Gemini 2021: World Invocation Day. Individualisation. Kali Yuga Lies. Jupiter in Pisces. Israel-Palestine-Netanuyahu. Judgement Day.
Gemini. (Artist: Ramani)
Gemini Keynote
“I recognise my other self and in the waning of that self I grow and glow.”
World Invocation Day
(Full Moon: May 26, 2021. 11.14 UT.)
“The hierarchical ruler of Gemini is the Earth itself, which is a non-sacred planet. The Earth is also the esoteric ruler of Sagittarius, the polar opposite of Gemini. These are the only two constellations ruled by the Earth, and this fact is of major significance, creating an unusual situation in the solar system and a unique relation. The cosmic line of force from Gemini to Sagittarius and the reverse – is subjectively and esoterically related to our Earth, thus guaranteeing its soul development, the unfoldment of form as an expression of that soul, and leading our sorrowful humanity upon this woeful planet inevitably to the very gate of initiation in Capricorn.”1
Gemini: Third of Three Annual Spiritual Festivals
___World Invocation Day: Festival of Humanity
___The Last Sermon of the Buddha
Gemini the Twins Rule Humanity
___Gemini: From Individualisation to Initiation
Gemini and the Culture of Lies in the Kali Yuga
Jupiter in Pisces Until Dec.2022.
___Jupiter’s Dance Between Aquarius and Pisces
___Deeper Neptune Connections Between Aquarius and Pisces
Israel, Netanyahu and the Palestinian Slaughter
Benjamin Netanyahu: Will Pluto be His Nemesis?
Judgement Day: Saturn Square Uranus
Gemini: Third of Three Annual Spiritual Festivals
Shamballa the Will aspect of God Wesak May Full Moon (Taurus)
Hierarchy the Love aspect of God Easter April Full Moon (Aries)
Humanity divine Intelligence, Goodwill June Full Moon (Gemini)
The interlude in Gemini is also called the Festival of Unification, Christ Festival, Festival of Humanity or Goodwill. The new impulse generated through two full moons in Aries this year, took root in earthy Taurus at the Wesak Festival and is distributed in the sign of Gemini.
Full moon periods are monthly cycles of high spiritual potential – to commune with the Spiritual Forces of the planet and participate in the great celebration of souls – guiding, and being guided toward the light. The annual World Invocation Day is always on the date of the Gemini full moon – spanning, as with all full moon celebrations – 2½ days before and after the exact full moon time – five days in total.
Here is the opportunity to be extra mindful and reflective, meditatively tuning into the subtle but powerful forces pouring into the planet via the zodiac sign Gemini:
“The result of this solemn three days of invocation will be followed by a climaxing day wherein the Hierarchy will unitedly, and led by the Christ, pronounce the entire Invocation, prefacing each stanza with its appropriate keynote, again sounded in unison. These notes you cannot know, but if, for instance, a very large number of the New Group of World Servers were brought together, their united OM might approximate the appropriate keynote.” 2
Gemini rules communications and The Great Invocation is a potent, globally transforming mantram that can be used every day – but especially at any full or new moon festival. As the second ray of Love-Wisdom is the only ray to pass through Gemini, this force is invoked and disseminated – in all its various expressions – via the spoken or written word, music (the universal language), art, acts of human kindness and even the internet.
Gemini also rules inner communications because of its association with the etheric body which is the medium of transmission for impulses from the soul via the mental body. Hence the quality of formlessness that Gemini expresses, enables this sign well suited to telepathic communication and inner work in general.
The first three festivals of the year are all connected to communication. Mercury the Messenger is the ruler of Gemini and the soul ruler of Aries, the first festival. Taurus rules the organs of speech and the “Taurian upon the way of liberation would do well to employ the method of directed and motivated speech of an outgoing and explanatory nature.”3
The Easter Aries festival celebrates The Christ, the Wesak Taurus festival celebrates the Buddha, whilst the Gemini festival of Goodwill celebrates The Christ again; this is because the One who currently holds the Office of The Christ (it’s an office, a post), will soon be taking over the role of the Buddha in the imminent Aquarian dispensation. This is a virtually unprecedented planetary event that coincides with large strides in human consciousness, related to the equilibrising of the Moon Chain and Earth Chain evolutions. (See the author’s Unveiling Genesis: Mysteries of the Rootraces and Cycles.)
The Last Sermon of the Buddha
“On this festival, for two thousand years, the Christ has represented humanity and has stood before the Hierarchy and in the sight of Shamballa as the God-Man, the Leader of His people and “the Eldest in a great family of brothers” (Romans VIII:29).
Each year at that time He has preached the last sermon of the Buddha before the assembled Hierarchy. This will therefore be a festival of deep invocation and appeal, of a basic aspiration towards fellowship, of human and spiritual unity, and will represent the effect in the human consciousness of the work of the Buddha and of the Christ.”4
Gemini is the third of the first three major spiritual festivals for the year, disseminating the impulse of Aries, consolidated upon in Taurus. It is the “Festival of Unification carried forward by the Christ, the Master of all the Masters and the Teacher alike of angels and of men.”
These three festivals set the keynote for the year. The continuity of the link between Buddha at Taurus (Wesak) and Christ at Gemini is profound, indicating that the Christ will take over the responsibilities of the Buddha in the not too distant future.
“It has long been a legend (and who shall say it is not a fact?), that at each Full Moon of June, Christ repeats and preaches again to the assembled world (to the hearts and minds of men) the last sermon of the Buddha, thus linking the full enlightenment of the pre-Christian era and the wisdom of the Buddha to the cycle of the distribution of the energy of love, for which Christ is responsible.”5
Hence the appropriateness of the blending of the two festivals Taurus and Gemini and their dissemination in Gemini, a sign of distribution. Here are some excerpts from the last sermon, bearing in mind that the Buddha’s Taurean message was to point the way to liberation – through freeing the self from the desire nature, with all its cravings and addictions:
“Herein, O Ananda, let a brother, as he dwells in the body,
so regard the body that he, being strenuous, thoughtful and mindful may,
whilst in the world, overcome the grief which arises from the body’s cravings.
… While subject to sensations let him continue so to regard the sensations
that he, being strenuous, thoughtful, and mindful, may, whilst in the world,
overcome the grief which arises from the sensations.”
And so, also, when he thinks, or reasons, or feels, let him so regard his
thought that, being strenuous, thoughtful and mindful, he may, whilst in the world,
overcome the grief which arises from the craving due to ideas, or to reasoning,
or to feeling.
… Those who, either now or after I am dead, shall be a lamp unto themselves,
relying upon themselves only and not relying upon any external help, but holding
fast to the truth as their lamp, and seeking their salvation in the truth alone, shall not
look for assistance to any one besides themselves, it is they, Ananda, among my bhikshus,
who shall reach the very topmost height. But they must be anxious to learn.
My age is now full ripe, my life draws to its close:
I leave you, I depart, relying on myself alone!
Be earnest then, O brethren, holy, full of thought!
Be steadfast in resolve! Keep watch o’er your own hearts!
Who wearies not, but holds fast to his truth and law,
Shall cross this sea of life, shall make an end of grief.
When the light of gnosis has dispelled the darkness of ignorance, when all existences
has been seen as without substance, peace ensues when life draws to an end,
which seems to cure along sickness at last.
Everything, whether stationary or movable, is bound to perish in the end.
Be ye therefore mindful and vigilant!
The time for my entry in Nirvana has now arrived!
There are my last words!”
The Buddha and the Christ are like the two pillars of Gemini, the sign that is a cosmic gateway for the forces of Sirius to permeate its “lower self” – our solar system, infusing it with a greater cosmic plan and purpose. Venus as esoteric ruler of Gemini provides a further point of contact in stepping down that purpose through relationship with its higher self, Earth – which happens to be the highest or hierarchical ruler of Gemini.
Sirius is the source of Love-Wisdom in our solar system, emanating from the cosmic mental plane. The second ray is the only one which pours through Gemini, whose constellation is connected to the “cosmic Christ”. Venus transmits that force of mind to Humanity, giving mental understanding, love and compassion. Both Sirius and Venus are associated with initiation.
Gemini the Twins Rule Humanity
“Gemini upon the Mutable Cross stands for man’s humanity … Gemini, via Venus, awakens in humanity (the focal point of our planetary effort), the sense of duality which is the basic factor in the conflict between desire and spiritual will …”6
Venus is the esoteric ruler of Gemini, bringing together the pairs of opposites upon the mental plane, creating harmony, beauty and wisdom – the Divine Sophia. The word “conflict” in the passage above is important because it describes the fourth ray of Harmony through Conflict, the major ray that rules Humanity as a whole.
Mercury the Messenger, the exoteric ruler of Gemini the communicator – is the co-ruler of the fourth ray of Harmony through Conflict. The Moon is the other co-ruler, and because it represents the unconscious shadow or Dweller, contributes to the conflict part of the Harmony-Conflict equation.
However, like all planets, Mercury has a lower and higher expression – it can be the harmoniser but also a contributor to conflict – through the varied experiences of life on the Geminian mutable cross, which includes the misuse of speech. Here is one of many examples of the “two-faced Gemini” – and the basic dualities from which all of Humanity seek to escape.
Humanity reaches is spiritual goal through many graded series of invoking higher spiritual forces and dealing with their consequences – the necessity for continual “upgrading” or the building in of more refined frequencies within the personality vehicles – etheric/physical, astral and mental bodies. This process occurs over thousands of lifetimes, passing eventually through the various minor and major initiations – expansions of consciousness that lead ultimately to Liberation:

Mercury by Evelyn De Morgan (1855-1919). Although Mercury is portrayed often as masculine, it is also very androgynous like Gemini.
“The quality of the second divine aspect, Love, is being perfected. [The 2nd ray of Love-Wisdom is the only ray to pass through Gemini.] In this perfecting process man participates unconsciously at first, during the long cycle of evolutionary unfoldment under the Law of Necessity; but when he becomes the aspirant and takes the first steps upon the path towards spiritual maturity, he begins to play a crucial role which he maintains until he attains spiritual liberation and himself becomes a member of the Hierarchy, of the fifth or spiritual kingdom, through perfected service in the fourth or the human kingdom.”7
Humanity as a whole vibrates at a lower frequency of “desire”, yet with the ever-curious Gemini influence, seeks to understand its many faceted world, which includes notions of “God”, the soul and spirit:
“In Gemini, certain of the fundamental zodiacal influences [4 arms of the mutable cross] —synthesised and coordinated—are focussed upon our planet. This produces strain, action and reaction, and that condition of potent struggle and of difficulty which is so characteristic of our planetary life, but which produces eventually the awakening of humanity to full planetary consciousness.”8
In our great planetary crisis of 2020-1, we are witnessing a mass awakening – prior to the Reappearance of the Masters of Wisdom sometime after 2025. In fact, the gradual approach by Hierarchy to Humanity is contributing to the conflict – Their highly refined essences impacting upon the vehicles of reception within Humanity.
This is currently occurring particularly through Neptune’s passage in Pisces, one of the signs of the mutable cross, shared by Gemini, Sagittarius and Virgo. In Esoteric Astrology, we learn to think not only about the polar opposite sign, but all four signs of any particular cross – and the influences which emanate from them, via their planetary rulers and the rays that pour through these signs. Neptune is one of the names of The Christ, and its influence can paradoxically create much glamour and confusion within the emotional body, but also intuitive understanding of the higher spiritual realities.
Gemini: From Individualisation to Initiation
The potency of Gemini dominated during the period of Individualisation in Humanity around 21 million years ago. This was when the “spark of mind” was implanted in then “animal humanity” – and the evolution of consciousness began. (See the author’s Unveiling Genesis: Mysteries of the Rootraces and Cycles book – and The Hidden History of Humanity documentary, with sub-titles in six languages.) From that mass event in those ancient times, humanity is now participating in another mass event that began with the World Wars of last century – the taking of the first initiation.
“It was the activity of Venus—under the influence of Gemini—which produced the great crisis of the individualisation when the two kingdoms “approached” each other. Venus, Mercury and the Earth then set up a magnetic field which made the intervention of the Great Lodge on Sirius and the dual stimulation of Gemini effective in producing significant results of which the fourth kingdom [human] in nature is the expression.
The fact that Gemini is the third sign and embodies what is called “a third potency” [active-intelligence] enabled it to reach, with its force, the third kingdom [animal] and produce that reaction which resulted in the individualising or the humanising of its higher forms of life. You will note that Venus is also the hierarchical ruler of Capricorn, thus showing the power of the mind and its place and purpose in connection with both the major human crises: Individualisation and Initiation.
It relates humanity in an unique way to Gemini. In the coming world religion [one universal spirituality] this fact will be noted and in the month of June, which is essentially the month in which the influences of Gemini are peculiarly strong, due advantage will be taken in order to bring man nearer to the spiritual realities.
Just as Venus was potent in producing the relation of such pairs of opposites as the fifth kingdom of souls and the third kingdom (the synthesis of the sub-human kingdoms), leading to a Great Approach between soul and form, so in the new world religion this fact will be recognised.
Appeal will be made to the Forces which can utilise this planetary potency in order to work out the divine plan upon the Earth. It is because Venus thus relates certain pairs of opposites that she has been erroneously connected in the minds of men with sex and the sex life and with the relation of the physical opposites, male and female.”9
Gemini and the Culture of Lies in the Kali Yuga
Humanity today is in a very similar position to the last days of Atlantis. The Fifth Rootrace was emerging in the dying days of Atlantis, just as today the emerging new Sixth Rootrace will supercede our Fifth Rootrace over the next 25,000 years. The Kali Yuga cycle of death and destruction was active in the late Atlantean period (Fourth Rootrace), as it is once again in this Fifth Rootrace, having commenced in 3,102 BC. Goddess Kali is essentially the transformative and breaking down forces of Pluto:
“… the Kali-yug, or age of iron, of darkness, misery, and sorrow … the all-annihilating — the goddess of death, destruction, and human misery. Kali is the best emblem to represent the “fall of man”; the falling of spirit into the degradation of matter … We have to rid ourselves of Kali before we can ever reach “Moksha,” or Nirvana, the abode of blessed Peace and Spirit … Only one part or one quarter of the Truth prevails, because materiality and ignorance with their evil relations of selfishness, anger and indifference – hold sway over men’s hearts.”10
The yugas overlap one another, as do rootraces and subraces. When Atlantis was in its Kali Yuga, the best of the race was emerging within the overlapping Satya Yuga or “golden age” – the seeds of the Fifth Rootrace. Today, this is occurring as we see the mental crystallisations of the entire Fifth Rootrace expressed at the end of its long cycle in the Kali Yuga; yet the best of the race are the essential seed of the already unfolding Satya Yuga cycle of the Sixth Rootrace. The Kali Age is the polar opposite of the Krita or Satya Age:
“Krita literally means ‘that which is well done’. Satya means ‘truth’. The age of innocence, of innate goodness, the age when Dharma or Truth prevails. The Golden Age of knowledge and wisdom, peaceful, happy and blessed life. Neither sickness nor suffering are known. That period of time when beings remain engaged in noble deeds. The Krita-yug is the type of justice.”
Hence, today we witness with dismay the clash of the ages, both yuga and zodiacal; one world toppling over and shattering, whilst a new paradigm is emerging – based not upon the spirit of separation and divisiveness, but oriented to love, healing and universal community. A certain detachment is required to maintain our equilibrium during this period, especially during Pluto in Capricorn’s purging process:
“The age of darkness and ignorance. People slide further down the path of dishonesty, with virtue being of little value. Passions become uncontrollable as unrestrained sexual indulgences and manipulations run through society. Liars and hypocrites rise. Important knowledge is lost and scriptures become less and less common. The human diet is now ‘dirty’, and people are not even close to being as powerful as their ancestors in the Satya Yuga. Likewise, the once pristine environment is now polluted. Water and food become scarce, as do family bonds.”11
“Liars and hypocrites” – not only a feature of the Kali Age, but also the sign Gemini, even in entities that have a Gemini soul such as Britain, in this oft-quoted passage:
“It is the Gemini influence which has produced — viewing the work of the nation from the personality or lower angle — the secret and oft devious diplomacy and subtlety which has in the past distinguished Great Britain’s political activity. Gemini people are often distrusted, and the Gemini effect along this line makes of Great Britain no exception. Such distrust has been warranted in the past but is not as justifiable now, for the nation is old and experienced and is fast learning the lessons which she has had to master. As yet, from the higher angle, Gemini does not entirely control, for the soul of Britain is only now struggling for expression.”12
And still struggling, especially with Gemini leaders and pathological liars like PM Boris Johnson! Yet this is the tip of the iceberg of an entire global culture of lying. We live in a very Geminian age, bombarded by communications of all kinds, over-loaded with seductive electronic gadgetry distractions.

The original Jack the Lad, “Honest Jack”, was a notorious English thief and prison escapee of early 18th-century London. Gemini Britain finds a strong expression through London, especially the East End.
Gemini rules the etheric body, the blueprint for the physical – the World Wide Web represents the externalisation of the planetary etheric body. As a result, a great global synthesis of knowledge and information has been occurring for the past few decades – of like-minded individuals and groups connecting with one another, 24/7 forums refining ideas, social action utilising social media etc. This represents a real revolution and speeding up of human knowledge and interaction as never before experienced in human evolution.
Yet there is also a dark side of endless distractions and an increasing inability of individuals to focus or maintain an attention span; manipulation of the web by technologically empowered Big Tech Brother; the loss of privacy, chicanery upon the stock market etc.
Gemini’s inherent duality and reputation with ruler Mercury as the “trickster” – a tricky customer, a “ducker and diver”, a veritable Jack the lad! All these archetypes are reflective of the somewhat endearing Gemini rascal who has not woken up to soul consciousness but is quick-witted and scheming. The real problem is with those who are more advanced along the line of intellect, or even of soul awakening, who still choose to utilise the lower Gemini influences.
Gemini as the third sign of the zodiac has some remarkable similarities to the third ray of Active-Intelligence, from positive and negative perspectives. The world is currently standing within a third ray sub-cycle of a third ray sub-cycle of a greater third ray cycle. Hence the massive advances in communications technology, manufacturing, artificial intelligence etc. – but also the glamours of the third ray:
“Being busy. Cooperation with the Plan in an individual & not a group way. Active scheming. Creative work—without true motive. Good intentions, which are basically selfish. “The spider at the centre.” “God in the machine.” Devious and continuous manipulation. Self-importance, from the standpoint of knowing, of efficiency.”13
Note how “devious and continuous manipulation” matches Gemini’s “secret and oft devious diplomacy and subtlety”. Mercury as ruler of Gemini governs speech and communication. Speech and language are the clothing for ideas, hence its importance in conveying divine thought without distortion. Gemini and Mercury convey much by the spoken and written word, though Mercury-ruled Virgo is the true word-smith for the written word. Mercury and Gemini can be the great “blah, blah, blah” – alot of irrelevancies that pour forth from the lower mind, inane commentaries and preoccupation with the superficial, useless information, frivolous repetition of hearsay and gossip.
This is where much of the world is polarised – just turn on the TV, browse a tabloid or peruse social media! Yet even for those who consider themselves “on the Path”, the testings of “right speech” come up continually for review, as the Master DK reminds us:
“The most powerful factor in the control of speech is a loving heart. Wild and fearful talk, hateful gossip, cruel innuendo, suspicion, the ascribing of wrong and wicked motives to persons and peoples, and the divergences of attitude which have separated the many different nations in the world are rampant today and have brought the world to its present distressing situation. It is so easy to drift into the same habits of speech and thought which we find around us and to discover ourselves participating in attack and the spirit of hate. Guard yourselves strenuously against this and say nothing which could inflame hate and suspicion in connection with any race, any person, any group or any leaders of groups and nations.
You will have to guard yourselves with care, so that even in defense of that which you may personally or nationally approve you do not find yourselves full of hate and breaking the law of love—the only law which can truly save the world. Perhaps the key to your success along this line will be the silence of a loving heart.”14
This author has been recently accused of, “The ascribing of wrong and wicked motives to persons and peoples” – but utterly rejects this superficial supposition. However, it has occurred all through history – due to fear, paranoia, lack of discrimination etc. All of this author’s critiques in 2020-1, have been in the spirit of presenting facts and certainly not with hatred, suspicion or demonisation of various individuals such as Gates, Schwab, Johnson et al: They all do that quite well on their own! “By their fruits ye shall know them”.
Silence is not an easy quality for Gemini to cultivate, it wants to reflect back like a mirror into the world its brilliant, scintillating impressions. Gemini’s quicksilver quirkiness has an urgent need for immediacy – “I want it yesterday” is the monkey-mind mantram of mass consciousness – polarised in its desire nature! The restraint for impulsive Gemini lays in its opposite sign Sagittarius, where all is raised to the higher mind for deeper reflection; or perhaps the Saturn-ruled decanate of Virgo, another member of the mutable cross that is far more discriminating and considered – than Gemini.
When considering the moral discipline portion of the Buddhist Noble Eightfold Path, Right Speech is a key factor in telling the truth – the opposite of lying. Truth is often associated with Gemini’s polar opposite Sagittarius and higher thought.
But even Sagittarians can be “loose with the truth”, preferring a good story that compromises or utterly distorts reality! Gemini is an intellectual sign, with only the second ray of Love-Wisdom passing through it – hence its relation to the Festival of the Christ. This second ray presence provides a moral base or conscience from which to work – or should do!
In the accompanying diagram of the Eightfold Path, half of the precepts relate to the correct working of intellect: Right Understanding, or comprehension. Right Concentration. Right Thought. Right Mindfulness – all precede Right Speech. If some or all of these factors are not in place, how can right speech or telling the truth be enunciated?
Hence the horrors of the Kali Yuga, where the wellsprings of human thought have been poisoned to such an extent that the culture of lying and liars has become the “new normal”. And when lie is piled upon lie, the old aphorism comes to mind, “What a tangled web we weave, when once we practice to deceive.” There is no untangling of this thick web of deceit, it has become the Gordian Knot that will require the first ray sword of an Alexander to cut through – in “one fell swoop”.
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Jupiter in Pisces
By Jove! Generous Jupiter has just entered Pisces and will stay there, on and off until December 2022. Jupiter is the ruler of the second ray of Love-Wisdom, the primary ray of this solar system, the most common ray conditioning the souls of Humanity. Jupiter is the ruler of both Sagittarius and Pisces, reflecting both the broad panorama of consciousness in fiery Sagittarius and the oceanic depth and breadth of Pisces. The second ray of Love-Wisdom and the sixth ray of devotion are the two rays that pour through Pisces – the fish-goddess and its polar opposite, earth goddess Virgo.

Jupiter in one of his expressions as Zeus, with Hera (Earth). This is an incredibly esoteric sculpture, Zeus is holding a pitcher of water, indicating the sign of Aquarius that Jupiter rules esoterically. Hera is the earth goddess of Virgo and Jupiter is the hierarchical ruler of that sign, polar opposite of Pisces.
Hence, Jupiter is very much at home in this sign and will be a welcome relief in our current hard-edged period, where compassion in leaders and nations appears to have evaporated. Pisces is symbolic of a feminine receptiveness that absorbs and transmutes emotional pain, raising it up with the aid of esoteric ruler, Pluto. Pisces is skilled in the art of counselling because it is probably the best listener of the zodiac. Forgiveness is one of the highest attributes of Pisces, demonstrated by the Great Redeemer, The Christ. Forgiveness is a deeply occult science in itself:

Note, the author has not read this book, so its feature here is not an endorsement. There are many books on the subject!
“The faculty of forgiveness is not a form of magnanimous forgetting or overlooking, neither is it a gesture of superiority whereby the slate is wiped clean. It is the very breath of life itself—the giving of all to all and for all.… Forgiveness is not a synonym for pardon though the word has been distorted in theological circles to mean this, so little has the Church understood the basic, motivating power behind divine expression in our solar system. Theologians ever think in terms of the human mind and not in terms of the divine mind. Forgiveness is sacrifice [a well-known trait of Pisces], and is the giving up of one’s self, even of one’s very life, for the sake of others and for the good of the whole group.
This spirit of sacrifice is ever found when the Shamballa force is rightly contacted, even in the smallest degree, and the underlying impulse behind the loving will of God is sensed and understood, accompanied as this always is with the desire to participate in that will and its spirit of divine sacrifice. Manifestation is itself the Great Forgiveness.”15
Jupiter’s Dance Between Aquarius and Pisces
There are significant periods when Jupiter retrogrades back into Aquarius, plus its entry for a short while into Aries in 2022, before returning to Pisces. Hence, account must be taken of the meaning of Jupiter in Aquarius, and also define the actual dates for Jupiter’s transits in these signs:
Jupiter in Aquarius
Dec. 21, 2020 to May 14, 2021. (144 days)
Jul. 28, 2021 to Dec. 29, 2021. (154 days) Total = 10.64 months. (4.5 months already elapsed.)
Jupiter in Pisces
May 14, 2021 to July 28, 2021. (75 days)
Dec. 29, 2021 to May 11, 2022. (133 days)
Oct.28, 2022 to Dec. 20, 2022. (53 days) Total = 9.32 months.
Jupiter in Aries
May 11, 2022 to Oct.28, 2022. Dec. 20, 2022 to May 16, 2023. (170+147 days) Total: 10.22 months.
Jupiter is the esoteric ruler of Aquarius, symbolising the waters of Love-Wisdom, the quality of the second ray that Jupiter rules. Jupiter here is the Aquarian water-bearer and world server who distributes the “waters” or cosmic plasma (the very essence of our second ray solar system), from an urn held upon the shoulder. Here is some Saturn symbolism, “to shoulder responsibility” – Saturn rules the first decanate of Aquarius, offering opportunity through mental discipline. (This is why Saturn was the ruler of Aquarius before Uranus was discovered.)
Jupiter’s soul rulership of Aquarius provides a deeper understanding of this sign that has seemingly conflicting attributes: scientist, inventor, technology, revolutionary, occultist (Uranus rulership) – versus: philanthropist, humanitarian, occultist, social worker, healer and teacher (Jupiter).
The waters of Aquarius also signify an emotional empathy with humanity that influences the occupations listed under both rulerships – whether it is the revolutionary driven by an humanitarian urge to change the social structure, or the scientist in dedicated research to alleviate human suffering.
This emotional empathy that works through the solar plexus centre, is a reflection of Jupiter’s higher rulership of the heart chakra; it is appropriate that the ruler of Love-Wisdom is directly associated with the heart! Hence, we find a most complimentary sequential relationship between Aquarius and the following sign Pisces. There are never any hard and fast boundaries between the signs, one blends into the other. In this case, the esoteric Jupiter rulership of Aquarius blends into the exoteric rulership of Pisces.
Therefore, the direct and retrograde motions between Pisces and Aquarius between now and late 2022, provide an unique blend of the more emotionally detached Aquarius with supersensitive Pisces. It really is quite a long, extended influence that should provide some harmony and the development of deeper compassion for all of Humanity.
Deeper Neptune Connections Between Aquarius and Pisces
There is another link between these two signs that has Neptune in common. Neptune, the co-ruler of the solar plexus centre, also has a profound relation to the heart. The Moon is the hierarchical ruler of Aquarius “veiling” Neptune, assisting the development of group consciousness, preparing a disciple for world service:
“Group-awareness or the universal consciousness of Aquarius and [its] final development [for] humanity is hierarchically related by the Moon, veiling Neptune … All world servers are decentralised workers and are governed by the need and the reactions of the mass or group.”16
The masses are ruled by Neptune, via its esoteric rulership of the sign Cancer. Neptune is the Christ consciousness of Virgo (which the average human being is just beginning to grasp), that paves the way for the universal consciousness of Aquarius.
“It is fortunate that Neptune is veiled by the Moon and that the form fails to register or step down many of the impacts to which the true man is sensitive. Average humanity is not yet fully equipped to bear the full range of these impacts, to handle them constructively or to transmute them and interpret them accurately.17
Neptune is the “god of the waters” – the waters that a poured forth from the Water-Bearer’s urn – concerning both the emotional empathy of Aquarius and its higher correspondence, the “cosmic plasma” of the Love-Wisdom ray.
Along with Jupiter, Neptune is the exoteric co-ruler of Pisces – Neptune, the god of the oceans who rules over the fishes, a symbol of the dualism within which humanity, seeks to free itself on the path to Liberation.
“Neptune is known esoterically as the Initiator. In certain ancient formulas, the great Teacher of the West and the present world Initiator, Christ, is spoken of as Neptune, Who rules the ocean, whose trident and astrological symbol signifies the Trinity in manifestation and Who is the ruler of the Piscean Age.
The formula runs as follows, speaking esoterically: “… the fish goddesses who have leapt from earth (Virgo) to water (Pisces) unitedly give birth to the Fish God (Christ) who introduces the water of life into the ocean of substance and thus brings light to the world. Thus does Neptune work.” This is, however, a great mystery, revealed only at the time of the second initiation in which the control of the fluidic astral plane is demonstrated.”18
Jupiter’s transit through both of these signs may reach a moment of fusion when Jupiter catches up with Neptune for their conjunction in Pisces, exact on April 12, 2022 – most significantly very near, and in orb of influence to the Aries full moon festival on April 16.
Israel, Netanyahu and the Palestinian Slaughter
Disclaimer: The following is not an “anti-Jewish” perspective, it explores the problem of the nation Israel.
On the most inauspicious day of Israel’s birthday (May 15, 2021), we witnessed once again the appalling persecution and “ethnic cleansing” of Palestinians. The violence started to erupt just a few days before Israel’s birthday, by an invasion of the IDF military forces into the famous Al-Aqsa Mosque on Temple Mount, in the old city of Jerusalem – ironically known as the “city of peace”; it occurred during one of Islam’s most holy festivals on Qadir night, the closing evening of Ramadan. According to one commentator:
“My understanding is that Shavuot (also celebrating the giving of the law, but in Judaism) was that weekend, however there was mention in another article of a yearly Israeli protest scheduled for that night that was called off at an attempt to de-escalate the uprising of violence. Each year these two holy days celebrating a common theme are held a week or so apart (depending on the cycle of the moon), and that each year on the night the Palestinians celebrate, orthodox leaning students and Jewish leaders in Israel hold a protest or rally to commemorate and celebrate their occupation (and thus the authority of their scriptures).
The tensions were escalated this year due to an eviction attempt in the area — but we can see that underlying the dispute in the hearts of these people is the question of authority of Law as given by Scripture & Prophets – whose land it is and which law reigns supreme over — Moses or Mohammed? From a religious studies point of view and syncretism with astrology, the Buddhists and Christians also celebrate festivals under the similar theme of receiving the Law or Way while the sun is at this cross-quarter point in Taurus. (Wesak Festival & Saga Dawa – Ascension Day & Pentecost).”
The warring brothers theme of Gemini could not be more appropriate for Israel and Palestine, a microcosm for a divided humanity; two branch-races of the Semitic subrace of the Fifth Rootrace (5.3). In the context of the ancient history of the Jewish people, Israel is the “elder brother” who must serve its “younger brother” – with humility (the antidote for a Leo moon) – and generosity (the higher side of Leo). Some further context to the current situation:
“In response to repeated attacks on Al-Aqsa [mosque on Temple Mount], Hamas warned the Zionist state to cease its violent repression of protests in Jerusalem. Hundreds of Palestinians were injured when Israeli police fired steel coated rubber bullets, tear gas canisters, and flash grenades at protesters. When Israel refused, the military wing of Hamas fired a volley of rockets in the city’s direction.”19
Hence, the statement by Israel that it is merely “defending itself” is utter nonsense. They know it, the world knows it and this current debacle follows in the wake of many previous slaughters in the past few decades:
“Operation Cast Lead in 2008/2009, Operation Pillar of Defense in 2012, and Operation Protective Edge in 2014. All three Israeli named operations involved military assaults and massacres in Gaza. In each attack, the number of Palestinian casualties was appalling. During Cast Lead, 1,398 Palestinians perished. In Pillar of Defense, 167 were killed. During Protective Edge, 2,250 died, 300 of whom were children. Those injured and maimed during each assault number in the thousands. In the 2014 conflict, 11,000 Palestinians were injured and 500,000 displaced. Israel dropped 400 tons of bombs during 6,000 air strikes. The barbaric attack was sadistic and intentional.”20
There are a few horoscopes for Israel, one for the declaration of their state on May 14, which yields Libra or Scorpio rising, depending upon which time is used. The other is May 15 at midnight when that declaration became legal, giving Aquarius rising.
The author has always favoured this latter chart due to Aquarius rising embodying the ideal of the kibbutz, the community, even the potential as an exemplar nation of international co-operation and tolerance of all religions and ethnic diversities. But now, due to the far right Zionist position, these are distant dreams – a sad joke.
Also, with this Aquarian ascendant, house placements such as Mars in the seventh house, reflect the constant warring of Israel with its neighbours. Mars is in Leo, the opposite sign to Aquarius, where also is placed the Moon, Saturn and Pluto – all conjunct the seventh house cusp. Hence, instead of developing its Aquarian ascendant (which worked for a time sporadically in Jerusalem), the default has mostly been in the lower Leo polarity – exemplified by the tyrannical, self-aggrandising Mars-Moon positions in Leo: Clinging to a glorious, mythical past, all the ancient baggage of The Lion of Judah, the Chosen Ones, the Promised Land – for which Israel, after thousands of years, illegally reclaimed.
The author has written dozens of commentaries on Israel in the past twenty years and participates in a meditation group dedicated to the “problem of the Jews”. This group is composed (not by design) of primarily ageless wisdom students who were born Jewish in this life, one born (most tellingly) in Poland in 1945, another in the newly formed Israel in 1949.
As has been stated many times in past missives, the Jews represent the most advanced and are the oldest of the Human Race, having a history that hearkens back to the first solar system – before our current system!; they have made rich contributions to all aspects of human living– such a small global community that “punches well above its weight”. But to be “Jewish” is not necessarilly being born in a Jewish body, it is more about a level consciousness reached. (See an esoteric essay on this theme here.) Hence, the Jewish shadow is also very ancient, representing the worst of human traits – they are Humanity in microcosm.
Out of the 16 million Jews in the world – about one third inhabit Israel, one third live in the USA and the other third are scattered throughout the world. The latter fact is as it should be, because to concentrate the one third of the Jewish Race in one nation, is to exacerbate and amplify the Jewish shadow, of which right wing Zionism is the appalling expression – it is no different from Nazism. There are millions of Jews around the world who oppose, defy and protest against these Zionists.

Scientist, musician, Jew, Piscean, humanitarian and Initiate, Albert Einstein. Recent astro-profile here.
The Zionists currently control Israel and have done ever since its inception. One of the observing Masters commented that Israel should never have been created, but due to laziness, fear and expediency by Britain, USA and the United Nations – just after the horrors of WWII and the Holocaust, the ruthless Zionist lobby “bullied” Israel into creation.
Since then, Israel has continued bullying its Arab neighbours and has been particularly cruel to the Palestinians for decades. It’s quite ironic that a persecuted people should project their past persecution upon another group – ironic! Gaza is essentially the WWII, Warsaw Ghetto 2.0. The following was written by the Master Djwhal Khul in the late 1940’s:
“The area of difficulty—as is well known—is the Near East and Palestine. The Jews, by their illegal and terroristic activities, have laid a foundation of great difficulty for those who are seeking to promote world peace. As a Jewish member of my Ashram pointed out (and I commend him on his soul vision), the Jews have partially again opened the door to the Forces of Evil, which worked originally through Hitler and his evil gang. The “sealing” of that door had not been successfully accomplished, and it is the part of wisdom to discover this in time.
These Forces of Evil work through a triangle of evil, one point of which is to be found in the Zionist Movement in the United States, another in central Europe, and the third in Palestine. Palestine is no longer a Holy Land and should not be so regarded.
I would have you bear these points in mind while you investigate the world picture. This picture is taking shape and warrants recognition. It involves the Jews (who are not a nation but a religious group) the Near East and Russia. In the maps which are to be found in the Archives of the spiritual Hierarchy, the entire area of the Near East and Europe—Greece, Yugoslavia, Turkey, Palestine, the Arab States, Egypt and Russia—are under a heavy overshadowing cloud.

“The entire area of the Near East and Europe—Greece, Yugoslavia, Turkey, Palestine, the Arab States, Egypt and Russia—are under a heavy overshadowing cloud.”
Can that cloud be dissipated by the right thinking and planning of Great Britain, the United States and the majority of the United Nations or—must it break in disaster over the world? Will it present a task too hard for correct handling by that inexperienced disciple—Humanity?”21
Here is a brief background to the current problem for which, due to its physical plane insolubility, has prompted various meditation groups to work at dissipating these clouds of glamour in the Middle East. Is it “too little, too late” though? Has the “right thinking and planning” by nations gone astray, or completely failed? Has the spiritual community and the New Group of World Servers failed in their contribution to the problem?
One must question the deafening silence over the current Gaza massacre – from the US administration, who are essentially the dog being wagged by the Israel tail, given the billions that are commited every year to Israel. Some senators are now lobbying for the annual “donation” to Israel of around 735 million be withheld, given the fact that the money will simply feed the military industrial complex in supplying more weapons to Israel – who are already “over-armed” with conventional and nuclear weapons.
The Zionists also have aspirations to a “Greater Israel” – as detailed in this article, Greater Israel: The Zionist Plan for the Middle East by Israel Shahak. Greater Israel would create a number of proxy States that include parts of Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, the Sinai, as well as parts of Iraq and Saudi Arabia.
Hence, this is one of the main reasons why Israel-influenced USA invaded Iraq – as four-star General Wesley Clark pointed out in his famous statement, relaying what he had been told: “We’re going to take out seven countries in five years. And he named them, starting with Iraq and Syria and ending with Iran.”
This began in 2003, just a couple of years after 9/11 – an event that gave a “Pearl Harbour” excuse to invade Iraq because of “weapons of mass destruction”, proved patently false in subsequent years. Israel and those inside the Pentagon were alleged to be deeply involved in the planning and execution of 9/11, as many excellent researchers have pointed out.
Israel’s Transits and Progressions
So what is unfolding currently in Israel’s horoscope? The Leo moon is the number one “culprit”!
1. Leo Moon activation by transiting Saturn-Uranus, prog.MC. A truly extraordinary line-up of planets that have been “battering” Israel’s Moon in Leo. As described earlier, the Moon is the shadow, the Dweller, representing a clinging to a glorious, imagined past: The Lion of Judah, Promised Land etc.
2. Saturn opposite the Moon. Mid-Feb.2021 to late August, finishing late November 2021. The point of least resistance here is to dominate, “might is right”. Saturn the lord of karma, activating the ancient Jewish past.
3. Progressed midheaven opposite Moon. The “public, work, career”, one’s dharma. Exact Feb.2021 and in orb of influence for the previous two years.
4. Transiting Uranus square Moon. From Aug. 2019 to June 2020, Sept. 2020 finishing its exact square in April 2021, but still active several months later. Just as transiting Uranus (individualism) has been squaring Israel’s progressed Leo sun for the past few years, similarly with its square to the Moon in Leo -exacerbating a trend to be independent – but only on its own terms, neglecting the soul purpose of opposite sign Aquarius – a greater sharing and distribution, regardless of class or creed.
All of the above activations of the Leo Moon have swelled the nationalistic pride of the nation and its tyrannical, controlling rulership. (The progressed Sun in Leo heads toward Israel’s Leo moon in the next five years.) Transiting Uranus’s last square to the Leo moon in April 2021, coincided with bringing out the worst of the ultra-orthodox Jewish mentality and their fanaticism – which on April 30 resulted in the 45 deaths/150 injured in a religious festival stampede. In another incident two weeks later two people were killed and hundreds injured, when a stand collapsed during prayers at the beginning of Shavuot.
The ultra-orthodox are a good example of the “stuckness” of Israel’s Leo moon. These events were all occurring before or during the violence being inflicted upon the Palestinians. Indeed, many of the ultra-orthodox and “settlers”, besides the police and army, were taking the law into their own hands, terrorising their Arab neighbours.

Ultra orthodox Jews, a minority with a powerful influence and a reminder of the old Saturnine religion, with its wrathful Jehovah.
One wonders with these recent tragic incidents, and the Palestinian slaughter whether the law of karma has been realised by the ultra orthodox, the proverbial “eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth”, the distorted Old Testament understanding of karma.
5. Transiting Saturn conjunct Aquarius Ascendant – opposite Pluto in Leo. May 2021 to late Jan. 2022. When Saturn comes to the ascendant every 30 years, there is a deepening of awareness around soul purpose. This is only the second time it has occurred in Israel’s recent history – and is not unlike the Saturn return, in terms of importance. Saturn the lord of karma who rules Capricorn, the personality of the Jewish people – Moses on the mountaintop.
Saturn is just touching upon the ascendant now and is retrograding for a while before it crosses the ascendant proper in late January 2022. During this period of 8 months, there is a faint hope that Israel might take pause for reflection – about the greater community it could build with the Palestinians and many other groups. That outcome however, may well be only a pipedream in many ways, but not impossible.
Besides the racial apartheid toward the Palestinians, Israel is now creating an apartheid toward its own Jewish people – those who have a vaccination certificate and those who do not. Israel is currently a place of great suffering, fear and loathing – seething with hatred. The earlier transit of Saturn in its own sign of Capricorn during 2019-20 is another factor that has crystallised attitudes in Israel. Capricorn is the ruling sign of the Jewish people. Along with Pluto in Capricorn, these planets have created and increase in hard line attitudes in all directions.
Israel’s transits and progressions for 2021.
6. Transiting Uranus square Moon-Pluto, Aquarius ascendant. The “square-dance” of Saturn and Uranus continues. Hence Saturn conjunct Israel’s Aquarian ascendant, also has transiting Uranus squaring the ascendant which it rules. This transit has followed shortly after Uranus’s square to the Leo moon position.
Now, transiting Uranus is closely squaring Pluto/descendant and the ascendant. On the one hand there is the possibility of Aquarian soul purpose realisation, but the point of least resistance will be the lower activation of Pluto in Leo, which is essentially using deadly force by whatever means – without mercy or conscience. This Pluto activation will last until April 2022.
7. Transiting Uranus square Saturn in Leo. Shortly after the transit to Pluto in the previous passage, transiting Uranus will embark upon a long square aspect to Saturn in Leo – from May and Nov. 2022, through to Mar.2023.
Here will be the battle for the soul of Israel – or the Jewish and Palestinian people who live there. Similar to the moon in Leo, Saturn in Leo represents the Dweller, the crystallisations built up since 1948. Saturn the old, Uranus the new – the reformer, the revolutionary and radical – can it win out? This period of 2021 was predicted seven years ago (see video below), just after the Gaza War (“Operation Protective Edge”) from 8 July – 26 August 2014 (7 weeks). The suffering inflicted upon the Palestinians (2,500 dead) is revealed through many moving stories in the following documentary.
Some of the views expressed in this video by young Israeli’s are quite shocking – as a result of decades of indoctrination and Zionist propaganda. Yet there are many Israeli’s who resisted the Israeli policy, such as this former pilot: I Was “Part of a Terror Organization,” Says Israeli Pilot Turned Activist
“Yonatan Shapira: The education I got was very much about peace, equality, freedom and a lot of socialist values — caring about the other, caring about the poor — but at the same time with a big wall of negligence of Palestine. The same time I was in class learning these beautiful values, the Israeli army was engaged in occupation, land grabs, settlements, massacres, deportation of Palestinian activists. But I didn’t know these things. I truly believed that I should defend my country. I wanted to be like my father. I wanted to be a pilot in the air force and it was my dream come true when I was accepted. I became a helicopter pilot and flew rescue missions and commando transport.”22
Benjamin Netanyahu: Will Pluto be His Nemesis?
“Nemesis: is the goddess who enacts retribution against those who succumb to hubris, arrogance before the gods.” – In other words, karma!
Also commented upon frequently by the author over the past two decades23 (Benjamin Netanyahu’s 2020 Swansong?), Netanyahu appears to be making his last stand politically and is going all out to achieve those ambitions of staying in power; note that his birthday is just over a year after Israel’s formation in 1948.
Netanyahu, Scorpio rising: Other horoscopes propose Sagittarius rising.
To many observers on the outside looking in, Netanyahu is a Hitleresque figure, a war-monger and bare-faced liar, obsessed with power – who has had considerable influence over US politics for decades. Paradoxically, Netanyahu has several planets in Libra, the peacemaker – Sun, Moon, Mercury and Neptune. (Hitler was Libra rising.) Netanyahu’s main Libran skills are charm and the balancing of many factions in his political party – a shrewd political operator and survivor.
1. Transiting Pluto square sun in Libra. Netanyahu’s main transit at the moment is from Pluto square his Libran Sun, that has just started to come into strong influence in the past few months and will pass back and forth again in Jan. and July 2022, through to Nov. 2023. Altogether 2.5 years – a very long transit that could see Benjamin Netanyahu (BN) execute the most extreme actions, becoming more obsessed with power and domination, in line with his adamantly entrenched Zionist views. Pluto is also the co-ruler of his proposed Scorpio ascendant.
This kind of transit can bring up serious psychological issues that are the result of Pluto’s lord of the underworld status, revealing that which is hidden in the depths. Counselling is always worth contemplating for most people during this transit – but most unlikely for Netanyahu! As a result of profound psychological patterns that emerge, physical health issues can also rise to the surface during this transit – with life-threatening illness diagnoses or similar. The Sun represents the three-fold personality – mental, emotional and physical-etheric.
Issues that are not dealt with in the subtle bodies eventually find their way to the physical plane in the manifestation of dis-ease. A Pluto square the Sun (vitality) transit, can eventuate in death from disease – or even assassination. Pluto, along with Saturn is one of the lords of death.
Netanyahu’s Libra sun is exactly square to USA’s Pluto, hence his close control over the USA, as witnessed in his various addresses to the US Congress. Hence, this Pluto transiting square to his Sun, covers the period of USA’s first ever Pluto return – right in the middle of all that turmoil! Another factor is that Netanyahu/Israel wants to be the vaccine capital of the world, dictating policy on medicines, testings and passports. May he fail miserably!
Netanyahu the mesmeric puppet-master and the sickening sycophancy of the US Congress – 31 standing ovations!
2. Solar arc Saturn conjunct Scorpio ascendant. Saturn is the ruler of Capricorn, the personality of the Jewish people and ruler of BN’s progressed sun in this sign. SA Saturn’s presence on the ascendant is invocative of his Pluto transit, given that Pluto is co-ruler of Scorpio. The weight of karma must be laying heavily on his shoulders, as Prime Minister of Israel.
3. Progressed Venus in Aquarius opposite Pluto in Leo. Venus, the ruler of BN’s Libran planets, has recently progressed into the first house of Israel’s Aquarius rising horoscope. Between now and 2024, progressed Venus moves into an exact opposition to natal Pluto in Leo, in orb of influence already.
In mid-February 2022, transiting Saturn briefly passes through to create an exact alignment to progressed Venus and Pluto opposite. All these factors reflect the transit of Pluto square to his Libra sun. Power struggles in all his relationships (perhaps even his wife), but essentially the struggle to stay in power by balancing all the warring factions within his own party, as well as dealing with the opposition parties.
As natal Pluto is placed in the ninth house of foreign nations – a greater part of this will play out on the world stage. Hopefully it may be an opportunity to deal with the thorny Israel-Palestine problem once and for all. But how many times have we all chanted that mantra? Perhaps Jupiter in Pisces’s transit may have a softening effect – a Road to Damascus moment?
4. Transiting Uranus opposite progressed Scorpio Midheaven. May 2023 to May 2024. (Only applies if this chart is accurate.) This is a major long term transit, whose opposition will be forming a grand cross with the planets mentioned in the previous point – progressed Venus, natal Pluto, transiting Saturn. Uranus (ruler of Aquarius) will force some radical changes here and may contribute to a sudden upset for BN’s political affairs.
Judgement Day: Saturn Square Uranus
“As the New Age is ushered in—there must inevitably come a judgment day (speaking symbolically) and the emergence of a clear line of demarcation between that which is new and that which is of the old age; there must appear the distinction between exoteric happenings and esoteric attitudes and between those who see a new world order, developed and brought to functioning activity by the Forces of Light, through cooperation, coordination and understanding … [or] … a world order which will be imposed by terror, through dictatorial government, by the suppression of liberty of conscience, and by the enthronement of a race whose values are, at this time, anti-spiritual and anti-social.
This judgment day is now upon humanity, and the final decision will be arrived at by those whose normal inclinations and natural tendencies are on the side of law and order, and whose will-to-good is directed towards right human relations and true human welfare. These enlightened people will back their judgment with a focussed will to bring in the era wherein these values will dominate, and they are also willing to take the necessary measures to make these values possible.”24
“The New Age ushered in” is the imminent Age of Aquarius. This subject of Judgement Day and “the sheep and the goats” was touched upon in the recent Taurus newsletter. The Saturn Uranus square currently represents a “minor judgement day” and is partly the reason for Humanity’s current schism between souls at all levels of consciousness.
The real Judgement Day is esoterically millions of years in the future when souls or, “sheep and goats” who have not “made the grade”, will be separated into those who will move forward in evolution, and those who will be “recycled” into another evolution!
The current conflict might be defined as between those who have strongly or over-developed concrete minds and others with more developed intuition; it is also a testing for initiation for Humanity at large for the first degree, as well as for higher degrees in groups of aspirants, disciples and initiates, paving the way for the reappearance of the Hierarchy and Christ sometime after 2025.
Theoretically one group has, broadly speaking, two sub-groups within it – at the mercy of their concrete minds, or the stronger concrete minds of others, to whom they have shown obeyance. The other group can also be divided into two subgroups – composed of those who may not be so developed in concrete mind, but are well developed intuitively, whilst the other sub-group has long passed the concrete mind stage, developing higher abstract thought and more advanced intuition.
This current situation is also a recapitulation of the Individualisation period in Lemuria – where the separation of the sexes occurred – due to the forces of the Fifth Ray ray, Gemini and its esoteric ruler Venus. Today, at the apotheosis of the Fifth Rootrace – the “high water mark” result of Individualisation, there has come about a marked separation between those who inhabit the lower mental planes (the bulk of Humanity) and those who live more often in the higher subplanes – a smaller but more powerful group:
“During the third rootrace [Lemuria], opportunity for the animal kingdom occurred and many individualised. In the fourth rootrace this cycle of opportunity ceased temporarily, and something happened which is analogous to what will occur in the fifth rootrace in connection with man, at the so-called “Judgment Day.” In Atlantean days the lives which composed the third kingdom of nature were divided into two groups:
A number of these lives were “passed,” [found fit for incarnation] and the tide of life sweeps through them, permitting of their incarnating in animal form on earth, and their gradual evolution. The remainder were rejected, and as a group they became temporarily quiescent, and will not manifest in physical form until the next round. [Millions of years hence.]
In the fifth round [the true Judgement Day], a corresponding division will take place in the fourth kingdom, and the lives in that kingdom will be subjected to an analogous test; some will be passed and will continue their evolution on this planet, while others will be rejected, and will go into temporary pralaya.”25
The following discusses a little more about this future Judgement Day and yields some clues about our present day predicament:

The First Path: Earth Service, related to our solar logos, a “dragon of wisdom”. (Also the logo for the author’s books through Apollo Publishing.)
“The fifth Hierarchy will rise to its full power. This will precede the Judgment Day, and will mark a point of tremendous struggle, for the manasic vehicle “manas” [mind] (which they embody) will rebel against the translation of the life within (the buddhi) [intuition]. There will, therefore, be seen on a racial scale and involving millions simultaneously, a repetition of the self-same struggle which embroils the man who seeks to transcend mind and to live the life of Spirit. This will be the final Armageddon, the planetary kurukshetra [battle], and will be succeeded by the Judgment Day when the Sons of Manas will be cast out and the Dragons of Wisdom rule.
This only means that those in whom the manasic principle is over-potent or under-developed will be considered as failures and will have to wait for a more suitable period for development, while those who are living the buddhic life, and in whom it is waxing stronger—spiritual men, aspirants, disciples of various degrees, initiates and adepts—will be left to pursue the natural course of evolution on this scheme.”26
Here we see the perennial conflict of all ages, like that which characterised the Atlantean war – of which stories such as The Lord of the Rings have emerged from the racial memory. The sign of Libra, currently prominent in the planetary horoscope, is also contributing to the gravity of decisions that must be made, using the weighing capacity of the judicial mind. The scales must be weighed and balanced before decision can be made – has the majority of Humanity done this correctly at this time of planetary crisis? One keynote for Libra is, “Let choice be made”:
“There is the experience of humanity in Libra in which the same adjustments and experiments are being made, but this time the entire race of men is involved and not just an individual. This group experience, carried out upon the mental plane, will only happen when all men are polarised mentally and will take place and constitute the Judgment day … Of this, the “point of crisis” in Libra and the present world situation [WWII] and needed adjustment is the forerunner; this time the balancing is, however, upon the astral plane and the desires of men are predominantly in a position of casting the deciding factor, whereas in the next great cycle it will be the minds of men which will do the deciding.
Today, the foremost [wo]men of the age—disciples, aspirants and the intelligentsia—are being tested under the Scorpio experience whilst the masses are in the Scales; the weight of mass desire will turn them either up towards spiritual decision or down towards material and selfish ends.”27
And hence, as the author has regularly proposed, Humanity is in a third and final phase of the World Wars, currently being fought out upon the mental plane – but perilously close to the physical plane. Local conflicts in the Middle East for instance, could easily escalate into a global war. As in WWII, the challenge is still upon the astral plane for astrally polarised Humanity, it is not yet quite on the mental plane, as predicted in the “next great cycle” above. Perhaps the current decision challenge is more in the realm of kama-manas, or desire mind. Again, a future Judgement Day is glimpsed, to shed light on the global situation today:
“The “Judgment Day” in the fifth round, or the point of attainment of our Heavenly Man [the “god” of our planet], will see a period of planetary strife on mental levels which will cause the present world unrest [WWII] to seem as nothing. As pointed out earlier, this present struggle has been to test the ability of the entities within the present human forms to appreciate their mental forces, and through the power of MIND to transcend feeling, or pain.
The struggle in the fifth round will be between higher and lower mind, and the battle ground will be the causal body. [Seat of the soul.] The struggle now being waged on the planet [WWII] is between a few Egos (or the leaders of the many races who are necessarily in place and position owing to their egoic polarisation) and many personalities, who are swept into the vortex through group association; it is necessarily terrific, and forces the destruction of the form.
The struggle in the fifth round, being on mental levels, will be between Egos and egoic groups, each working consciously, and with intellectual application, to bring about certain group results. It will result in the triumph (the ultimate triumph) of Spirit over matter, in the driving out of certain groups as yet unable to shake themselves free from the trammels of matter, and who prefer captivity to the life of the Spirit.”28
Mercury Stationary on the Full Moon
Been feeling a bit scattered lately, the airwaves a bit choppy, glitches in the system? It might be because Mercury has been in its pre-shadow retrograde period for the past two weeks, prior to going retrograde on the 29th, over this full moon period of the May 26th.
Pre and post shadow periods of Mercury can often feel like Mercury retrograde, especially the week before and after, which correspond to the pre and post shadow phases. The coloured diagram here, with grades of shade shaded on various days indicates these powerful periods.
Mercury the Messenger is the ruler of Gemini, so whilst in its own sign on the full moon festival of Gemini, is powerful, but particularly so when “stationary direct” for four days, about to turn “stationary retrograde” for another five days, plus the day of turning retrograde – ten days in total.
In other words, during the pre and post stationary period, Mercury barely moves from its usual daily motion of about 1.5 degrees, instead only several minutes arc – of a degree. Hence, its influence is considerably magnified.
Furthermore, Mercury makes a close conjunction to Venus, the esoteric ruler of Gemini, that harmonises the pairs of opposites, Gemini’s warring brothers. As a sign of relationships in general, this is a great combination for communications, yet the square of these two planets to Neptune in Pisces presents a challenge.
I have written often about Neptune over this past year or so, as it transits through its own sign of Pisces, with a considerable influence in its lower expression upon Humanity – creating glamour, illusion and confusion. This duping/doping effect has been quite noticeable since 2016, but particularly pronounced in 2020-1.
All the planets have higher and lower expressions, depending upon an individual’s “vehicles of response”, that is – the degree of “redemption” achieved in the subtle bodies, particularly the astral, over which Neptune the god of the waters rules.
In this respect, Mercury is at once the principle of illusion and the agent of illumination. That is why Mercury is called the Trickster and why its ruling sign Gemini can often be the con artist! And illusion is the point of least resistance for Humanity at large, we love to be deluded by a David Copperfield or a Criss Angel.
Hence Mercury’s square to Neptune in Pisces can be the potential for a “double dose” of illusion, especially perpetrated by Gemini entities, whether they be individuals or nations. Communications can get particularly scrambled and confused, you might have thought or imagined that you communicated something but you may not have actually said it! (In the last two weeks of Mercury’s retrograde period, Neptune will also turn retrograde.)
Unfortunately, this pattern has enormous potential for sleight of hand and deception, which has become the “new norm” at the heart of propaganda, as discussed in Gemini and the Culture of Lies in the Kali Yuga. The susceptibility to “conspiracy theories” – claimed and counter-claimed, or extreme spiritual or religious fundamentalism – may also be a feature of this pattern.
Claims that “god told me”, a “message from a Master” etc., all potential for distorted communications – but also bona fide ones. The solution to this challenging situation is to invoke Pisces polar opposite sign Virgo, the principle of discernment and discrimination.
The upside potential of the Mercury-Venus square Neptune pattern is to imagine and visualise what better world we can bring into human consciousness. Imagination and intuition – or buddhi, are the key elements of Neptune, and are at the core of Vajrayana Buddhist meditation, where the individual builds these elements into their very being. The blending of the imagination with the mental processes constitutes the true higher tantra or unification.
The most potent manifestation of this pattern at the full moon is a mass awakening, something that has been going on for a while already, but perhaps an acceleration of that process. Given that this Gemini Festival is also called the Festival of Humanity or of The Christ (one of whose names is Neptune), then the gradual approach of Hierarchy to Humanity may be broadcast with an extra stimulus.
Phillip Lindsay © 2021.
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Stripe is supported in many countries. Books by Phillip Lindsay
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.356. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.556. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.389. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey, p.421. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey, p.480. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.362, 242. [↩]
- Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Alice A. Bailey. p.194. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.357. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.355. [↩]
- Isis Unveiled II, H.P. Blavatsky.p.275. [↩]
- Kali Yuga, End of a Dark Era and the Coming of Light. [↩]
- The Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.81. [↩]
- Glamour: A World Problem, Alice A. Bailey. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.82. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.165. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.322, 219. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.322. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.219. [↩]
- [↩]
- [↩]
- The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. p.429. [↩]
- [↩]
- Benjamin Netanyahu, Benjamin Netanyahu: Saturn Transit 2019, Benjamin Netanyahu Wins – Again 2019. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.230. [↩]
- A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p.461. [↩]
- A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p.705-6. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.232 [↩]
- A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p.391-2. [↩]
Whew! I always feel rung out after devouring your newsletters.
May Divine Love and Wisdom shine a light through the hearts of humanity.
Thank you. Now I know I have been doing the correct thing warning the media, govt, including
President Biden about the true motives of Netanyahu as presented by the article “The Storm
Netanyahu Unleashed” by Israeli peace activist Adam Keller in Tikkun Magazine.