Capricorn 2025: Cap. Solstice & New Moon. Zionism-Israel. New Orleans. World Glamour. UFO’s. Rumblings from Shamballa?

“Capricorn is spiritually the sign of the Unicorn which is the “fighting and triumphant creature” of the ancient myths.”1
Capricorn Keynote
“Lost am I in light supernal and on that light I turn my back.”
(Full Moon: Jan.13, 2025. UT: 22:27.)
“Capricorn is … the sign in which is inaugurated a new cycle of effort, whether this effort is in connection with the individual man or with the initiate.
Effort, strain, struggle, the fight with the forces native to the underworld, or the strenuous conditions entailed by the tests of discipleship or initiation—these are distinctive of experience in Capricorn.”2
The Capricorn-Cancer Solstices 2024-2025
Capricorn New Moon Dec.31, 2024
Capricorn, Zionism, Israel: Middle East Crisis
New Orleans Attack: New Years Day 2025
___The US Military Perpetrators
___Shamsud-Din Jabbar
___Matthew Livelsberger
The Amplification of World Glamour: UFO’s
Rumblings from Shamballa? Shigatse Earthquake
The Capricorn-Cancer Solstices 2024-2025
Christmas Dec.25, 2024 was exactly 83 years to the day for Christmas 1941 – when The Tibetan made a grim warning, regarding the outcome of WWII:
“The determination and the inner purpose of humanity will be so definite during the period when the Sun will begin to move northward—from December 25th [The end of the Capricorn solstice period.] until June 22nd, 1942 [The Cancer solstice] —that the future of humanity for many hundreds of years will be decided.
From that decision will date the coming New Age; on that decision, the Hierarchy will be able to make prediction and determine action; in that decision will be discovered the point in evolution of the mass of men.
I urge you to face the future with strength, to free your minds from all vestiges of doubt, and to know (in your own life and for the race) that the forces of materialism and cruelty will not triumph.”3
In 2025 it will be the 84th anniversary of Dec. 1941 – 84 being a cycle of the planet Uranus, ruler of the Aquarian Age into which the world is moving for the next 2,160 years. 2025 is a major marker between the ages of Pisces and Aquarius – hence the great crises that have emerged from the clash of crystallised, redundant ways of thinking – and new ideas emerging.
Later in the same book (The Externalisation of the Hierarchy), when reflecting upon this six-month crisis from Dec.41-Jun.42, Djwhal Khul continues:
“When the sun moved northward that year (1942), the great White Lodge knew that the battle had been won. Their preparations were halted and the Masters then organised for renewed effort (through Their disciples) to bring about those conditions wherein that which was new and that which was in line with loving divine purpose could freely move forward.
The war was not won by the surrender of Germany. That was only the outer result of inner happenings. The war was won by the Forces of Light when the mental potency of the forces of evil was overcome and the “energy of the future” was directed or impelled by Those Who were seeking the higher human values and the spiritual good of mankind.”4
Today, with continual speculation of world war, Humanity finds itself in a similar position to 1941-2. Therefore Dec.24-Jun.25 will be a decisive window of time.
Choices must be made, reflecting the energy of Libra (“Let choice be made”) – the zodiac sign which currently presides over the cusp of Ages in the planetary horoscope.5
This cuspal period is reflected in a lesser way, from 2024-2025, between one governing body and another, between Capricorn and Aquarius, the latter sign being the soul of both USA and Russia.
The last few years has been exceedingly difficult to see clearly, given the mass glamour that has enveloped Humanity, partly due to the lower influence of Neptune in Pisces. (Soon to move into Aries.) Compounding this “world glamour” has been the success of mass media propaganda that continues unabated.
Hence, if ever there was a new year’s resolution to be made by those still riven with uncertainty, turn off the television and escape the programming!
This is a platitude for many but it is surprising (shocking in fact!) how many who follow the spiritual path still rely on the lies from MSM – as if it was gospel! Follow independent media and make up your own mind!
Capricorn New Moon Dec. 31, 2024
The Christmas period through to new year is always a very fluid window of time, where one year ends and another begins. At least the exoteric year as we know it, finding completion in material Capricorn – which is at the same time, one of the most spiritual signs.
The true zodiacal new year begins in Aries at the spring equinox, though at one time in our ancient Atlantean history – Capricorn was the last sign of the zodiac, the 10th sign, representing perfection and completion.
And so the theme of achievement in Capricorn still holds, the two-horned goat that has steadily picked its way up the rugged mountain, achieving the lofty summit – becomes esoterically, the one-horned unicorn.
This interim period of Christmas is often a time of inner conflict and turbulence, between the unredeemed aspects of one’s nature and striving towards spiritual goals – wrestling with the shadow and light.
It is like the monthly balsamic phase of the moon where there is no visible moon in the sky, a quite Plutonic and subjective phase where one is “left in the dark” – to find a way out of the labyrinth.
The balsamic phase precedes the new moon, the seed of the new cycle that sees its harvest two weeks later at the full moon. Hence, in this last portion of 2024, the balsamic lunar phase coincided with the fluid boundary between the years – and initiated the new year with the new moon.
One of the challenges of the last week of December is to review the past year, acknowledging one’s achievements or failures – but at the same time letting them all go, having no attachment or unduly dwelling upon them. (This process of dissolution is repeated in Pisces before the new cycle begins in Aries.)
This dissolving process is essential for resolving old hurts or injustices, addictions, shame or embarrassment, lost friends or missed opportunities. Although some things may remain unresolved, nonetheless – new year’s resolutions can be made that tap into the perfecting process of Capricorn – that aim to get it right next time, on the blank canvas of the new year.
Capricorn is a mentally powerful sign ruled by Saturn the lord of karma. Hence, one mentally resolves, building a thoughtform that takes the form of a geometrical template in subtle substance. That template is only as good as the power of thought and imagination with which it has been imbued, determining future outcomes.
Hence, we reflect upon the past while at the same time planning the future, symbolised by the two-faced god Janus who looks back and forward to January – a month that spans most of Capricorn, hence Janus is a somewhat Saturnian figure.
“Janus is the god of beginnings, gates, transitions, time, duality, doorways, passages, frames, and endings.” Janus derives from the Latin for an “arched passage or doorway” – where transition is made from past time to future time. It is also symbolic of passing from one level of consciousness to another – of initiation, over which Capricorn rules.
And so, at this new moon/new year of Capricorn – we reflect, resolve and renew, relinquishing regret, rectify the wrongs and make those karmic adjustments.
This process is not unlike the soul’s journey at death, as it passes into the afterlife reviewing the life just lived. Capricorn is one of the signs of death – of completion, yet the doorway into renewed life.
That new life will be particularly powerful in 2025, as the world is faced with major decisions in so many areas of human activity.
And of course, there is less than four months from the Taurus-Wesak full moon – when the Spiritual Guides of Humanity will meet at their centennial conclave, to determine the date of Their reappearance in these next decades.
For that event, Capricorn’s perscipacity6 prepares us all!
Capricorn, Zionism, Israel: Middle East Crisis
The Planetary Solar Plexus and Sacral Centres
Political Zionism is Nazism
Zionist Terrorism: UK, USA and UN
Greater Israel: From the Nile to Euphrates Rivers
The Jewish Personality: Capricorn
Israel and Palestinians, Syria and Iran
Seven Arab Countries and the Neocons
Russia and Ukraine
JFK-RFK: Zionist Assassinations
War with Iran May Lead to Global Conflict
Sealing the Door Where Evil Dwells
Syria and the Master Jesus
Christian Zionists and Donald Trump’s Policy
It is not the author’s intention to add to any “gloom and doom” in the world, but to reveal the esoteric truth around our current world circumstances – thereby ultimately promoting understanding and goodwill between all.
The subject is a “heavy” one, but the author encourages its’ perusal for an overview of the history behind this ancient problem – in the context of Capricorn, ruler of the Jewish people’s personality. As an esoteric historian, the author has explored this complex subject several times in the past decade(s):
– Zionism (2014).
– Capricorn, the Jewish People, Zionism and Israel (2017).
– Roots of the Israel-Palestine Conflict: Zionism-Nazism (2023).
– Zionists and Neocons Control the USA (2024)
– Unveiling Genesis: Mysteries of the Rootraces and Cycles (Book II, Ch.7. Esoteric History of the Jewish Race.) (2005-2017)
It is anticipated that regular reiteration of historical facts will help build a more informed foundation of understanding – in the hearts and minds of Ageless Wisdom students.
That is, a foundation devoid of knee-jerk reactions, cultural conditioning or decades of media propaganda that (intentionally) does not discriminate between the Jewish people as a whole – and political Zionism.
This strategy of exploiting the grey area between these two poles has worked for a long time because of the overlap that contains several permutations of Zionism, those who practice Judaism and those who are neither.
This ancient issue cannot be ignored, avoided or parsed over – it is the responsibility of World Disciples to inform themselves esoterically and exoterically, so that they may render adequate service of one kind or another.
The world’s indifference or apathy to the plight of the Palestinians may/will generate severe karmic blowback. It is not just a Middle Eastern problem, it is one of the most urgent global issues facing Humanity.
For humanity to allow pernicious forces to keep committing genocide with impunity, is to abrogate its moral responsibility. More voices must stand up and be heard – without fear of chastisement, criticism or libel.
Events in the Middle East (and Ukraine) in 2025, are moving to a point of critical mass that will affect all of Humanity, with the very high risk of a global conflict – more than any other time since WWII.
As these appalling situations are coming to a head – the darkness before the dawn, they also offer a glimmer of light at the end of a very long tunnel: Some potential exists for paving a road to recovery and racial healing – for Jews and Arabs alike, warring brothers of the third Semitic subrace of the Fifth Rootrace.
The Planetary Solar Plexus and Sacral Centres
A reminder of this deeply esoteric and ancient subject that provides a glimpse into some root causes of this planetary problem:
“… the Jews … as a whole, constitute the solar plexus of the planetary Logos; their problem is being used today to focus, qualify and condition the world feeling-nature and the emotional reactions of the sensitive nature of humanity and of the planetary Logos …

From, “Jewish Glamour: A Change in Attitude” – article and conference presentation. The solar plexus in any entity is the ‘clearing house’ for energies from all the lower chakras, to be raised above the diaphragm to the heart. The Jewish people embody the planetary solar plexus and are hence the clearing house that collectively absorbs and transmutes the sensorial nature of all kingdoms.
… Through the Jewish people throughout the world, feeling—sympathetic or antagonistic, expressive of love or conditioned by hate—is being gathered to a focus in the planetary solar plexus centre, preparatory to a great and permanent change.
… when humanity will have solved correctly the Jewish problem, and when it has been resolved in a humanitarian and sound manner, then the energy of the planetary solar plexus centre will have been raised to the heart and a great transmutation will have taken place.”7
Below the solar plexus centre lies the sacral centre – which both Nazis and Zionists have invoked and accessed. This has had the effect of dragging down the solar plexus forces into the sacral centre, preventing the natural evolution of the solar plexus forces up into the heart:
“The Dark or Materialistic Forces correspond in their entirety to the energies of the sacral centre of the planet, dealing with the generation of forms ⌈sex], and their work is to keep the direction of planetary interest upon the form side of divine expression. ⌈.e. all material things – money, possessions, property, the outer, appearances etc.]

Another way to consider the planetary centres, as distinct from the five planetary cities used in the Great Invocation – New York, London, Geneva, Darjeeling Tokyo.
They are concerned with the life of matter itself, with its magical usage, and with that which is regarded as dark because, for humanity at its present stage of development, that divine aspect should have lost its major hold and should lie behind “in the darkness of that which has been outgrown and which has no further hold upon the son of God”.”8
Political Zionism is Nazism
“German-Jewish linguist and anti-fascist Victor Klemperer, who survived the Holocaust and chose not to move to Israel but stay in Germany after 1945, wrote … that both Zionism and Nazism are essentially neo-Romantic nationalist ideologies.
The components of this Romantic nationalism, … are, “the dethronement of reason, the animalization of man, the glorification of the idea of power, of the predator, of the blond beast … and, most importantly, a strong biologization of the concept of a people, the belief in a “sacred mission” of a certain tribe or nation.”9
The following passage is a commentary upon Germany’s leadership in WWII and the material side of Capricorn, revealing several important similarities to events that have unfolded in recent years. (Note, whenever square brackets are used [ ], this denotes the author’s commentary within a quoted passage.)

Hitler was trained in theatrics – a series of photos here from a photographer he employed to see what was the most effective pose.
“The Hierarchy makes a distinction between the bewildered mass, the wrongly educated youth and the obsessed leaders in all branches of the government. The latter are “shells,” [Hitler etc.] obsessed by evil entities and hence their dynamic, one-pointed potency, hence also their extreme skill and cunning, based on very ancient evil experience and hence also the well-nigh ludicrous falsity of their propaganda. [The phenomena of “obsessed leaders” and “ludicrous propaganda” was clearly evident in 2020-3!]
They are the spirit of materialism embodied, devoid of all true feeling and perception, lacking the light of love and understanding, but powerfully animated by the energy of substance itself. It is time that men woke up to the nature of these beings who sought (under the present grouping of constellations) to enslave the race. [“these beings” are still around today!]
The earthly influence of Capricorn made their activity possible; they themselves have been evoked out of their evil past by the material side of humanity itself and the potency of the massed selfishness of mankind.”10

Palestinian Loss of Land 1948-2000. 24 years later, the loss must be much broader. In other words, since the razing of Gaza there is not much left.
Paradoxically, given WWII’s Holocaust, political Zionism has always been synonymous with Nazism. Ever since its most recent inception by Theodore Herzl in the late 19th century, Zionism pursued a steady and ruthless path to reclaim the “promised land” – culminating in the illegal theft of Palestinian land in 1948.
“… in 1948. British Army officer and politician Edward Spears, who “best highlighted the Gentile use of the Zionist-Nazi analogy”, wrote that:
Political Zionism as it is manifested in Palestine today preaches very much the same doctrines as Hitler… Zionist policy in Palestine has many features similar to Nazi philosophy… the politics of Herrenvolk [“Master race”] … the Nazi idea of Lebensraum [expansionism], is also very in evidence in the Zionist philosophy [Greater Israel] … the training of youth is very similar under both organizations that have designed this one and the Nazi one.”11
During the Piscean cycle of the last 2,000 years, many Jews were expelled from cities and nations around Europe – murdered and ostracised, leading to the “final solution” in Nazi death camps of WWII. Hence, part of the promise of Israel was to provide safe haven from persecution.
It has been claimed that the death camp horrors were partially allowed to happen through Zionist collaboration with the Nazis – as it was “good for their cause”.12

Norman Finkelstein politcal scientist and activist, son of Holocaust survivors.
Historically, due to centuries of persecution, the Jewish people have many grievances that Zionists have exploited for political gain – and which has nothing to do with Judaism:
“… the Zionists worked with Hitler on making Europe unlivable for Jews in order to force them to move to Palestine.
The Zionist movement led a broad campaign of incitement against the Jews living under Nazi rule to arouse the government’s hatred of them, to fuel vengeance against them and to expand the mass extermination …
… every racist in the world was given the green light, and first and foremost Hitler and the Nazis, to do with the Jews as they wish, as long as it ensures Jewish immigration to Palestine … the number of Jews murdered in the Nazi Holocaust as agreed upon by mainstream historians, six million … a “fantastic lie”.
“… the interest of the Zionist movement, however, is to inflate this figure so that their gains will be greater. This led them to emphasize this figure [six million] in order to gain the solidarity of international public opinion with Zionism.
Many scholars have debated the figure of six million and reached stunning conclusions — fixing the number of Jewish victims at only a few hundred thousand.”13
Zionist Terrorism: UK, USA and UN
Whether one resonates with the above passage or dismisses it as yet another “Holocaust denier” (a loaded phrase that has the same mantric potency as “anti-Semite”), the argument of Nazi collaboration by the Zionists is inescapable:
“The leaders of the Zionist movement of aggression constitute a real danger to world peace and human development and their activities have been endorsed by the expediency policy of the U.S.A. and, in a secondary degree, by Great Britain, under the influence of the U.S.A.
It is the Zionists who have defied the United Nations, lowered its prestige and made its position both negative and negligible to the world.
It is the Zionists who have perpetrated the major act of aggression since the formation of the United Nations, and who were clever enough to gain the endorsement of the United Nations, turning the original “recommendation” of the United Nations into an order.”14
The “expediency policy by the USA and Britain” had its roots in two dates:
1. The first phase of the expediency policy was the 1917 Balfour Declaration – when the “British Government announced its support for the establishment of a “national home for the Jewish people” in Palestine ….
… The declaration was contained in a letter from UK’s Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour to [the infamous] Lord Rothschild, a leader of the British Jewish community, for transmission to the Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland.”15
This was a major mistake for this major Western power to make – under Zionist pressure, instead of allowing for the natural assimilation of Jewish people into all areas of the world.
The problems that Jewish people had faced previously, regarding discrimination and persecution – were in part generated by their own culture and certain practices (especially in business), that alienated the existing host culture.
Due to these ancient tribal habits, Jews have tended to create enclaves16 – a sub-culture within an existing culture.
Where there has been persecution resulting in economic hardship, enclaves became ghettos.17
Similarly, the Chinese have created enclaves all over the world – Chinatowns in almost every large city. The Chinese have the same ray structure as the Jewish people – 1st ray soul/3rd ray personality: The 1st ray is very independent and wilful, the 3rd ray excels in the law of economy and business.
2. The second phase of this “expediency policy” occurred just after 1947 when the Zionist Irgun terrorist group bombed the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, killing 91 people – Britons, Arabs and Jews.
A future Israeli prime minister, Menachem Begin was the leader of Irgun at that time. Another prime minister – Yitzshak Shamir was a past member. Benjamin Netanyahu’s father – Benzion Netanyahu, was an ideologue of The Irgun (“The Organisation”).
Netanyuahu Jr., through his astonishing, unbridled hand in the recent Gaza slaughter, has continued the “family tradition” – more than any other Irgun members combined. Hence, Israeli leaders’ accusations of “terrorist” to Hamas or Hezbollah – ring hollow.
As Jewish Professor John Mearsheimer points out regularly, the Palestinians have very little support from the rest of the Arab world, hence their only option is resistance.
Such is the zeal and conviction of Zionists for their entitlement to the “Holy Land”, there is some irony that Netanyahu set up the Yonathan Institute for the Study of Terrorism, in honor of his brother who perished in the infamous raid at Entebbe.
Finally, as a continuance of commentary on the “expediency policy” from point #2, The Tibetan informs us in June 1947, just before the formation of Israel in 1948:
“Today the United States permits the raising of funds in order to arm the Zionists against Great Britain, an ally and friendly power … the fight over Palestine – fomented by the Zionists, and not by the Jews as a whole …
… a fight in which the Zionists prevented the displaced Jewish persons (only 20% of the whole) from discovering how welcome they are in many countries throughout the world; a fight which has greed and not any love of Palestine behind it, and which is governed by financial interests and not by the humanitarian spirit which the Zionists claim and which would force them to accept the offers made by Great Britain …”.18
Greater Israel: From the Nile to Euphrates Rivers
Later Zionists have expanded upon Herzl’s original vision and embraced the idea of “greater Israel” – “from the Nile to the Euphrates River”:
“On the same day the Lord made A covenant with Abraham, saying: To your descendants I have given this Land, from the river of Egypt to to the Great river, the River of Euphrates” – Genesis 15:18.
An article from The Times of Israel by Adrian Stein, illustrates how Jewish historical entitlement is deeply ingrained in the minds of highly intelligent people.
The key element to be noted in this article is the process of rationalisation – “the act interpreting or explaining something (such as bad behavior) that makes it seem proper, more attractive, etc.”.
“It is not a divine promise in the strict sense but a covenantal commitment, a legal claim and title to all of the lands between the two rivers, and it is a ‘deed’ that has been witnessed and ‘sealed’ by all of humankind. The granting of this title, immortally and in perpetuity to Abraham and his progeny though Isaac and Jacob is permanent and irrevocable.

Abraham and the Three Angels (1635-45) – Rembrandt. Abraham was the Patriarch or Manu of the third Semitic subrace (5.3)
The granting of Abraham’s title is repeated and repeated, in different forms and language throughout the Pentateuch, and it functions accordingly as a defining leitmotif of the biblical books.
We have all read the description of the land ‘title’ in Genesis 15:18 and elsewhere, and we all understand its meaning.
It is a birthright and a land grant that all of the Abrahamic people recognize. It is embedded in all of the subsequent New Testamental books and in the Koran. There are no theological convolutions, argumentative gymnastics, or intellectual casuistry that can withdraw this claim.
It is the most permanent and final title ever granted or will ever be granted to humankind. There is in fact no stronger claim to any piece of property in the world than the Jewish claim to the Holy Land, and the holy lands to their full extent—that is, from the “River to the River,” from the Euphrates to the Nile.””19
A truly jaw-dropping statement that draws upon a long-gone Biblical history – a breathtaking cocktail of glamour and illusion! A reversion to the past, a rationalised revisioning, but really an irrational ideology born of fear and persecution, plus the “me first” attitude of the aforementioned 1st ray.
Former IDF Chief of Staff and Defence Minister ‘Bogie’ Ya’alon recently stated,
“Israel nonetheless is relishing its ‘win’. Winning what? The current Israeli government’s path is to conquer, annex, commit ethnic cleansing … and to establish Jewish settlements. Polls show some 70% of Israelis, sometimes more, support this – AND for Israel to be a liberal democracy”.
This [contradictory] path will lead us to destruction … What other can be the final end to this Zionist project? There are more than seven million Palestinians between the ‘River and the Sea’. Are they all to vanish from the map?”20

Whilst Netanyahu may be considered a “Zionist dictator”, he is only the visible public head of a vast network of Zionist groups around the world such as AIPAC, ADL, AZO etc.
The following passage brings home the lesson of history and ancient racial glamours:
“The Jews are governed by the third Ray of Active Intelligence [personality ray], the energy which permeates and controls matter or substance. [The 3rd ray also passes through Capricorn.]
They were also, during the years immediately following the war [1945-1948], under the control of a glamour imposed by the Zionist Dictators, who were attempting (somewhat unsuccessfully) to be to the Jewish people what Stalin and his group, and Hitler and his gang, have been to their people.
They worked through the same methods—terrorising, withholding information, browbeating their opponents, making false claims and bribing and corrupting.

Israeli settlers intimidating Palestinians and thieving land in 2024.
They were and are a minority, but a powerful minority because of their great wealth and their being in positions of power. [“great wealth” here most likely refers to figures like Lord Rothschild.]
They are claiming a land to which they have no possible right and which the Jews have ignored for two thousand years.
Their attitude is perhaps the culminating aggressive action of the age and marks a climaxing point; it has produced a serious world tension, but out of this good may come and a “point of emergence for mankind” be reached.
The issue of aggression can be more clearly seen because of their activities. Very few lands today are in the possession of their original inhabitants, and if restoration is made to all original inhabitants (which is not possible) an impossible situation would be brought about just as legitimate as the Zionist position.
If the Zionist claims are to be considered (and they have been), they in their turn should realise that (if The Old Testament is to be believed), they originally took the land of Palestine away from its original owners nearly three thousand years ago, at the point of the sword and through an unprovoked aggression.”21
The Jewish Personality: Capricorn
The Jewish people are ruled by Capricorn at the personality level and Virgo at the soul level. As the third ray is one of the three rays to pass through Capricorn, it amplifies the strength of this ray and zodiac sign.
Zionism is essentially the shadow of the Jewish people’s first ray soul of will-power – and of Capricorn, a sign through which the first ray also passes. (Capricorn “hosts” rays 1,3 and the 7th ray of Organisation or Ceremonial Magic.) Political Zionism is only concerned with power (ray 1) and money (ray 3), at the expense of compassion (ray 2).
The majority of Jewish people are not Zionists, though many believe the myth (or glamour) of reclaiming the Jewish homeland after thousands of years. Capricorn is adept at handling material resources, money and power, especially with the potency of the 7th ray. This is the “ancient force” mentioned earlier, into which Zionism taps.
Through the theft of land from the Palestinians since 1948, Zionists have not only repeated their ancient ancestor’s crime, but may be planning to expand into a “greater Israel” that encompasses large parts of the Middle East – parts of Syria, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan etc.
Given that approximately half of the world’s Jewish population now lives in Israel (around 8 million), that about 75% of its’ population approves of the Palestinian genocide and a greater Israel – then the problem of the crystallised Capricorn personality is driven even deeper into matter.
Not only the “cunning and ancient evil” referred to earlier, but the fact that Capricorn is the most material of all the zodiac signs (and the most spiritual). It all depends upon the expression of the five-pointed star associated with Capricorn – inverted, or facing upward – black or white magic. 5 x 2 = 10 – the number of perfection of this 10th sign Capricorn.
The Jewish people are one of the oldest races on the planet and represent advanced humanity, amplified by the intellectual force of both Capricorn and their soul force Virgo – the sign of refined mental discrimination and intelligence.
But because they are one of the oldest races, they suffer from rigidity – especially as a Capricorn personality. This tendency is shared by Austria, Greece, India, Japan and Spain as Capricorn personalities – “indicating age, crystallisation and materialism.”22:
“Capricorn is an earth sign, and in it we have expressed the densest point of concrete materialisation of which the human soul is capable. Man is then “of the earth, earthy” … Capricorn holds in itself the seeds of death and finality …
… When crystallisation has reached a certain degree of density and so-called “hardness,” it is easily shattered and destroyed and man, born in Capricorn, then brings about his own destruction; this is due to his fundamentally materialistic nature, plus the “blows of fate” which are the enactments of the law of karma.
Again and again, a certain measure of concreteness is achieved, only again to undergo destruction, prior to the release of the life and the rebuilding of the form.”23
Does this passage hint at the fact that Zionism, on behalf of the Jewish people, could be “bringing about its own destruction through the “blows of fate” and the law of karma”?

L: Palestinian territpry (green) before first war 1948. R: Consi1derably diminished green area after war, majority controlled by Israel.
“In the final volume of his A Study of History, Arnold Toynbee reconsidered his view that Zionism was like Nazism. He wrote that:
I think that, in the Zionist movement, Western Jews have assimilated gentile Western Civilization in the most unfortunate possible form. They have assimilated the West’s nationalism and colonization.
The seizure of the houses, lands, and property of the 900,000 Palestinian Arabs who are now refugees is on a moral level with the worst crimes and injustices committed, during the last four or five centuries, by gentile Western European conquerors and colonists overseas.'”24
As discussed in many other commentaries on Israel, its’ illegal, forced creation in the middle of Arab nations in 1948, has rendered it under permanent siege, susceptible to a precarious, paranoid existence that paradoxically amplifies the sense of ancient persecution.
It has also concentrated unduly the negative aspects of hardline Capricorn, creating more karma and perhaps now bringing itself to the point of being “shattered and destroyed” by its own internal forces – and possibly even external enemies.
An earlier statement by the Israeli Defence Minister alludes to this: “This path will lead us to destruction … What other can be the final end to this Zionist project?”.
Israel, Palestinians, Syria and Iran
This may well be the case, given the current Netanyahu government’s appalling genocide in Gaza, with deadly attacks upon Lebanon and Syria:
“Syria has been from the outset – from 1949 – ‘the balancer’ to Israel in the region. That is now over, leaving only Iran to balance the Israeli thrust to a ‘Greater Israel’.
It is no surprise then that the Israeli’s are agitating for the Americans to join with them in another orgy of destruction – this time to be visited on Iran.”25
Now, with the departure of Assad from Syria, a vaccum of power has been created by the CIA controlled HTS (Hayat Tahrir al-Sham), who are essentially IS-Isis (Daesh)/Al Qaeda – rebranded.
Since 2013, the U.S. State Department had listed HTS leader Al Julani a “Specially Designated Global Terrorist” with a $10 million bounty on his head, conveniently removed in Dec.2024 to become a “legitimate military chief” but essentially a useful puppet.
Jolani did say in an interview, “Israel no longer has “any excuses” for attacking Syrian territory. He also spoke of “diplomatic solutions” as the only way to ensure security instead of “ill-considered military adventures”.”
HTS basically walked in to take over Syria, virtually unopposed. Observers have said that the 270,000 strong army was ordered to stand down – to 30,000 jihadists! The whole event has the markings of an intricately-planned foreign coup – most likely involving Russia, Turkey and Iran – without the foreknowledge of USA and Israel.
(See these thought-provoking interviews on what happened: ‘After The Fall’ with Syrian Girl, Syria Podcast Ep.4 – Why did Syria fall? with Vanessa Beeley – and this excelllent analysis, Alex Krainer: Russia’s Secret Trap in Syria?)
It has been speculated that Russia ordered the stand-down, allowing the jihadists to scatter through Syria, making them easier to eventually “pick off”.
Israel wasted no time to take advantage territorially, invading the buffer zone between Syria and the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights, the first Israeli occupation of Syria in over 50 years, since the ceasefire agreements from the 1973 Yom Kippur War:
“Benjamin Netanyahu stated that this had voided the 1974 border agreement with Syria, and ordered the Israeli military to take control of the Purple Line, a demilitarized zone from which Israeli forces had withdrawn in 1974, until a new agreement could be reached with the emerging Syrian government.”26
Israel has taken control of the strategic Mount Hermon area, whose southern slopes extend to the Israel-occupied Golan Heights.
Mt. Hermon’s summit straddles the border between Syria and Lebanon and has not only spiritual signficance but is also a source of water for nations that surround it. Now Israel has reportedly 30% of that water. (Mt. Hermon is the highest permanently manned UN position in the world.)
Israel has taken control of another mountain town south of Damascus – Tell al-Hara, while Israeli tanks have been reported in several Syrian villages.
The IDF have insisted that they a creating a “safe buffer zone” and are not advancing toward Damascus. Really? It does not appear to be the case when considering the following events from Dec.8-25:
“Syrian residents of Hader, Hamidiya, and Umm Batna were displaced from their homes after the IDF entered with military vehicles … Israeli forces reportedly used loudspeakers to warn villagers to evacuate their residences, articulating specific security requirements for the local population, including the surrender of all weapons in the village, compliance with home search operations, and the prohibition of armed resistance against any military operations.
… Israel attempted to depopulate several Syrian villages in the newly occupied part of the Golan Heights. After the residents declined, Israel began destroying the electricity and water networks in the villages to attempt to forcibly evict them … The Israeli government also declared that it would expand Israel settlements in the Golan Heights. … to double the Golan Heights’ population …
… Netanyahu said that the IDF would stay in Syria “until another solution ensuring Israel’s security is found”. 100 Syrian families had been forcibly expelled from the Golan Heights by the Israeli military … Israeli soldiers had opened fire on them and on their homes … United Nations peacekeepers have been removing Israeli flags in the newly occupied area.
… Israeli military has been preventing Syrian farmers in Ma’ariya from accessing their fields … and occupied two Syrian villages, Jamlah and Maaraba, and then shot bullets at Syrians protesting the Israeli occupation … shot at protesters in the Syrian villages of Suweisa and Diwaya Al-Kabira in the Quneitra Governorate.”27

The almost incomprehensible destruction of Gaza in 2024: “71% of buildings in Gaza City and 67% of buildings in northern Gaza were already damaged or destroyed. 70% of greenhouses and nearly 70% of tree crops have been damaged or destroyed”28
The Zionists quote ancient and outdated Biblical scripture – ad infinitum, to justify their idealistic entitlements, while projecting the Capricorn shadow upon their enemies:
“Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that Israelis were united in their fight against Hamas, whom he described as an enemy of incomparable cruelty. “They [Israel] are committed to completely eliminating this evil from the world,” Netanyahu said in Hebrew.
He then added: “You must remember what Amalek has done to you, says our Holy Bible. And we do remember.” (See the author’s recent commentary on the Amalek trope: Netanyahu Invokes Amalek.)
What Hamas might have done with regard to “cruelty and evil” pales into insignificance – compared to Israel’s almost unimaginable cruelty to the Palestinians – in the form of constant bombing, deliberate attacks upon hospitals and refugee camps, systematic dismantling of the health system, IDF atrocities, intentional starvation of the population, delaying food and aid convoys for weeks – and the almost complete razing of Gaza.
As of Dec. 2024, the official figures – which are said to be far lower than the actual numbers:
Killed: at least 45,259, including 17,492 children. Injured: more than 107,627. Missing: more than 11,000.29

The article associated with the above map is another resource worth exploring: The Syria Carve-Up Creates a De Facto Israel-Turkey Border Ensuring a Broader Middle East War.

Gen. Wesley Clark revealed “seven Arab countries in five years.
Seven Arab Countries and the Neocons
The policy of USA’s notorious Neocons to conquer “seven Arab countries in five years” – has Zionist origins and has been driven through its political stranglehold of the USA. As discussed in the Libra newsletter 2024 (Zionists and Neocons Control the USA), the founding members of the Neocons are essentially Zionist in their ideology.
Most of the founding members are Jewish, hence susceptible to the political Zionism that lies behind the formation of Project for a New American Century (PNAC). (Please, no accusations of “anti-Semiticism” here!)
To criticise Israel or political Zionism is often labelled as anti-Semitic – that aforementioned weaponised mantra.
There must be made a clear distinction between political ideologies that are forced upon Jewish people and the Jewish people themselves. And of course there is a grey area in between. Unfortunately in Israel currently, a majority of the population seem to be on board with the Zionist government.
An incomplete list of Neocons or “Ziocons” follows at this link, and is placed in the footnotes, to illustrate the many familiar names in government and the news.30
Since the 1990’s, Netanyahu has been the cheerleader for “7 Arab countries in 5 years”, when he published his views on how to achieve peace in a book titled, “A Place Among the Nations” – the main idea of which:
“… peace with the Palestinians is impossible so long as the entire Middle East is not a bed of peace and democracy, because any attempt at reaching an agreement would be sabotaged by Iraq, Iran, or forces within the Arab world as they, according to Netanyahu, have an almost genocidal hatred towards the Jewish State.
The settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict will come after the ousting of dictatorial regimes, the destruction of Islamism, of malnutrition, cholera, the triumph of liberalism, and the education of all. In other words, according to “Bibi”, never.”31
Hence, all of the fruitless US wars in that region resulting in millions of deaths, displacement, destruction and theft of oil – have been driven by Zionist-Neocon ideology, courtesy of US taxpayers – an estimated $7 trillion. To his credit, president-elect Donald Trump stated,
“… NATO’s role needs to be re-explored, and that the State Department, “defense bureaucracy” and intelligence services must likewise be overhauled.
Trump accused this “establishment” of wanting to “squander all of America’s strength, blood and treasure, chasing monsters and phantoms overseas while keeping us distracted from the havoc they’re creating here at home.
These forces,” Trump concluded, “are doing more damage to America than Russia and China could ever have dreamed.””32
Russia and Ukraine: Zionism
Several commentators on the current situation in Syria have said that it is linked to the war in Ukraine – through the same Neocon protagonists who pushed for Russian aggression.
It is curious to note in the separate histories of the Jews in Russia and Ukraine, the first roots of Zionism emerged in Ukraine through the work of Moshe Leib Lilienblum, from Odessa:
“The anti-Jewish riots of 1880-1 aroused in Lilienblum a consciousness of the unsafe position of the Jews “in exile,” … and he wrote about the reestablishment of the Jews in Palestine as the only solution of the Jewish question.
… some hailed the idea as practical, and set themselves to realize it … representatives of European Jewry met and discussed the first plans for colonization in Palestine, a foundation stone was laid for the Zionist movement.”33
This “practical idea” gave rise to Lilienblum’s form of Zionism being called “Practical Zionism”.
“…. Ukraine’s Jewish population suffered terribly during the pogroms of the late 19th century, leading to massive Jewish emigration, principally to the United States. They also sparked the development of the Zionist movement.
Odessa became a leading port city for early Zionist pioneers on their way to Turkish Palestine, some of whom trained in Jewish agricultural schools in the region.
They went on to help create some of the original kibbutzim. Indeed, a number of Zionist leaders including Ze’ev Jabotinsky, Golda Meir and Natan Sharansky were born in Ukraine.”34
This movement came 14 years before the more well-known founder of Zionism – Theodor Herzl, floated the same idea in 1894, due to his traumatic experience with French anti-Semiticism. To give an idea of the profound Jewish cultural influence in Ukraine, the following provides a glimpse:
“The Jewish community in Ukraine is Europe’s fourth-largest and the world’s 11th-largest … At times it flourished, while at other times it faced persecution and anti-Semitic discrimination. In the Ukrainian People’s Republic (1917–1920), became a state language, along with Ukrainian and Russian.
At that time, the Jewish National Union was created and the community was granted autonomous status. Yiddish was used on Ukrainian currency between 1917 and 1920. Before World War II, slightly less than one-third of Ukraine’s urban population consisted of Jews.”
Hence, some irony today – as the Zionist-Neocons who incited the war with Russia, using Ukraine as a proxy. President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is a Jewish-Zionist and “all the way with Israel”. One of his mentors was the controversial Ukrainian Jewish oligarch Ihor Kolomoyskyi
Zionist-sympathetic business groups such as Blackrock (Larry Fink) are waiting in the wings for the big financial bonanza of “rebuilding Ukraine”, once the war has been officially declared over.
Ukraine-NATO-USA-UK has well and truly lost of course, but their control of the mainstream media prevents the general public knowing.
JFK-RFK: Zionist Assassinations
It has also been feasibly and reasonably argued that the assassination of both RFK and JFK were by Zionist forces:
“Kennedy [JFK] was determined to stop Israel from developing nuclear weapons. Global nuclear disarmament was Kennedy’s dearest project. After the Cuban Missile Crisis, he had initiated a promising dialogue with Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev on this issue.
So, when the CIA informed him of the nuclear program carried out by the Israelis in their Dimona laboratory, he engaged in a standoff with David Ben-Gurion, who was both prime minister and minister of defense of Israel.
was convinced that by trying to prevent Israel from acquiring the bomb, Kennedy was endangering the very survival of the Jewish state, to which he had devoted his entire life.
Dimona was certainly Israel’s major reason for eliminating Kennedy and replacing him with Johnson. But there were others. The Kennedy brothers were at the origin of a procedure to reduce the influence of the American Zionist Council by the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938.
In October 1963, Attorney General Robert Kennedy gave the AZC a 72-hour notice to register as a “foreign agent.”
After John Kennedy’s assassination, the AZC escaped this procedure, and its lobbying division, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (or AIPAC), became the most powerful lobby in the United States, and an indispensable tool for the corruption and intimidation of American elected officials, and for the control of American foreign policy.
A third likely motive for the Dallas coup was Kennedy’s support for the Palestinian cause and his sympathy for Egyptian President Abdel Nasser.
As late as November 20, 1963, Kennedy’s representative at the United Nations demanded the implementation of Resolution 194 and the return of the 800,000 Palestinian refugees, causing strong protest in Israeli circles.
After Kennedy’s death, American foreign policy in West Asia was radically reversed again, without the American public realizing it. Johnson cut economic aid to Egypt and increased military aid to Israel to 92 million in 1966, more than the total of all previous years combined.”35
The reader may well be wondering if these speculations (based upon facts), venture into “blame it all upon the Jews” territory – who have certainly used it as a defensive rebuttal to their scapegoating that spans centuries. They have undoubtedly been scapegoats, yet are adept at the art of scapegoating others.
Readers can make up their own minds by perusing a longer article here: Did Israel Kill the Kennedys? Or view this insightful documentary: Israel & The Assassinations of the Kennedy Brothers – by Laurent Guyénot.
(If readers wish to stay informed on these kind of articles and videos, go to the author’s Telegram channel: phillips alt_media.)
War with Iran May Lead to Global Conflict
The following interview on geo-politics with Jeffrey Sachs is illuminating. Sachs is highly credentialed and not easily dismissed out-of-hand. He has worked with US governments/world leaders for many years and has been one of the greatest critics of US foreign policy.
“An American economist and public policy analyst who is a professor at Columbia University, where he was former director of The Earth Institute. He worked on the topics of sustainable development and economic development. Director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University and President of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network.”36
Jeffrey Sachs: The Inevitable War With Iran, and Biden’s Attempts to Sabotage Trump
Sealing the Door Where Evil Dwells
This phrase is well known to those who use the Great Invocation, from the fourth stanza:
From the centre which we call the race of men
Let the Plan of Love and Light work out.
And may it seal the door where evil dwells.
“[The Zionists] have laid a foundation of great difficulty for those who are seeking to promote world peace … [they] … have partially again opened the door to the Forces of Evil, which worked originally through Hitler and his evil gang.
The “sealing” of that door had not been successfully accomplished, and it is the part of wisdom to discover this in time.
These Forces of Evil work through a triangle of evil, one point of which is to be found in the Zionist Movement in the United States, another in central Europe, and the third in Palestine. Palestine is no longer a Holy Land and should not be so regarded.”37

These Forces of Evil work through a triangle of evil, one point of which is to be found in the Zionist Movement in the United States, another in central Europe, and the third in Palestine.
Further compounding the problem is that the Near East, Middle East and parts of Europe represent “points of corruption”:
“In the maps which are to be found in the Archives of the spiritual Hierarchy, the entire area of the Near East and Europe – Greece, Yugoslavia, Turkey, Palestine, the Arab States, Egypt and Russia ⌈and Ukraine⌉ – are under a heavy overshadowing cloud.”38

“Entire area of Near East, Europe – Greece, Yugoslavia, Turkey, Palestine, the Arab States, Egypt and Russia.”
Since the time that the above passages were written in the 1940’s, the Zionist power base has consolidated itself to an almost unimaginable degree. Zionist ideology (and vast sums of money) has corrupted many minds and governments globally, with its most pernicious influence through the Neoconservative faction of US politics – a virus that has spread through neo-liberal Democrats and Republicans alike.
Syria and the Master Jesus
Given the recent news from Syria and the imminent return of the Hierarchy in the decades post-2025, it is of value to note that the Master Jesus,
“… is at present living in a Syrian body, and dwells in a certain part of the Holy Land. He travels much and passes considerable time in various parts of Europe …
… His work at this time is exceedingly responsible, for to Him is given the problem of steering the thought of the occident out of its present state of unrest into the peaceful waters of certitude and knowledge, and of preparing the way in Europe and America for the eventual coming of the World Teacher.”39
Christian Zionists and Donald Trump’s Policy
“Nearly a quarter of Americans identify as evangelical … half of evangelicals said that supporting Israel was “important for fulfilling biblical prophecy” … about 41.5 million people … Republicans who support Israel has grown from half in the late ’90s to 80 percent in 2018, a Pew survey found.
Christian Zionists have been working behind the scenes in Washington to strengthen US support for Israel, mainly through the powerhouse evangelical group Christians United for Israel (CUFI) …
… A major breakthrough for Christian Zionists came in 2017 when the Trump administration answered their calls to officially recognize Jerusalem, a holy city for Christians, as the capital of Israel, and announced plans to relocate the US embassy there the following year.
The United Nations criticized the move because Jerusalem is in the occupied territory of the West Bank. But Christian Zionists saw the move as a victory—and a further validation that Trump had been chosen by God to lead the United States in the world.”40
The zealotry of the Christian Zionist movement added to the already potent Zionist lobby groups, has created an almost immovable object. Furthermore, Trump’s new appointees for liaising with Israel are mainly zealous, fanatical or stauncnly pro-Israel. Trump himself recently (Jan.7) threatened,
“… all hell will break out” if Hamas did not release hostages before January 20, when he will be sworn in as the 47th President of the United States … “All hell will break out. If those hostages aren’t back, I don’t want to hurt your negotiation, if they’re not back by the time I get into office, all hell will break out in the Middle East.”41
Israeli’s have said that Donald Trump is, “the most pro-Israel, pro-Jewish candidate to ever run for the U.S. presidency … when Jewish and pro-Israel voters learn about Donald Trump’s policies, they support Donald Trump.42
How that will translate when Trump gets into power again after Jan.20, remains to be seen. Every presidential hopeful knows that they have to prostrate themselves to Zionism and Israel – in order to be elected.
Will there be a serious consideration of the plight of the Palestinians, or support for an Israel land-grab of Syria – and ongoing aggression toward Iran? It is easy to see where the point of least resistance lies, yet a very large moral question demands to be answered.
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New Orleans Attack: New Years Day 2025
We pause to reflect upon the innocent lives that were senselessly and cruelly taken. The time for this attack which killed at least 15 people and injured dozens more, yields a chilling event horoscope that has close synastry with USA’s 1776 national chart.
The implications are that there might be further continued attacks like this over the next few weeks or months. Whether the assailant acted alone or was part of a “sleeper cell” advocating Jihad, only time will tell.
The event horoscope has deadly Scorpio rising (deception, ruthless, revenge) – some of the main highlights of the event chart:
1. Scorpio ruler Mars in Leo opposite Scorpio co-ruler Pluto. Due to the long retrograde period of Mars, his violent dance with “brother” Pluto does not finish until late April 2025. Mars is the most elevated planet in the N.O. event horoscope, occupying the house of foreign nations/forces.
2. Transiting Moon conjunct Pluto. Amplifying the theme of Pluto, lord of the underworld – was a close applying conjunction of Moon in Capricorn to Pluto in Aquarius – acting as the Pluto-Mars “trigger”.
The Sabian symbol for this last degree of Capricorn is, “Directors of a large firm meet in secret conference.” Is there a broader context to this event and not simply a vendetta by one person? Note also an earlier reference to Capricorn, “The earthly influence of Capricorn made their activity possible.”
3. Transiting Uranus in Taurus opposite Scorpio ascendant. Uranus the usurper – upsetter of the status quo, angular therefore having great power in this horoscope. Uranus is in a T-square formation to the midheaven and Venus in Aquarius.
In fact, Uranus and Venus are in mutual reception, strengthening the theme of violent revolution. Venus is conjunct USA’s moon in Aquarius, forcing it to look at the shadow.
4. The role of Mercury. Possibilities of disruption in early Jan.2025 were discussed in the recent Sagittarius 2024 newsletter:
“… Mercury … makes its last direct opposition to Trump’s Gemini sun on Jan.2, 2025. This might indicate – delays, disruptions and disputes, from opponents who have sworn a continued personal vendetta … Musk’s Venus in Gemini sits exactly on Trump’s sun.”
Several hours after the New Orleans (N.O.) attack, a Tesla Cybertruck expoloded outside a Trump hotel in Las Vegas. (See further in the text.) Was this simply a coincidence (unlikely), or do both events indicate the involvement of a wider group plan?
Obviously, the Las Vegas attack was a very pointed message sent to the emerging power duo of Trump and Musk (Trusk?).
Observers are asking if N.O. was a genuine foreign attack – even though a prominent and obvious ISIS flag was fixed to the attack vehicle. Or, speculated as another deep-state, false-flag operation designed to manufacture consent for some future military mobilisation in the Middle East: A land/oil grab in Syria?
It is well known now that ISIS/Al Qaeda, Daesh/HTS etc. (who recently “walked” into Syria virtually unopposed), have been for decades an evolving construct of the Scorpio-rising CIA.
Yet, as analyses of the protagonists charts later reveal, these events may have simply been personally motivated.
A few synastries that underline national importance of the New Orleans event are:
1. Transiting Venus in Aquarius closely conjunct USA’s moon in Aquarius – the “dweller” of the horoscope but also the sign that is esoterically the soul of the USA.
2. Transiting Jupiter in Sagittarius opposite USA’s Sagittarius ascendant. On 9/11, transiting Saturn was conjunct the US ascendant.
The attack on the WTC towers was attributed to Arab terrorists, armed with nothing but box cutters and barely any flying experience – in order it is alleged, to manufacture consent for invading Iraq soon after.
“7 Arab countries in 5 years” – a reminder of the blatant lies about “weapons of mass destruction” foisted upon the public at the time, and since proven overwhelmingly false. These days “conspiracy theories” are increasingly becoming “conspiracy facts” – but lets not get too far ahead in speculation!
3. Transiting Sun in Capricorn created a T-square to USA’s Sun in Cancer – activating the square to Saturn in Libra. On 9/11, Jupiter was conjunct USA’s Cancer sun, square to 9/11 Mercury/Ascendant in Libra – precisely on USA’s natal Saturn.
Both Perpetrators are US Military
Both drivers of the events in New Orleans and Las Vegas were past and current military men from Fort Bragg.
“Meanwhile, the army released information showing Jabbar and Matthew Livelsberger – a decorated special forces solider who died in an apparent suicide and vehicle bombing at a Trump hotel in Las Vegas on New Year’s Day – both served in the military branch in Afghanistan for about seven months beginning in May 2009.
Livelsberger at the time was assigned to the 10th special forces group, and Jabbar was a human resources specialist. Jabbar and Livelsberger also served at the army’s Fort Bragg in North Carolina for about 10 months beginning in December 2012, the branch’s statement said.
Livelsberger rented the car used in the Las Vegas explosion from Turo. Despite the multiple coincidences, Raia said earlier this week: “At this point there is no definitive link between the attack here in New Orleans and the one in Las Vegas.”43
Shamsud-Din Jabbar (SJ) was a Sun-Venus conjunction in Scorpio, with Jupiter also in this sign. He was described as,
“… smart and affable by his former military colleagues …We knew him as a cool, chill guy … was deployed to Afghanistan and secured a global war on terrorism service medal, among other military citations.”44
Jabbar had several planets in often fundamentalist Sagittarius – natally and by progression, including fanatical Mars in Sagittarius: There is his military “signature”, but is also well known for its susceptibility to violent Jihad.
Or more accurately, a violent emotional attachment to an ideology that breeds fundamentalism – in religion, science or any field of human activity. Some of the main transits:
1. Transiting Pluto in Aquarius square Venus-Sun in Scorpio. This transit has been in orb of influence since Pluto’s transit through late Capricorn over the past couple of years – the period of his alleged increased allegiance or radicalisation to ISIS.
Pluto was very closely square to Venus-Sun on New Year’s Day. Matthew Livelsberger had a similar transit of Pluto opposite his Cancer sun (see below). Like his fellow soldier, this kind of transit can have a profound psychological transformation – for better or worse:
“… his deadly disdain for many of his fellow Americans’ way of life had recently intensified as he faced increasing financial and familial pressures.”45
At the personality level, Venus in Scorpio can bring an emotional and sexual intensity to relationships that can result in jealousy, possessiveness, controlling behaviour etc.
With Scorpio ruler Pluto in Libra closely conjunct Saturn, there is a recipe for control. (Saturn in Libra probably gave Jabbar his aptitude for accountancy.)
“Jabbar was thrice divorced: in 2012, 2016 and 2020. These divorces required that Jabbar pay alimony as well as child support for three children … [Jabbar also said in a recording], “music entices us to illicit sex, vulgarity, violence, betrayal, arrogance, burglary, cheating, ingratitude to our spouses or others in general.”46
Jabbar also had plans to kill his family, a ruthless Pluto-Scorpio act:
“He also referenced his second divorce in the videos, and said he planned on gathering his friends and family together for a “celebration,” and was going to kill everyone at the party.”47
Transiting Moon in Capricorn square Venus-Sun in Scorpio. The moon was a major trigger on Jan.1 that brought the long term transit of Pluto into focused finale.
2. Transiting Saturn in Pisces square progressed Sun in Sagittarius. (On and off since April 2024.) With Saturn transits comes responsibility and karma – Jabbar was in turmoil regarding his personal life and debt. This can be a very frustrating transit, also bringing out judgemental attitudes.
Furthermore, Sagittarius ruler Jupiter opposed the progressed Sun in Sagittarius in August and late December 2024, considerably amplifying ideological issues and creating a frustration of feeling trapped on all sides.
3. Transiting Jupiter in Gemini opposite Mars-Neptune in Sagittarius. In the natal horoscope, the two rulers of the sixth ray of Idealism and Devotion are conjunct, in often religiously fanatical, Sagittarius – the sign which is the strongest conduit for the sixth ray, over any other zodiac sign. Transiting Jupiter came into orb of opposition to Mars-Neptune from Sept. to Nov. 2024.
4. Transiting Mercury conjunct Mars-Neptune. On the day of the truck attack (that had an ISIS flag fixed to it), transiting Mercury was making a close applying conjunction to Mars-Neptune that would have been exact by Jan.4. (Mercury was mentioned earlier as prominent in the charts of Trump and Musk on Jan.1.)
The above analysis, combined with what is known about Jabbar, points fairly conclusively to the fact that he was personally motivated to carry out the crime. He may have been part of a larger group averred to earlier, but this remains to be seen.
It has been speculated that Jabbar was part of a secret agency psy-ops program like MK Ultra, which is possible; that the attack bears the hallmarks of a deep state, false flag operation, preparing the public for larger attacks in the not too distant future. Possible or paranoia?
Past examination of those kind of candidates by the author has indicated that their horoscopes were uncannily activated. In other words, that their personal issues fell into alignment with a broader manipulation. It will take time for the whole truth to emerge.
Matthew Livelsberger
“Matt, 37, had received dozens of awards for service and valor during his 19 years of military service. He served five tours in Afghanistan in the Special Forces, which means his superiors trusted him with significant amounts of autonomy.
Matt started a charity for Afghan orphans. He’d just had an 8-month-old baby with his new wife.
He had just become a ‘Team Sergeant,’ a highly respected leadership position in the Green Beret.”48
“Unnamed members of the “Green Beret community” who knew Matt reported being shocked and in denial. Some speculated that Matt’s identity was stolen or his death faked …
… Despite whatever the FBI is saying, based on what we’ve been told, the driver’s id entity remains an open question pending DNA verification.”49
It appeared that Livelsberger had everything to live for – and yet his death a few hours after Jabbar in New Orleans, may not have been a coincidence. There may have been a personal pact between the two who sympathised with one another’s views, or perhaps an even broader, planned plot of some kind.
“Authorities have now issued excerpts from ML’s texts and notes, revealing an alleged manifesto that Livelsberger left behind.
“The notes, laden with political grievances and existential despair, suggest a man deeply embittered by what he saw as America’s “terminal illness” under “weak and feckless leadership.” In one excerpt from the note application on Livelsberger’s device, he writes:
“Fellow service members, veterans, and all Americans, TIME TO WAKE UP! We are being led by weak and feckless leadership who only serve to enrich themselves.”
He continues with grievances spanning political corruption, societal decay, and personal struggles. But it’s the second note that delivered an even darker revelation:
“We are the United States of America, the best country and people to ever exist. But right now, we are terminally ill and headed towards collapse. This [ML’s Cybertruck ] was not a terrorist attack; it is a wake-up call.
Americans only pay attention to spectacles and violence. What better way to get my point across than a stunt with fireworks and explosives?
Why did I personally do it now? I need to cleanse my mind of the brothers I’ve lost and relieve myself of the burden of the lives I took.”50
It appears then, that like Jabbar, Livelsberger had his own personal motives for the Las Vegas explosion. Whether he knew Jabbar and co-ordinated with him is still unknown but quite likely.
ML had the Sun in late Cancer, conjunct warrior Mars in Leo, both of which square Pluto in Scorpio. This is undoubtedly his long-serving military “signature”, not necessarily a terrorist, but capable of going that way – given the potency of Pluto. (Some similarities to Jabbar.) A few pertintent transits to note:
1. Transiting Pluto in Capricorn opposite Sun in Cancer. A long term transit that might have effected a profound psychological transformation – for better or worse. It began in March 2022 and made its last four-month station Sept.- Dec. 2024.
This kind of transit is certainly capable of bringing about a self-ultimatum that resulted in ML’s radical action. ML had the sun in Cancer, the same as his country and was deeply patriotic.
Much of what he states in the following a- re accurate observations of what is currently occurring in the USA and around the world:
“We are the United States of America, the best country people to ever exist! But right now we are terminally ill and headed toward collapse. We are crumbling because of a lack of self respect, morales, and respect for others.
Greed and gluttony has consumed us. The top 1% decided long ago they weren’t going to bring everyone else with them. You are cattle to them. We have strayed from family values and corrupted our minds and I am a prime example of having it all but it never being enough.
A lot of us are just sitting around waiting to die. No sunlight, no steps, no fresh air, no hope. Our children are addicted to screens by the age of two. We are filling our bodies with processed foods.
Our population is too fat to join the military yet we are facing a war with China, Russia, North Korea and Iran before 2030. We must take these actions if we are going to make it past the next few years in one piece:
We must end the war in Ukraine with negotiated settlement. It is the only way. Focus on strength and winning. Masculinity is good and men must be leaders. Strength is a deterrent and fear is the product.”51
2. Transiting Saturn-Jupiter square/opposite Saturn in Sagittarius. ML’s natal Saturn is the same degree as Jabbar’s progressed Sun in Sagittarius, which may suggest an ideological link between the two. Suffice to say, Livelsberger experienced very similar transits to Jabbar:
Transiting Saturn in Pisces square Saturn in Sagittarius during 2024, while transiting Jupiter in Gemini opposed natal Saturn – critically activating his philosophical and moral outlook on life.
Furthermore, progressed Mercury in Virgo was squaring natal Saturn in Sagittarius, creating a grand cross with transiting Jupiter and Saturn. ML most likely felt “besieged”, in an unresolvable situation – again, not unlike Jabbar.
3. ML’s 2-yearly Mars return was about to take place in Dec.2024, but went retrograde, heading back toward his Cancer sun, which would have been exact by Jan.9, 2025. A Mars retrograde period for a veteran soldier might well present an opportunity to review one’s military life and past achievements, or to make new choices.
4. Transiting Moon in Capricorn was precisely opposite natal Sun in Cancer – at the time of the New Orleans attack several hours earlier. Capricorn is a sign known for sufferers of depression, as explored in a past newsletter.
“Livelsberger … had reportedly shown depressive symptoms after returning from a tour in Afghanistan in 2019 with a traumatic brain injury but not treated them. His wife had reportedly broken up with him after an argument over apparent infidelity less than a week before the explosion.52
“… he struggled with the mental and physical toll of his service, which required him to kill and caused him to witness the deaths of fellow soldiers. He would go through periods of withdrawal, and he struggled with depression and memory loss …
“I don’t know what drove him to do this, but I think the military didn’t get him help when he needed it …Livelsberger was also sweet and kind, she recalled: “He had a really deep well of inner strength and character, and he just had a lot of integrity.”53
ML had Neptune in Capricorn opposite Mercury in Cancer – a supersensitive, intuitive aspect, hence the Capricorn polarity was quite active, along with the Earth placed in this sign. A past girlfriend stated, “Livelsberger felt things “very deeply and I could see him using symbolism” of both the truck and the hotel.”
Mercury opposite Neptune can easily be caught up in illusion and self-deception, creating an irrational state of mind that could have led to him not to not consider what effect his apparent suicide would have on family and friends.
By the time of the Cybertruck attack 5.25 hours after New Orleans, the Moon had moved into Aquarius, making an applying opposition to ML’s Mars in Leo – triggering the square to natal Pluto in Scorpio. The Aquarian ascendant of the Cybertruck explosion was also precisely square to ML’s natal Pluto.
5. Transiting Mercury in Sagittarius conjunct Uranus opposite Moon in Gemini. This may have reflected some radical, unorthodox action, befitting the nature of revolutionary Uranus. Time of birth is unknown, but ML probably had the moon in Gemini opposite Uranus.
As Gemini is ruled by Mercury, this brings into focus again the very impressionable natal Mercury in Cancer, as well as sensitivity to Mercury transits. Another passage from ML:
“The income inequality in this country and cost-of-living is outrageous. The number of homeless on our street is embarrassing and disgusting. Have some pride and take care of this.”54
Like Jabbar, there are sufficient exoteric facts about ML’s life that are backed by the astrology – that he acted of his own free will. Whether that was part of some larger shadowy plot remains unknown at this stage.
Jabbar and Livelsberger are the tip of the iceberg of military mental health, and of the nation’s. Both described quite accurately how disappointed they were with the many problems the USA faces.
One might speculate that the culture of the soul-less military industrial complex is dying, has turned upon itself – riddled with corruption, PTSD and damaged personnel.
Perhaps a time approaches where there is room for a major reform of the MIC culture which has dominated the world since the end of WWII.
Of which, President Dwight Eisenhower warned about in his brilliant 1961 speech. (See this succinct 2’ excerpt that was part of a Bernie Sanders campaign ad.)
The transition period to the new govt. in USA was predicted by many to be difficult, hence the next few weeks before and after the Jan.20 inauguration may prove to be as bumpy a ride as Jan.1.
Amplification of World Glamour
The recent Sagittarius-Gemini full moon of 2024 made a T-square to Neptune in Pisces. Neptune in its lower expression concerns addiction, illusion and deception. At its highest, Neptune is about the Christ or buddhic consciousness, intuition or direct knowledge – the ultimate goal of human evolution.
But as the majority of humanity is said to be still astrally polarised, the God of the Waters finds its point of least resistance in the unrefined astral bodies of the populace at large – distortion of reality by deception, illusion and sleight of hand – esoterically know as GLAMOUR.
And speaking of waters, a good example is the hologram of a whale in a gymnasium that everyone thought was a real demonstration.
Turns out that it was a marketing ploy by Magic Leap, a secretive tech startup, showcasing their augmented reality (AR) technology. They said that it was designed to showcase their capabilities, not depict an actual event. But until they were brought to account, they allowed everyone to think it was an actual event, demonstrated for school children in a gymansium.
If many of us, even the many mentally polarised can be fooled by such an AI illusion, just imagine what else we can be taken in by – over-riding our sense of discrimination?
One current case in point is the many amateur videos of drone/ufo sightings on social media video feeds. Many of them are genuine, but are interspersed regularly with similar AI modified videos showing elaborate space ships – that look quite plausible.
(In the video above, Greer carefully distinguishes between man made and alien ufo’s.)
Hence, for many who might not know better, there is a frenzy of speculation, giving a general sense that Earth is under some kind of UFO attack. This has been identified as what the perpetrators wish to convey. A “false flag” operation like this has been anticipated for decades by UFO experts like Dr. Stephen Greer.
And if Greer is correct about this current spate of sightings, it is equivalent to the notorious Event 201 in 2019 (hosted by Bill Gates), where a group of people gamed the scenario of a pandemic which went “live” a few months later.
How successful this current, obvious psy-op might be, is said to play out during the current transfer of govt in the USA. Hence, have your antennae finely attuned for media propaganda saturation – utilise the discerning and discriminating energies of Virgo, the polar opposite sign to the Neptune in Pisces T-square!
Rumblings from Shamballa? Shigatse Earthquake
The recent earthquake in Shigatse, Tibet killed 126 people and injured around 188: “The 6.8 quake’s epicentre was about 80km (50 miles) north of Mount Everest, the world’s highest mountain. Tremors also shook buildings in neighbouring Nepal, Bhutan and India on Tuesday.”55
Might this event be an ominous sign of something stirring in Shamballa – the “centre where the will of God is known”? Presided over by Sanat Kumara, host to the centennial conclave of the Masters of Wisdom in just a few months – the Taurus full moon (Wesak) May 12, 2025.
The development of this vision is rapidly coming to pass, as may be seen from the newspapers and the current literature of the day, but the location of Shamballa will be one of the latest etheric sacred spots to be revealed as it exists in the matter of the second ether.
Signs of Shamballa: Mount Belukha, Shigatse and the Gobi Desert (From a 2020 newsletter.)

Recent photo of clouds over Mount Belukha. (More photos here at
Mount Belukha is the highest mountain in Siberia (14,784 ft.) – part of the Altai Mountain range that borders Russia, China, Mongolia and Kazaksthan.
People living in the Altai say that Belukha is a sacred place and is worshipped as a deity. Legend has it that is the entrance to the land of spiritual purity and prosperity – Shambhala, or Belovodye.
Climbers on Belukha report a sense of the enigmatic and mystical force – as did Nicholas Roerich, who led an expedition through there in the 1920’s. He thought that the Altai mountains and the Himalayas were “two poles or magnets” connected to each other; he also painted several paintings around the Belukha theme.

The triangle of Mount Belukha, Shamballa and Shigatse, Mt. Kanchenjunga and one of the five major planetary centres – Darjeeeling. Shamballa is located in the Gobi Desert in the etheric realm. The left side of the triangle runs through Taklamakan Desert, while the top right hand point of the triangle is in the Gobi Desert which adjoins Taklamakan to the north east. HPB gave the coordinates of Shamballa as: 110º E. long., 45º N, just south of UlaanBaatar, Mongolia, about two hours flight north of Beijing!
In a recent conference presentation by the author, Mount Belukha was mentioned as part of a triangle with Shamballa in the Gobi Desert and Shigatse//Mount Kanchenjunga/Darjeeling – one of the main bases for the Great White Brotherhood.
Shamballa is this planet’s highest spiritual centre, where “the Will of God is known” – and from where the “Planetary Plan and Purpose” radiates. Just as humanity strives towards Hierarchy, so Hierarchy strives towards Shamballa:
“He who sees in the dark light of Shamballa penetrates to that which lies beyond our little sphere to that which can be sensed behind the holy triangle (Venus, Mercury and Earth.). There is to be found the point of radiant fire which shines within the eye (Taurus), which burns upon the mountain-top (Capricorn) and which the water cannot quench (Aquarius). These are the holiest three.”57
No Full Moon Meeting this Month
Due to travel circumstances, there will be no full moon meditation and talk this month. It is hoped that meetings will resume in 2025 – notification for which will be made in the Feb. 2025 newsletter for Aquarius.
Phillip Lindsay © 2025.
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- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.153. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.159. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.337. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.494. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.238. [↩]
- Perscipacity: “A penetrating discernment—a clarity of vision or intellect which provides a deep understanding and insight. It extends the concept of wisdom by denoting a keenness of sense and intelligence applied to insight. It has been described as a deeper level of internalisation.” [↩]
- Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.87. [↩]
- Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.87. [↩]
- Comparisons between Israel and Nazi Germany [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.544. [↩]
- Comparisons between Israel and Nazi Germany [↩]
- See Palestinian author and leader – Mahmoud Abbas’ book, The Secret Relationship Between Nazism and Zionism. [↩]
- The Secret Relationship Between Nazism and Zionism. [↩]
- The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. p.679. [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- “a distinct territorial, cultural, or social unit enclosed within or as if within foreign territory” [↩]
- “an underprivileged district of a city or town in which members of a minority group live especially because of social, legal, or economic pressure.” [↩]
- Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey, pp. 613-615. [↩]
- The Times of Israel [↩]
- [↩]
- The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. p.634. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.69. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.158. [↩]
- Comparisons between Israel and Nazi Germany [↩]
- [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- [↩]
- [↩]
- Elliott Abrams (PNAC), Ken Adelman, Richard Armitage (PNAC), John David Ashcroft, Gary Bauer, John Bolton (PNAC), David Brooks, Shoshana Bryen, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Eliot A. Cohen, Paula J. Dobriansky, (PNAC), Douglas Jay Feith, David Frum, Newt Gingrich, Robert Kagan (PNAC), Henry Kissinger, Charles Krauthammer, Irving Kristol, William Kristol (PNAC), Jay Lefkowitz, I. Lewis Libby a.k.a. “Scooter”, Rupert Murdoch, Richard N. Perle (PNAC), Daniel Pipes, Norman Podhoretz, Karl Rove, Donald H. Rumsfeld (PNAC), William Schneider, Jr. (PNAC), Paul Dundes Wolfowitz (PNAC), R. James Woolsey, Jr. (PNAC), Dov Zakheim, Karl Zinsmeister, Robert B. Zoellick. [↩]
- [↩]
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- Wikipedia [↩]
- [↩]
- [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. p.429. [↩]
- The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. p.430. [↩]
- Initiation, Human and Solar, Alice A. Bailey. p.56. [↩]
- [↩]
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- The Guardian [↩]
- The Guardian [↩]
- The Guardian [↩]
- [↩]
- Story at this link. Scroll half way down to this heading: Meanwhile, the Vegas twin terror incident also got murkier. [↩]
- Story at this link. Scroll half way down to this heading: Meanwhile, the Vegas twin terror incident also got murkier. [↩]
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- Initiation, Human and Solar, Alice A. Bailey. p.33. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.594. [↩]
This one’s a keeper! So comprehensive.
In short, we become what we hate.
I thought one time you said Virgo was to do with Jewish soul?
Good job Phillip, it is “amazing” the amount of data your articles (newsletter) cover.
The egocentrism of the Jewish people in believing that they are the chosen people without thinking about the words of Christ: “we are all children of God” is a belief that forces humanity to take extreme positions, both for good and for bad. The more privileged a people feels, the more (from humility) they must serve their fellow men. A service that, on the other hand, many Jews as individuals have been able to demonstrate.
I would like to comment on two situations that I have seen lately on the Internet and that have surprised me very pleasantly. Both are related to the United States and its politicians and have made me think about the innate goodness that resides in the human heart.
The first was Trump’s kind words to Biden when Trump visited him at the White House on November 13.
And the second is the friendly complicity that Obama and Donald Trump showed at Jimmy Carter’s funeral.
These are two attitudes that, due to the loving understanding they give off, are powerfully related to the qualities of the 2nd Ray ruling the Soul of the nation.
Thanks for sharing!
Marx, of Karl Marx fame has become a curse word used in the collective West to apply to any person, place, or thing that threatens the West’s ideas of freedom to pursue one’s own happiness. If successful we would all never experience freedom and happiness again, the current hegemon’s goal. I agree the current hegemon’s goals are such, but they are not Marxist. If anything, I would label them Fascist, as in corporate control of government, where the government officials work as representatives of large corporate power interest promulgating corporate interest.
I am far from an expert in Marx; however, from what I have seen so far, he provided a detailed critique to the capitalistic system (three volumes of Das Capital, not one), stating that all the wealth would remain and grow in the hands of the rich, and that the real problem was a more equitable sharing of the value produced by both labor and capital. He claimed the new capitalists, who acquired capitalist from their two former economic systems, were falsely advertising their new system. If we view human history from a wider lens, we see that the major economic systems in the world, generally speaking, started with slavery, moved to a feudal serf system (the church of Rome liked this), to our current model, the wage earner. Wages that never keep up with prices. Image that. Somebody must be skimming a lot more than just the cream off the top.
So, let’s see here. Feudal Europe decides to retire the feudal serf system (there is much packed in here, but suffice to say, there was a change to wage earner). When that happened, who had all the capital? Yes, the same people who brought slavery and the serf system to us. See the picture? I’d say old Karl exposed that old devil’s slip, and the devil doesn’t like that, so they must bury any thoughts Marx had and label them bad. Soviet Russia’s use of or misuse of these principles doesn’t make them wrong. Since when was the idea of more equitable sharing a bad thing? Have you seen any programs or projects in the West designed to help and improve the lives of their citizens? But those Fascist Capitalist continue to get richer.
One of the carrots used to keep people in line and supporting this childless pursuit of one’s happiness in a capitalistic system is that this is a land of opportunity, and if you follow the laws and work hard, you too can someday make it, be rich, and be happy, just like the examples they provide us through that magic wand called Hollywood, which is currently burning. Perhaps the dross?
I don’t know if I agree with everything Marx wrote, as I haven’t read it all. However, the principle of more equitable sharing I do agree with.
The emotionally charged negative out of hand response to anything Marx by even the more intelligent people of the world proves that the hegemon was successful in convincing people that sharing more equitably the materials and produce of the lands somehow explodes in the face of individual freedom and pursuit of happiness.
Very true Michael, Marx was an advanced disciple in my view, whose work became distorted by others. There is an awareness growing however about this, as I saw recently in some interviews.
Enjoyed the deep dives into current events, illumined by the esoteric insights you provide – as usual!
From Whence Do We Observe?
Our point of view usually begins from right where we are combined with the knowledge we have already collected, and information provided to us. That is what we know, and with that knowledge and information, we draw conclusions.
“The world is full of knowledge, which is in the last analysis sentient response to conditions which exist, by minds which are developing but are not fully developed.” EP1 page 107
There are forests and there are trees. What should we observe?
To every effect, there is a cause. Should we spend time supporting an effect while not knowing its cause and its purposeful intent?
Imagine a village filled with happy people who pride themselves on their work ethic, their fairness, and a shared caring for each other. Those who visit this village are always impressed by how clean it is, and safe to walk at any hour. Nobody was particularly rich, yet everyone had all their needs amply met. The village, not being a utopia, had issues that they needed to work out, yet all was accomplished in a civil caring intent. One night while everybody was sleeping, a predatory parasitic organization, who had been observing with intent their prey for some time and conceiving their plan to add this nation to their collection of host nations, organizations, religions, educational systems, businesses, etc., struck.
The people of the village awoke to find they had many broken windows, trash on the streets, and dead animals. The people were shocked and in dismay. Who would do such a thing? Then, as if on cue, stood some outside eyewitnesses to the disaster, and those who promised they would capture the perpetrators and restore their village back to its original condition.
To prove their worth, and to build up the trust of the people, the parasite’s witnesses claimed it was a militant evil group of men who follow a religion different than theirs. To further make their point, they even captured some of the ‘perpetrators’ and paraded them around for all to see how effective and caring they really are. Then the parasitic leadership explained they already had a plan to make their streets safe and end the violence and restore their once proud village.
The people listened with great support, because they wanted to return to what they had, and here in front of them were the people who would assist them to do just that. Many of these front people being trained in how to express concern and interest in themselves but making it look like they are doing it for the people. The good nature of the people of the village was taken advantage of. All of this protection, and eradication of threat would cost money that the people would have to provide. The parasite (savior from the many people’s point of view) soon expanded their activities. They invented something called our national security interest, and that they should never be breached by outsiders, because that would eventually adversely affect the living conditions in the village. Soon the parasitic organization assumed the self-named title, ‘the policemen of the world’ combating these evil other religion people all over the world. Of course, ironically, the policemen were always needed in countries rich in natural resources whose people, even after hundreds of years, were still dirt poor. Rumor has it, they awoke one morning too, to a disaster, and a ready-made solution. How convenient, don’t you think?
The people of the village saw their wealth slowly disappear. They saw the infrastructure of their nation rot away. The schools and the churches had no answers. They saw the prices of everything going up, yet they also saw, well, some of them did, that the so-called savior class of people, was growing in extreme wealth as everything else fell apart in the village, and everybody else slowly sinking into deeper poverty. The parasite’s response to the increased poverty was that those people were lazy and irresponsible, and they got what they deserve. To the hard-working people who believed hard work should produce a just reward, they jumped on this reasoning because it supported their lifestyle and beliefs.
People in the village began to argue amongst themselves and started to take sides. For the parasites in order to keep the people occupied fighting amongst themselves, always provides a controlled choice. The end state is still the same.
From whence do you observe? Are we not trained to observe from a neutral position? And from the universal to the particular? Does that then mean to maintain neutrality even after one uncovers a truth? The Hierarchy, after a point, took action to have the axis powers destroyed, not placated and not cajoled. Power never relinquishes its position of control voluntarily. Of course, it is true that someday Sanat Kumara will see the last weary traveler come home. Until such time, we will all need to deal with those forms that support the dark side or are the dark side. When the advancement of the parasites begins to encroach too much upon The Plan, well, then it’s The Parasite against The Plan. Are we also taught that the Dark Face when bestowed with love energy, just abuses it and turns it against us somehow? Or words to that effect?
The age of the Forerunner is concluding. We are in transition to another phase of the battle. And let us make no mistake about this being a battle of light and dark. Are we not also taught that before the return of the Christ, there would be a requirement for a relative peace and a more equitable sharing of wealth? What will that look like? Who would make it so? Perhaps the Hierarchy has them destroying themselves, and they don’t even see it coming.
Now let me please explain from whence I observe. I observe Globally, beholding to none but the truth wherever I find it, to the best of my abilities. Other than wanting to pick up on the pulse of the masses and what the dark face is up to on the public air waves, I concern myself not towards the canine and equestrian extravaganza that was purposely put in place to hypnotize and occupy the public.
Trump’s real job is to manage the downfall and shrinking world footprint of the current fading empire, headquartered in the District of Columbia and Wall Street with satellites in the City of London, Paris, Berlin, Brussels, etc. He may or may not fully comprehend this at this time. This will allow for the establishment of a multipolar world with the removal of this parasitic waring empire’s global footprint, as well as provide a fairer distribution of world value amongst nations. The European Parasites ability to continue their worldly colonization has been destroyed, and ironically by the USA. So, too the USA’s abilities to pursue any further long-term conflicts and enforced colonization is coming to an end, from a low production capability output, to reduced natural resource availability, the power simply isn’t there to support their old ways. Do not cry for the nation’s movers and shakers, because this reduction doesn’t affect them, as they were never really beholding to any nation, other than what they could get out of it for themselves.
However, they are still lethally armed and could cause more damage than the world desires in the short term. Hence the slow methodical activities of the BRICS and Global South not wanting to experience that short-term burst of global destruction from that adolescent child called the USA and the Greater West (a.k.a. The Great Colonizers. The East has no such reputation.) Are these not prerequisites for the Second Coming? I’m not saying Trump is a good guy. I’m not saying he is a bad guy. What I do know is politics in the Reich is a deadly serious game being around that much power, intrigue, and strange bedfellows. Whom it seems change beds often.
BRICS will continue to rise, and the USA will be forced to accept a multipolar world role at a reduced rank, or to be completed isolated from the rest of the world. It appears that it will be isolation, an isolation that was galvanized by the excessive greed of the American leaders and people.
Now, the West still controls a great deal of the monetary system, and they know that if BRICS is successful, their favorite ‘peacetime’ weapon of choice, ‘Sanctions’ just lost its sting. This is vital. Because it will switch the flow of money, capital, currency, in favor or a more sharing model. BRICS has its greed too in places I’m sure, and even if their investors benefit; nonetheless, the flow of currency would have been made.
Trump, the self-titled greatest deal maker in the world has his work cut out for himself. Success will be when he has mass America convinced, they are the greatest nation in the world, while disentangling and removing the West’s Tentacles over world power, and reducing the economic output of this country to closer to the third world nation status. While still attempting to control the Western Hemisphere. Hence the talk about Canada, Greenland (minerals), Panama Canal, and Venezuela (oil). Then, the home of the Greed Model of Life will have nothing but itself to reflect upon and begin to wonder. I would say an auspicious time to provide service toward the Plan.
I’m not saying this removal of USA hegemonic control is being conducted by all pure altruistic people. They too suffer from greed and still want to control their part of the world. They just see better profits elsewhere.
And now is where the difference between a national government and a corporation for profit comes in. A little history about the word tyrant. Kings representing the government of the people were called tyrants by the oligarchs who just like today represented the corporate for-profit model people. They liked wars back then too. Through the machinations of economic daily living the people amassed much debt, because the design of the system could produce nothing other than that. So, to balance the books so to speak, the Kings would announce debt forgiveness to include giving back any confiscated land for non-payment to the people. The idea was the land belonged to the people of the land. The government of the land would manage it by parsing out plots to the people so they could grow their own crops, and have a place to live, and be available for wars and other national labor projects. Religious Jubilee years being of similar intent. Do know, that powerful kings who got the most back for the people, the most often, were very popular with the people and hated by the oligarchy. Dam those governments for the people. Let’s take them over and run them the way we want to. And Ceasar, you were getting just a little to popular with the people, and you know how we hate to share too much power and profit. 😊
Even the money controllers of the world have a limit when it comes to war, not the carnage, rather the profit it costs. So, if they can obtain their end state for less, they will. Less wars? Okay. But needed wars are also still, okay. The USA as a host nation to this parasitic organism has not much more to give, so they are breaking up shop and moving on.
You see, this current empire, is part of the ‘Paperclip” crowd, the same group who helped direct the cosmic evil entry here. You do have your ears on, yes? Genocide?
Perhaps it may be for now those with strong first ray and even seventh, to see and feel the need to well, change up on subjective work, or I’m late to the game? I think the announcement time is coming to a close. The Plan is moving forward. Perhaps it is Plutonian energy we should be directing towards the blockage? Reception could be up to them. Be transformed for the good or become a toothless agency. I mean come on, produce some will-to-good already, or drop your wool and get off the stage. That three-lettered agency for the owners of the ‘East Indies Corporation’ beginning with the letter W, comes to mind. I firmly believe that good people do attend those meetings, hoping to make even a small change. Well, results never have and continue not to materialize, that is the great sounding projects do not. Window dressing at best, a token here a token there, yet all still for their profit. They become some of the best produced Hollywood Spectaculars, staring the Dark Face in its ‘we are here to help you’ costumes. Why don’t they happen? Because the proper power does not want them to happen.
Oh, but the world is complex, and these issues did not happen overnight. We are really trying hard. See we meet every year. They would retort, and many would accept. I do not because of experience in the world of rather large government contracts with numerous American Multinational Corporations. I’m sure there are many more who could attest to the same. What the Corporate Government Partnership wants done. Gets done. Now. And without much resistance, usually. It always just takes the proper nod from the proper power.
Now, for all the people who have been subjected to life after life of ingrained beliefs that express hatred and mistrust for others and vice versus and selfishness well below what the above is about, (and let us not forget to check ourselves also) these can be race, religion, class, or anything else the Dark Face has used their energy to instill the hatred and separation they need to ply their trade. I would see to them and for them, our fellow brothers and sisters is whom we should direct light love and power to. To instill right human relationships and true value.
In the end isn’t it about value? How I value you, and you me? How I treat you and you treat me? From the individual, to group, to organization, to city, to nation. How should we define and measure this thing called value and exchange it has been one of humanities problem at the individual level up to the national level. How we value on the individual level fractals its energy upward through the various echelons.
Perhaps different rays have different vision and different tasks. Yet still there are the fundamental service held in common. Let us not ever separate over the differences. If we can’t hold together, how so for the masses? All rays have different energy, yet they need to work in unity for the Plan doing their part.
“The world is full of knowledge, which is in the last analysis sentient response to conditions which exist, by minds which are developing but are not fully developed.” EP1 page 107
There are forests and there are trees. What should we observe?
To every effect, there is a cause. Should we spend time supporting an effect while not knowing its cause and its purposeful intent?