7 Responses to Pisces 2024: Death. Pisces Propaganda. Israel & Victimhood. Neil Oliver. Green Dragons. Mars-Pluto.

  1. Pedro J. Cubillo says:

    Hola Phillip, te sigo desde hace años y hoy quiero darte las gracias por tu gran trabajo en la tarea de traer un poco más de Luz a este mundo. Es un lujo y una satisfacción leer tus artículos.
    Un saludo.

  2. Ros says:

    Interestingly, Oliver is very unpopular in Scotland.

  3. Maria Mikhailas says:

    Such a helpful view of the conflict between the Jews and Zionists with Gaza. My heart opened with compassion while I read your comprehensive study. The circular thoughtforms of them against us, necessitates us against them, causes them against us, on and on… is devastating.

  4. Betty Grossman says:

    After reading the article about the karma of the Jewish people, I wonder what the karma of the Palestinian people could be due to actions in the past.

    1. Its a very good point. Are the Palestinians truly blameless, real “victims”? Or are they, due to their close Semitic race relationships, reincarnated Israelites “guilty” of the same atrocities?

      1. Carlos Urtasun says:

        Some say many jews in roman times never left Palestine, and some later even converted to Islam. So, reincarnated, or direct descendants… it sure seem like a “family” issue. The recurring theme of genocide, of killing everybody we get our hands on, has to stop, otherwise, we’re in for several sequels…

  5. Olivia Weinbauer says:

    Great article as always Phillip!

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