Pisces 2021: End of Zodiac Year. Neptune. Glamour. Pluto. Facebook. Zuckerberg. Billionaires. Mercury Retro. China.

One of Michael Leunig’s whimsical and dream-like paintings ©, Australia’s most loved cartoonist. (Leunig is possibly Cancer rising, esoterically ruled by Neptune – god of the oceans. See his profile by the author.)
Pisces Keynote
“I leave the Father’s home and turning back I save.”
(Pisces Solar Festival: Feb.27, 2021. 08.17 UT.)
“I leave the Father’s home and turning back I save.”
Pisces: End of the Zodiacal Year
Pisces, Neptune and Glamour
Pisces’ Esoteric Ruler Pluto in Capricorn
Pisces Rising Facebook and Censorship
___Mark Zuckerberg’s Domination Problem
___Rupert Murdoch Clash
___Billionaires” Gates, Musk, Bezos etc.
Mercury Retro: Water Signs 2020, Air Signs 2021
Venus in Aquarius: Waters of Life
China’s Ubiquitous Global Influence and Covid-19
A Rousing Call to Service
Personal Note
The Hidden History of Humanity project
“I leave the Father’s home and turning back I save.”
This keynote of Pisces is deeply esoteric – this sign of death, dissolution, sacrifice and redemption. The “father’s home” is the monad from where the eternal pilgrim journeys out to the “far country” – as a soul gleaning innumerable experiences upon the evolutionary wheel. Through the satiation of life experience and eventual perfection, the pilgrim returns after immeasurably long aeons to the father/monad. Hence, one more “cell” in the body of the Planetary Logos “lights up” – or is redeemed in this so-called “non-sacred” planet.
Here is part of the deep mystery of “why we are here” – as one of the five “kingdoms” within the Earth: mineral, vegetable, animal, human and souls. Through submersion in the “lower worlds” over many lives, spanning immense cycles, human souls redeem, raise up – make sacred the very substance of this planet, individually and collectively. Hence, one of the reasons why The Christ is called “the great redeemer” – an exemplar of a Piscean avatar whose life of sacrifice lifted up a significant portion of humanity.
Christ said, “if you want to live, you have to die” – death precedes life, destruction precedes reconstruction – as Humanity is experiencing intensely right now. Whatever one’s religious persuasion, The Christ is another word for the soul – the planetary soul is forever conquering the illusion of death which is always birth into a greater life. Pisces must evolve from being a “rescuer” in a blindly motivated or self-serving way, to becoming a more conscious redeemer – ultimately Pisces is the World Saviour, just as Aquarius is the World Server. Eventually, all of humanity will become sufficiently soul conscious to be their own redeemers – that is the way of Discipleship.

The Return of Neptune (John Singleton-Copley) “The fish goddesses who have leapt from earth (Virgo) to water (Pisces) unitedly give birth to the Fish God (Christ) who introduces the water of life into the ocean of substance and thus brings light to the world.”
As mentioned frequently in these missives, the Christ is known in the West by the esoteric name of Neptune:
“… Who rules the ocean, whose trident and astrological symbol signifies the Trinity in manifestation and Who is the ruler of the Piscean Age. The formula runs as follows, speaking esoterically: “… the fish goddesses who have leapt from earth (Virgo) to water (Pisces) unitedly give birth to the Fish God (Christ) who introduces the water of life into the ocean of substance and thus brings light to the world. Thus does Neptune work.””1
The Christ is that elevated exemplar of the second ray of Love-Wisdom that pours through Pisces, a ray ruled by Jupiter – that co-rules Pisces with Neptune. Empathy is a potent expression of this ray. Christ demonstrated the power of forgiveness and all-embracing compassion. The esoteric ruler of Pisces is Pluto the Destroyer – of duality, and all obstacles upon the spiritual path. An advanced Piscean can utilise those Plutonic forces, transmuting and raising up what has been sacrificially absorbed – subsequently regenerating themselves and others.
Pisces: End of the Zodiacal Year
Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, marking the end of the spiritual year that began in Aries 2020. Pisces is a sign of completion before the start of the next annual impulse in Aries 2021. Usually we celebrate the new year during Capricorn – also a sign of completion, reminding us of ancient Atlantis when it was the 10thand final sign of the zodiac. The goat reaches the Capricorn mountain summit where no further progress is possible. In modern times the new year in Capricorn is more of a material, outer celebration – whereas following the zodiac cycle for end-sign Pisces is a more refined inner counterpart.
Just as the new year in Capricorn affords the opportunity to review the year passed – and look forward with an inspired resolve to the coming new year, similarly Pisces offers a more subtle process. Both the Capricorn and Pisces processes and resolutions are linked and complementary of course. Pisces 2020 saw the acceleration of the emergence of the Coronavirus (Covid-19) – and during that month (March) the author issued a special newsletter: Coronavirus Part III: An Astrological and Esoteric Analysis. This essay provides a touchpoint retrospective that can assist in reviewing the Aries 2020 to Pisces 2021 year that was.

Pisces rules the depths of the oceans – inhabited by many strange creatures – a good metaphor for the astral plane!
Through the evocation of Pisces’ esoteric ruler Pluto the Destroyer, we can eliminate the detritus built up over the previous year, the layers of accumulated astral and mental rubbish – to begin the new cycle afresh. Particularly the astral component, with which Pisces has a specific affinity; it is a water sign of absorbent, psychic impressionability that is malleable and subject to manipulation due to its emotional sensitivity, sympathy and empathy. Conversely, water is also a cleansing agent that can purify the astral waters that have turned turbid.
This impressionability is primarily due to Pisces ruler Neptune – currently passing through its own sign on a long 164-year cycle. As emphasised in several newsletters for 2020, the lower Neptune energy expresses itself in the undiscriminating or unevolved consciousness as addiction, deception and confusion. (One of the sub-headings of the newsletter referred to above is Neptune in Pisces, Viruses and Deception.) The higher Neptune force is that of buddhi or intuition (direct knowledge), the creative imagination, the mystic and visionary.
So what have we learnt in this past zodiacal year? Were we duped or confused as part of the Neptune-ruled mass consciousness? Just about everyone could answer yes in part or fully to this question. Were there some awakenings and realisations? Did new truths gradually begin to dawn through the awakened intuition? Or were we swamped in the proverbial ocean of emotion, the tsunami of fear and panic – succumbing to the mass media barrage upon a great proportion of Humanity? A bit of both perhaps.
Pisces, Neptune and Glamour
“Glamour” is a technical occult term used to describe illusion upon the astral plane – where the bulk of humanity is polarised in consciousness; a smaller percentage have more discerning mental consciousness. Hence, the susceptibility for the masses to be subject to the lower Neptune-Pisces forces, but this has lately extended to even the more independent thinkers and spiritually advanced. Such is the state of affairs we find ourselves in today – confusion reigns.
With Neptune’s transit through Pisces in these past several years, both the lower and higher expressions of Pisces have had a marked effect. This is paradoxically amplified by The Christ’s gradual return among Humanity (whose esoteric name in the West is Neptune) – the exact timing of which will be decided after the 2025 centennial conclave of the Masters.
In other words, the highly refined force of buddhi finds a point of least resistance in its lower reflection upon the astral plane, “stirring up the waters”, making it difficult for mental discernment, yet also bringing inspiration and a heartfelt longing to touch the Divine.

The plane of buddhi or intuition finds its point of least resistance in the astral field, which sufficiently purified and clarified, acts as an accurate mirror.
One positive side-effect of lockdown may be the forcing of many to review their lifestyles, to reflect upon values and what is important. Or have the majority simply gone the Neptune addiction route – substance and alcohol abuse, “vegging-out” on video, over-consumption of comfort food? Obesity and suicides have sky-rocketed since lockdowns began a year ago.
This predicament has been compounded by a smaller but very powerful group of mentally advanced, who have muddied the waters with manipulative lies, distortions and deception through mass media. Note that term “mass” – mass media for the masses who do not have developed discrimination and have been easily duped by selfishly oriented narratives. As a crude example, think Rupert Murdoch (Pisces sun – the masses) – and his domination of print and TV tabloids.
This is a theme that the author has commented upon throughout 2020 and bears repeat reminders. Perceptions have deteriorated so badly, that even advanced thinkers in the spirituality sphere do not appear to have a good grasp on what is unfolding; they have not kept up with the “esoteric news” – i.e. non-mainstream information and (uncharacteristically) have accepted mainstream propaganda, unquestioningly without discrimination, dismissing other viewpoints as “conspiracy theory”, with little inclination to investigate.
Some ageless wisdom groups have declared that our world situation is an “Hierarchical directive” – that it is all “part of the Plan”, that the “good guys” in media are benignly motivated and that the “Great Reset” is a good thing for Humanity’s benefit. This author has argued consistently that it is the opposite – a full frontal assault by the Materialistic Forces upon human liberties – as an all-out, last “desperate ditch” to thwart the 2025 conclave and the planned Externalisation of the Hierarchy.
Hierarchy are of course allowing this to happen, they cannot interfere in human free will – but can intervene potently if they have to; They most likely regard this as a major test for humanity to make free and considered choices, weighing the pairs of opposites, all the opposing views – using the judicial mind to balance the scales.
This ‘great test’, as opposed to its close anagram ‘great reset’, is a trial for initiation of various groups at different stages of unfoldment – particularly en masse for the first initiation. Through expanded consciousness, right choices by humanity will pave the way for the Externalisation post-2025 – this is the time of the “forerunner”.
There is a veritable biblical sorting of the “sheep from the goats” at the moment, between those who blindly follow and others who pick their way up the mountain through independent, critical thought.
Hence, after the excruciating restrictions and oppression of 2020, the year 2021 offers the opportunity for Humanity to see through the web of deception, to stand up to an accelerating totalitarianism – and regain many diminished freedoms. This is reflected in the square between Uranus in Taurus and Saturn in Aquarius for all of 2021 and the greater part of 2022.
Encouragingly, thousands who took part in capital city demonstrations around Australia (a Capricorn) this past weekend (Feb.19-20) – may inspire others around the world. Discouragingly however, the main news body of the ABC had no mention of this story on their website. Links to all Australian news has also been blocked on Facebook, as explored later. Welcome to the age of big brother censorship.
Speaking mythologically, the old, fixed paradigm (Saturn) will be challenged by the new thinking (Uranus) who stalks Saturn, seeking to emasculate him with his own scythe. Here lies the division in many communities between the past (Saturn) and the future (Uranus) – between rigid, orthodox thinking and the more flexible radical reforms.
It’s an enormously complex situation, because of the deliberate stimulation of the spectre of fear, plus beliefs that are crystallised, limiting true vision. Humanity is truly in a state of trepidation, scarcely realising that there are forces at work using the Covid-19 virus to bend them to the will of a diabolical few. It is up to the New Group of World Servers to deal with much of this glamour, but it appears, many of them have succumbed to the hypnosis of lower Neptune. Hence the many divisions right now within nations, within groups, between friends – as everyone wrestles with balancing these opposites upon the astral plane.
Pisces’ Esoteric Ruler Pluto in Capricorn
Pluto was “discovered” in 1930, more or less in the last century of the Piscean cycle of 2,160 years. Hence the lower force of Pluto (ruling the base chakra) – was abundantly expressed in the 1930’s by the American gangster and prohibition, but more importantly the European “gangsters” in Germany, whose fascism led to an attempted world take-over.
Thankfully their bid failed, due to the courage of millions who fought and died for liberty. Similarly today, those gangsters have assumed a different guise where, instead of Humanity having a clear-cut, tangible enemy to fight, these forces are diffused and suffused through large corporations and governments everywhere.
Yet, they are essentially the forces of the planetary shadow/dweller to which everyone has contributed; it has an permeating, omnipresence waiting to be recognised and ultimately vanquished. A ruthless redemptive process must begin with each individual, their communities and nations.
As stated earlier and regularly in these missives, this phenomenal world situation in the dying days of the Piscean Age, is a result of the imminent 2025 Conclave and the decision by Hierarchy of when they will externalise among Humanity. In a concerted effort to thwart that event occurring, the Materialistic Forces have launched a mega assault– through their many minions of Big Tech, Media, Pharma etc. – who control much of the world’s wealth and power.
Many of those within these large groups are well meaning, kind people – but a powerful minority that have been seduced by material power, control this larger, former group. This powerful minority is the belly of the beast, inhabiting the underworld – Pluto’s dark domain. And Pluto has revealed much of their nefarious behavior since moving into Capricorn in 2008. Such is the great global power struggle that is unfolding now, regarding threats to freedom. Bear in mind that transiting Pluto will be in Capricorn right up until 2025:
“The Forces of Darkness are powerful energies, working to preserve that which is ancient and material; hence they are pre-eminently the forces of crystallisation, of form preservation, of the attractiveness of matter, and of the lure of that which is existent in the form life of the three worlds.
They consequently block deliberately the inflow of that which is new and life-giving; they work to prevent the understanding of that which is of the New Age; they endeavour to preserve that which is familiar and old, to counteract the effects of the oncoming culture and civilisation, to bring blindness to the peoples and to feed steadily the existing fires of hate, of separateness, of criticism and of cruelty.
These forces, as far as the intelligent peoples of the world are concerned, work insidiously and cloak their effort in fair words, leading even disciples to express hatred of persons and ideologies, fostering the hidden seeds of hatred found in many human beings.
They fan to fury the fear and hate of the world in an effort to preserve that which is old and make the unknown appear undesirable, and they hold back the forces of evolution and of progress for their own ends. These ends are as inscrutable to you as are the plans of the Ruler of Shamballa.”2
Pisces Rising Facebook and Censorship
“Founded in 2004, Facebook’s mission is to give people the power to build community and bring the world closer together. People use Facebook to stay connected with friends and family, to discover what’s going on in the world, and to share and express what matters to them.”
That did occur of course, albeit with Facebook’s continual commercial exploitation of all user’s data. This week (Feb.18) “Farcebook” created an aggressive blocking of Australian news content – in an attempt to dictate policy to the Australian government. In doing so, Facebook made many errors and created millions of enemies.
This event came about because media mogul Rupert Murdoch dictated to the Australian government (as he has done for years to other governments), to make tech companies pay publishers for the sharing of links, or stop allowing the practice.
Google coughed up cash to keep Murdoch quiet, but Zuckerberg (36) was most likely incensed – this new kid on the megalomaniac-media-block was not going to take it from an old school, soon-to-be nonagenarian (90). Murdoch’s Pisces sun sits opposite Z’s Virgo ascendant, with Facebook’s infamous Pluto in Sagittarius tensely T-squaring the whole shebang – the Battle of the Titans! Or is that spiritual pip-squeaks?

The tense stand-off between media titans – “two peas from the same pod”, ideologically. Inner wheel: Zuckerberg. Middle wheel: Facebook. Outer wheel: Murdoch.
The website Esoteric Astrologer is hosted in the USA, yet recently had links from that site blocked by Facebook as, “Australian content”. The author is Australian but has not lived there for a very long time; his Facebook account has nothing about Australia in it – as in where he lives, phone numbers, IP addresses etc. The disturbing issue is that Facebook must have drawn upon other data that identifies the author as “Australian” – even though that information has not been shared with Facebook. That means that their decision is based upon “other” information that they have on everyone, your “personal file” – probably cross-referencing with Google that has half the world’s population on file!
Hence, part of the motive for this article and exploring what is unfolding astrologically. Lest the reader immediately jump to an accusation of paranoia, reflect upon this statement by Edward Snowden:
“Rest assured (or not), we all have a Facebook profile that has been built up over the years by our particular clicks and likes – social class, politics, sexuality, buying habits, travel etc. Facebook tracks all your internet activities before and after you log on … Businesses that make money by collecting and selling detailed records of private lives were once plainly described as ‘surveillance companies,’” wrote the former National Security Agency contractor.
“Their rebranding as ‘social media’ is the most successful deception since the Department of War became the Department of Defense … Facebook makes their money by exploiting and selling intimate details about the private lives of millions, far beyond the scant details you voluntarily post. They are not victims. They are accomplices,” he wrote on Twitter.”3
And the following snippet, among thousands of similar commentaries:
“In Surveillance Valley, investigative reporter Yasha Levine documents how Silicon Valley tech companies like Facebook, Amazon, and Google are tied to the military-industrial-intelligence-media complex in surveillance and censorship; how the Internet was created by the Pentagon; and even how these shadowy players are deeply involved in the so-called privacy movement that developed after Edward Snowden’s revelations … Levine shows how the military-industrial-intelligence-digital-media complex is part of the same criminal conspiracy as is the traditional media with their CIA overlords. It is one club.
Many people, however, might find this hard to believe because it bursts so many bubbles, including the one that claims that these tech companies are pressured into censorship by the likes of The New York Times, etc. The truth is the Internet was a military and intelligence tool from the very beginning and it is not the traditional corporate media that gives it its marching orders.” (The Real Reason Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Is Being Censored.)
Whatever the truth of these claims, the recent heavy-handed move by Facebook in Feb.2021, follows on the heels of severe censorship about Coronavirus throughout 2020-1. Emboldened by its expanded power and appropriated chutzpah, Facebook is now arrogantly swaggering into a showdown with the public and sending a message to other global governments. Here is a classic example of Big Tech’s lust for power and money, totally over-reaching itself; it is a good example of the current Uranus in Taurus square Saturn in Aquarius – the sign that rules technology and which is ruled by Uranus.
Facebook has two horoscopes that “work” – the first one for the registration of their URL on Jan.11, 2004 – with the Sun in Capricorn. The other is a few weeks later on Feb.4, 2004 when the company was launched officially – with the Sun in Aquarius. The former chart has an exact “birth time” and hence a rising sign (Pisces), whilst the latter does not have a birth time, hence rising sign is unknown. (A midday chart gives Gemini rising.) In the interest of global communications that are developing so rapidly, the author has written several articles on Facebook:
Facebook Problem (2016)
The Astrology of Facebook (2018) (Feb.4 chart)
Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg, Sun in Taurus (2018)
Hillary Clinton 2019, Facebook, US Election
Facebook Hypocrisy (2020)
Hence, in light of Facebook’s recent actions, it is timely to examine some of the transits to the respective horoscopes, starting with the Jan.11, 2004 chart – that was not considered in the author’s 2018 analysis. The Jan.11 chart is now in fact the horoscope favoured by the author – especially for transit events, but as the reader will note, both charts “work”.
Facebook Jan.11, 2004 Horoscope
Unlike the Feb.4 horoscope, this first chart has an accurate birth time, yielding Pisces rising as its soul purpose. Pisces rules the impressionable masses, especially through its ruler Neptune which is placed in Aquarius, boosting the Uranus-Aquarius energies that qualify the Pisces ascendant. Similarly, Aquarius ruler Uranus – is in Pisces conjunct the ascendant, lending its science/tech influence.
Venus, the ruler of the 5th ray of science/knowledge and the only ray to pass through Aquarius – is placed in late Aquarius conjunct Aquarius-ruler Uranus placed in early Pisces! Some fascinating complementary relations here that reflect the cuspal period between the two greater cycles of Pisces moving into Aquarius.
The Sun is in pragmatic Capricorn conjunct Chiron – in the 11th Aquarian house of community, group work and large organisations – bringing another Aquarian “signature” to the horoscope. Having the sun in the 11th house is a bit like being an Aquarian, which is the sun sign of the Feb.4 horoscope.
The last couple of years has seen the transits of Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto all pass over this Capricorn sun, adding greater power and control, especially with the Pluto transit – the planet of power, in a power sign. Pluto rules the first ray of will-power, one of the rays to pass through Capricorn – a cardinal cross sign that draws particularly upon the Libran arm, accruing great wealth through its mental strategies and ability to manage all kinds of resources. Saturn here is the key planet, ruling Capricorn, exalted in Libra.
Pluto dominates the horoscope at the midheaven, conjunct Mercury the messenger in Sagittarius. Pluto is the esoteric ruler of Pisces rising, placed in the sign of spiritual philosophy. In an “ideal” entity soul purpose is realised through the powerful dissemination of spiritual ideas.
Facebook has succeeded as a platform for that – albeit not with a bias to spiritual or religious material, but by simply allowing most viewpoints to be expressed, including hate and terrorist groups – harvesting as much data as they could get away with! Yet Facebook’s non-allowance of any discussion or debate about Coronavirus, is the ruthless, controlling Pluto that stops at nothing to achieve its ends – through the lower aspect of Sagittarius – one-pointed fanaticism.
Pluto is in turn square to Pisces co-ruler Jupiter, placed in the opposite sign of Virgo, close to the degree of Zuckerberg’s Virgo ascendant. Here is the challenge for this Facebook entity to develop Virgoan discrimination over the Sagittarian “the net holds all the fish” approach.
Pluto square Jupiter exaggerates Pluto’s bombastic approach to dealing with the public, encouraging a dictatorial attitude when it comes to the dissemination of ideas. Hence, on the one hand Facebook has helped with spreading the ageless wisdom and all kinds of ideas, yet on the other, a recent brutal suppression and promotion of medical and political ideas respectively.
Here is where Facebook’s soul purpose has gone astray – if it ever had one in the first place! Any entity can be used for higher or lower motives – the bottom line with Facebook at this stage of its evolution (it’s a 17 year-old), is about making money. The soul-less face of Facebook is its controlling, censoring algorithms and the thousands of employees who are indoctrinated into working with those algorithms – as Facebook “fact-checkers” (i.e. censors) – like drones within the Facebook propaganda hive, which must make Zuckerberg the “queen bee”!
Ex Facebook employee whistleblowers have given damning details of what occurs in their “factory” – recently embellished by leaked video of Mark Zuckerberg’s two-faced approach to the PCR test. A 2020 experimental study in the American Economic Review found that deactivating Facebook led to increased subjective well-being!

Chart is based upon “Thursday morning” in Australia (Feb.18) – proposed 8 am, which is 1 pm at Facebook HQ in California – one day before, Feb.17, 2021.
A brief description of this horoscope now allows an examination of its current transits, in a prioritized sequence of the most influential:
1. Transiting Saturn in Aquarius conjunct progressed Sun in Aquarius – square to Moon-Uranus in Taurus. In other words, this ongoing square between Uranus and Saturn (such a large feature of Big Tech), coincided with Facebook’s progressed sun in Aquarius and was activated by the moon in Taurus on the day that it conjoined Uranus.
2. Transiting Neptune square Pluto in Sagittarius – unleashing Pluto’s ruthless power in Sagittarius – the Facebook “religion” or “way to think”. This transit has been in orb of influence since May 2019, reaching exactitude in June 2020 – March, Oct. 2021, finally Jan.2022.
3. Transiting Mercury-Jupiter conjunct Neptune, the ascendant ruler.
4. Venus close to its annual return in Aquarius.
5. Sun almost in Pisces conjunct Uranus – activating Facebook’s rebellious streak, by creating a sudden, dramatic event.
Facebook Feb.4, 2004 Horoscope (See here for complete analysis in 2018.)
Facebook Feb.4, 2004 (Official launch)
As a social media platform, it is a perfect fit for the Sun placed in Aquarius – although in the previous Jan.11 chart, there are many Aquarian “signatures”. So far, Facebook appears to be another Aquarian corporate entity that expresses the “undesirable aspect” of Aquarius – “producing fusion and blending together the various elements” – but for what motive?
Neptune conjunct the Aquarian sun reflects the masses that Facebook has networked thus far – 2.8 billion – that is a lot of data and over a quarter of the global population! This is a similar theme to the Jan.11 chart with Pisces-Uranus rising and ruler Neptune placed in Aquarius. The hoarding of data is the moon in Cancer. The moon is the dweller or shadow in any entity’s chart, often being the point of least resistance during the early maturation stage of growth. Cancer and Taurus (Zuckerberg’s sun sign) are signs renowned for hoarding and acquisition.
The Moon in Cancer (the shadow, dweller) is opposite Mercury in Capricorn, the planet of communications – and very business-savvy when placed in this sign. This opposition straddles the Mercury-Pluto opposition in USA’s horoscope with Facebook’s Mercury almost the same degree as USA’s Pluto – a significator of that nation’s enormous wealth that spawned Facebook’s wealth. The midday chart (time unknown) is Gemini rising, the sign of communications ruled by Mercury.
Hence, in this speculative horoscope – Pluto in Sagittarius, in the seventh house of relationships, T-square to Venus-Jupiter – can be utterly ruthless in business/users relations – and prone to covert activity, the ultimate Big Brother. USA is going into its first Pluto return and its transit through Capricorn continues to reveal hidden agendas regarding politics and business in particular. There are significant transits for the Facebook Feb.4, 2004 chart:
1. Transiting Jupiter conjunct the Sun/midheaven in Aquarius. Here is an aspect of exuberant over-confidence – feeling powerful enough to take on the world. Before Australia’s censorship, Facebook had just done a deal with Rupert Murdoch’s media worldwide. This once in a 12-year transit can give a feeling of cockiness through material power gained. This transit was also activating the Taurus north node which sits on Zuckerberg’s Venus, arguably one part of his chart that is able to accumulate great wealth.
2. Transiting Pluto conjunct Mercury in Capricorn. Triggering the afore-mentioned aspect opposite Moon in Cancer, regarding hoarding, accumulation of material assets, money etc. Pluto is power – used rightly to break down Capricorn crystallisations. Appropriated opportunistically, Capricorn is the sign of the inverted five-pointed star and black magic –i.e. the selfish manipulation and use of money, practiced widely in the modern business world.
As stated earlier, on balance the author favours the former Jan.11, 2004 horoscope for Facebook. It not only has a more accurate birth pattern psychologically, but responds more frequently to unfolding events.
Mark Zuckerberg’s Domination Problem
“He’s the world’s most powerful oligarch, selling the lives of 2.7 billion monthly active users to advertisers, and actually modifying the behaviour of those users with a business model that deliberately amplifies incendiary, nasty, and frequently fake and dangerous things because that’s what keeps you on his platform longer.
So yes: considering all that, it’s just a comforting cop-out to say “ooh, Zuckerberg looks like the character in a movie who’s just delivered the line ‘leave no trace of the village’ … it’s hard being told how beautiful it is to connect by Zuckerberg, whose smile hasn’t connected with his eyes since 2014.”4
Hmmm, a damning critique but not undeserved! Where does the “domination” factor come from in Mark Zuckerberg’s horoscope? His Taurus sun is well known in the chart of dictators (Hussein, Hitler, Pol Pot), especially with the Scorpio stellium opposite – that can be extremely ruthless in the execution of the task at hand – “take no prisoners”, the “bully boy”! Pluto, Saturn, Moon, Mars and Earth are all in Scorpio.
The Scorpio stellium is a reminder of chief Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels – who had a five planet stellium in the Scorpio, the sign which on the “ordinary wheel” has the keynote: “Let maya flourish and deception rule”. Facebook has had an extraordinary dictatorial role in 2020-1, along with other tech giants, censoring any debate, pushing propaganda about Coronavirus – riding roughshod over the protests of thousands of medical experts, promoting one narrative on behalf of behemoth bodies such as the WEF, WHO and Big Pharma.
Here is the aforementioned Pluto in Sagittarius which dominates the midheaven of the Jan.11. 2004 Facebook chart. But of course it emanates from Facebook’s creator Zuckerberg, whose Virgo ascendant makes an acute square to Facebook’s Pluto in Sagittarius. (See earlier tri-wheel chart with Murdoch.) Companies like Facebook are heavily invested in Big Pharma – (Facebook is making a bid for pharma dollars), Google (Google Is Now a Pharmaceutical Company) – and no doubt many others like Amazon (Why Amazon Makes A Big Pharmacy Move In 2020).
It would not be cynical to say that Facebook’s Coronavirus propaganda campaign is based upon the foregoing and the anticipated big pay-day coming their way – in the form of $billions in vaccination profits from the global population.
“In her book The Boy Kings, Katherine Losse chronicles her time at Facebook, from being one of the firm’s earliest employees to eventually becoming the person Zuckerberg appoints to write in his voice. Losse’s job was to impart Mark’s thoughts on “the way the world was going” to the company and the wider public. When I read the book, it was hard not to deem his personal philosophy nonexistent. It’s like he’s never thought about anything, ever, other than computer science and personal power.”5
When will these multi-billionaires grow up and join the human race – and actually do something (other than token philanthropy) for their fellow humanity – instead of continuous, rapacious exploitation? Zuckerberg, Musk, Bezos, Murdoch et al … sad examples of greed, misused or misguided intellectual brilliance, lust for power and foisting their skewed, non-holistic philosophies upon the world.
Whilst upon the subject of the world’s richest men trying to dictate to the rest of the planet, Bill Gates is a classic Cancer rising hoarder and Scorpio sun “control freak”. It is not unreasonable to state that he is another example of a brilliant but erring mastermind – who has his fingers in almost every pie. (See author’s ten previous Gates articles here.) Take note that the author does not resort to demonisation of Gates as “evil” – though, through his ideologies and ignorance of a truly wholistic world view, many of his actions may well be deemed as such. There appears to be an insatiable appetite by these billionaires to own and control everything! (See the excellent Russell Brand video below.)
Robert F. Kennedy’s extraordinary, well balanced indictment of Bill Gates is a long read – but well worth sticking out because it gives a big picture view of where the world is today, controlled by the likes of these billionaires. (Bill Gates and Neo-Feudalism: A Closer Look at Farmer Bill) RFK himself has been vilified, demonised and marginalised by Big Tech, Media and Pharma.
Russell Brand humorously but accurately reviews Vandava Shiva’s critique of Gates and Zuckerberg – and their interference in Indian agriculture, in a bid to control the food sources of the world.
Critics argue somewhat superficially, that there is “nothing wrong with being a billionaire”. The counter argument is that the outworn capitalistic celebrity system encourages and rewards the hoarding of wealth at the expense of the majority. This in turn filters down the tiers of the financial pyramid, encouraging a craving for wealth and the worship of the golden calf by the masses. In 2020 there were 2,095 billionaires in the world!
Even when billionaires give away their wealth, it often has strings attached that suits some ulterior motive, pet philosophy, commercial enterprise or the raising of social status as a “kind philanthropist”. If the combined wealth of these individuals was used in a far more generous and open-hearted manner, many of this planet’s dire problems could be solved within a decade.
Interesting to note, that a survey of billionaire sun signs, sees Libra (Law, sex and money) as number one, Pisces number two! (See article here.)
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Aquarius New Moon Feb.11 2021: Preceding Historical Events
In case you missed it, this new moon newsletter was sent out two weeks ago. It is an important cycle that precedes the Pisces full moon festival. (Read it here.)
Mercury Retro: Water Signs 2020, Air Signs 2021
From Jan.30 to Feb.19 Mercury was retrograde in Aquarius for the first of three retrograde periods in 2021. Bear in mind that the “pre” and “post” shadow phases are very powerful, drawing out the entire retrograde period of three weeks, out to seven weeks. A retrograde period is always useful for going back over what has occurred in the past several months – having a closer look at what was missed and dealing with aspects of one’s shadow self.
Astrologers are now encouraging a more enlightened approach to Mercury retrograde – as opposed to a past, somewhat superstitious approach in the public mind. What distinguishes the retrograde phases for 2021 is that they will be predominantly in air signs, compared to the three periods of 2020 in water signs.
As water is a symbol of the emotions or astral body – and air signs concern the intellect, 2021 may afford a clearer, objective intellectual grasp of what has been occurring in the world 2020-1. Especially with the transit of Venus through Aquarius recently. (See next article.) The maya that was generated by the water sign retrogrades of 2020 – where Big Media and Tech took advantage with their relentless propaganda bombardment – created a lot of confusion, fear and panic in the astral body of humanity.
When Mercury retrograded into Pisces from Feb.17 to Mar.10, 2020 – it was during the first phase of the Coronavirus deception. Add two weeks for pre and post retro and the dates encompass Feb.2 to Mar.30. This retro interlude was easily aided by Neptune’s transit through Pisces – in its lower expression upon the undeveloped, uncritical and undiscriminating astral bodies of a large proportion of the planetary population. This was followed by the second phase in watery Cancer (ruled esoterically by Neptune) from Jun.2 to Jul.26.
The third retrograde phase occurred in Scorpio, Oct.14 to Nov.19, arguably the most intense of the water signs – whose keynote on the “ordinary wheel” is, “Let maya flourish and deception rule”. This very dark period covered the US elections and the doubling-down on restrictions and lockdown worldwide.
2020 saw extraordinary restrictions on free speech – no one was allowed to even discuss alternative views on Coronavirus, no television debates; everyone was forced to follow one narrative – parroted by media & tech, dictating to world governments on behalf of their various directing agencies such as WEF, WHO, CDC etc.
Thousands of medical professionals – who it appears, far outnumber the medical “authority” of WHO, were banned or had accounts closed on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google, Wikipedia, Apple, Amazon etc. – simply for making fair arguments on the subject. And judging from feedback and comments to the author over the past year, many people do not find that strange! Thousands of those professionals have joined a rapidly growing group called, World Doctors Alliance – also on Telegram:
“An independent non-profit alliance of doctors, nurses, healthcare professionals and staff around the world who have united in the wake of the Covid-19 response chapter to share experiences – with a view to ending all lockdowns and related damaging measures and to re-establish universal health determinance of psychological and physical wellbeing for all humanity.”
Hopefully in this first 2021 retrograde period in Aquarius from Jan.30 to Feb.19 might induce some clear thinking. The actual pre & post shadow phases are from Jan.14 to Mar. 12, 2021- encompassing the Pisces full moon festival on Feb.27 – when Mercury is direct but still in its post shadow phase.
Mercury retrograde assists in retracing steps and past events, giving closer scrutiny in the much clearer light of Mercury the Illuminator – in mentally detached, objective and impersonal Aquarius.
Of course the usual Mercury retrograde events will occur – delays in travel, transport strikes, computer malfunctions, getting locked out of your house or car etc. Due to the “pre-shadow” phase of Mercury retrograde in early Feb. – plus the square of Uranus in Taurus to Saturn in Aquarius, some amazing events unfolded in the US stock market. The “little guys” on places like Reddit, took on the big companies sending them into losses of billions of dollars. This correction of the imbalance between Big Money and the common folk is a promising sign of other social and business adjustments that will be made in 2021.
Venus in Aquarius: Waters of Life
Venus moved into Aquarius on Feb.1, staying there for 25 days – up until just before the Pisces full moon period. Esoterically, Venus rules the fifth ray of science and knowledge, the only ray to pass through Aquarius, hence aiding Mercury’s current retrospective of what has been unfolding in these past several months.
That is, better science, a greater acceptance of facts, studies and surveys that are already out there, a veritable mountain of evidence that is being suppressed or marginalised by tech giants and mainstream media.
Venus will hopefully catalyse all these Aquarian planets into giving greater credence to “unorthodox” views that have previously been dominated by orthodoxy and non-critical thinking during the past year. Aquarius is the sign of the unorthodox, following Capricorn, the sign of orthodoxy.
To borrow a phrase from art critic Robert Hughes, Uranus brings “the shock of the new” – shedding greater light, a messenger for a major wake-up call – especially when the two brightest-lighted planets Venus and Mercury, met in mid Feb.2021.
Aquarius the water-bearer – are we ready for the “waters of life”, the “life more abundant”? “I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly”. (John 10:10)

Victorian Premier, Dan Andrews taking a leaf out of the Netanyahu play book – baffle them with bullshit graphs and powerpoint presentations!
China’s Ubiquitous Global Influence and Covid-19
Perpetual variants, endless lockdowns. Its only for a few weeks, its only for a few days …. its only two masks, its only three masks, wear your mask in the shower, wear it to bed. See through this masque-rade! One vaccination, now two or even three vaccinations – every flu season.
Not mandatory but if you do not, you will not be able to access a host of services. And now Denmark, Britain and other nations are working hard on trying to get the new vaccine passport off the ground. Vaccine refusers will only be allowed in supermarkets and pharmacies in Israel.
This will not end any time soon, quite likely up to a “planned date” of 2025, some rumours say. The picture in this article is reminiscent of similar BS by Netanyahu at the UN when trying to create a meme about nuclear Iran.
Another draconian lockdown occurred in the state of Victoria, Australia. Premier Andrews appears to be “run” by China, due to his secretive deal with China’s Belt and Road scheme. Australia’s PM will not intervene in Andrews’ antics because China has Australia over a barrel financially at the moment. Currently Australian exports are on hold in ships floating off the China coast. Melbourne lockdowns have been the harshest in the nation and appear to be straight from the Chinese handbook on how to deal with coronavirus.
“The flight restrictions, travel bans, ridiculous quarantine laws, loss of income, loss of homes, growing number of suicides, businesses collapsed, loved one’s stranded in other countries overseas …” (Australian citizen, Beáta Alföldi.)Now even the mainstream news such as the Washington Post are pointing toward the Wuhan lab as the source of the virus, accidentally or deliberately released. All other variants that keep popping up may be the result of Chinese propaganda trying to deflect attention away from the Wuhan lab where WHO inspectors have been asking a lot of questions.
New Zealand also recently announced a three day lockdown for Auckland because three people tested positive – this is total overkill! China has also been infiltrating NZ affairs deeply these past few years, along with Australia – both nations rely on China for their biggest exports. This information is all in the mainstream news and public domain by the way.
And still on the China theme (explored more deeply in the Taurus newsletter in April 2021), for those who think that the WEF forum is a great initiative, watch this speech by China’s Xi Xinping – (if you can bear it!) – from WEF’s recent annual forum. (On the right hand bottom corner of the video is an audio button where your language preference can be chosen.)
Especially odious is the slobbering introduction by WEF chairman Klaus Schwab, referring to “his excellency” the Chinese leader several times, the keynote speaker for opening the conference. (No other world leader was addressed in such glowing terms.) But that is hardly the problem compared to Xinping’s soul-less speech – full of distortions and outrageous hypocrisies – every few minutes, one could easily take issue with what he said – if you can read/hear between the lines. Speaking sweet platitudes about how the world should work, when in fact the opposite has been true in China’s past aggressive actions – and their future plans.
It’s plain to see that China has considerable influence upon WEF, if not actually running their policy, as with many nations around the world. Bear in mind that WEF along with WHO, are dictating Covid policy globally. And many spiritual groups are naively going along with the majority of humanity, thinking that this is all just fine – wakey, wakey!
A Rousing Call to Service
“I challenge all workers and all members of the New Group of World Servers to leave their personal problems behind. This is a time of crisis and such problems must be solved through complete self-forgetfulness. I ask you to work anew with fresh ardour in joyful service, forgetting past weaknesses and failures in the urgency of that which I ask all to do for the world. There has been much lack of joy in the service rendered to the world lately. When I speak thus, I refer not to happiness, which is a personality reaction, but to that joyous confidence in the law and in the Hierarchy which lies behind the Biblical words, “The joy of the Lord is our strength.”
“Rise up and fight, Arjuna,” preserving the flame of love intact, permitting no breath of hate to disturb the serenity of love or upset that inner poise which will enable you to sound forth the clarion note of world understanding, that will rally all men and women of goodwill to the aid of the Hierarchy. This will bring to an end all hatred, separativeness and aggression, which are the three major sins of humanity. All men have hated; all men have been separative in both thought and action; all have been and many still are materialistic, full of pride and the desire to gain that which is not their own by right. This spirit of acquisitiveness belongs to no one group; it has been a universal and general fault, and has produced the present disastrous economic situation …”6
Personal Note
This newsletter marks the end of 11 consecutive years of newsletters every full moon cycle since 2010, applying esoteric astrology to world events and cultural trends. Plus three other years from 2003 to 2005 – totalling 14 years of newsletters, all of which can be found in my books: Soul Cycles of the Seven Rays Vols. 1-4 (Vol. 5 will be published in 2021) – and Destiny of the Races and Nations Vols. 1-3 (Vol.4 in 2022. Vol.1 will be reformatted, re-edited and reprinted in 2021.)
So please, do support this work by buying directly from my website and try not to use Amazon who have blocked my booksellers account for the past six weeks over an unresolvable “technical difficulty”. Well, maybe its Mercury retrograde, we will see. (As mentioned earlier, Facebook has now blocked links to my website.) It makes a big difference for sales income to cover costly printing and freight! Buying my books is as good as a donation, so please consider this option. Otherwise, your regular donations continue to help keep website and email hosts paid.
Every year when Pisces comes around, I wonder if I can keep going – especially since this arduous and exhausting past year where it took nearly the whole month to research each newsletter, with so much information across the spectrum to wade through, synthesise and articulate. It takes a big toll on the physical body working at the computer every day for long hours, though I do get out and exercise as much as possible! And of course there is the intense psychological dimension which we have all had to bear and adjust ourselves accordingly! So between now and the forthcoming Aries cycle, I will be considering my options.
The Hidden History of Humanity project
This year has also corresponded to a resumption of The Hidden History of Humanity project – starting the second phase of a book and video sub-titled, “Geography and Giants”. The first phase of this report begins in my current location on an island in the Atlantic Ocean -how appropriate for old Atlantis and Pisces! More details will be forthcoming in a special newsletter/travel blog in the next week or two.
If you have not yet seen my documentary, The Hidden History of Humanity – now “viral” with nearly 10 million views, you can find it here – free and downloadable – with subtitles in six different languages. It is 2 hrs 37′ in length but there are shorter previews of 10′ and 18′. If you wish to delve deeper, there is the companion book, Unveiling Genesis: Mysteries of the Rootraces and Cycles – the 2017, extensively re-written, illustrated and updated version of the The Hidden History of Humanity ( 2005. Out-of-print). Whew!
Phillip Lindsay © 2021.
Find me also on MeWe.
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Note The author does not have time to respond to many emails from readers, so please post your comments in the section below.
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Stripe is supported in many countries. Books by Phillip Lindsay
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.220. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.75. [↩]
- rtnews [↩]
- The Guardian [↩]
- The Guardian [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.172. [↩]
“Hidden History of Humanity” is WONDERFUL! Should be required viewing for all people on the planet. :). Absolutely loved it! Thank you for your insightful, hard work.
I am with you in spirit to stand against the heinous, full-frontal assault being waged on the world stage at this time. So often the power of non-resistance is misinterpreted as a physical action, such as a literal turning of the cheek, the outer appearance of an internal process of consistent, focused will. Thank you, a thousand times over.
I agree with what you write about Covid 19. I have had a gut-level reaction to it since I first heard about it and its restrictions. What a coincidence, I thought, just when groups such as Extinction Rebellion were being heard and school children were striking for the climate! We are all suddenly silenced and crushed by new laws and lies. Anything I posted on Facebook against the current thinking was removed and my hand slapped.
My big question is what can we do? It’s already on my bucket list to be arrested. At age 75 I have little to lose and I’m up for it, but is this going to solve the problem?
Thank you for your tireless, multi-faceted explanations, views and reviews on subjects which should concern everyone–especially, perhaps, the “Esoteric Community”, whose members are divided in their beliefs, unbelievably! All good to you in your future pursuits,Philip!–Suzanne Miller
Dear Phillip, I hear your “Rousing call to service” and pray others do as well, and act on it. Thank you for your service. May the flame of Love burn bright in all.
Dear Phillip
Your work and Newsletters have been a God send. You keep us informed, no bullshit, and with an esoteric perspective. Please if you can, do continue. Your tireless efforts and your research help us all. It is so much appreciated. I look forward to your Newsletters and send them to so many in my circle who now get to read them.
Your books are amazing. I own them all and refer to them consistently.
thank you Phillip for your service and all your offerings.
With light and love,
Dear Phillip, please keep hanging on with the Newsletters! They are so valuable. I will send you again a donation for this one. And hopefully later again, for the next ones to come. Thank you so much for your consistent, persistent, highly intelligent and courageous service!
Neptune is the music, both that which corrupts the white purity of rice and that which does not, It will depend on which conscience plays the flute.
Esoteric Neptune is the Heart or Soul of the Sun. It is Krishna, who with his flute of 7 holes (7 chakras) makes falls in love the Gopis (the creative matter). It is “the music” that elevates the matter to the intuitive plane, from the solar plexus to the heart, from reaction to understanding, the acceptance of personal reality (Arjuna) through the Love of the Soul (Krishna).
Neptune in Pisces is the fluidity of the ideals of humanity, both good and bad, and this fluidity, for some time, has been our difficulty since it is in its intangibility where we must discern between the freedom that Aquarius /7R promises or the false freedom (out of sentimentality), of a stale and outdated exoteric Pisces /6R.
In this process Uranus in Taurus does not help (in Aries it did) because its tendency is to be materialistic.
Pluto in Capricorn, with its destructive power, does not help either, nobody wants what they love to be sabotaged or destroyed. Here the attachment to the established exercises his power and Pluto bursts in without asking permission …, but, “Krishna rescues the six principles of Pluto being the seventh himself” (Esoteric Astrology-Appendix-Pluto).
Krishna is the detached or impersonal love hence his power to rescue, to heal, like “the music”. He is the Avatar that arises in Pisces through Pluto (esoteric and hierarchical ruler of Pisces).
Therefore, without forgetting Pluto, owe ourselves to the meanings of the dignity of Neptune in Pisces, Krishna, the “mental music”, the fluency. Knowing how to let the One who observes from detachment impose Love, Intuition, Rhythm … the Law of a new order in Aquarius / 7R. It is not easy, but being flexible or fluid is our responsibility, so to speak, it is our little sacrifice, dharma, for the greater good, our Universal destiny.
Thanks, Phillip
Dear Phillip
Thank you for your tremendous work in putting the esoteric teachings into a world events context.
I hope your newsletters will still be available to read, as there are so many I have not yet discovered.
Your newsletters are so ambitious and deep and I can only understand bits and pieces of it, and I must admit in the same line that I am not as convinced on every conclusion you make or on all the details, when it don´t fully resonates with my observation, experience (or lack thereof) and limited intuition (or perhaps illusions acting as wisdom). Many times I have no real proof of the opposite either so I stay open and leave on the shelf or do some digging just to conclude I am still confused.
One do not have to agree on everything, that is the beauty of free speech and free thought. Respect and even love should never be built upon the fragile ground of total consent. Evolution might need some friction to proceed. Master DK did not demand anyone to blindly swallow anything he conveyed, and so should we aspirants or disciples try out, discuss, meditate, share views and investigate the truth together. We all have different ray structures and experiences, and many things we may have to form an opinion about (with as much use of mental clarity and investigation as possible) before we can know the fuller story. That is the lot of being in human experiences, we have to use what we have got and try to use mental discrimination in combination with glimpses of intuition. Depending on the %, the result will vary, but the training to do this process is what we all should encourage and respect and share between us, and not get caught in the battle of what is “right” and “wrong”.
I can understand the need to take a break from these very comprehensive newsletters that seems like writing a little book each month. Hope you will find the extra space to direct the resources in other ways. I wish all the best to your projects onward, and I will gladly follow your endeavors and works, as they have all in common that they always provoke thought and makes you start to contemplate, and that in itself is a great thing. Revelations will come in these times and we will see how the wheel turns and we will all be able to put in our joint forces to stir the wheel into the new age with fresh understanding and awareness.
I felt the need to say a big Thank You for this brilliant newsletter that brought me a breath of fresh air and hope that not everything and everybody is lost in deception. I must admit that the past year I felt unbelievable let down because of what I saw going on in Humanity and especially in some of the Ageless Wisdom spiritual groups whom I am keeping in high regard. The disappointment I felt was especially due to the latter ones, because it was almost impossible for me to accept that such bright people can be so easily deceived. There it was for me the test of acceptance and moving forward. I followed your articles and read your books since I discovered Ageless Wisdom almost 3 years ago. I felt your explicit call to action this time as a great way to overcome what is keeping us down. I really do love Ageless Wisdom and hope that these High Teachings will prevail!
In Love, Light and Power
Hi Philip,
I came across you on the Triangles webinar a few weeks ago and just want to express my gratitude for your work and your perspective.
I have been a student with the Arcane School for over ten years (and before that another Mystery school). The work that the school enables me to focus on compels me to continue. But the attitudes I have encountered have led me to question my sanity, my inner alignment with Truth and Reality and so the entire impulse of the Lucis Trust.
The cognitive dissonance I have experienced while working with the School has caused great tension. Perhaps this is to strengthen my inner resolve. But at times I have felt like a lone voice being drowned out by prevailing (progressive/liberal) attitudes.
I have been distraught and despairing about whether to continue with this group, but nevertheless my inner guidance steers me onward.
Reading what you have to say has given me strength and renewed my determination to stay the course. (My health was starting to be affected.)
For now I am continuing month by month with the Arcane School work, realising that we are in a critical time and now is the time to muster all the strength and inner alignment I am capable of.
Anyway Thank you!! for all the hard work that you do. I really value it and appreciate the hours of research that you have to put in to keep up with all the events that are unfolding.
Yours in appreciation and best wishes,
[name witheld]
ps I wrote an essay last November on farming which mirrors Dr Shiva Vananda’s work ( and Russell Brand’s recent discussion). I hope that there is a growing momentum for living in harmony with the Earth in every aspect of life.
I have also been looking into weather modification (Under an Ionised Sky?) and the adrenochrome issue. What a world we live in!
Dear Phillip:
Thank you so much for having the courage to write about what’s really going on in the world. The dark ones have truly shown their faces for all to see and it is very distressing to long-time students of the Ageless Wisdom to witness the distorted viewpoints of certain esoteric groups. One would like to believe that highly intelligent spiritual teachers had developed discernment, at least to the extent of recognizing the activities of the dark forces when presented in such technicolor brilliance! I recently closed my Facebook account even though I never posted anything and the only listings were for Buddhist events. If one is a spiritual “traditionalist” these days, one needs to be extremely cautious to stay out of the line of fire. May Hierarchy help us to have the wisdom to act appropriately. The “rule of evil now must end.”
Dear Phillip,
As you know, I am a long term follower and read every month with great interest your outstanding work. I appreciate your points of view and your courage to tell the truth. For me and for many others, you are a guide. Thank you.
For Yuli Gunn, I would like to precise, that the Triangles network is a very important service. I am with Arcane School Geneva since 2001. It may happen that we don’t agree with all, but in these times we have to be careful that we don’t separate. Unity in the diversity is the motto of the World Servers and we should never forget it.
Phillip, I tried to buy a book on Amazon, but the only one available was Shamballa Impacts. I bought it, but wanted the first volume of the Hidden History of Humanity. All the other books were not available!!!
Thanks for your thoughts Heidi. If you are trying to buy from Europe, the Amazon US site might say that the books are unavailable. You could try to buy by installing a free VPN (virtual proxy network) so that Amazon cannot detect where you are. The other problem is that Amazon have locked me out of my sellers account for almost three months now, and after many emails, still have not resolved the problem. I am not certain why this has happened. So because I cannot access the account, I do not know how much stock Amazon are holding, so it is hard to figure out how much to send them – as they always over order!
The best solution in the short term or even long term as I have been encouraging, is to go to the bookstore on my website where you will get 15% discount and one free book with every three books purchased. This will help to defray the higher postage costs from USPS in the USA to any overseas location. https://esotericastrologer.org/bookstore/
As to what we can do, practically, first, understanding the situation is crucial.
Phillip wrote: “It’s plain to see that China has considerable influence upon WEF, if not actually running their policy, as with many nations around the world. Bear in mind that WEF along with WHO, are dictating Covid policy globally. And many spiritual groups are naively going along with the majority of humanity, thinking that this is all just fine …”
1. Do not buy Chinese products. Know your manufacturers and ingredients.
2. Know your local policy makers/bureaucrats (school boards and health boards, e.g.) Expose those connected to the progressive agendas, and especially those who have direct and indirect ties to the CCP. This is massive.
3. Reject the CRT and other divisive indoctrination in the schools.
4. Do not comply with ‘mandates’. Resist. (ie, When tyranny becomes law, resistance becomes duty.)
5. Ensure your local election processes are as transparent as possible. Ensure your elected representatives.
6. Similarly work for election integrity at state/province and national levels. Election theft is not unusual!
7. Educate yourself and friends further about covert and asymmetrical warfare.
8. Prepare and stock up on essentials; ensure you have a local COMMUNITY of those committed to the freedom of the human soul.
TIP: Notice who is scapegoated, and who cannot be criticized w/o repercussions. Realize that your governments LIE to you. This is not new. Learning it may be new to you. Notice that official narratives, and especially ‘expert’ advice (combined with ‘consensus’ argument, or ‘settled science’!) are propaganda and indoctrination. We are fully in the world of doublespeak, when ‘safe and secure’ means the opposite.