2 Responses to Leo 2017: I Am That. Illumine & Rule. Beauty & Sensitivity. Initiation. Path to Sirius. August 21 Eclipse.

  1. Amy Call says:

    I Am so grateful. I feel anything i write would be inadequate at this point. Your Work is of the greatest supports i have encountered in my life, and with every newsletter or offering you share, i find myself in a state of Soul-relief. Where I Am back Home, again. – a personal Sabbath to resonate so well with expression from another. Peace.

  2. Yvonne says:

    Hello Phillip,
    Thank-you so much for all the time and effort you put into these offerings.
    It is greatly appreciated. I have 4 planets in Leo in the 4th and was a bit apprehensive of the upcoming eclipse, but thanks to you, have a new and less frightening perspective. 🙂
    Blessings from KY

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