7 Responses to Gemini 2024: Festival of Christ. Territorial Disputes. Israel. Zionism. Mars in Aries. Pentecost. Mercury. Disinformation. Aurora Borealis.

  1. Ros says:

    Why would it be Biden’s Zionism? Trump gave Jerusalem to the Zionists. Trump’s daughter married a Zionist and has converted. The true Jews support the Palestinians. They have lived happily alongside each other for many years, until the Zionists arrived. Zionists are not true Jews.

    1. If read what I said Ros, you would have seen that I mentioned all other presidential candidates are pro Israel. I am aware of Trump, RFK’s position on Israel.

  2. David says:

    Splendid article!

    Well, I would like to make a comment in relation to the section that tells us about the US-UK duality (with nuances, but I also include Europe and Japan), -versus- China-Russia (and Iran). Brazil seems to be in this second group but with Bolsonaro it would be in the other. I see India in both, perhaps more in the first.

    Gemini is the quality that by recognizing the non-self allows the growth of the self. This reconnaissance inevitably generates a crisis, where the renunciation or/and readjustment of the lower self aspects is necessary for the good of the higher self.

    This is an attitude associated with the internal (subjective) problems (needs) of each entity, country or individual. That is to say, it is necessary that the US, UK, China Russia …, (and all countries), know how to recognize their own negative aspects, know how to be self-critical and through this recognition grow as souls and their subsequent harmless attitudes.

    In Gemini the key is Love, but its correct practical application as wisdom, correct relationships, dharma or good will is always an internal reflection of the recognition of that Love (through the brain) in one’s own higher self or “mental heart”.

    All countries treasure good and bad qualities and would do well to stop seeing the enemy abroad…, “first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye”.

  3. Jo Garceau says:

    Phillip, I enjoyed this post in a way I have been unable to enjoy them for months on end. The lines of communication seem endless and difficult to sort one from another. You provide much food for thought in a time fraught with suffering for all involved. Everyone on the globe, as I see it.

    This incessant uproar that is the harbinger of the incoming Age of Aquarius holds the promise of the future. Thank you for presenting so many threads of the Geordian knot. No one of us holds the answer, and yet it must be untied.

  4. Peter DeLorenzo says:

    While watching the World Invocation Day video, I wonder why Lucis Trust thinks its ok to give itself the authority to change the wording of The Great Invocation.

    1. Yes, its the politically correct version, it changes the vibration of the original which was very carefully crafted by the Master.

  5. SethD says:

    Thank you Philip for another amazing study on this amazing moment time! Having been born May 21, I feel the pull of Taurus and Gemini, both are great energies to work with if in a positive manner.

    It is a shame all US presidential candidates are pro Israel. That makes it impossible for us Americans with a conscience to vote, but it has always been such. We can vote with our wallets, with our acts and statements against the crimes being perpetrated against creation

    Some teachings state the original kings of legend, the “God-men”, leaders of old were leaders based on capacity to understand the source of the universe and translate to humanity, not birthright etc. Using sound and other means, they used the first pure language and named god IAOUE – Yahweh. Sounded in this manner, the source vibration “I” (eeee sound) is the source vibration that is expanded by A (ahhhh) the open heart, love, inspiration dimension (the main teachinig of Jesus), without the open heart ,we cannot move on to “O” (ohhhh), the intellect, materializing-scientific viewpoint,

    when we use the intellect backed by an open heart, we move to “U” (uuuu), the physical dimension, creating our reality here on earth based on the guidance of the preceding 3 dimensions. Finally, “E” (sounded like letter A), the dimension of judgement. In total, we open to the source vibration, expanding with an open heart to make correct intellectual thoughts and decisions, bringing that into matter, and used in proper judgement in accordance with the universe.

    The mythology is this was all encrypted and hidden to allow us to move to the end of materialism, destruction of life, the earth, and beyond. Once we are on the brink, we can return to embracing our source and spritual nature and create the third civilization. Neptune in Pisces and the Aries are helping to set the stage… The integration of spiritual and material is sounded as AIEOU

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