2 Responses to Sagittarius 2021: Propaganda and Esoteric Community: Mass Hypnosis in 2021.

  1. Vicktorya Stone says:

    This is a classic article, Phillip. Odd their are no other comments …
    Just one point, esotericists may want to reflect upon who they are aligning with, re:
    “The situation today is also reflective of a much greater esoteric process, the reclaiming of power by Earth Chain humanity from Moon Chain humanity, those hitherto more advanced in their intelligence who have consequently held the reins of power in many fields of human endeavour.”

    It seems the moon chain is in charge; although much of earth humanity who have been educating themselves about, and detoxing themselves from, the official lies, are putting up valiant resistance.
    However, in general, the nice, good people do not focus on the nature of evil to deceive the, and want to believe in goodness. Thinking perhaps it is simple incompetence or greed that is resulting in ‘so many bad decisions.’ They often cannot recognize it when the spirit of slavery shows up, and says, “we’re from the government and here to help you …” Or, “you’ll own nothing and be happy” ?! etc.

    Presenting incompetent or flaccid politicians as the heads of state serves only to obscure the wicked intelligence that is intent on enslaving the world by making every breath and movement into a commodity.

    TIP to earth chain: trusting in the goodness of the moon chain agenda isn’t in your best interest! It’s necessary to name names, and get specific on the actors who are seeking to regulate every issue of your life.

    Again, I appreciate your bravery in speaking out about this division among those who have soul contact and are eager for the well-being of all … (until you disagree with them, through a more thorough knowledge base and a rejection of the propaganda.) For each of us, on various subjects, and different times and ways, the scales fall from the eyes. A non-reactive approach helps one to reach the clearer view.

    1. Yes it is a little odd, it shows how apathetic and compliant many in the so called esoteric community are. In fact it is quite pathetic to witness such a mass roll-over without any cogent articles or essays by anyone to defend the positions they have taken – not one that I have seen anywhere. The reason for that might be, that when any earnest student starts to write as such, they would be confronted by the bitter truth that they have hitherto chosen to look away from.

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