Leo 2021: Sirius. Regulus. Mata Hari. Vaccines. Cowardice. New Inquisition. Clash of Titans. Photosynthesis of Soul.

Sekhmet, one of the Egyptian goddesses depicted as a lion or cat – such as Isis and Bastet. Hence, the connection between Leo and Sirius.
Leo Keynote
“I am that and that am I.”
(Leo Full [Blue] Moon Festival: Aug. 22, 2021. 12.21 UT.)
“There are two subsidiary yet potent keynotes of the Leo person upon which I should touch at this point if the nature of the influences wielded by Leo are to be clearly perceived. These are the will-to-illumine, which constitutes the driving urge towards self-knowledge, self-perception and intellectual positivity, and also the will-to-rule and to dominate, which is of such a controlling nature in this sign and such a subtle potency in the Leo type.
It is this will-to-rule which leads a person born in this sign eventually to achieve self-mastery and the control of the personality (for either a good motive or a selfish one), and it is also the same tendency which leads him finally to the control by the personality, ruled by Leo, of groups and large or small bodies of people. This—at an advanced stage—is an expression of the fusion of Leo energy and Aquarian potency. It is inevitable in the long run for men and races; for this all experience in Leo is preparatory. The will-to-illumine is that which drives all Leo people on to experiment and so to gain knowledge.”1
Leo New moon, Pointer Stars and Polaris
___The Re-Emergence of Sirius from the Underworld
___Leo Blue Moon conjunct Regulus and Jupiter
___Donald Trump, Leo and Regulus
Mata Hari: Flamboyant Leo, Sultry Scorpio Rising
Vaccinations: Past and Present
___The Cowardice of Silence and the Phenomenon of Fear
___The Spanish Flu of 1918
___ The New Medical-Media Inquisition
___McCarthyism of the “Disinformation Dozen”
___ Clash of the Titans: Saturn and Uranus
Spain Sixth Ray Soul: Lions of Leon
Photosynthesis of the Soul
Leo New Moon, Polaris and the Pointer Stars
In order to understand more fully this Leo full moon period, it is worth examining the recent new moon of Leo. Due to the intricacy of this subject, the following passages in quotations have been arranged to make it more intelligible. They have been gleaned from Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. pp. 195-7.
The new moon for Leo 2021 fell at 16° Leo 14’ close to the two pointer stars Dubhe and Merak – that point to the pole star, Polaris. Polaris is known as a “major star of direction” – for the Being we call the solar logos, “lord of this solar system” – or Sol our sun – which rules Leo. Polaris is also a “star of direction” for Earth – whose axis is oriented to the Pole Star. And correspondingly of course, for all those who tread the Path of Discipleship and Initiation – Polaris “brings a man back to his originating source”.
The first ray of will or power pours through Leo, a ray that has been described as, “the energy of divine embodied will … esoterically described as “unavoidable directed purpose”. In the Great Bear constellation sits Merak – the pointer furthest from Polaris – “a great reservoir or focal point for divine energy, carrying out God’s purpose.” Dubhe is the Pointer nearest to Polaris – “expressive of a lower aspect of the will, which—in speaking of humanity—we call “self-will.”” It is this star to which the 2021 Leo new moon makes a closer conjunction.
The first ray rulers Vulcan and Pluto are related to Merak and Dubhe respectively, bringing through the energy of divine will – “only now beginning, in any definite and clear manner, to affect human response”.
“The first indication of the true spiritual will only begins to manifest upon the Path of Discipleship—hence the late discovery of these two planets (late in point of time and from the angle of human knowledge) – for it is only in this Aryan race period [Fifth Rootrace], that humanity is to any large extent beginning to manifest evidence of a reaction or a response to the spiritual will of deity – as it comes to our planet and hence to us via Aries, Vulcan and Pluto.”
Like Leo, Aries is a fire sign and the first sign of the zodiac in which the expression of the first ray is most dynamic – where, “the will to create or to manifest makes its appearance and the great divine experiment is initiated”. Aries is also connected with the Great Bear constellation and particularly with one of the pointer stars, most probably Merak – “a great reservoir for divine energy”.
This first ray energy, connected to the “will of god”, naturally brings in the Shamballa force – the planetary head centre. Shamballa – “Custodian of the Plan for our planet”. Both Aries and Leo relate to the theme of “I am” and “I am that” respectively. Leo is a sign where, “the consciousness of individuality is developed, utilised and finally consecrated to divine purpose …”
… Leo is related to Polaris (in the Little Bear constellation) – “regarded as the “star of re-orientation” whereby the art of “refacing and recovering that which is lost” is developed. This eventually brings a man back to his originating source.” Leo is specifically influenced by Dubhe:
“The energy emanating from it [Dubhe] guides humanity upon the involutionary path, and is constantly active in its influence upon the man who is still upon the Mutable Cross. Then the energy of the Pointer furthest from the Pole Star [Merak] begins to make its presence felt and a sense of right direction or guidance is registered by the disciple upon the Path, and such guidance (when followed) leads [wo]man nearer to the Hierarchy.
It is here that the divine necessity of achieving alignment is portrayed for us in the symbolism of the sky and when it has been achieved then there is a direct inflow of divine energy and man is linked up in a new and creative manner to sources of divine supply.
Astrologers will do well (in connection with the horoscopes of disciples and particularly of initiates), to consider the two Pointers and the Pole Star. They are mysteriously connected with the three aspects of incarnated man—Spirit [Polaris], soul [Merak] and body [Dubhe]. More than this it is not permitted to me to convey to you.”2
The 2021 Leo new moon therefore, has extraordinary importance because,
1. The new moon sits at the midpoint of the the two full moons of Leo in 2021. The latter blue moon is conjunct the fixed star Regulus. (More on this below.)
2. The new moon degree 16° Leo 14’ is closely conjunct Dubhe (15° Leo 29’) and more widely, Merak (19° Leo 26’). Hence, for unawakened Humanity this has particular significance: “The energy emanating from it [Dubhe] guides humanity upon the involutionary path, and is constantly active in its influence upon the man who is still upon the Mutable Cross.”
3. The new moon in Leo coincides with the annual heliacal rising of Sirius, depending upon the latitude viewed from. (July 22 to Aug.15) In other words, our Sol and Sirius rise with one another, creating an annual alignment. The goddess Isis (Sirius) emerges once more from the Underworld into the dawning light:
“The 70 day period during which Sirius disappeared from the night sky before its heliacal rising again was also the period of time between mummification and entombment, when through the ceremony of the opening of the mouth, the dead person was believed to reawake to eternal life in the underworld.”3
The temples of Isis in Philae and Hathor in Denderah are both believed to have been oriented to the heliacal rising of Sirius. Most of Earth humanity, will once liberated, choose the Path to Sirius, the “higher self” of this solar system.

Temple of Denderah, Egypt. Also the location of the ancient Denderah Zodiac.
4. As the new moon in Leo falls close to the Pointer stars, it potentially creates a conflict between Dubhe and Merak – the body and soul, the involutionary path and the path of discipleship, “self will” versus “carrying out god’s purpose”. These dilemmas mirror the extraordinary situation in which Humanity finds itself today. To emphasise, the new moon will give much of its stimulation to Dubhe, “expressive of a lower aspect of the will, which—in speaking of humanity—we call self-will” – yet “guiding humanity upon the involutionary path”.
5. The Sabian Symbol for the new moon degree is, “Volunteer church choir makes social event of rehearsal.” Here is the theme of service and spiritual group co-operation, symbolised by Leo’s polar opposite Aquarius, in which Saturn and Jupiter are currently transiting.
Individual, personal awareness serves the greater good and the choir of joyous voices creates sounds of aspiration and beauty, contributing to the building of the new Aquarian paradigm. Rehearsals are always necessary to get the performance right!
In total, the two full moons during Leo with the Leo new moon in the middle, will give an extraordinary boost to the Planetary Plan and the theme of Liberation, as determined by our Solar Logos (Sol) – but also by his “father” or higher self, Sirius. Sirius is intimately associated with Humanity and the working out of the greater cosmic plan within this solar system and on Earth. (Click here for further copious commentaries by the author on Sirius.)

Comparative size of Regulus. “The influences of Sirius, three in number, are focused in Regulus, which is … a star of the first magnitude and which is frequently called “the heart of the Lion.”
Leo Blue Moon Conjunct Regulus and Jupiter
As the second Leo full (blue) moon falls in the last degree of Leo (29° Leo 37’), the Sun will be conjunct the fixed star Regulus (0° Virgo 07’). The last time this occurred was in 2013 and similarly, this alignment provides a greater opportunity to receive the Sirian impulse:
“The influences of Sirius, three in number, are focussed in Regulus, which is, as you know, a star of the first magnitude and which is frequently called “the heart of the Lion.” There is more real occultism hidden in the names given to the various stars by astronomers down the ages than has yet been realised, and here you have a case in point.”4
Note the phrase “three in number”, alluding to a triple Sirian system of stars. The ancient Dogon tribe in Mali, Africa, believed in the existence of a white dwarf star Sirius B (invisible to the naked eye), well before its discovery by telescope in 1862. The Dogon may well have derived their knowledge from the ancient Egyptians, the second subrace of our Fifth Rootrace. In their cosmology, the very esoteric and ‘unproved’ Sirius C is placed at the centre.
Whilst Regulus is in Leo, Jupiter is opposite in Aquarius conjunct the moon. Jupiter’s presence here will considerably magnify the potency of this already powerful “Sirian full moon” – with the Sun conjunct Regulus, a star known as the “heart of the lion” and distributor for the “triple forces” of Sirius. Jupiter is the esoteric ruler of Aquarius and rules the second ray of Love-Wisdom, the ray that is the “foundation” of our entire solar system – to which Sirius is the “higher self”.
Hence, Jupiter is truly the essence of the Aquarian Water-Bearer who “pours forth for those who thirst” – from the urn placed upon the shoulder, emulating Atlas who holds the world upon his shoulders. The urn contains the waters or “plasma” of Love-Wisdom that are distributed freely to all of Humanity – whose goal is essentially learning how to love, “a truth that, behind all outer seeming, the motivating power of the universe is love.”
Jupiter, through its rulership of Sagittarius, is about finding this truth, wrestling from the Mind of the Divine the timeless verities, the perennial philosophies that endure through the ages. This is a particularly important theme in this current age of untruth, lies and propaganda: My truth versus your truth. My truth is truer than your “truth”. Your truth is my lie. Discerning the Truth for aspirants and disciples upon the Path constitutes testing for Initiation:
“Where the light of truth is called in, glamour automatically disappears, even if only for a temporary period. But, again, difficulty arises because few people care to face the actual truth, for it involves eventually the abandonment of the beloved glamour and the ability to recognise error and to admit mistakes, and this the false pride of the mind will not permit.”5
The Tibetan informs us that, “occult bodies and esoteric groups are at this time, the most glamoured of any of the world groups”– through having read the Wisdom teachings, and who subsequently “think that they know”:
“The third danger against which the aspirant must guard himself is becoming obsessed by his own embodied ideas, be they temporarily right or basically wrong. Forget not that all right ideas are temporary in nature and must eventually take their place as partial rights and give place to the greater truth. The fact of the day is seen later as part of a greater fact. A man can have grasped some of the lesser principles of the Ageless Wisdom so clearly and be so convinced of their correctness that the bigger whole is forgotten and he builds a thought-form about the partial truth which he has seen which can prove a limitation and keep him a prisoner and hold him back from progress.
He is so sure of his possession of truth that he can see the truth of no one else. He can be so convinced of the reality of His own embodied concept of what the truth may be that he forgets his own brain limitations and that the truth has come to him via his own soul and is consequently coloured by his ray, being subsequently built into form by his personal separative mind.
He lives but for that little truth; he can see no other; he forces his thought-form on other people; he becomes the obsessed fanatic and so mentally unbalanced, even if the world regards him as sane.”6
Notwithstanding these potential pitfalls, this second Leo “blue moon” period offers an extraordinary opportunity for Humanity as a whole to grasp some essential truths that will so brightly illuminate its Path, that a planetary revolution in consciousness is inevitable. Truth is intimately related to Beauty – one reveals the other!
Donald Trump, Leo and Regulus
Trump has his Leo ascendant at the same degree as this full moon – and is widely tipped to run for president again in 2024. This full moon may fuel those ambitions expansively – and in this light, we might note the traditional interpretation of Regulus:
“Success if revenge is avoided. The heart of the Lion and known as The Watcher of the North. A Royal Star of Persia. This is one of the great stars in the sky and is linked to the Persian mythical king, Feridum. He was a prosperous king but lost his kingdom when he engaged in revenge. All of the Royal Stars promise great potential and success as long as a particular human nemesis is avoided. In Regulus’ case, the issue is that of revenge and if strong in a chart, the individual needs to avoid this temptation.”7
Trump does feel sorely aggrieved from his claim that the last election was “stolen” and “rigged” by the Democrats and Big Media. Will his motive to run again be based upon service or revenge? Time will tell: “Polls show he remains easily the most popular presidential choice among Republican voters.”8
Mata Hari: Flamboyant Leo, Sultry Scorpio Rising
Mata Hari was born on Aug.7, 1876 with a Leo stellium and Scorpio rising – a perfect combination for an enigmatic performer, erotic dancer and spy! She took the stage name of Mata Hari – Malaysian for the sun – literally, “eye of the day”. One wonders if she realised the astrological rulership of the Sun to Leo, perhaps an intuitive choice?
“Margaretha Zelle or Mata Hari is known to the world as a courtesan and a double-agent who was executed by the French during World War I. However, her trials and convictions have been the subject of speculations even nine decades after her death. A lot of researchers believed that there was not enough evidence to prove the espionage charge and that she was wrongly convicted.
There are numerous books written on her and several movies have been made to commemorate this spectacular woman, for whom her emancipation meant everything. In the male dominated society of her time, she chose a path without any confines or restrictions.
She was least ashamed of what she did as she believed that god has gifted her with a flawless beauty and it is not a crime to flaunt it. She was a feminist in her own right who pursued her dreams and lived on her own terms. We all know her as a dancer and courtesan, but before that she was a wife and a mother who led a disastrous family life for nine long years until fate took her to Paris where her beauty and exquisiteness was well-received.”9
Mata Hari was Dutch and her home nation The Netherlands is a Uranus-ruled Aquarian soul, the opposite sign to Leo. Did she emerge from the national soul as a reformer to help break down some of the Victorian prudishness and puritanism that existed in her day? Did she help pave the way for the Dutch sexual/cultural revolution of 1968?
Or was she simply a promiscuous flirt, a prostitute, a femme fatale who used her sexual power to seduce men, motivated by greed and the need to maintain an extravagant lifestyle? She was reputedly the lover of Puccini (who included her in one of his operas), high ranking diplomats, counts, princes, military men etc. Mata Hari was born in the generation that had the Uranus-Pluto square. In 1968 with the worldwide revolution in consciousness, the square from the late 1800’s had moved to a conjunction of Uranus and Pluto.
In other words the challenges of breaking crystallisation in the Victorian Era, may have seen some fruit in the late 60’s. In the same time frame, Neptune moved from Taurus to opposite sign Scorpio, Mata Hari’s rising sign. Mars and Mercury are the esoteric rulers of Scorpio, exactly conjunct in Leo – in the ninth house of foreign travel, contributing to her skill in speaking five languages! Mata Hari was no intellectual slouch, though this may have been overlooked because of her notoriety – symbolised by rebellious Uranus conjunct the midheaven/Regulus!
It was this same independent Uranus that led her when a schoolgirl, to describe herself as “an orchid among buttercups”. She had the moon in and Saturn in Pisces, a sign that rules the feet and dance. In fact, the moon was in a grand trine formation in water signs, with Venus in Cancer and Scorpio rising. Here is a super intuitive soul, combining exotic dance and the beauty of Venus with the mystery and eroticism of Scorpio.
Mata Hari’s Leo sun was conjunct Dubhe, the star of “self-will” yet “guiding humanity upon the involutionary path”. However, Mars, Mercury and Uranus were conjunct Merak – was she “carrying out god’s purpose”?
Mata Hari had Venus in Cancer and was a great example of Venusian beauty in the feminine form (Cancer). When the author first posted a brief article on Facebook – on Mata Hari’s birthday, Facebook rejected one of its photos as being “against community guidelines” – with access to Facebook suspended for three days! This was because of a nude picture of Mata Hari that was found on Wikipedia … a fairly innocuous, arguably tasteful nude photograph. (At right >>>)
Is this a Victorian prudishness of Facebook or just part of their general insanity of gross censorship and control? Facebook’s Sun is in Aquarius opposite Mata Hari’s Sun in Leo – she was censored beyond the grave!
At this same time in 2021, transiting Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus are creating a grand cross to Mata Hari’s Scorpio ascendant. Interesting how some horoscopes continue to work, long past an individual’s disincarnation! The following is an interesting video documentary of her life, containing interviews with authors, commentators, academics etc.
Vaccinations: Past and Present
Pro-vaxxers make the argument for Covid shots by noting that vaccinations in the past have helped humanity tremendously – and that is true: Measles, Smallpox, Diptheria, Tetanus, Pertussis, Mumps, Rubella, Hepatitis B etc. Even The Tibetan in the early part of last century makes the comment that esotericists were “over-emphasising” about inoculations:
“On Inoculations. “What is the standing or value of inoculation or vaccination from an occult or esoteric standpoint?” This question is often in the minds of healers as they ask the further question which is the real basis of their interest, “Does it affect the subtler bodies? How?” There is no occult standard or value in inoculation, any more than there is an occult standard or value in giving a hypodermic injection. The entire question concerning serums and inoculations has been tremendously overemphasised by the so-called occult students.
The human body, at the present time, is the recipient of such a vast amount of substance, extraneously precipitated into the interior of the body, that the whole subject is of vaster import, yet of lesser importance, than men think.
Such is the paradox which I present to you. Wrong food of every kind, the inhalation of smoke down the centuries, the breathing in of tainted air, the taking of medicines and pills and tablets of every possible description, the rifling of the vegetable and mineral kingdoms in search of their ingredients, and the injection of mineral substances, of drugs and of serums, till one wonders sometimes at the remarkable assimilative powers of the human frame.
In all fairness, however, I would remind you that, as far as the physical well-being of man is concerned, these methods and techniques of the West have resulted in the production of a healthier race than in the East, in a very definite prolongation of human life, and in the elimination of many dire physical scourges which used to take their toll of man. This I, an Oriental, do admit. I have stated the situation thus in order to expand your view from the specific to the whole.”10
What a great and sadly true phrase, “… the rifling of the vegetable and mineral kingdoms in search of their ingredients”! However, a century later much has changed in vaccine science, through two main factors:
1. Vaccinations have become vastly sophisticated through the development of digital technology, DNA and mRNA science.
2. The large pharmaceutical companies are far more motivated by greed for profit than they were a century ago; their wealth, power and widely diffused influence has created a global medical dictatorship.
A spiritually aware person may be able to transcend the deleterious side-effects of some of the Covid vaccines. If the subtle bodies of these individuals vibrate at a higher frequency than those who have not yet awoken, then it is esoterically feasible that they can easily reject the lower vibrations of the toxic cocktail that these more recently developed vaccines contain:
“For a person who lives in high vibrations, i.e. in conjunction with the soul, it [Covid-19] is no more dangerous than acute respiratory infections because the body of a healthy person “swings” higher. Only occasionally does it slip into lower vibrations for various reasons.”11
But why jump easily or eagerly to test this theory? The number one objection to taking the vaccine might be based in the first place upon the exaggerations and lying propaganda about the disease itself, having one’s liberty trodden up illegally by governments, employers, Big Pharma and Media; a bullying coercion to take a vaccine (solution) for a man-made “virus” (problem).
Much evidence demonstrates conclusively that Covid was manufactered in a laboratory – a bioweapon for the express purpose of harming human beings. A weird marriage of Chinese tech with Fauci’s NIAID – all on the public record! The newly released book by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. documents this unholy marriage – The Real Anthony Fauci.
Pause for a moment to reflect on the content of a typical coronavirus vaccine, bearing in mind that Moderna is connected to Fauci through his directorship of NIAID ( National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases). Other companies like Astra Zeneca have mega corporations like Google heavily invested in the AstraZeneca/Oxford COVID “vaccine.” Google is the parent company of YouTube, which is why YouTube censors anything that threatens the rollout and future profits of COVID-19 gene modification therapies.
These ingredients are gobblegook to the average person, but have been broken down and explained by people like Dr. Andrew Kaufman and his brilliant video, “The Delta Variant – Fact, Fiction and outright Lies.” Some have claimed far worse undeclared substances, such as aborted foetal tissue which apparently the CDC has admitted. Consider also, other remarks that The Tibetan makes about modern drugs a century ago, when discussing different deva groups:
“A [deva] group who form the health auras of all the three middle kingdoms of nature (vegetable, animal and human) either collectively or individually. Man is coming into contact with them along medical lines and beginning somewhat to recognise them. One of the great errors into which the human family has fallen has been the endeavour to administer mineral drugs to man for medicinal purposes.
It has resulted in a combination of deva substances which was never intended. The relation of man to the lower kingdoms, and particularly to the animal and mineral, has brought about a peculiar condition in the deva world and has tended to complicate deva evolution. The use of animal food (and the use of minerals as medicine in a lesser degree) has produced a commingling of deva substance, and of vibrations which are not attuned to each other.”12
There are many reports now of more people dying from vaccinations than the virus. This is a highly contentious subject but ex-Pfizer research scientist Mike Yeadon says:
“The VAERS system has reported roughly 5,000 vaccine deaths in the first six months of 2021. “Normally there’s 200 a year for all vaccines combined,” he said. “It’s appalling, bluntly,” Dr. Yeadon said. “These should all have been withdrawn.”13 …
… There is absolutely no need for vaccines to extinguish the pandemic … You do not vaccinate people who aren’t at risk from a disease. You also don’t set about planning to vaccinate millions of fit and healthy people with a vaccine that hasn’t been extensively tested on human subjects.” (Dr. Mike Yeadon PhD, Pfizer’s former Vice President and Chief Scientist for Allergy & Respiratory Disease)
“What we know about coronavirus from 30 years of experience is that a coronavirus vaccine has a unique peculiarity, which in any attempt at making the vaccine has resulted in the creation of a class of antibodies that actually make vaccinated people sicker when they ultimately suffer exposure to the wild virus.”14
This “class of antibodies” may have connection with the previous passage: “commingling of deva substance, and of vibrations which are not attuned to each other“. Returning for a moment to a few points:
1. Development of modern vaccines The field is now far more susceptible for human gene manipulation and its bio-interface with technology. This has been one of the main themes emerging recently – with programs from the likes of WEF, merging human with AI technology. The use of 5G technology to control people via biotech interfaces, mRNA, graphene etc.
2. Big Pharma Why would an informed world trust these predatory corporations who often do their cynical sums before releasing a product? And as Dr. Yeadon pointed out, has not been tested extensively or had years of development? In other words, these companies will project how many $billions in fines for a product that maims or kills people, weighing it up with projected profits. Then having made profits as expected, will quite happily pay the fine – which is in itself an admission of guilt, a cynical, pre-meditated exercise in human exploitation. The following graphic illustrates this shocking fact:
3. If the subtle bodies of soul-aware individuals vibrate at a higher frequency than those who have not yet awoken, then it is esoterically feasible that they can easily reject the lower vibrations of the toxic cocktail that these more recently developed vaccines contain.
But what about the majority who have not yet woken to higher soul consciousness? Will they die off in droves, or will they survive? The majority of people who have had double vaccinations, from the young to the old have survived – so far. Yet many of the double-vaxxed are reported to have succumbed to Covid-19 and are being admitted to hospitals. The “vaccines” do not work. There may be also some truth in claims that in 2-5 years time, many of the vaxxed will be affected by the gene-altering cocktail contained in the vaccine, resulting in death.
The Popular Rudolf Steiner Quotation on Vaccines
More than a hundred years ago, esoteric teacher Rudolf Steiner wrote the following – and metaphysical students will rightly question if it is possible to cut connection to the soul via physical means:
“[page 85] The time will come — and it may not be far off — when quite different tendencies will come up at a congress like the one held in 1912 and people will say: It is pathological for people to even think in terms of spirit and soul. ‘Sound’ people will
speak of nothing but the body. It will be considered a sign of illness for anyone to arrive at the idea of any such thing as a spirit or a soul.
People who think like that will be considered to be sick and — you can be quite sure of it — a medicine will be found for this. At [The Council of] Constantinople the spirit was made non-existent. [The doctrine of reincarnation.] The soul will be made non-existent with the aid of a drug. Taking a ‘sound point of view’, people will invent a vaccine to influence the organism as early as possible, preferably as soon as it is born, so that this human body never even gets the idea that there is a soul and a spirit.
The two philosophies of life will be in complete opposition. One movement will need to reflect how concepts and ideas may be developed to meet the reality of soul and spirit. The others, the heirs of modern materialism, will look for the vaccine to make the body ‘healthy’, that is, makes its constitution such that this body no longer talks of such rubbish as soul and spirit, but takes a ‘sound’ view of the forces which live in engines and in chemistry and let planets and suns arise from nebulae in the cosmos. Materialistic physicians will be asked to drive the souls out of humanity.” (October 7, 1917. Rudolf Steiner, 1861-1925. The Fall of the Spirits of Darkness, p.85. Rudolf Steiner Press, 1993.)15
The previous passage is the not-so-well-known version, but the only one that could be authentically sourced by this author – as appearing in the book mentioned above – The Fall of the Spirits of Darkness. (PDF can be downloaded in the footnote link above.) It appears however, that someone took it upon themselves (using Steiner’s “spiritual authority”), to re-write the above passage into the more commonly found passage seen on many websites.
Bear in mind that with the Steiner books, the translation from German is notoriously complex and often does not read well. The following however, reads much easier than the version above and is essentially stating the same thing. Perhaps this was the main motive of the person who wrote it:
“In the future, we will eliminate the soul with medicine. Under the pretext of a ‘healthy point of view’, there will be a vaccine by which the human body will be treated as soon as possible directly at birth, so that the human being cannot develop the thought of the existence of soul and Spirit.
To materialistic doctors, will be entrusted the task of removing the soul of humanity. As today, people are vaccinated against this disease or that disease, so in the future, children will be vaccinated with a substance that can be produced precisely in such a way that people, thanks to this vaccination, will be immune to being subjected to the “madness” of spiritual life.
He would be extremely smart, but he would not develop a conscience, and that is the true goal of some materialistic circles. With such a vaccine, you can easily make the etheric body loose in the physical body. Once the etheric body is detached, the relationship between the universe and the etheric body would become extremely unstable, and man would become an automaton, for the physical body of man must be polished on this Earth by spiritual will. So, the vaccine becomes a kind of arymanique force; man can no longer get rid of a given materialistic feeling. He becomes materialistic of constitution and can no longer rise to the spiritual.”
Note the October date of this lecture in 1917, during WWI and just six months before the “real pandemic” of the Spanish flu in March 1918! As pointed out in other newsletters, the flu is a disease relating to mass fear, which the horrific experience of WWI generated:
“Why are these difficulties of the astral body so “perilous” and so serious? Worry and Irritation are dangerous because:
1. They lower the vitality of the man to such a point that he becomes susceptible to disease. The scourge of influenza has its roots in fear and worry, and once the world settles down to freedom from the present “fearful” condition, we shall see the disease die out.
2. They are so highly infectious from the astral point of view that they lower in a peculiar manner the astral atmosphere, and thus make it hard for people—in the astral sense—to breathe freely.
3. Because the astral conditions of fear, worry and irritation are so widespread today that they might be regarded as epidemic, in a planetary sense.”16
“The reason why humanity … succumbs with such rapidity and such ease to disease. The conflicts to which humanity is so constantly summoned, both in group form and as individuals, lead—until understood and used as a means to triumph and progress—to a condition of constant devitalisation.
Where this is present, resistance to disease fades out and practically all forms of ill health and bodily ills become possible. Diffusion of energy leads to a constant lessening of this resistance. As a result you have debility, quick and bad reaction to the disease indigenous in the planet itself, and a rapid taking on of infections and of contagious diseases. It is this energy which lies behind what we call epidemics, and influenza is one of its main expressions.”17
The Cowardice of Silence and the Phenomenon of Fear
“Silence becomes cowardice when occasion demands speaking out the whole truth and acting accordingly.” (Mahatma Ghandi)
In this month of Leo and the potential for the development and understanding of courage, the silence or reticence of those who are “social influencers”, who could speak up, who could take a position in this current world crisis – is deafening.
Billions of human souls have allowed themselves to be emasculated by the state, by propaganda and fear, meekly submitting to the current global tyranny. German Lutheran pastor Martin Niemöller (1892–1984), who lived through the horrors of both world wars, had this to say:
“First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.”18
In this light, it might be appropriate to explore the phenomenon of fear, the major glamour that lies behind all human glamours:
“Fear. This is one of the most usual of the manifestations of astral energy, and is put first because it constitutes, for the vast majority, the Dweller on the Threshold and also in the last analysis is the basic astral evil.
Every human being knows fear and the range of the fear vibrations extends from the instinctual fears of the savage man based on his ignorance of the laws and forces of nature, and on his terror of the dark and the unknown …
… to the fears so prevalent today of loss of friends and loved ones, of health, of money, of popularity and on to the final fears of the aspirant—the fear of failure, the fear which has its roots in doubt, the fear of ultimate negation or of annihilation, the fear of death (which he shares equally with all humanity) the fear of the great illusion of the astral plane, of the phantasmagoria of life itself, and also fear of loneliness on the Path, even to the very fear of Fear itself.
This list could be largely extended but suffices to indicate the prevalence of fears of all kinds. They dominate most situations and darken many happy moments. They reduce man to a timid and frightened atom of sentient life, standing afraid before the stupendousness of the problems of existence, aware of his insufficiency as a man to cope with all situations and unable to leave his fears and questionings behind and step into his heritage of freedom and of life.
Often he is so ridden by fear that he becomes afraid of his very reason. The picture cannot be too blackly coloured, for fear is the dominant astral energy at this time and sensitive humanity succumbs all too easily to it.”19
As stated many times in these missives, the zodiacal interlude of Leo provides the potential to invoke the qualities of courage, daring and boldness – to go beyond one’s comfort zone into uncharted territory; this is achieved through independent thinking, the conviction and confidence in one’s ideas, alloyed by a steady and generous heart – that recognises the need for service to the greater whole.
(See also this author’s, Depression, a Global Problem)
Whilst on the subject of astral illusion, it is worth reflecting upon the following passage about depression, the “close cousin” of fear:
“Depression or its polar opposite, hilarity. When we touch on the subject of depression we are dealing with something so widespread that few escape its attacks. It is like a miasma, a fog which environs the man and makes it impossible for him to see clearly, walk surely, and cognise Reality.
It is part of the great astral illusion and, if this is grasped, it will become apparent why depression exists, for the cause of it is either astral or physical and incident to a world situation or a personal situation. We might therefore study depression in individuals and look at its causes. It is caused by:
1. The world glamour. This sweeps an isolated unit, otherwise free from individual conditions producing depression, into the depths of a world reaction. This world glamour with its devitalising and depressing results has its roots in various factors which we have only the time to briefly indicate:
a. Astrological factors, either affecting the planetary chart and hence individuals, or primarily racial. These two factors are oft overlooked.
b. The path of the sun in the heavens. The southern path tends to a lowered vibratory influence and aspirants should bear this in mind in autumn and the early winter months.
c. The dark half of the moon, the period towards the end of the waning moon, and the early new moon. This, as you well know, affects the meditation work.
d. Psychological factors and mass inhibitions due undoubtedly to forces external to the planet and to plans, obscure in their intent to ordinary humanity. These forces, playing upon the human race, affect the most sensitive; they in their turn affect their environment and gradually a momentum is established which sweeps through a race or a nation, through a period or a cycle of years, and produces conditions of profound depression and of mutual distrust.
It causes a sad self-absorption and this we term a panic or a wave of unrest. The fact that the working out may be military, economic, social or political, that it may take the form of a war, of a religious inquisition, of financial stringency or international distrust is incidental. The causes lie back in the blue prints of the evolutionary process and are governed—even if unrealised—by the good Law.

Krishna confers with Arjuna. Scene from The Mahabharata movie, directed by Peter Brook. 5 hrs 24′!)
2. Astral polarisation. Just as long as a man identifies himself with his emotional body, just as long as he interprets life in terms of his moods and feelings, just as long as he reacts to desire, just so long will he have his moments of despair, of darkness, of doubt, of dire distress, and of depression. They are due to delusion, to the glamour of the astral plane, which distorts, reverses and deceives.
If there is one factor aspirants recognise it is the need of freeing themselves from the Great Illusion. Arjuna knew this, yet succumbed to despair. Yet in his hour of need, Krishna failed him not, but laid down in the Gita the simple rules whereby depression and doubt can be overcome. They may be briefly summarised as follows:
- Know thyself to be the undying One.
- Control thy mind, for through that mind the undying One can be known.
- Learn that the form is but the veil which hides the splendour of Divinity.
- Realise that the One Life pervades all forms so that there is no death, no distress, no separation.
- Detach thyself therefore from the form side and come to Me, so dwelling in the place where Light and Life are found. Thus illusion ends.
It is his astral polarisation which lays a man open to his many emotional reactions and to waves of mass feeling of any kind. This is the cause of his being swept into that vortex of uncontrolled energy and misdirected emotional force which eventuates in a world war, a financial panic, a religious revival, or a lynching.
It is this also that raises him to the heights of hilarity and of spurious happiness in which the “light deceptive” of the astral plane uncovers to him false sources of amusement, or the mass hilarity—owing to his sensitivity—sweeps him into that hysterical condition which finds its vent in unrestrained merriment and which is the opposite pole of unrestrained weeping.
I refer not here to true merriment nor the proper sense of humour, but to those hysterical outbreaks of hilarity which are so common among the rank and file of humanity and lead to reactions of fatigue.”20
The Spanish Flu of 1918
“The scourge of influenza has its roots in fear and worry”21, which can of course be bought on by an horrific war such as WWI – that was just finishing around this date.
The “real pandemic” was identified as early as Feb.9, 1918 in a Los Angeles newspaper, suggesting that it had made its appearance only a few weeks before. This is confirmed by researchers identifying a January 1918 outbreak in Kansas – the disease was not “Spanish”.
In January of 1918, Pluto the destroyer was passing through Cancer, conjunct Venus in USA’s horoscope. Cancer is the sign of mass consciousness, ruled esoterically by Neptune, conditioning the astral body.
During the flu’s heavy death toll over the next few years (USA 675,000), spanning the end of WWI in Nov. 1918, transiting Pluto passed over both Venus and Jupiter in Cancer, in USA’s horoscope. During that period also, it was the 12-year Jupiter return in Cancer – amplifying the effects upon the masses.
In the full moon chart of January 1918, the most likely time of flu incubation, the Sun in Aquarius was opposite the Moon and Neptune in Leo. Neptune not only rules the astral body but is also related to diseases, particularly those that are hard to diagnose or related to mass consciousness. The subject of using disease as a weapon against one’s enemies is very ancient. In an article titled, Spanish Flu of 1918 Was Really a Bioterror Attack on Humanity – it is stated:
“From January 21 – June 4, 1918, an experimental bacterial meningitis vaccine cultured in horses by the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research in New York was injected into soldiers at Fort Riley.” Readers may wish to read the rest of this article, just one of many on the subject that the “Spanish” flu was either a deliberate bio-weapon or a medical experiment gone awry. Paranoid conspiracy theory? You decide!

A scene from the movie 1984, adapted from George Orwells prophetic book. (Starring John Hurt and Richard Burton.)
The New Medical-Media Inquisition
“The Glamour of Authority is a mass glamour in most cases … wherein men are safeguarded from themselves by the imposition of some rule, some set of laws, some authoritative dictum, emanating from state control, from the rule of an oligarchy, or from the dictatorship of some individual … It is imposed and ordered through catering to the fear complex, rampant in humanity at this time; and this fear is one of the most fruitful sources of glamour which we have. We might perhaps and with reason regard it as the seed of all glamour upon our planet …
When the glamour of authority transfers itself into the spiritual consciousness of man, we have such a state of affairs as the period of the Inquisition in its worst forms, of Church authority, with the emphasis upon organisation, government and penalties, or the unquestioned rule of some teacher. In its highest forms we have the recognition of the right of the solar Angel, of the soul or ego, to rule.”22
As noted earlier,
“[Depression] causes a sad self-absorption and this we term a panic or a wave of unrest. The fact that the working out may be military, economic, social or political, that it may take the form of a war, of a religious inquisition, of financial stringency or international distrust is incidental.”
The infamous Milgram Experiment that encouraged humans to inflict pain on other humans, found that 65% of people will abandon critical thinking and moral values when a doctor tells them to do something, or some other voice of authority.
In the past 18 months, the world has entered into an unprecedented crisis, that has seen Humanity become the victim of propaganda, exaggeration, the perpetration and perpetuation of fear, media manipulation and medical authoritarianism. Humanity has been hoodwinked, bullied, coerced, cajoled, controlled, regimented, gaslighted, locked-down and mask-queraded.
The world is now arguably in the worst situation since the religious inquisitions of the past 1,000 years in Europe. But now, this New Inquisition has arisen from a combination of Big Media, Pharma and Tech, WEF, WHO etc. – dictating to world governments through their economic power and distorted idealism.
All these entities are the vehicles for much more shadowy forces that hide behind world events – large cabals, cartels and “interlocking directorates” – who have never had Humanity’s best interest at heart, bent upon simply “harvesting” human resources, turning them into faceless automatons that can be exploited for personal or corporate gain. The individual and group entities that function as the “vehicles for these shadowy forces”, fanatically lead the charge in their own sphere of distorted ideas; it is these people who fall into the following trap:
“The thought form of an idea has been potently constructed. It has taken to itself also colour and beauty. It is, therefore, capable of holding a man both mentally and emotionally. If he has no sense of balance, no sense of proportion and no sense of humour, the thought form can become so potent that he finds he is an avowed devotee, unable to retreat from his position. He can see nothing and believe nothing and work for nothing except that embodied idea which is so powerfully holding him a captive.
Such people are the violent partisans in any group, in any church, order or government. They are frequently sadistic in temperament and are the adherents of cults and sciences; they are willing to sacrifice or to damage anyone who seems to them inimical to their fixed idea of what is right and true. The men who engineered the Spanish Inquisition and those who were responsible for the outrages in the times of the Covenanters [17th century Scotland] are samples of the worst forms of this line of thought and development.23
Many medical experts from around the world have tried to rally against the avalanche of propaganda promoting Covid-19 as some kind of new Black Death, that as a result, everyone must be vaccinated; but they have been blocked by government and big media – no televised discussion or debate has been allowed virtually anywhere in the world.

For a wide variety of news, find them on https://telegram.org
This in itself should have been a major warning bell for advanced thinkers and the spiritually oriented – more than a whiff of fascism and totalitarianism here! No discussion or debate has been allowed about Covid-19, let alone vaccines that have had very little R & D/testing time, yet have been foisted upon the public anyway!
But despite this, millions of forward-thinking people, including many aspirants and disciples on the Path – have ignored this repression of free speech and the diminishment of basic human liberties, invasion into their privacy; they have been taken-in by the mainstream narrative that has guilt-tripped everyone for not being “socially responsible” – i.e. not wearing a mask or social distancing. As a result people are becoming digitally controlled zombies, an accelleration of what has already been occurring in the past decade.
The forces of separation have been hard at work to create division with groups, families and friends – and have been successful so far in achieving their aims. Now the world is moving into an era of medical apartheid, the vaxxed or the unvaxxed, with celebrities and public figures declaring that they will part company with unvaccinated friends and acquaintances. This is having a trickle-down effect to the entire world population, where your invitation to a party might contain a little note like, “If you are not vaxxed, do not bother coming”.
Already, police are walking into restaurants in France, while diners are eating, demanding proof of vaccination passports. Police are raiding sacred events like the baptism of babies in Britain. Australia has an unbelievable, over-the-top reaction with hundreds of army personnel patrolling the streets. The US congress is proposing a bill to ban all flights unless vacccinated. Israel already has the ignominous reputation of being a leader in the field – of damning and discriminating the “vaccine hesitant” or the unvaccinated in general.
The Materialistic Forces, through their various agents/agencies/governments are attempting to shame the unvaccinated to feel like lepers, outcasts or “selfish” – even like the Jews of Nazi Germany. Indeed, some protesters in Berlin and London recently were seen wearing the discriminating yellow star of Jews, replacing the word “Jude” with a phrase meaning “unvaccinated” – equating Covid restrictions with the persecution of Europe’s Jewish population. Other phrases such as “digital concentration camp” have also been used.
That kind of authoritarianism utilises the most insidious kind of indoctrination and bullying – fuelled by fear and hysteria. This is called fundamentalism, which is an emotional and irrational attachment to an idea that has become a distorted ideal, eventually becoming the worshipped idol. Australian Prime Minister and staunch evangelical Christian, Scott Morrison said recently:
“We’ve got to do the right thing by each other. We’ve got to do the right thing by our neighbours, our communities, our city, our country. You can do that by following the rules, staying at home, getting vaccinated and getting tested. That is what is being asked of Australians and that is how you get through. There isn’t an alternative way. There is not some alternative world where you don’t have to have these restrictions and somehow the virus doesn’t kill large numbers of people. That world doesn’t exist.”
But, Mr. Morrison – Australia has one of the lowest death rates in the world – 949 deaths out of 38,168 cases = 0.0248 % in 18 months, or 37 deaths per million – mainly of people in the upper age group bracket with predisposing illnesses – like everywhere else in the world. Or out of a population of 25,828,671 = 0.0036 %! And this demands some of the most insane, draconian lock-downs in the world? (worldometers.info/coronavirus)
Where is the critical thinking? A quick perusal of Australia’s newspapers reads as a horror-show of fear, control, belitttlement and shaming in a majority of articles that saturate the newsfeed. Likewise in other formats such as Britain’s The Guardian – a shameless, blatant propaganda vessel.
Medical specialists in epidemiology and viruses, lawyers, university professors – have not only been blocked from expressing their counter-views, but have been demonised and denounced as crazy, paranoid conspiracy theorists. This is pure CIA style psy-ops.
McCarthyism of the “Disinformation Dozen”
A case in point was the recent event in the USA, a McCarthy-esque indictment of the “Disinformation Dozen”. Note the power of not only alliteration in the phrase, but an association to the Dirty Dozen film, implying that they are “dirty” and “dirty people” should not dare talk about alternatives – for calling out the false propaganda?
Furthermore, the term was coined by a group that calls itself The Centre for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH)! Really, these doctors and healers whose mantra is to, “do no harm”, who have been working all their lives to alleviate human suffering – are promoting “digital hate”?
Now can be seen how everything has been “astrally reversed”, how low this crisis has sunk. One recalls the words of W.B. Yeats from his famous poem, The Second Coming: “Turning and turning in the widening gyre, The falcon cannot hear the falconer; Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold.” These healers and activists have been offering alternative methods to deal with Covid-19 and have challenged the motives of the status quo – Big Medicine and Pharma:
“These individuals were selected either because they run anti-vaccine social media accounts with large numbers of followers, because they produce high volumes of anti-vaccine content or because their growth was accelerating rapidly at the outset of our research in February. Full profiles of each are available at the end of this report.
1. Joseph Mercola. 2. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. 3. Ty and Charlene Bollinger. 4. Sherri Tenpenny. 5. Rizza Islam. 6. Rashid Buttar. 7. Erin Elizabeth. 8. Sayer Ji. 9. Kelly Brogan. 10. Christiane Northrup. 11. Ben Tapper. 12. Kevin Jenkins.”24
There are some outstanding physicians within this group, who have only been selected due to their high internet influence with millions of followers. There are thousands of other professionals who have alternative views to the mainstream media narrative, but do not have such a large public profile, such as a few listed here:
Dr. Andrew Kaufman – video – The Delta Variant – Fact, Fiction and outright Lies.
Luc Montagnier (Nobel laureate) video, “Bombshell: Covid Vaccine is Creating Variants.”
NTD News – video – “The Coverup of the Century: How the CCP covered up the coronavirus outbreak”.
Robert F Kennedy Jr. – video – Constitutionality of mandatory Covid-19 vaccinations.
Dr. Joseph Mercola – article, “The Deadly Censorship of Ivermectin”.
The following extraordinary video came out just after this newsletter was released: “Disinformation Dozen”: A ‘Faulty Narrative’ With No Evidence, Says Facebook, Despite 16,000 News Headlines
Clash of the Titans: Saturn and Uranus
One of the main significators for the current planetary crisis, is the ongoing square of Saturn in Aquarius with Uranus in Taurus – that began in March 2020, just after WHO announced “pandemic” and lockdown restrictions imposed worldwide – the masquerade had begun with the aid of deceptive Neptune in Pisces, in its lower expression.
The square between the two Titans will continue until Oct. 2022: The battle between the status quo/ruling majority represented by Saturn in Aquarius – versus the reforming energies of Uranus in Taurus.
In its lower aspect, Saturn represents draconian authority and control, augmented potently by power planet Pluto, placed in the Saturn-ruled sign of Capricorn. Humanity is entering the new Aquarian 2,160-year cycle, but the world is witnessing the selfish, distorted use of Aquarian energy – where science (or “scientism”) is prostituted for material gain, in which a community of corporations are driven to dominate and exploit. This is not the sharing, distributive nature of the Aquarian water-bearer – it is the shadow of the Aquarian Age that invokes the lower, me-first mentality of its polar opposite, Leo.
Ironically, Uranus – the ruler of Aquarius, is transiting through Taurus (“the mother of illumination”), making its challenging square aspect to Saturn – like the grinding of two massive tectonic plates against one another, creating the scenario of massive earthquakes – culturally, spiritually and even physically: Saturn wants to maintain control, whilst Uranus seeks a complete breakdown and reform of the existing system. This struggle is occurring as a nexus point during:
1. The cusp of the ages Pisces-Aquarius.
2. The cusp of the outgoing sixth ray of devotion and the incoming seventh ray of ceremonial order.
3. The cusp of the fifth and sixth subraces of the Fifth Rootrace, indeed – the cusp of the Fifth and Sixth Rootraces per se.
4. The Law of Cleavages for this Fifth Rootrace (which corresponds to the fifth sign Leo), “is controlled by the great heresy of separativeness. Through these cleavages the fires of destruction may emerge and end our civilisation, as the Atlantean civilisation was ended, unless the conscious sons of God can build those bridges and develop that understanding which will offset this law, thus bringing into functioning activity the law which governs the coming race [The Law of Loving Understanding.]”25
A reminder that all planetary, zodiacal and rays have their lower and higher expression – their point of least resistance or, their more intelligently appropriated and applied energies. Hence, the 14-month period between Aug. 2021 and Oct.2022, will see the last “squaring off” between these planets – their final showdown.
Will the minority who represent Uranian freedom and reform win out over the entrenched, recalcitrant force of Saturn that wants to be the jailer and lockdown/lockup the masses? Uranus must win the day, if Humanity is to move forward unencumbered, into the Aquarian age of light.
What might occur therefore, in the next year, is that the world situation could severely deteriorate, as many more millions rebel against imposed authority. Uranus is the rebel, revolutionary and reformer. This might mean violent protests and bloody insurrection on a much broader scale than is already happening. If this does occur, then desperate governments, corporate interests, Big Tech, Pharma and Media will seek to keep that resistance contained.

The New Group of World Servers can have a huge influence over these possible world events, through outer activism and inner group work.
And/or wrestle for power with one another, create distractions like military conflict, more variants, financial depression, internet or electricity suppression – any controlling ruse that will keep humanity in a constant state of fear and foreboding.
Again, this will be exacerbated by Pluto in status-quo sign Capricorn, making its transition into Aquarius from Mar. 2023 to Nov. 2024. This period overlaps USA’s Pluto return (Feb.-Dec. 2022) that has already been in motion for the past few years – a Plutonic destruction and breaking down of the nation on many fronts.
This is the first Pluto 248-year return since USA’s formation, hence all the crystallisations blocking the nation’s spiritual progress have surfaced and are being revealed. Hence, during this latter period of Pluto in Capricorn, all the plutonic, underworld forces that seek to control, cancel and dictate – will most likely arise even more powerfully, in a “last gasp”, “last ditch” effort, than has been seen in the past two years.
Yet, the promise of Pluto moving into Aquarius is reflected in history with Pluto in this same sign during the French Revolution of 1789 – where the destruction of the Ancien Regime was effected. Aquarius is also the governing soul energy of the USA and herein lies the hope of the world – because the Planetary Dweller and Planetary Angel are currently anchored in that nation – locked in mortal combat.
How can we all contribute to this bright new, “day-be-with-us”? Resist the “new normal”, stand up for yourself, your community, your civil rights – cultivate courage! This term, “day-be-with-us” is described by H.P. Blavatsky as,
“That day when man, freeing himself from the trammels of ignorance, and recognising fully the non-separateness of the Ego within his personality … merges thereby into the One Essence to become not only one ‘with us’ (the manifested universal lives which are ‘ONE’ LIFE), but that very life itself” (SD I:130-1).”26
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Spain Sixth Ray Soul: Lions of Leon
From the Spanish Inquisition and the Spanish Flu to modern Spain! The author recently visited Leon – a very old city established in the first century in north-west of Spain. Many of these Spanish cities have managed to combine the old with the modern, creating large public spaces, beautiful parks, cycle-ways etc.
The Leon cathedral took about 100 years to build between 1205 – 1301 – it is also called The House of Light. It is supposed to be one the most relevant examples of the Gothic style in Spain.
The cathedral’s beauty and grandeur remain to this day – an example of Spain’s sixth ray soul, the ray of religious devotion and idealism; but also the zealous fundamentalism that created three centuries of The Spanish Inquisition! The Tibetan both praises and criticises the old cathedrals:
“The vast cathedrals and the pompous ceremonies of the orthodox are far removed from the humble way of the life of the Christ, the Master of all the Masters and the Teacher alike of angels and of men, and from the simplicity of His present way of life as He watches and waits for the return of His people to the simple way of spiritual realisation.”27
Spain is a seventh ray personality and this ray of order/organisation can be seen in the fine craftsmanship of its many churches, castles and cathedrals:
“The Grand Geometrician of the universe works through this seventh ray, and thus sets His seal upon all form life, particularly in the mineral world. This the Masonic Fraternity has always known, and this concept it has perpetuated symbolically in the great world cathedrals, which embody the glory of the mineral world and are the sign of the work of the Master Builder of the universe.”28
The spires on the cathedral are a reminder of Sagittarius, aspiring and questing for that which resides in the mind of the divine – Spain is a Sagittarius soul, through which the sixth ray energy finds its strongest expression in this cycle.
Hence, Sagittarius combined with the distorted force of its sixth ray soul, was a deadly combination of religious zealotry, persecution and cruelty – during its Inquisition in Europe and explorations in South America.
Photosynthesis of the Soul
Most of us are aware of the basic processes of photosynthesis in the vegetable kingdom, whereby, “plants convert light energy into chemical energy through cellular respiration can later be released to fuel the organism’s metabolic activities.”29 Hu-mans are “man plants” whose souls are rooted upon the higher abstract subplanes of the mental plane, and whose spirits reside upon the even higher monadic plane.
Photosynthesis has its origin in the Greek phōs, meaning “light”, and sunthesis “putting together”. Note how the latter word contains “Sun”, the great synthesising agent of this solar system.
The soul is the “little sun” that shines upon human lives – to which they increasingly respond in their long evolution from darkness to light. The “little sun” of the soul responds to the “greater sun” of the spirit or monad, which in turn responds to Sol, the sun of our solar system. Hence, we see how billions of souls emulate sunflowers of the field, tracking the sun in their daily photosynthesis process, attracting bees for pollination.
The following deeply esoteric passage from The Secret Doctrine, describes how the human monad/manplant is, “a spark from the eternal flame”, or more colloquially, “a chip off the old block”! It also touches upon the great mystery of how the human monad incarnates in all kingdoms before the human, over an immense period of time, billions of years in fact, as discussed in the author’s book, Unveiling Genesis: Mysteries of the Rootraces and Cycles:
Also notable is that the “fruit” of the sunflower is its magnificent geometrical mandala of seeds, that resembles the human crown chakra. The head centre represents the directing Will, where the so-called “consciousness aspect” is anchored. The “man-plant” grows not just by etheric prana from the sun of course, it really THRIVES on the life that is “veiled” by the Sun, the esoteric ruler of Leo – Neptune, the principle related to the “heart of the lion”, and of buddhi or intuition.
Uranus is the other planet veiled at Leo’s hierarchical level of rulership – and rules the crown chakra at that advanced stage of evolution. Uranus is also the ruler of the seventh ray of Ceremonial Order or Magic, the ray of geometrical patterns that reflect spiritual archetypes. Hence the geometrical beauty of the sunflower, a reflection of the Sun in the vegetable kingdom and the crown chakra in man. Leo also rules the first “creative hierarchy” the deepest foundation of the zodiac signs:
“The first great Hierarchy is emanated from the Heart of the central Spiritual Sun. It is the Son of God Himself, the First Born in a cosmic sense, even as the Christ was the “Eldest in a vast family of brothers,” and the “first flower on the human plant.” The symbol of this Hierarchy is the Golden Lotus with its twelve petals folded.”31
Phillip Lindsay © 2021.
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- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.289. [
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. pp. 195-7. [
- wilderness-ventures-egypt.com [
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.301. [
- Glamour: A World Problem, Alice A. Bailey. p.145. [
- A Treatise on White Magic, Alice A. Bailey. p.490. [
- Solar Fire Astrology program. Esoteric Technologies P/L. [
- theguardian.com [
- thefamouspeople.com More at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mata_Hari [
- Esoteric Healing, Alice A. Bailey. p.323. [
- eu-chronicle.eu [
- A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p.645. [
- theliberal.ie [
- Robert F. Kennedy Jr., stateofthenation.co [
- doyletics.com [
- Esoteric Healing, Alice A. Bailey. p.70. [
- Esoteric Healing, Alice A. Bailey. p.301. [
- German Lutheran pastor, Martin Niemöller. 1892–1984. [
- A Treatise on White Magic, Alice A. Bailey. p. 297-8. [
- A Treatise on White Magic, Alie A. Bailey. pp.306-8. [
- Esoteric Healing, Alice A. Bailey. p.70. [
- Glamour: A World Problem, Alice A. Bailey. p.45. [
- Esoteric Psychology II, Alice A. Bailey. p.455. [
- counterhate.com [
- Esoteric Psychology I, Alice A. Bailey. pp.376-9. [
- Theosophy World [
- Glamour: A World Problem, Alice A. Bailey. p.186 [
- Esoteric Psychology I, Alice A. Bailey. p.373. [
- Wikipedia [
- Cosmic Evolution, Transactions of the Blavatsky Lodge p.xvi. [
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.38. [
Thank you! An amazing piece of brilliance.
Thank you for your great work.
Thank you for so much uplifting, encouraging information. It’ll help to keep up the good work of a world server
Hello Phillip, excellent article, as always wide and diverse!
Perhaps I disagree a little with the psychological and active attitude that must be taken to face the global-social situation that the pandemic has created, although it is true that first of all we have to be aware of what is happening. Conscious attention is the prelude to intuition.
Returning to Leo, the root of the article, The Tibetan Master tells us that the causal body resides in the fifth house … and if we associate Leo with this house and with the First and Fifth Ray we can say that the fifth house manifests o creates the Will (1R) Intelligent (5R) of the Soul, that is, the causal body.
A causal body or 5th house that is conditioned by the 1st house: “the path of the Soul”. A path that this Intelligent-Will must walk if it wants to be aware of its evolution. An evolution, following the same analogy, which has its sights set on the meanings of the 9th house: “the mind of God”, the ideal that my “I am” or causal body will one day be.
Thank you for the Letters…..from the Netherlands
Thanks Philip for bringing some sanity to this insane situation. We are certainly witnessing the culmination of the corruptions humanity has allowed to exist over the years. These have now grown and grown to the point where we can now see the monster we have created and it’s now quite a beast to try and beat down. May your lighted lighthouse continue to act as a beacon for truth and help to wake up humanity.