggestion. The Tibetan Master in Alice Bailey’s Blue Books tells us:

    “Heat and cold, as we understand the term, in a most peculiar manner are the result of the interplay of the pairs of opposites, and an interesting line of occult study concerns itself with the effects of racial emotions on climatic conditions”. 

    So, could not the rising temperatures be related to the increasingly powerful presence of the southern races (emotions) in the cold northern territories?

    It seems clear that this mixture brings with it a new order (7ºR), a new universality (Aquarius) and finally a new sub-race, which will realate, (from the fifth mental plane that governs the entire Arian race), the sixth plane (emotion) with the second. (intuitive).

    3- And finally as an astrologer to say that the NATO horoscope that Phillip shows us is not an easy chart …, as he says, through Aries there is an excess of selfishness.

    For the Soul in Virgo, (remember that the ASC sign is the path of the Soul), NATO must understand that for the dual power suggested by its Moon/Uranus to be a builder and not a destroyer, it must be inspired by the superior qualities of the Virgin and not by the inferiors of Aries. Understanding this would nullify the fall of Jupiter, the negative role of Saturn in Leo, as well as the selfish use of Aries, but of course… it is not an easy path.

    Thanks for sharing!

    1. Good points David, the irony with Russia and USA is that even though they are part of the troika (with UK) of the Aquarian Age (both Aquarian souls) they also carry the baggage of the Piscean Age with their sixth ray personalities. Their mission is to somehow process the past whilst creating the future. The sixth ray has the same rulers of the astral body, Mars-Neptune, hence the passage you sent is most appropriate: “stimulate the astral bodies of men into a new coherency, into a brotherhood of humanity which will ignore all racial and national differences and will carry the life of men forward into synthesis and unity”.

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