Libra 2017: Sex and Relationships (Part 1)
The Birth of Venus. (Botticelli.)
Libra Keynote
“I choose the Way that leads between the two great lines of force.”
(Full Moon: October 5, 2017. 6.40 pm. UTC/GMT)
“The sign Libra … lacks spectacular interest of any kind – except in the case of disciples or those nearing the Path. It is a sign of balancing, of careful weighing of values, and of achieving the right equilibrium between the pairs of opposites. It might be regarded as the sign in which the first real vision of the Path appears and of the goal towards which the disciple must ultimately direct his steps. This Path is the narrow razor-edged Path which runs between the pairs of opposites and which – if it is to be safely trodden – requires the development of a sense of values and the power to utilise rightly the balancing, analytical faculty of the mind.”1
Libra, Leo and the Law for Children
USA’s Role in the 1960’s Consciousness Revolution
Libra-Scorpio and Sexual Revolution
1969: Jupiter and Uranus Enter Libra
Venus and Uranus Rule Libra
Uranus, Sex and the Seventh Ray
Libra and Sex Education
Homosexuality and its Origin
Sex and the Moon Chain Failure

India has highest child labour in South Asia.
Libra, Leo and the Law for Children
“Libra will eventually rule, and the end of this century will see the influence of Libra steadily coming into pronounced control and into a position of power in the planetary horoscope.”2
What the planetary horoscope looks like, can only be speculated upon! This passage refers to the end of last century and we know that Libra has maintained its “position of power in the planetary horoscope,” because of a prediction (already in gestation), that will bring about certain changes before 2035 AD. This next passage is part of the previous one:
“A certain relationship or configuration of stars – of which one is the star Regulus, in Leo – will bring about a situation wherein the re-orientation of the attitude of the legal profession will take place; its functions and duties will be centralised for the purpose of world usefulness, and in this process legislation for children will assume great importance and be the motivating power. This legal step will be primarily advocated by Russia and endorsed by the United States of America. Before 2035 A.D. such legislation will be universal in its sphere of influence and control.”3
Regulus in Leo was discussed in the recent Leo newsletter, in relation to the forces of the star Sirius focused through it. (Regulus is now in Virgo tropically but still in Leo sidereally.) As its name implies, Regulus is a word that evokes a sense of regulation, law and order – which the Leonine sovereign applies from the “throne” of the crown chakra. Libra’s symbol of the Scales carefully weighs and reconciles universal law with earthly laws, justice and judgement. Libra is in harmonious sextile aspect to the sign of Leo, hence their mutual compatibility on this theme.
The phrase “legislation for children” must apply to several areas, where it appears that a greater awareness and action has already been generated. One main area is child sexual abuse – yet, from appalling reports in mainstream media of child pornography, pedophile rings and ritual abuse, it seems there is still a long way to go in defending children.

Smuggling of children.
Alternative media has an even greater coverage of this subject which the MSM ignores, possibly because the information may appear to be “too fantastic to be true”; offenders from all walks of life, particularly in the upper echelons of society. (Politicians, judges, lawyers, police etc.) The “outing” of several high profile media personalities over the last several years in Britain for instance, is said to reveal only the tip of the iceberg.4
Libra’s three main keynotes are the law, sex and money – all three are bought into play on this subject. Other kinds of legislation for children encompass child slavery, smuggling and labour, all associated with prostitution and financial exploitation. Legislation covers other areas – civil, political, economic, social, health and cultural rights of children.
The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC or UNCRC) is a human rights treaty set up during Scorpio 1989, evolving toward greater effectiveness by the year 2035. The moon in that CRC horoscope is appropriately in Leo conjunct Regulus! The prophecy of 2035 also discusses the role of Russia and the USA, currently in the midst of a US-revived cold war, impeding their eventual work together as a triangle with Britain.
USA’s Role in the 1960’s Consciousness Revolution
Libra-Scorpio and the Sexual Revolution
Understanding the sequence of annual experience through the zodiac signs can be very empowering, not least with the Libra-Scorpio combination, where these two signs can often be discussed together. The theme of sex and its right use is ancient, hence this newsletter can only touch upon some of the highlights of this vast subject.
The sexual revolution began in the 1960’s, loosening-up lingering Victorian puritanism, with explorations and experiments into bisexual, transsexual, homosexual, asexual, pansexual, omnisexual, polysexual, gender equality etc. Or, that might have been a re-exploration, because most of these themes loomed large in much older civilisations.
The astrological influences during the 1960’s and early 1970’s that brought about these changes were:
Neptune in Scorpio (1957 to 1971).
Saturn in Aquarius (1962-1965).
Uranus-Pluto conjunction (1963-1968)
Jupiter-Uranus conjunction (1969)
Pluto Ingress to Libra (1971)
Neptune in Scorpio had a potent influence in dissolving old sexual mores, and encouraging a penetrating and adventurous investigation into sex. Neptune rules mind-altering substances that stimulate mystical visions, which can account for that period’s widespread use of cannabis, LSD and other psychedelics.
Neptune rules the solar plexus, the seat of desire, the astral body. Scorpio is the main zodiac sign of sex and desire, ruled by Mars, the co-ruler of the solar plexus centre. Hence the combination of Neptune in Scorpio was potent for that generation (including those born then, who would come later), to break out of the old paradigm, searching for a broader consciousness and a transcendence of the period that had elapsed up to the end of World War II.
Neptune is the God of the Waters (the astral plane) and Scorpio is a water sign related to the initiatory testings of the astral-desire nature. Illusion on the astral plane is esoterically known as “glamour.” Neptune in its lower expression is regarded as the main planet of glamour, whilst Scorpio is regarded as a major sign of glamour, providing a point of least resistance for becoming enamoured of sex and drugs (many became lost in an astral miasma) – and of course, the emerging rock and roll of the late 1950’s! To quote Ian Drury from the Blockheads, “Sex and drugs and rock and roll is very good indeed!” Or was it? Whilst many might have become lost in the fog, there were also many transcendent experiences, deep heart connections and awakening to a new way of being.

Hippie stereotype: “Today’s world has fallen victim to the peace-loving, pot-smoking, bra-burning, long haired hippie freaks of the late sixties and early seventies.” (“Straight” society.)
World War II had just finished, esoterically a recapitulation of the great war in Atlantis, told in the story of The Mahabharata. Neptune ruled over Atlantis and it was eventually destroyed by water. Drugs were used ritually in those days to open up the consciousness, hence the 60’s social phenomenon of widespread drug use was also a recapitulation of the Atlantean era and a catalyst to open up the consciousness. For many it would be a stepping stone to go beyond psychedelics and making serious explorations in meditation and spiritual philosophy. In this Aryan rootrace that has followed the Atlantean civilisation, drugs are regarded by the Guides of the Race as of the past:
“The use of alcohol and of drugs can and does release the astral consciousness, as also the practice of sex magic, but this is astralism pure and simple and with this the true student of Raja Yoga has naught to do. It is part of unfoldment on the left-hand Path.”5
The USA was also one of the major locations of the Atlantean civilisation, hence the thread of that karma continued there, combined with its soul purpose as a pioneer of consciousness for the rest of the world. The use of sex and drugs in the 1960’s created an era of profound exploration and but also pure escapism and hedonism, as a revolt against the strait-laced attitudes that prevailed:
“The herd instinct in relation to sex has its basis either in normal and natural animal instinctual desire or in emotional attitudes, and of these the last category are by far the worst and carry with them by far the more deep-seated seeds of trouble. They range all the way from the stage of free love and a general promiscuity to the orthodox narrow and bigoted Christian angle, as that is normally understood though not in the sense in which Christ viewed life.”6
The passage above was written in 1940, hence refers to an earlier period of the “Roaring 20’s” that was not so much a revolution but an hedonistic reaction to the horrors of World War I. Free love, the use of psychedelics and alternative social viewpoints reached their apotheosis in the 1967 “Summer of Love” in San Francisco, whilst Neptune was still in Scorpio; this was in sharp contrast to the other extreme of in that nation, “orthodox, bigoted Christians.”
USA is a Neptune/Mars-ruled sixth ray personality, hence this nation is always influenced by Neptunian themes of idealism, mystical experience, organised religion, films and spirituality; also by Neptune’s lower expression of addiction, distortion of ideas, fanaticism etc. In USA’s horoscope of 1967, transiting Neptune was making an harmonious sextile aspect to its natal position of Neptune in Virgo. And it was in the sign Virgo that Uranus and Pluto made the first of several conjunctions (1963-1968; exact 1965-66), for the first time in over 100 years – since 1851, reflecting the radical and far-reaching changes that will take some time to completely integrate by their next conjunction in 2,104:

58,318 US dead. 1.2 to 4.2 million killed altogether.7
“Certain individuals respond enthusiastically to this new siren call, embracing ‘the new way’, and begin to group together as an influential minority within their own society. They then reflect the new ideas, impregnate society with them and act as transmitters of change. Broader social reaction to ‘the new way’ is often slow, apart from the inevitable reaction against the new trend; and often society attempts to use the power of its established structures to resist what appears to be a threatening impulse.
The influence of the conjunction is to initiate a new phase of social change; and during the 1963-68 aspect [orb of Uranus-Pluto], it is that of a revolutionary new spirit in the air, extolling the virtues of individual rights and freedom, stimulating the need for the transformation of the existing social establishment and the breakdown of outdated and limiting social and national attitudes and ingrained patterns of thinking.”8

A war that was started on the pretext of “stopping Communism” and which lasted for 30 years of untold anguish and suffering. The USA has interfered in the destinies of around 50 nations and continues to do so – when will it learn its lesson?
The Second Ray of Love-Wisdom During this Neptune transit in Scorpio, there was also a strong sub-cycle of the second ray of Love-Wisdom, with which Neptune (The Christ) has a deep affinity. The Pluto-Uranus conjunction in Virgo provided a potent conduit for the second ray forces to pass, as Virgo is regarded as the sign where the most powerful expression of the second ray takes place.
The dominating Jupiter-ruled second ray influence was responsible for the mass exploration of Eastern philosophies, consciousness, the promotion of love and peace (in stark contrast to the Vietnam war), the use of mind-altering substances and the amazing proliferation of radical and revolutionary new literature, art and music that roused and inspired. USA is a second ray soul and it is obvious that this period emerged from the soul of the nation!

Did they make profound changes or was it all just pure hedonism?
“Out of the many sexual experiments now going on, the coming generation will arrive at a point of balance and then, as a consequence, they will tip the scales in the desired and desirable direction. Of this there is no question of doubt; there is only the point in time and this will be astrologically determined. Through the legal minds and through right legislation, sex will be seen eventually to be a proper and divine function and will then be safeguarded by right education of the young and the ignorant, and the right action of the young and highly intelligent emerging generation – the children and babies of today.9
“Astrologically determined” – does this mean when Libra is no longer “prominent in the planetary horoscope”? Whether this prediction, “safeguarded by right education of the young and the ignorant,” has worked itself out yet is debatable. The passage was written in 1940, so the “coming generation” would have been the 1950’s and 1960’s – who certainly created a revolution at that time – sexual, cultural, musical and spiritual. The sexual theme has been working itself out ever since, often with many excesses, diversions, subversions and perversions. When there is a balancing of the scales, the opposite extremes are activated, hence an oscillation still proceeds.
Just after the Summer of Love, the musical Hair made its off-Broadway debut, appropriately again, during Libra 1967, telling, “the story of the “tribe,” a group of politically active, long-haired hippies of the “Age of Aquarius” living a bohemian life in New York City and fighting against conscription into the Vietnam War.”10
1969: Jupiter and Uranus Enter Libra
Conjunctions of Jupiter and Uranus happen every 14 years, also known as a synodic cycle, describing the time planets return to their original location. The last time this one occurred was in 1886 when H.P. Blavatsky was furiously taking dictation from the Masters for her magnum opus, The Secret Doctrine. Jupiter and Uranus were passing over her Venus and Moon in Libra at that time.
These two planets work together in liberating us from past belief systems and conditioning, creating visions of new possibilities. As Saturn sits between these two planets astronomically, this combination allows Jupiter to leap-frog Saturn’s ring-pass-not, and team up with Uranus – and the virtually unexplored reaches of the outer solar system.
In July 1969, expansive Jupiter and experimental, radical Uranus entered Libra together, accelerating the revolution of sex, music, radical relationships, gender equality and opposition to USA’s Vietnam war. Jupiter is the ruler of the second ray of Love-Wisdom, the soul ray of the USA, enhancing this already potent cycle. Uranus is the soul ruler of Libra, evoking the need to make radical changes in traditional relationships. Besides revolution, Uranus rules science and technology, the same month (July 20) that the US landed Apollo 11 on the moon – appropriately with the Moon in Libra conjunct Jupiter and Uranus in the event horoscope!
The second great event to punctuate this revolution in consciousness (with an exclamation mark!), was a few weeks later at the Woodstock Festival, August 15-18, 1969, making a world-wide impact, an inevitable evolution from the Summer of Love two years previously. (August is of course, the month of the Dog Star, Sirius.) That period witnessed all the troubadours that had come back into incarnation, with extraordinary talent, an embarrassment of musical riches. Perhaps there was also a sub-cycle of the fourth ray of Harmony through Conflict, also known as the ray or art, music and beauty – glimpse of the fourth ray cycle to begin in 2025 proper.

Santana at Woodstock.
At that time, transiting Uranus and Jupiter in Libra were straddling the midheaven of USA’s horoscope, propelling the nation into an even higher planetary profile in the wake of its recent moonwalk, highlighting radical possibilities in creativity and consciousness. Uranus and Jupiter are also the personality and soul rulers respectively of Aquarius, the soul force or the United States of America. This period of radical change was a glimpse into the future, the age of Aquarius.
It was here that Jupiter and Uranus blended and took over from the long-running cycle of Neptune in Scorpio. Bear in mind that Mars is the other co-ruler of the sixth ray of Idealism, the personality ray of the USA. During the period from 1966 to 1969, USA’s troublesome Mars in Gemini was squared by two long term transits one after the other, Uranus and Pluto from the ninth house of foreign nations. This added to the volatile mix of the revolutionary period, eventuating on the one hand with greater, more brutal bombardment of Vietnam, and equally vociferous opposition to the war, with violent street demonstrations, assassinations and loss of life.
“Jack Casady, the bass player in Jefferson Airplane, once said, “Woodstock was an eclectic gathering that tried to offer some hope for the future of mankind. It maybe wasn’t going to change the world, but it was going to change our world. You didn’t know if it was going to happen again or if it was a one time thing? People embraced the music as one of the ways to share the human condition. You were awed by the enormity of it.”
“Barry Melton, of Country Joe and the Fish saw Woodstock as the end of an era. It was peaceful, but it occurred when the optimism of the counterculture was already fading due to the Chicago convention riots and the killing [in 1968] of Dr. Martin Luther King and Bobby Kennedy. Plus the logistics of the festival were a nightmare. Since Woodstock, most large scale rock concerts have been held in big stadiums so that they can be more controlled–and more corporate.”11
Pluto Ingress Libra (1971-1984) This occurred when the Sun, Mercury and the two rulers of Libra – Venus and Uranus – were in this sign; it was also the full moon period of that time (oct.5)! As far as relationship transformation was concerned, the previous decade was only the preparation

Californication star Duchovny had to check into sex rehab a year after the show began in 2007.
Now in 2017, the cultural changes set in motion in the 1960’s with the evolution of sexual awareness and relationships, have been weighed in the balance, reflecting “the influence of Libra steadily coming into pronounced control and into a position of power.” Yet there are still disturbing factors that have not completely fulfilled the prophecy of “the coming generation [50’s, 60’s] will arrive at a point of balance and then, as a consequence, they will tip the scales in the desired and desirable direction.” Or, that children will be, “safeguarded by right education of the young and the ignorant.”
Cultural observers point to many factors, and of course they cross over into other areas of gender inequality. This probably incomplete list draws upon various viewpoints but focuses mainly on the sexual issues:
- The sexualisation of young girls.
- Gender transition of students as young as six years of age.
- Questionable motives and outcomes around gay-biased sex education in schools.
- Same sex marriage debate. Same sex couples raising children.
- Widespread pedophilia, in the entertainment industry, in politics, the Roman Catholic Church, all social strata.
- Human sex slavery – boys, girls and adults, mainly women. The commodification of women.
- Female infanticide in countries like India and China. Female genital mutilation.
- The mass manufacturing of anatomically life-like female sex dolls.
- Sexual abuse, violence and discrimination toward women in all age groups.
- No abatement from the deluge of sexual propaganda in advertising and media.
- Virtual normalisation of pornography in the mainstream.
- Exposure of children and teenagers to hardcore pornography via technology.
- 70% of male internet users from 18 to 34 visit a pornographic site in a month.
- Identification of a much higher incidence of sex addiction throughout the world.
- Homosexuality as a lifestyle choice, regardless of whether a person is truly gay.
- Young people wrongly identifying as gay when they are really looking for identity and acceptance within a social milieu.
- Failure in relationship challenges through choosing to be gay. (Astrologers have noted this in horoscopes.)
- Undue political power and cultural influence given away to LGBT’s (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender).
Similarly, much discrimination, fear and lack of understanding of LGBT. - In some nations, the criminalisation of adult, consensual sex outside of marriage.
Obviously, Humanity has a long way to go in cultivating right relationships and the right use of sex. Libra rules the decision-making process made with the judicial mind after weighing of the pairs of opposites. If humanity chooses wrongly on some issues, there might be disastrous effects but there is also the possibility of problems being rectified a few centuries or milleniums later – ho hum!
a light interlude …
For those of all sexual persuasions!

The Birth of Venus in the Ocean. (Cabanel 1863.)
Venus and Uranus Rule Libra
The personality and soul rulers of Libra are Venus and Uranus, both associated with the mystery of sex, the universal force known esoterically as Fohat or Eros.
Venus as the exoteric ruler of Libra, is generally better known in personality-based astrology as the goddess of love, beauty and sex. Whilst this is true, it is perhaps her more astral expression with which most of the world is most familiar.
Esoterically, Venus is the mind and the harmonisation of opposites achieved upon the higher mental plane, the abode of the soul. That state of union or “marriage” precipitates onto the astral plane, where Venus expresses its more identifiable attributes of love and the law of attraction. Yet, mental orientation can be easily seen in Venus-Libra, traditionally regarded as a “mental” sign.
Libra is the sign of personal relationships and marriage, hence sex is a most important theme of this sign – that physical, magnetic factor that first draws partners together. Most students of astrology associate Venus-ruled Taurus and Mars-ruled Scorpio with sex – the bull of desire gains satiation in the opposite sign Scorpio – where the major tests for the right use of sex and power are faced. And this is true, because of the fact that Venus and Mars are the archetypal female and male forces. However,

Libra the Balance is an androgynous sign, yet Justice (judicial) is always depicted as a blindfolded woman (intuition) carrying the sword of discrimination (Viveka).
“It is in Libra that the balancing of the pairs of opposites must take place and reach solution through the activity of the judicial mind and the establishing of a point of equilibrium between the male and the female principles. This again … is the problem existing basically between the Sheep and the Goats, between negative and positive, and between those who blindly follow either instinct or custom and those who climb freely where they choose and are self-directed in conduct and attitude.
This self-direction may lead them in either direction upon the wheel of life, following either selfish desire or spiritual aspiration, but the point to have in mind is that, judicially and with intent and after due reflection and balancing of the various ways, they then do as they will and as seems to them right and desirable. This is of itself of a basic usefulness and thereby they learn; for all action produces results and the judicial mind weighs cause and effect more correctly than any other.”12
The “sheep and the goats” refer to Aries (sheep) and goats (Capricorn), two cardinal signs that oppose and square cardinal Libra. The sheep generically represent mass consciousness, whilst goats are those who choose an independent path. Note that the word “judicial” is used three times in this passage, emphasising the importance of Venus in its mental aspect and also of Saturn, another “mental” planet that happens to be exalted in Libra, falls in Aries and rules Capricorn. Saturn also rules the throat chakra, seat of the mental body and, is the Lord of Karma sitting in judgement – a word that derives from judicial.
Uranus is the soul ruler of Libra, another “mental” planet associated with originality of thought, innovation and scientific thinking – the “bright spark” of scintillating ideas. Uranus is the exoteric ruler of another air sign Aquarius, hence the compatibility of these two signs in trine to one another – and with the third air sign, Gemini. They are all signs of relationships – Gemini general, Libra personal and Aquarius group. (Venus is also the soul ruler of Gemini.)
When a Libran individual is in touch with soul ruler Uranus, they start to develop more detached relationships and a greater awareness of group co-operation, where they can bring their experience of personal relationships to bear.
Yet Uranus (somewhat paradoxically), rules the sacral or sexual chakra. Hence, in Libra, especially for those upon the Path of Discipleship, the right use of sex in relationships brings its balancing of right choices – between satiation-saturation or celibacy – Libra rules the middle way between these extremes. Equilibrium is brought about between the throat centre (Saturn, mind) and the sacral centre (Uranus), though the “judicial” use of the mind. Later, in the following sign of Scorpio, where Uranus is exalted, “divine knowledge can take the place of the mystic way of feeling,” and the death of desire for the striving disciple takes place.
Sign | Libra | Chakra | Scorpio | Chakra |
Exoteric Ruler | Venus | Ajna | Mars-Pluto | Solar Plexus-Base |
Esoteric Ruler | Uranus | Sacral | Mars | Solar Plexus |
Exaltation | Saturn | Throat | Uranus | Sacral |
Detriment | Mars | Solar Plexus | Venus | Ajna |
In Scorpio, Venus is in detriment and Uranus is exalted, indicating triumph over the desire nature by intuition (Venus) blended with mind (Uranus). Here we see the inter-relation and over-lapping of the signs – similar Libra-Scorpio themes and testings. Uranus rules one sign and is exalted in the other – Libra-Scorpio is a continuum in consciousness and soul evolution. This is reflected in the physical body where Libra rules the hips and kidneys, Scorpio rules the sexual organs and gonads.
Centre | Sacral | Base |
Gland | Gonads | Adrenals |
Organ | Sex organs | Kidneys |
Planet | Uranus | Pluto |
Sign | Libra | Scorpio |
Exaltation | Saturn | Uranus |
Table: Sacral-Base Centres Relation to Libra-Scorpio
(Note: Pluto and Uranus rule the lesser and greater “burning grounds” respectively.)
When examining the correspondence of these two signs to the chakras and body parts, there are not entirely clear cut assignments; it appears there are some cross-over relationships between the sacral-base chakras and Libra-Scorpio. For instance, Libra traditionally rules the kidneys where the adrenal glands are located – but they are assigned to the base chakra, ruled by Pluto, ruler of Scorpio. Likewise, Scorpio rules the sex organs and is assigned to the sacral centre, governed by Libra (hips). The critical factor in common with Libra-Sccorpio is Uranus.

The Mutilation of Uranus by Saturn.
The purpose of the sacral centre is to generate new bodies for souls to incarnate; it is also a centre for the manifestation of ideas that are generated in the throat centre/ mental body, hence the importance of keeping the energies circulating between these two centres, not focussed in either centre unduly, but keeping the essential life focus “above the diaphragm” – directed by the mind and not dictated by desire.
The universal sex theme is prominent in ancient mythology, where all these planets under discussion come together in the myth of Saturn who castrates Uranus with his sickle, and from the blood arises Venus or Aphrodite. There are several esoteric interpretations of this myth, one of which is the throat and sacral centres which both planets rule, indicating the evolution of the mind away from the lower centres where humanity has been historically polarised, working in the world of higher thought instead of slavery to the lower instincts.
However, the Uranus rulership of the sacral centre indicates that centre’s innate intelligence and the guarantee of mental development. Venus rules the ajna centre which indicates the development of mind-intuition, the evolution of more integrated personalities in the rootrace and the intelligent application of the Law of Attraction.
Venus rules relationships and also rules the last decanate of the Age of Aquarius, which will see humanity by that time (approx. 1400 – 2000 years), develop the Science of Right Human Relationships. USA as an Aquarian soul and as a world leader going into the Aquarian cycle, will be a pioneer in this field, despite setbacks and its current immature situation:
“The U.S.A. is a fusing centre wherein all nationalities are represented and are being slowly blended into a miniature One Humanity. A great experiment in right relationships is being undertaken and is making real progress. A culture and a civilisation will emerge which will be the result of right human relations and which can provide a world pattern in relationships. I refer here to the presentation of democracy.
There is nothing satisfactory yet in the presentation of the dreamed-of democracy. [Written late 1940’s.] France and Great Britain are equally democratic, and more successful because more mature and experienced, but the “melting pot” of the U.S.A. will provide eventually the outstanding experiment in right relations because of its many races and nationalities – all blended together within the borders of one country.”13
Of course, many other Western nations are now equally diverse in their populations and integration in some may have been more successful than the USA.

Voyager 2 space probe, closest approach to Uranus on 24 January 1986, when the sun had just entered Aquarius! (Artwork: Julian Baum.)
Uranus, Sex and the Seventh Ray
Uranus is exalted in Scorpio, esoterically rules Libra, exoterically Aquarius – and rules the seventh ray of Organisation or Ceremonial Magic. Because the seventh ray corresponds to the seventh plane (the physical), it is a glamour of seventh ray types to be caught up in “sex magic, the mysterious and secret and subterranean powers.”14
When these three glamours are connected to the “magic and mystery of sex”, and the seventh ray with Libra, a formidable challenge emerges for Humanity as it enters the 2,160 year cycle of Aquarius. Hence, on the cusp of that period now, Libra rules the interim, the interlude – Libra, “the master of no man’s land.” Saturn also rules the first decanate of Aquarius, offering opportunity. Saturn is exalted in Libra.

David. (Michelangelo)

Eve. (Cody Swanson)
The seventh ray began a new cycle in 1945 that will last 2,500 years, over-lapping the 2,160 year cycle of Aquarius that will soon begin.15 Hence, the glamours of this ray, combined with this Libran interim period, will be testing humanity.
“The energy of the sacral centre [Uranus] … has to be transmuted and raised to the throat centre [Saturn], thereby transforming the physical creative act into the creative process of producing the good, the beautiful and the true. This is the A B C of your fundamental knowledge: the transmutation of sex. In that transmutative process men have greatly erred and have approached the subject from two angles:
- They have sought to stamp out natural desire and have endeavoured to emphasise an enforced celibacy; they have thus frequently warped the nature and subjected the “natural man” to rules and regulations which were not of divine intent.
| - They have tried – at the other extreme – to exhaust normal sexual desire by promiscuity, license and perversions, damaging themselves and laying up the basis for trouble for many incarnations ahead.

Throat chakra or Vishudda centre. 16 petals.
… When a proper recognition of the place the sex life should play in the daily life is paralleled by the concentration of thought anent the throat centre, that centre becomes automatically magnetic and attracts the forces of the sacral centre upward through the spine into “the place of creative building”; the normal sex life is then regulated and not atrophied, and is relegated to its rightful place as one of the usual faculties or appetites with which man is endowed; it is brought under control through the lack of directed interest and is subordinated to the law of the land as regards its relation to its opposite pole – either negative and feminine or masculine and positive.
To the aspirant it becomes mainly the agent for the creation of the vehicles needed for reincarnating souls. Thus by force of example, by the avoiding of all extremes, by the dedication of the bodily energies to the higher uses, and by the acceptance of the law of the land in any given country and at any given time, the present disorder and the current misuse of the sex principle will give way to orderly living and to the right use of this major bodily function.16

Aries-Mars, God of War.
This was written in the mid 1940’s, hence during WWII the “current misuse of the sex principle” was potent, no doubt compounded by the strain of the conflict and a high proportion of rape in war. Sex and war are related in several ways. For instance, uncontrolled sex can lead to over-population, food shortages, starvation and consequently war. When large numbers of people are being killed in war, ancient primordial, unconscious instincts kick-in – to repopulate, although most likely opportunism and the release of aggression. Mars-ruled Aries rules over sex and war, just as its polar opposite Venus-ruled Libra rules over sex and peace!
Some observers say that the last several decades of sexual experimentation has gotten out of hand, at the end of this second decade of the new century. That, due to pornography, mobile phone technology, political correctness and a general dumbing down of the population, adult sex addiction and perversions have become widespread, whilst generations of children have been damaged by exposure to hardcore and/or violent material.
The other side of the argument is that all these things have emerged from the underbelly of humanity and are out in the open; that choice can now be made through the weighing of values, through experiment and being burnt by experience; by action that has precipitated reaction, or karma. Others say that 21st century civilisation is going the way of ancient Rome, that the West is in deep decay, corrupted beyond redemption – “going to hell.”
Civilisations rise and fall cyclically and the mention of Rome is pertinent, because the depths of decadence were reached at that time, coinciding with the time of Christ. The emperor Nero (37 – 68 AD) epitomised this period through his sexual depravity, infamous Roman orgies, cruelty and sadistic acts:
“The person might become a monster of wickedness. In the history of the race, one or two advanced personalities have done this with dire results, both to themselves and to the people of their time. One such figure in ancient times was Nero; the modern example is Hitler.”17
Nero had Sun, Pluto and Mars conjunct in Sagittarius, with a Leo moon square to Jupiter in Scorpio. Some of his worst behaviour was when transiting Uranus was passing over all his Sagittarius planets. (Hitler had Sun, Venus and Mars in Taurus with Libra rising – and had his share of sexual issues!)
“The entrance for what might be regarded as cosmic evil was first opened in the decadent days of the Roman Empire (which was one reason why the Christ chose to manifest in those days).”18
Glamours are hypnotic, and an individual can easily invoke the rationalising process of lower mind, coupled by desire (kama-manas) and become “enthralled.” These testings can be particularly subtle for those upon the Path, where selfish desire might be masked behind a stated intention of “exploring spiritual relationships” or some narcissistic ideal. A “teacher” may seek power and self-aggrandisement through students by the premature and deliberate raising of the kundalini from the base of spine, truly playing with fire! As one commentator puts it,
“Most of what is going on is not true “therapy” or “tantra” at all, but just “sex-for-sex-sake” dressed up in a pseudo-spiritual veneer.”19 Bhagwan Rajneesh or Osho, chimes in,
“For example, tantra is right that sexual energy is the basic energy, so this energy should be transformed into higher forms. It is a truth. But what happened is that they never went very deep into meditation; meditation remained just secondary. And man’s sexuality shows itself so powerfully that in the name of tantra it became simply sexual orgy. Without meditation that was going to happen. Meditation should have been the most primary thing because that is going to transform the energy, but that became secondary.
And many people, who were sexually perverted, sexually repressed, joined the tantra school. These were the people who brought all their perversions, all their repressions. They were not interested in any transformation, they were interested only in getting rid of their repressions; their interest was basically sexual.
So although tantra has a piece of truth, it could not be used rightly. Unless that piece of truth is put in second place, and meditation moves into first place, it will always happen that in tantra, people will be doing all kinds of perversions. And with a great name, they will not feel that they are doing anything wrong; they will feel they are doing something religious, something spiritual.”20
Interesting comments, given the attitude of many of Osho’s followers were precisely along the lines he describes! There are of course various schools that steer that fine line between selfish sex and loving relationships. Whether it is “right” or “wrong” – its really about experiment (Uranus) and experience, where people will ultimately learn, through the weighing of the scales.
The Tibetan makes many comments on sex throughout the books by Alice A. Bailey that have been gathered together in a book called, “A Compilation on Sex.” DK further comments,
“It is here that sex magic and the inner tantric teachings have gone so woefully astray, and been centralised upon individual development and the attainment of some experience which is presumed to promote spiritual attainment.”21

Kama Sutra temples in Kajuraho, India.
“Sex is then seen to be in truth only the relation of the lower nature to the higher Self; it is then lifted up into the light of day in order that man may reach complete union with divinity. Man discovers that sex (which has hitherto been a purely physical function, carried on sometimes under the impulse of love) is elevated into its rightful plane as the divine marriage, carried out and consummated upon the levels of soul awareness.
It is this great truth which lies beyond the sordid story of sex expression, of sex magic and the distortions of modern Tantric magic. Humanity has stepped down the symbolism and in its thoughts debased sex to an animal function and failed to lift it up into the realm of symbolic mystery.

Sogyal Rinpoche
Men have sought through physical expression to produce the inner fusion and harmony which they crave and this cannot be done. Sex is but the symbol of an inner duality which must be itself transcended and wrought into a unity. It is not transcended by physical means or rituals. It is a transcendence in consciousness.”22
Spiritual Leaders There is an historically broad field of sexual misconduct by spiritual leaders, mostly men – and their names are legion! Hardly any man who has been a spiritual teacher of some kind, has not been touched by this. And of course, the degrees of transgression for each individual vary. A most recent example was Sogyal Rinpoche who resigned from Rigpa following accusations of sexual, physical and psychological abuse from long-time students. This is a problem in most religious organisations, but there have also been plenty of sexual shenanigans in the more esoteric groups! Herein lies the depth of the problem in which we all share.
Libra and Sex Education
In many ways, the urge for sex is the urge for union with the soul, with the Divine; to escape the mundane world and experience ecstasy and wholeness in a lover’s embrace. In a long term relationship, a deepening intimacy is regularly and cyclically affirmed in an eternal dance; the “coniunctus” or conjunction (hence conjugal) of two people meeting and merging on physical and spiritual levels; duality transcended and synthesis achieved.
“It is at the centre of the Scales or at the hub of the wheel that the true perspective and indicated action can be seen correctly. When the basic “sex” relation is finally established and soul and body (negative and positive) are permanently related in the lives of the world aspirants, then we shall see the right handling of the world teaching on the subject of physical sex.

Mr. Bean in fine punning form.
This teaching will come from the merging and synthesis of the best views of all the spiritually minded teachers in both hemispheres, embodying the experience of the East and of the West, and of the mystical and the scientific approaches to a mystery which is both physical (requiring scientific understanding) and mystical (requiring spiritual interpretation). It will involve the aid and conclusions of the medical profession in order to give the needed wise, physical instruction and the aid also of the cultural knowledge of the yogis of India in connection with the energy flowing through the centres – in this case the sacral centre.
Finally, through the intelligent activity of the judicial [Libra] and legal-minded men of the world, the search for a balanced and desirable point of view will come to an end … Through the legal minds and through right legislation, sex will be seen eventually to be a proper and divine function and will then be safeguarded by right education of the young and the ignorant, and the right action of the young and highly intelligent emerging generation – the children and babies of today.
The teaching of wrong sexual habits, the example of widespread prostitution (I use this word in connection with men as well as women), the growth of homosexuality (not in its rare physiological forms and predispositions but from the angle of a perverted mentality and an unwholesome imagination, which today lie behind so much of its expression), the narrow-minded Christian inheritance of a “guilt complex” where sex is concerned, and the heritage of diseased and over-or under-sexed physical bodies, have brought the race to its present chaotic and unintelligent handling of the important problem.
The solution will not be found through religious pronouncements, based upon an outworn theory, or through physiological inhibition or legalised license; neither will it come through legislation, inspired by various schools of thought in any community or nation. It will be the result of the united activity of the spiritually minded consciousness, the judicial attitude, the intellectual perception and the steady urge of the evolutionary process. Nothing can prevent the inevitability of the solution and the appearance of desirable attitudes and conditions wherein sex can find right expression.”23
Libra’s three main themes of the Law, Sex and Money, along with its influence in the planetary horoscope, is probably why there are so many TV shows and movies where all three come together to make riveting entertainment!
As sex and love are so closely related, the main argument for the right use of sex, concerns sex divorced from love. As humanity, including many on the spiritual Path, are so far from truly understanding the love principle, the separation of sex and love will always be present. Yet, simple emotional and physical needs, with some intimacy, are ever-present for many!
In this trilogy of themes for Libra (law, sex, money), sex occupies the second place (the second aspect as it is esoterically called), which corresponds to the second ray of Love-Wisdom, the predominant soul ray for all of Humanity.
“The second aspect manifests as the relation between the pairs of opposites (of which the scales [Libra] are the symbol) and upon the physical plane shows itself as Sex.”24
For those who have reoriented themselves upon the wheel of life, who have taken the first initiation and who are consciously returning to the Source, there are lifetimes of difficulties regarding the eventual sublimation of sex. As the planet is currently undergoing this first initiation en masse and to a lesser degree subsequent minor or major initiations, this problem will only increase:
“Sex becomes a dominating thought in the consciousness, and many people today are passing through this stage and everybody at some time or in some life passes through it. This is followed by a period of transference wherein the physical pull of sex and the urge to physical creation is not so dominant and the forces begin to be gathered up into the solar plexus. There they will be controlled largely by the astral imaginative life far more than by the unconscious animal or the conscious desire life. They blend there with the forces of the solar plexus itself and gradually are carried up to the throat centre, but always via the heart centre.

The Mystical Marriage of St. Catherine (Artist unknown, Netherlands.)
Here we find a major point of difficulty for the mystic who is rapidly coming into being and functioning activity. He becomes painfully conscious of duality, of the pull of the world and of the mystical vision, of divine possibilities and personality potencies, of love in place of desire and attraction, of divine relationship instead of human relations. But this whole subject is still interpreted in terms of duality.
Sex is still imaginatively in his consciousness and is not relegated to a balanced place among the other instincts of the human nature; the result is an almost pathological interest in the symbolism of sex and what might be called a spiritualised sex life. This tendency is amply exemplified in the writings and experiences of many of the mystics of the middle ages.
We find such expressions as the “bride of Christ”, the “marriage in the Heavens”, the picture of Christ as the “heavenly bridegroom” and many such symbols and phrases. In the Song of Solomon, you find a masculine rendition of the same basically sexual approach to the soul and its all embracing life.”25
The Song of Solomon
(Excerpt: Full version here.)
Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth!
For your love is better than wine;
your anointing oils are fragrant;
your name is oil poured out;
therefore virgins love you.
Draw me after you; let us run.
The king has brought me into his chambers.
While the king was on his couch,
my [spike] nard gave forth its fragrance.
My beloved is to me a sachet of myrrh
that lies between my breasts.
My beloved is to me a cluster of henna blossoms
in the vineyards of Engedi.
Behold, you are beautiful, my love;
behold, you are beautiful;
your eyes are doves.
Behold, you are beautiful, my beloved, truly delightful.
Our couch is green;
the beams of our house are cedar;
our rafters are pine.”

The Queen Sheba Visits King Solomon. (Sir Edward John Poynter)
Homosexuality and its Origin
The following passages cannot be omitted from this esoteric overview on sex. For some they may be controversial and the reader is encouraged to stick with it, reflect, and if they wish, contribute to the conversation at the end of this newsletter.
“These and many more unpleasant examples of a sex psychology are to be found, blended with a true and pronounced mystical aspiration and yearning, and a genuine longing for union with the divine. The cause of all this lies in the stage of transference. The lower energies are subject, as you can see, to two stages of transference: first, into the solar plexus and from thence to the throat centre.
The throat centre is not, at this period, active enough or sufficiently awakened to absorb and utilise the sacral energies. They are arrested in some cases in their upward passage and retained temporarily in the heart centre, producing the phenomena of sex urges (accompanied at times with definitely physical sexual reactions), of religious eroticism and a generally unwholesome attitude, ranging all the way from real sexuality to fanatical celibacy.
This latter is as much an undesirable extreme as the other and produces most undesirable results. Frequently in the case of a male mystic there will be over developed sexual expression on the physical plane, perversions of different kinds or a pronounced homosexuality. In the case of women, there may be much disturbance of the solar plexus (instead of sacral disturbances) and consequent gastric trouble and an unwholesome imaginative life, ranging all the way from a feeble pruriency to definite forms of sexual insanity with (frequently) a strong religious bias at the same time.
I would remind you here also of the fact that I am definitely dealing with abnormalities, and hence must touch upon that which is unpleasant. In the early stages of mystical development, if there were right guidance of the mental life and of thought, plus courageous explanation of process, a great deal of difficulty would later be avoided.
These early stages resemble closely the interest shown by the adolescent both in sex and religion. The two are closely allied in this particular period of development. If right help can be given at this time by educators, parents and those concerned with the training of the young, certain undesirable tendencies – now so prevalent – would never grow into habits and thought states as they now do.”26
The Master was discussing this in the late 1940’s, a period virtually incomparable to what has developed today. Some of these statements may seem controversial in today’s politically correct world where many accept or embrace widespread homosexuality with its attendant values and lifestyle.

The Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras. (The author attended many times in the 1980’s – as a taxi driver!)
A fundamental aspect of compassion, tolerance, equality and understanding has been exercised toward gays, but some observers state that right education has been passed over, through lack of developed discrimination and politicisation. It is one of the most difficult subjects to discuss in esoteric circles, “a no-go area” for heterosexuals, and particularly difficult to discuss openly for those few who are actually gay. Hence, this question opens the proverbial “can of worms.” It is discussed here by The Dalai Lama who has made comments to his LGBT Buddhist community. (Please feel free to air your considered views at the end of the newsletter.) The (other) Tibetan continues,
“Homosexuality is what you call a “left-over” from the sexual excesses of Lemurian times, an inherited taint, if you like. Egos who individualised and incarnated in that vast period of time are the ones who today demonstrate homosexual tendencies. In those days, so urgent was the sexual appetite, the normal processes of human intercourse did not satisfy the insatiable desire of the advanced man of the period. Soul force, flowing in through the processes of individualisation, served to stimulate the lowest centres. Hence, forbidden methods were practised.

Apollo IV (Richard Taddei)
Those who thus practised them are today, in great numbers, in incarnation, and the ancient habits are too strong for them. They are now far enough advanced upon the evolutionary path so that the cure lies ready at this time – if they choose to employ it. They can, with relative ease, transfer the sex impulse to the throat centre, and thus become creative in the higher sense, employing the energy sensed and circulating in right and constructive ways. Many of them are beginning automatically to do this. However, it is well known that, among the so-called artistic types, homosexuality is very prevalent. I say “so-called” for the truly creative artist is not the victim of these ancient evil predisposing habits. It might be pointed out here that homosexuality is of three kinds:
- That which is the result of ancient evil habits. This is the major cause today and indicates:
| - Individualisation upon this planet; for those who individualised upon the moon chain are not susceptible to these dangerous characteristics.
| - A relatively advanced stage upon the evolutionary path which was achieved by the Lemurian egos who succumbed to this desire-satisfaction.
| - A consequent study of sex magic, plus a constant insatiable physical and sexual urge.
| - Imitative homosexuality. A number of persons of all classes imitated their betters (if I might use so paradoxical a term) and so developed evil habits in sexual intercourse from which they might otherwise have remained free. This is one of the prevalent reasons today, among many men and women, and is based upon a too active imagination, plus a powerful physical or sex nature, and a prurient curiosity. This I say with advisement. This category accounts for many of our Sodomites and Lesbians.
| - A few rare, very rare, cases of hermaphroditism. These people, combining in themselves both aspects of the sex life, are faced with a very real problem. It is a problem which is greatly increased by human ignorance, human refusal to face facts, wrong early training and teaching, and a widespread misunderstanding. These cases are to be found in small numbers everywhere, even though their numbers, in relation to the world population, is still negligible. But that they exist is of real interest to the medical profession and a subject of deep pity and commiseration to the humanitarian and the understanding psychologist. They face a difficult situation.”27

“No one has been able to visually depict the human condition more truthfully than Francis Bacon,” Irish born artist, unapologetically gay, with sun in Scorpio.
There are also other factors that contribute to sex problems in general, that have their origin in astral forces within other parts of the solar system:
“Those astral shells of decaying and disintegrating planets which are to be seen by the initiate, still revolving around our sun, but which are nevertheless fast disappearing. Our moon will join their number when the complete disintegration of the outer form has taken place.
Second, the astral forms of those lesser solar lives on the evolutionary arc who are taking form slowly but have not yet taken an etheric body, and will never in this world period take a physical body. These two groups are the planetary correspondences to the re-incarnating types of men, and to those who have passed over and are slowly shedding their bodies, prior to eventual rebirth, or who have completely vacated their shells.

The Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. (John Martin) “Divine judgment by God was passed upon Sodom and Gomorrah which were completely consumed by fire and brimstone. Sodom and Gomorrah have become synonymous with impenitent sin and a metaphor for vice and homosexuality.”28
There are two of these astral forms in close proximity to our Earth, which are rapidly “decomposing”, if I may so term it, and yet have a very potent influence. On account of this close relation, they produce two types of desire or of astral tendency among men. One produces much of that instinctual tendency to cruelty which one sees in children and in certain types of men, and the other has an effect upon the sex life and produces some of those tendencies to perversions which cause so much difficulty now.
Sadistic tendencies and sex perversions find much strengthening influence from these dying astral emanations. In ancient days they were still more potent, being closer to our earth than now; hence the ritualistic cruelties and the horrors, for instance, of Sodom and Gomorrah.”29
In the author’s experience, all these passages above have generated and will generate controversy with students – who might claim that it was not the Master’s words but the “personality of Alice Bailey”; or that these are old and redundant perceptions that are out of step with modern thought; that there is no compassion for gays, calling homosexuality a “disease” etc. Bear in mind that a stage of homosexuality in one life is but a temporary one in the long series of incarnations balancing the masculine-feminine forces within. So, please feel free to make a contribution to this discussion at the end of this newsletter. (All posts will be moderated.)
Sex and the Moon Chain Failure
The theme of sex is esoterically so old, that its origin goes back to the Moon Chain, in a previous incarnation of this planet. It was there that a “systemic failure” was seen, due to the premature merging of one chain of worlds with another. The problem was related to sex, macrocosmic and microcosmic:
- “The sexual misery of this planet finds its origin in the moon failure.
| - The progress of evolution on the moon was abruptly disturbed and arrested by the timely interference of the solar Logos.
| - The secret of the suffering in the Earth chain, which makes it merit the name of the Sphere of Suffering, and the mystery of the long and painful watch kept by the SILENT WATCHER, has its origin in the events which brought the moon chain to a terrific culmination.
| - Conditions of agony and of distress such as are found on our planet are found in no such degree in any other scheme.
| - The misuse of the vibratory power of a certain centre, and the perversion, or distortion of force to certain erroneous ends, not along the line of evolution, account for much of the moon mystery.
| - Certain results, such as the finding of its polar opposite, were hastened unduly on the moon chain, and the consequence was an uneven development and a retardation of the evolution of a certain number of deva and human groups.
| - The origin of the feud between the Lords of the Dark Face and the Brotherhood of Light, which found scope for activity in Atlantean days, and during the present root race, can be traced back to the moon chain.”30
These themes are further elaborated upon in the author’s books and videos.

Libra. (Susan Seddon Boulet.)

Recently departed Leonard Cohen in Zen retreat. “He was a musical spirit guide through the biggest issues of existence, singing about love, sex, family, mortality, the impossible questions of how to live a moral life in a seemingly indifferent and uncaring universe.”
This is a very broad attempt to highlight some of the main areas of the Libra sex theme, which as stated earlier, overlaps into Scorpio. The essential factor to understand for the Seeker upon the Way, who has a relative degree of awakening and is actively striving to return to Source, is that the energies of the sacral centre are raised over many lifetimes to the throat centre (mind, thought); just as the solar plexus energies are being raised to the heart (love, compassion) simultaneously over many incarnations; the blending of both streams is the ultimate goal. This has been the problem of celibate priests in the Catholic Church who have not been able to express sexual urges freely, resulting in an epidemic of sexual abuse toward children.
Some souls may have spent lifetimes in the monasteries of East or West, only to incarnate back into “civilisation” and be tested on what they have learnt. It has not been uncommon for those souls to exhibit “unrestrained licentiousness,” thereby creating more karma for themselves and delaying their unbinding from the Wheel of Samsara.
Such is our slow Sisyphean journey! The Ageless Wisdom has provided us knowledge to consciously shorten that journey and achieve Liberation, but much work is entailed, it will not be handed to us on a platter!
“The sex problem must, in the last analysis, be solved in the home, and under normal conditions, and it is the advanced people of the world and the disciples of all degrees, who must thus solve it.”31
Phillip Lindsay © 2017.
(A separate report of the Las Vegas massacre of October 1 will be posted on Facebook, then later to subscribers.)
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Books by Phillip Lindsay
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.226. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.238. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.238. [↩]
- Media personalities Jimmy Saville was a Scorpio sun opposite Mars in Taurus and Rolf Harris has five planets in Mars-ruled Aries, with Mars rising and Venus square Pluto. [↩]
- The Light of the Soul, Alice A. Bailey. p.381. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.234. [↩]
- [↩]
- [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.233. [↩]
- [↩]
- [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.233. [↩]
- The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. p.631. [↩]
- Glamour: A World Problem, Alice A. Bailey. p.123. [↩]
- [↩]
- The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. p.669-70. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.346. [↩]
- The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. p.753. [↩]
- Thoughts on Sex, Patrick Chouinard. [↩]
- [↩]
- Education in the New Age, Alice A. Bailey. p.137. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.385. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. 234-6. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. 244. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology II, Alice A. Bailey. p.599. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology II, Alice A. Bailey. p.599. [↩]
- Esoteric Healing, Alice A. Bailey. p.62-4. [↩]
- [↩]
- A Treatise on White Magic, Alice A. Bailey. p.312. [↩]
- A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p.416. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology I, Alice A. Bailey. p.307. [↩]
Excellent work Phillip… “connect” very well the threads to the whole. Having Mercury at 15 degrees Libra, the point of balance and the fusing of opposites is my nature….and it has accomplished as you have so well described… see this at work find the chart for 09/11/49 at 4:25 PM EDT Pittsburgh PA USA.
What a thought provoking and thorough article! I appreciate your cautionary comments about DK, who, as you say, was writing for a different audience. I think the notion of the life force/sexual energy is complex. Even more complex is how it is expressed through the various bodies and life expressions. Your compilation of concerns around the misuse of sexual energy (in the section looking at 2017) was outstanding. I have a very poor understanding of astrology so my insight derives from psychosocial approaches. I do not fully understand the astrological aspect of the polarities that I understand as the basis of sexual energy; attraction, urge to connect versus repulsion, urge to disconnect, (which could perhaps be called the positive or light archetypal energies) and domination-control (destroy, devour)/]versus submission-be controlled (acquiesce to destruction, consumption) which I would see as the negative or shadow archetypal energies. This ‘domination submission’ shadow is where we see all the distortions of the urge to connect listed in most of not all in the ‘2017’ list you provided. These polarities play out in our relationship with all things; all objects, ourselves, the world etc and in sexuality and sexual relationships. Our own work on higher, creative, authentic (throat chakra) expression I hope, will hopefully help, as will inviting the same in others around us.
Great read that I must applaud immediately. I intend to re-read it with more time to reflect, however, many of the points you raise based on your wide knowledge seem to validate my own thoughts on this whole matter which I have pondered since the 1970’s and 80’s when homosexuality was first being promoted in my country. Before having anything else but an interest in the debate and a ‘feeling’ many were being led astray, I came to conclusions still not widely thought about.
Your article gives me a great springboard to voice some of those other aspects.
This I will do when time permits. Thank you Philip.
WOW!!! SO much to ponder–upon a subject which has the attention of 90+% of humanity, for, no doubt, 90+% of the time!!! Thank you for the many ways to “view” this Libran energy,[plus], and for the lingering idea that THIS particular subject has, and shall continue to have, a major influence upon the WAY evolution–[evolve-o-lution] continues. And, Phillip–you “Cheeky Monkey”, you—Monty Python’s contributions were priceless!!–Suzy Miller-USA
Well now I realize where the homophobia I experienced at the Seven Ray Institute conference originates.
It always amazes me that people give so much credit to Alice Bailey. Her work is not born of the light. As far as this supposed transmission from DK, my friend Pam is a very gifted esoteric healer and an aspect of DK, and her mentor Angela, who is even more advanced, both said, ‘DK would never have said that.’ This has nothing to do with modern times, or PC-ness or anything of the sort. There is too much blind faith given to the esotericists w/o considering their human faults and misgivings.
I have allowed this comment because it is typical of many students who do not have discrimination when it comes to the Teachings of the Master Djwhal Khul (DK), through Alice Bailey. “Her work is not born of the light” pretty much lays bare this person’s muddled attitude, personal bias and also the lack of discrimination of friends that are mentioned. Bailey was a very clear amanuensis, her comments had nothing to do with her personal “Victorian views” but are deeply esoteric. If one is a student of the Secret Doctrine which DK also helped to transmit to Blavatsky (HPB), one can see the thread of teachings on Lemuria, to Bailey’s commentaries on Lemuria – and the origin of homosexuality. I have heard these comments for the past 30 years and I am underwhelmed often by the know it all attitude of some students who have obviously not studied Bailey in depth, only superficially. And if they do not agree with AAB’s comments on homosexuality or other subjects, they say it was AAB’s personality. Viveka or discrimination is developed over many lifetimes, we move from one subplane to another in balancing the opposites. Many students are still working in the realm of kama-manas or desire mind, so their thinking is coloured by quite a bit of astrality.
The Ageless Wisdom teaches that homosexuality is an atavistic activity, but that viewpoint does not include judgment and/or intolerance of homosexuals.
Understanding the origins of an activity that does not serve the Future is important for disciples, but does not suggest that compassion be thrown out of the equation along with understanding why a certain activity is manifesting through human activity.
My experience at the SRI conference was one of inclusiveness, not “homophobia.” I observed that there was one such person present who was a very talented artist, fantastic performer and held a position of respect and responsibility with the USR. That would not happen with a homophobic organization. Not sure where Wade is coming from with his comment.
I know my viewpoint is not PC, but disciples do not overly concern themselves with what is PC and currently accepted by the unthinking/manipulated masses. True disciples seek and serve the Truth…..whatever the consequences.
BTW, do not scientists tell us that the Universe at large is “held together” by the attraction of positive (male) and negative (female) polarities?
With love to all……………
Responsability, Education, Sex Education, Family values …. Knowledge of the Universal Laws and Evolution. Many issues coming to surface in these times,in order to be liberated. This Crisis that we are going through, definetelly is liberating Karma;Cosmic, Planetary, Group, and Individual. We must be aware in order to liberate.
Your article Phillip, very important, very illustative quite educational.
Power, Money, Sex, are too strong and usually at the hands of the wrong people.
Thank you.
Had a friend many years ago who was gay and also a disciple. He said that in meditation he was able to go back in time and see when he first made the choice to try that activity. He understood that it was something that had to be overcome within his own consciousness and decided to no longer indulge that particular behaviour. He was still gay, still attracted to members of the same sex, etc. but had made the decision to not continue with with it. He was a very advanced disciple (perhaps a third degree initiate) and always wondered whether or not if and when he took the 4th initiation and the 3 lower permanent atoms were destroyed, if that would end it forever.
This is I believe, after having read both yours and your readers comments, an act of enlightenment. Beautifully written Phillip. The art of universal loving, is a feeling of unconditional love for one another. However, our inner knowing is made fully aware of what changes need to be made in this lifetime, regardless of whether we are heterosexual or not. Hence self responsibility, within our unique journey of individuality, is at the core of our hearts, when uniting our feelings with the divine.
As an individual with Neptune & Moon conjunct in Libra 15 degrees, there’s no point in lying to myself. I have no other choice as a mere mortal, other than to rise above my earthly feelings, the most spiritually gracious and diplomatic way, that I can.
Thank you very much for your monthly reports, they are interesting and very informative, I am looking forward every month to your report.
Thank you.
I’ve been on the path for many years and have always had problems with DK’s views on homosexuality. Thank you for making it a bit more clear, however I still feel that there is a disconnect in the acceptance of the physical body among disciples.
It’s been my experience that gay people are not the ones to fear, and show us what character and perseverance looks like.
Another excellent newsletter! So much there! Great insight into the 1960’s from an esoteric perspective (Neptune in Scorpio, the Mars-Pluto-Uranus conjunction, the 7th Ray. etc.). They were/are trailblazers, forunners, and my mentors. Having been born in 1965 what you write about is the story of my life. I also appreciate your invitation to discuss the homosexuality issue. I wrote about my own struggles and questions about that here (2 parts) Part 1: Part 2: DK gives great insight into sex and you covered his perspective so well. I would like also to share master Hilarion’s guidance on sex from The Teachings of the Temple, which ought to apply to disciples of every orientation:
Helena Roerich & The Master Morya had some things to say that may help some understand the problem:
523… Monasteries were established to help strengthen those who were weak in spirit. But those monks who were strong went out to spread their teaching far and wide. They could not remain long in their hermitage. Their spiritual vessels filled, they felt a need to return to the world. Thus, they not only brought spiritual help, but also themselves acquired a knowledge of life. This aspect is not usually understood, because people are unaware of the needed harmony between renunciation and acceptance of daily life.
Those who deny earthly conditions also deprive themselves of mercy and compassion, without which spiritual development is not possible. The teaching of the regenerated world cannot live with hard-heartedness. Humane science cannot flourish where the heart is numb. Our Brotherhood could not have existed without a full experience of earthly conditions.
On the higher planes of Being everything is created by thought. But for the fulfillment of these thought forms, there must be the two Elements united by Cosmic Love. There is a great deal of misunderstanding surrounding the fundamental concept of the dual Element. Religions are to blame for this, and especially Christianity. The church profaned the greatest Cosmic Mystery by demeaning marriage and degrading the woman, by its contempt of love and its vows of celibacy and monasticism, and by declaring this spiritual impoverishment to be the highest achievement of the human spirit. This frightful fanaticism brought about terrible consequences, among which the mortification of the flesh was and is not the worst. Let us recall the criminal hypocrisy, the dreadful sexual perversions and crimes that resulted from these prohibitions and condemnations, which are completely against Cosmic Law.
Letters of Helena Roerich I Letters I, 9 January 1935
To have a complete referenced essay/’s is a true blessing. Understanding love from a soul perspective, in all aspects, is key to opening the aquarian age, if we manage to keep our souls on course.
Thank you Philip for your dedicated work for the understanding in progression of our souls wholly.
There are many astrologers out there but few who have this depth of esoteric understanding. Few are brave, dedicated and competent enough to stand up in light for what is best for all humanity.
Thank you for this,
Edie 🙏
The words and ideas in Alice Bailey’s Blue Books have power, and therefore their readers have an obligation to use them responsibly and harmlessly.
Sex is a topic related to the 3rd Ray, (Saturn-Libra), that is, with the most physical and balanced aspect of the manifestation.
By natural law we all, in one way or another, are forced to experience it…., and we certainly do. Now, the unique and individual result that this experimentation produces in our consciousness is above the general norm that the Blue Books dictate about sex.
The blue books formulate truths that, through their readers, are in the process of being reformulated and this is the greatest respect we owe to the Master, that our new formulation (practice) of His ideas never betray the Love and Purpose that built them.
Thank you Phillip for sharing!