Cancer 2024: Solstice. Cancer Resource Manager. Jupiter. Mars. Hilarion & Psychic Sensitivity. Crop Circles.
Cancer Keynote
“I build a lighted house and therein dwell”.
(Cancer Solstice: June 20. UT 20.50. Full moon: June 22, 2024. UT 01.08)
“Cancer is one of the two gates of the zodiac because through it souls pass into outer manifestation and to the appropriation of form, and subsequent identification with it for many long cycles.
It is “the gate which stands wide open, broad and easy to pass through and yet it leads unto the place of death and to that long imprisonment which precedes the final revolt.”
It is allied with material nature, and with the mother of forms, just as the other gate, Capricorn, is allied with spirit, the father of all that IS.
In this sign lies hid the whole problem of the Law of Rebirth. Reincarnation is implicit in the manifested universe and is a basic and fundamental theme underlying systemic pulsation.”1
Gemini New Moon in June: Venus Cazimi
Cancer Solstice and Full Moon 2024
Cancer: Resource Manager
Jupiter Ingress to Gemini
Mars Ingress to Taurus
Master Hilarion: Psychic Sensitivity and Neptune
The Crop Circle Season Begins
Cancer Solstice/Full Moon Talk and Meditation
Gemini New Moon in June: Venus Cazimi (June 6)
New moons are very subjective and esoteric cycles that allow for a seed-sowing that finds fruition at the full moon two weeks later. Hence, the June 6 Gemini new moon finds its fruit at the Cancer full moon of June 22, 2024 – just after the Cancer solstice.
Cazimi is a term from Arabic astrology for when a planet is in a 0º-1º conjunction with the sun – “in the heart of the sun”. Traditionally it is a position of great strength that brings a sense of hope for initiating ideals and making manifest dreams.
Venus Cazimi enhances considerably a positive expression in relationships – as Venus is exoterically connected to love and relationships, but also esoterically: Gemini is the sign of general relationships and Venus as esoteric ruler brings peace and equanimity between Gemini’s two warring brothers, symbols of soul and personality. Venus balances the pairs of opposites upon the mental plane and creates harmony and beauty.
This is why in the recent Gemini 2024 newsletter, it was stated how the current transit of Venus in Gemini is a good influence that offsets the aggressive force of Mars, currently passing through its own sign of Aries.
Venus Cazimi will also enhance the expression of the only ray that passes through Gemini, the 2nd ray of Love-Wisdom. There is also a strong stellium of planets in Gemini – the Sun, Moon Venus conjunction in the 17th degee of Gemini; it is greatly augmented by 2nd ray ruler Jupiter – with Mercury in this sign.
The Sabian Symbol for the 17th degree is, “The head of a youth changes into that of a mature thinker.” Does this mean that there will soon be some “adults in the room”?
These Gemini placements certainly augur well for peace talks in the Middle East, Ukraine or crucial voting in the EU parliament. The Mars/6th ray sabre-rattling by crazed world leaders has gone well beyond the pale: Macron, Netanyahu, Stoltenberg, Van der Leyen, Blinken – the nutter generals in NATO and the Pentagon, pushing WWIII – enough already!
In the new moon chart – Sun, Moon Venus (and Earth in Sagittarius) make a challenging T-square to Saturn in Pisces – setting a point of tension to work very hard at communicating with empathy and compassion, kneeling in humility and yielding to love.
This Gemini energy may well invoke Britain’s Gemini soul and USA’s Gemini personality, particularly as it falls upon the latter’s troublesome Mars in Gemini that is always itching for a fight! USA’s progressed Sun in Pisces is currently conjoined by Saturn, both of them squaring Mars in Gemini.
Brussels is a Gemini soul, hence the recent EU vote was critical, with the possibility of Brussels’ soul force being activated and over-riding the endemic corruption in this major European hub.
Cancer Solstice and Full Moon 2024
This year the Cancer solstice (June 20) occurs just 30 hours before the Cancer-Capricorn full moon festival (June 22) – amplifying the energy of Cancer the Crab – the Mother. It is also the first of two full moon periods in Cancer, the second “blue moon” occurring in late Cancer on July 21.
“Sol-stice” means literally “sun stands still’ because the Sun appears to rise in the same place for three days – having reached its maximum declination between the equator and the ecliptic.
The solstice in Cancer is a doorway into birthing that which began in Aries, the new spiritual year. The four cardinal cross signs Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn, represent “re-set” points of the year where the experiences of each quarter are assimilated and consolidated. Is your “new year resolution” initiated in Aries – still on track for the remainder of the 12 month zodiac cycle?
As the Sun is a measurer of time – and as time is an illusion, especially when the Sun appears to stand still, the solstice period is an opportunity to transcend the illusion of linear time, in which the whole world is immersed; to move into “no time” or “now time” – or the eternal now– within the deepest recesses of the heart.
Studying the astronomical diagram of the Celestial Sphere – the ecliptic represents time, as its invisible circle describes the year it takes for the Earth to move around the Sun. The equator represents space, as it is the division that is made between the northern and southern hemispheres.
The ecliptic and equator trace out the equinoxes and solstices – where space and time meet. There is the possibility of transcending the illusion of space-time. These four cardinal signs are initiatory doorways to align with the inner, timeless realms – the real world – devoid of maya, glamour and illusion.
That alignment is enabled by potent impulses from the Sun, our Solar Logos whose annual cycle marks these four cardinal points, reminding us of Earth’s relationship to the greater whole, its place within the family of planets in the solar system.
The Cancer solstice is the polar opposite of the Capricorn solstice, where the third climactic day is celebrated on Christmas Day. The Cancer solstice is a no less important three-day festival celebrated from ancient times – known as Litha in Celtic lore.
The solstice can be utilised for quiet reflection and assimilation; for cultivating the psychic sensitivity and receptivity of Cancer; for appreciation of one’s biological family as well as the family of humanity; for communion and ritual with one’s “spiritual family”; for thanks and gratitude.
The presence of the 7th ray of Ceremonial Magic, Order or Organisation in these four cardinal signs, is quite marked. Hence the opportunity for group ritual at the solstices and equinoxes, that invokes and anchors solar forces, furthering the “Planetary Plan”. The Cancer-Capricorn axis is also a “double doorway” for entry by the forces from Sirius:
“Cancer—Capricorn—Saturn (which are an expression of Sirian energy) enable the aspirant to tread the Path of Purification, of Probation. These energies focus and qualify the energy of the Great Lodge of the Most High in that distant Sun [Sirius].
They pour through the Hierarchy upon the mass of men and enable the unit in that mass to “isolate himself and turn his back upon the past and find his way on to that section of the Path wherein he learns to feel.”2

Sirius working through Cancer-Capricorn and Saturn.3
“Learns to feel” – means in the Cancerian sense of the term, but also in a higher sense.
As our Sun or Solar Logos marks these four cardinal points, so it acts as an intermediary for the forces of Sirius – our solar system is the “progeny” of Sirius. Sirius is akin to the higher self or soul to this solar system.
Hence, on Earth’s lesser cycles throughout the year, we acknowledge these higher correspondences of Earth’s alignment within the solar system to the solar logos, and to the Sirian Law of Karma.4
Saturn, as one of the four Lords of Karma is the ruler of Capricorn (in “dignity”), and serves as an intermediary to Sirius – for the distribution of karma in our solar system.
This Sirian influence will be further augmented at the Cancer “blue moon” on July 21 (two full moons in Cancer in 2024), as a prelude to the following sign Leo which is the festival dedicated to the invocation of Sirian force:
“August, which is ruled by Leo, is the month of the Dog-star, or of Sirius, which thus brings Sirius into close relation to Leo. Leo, in the cosmic sense (and apart from our solar system altogether) is ruled by Sirius. Sirius is the home of that greater Lodge to which our fifth initiation admits a man and to which it brings him, as a humble disciple.
Later, when the new world religion is founded and is working, we shall find that the major, monthly festival in August, held at the time of the full moon, will be dedicated to the task of making contact, via the Hierarchy, with Sirian force.”5
Cancer: Resource Manager
This year the Cancer solstice (June 20) occurs just 30 hours before the Cancer-Capricorn full moon festival (June 22) – amplifying the energy of Cancer the Crab – the Mother.
In the northern hemisphere symbolism of this summer solstice, nature is in its full flush, the wheat is ripening and the weather is warm. Cancer is a sign well-suited to the management of resources, as is its opposite sign Capricorn – both have the 3rd/7th rays of active-intelligence and organisation passing through them.
Resource management is reflected in the traditional mother who manages a household – buying, storing and preparing food, cleaning, shopping, looking after children – nurturing.
The opposite sign Capricorn represents the traditional father who “wins the bread” to support his wife and family, hence Cancer can be seen as “feminine” and Capricorn as “masculine”.
The blending of these opposites however, transcends gender: A male leader of a company or spiritual group might have Cancer rising and be the “mother of many” – playing a nurturing feminine role. A female with strong Capricorn might fair well in money markets or financial organisation – in a “man’s world”.
Whatever sign anyone is placed in, the polar opposite sign is always invoked – one cannot be considered without the other. If the Sun is in Cancer, then the Earth will be in Capricorn and vice-versa.
Often Capricorn types who are very successful in the material world, invoke the Cancer polarity – sometimes to extremes where they become the “smother mother”, lavishing upon family and friends in a way that can be emotionally detrimental; often there is a sense of guilt that drives these actions.

The green circle in the upper triangle represents the third ray, the “mother” ray that births the four rays of attribute. (Art: Helen Burmeister.)
Our Earth is the co-ruler of the aforementioned 3rd ray – the “mother” ray that “births” the “four rays of attribute”.
This third ray – which is co-ruled by Capricorn-ruler Saturn, is the great materialising ray, contributing to the practical and pragmatic nature of Cancer-Capricorn. The 7th ray of Organisation or Magic also plays an important role in materialising, magically manifesting – hence is why Capricorn in particular excels at these skills.
Yet – materialising’s shadow is materialism – the Cancerian hoarder or the acquisitve Capricorn, such as Jeff Bezos with Moon, Mercury south node, Sun and Mars in Capricorn! The hoarding nature of Cancer is due its exoteric lunar rulership – moon is the mother of the form nature – and is naturally materialistic.
The moon is the creator of earthly and emotional tides – and also represents the shadow or dweller in the horoscope. The pain and conflict felt by Cancerians is not just the moon that highlights one’s unredeemed nature in non-alignmement with the higher self, but from the acute sensitivity engendered by esoteric ruler Neptune, which rules the solar plexus – gateway to the astral body.
When Neptune is not influencing in its lower register of confusion or addiction, its higher expression is the visionary and mystic, the imagination and intuition: An inspired artist like Van Gogh or Akiane. Or musician – a Schumann or Stravinksy, a Tchaikovsky or violinist David Garrett.
The Moon is also the co-ruler of the 4th ray of Harmony through Conflict – the ray that rules over humanity as a whole. Humanity will eventually achieve harmony through constant conflicts – over many lives. Conflict arises from the unconscious self, as the conscious or Higher Self seeks to bring about alignment.
Climbing each rung of the evolutionary ladder – alternating through the Harmony and Conflict rungs – each on a higher turn of the spiral until all humans reach liberation, dualism disappears and there is only the One.
Jupiter Ingress to Gemini (May 26, 2024)
Mighty Jupiter entered Gemini for the first time since 2012. Jupiter’s presence was marked at the recent Gemini-Sagittarius full moon – with its conjunction to the sun from the last degree of Taurus – also conjunct Venus and the fixed star Alcyone: An auspicious prelude before making its grand entrance into Gemini.
To use old fashioned astrological terminology, Jupiter is in “detriment” in Gemini because it is in the opposite sign which it rules – Sagittarius. Exoterically, the detriment of its position can express as superficial or theoretical knowledge that is not transmuted into wisdom. A dilettante or dabbler, an ivory tower scholar or intellectual snob.
Less “detrimentally”, Jupiter in Gemini has an expansive love of the ageless wisdom, philosophy, religion, metaphysics and higher education. Through travel, writing and study, Jupiter leads to new lines of communication and social contacts.
Tapping into Gemini, Jupiter is intellectually curious and has a broad knowledge in many areas – affording social, political and historical insights.
This expansive knowledge – knowing “a little bit about a lot of things” (eclectic!), allows Jupiter in Gemini to synthesise many disparate threads, weaving them into a deeper understanding that transcends the inherent superficiality of Gemini.
Hence, social commentory is a natural forté of this sign and large networks of friends, acquaintances and contacts are not uncommon. The current transit of Jupiter through Gemini for the first time in 12 years is a very positive influence that may offset some current global crises. Why?
1. Jupiter is the great “beneficent”, this archaic name referring to the fact that Jupiter is the ruler of the second ray of Love-Wisdom, the primary quality that Humanity is developing. Jupiter is the largest of all planets in the solar system and transmits its largesse and generosity to all who are receptive to its rays.
2. Jupiter is transiting through Gemini, a sign that has only the Jupiter-ruled 2nd ray of love-wisdom passing through it. Gemini is also known as the “Cosmic Christ”, hence there is a powerful transmission of these Love-Wisdom forces that have the potential to create understanding – transforming relationships.
Gemini is a major sign of relationships through right communication – it is the classic, “walk a mile in my moccasins” position.
Whilst troublesome Mars rules the solar plexus, Jupiter rules the heart – the higher centre that draws impurities up from the solar plexus. The “swamp” water from that centre is pumped upward, finally evaporating in the fiery crucible of the heart.
3. There is another heart association because Gemini is associated with the thymus endocrine gland connected to the heart chakra. Hence, Jupiter in Gemini has a double-heart influence, most appropriate for the Twins of Gemini – the “warring brothers” of soul and personality.
4. There are also other esoteric attributes of Jupiter in Gemini:
“When the Jupiter influence becomes strong and powerful in this sign, it indicates the initiate and the rapidly attained “dualism in synthesis” of soul and spirit. Through the activity of Mercury, the man whose Sun is in Gemini is aided to attain the synthesis of soul and form; through the activity of Jupiter, the man whose rising sign is Gemini is enabled to attain the conscious integration of soul and spirit.
… In Gemini, the above is true of Jupiter [its “detriment” in Gemini] … esoterically speaking, one of the secrets of initiation. The clue to the mystery lies in the basic, spiritual dualism of Jupiter in contradistinction to the body-soul dualism of Gemini.”6
A synthesis of soul and spirit (in contra-distinction to a synthesis of personality and soul), is a very high stage of spiritual unfoldment, on the a distant horizon for most of us – a point of attainment reached by a Jesus or a Yogananda.
Nevertheless, Jupiter in Gemini’s skill of synthesising duality into unity in this most dualistic sign of signs – can be drawn upon whilst Jupiter remains there until June 9, 2025.
The highest expression of Jupiter in Gemini is loving understanding and right relationship. Jupiter in Gemini is also highly stimulating for exploring the ageless wisdom and the mysteries of initiation, because: (a) The second ray is the scholar. (b) Jupiter facilitates expansive consciousness. (c) Gemini is the child-like curiosity that enquires into everything – eclecticism incarnate, drawing from disparate origins the many threads connected to the One Source.
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Mars Ingress Taurus (June 9 – July 20)
Mars entered Taurus on June 9 for the first time in two years, remaining there for the next six weeks – until July 20. Mars is in “detriment” in this sign, as it is opposite the sign of its “dignity” or rulership – Scorpio. Mars in Taurus is not necessarily “detrimental” but it can be challenging.
Exoterically, Mars in this material, earthy sign can present physical obstacles, frustrations and limitations. Mars’ astrological symbol is the upright phallus – and the bull of Taurus is a symbol of masculine strength and fertility.
Taurus is paradoxically regarded as a feminine sign – where the fertility cycle of the moon is exalted, hence a cow might seem a more appropriate symbol. Therefore, while Mars is passing through Taurus, there could be a preoccupation with sex (a good time to conceive!) – jealousy and possessiveness might rear their heads too. Also a strong drive to acquire money and possessions – selfishly or unselfishly, whatever is needed.
Mars in Taurus can bring great determination and perseverance, with an emphasis upon the practical and physical – that yields tangible results. A good example would be the craftsman or skilled artisan – especially working in clay, stone or metal. The latter element belongs to the realm of Vulcan, the esoteric ruler of Taurus, the smithy working at his anvil – hammering the red-hot iron which is ruled by Mars.
“Mars is in detriment in this sign. Its activity adds constantly to the naturally warlike nature of Taurus but the potency of the Taurean struggle is so great, esoterically speaking, that the effect of Mars is lost in the larger whole. It “adds to the glamour and confusion and yet holds within itself hope for the struggling man.””7
There is a bit to unpack here. What is “warlike Taurus” – stimulated by the god of war, Mars? It is the energy of the only ray passing through this sign, the 4th ray of Harmony through Conflict – which rules over Humanity as a whole.
Hence, Mars exacerbates 4th ray energy that is co-ruled by Mercury and the Moon. The Moon (exalted in Taurus) – is the conflict component of the Harmony-Conflict equation. The Moon represents the unconcious part of every individual (shadow/dweller) – which leads to conflict with others.
Mars is a most unruly and testing planet because it rules the solar plexus chakra, doorway to the astral or desire body – one of the three “lunar vehicles”. The final conquering of the astral part of the personality culminates at the 2nd initiation, a high-water mark that many in the world today are working toward.
The astral body is called the desire nature in Buddhism and the Buddha incarnated in Taurus. His main teaching was about freeing ourselves from desire – which keeps humanity bound upon the wheel of samsara: “The indefinitely repeated cycles of birth, misery and death caused by karma”.
In the undeveloped individual, Taurus is ruled by selfish desire, with some aspiration but living by the “light of the earth” – through the sacral and the solar plexus centres.
Taurus-ruler Venus is seen here in its more well-known acquisitive, astral expression – ruling sex, desire for food, money, pleasure, comfort, emotional “love” – and even the thirst for spiritual experience.
All these desires are still present and expressed at the various stages of an aspirant, disciple or initiate – but instead of indulging them, there is a gradual relinquishment – to enjoy them as part of the human experience, but not be used by them.
Master Hilarion: Psychic Sensitivity and Neptune
Bob Dylan once said, “I do not know how I got to write those songs, its almost if they were magically written … It’s a different kind of penetrating magic.”
Here is a statement from someone who is a conscious or unconscious channel/amanuensis – sharing this gift with a host of other musicians and song writers like Paul Simon (Sounds of Silence), Neil Young (After The Goldrush) Stevie Ray Vaughan, Samuel Barber, Leonard Cohen, Jimi Hendrix, Dmitri Shostakovich etc. Examination of the horoscopes of all these song-writer/musicians (and other fiction writers in general), invariably shows a “psychic signature”.
And often that signature is activated by a partucular transit, as described in this previous analysis of Dylan and some of the linked names above. In Young’s case, with his seminal album After the Goldrush, Neptune was activated by transiting Uranus when he was working on that inspired music in 1970.
Neptune, the esoteric ruler of Cancer is often prominent – in any sign, connected to the Sun, Moon or Mercury in particular. For instance, Dylan’s Mercury in Gemini is square Neptune in Virgo, the most elevated planet in his chart – casting considerable influence over the masses. Simon’s Moon in Cancer (a sign of mass consciousness) is trine his Mercury in Scorpio.

Hilarion the Great (291–371) spent most of his life in the desert, considered by some to be the founder of Palestinian monasticism.
Music is ruled by the 4th ray of Harmony Through Conflict or Art, Beauty and Music. The 4th ray has a correspondence to the 4th plane of buddhi, or intuition.
The consciousness of direct knowledge on this plane is the goal of Humanity and finds its point of least resistance upon the astral plane – “bypassing” the mental plane.
Here is where the psychically sensitive pick up impressions that emanate from the plane of buddhi. As one of the seven ray “chohans” one of the tasks of Master Hilarion is supervising the psychics of the world,
“On the fifth Ray of Concrete Knowledge or Science, we find the Master Hilarion, who, in an earlier incarnation was Paul of Tarsus. He is occupying a Cretan body, but spends a large part of His time in Egypt.
He it was Who gave out to the world that occult treatise “Light on the Path” [through Mabel Collins, free download at this link] – and His work is particularly interesting to the general public at this crisis, for He works with those who are developing the intuition, and controls and transmutes the great movements that tend to strip the veil from the unseen.
His is the energy which, through His disciples, is stimulating the Psychical Research groups everywhere, and He it was Who initiated, through various pupils of His, the Spiritualistic movement.
He has under observation all those who are psychics of the higher order, and assists in developing their powers for the good of the group, and in connection with certain of the devas of the astral plane He works to open up to the seekers after truth that subjective world which lies behind the grossly material.”8
Mabel Collins’ “psychic signature” is a classic Moon-Neptune conjunction in Pisces. Similarly, Edgar Cayce, Rudolph Steiner and Geoffrey Hodson all have Neptune-ruled Pisces traits – to name a few of the more occultly oriented. Djwhal Khul calls mystic Pisces the “medium and the mediator”.
Yet, as discussed in the earlier examples of musicians, Pisces is not the only sign of the zodiac that carries psychic skills; they are often reflected in aspects between planets -particularly in water signs such as the example of Paul Simon’s Moon in Cancer trine Mercury in Scorpio. Similarly, Neil Young has Sun, Venus and rising in watery Scorpio with Moon in Aquarius trine Neptune.
“The Master Hilarion is actively occupied in the field of America, stimulating the intuitive perception of its people. He has under observation all those who are true psychics, and who develop their powers for the good of the community.
He controls and transmutes the great active movements which endeavour to strip the veil from the world of the unseen. He impresses the minds of those whose vision will justify His effort. And He has much to do with various psychical research movements throughout the world.
With the aid of certain groups of angels, He works to open up the world of departed souls to the seeker, and much that has of late convinced the materialistic world of life beyond has emanated from Him.”9
Well-known medium – Dolores Cannon, has Mercury the Messenger in Taurus trine Neptune rising in Virgo. Jean Dixon, the “seeress of Washington” – Sun in Capricorn opposite Neptune in Cancer. Mercury in Aquarius quincunx Neptune.
Alice A. Bailey – Mercury in Cancer sextile Neptune in Taurus.
Child prodigy Akiane – Moon in Cancer opposite Neptune in Capricorn.
“The Master Hilarion will also come forth, and become a focal point of buddhic energy in the vast spiritualistic movement, whilst another Master is working with the Christian Science endeavour in an effort to swing it on to sounder lines.
It is interesting to note that those movements which have laid the emphasis so strongly on the heart or love aspect, may respond more rapidly to the inflow of force at the Coming than other movements which consider themselves very advanced. The “mind may slay” the recognition of the Real, and hatred between brothers swing the tide of love-force away.”10
Lord of the Rings author – J.R.R. Tolkien, had the moon in Pisces square its ruler Neptune in Gemini. Although Neptune is prime inspiration for the imagination, Tolkiens’ writing was less fantasy, more the downloading of actual history.
As the movie’s Scorpio director Peter Jackson pointed out, Tolkien was about reviving mythology which is less fiction, but stories handed down through generations.
Another film series with similarities to Lord of the Rings, was Harry Potter – whose author J.K. Rowling, has moon in wordsmith Virgo, sextile to Neptune in Scorpio. Moon is also square to Jupiter in Gemini – a classic story-teller aspect.
Paul Simon has a similar “channel” factor – with moon in Cancer trine to Mercury in Scorpio. When he wrote the very beautiful Sounds of Silence, inspired by JFK’s assassination, he had progressed Sun conjunct his Mercury. The message then is still as strong today – maybe more so, in spite of or because of our technological communication:
“Sound of Silence” is a song about the importance of communication. In a world where people are isolated from each other, there is a need for greater connection. The song speaks to the need for people to come together and communicate honestly with each other if they want to understand each other’s pain. It’s an uplifting message that reminds us that we are not alone in our struggles. ”
The Crop Circle Season Begins
Having posted on Facebook on June 11 – about the crop circle season starting late – voila, this first genuine circle appeared the next day. Perhaps everyone wondering invoked it!

(June 12, 2024, Wilton Windmill field, Nr Wilton, Wiltshire, UK. Hugh Newman Copyright 2023 All Rights Reserved. IMAGES STONEHENGE DRONESCAPES PHOTOGRAPHY COPYRIGHT 2024.)
It is a fairly simple one yet quite enigmatic in its meaning. It is most likely related to the Cancer solstice period of three days June 20-23, where the full moon of Cancer-Capricorn falls right in the middle – on the second day of the solstice period.
The inner circle represents the Sun, while the four outer circles the four points of the cardinal cross: Cancer-Capricorn, Aries-Libra. The outer circles may represent the full moon which falls in the middle of the solstice period. The large circle might be the Sun and the other circles, Venus, Vulcan and Mercury respectively.

Some have likened this circle to the Cross of the Christ – soon to return sometime after 2025 and inaugurate the Age of Aquarius.
Alternatively, the large outer circle may be Jupiter and the smaller circles – Venus, Vulcan (smallest circle) and Mercury – which are conjunct the solstice sun and the full moon. One commentary at says:
“A rather late appearance compared to previous years, a classic planetary-type astronomical formation, which can vary from the Earth-Moon system in its four basic positions to the Earth-Sun system in the four annual moments (four seasons). But two details were added to this formation:
1. One of the four planetary seasons is composed of five circles of unequal sizes;
2. Some lines of the formation are lightened, showing a discontinuity of the structures, something like representing a “break”, a rupture of the presented system.
These broken lines can be better seen in the largest circle, the one that contains its satellites. These images can suggest many things within an astronomical context.
For example, the approach of a strange object in the vicinity of the solar system and its inner planets could cause disturbances in the regular orbits (broken circles) soon. Something, in fact, that has been reported regularly by crop circles for many previous seasons.
I consider this to be a statement of disturbances in the Earth’s orbit due to the entry of an object that approaches our gravitational field, terrestrial and solar combined.
The number of five circles included in one of the orbital positions (of the Earth) can suggest many things, from a unit of time (five months, five years) to the position of the object (fifth planetary orbit, Jupiter).”11
(Video by Hugh Newman Copyright 2023 All Rights Reserved.) (See also an earlier article of a visit to a circle: Crop Circles: Patterns of Emerging Consciousness)
Is the house you are building yet lit? Is it a lighted house, or is it a dark prison?
“In the Words given for this sign, the Word of the soul indicates the objective of the Cancer experience and the purpose for which incarnation has been taken: “I build a lighted house and therein dwell.” The temporary method of the personality is also clearly given when we are told that the Word proclaimed by the soul as it takes incarnation is “Let isolation be the rule and yet—the crowd exists.”
This sign can carry deep meaning to all. You are in process of incarnation; you are following your chosen way. Is the house you are building yet lit? Is it a lighted house, or is it a dark prison? If it is a lighted house, you will attract to its light and warmth all who are around you and the magnetic pull of your soul, whose nature is light and love, will save many.
If you are still an isolated soul, you will have to pass through the horrors of a more complete isolation and loneliness, treading alone the dark way of the soul. Yet this isolation, this loneliness and this separation in the dark night are all part of the Great Illusion.
It is, however, an illusion into which the whole of humanity is now precipitated in preparation for unity, freedom and release. Some are lost in the illusion and know not what is reality and truth. Others walk free in the world of illusion for the purposes of saving and lifting their brothers, and if you cannot do this, you will have to learn so to walk.”12
Phillip Lindsay © 2024.
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Aquarian Wisdom Centre
Talk and Group Meditation with Phillip Lindsay
Cancer Solstice/Full Moon Talk and Meditation
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.312. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.466. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.50. [↩]
- A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p.570. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.299 [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.365. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.401. [↩]
- Initiation, Human and Solar. Alice A. Bailey. p.59. [↩]
- The Externallisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.506. [↩]
- A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p.759. [↩]
- [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.343. [↩]
When we don’t exclude anything, trough your Newsletters and comments we might understand that in the Universe everything is possible. White Magic is always present! Thank you.
I found your comments so reassuring. I thought I was deluded in my efforts to “save” the
world, specifically to try to bring peace to our warring world, amongst many other people
doing the same thing. I discovered there are very many peace organizations, as well as
news outlets , seeking peace, truth, and a better future for us all.
Of course you are one of them, bringing great insights, information, etc. I look forward
to the Cancer Solstice/full moon talk and meditation.
As singer Bob Marley pointed out, the people of the world are ONE LOVE, ONE HEART. Let us
come together and I’ll feel alright.”
x Beverley
Hola Phillip, thanks for sharing!!
“It is the conflict of the soul with environment – consciously or unconsciously carried on – which leads to the penalties of incarnation and which provides those conditions of suffering which the soul has willing undertaken when – with open eyes and clear vision – the soul chose the path of earth life with all its consequent sacrifices and pains, in order to salvage the lives with which it had an affinity”.
From this text by Master DK, extracted from the chapter of Cancer and the detriment of Saturn, it has always caught my attention that it says “consciously or unconsciously”…
We can interpret that, even if unconsciously, the soul that voluntarily reincarnates in Cancer through the form and its subsequent material experience, will always, even if unconsciously, save, (illuminate) the lives with which it will have affinity.
In truth this text suggests at a deep love for the human condition, a deep faith in the healing power, conscious or unconscious, of the soul.
As they say in India: “A lion cub never asks when he will be an adult lion because he knows that one day he will be one.”