Sagittarius 2021: Propaganda and Esoteric Community: Mass Hypnosis in 2021.
Readers of my newsletters, videos and 14 books in the past 20 years, know the author for being a careful and meticulous scholar of the Ageless Wisdom and Esoteric Astrology. I have attempted to apply that same scholarship on the theme of examining the Coronavirus problem, astro-rayologically and exoterically – to all the newsletters for 2020-1.
In doing so, I had to initiate a lot of extra research into various areas with which I was unfamiliar. To give you an idea of the extent of this painstaking and exhausting process, newsletters that usually take a few days or a week to write every month, took three to four weeks! I also had to do extra research into some subjects whose themes were astonishing and appeared outlandish – to verify their validity and go behind criticisms that labelled those subjects as “conspiracy theory”.
However, all the information turned out to be there in the public domain, “hidden in plain sight” or declared by various individuals, groups, large corporate style entities and so forth. The many articles and videos that I sifted through across the entire news spectrum, corroborated satisfactorily the strict criteria that I apply for all my writing and research; that concrete knowledge has also been backed up and confirmed by intuition.
And hence, there has been a consistent thread throughout all my newsletters, of a perspective that happens to run counter to the mainstream narrative – which the majority of the world and the esoteric community have accepted thus far, mainly because of the effects of an insidious barrage of propaganda:
“I tell you that humanity is everywhere spiritually minded and that the new race, the coming civilisation, and the new age culture will be found throughout the world—the universal inheritance of the human race. But everywhere humanity is the victim of propaganda—a propaganda which can only be seen in its true light when [wo]men think in terms of human liberty; when they together take the needed steps to ensure human happiness, and learn in so doing to face world conditions as they are, not hiding their heads in a dream world of their own making.”1
In the coronavirus saga from 2020-1, we have seen the spiritual community – along with the rest of humanity, succumb to an unprecedented media bombardment of propaganda and fear. The extraordinary division of opinions and perceptions is derived essentially from two poles of conventional versus alternative medias.
One camp has relied upon a “trusted” media that has been passively absorbed for decades – without any real question, like comfortable old slippers. Whilst the other camp has informed itself across a broad spectrum of mainstream and alternative media. Those individuals have found mainstream “programming” insufficient to their needs, realising also that concentration of media ownership lies in the hands of only several companies, limiting a broader range of viewpoints. Another third group has remained neutral and their reticence in taking a position is a deafening silence.
Hence, during the Coronavirus crisis, those who have gone along with media and medical propaganda, have based their decisions about mask-wearing, social distancing or vaccinations – upon continuous consumption of a narrowly corralled newspaper media, internet and television perspective; they have thoughtlessly lent their voices to the mass public chorus of “conspiracy theory”; they have dismissed out-of-hand, thousands of other perspectives by medical and scientific experts around the world – without bothering to read and reflect upon those views; they have also not considered the alarming limitation of liberties such as loss of the “Four Freedoms” and how governments around the world have illegally imposed new laws.
Hence, this portion of the spiritual (and wider) community have scant information about what is really going on and have made up their minds on the “authority of science” and other pseudo-authoritative bodies. Media ownership is now concentrated into just several behemoth corporations – giving the power to send one bland message to the masses. Those few corporations work closely with other larger entities such as WHO, WEF, CDC, charitable foundations and trusts, medical research laboratories, university institutions etc.
Even the two spiritual leaders of East and West, the Dalai Lama and Pope Francis, have advised their millions of devotees to follow suit. These leaders most likely mean well, but have been caught up in this mass glamour – like the leading personalities and celebrities who have mindlessly championed “getting the jab” on TV – which opens the door to a health passport, giving access to public events and travel.
Here is the carrot that is dangled before the population, with government saying vaccination is not compulsory – yet there are about 80% of activities that cannot be participated in – without a health passport or a tracing app. “Prestigious” celebrities have been recruited and/or paid to push the message – Sir Elton John, Sir Patrick Stewart, Sir Michael Caine – please Sirs, can we have some more of that lovely vax?
The “scientific authority” that is driving everything, appears to be a powerful minority who are influencing governments, who are influential within big organisations like WHO and WEF – and who quite simply have vested interests in vaccine profits from Big Pharma. There is no exaggeration in this statement because there are many examples of compromised medical people that can be found if the research is followed up. A “techno-fascist” with undue global influence – Bill Gates, has famously stated that vaccines give a 20:1 return and are enormously profitable.
On the other hand, there have been tens of thousands of prestigious medical authorities around the world who have sought to enunciate alternative views – only to be silenced, censored, vilified and ignored.
This latter group of medical experts probably far outnumber the smaller more powerful group who work within the large groups like WHO and WEF; their testimonies can be found on the internet (such as World Doctors Alliance on Telegram), though heavily censored elsewhere by tech giants Google, Facebook, Amazon, Wikipedia, YouTube, Twitter etc.
This “authority of science” is the glamour of authority – be it an individual leader, group, public body or corporation; it is the rock upon which many “spiritual thinkers” and even the esoteric community have foundered – and the “rocky” concrete mind is a good metaphor:
“The Glamour of Authority is a mass glamour in most cases. It has its roots in mass psychology and is one of the indications that humanity is at the nursery stage as yet, wherein [wo]men are safeguarded from themselves by the imposition of some rule, some set of laws, some authoritative dictum, emanating from state control, from the rule of an oligarchy, or from the dictatorship of some individual.
It reduces mankind, as far as one can judge, to set forms and standardises men’s activities, regimenting their lives and work. It is imposed and ordered through catering to the fear complex, rampant in humanity at this time; and this fear is one of the most fruitful sources of glamour which we have.
We might perhaps and with reason regard it as the seed of all glamour upon our planet. Fear has been the incentive to those conditions which have brought about the glamour of the astral plane, though not the illusions of the mental levels of consciousness.”2
Regimentation, the shadow of the incoming seventh ray of Ceremonial Order. The normal discernment and discrimination which the “spiritually aware” usually exhibit – appears to have dissolved for a majority of that group – because they have either succumbed to fear and/or drawn their news sources from a polluted information well.
This toxic source does not supply accurate information, routinely deceives, conjures up misleading articles and photos to create a certain impression – and tells outright lies to uphold an agenda such as that laid down by the WEF and WHO. Bear in mind that nobody voted for this but unfortunately the 193 United Nations signed up to mandates from these bodies and are now following their instructions – “they are effectively ruling the world, by co-opting, coercing, or threatening the entire UN system and its 193 member countries into their obedience.”3
An example from the veritable mountain of media propaganda and lies, is the recent march in London on April 24, 2021 – Unite for Freedom – where hundreds of thousands turned up to protest lockdowns and vaccine passports. Thankfully, the masses are at last awakening to the big lie, shaking themselves awake from the mass hypnosis. When large public events involving tens of thousands of people are ignored or severely minimised in news outlets like the BBC, we must ask ourselves (incredulously!) – why? What is the motive for gross negligence by media – that included the UK’s Guardian, the ABC in Australia, CNN in the USA – to name just a prominent handful.
But it was reported in the sensationalist UK rag – the Daily Mail, with an emphasis upon one violent incident where police were injured. Unfortunately, a few of this massive, mostly peaceful crowd gave the media the opportunity to spin the story in a more negative light. Since then it has emerged that the police used unnecessary force that provoked a reaction from the crowd to chase them out of the park.
Another current hyper-media campaign is focussing upon India, with gross exaggerations and the perpetration of fear , almost making it a new Wuhan, recalling the gross propaganda that emerged in China at the beginning of 2020. (What is really going on in India? 30 April, 2021) Headlines like this feeding other headlines like, Covid crisis: Australians trying to return home from India face up to $66,000 fine or five years’ jail. More on this in the Gemini newsletter.

This man was arrested for simply wearing a t-shirt. Must have been to the police like a red rag to a bull!
The success of “Pandemic” propaganda to get vaxxed and health pass-ported is ENTIRELY down to media propaganda which has whipped up a frenzy of fear – the fear of death, the fear of losing loved ones, the fear of losing one’s job or business, fear of the future, fear of the unknown, fear of fear itself. The world’s most potent glamour is fear – “one of the most fruitful sources of glamour”. This propaganda has been the ammunition utilised by WHO, WEF, Big Pharma, the CDC and the governments to whom they have dictated – and from whom the are reaping billions of profits. One must also bear in mind the basic criminality and greed of Big Pharma.
The undiscriminating public, driven by fear are now blindly lining up to take experimental vaccines manufactured by companies (that offer no legal indemnity), who have a long record of deceit and huge fines in the billions imposed upon them in the last several decades. This is an old, decrepit culture that must be eradicated – and it appears they are scrambling for their next big sting operation upon Humanity.
Propaganda has been around for a long time, but at this point in history we are witnessing a breath-taking refinement of this “dark art” and its success in ruthlessly sucking millions of usually discerning people into a whirlpool of maya and illusion, along with the unthinking and confused masses. It has been a test for all those on the spiritual path to develop greater discernment and discrimination and to keep up with world news outside of the mainstream outlets:
“You will then be able—if you are sincere and clear-thinking—to work for that group within the whole which seems to you to embody the highest possible activity and aims, and you will relinquish that attitude of futile negativity, smug neutrality or bewildered confusion which may distinguish you. You will then emerge from the glamour of propaganda and of world illusion into the clear light of your own soul”4
The theme of kama-manas or desire-mind is prominent – it is where the majority of the world is polarised and from where propaganda emanates. Kama-manas “resides” on the border of the higher sub-planes of the astral plane and lower sub-planes of the mental plane. Kama-manas is why Humanity is still astrally polarised (or vice-versa), has not developed discrimination, willingly obeys authority and is easily cowed by fear:
“Liberation from the mire refers to that mixed nature of kama-manas, desire and lower mind, which causes the unique problem of humanity. It is a symbolic way also of referring to the great illusion which snares the pilgrim for so long. When the aspirant can walk in the light, having found the light (the Shekinah) within himself in the Holy of Holies, then the illusion is dissipated.”5

The physical, astral and mental planes: Sub-planes of consciousness. The realm of kama-manas, versus the qualities of discrimination and its higher expression, discernment. (Adapted from a diagram by G. Logie.)
The spiritually “advanced” have not been immune, caught like fish in the glamour net – and have taken as gospel what their decades-viewed news channels have mesmerised; they have been lulled into a sense of comfort by the “nice” personalities of news presenters and have barely questioned or discriminated the mainstream narrative.
Hence, we find that the battleground for the current global situation, lies upon the 4th and 3rd sub-planes of the mental plane – the area of mental discrimination (lower mental plane) and spiritual discernment (higher mental plane) respectively. (See diagram above.) We must critically ask ourselves, do we have well sourced information to make informed decision or do we drink from the muddy pool of kama-manas?
“The astral plane is non-existent as a part of the divine Plan; it is fundamentally the product of glamour, of kama-manas—a glamour which humanity itself has created and in which it has lived practically entirely since early Atlantean days. The effect of an increasing soul contact has not simply been to dispel the mists of glamour, but it has also served to consolidate and to bring into effective use, therefore, the imagination with its overwhelmingly powerful creative faculty.”6
That “increasing soul contact” is particularly apt for today, as the process of awakening is accelerating and thousands, if not millions are awakening to the reality of their higher selves – and taking the first initiation, the recognition of the Christ principle within the heart. Speaking around the period of WWII (of which this current era is an eerie but very real recapitulation), the Master DK stated:
“The Forces of Light work only with men’s souls. Lies, false teaching, evil propaganda, a war of nerves, the culture of fear, the organisation of groups and of isolated workers in every nation pledged to undermine righteousness and distort the truth, went rapidly forward. Great and fundamental truths were twisted to meet the ends of the evil workers.”7
This is exactly what has been happening for the past few years, particularly apparent in 2020-1, not confined to any one “aggressor nation” – instead, the widespread infiltration of a particularly exploitive agenda into all nations – by cabals, world bodies, corporations and governments. These “new fascists” (mostly) do not have the appearance of a Hitler bogeyman, they will look and sound “fair and reasonable”, dressing up their plans in ideologies that should be desired and are politically correct:
“I seek to see you free yourselves from the condition where you are swayed by propaganda of a political, national or religious kind, and deciding for yourself where you, as a soul, must stand in this world crisis and on which side you will place the emphasis of any influence you may wield; I would have you note where your highest ideals will lead you and whether the springs of your life’s decisions and attitudes are truly pure and unadulterated.”8
The world has been deliberately confused, confounded and divided by the above-mentioned forces – in order to dominate, control and exploit humanity. At this critical juncture in history, leading up to the great event of the 2025 Conclave, communities cannot allow the forces of separativeness to succeed in their task.
Communities must educate one another, be prepared to do some hard listening and reflection on other viewpoints, rather than clinging to old dogmatic attitudes; they must realise where they have been remiss or just plain lazy in not informing themselves fully; they must also look at the strong sixth ray tendency of pre-existing notions and beliefs that are rationalised and justified via the concrete mind. Here again is the realm of kama-manas, even bordering upon the irrational – it can make black appear white and vice versa.
So there are two sides of the esoteric community that might be considered equally adamant in their viewpoints. One side or the other might regard themselves as “free from glamour” and resolutely “serving Hierarchy” – and that the other side is misguided, plain wrong or serving the forces of ignorance and darkness.
This is a truly unique situation that relates to the separation of the sheep from the goats – those who follow blindly or climb freely. There are individuals in the esoteric community who through older age and the habits of a lifetime, are crystallised in their thinking – and beyond the point of no return in this incarnation; they will not change their minds, listen or take the time to consider other points of view; their minds are made up and adamantine crystallisation has triumphed.
This is another paradox, as there are plenty of “advanced souls” in the spiritual community, but they have failed to understand what many of “average humanity” understand. This latter fact is very encouraging because it points to a large proportion of Humanity waking up and preparing to take the first initiation – a fact that might engender some humility in the spiritually prideful.
The situation today is also reflective of a much greater esoteric process, the reclaiming of power by Earth Chain humanity from Moon Chain humanity, those hitherto more advanced in their intelligence who have consequently held the reins of power in many fields of human endeavour.
The Taurus festival is about awakening to the light and we all have graded series of awakenings called the path of Initiation. At this critical moment we must ruthlessly ask ourselves whether we are slumbering comfortably upon the last step we took, paralysed by fear, or working steadfastly for the next big step – in concert with the greater group process that seeks to serve Hierarchy – for the sake of Humanity.
Phillip Lindsay © 2021.
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To read the many comments, click on this link to the other version of this article: Propaganda and Esoteric Community: Mass Hypnosis in 2021.
Note The author does not have time to respond to many emails from readers, so please post your comments in the section below.
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Stripe is supported in many countries. Books by Phillip Lindsay
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.236. [↩]
- Glamour: A World Problem, Alice A. Bailey. p.45. [↩]
- Global Research [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.216. [↩]
- Light of the Soul, Alice A. Bailey. p.331. [↩]
- The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. p.443. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.424. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.228. [↩]
This is a classic article, Phillip. Odd their are no other comments …
Just one point, esotericists may want to reflect upon who they are aligning with, re:
“The situation today is also reflective of a much greater esoteric process, the reclaiming of power by Earth Chain humanity from Moon Chain humanity, those hitherto more advanced in their intelligence who have consequently held the reins of power in many fields of human endeavour.”
It seems the moon chain is in charge; although much of earth humanity who have been educating themselves about, and detoxing themselves from, the official lies, are putting up valiant resistance.
However, in general, the nice, good people do not focus on the nature of evil to deceive the, and want to believe in goodness. Thinking perhaps it is simple incompetence or greed that is resulting in ‘so many bad decisions.’ They often cannot recognize it when the spirit of slavery shows up, and says, “we’re from the government and here to help you …” Or, “you’ll own nothing and be happy” ?! etc.
Presenting incompetent or flaccid politicians as the heads of state serves only to obscure the wicked intelligence that is intent on enslaving the world by making every breath and movement into a commodity.
TIP to earth chain: trusting in the goodness of the moon chain agenda isn’t in your best interest! It’s necessary to name names, and get specific on the actors who are seeking to regulate every issue of your life.
Again, I appreciate your bravery in speaking out about this division among those who have soul contact and are eager for the well-being of all … (until you disagree with them, through a more thorough knowledge base and a rejection of the propaganda.) For each of us, on various subjects, and different times and ways, the scales fall from the eyes. A non-reactive approach helps one to reach the clearer view.
Yes it is a little odd, it shows how apathetic and compliant many in the so called esoteric community are. In fact it is quite pathetic to witness such a mass roll-over without any cogent articles or essays by anyone to defend the positions they have taken – not one that I have seen anywhere. The reason for that might be, that when any earnest student starts to write as such, they would be confronted by the bitter truth that they have hitherto chosen to look away from.