Gemini 2022: Christ Festival. Media & Propaganda. Mars in Aries. Ulvade, TX. Monkey Business. WHO-WEF. Ukraine. Alan Turing. Alcyone.

Two swans, “twins” of Gemini – creating a heart that connects it to the second ray of love-wisdom, the only ray to pass through this sign. Venus is the goddess of love and esoteric ruler of Gemini, bringing the “warring brothers” of lower/higher mind, or soul/personality into alignment.
Gemini Keynote
“I recognise my other self and in the waning of that self I grow and glow.”
World Invocation Day
(Full Moon: June 14, 2022. 11.51 UT.)
Gemini: Festival of the Christ
___The Great Invocation: Triangles, Sound, Rhythm, Metre
Gemini: Media, Communications and Propaganda
___The Disease of Compromised Media
___The Age of the Kali Yuga
___Independent Research
___Predictive Programming
___Smartphones: Mental Health Effects in Children
Mars Ingress into Aries
___Uvalde, Texas School Massacre
Monkey Business-Monkeypox
___NTI Monkeypox Scenario in 2021
___WHO WEF Gates
___NTI and Big Pharma
___Gemini UK – Propaganda Publications
___WHO’s Proposed Amendments Voted Down
___WHO’s Deception Game and Horoscope
Ukraine Crisis
___The Nuclear Threat in Ukraine
Alan Turing: Gemini Rising Scientist
Sun Enters Gemini: Alcyone, Star of Intelligence
Monthly Webinar for Gemini
Gemini: Festival of the Christ
This solar interlude of Gemini is also known as the Festival of Unification, Christ Festival, Festival of Humanity or Goodwill. The new impulse generated during Aries this year, took root in earthy Taurus at the Wesak Festival – and is now distributed in the sign of Gemini.
Gemini is similar to another air sign Aquarius – a sign of distribution and dissemination. The etymology of the latter word means, “a scattering of seed, a sowing”. The seed that was generated and planted in Aries (in northern hemisphere symbolism), is now fast growing toward the approaching summer. In plants, the diverse paths taken by the roots, stems, stalks and branches symbolise the ramifying influence of Gemini.
Full moon periods are monthly cycles of high spiritual potential – to commune with Spiritual Forces and participate in the celebration of souls – guiding, and being guided toward the light. The annual World Invocation Day is always on the date of the Gemini full moon (June 14, 2022) – spanning, as with all full moon celebrations – 2½ days before and after the exact full moon time – 5 days in total.
Here is the opportunity to be extra mindful and reflective, meditatively tuning into the subtle forces pouring into the planet via the zodiac sign Gemini – especially the second ray of Love-Wisdom, the only ray to pass through this sign. The Christ is the exemplar on this planet of the indigo blue ray.
This cultivation of mindfulness is particularly important as Gemini tends to distraction and movement, of being locked-in an incessantly chattering “monkey mind”:
“The result of this solemn three days of invocation will be followed by a climaxing day wherein the Hierarchy will unitedly, and led by the Christ, pronounce the entire Invocation, prefacing each stanza with its appropriate keynote, again sounded in unison.
These notes you cannot know, but if, for instance, a very large number of the New Group of World Servers were brought together, their united OM might approximate the appropriate keynote.”1
Gemini rules communications – The Great Invocation is a potent, globally transforming communication and invocation to the higher realms that can be used every day – but especially at any full or new moon festival and even more potently in group meditation.
As the second ray of Love-Wisdom is the only ray to pass through Gemini, this force is invoked and disseminated – in all its various expressions – via the spoken or written word, music (the universal language), art, acts of human kindness and through that perfect Gemini symbol – the internet.
Gemini also rules inner communications because it “rules” the etheric body which is the medium of transmission for impulses from the soul via the mental body. The masses of nadis, as a reflection of the diverse branches of the nervous system, is another apt Gemini symbol. The quality of formlessness that Gemini expresses, enables this sign telepathic communication and inner work in general.
“Gemini … is related to the etheric body; it is the custodian of conditioning energy and the intermediary … between soul and body. These are the two allied brothers [twins of Gemini].
In the average person, the etheric vehicle is the transmitter of psychic energy, galvanising and coordinating the dense physical body and permitting, therefore, astral and mental control of the personality.
When the [wo]man is upon the Path of Discipleship and, therefore, upon the reversed wheel, leading to initiation, the etheric body becomes the transmitter of soul energy and not of personality force.”2
The first three festivals of the year are all connected to communication. Mercury the Messenger, is the ruler of Gemini and the soul ruler of Aries, the first festival. Taurus rules the organs of speech and the “Taurian upon the way of liberation would do well to employ the method of directed and motivated speech of an outgoing and explanatory nature.”3
The Great Invocation: Triangles, Sound, Rhythm, Metre
The Great Invocation can be used at any time – on full moon festivals or in daily meditation practice; it is a powerful mantram or world prayer that reaches into the higher spheres, having the effect of summoning the devas – that assist in the transformation of Earth’s etheric body. This is partly the purpose of the “triangles work” – triangles formed by aware individuals who agree to link up and energise the lines of light between them.
These lines of light are like the nadis in the etheric body – they are in fact formed through creative visualisation. Here is the potency of meditation that has the capacity to transform the planet from “behind the scenes”, from the subtle realm; where the planetary purpose is to transform the Earth’s etheric body from squares into triangles. Hence the phrase “occult meditation” that which is “hidden” or “unseen”.
One can have many of these triangle associations that are all interlocking with one another, constantly energising the planet with spiritual forces generated by all the participants who are literally, “building a new world”. Bear in mind that the square is a symbol of the personality, whilst the triangle is a symbol of the soul. The transformation of the etheric planetary network from squares to triangles will enhance greater soul awareness for all of Humanity.
Sound, Rhythm, Metre
“The rhythm of a poem is an experience of the patterned sound it makes when read aloud; any identifiable pattern, regularised in hinted-at binary alternations of stress, is its meter.”4
Many students of the Wisdom participate in, or lead group meditations at the full moon cycles. These meditations are essentially a World Service – to affirm and build stronger connection to the Hierarchy and the Planetary Plan of which They are the custodians.
Everyone on the spiritual path is learning to sense some aspect of the Plan and find their role of service to manifest it, individually and/or as part of a group. Hence it is a great opportunity to make the most of when people come together, either physically or in online groups.
Often however, when the Great Invocation (GI) is sounded by some who lead the meditation – it is said too fast, not allowing time for others to say it at the same time. This is simply rectified by the lead person sounding the first word of each verse – “From … the point of light” – with a slight pause afterward … to allow other participants to join in at the same time.
Therefore, the power of sounding the GI in unison, rhythmically and with measured metre – is amplified considerably. As the seventh ray of Ceremonial Order comes into stronger expression, these refinements will become more obvious.
Often people bounce through many weekly meditations for one cause or another, to the point where there is the danger of the GI becoming something that is said “by rote” – automatically, without truly connecting to the meaning behind the words.
Hence the need to sound the GI without haste and with deliberation, creating a rhythm in which all can participate, allowing participants to not only “chew over” the meaning of the words, but to visualise upon the potent wings of sound – enabling the direction of energy with clarity and purpose.
Pausing for several seconds between each verse of the GI, is also practiced by some groups – in order to let the gravity of meaning “sink in”. As a deeply occult mantram/invocation, there are many things that can be achieved during the GI’s sounding – through creating an attractive rhythm or pace – and through visualisation, directing energy.
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Media, Communications and Propaganda (There is a large section on these themes at Esoteric Astrologer.)
“This brings us to that double bind in which we propaganda analysts [Prof. Mark Crispin Miller] have found ourselves these past two years; for, while there has never been so great a need for our analyses, there having never been so much disinformation, or so much highly poisonous disinformation, to correct, nor has there ever been so huge and powerful a propaganda system to explain, neither has it ever been more difficult, or dangerous, to contradict its claims, or show exactly how it works.”5
Gemini is related to all three themes of media, communications and propaganda – with the addition of the sign Scorpio, whose keynote on the “ordinary wheel” is, “Let maya flourish and deception rule”. Pisces and Neptune are also prominent in their lower expression.
Gemini is known in its lowest expression as deceptive or two-faced – the trickster and prankster, con-man and chameleon. Scorpio was the sun sign of Enigma machine inventor Arthur Scherbius, the “father of propaganda” – Edward Bernays, the CIA (Scorpio rising), Anthony Fauci (Scorpio moon) and Bill Gates (Sun, Venus Saturn).
Propaganda is about promotion – not necessarily of untruths – but also the timeless verities. When considering the evolution of media and propaganda from early last century, to the sophisticated refinement it has reached today – aided by many new “mind-reading” technologies and techniques, it is staggering how easily Humanity has been kept in the dark and under the control of the “Dark Forces”.
Here follows below another outstanding passage by The Tibetan – from The Externalisation of the Hierarchy – written in March 1945 – just months before the end of that long war. This book is a great reference, quite prophetic in identifying the many issues of that era that are now repeating in the 2020’s:
“Physical plane methods having resulted only in the complete devastation of Europe and in casualties which (if civilian men, women and children are included) – amount to untold millions, the forces of evil will now endeavour to utilise the character of humanity as a whole (at its present total point of development) to hinder the Forces of Light, prevent the attainment of world tranquillity and world understanding, and thus delay the day of their own final defeat.
This defeat, when accomplished, must include the three worlds of human evolution—mental, emotional and physical. For long these evil forces have used psychology in order to reach the ends they had in view, and have used it with amazing success; they are still using it, and can be depended upon to employ its methods to the uttermost.
They use the press and the radio [internet, TV etc.] in order to distort human thinking; they present half-truths, impute false motives, rake up past grievances, foretell (with foreboding) imminent difficulties; they foster ancient prejudices and hatreds, and emphasise religious and national differences.
In spite of much shouting, demanding and proposed organisation, there is no truly free press anywhere; particularly is it absent in the United States, where parties and publishers dictate newspaper policies.
The main reason why there is no really free press is based on two factors: first, the fact that humanity is not yet free from its predetermined reasonings, its basic ignorances of factual history, or of nations and their psychology; humanity is still controlled by racial and national bias and by prejudice.
Secondly, the fact that all this is nurtured and kept alive by the forces of evil, working upon the inner side of human affairs and dealing mainly with the psychological angle because it is so exceedingly potent.
This they will increasingly do as this planetary war draws to a close; they will seek to offset the work of the Hierarchy, to hamper the activities of the New Group of World Servers and to cloud the issues involved to such a degree that the men of goodwill everywhere will be bewildered and will fail to see the clear outlines of the factual situation or distinguish between what is true and what is false. Forget not, the forces of evil are exceedingly clever.”6
The Disease of Compromised Media
Due to financial compromise and reduction of media companies to a handful in recent decades, the mainstream media rarely tells the truth – or only the “truths” that its’ sponsors wish to convey.
To find something closer to the truth (for “ultimate truth” is rare and elusive and perhaps non-existent for us mortals), it must be found by digging deeper on one’s own. We cannot be afraid of pushing through the boundaries that media creates – in order to prevent the populace finding the truth. We must also be willing to confront the darkness that exists in the world – the many unsavoury aspects of human behaviour – and the daily horrors to which we are all exposed.
If we are unwilling to do the hard yards of digging – and allow television programming to set the tone (even if we think we can “filter” it), then we remain ignorant of the facts, trapped in a bubble of propaganda and lies – now routine procedure for most media, politicians and people of influence. (So “reasonably” presented by those “nice people on CNN”.)
“The multi-dimensional nature of existential threats, from the current COVID-19 pandemic, climate change and food shortages, to refugee migrations and now a war in Ukraine, has created a perfect storm for authoritarianism, tyranny and the disbanding of individual liberty and freedom of expression.
We are increasingly being forced to accept a particular narrative that defines both the nature and causes of the problems we face, as well as proposed solutions. Shades of grey are replaced by black and white. The narrative is delivered by slick, global public relations and media systems. Any dissent is quickly ‘fact-checked’ against the narrative (which may omit readily available facts) and the inevitable consequence is a polarization of views.
Viewpoints, and messengers of those views, that are not 100% in accord with the narrative are marginalized, stigmatized or scapegoated. This polarisation generates a pro-narrative, “in-group,” and a dissenting “out-group.”
As Orwellian as it may be, being part of the outgroup means you are denied increasing rights and privileges. You will sooner or later become a victim of cancel culture. This very process incites social instability, which gives the power brokers ever more justification to impose centralized, systems of control on the populace.”7
The Age of the Kali Yuga
This is the cycle of the Kali Yuga, the fourth and most decadent of the four yugas – where everything is in a process of dissolution, due to the accumulations, crystallisations and abuses that have occurred in the previous three yugas.
Conflict and strife ensue, lies and deceit become the common fare; those we thought good are now evil – and vice versa. No sense of God or spirituality – fake saints, gurus and Messiahs. Lust, ignorance, animosity – murder without reason.
In the past few years, everything has been turned inside-out, upside-down and back-to-front – topsy-turvey. Many people do not know what to believe anymore, such has been the success of the media propaganda assault upon Humanity. Through the clouds of glamour created, people have been forced to make choices, not knowing if that choice is right – but hoping against hope that it is correct.
Yet the new paradigm of the Satya Yuga or Golden Age is emerging, and for that we are all working as the past age crumbles – not just the Kali Yuga but the 2,160-year Pisces precession cycle.
Independent Research
If independent or critical thinking skills and discernment cannot be developed, then the individual surrenders themself to mass media to shape a world view – whether it is politics, pandemics or views on Russia. Hence the possibility of becoming strapped into a mass-consensus strait-jacket.
If the highly compromised CNN-BBC-NBC-ABC-MSNBC etc. etc. – is the news diet, then “garbage in, garbage out” is the mantram – i.e. the argument or information is flawed at the outset, based upon dubious, debatable, deliberately misleading or utterly wrong premises.
If a student of life wants to keep up, there must be a willingness to make the time to penetrate more deeply behind the veil of media maya. If one’s time is spent passively absorbing the latest movies on Netflix or HBO, an opportunity is lost to actively pursue other viewpoints outside of the mainstream – and become better informed.
There are many independent news sources that hold other pieces of the global information puzzle. Yet, in this information/disinformation war, those sources are constantly/automatically dismissed, ridiculed and criticised as “conspiracy theory” or “mis/dis-information”.
Independent news sources are generally not financially compromised by sponsors, their currency is the search for truth and meaning. Of course there are some extremists in this milieu, with loud, hysterical voices and outlandish viewpoints, yet there are threads of truth that can be gathered from all.
One must sort through all the chaff to find the golden kernels of wheat. Of course that is not everyone’s job or inclination – but in this planetary emergency, Enquirers upon The Way urgently need to break some deeply conservative attitudes and broaden their horizons.
“Serial deceit is not a liability for a thriving career in corporate journalism but rather a vital asset — provided that the lies are in service of ruling class policies. Tawdry propagandists who helped drive post-9/11 America into a bottomless pit of lies and self-destruction have become the most highly-paid and beloved stars of liberal media.”8
As a Gemini personality, the USA is particularly prone to propaganda, as often touched upon in these missives; it is the major Western nation where the culture of deceitful propaganda and mass advertising has taken root and thrived over the past century. A good example of one of the more prevalent purveyors of misinformation – identified by Pulitzer Prize contributor Glenn Greenwald, is Nicolle Wallace, the “Typhoid Mary of disinformation” – featured in the following video.
In the following video, journalist Kim Iverson points out some glaring examples of recent propaganda:
Predictive Programming
“Predictive programming is a theory that the government or other higher-ups are using fictional movies or books as a mass mind control tool to make the population more accepting of planned future events …
… a subtle form of psychological conditioning provided by the media to acquaint the public with planned societal changes to be implemented by our leaders. If and when these changes are put through, the public will already be familiarized with them and will accept them as natural progressions, thus lessening possible public resistance and commotion …
… People who believe in this theory are mostly conspiracy theorists who think there will be a totalitarian government takeover, or on the more mild side, theorists who believe tragic events are an inside job or completely fake.”9
Again, there can be the constant need to dismiss and marginalise, in order to support another narrative. There are dozens of articles about predictive programming – these following links are a small sample – many feasible, some not:
30 predictive programming movies.
Hollywood Movies and Predictive Programming
Predictive Programming, or When Movies ‘Predict’ Real Events
One of the most notorious examples of predictive programming is the movie Minority Report.
And finally, a riveting interview with American professor Mark Crispin Miller – a MUST WATCH: Psychology and Propaganda. (Starts at 1 hr 30’, duration approx. 1.5 hours. The earlier interview with Prof. Mattias Desmet on “mass-formation” is excellent too.)
Crispin’s article, What we don’t know is killing us: The urgency of propaganda study under COVID – is also a MUST READ, here are a few juicy excerpts:
“The propaganda blasting all of us non-stop today is no longer national, or merely multinational, but global; and the former intermittency of those most awful crises, with decades going by between one trauma and the next, has given way to a mind-numbing strategy of serial bombardment — one cataclysmic fuss after another (with, sometimes, one within another), as under openly totalitarian rule.”
“While masking was imposed, ostensibly, to make us less afraid of COVID-19, it only made us more afraid of one another, and so compounded that disabling fear with a ferocious anger at all those not wearing masks (despite the scientific fact that masks would not prevent transmission of “the virus” even if the entire global population wore them all the time).”
“Those of us who study propaganda critically, as public intellectuals, must speak out loud and clear, to set things right. This means, first of all, doing what the “fact-checkers” claim to do, and doing it far more conscientiously, and thoroughly, than they “debunk” whatever facts or theories contradict, or complicate, the narrative pumped out by governments and media. Whereas the “fact-checkers” do quick and sloppy work, and then move on, we work in depth, in scholarly commitment to the truth, which may take decades to discover.”
“And so our larger goal must be to explain the factors that have ultimately helped turn the West’s “free press” into the propaganda juggernaut now keeping millions upon millions in ferocious ignorance.
That real-life was not set up ex nihilo by some iron faction of totalitarian oligarchs, but gradually took shape out of a corporate media cartel with interlocking boards, heavily dependent on the advertising revenues of Amazon, Big Pharma (especially Pfizer) and the media’s own parent companies (among other giant players), and with its assets closely managed by BlackRock, Vanguard and UBS; and as that vast commercial system has become more unified, it also has maintained, or even tightened, its covert relations with the military and “intelligence community”.”
“What then, are we to do, as analysts of propaganda? For now, under this ever-rolling thunder of Big Lies, all we can do is keep on doing what we’re doing, while maintaining a thick skin, and taking due precautions, as it is ever more important that we tell the truths we know to those still capable of hearing them, and then of looking for them on their own. (This is especially true of younger people who are largely more receptive than their elders.) In the longer term, however, we must re-conceive and rebuild all our democratic institutions, whose absolute collapse has brought this whole world to the brink.”
Smartphones: Mental Health Effects in Children
“The internet has created channels of communication that can be misused to ‘cyber-bully’ peers; both cyber-bullying and general internet use have been found to correlate with increased risk of self-harm, suicidal ideation, and depression.”((
Gemini loves the immediacy of instant contact and communication.The smart phone is the ultimate Gemini device, but its revolution has had many deleterious side-effects for children and adults alike – including a decrease in attention-span, constant distraction by apps, images, videos and social media – creating anxiety, a.d.d.iction and depression:
“Youth suicide in Australia is on a slow but steady rise, pushed along by factors including the pandemic. [Especially with Australia’s draconian lockdown measures.] Suicide among those aged 15-24 ranks as the single leading cause of death …
In 2019, 384 young Australians took their own lives. Of those, 96 were among children and adolescents aged 5-17. The majority, as much as 80 per cent, were among children aged between 15-17 … Are smart phones, excess screen usage and internet one of the key issues?10
The microcosm of Australia is a reflection of the situation in the global macroscosm. The smartphone problem is not only using these devices, but these devices using us -courtesy of Big Tech: The unwarranted and illegal penetration into all lives, data harvesting via personal emails, comments made on social media, the listening-in microphone that scans conversations, photos & videos, and location data fixing your position in a certain store.
In all of the aforementioned cases, the user will invariably receive an email or text with advertising material associated with that data harvest. This trend is accelerating so quickly now, that legislation is finding it impossible to keep up with the giant Telco’s dictating to governments. This is further compounded by the new biometric scanning ID’s (“Green passes”) that are being touted – facial recognition, social credit system etc.
“So what happened? Why are young people breaking down like this? For me as a teacher and anyone else who works with young people, it is quite simple: screens and social media. Kids are given a smartphone or tablet and they spend more and more time on it.
They consume immoral and harmful content that warps their understanding of the world and encourages them to be self-destructive. Consequently, they retreat from everyone around them, suffer extreme loneliness, and increasingly become untethered from reality.”11 (This passage might be particularly apt for Ulvade shooter Salvador Ramos, discussed later.)
Gemini is the ultimate or archetypal child – naïve, restless, impressionable, uncoordinated, insatiably curious, absorbing experiences and knowledge from many sources – but without the developed discrimination to interpret or process that avalanche of data.
Today, a quick perusal of the Facebook video feed reveals some of the grossest material, interviews, titillation, mindless stunts etc. – that adults and children absorb incessantly – the astral equivalent of feeding from the contents of a garbage bin.
It is somewhat hypocritical when Facebook censors a user for “breaching community standards” for posting something quite innocuous, compared to the junk in their video feed.
“Preventing this attachment to screens is the most effective response to the teen mental health crisis. No one wants to acknowledge this.”12
US social psychologist and professor of ethical leadership – Jonathan Haidt, discusses this problem in his book – The Coddling of the American Mind, about how social media is making the nation worse as a democracy, the culture’s inability to speak the same language or share the same overall truths. How social media is destroying the fabric of society, how a culture of fear has led to a censorship of speech and humour, what happens if we fight cancel culture etc.
~ Three new books are now available. ~
Soul Cycles of the Seven Rays V: Esoteric Astrology and Initiation
(6″ x 9″. 672 pages. US$38.00/$45.00.)
This is the fifth volume of the series, Soul Cycles of the Seven Rays – whose essays range over a variety of zodiac sign perspectives from Aries through to Pisces, esoterically considered. Esoteric Astrology is the Science of the Seven Rays, hence the rays, signs and planets are mentioned frequently as the conditioning influences upon Earth and all the entities contained therein, whether they are individuals, groups, cities, nations or kingdoms. The Science of Cycles is also another factor that …
Destiny of the Races and Nations IV: Astrological and Ray Cycles in History
(6″ x 9″. 622 pages. US$38.00/$45.00.)
The fourth book in this ongoing series explores many events – as they have unfolded within nations or upon the world stage. The nations are considered in the context of the greater rootraces of which they are part. It has been decided in this volume to include astrological profiles of personalities associated with nations or world crises, instead of the usual assignment to the Soul Cycles of the Seven Rays series. The book is divided into various headings dealing with …
Destiny of the Races and Nations V: Astrological and Ray Cycles in History
(6″ x 9″. 536 pages. US$30.00/$35.00.)
The fifth book in this ongoing series explores primarily the world crisis of 2019 to 2022 – covering two separate themes: The Coronavirus Pandemic and the role of the New Group of World Servers. The Corona-virus Pandemic analyses are the result of extensive research by the author into the nature of the “plannedemic” – examining entities like the WEF, WHO, powerful personalities such as Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci, coronavirus, Covid-19, pharmaceutical companies, vaccines, medical studies, statistics …
Monkey Business-MonkeyPox
“A pox on your house” is an old curse with its origins in the magical mists of time; it is the chant and modus operandi of the modern day black magicians – manipulators of media and money, who seek to crush the soul of Humanity – by creating one scare tactic after another, to induce a permanent paralysis of fear.
The pox/virus “problem” is identified and a “solution” is provided – with a new vaccination regime, back to social restrictions or mask-wearing. This article attempts to summarise the current situation as briefly as possible, of what these manipulative forces are planning to execute.
NTI/WEF Monkeypox Scenario in 2021
Just as Event 201 in October 2019 played-out pandemic scenarios a few months before it went “live”, so a similar MonkeyPox scenario was gamed in March 2021, with its proposed breakout on May 15, 2022. And lo and behold, it did – announced gradually through various news outlets:
“In March 2021, the Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI), in conjunction with the Munich Security Conference, held a “tabletop exercise on reducing high-consequence biological threats.” This “fictional exercise scenario” involved the simulation of “a deadly, global pandemic involving an unusual strain of monkeypox virus that first emerged in the fictional nation of Brinia and spread globally over 18 months.”
… This report contains key findings from the exercise, as well as “actionable recommendations for the international community.” The outcome of this “exercise scenario” found the fictional pandemic, “caused by a terrorist attack using a pathogen engineered in a laboratory with inadequate biosafety and biosecurity provisions and weak oversight,” led to “more than three billion cases and 270 million fatalities worldwide.”
The fictional start date of the monkeypox pandemic in this exercise was May 15, 2022. The first European case of monkeypox was identified on May 7, 2022.”13
Really? Is the world going to buy another blatantly absurd re-run of tried and tested tricks? Will the general public respond to this new scare (which is being played down as relatively harmless and “won’t be a pandemic”) – with its evocative name, hinting at some exotic African disease – with monkeys instead of bats? It appears that there has been some deliberate cauldron-stirring of primordial instincts here, that has other unconscious associations with more deadly diseases like the Africa-origin Ebola.
There has even been made associations with gay men, raising the spectre of the 1980’s AIDS epidemic – the chicanery and stigmatising that went on, involving none other than Anthony Fauci at that time. For those who have been vaccinated in the past two years, the development of AIDS/HIV has been also identified as another contentious issue.
One must ask, how did a disease that is confined mainly to certain places in Africa – emerge in several places at once around the globe? And has Monkeypox been “edited” in a laboratory to specifically target certain groups, and/or the vaccines which will provide the “solution”?
It appears that the “terrorist attack” described above, is how the planners associated with NTI will lay blame, when in fact it may have been their own coterie that devised an “engineered pathogen” in the first place – just as Covid-19 was developed in a Wuhan laboratory and deliberately released.
“The 100 newly reported cases, or suspected cases, garnered attention because many of them do not appear to be linked to travel to Africa, where in some regions, Monkeypox is endemic. Cases were reported in Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Israel, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the U.K. No deaths are reported as of yet.
The number of identified cases in Europe is a record, described by Germany’s armed forces medical services as “the largest and most widespread outbreak … ever seen in Europe,” while its spread in the U.K. was described as “unprecedented.”14 Given these few facts, there is good cause to regard this situation as highly suspicious and deliberately contrived – and has in fact, many evidences over the past few years.
Following hot on the heels of the Covid-19 debacle, it is worthy to consider an article by retired surgeon Russell L. Blaylock – on the USA’s NIH website (National Institute of Health) – “COVID UPDATE: What is the truth?”:
“The COVID-19 pandemic is one of the most manipulated infectious disease events in history, characterized by official lies in an unending stream lead by government bureaucracies, medical associations, medical boards, the media, and international agencies. We have witnessed a long list of unprecedented intrusions into medical practice, including attacks on medical experts, destruction of medical careers among doctors refusing to participate in killing their patients and a massive regimentation of health care, led by non-qualified individuals with enormous wealth, power and influence.” 15
The fact that articles like this are breaking out all over the world – in government institutions and mainstream media, is a healthy sign that the entire narrative is falling apart!
It appears that those special interests which created the past two years of disruption, are trying to impose another disruption – coincidentally with the release of Bill Gates’ latest book, How to Prevent the Next Pandemic (May 3), the WEF annual conference in Davos, now moved to May 22-28, whilst the WHO conference was held simultaneously a few mountains away in Geneva. (See also James Corbett’s video, I Read Bill Gates’ New Book (So You Don’t Have To!)
All these factors reveal a carefully orchestrated and co-ordinated plan that is trying to consolidate the gains of control achieved in the past 2.5 years. Yet the world has become alot more wary and wise, with a healthy scepticism and perception of the repeating patterns designed to sow seeds of fear and division – to scare the daylights out of the general public.
Yet Monkeypox may be also a smokescreen to obscure and validate the proposed plans of WHO – to change articles in its charter that would rob the 193 member nations of their sovereignty. This is a key theme that many people are currently railing against. (These proposals were defeated, more later.) It seems that WHO is gingerly testing the waters on this one, feeling out the general public, aware of their past slip-ups over the last few years, before deciding how to proceed:

Yeah right! Researchers have said that bringing in Monkeypox will be used to not only create more fear and loathing, but to disguise a predicted sharp rise in deaths in those who have been vaccinated – in the next couple of years.
““We don’t know if we are just seeing the peak of the iceberg [or] if there are many more cases that are undetected in communities,” Sylvie Briand, WHO’s epidemic and pandemic preparedness and prevention chief, acknowledged on Friday in a briefing to countries.
Since the UK first reported a confirmed monkeypox case on 7 May, nearly 200 cases have been reported to the UN health agency in countries far from the states where the virus is endemic.
… “We know that we will have more cases in the coming days,” she said, but stressed there was no need to panic. “This is not a disease the general public should be worried about. It is not Covid or other diseases that spread fast.””16
Since then it appears that there has been an attempt to create new “scarients”, such as “A spike of Covid-19 cases and deaths in Portugal driven by the Omicron BA.5.”
NTI and Big Pharma
Many of the Big Pharma companies attended the NTI’s 2021 projected scenarios for Monkeypox:
– Dr. Ruxandra Draghia-Akli, global head of Johnson & Johnson Global Public Health R&D and Janssen Research & Development.
– Dr. Chris Elias, president of the global development division of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
– Dr. George Gao, director-general of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (the Chinese CDC).
– Dr. Margaret (Peggy) A. Hamburg, interim vice president for global biological policy and programs at NTI, a member of the global health scientific advisory committee for the Gates Foundation and a member of the board of GAVI-The Vaccine Alliance.
– Sam Nunn, a former U.S. senator who is the founder and co-chair of NTI.
– Dr. Michael Ryan, executive director of the WHO Health Emergencies Program and a highly visible figure during COVID-19 times.
– Dr. Petra Wicklandt, head of corporate affairs for Merck.
Since March 2021, some companies did not waste any time getting ready what might be a very profitable vaccine:
“The company Bavarian Nordic behind the Jynneos monkeypox vaccine, is currently skyrocketing on the stock market. The price has gone from $115 to $216 since May 9th [note this date once again] while the rest of the market is crashing. The stock price and market volume skyrocketing before the US government ordered 13 million vaccine doses hints to insider trading and a plandemic.”17
Big Pharma may be salivating at the prospect of another outrageous financial bonanza – if indeed Monkeypox goes anywhere. Or is that Money-pox, monkey pronounced with a silent “k”?
The common denominator of all simulations over the past few years has been The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, which published a document titled “The SPARS Pandemic 2025-2028,” comprising, “a futuristic scenario that illustrates communication dilemmas concerning medical countermeasures (MCMs) that could plausibly emerge in the not-so-distant future.”
“… In September 2017, NTI and the WEF organized a round table discussion on the current state of biological risks presented by technology advancement in light of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
And in January 2020, NTI and the WEF again joined forces, issuing a report titled “Biosecurity Innovation and Risk Reduction: A Global Framework for Accessible, Safe and Secure DNA Synthesis.”
The report itself was funded by the Open Philanthropy project, one of whose main funders is Dustin Moscovitz, co-founder of Facebook along with Mark Zuckerberg. [Those lovely social media people!] Open Philanthropy, over the past decade, has provided donations and grants to the following entities and for the following purposes:
$166.9 million for “global health.”
- $90.2 million for “biosecurity and pandemic preparedness.”
- $18 million for “global catastrophic risks.”
- $40.2 to Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security.
- $17.9 to NTI.
- $2.2 to The Guardian.
- $1.6 to Rockefeller University.”18
Gemini UK – Propaganda Publications
All the “usual suspects” are on this list, notably the British newspaper, The Guardian – that Gates also generously funds, arguably one of the worst purveyors of propaganda in the Western world; the degree of outright, blatant lies and spin is truly astonishing.
Any person with a reasonable education, a nose for the truth – and TIME, could easily pick apart their scurrilous stories – whether it is the “plannedemic” or the propaganda war against Russia. One sample of many is this quote from a recent article by a Guardian journalist – How to Prevent the Next Pandemic by Bill Gates review – a germ of an idea:
“Nor is he [Gates] interested in addressing the role of information technology in spreading conspiracy theories about vaccines or misinformation about the effectiveness of lockdowns and mask mandates.
This is surprising given that Gates has been accused of using vaccines to plant microchips in unsuspecting populations and is a prominent target for anti-vaxxers. But rather than calling for a rapid reaction team to neutralise fake news about vaccines, Gates ducks the issue, writing that he is confident “the truth will outlive the lies”. I do not share his optimism.
If anything, the experience of Covid demonstrates that conspiracy theories now present a major impediment to the management of pandemics along rational scientific lines. Never mind Germ. What is needed is Dirt – Disinformation Response Team.””19
Sigh! Bill Gates is said to have funded an estimated $¼ billion to news outlets – The Guardian, NPR ($22 million), Al Jazeera, ProPublica, BBC, CNN ($3.6 million) etc.20 The Guardian is British, whose soul sign is Gemini, often however, expressing the lowest common denominator – prompting this oft-quoted observation from the Master:
“It is the Gemini influence which has produced — viewing the work of the nation from the personality or lower angle — the secret and oft devious diplomacy and subtlety which has in the past distinguished Great Britain’s political activity. Gemini people are often distrusted, and the Gemini effect along this line makes of Great Britain no exception.”21
Britain’s reputation for salacious gossip rags, Sunday tabloids – scandals, sensationalism, “tits and bums” info-tainment – is well known: The Daily Mail, Mirror, Sun, Express etc. People like Gemini PM Boris Johnson and other media personalities like Piers Morgan were/are all part of the lowlife culture of these publications. The USA is a Gemini personality and although it has its share of those sort of publications – its main propaganda punch appears to be in the realm of television.

A child with smallpox in Bangladesh. Many of us have probably never seen what these diseases actually look like. “Smallpox is allied with the mental nature.”
Monkeypox is closely related to smallpox, hence the smallpox vaccine can protect people from getting monkeypox. Past data from Africa suggests that the smallpox vaccine is at least 85% effective in preventing Monkeypox. As discussed in previous missives, Coronavirus or Covid-19 comes under the general heading of influenza variants. The Ageless Wisdom tells us that,
“The scourge of influenza has its roots in fear and worry, and once the world settles down to freedom from the present “fearful” condition [WWII], we shall see the disease die out.”22
That “fearful condition” has not yet subsided, unnecessarily exacerbated in the past two years through whipped-up fear by big media, pharma and governments. Curiously, The Tibetan informs us that whilst influenza is a disease based upon the astral/emotional condition of fear – smallpox is “allied with the mental nature”:
“Syphilis and arthritis fall into the category of diseases which are largely based upon the satisfaction of physical desire. Cancer and diabetes are more definitely in the class of diseases which are connected with inner emotional desires and the violent suppressed wish-life of many.
The infectious diseases, such as measles and scarlet fever, smallpox or cholera are, curiously enough, definitely group diseases and are definitely allied with the mental nature. This will surprise you but so it is.
A student with some insight into occult causes might suppose that when people are changing their focus of attention from the physical nature to the emotional, or from the emotional to the mental, that they become liable to acquire the ancient diseases, such as syphilis and cancer, which the Lemurians acquired. This is not so.”23
As to WHY smallpox and its derivatives are “allied with the mental nature”, is beyond the scope of this current enquiry. (Comments are welcome in the section at the bottom of the page for readers.) Could this disease be the result of mass negative thought-forms projected onto others – a layman’s black magic?
The origin of smallpox is unknown and the earliest evidence of the disease dates to the 3rd century BC – in Egyptian mummies. But it is an interesting fact to consider, as Humanity moves from an “emotional” disease to a “mental” one – as this is the overall trend for the unfoldment of consciousness.
Since the plannedemic began in early 2020, when a large proportion of the world was ambushed and taken hostage through the ruthless invocation of fear and death, humanity has now had more time to reflect upon what has unfolded. And through that reflection, many people have woken up to the game, have in fact had spiritual awakenings; they have re-engaged the mind to go back over the fear-induced scenarios to which they succumbed, adopting a new perspective, since seeing through the manipulations and lies.
WHO’s Proposed Amendments Voted Down
The good news is that the proposed amendments by the Biden’s administration to WHO’s charter, were voted down at the Geneva conference in the last week of May, 2022. WHO’s blatant grab for power has suffered a major set back – thankyou Mercury retrograde! WHO’s major funder – Gates, drops hints ahead of time, somewhat in the nature of more predictive programming:
“In May 2021 [several weeks after NTI’s March 2021 conference), Gates said “somebody who wants to cause damage could engineer a virus so that the cost, the chance of running into this is more than that of naturally-caused epidemics such as the current one … the ways the humans interact with other species, these viruses are coming across the species barriers whether it’s bats or monkeys” …
… The World Health Organization is attempting to seize control over global pandemic monitoring and response and, ultimately, all health care decisions …
Bill Gates intends to play a key part in this takeover. He’s building a pandemic response team for the WHO, dubbed the “Global Epidemic Response & Mobilization” or GERM Team, which will have the authority to monitor nations and make pandemic response decisions, such as when to suspend civil liberties to prevent spread of an illness. ((
Working toward a one-world-government is a logical step in planetary evolution – and may come about by the end of the Aquarian Age – in the next 2,000 years. It may take that period of gestation for maturing nations to recognise their soul purpose, learning to co-operate in the sharing of resources, money, cultures, religions and governance.
But what we are seeing now is an attempted, premature hijacking of the Planetary Plan by selfish, monied interests, who have banded cleverly together to swindle Humanity out of its divine inheritance – to enslave and dictate according to a distorted philosophical outlook – devoid of any spiritual values. A materialistic, mechanistic, cold and dry formula, based upon greed and the third ray glamour of “efficiency”.
As noted in other missives, here is the shadow of the Aquarian Age that employs the techniques of totalitarianism – instead of mutual co-operation and democratic principles. The corrupted and compromised WHO organisation, led by an utterly suspect Director-General, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, with stupendous financing from Bill Gates – wanted complete control over every nation’s health decisions, compromising national sovereignty. It’s a relief that their proposals have been voted down! One battle has been won but the war is not over.
For more detail on the proposed amendments, the reader can reference this article: As Monkeypox Cases Spread, Report Shows Gates Foundation, WHO, Pharma Execs Took Part in Monkeypox Pandemic ‘Simulation’.
Del Bigtree’s Highwire program covers in more depth the African resistance to WHO’s amendments in this interview with South African, Shabnam Palesa Mohamed.
For further factual evidence about WHO, readers may wish to read/download this document: Grand Jury: Revealing the Agenda for World Domination – by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and a team of international lawyers, judges, experts and former employees of WHO.

The Last Angel (Nicholas Roerich) This angel presides over Judgement Day, holding the sword of discrimination and a scroll of the laws – upheld or transgressed.
When discussing the battle during WWIIbetween the Forces of Light (focussed through the allied nations) and the Forces of Aggression (focussed through Germany), The Tibetan made the following comments which can be easily applied to those same forces today – that are suffused through all nations in a different guise:
“They [the Forces of Aggression] embody a true, but erroneously interpreted, idea of human unity. They fail to understand that—as the New Age is ushered in—there must inevitably come a judgment day (speaking symbolically) and the emergence of a clear line of demarcation between that which is new and that which is of the old age; there must appear the distinction between exoteric happenings and esoteric attitudes and between those who see a new world order, developed and brought to functioning activity by the Forces of Light, through cooperation, coordination and understanding, and a world order which will be imposed by terror, through dictatorial government, by the suppression of liberty of conscience, and by the enthronement of a race whose values are, at this time, anti-spiritual and anti-social.
This judgment day is now upon humanity, and the final decision will be arrived at by those whose normal inclinations and natural tendencies are on the side of law and order, and whose will-to-good is directed towards right human relations and true human welfare. These enlightened people will back their judgment with a focussed will to bring in the era wherein these values will dominate, and they are also willing to take the necessary measures to make these values possible”.24
WHO’s Deception Game and Horoscope
Bear in mind that WHO, like the UN and other bodies, is a young developing entity, hence the lowest expression of signs and planets will tend to be the point of least resistance.
What must also be acknowledged is the good work WHO has achieved during its short existence of 74 years – most notably the eradication of smallpox, the near-eradication of polio, malaria and tuberculosis. Yet all organisations can become corrupted and crystallised. The horoscope of WHO, a private organisation – has been examined in a previous missive in 2020:
“WHO is an Aries sun, indicating a forceful and pioneering leadership – the recent full moon period saw the sun in Aries fall right on WHO’s sun, pushing it into the spotlight … The Moon is in Pisces, usually expressing empathy and loving understanding. But the Moon’s conjunction to Mercury in Pisces, can be subject to manipulation by others – or be outright deceptive …

The Rockefeller Foundation’s proposed scenarios cooked up in 2010. It appears RF has helped adopt the “lock step” option.
… This inherently deceptive and confusing Pisces moon, is further compromised by its T-square to Jupiter (exaggeration) and Uranus (scientific justification). Transiting Neptune will continue to conjoin the Pisces Moon right through to January 2023, so we might expect more obfuscation, contradiction, deception and outright lies.
Another interesting “deception factor” is the fact that WHO’s progressed sun is in Gemini – in its lower aspect, notorious for telling stories, lies and deviousness. Gemini ruler Mercury in Pisces has been squared by WHO’s progressed sun for the past two years, reaching exactitude in June 2020 and still in orb for another year!”25
The Rockefeller Foundation was responsible for creating a “blueprint” or prototype for the WHO (World Health Organization) and at that time was called the: International Health Division.
Yet a perusal of WHO’s Wikipedia page does not mention this at all, except for a more recent reference relating to the foundation’s modest donations to WHO. (Wikipedia is currently a major part of the media propaganda problem.) It is speculated that this important fact has been removed from WHO’s Wikipedia page, given the many negative “conspiracy”articles about the Rockefellers in general, let alone the foundation’s role in setting up WHO.
Nevertheless, WHO’s horoscope continues to unfold with some fascinating transits:
1. Transiting Jupiter-Venus conjunct Mercury in Pisces
The solar eclipse of April 30, 2022 saw an exact conjunction of Jupiter and Venus in Pisces – fall precisely upon the aforementioned Mercury in Pisces – all in the 28th degree of this sign. Hence, WHO’s natal Mercury square Jupiter aspect was activated and amplified very powerfully. This aspect is described above as “exaggeration”, a better colloquial description might be “the bullshit artist”.
2. Transiting Neptune conjunct Moon
At the solar eclipse of April 30, transiting Neptune was closely conjunct WHO’s Pisces moon – where it has been conjunct on and off since March 2021. The moon is the unconscious, the dweller – and this Neptune transit will be exact again in Sept/Oct 2022 making a station on the Moon all the way through to Feb. 2023. Which unfortunately means that the capacity for ongoing, even greater deceptions, is likely to continue.
WHO’s natal moon in Pisces is curiously square to Uranus – the planet of science, hence according to the rule of which three “veiled” planets – Vulcan, Neptune or Uranus, it is highly likely that Uranus is “veiled”. Given WHO’s domination by modern science and allopathic medical techniques, this is certainly a good combination for blending the visionary nature of Neptune with the scientific qualities of Uranus.
But it can also fall back on the attitude of, “lets blind them with science” or use the “authority of science” to dictate erroneous medical policy to WHO’s 193 member nations; particularly as Uranus is in “tricky” Gemini, along with the progressed Sun in Gemini.
3. Transiting Neptune conjunct Mercury in Pisces
After the Pisces moon transit, transiting Neptune moves on to conjoin natal Mercury in Pisces in May-Aug 2023, Feb-Mar 2024 and Oct 2024- Jan 2025!
Hence, the natal Mercury square Jupiter penchant for exaggeration and deception will be even more pronounced, but this time with the possibility of WHO’s machinations becoming so confused – that mis-management and chaos ensue; WHO becomes confused, described by the old adage, “What a tangled web we weave, once we practice to deceive”. (Sir Walter Scott)
Also, the full moon of Gemini-Sagittarius 2022 activates this axis, falling on solar directed Neptune and progressed Jupiter. (See chart diagram above.)
4. Transiting Saturn conjunct Moon in Pisces
The scenario described above would be a necessary part of the maturation process for WHO and the transit of Saturn (lord of karma) to the moon shortly thereafter, might put a stop to WHO’s nonsense. That will be a one-off transit, exact on Mar 24, 2025.
Thankfully both Saturn and Neptune will be transiting into Aries in 2025, starting a new cycle and leaving the past behind.
5. Transiting Jupiter-Mars conjunct MC
If WHO’s midday chart is accurate, with an Aries midheaven and Cancer rising – this transit occurs just after the May 28 meeting in Geneva. It is a strong transit for implementing changes and having considerable influence over the nations.
As WHO’s amendments were voted down, this transit reflects a much higher public profile. Jupiter travels back and forth across WHO’s MC through to early Feb 2023, indicating a broader public awareness generated by WHO’s plans – hence ninth house issues of international law, relating to member nations.
6. Transiting Jupiter conjunct Sun in Aries
Shortly thereafter, transiting Jupiter conjoins WHO’s Aries sun for the first time in 12 years – in late March 2023, giving another big boost to its power and evoking the first ray forcefulness of Aries.
The natal sun in Aries is trine to Saturn in Leo, so Jupiter will amplify this pattern, in terms of WHO’s tendency to “lord it over” (Leo) and be ultra controlling (Saturn). Jupiter transiting the Sun can make people very “cocky”, over-confident, egotistical, brash – and “in your face”. WHO may over-extend itself and combined with the potential for Neptunian confusion and mismanagement, its ambitious plans for world domination might be thwarted!
7. Transiting Uranus square Saturn-Mars in Leo.
An excellent transit for a big shake-up from Uranus over the fixed and embedded forces of Saturn in Leo – one of the main problems for WHO’s faux authority “lording it over” the world. This transit began in Sept.2021 and will continue through to Feb.2023.
8. Transiting Pluto opposite ascendant.
Again, given the uncertainty of the rising sign, although Cancer is most apt for a body that proclaims to be a health-carer, this transit is exact now, continuing to 2025, and could mark a major transformation of WHO finding its soul purpose. Either that, or the destruction and dismantling of this entity.
Ukraine Crisis
Remember how Covid-19 faded into the background as the media switched their attention to Ukraine? Russia has always had the upper hand in this conflict for the past few months, contrary to mainstream propaganda which is now grudgingly acknowledging the truth, after scurrilously misreporting the situation since Feb. 2022. This has been one of the worst wars of propaganda by media ever staged. It has been a war where much pain and suffering could have been avoided by Ukraine and the NATO alliance.
It has been said by various observers, that the two-fold goal in the U.S. plan of training Ukrainians for war since 2014 – was to not only weaken Russia, but to alienate Germany from Russia – as Germany controls Europe economically. The theory goes that control of the oceans allows the US-UK-NATO to strangle Germany into subservience, by cutting them off from Russian gas and oil, like the British did to Germany in WWII – Germany could not supply its mechanised army with fuel.
Now, in theory – Germany and the European Union may have to consider U.S. dependency for natural resources. Yet already, some four European nations, including strategic Germany and Italy, have agreed or partly agreed to Russia’s request – paying for their energy in Roubles. Germany and Italy both told companies that they could open up rubles accounts in order to purchase Russian gas, in line with President Vladimir Putin’s request.
Twenty companies in the EU have opened accounts at Gazprombank, while another 14 had asked for the necessary paperwork to open up accounts. Germany’s VNG had already opened up an account with Gazprombank. All these activities indicate that the European Commission will have difficulty to keep imposing their dictates. The situation is changing rapidly from day to day, week to week.26
Russia’s request has companies opening up two accounts at Gazprombank; one in euros or U.S. dollars and another in rubles. Buyers would deposit the payment into one account in U.S. dollars or euros, and then it is automatically converted to rubles without the involvement of the Bank of Russia.
“Even as the collective West continues to insist – against all observable reality – that the conflict in Ukraine is going well for Kiev, major media outlets are becoming increasingly uneasy with the situation on the economic front. More and more observers are admitting that the embargoes imposed by the US and its allies aren’t crushing the Russian economy, as originally intended, but rather their own.
Meanwhile, major publications have begun to report on the actual situation on the frontlines, rather than uncritically quoting myths like the ‘Ghost of Kiev’ or ‘Snake Island 13’ propagated by Volodymyr Zelensky’s office, as they did early on. There have even been hints, however timid, that the West should perhaps stop unconditionally supporting Kiev and promote a negotiated peace instead.
“Russia is winning the economic war,” the Guardian’s economics editor Larry Elliott declared on Thursday. “It is now three months since the west launched its economic war against Russia, and it is not going according to plan. On the contrary, things are going very badly indeed,” he wrote.”27

The USA has 800 military bases in 80 countries, why? Now that the US is being challenged by China’s ambitions for power and control, there may be a battle of the giants. Already much sabre-rattling of course!
The US has 800 military bases around the world and spends ¾ trillion on armaments every year – enough already! A few billion spent at home on education, homelessness and mental health programs for youth, would be well spent. The small but powerful group of “neocons” who determine US policy is not about “preserving democracy” but playing dictator to Russia, Europe and the world at large.
When visiting Japan recently, President Biden made a statement about Russia’s “unprovoked attack” on Ukraine – a blatant lie: USA-UK-NATO goaded and poked the Russian bear for months before Russia was left with no option – to launch their attack, to head off the build up of troops in Donbass – and to send a message that it would not tolerate any innuendo or threats from Ukraine restarting its nuclear program.
The Nuclear Threat in Ukraine
As described in last month’s newsletter (The Global Blame Game and Mass Hypnosis) – the US plan to weaken and destabilise Russia has been planned for a long time:
“In this [2016] video, Senators Lindsey Graham and John McCain assure officers of the Azov regiment (the main Nazi-Banderist paramilitary formation) that the United States will give all the weapons necessary for them to succeed in defeating Russia. The two senators are investing their interlocutors with a mission. They do not see them as mercenaries who are paid, but as proxies who will fight for the unipolar world to the death.”28
At the recent Davos Forum on May 25, it was announced by the head of the International Atomic Energy Agency – Rafael Grossi of Argentina, that Ukraine had stored 30 tons of plutonium and 40 tons of enriched uranium at its Zaporizhia plant. This is the same plant that was in the news two days after the February invasion, obviously a major priority for Russia to confiscate the nuclear fuel, which Ukrainian special forces tried to stop unsuccessfully. There resulted a fire in a nearby laboratory, hence the nuclear scare at the time was blamed upon the Russians.
In the article from where this information is derived (The Secret Ukrainian Military Programs), is an explanation (in print and video) of the Ukrainian military biological program and its connection to the USA. These points are briefly mentioned because this information will not be found in the mainstream media that promotes Zelenskyy as a hero and Ukraine the underdog. There is much more going on behind the scenes than is realised by the general public, and these are just a few examples.
There may be much suffering this summer in Europe, where fuel and food prices are already skyrocketing, supply lines disrupted and plenty of companies taking advantage of the situation with price-gouging. Everyone is paying through the nose for US-UK-NATO’s interference in Ukraine.
These shortages have been forecast to soon affect many developing countries – even to the point of starvation. Let us pray that it does not come to such a dire outcome – and may the suffering of the Ukrainian people end soon.
Prof. Mark Crispin Miller once more – this time on Ukraine propaganda:
“This propaganda drive is, or was, not about “the virus” or the “measures” used (allegedly) to stop it, but, exclusively, about Ukraine — and yet this drive is (or was) essentially the same as what preceded it; for just as that one had us all obsessed with COVID, the benevolence of those who followed every rule for “fighting” it, and the evil of all those who disobeyed, this one has (or had) us all obsessed with Ukraine’s struggle to defend itself against the monster Putin, the benevolence of all those who “stand with” Ukraine, and the evil of all those who don’t.
And just as COVID once had everyone applauding, every evening, those courageous “frontline workers” in the hospitals (all “overrun,” reportedly, by COVID), so are (or were) we now attending vigils for Ukraine, signing petitions for Ukraine, sending money to Ukraine, and wearing Ukraine’s blue-and-yellow on our backs, and in our hair, and on our nails and our lapels, and hanging Ukraine’s blue-and-yellow in doorways and/or windows, and marveling at public monuments now bathed in blue-and-yellow lights, to show our solidarity with that upright democracy against the Nazi Putin’s bloody effort to assassinate its noble leader, wipe out its brave soldiers, and exterminate its people, in his ruthless drive to conquer all the world.”29
And incidentally, Oleksiy Arestovych (Aug.3, 1975) is a fascinating character who has broad influence. He is Ukraine’s “Adviser on Information Policy” – or chief propagandist, is well versed in the art of deception through his learned skills in psychology, complimented by his moon in Gemini and Sun-Mercury in Leo trine “illusory” Neptune.
Mars Ingress into Aries (May 25, 2022 to July 6, 2022.)
“The effect of Mars is largely mass effect and group results, producing great struggles but leading finally to great revelation.”30
For the first time in two years, Mars entered its own sign Aries on May 25, amplified by an exact conjunction with the moon in the first degree of Aries – and also Jupiter just a few degrees away. A few days later on May 29, Mars caught up to Jupiter for their exact conjunction in Aries.
The Sabian Symbol for that first degree of Aries is: “A woman has risen out of the ocean, a seal is embracing her.” Perhaps this symbol pertains to the previous sign of Pisces just left behind. Woman represents the birth of a new cycle which is very much the theme of Aries. The seal is a mammal that is equally at home in the sea or land.
With all that aggressive Aries energy, the potential for ego-dominated, explosive conflicts is strong – whether that is between individuals or nations. Mars occupies Aries for around six weeks, until the first week of July, hence this period will be a testing one, in which Aries’ polar opposite sign will need to be invoked – Libra the Peacemaker and harmoniser, holder of the balance, the Scales of Justice.
Mars is the ruler of the sixth ray of Devotion or Idealism, the most common ray for the astral body and also the ray that rules the personality expression of both Russia and USA:
“Mars is the transmitter of sixth ray force and it is this which makes the first house of action in the physical body that of the devotee who fights for that which he desires or for that to which he aspires. The warrior, devoted to a cause, comes into being upon the field of action, the Earth.”31
The impulsiveness of Aries stems from the fact that Mars is the co-ruler of the solar plexus – doorway to the astral body. The solar plexus is also the lair of lower ego, hence the emotional volatility of Mars can activate ego-defence mechanisms and consequently impulsive reactions – without engaging clear thinking.
This is ironic, given that Aries rules the head and brain – the “hardware” for the mental body “software”, yet here again is the “headstrong” nature of Aries, fuelled by emotion and ego that seeks to dominate. This problem can be compounded by Mercury’s retrograde motion back through stubborn Taurus, where there can be a strong adherence to fixed ideas.
That is one manifestation, the lowest common denominator – another is the drive and energy that goes into beginning new projects. This might be particularly amplified on May 28-29 when Mars joins Jupiter. Bear in mind that these projects can be selfishly motivated – or altruistic in their intent.
As the human evolutionary journey involves raising the solar plexus forces to the heart centre – over many lifetimes, Mars-Jupiter affords that opportunity, as Jupiter rules the heart. Hence the higher aspiration of Mars and the sixth ray is transformed into the Love-Wisdom of the Jupiter-ruled second ray.
But again, the lowest level of Mars-Jupiter in Aries, taps into the first ray of Will-Power pouring through this sign, whose combined expression can create a tendency to dominate and ride rough-shod over another person, group, corporate body or nation.
Whether that is the war in Ukraine or the incessant corporate war waged upon Humanity through one new threat or another – these are very testing times and the utmost vigilance is required. The world disciple is a spiritual warrior and this is Mars’ higher expression, to stand your ground, hold the line and fight back!
Uvalde, Texas School Massacre
The world reeled in horror to another mass shooting in the USA. The senseless murders of innocent children strikes deep into the Heart of Humanity. We all grieve and share their unfathomable loss and unimaginable pain – for their young friends and parents who will carry the heavy burden of this trauma for the rest of their lives. In the previous article about the ingress of Mars into Aries, it was said in part:
“With all that aggressive Aries energy, the potential for ego-dominated, explosive conflicts is strong – whether that is between individuals or nations … the emotional volatility of Mars can activate ego-defence mechanisms and consequently impulsive reactions – without engaging clear thinking …
… the lowest level of Mars-Jupiter in Aries, taps into the first ray of Will-Power pouring through this sign, whose combined expression can create a tendency to dominate and ride rough-shod over another person, group, corporate body or nation.”
Indeed, this event occurred just as Mars was preparing to leave Pisces and enter Aries seven hours after the shooting at 18.30 local time. Nevertheless, Mars and Moon in late Pisces, were in orb of influence to a conjunction with Jupiter in early Aries.
The shooter, Salvador Ramos – had only just purchased two assault-style rifles on his 18th birthday, eight days before on May 16. On that day, transiting Mars was in the 24th degree of Pisces conjunct Neptune, planet of fantasy, imagination and glamour/delusion (at its lowest level). Ramos had obviously been planning this for some time and expressed that destructive intent on his birthday.
On May 24, earlier on the day of the shooting, at 5.30 am – when Ramos was probably waking up, the moon in Pisces made an exact conjunction with the position of Mars-Neptune on the gun-purchase day of May 16.
And hence the pre-meditated plan was activated powerfully and he, like many other young men of recent decades, went into Rambo mode, acting out his fantasies (he was a fan of the violent video game “Call of Duty”), venting his frustration and rage on a group of innocent lambs to the slaughter. Here is the most destructive expression of Mars, blind hatred for a perceived enemy.
Ramos had the sun in Taurus (well known for its destructiveness) – and the moon most likely in Aries (birth time unknown). On May 24 Ramos’ Mars in Cancer was squared by transiting Jupiter in Aries and Mars-Moon in Pisces. Mars “falls” in emotional Cancer, not an easy position – that can foster festering grievances, passive-aggressive behaviour and learning to be responsive to the use of conflict.
As Cancer is a sign of the mother, Mars in this sign can reflect maternal issues – before the mass shooting, Ramos shot and severely wounded his grandmother. Cancer is ruled esoterically by Neptune, so here recurs the Mars-Neptune relationship.
“As the country tries to make sense of the tragedy, stories about Ramos are beginning to emerge from those who knew him best, painting the picture of a troubled child who was heavily impacted by an unstable home, including an alleged drug-using mother, and relentless bullying at school – although neither of those facts provide an excuse for his evil crimes …
… Classmate Nadia Reyes claimed: ‘He’d call his mom a b***h and say she wanted to kick him out… He’d be screaming and talking to his mom really aggressively.’ Flores, meanwhile, told the Washington Post how he had tried to be a father figure to Ramos but that the situation at home only worsened as he got older.
… he was relentlessly bullied for his stutter and his lisp, with cruel classmates hurling gay slurs at him. The target on his back only grew after he uploaded a picture of himself wearing eyeliner. ‘He would get bullied hard, like bullied by a lot of people,’ Garcia told the Post, ‘Over social media, over gaming, over everything.’ When Garcia had to move away, Ramos began to change, dressing in all black and donning large military boots.”32
There were several other important activations in Ramos’ horoscope, such as transiting Saturn in Aquarius (authority, law, parent) – square to his Taurus sun. Progressed Mercury in Taurus was conjunct progressed Sun, and also transiting Mercury was retrograding back over both these positions – indicating unresolved grievances. Mercury’s retrograde motion back through stubborn Taurus can provoke a strong adherence to fixed ideas.
In the shooting event horoscope, Mars-ruled Aries was also prominent – Chiron and Venus were in Aries, with Venus the most elevated planet – square to deadly Pluto in Capricorn. (All of this occurred during the USA’s first ever Pluto return.)
Given the causes that lay behind the psychology and wounds that Ramos experienced growing up, how “guilty” is he? Ramos is the product of a dilapidated society that is full of broken marriages, drug abuse, lack of gun regulation, violent video games/movies – and social attitudes that encourage cruel bullying.
Obviously, Ramos must bear the main responsibility for his final desperate actions – but society at large also made a major contribution – as is mostly the case with all of these tragic incidents:
““He was overall just aggressive, like violent,” Baxter told the outlet. “He would try and fight women. He would try and fight anyone who told him no – if he didn’t get his way, he’d go crazy.”
She did not give any details about physical altercations or other evidence of violence. But her friend, she said, had told her he was “scary” and “when he would lose his temper, she would literally be scared for her life, basically. He would send her these really nasty messages, where he’d go from super sweet to screaming at her back to super sweet.””33
The good that must now emerge from Mars’s entry into Aries and its theme of new initiatives – is mustering the political will to address this long-festering sore in the body of the nation – once and for all, as expressed by President Biden (“Its time to turn this pain into action.”) and thousands of other Americans; of at least banning assault weapons sales, particularly to immature and impressionable young men.
Americans bought nearly 20 million firearms in 2021, the second highest sales in history – in parallel with 20,000 firearm deaths in the same period, not counting suicides by firearms (usually 50,000 +). Murder by firearms is a consistent annual average of around 11,000 deaths – an almost incomprehensible figure. As stated in other missives, there is a massacre in the USA everyday, around 30 people murdered by firearms around the whole country. (11,000 < 365)
Yet politicians on both sides of politics fail to establish a causal link, which critics say is because the NRA makes sure that their “palms are well greased”, i.e. they are paid to endorse the gun culture and sales.
“The sheer number of weapons in the US, and the power of the NRA, mean this will, “probably continue. America’s love-hate relationship with firearms has become an example of how money and lobby groups have corrupted the political system.”34
Personal gun ownership and the industry behind it, is inextricably entwined with the military industrial complex that makes mega billions manufacturing all the hardware needed for wars. The author has commented copiously on this subject for the last twenty years – essays can be found here: USA’s Weapons Problem.
The gun problem is also part of USA’s Mars-ruled sixth ray personality, its solution is intimately entwined with the right integration and maturation of that personality, particularly the collective emotional body. Why? Because the motive for buying guns is based upon fear – the most ancient and greatest glamour for humankind.
In light of USA-NATO’s interference in Ukraine, creating much death and suffering – Elvis Presley’s song comes to mind, “Clean up your own backyard.” The Aquarian soul of this leading Western nation must invoke its Hercules to “cleanse the Augean stables” – and its national Atlas, to lift up and redeem. May the soul of the USA emerge and create widespread healing.
The following video is The Rubin Report: How Justin Trudeau capitalised on the Ulvade massacre to ban guns in Canada.
Alan Turing: Gemini Rising Scientist
“English mathematician, computer scientist, logician, cryptanalyst, philosopher, and theoretical biologist … highly influential in the development of theoretical computer science, providing a formalisation of the concepts of algorithm and computation with the Turing machine, which can be considered a model of a general-purpose computer … widely considered to be the father of theoretical computer science and artificial intelligence.”35
Readers may have had an insight into Turing through the movie The Imitation Game – that dramatised his role as a crypto-analyst in WWII – decoding the Enigma cipher machine used by Nazi Germany.
Alan Turing’s soul purpose was Gemini rising, the sign of scintillating and often brilliant intellect, accompanied by Pluto and Venus conjunct in Gemini. Through Mercury’s rulership of this sign, it is super intuitive, a factor which drives Gemini’s quick wits:
“Very early in life, Turing showed signs of the genius that he was later to display prominently. Turing’s parents enrolled him at St Michael’s, a primary school … from the age of six to nine. The headmistress recognised his talent, noting that she has “…had clever boys and hardworking boys, but Alan is a genius.””36
Another factor that strengthens the intuitive aspect of Gemini is its ruler Mercury, placed in the following water sign of Cancer. Mercury in Cancer evokes its soul ruler Neptune – planet of imagination, dreaming – and intuition, or “buddhi”. The two main planets of intuition are Mercury and Neptune, hence Mercury’s position in Cancer easily taps into “direct knowledge” called intuition. (Alice Bailey had Mercury in Cancer, identified by the author in her astro-biography, as the main significator as an amanuensis for The Tibetan.)
Mercury is also enhanced by a very close quincunx aspect to Jupiter in philosophical and broad-thinking Sagittarius. Jupiter closely opposes Turing’s Gemini ascendant, hence plays an important role in this polar opposite sign, balancing the pairs of opposites upon the mental plane.
Mercury is associated with the lower and higher subplanes of the mental plane, plus rulership over the fourth plane of Buddhi. Hence, Turing was equipped with an acutely sensitive intuition. Biographers have said “Turing’s approach is considerably more accessible and intuitive.”
“Mercury illumines the mind and mediates between the soul and the personality, being the Messenger of the Gods. This mediatorship, in the first instance, produces an inevitable opposition between the pairs of opposites and a long drawn out conflict. This conflict finally works out into victory and the dispelling of illusion through the illumination of the lower mind.”37
As a “genius” Turing’s mental faculties were quite formidable, well assisted by esoteric ruler of Gemini, Venus – closely conjunct Pluto in Gemini – a deep and penetrating thinker. Venus is the ruler of the fifth ray of knowledge-science, a ray undoubtedly in Turing’s ray structure somewhere – perhaps his soul ray and/or mental ray. The Venus-Pluto conjunction may also explain Turing’s somewhat brusque nature, combined with his first ray that tends not to suffer fools gladly.
The third ray of active-intelligence is also potent – its symbols include the labyrinth, cryptic crossword – the Enigma machine with all its rotors and “wheels within wheels”. The third ray is the ray of higher mathematics, yet there is a mathematics for the second ray38, fourth ray (“mathematics of music”) and fifth ray:
“… the third and the fifth rays together make the truly great mathematician who soars into heights of abstract thought and calculation, and who can also bring his results down to practical scientific use.”39
“Turing’s natural inclination towards mathematics and science did not earn him respect from some of the teachers at Sherborne, whose definition of education placed more emphasis on the classics … Despite this, Turing continued to show remarkable ability in the studies he loved, solving advanced problems in 1927 – without having studied even elementary calculus.
In 1928, aged 16, Turing encountered Albert Einstein’s work; not only did he grasp it, but it is possible that he managed to deduce Einstein’s questioning of Newton’s laws of motion from a text in which this was never made explicit.”40
Here is an obvious hint about Turing’s familiarity with these subjects from recent incarnations, bringing over that knowledge (Saturn in the 12th house) – and tapping into it intuitively. Here is a “Mozart of science”, recalling that musical prodigy making his first composition at the the age of five.
Venus and Pluto in late Gemini are also closely conjunct Turing’s sun in early Cancer. The sun represents the three-fold lower self or personality, and Venus-Pluto’s position would have considerably enriched the mental body component of his personality. Sacred planet Venus, balances the pairs of opposites upon the mental plane – for the dualistic Twins of Gemini, creating harmony and beauty.
Hence, the two rulers of Turing’s soul purpose Gemini – Mercury (Hermes) and Venus (Aphrodite) – are both placed powerfully in their respective signs – enhancing their united role as the Divine Herm-Aphrodite. Venus (mind) and Mercury (intuition) rule the left and right lobes of the ajna chakra, an organ of vision and creative imagination:
“The pituitary body: The two lobes of this gland correspond to the two multiple petals of the ajna centre. It expresses imagination and desire in their two highest forms, and these are the dynamic factors lying behind all creation.”41
Turing’s moon was in Libra, the sign of the law, sex and money. The moon is said to “veil a hidden planet” – either Vulcan, Neptune or Uranus. As the moon is in an applying square to Neptune, it would be safe to say that the Libra moon veiled Neptune – potently placed in its own esoteric rulership of Cancer; again the potency of “buddhic” Neptune is highlighted:
“No man begins to coordinate the buddhic vehicle until he comes under the influence of Neptune …. When this happens, his personality horoscope will show this influence as dominant.”42
The Libra moon square Neptune, combined with Venus in dualistic Gemini, may also reflect confusion or ambiguity about Turing’s sexuality. His “first love” was Christopher Morcom, who was a fellow Cancerian with very close Sun-Neptune conjunction, and a moon in Aquarius falling on Turing’s Uranus. In 1941, Turing proposed marriage to a fellow mathematician and cryptanalyst Joan Clarke, but their engagement was short-lived:
“After admitting his homosexuality to his fiancée, who was reportedly “unfazed” by the revelation, Turing decided that he could not go through with the marriage.”43
After the war, Turing was persecuted for his sexual preferences, which eventually led to his sad suicide in 1954:
“Turing was prosecuted in 1952 for homosexual acts. He accepted hormone treatment with DES, a procedure commonly referred to as chemical castration, as an alternative to prison. Turing died on 7 June 1954, 16 days before his 42nd birthday, from cyanide poisoning.
An inquest determined his death as a suicide, but it has been noted that the known evidence is also consistent with accidental poisoning … Turing may have killed himself in an ambiguous way quite deliberately, to give his mother some plausible deniability.” 44
Notably, on the day of Turing’s suicide, transiting Mars in Capricorn opposed his Mercury in Cancer, whilst transiting Mercury had just made its annual conjunction to his natal Mercury – in other words, it was his Mercury “return”. Later in 2009, the British government made a formal apology for the “appalling way in which Turing was treated” and granted a posthumous pardon.
The esoteric ruler of Libra is Uranus, the planet of science which dominates the midheaven of the chart, in the sign which it exoterically rules – Aquarius. Here is the mark of the innovator and inventor, the scientific genius, that compliments his intuitive Neptune so well.
Yet Uranus can impact upon the personality as “erratic” or “eccentric” – Uranus trines Turing’s Gemini ascendant and quincunxes his Cancer sun – indicating this planet’s influence upon his soul purpose, but also the mental body component of his Cancer personality. There are plenty of stories from co-workers about his unconventional Uranian nature:
“Turing had a reputation for eccentricity at Bletchley Park. He was known to his colleagues as “Prof” and his treatise on Enigma was known as the “Prof’s Book” … “In the first week of June each year he would get a bad attack of hay fever, and he would cycle to the office wearing a service gas mask to keep the pollen off.
His bicycle had a fault: the chain would come off at regular intervals. Instead of having it mended, he would count the number of times the pedals went round and would get off the bicycle in time to adjust the chain by hand. Another of his eccentricities is that he chained his mug to the radiator pipes to prevent it being stolen.
… Peter Hilton recounted his experience working with Turing … “The experience of sharing the intellectual life of a genius … one realizes that one is in the presence of an intelligence, a sensibility of such profundity and originality that one is filled with wonder and excitement.
Alan Turing was such a genius, and those, like myself, who had the astonishing and unexpected opportunity, created by the strange exigencies of the Second World War, to be able to count Turing as colleague and friend, will never forget that experience, nor can we ever lose its immense benefit to us.”45
The Imitation Game movie is well-named for a Gemini rising type – adept at mimickry, imitation and deception; Mercury ruling at this basic level is known to possess the “principle of illusion”. Turing was depicted in the movie as often aloof and insistent on doing things his way. He was indifferent to authority and uncompromising with his vision to hack and crack Enigma. These traits indicate the presence of the first ray of will or power – possibly his personality ray, whose early expression occurred at 13:
“In 1926, at the age of 13, he went on to Sherborne School, a boarding independent school … The first day of term coincided with the 1926 General Strike, in Britain, but Turing was so determined to attend that he rode his bicycle unaccompanied 60 miles (97 km) [!] from Southampton to Sherborne, stopping overnight at an inn.”46
In his adult life, Turing was a talented long-distance runner, occasionally running the 40 miles (64 km) to London when required for meetings; he was capable of world-class marathon standards and even tried out for the 1948 British Olympics – though was hampered by injury.
Turing’s speculative ray structure might therefore be: Soul 3 or 5, personality 1, mental 5 or 3, astral 6, physical 1 or 3, but most likely 1: “I have such a stressful job that the only way I can get it out of mind is by running hard; it’s the only way I can get some release.”47
Finally, Saturn – ruler of the third ray of active-intelligence, is placed in Taurus – sign of the disciplined acquisition of higher knowledge. (Think Teilhard de Chardin with Saturn and six other placements in Taurus!) Saturn is at the harmonic part of the 12th house – identified by French statistician Michel Gauquelin, as prominent in those working in medicine and scientific fields.
Additionally, Saturn is almost exactly conjunct Alcyone in late Taurus – the “star of intelligence”, highlighting Turing’s stellar career that spanned one of the greatest crises in human history, paving the way for the computer age just a few decades hence.
Sun Enters Gemini: Alcyone, Star of Intelligence
When the sun on its annual pilgrimage passes from Taurus into Gemini, it conjoins the star Alcyone – one of the seven Pleiades:
“Alcyone is called the “star of the Individual” and sometimes the “star of intelligence.” It was potently active during the previous solar system wherein the Third Person of the Trinity was peculiarly omnipotent and active, just as today the cosmic Christ, the Second Person of the Trinity, is peculiarly active in this solar system.
The energies coming from Alcyone impregnated the substance of the universe with the quality of mind. As a consequence of this most ancient activity, the same force was present at the time of individualisation in this solar system, for it is in this system, and primarily upon our planet, the Earth, that the major results of that early activity have made themselves felt.
Two of our planets, the Earth (non-sacred) and Uranus (sacred), are directly the product of this third ray activity. [The Pleiades system is known as the “cosmic mother”, embodying the third aspect/ray.]48
This third ray of Active-Intelligence has much in common with the third sign Gemini, whose hierarchical ruler is the Earth – co-ruler of the third ray. Yet Gemini is also strongly influenced by the “second person of the trinity” – the second ray of Love-Wisdom, the only ray to pass through this sign, gifting Gemini the knack of relating to people.
There is no hard and fast cut-off between the signs – one sign passing into another can often be tracked through planetary rulerships. For instance, Taurus is ruled by Venus – planet of the mind that rules the fifth ray of knowledge or science. Venus is the esoteric ruler of Gemini, bringing together the pairs of opposites (The Twins) upon the mental plane, fulfilling its role as a creator of harmony and beauty.
Gemini and its rulers Mercury and Venus, were prominent in the aforementioned period of human “Individualisation” – in ancient Lemuria, about 21.6 million years ago:
“It was the activity of Venus—under the influence of Gemini—which produced the great crisis of the individualisation when the two kingdoms “approached” each other. [Kingdom of souls and the animal kingdom.]
Venus, Mercury and the Earth then set up a magnetic field which made the intervention of the Great Lodge on Sirius and the dual stimulation of Gemini effective in producing significant results of which the fourth kingdom [human] in nature is the expression.
The fact that Gemini is the third sign and embodies what is called “a third potency” enabled it to reach, with its force, the third kingdom [animal] and produce that reaction which resulted in the individualising or the humanising of its higher forms of life.”49
Since that ancient time, human consciousness has been evolving through the various rootraces, as depicted in the video, The Hidden History of Humanity – and in more depth, the book, Unveiling Genesis: Mysteries of the Rootraces and Cycles.
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Phillip Lindsay © 2022.
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Stripe is supported in many countries. Books by Phillip Lindsay
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.556. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.352. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.389. [↩]
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- What we don’t know is killing us: The urgency of propaganda study under COVID [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.451. [↩]
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- Auguste Meyrat. [↩]
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- ca [↩]
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- The Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.80. [↩]
- Esoteric Healing, Alice A. Bailey. p.70. [↩]
- Esoteric Healing, Alice A. Bailey. p.312. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.230. [↩]
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- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p. 210. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.508. [↩]
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- Wikipedia [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.100. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology II, Alice A. Bailey. p.355. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology I, Alice A. Bailey. p.205. [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- Esoteric Healing, Alice A. Bailey. p.149. [↩]
- A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p.899. [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.200. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.355. [↩]
Elvis was right… of course. A travesty of misinformation allowing the West to spend trillions in weapons donations. It is a proxy war – plain and simple. Would the USA allow a Russian expansion? Cuba anyone?
Esotericists everywhere can influence this only from the inner planes – where all true occult work is accomplished. Peace to All Beings.
Excellent research and generally seeing through the smokescreens, Phillip. Thanks for helping to enlighten the field.
On this, I am skeptical of why there is a need for a ‘one world government’. Cooperation, yes, diversity YES! Why is it you think Aquarius implies a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT. Whose government is that?
“Working toward a one-world-government is a logical step in planetary evolution – and may come about by the end of the Aquarian Age – in the next 2,000 years. ”
Otherwise, just a note on Uvalde and Ramos; check out the FBI influence upon these young kids. Buffalo shooter also; you’ll find the connections. Just like January 6th “insurrection”, it’s “Fed Fed Fed” who are instigating, and setting up entrapment. (also ala Michigan governor Whitmer’s “kidnapping”. These are all set ups, to disarm the US law-abiding citizen. I doubt that this will happen; but it is becoming very messy, so the info war must be seen through. We know who the liars are.
Thanks Vic, DK discusses the “new world order”, a phrase hijacked by the materialists, quite a bit in the various books. Here are a few quotes but there are many more:
The Problem Of Government
Coming now to the realm of government, under the new world order, one is faced with a very complex situation. [Page 199] Certain great ideological regimes have divided the world into opposing groups. There are the great democracies, under which certain of the few remaining monarchies find a place; there are the totalitarian powers in which the ancient dictatorships and autocracies of the past are summed up. There is nothing new in the Axis policies. They are essentially reactionary groups, for tyrants, cruelty and the exploitation of the weak are part of ancient history. The democracies, with all their present ineffectiveness, have in them the germ of that which is truly new, for they are the expression of an upward surging towards self-rule and self-mastery by humanity as a whole. There is also the communistic ideal which is a curious blend of individualism, dictatorship, the ancient conflict between labour and capital, the Sermon on the Mount, and the worst aspects of revolution and exploitation. The lines which it will follow, even in the immediate future, are unpredictable. There are other countries and peoples whose governments are conditioned by their environment and who at present play no real determining part in world events, except in so far as a greater power uses them. Again, there are peoples and tribes who still pursue their little lives, unaffected by the turmoil to be found in the more highly civilised parts of the world.
Behind all this diversity of governmental methods, certain clear outlines are emerging which indicate wider fusions and a tendency to bring about certain syntheses. Various basic trends of thought are appearing which, in the new world order, will unfold into that major synthesis so much desired by the spiritual Hierarchy of the planet, and which, whilst preserving the large national and racial outlines, will produce an underlying and subjective state of mind which will end the age of separateness. Desire is today being evoked for the Federated States of Europe, modelled on the lines of the British Commonwealth of Nations or the United States of America; there is talk of a new order in Asia, of the Good Neighbour policy in America, of a Federal Union of the democratic nations; there is also the steady spread of the Soviet Socialist Republics. Certain major groupings [Page 200] would seem possible and probably advisable. They might be divided as follows:
1. A Federal Union of the great democracies after the war. This might include the British Empire as a whole, the United States, the Scandinavian countries and certain northern European nations, including Germany.
2. A Union of the Latin countries, including France, Spain, all the Mediterranean countries, the Balkan countries (except one or two which might be absorbed into the U.S.S.R.), and South America.
3. The United Soviet Socialist Republics and certain Asiatic nations working in collaboration with them, such as China, and later Japan.
These three great blocs would not be antagonistic blocs but simply geographical spheres of influence. They would all three work in the closest unity and economic relation. Each nation within the three blocs would preserve its sovereign independence, but between these independent nations and between these blocs there would be identity of purpose, unity of effort and the recognition of the economic control of a league of nations. This league, being formed of the representatives of all the nations and its inner governing body being chosen by the three blocs, would control all sources of supply, distribute all such supplies and determine all economic.” (EXH)
The following three are from various of the blue books:
Such blocs would be cultural and not militaristic, economic and not greedy, and they could provide a normal and progressive movement away from the separative nationalism of the past and towards the distant creation of the One World, and the One Humanity. This will some day be seen, but the time is not yet. Mankind is not ready for some super-government, nor can it yet provide the unselfish and trained statesmen that such a government would require. As yet, there are more seeds of danger in this concept than there are of helpfulness. Nevertheless, it is a dream which will some day materialise, after the creation and the functioning of blocs have proved how men should work and live together.
The servants of the spiritual Hierarchy and the world disciples are found in every nation; they are loyal to that nation’s ideology or political trend of thought or government; the members of the New Group of World Servers embrace every political creed and recognise the authority of every imaginable religion. Men and women of good will can be discovered functioning in every group, no matter what its ideology or creed or belief. The Hierarchy does not look for cooperators in any one school of thought, political creed, or national government. It finds them in all and cooperates with [Page 740] all. This I have frequently said, yet you find it difficult to believe, so convinced are many of you that your peculiar belief and your particular acceptance of truth is the best undoubtedly and the most true. It may be for you, but not for your brother of another persuasion, nation or religion.
The Kingdom of God will inaugurate a world which will be one in which it will be realized that—politically speaking—humanity, as a whole, is of far greater importance than any one nation; it will be a new world order, built upon different principles to those in the past, and one in which men will carry the spiritual vision into their national governments, into their economic planning and into all measures taken to bring about security and right human relations. Spirituality is essentially the establishing of right human relations, the promotion of goodwill and finally the establishing of a true peace on earth, as the result of these two expressions of divinity.
Thank you Phillip for finding a way through this media forest and world disorder and picking up the the truth in it. Quite a full time job!
Your Newsletters are always uplifting and I am grateful for it.
I agree with your statement that the Great Invocation should always be pronounced slowly, in order to allow all participants to visualize and guide the energies, where they are supposed to make their effect, in the Centers of the Earth. The Great Invocation is a Sacred Ritual, especially at the Full Moon Ceremony.
Alice Bailey’s books, and often this blog as well, put a lot of emphasis on the important role that the British Commonwealth, USA, and Russia will have for humanity in the Age of Aquarius.
And thinking, now that we are in Gemini, this triangle veils a powerful duality, a relation that, well understood, can be very positive.
The duality is as follows:
England and USA are souls ruled by the 2º Ray of Love and Wisdom
Russia is a Soul governed by the 7th Ray of Organization and Order.
The question is: How should these two very different energies be related? The second with the seventh?
USA and England have in their “reason” (soul) the power of a very inclusive energy; but Russia has the “reason” that gives it the quality of the 7th Ray, the power to manifest divinity in matter.
We know that the 7th Ray will be the main energy that will rule the Age of Aquarius and therefore I would dare to say that the obligation of the USA and England is to understand (include) or be sensitive to the power of this new energy coming through Russia
And on the other hand, Russia’s obligation is to think (act) in such a way that the power to identify with “organized matter” that has this ray is not a power (an order) that isolates it from the world.
Only one difficulty…, on the part of the USA and Russia, its patriotic excesses, on the part of England, its tendency to think that “the world” is as they see it.
The role of Germany (Europe?) can be important, because the soul of this country is ruled by the energy of the 4th Ray, the one that brings Harmony through Intuition.
In fact this country for a long time has been governed by the mentioned duality. A duality “demolished” (the Berlin wall), harmonized, by the power of its Soul.
Thanks for sharing
Wonderful image of the two swans
Often during group meditations, I have also wished the leader would speak more slowly, with each mantra and particularly with the Great Invocation. There needs to be a defined visual image/symbol for each word or phrase in order to make the meaning clear and meaningful. The image creates the thoughtform and the words or sounds infuse it with life. This is basic Theosophy or White Magic as taught by DK.
Esoteric Psychology II states that when we are in the contemplative state of meditation, we are meditating in unison with the soul. The soul communicates in images as reflected in our dream states. Our Soul, a group consciousness, doesn’t rely on the hundreds of languages spoken throughout the Earth. The Soul/soul cognizes in images and symbols which are intuitively understood. Languages are a function of lower manas, symbols the language of higher manas.
The ability to use multi-levels of communication using both words/sounds and images/symbols simultaneously creates inspired communication in writing and speech. Hence the power of all the great poets who further enhanced their creations by adding meter and rhythm. Certainly, the Great Invocation has a beautiful rhythm.
Finally, I think this invocation needs to be said in the spirit of love, since it was Christ who formulated it into words for us. I Corinthians 13:1 reads, “If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal.”
Thank you, Phillip for enunciating this matter. Agreed, the Great Invocation, must be said with great solemnity, slowly and with the use of the engaged imagination to create the living thought forms ensouled by the high spiritual forces we endeavor to wield.
Thank you Phillip for your in depth research and ability to penetrate the veils of illusion.
The mental origin of the contagious diseases like measles, various pox strains, scarlet fever etc. puzzled me as well. It is difficult to find a common denominator, particularly if we focus on the symptoms and the causes as proposed by modern medicine. They are all highly contagious and do seem to be connected to urbanisation. Of course it is logical to assume that more people live in congested areas (large villages, cities), more opportunities there are for the pathogens to spread among the population. However, there might be something more to it that would relate to the hypothesis that this group of diseases is connected to the mental nature.
We should bear in mind that in distant past the mental nature was not nearly as developed as it is today. Presence of many such diseases was documented 3.000 or more years ago. How can then the mental nature and force of its energy be responsible? I have asked myself the question, what does the awakening, even if rudimentary, of mental nature contribute to the consciousness of the individual?
I believe that becoming an individual is the key. It is the mental nature that elevates a person from the mass consciousness eventually into an individual. Man begins to transcend his instinctual nature and individualizes his expressions and desires and eventually after many lifetimes develops personal will. The awakening of the mental nature however brings in friction between the individual and mass consciousness that is predominately astral. For an individual this friction is felt (mostly subconsciously) as irritation, intensified by the denseness of population in urban areas. My hypothesis is that this irritation, caused by the emerging mental force within the individual, is the cause of these diseases. Useful read EH 69-71.
Psychologically this would be the cleavage between mass consciousness and I (self) consciousness.
From the ray perspective rays 5 and 4 would be involved, ray 5 stimulating the mental nature and causing the emancipation of individuality, ray 4 the conflict and the tension, leading eventually to “reintegration” of the individual in the society as a personality. Both ray energies are governing the human family, hence the widespread of these diseases. Possibly also ray 7 with its crystallization influence, withdrawing life from the form (see below).
From the energy system perspective the awakening of the mental nature stimulates the razing of the sacral centre energy to the solar plexus, greatly stimulating it. The consciousness becomes focused on the wish life of the individual and the physical body suffers from devitalisation that possibly also increases the susceptibility for contagious diseases.
These are just some thoughts on the mental origin of contagious diseases. Also we should keep in mind the mental nature is closely intertwined with the emotional nature and in the proposed hypothesis it is not wrong thought or thought forms that are causing the diseases, but rather the emergence of the I principle, self-consciousness, the ahamkara.